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Top 10 Study Hacks for

Scoring High in Exams -

School of Educators -
Artham Resources
Elevate your exam performance with these proven study tactics from
top educators. Discover strategies to boost your focus, improve memory
recall, and conquer test anxiety - all in pursuit of academic excellence.

by Vishal Jain
Hack #1: Spaced Repetition

Briefly review the material

Engage in active recall

Revisit the content at spaced intervals

Spaced repetition is a powerful study technique that involves reviewing information at gradually increasing intervals.
The key is to preview the material, practice actively recalling it, and then repeat the process over time. This approach
helps to strengthen long-term memory and solidify your understanding of the subject. By spacing out your study
sessions, you can more effectively commit the information to memory and prepare for exams.
Hack #2: Interleaving Techniques

Understand the Concept

Interleaving involves practicing multiple related skills or topics in a single study session, rather than
focusing on one at a time. This technique helps the brain make connections and apply knowledge more

Identify Complementary Topics

Look for subjects or skills that are related but distinct, such as algebra and geometry or U.S. history
and world history. Interleaving these topics can enhance your understanding of the connections
between them.

Create a Study Schedule

Develop a study plan that incorporates interleaving. Allocate time for each topic and rotate through
them during your study sessions. This will challenge your brain and prevent you from getting stuck in a
single mindset.
Hack #3: Pomodoro Method

Focused Work

1 25 minutes of uninterrupted task completion

Short Break
5 minutes to recharge

Repeat Cycle
3 Continue the pattern until your study session is

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that helps you stay focused and productive during your study
sessions. By breaking your work into 25-minute intervals, called Pomodoros, you can train your brain to concentrate
deeply without getting distracted. After each Pomodoro, you take a short 5-minute break to recharge. This cyclical
pattern helps you maintain a steady pace and avoid burnout. Many students in educators' WhatsApp groups swear by the
Pomodoro Method for boosting their exam performance.
Hack #4: Mind Mapping

Visualize Concepts
Mind mapping is an effective technique that helps you
visualize and organize complex information. By
creating a visual diagram with key ideas, sub-topics,
and their relationships, you can gain a deeper
understanding of the subject matter.

Enhance Memory
The spatial arrangement and use of images, colors,
and keywords in a mind map engage both the left and
right sides of your brain. This multisensory approach
has been shown to improve information retention and
recall, making it easier to remember and apply key
concepts during exams.

Boost Creativity
Mind mapping encourages non-linear thinking,
allowing you to explore ideas freely and make
unexpected connections. This can lead to more
creative problem-solving and a better understanding
of the material, which can be invaluable when tackling
challenging exam questions.
Hack #5: Active Recall

Review and Recall

Active recall involves actively retrieving information

1 from your memory, rather than passively reviewing
material. This helps strengthen neural pathways and
improves long-term retention of the information.

Practice with Mock Tests

Regularly practice taking mock exams or quizzes to

2 test your understanding. This forces you to actively
recall the information, which is more effective than
simply rereading your notes.

Explain to Others

Teaching or explaining the material to someone else is

3 a great way to strengthen your own understanding.
Join educators WhatsApp groups to discuss study
strategies and practice explaining concepts.
Hack #6: Eliminating Distractions

Identify Your Distractions

The first step to eliminating distractions is to
identify what's pulling your attention away from
studying. This could be social media, text messages,
or even background noise. Being aware of your
triggers is key to staying focused.

Minimize Multitasking
Trying to study while juggling multiple tasks can
significantly reduce your productivity. Instead, focus
on one thing at a time and give it your full attention.
This will help you retain information more

Create a Distraction-Free Environment

Set up a dedicated study space that is free from
clutter and other temptations. Turn off your phone,
close unnecessary tabs and applications, and consider
using noise-cancelling headphones to minimize
external distractions.
Hack #7: Staying Hydrated and Nourished

Drink Water
1 Sip water regularly to stay hydrated

Eat Healthy Snacks

Choose nutritious foods to fuel your body

Take Breaks
Give your mind and body short rest periods

Proper nutrition and hydration are crucial for maintaining energy and focus during study sessions. Make sure to drink
water consistently throughout the day, and keep healthy snacks on hand to refuel your body. It's also important to take
regular breaks to recharge and avoid burnout. By incorporating these simple habits into your study routine, you'll be
better equipped to perform at your best on exam day.
Hack #8: Getting Enough Sleep

Optimize Sleep
Establish a consistent sleep schedule

Create Optimal Sleep Environment

Ensure dark, quiet, and cool bedroom

Avoid Caffeine and Screens

Limit caffeine intake and blue light exposure

Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for academic success. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night by establishing a
consistent sleep schedule. Create an optimal sleep environment by keeping your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool. Avoid
caffeine and limit your exposure to blue light-emitting devices like smartphones and laptops before bedtime. Joining
educator WhatsApp groups can also provide valuable tips on improving sleep habits for better academic performance.
Hack #9: Practicing Past Exam Papers
Build Familiarity

Practicing past exam papers helps you become familiar with the format, structure, and types of
questions you can expect on the actual test. This familiarity can boost your confidence and reduce
test-day anxiety.

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

2 By working through past papers, you can pinpoint the areas where you excel and the areas that need
more attention. This allows you to focus your study efforts and improve your overall performance.

Develop Effective Strategies

Practicing past papers also helps you develop effective strategies for time management, answering
different question types, and approaching the exam in the most efficient way possible. This can give
you a significant advantage on test day.
Hack #10: Joining School of Educators WhatsApp Groups

Connect with Experts

1 Access a network of experienced educators

Stay Updated
Receive the latest teaching tips and resources

Collaborate and Share

Exchange ideas and best practices with peers

Joining dedicated WhatsApp groups for students is a powerful study hack that can significantly boost your exam
performance. These vibrant communities connect you with a network of experienced teachers, principals, and subject
matter experts who are eager to share their knowledge and strategies. By staying connected, you'll be the first to learn
about the latest teaching techniques, study resources, and exam preparation tips. Moreover, you can collaborate with
your peers, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance to help you excel in your studies.

Join whats app groups

Effective Time
Mastering time management is crucial for academic success. By
developing strategies to prioritize tasks, minimize distractions, and
maximize productivity, students can optimize their study time and boost
their exam performance.
Developing a Growth
Cultivating a growth mindset is crucial for academic success. By
embracing challenges and viewing setbacks as opportunities to learn and
improve, students can unlock their full potential and achieve remarkable
Importance of Practice
Regularly taking practice tests is a crucial study hack for scoring high
on exams. These simulated exam experiences allow you to identify your
strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need more focus. By exposing
yourself to the format and timing of the actual test, you can build
confidence, improve time management, and refine your test-taking

Practice Artham resources sample papers for term 1 ( Half yearly ) and
final sample papers
Leveraging Online
In today's digital landscape, students have a wealth of online resources at
their fingertips to support their academic success. From educational
websites and video tutorials to online practice tests and discussion
forums, the internet offers a vast array of tools to enhance your
studying and exam preparation.

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