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1. Read this journal and show the woman issues in those articles !



Alhabiib Josy Asheva, Aulia Zahra Tasyarasita

The various perspectives of a case of domestic abuse involving Rizky Billar

and Lesti Kejora are examined in the article "The Multifaceted Perspectives of The
Domestic Violence Case of Rizky Billar Towards Lesti Kejora: Sara Mills' Critical
Discourse Analysis" by Alhabiib Josy Asheva and Aulia Zahra Tasyarasita. The essay
analyzes the news material and pinpoints the concerns pertaining to women in this
instance using Sara Mills' critical discourse analysis technique.

Problems Concerning Women in the Case of ;

 Gender Violence: The case draws attention to the pervasiveness of gendered
violence in Indonesia, where women are frequently the targets of abuse at home.
The paper underlines how important it is to analyze news texts critically in order
to overcome these problems.
 Power Dynamics: The essay explores the important significance that power
dynamics have in domestic abuse incidents. It draws attention to how the abuse
resulted from the offender, Rizky Billar, using his position of authority to
dominate and manipulate Lesti Kejora.
 Media Representation: This article looks at how domestic abuse cases—
especially those involving women—are portrayed in the media. It makes the case
that damaging gender stereotypes and patriarchal views are frequently reinforced
by the media, which can help normalize violence against women.
 Victims' Voices Are Silenced: The article points out that victims of domestic
abuse, especially women, frequently have their voices silenced by the media. It
highlights how crucial it is to provide victims with a forum on which to express
their tales and experiences, as this can aid in increasing public awareness of the
 Lack of Support: The article emphasizes Indonesia's dearth of resources for
victims of domestic abuse. It makes the case that in order to give victims proper
support and resources—such as therapy, legal aid, and shelter—government and
society must collaborate.
 Cultural and Social Norms: The essay explores the ways in which cultural and
social norms can support the persistence of domestic abuse. It highlights the
necessity of questioning these conventions and advancing an egalitarian and
respectful society.
Aulia Zahra Tasyarasita and Alhabiib Josy Asheva's article "The Multifaceted
Perspectives of The Domestic Violence Case of Rizky Billar Towards Lesti Kejora:
Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis" offers a thorough examination of the issues
pertaining to women in the case of Rizky Billar and Lesti Kejora. In order to establish
a more equal society, the article emphasizes the need to address gendered violence,
power dynamics, media representation, victim silence, lack of support, and cultural
and social standards.



Iceu Siti Nurhasanah, Aos Sogiri, Teti Sobari

The issues surrounding women in domestic violence cases and how women
are portrayed in the news media are covered in the articles "Case of Vengeful Woman
in News Text: Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis" by Asheva and Tasyarasita and
"Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis on Online News Articles About Violence
Cases Against Women" by Nurhasanah, Sogiri, and Sobari. The articles analyze the
news texts and pinpoint the viewpoints of writers and readers using Sara Mills' critical
discourse analysis.

Articles about Women's Issues;

 Underrepresentation of Women in Media: The articles draw attention to how
news coverage frequently favors men and how women are underrepresented in
the media. Both gender inequity and patriarchal views are strengthened by this.
 Women's Portrayal in News Media: The articles examine how women are
frequently presented in news media as objects or victims rather than as subjects.
This helps normalize violence against women and perpetuates negative gender
 Domestic Violence and Abuse: The articles cover domestic violence and abuse,
highlighting the importance of using critical discourse analysis of news texts to
solve these problems. They draw attention to the power dynamics at play in these
situations as well as how the media frequently muffles victims' voices, especially
those of women.
 Lack of Support: The articles point out that victims of domestic abuse, especially
women, lack access to adequate support networks. They stress how crucial it is to
offer sufficient resources and support, such as counseling, legal aid, and housing.
 Cultural and Social standards: The articles talk about how social and cultural
standards might let domestic abuse continue. They stress how important it is to
question established conventions and advance an egalitarian and respectful
 Feminist Discourse Analysis: The news texts are examined in the articles using
Sara Mills' feminist discourse analysis framework. This paradigm focuses on the
representation of women in texts and the ways that patriarchal views are
perpetuated in the media.
Conclusion :
The topics of women in domestic violence cases and their underrepresentation in the
media are brought to light in the articles "Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis on
Online News Articles About Violence Cases Against Women" and "Case of Vengeful
Woman in News Text: Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis". They stress the
necessity of using critical discourse analysis to solve these problems and of advancing
an egalitarian and respectful culture.

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