Effect of Contact Point of Wire Ring on Cooling Behavior During Stelmor Cooling

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Effect of Contact Point of Wire Ring on Cooling Behavior
during Stelmor Cooling
Joong-Ki Hwang

School of Mechatronics Engineering, Korea University of Technology & Education,

Cheonan 31253, Republic of Korea; jkhwang@koreatech.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-041-560-1642

Abstract: The influence of the contact point of wire rod on the inhomogeneity of cooling behavior
within wire ring was investigated to reveal the fundamental cooling mechanism of wire rod during the
Stelmor cooling process. A hotspot, a relatively high-temperature region within wire ring compared
with other regions, was generated in both the central (WRc ) and edge (WRe ) regions of the wire
ring. The WRe exhibited hotspots regardless of ring configuration. Meanwhile, the WRc exhibited
hotspots with an inline arrangement; otherwise, no hotspot occurred in the WRc with a staggered
arrangement. Compared with the middle regions of the wire ring, hotspots easily occurred at both the
WRc and WRe due to the low-contact angle of the two wire rings. Moreover, the possibility of hotspot
formation increased with increasing wire diameter due to the high-contact area and load caused
by the weight of the wire rod. This is the primary reason why the WRc with a large diameter had
hotspots despite the large ring pitch. Three solutions were suggested to improve the homogeneity in
the mechanical properties within wire ring.

Keywords: Stelmor; steel wire rod; contact point; hotspot; uniform cooling

Citation: Hwang, J.-K. Effect of

Contact Point of Wire Ring on
Cooling Behavior during Stelmor 1. Introduction
Cooling. Materials 2022, 15, 8262. Most hot-rolling steel wire rod mills employ a Stelmor-type cooling system [1,2]
https://doi.org/10.3390/ because it can produce various kinds of wire rod products with a cost-effective, simple
ma15228262 cooling line due to its wide spectrum of cooling rates (CR) [3,4]. This cooling system
Academic Editors: Tomasz Tański,
increases the CR of the workpiece using forced air driven by several fans and decreases the
Andrzej N. Wieczorek and CR through compartmentalized insulated covers.
Marcin Staszuk However, wire rod mills that adopt a Stelmor-type cooling system have three major
concerns to be resolved: lack of accelerated cooling capacity to manufacture high-carbon
Received: 12 October 2022
steels with a large diameter [5], lack of retarded cooling capacity to manufacture high-
Accepted: 18 November 2022
alloyed steels without causing undesired martensite and bainite microstructures [6], and
Published: 21 November 2022
insufficient uniform cooling capacity to manufacture products while having homogeneous
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral material properties in the wire ring [7]. To overcome these drawbacks of the Stelmor cooling
with regard to jurisdictional claims in system, there are two typical approaches adopted in the industry. First, several advanced
published maps and institutional affil- wire rod mills have attempted to change the coolants from cold air to salt bath (DLP, Direct
iations. in-Line Patenting) [8,9], hot water (EDC, Easy Drawing Conveyor) [6,10], mist (TMP, Toa
Mist Patenting) [11], and hot air (SCS, Slow Cooling System) [12], as shown in Figure 1. The
DLP, EDC, and SCS processes are used in the industry due to the improved homogeneity of
material properties within wire ring as well as control of the CR. Secondly, many wire rod
Copyright: © 2022 by the author.
mills adopted an airflow control system along the transverse direction of wire ring (TDwr )
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
for uniform cooling as well as for increasing the cooling ability [13–17].
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://

Materials 2022, 15, 8262. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15228262 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials

Materials 2022,15,
Materials 2022, 15,8262
x FOR PEER REVIEW 32 of 15

Figure 1.
Figure 1. Schematic
Schematic description
description of
of development
development trend
trend in
in steel
steel wire

Between the two approaches mentioned above, the second approach is a cost-effective
way to achieve uniform cooling within wire ring, although it is not as effective as the
coolant change approaches. Therefore, during the past few decades, numerous studies
have been conducted regarding the uniform cooling of wire ring during the Stelmor-type
cooling process without changing the coolant. In the 1980s, Hanada et al. [18] set up
an offline Stelmor simulator to determine the optimum working conditions for uniform
cooling of a workpiece before installing the wire rod cooling system in a real plant. They
increased the uniform cooling capacity along the TDwr using an air velocity control damper
system. Lindemann and Schmidt [19] evaluated the heat transfer phenomenon within
wire ring based on a mathematical model that considered the geometric complexity of
wire ring. Nobari and Serajzadeh [20] reported a mathematical model using the finite
element method to analyze temperatures in wire ring, particularly at the core and outer
surface regions of wire rod. Fang and Lin [13] reported an online diagnostic system
of 2. Configuration
the temperature forofwire
wire rod
ring cooling.
on a Stelmor Theycooling system and
decreased microstructure
the deviation of wire
in the rod
with local(TS)
strength decarburization
of wire ringatby central region of
optimizing thewire ring.
distribution of the airflow rate along the TDwr
based on the temperature measurement system. Hong et al. [21] used three-dimensional
2. Theoretical
commercial Background
software for predicting the temperatures of wire ring during cooling. They
showed During the Stelmor
temperature wire rod
variations cooling
between theprocess,
lower-layerthe nonuniform
and upper-layer cooling behavior
of wire rings as of
the wire
well ring within
as between the region
the central regionis(WRattributed
c ) and edge to the difference
region (WRe ) of in wire
WPDring.along the TDwr
[22,24–27]. Hwang
In other [22] revealed
words, the cooling
WPD increased fromphenomena
the WRc toof WR wire
e, asring during
shown Stelmor
in Figure 2.
cooling based the
In particular, on its complex
author [22] geometrical
calculated the structure.
WPD ofHe a provided
wire ring that on athe variations
conveyor in
the material
during properties
Stelmor coolingwithin
with thewirefollowing
ring wereassumptions:
dependent on(i)wire the ring pitch
overall (Pwr
ring ) or wire
shape is a
packing density (WPD), as shown in Figure 2. However, nowadays,
perfect circle, (ii) Pwr is constant in the entire process, indicating that the final rolling deviations in the
locity (Vroll),properties
conveyor roller and microstructure
velocity (Vconv), ofandwirediameter
rods with oflarge
wire diameters
ring (D) are have become
an issue the
during in wire rod mills,
process, and although the Pwr of
(iii) the relative wire rods
volume withwire
of the largerod
diameters is largertothan
is equivalent the
that of wire rods with
two-dimensional small diameters.
projection area of theFor example, a low TS
three-dimensional wireor rod.
decarburization appeared
in a WR c with
Figure a large diameter,
3a depicts the calculatedas shown
WPD based in Figure 2. It is
on these known that The
assumptions. lowWPD TS and/or
in the
decarburization in plain carbon steels are indicators of
middle region (WRm) and WRe are higher than that in the WRc. As expected, the slow cooling [7,23]. This cooling
increased with of awire ring during
decrease in Pwr, Stelmor
as shown cooling cannot
in Figure 3b.bePwrexplained using the Pwr and
can be mathematically de-
using theTypically,
low TS and local decarburization within wire ring should
be generated in a WRe with a small diameter according to the Pwr and WPD approaches.
From the author’s experience, this unexpected 𝑃 = cooling behavior and microstructure in(1) a
WRc with a large diameter were related to the contact 𝑉 point of the wire ring during cooling.
For ano study
more has been
in-depth conducted onofthe
understanding theinfluence
Stelmor of the contact
cooling processpoint of the
in real wire
ring on its cooling behavior during the Stelmor-type wire rod cooling
Vroll was derived as a function of wire diameter (d) with the assumption of constant mill process.
productivity (𝑄 )toregardless
reveal theofmore fundamental cooling mechanism of wire ring and to
d as follows:
reduce the variation of the material properties of wire ring in the Stelmor cooling system,
the author primarily focused on 𝑄the effect =
= 𝐴𝑉 of 𝜋𝑑
the 𝑉contact
= 𝐶point of the wire ring on the (2)
inhomogeneity of the CR in the wire ring. In addition, 4 the concept solutions for increasing
the homogeneity of material properties in wire ring are suggested in an applicable way. An
Materials 2022, 15, 8262 3 of 15

offline cooling simulator and geometric mathematical analysis of wire ring were used to
Figurethe influencedescription
1. Schematic of the contact point within
of development theinwire
trend steelring
rodthe cooling
cooling behavior.
system [6–12].

Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16

𝑉 = (3)
where C means the constant value that varies with wire rod plants. Vroll exhibited an in-
verse relationship
Figure2.2. with
Configuration d2. Combining Equations (1) system
and (3), Pwrmicrostructure
can be expressed asrod
Figure Configuration ofof wire
wire ring
ring on on a Stelmor
a Stelmor cooling
cooling system and and
microstructure of rod
of wire wire
with local decarburization at central region of wire ring.
local decarburization at central region of wire ring.
𝜋 𝑑 𝐷𝑉
Background 𝑃 = (4)
During theStelmor
Stelmorwirewire rod rod cooling
cooling process,
process, thethe nonuniform
nonuniform cooling
cooling behaviorbehavior
of the of
Pwr increased in proportion to the square of d. To determine the C in a wire rod mill,
the ring
wire wirewithin
ring within the is
the region region
attributedis attributed to the difference
to the difference in WPD along in WPDthe TDalong
wr the TD
[22,24–27]. wr
the Vroll of a wire rod with a d of 5.5 mm was set at 100 m/s, which is the general case in
In other words,
[22,24–27]. WPDwords,
In other increased WPD from the WRcfrom
increased to WR thee , WR
as shown
c to WR ine,Figure 2. Ininparticular,
as shown Figure 2.
industries. In this case, Vroll and Pwr have a relationship with d under the assumption of
the author [22]the
In particular, calculated the WPD
author [22] of a wire
calculated ring on
the WPD of aaconveyor
wire ringrolleron a during
conveyor Stelmor
constant D and Vconv, as shown in Figure 4a. This implies that Pwr is highly related to d. In
during withStelmorthe following
cooling with assumptions:
the following (i) theassumptions:
overall ring shape (i) theis overall
a perfectring
circle, (ii) Piswra
real plants, Vconv tended to decrease with increasing d because of the limited length of a
constant in the
circle, (ii)entire
Pwr is process,
in the entire that the final
process, rolling velocity
indicating that the(Vfinal
roll ), rolling
conveyor ve-
Stelmor conveyor. In other words, the Vconv of a wire rod with a large diameter should be
locityvelocity (Vconv ), and
(Vroll), conveyor diameter
roller velocity of (V
), and (D) are unchanged
diameter of wire during
ring (D)the
are process,
(iii) the relative to finish
volume theofcooling
the within the Stelmortocooling conveyor dueprojection
to the slow CR
during the process, and (iii)wire
the rod is equivalent
relative volume ofthe thetwo-dimensional
wire rod is equivalent toarea
of of a large wire
the three-dimensional rod. Although
wirearea V conv was reduced with increasing d, the WPD of a small
rod.of the three-dimensional wire rod.
two-dimensional projection
wire rod
Figure was higher than that of a large
WPDwire rod, as shown in Figure 4b,c. This is inbe-
Figure 3a 3a depicts
depicts the calculated
the calculated WPD based
based ononthese
these assumptions.
assumptions. The TheWPD WPD in the
middlePwr isregion
(WR to d WR2 and Vare conv, as shown in Equation (4).
middle region (WR m ) and
m) and WRe aree higher higher
thanthan that that
in thein WR
the cWR
. Asc .expected,
As expected, the WPDthe
Meanwhile, based on the results , asofshown
in, Paswrshown the WPD along3b. the TDcan wr (Figure 3a), a higher
WPD increased
increased with with a decrease
a decrease in Pwr in Figure
in Figure 3b. Pwr Pcan be mathematically
wr be mathematically de-
airflow rate
determined usingis forced
the on the WR
following e rather than the WRc and WRm using the airflow rate
termined using the following equation:
control damper system in real plants [13,14]. Moreover, the difference in the airflow rate
between the WRc and WRe increased withπDV 𝜋𝐷𝑉
conv d [25] because the WPD increased
Pwr𝑃= = (1)
with decreasing d (Figure 4b,c). 𝑉

For a more in-depth understanding 1.2 of the Stelmor cooling process in real plants,
Relative wire packing density

(a) Vroll was derived as a function of wire diameter(b)(d) with Ring pitch (mm)
Wire diameter: mm
of constant mill
Wire packing density

productivity (𝑄 ) regardless of d as follows:1.0

2.0 200
0.8 400
𝑄 = 𝐴𝑉 = 𝑉 =𝐶 (2)
1.6 0.6 4

0.8 0.0
-0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 -0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9
Wire position from center Wire position from center

Figure (a)(a)
3. 3. Relative wire
Relative packing
wire packingdensity along
density TDTD
along and
wrwr and(b)
wire packing
wire density
packing density
asas a function
a function ofof ring
ring pitch
pitch during
during Stelmor
Stelmor cooling.

140 800 0.8

(a) Final rolling velocity (b) Wire diameter (mm)
l rolling veloctiy (m/s)

120 Ring pitch 0.7 Center 5.5

ire packing density

Conveyor speed (m/s) 13.0

Final rolling velocity of 5.5mmφ wire: 100.0 m/s 600
100 0.6
Ring pitch (mm)

Conveyor speed: 1.0 m/s 5.5 mmφ = 1.27

13.0 mmφ = 0.71
80 0.5
60 0.4

40 0.3
𝑃 = (4)
Pwr increased in proportion to the square of d. To determine the C in a wire rod mill,
the Vroll of a wire rod with a d of 5.5 mm was set at 100 m/s, which is the general case in
industries. In this case, Vroll and Pwr have a relationship with d under the assumption of
Materials 2022, 15, 8262 constant D and Vconv, as shown in Figure 4a. This implies that Pwr is highly related to 4 ofd.15In
real plants, Vconv tended to decrease with increasing d because of the limited length of a
Stelmor conveyor. In other words, the Vconv of a wire rod with a large diameter should be
For a more to finish the cooling
in-depth within theofStelmor
understanding the Stelmor cooling conveyor
cooling processdue in to real
the slow
plants, CR
of a large wire rod. Although V conv was reduced with increasing d, the WPD of a small
Vroll was derived as a function of wire diameter (d) with the assumption of constant mill
wire rod was. higher than that of a large wire rod, as shown in Figure 4b,c. This is be-
productivity (Q) regardless of d as follows:
cause Pwr is proportional to d2 and Vconv, as shown in Equation (4).
Meanwhile, based on the. results of the πdWPD
2 along the TDwr (Figure 3a), a higher
Q =
airflow rate is forced on the WRe rather than AV roll = VrollWR
the =C c and WRm using the airflow rate
control damper system in real plants [13,14]. Moreover, the difference in the airflow rate
between the WRc and WRe increasedVwith=decreasing 4C d [25] because the WPD increased
roll (3)
with decreasing d (Figure 4b,c). πd2
where C means the constant value that varies with wire rod plants. Vroll exhibited an
2.4 inverse relationship with d2 . Combining Equations 1.2 (1) and (3), P Ringcan
(b) Wire diameter: 13 mm wr
be expressed as
Relative wire packing density

(a) pitch (mm)

follows: 50

Wire packing density

Center 1.0 100
2.0 π 2 d2 DVconv Center 200
Pwr = 0.8 400
1.6 Pwr increased in proportion to the square 0.6 of d. To determine the C in a wire rod mill,

the Vroll of a wire rod with a d of 5.5 mm was 0.4

set at 100 m/s, which is the general case in
1.2 industries. In this case, V roll and P wr have a relationship with d under the assumption of
constant D and Vconv , as shown in Figure 4a. This implies that Pwr is highly related to d. In
0.8 real plants, Vconv tended to decrease with increasing 0.0 d because of the limited length of a
-0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9
Stelmor conveyor. In other words, the Vconv of-0.9 a wire-0.6
rod-0.3with0.0a large
0.3 0.6
diameter 0.9
should be
Wire position from center Wire position from center
decreased to finish the cooling within the Stelmor cooling conveyor due to the slow CR of a
Figurewire rod.
3. (a) Although
Relative Vconv was
wire packing reduced
density alongwithTDwr increasing d, the WPD
and (b) comparison of wire of packing
a small density
rod was higher than that of a large wire
as a function of ring pitch during Stelmor cooling.rod, as shown in Figure 4b,c. This is because Pwr is
proportional to d2 and Vconv , as shown in Equation (4).

140 800 0.8

(a) Final rolling velocity (b) Wire diameter (mm)
Final rolling veloctiy (m/s)

120 Ring pitch 0.7 Center 5.5

Wire packing density

Conveyor speed (m/s) 13.0

Final rolling velocity of 5.5mmφ wire: 100.0 m/s 600
100 0.6
Ring pitch (mm)

Conveyor speed: 1.0 m/s 5.5 mmφ = 1.27

13.0 mmφ = 0.71
80 0.5
60 0.4

40 0.3

Materials 2022, 15,20x FOR PEER REVIEW 0.2

5 of 16
0 0 0.1
5 10 15 20 25 -0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9
Wire diameter (mm) Wire position from center

Figure 4. (a) Variations in final rolling speed and ring pitch with wire diameter and (b,c) compar-
Figure 4. (a) Variations in final rolling speed and ring pitch with wire diameter and (b,c) comparison
ison of wire packing density with wire diameter in a typical wire rod mill.
of wire packing density with wire diameter in a typical wire rod mill.
3. Experimental Procedures
Meanwhile, based on the results of the WPD along the TDwr (Figure 3a), a higher
A Stelmor
airflow simulator
rate is forced wasWR
on the used to reveal the cooling behavior of a wire ring with the
e rather than the WRc and WRm using the airflow rate
control damper system in real plants [13,14]. of
configuration. The simulator consisted an electrical
Moreover, reheatinginfurnace
the difference withrate
the airflow at-
mospheric gas control, a roller table with speed control, an air fan with airflow rate con-
trol, and two types of wire ring specimens, as shown in Figure 5.
A steel wire rod with a 13 mm diameter was chosen for the experiment because
small workpieces are more sensitive to other experimental conditions during tempera-
ture measurements. Due to the limited scale of the simulator (Figure 5a), D was chosen
Materials 2022, 15, 8262 5 of 15

between the WRc and WRe increased with decreasing d [25] because the WPD increased
with decreasing d (Figure 4b,c).

3. Experimental Procedures
A Stelmor simulator was used to reveal the cooling behavior of a wire ring with
the ring configuration. The simulator consisted of an electrical reheating furnace with
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 16
atmospheric gas control, a roller table with speed control, an air fan with airflow rate
control, and two types of wire ring specimens, as shown in Figure 5.

Wire packing density

0.8 Center



-0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9
Wire position from center

Figure (a)(a)
5. 5.
Figure Photograph andand
Photograph schematic of the
schematic of cooling simulator,
the cooling (b) two
simulator, (b)types
two of wireof
types ring configura-
wire ring con-
tions, and (c) calculated
and (c) calculated wire packing
wire packing density of density of the specimen
the specimen used
used in this in this test.

A steel
Table wire rod
1. Chemical with a 13 mm
compositions diametersteel
of SWRS82B was(wt.%).
chosen for the experiment because small
workpieces are more sensitive to other experimental conditions during temperature mea-
C Due to the limited
surements. Mn scale of theSi simulator (Figure P 5a), D was chosen
S as 500 mm,Fe as
shown in Figure 5b. To understand the influence of the contact point or ring configuration
0.82 ring on the0.75
of the wire CR, two types 0.20
of ring specimens <0.01 <0.01
with inline and staggeredBal.
configurations were prepared (Figure 5b). Plain high-carbon steel, SWRS82B, was selected
a test2.metal.
Itsand mechanical
chemical properties and
composition of SWRS82B
and mechanical properties of the
hot-rolled wire are listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Figure 5c shows the calculated
WPD along TDwr of the Parameter
specimen used in this test. The specimen was Value
heated to 1050 ◦ C in
the reheating furnace to austenitize the specimen under N2 gas and then held3 at 930 ◦ C for
Density at 25 °C 7751 kg/m

Heat capacity at 25 °C 0.46 kJ/kg/°C

Tensile strength 1165 MPa

Materials 2022, 15, 8262 6 of 15

5 min to simulate the laying head temperature in real plants. Subsequently, it was cooled
by forced air with a velocity of 37 m/s driven from the blower under the conveyor roller,
as shown in Figure 5a.

Table 1. Chemical compositions of SWRS82B steel (wt.%).

C Mn Si P S Fe
0.82 0.75 0.20 <0.01 <0.01 Bal.

Table 2. Physical and mechanical properties of SWRS82B steel.

Parameter Value
Density at 25 ◦C 7751 kg/m3
Heat capacity at 25 ◦ C 0.46 kJ/kg/◦ C
Tensile strength 1165 MPa
Total elongation 12.1%
Reduction in area 41.2%

Considering the round-shaped, small wire, a scan pyrometer that had a wavelength
of 0.9 µm was used for temperature measurement. It scanned the wire ring at 2048 points
using a CCD linear array along TDwr . The measuring distance from the pyrometer to wire
ring was approximately 1.0 m. The accuracy of temperature measurement in this pyrometer
was ±1.0% of the measured value. Under similar working conditions as the offline cooling
simulation, the temperatures of the SWRS82B wire rod were obtained in a wire rod mill
using a FLIR thermocamera that had a wavelength of 7.5–14 µm (Table 3). The resolution of
the thermocamera was 640 × 480 pixels; the measuring distance of the thermometers and
wire ring was approximately 1.5 m. The ambient temperature was approximately 24 ◦ C in
the laboratory where the simulator was located and approximately 27 ◦ C in a wire rod mill.

Table 3. Working conditions and thermometer specifications for temperature measurements.

Temperature Measuring Systems Experimental Conditions

Diameter of Austenizing Discharging Average Air
Application Wavelength
Instrument Emissivity Wire Rod Temperature Temperature Velocity
(mm) (◦ C) (◦ C) (m/s)
Offline CHINO
0.9 0.89 13 1050 930 37
simulator pyrometer
Wire rod mill 7.7–14 0.88 13 1100 900 37

A portable velocity meter with pitot static tube was used to measure the air veloc-
ity at nozzle. The velocity accuracy of the equipment was ±0.25% of measured value.
The microstructures were compared using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) that was
operated at 20 kV. SEM observations were performed on the cross-section of a specimen
perpendicular to the wire rod axis.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Experimental Results
Figure 6a shows a representative thermal image measured with the thermocamera
in the wire rod mill. The high-temperature region, hereafter called the hotspot, occurred
in both the WRc and WRe . A hotspot is defined as a high-temperature region in the
wire ring compared with other regions of the wire ring. From the author’s experience, a
thermocamera tends to overestimate the temperature in high-packing regions, such as the
WRe , and underestimate the temperature in low-packing regions, such as the WRc . Based
gered arrangement is recommended for uniform cooling of the wire rod because more
intensive air is imposed on the WRe compared with the WRc in real plants using a flow
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16
rate control damper system to uniformly tailor the material properties of the wire rod
[15,16]. In such a case, the WRc with an inline arrangement cooled quite slowly com-
pared with the other regions, leading to decarburization and low TS in this region, indi-
Materials 2022, 15, 8262 7 of 15
cating that cooling
the ringatconfiguration,
nose temperature and Pinwr aiscontinuous
an important cooling transformation
parameter diagram
for controlling the
of a metal
cooling using a of
behaviors molten salt or
the wire ringlead. Overall,
in the Stelmor-type of the wire
the WRc cooling ringInwith
system. otherinline ar-
the CR of the exhibited
wire ring coarse
was lamellar
strongly structures
on the ringwith the wire ring
configuration with8);
(Figure stag-
gered we could the
determined predict
due that
to the
distribution temperature
low inCR in theas
of the wire,
microstructure WR c was9)
(Figure relatively
in Figure
and high. In particular,
mechanical properties
the temperature
Although Pin the
and WR
WPD with
werethe inline
similar arrangement
(Figure 5b,c),was
the higher
in the wire ring. Based on this result, the makers in wire rod mills should focus
wr c ofthan
the that
wire of theon
rings wire
ring with
different the staggered
depending onarrangement.
the ring configurations. This
configuration of wire ring to reduce variation in product quality. result provided important infor-
mation on Stelmor cooling. Selecting the right ring configuration is essential to increase
the uniform cooling ability within the wire ring. The ring configuration with the stag-
gered arrangement is recommended for uniform cooling of the wire rod because more
intensive air is imposed on the WRe compared with the WRc in real plants using a flow
rate control damper system to uniformly tailor the material properties of the wire rod
[15,16]. In such a case, the WRc with an inline arrangement cooled quite slowly com-
pared with the other regions, leading to decarburization and low TS in this region, indi-
cating that the ring configuration, and Pwr is an important parameter for controlling the
cooling behaviors of the wire ring in the Stelmor-type cooling system. In other words,
the CR of the wire ring was strongly dependent on the ring configuration (Figure 8); the
CR determined the distribution in microstructure (Figure 9) and mechanical properties
in the wire ring. Based on this result, the makers in wire rod mills should focus on the
configuration of wire ring to reduce variation in product quality.
Figure (a)Thermal
thermocamerain inaawire
types of ring configuration on the conveyor roller during Stelmor cooling.
types of ring configuration on the conveyor roller during Stelmor cooling.

Figure 7 schematically explains the temperature measurement method using a scan-

type pyrometer. It is not easy to determine wire rod temperature due to round shape
of the wire and small diameter [28]. To detect the real wire rod temperature from the
mechanical structures of the simulator, five consecutive high temperatures were measured
and recognized as the temperature of the specimen. In addition, the average temperature
was determined as the wire rod temperature in this region. Figure 8 shows a comparison
of the measured temperature profiles of the specimen between the inline and staggered
configurations. The temperatures in the WRe and WRm were similar between the two ring
configurations; however, the temperature in the WRc was significantly different between
the two ring configurations. The WRc with the inline arrangement was much higher
than that
Figure with
6. (a) the staggered
Thermal arrangement,
image using which in
the thermocamera was consistent
a wire rod millwith
and the thermal image
(b) schematic of two
obtained by thermocamera.
types of ring configuration on the conveyor roller during Stelmor cooling.

Figure 7. Schematic of temperature measuring method of wire rod using a scan-type pyrometer
during Stelmor cooling.

Figure7.7. Schematic
Figure Schematic of
of temperature
temperature measuring
measuring method
method of
of wire
wire rod
rod using
using aascan-type
during Stelmorcooling.
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 16

Materials 2022, 15, 8262 8 of 15

770 770
(a) (b)
760 760
Temperature ( C)

Temperature ( C)

750 750

740 740

730 730

720 720
-300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300
Wire position from center (mm) Wire position from center (mm)

Figure 8. Comparison of measured temperatures of wire ring along TDwr with (a) inline and
(b) 8. Comparison
staggered of measured
arrangements temperatures
in the Stelmor simulator.of wire ring along TDwr with (a) inline and (b)
staggered arrangements in the Stelmor simulator.
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW To analyze the impact of wire ring configuration on cooling behavior in more de- 9 of 1
tail, the microstructures in the WRc between the inline and staggered arrangements were
compared. Figure 9 compares the representative microstructure at the WRc of the wire
ring with inline and staggered arrangements. The specific experimental conditions are
described in Table 3 and Figure 5 in the experimental section. Lamellar structures of ferrite
and cementite appeared in both wires. However, the interlamellar spacing of the wire
770 770
(a) with the staggered arrangement was slightly smaller (b) than that of the inline arrangement
because the CR of the WRc with the staggered arrangement was higher compared with
760 that of the inline arrangement (Figure 8). The 760 refinement of the pearlitic microstructure
Temperature ( C)

Temperature ( C)

increases the resistance to dislocation glide because of the interfaces between ferrite and

750 cementite act as barriers to dislocation movement. 750 That is, the decrease of pearlite inter-
Figure 9. Comparison of representative microstructure atofthe
spacing leads to an increase in the strength pearlitic
central steels,
region indicating
of wire ringthat
740 Hall–Petch type strengthening
inline and (b) staggered arrangements. effect can be
740 applied in pearlitic steels. Meanwhile, it is
generally accepted that the interlamellar spacing of pearlitic steels decreases as the CR
4.2. Geometric [29,30]. For example,
Analysis of ContactthePoints
wire rod industry
in Wire Ring for pearlitic steel products conducts a
730 730
patenting heat treatment to obtain the fine
The unexpected characteristic of the present study pearlitic structure
can of
bewires by performing
summarized the
as follows:
phase transformation from austenite to pearlite at the nose temperature
(i) a hotspot was generated in the WRc (Figures 6 and 8) although the WPD at the WRc in a continuous
720 cooling transformation diagram 720The patenting heat treatment is one of the
of steel [8].
-300 -200 -100 was 0lower100 than that
200 of the300other regions (Figure -300 3a), (ii) hotspots
-200 -100 rarely
0 occurred
100 200in the 300
WR cooling processes: strong cooling in the early stage and isothermal cooling at nose
m, otherwise, the WRc and WRe exhibited hotspots, and (iii) decarburization ap-
Wire position from
temperature center (mm) Wire position from center (mm)
peared in theinWR a continuous cooling transformation diagram of a metal using a molten
c with a large diameter (Figure 2) despite the low WPD compared with
salt or lead. Overall, the
the wire rod with a small diameter WR c of the(Figure
wire ring4b).with inline arrangement exhibited coarse
Figure 8.structures
Comparison compared with the wire ring with staggered arrangement due toinline
Based on both theof WPD measured temperatures
approach of wire
and general ring along
knowledge ofTD
thewr with
heat (a)
transfer and (b
low CR of the wire,
staggered arrangements as shown in Figure 9.
mechanism, it is difficultintothe Stelmor simulator.
understand the cooling phenomena observed above. There-
fore, to comprehend the cooling behavior of the wire rod, the contact point of the wire
ring was analyzed. The projection area (Ap) at the contact point was calculated using
simple mathematics as illustrated in Figure 10. Ap decreased with an increasing contact
angle (θ) of the two wire rods (Figure 10a,b). In addition, Ap increased with d (Figure
10c), which can be mathematically represented as follows:
𝐴 = (5)
sin 𝜃
Figure 10d compares the Ap as a function of d and θ. The Ap increases as d increases
and θ decreases.
The load (Lwr) at the contact point of the wire ring by the weight of the upper wire
rod was calculated using the following equations:
Figure9. 9.
Figure Comparison
Comparison of representative
of representative microstructure
microstructure at the
at the central central
region region
of wire of wire
ring with ring with (a
(a) inline
inline and (b) staggered arrangements.
and (b) staggered arrangements.

4.2. Geometric Analysis of Contact Points in Wire Ring

The unexpected characteristic of the present study can be summarized as follows
(i) a hotspot was generated in the WRc (Figures 6 and 8) although the WPD at the WR
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 o
Materials 2022, 15, 8262 9 of 15

Although Pwr and WPD were similar (Figure 5b,c), 𝐿 =the 𝜌𝑉CRs 𝑔 of the wire rings were
different depending on the ring configurations. This result provided important information
on Stelmor cooling. Selecting the right ring configuration 𝑉 is=essential 𝜋𝐷 to increase the uniform
cooling ability within the wire ring. The ring configuration with 4 the staggered arrangement
is recommended where ρ and Vwr
for uniform are theofdensity
cooling the wireand rodvolume
becauseofmore the wire rod, respectively.
intensive air is imposedLwr increa
in proportion
on the WRe compared with the to the
c in realof d,
plantsas shown
using ain Figure
flow rate11. It
damperbe noted
system that the nu
ber of contact points per wire ring was not considered
to uniformly tailor the material properties of the wire rod [15,16]. In such a case, to calculate the WRin
L wr c this stu
Based on A and L , the possibility of hotspot
with an inline arrangement cooled quite slowly compared with the other regions, leading
p wr formation within the wire ring, whic
to decarburization a hotspot
low TSindicator (Ihs) hereafter,
in this region, indicatingwasthatdefined as follows:
the ring configuration, and
Pwr is an important parameter for controlling the cooling behaviors𝑑 of the wire ring in
the Stelmor-type cooling system. In other words, 𝐼 = 𝐿the𝐴CR=of 𝜌𝑔𝜋
the𝐷wire ring was strongly
4sin 𝜃
dependent on the ring configuration (Figure 8); the CR determined the distribution in
Hotspots were generated at the contact
microstructure (Figure 9) and mechanical properties in the wire ring. Based point of the wire ring (Figure
on this result,6). Accord
the makers intowireEquation
rod mills (8), should
the hotspot focuswas on stronger with increasing
the configuration of wireAringp and Lwr because the h
to reduce
variation in product quality. of the wire ring by convection and radiation was retarded with increas
Ap, and the contact point hardly shifted during the entire cooling process with increas
4.2. Geometric LAnalysis
wr. Thatof is,Contact
the Ihs Points
increases as dRing
in Wire increases and θ decreases, as shown in Figure 12
Equation (8). Figure 13 calculated
The unexpected characteristic of the present study the θcan along the TDwr. When
be summarized the wire
as follows: (i) aring was
sumed to be a perfect circle (Figure 13b), θ increased
hotspot was generated in the WRc (Figures 6 and 8) although the WPD at the WRc was from the center to a certain dista
and then decreased from the WR m to WRe, as shown in Figure 13c. In other words, θ
lower than that of the other regions (Figure 3a), (ii) hotspots rarely occurred in the WRm ,
otherwise, thecreased
WRc and upWR to 0.707 of the ring radius from the center and decreased thereafter. For
e exhibited hotspots, and (iii) decarburization appeared in the
WRc with a large diameter (FigureWR
ample, θ is 0° at the c and outer WRe, and θ is 90° at 0.707 of the ring radius. Co
2) despite the low WPD compared with the wire rod
bining the above
with a small diameter (Figure 4b). calculation and Equation (8), the Ihs was induced along the TDwr (Fig
Based on14).
bothWhenthe WPD the hotspot
approach wasand generated in the WRc of
general knowledge andtheWRheate, the strength of the hots
transfer mech-
was high, and, in particular, the wire
anism, it is difficult to understand the cooling phenomena observed above. diameter was high. This is the primary reason
the formation of the hotspot in the WR c with a large diameter despite the low WPD
to comprehend the cooling behavior of the wire rod, the contact point of the wire ring
was analyzed.thisTheregion.
projectionIn addition,
area (Apthe ) at result explained
the contact pointthe washigh temperature
calculated usingatsimple
the WRc with
mathematics as inline arrangement
illustrated in Figureand10. theAlow temperature at the WRc with the staggered arrangem
p decreased with an increasing contact angle (θ)
as shown in Figure 8. In the
of the two wire rods (Figure 10a,b). In addition, Ap increasedindustry, hotspots are witheasily observed
d (Figure 10c), in wire rod wit
large d rather than
can be mathematically represented as follows: wire rod with a small d, although the WPD was lower as the d
creased (Figure 4). This phenomenon can be explained using this Ihs approach (Fig
14b). As d increased, the CR was d2 retarded as the Ap increased. Furthermore, with
creasing d, the contact points Ap = hardly (5)
sin θ shifted in conveyor rollers during the entire coo
process due to the high Lwr. Overall, the cooling behaviors within the wire ring in S
Figure 10d
cooling can Ap evaluated
the be as a function of d and θ.the
by analyzing The Ap increases
contact point ofas thed wire
and θ decreases.

Projection area (arb. unit)

0 20 40 60 80
Contact angle (degree)

Figure 10. Cont.

Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 o

Materials 2022, 15, 8262 10 of 15

(d) Wire diameter (mm)

Projection area (mm )


1000 10.0
800 20.0



Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 16
0 20 40 60 80
Contact angle (degree)

Figure 10. (a,c) Schematic

Figure 10.and
(a,c)(b,d) calculated
Schematic projection
and (b,d) areaprojection
calculated of wire rod with
area contact
of wire rodangle and
with contact angle
wire diameter. wire diameter. 1400
(d) Wire diameter (mm)
Projection area (mm ) 5.5
The load (Lwr ) at the contact point of the wire ring by the8.0
weight of the upper wire rod
1000 equations: 10.0
was calculated using the14following 13.0
800 20.0
12 Lwr = ρVwr g (6)
Load (arb. unit)

πd2 10
πD 400(7) Vwr =
8 4
where ρ and Vwr are the density and volume of the wire rod, respectively. Lwr increased in
proportion to the square 6of d, as shown
0 in Figure 11. It should be noted that the number of
0 20 40 60 80
contact points per wire ring
4 was not considered to calculate the L in this study. Based
Contact angle (degree) wr
on Ap and Lwr , the possibility of hotspot formation within the wire ring, which is called a
hotspot indicator (Ihs ) hereafter, was defined as follows:
Figure 10. (a,c) Schematic and (b,d) calculated projection area of wire rod with contact angle and
wire diameter. 0
d4 6
Ihs 8= Lwr10A p =12ρgπ 214D 16 18 20
Wire diameter 4(mm)
sin θ

14 Figure 11. Variation of load by weight of upper wire ring as a function of wire diameter.
Load (arb. unit)


Hot spot indicator (arb. unit)



60 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Wire diameter (mm)
Figure 11. Variation of load by weight of upper wire ring as a function of wire diameter.
0Figure 11. Variation of load by weight of upper wire ring as a function of wire diameter.
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Hotspots were generated at the contact point of the wire ring (Figure 6). According
Wire diameter (mm)
to Equation (8), the hotspot was stronger with increasing Ap and Lwr because the heat
dissipation of the wire
Figure 12.ring by convection
Calculated and radiation
hotspot indicator was
as a function of retarded with increasing
(a) wire diameter and (b) both wire di
Ap , and the contact point hardly shifted
eter and contact angle. during the entire cooling process with increasing
spot indicator (arb. unit)

Lwr . That is, the Ihs increases as d increases and θ decreases, as shown in Figure 12 and
(a) Equation (8). Figure 13 calculated the θ along the TDwr . When the wire ring was assumed
to be a perfect circle (Figure 13b), θ increased from the center to a certain distance and then
decreased from the WRm to WRe , as shown in Figure 13c. In other words, θ increased up



0 20 40 60 80
Contact angle (degree)

Figure 10. (a,c) Schematic and (b,d) calculated projection area of wire rod with contact angle and
Materials 2022, 15, 8262 wire diameter. 11 of 15

to 0.707 of the ring radius from the center and decreased thereafter. For example, θ is 0◦
at the WRc and outer WRe , and θ is 90◦ at 0.707 of the ring radius. Combining the above

Load (arb. unit)

calculation and10 Equation (8), the Ihs was induced along the TDwr (Figure 14). When the
hotspot was generated in the WRc and WRe , the strength of the hotspot was high, and, in
particular, the wire diameter was high. This is the primary reason for the formation of the
hotspot in the6WRc with a large diameter despite the low WPD in this region. In addition,
the result explained
4 the high temperature at the WRc with the inline arrangement and the
low temperature at the WRc with the staggered arrangement, as shown in Figure 8. In the
industry, hotspots are easily observed in wire rod with a large d rather than wire rod with
a small d, although the WPD was lower as the d increased (Figure 4). This phenomenon
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
can be explained using this Ihs diameter
Wire approach(mm)(Figure 14b). As d increased, the CR was retarded
as the Ap increased. Furthermore, with increasing d, the contact points hardly shifted in
conveyor rollers
Figure during
11. Variation theby
of load entire
of upper process due
wire ring as wire L
to theofhigh
a function wr . Overall, the cooling
behaviors within the wire ring in Stelmor cooling can be evaluated by analyzing the contact
point of the wire ring.

Hot spot indicator (arb. unit)






6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Wire diameter (mm)
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 16
12. Calculated
FigureFigure hotspot
12. Calculated indicator
hotspot indicatoras
asaa function
function ofof(a)
wire diameter
diameter and and (b) wire
(b) both bothdiam-
wire diameter
eter and
and contact contact angle.

Contact angle (degree)





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Wire position from center

Figure (a,b)
Figure (a,b)Schematic ofcontact
Schematic of contactangle
angle of wire
of wire ringring
and and (c) calculated
(c) calculated contact contact
angle of angle
wire of wire ring
along along
wr TD wr during
during Stelmor
Stelmor cooling.

10 8000
(a) (b)
(arb. unit)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Wire position from center

Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Ncp. Similarly, both the head region and tail region were cooled more uniformly 13 of 16
pared with the body region, as shown in Figure 16, due to the low Ncp.
Figure 13. (a,b) Schematic of contact angle of wire ring and (c) calculated contact angle of wire
Materials 2022, 15, 8262 ring along TDwr during Three concept
Stelmor solutions were induced to reduce the variation in the CR,
cooling. 12 of micro-
structure, and mechanical properties of the wire ring product during Stelmor cooling
Ncp. Similarly,
from theboth presentthe head
with theandaid tailofregion were cooled
experiments using more uniformly
the Stelmor com- and
pared with the body region,
contact point analysis of the wire as shown in Figure
ring. 16, due to the low N cp.
10 8000
Projection area (arb. unit)
(a) Three
(i) It concept solutions
is necessary were the
to avoid induced
contact topoints
(b) reduce in the
the variation
WRc and WR in the CR, micro-
e during cooling. In
structure, and mechanical
particular, the wire properties of the with
configuration wirean ring product
inline during should
arrangement Stelmorbecooling
avoided by

Hot spot indicator

from the present results 6000of experiments using the Stelmor simulator and
controlling Pwrwith
usingthe aid
Vconv because the CR in contact points of the wire ring in the
6 contact point WR analysis of the wire
e was tailored by ring.
the airflow control damper system
Wire diameter (mm)in the industry [21,31].
(i) It is necessary to avoid the contact
4000 points in
However, no equipment or process has been reported for cooling the WR c and
5.5 WR e during cooling.
rate controlInat the
4 particular, the wire configuration with an inline
WRc in general wire rod plants. In addition, the maximization arrangement should be avoided
of Pwr within the by mill
controlling Pwr can
using Vconv N because 13.0
capacity reduce cp. 2000 the CR in contact points of the wire ring in the
WR(ii)e was tailored
Shifting by the airflow
techniques of contact control
points damper
of the system
wire ring in theon aindustry
conveyor [21,31].
roller are
However, no equipment
strongly necessary.orFor process
example, has the
between for cooling
the rate control
conveyor roller at the
and differ-
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4WRc in general
0.6entiated wire 1.0rod roller
0.8 conveyor plants.speed
In 0.0addition, 0.2 the
can shift themaximization
hotspot 0.6in each of conveyor
0.8 Pwr within
1.0 the mill
roller zone.
Wire position(iii)from
capacity center
Changing reduce theNdirection
cp. of the air nozzle Wire position
can reducefrom center
the hotspot effect of the wire
(ii) Shifting techniques
14. Calculated For (a)
example,of contact
projection oblique points
area of air of the
wire ring wire
with ring
the on
wire position CR aof conveyor
thehotspot roller
regionsare in the
Figure 14.Figure
strongly (a)
wire projection
necessary. In areasame
For of wire
example, ring
vein, the with
steps wire position
between wire
hot indicator
roller (EDC)
differ- salt
a function
as a function of wire ofdiameter
wire diameterand wireand position
wire position
during during Stelmor cooling.
entiated bath (DLP)
conveyor can
roller increase
speed can the CR Stelmor
shift of
hotspot in point of the wire
each conveyor ring.
roller Meanwhile,
4.3. Effect
(iii) Changing ofmist
Ringthe Pitch
cooling and
direction Solutions
of could for
the air Improving
nozzle the canUniformity
reduce the in hotspot
Wire of Ring
of theproperties
wire of
4.3. Effect of Ring Pitch and Solutions for Improving Uniformity in Wire Ring
ring. the wire ring due to the difficulty in tailoring
Pwr affects both the WPD and contact point of the wire ring as depicted in Figurethe
For example, oblique air blowing increases the the
CR of cooling
the behavior
contact regionsat the
in contact
PwrThe wire both
number ring. the
of In WPD
of the
contact and
the same
points contact
vein, point
per immersing of
wire ring (Nthethe wire ring as
wirecalculated depicted
ring in hot as water in Figure 15.
(EDC) and salt
cp ) was follows:
The numberbath of contactFrompoints
(DLP) per wire
the perspective
can increase thering
ofCR (Nofcp)the
operation wascontact
real plants, as these
follows: three suggestions are helpful
 point of the wire ring. Meanwhile,
in designing working conditions
mist cooling (TMP) could increase the𝐷inhomogeneity in wire rodD mills to manufacture
of the material high-quality
propertieswire of rod
𝑁 = cp = 3.9
N3.9 (9) (9)
the wire ring due to the difficulty in𝑃tailoring Pwr the cooling behavior at the contact
point of the wire ring.
As expected, Ncp has an inverse relationship with Pwr, indicating that a large Pwr in-
From the perspective of operation in real plants, 140 these three suggestions are helpful
duced a more uniform cooling within the wire ring due to both the low WPD and small
Number of contact point per ring

in designing working conditions in wire rod mills to(b) manufacture high-quality wire rod

Number of contact point per ring

60 0 10 20 30
D / Pwr

Figure 15. (a) Schematic and (b) calculated number20 of contact points in wire ring as a function of ring
pitch inFigure 15.cooling.
Stelmor (a) Schematic and (b) calculated number of contact points in wire ring as a function of
ring pitch in Stelmor cooling. 0
0 10 20 30
As expected, Ncp has an inverse relationship with PwrD, /indicating
Pwr that a large Pwr
induced a more uniform cooling within the wire ring due to both the low WPD and small
Ncp . Similarly, both the head region and tail region were cooled more uniformly compared
Figure 15. (a) Schematic and (b) calculated number of contact points in wire ring as a function of
with the body region, as shown in Figure 16, due to the low Ncp .
ring pitch in Stelmor cooling.

Figure 16. Cont.

Materials 2022,2022,
Materials 15, x15,
8262 14 of1316of 15


Number of contact point per ring




Head Body Tail


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Ring Number

Figure 16. (a) Schematic and (b) measured number of contact point in wire ring along the moving
Figure 16. (a) Schematic and (b) measured number of contact point in wire ring along the moving
direction of wire
of wire ringring
on aon a Stelmor
Stelmor conveyor
conveyor roller.

Three concept solutions were induced to reduce the variation in the CR, microstructure,
5. Conclusions
and mechanical properties of the wire ring product during Stelmor cooling from the present
results on athe
comparative study of using
aid of experiments the influence
the Stelmorof ring configuration
simulator on the
and contact thermal
point analysis
behavior of wire
of the wire ring. rod and geometric analysis of wire ring in Stelmor-type cooling, the
following conclusions were derived:
(i) It is necessary to avoid the contact points in the WRc and WRe during cooling. In
1. A hotspot was the
particular, generated in both the WR
wire configuration withc and WRe. The WRe exhibited hotspots re-
an inline arrangement should be avoided
gardless of ring configuration. Meanwhile,
by controlling Pwr using Vconv because the a hotspot appeared
CR in contact in the
points of WR withring
the cwire an in
inline arrangement; otherwise, no hotspot occurred in the WR c with a staggered ar-
the WRe was tailored by the airflow control damper system in the industry [21,31].
However, no equipment or process has been reported for cooling rate control at the
2. Compared with thewire
WRc in general WRmrod, hotspots
plants. easily occurred
In addition, the at both the WRof
maximization c and WRe due to
Pwr within the mill
the capacity
low contact angle of
can reduce Ncp . the wire ring. Moreover, the possibility of hotspot for-
(ii) Shifting techniques of contact points of the wire ring on a conveyor rollerarea
mation increased with increasing wire diameter due to the large contact and
are strongly
caused byFor theexample,
weight ofthe thesteps
wire between
rod, although Pwr increased
the conveyor roller with increasing
and differentiated
diameter. This
roller is the
speed canprimary
shift thereason
hotspotwhy theconveyor
in each WRc with a large
roller zone.diameter
(iii) Changinghotspots
the despite
directionthe of large
the airPwr .
nozzle can reduce the hotspot effect of the wire ring.
3. TheFor number
example, oblique air blowing increasesincreased
of contact points per wire ring the CR ofasthe Pwrcontact
regions indicating
in the wire
the retarded
In the same vein, immersing the wire ring in hot water (EDC) and saltPbath
cooling at the contact point of the wire ring depended on wr. The
ringcan configuration
increase theasCR well as Pcontact
of the wr needs to beofcontrolled
point for uniform
the wire ring. Meanwhile, coolingmistofcooling
wire(TMP)rod because the inline-arranged
could increase the inhomogeneity wire ring generated
of the materialhotspots
properties at the
of theWR c de-
wire ring
spitedue thetolarge Pwr.
the difficulty in tailoring the cooling behavior at the contact point of the wire
4. Three ring.basic solutions were suggested to reduce the inhomogeneity in the mechani-
cal properties of the wire ring during Stelmor cooling: (i) avoiding the inline ar-
From the perspective of operation in real plants, these three suggestions are help-
ful in designing of the wire ring,
working (ii) shifting
conditions in wire therod
millsinto the wire ring during
manufacture high-qualitythe en- wire
tire working
rod products. process, and (iii) employing an oblique nozzle. For instance, the con-
veyor speed in each zone should be changed during the process to shift the point of
5.the hotspot in the wire ring; at the same time, the shifted hotspot should be effec-
on aby controlling study
comparative the air-blowing direction
of the influence using
of ring the nozzle. In
configuration onaddition,
the thermal
the monitoring system of the wire ring is necessary to avoid
behavior of wire rod and geometric analysis of wire ring in Stelmor-type cooling, and control the inline the
arranged wire ring. These
following conclusions were derived: suggestions are helpful for setting cooling conditions in
wire rod mills to manufacture high-quality wire rod products.
1. A hotspot was generated in both the WRc and WRe . The WRe exhibited hotspots
Funding: regardless
This work was of ring configuration.
supported Meanwhile,
by the National Researcha hotspot
of Korea in (NRF)
the WR c with
an inline arrangement; otherwise, no hotspot occurred
funded by the Korean government (MSIT, Republic of Korea) (No. 2021R1A2C1011700). in the WR c with a staggered
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
2. Compared with the WRm , hotspots easily occurred at both the WRc and WRe due to
Informedthe Consent Statement:
low contact Not
angle ofapplicable.
the wire ring. Moreover, the possibility of hotspot formation
increased with increasing
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable. wire diameter due to the large contact area and load caused
by the weight of the wire rod, although Pwr increased with increasing wire diameter.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
Materials 2022, 15, 8262 14 of 15

This is the primary reason why the WRc with a large diameter showed hotspots
despite the large Pwr .
3. The number of contact points per wire ring increased as Pwr decreased, indicating that
the retarded cooling at the contact point of the wire ring depended on Pwr . The ring
configuration as well as Pwr needs to be controlled for uniform cooling of the wire
rod because the inline-arranged wire ring generated hotspots at the WRc despite the
large Pwr .
4. Three basic solutions were suggested to reduce the inhomogeneity in the mechanical
properties of the wire ring during Stelmor cooling: (i) avoiding the inline arrangement
of the wire ring, (ii) shifting the hotspot in the wire ring during the entire working
process, and (iii) employing an oblique nozzle. For instance, the conveyor speed in
each zone should be changed during the process to shift the point of the hotspot in
the wire ring; at the same time, the shifted hotspot should be effectively cooled by
controlling the air-blowing direction using the nozzle. In addition, the monitoring
system of the wire ring is necessary to avoid and control the inline arranged wire
ring. These suggestions are helpful for setting cooling conditions in wire rod mills to
manufacture high-quality wire rod products.

Funding: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant
funded by the Korean government (MSIT, Republic of Korea) (No. 2021R1A2C1011700).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.


Ap projection area of wire rod in the contact point (m2 )

D diameter of wire ring (m)
d diameter of wire rod (m)
g acceleration due to gravity (m/s2 )
Lwr load at the contact point of the wire ring by the weight of the upper wire rod (N)
Ncp number of contact points per wire ring
Pwr ring pitch of wire ring (m)
Q mill productivity (m3 /s)
V conv conveyor roller speed (m/s)
V roll final rolling speed (m/s)
V wr volume of the wire rod (m3 )
θ contact angle of the two wire rods (o )
ρ density of the wire rod (kg/m3 )
c central region
e edge region
m middle region
hs hotspot
wr wire ring

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