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Discussion unit 7

The emotion I want to improve is fear. Fear is defined as an innate behavior resulting
from a bad experience, psychological pressure, or bad feelings from experiencing the
experience for the first time. Certainly, the degree of fear varies from one person to
another. Sometimes it may require medical intervention by an assistant or a
psychiatrist. According to a List of feeling words (n.d.), fear may appear in many
feelings, they may be fear, anxiety, dread, panic, and panic. SMART goals, a
compound word from the initials of the correct target adjectives to facilitate the
process of remembering it. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely.
Specific: My smart goal is to overcome fear, especially when speaking in front of a
group of people. My ability to speak in front of an audience will increase my self-
confidence and my success in my professional life. I must break the barrier of fear and
overcome the feelings of fear that make me restricted from going through the first
experience. Mixing with a voluntary team will help. As a member of the team, I will
have to talk about the issues or work entrusted to me, and the team will certainly be
no less than 10 people and they are like a small audience. I will help myself by
reading books or articles and listening to the specialized consultant, and I will make
sure to achieve this every opportunity I have. In secondary school, I seemed to do
that. I participated in a training course in the presence of female teachers first and I
did well. I was indeed afraid and nervous, but my teachers encouraged me very much.
I did it again in front of a group of visiting teachers from other schools and
supervisors from the Ministry of Education. This made me overcome a simple barrier
of fear.
Measurable: I watched a lot of motivational videos and listened to several podcasts.
Self-experience will make me more confident. I started doing this from the beginning
of high school and it took me a long time. I did that in my last high school and got
over it, but my dropping out of projects and being a self-teacher in a distance
university, there are no projects in which I am forced to speak to an audience, the
situation that we are forced to take maybe a way to break many barriers. During this
period, I will try to overcome the fear so that when I get my job, I can be confident
when talking to others.
Attainable: My previous experience helped me a lot, and I will follow the same
technique with modifications to overcome that barrier once and for all. I will benefit
from my skill in the art of doll making by conducting training workshops and
cooperating with institutes to achieve this because it will provide learners and they are
the audience.
Relevant: The goal is about my personality and my ability to express and discuss my
ideas with confidence. When I don't speak my character will fade and my thoughts
may be taken because I was not able to express them.
Timely: I will take advantage of the next vacation, which begins in two weeks, I will
cooperate with an institute in my area and become a volunteer to teach the art of doll
making to those interested. Accordingly, if I deal with an audience for a continuous
and repeated period, this will make me break the barrier of fear forever. Three
repeated training meetings over a continuous period of one or two months will enable
me to achieve my goal.

List of feeling words. (n.d.). PsychPage.

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