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Learning Journal Unit 4

This week's magazine was unique. It was the first experience of joint work between
me and a classmate, it made me feel a more interactive environment. I started
searching for my partner at the end of the third week. It took me time. My MBTI is
ISFJ, and the corresponding person I am looking for can be an ENFJ, ENTP, ENFP,
ESFP, or INFP. I've partnered with Ahmad Mnzalawy and he has his own style INFP.
Owners of this personality tend to be introverted, logical, and emotional, and thus
people of this style focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details and make
decisions based on their feelings and values spontaneous and flexible, and often do
not prefer to develop and organize plans. I truly appreciate his reactions in positive
and negative situations. He is a person of high moral standards and integrity that he
does not compromise in the most difficult circumstances. A very positive personality
who strives to achieve his goals and perfection in his life, no matter what the
difficulties may be. Also, a caring supportive and encouraging person. He understood
the circumstances I went through during the school week, which made me unable to
resolve them until the end of time. Sometimes in negative situations, he may deal
more sensitively, and this affects his psyche, making him constantly reprimand
My colleague and I did the first exercise from NVC, the first exercise included asking
the question (What is violence?). Everyone defines violence in their way. My
definition may be based on a situation in which you have been exposed to violence
related to everything that happened during that situation, while others may see that
this is not violence. We have discussed the concepts of violence and the reasons
behind this behavior. I have defined violence in my concept, which is a word, look, or
behavior intended to psychological or physical harm, intimidation, and threat to
others. In the opinion of violence, violence results from a fluctuating psychological
state, depression, mistreatment or neglect, or the hard living conditions of poverty or
unemployment may be a motive, so the person resorts to emptying himself with
violent behavior that may be directed at a child, his wife, or a friend. While my
colleague defined violence as is that problem resulting from the use of physical force,
intentionally or unintentionally, and violence is intended to achieve a certain thing, it
may be with the aim of threatening or education, and violence may lead to very many
problems such as damage Psychological, psychological problems that may end in
psychological impairments, and in the worst cases, may lead to death, and one of the
reasons is lack of good self-development, or psychological reasons such as education
on violence from childhood
I learned a lot during this week. I realized that dealing with different characters, even
if they are opposite to me, is a wonderful thing and that the experience is the most
teacher. Not everything we read about the character may be identical to her to a large
extent. Also, different personalities mean different opinions and interests, and this
creates an individual conversational environment. I realized that I am a social person,
open and receptive to the ideas of others. It is not easy to work with a partner you do
not know beforehand, but the work is the first thing that brings you together.

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