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Mobile app

Functional specification
`Matka Mobile Application`

About the mobile app specification
The functional specification is a useful document which describes functions,
appearance, purpose and requested outputs of the software. It allows you to
structure all the information so the software partner can select appropriate
technologies, plan resources, schedule and price the project.

This document is a mobile application documentation sample which will help

you to define your digital product.

About the software house - Comfygen

Comfygen is a software house specializing in building mobile and web
applications, IoT solutions and CMS systems. The company designs
high-quality digital products, including for startups, corporations, big brands
and advertising agencies from around the world. Thanks to the combination
of very good technical and so skills, Comfygen has been helping its clients
achieve the business goals and develop business using new technologies.

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Changelog - mobile app requirements

Date Author Version Description

26/06/2024 Shubham 1.0 Initial requirement of the App.



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Table of contents
About the mobile app specification 2
About the software house - Comfygen 2

Changelog - mobile app requirements 3

Table of contents 4

Project description 5

Materials 5

Technical requirements 6

Application - functionalities 7

To be delivered by the Client 14

Technology 14
Test and production server for mobile application and website 14

Exclusions from the project’s scope 14

Do you need help with the specification? 15

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Project description

1. The main goal of the project is to create a mobile app that can ease
and simplify the process of betting, prediction and playing through
matka application.

2. API is delivered by the Client. (If Required-Situational)

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Technical requirements

1. This application will be developed on both platforms using the

following technologies:

a. Android 4.4 - 8.x - using Java / Kotlin

2. This application is intended for use on a smartphone, in a portrait


3. JSON requests are used to handle the communication between the app
and server.

4. This application works only in online mode.

5. Push notifications are handled by Firebase.

6. Firebase Analytics will be used to collect different analytics and data.

7. This application is going to be developed further after the v1.0


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Application – Functionalities
(Note-As of now client have not decided the name of the application so we are taking the
reference application screenshots for the feature list. Later on, once the name confirmed by
the client of the application it will be updated)


Splash Screen
1. On the first launch of the application, the user is presented with splash screen
prominently displays the Matka app logo at the center, ensuring it is the focal point.
Below the logo, the app name "Matka XYZ" is displayed in a bold, legible font.

Home Screen:

After the splash screen home screen will be visible to the suer but user will not able to
navigate in any of the panel before the login.

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App Header
Kuber Time: The name of the app The website URL of the app
Min. Withdrawal Only 100: The minimum amount that can be withdrawn from the app
No 1 Satta matka App: The app's claim to be the number one Satta Matka app

User Information
Wallet: 0: The current balance of the user's wallet
Today Results: A section displaying the results of the different Satta Matka games played
that day
Game Play Timing: A section displaying the timings of the different Satta Matka games
Win: 0: The user's current winnings
Commission: 0: The user's current commission
Game Information
Draw: A section displaying the draw time for the different Satta Matka games
Old Result: A section displaying the results of the previous draw for the different
Satta Matka games
New Result: A section displaying the results of the current draw for the different

Satta Matka games

Game List
Delhi: A Satta Matka game with a result of 03 and a timing of 03:40 AM (08:00 AM - 03:00
Kalyan morning: A Satta Matka game with a result of 05 and a timing of 04:00 AM (08:00
AM - 03:30 AM)
TeenPatti: A Satta Matka game with a result of 350-8 and a timing of 04:00 AM (08:00 AM -
03:30 AM)
Bombay: A Satta Matka game with a result of 72, 45 and a timing of 03:00 PM (08:00 AM -
02:50 PM)
Goa: A Satta Matka game with a result of 05 and a timing of 06:00 PM (08:00 AM - 05:50
Faridabad: A Satta Matka game with a result of 95 and a timing of 06:01 PM (08:00 AM -
05:30 PM)
Kuber: A Satta Matka game with a result of 47, H7 and a timing of 08:35 PM (08:00 AM -
08:25 PM)
Gaziabad: A Satta Matka game with a result of 04, H and a timing of 08:30 PM (08:00 AM -
07:45 PM)
Kalyan Night: A Satta Matka game with a result of 57, 40 and a timing of 10:30 PM (08:00
AM - 10:20 PM)

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Log in and Registration
Registration Screen:

1. User Input Fields

- Name Field: A text input for the user to enter their full name.
- Placeholder text: "Name"
- Validation: Required, accepts alphabetic characters and spaces.
- Mobile Number Field: A text input for the user to enter their mobile phone number.
- Placeholder text: "Mobile Number"
- Validation: Required, accepts numeric input, may include validation for specific number
formats or lengths.
- Password Field: A password input for the user to enter their desired password.
- Placeholder text: "Password"
- Validation: Required, should include criteria for password strength (e.g., minimum
length, inclusion of numbers, special characters, etc.).

2. Buttons
- Register Button: A button for submitting the registration form.
- Function: When clicked, the form data is validated and then submitted to the server for
- Style: Prominent, typically green to indicate action.

3. Links
- Login Now Link: A link that redirects users to the login page.
- Text: "Login now"
- Function: When clicked, navigates to the login screen for existing users.

4. Form Validation
- Client-Side Validation: Ensures that all required fields are filled out and meet the
criteria before submission.
- Server-Side Validation: Validates the input data on the server for security purposes,
ensuring data integrity and preventing malicious input.

5. Styling
- Responsive Design: The form should be styled to be responsive and look good on
various devices and screen sizes.
- Consistent Styling: Use of a consistent color scheme, font style, and form layout to
match the overall design of the application or website.

6. User Feedback
- Success Message: Display a message or redirect to a confirmation page upon successful
- Error Messages: Display appropriate error messages if the registration fails (e.g.,
"Mobile number already in use", "Password too weak", etc.).

7. Security
- Password Encryption: Ensure that the password input is encrypted before being sent to
the server.
- Data Protection: Protect user data during transmission and storage, adhering to data
protection regulations and best practices.

8. Accessibility
- Labeling: Properly label all input fields for screen readers.
- Keyboard Navigation: Ensure the form is fully navigable using a keyboard.
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- Contrast and Visibility: Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background for

9. Integration
- Backend Integration: The form should be integrated with the backend to handle the
registration process.
- Database Storage: Store user data securely in a database.

Login Screen:

User Input Fields

Mobile Number Field:
Placeholder text: "Mobile Number"
Type: Text input
Password Field:
Placeholder text: "Password"
Type: Password input
Login Button:
Text: "Login"
Type: Submit button
Forgot Password Link:
Mobile Number Field:
Placeholder text: "Mobile Number"
Type: Text input
2. Buttons
Submit Button:
Text: "Submit"
Type: Submit button
3. Links
Back to Login Link:
Text: "Back to Login"
Type: Anchor link (redirects to the login screen)

After successful login in the application:

Home Screen/Dashboard:

App Header
Kuber Time: The name of the app The website URL of the app
Min. Withdrawal Only 100: The minimum amount that can be withdrawn from the app
No 1 Satta matka App: The app's claim to be the number one Satta Matka app

User Information
Wallet: 0: The current balance of the user's wallet
Today Results: A section displaying the results of the different Satta Matka games played
that day
Game Play Timing: A section displaying the timings of the different Satta Matka games
Win: 0: The user's current winnings
Commission: 0: The user's current commission
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Game Information
Draw: A section displaying the draw time for the different Satta Matka games
Old Result: A section displaying the results of the previous draw for the different
Satta Matka games
New Result: A section displaying the results of the current draw for the different

Satta Matka games

Game List
Delhi: A Satta Matka game with a result of 03 and a timing of 03:40 AM (08:00 AM - 03:00
Kalyan morning: A Satta Matka game with a result of 05 and a timing of 04:00 AM (08:00
AM - 03:30 AM)
TeenPatti: A Satta Matka game with a result of 350-8 and a timing of 04:00 AM (08:00 AM -
03:30 AM)
Bombay: A Satta Matka game with a result of 72, 45 and a timing of 03:00 PM (08:00 AM -
02:50 PM)
Goa: A Satta Matka game with a result of 05 and a timing of 06:00 PM (08:00 AM - 05:50
Faridabad: A Satta Matka game with a result of 95 and a timing of 06:01 PM (08:00 AM -
05:30 PM)
Kuber: A Satta Matka game with a result of 47, H7 and a timing of 08:35 PM (08:00 AM -
08:25 PM)
Gaziabad: A Satta Matka game with a result of 04, H and a timing of 08:30 PM (08:00 AM -
07:45 PM)
Kalyan Night: A Satta Matka game with a result of 57, 40 and a timing of 10:30 PM (08:00
AM - 10:20 PM)

Menu bar:
Visible Content for Menu Bar

1. Menu Items
- Notification On/Off Option
- Text: "Notification On/Off"
- Function: Toggle notifications on or off
- My Profile
- Text: "My Profile"
- Function: Navigate to the user's profile page
- Change Password
- Text: "Change Password"
- Function: Navigate to the change password screen
- Bonus
- Text: "Bonus"
- Function: Navigate to the bonuses section
- Wallet
- Text: "Wallet"
- Function: Navigate to the user's wallet
- Missing Points
- Text: "Missing Points"
- Function: Navigate to the missing points section
- Play Game
- Text: "Play Game"
- Function: Navigate to the game playing section
- My Biddings
- Text: "My Biddings"
- Function: Navigate to the user's biddings
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- My Wins
- Text: "My Wins"
- Function: Navigate to the user's wins
- My Commissions
- Text: "My Commissions"
- Function: Navigate to the user's commissions
- Withdraw Win Points
- Text: "Withdraw Win Points"
- Function: Navigate to the withdrawal of win points section
- Withdraw Commission
- Text: "Withdraw Commission"
- Function: Navigate to the withdrawal of commission section
- Statement
- Text: "Statement"
- Function: Navigate to the user's financial statement
- Old Records
- Text: "Old Records"
- Function: Navigate to the user's old records
- Rates
- Text: "Rates"
- Function: Navigate to the rates section
- Videos
- Text: "Videos"
- Function: Navigate to the videos section
- Notification
- Text: "Notification"
- Function: Navigate to the notification settings
- Invite and Earn
- Text: "Invite and Earn"
- Function: Navigate to the invite and earn section
- Send Enquiry
- Text: "Send Enquiry"
- Function: Navigate to the enquiry submission section
- Logout
- Text: "Logout"
- Function: Logout from the application.

1.My Profile

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User ID
Visible: "User ID - 26833"
Function: Display the unique user identification number.
Visible: "Shubham Sharma"
Function: Display and edit the user's full name.
Mobile Number
Visible: "7878924702"
Function: Display and edit the user's mobile phone number.
Email ID
Visible: Placeholder text "Email ID"
Function: Display and edit the user's email address.
Visible: "@Dmin0721"
Function: Display and edit the user's username.
Visible: "Shu26833"
Function: Display and edit the user's nickname.
Update Button
Text: "UPDATE"
Function: Submit the updated profile information.
View Accounts Button
Function: Navigate to the accounts overview page.

2. Change password

Current Password:
[Input field]
New Password:
[Input field]
Confirm New Password:
[Input field]
Update Button:
[Button labeled "Update" or "Change Password"]

3. Bonus
Bonus Rewards: The app offers a bonus reward of 100 Rupees for customers.
Bonus Tiers: The bonus amount is tiered based on the number of times a customer uses the app. For
instance, the first time a customer uses the app, they will get 10% of the total bonus amount.
Bonus Display: The app displays the customer's current bonus amount in a visually appealing manner.
Bonus Redemption: The app allows customers to redeem their bonuses for various rewards or discounts.

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4. Wallet
 Earn points by watching videos
 Add points through various methods
 Enter their own points
 See their current point balance

5. Missing Points
 UTR Number Entry
 Users can enter their UTR number to add points to their wallet.
 Screenshot Upload
 Users can upload a screenshot of their payment as proof of payment.
 Payment History
 Users can view their past payment transactions and details.

6.Play Game
1. Delhi: (08:00 AM-03:00 AM)
PLAY GAME (In Green) button
2. Kalyan morning: (08:00 AM-03:30 AM)
PLAY GAME button
3. Teen Patti: (08:00 AM-03:30 AM)
PLAY GAME button
4. Bombay: (08:00 AM-02:50 PM)
5. Goa: (08:00 AM-05:50 PM)
PLAY GAME button
6. Faridabad: (08:00 AM-05:30 PM)
PLAY GAME button
7. Kuber: (08:00 AM-08:25 PM)
PLAY GAME button
8. Gaziabad: (08:00 AM-07:45 PM)
PLAY GAME button
9. Kalyan Night: (08:00 AM-10:20 PM)
PLAY GAME button
10. Desawar: (08:00 AM-11:05 PM)
PLAY GAME button
11. Gali: (08:00 AM-10:15 PM)
PLAY GAME button
12. Kuber Open: (08:00 AM-01:30 PM)

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My Bidding
 Users can view their past and current bids.
 Users can place new bids on games.
 Users can view the status of their bids.
My Wins
 Users can view their past wins.
 Users can see the details of their wins, including the game, time, and amount
 Users can see their total wins.
My Commissions
 Users can view their past commissions.
 Users can see the details of their commissions, including the game, time, and
amount earned.
 Users can see their total commissions.
Withdrawal of Win Points
 Users can withdraw their win points.
 Users can see their withdrawal history.
 Users can see their current win points balance.
Withdrawal of Commission
 Users can withdraw their commission.
 Users can see their withdrawal history.
 Users can see their current commission balance.
 Users can view their account statement.
 Users can see their past transactions.
 Users can see their current balance.
Old Records
 Users can view their past records.
 Users can see their past games and results.
 Users can see their past wins and losses.
 Users can view the current rates of the games.
 Users can see the minimum and maximum bid amounts.
 Users can see the commission rates.
 Users can view tutorial videos.
 Users can see past game videos.
 Users can see the rules of the games.
 Users can see their past notifications.
 Users can see their current notifications.
 Users can see their unread notifications.
Invite and Earn
 Users can invite friends to join the app.
 Users can see their past invites.
 Users can see their current invites.
Send Enquiry
 Users can send an enquiry to the app support.
 Users can see their past enquiries.
 Users can see their current enquiries.
 Users can logout of the app.
 Users can see their account details before logging out.
 Users can see their current session.

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To be delivered by the Client

1. List of games
2. Domain & Server details.
3. Texts for the Application.

4. Bank Account Details/UPI/Bar Code.

5. Any API for email/SMS Registration.


Test and production server for mobile application

1. The production server will serve data to the application live - for
end users
2. The test server will be used for development and testing. It will allow
to test changes before deploying them on the production server

Exclusions from the project’s scope

1. Writing texts in-app by Comfygen

2. Entering objects in the CMS
3. Hosting services are not provided by Comfygen
4. Functionalities not described in this document are treated as out of

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Estimate your project.

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