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Creepypasta X Male readers

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M, M/M
Fandoms: Creepypasta - Fandom, Marble Hornets
Relationships: Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer/Reader, BEN (BEN Drowned)/Reader,
Eyeless Jack/Reader, Laughing Jack/Reader, Liu Woods | Homicidal
Liu/Reader, Helen Otis | The Bloody Painter/Reader, Tobias Erin "Toby"
Rogers | Ticci Toby/Reader, Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky/Reader,
Brian Thomas | Hoody/Reader, Slenderman/Reader, Jane Arkensaw |
Jane the Killer/Reader, Zero/Reader, Natalie Ouellette |
Clockwork/Reader, Nina Hopkins | Nina the Killer/Reader, Sally
Williams (Creepypasta)/Reader (Platonic), Candy Pop
(Creepypasta)/Reader, Laughing Jack/Jason Meyer | Jason the Toymaker
Characters: Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, BEN (BEN Drowned), Eyeless Jack,
Laughing Jack, Liu Woods | Homicidal Liu, Helen Otis | The Bloody
Painter, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Timothy "Tim" Wright |
Masky, Brian Thomas | Hoody, Slender Man, Candy Pop (Creepypasta),
Jason Meyer | Jason the Toymaker, Jane Arkensaw | Jane the Killer,
Alice Marie Jackson | Zero, Natalie Ouellette | Clockwork, Nina Hopkins
| Nina the Killer, Sally Williams (Creepypasta)
Additional Tags: soft, Smut, Angst, Fluffy, Sweet, shit ton of kinks, Drugs, Mentions of
weapons, weapons use, Drug Use, Blood, Gore, Mention of Death,
Death, Self Harm, body harm, Weird Biology
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-05-16 Completed: 2022-05-31 Words: 10,096 Chapters:
Creepypasta X Male readers
by Mental_x_Handcuffs


Just what the title says.

Chapter 1

Hello, this is just for non-fem readers, if you are fem or fem aligned, please DNI. This is a
male reader only work, though I will write for Nb. These are for both female and male
relationships with the reader.

Things I will write: Basically anything, I really don't mind much except a few major extremes
or things that will make me uncomfortable. Platonic Ben and Sally.

Things I won't write: Rape, Beastiality, shit, piss, or vomit kinks, extreme pain kinks,
underage bs with Sally or Ben, animal death.

No requests open at the moment.

Jeff The Killer x Male Reader
Chapter Summary

Jeff comes into your room unexpectedly catching you getting high and decides to spare
you if he is able to get a few puffs in. Leads to some making out.

You thought you saw something move from your window, though it could've been the state
you were in messing with your head. You did not have a good day thanks to your schoolwork
stressing you out and having to deal with people in your coffee job. You've just had enough
and ended up deciding on your statch to smoke. So, that's where you are now, towel under the
door, a small box of some random chip on your bed, and enough smoke in your room to buzz
a dead crow. You had probably smoked about two and a half joints by now, and while making
a mental note to contact your dealer, you started to roll another, completely forgetting the
movement of the shadow below you.

Meanwhile, the ravenette killer was stalking you through your window, thankful that the
curtains weren't closed. He watched as you moved around your room in a black tank top and
sweats before collapsing on a bean bag chair. You seemed to be content, unaware in your
idiotic bliss, and that was perfect. He stalked around the bottom of your house, with only one
car and just one light on, being the hallway light. Jeff concluded that it meant that your
parents weren't at home just yet.

After a short time, he spotted a faulty window seal, rust on the inside, and a crack in the
foundation, easy to lift. He jammed his knife under the window to create a place to grasp it
and got his fingers under. He heaved up the window, not caring about the creak of it. Once
the window was open, he hopped in and made his way up the stairs, laughing to himself
about the soundness of the wood, you probably had no clue about who was in your house, or
even that someone was even in.

He got to your door and grasped the knob, smiling more and more about how easy of a kill
this was going to be. He threw open your door and saw you jump up from the bag, eyes red
and movement disoriented. He could smell the weed in the air and laughed loudly, boy was
this funny.

You stared at the figure in front of you, what seemed to be a white hoodie covered in blood
was what he was wearing, he had fucked up choppy hair, it looked like he cut it himself, his
face had a slightly open wound about his mouth, a smile. His eyes were dark and unblinking,
almost like the guy didn't have any eyelids. He did have them though, but they were
disfigured, charred, and scarry. It was terrifying. You were stiff, not being fully able to assess
the situation, and could barely register that the guy was rushing at you.
You both collided and he had you pinned down, the adrenaline in your body starting to push
out the high and forcing you to become soberer now that this guy had your arms pinned by
your side. You tried to thrash him off of you, but his thin body proved to be more muscular
than it seemed. You didn't even notice the knife in his hand until he pushed it against your
throat. "Hush, hush now. Don't wanna cut that pretty little throat of yours too soon. So stop
moving." The last sentence was a demand that you decided to follow. You didn't know this
guy and he seemed to be fucking wacky, the longer you stay alive, the better the chances are
at escaping.

Jeff stared down at you, enjoying the fear in your hazed eyes, how blood-shot mixed with
wet, how cute it was to see someone who thought they could escape. He knew the type, and
you were it, always drawing it out to the end. He decided to play with his prey's feelings and
emotions a bit. "Say, kid, you have another joint?" You were confused, this psycho has you
pinned down and now wants to know if you have a fucking joint? Oh, what the hell, "I would
be able to roll the last two if you would so politely get off of me." Your little sneer at his
question made him laugh, "Fine, fine. Who shoved a stick up your soft ass today?"

The man had got off of you and it basically felt like his knife was at your throat the whole
time you tried to roll the two blunts. He hovered near your door and shoved your desk chair
under the knob so nobody could enter from outside. "Say, cutie, you got a name?" You turned
your head to the charred-eyelid guy, "Uh... Y/N." "Y/N, cool. I'm Jeff, Jeff the Killer. A
pleasure to smoke with you." He smiled and it disturbed you with how wide it got. You
handed him the joint you considered to be the best rolled.

He took your lighter and lit the end of his before touching the tips of both of them together,
catching them both on fire. He handed you the one that he had snatched from your hands, "To
hope that you don't die." He took a draw of the drug in before huffing it out, his body
slumping and moving to your bed before crashing on it. You smoked yours in silence while
keeping an eye on the person on your bed. He, of course, noticed this and smiled again. "Oh,
c'mon pretty boy. Never shared a smoke sesh with a serial killer before? Now's the time to do
it! Why don't you come over here and sit next to me, I won't bite you that much." The gleam
of the blade in his hand gave you the answer you needed and you slowly made your way over
to the pale figure on your bed.

It was a few more minutes in before anyone said anything, both of you now stoned because
of how high quality that weed was that you two just smoked. Jeff took one more good look at
you, taking in all of your features. He noticed that you seemed to be a lot more chilled out, so
he smiled at that. He decides to let you live for now, and he'll just look for another stupid
victim after this.

" Yo Kid, guess today is your happy day. You ain't dying today, well, not by me at least. I do
want something from you though, make out with me and I won't even harm you." You stared
at the blood-soaked teen, he really had no fucking shame, did he? "Why do you want to do
that?" "Why not. I haven't had any sort of contact like this for a while and you to have no
bitches either." So... he wanted to kiss another guy for the hell of it? Eh, whatever. In your
dazed state nothing really made sense, so you just went with it.
You moved your body to be positioned in front of him and you saw that damned smile of his
grow too wide to be normal. "Aw, I thought you were gonna say no. I woulda loved to cut
you." His cold hands gripped the front of your tank and yanked you down to his face, just a
few inches away. You could see a faint shade of blue in his hysteric eyes, and the scarred look
of his face made it seem a bit gross that you were about to kiss this weirdo. His lips were thin
and pale, almost white in color and his breath had a major stink of weed on it. Not to mention
you could now smell the iron of the dried blood on his hoodie.

Everything about this guy was disgusting, but if you wanted to get out of this without being
injured, you had to follow his orders. You took in a deep inhale and mentally prepared
yourself before pushing him down forcefully and crashing your lips onto his. It tasted like
weed, iron, and another sweet thing that you could not pinpoint. It wasn't the best taste in the
world, but you could push yourself through it. You felt boney, cold hands grasp onto your
shoulder blades as the psycho pulled you in deeper.

The kisses were short, brief, and forceful. His chapped and thin lips were hungry against
yours and you started to feel overwhelmed at the pace you both were at. Those hands pushed
you closer as they roamed, one going to your hair to harshly grab it and the other moved to be
placed just above your ass. You awkwardly moved yours to cup the weirdo's face and you felt
the smile of the other before a sharp pain hit your lips.

He had bitten you, it was hard enough that you could taste the blood forming. You slightly
recoiled and grunted before you felt your mouth being pried open with something wet. You
sat there in a slight shock as Jeff's tongue slightly danced inside of your mouth. You
involuntarily let out a moan before cringing at it and deciding to move your tongue against

The constant way you were kissing made you feel the familiar tightness of your pants, and
upon being daring, you decided to use the fact that you were on top to your advantage. You
positioned your hips to hover over the guy below you and pushed down and started to grind
on the man below you. He let out a gasp at the sensation and laughed before pushing his
against yours as well and kissing you again, this time rougher and harsher.

This went on for a bit, both of you making the make-out rougher and more passionate.
Getting more and more sensual to the point where it was driving you both crazy. The thrusts
had begun to get sloppy from both of you being tired and nearing your ends.

Then, you hear the sound of tires on gravel, your parents were home. You quickly pulled
away and got off of the person below you. "What's up?" You looked at the person on your
bed and grab him by his arms and heave him off of the bed. "My fucking parents are home
and if they see me making out with some random guy whose a fucking serial killer, they'll
flip and probably kill me." You were quickly rushing Jeff to your window before opening it
and turning to him. "Come on, out you go." He clicked his tongue, " Damn, I come in to kill
you and this is how you treat me? Rude."

He moved to the window regardless and sat out of it, you were so glad that your room didn't
face the driveway. He turned before he left and smirked, " I'll be coming back to finish what
was interrupted. I'll make you scream either in pain or pleasure, either way, it'll be exciting
for me. See ya, kid." Then he jumped out of the window, landing with a strong thump before
walking his way back into the forest.

You heard the door open downstairs, now confused, aroused, high, and slightly scared. You
crash on your bed and let out a big ass sigh before looking down to see the now very obvious
tent in your pants. In all honesty, you felt disgusted that you just made out with someone who
had just tried to kill you, hell you were about to bust because of that same fucking weirdo.
But, at the same time, you were happy that you weren't harmed, for now. And now you were
tired out of your skull and decided to close your eyes, unaware that the charred eyes were still
watching you, with that damned smile and pale skin. Once again you were in a blissful
Laughing Jack X Male Reader
Chapter Summary

The reader falls asleep one night after a long shift to find himself with a creepy clown in
a monochrome tent. Leads to something a little extra.

Warnings: Mentions of child death, mentions of harm, clowns, amusement park shit.

Smut: Subtop reader, Dombot L.J., elongated tongue, guiding, sort of a praise kink, and
slight humiliation.

You sigh and take off your uniform, today was just not a fun day. Dealing with the public on
a Friday night was worse, especially since you had a test to study for. You throw your
uniform off to some random side before collapsing onto your bed. Not caring about eating or
showering, you just wanted sleep. You closed your eyes and drifted off into sleep while in
your undershirt from work and boxers.

You awoke to the sound of carnival music, the familiar tune bringing in some nostalgic
memories from childhood. The tune was off, out of pitch, and slightly gritty. Wait, why was
there any music playing and why was it so uncomfortable on the ground? You open your eyes
to see a dull, lifeless amusement park above you and slightly wet ground. You shot up in
disgust at the feeling of water on your back and looked around, the music seemed to be
coming from the gigantic tent near the left edge of the park. You built up some sort of
motivation to walk over the tent, even though your stomach was giving you a sign in the form
of a ball in your stomach to not approach.

The music was dwindling in volume now that you were standing in front of the black and
white structure, though what sounded like laughing.. 'Who the fuck would be laughing?' You
thought and pushed open the flap of the tent before shuffling inside. The inside was just as
monochrome as the outside, with the exception of what seemed to be blood coming from one
point of the tent and you immediately decided that you were not going to go over there. You
stood there and listened for the laughter, it was coming from another point of the tent, more
to the right and another flap could be opened. You started to walk over and noticed that there
was a light accompanying the obnoxious laughter.

You got to the flap and peaked in, trying to look for the source of the laughing. You found a
clown in the yellowish light, he was black, grey, and white just like everything else around
him. He had fluffy, short black hair, and pale skin, with bandages covering his midsections,
legs, and arms. A cropped piece of fabric covers his chest with feathers on the shoulders and
a few oversized buttons down the middle. Large shorts that were connected with suspenders
and black, wide boots. His sleeves and socks were in black and white stripes. His face had
black makeup on it- there was eyeliner that moved into thin slits in the corners and what
seemed to be black lipstick that grew up in the corners, almost like a sinister smile. There
were claws attached to his elongated arms, those arms reached his knees. His nose was long
and pointed, almost like a carrot on a snowman's nose, but it was decorated in black and
white rings, all the way up to its point.

The clown turned around, almost like he could sense your presence, and stared at you. His
laughing had stopped as he stared, his eyes were just pupils, and the irises were too pale for
any color to be seen. You watched as his smile grew back, almost in an ugly way. "OH! What
a funny thing this is. What's a grown kid like you doing here? This is just a place for young
kids to come. You summon me for somthin', kid?" His voice was light but dark. You hesitate
a bit before answering, " I, uh, just woke up here. I fell asleep at my home and woke up here
for some reason." The clown had cocked his head, then, threw his head back and laughed
loudly. "Well, whatever! I'll just have to think of another way to keep us both amused!" The
clown thought for a second before grabbing your arm and yanking you into the room. He rose
his hands up and created what looked like a mirror, but you could see some little kid on the
other side.

"So...uh, what are you doing?" The clown smiled at you, "I want you to see my work! See
that kid there? She wanted a piece of candy from me, so I gave her a piece, but with a little
extra something!" You swallowed at the enthusiasm the clown had and hoped that it was
something good that he gave the little girl in front of you. You saw the girl unwrap what
seemed to be a hard candy and pop it into her mouth. The next thing you know, you hear a
cough, then another, then multiple as the little girl threw her hands to her throat, trying to
stop. You turned away not wanting to see a kid choke to death, but the sound was so loud.
You covered your ears and you could hear that damned clown laugh and laugh and laugh at
the poor girl.

It stopped, no more coughing. You didn't want to look behind you, you knew that meant she
was dead. The clown looked at you and sighed, "You really aren't any fun. It was just one
damned filthy kid." You felt a clawed hand on your shoulder and you looked up at the clown.
He was no longer smiling, he looked almost disappointed. "Why... why did you kill that little
girl, man?" The clown took his claws off of your shoulder and then picked you up from the
waist. You were now looking at him, terrified, what the fuck was this guy thinking?

He smiled, "Laughing Jack at your service! I like to spread my joy with kids everywhere,
though it's not the joy you would think. I hate kids, so I manipulate them into thinking I'm
their friend, then I kill them. That's a simple explanation, right?" You swallowed, how the
hell did that guy do that? And how the fuck is he holding you up in the air like a fucking
ragdoll? "What, uh, what are you?" Another smile dawned on his face, " Just a simple
demonic clown." He sensed your anxiety and spun around and walked over to a simple bed
then dropped you on it.

He crouched down to be level with you, his massive figure taunting you in size. "Well... I still
wanna have fun. I could take you around the park, but we can save that for later. If I can
promise to not hurt you, will you want to have some adult fun with me? I teach you the
strings." You gulped, "What?" Jack sighed, "You have anything better else to do?" Yes, you
could think so so many other things to do, plus that Jack guy seemed to be the dominant one
here, which meant that he was going to try to be inside you, there was no way that was
happening. "I'm not letting you go inside of me. You don't even know my name!" Jack
cracked another damned smile, "Fine then, what's your name? Plus, who said anything about
me fucking you? I want it to be the other way around!" He cackled, loudly. You shifted
uncomfortably, "Y/n. That's all I'm telling you." Jack repeated your name before reaching one
of his long arms to pat your head. "I promise that I won't hurt you. Well, not that bad!" You
still looked uncomfortable, why would you do anything like that with a child killer?

Once again, Jack caught on, "I only do bad things when I want to, and I don't feel like it now.
C'mon, Y/N, please? We can go out in the park afterward!" This clown was now pouting at
you, begging for the act, you low-key felt weird about it, but-oh fuck it. "Fine, but you have
to stop when I say so." You saw the light flash in the clown's eyes as his smile once again
went crazy. "Oh, I knew you would come around!" He almost lunged forward to wrap you in
his arms, moving his fanged mouth to your neck and starting to bite on your throat.

It felt sorta weird, it was the fanged teeth that made it weird. You could feel blood forming on
your neck from the nips, it got too weird so you lightly pushed on the clown. He pulled away
and looked at you, making a confused face. "Sorry, Jack. Just not used to fangs on my neck,
let's try something else?" Jack nodded and moved his claws to your pants, then he slightly
tore them, making you flinch. You pushed his claws away and took off your pants and boxers
for him.

You weren't that erected that much by this point and Jack frowned before kneeling down and
placing his head on your bare thigh. He started to nuzzle on your thigh like a cat, it was
weird, not to mention that his pointed nose was nudging your flesh as well. You brought one
hand to rest on his hair as he smiled before opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue.

This tongue was just like his nose, ending in a point with black and white rings decorating it.
It was extremely long, and he used that fact to wrap around your semi-hard cock. He then
moved his head to take you into his mouth.

He sucked you hard, but slow. He gripped your thighs and moved his head up and down, it
felt like he was savoring it to a high point. You could feel his tongue moving around your
dick as well. He kept on sucking you off, occasional grunts and huffs left your mouth in
pleasure. But, as soon as you felt a coil in your stomach, he latched off and giggled, "Can't let
you cum just yet. I wanna keep you going more. You also seem to not have any experience,
so... I'm teaching you!" He stood up and quickly stripped his clothes off before crashing onto
the be beside you. "Off with your shirt, pretty boy." You stare at him for a split second before
tugging the fabric off.

He pulled you on top of him and kissed you in a split second. You tried to kiss back but
instead, Jack had already pulled away with a taunting face. He flipped himself over, ass up in
the air, and motioned for you to get behind him. You hesitated but moved anyways, his pale
ass was perfect. "You can just put it in, I don't mind the pain. It's more fun like this anyways!"
You gulped and grabbed his hips before aligning yourself and pushing in. Jack hissed, but his
body relaxed quickly and you were able to bottom out.

You waited for him to give his next command, which came from him moving his hips.
"C'mon thrust! Fuck me wild, Y/N." You looked at him worried before giving a hard thrust.
Jack moaned and laughed, "Just like that, pretty boy. But, go faster and harder. I want you to
wear both of us out." You gripped onto his hips more before doing his requests. Jack was
moaning and laughing nearly at the same time, it was kinda impressive. He was a psycho
anyway, so this probably shouldn't have made you impressed. He moved his hips back with
your thrusts to make them more powerful.

This went for a bit before you could feel your thighs starting to strain, causing your thrusts to
slow down. A whine came from the clown as he could feel your thrusts slow down as well.
He huffed and flipped himself over before pinning you under him, and him straddling your
cock. " Oh, baby. You gotta learn how to push through the pain. You're so weak, and it's so
adorable." He kissed your temple before bouncing on you. A moan escaped your mouth this
time from the suddenness. Jack laughed and rode you harder and faster for a while before that
coil came back to you.

"You feel that, baby? I do too, let it all out, and don't hold back on me. C'mon, cum for me."
You gripped his waist and came, the coil snapping in your stomach. That was enough for Jack
to cum as well. There was a lot, but Jack still brought you in for a hug. He nuzzled your hair
and smiled against you. "See? I told you it wasn't that bad. You were so good for me. Huh-
Oh..." You heard the disappointment in his voice as you felt yourself falling asleep. "Well, I
guess that this it for now. I was hoping for more. Well, I'll see you next time, my sweet."

You opened your eyes to see the familiar cream of your ceiling. It was barely two hours after
you conked out on your bed. You groan before remembering what had happened just a few
moments before. It had had to be a dream, right? You couldn't feel any sort of arousal if it
was. You sigh and sit up before going down to your kitchen to make something. Barely
taking notice of the small new monochrome toy sitting at your desk.
Eyeless Jack X Male Reader
Chapter Summary

You go for a walk in the forest to find a man who looked injured, so you take him back
home to help clean him up. You have no clue how dangerous this person when you find
him. Will his urge take control or will he manage to suppress them for the time being?

You huff, the news reporter on the tv rambling on about another body found. This time it was
a teen girl, she went to your school but you didn't quite know her. This is the ninth body in a
span of a few days. You were nervous, the victims have been teens to young adults all in the
area where you live. Your parents worked late, both being in the medical field, so you were
often left alone in your house. You were taught simple things to protect yourself from your
parents, but your friend had taught you how to protect yourself with certain weapons and
even gave you a pocket knife for when you go walking.

Ah yes, walking, you were planning on a walk through the woods behind your house, that's
why you were watching the news, to check the weather. After the reporter droned on more
and more about the details and safety protocols, the weather came on. The blonde, thin
woman gave you the basic run down for the rest of the day, thunderstorms coming in around
nine and supposed to last about four hours. The temperature currently was around 67 degrees
Fahrenheit, so you made the decision to grab a hoodie before walking out. Once finished, the
news went back to the detail of the crime.

You sighed and stood up before moving to the front door. Something caught your ear as you
were putting on the aforementioned hoodie, the reporter giving one detail that made you
uneasy. "Both of Whitney's kidneys have been removed from the body and the authorities
have not found them yet. We suspect that the murderer took the kidneys with them." You try
to shake those words off before putting on your shoes and grabbing your knife and keys.

You made your way to the back of your house and into the wooded path and you made your
walk. The woods were uneasy today, with no birds chirping, no animals in the brush, gloomy
overcast, and the silence is occasionally interrupted by the crushing of the pinecones under
your feet. It smelled like rain, and the humidity was enough to make you build up a small
sweat. You started to remember the warnings from the news report, but it didn't make sense
since the murders took place in the city. You shook the thoughts out of your head.

A few more minutes into the walk, you heard the sound of something growling and
scurrying. You immediately start to get on guard, listening around for any movement. After
not hearing anything else you got another uneasy feeling and turn around to start walking
back. The sound of something heavy hitting the forest floor made you jump and start to pick
up speed.
You neared one of the turns that you take and see someone standing there. He was wearing all
black with the exception of the blue mask that adorned his face. He looked startled like he
didn't expect you to be there. You got into a defensive pose but stopped seeing the blood that
was spotted around his clothes. You got worried and decided to see if he was okay. "Hey, are
you okay? Hurt?" The man stared at you before slowly nodding. You started to walk closer
and you notice the state of his clothes, a few tears in his clothing revealed gray skin and red
blood mixing together. You look up to see his mask, something was dripping out of the holes
where the eyes are. You gulp because it sorta feels like this guy isn't quite human. "What's
your name?" The creature stared at you before a short, quick, and deep answer came out.
"Jack." "Oh, um, okay Jack. I'm Y/N. Let's go to my house since it's close and because it's
about to rain." Jack just nodded at you and the next thing you know, the rain started to
sprinkle as if to put emphasis on your statement.

You led him through the woods to the opening in the trees where your house peaked through.
He was silent the whole time, almost like his steps didn't even touch the ground with how
silent he walked. You got to your house and swallowed your anxiety once again, the guy
didn't say a single thing the whole time you were walking. You open the door for him and he
hesitated before walking in.

Jack was confused as to why a human would help him out. Even though he just ate that one
girl's kidneys out in the woods, she put up a fight. The girl managed to get his scalpel and
used it against him, which is why he hand to use his teeth to get his food. Jack was about to
attack this human as well but decided to wait it out to see how he would react to the real him.
This human was intriguing. Jack decided to let them live till he did something he didn't like.

You stared at the guy and closed the door behind you. "Can you uh, take your mask off?"
Jack rose his shoulders up in a defensive pose as you stepped closer. "Jack, I need to take it
off so I can see if you have any marks on your face." As you got closer you could hear a
slight rumble, like a growl. Then you realized that the growling was coming from Jack.
"Wow, you're growling. Uh, why don't I run a bath for you so you can undress whatever you
want without me seeing? That sounds good?" You watched the man as he very slightly
nodded his head. You give him a forced smile before walking up to your bathroom.

Once in, you felt weird, there was something defiantly not human about this guy. Were you
an idiot for bringing him in? Probably. You turned on the water and waited till it was warm.
When it was you put the plug in and watched it fill up, you felt something behind you. You
turned around to find Jack watching you, just staring. "Oh, hi. Do you want to test the water
out to see if you like the temperature? Jack sighed and walked towards your bathtub. He held
out a hand, it was gray, and dipped it in. He made a sound of approval before looking back at
you. "Do you know?" You looked at him, sort of surprised that now he's talking.

"That... you're not completely human?" Jack nodded and looked at you, well, more like faced
towards you. "I... am not fully human. I am a demon." He saw you stiffen up at that. He had
your trust and was about to lose it, so he decided to lie. " I don't harm humans. I... am
friendly towards humans, though I do have to eat a lot more meat than normal humans. I will
not hurt you." You still didn't let your guard down as he looked away. "You promise?"
"Promise." You nod, "Okay, um, I guess go enjoy your bath. I'll get you some clothes you can
wear and make something to eat. I'll also go get something to patch you up with." Jack
nodded and watched you move away.

Jack took his mask off as soon as the door closed and peered around before removing the rest
of his clothes and sitting in the tub. He liked the warm water feeling against his skin. He
could feel the blood getting washed off due to the small ripples in the water making another
noise of happiness. He dove into his thoughts, he was getting hungry again. He didn't want to
hurt this human, but if push comes to shove, then oh well. As if responding to him, the smell
of something cooking wafted from downstairs to him. He could smell some sort of animal
meat being cooked, probably chicken or something. That meant that the human must've
started to make something.

The demon waited a bit before looking around and seeing the bathing products. He studied
them, grabbing onto the bottles and reading the labels and ingredients. He scoffed seeing the
fakeness of the product before putting it back. Jack looked down to see the water turning a
deep, dark color from the dirt and blood mixing in there. He could see a bit, mostly because
the demon inhabiting him wanted him to see certain things around. He looked around and
found a bar of soap before starting to wash his body with it.

The water turned almost black with all of the dirt and blood from Jack's body. He huffed and
looked up to see the showerhead, then decided that he was going to finish it with a shower.
He unplugged the tub and stood up to turn on the water. He flinched back as the cold water
hit him, forgetting that the water needed to heat up.

The smell of the food downstairs was getting stronger and the smell of the chlorinated water
mixed it almost overwhelmed the demon. He gagged and braced himself for the weird smell
of the floral smell of the hair products. He washed his hair with a struggle of getting the suds
to get out due to his tangled birds-nest of hair. He then let the water runoff of his body before
getting out and turning off the water.

He knew humans normally had towels in their bathrooms so he went to try to find them. He
almost gave up before remembering the space under the sink and looking there. He pulled out
two towels, one to wrap around his waist and the other to place on his shoulders to collect
water dripping from his hair. He sat on the floor for a bit letting the water collect before the
food smell lessened. He then heard the sound of something scurrying around the outside of
the door before something dropped. "Sorry about that Jack. I left you some clothes outside of
the door. I'm going to go finish up the food and you come down once you're dressed and
everything." He then heard you retreat before walking over to the door and opening it to see a
small pile of clothes on the ground. He picked them up and walked back into the bathroom
and closed the door.

He looked at the clothing, a pair of boxers, a tank top, and a pair of shorts. He stared at the
clothing before deciding on just wearing the tank and shorts, he never felt the need to wear
any sort of underwear since he was in the woods most of the time. He threw on the clothes
and sighed, he was feeling off about this situation. It didn't feel right.

Jack walked down the stairs to see you putting down two plates of food. It looked like some
sort of chicken pasta, probably the quickest thing that you could think of. Jack looked at the
dish with a sort of curiosity, he wondered what all was in it. You looked up and smiled
slightly, "You can come and eat, Jack. No point in you standing on the stairs." Jack then
walked down to the food and then looked at you. He took the fork on the table and ate a few
bites, it had no real flavor to it since he lost his taste for animals a while ago, but he had to
wish the trust of this human so he swallowed the flavorless lumps before turning to you. "It's

You both sat down to eat the food before you brought him to the couch for an inspection. "All
right, you're going to have to lift up the shirt for now." You requested, but Jack growed at
that. You sigh and crouch down, " I need to examine you, Jack. So, please have your shirt off
when I come back." You got up and went to find your medical kit, your parents always
insisted on one and left the demon alone.

Jack huffed, he didn't like to show off his body for anyone, that's the main reason why he
normally did his own stitches and patch-ups. He didn't know how to feel about this human
seeing him and touching him, the more he thought about it, the more his stomach started to
growl. He had just eaten those last victims about an hour and a half ago, but the knowledge
that a human seemed to have such low barriers while being around him made him hungry. He
huffed once again and reluctantly took off the tank.

You came back and had a small smile on when seeing that the creature had listened to your
instruction. You greet him and crouch between his legs to that you were positioned in front of
his torso. You gave him a smile before putting on some gloves from the medical box and
examining Jack's top half. You were able to find a few open cuts and scratches on his dark-
grey skin, only two seemed to need stitching. You then examined his face, it looked like he
was going to have a swollen cheek, so it wasn't that bad. His legs didn't seem bad at all, just a
few scrapes. "So... what happened to you?" You felt his muscles tense when you asked and he
made a face.

"Jack?" He stared at you. "Attacked by a human." He faced you, seeing what your reaction to
it would be. "Well, I guess most people aren't used to a demon around them, so." You had
taken out a bottle of disinfectant and some thread and needles. Jack watched as you applied
the disinfectant to a rag and placed it onto his cuts. He hissed at the white pain but decided to
stay still as he saw the needle coming close. You had started to stitch him up and down since
that closes the wound tighter than cross-stitching.

Once you did that to both, you ran another disinfected rag across the rest of his bumps and
bruises. Jack threw his shirt back on and stared at you, he could feel his hunger growing, but
oddly enough, he didn't want to eat you. While you were an idiotic human, you still treated
him with a sort of kindness about who he was and his condition that he normally never gets
from a human.

You placed a hand on the demon's shoulder, snapping him out of his trance. "Are you alright,
Jack? You kinda stared off." He looked at you, taking in your features in case of any future
situations with the others, and then sighed. " I should be leaving soon. It is late and I should
not be here." You looked over to the clock on the TV and saw the green letters flashing back
the time, 9:37. "But it's supposed to rain soon, wouldn't you get sick?" Jack shook his head, "I
have somewhere to stay, do not worry about me, Y/N." You frowned, he was injured and it
was going to rain. He sensed your discomfort and reached for your hand.
You look at your hand, seeing the other's dark-grey and clawed one holding onto yours. He
helped you stand up with him and he stared at you for a bit. "Uh, if you want, I guess you
could try to brush my hair if you want me to stay longer." You looked at Jack and smiled, "
That sounds wonderful. Let's go to my room for that." Jack nodded and you led him up to
your room, now happy that he would rest for a bit longer.

You opened the door and had him sit on your bed while you went to look for a brush or
comb. Thankfully, your mother gave you unwanted ones to give out if your friends needed
any, so you chose two of those. Jack looked around your room while sitting on the soft bed,
sorta messy but comfortable. You sat down on the bed, turned on the TV to a random
channel, and go behind Jack. " I must warn you that I have not had a proper brush in a while."
"That's fine, Jack. Just relax." Jack gulped at that and felt your hands move towards his hair.

He was right, his hair was matted and had a shit-ton of tangles. You carefully worked out
every tangle that caught in the comb. All the while, Jack was watching the person on the
screen move, he had changed it to a teen's show from the 2000s. Jack felt his body slouch,
which meant that he felt content and safe where he was. The rain was pounding on the roof of
the house, a lulling sound.

You had finished getting the last tangle out, a small sweat forming on your body from the
constant back-and-forth with the comb and hair. His hair ended up being fluffy and you set
down your tools and placed a hand on his head. He turned around to look at you, "Are you
done?" You nodded and he gave a very small smile to you. " I actually have to go now, I can't
stay. Perhaps I will see you some other time." You sigh. "You sure? It is storming outside
now." Jack nodded and smiled more now, you could see his fanged teeth shining at you. "I'll
go get my mask and clothes then I'll leave." You nodded at him and watched as he left the

Jack sighed once in the bathroom, he was glad that he was able to keep his hunger under
control for this long, but it was getting worse. He would probably have to eat another person
soon. He grabbed his stuff and went to the other's room to say bye.

He entered your room and helped you stand up once again before giving you a loose hug, one
where he snuggled his head in the space between your neck and shoulder. You hugged back a
bit confused, but then you heard it. Jack was purring slightly before letting go of you and
turning to your window. He opened it and faced you, "Goodbye, Y/N. I hope to see you some
other time." He put his mask on before hopping out and walking off.

You sighed and flopped onto your bed before drifting off to the sound of the rain, unaware of
who you just let into your life, and if something will ever happen.
Toby x Male Reader Alphabets
Chapter Summary

Both the NSFW and SFW


A- Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection)

Toby is very affectionate if you allow it. If you do not like being touched, he will try to mold
to your comfort, though he always feels the need to be touching some part of you when
you're around. He would do most affectionate gestures, kisses, hugs, cuddling, linking arms,

B- Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How did the friendship start?)

He would be a random best friend, one who you never know what they will do next. It started
in the woods when you were lost and nearing the proxy territory, he had led you away from it
since you were not a target at the time. Ever since then you had decided to go visit the ax-
wielding man when you had the chance.

C- Cuddles ( Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

He loves to cuddle, it gives him a sense of security that you are real and not one of the things
he hallucinates. He likes to spoon and lay his head on your chest. If you are shorter than him,
he will be the big spoon. If you are taller than him, he will be the little spoon.

D- Domestic ( Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

He wishes he could settle down, but being a proxy under the operator's control means he can
never rest. He's not good at cooking unless it is outside over a fire, since that is what he is
used to. The same thing with cleaning, he's used to being in a mess, so he won't be good at
picking up after himself.

E- Ending ( If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do that?)

He would leave you a note explaining why he can't see you anymore. It would tear him to
shreds but it was for the best before he was forced to kill you by the Operator's choice.

F- Fiance ( How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they get married?)

Once again, he wishes he could commit, but is struck down by being a proxy. If he had a
more normal life he would wait about 3-4 years of being in a relationship before asking for
your hand in marriage.

G- Gentle ( How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

He tries his best to be gentle with you, though his ticks might make his body act out. He tries
to softly touch you every time he comes close, but sometimes that turns into a harsh grab on
your arm or leg. He does his best to not hurt you emotionally since he is very sensitive
himself when it comes to emotions.

H- Hugs ( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)

He loves hugs and will try to hug you whenever he can. He loves both back and front hugs.
His back hugs come with him trying to nuzzle into the crook of your neck while wrapping his
arms around your waist. From the front, he pulls you close and has his right arm above his
left on your back while his head tries to hide somewhere on your body.

I- I Love You ( How fast do they say the L-word)

It takes him some time to say it since he doesn't know how you will react to it. Once he does
it comes out in a stutter before he leaves for the night. You found it cute so now he tries to
say it more.

J- Jealousy ( How jealous do they get? What do they do when they get jealous?)

He gets very jealous but tries to not jump to conclusions when he does. If it becomes too
much he asks the Operator for permission to kill them.

K- Kisses ( What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to
be kissed?)

He tries to give soft kisses, but they come harsh. He goes for a peck on the lips but ends up
clashing teeth and profusely apologizing and begs you for another try. He loves to kiss your
neck and lips, somewhere intimate so he can be closer to you. He would like it if you kissed
his cheeks, especially if it's the one that has his injury because it makes him feel better about

L- Little Ones ( How are they around children)

Not good. Plain and simply not good.

M- Mornings ( How are mornings spent with them?)

If he is allowed to stay till morning he will wake first and wait for you to wake up as well, no
matter how long it takes. He kisses you first thing when you wake and cuddles you till you
want to get up. He will try to help make breakfast if you want it and stay with you till he is
needed or till you have to go to classes or work.

N- Nights ( How are nights spent with them?)

He tries to stay the whole night but is needed often for missions. He cuddles you while you
watch a show or movie on the tv. You make him shower so he can take care of himself in the
night after you. He waits on your bed while you get dressed for bed and stuff and wears a
huge smile when he sees you. You two cuddle and poke around with each other before falling

O- Open ( When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything
all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)

He would try to keep what he does a secret for as long as he could. Dropping simple answers
when you ask what he does for a living- he normally says that he works with his friends in
the woods with trees. If you ever found out what he actually does, he avoids you for your
protection. If you come out into the woods looking for him he would cry because he doesn't
know what you think of him now and thinks that you're there to break up. If you tell him that
you want to stay together, he would doubt your words till you make it crystal clear to him. He
would break down in your arms, relieved that you don't want to split, and promises to protect
you no matter what.

P- Patience ( How easily angered are they?)

Depends on his mood. If it was a harsh day he will be a bit blunt and try his best to not lash
out at you.

Q- Quizzes ( How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little
detail you mention in passing or do they forget everything?)

Once again, he tries his best but ends up forgetting most stuff since he has so much going on
with his profession.

R- Remember ( What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)

When you first allowed him to kiss you. He was overjoyed and ended up messing it up, but
you allowed him another chance which he took slowly. You both were in the woods at night
and he had cupped your face before placing a kiss on your lips, he ended up giving you
multiple little kisses and cried some afterward in appreciation.

S- Security ( How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to
be protected?)

Extremely protective. He tries to keep you a secret from the others so they won't go after you
to fuck with him. Watches over you when he can and is relieved when you don't notice him in
the trees above your campus/workplace. He doesn't need to be protected since he can handle

T- Try ( How much effort do they try to put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday

Tries his best so he can please you, but remember that he does not get paid and lives in the
woods, so don't expect anything extravagant. Brings you wildflowers from the lake that he
loves to take you by just touching the hunting area. Hopes that he doesn't get a mission on
any anniversaries, but if he does, he leaves you a note with some chocolate he stole with
more flowers.

U- Ugly ( What would be some bad habits of theirs?)

He bites his fingers and picks at his skin. Very unconfident when it comes to relationships so
he feels like he's not doing enough. You have to reassure him that he is doing perfect with
what he does.

V- Vanity ( How concerned are they with their looks?)

Cleans off the blood on his clothes and skin before meeting you, worries that you are
uncomfortable with his wound.

W- Whole ( Would they feel incomplete without you?)

Very incomplete when you aren't around, and it just gets worse the longer you're in the
relationship. The other creeps notice something is up when he is unfocused on the job.

X- Xtra ( A random headcanon for them?)

He introduces you to Sally when she pinky-promises that she will never tell on him. She
brought you her bear to play with and all three of you had a tea party. She hasn't told anyone
yet because she knows what will happen to you if you are found out.

Y- Yuck ( What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)

Hates being manipulated, one of the reasons that he hates being under Slenderman.

Z- Zzz ( Sleeping habits?)

He snores lightly but it is enough to make you annoyed. He loves to cuddle you and lay his
head on your chest to hear your heartbeat.



(I find Toby to be more submissive when he's relaxed but is very dominant if he is wound up
from his missions)

A- Aftercare (What they are like after sex)

When he is submissive he loves it if you clean him up and run a bath for him all the while
checking up on him. Very lovey afterward. While dominant he does the same for you, making
sure you're alright after and cleaning you up. Cuddles after is a must.

B- Body Part (Their favorite part of their body and their favorite part of their partner's body)
He likes his hands, even though they are used for something bad, he sees the way you react to
them and loves your reactions to it. His favorite part of you is your thighs and stomach. It
doesn't matter what body type you have, he loves the way your thighs and stomach shape.

C- Cum (Anything to do with cum)

Bitter and watery, he doesn't have a good diet so it shows in his cum. He is a sprayer, his cum
goes everywhere when not contained, which he does enjoy.

D- Dirty Secret (What's a dirty secret of theirs?)

He wants to do terror play with you when you guys get more comfortable with each other, but
never will because he doesn't want to see the fear in your eyes nor does he want you to think
that you are actually scaring him as well.

E- Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)

Maybe did it once with a female proxy candidate to shut her up about it, but other than that,
nothing. He has a slight idea but likes to have you be the dominant one so he doesn't make a
fool of himself.

F- Favorite Position (Self-explanatory)

When submissive he likes it in missionary or with his back against the wall so he can grab
onto you and burry his face into your neck to muffle his moans. When dominant he likes
missionary so he can see your expressions.

G- Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)

Tries to be serious, but fails. He's a bit silly, so please don't make fun of him for it.

H- Hair (How well-groomed are they? )

Has never groomed down there since the incidents, but if you want it, he'll try to find a way
to trim it off.

I- Intimacy ( How are they during the moment? )

Very clingy and intimate. He tries to be as close to you as he can and praises you for

J- Jack Off ( Masturbation headcanons)

More often than not, when he wants to have sex he'll not be allowed to venture out of the
woods to your house so he has to masturbate. He'll either find a bush or climb up a tree to
deal with his needs.

K- Kinks ( One or more of their kinks)

He loves praise and light bondage. He also likes it if you could manhandle him or make him
go mindless.

L- Location (Favorite place to have sex)

Bed or wall.

M- Motivation (What turns them on or gets them going?)

Whenever you touch him first, like a close hug or a longer kiss, that really gets him excited.

N- No (Something they wouldn't do, turn-offs)

He would never hurt you no matter how much you ask, it reminds him too much about his
past life.

O- Oral ( Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)

He loves giving oral, though he is not that good at it. He'll get better over time, but when he
tries it first, it was not good. He does his best to make you feel good, but sometimes you have
to just fuck his throat and tell him to deal with it. Much rather prefers giving to receiving and
tries to not mess with his wound.

P- Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)

Likes it when you pound him into oblivion to the point where he can't think about anything,
but also likes it slow so he feels loved. When he's dominating, he likes to go rough if you are
alright about it.

Q- Quickie ( Their opinion on quickies)

He doesn't mind them since he might have to do it often. Due to his work, he doesn't have
time for a full session, so a lot of quickies happen.

R- Risk ( Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.?)

He'll risk whatever you want, he doesn't mind trying out something that you want to do and
talks about it after to make sure that you liked it.

S- Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)

Due to him being inexperienced, he cums fast, so he goes through more orgasms than you
would. His stamina is excellent so he can last through those orgasms for a while.

T- Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them on themselves or their partner?)

Doesn't own any toys since he would have to always hide them on his person. If you use toys,
he might be a bit moody when he first found out, talking about how he could do better than
your toys. If it gets too much for him to watch you use them, he will try to hide them when
you're sleeping, which leads you to tell him that you only use them when he can't be there.
That makes him feel a bit better, but still eh about it.

U- Unfair ( How much they like to tease)

Will tease in a dominant persona, but very lightly and he gives in easily. He doesn't like it
when you tease him because then he begs like a dog for whatever he wants and it is
embarrassing to him.

V- Vocal ( How loud they are, what noises do they make?)

Vocal, but hides it. Bites into random pillows, his sleeve, your shoulder, etc. You have to tell
him to stop hiding his moans. When he does, he has those high-pitched to low moans with his
ticks mixed in due to the stimulation of it, loud.

W- Wild Card ( A random thing that they do)

He will have days where all he wants to do is make you happy, not allowing himself to have
any sort of release for the session and only focused on you.

X- X-ray (What's it like down there?)

4-5 soft and 7 hard. Slightly thick, cut and has a few shallow veins.

Y- Yearning ( How high is their sex drive?)

High, but he knows he can't have it all the time, so he tries to control it.

Z- Zzz ( Do they fall asleep after sex?)

Tries not to fall asleep, but ends up going anyways. Falls harder when it was a rough session.
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