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Do you think I'd give up?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: What We Do in the Shadows (TV)
Relationships: Guillermo de la Cruz/Nandor the Relentless, The Guide/Nadja of
AntiPaxos/Laszlo Cravensworth/Colin Robinson
Characters: Guillermo de la Cruz, Nandor the Relentless (What We Do in the
Shadows TV), Colin Robinson, Laszlo Cravensworth, Nadja of
Antipaxos (What We Do in the Shadows TV), The Guide (What We Do
in the Shadows TV), Silvia de la Cruz, Maite De La Cruz
Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Rated E for later chapters,
Nandor the Relentless Loves Guillermo de la Cruz, Guillermo de la Cruz
Loves Nandor the Relentless, Fluff and Crack, Slice of Life, Comfort No
Hurt, 5+1 Things, Post Season 5, Messy bun Nandor, Himbo Nandor the
Relentless (What We Do in the Shadows TV), Guillermo's low self
steem, Nandor will fix, the couple that kills together stays together,
Nandor's head ripping gloves, We don't disrespect Silvia in this house,
Protective Nandor, Guillermo's awkward boners, Jahan mention, Nandor
and Guillermo are mommy's boys, the de la Cruces have a soft spot for
Nandor, Nandor loves them back, Nandermo wears make up, we need to
make this a tag, Gay Bar, Nandor is very good at hypnosis, Blow Jobs,
Face-Fucking, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Ass to Mouth, Rimming
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-14 Completed: 2024-05-25 Words: 17,094 Chapters:
Do you think I'd give up?
by weakformemo (talitacortazar)


5 times Guillermo failed to get what he wanted. One time Nandor succeded.


This idea for a post-season 5 fic has been on my mind for some time and I want to thank my
beta KristyLime and Indashadows for encouraging me.
Title from Francesca by Hozier because it's a very Nandermo song.
Chapter 1

After returning to being a lowly mortal human, Guillermo stayed in his room under the stairs,
a miserable bundle of tears, sadness, and regrets for a whole depressing week. The members
of the household poked around demanding him to get out of bed and do something.
Sometimes they tried to entice him out of bed with raw chicken (really, Nadja and Lazslo,
have you ever once seen me or any human consume raw chicken?), bad jokes (shut up, Colin
Robinson), or asking for hair-brushing (seriously, Nandor? WTF?!) or telling him stories
about fucking a slayer (thank you very much for all the sordid details, Guide)

When that didn’t work, they mostly left him alone except for Nandor. He sat on the floor with
the hairbrush in his hands for hours in silence. He didn’t attempt to touch Guillermo or
comfort him at all. But Guillermo felt comforted anyway. Some part of him felt less alone
knowing his Master? Friend? Ex-boss? was there with him. Nandor also procured meals for
him that he could actually eat: burgers and fries, and tacos from Taco Bell. Guillermo on
occasion thanked him, when his sobbing allowed it. Nandor waved his hand and said “It’s
nothing. Eat.”

At the end of the week, Guillermo couldn’t stand his own stank anymore. His beard itched
and his hair was wildly unkempt. He was sick and tired of wallowing in his misery. Now that
he was a human again he couldn’t waste his precious little time on earth. Oh, that thought
hurt him in ways he wasn’t prepared to deal with it. He sat up in bed and Nandor was there
looking at him. This time he was standing, fidgeting with his rings in that nervous gesture
Guillermo himself had picked up from him after more than a decade together.

“Guillermo, do you need something?” Nandor approached the bed and hovered over him,
uncertain of the proper proceedings. After all, in their relationship, it was always Guillermo
waiting for Nandor when he woke up and helping him through his nightly routine. Whatever
was going on between them was unsettling for both of them.

“I’m going to take a shower and shave. Maybe I’ll do something with my hair.”

“Oh, well, maybe I can assist you with that?” Nandor mumbled the words, looking awkward
and hopeful.

“What?” Guillermo was utterly confused by this offer.

“Are you deaf, Guillermo? Do you want my help or not?” Nandor’s tone was entering the
offended territory, which was more familiar. That was easier to handle.

“I don’t need your help!” Guillermo lashed out.

Nandor flinched away like he had put a crucifix into his open hands. Guillermo felt guilty,
but before he could say anything, Nandor had poofed away in mist form.
After his long shower, Guillermo shaved and cut his hair. While he returned to his normal
look, he thought about the last time he was at his Mami’s house and he saw his reflection on
the mirror fading away. The image in the mirror now reflected him perfectly: heavy bags
under his eyes, clean skin, defective eyes. Old plain, human Guillermo. A fool who wasted
away his life for a dream that he wasn’t ready to make real. Before the tears could flow again
Nandor barged into the bathroom with so much force he broke the door off of its hinges.

“Guillermo, what is taking you so long? I was calling for you!” Nandor’s whining shouldn’t
be this adorable.

Guillermo groaned in frustration and threw a damp towel at his former Master’s face. In
retaliation, Nandor cornered him against the sink. Indignation and something else in his

Suddenly Guillermo felt exposed in his loosely tied white bathrobe with nothing underneath
it. Heat coursed through his body and he shivered. Like many times before in proximity to
Nandor, he tried to think it was los goosebumps, his natural slayer instincts awakening in the
presence of his prey and predator. Guillermo was very good at fooling himself. He caught
Nandor’s eyes roaming his body. He shoved it away in the box of things he could not hope

“Why didn’t you knock instead of barging in?” Bickering with Nandor was like second
nature to him.

“This is my house! I can enter any room as I please!” Nandor was not backing away.

“I need some privacy!” Guillermo considered shoving him but the idea of putting his hands
all over Nandor’s broad chest made him feel dizzy.

“Always so private and with secrets!” Nandor gave him some space and moved to the sink,
inspecting the items there and the hair all over the floor. “I’ll miss your long curls and beard”
he whispered and Guillermo stopped breathing. Alarms ringed in his ears and he chose to

“What do you want, Nandor?” Not his Master anymore. Nandor went still, rigid. He looked
small and sad.

“My hair is a mouse’s nest! I was hoping, maybe…” He hesitated and took the hairbrush out
of one of the hidden pockets in his cape.

Guillermo’s fight instinct vanished and was replaced by… fondness. Nothing else.

“Yeah, sure, I’ll brush your hair.”

Nandor beamed. His smile could light up the darkest night. He stood in front of the mirror
waiting. Guillermo couldn’t stand the thought of seeing his lonely reflection in the mirror.
That hadn’t ever bothered him before, but now it was like putting salt on a fresh wound. A
reminder that he was human, a mere mortal, and Nandor a vampire. A supernatural creature
bound to roam the night forever in all his glory. All Guillermo could never be.
“Let me finish here first. I’ll brush your hair in your crypt before coffin time.” Guillermo told
him and gently touched his arm when the smile disappeared from Nandor’s handsome face.

“I’ll be there,” Guillermo said. “Wait for me.”

“Always” Nandor responded and Guillermo wished he had the guts to ask what he meant.

After he finished cutting his hair and dressing, Guillermo went to Nandor’s crypt. He was
standing next to his coffin, looking at the fire. His pale skin glowed, and his eyes shone like
moonlight. The sight made a funny feeling in his chest that Guillermo pushed aside for later
inspection. Probably never.

Guillermo took the hairbrush from Nandor’s hand and their fingers brushed. Tingles sparked
in his lower belly. Nandor's hands were so soft and cold. They had always distracted him
from his familiar duties. Guillermo also retrieved the almond oil to work through the knots in
Nandor’s hair. He worked in silence and after a while, he fell into a relaxed sort of trance.
Doing this for Nandor was one of his most cherished activities together. Guillermo couldn’t
see Nandor’s face but he suspected he was also calm judging by his posture.

“Guillermo, what are you going to do now you are no longer my familiar?” Nandor’s voice
startled him out of his reverie.

“I don’t know, Nandor” It was the truth. “I need to figure out what I really want for my life.”
The understatement of the century.

“You have time. How much do you have left? 100, 150 years?” Nandor asked. Guillermo

“More like 50 or 60 if I’m very lucky,” Guillermo said with a sad laugh.

Nandor turned fast and held Guillermo by his shoulders.

“Guillermo! Are you dying already? I will fix!” Nandor had a wild scared look in his eyes.

“What? No! And you don’t have to fix anything!” Guillermo dropped the brush on the coffin
and moved away from Nandor. “This is my life! My responsibility” Anger and frustration
bubbled inside Guillermo’s chest ready to explode and destroy whatever was in his way.

“Guillermo, come back here!” Nandor yelled.

“No, you are not my Master anymore! I can do whatever I want!” Guillermo walked away
and slammed the door in Nandor’s face.

He went back to his tiny depressing room and buried himself under the covers again. His
feelings overwhelmed him and he started sobbing into the pillow. He was frustrated, angry,
and sad. On top of that, he felt guilty for lashing out at the one who stuck with him through
the worst week of his life. He had to get away before he hurt them both more.

Guillermo needed some space and time for himself to reflect on what direction he needed to
take for his life. He couldn’t do that in this house, full of memories and broken dreams.
Where the damned soul he had dedicated the best years of his life occupied every corner, just
like in Guillermo’s heart. He knew he would come back. After all, this was his family and
these were his people. He had long accepted that whatever destiny threw at him and wherever
his decisions took him, he would always come back to them. To his beloved Nandor.

After he woke up at noon, Guillermo decided to ask Sean if he could use the Pine Barrens
cabin for a couple of days. He remembered when the boys went with him and came back with
a wild story about how they killed the Jersey Devil. Nandor had been so excited. He was so
adorable and almost child-like in his excitement when he recounted to him about how they
defeated the creature.

Sean didn’t have a problem lending him the keys. He did make some comments about how
the cabin was very far away from everything. “You and Nandor are going to have a lovely
time there. Just make sure you clean up after yourselves after, you know, all the reaming.”

Sean had winked at him and cackled like crazy while he sipped at his beer. Guillermo didn’t
have it in him to address all of that so he just thanked him while blushing profusely and
returned home to pack his bag.

This time, Guillermo decided to wait until Nandor woke up to inform him of his plans and
make peace before he left. He didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye. He had done that
too many times and it brought them nothing but pain. If this was a new beginning, Guillermo
needed to be different, and better.

Before Guillermo could proceed to Nandor’s crypt, Nandor materialized in the room out of
thin air.

“Nandor, you need to stop doing that!” Guillermo complained. He needed to get out of the
house fast if he wanted privacy.

“Doing what? Why do you have a bag?” Nandor’s eyes darted between the bag and
Guillermo back and forth like a lost puppy.

“Look, don’t freak out. I waited for you because I wanted to tell you I’m leaving-” Guillermo
didn’t get to finish the sentence.

“Again?? Why? I’m coming with you! You are in a very fragile brain state. It’s dangerous for
you to be alone!” Nandor planted both feet on the ground and stood to his full height and
arms akimbo. He was stunning and ridiculous like that. Guillermo almost faltered. Almost.

“I told you, Nandor. You are not my boss. I’m an adult and I can make my own decisions!”

Guillermo didn’t want to fight again. He took a deep breath and calmed down to say the next
part. “I’m only leaving for a couple of days. I’ll stay at Sean’s cabin in the Pine Barrens. By
myself. Alone.” He hoped the message would get through Nandor’s thick skull.

Nandor’s bravado deflated and he fidgeted in place, twisting the ring in his index finger.
“Why do you have to leave?” Nandor asked, his small voice tested Guillermo’s resolve.

“I need some time to think. Away from everything.” Guillermo wanted to comfort his friend
but didn’t know how.

“Okay-A. You may leave then.” Nandor touched his shoulder and squeezed.

“Thank you for understanding. I have to get some things from the bathroom and then I’ll
leave. I’m taking the car.” Guillermo was surprised Nandor agreed so quickly, but he wasn’t
going to complain. He really needed this time and it was good of Nandor to be so

“I’m going to go hunt for my dinner. Bye, Guillermo.” And with that, Nandor transformed
into a bat and went away. Guillermo was glad that at least they didn’t fight, even if their
goodbye was a bit awkward and stilted.

He closed his bag and then went to the bathroom to retrieve his toiletries. When he picked up
the bag before leaving the house he felt a shiver in the back of his neck. Maybe it was the
eternal chill and humidity of the room. Regardless, he promptly forgot about it. Guillermo
was satisfied with his decision and how well Nandor took it. He was sure some days apart
would do them good.
1: Pine Barrens

After a two-hour drive that included a stop to eat a (well-done) burger (with his hands) and
buy some groceries for the next three days, Guillermo arrived at the cabin in Pine Barrens.

The small place was worse for wear. The dust had accumulated dust over every surface. The
furniture, table, seats, and couch. Guillermo wanted to rest but maybe a little dusting would
help him to think. At this point in his life, cleaning was like second nature to him and even
helped him to focus his thoughts. The electricity was working, and there were logs to feed the
fire if he needed to heat the cabin.

He placed the bag in the bed and made a little tour, checking the windows, and making sure it
would be safe for vampires to roam about during the day. Halfway into this task, Guillermo
realized what he was doing and cursed himself and his old habits. There were no vampires
here. He was alone exactly as he wanted to be.

Guillermo decided a hot shower would do him good, without worrying about a certain
vampire barging in. He went to the bathroom, stripped, and took a hot shower. He wandered
naked to the bed and opened the bag to retrieve his white bathrobe. Enjoying the comforting
softness of the garment, Guillermo started to empty the bag. Under his favorite sweater, there
was a small, cute furry bat, sleeping snuggled among his clothes.

Several emotions fought for Guillermo’s attention: affection, surprise, rage, indignation, and
relief. He settled for indignation.

All his clean clothes were inside the bag so he resigned himself to having yet another
confrontation with Nandor wearing only his robe. It was becoming a habit for them and
Guillermo did not care for it. It made him feel… things.

“Nandor. Wake up” Guillermo called for him and bat Nandor merely stirred before rubbing
his tiny snout into his makeshift bed of sweaters. It was adorable. No! It wasn’t adorable! It
was annoying and very bothersome!
Guillermo flicked him in the forehead, causing bat Nandor to wake up. His eyes opened wide
and he burrowed inside the bag even more.

“No, we are doing this now. Transform back to human so we can have this conversation!”
Gullermo's tone didn’t leave room for argument. Nandor whined pathetically but seconds
later he poofed back into his human form.

“You are very rude, Guillermo! It’s bad manners to wake someone from his nice slumber,”
Nandor pouted and fidgeted with his rings.

“Am I the rude one? You stowed away on my solo trip after I told you I needed some alone

“You can’t be alone right now, Guillermo! Don’t be so stubborn!”

“Nandor, what you did was stupid! What if I opened my bag in the sun? Or someone stole my
car? Or who knows what else could have happened?” Guillermo listed worst-case scenarios
and paced around the room. Nandor was rooted in place and had the good sense to look
chastened. Guillermo turned around and jabbed his finger on Nandor’s chest.

“And more importantly,” he punctuated every word with another jab, “I wanted to get away
from you!”

Nandor caught his hand and held it tightly. Guillermo felt hot all over. It was his rage, it had
to be.

“I fixed your little problem. I will fix this too.” Nandor looked at him, his big brown eyes
piercing through any resolve Guillermo could pretend to have. Nandor was relentless, after
all. Then he gave Guillermo his final blow, “Please, Guillermo.”

It was useless to try to change his mind. Guillermo surrendered but took his hand away
before he could do or say anything stupid.
“Okay, you can stay,” Guillermo conceded and Nandor beamed, satisfied with himself. “But I
need to fix this myself. So leave me some space. I need to think.” Guillermo needed to be
firm, otherwise his former master would drive him crazy. Nandor’s face fell but he recovered

“You won’t even notice I’m here! Don’t worry!” Nandor looked around the room. “This is
my bed?”

Guillermo’s brain froze for a second.

“No, I’m going to sleep here” Guillermo refused to share a bed with his former Master. He
was still just wearing his robe and needed several more layers between him and Nandor as
soon as possible.

“And where am I supposed to sleep?” Nandor complained, pouting.

“You should have thought about that before sneaking into my luggage uninvited. Not my

“I don’t like this attitude, Guillermo. But I’ll allow it because you are in distress.” He patted
Guillermo’s head and started rummaging into Guillermo’s bag. “I’m taking this sweater.
Good night, my little friend!”

Guillermo was too stunned by all of it to react. Nandor left the bedroom and closed the door
behind him. After screaming his frustration into a pillow, Guillermo changed into his

He tried to sleep, but he was too worked up. Guillermo needed to do something to burn the
excess of energy. He got out of bed and worked on making sure all the windows were safe
from sunlight. He was waiting to see Nandor sprawled all over the big couch, but he wasn’t.
Guillermo’s heart skipped a beat, he dreaded the silly vampire had left him there, going back
to the house. Funny, he had complained minutes ago about Nandor invading his alone time.
Why did it bother him so much that he had left? It was what he wanted, wasn’t it?

Guillermo found him next to the hearth. Nandor had used his pyrokinesis powers to start the
fire. He had transformed again into a bat and was sound asleep bundled with Guillermo’s
sweater. A myriad of feelings bubbled in his chest and Guillermo avoided them all by getting
to work on one of the windows that wasn’t covered. He made do with some fabric, paper, and
tape. Nandor was safe. Even if Guillermo wasn’t his familiar anymore, it was his duty to
protect him.

The next morning, Guillermo woke up feeling refreshed and relaxed. Before doing anything
else, he checked on Nandor and he was still sleeping in bat form. He looked cozy and
Guillermo didn’t want to wake him up since it was daytime and he would be confined to the
house anyway. Guillermo prepared a strong coffee and ate the donuts he had bought the day
before. Once he finished his food, he didn’t know what to do with himself. Nandor was still
sleeping. Thoughts of the past months crept into his mind, avoiding Nandor, the pain of lying
to him, to his mother, their not-fight at his mother’s house, the brief moment they were

Guillermo’s breathing became erratic and he ran out of the house. The day was clear and the
sun warmed his skin. Birds were chirping in the trees, and the greenery surrounding him
distracted him from his encroaching panic attack. What was he supposed to do now? He
couldn’t be a vampire. At least not yet. He thought he still wanted it, but he wasn’t sure about
anything anymore. So what should he be? If his lifelong dream was beyond his reach due to a
pesky, lingering respect for human life, he was lost. Guillermo came back to the house to
retrieve his headphones and phone. A walk listening to the tunes of his teen years could do
him so good.

A couple of hours later, Guillermo returned He still didn’t know what to do with the rest of
his life, but at least he wasn’t feeling as desperate and depressed as before. He prepared
something to eat and then he went to lie down on the bed. Before he drifted to sleep, his last
thought was how much he looked forward to sunset and his Nandor waking up.

“Guillermo! Sleepy little rascal, wake up!” Nandor’s sing-songy voice brought him back to
Guillermo opened his eyes and there was Nandor, looming over him. He rubbed the sleep
from his eyes. There was something that was odd about him but he couldn’t quite place it
until he put on his glasses. Nandor had shed his brown coat and doublet and instead, he was
wearing his sweater. The garment was loose around his shoulders and chest but it was shorter
in the torso, Nandor kept the tunic under it and he was wearing his brown pants and boots. He
looked perfect, cozy, and ready to be hugged to hell and back. Guillermo stopped breathing.

“Guillermo, are you having the brain scramblies?” Nandor booped him in the nose.

“No! Mas-Nandor, I’m, uh, just sleepy” Guillermo jumped out of the bed and tried to put a
bit of space between them.

“Well, I’m hungry, my beard itches, and I’m bored!” Nandor crossed his arms in front of his
chest and pouted.

“Not my problem. You decided to come here uninvited.” Guillermo gave him a cheeky grin
and walked past him into the living room. He settled next to the fire with one of the books he
had brought.

“Guilermoooo, you are being very insolent right now!” Nandor followed him and plopped
down on the sofa in front of him.

“And why are you wearing my sweater?” Guillermo couldn’t help but ask.

“I wanted to change clothes,” Nandro shrugged and looked at the fire, avoiding his eyes. His
cape and doublet were thrown aside in a bundle. Guillermo resisted the urge to get up and
fold them properly. Damn his familiar habits.

“Fine, but I want it back”

“Of course, I’m not one for stealing your shitty sweaters” Nandor got up and paced around
the room. Even without his usual clothes, he looked regal and imposing. And the fewer layers
allowed Guillermo to appreciate his physique even better.

They remained in silence for a while. Guillermo pretended to read his book.

“Did you think about it?” Nandor asked.

“About what?” Guillermo was confused.

“About what you want. Do keep up, Guillermo.” Nandor looked at him like he was a
forgetful simpleton.

“Not really” Guillermo briefly considered his recent turmoil and put the book aside. “I don’t
know what I want.” He felt ashamed and hid his face with his hands.

“I have a proposition for you.” Nandor patted his shoulder and when Guillermo looked up,
Nandor was smiling at him, softly.

“What type of proposition?” Guillermo’s mind and nether regions were coming up with a lot
of ideas. No! Bad Guillermo!

“You help me with my beard and I help you to figure out what you want!” He clapped his
hands in triumph. He had no right to be so cute. Guillermo never learned to deny him

“Alright, wait for me in the bathroom while I get the trimmer.”

When Guillermo entered the bathroom Nandor had taken off the sweater. He could see his
hairy chest, and pale skin exposed by the open shirt. Guillermo was taken aback by the sight.
He had done this many times for Nandor but this felt different somehow. He was no longer a
familiar performing a duty for his Master. What were they?
Nandor looked up at him. His eyes held a message that Guillermo didn't know how to
decipher, though he felt it deeply in his soul.

While Guillermo worked on trimming his beard, Nandor asked him questions. It was strange
to be in the center of Nandor's attention.

“Your drawings were very good, Guillermo. Wouldn't you like to be an artist? I know! You
could make a portrait of me!” Guillermo chuckled. Of course, Nandor was going to make all
of his career choices about him.

“I got bored of it. I would like to try a new material maybe. I could take some classes.”
Guillermo enjoyed doing crafts and he was quite good at art when he was in high school.

“Very well. I'll go with you!”

“You don't have to follow me around everywhere I go, you know.” Guillermo finished his
task and took Nandor's chin. He moved his head to inspect his work.

Nandor surprised him when he put his hand over his wrist. They looked at each other's eyes
for a long moment. Locked in a trance.

“But I want to,” Nandor said in his deep voice that made Guillermo's blood run hot.
Guillermo dropped his hand and coughed to de-escalate whatever was going on.

“You said you were hungry.”

“Yes, I'm going to hunt something now. Then we can play something?” He looked hopeful.

“Yeah, sure. Maybe Sean has a board game somewhere here.” Guillermo was grateful Nandor
didn't offer him to come along.
“Fantastic! I'll be back soon” He poofed away and off he went into the night.

Guillermo went about fixing his dinner and if he hummed a song and his heart was lighter, it
was nobody's business.
2: Pottery Class

It was early in the evening and Guillermo was getting ready for his first pottery class with
The Guide. After a surprisingly relaxing time with Nandor at the Pine Barrens, he had
decided to get back on track to find what he wanted to do with his mortal life. Their
conversation about his artistic skills had resonated with Guillermo. He had mentioned this to
The Guide and she had invited him to the pottery class she took every Thursday in a
community center that offered several workshops for adults. “It’s nice to feel like one is part
of a group” she had said while she looked forlornly at Nadja and Laszlo sitting in the fancy
room holding hands and making heart eyes at each other. Guillermo might have thought it
was cute if he didn’t know they were about to fuck right then and there. Which they did.

So, it was Thursday night and he was choosing his outfit when Nandor opened the curtains
and entered his room.

“I’m ready, Guillermo!” Nandor announced and tapped him on the shoulder to get his

When he turned to see his friend, Guillermo’s brain went blank and his knees got so weak he
ended up sitting in his bed looking up at Nandor. His former Master looked like a vision clad
in jeans and leather.

“Do you like my new outfit?” Nandor made a full turn. Guillermo appreciated how his usual
boots were paired with dark blue tight jeans that accentuated his ass. His tunic was replaced
by a black and red flannel with a leather jacket on top. When Nandor faced him again
Guillermo noticed the shirt was unbuttoned to the middle of his torso. He could see his full
hairy chest. His hair was in a messy bun with a few loose strands framing his face. For some
reason that Guillermo ignored, the temperature in his room elevated several degrees all of a
sudden and he started sweating, his mouth was dry.

Nandor looked at him expectantly. A knowing smirk was gracing his handsome, annoying
face. Guillermo was staring and he needed to say something soon before he did something he
would regret.

“Hum, yeah… you look, yeah, different” Great, very eloquent, well done, Guillermo.
“Thank you, Guillermo. The Guide helped me to put this together.” Nandor put his hands in
front of his chest and played with his rings, looking down. This revelation roused Guillermo’s

“Why are you dressed like this? Did she dress you?” Guillermo stood up and started
buttoning the buttons on the flannel. Nandor let him do it. More than a decade of this routine
wouldn’t change just because they weren’t Master and familiar anymore. If his fingers
brushed Nandor’s cold skin and his hands trembled a bit, no one said anything.

“Why? Are you jealous?” Nandor deflected the question.

“Nandor…” Guillermo warned him. When he finished with the buttons he patted his chest for
good measure.

“She said my regular clothes would get soiled with all the clay”

“Nandor, you are not going to the pottery class with us.” Guillermo realized his evening was
not going as planned.

“I am! The Guide is busy and she can’t go!” Nandor looked too satisfied to be innocent.

“She was excited to go with me. What happened?”

“The Guide received an invitation she couldn’t refuse.” Nandor wiggled his eyebrows.

As on cue, moans and expletives reverberated around the house. Guillermo could hear The
Guide moaning, “Yes, Mistress. I’ll be a good girl”, Nadja whipping her, Laszlo singing a
song about how hard he was wanking, and Colin Robinson declaring “I like how fucked up is
“We can stay if you want…” Nandor motioned to the corridor that led to the room where the
orgy was happening.

“Nope. Let’s go to the class” Guillermo grabbed Nandor by the arm and practically ran out of
and away from the house.

The class was hosted in a big room with tables and chairs full of materials and tools. The
walls were covered in shelves with the students’ creations. There were also multiple pottery
wheels around the room, including two vacant ones .

The moment they stepped into the room a flock of people surrounded Nandor and slowly
pushed Guillermo aside. Of course.

“Nandor is such a peculiar name! Where are you from?” a young petite blond woman asked
while batting her eyelashes and reaching to touch his arm.

“I was born in Al Qolnidar” Nandor moved away from the grabby hands and approached

Another woman, this one with curly dark hair and grey streaks, probably in his sixties moved
towards Nandor. Guillermo’s froze in place. She reminded him of Gail.

“Is this your first time working with clay? I can teach you a thing or two if you want.” Her
stance was confident and she was showing off a good deal of cleavage.

Nandor blinked twice and Guillermo felt a hole open in his chest and his heart stopped

“Oh, are you the teacher? I’m here with Guillermo. He wants to learn.” Nandor put an arm
around his shoulder and squeezed. Guillermo was flooded with relief and pride. He put on his
better fake smile and was tempted to stick out his tongue to the women who looked
disappointed with Nandor’s answer.
A tall skinny man with short blond hair and pale skin wearing an apron over a brown t-shirt
and jeans approached the group fawning over Nandor.

“Carla is a student. I’m the teacher, my name is Kevin. Welcome, Guillermo, to our class.”
He shook Guillermo’s hand and showed him to one of the tables with two empty seats while
the others settled in to start the class.

“Everyone here is so friendly, Guillermo.” Nandor played with the tools in front of him and
was oblivious to the women and some men undressing him with their eyes. He took off his
jacket and put his apron on. Guillermo realized he was staring dumbly again.

“Do you want help with that?” he breathed. What was wrong with him tonight? He needed to
get his shit together. He was there to find out if pottery was his calling, not get distracted by
Nandor in jeans.

“Yes!” Nandor beamed and he turned around, his arms akimbo. Guillermo got an eyeful of
Nandor’s ass again and he inhaled deeply to control his urges and tied the apron quickly
before his hands started to wander all over Nandor’s broad back.

The teacher went over the tables explaining the different techniques to prepare the clay and
showed them how to use the slabs for building.

“Guillermo, I see you are struggling with this piece, let me show you how to do it.” As Kevin
took the clay and tools from his hands, his fingers lingered for a little too long. Guillermo
blushed and retrieved his hands quickly. At his side, Nandor growled and stepped into his
personal space even further. That was weird.

Though the teacher moved on to help other students, Nandor didn’t waver from Guillermo’s

“Nandor, please. I can’t work if you are all over me like that.” Guillermo blushed again at
how he phrased that “I mean, you know, I need my space”
“Fine. I want to try to make a thing, too.” Nandor finally sat and took a big piece of clay. He
worked it with his hands.

Guillermo was trying to make a mug and got distracted watching Nandor’s big hands
working the clay, yielding to his ministrations. He returned his attention to his own piece,
which he was quickly beginning to hate. He was getting frustrated again when the same older
woman from before walked up to their bench and attempted to engage Nandor in

“What you got there, handsome?” She leaned over the bench, showing off her cleavage,
again. Was this her only move? How boring. Guillermo hated her and probably the idea of
pottery as a whole.

“My penis,” Nandor replied nonchalantly, as though he was talking about something as
mundane as the weather. Guillermo looked at the piece in his friend’s hands and he flushed
red. It was indeed a long and girthy phallic form, although not anatomically correct, yet.
Guillermo knew what it looked like from that fateful night he had to perform DIY
circumcision on his then Master.

“Oh, my God!” The woman said, causing Nandor to wince, “Can I get your number?”

“No, you can’t!” Guillermo blurted out and both the woman and Nandor looked at him. “I
mean, he doesn’t have a phone” Nandor smiled at him, triumph in his eyes.

“And you can’t make a sculpture of your penis, Nandor. It’s inappropriate. Stop it.”
Guillermo felt his cheeks hot and he was sure he was all red.

“As you wish, Guillermo. I will do another thing. For you.” Nandor worked the clay again
with his big, strong hands. Guillermo was mesmerized by the sight but shook himself out of
it. He was there to explore what he wanted or at least to pick a new hobby. The material was
more difficult to manipulate than he expected. His mug was looking weird and lumpy, but
maybe with a bit of practice, it would look better.
They worked in silence. Guillermo sometimes felt like he was being watched, but when he
looked up, Nandor was focused on his new creation. It looked like a very round and cute
gingerbread man. He was very focused, his tongue and left fang were poking out of his
mouth. More dark, soft locks were loose from his messy bun. Guillermo was itching to fix his

“It’s time to use the wheel!” Kevin announced and the students left their pieces and paid
attention to the teacher at the center of the room.

“Guillermo, since this is your first class, would you like to try it now?” The teacher
approached him and extended his hand, inviting him. Guillermo was taken aback by the
gesture and felt uncomfortable under the scrutiny of the people there. Before he could say
anything Nandor jumped over the bench and towered over Kevin.

“I know what you are trying to do, and I won’t allow it!” Nandor’s eyes were full of fire.

“Wait! Chill, man!” The teacher cowered and the group was in shock by this turn of events.

“Nandor! What are you doing? Calm down!” Guillermo hustled over to them and tried to put
himself between the terrified teacher and Nandor.

“I’ve seen it in the movie! He is going to get you to the wheel and put his hands all over your
body and then kiss you!”

“Nandor, you are ridiculous! No one is going to touch me. Look at me!” Guillermo gestured
to his body to make his point.

“Guillermo, you are the one being ridiculous. Of course, people look at you and desire to
touch you!” Now Nandor was the one shielding him from the others.

“What?” Guillermo whispered, wondering at what moment he had fallen into another
“Look, this is not the place for your messy roleplay or whatever you have going on. Please,
leave now,” Kevin requested before stepping back behind the damn wheel looking frightened
by Nandor’s reaction.

“Yes, we are leaving because we want to, not because you said so!” Nandor growled again,
dragging Guillermo, who barely had time to pick up their stuff, out of the door by his arm.

“Nandor, what was all about?” Guillermo was feeling very conflicted emotionally. Nandor’s
display of growling, possessive prowess was intoxicating, but he also had ruined the class.
Not that Guillermo was all that keen by the end if he was honest himself. If he was even more
honest, he had enjoyed Nandor’s obvious display of jealousy. But he wasn’t ready for that

“He was going to take advantage of you!” Nandor defended himself and fidgeted with his
hands looking down. “Or did you want to take his hand?”

“No, I didn’t.” There, he could be honest.

“Then why are you complaining, Guillermo? You are always complaining about everything I
do for you!” Nandor whined and Guillermo felt guilty.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t like the class anyway. I guess this is not my calling.”

“Don’t worry, Guillermo. We’ll find what you really want.” Nandor touched his shoulder and
Guillermo felt comforted by the gesture.

“Yeah. Maybe”

“How about you eat something? You need some nourishment if you want to keep your
alluring body,” Nandor proposed.
“My what?” Guillermo was still so confused by Nandor’s comments about his body. Before
he could ask for clarification Nandor misted his way around him and suddenly strong arms
and a solid chest lifted him into the night sky. Guillermo shrieked in surprise, holding tight to
Nandor’s arms. He could feel Nandor’s crotch rubbing against his ass and trembled at the
sensation. Nandor squeezed him even more into his cold but protective embrace.

“Don’t worry, Guillermo. I won’t let you fall,” Nandor whispered in his ear. Guillermo
resigned himself to having an awkward boner. He just hoped it was gone by the time they
touched ground again.
3: Job Interview
Chapter Notes

I want to thank all the people who commented, liked, and generally showed their
appreciation for this little fic. It means a lot to me you are enjoying this story because
I'm having so much fun writing it! Special thanks to my pal, my rotten soldier, my beta
Kristy. This fic wouldn't be possible without you <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

While the pottery class had been a bust, flying in Nandor’s arms again and then having dinner
with him had been nice… very nice. He had eaten Chinese takeout sitting on a bench in the
park while Nandor drank a runner. If Guillermo jerked off in his room later while thinking
about how it felt to have Nandor's massive penis pressed against his ass, it was a private

It was a quiet morning in the household. He was sweeping the floor of the fancy room when
the resident daywalker sprung in front of him. Colin Robinson was in his usual beige suit and
coat, briefcase in hand. It looked like this week he was back to feeding from overworked and
burnt-out employees in an office.

“Hello, Colin Robinson.” Guillermo greeted, taking a seat on the couch and bracing himself
to be drained dry.

“Good morning, Guillermo. I see you are still doing all your chores like you did when you
were still expecting to be turned into a vampire by that tall oaf of a vampire. Don’t get me
wrong, he is, what the kids are saying these days, my bestie. But he really fumbled that one,
right? What a nasty business. He made you wait for, like, fifteen years, then you betrayed him
and lied to him. You broke his heart and he still forgave you and even helped you to get back
to being a human when you showed you were too weak to kill other humans. I’m not
surprised. Nandor is a softie. He always was. Did I tell you about that time a girl scout tried
to sell him cookies and he not only spared her life but also bought a bunch? He paid her with
ancient coins, but still, the sentiment was good. If she got those appraised they might be
worth a fortune. Well, I certainly did not let those Thin Mints and Samoas go to waste.
Anyway, here you are, stuck in your ways. Dusting your life away. You know, studies show
that the mortality rate for human males in your age range can increase due to lack of sleep
and stress. You look like you need to get your shit together. I’d hate to see Nandor moping
about because you went and died on him. Not good for my tummy.”

“...” Guillermo was too drained to give a response. His eyelids were heavy and he closed his
eyes. He was barely conscious and that’s why he didn’t catch it when Colin Robinson’s eyes
stopped flashing blue and sat next to him.

“Laszlo wasn’t the only one in my dreams. You were there, too. I was a little kid and you
were taking care of me, playing with me. It was almost like you loved me.” Colin Robinson's
voice was small. It was strange enough to give Guillermo back some of his energy but he
didn’t know what to say.

“In 100 years it’s going to happen all over again. I wish you were going to be there for me
again. Laszlo can’t do it alone.”

“What?” Guillermo asked, shocked at this side of Colin Robinson that he hadn’t seen before.

Colin Robinson stood up and walked away twirling his keys on his right hand. He spoke from

“You better get a new job, Guillermo. I already did your exit interview and we are not taking
you back as our familiar.”

Guillermo didn’t know what to make of the interaction with Colin Robinson. He dumped so
much information on him to process. He refused to think about the recap of his and Nandor’s
relationship, but he was touched that Colin remembered him from his childhood and even
wanted him to be there when it would inevitably happen again. Guillermo didn’t know how
to make Colin Robinson’s wish come true. How could Guillermo be there for his vampires
100 years in the future? It pained him that he was back to being a mortal human. If only there
was a way to be a vampire that didn't include killing innocent people himself…

One thing Colin Robinson was right about was that Guillermo needed a job. It would be nice
to have his own money. He had enjoyed when he could take his fair share of the profits from
the nightclub.
Yes, having a job was a reasonable thing to want. A normal, human want and need.

Later that night, Guillermo was sitting at his desk updating his resume and checking job
postings on his laptop when Nandor appeared in his bedroom.

“Guillermo, what are you doing with your cursed device? I wish to see a movie. Now.”
Nandor demanded, plopping down on the bed. He was wearing his brown leather vest and a
green overcoat, dark trousers, and black boots. He looked so handsome and cozy on his bed.
Wait no, not in his bed. Just in general. What was he up to?

“I’m looking for a job. Which is a thing that normal humans have?” Guillermo answered in a
bit of a sassy tone. He tried not to get distracted by Nandor peering over his shoulder,
completely disregarding his personal space.

“Oh, Guillermo. That sounds so boring. Is this really what you want?” Nandor got even
closer to him and put his chin over his shoulder. His beard tickled Guillermo’s cheek.
Guillermo jumped out to put some distance between them because he was feeling very hot all
of a sudden.

“Yep, this is what I want. A normal, boring job.” Guillermo pretended to organize his desk to
hide the fact he was getting a boner. Again.

Nandor stood up and then walked over behind him, putting his hands on Guillermo’s
shoulders, and squeezing briefly.

“If that’s what you want, I’ll help you. Can we watch a movie on the big TV now?” Nandor
patted his head and exited the little room.

Guillermo took a moment to breathe and willed his boner away. He followed his friend when
things were under control below the belt.

“Which movie do you want to watch?

“Colin Robinson recommended me one with a horse. He said I’d like it.” Nandor smiled,
excited at the idea of seeing horses, even on a screen.

“Hmm, do you remember the name?” Guillermo was suspicious of Colin Robinson’s

“I remember the name of the horsey! Artax, a warrior name!”

Guillermo stopped in his tracks. Nandor would never watch that movie if he had a say.
Nandor was too sensitive to survive the scene that traumatized so many children.

“Uhm, I don’t know, maybe we can watch something else.” Guillermo didn’t want to deal
with a sobbing Nandor, but also he didn’t feel it was fair to shut him down after all he was
doing to support him.

“Okay, what do you want to watch?” Nandor conceded very quickly, much to Guillermo’s

“I can check our list. It’s been some time since we did this.” Guillermo missed their movie

“Very well, maybe a ron-cone?” Nandor smirked. That made Guillermo chuckle. Nandor was
so cute sometimes. Wait, what?

“Rom-com, and yeah sure. We have a lot of those on the list.” Guillermo remembered rom-
coms were at least half of their list if not more.

“Perfect.” Nandor looked at him with his big shiny puppy eyes, took his hand, and dragged
him to the library. Guillermo made no attempt to pull his hand away..
A couple of days later, Guillermo got a job interview for a clerk job at a convenience store. It
was for a night shift position and the interview was at 9 PM. Guillermo didn’t mind because
he was used to working nights his whole adult life. He was getting ready to leave the house
when he saw Nandor waiting for him at the door. This time Nandor was wearing his black
leather vest with buckles, a dark cape, and leather gloves.

“Hurry up, Guillermo. You are going to be late for the interview for the little boring job,”
Nandor coached, as he opened the door for him.

“I’m not going to be late and you are not going with me.”

“Of course I am!” Nandor stamped his foot on the floor and pouted.

“I’m an adult! I can handle talking with the night shift manager of a convenience store by

Guillermo didn’t understand why Nandor insisted on following him around.

“I know you can! But I was your boss. I can give him my recommendation. Colin Robinson
said that would help you!” Nandor whined.

“That’s not how it works, Nandor! It would look weird if you showed up with me to a job
interview.” Guillermo was getting tired of Colin Robinson’s advice.

“Pleaseee?” Nandor cocked his head to the side and gave him his best puppy eyes.

Guillermo caved with an exasperated sigh.

“Alright, but you have to behave.” Guillermo was certain Nandor would not behave but he
didn’t have it in him to deny him anything.

“You won’t regret this, Guillermo. Assume the position.” Nandor opened his arms.

“No, we are not flying this time. I’ll drive.” Guillermo wasn’t risking another awkward boner
on the way to his job interview.

The manager was named Carl and he was a middle-aged man, with grey hair, ashen skin,
clean-shaven, and dressed in the mandatory uniform of the store. There wasn’t anything
remarkable about him. His face suggested that he was already in a sour mood by the time
Guillermo entered the store. Nandor had agreed to stay behind after Guillermo promised him
he would call him if his recommendation was needed.

Carl led Guillermo to a small office in the back and started what Guillermo could only
describe as an interrogation. Carl sat behind his desk and took a small notebook and pen.

“De la Cruz, how many years since you arrived in our country?”

“I was born here. I grew up in the Bronx.”

“Hmm. And your father?” He scribbled something in the notebook.

“I'm not sure what my father has to do with the job.” Guillermo already wanted to walk out
of the office. This guy was a jerk. He already had worked for a jerk, but at least Nandor was
handsome, brave, and a little goofy with a big heart. And he actually cared for Guillermo.

“Why are you smiling? This is the kind of attention you paid to your former boss?” Oh, the
guy was still talking.

“I'm sorry. What were you saying?”

“I need to know about your father because that informs a lot about the character of a young
man like yourself.” The guy wouldn't drop the father question.

“He wasn't around,” Guillermo answered between gritted teeth.

“I see.” Another note. “And your mother?”

“She worked two jobs to support us. She did all she could for me.”

“Well, she clearly couldn't keep your father around,” the jerk said under his breath.

“I beg your pardon?” That was it. There was no way in hell Guillermo would work for this

“I asked why there is a gap of 13 years in your resume, Mr de la Cruz,” the man tried to save
face, but it was already too late. At that moment, Guillermo saw Nandor through the only
window in the office. Nandor's face was transfixed with rage. Guillermo guessed he had
listened to the conversation and was as incensed as he was for what this guy had said.

“Uhm, I had to take care of an old man. A beloved member of my family.” Guillermo smiled
devilishly. Nandor also smiled and mouthed, “Little rascal.”

“I have to tell you. I've received a lot of resumes but this one is the least impressive I've seen
in a long time.” The guy threw him a pity look and Guillermo wanted to punch him. Instead,
he got up and walked up to the window.

“What do you think you are doing?” The man was confused and cowered in his chair.

Guillermo grasped the lock on the window.

“Before you dismiss me, I want you to meet my ex-boss. He has some words about my
performance as an employee I'm sure you would like to hear.” At the very least, Guillermo
was sure he was going to enjoy Nandor’s “recommendation.”

“Are you crazy? Leave immediately, you freak”

“You can come in, Nandor.” Guillermo opened the window.

In the blink of an eye, Nandor grabbed the guy by the throat and off the floor.

“No one insults my Guillermo or his mother! Apologize right now!” Nandor growled and
squeezed harder.

“My Guillermo?” What in the actual fuck?

Something to add to the pile of things that Guillermo needed to process at some point, but at
present, Guillermo was violently turned on by Nandor’s actions on his behalf. The guy
struggled in Nandor's grasp. His eyes were bulging and he was getting blue.

“Nandor, let's take this outside. Maybe the fresh air would give him a better attitude.”
Guillermo wanted this guy dead, but he wasn't about to leave a crime scene for the police.
This wasn't his first rodeo. Nandor took the man outside through the window and Guillermo
left the empty store through the front door.

Nandor was waiting for him in the back alley. He had the manager hypnotized, facing a wall.

“What do you want to do with him, Guillermo?” Nandor looked at him expectantly.

“Are those your head-ripping gloves?” Guillermo asked.

“Yes, I was right to wear them tonight.” Nandor looked proud of his outfit choices.

“You thought you were gonna need to rip a head off?” Guillermo was strangely pleased.

“Maybe! I have to be prepared when I go out with you, little rascal” Nandor booped his nose.
Guillermo would never understand how Nandor managed to switch from a murderous
creature of the night to a silly man so easily and charmingly.

“Rip his head off,” Guillermo ordered, suddenly feeling breathless when blood and fire
flashed in Nandor's eyes at his command.

Nandor turned to the man and put his hands on his neck. Guillermo averted his eyes a bit, but
he could hear the bones breaking and the squelch of flesh and organs ripping apart.

Followed by the sound of a body hitting the ground.

When he looked back, his heart beat faster at the sight of Nandor's face speckled with blood.
He was holding the head with one hand by the hair and then tossed it aside with disdain.

Guillermo was uncomfortably turned on. The dead guy was a jerk, but he had been right
about one thing. Guillermo was a freak. A normal boring human job would never be enough
for him. He needed more time to think about his choices and determine what he really
wanted. But first, they needed to dispose of the body.

“I need to take care of this. We can't leave the body here.”

“Do you want my help, Guillermo?” Nandor asked in earnest.

“Always.” Guillermo blushed at his honest answer but he didn't take it back. It was the truth
after all.
“Always.” Nandor echoed him and smiled.

Guillermo believed him with all his heart.

Chapter End Notes

The movie Colin Robinson recommended to Nandor is The Neverending Story and this
is the scene Guillermo doesn't want Nandor to watch:
4: Baking with Silvia and Maite
Chapter Notes

Thank you as always to my beta Kristy and to all the people who liked and commented
and even made fanart for this story! You are the motivation I need to keep writing <3

It was night at the vampire residence. Guillermo had already brushed Nandor’s hair and they
were “playing” chess, which was their excuse for spying on the neighbors and gossiping. So
far nothing worth gossiping about had happened, but they had seen many cute dogs and
Nandor commented how every one of them looked like they were the best boy. Nandor had
looked at him with puppy eyes and Guillermo had summoned all his will when Nandor

“Can we adopt a dog, Guillermo?”

“A dog is too much work, Nandor. I can’t care for a dog now.”

“I can help! Please, Guillermooooo!” Nandor played up his puppy eyes and tilted his head to
the side. Guillermo thought Nandor was the best boy and he wouldn’t mind taking care of
him and putting a collar on him. Wait, what? No. Guillermo didn’t want to do anything like

“I’ll think about it…”

“Thank you, Guillermo.” Nandor reached out across the table and squeezed his hand.

Guillermo blushed but didn’t remove his hand. He was still getting used to Nandor being
more openly affectionate, but he was enjoying every moment of it.
Nandor patted his hand and then moved the black “horsey” around in some nonsensical way
that allowed it to eat Guillermo’s pawn.

“Jahan wins again!” Nandor smiled and pumped his fist in the air.

“He always wins. Jahan has defeated my army in every game since we started playing 15
years ago.” Guillermo smiled fondly.

“Jahan is as relentless as me, Guillermo. You are a worthy opponent, don’t feel too bad for
your continued defeat.” Nandor smirked and fiddled with the black piece.

“Guillermo, are you still thinking about what you really want for your mortal life?’” Nandor
asked, looking him directly in the eyes. Guillermo’s breath was taken away. Nandor was so
earnest and vulnerable in his question.

“I… don’t know. I haven’t figured it out yet.” Guillermo broke eye contact and held his hands
in front of him, picking his nails, a mirror to Nandor’s nervous fidgeting.

“That’s okay, Guillermo. Maybe you should talk to your mother. When was the last time you
called her?” Nandor asked like it was a normal thing for them to talk about his Mami.

“Nandor, why are you asking me about my mother? What have you done?” Guillermo
remembered when Nandor called him from his mother's house and he feared for her safety,
only to find them looking at his baby pictures, chatting away. Still, he couldn’t trust Nandor
with his family. He could reveal Guillermo worked for vampires or he was one himself
briefly at one point.

“I haven’t done anything!” Nandor avoided meeting his eyes and picked an invisible thread
on his cape.

“Nandor…” Guillermo used his warning tone.

“Fine, I might be on messaging terms with Silvia,” Nandor confessed and crossed his arms,
bracing for Guillermo’s reaction.

“You what? Since when do you have a phone and know how to text?” Guillermo stood up
and took his phone out of his pocket. Nandor looked offended.

“Colin Robinson, my bestie, helped me! He wrote the messages for me.”

“Colin Robinson is texting my mother???” Guillermo left the room and called Silvia. He was
not panicking. He was not.

Luckily, his mother picked up right away.

“Mijo! ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está Nandor? When are you going to bring him for a proper
introduction to the family? All of them want to meet him!” Silvia barraged Guillermo with
questions that he wasn’t ready to answer. He suddenly realized he never asked her under what
pretense Nandor managed to get an invitation to her house. He had assumed Nandor had
hypnotized her.

“Mami, why are you asking me about Nandor, what have you told to the family?”
Guillermo’s voice wasn’t cracking, not at all.

“Oh, mijo. I think you know that, but it’s okay if you are not ready yet. Come over tomorrow
night so we can chat and do something together, like baking. It’s been a while. Your Abuela
is coming, too. Bring Nandor. She won’t forgive you if you don’t.” Silvia’s tone didn’t leave
room for any argument.

“Fine, we’ll be there after sunset,” Guillermo conceded.

“Gracias, mijo. Te quiero”

“También te quiero mami, bye bye” Guillermo was in trouble. His mother wasn’t going to
attack Nandor because he had hypnotized her to believe Nandor wasn't dangerous, but he had
no idea how his Abuela would react. He’d have to figure out how to protect them all from
each other.

Guillermo returned to Nandor. He was still sitting at the table but he had cleared the pieces
and put them back on the box along with the chessboard. He had taken out the binoculars and
was looking for dogs again.

“I talked with my mother,” Guillermo said when he plopped down on the chair across from
Nandor. That caught Nandor’s attention and he placed the binoculars on the table and focused
his dark eyes on him.

“What did she say?” Nandor asked expectantly.

“She invited us over tomorrow night for a baking session. My Abuela is going to be there,

“How delightful! I want to meet the matriarch of your family!” Nandor bounced on the chair
with excitement.

“Nandor, do you remember that everyone in my family are slayers? And they tried to kill
Nadja?” Guillermo couldn’t believe Nandor was so nonchalant about the whole thing.

“Nadja never makes good first impressions. I’m charming with mature ladies.” Nandor
wiggled his eyebrows and tried to wink but he made some weird blinking instead.

“Nandor, I swear to GOD,” Guillermo began, putting emphasis on the holy word and
watching with satisfaction at how Nandor winced and recoiled, “If you try to seduce my
grandma, I’m going to stake you.”
“Ugh, so jealous.” Nandor waved his hand dismissively “Don’t worry, I promise I won’t fuck
any of your relatives.” He did the weird blink again and stood up. Then Nandor whispered so
low, that Guillermo was sure his silly heart made it up. “They are not the de la Cruz I want.”

The next night, Guillermo and Nandor were riding in the elevator up to Silvia’s apartment.
Guillermo was more nervous now than all those times he came by every week to say goodbye
to his mother because he knew once his vampiric transformation was complete he couldn’t
visit her anymore. It had been his lifelong dream, the only thing he had wanted for his future,
his eternity, and then he had rejected it. After that, he didn’t come back or call her, but
Nandor did. Guillermo should have suspected Nandor was a mommy’s boy. He wasn’t sure
this visit would help him to get closer to the answer of what he really wanted, but maybe it
would bring him closer to his family and that was more important. If his Abuela didn’t try to
kill Nandor. Guillermo breathed deeply to calm his nerves.

“Guillermo, you are breathing funny, your heart is going thump, thump, thump very fast.
Calm down. It’s an order.” Nandor put a hand on his shoulder.

“You are not my Master anymore. You can’t give me orders.” The weight and coldness of
Nandor’s hand was calming.

“I know, but I’m your…” Nandor paused and Guillermo looked up, holding his breath,

Nandor never finished the sentence because the elevator’s door opened and Silvia was
waiting for them.

“Mijo! Te estabamos esperando!” She barely let them exit from the elevator before she was
hugging him and kissing his cheek.

“Mami, how did you know it was us?” He was surprised she was there already.

“Your Abuela told me. It’s like she has a sixth sense!” She smiled and turned to Nandor.
“Nandor, welcome back. Thank you for being here with mi niño.”

“De nada, Silvia.” Nandor bowed to her and Silvia giggled. Guillermo couldn’t process that
Nandor had spoken Spanish with his thick accent. His whole body flushed and he shifted in
place, his pants suddenly tight. This was not a moment for an awkward boner.

“Let’s go inside. Shall we?” Guillermo struggled to speak. Nandor smirked but nodded.

Silvia led them to her home and because they were behind her, Nandor briefly touched
Guillermo’s lower back and leaned close to his ear.

“Todo va a estar bien,” Nandor whispered only for him to hear.

Guillermo bit his lip and wondered what sins he had committed to receive this punishment.
The Catholic guilt he still carried answered “Too many.” Only a couple of nights ago he had
ordered Nandor to kill a man because he had insulted his mother. Of course, he deserved all
the punishment the heaven would deem fit.

Once they were inside the house, Guillermo saw his Abuela was there sitting on the couch,
drinking some tea. She was wearing her rainbow cardigan and immediately stood up to hug

“Memo, cariño. Tanto tiempo sin verte” She pinched his cheeks and took him by the elbow.
“Let’s go to the kitchen. We are going to make marranitos”

“Mamá, Nandor is here too. Aren’t you going to say hello?” Silvia called her out. His mother
also had her arm around Nandor’s elbow. Nandor, despite his height and his dark cape
obscuring much of his body, still managed to look like a polite kid and not a dangerous

Guillermo felt his Abuela tense at his side and she tightened his hold on him.
“Hello, Nandor” Her tone was dry and her eyes examined him like he was a threat.

Guillermo’s heart sank.

“It’s an honor to finally meet you,” Nandor bowed deeply to her. “Silvia and Guillermo talk
alot about you.” He flashed one of his charming smiles. His fangs were visible and shone in
the well-lit apartment. Guilermo’s heart skipped a beat.

His Abuela narrowed her eyes at Nandor and marched to the kitchen without saying a word.
She dragged Guillermo with her. He looked back over his shoulder and saw how his mother
comforted Nandor who looked sad and disappointed. They followed them to the kitchen.
With every passing second he felt the night was going to end in disaster.

Guillermo helped Nandor to take off his cape and then Silvia insisted that he put on an apron.

“Memo, give him this apron. You don’t want to ruin his delicate clothes, do you?” She
admonished him.

“Okay, mami. Do I get an apron too?” Guillermo teased her while he tied the apron on
Nandor. For one part, Nandor seemed to enjoy Silvia and Guillermo’s attention but he was
wary of Maite, who was sharpening a silver knife and never took her eyes off of his every

“You don’t need one. I already taught you how to bake without getting dirty. Mamá, leave
that knife alone, we don’t need it to make the marranitos.”

“Come help me make the mix.” His Abuela said, she put the knife in a drawer and motioned
Guillermo to her side.
Together they mixed in a bowl the brown sugar, vegetable shortening, baking soda, and
vanilla until they got a firm paste.

Guillermo shoot furtive glances to Nandor, who was doing the same. They smiled at each
other. Silvia was explaining to him how to mix and blend the molasses, egg, and milk.

“Is he good to you?” Abuela asked him in a low voice. Guillermo was taken aback but the
question and he was fully aware Nandor was listening.

“Yes, now he is,” Guillermo answered truthfully, but he couldn’t help blushing.

“When are you going to get married?” Abuela had always been blunt, still Guillermo choked.

Behind him, he heard a clank and Nandor shrieked.

“Mamá!” Silvia admonished her mother while aggressively cleaning the batter from the
floor. Nandor had fled to the living room.

“Abuela, we are not…” Guillermo was red with embarrassment “I haven’t…” he stammered

“Memo, we know he is a vampire. Solo quiero saber si te merece o si tengo que matarlo.”
Abuela opened the drawer and took the silver knife again.

“Mamá, he can hear you!” Silvia pleaded and blocked the closed door.

Guillermo wished he was still a vampire and could bat away with Nandor from this situation.
He wondered why both of his families, by blood and by choice, were unhinged killers.

“Look, Abuela, you don’t have to kill him. Please put the knife away.” She lowered the knife.
“He recently helped me to make a big decision, so now we are friends. I’m still figuring out
what I want and Nandor is there for me. Whatever happens between us is going to be our
decision. I won’t let anyone pressure me into anything, ok?”

“That’s what we were hoping to hear, mijo.” All the fight in his Abuela’s eyes vanished in an
instant. Both women hugged him tightly and Guillermo felt relief wash over him. In that
moment, surrounded by the love of his mother and abuela he let go of a burden he didn’t
know he was carrying. Tears gathered in the corner of his eyes and he hugged them back.

“Now you should go check on that vampire of yours.” Silvia wiped the tears that were falling
from her eyes with a napkin.

“Yeah, wait here.” Guillermo was scared, but it was time to be brave despite the fear.

Nandor was on the couch, dirty apron still on. He was fidgeting with his rings, nervously.
They both knew he had heard all the conversation. Guillermo's mind went blank. What was
he supposed to say?

“We need to finish the little pigs.” That was what his mouth decided to say. Guillermo could
kick himself.

“Yes, I want to help you, Guillermo.” Nandor smiled sweetly, and Guillermo’s knees went

The rest of the evening after that went smoothly. While they waited for the dough to cool
down, Silvia took out all of her photo albums and Nandor delighted with his gótico phase
photos. Guillermo laughed and blushed when Nandor said he looked handsome. Then Nandor
proceeded to charm his Abuela with tales from his travels. Guillermo was surprised by how
Nandor could tell appropriate stories for his current audience. By the time they left, Abuela
was gushing over him as much as Silvia. Guillermo was happy, maybe this visit had indeed
brought him closer to what he wanted.
5: Gay Bar
Chapter Notes

We are getting closer to the end! Thank you to everyone who read, liked and commented
so far.
As always, I'm deeply grateful for my friend and rotten soldier Kristy the best beta ever

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The idea formed in Guillermo’s mind after they visited his family. And sure, he could do the
easy thing. He could go to Nandor’s crypt, talk to him, and everything would be solved.
Maybe not everything, but what mattered the most. But after the epiphany he had, that
wouldn’t be enough. What he wanted required something bigger, more dramatic, and worthy
of him. Because one thing this whole ordeal had taught him was that he was worthy.

Guillermo had determined he was going to go to a gay club and he was going to get laid. He
blushed just at the thought. That wouldn’t do if he hoped to get lucky. But old habits die hard.
Admittedly, Guillermo had been fairly horny as of late, and beating off wasn’t even satisfying
anymore. Stop stalling, Guillermo. Time to be brave.

It was almost time for sunrise and Nandor was getting ready to sleep. Even if they weren’t
Master and familiar anymore, Guillermo knew Nandor enjoyed having his hair brushed and
his hand held when he settled on his coffin for slumber. While he brushed his hair,Guillermo
dropped the bomb.

“I’m going to a gay club tonight.” His voice did not falter, he said it like it wasn’t a big deal,
like he was planning to fetch his groceries at Stop & Shop.

“What?” Guillermo couldn’t see Nandor’s face but he sounded hurt and he folded his
previously relaxed arms in front of him. He was probably fidgeting with his rings. His
whole body tensed.
“Oh, I figured what I want is a partner, someone to share my life with. Colin Robinson said I
could find a boyfriend there. Laszlo and Nadja agreed with him. The Guide didn’t say
anything but she looked sad.” Guillermo felt giddy saying all of this. Though he wasn’t lying,
he wasn’t exactly telling the truth, either.

After his statement, Nandor turned slowly to him, his movements tense and deliberate. When
he finally looked down to meet his eyes, Guillermo shivered.

“That’s enough for now, Guillermo,” Nandor said, his voice a deep growl. Restrained fury in
the line of his shoulders and back. Guillermo was stunned silent and took a step back. In a
blink, Nandor was closing the lid of his coffin without saying anything else.

Guillermo was confused now, he was sure it was going to work! All his roommates agreed
with him. Maybe they were wrong, maybe he had read all of this wrong. Guillermo started to
spiral in panic again until he went back to his little room. No, he was done with panicking
and doubting himself. He was going to get what he wanted, no matter what. With a newfound
resolve, he fell asleep.

After sunset, Guillermo went back to Nandor’s crypt to talk to him but he wasn’t anywhere in
the house. He was starting to get worried when he found Nadja in the kitchen preparing a
raven for one of her taxidermy projects. Disgusting.

“Don’t look at me like that, boy. You dismembered corpses for a decade before you decided
you were too important to do that and Nandor let you get away with it, as he always does,
that pathetic, soft donkey.” Nadja didn’t even look at him, her hands were covered in viscera.

Guillermo crossed his arms. He was offended but he chose to let it go because he needed
something from her.

“The plan didn’t work. I told Nandor I was going to a gay club tonight and he didn’t say
anything! I can’t even find him anywhere in the house,” he complained.

“Ugh, you two and your weird relationship.” Nadja made a retching gesture. “Go away with
your sad-smelling groin,” she dismissed him with her bloody hand.
Defeated, Guillermo turned away. He heard Nadja sighing and she called after him.

“He will be there, Guillermo. I have known him for too long to be mistaken!”

Guillermo smiled and hope blossomed in his chest.

Guillermo had expected Nandor to show up at the door when he was ready to leave , but he
didn’t. Although he was disappointed, it didn’t stop him from carrying on with his plan. He
trusted what Nadja had said, and most importantly he trusted himself.

Going out to gay clubs, or any kind of party or gathering wasn’t Guillermo's natural habit at
all. He had spent his younger years serving a pod of childish bloodthirsty vampires who
demanded all his time, energy, and efforts. Nandor also had claimed for him all his attention,
love, and lust. Guillermo didn’t regret it for one second. His only regret was their lack of
communication, hopefully, tonight he was going to fix it. Like Nandor had so many times
before for him, and vice versa.

Despite all his bravado, planning, and plotting he still needed to check how he looked. It
wouldn’t do to look dowdy. Guillermo went into the bathroom and he checked himself out in
the mirror. He liked what he saw. For tonight he had left the comfy sweaters and slacks
behind and had chosen a tight black shirt, the fabric was shimmering and clung to his curves
seductively. In a moment of inspiration, he unbuttoned the shirt to his sternum, exposing a bit
more of his cleavage, but it was tasteful. Then he rolled up his sleeves, his strong forearms
were bare for everyone to see. He turned a bit and was satisfied with how the tight, black
jeans accentuated his best and biggest asset (pun intended).

Then he retouched his makeup. His eyelashes were longer than ever. He had a bit of dark eye
shadow, blush, and red shiny lips. For once, he liked how his glasses added a nerdy, innocent
vibe to his look. His curls were a bit more wild than usual, more sexy than how he usually
styled them.
This time Guillermo was sure he wasn’t the last donut on the cabinet, he was the dessert
everyone was looking forward to at the end of a delicious meal. He beelined to the bar and
ordered a French 75, bubbly sweet drink. While he waited, he noticed several men were
checking him out openly, leering at him. Excellent, let them look. He downed the drink,
dulling his inhibitions. Feeling so emboldened, Guillermo made his way out onto the dance
floor. He danced by himself and waited.

He was in a far corner of the dance floor, moving to the rhythm of the music, slowly
swinging his hips, and even gracefully caressing his pecs and neck. While he didn't focus on
anyone in particular, he could sense a slightly disconcerting pattern. Every man who showed
any interest in him from afar and moved to approach him was taken away by a shadow and
either never returned to the dance floor or came back with another dancing partner. Those
who returned did so with slack-faces and unfocused eyes.

When Guillermo was starting to get irritated, a waiter approached him. He also wore the
telltale signs of being hypnotized. Guillermo couldn’t help but feel excited.

“A gentleman invites you to the very important person floor.” The voice was monotone. Yes,
only Nandor would use that phrase.

Guillermo's heart fluttered in his ribcage, wanting to be set free.

“Yes! I accept the invitation.”

“Follow me.”

The waiter showed him to a flight of stairs that led up to a thick red velvet curtain with
bouncers stationed on either side. One of the bouncers drew the curtain for him and said.

“He is waiting for you.”

At this point Guillermo was practically vibrating out of his skin with anticipation. He stepped
forward and the noise from the club was muffled when the curtain closed behind him. It was
like he was inside a dark bubble. In the dim light, he could make out an imposing figure
sitting on a big sofa at the far side of the empty place.

He didn't want to break the spell he was under and opted to move forward instead of calling
for Nandor. Guillermo already knew he was going to use his words for the next part so he
took a deep breath and approached his former Master, the vampire who should've been his
sire. The one who had always been his best friend, and the love of his life.

When he finally could get a good look at Nandor, Guillermo was sure he was going to faint
because all his blood went directly to his cock. Nandor was sitting with his legs spread and
both of his arms were braced on the back of the sofa. He was offering his body to be ravished
while simultaneously, and paradoxically, lying in wait for his hapless victim to approach. He
had also dressed for the occasion. Guillermo needed to know who had helped him to pick his
outfit and send them a gift.

Nandor's hair was down and brushed to perfection, falling over his shoulders. He was
wearing a black sheer mesh top with long sleeves. The top had golden and red embroideries
in the neck and cuffs. His hairy chest was displayed proudly under the sheer top. The fabric
accentuated his biceps, pecs, and soft belly. The outfit was completed with black leather pants
that hugged his thick thighs and black combat boots. Guillermo looked at his face again

Oh. Oh.

He had eyeliner framing his already dark deep eyes. Fuck words, fuck communication.
Guillermo needed to worship him and have his way with him or he was going to die.

“Guillermo” Nandor purred and patted the space next to him. “Come sit with me.”

Of course, Guillermo obeyed and sat leaning his body against Nandor’s. One hand was on
Nandor's arm and he tucked a leg under him to face him better. He squeezed Nandor’s bicep
playfully. He enjoyed how Nandor's eyes grew bigger, and an unnamed emotion took over his
“You will never stop being a little rascal, will you?” Nandor put a hand on his thigh and
softly rubbed it up and down. “You are dressed like you want to be ravished. You're flaunting
your delicious body for everyone.” The hand on his leg squeezed a bit harder.

“I didn't do it for everyone.” Guillermo took another deep breath and summoned all his
courage for what he wanted to say next. “I did it for you. This is all for you, Nandor.” He
gestured to his hair and clothes. “Do you know why?”

“Why?” The question in Nandor's voice was small but hopeful.

“Because I want you, Nandor. You are my heart's desire. You always were. You always will
be. Do you want me?”

Nandor's answer was a kiss that Guillermo's poor heart wasn't ready to withstand. Nandor
kissed him as if his very existence depended on it. He scraped his lower lip with his fangs
and sucked the drop of blood that blossomed at the broken skin. Guillermo whimpered and
Nandor took the opportunity to stick his tongue into his mouth. Guillermo was in the paradise
he had lost any chance to enter with every sin he committed for the creature who was
currently groping his ass and breasts.

Guillermo sunk his hands into Nandor's luscious hair, climbed onto his lap, and kissed him
with the pent-up lust of fourteen years of repression finally set free. He pressed his body
flush against Nandor and rubbed into his massive erection with his ass. His boner was
pressed against Nandor's stomach. Guillermo felt wild and desperate, only ceasing to kiss
Nandor when he needed to breathe. Nandor clung to him like he was scared if he let go he
might fly away. He hid his face into his ample bosom and stayed there, unmoving. Guillermo
petted his hair and tried to breathe normally again when he noticed the man in his arms was
shaking and something was dampening his chest.

“I'm sorry, Guillermo,” Nandor mumbled without moving from his hiding place, tightening
his embrace.

“Hey, look at me,” Guillermo took Nandor's face and looked at his gorgeous vampire with
dripping eyeliner and eyes he wanted to drown in. “Talk to me.”
“I'm sorry it wasn't me,” Nandor said and fixed the crooked glasses on Guillermo’s face.

“I'm not. I wasn't ready and I don't want to think about what you might’ve done when you
realized it.”

“I would do anything for you, Guillermo. I'd kill everyone here, I'd move mountains, I'd fly
to space again, but please don't ask me to do that because it kinda sucked,” Nandor said with
a lopsided smile. At least he wasn't crying anymore.

“I won't ask you to do any of that. I just want you to love me,” Guillermo confessed and
Nandor booped him on the nose.

“I love you, Guillermo de la Cruz,” Nandor emphasized every word with a kiss on his
cheeks, his nose, his neck, and finally his mouth. Guillermo felt so cherished it was his turn
to cry, overwhelmed with emotion.

“Guillermooooo, my love makes you cry??” Nandor complained playfully and as he dried his
tears with the red handkerchief he procured from his pants pocket.

“Only happy tears from now on.” Guillermo leaned forward and kissed Nandor's neck like he
always had wanted to do.

“I'm sorry we hurt each other so much” Nandor kissed his curls.

“Me, too. But we can fix it. Together.”

“We will fix,” Nandor echoed. “Can we go home now? I want to fuck you in your new
Guillermo’s brain short-circuited briefly. He latched onto the last thing Nandor said.

“New room?”

“You will see. Let me take you home.”

“Si, mi amor. Take me home.”

Chapter End Notes

I promise this fic will earn the explicit tag in the next and last chapter >:)
7: Nandor gets what he wants
Chapter Summary

Guillermo's dreams come true and he loves it.

Chapter Notes

I apologize for making you wait so long for this final chapter. The good news is that I
finally honored the Explicit rating!
I added more fluff and smut to compensate <3 I hope you enjoy it. If you do please leave
a comment!

I started this fic to cope with the season finale and I'm happy with the reception this
story had. Thank you to everyone who read, left kudos, and commented.
Special thanks to the wwdits discord server for being the best enablers! Thank you to
my beta in this last chapter seanandsky. Your comments and suggestions elevated my
writing and I'm very grateful for that!
I wanna make a shout-out to my friend, my rotten soldier Kristy who was my beta in all
the previous chapters but couldn't help me this time. You're the best!

This story is over but I have many more cooking. Goodbye until the next time!

They made it as far as Guillermo’s car before Nandor claimed Guillermo’s cock for himself.

Guillermo was in the driver’s seat, ready to start the engine and take them home, when
Nandor leaned over from the passenger seat and reached for the hard cock tenting
Guillermo’s pants.

“Nandor, what are you doing?” Guillermo asked while he checked that no one was passing by
and relaxed further on the seat.

“I’m going to suck your penis and make you come,'' Nandor informed him while he finished
unbuckling Guillermo’s belt. Next, he unzipped Guillermo’s pants.
Guillermo was stunned by the image of Nandor’s head so close to his crotch. He had
forgotten how to breathe.

Nandor took his cock in hand and started to stroke him, slowly, teasing him. Guillermo was
scared he was going to come right then and there and embarrass himself.

“You are going to come when I say so.” Nandor squeezed the base of his cock. Was Nandor
reading his mind? “Drop your pants. I need to touch your ass,” Nandor commanded and
Guillermo obeyed by shoving his pants to his ankles.

“Yesss.” Nandor looked up, his eyes glowing red, framed by the dripping eyeliner, he looked
otherworldly, a predator ready to attack his prey. His lips were smeared red with Guillermo’s
lipstick, and his hair shone in the moonlight. Through the mesh top, his muscles were a feast
for the eyes. Guillermo caressed his back, his shoulder, his butt.

“Master, please,” Guillermo begged and Nandor rewarded him by swallowing him to the

“Fuck, Master.” Guillermo lost all coherent thoughts. Moans and nonsensical words filled the
car as well as Nandor’s growls every time Guillermo fisted his hands in Nandor’s hair.
Nandor bobbed his head up and down, working him with his tongue and hollowing his
cheeks, so many tricks learned in his almost 800 years of practicing fellatio. Guillermo was
overwhelmed already, and he could feel his balls tightening. But he couldn’t come yet. His
Master hadn’t given him permission.

“Your penis is so pretty, my Guillermo.” Nandor licked the dripping precum. “So girthy, so
hard for me. Only for me.” He licked the underside. Guillermo trembled.

“Only for you, Master.” Guillermo should have been surprised they had fallen so quickly to
their old habits. But how could they not? Master and servant was what they always were.
Only this time, Guillermo was getting all the rewards he’d secretly wanted since the night
he’d decided to become Nandor’s familiar.
“Fuck my mouth, Guillermo.” Nandor’s deep voice betrayed nothing. It was an order
Guillermo was happy to obey.

In the moment he started to fuck Nandor’s mouth in earnest, Guillermo, even through his
lust-filled mind, heard the sound of a bottle being uncapped, and before he knew it a lubed
finger was teasing his entrance.

“More, Master, please,” Guillermo moaned at the attack of stimulation. “Please, more, I can
take it!”

Nandor’s right hand squeezed his naked butt and the other was finger fucking him into
oblivion. Nandor was inside him. His cock was in Nandor’s mouth. It was all too much.
Guillermo whimpered and panted. If he didn’t come right now he feared his heart would
explode. In one swift movement, Nandor discovered his prostate and Guillermo’s body
jerked, he saw stars and he gathered all his will not to come. One, two, three more times
Nandor grazed his prostate.

Guillermo felt an intrusion in his mind, familiar, but one he hadn’t felt in years. Nandor
spoke to him using the ether.

“Come for me, my sweet Guillermo.”

Pleasure engulfed his senses and he was levitating out of his body with his orgasm. He came
down Nandor’s throat, who swallowed all of it until he was milked dry. He already missed
the finger inside him. Even in his afterglow, spent and his penis flaccid, all Guillermo wanted
was for Nandor to fuck him right there.

Nandor straightened in his seat and after kissing him very gently and slowly, he tucked
Guillermo back into his pants and fastened his seatbelt. Then he did the same for himself and
motioned forward, all the while looking like he had just won the lottery. Nandor was shining
in his satisfaction even if he was hard as rock. Guillermo needed to ruin him.

“Drive us home. I want to fuck you in your new room.” Nandor wore a satisfied smirk on his
Guillermo ran past all the red lights.

For a moment Guillermo thought he had died and gone to the heaven he didn't deserve. Or
maybe he was in a dream. He pinched his arm and it hurt.

“Guillermoooo, why are you pinching your arm?” Nandor slapped his hand away and leaned
forward over the bathtub to press a kiss on Guillermo’s arm.

“I wanted to make sure this isn’t a dream.” Guillermo was in the bathtub, enjoying a warm
bath while Nandor washed his hair with gentle motions.

“It is not! I just masturbated you and you came all over my hand!” Nandor put a hand over
Guillermo’s eyes and rinsed the shampoo off his hair. In truth, Guillermo was still all loopy
from his second orgasm of the night.

“That happened often in my dreams,” Guillermo confessed. Suddenly he felt so exposed. He

still couldn’t believe Nandor wanted him, loved him.

“Little rascal, having wet dreams about your Master.” In a brain-melting display of strength,
Nandor got him out of the bathtub with one arm under his knees and the other under his arm,
bridal style.

“Nandor!” Guillermo gasped, surprised and delighted.

Whatever he was going to say next got lost in a ferocious kiss. Nandor kissed him like he
wanted to consume him entirely, to fuse them into one being. Nandor was naked too, and the
touch of wet skin sliding against each other, the fierce embrace was making Guillermo hard
again. Finally, they broke apart and Guillermo wrapped his arms around Nandor’s neck.

Nandor leaned forward and whispered into the space between their mouths.
“I will make all your sexy dreams come true, Guillermo. You have my word.” Nandor put
him down gently and Guillermo still clung to his shoulders for balance. He was so
overwhelmed with lust he thought he was going to faint. All his blood was going to his dick.

“Please, Master,'' he whined. He didn’t know what he was asking for but he wanted - no, he
needed Nandor.

“Guillermo, you need to let go. I need to dry us off.” Nandor took Guillermo’s hands from his
shoulders with his own massive ones and left him sitting over the bathtub edge, and after
booping Guillermo’s nose he retrieved a towel.

The drying off of Guillermo’s body devolved into groping. Nandor massaged and caressed
his flesh while he dropped kisses wherever he wanted. First Nandor started to dry his hair and
kissed the tip of his nose and his cheeks, then he kneeled and dried his shoulder and kissed
his neck. After that came his breast and Nandor sucked bruises where his heart beat fast.

Then Nandor covered Guillermo with the towel around his ample stomach and hips and
worked the flesh with his hands and mouth. Guillermo reached forward with his hands, he
needed to touch Nandor, who was hard as a rock and hadn’t come once yet. But Nandor
clearly had other plans, because he batted Guillermo’s hands away.

“Bad Guillermo. Now, be a good familiar and keep your hands for yourself.” Nandor
proceeded to dry off his thighs and dick perfunctorily. He mouthed along the inner side of
Guillermo’s legs, purposely avoiding his already hard cock. Guillermo gripped the edge of
the bathtub and begged again. He was overwhelmed by Nandor’s devotion to his body. He
had never felt so loved and cherished in his whole life.

“Master, I need you,” Guillermo pleaded to the creature of the night he had pledged his life to
when he was nineteen years old. He would do it all over again.

Nandor finished his task and stood up in all his naked glory. Guillermo’s eyes roamed from
his handsome face to his broad hairy chest and belly and landed on his massive erect penis.
Guillermo started salivating and opened his mouth. If he didn’t suck Nandor’s dick at that
very moment, he might as well die.

Nandor smirked and held Guillermo’s face with both hands splayed over his cheeks and neck,
forcing him to look up.

“You want to suck my big penis, little familiar?”

“Yes, Master. Please.” Guillermo swallowed his pride. He was willing to do anything to get
that cock in his mouth.

“Stay there. Don’t move. Can you do that for me?” Nandor disarmed him with his sweet
words and low voice.

“Yes, Master.”

“That’s my good familiar.” Nandor let go of him and gave him another order. “Now close
your eyes.”

Guillermo obeyed and he immediately missed Nandor’s hand on him. He opened his mouth,
waiting. The bath was warm and he could hear Nandor’s light footsteps close to him.

Then Nandor’s hands were on him again, but this time he covered Guillermo’s body with a
white bathrobe, and then he was lifting him up bridal style and carrying him out of the

“Master, what? Please, I want your cock!” Guillermo whined, confused and annoyed.

“Yeesh, what an insolent familiar I have!” Nandor pinched Guillermo's buttcheek. “Keep
your eyes closed and you’ll have my cock inside you.”
“Fine,” Guillermo said. That earned him a harder pinch.

“What did you say?”

“Yes, Master,” Guillermo amended, and all of this shouldn’t have been working on him, but
he was still hard. But at the same time, he melted in Nandor’s embrace. There in his arms,
Guillermo felt as safe as he’d ever been. He buried his face in the crock of Nandor’s neck and
inhaled the scent of his vampire: almond oil, fresh water, and an ancient lost land.

“Where are you taking me?” Guillermo noticed Nandor wasn’t walking but levitating

“Your new room. Do keep up, Guillermo. Or did my sexual prowess give you the brain
scramblies?” Guillermo could hear the teasing smile in Nandor’s voice.

“Show off,” Guillermo mock whispered and Nandor leaned forward to scrape his fangs over
Guillermo’s shoulder. Guillermo shivered in pleasure.

“Insolent familiar!! I’m going to have to teach you a lesson!” Nandor licked the marks. The
threat was full of promises.

Soon, he put Guillermo down, and he realized Nandor had closed the door of the room with
his telekinesis because he could hear the door being locked while Nandor hugged him from
behind, grinding his hard cock against Guillermo’s ass. Having his eyes closed heightened his
other senses. Nandor was quick to untie the bathrobe and grope his breasts. Guillermo put his
hands over Nandor’s and gasped at the sensation of his Master’s hands over his freshly
washed skin.

“Open your eyes,” Nandor whispered in his ear.

Guillermo couldn’t believe what he was seeing. First, he had trouble understanding where in
the house this room was located. That was a question for later. Guillermo had long made
peace with the house having a life of its own. Regardless of the location, the room was
straight from his dreams. The room was spacious enough to have a four-poster bed and a
mahogany desk with a comfy chair. The desk was full of craft and art supplies and the walls
had shelves with more supplies, decorations, and the artwork Guillermo had hung up in his
shitty room.

But among his things, new and old, were many of Nandor’s belongings, his paintings,
swords, and.. in a corner was his coffin. Guillermo spun around and happy tears gathered in
his eyes while he kissed Nandor. He hoped his kisses conveyed all the love, gratitude, and
happiness he was feeling. With deft hands, Nandor stripped the bathrobe off Guillermo and
directed him to the bed. Guillermo refused to let go of him and they both stumbled over the
bed. Guillermo clung to Nandor with both arms and legs, trying to seek friction for his dick.
He was starting to feel desperate.

With great effort, Nandor disentangled himself from Guillermo’s grip. He was stunned when
Nandor easily held his wrists over his hand with one hand and placed the other on
Guillermo’s chest. This was a great use of his Master’s vampiric strength. Guillermo realized
he was very much enjoying being at the mercy of his Master.

“I love you, Master,” Guillermo giggled. He was giddy with his naked Master looming over

“I love you, Guillermo.” Nandor kissed him very slowly and sweetly. Guillermo already felt
his brain melting out of his ears and they weren’t even fucking yet.

Nandor looked at him, smirking again. Guillermo hated and loved that silly, smug face.
Nandor could get away with so much with that handsome face.

“Now, I’m going to let you go. But you have to promise me you are going to keep your hands
here until I say so.” Nandor leaned over him again and mouthed along his throat, grazing his
fangs over Guillermo’s sensitive skin. “Can you do that, my little familiar? Or do I need to tie
you up?”

Guillermo heard an embarrassing noise coming out of him and he was sure he was flushed
“I’ll be good for you, Master.”

“I know. You’re always so good for me, you always were.”

Without losing time, Nandor dropped kisses all over his body, leaving marks to stake his
claim over Guillermo. Finally, he reached Guillermo’s crotch and parted his legs with both
hands. Guillermo trembled with anticipation and made an effort to keep his arms over his
head like Nandor had ordered him to do.

“That’s a good familiar.” Nandor kissed his inner thigh. “I’m going to prepare you for my big
cock now.” And with that warning, Nandor started to eat his ass.

Guillermo arched his back at the onslaught of Nandor’s tongue on his asshole. Nandor
alternated between long, firm licks and quicker, more teasing ones. His hands were holding
Guillermo’s hips in place and Guillermo surrendered to him and his thorough ministrations.

“Please, Master. Touch me,” Guillermo begged for some attention to his hard and neglected
cock. He looked at his Master and was overwhelmed by the sight. Silently, thanked his lucky
stars for having his Nandor exactly where he wanted him, between his legs eating his ass like
no one had ever done before. He was worried he was going to come just from that.

Nandor ignored his plea, and instead of touching his dick, he squeezed his legs harder.
Guillermo relished the marks he hoped he could see and touch tomorrow, proof that this
wasn’t a dream. All thoughts flew his brain when Nandor started to fuck him with his tongue.
He grabbed the sheets above his head and lost all inhibitions as a myriad of moans, sobs,
praise and nonsense fell from his lips. His stamina was tested when Nandor decided he was
loose enough to take one finger and then two. In that moment, Guillermo’s whole world was
Nandor, his tongue and finger. His only words: ‘Nandor’ and ‘please’.

“You’re doing so good, my sweet Guillermo.” Nandor spread open two lubed fingers inside
him, and with the other hand, he caressed Guillermo’s stomach and legs. “You can take more.
I know you can, my fierce warrior.”
“Yes, yes, please, Master!”

Nandor poured more lube over his fingers and added a third and then a fourth. Guillermo
quickly adjusted to the new intrusion and was hovering between being incredibly turned on
and frustrated because it still wasn’t enough. He needed his Master’s cock inside of him.

“Master, I can take you. I’m ready, please,” Guillermo begged again.

“I’ll decide when you are ready, little rascal.” Nandor kept spreading him open, and he still
hadn’t touched his familiar’s dick. His mouth was busy licking around his finger buried in
Guillermo and his other hand in holding him in place. Nandor’s fingers brushed Guillermo’s
prostate and Guillermo writhed and moaned.

“Now, you are ready.” Nandor sat on his haunches and spread Guillermo’s cheeks open,
inspecting his handiwork. “Turn over.” Guillermo obeyed and Nandor maneuvered to put him
in all fours.

Before Guillermo could think about complaining about the change in position, Nandor
pressed the tip of his big dick all lubed up against Guillermo’s asshole, and Guillermo tensed
with anticipation.

“Do you want my cock, little familiar?” Nandor asked as he grabbed Guillermo by the hips.

“YES, I want your cock so bad, Master!”

Slowly, Nandor entered him, and for Guillermo it was pure bliss, his whole being filled by
Nandor. He breathed through it to accommodate that massive cock inside of him. Nandor had
prepared him so well that he barely felt any discomfort. When Nandor was fully seated inside
Guillermo, he groaned, and Guillermo could weep at the feeling of being owned and claimed
by his Master.

“You can move, Master.”

Nandor moved slowly at first. It was maddening. Guillermo felt so full, so thoroughly fucked
and loved. Still, it wasn't enough. He didn't want his Master to hold back. Guillermo was a
slayer by birth and lineage. He could take being fucked into the mattress. In fact he needed

“Please, Master. Faster! I can take it!”

“So needy, little familiar,” Nandor mocked him and Guillermo flushed red. Nandor almost
slipped out and Guillermo whined again. He was not above begging at this point.

“Tell me how much you want it, Guillermo. How much do you need your Master's big cock?”
Nandor picked up pace and Guillermo gasped. Nandor’s cock was hitting all the right spots
and coherent thoughts vanished in Guillermo’s brain.

“I'm waiting, Guillermo,'' Nandor panted behind him. “Tell me or I'll stop fucking your
delicious ass.”

“I want your cock so much. I’ve always wanted it!” Guillermo screamed in pleasure when
Nandor's cock hit his prostate. “Since the night I met you! I jerked off thinking of you
fucking me all the time!”

“Yes, yes, my sweet Guillermo. Keep talking,” Nandor groaned as he continued to pound into
Guillermo relentlessly.

Guillermo was intoxicated by the feeling of being filled with the love of his life, the sounds
of their lovemaking, and the gifts and care Nandor had bestowed upon him.

“I need you inside me, my mouth, Master. You're the only one I've ever wanted. Please,
Master, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!”
Nandor fucked him so hard that Guillermo's arms gave out and he ended up with his ass up in
the air and his head pressed into the pillow. He grabbed the sheets for purchase and he could
feel his orgasm approaching. He clenched his ass experimentally and that made Nandor
moan, pounding into Guillermo with even more vigor.

“You're cheating, Guillermo! You want to make me come first with your sexy ass and
whorish sounds!” Nandor complained, and Guillermo couldn't help but laugh.

“I love you so much, Master.”

“I love you, my Guillermo.”

Without losing his rhythm, Nandor snuck a hand around Guillermo's cock. The tension grew
and expanded inside Guillermo until he was like an arrow waiting to be freed. His toes curled
and he screamed his lover's name like a magical chant. The first of his long list of sexual
fantasies was about to come true.

After a few strokes, Guillermo's body was swept up by a mind-blowing orgasm. He was
coming all over the sheets, but he had the presence of mind to say yes when Nandor asked if
he could come inside of him. While he was coming down from his orgasm, he listened to
Nandor grunting and panting his name as he came inside of him, so much so that Guillermo
was sure he was dripping vampire jizz all over his hole and thighs.

Nandor slipped out and collapsed next to him. Immediately Nandor manhandled him so he
got to be the big spoon and Guillermo the little spoon. Nandor kissed his curls and sighed

“You're mine now,” he declared. “I conquered your magnificent behind.” He sounded very
proud of himself.

Guillermo wanted to argue that it didn't work like that, but he was too blissed out, and if he
was being honest with himself he loved it when Nandor was possessive with him.
“Next time I'm going to conquer you.”

“Yes, I want your girthy cock inside me. I always suspected you were well-endowed.”

“That's why you wanted a skylight in the bathroom ceiling? To check out my big dick?”

“You discovered my true intentions, clever little slayer!” Nandor tickled him and Guillermo
giggled and almost kicked him.

“Nandor, stop!”

Nandor obeyed him and kissed his nape and shoulder. After that, he tried to disentangle their
embrace but Guillermo didn't let him go.

“Guillermo, let go. You are very sticky. I need to clean you,” Nandor admonished but stayed
by his side.

“I know. Just stay a little longer. Please.”

“Yes, my love. Anything for you.”

With that promise, Guillermo closed his eyes and fell asleep, safe and loved in Nandor's
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