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Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492

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Improving cyclone efficiency for small particles

Sepideh Akhbarifar ∗ , Mansour Shirvani

Chemical Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Test results of a new highly efficient add-on for cyclones are reported. The add-on has
Received 5 February 2019 the same beneficial characteristics as cyclones (versatility, long-lasting, low construction
Received in revised form 6 May 2019 and maintenance cost, simple design, little investment, little extra space, flexible operating
Accepted 11 May 2019 conditions). The new device was tested in combination with Stairmand cyclones. Efficiencies
Available online 18 May 2019 without any additional filters reached 98% for a particle size distribution with an average of
1.6 ␮m and >99% for particles ≥10 ␮m. In the most effective mode of operation the dust enters
Keywords: the cyclone(s) and the depleted stream leaves for the add-on, a ‘jet impingement chamber’,
Cyclone which contains an air-blowing nozzle pipe pushing dust particles toward the wall creating
Jet impingement chamber clean gas in the center, which is released. The dust-enriched stream is recycled, i.e., added
Recycle flow to the fresh feed for the cyclones. Experiments were performed under large-scale operating
Clean air conditions and design methods applied to fully characterize the system’s efficiency with
Efficiency all variables of operation including three dust particle size distributions covering the range
Design methods from 0.3 to 200 ␮m.
© 2019 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction port of natural gas. Pipelines contain ‘black powder’ whose particle size
is on the order of 1 ␮m and less. The powder must be separated from the
Efficient separation of solid particles from off-gas protects workers and gas to avoid, e.g., damage to compressors (Tsochatzidis, 2008). In recent
equipment, reduces environmental pollution, and prevents reactions years, research resulted in improving the dust separation efficiency
between gases and particles. Tighter environmental regulations make for fine particles in industry-scale cyclones based on new designs
it necessary to replace or retrofit older equipment. At the same time (Obermair and Staudinger, 2001). In most cases, improvement of effi-
more cost-effective, i.e. low downtime and low maintenance, long- ciency was small and in some cases increased the number of operation
lasting versatile systems are in demand. Cyclones are the most widely variables and complicated the design (Gregg, 1995). An auxiliary device
used industrial dust collectors from gas streams (Jo et al., 2000). called post cyclone (PoC) was introduced and attached to reverse-flow
Cyclones have no moving parts and work on the basis of cen- cyclones at the exit of the vortex finder and showed that emission of
trifugal forces resulting from cyclonic streams inside the apparatus. fine particles was reduced (Jo et al., 2000; Ray et al., 1997). To increase
Gravitational, centrifugal, and frictional forces affect the particles in the efficiency of conventional cyclones, a double cyclone both with and
the separation process (Miyakawa et al., 1984). The entrained parti- without electric field has been proposed and tested (Lim et al., 2004).
cles inside the cyclone move toward the wall and are collected during Jamshidifard et al. (2016) introduced a helical-duct dust concentrator
axial movement in the downward direction. The biggest advantages of coupled with a cyclone to design an efficient cyclone dust separator
cyclones in comparison to other dust removal equipment are relatively for fine particles. Samaeili et al. (2017) showed that decreasing the
low construction and maintenance cost, simple design, little invest- outlet diameter and the inlet width of cyclones resulted in higher effi-
ment, flexible operating conditions, including elevated temperatures ciency of hydro-cyclones. Enlarging the body diameter had a negative
and pressures. Important disadvantages of cyclones are decreasing effi- effect on efficiency. Furthermore, the cyclone efficiency is enhanced as
ciency for the separation of particles 5 ␮m and less, due to reduced the density difference between fluid and solid and the input velocity
centrifugal forces acting on the particles. Removal of submicron size become larger. Another recent innovation for improving the collection
particles is paramount in some very large-scale domains such as trans- efficiency is the use of a centrifugal impeller inside the cyclone in place

Corresponding author current address: Vitreous State Laboratory, Department of Physics, The Catholic University of America, 400 Hannan
Hall (Room 312), 620 Michigan Ave. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20064, USA.
E-mail address: (S. Akhbarifar).
0263-8762/© 2019 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
484 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492

of the immersion tube for the purpose of improved repulsion of the enriched with dust near the wall of the chamber. At the bottom
dust escaping from the cyclone (Jiao et al., 2006). Sadighi et al. (2006) of the chamber the cleaned stream is extracted tangentially
designed a chamber, which divides the output stream from the cyclone and released to the environment. To collect and weigh resid-
into two streams; one with fewer particles (taken as the clean output ual particles in the clean stream during testing, a bag filter
stream) and the other with more particles, which is recycled to the
was attached near the exit. The dust-enriched stream leaves
the chamber toward the cyclones where it is united with fresh
Funk and Baker (2013) published a literature review on dust cyclone
feed. We used two high efficiency Stairmand cyclones with a
technology covering the evolution of cyclones since 1929 and reports on
their efficiencies. Cyclone efficiencies are measured frequently by a ‘cut diameter of 15 cm and height of 60 cm (body plus cone) each.
point’, meaning that the collection efficiency (or grade) is 50%. For larger The jet impingement chamber had a diameter of 30.5 cm and
particles the collection efficiency approaches 100%. For many cyclones was 169 cm high. The length of the nozzle tube was 169 cm,
used in industry, the cut point is less than 5 microns, normalized for had a diameter of 8.22 cm and contained 300 nozzles with a
shape and density, Koch and Licht (1977). diameter of 0.6 cm each.
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a comprehen- In Fig. 1b, the dust is fed (tangentially) directly into the
sive test of efficiency of a recently introduced jet impingement chamber jet impingement chamber. This was done to test its effi-
(Akhbarifar et al., 2009, 2011a, 2011b), an add-on for cyclones that
ciency without using a cyclone first. Knowing that state of
improves the overall efficiency. The design and operation of a pilot plant
art cyclones can reach very high efficiency for larger particles
will be described, which consisted essentially of two cyclones con-
(>5 ␮m) the question was whether the jet impingement cham-
nected to the jet impingement chamber, which was complemented to
allow rotation of the nozzle tube. Two cyclones were used only because
ber could do the same. Since separation of the solid particles
the then invented jet impingement chamber (Akhbarifar et al., 2009, from the gas phase depends solely on the effectiveness of the
2011a, 2011b) could be attached to and tested with an already existing air blowing from the nozzles, rotation of the nozzle rod may
experimental setup. The variables tested were the feed flow rate, the enhance the separation. Therefore, a motor was attached in
recycle flow rate, the flow rate of air from the nozzles inside the jet Fig. 1b to drive the nozzle rod at various velocities, including no
impingement chamber, and three particle size distributions covering a rotation. Again, the cleaned air in the middle of the chamber
range of 0.3 ␮m to 200 ␮m. The potentially beneficial effect of rotating is released to the environment. During testing residual parti-
the nozzle tube was tested as well. cles in the cleaned air is collected and weighed to measure the
efficiency of the jet impingement chamber. The dust-enriched
2. Experiments and design methods stream is sent to the cyclones for particles collection. In this
scenario the cyclones are not the main part of the separa-
In this section we explain the jet impingement-recycling- tion process. The dust-depleted air from the cyclones is sent
cyclone device and report on the tests completed to evaluate to the jet impingement chamber and mixed with fresh feed.
the pilot plant efficiency as a function of feed-, recycle-, and The optimal function of the jet-impingement chamber is to
jet-impingement flow rates, using three different dust parti- achieve the highest possible concentration of particles near
cle size distributions (PDS). The full fractional design (FFD) the wall and therefore the highest overall efficiency of the
method was used (Section 2.2) to determine the number of process. The efficiency of separation benefits from the longer
necessary experiments and to develop a response model to residence time of the particles in the chamber compared to a
calculate system efficiencies that complement our experi- cyclone. Previously we have presented some test results with-
mental work. out rotating the nozzle tube (Akhbarifar et al., 2011b). In this
When a fourth variable, the speed of rotation of the nozzle study the effect of rotation was studied extensively to evaluate
tube was introduced, the central composite rotatable design its potential benefit.
(CCRD) method was used (Section 2.3) to determine the num-
ber of experiments to be conducted and to develop a response 2.2. Effect of PSD on the efficiency of the
model to calculate chamber efficiencies that complement our cyclone-jet-impingement system
experimental work.
To investigate the effect of different PSD on the separation
2.1. Jet impingement-recycling-cyclone device efficiency of the entire system three silica powder sam-
ples with different PSD were used. The PSDs of the powder
Our dust-separating chamber includes a modified version of samples were measured with a Malvern Mastersizer 2000
Sadighi et al. (2006) work, who suggested separating a dust instrument. The first silica powder (S1) PSD was between
entrained gas stream into one that is depleted (clean) and 0.3 ␮m and about 40 ␮m, the second (S2) between 10 ␮m and
one that is enriched in dust particles as described above. Our about 150 ␮m, and the third (S3) between 30 ␮m and 200 ␮m.
chamber can be operated in different ways, which will be The most frequent particle sizes (in volume percent) were
explained by referring to Fig. 1a, b. The Figure shows the design for S1 about 1.6 ␮m (d10 = 0.803, d50 = 1.588, d90 = 19.998), for
of the pilot plant and two alternative modes of operation. The S2 about 57 ␮m (d10 = 11.290, d50 = 56.854, d90 = 107.102), and
height of the add-on is comparable, e.g., to that of a Stairmand for S3 about 77 ␮m (d10 = 40.666, d50 = 77.255, d90 = 132.214).
cyclone. For the tests of the pilot plant we produced a dust-loaded
In Fig. 1a, a gas (air) stream loaded with dust particles (the air stream, which contained about 9–16 g of commercial silica
feed) is sent through the cyclones and then tangentially to fume (SiO2 ) per m3 . All experiments were conducted at room
the jet impingement chamber for further cleaning. The cham- temperature (22 ◦ C).
ber has two tangential inlets on opposite sides. In this device The full fractional design (FFD) method was used to ana-
the feed stream is drawn downward for particle separation. lyze the effect of these different PSD and of the other variables
Along its center axis, the cylindrical chamber holds a thin tube (feed-, recycle-, and jet-impingement flow rate) on the effi-
equipped with air-blowing nozzles. The air jets from the noz- ciency of the entire system (Fig. 1a). The rotational speed of
zles push the dust particles toward the wall of the cylinder, the nozzle tube was kept constant at zero rpm. The number of
creating a cleaned stream of air in the center and a stream experiments in this method is equal 2k ; where k is number of
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492 485

Fig. 1 – Cyclone-jet-impingement-chamber dust separation process (pilot plant) (a) feed input to the cyclones (b) Feed input
to the jet-impingement-chamber (motor optional).

design factors. Therefore, the total number of tests required

Table 1 – Relationship between coded and actual values
for the three independent variables (feed flow rate, recycle of variables (Napier-Munn, 2000).
flow rate, and jet-impingement flow rate) for each particle
Code Actual value of factorial design
size is 23 = 8. All three input design factors are set at two lev-
els each. These levels are called “high” and “low” or “+1” and −ˇ Xmin
(xmax +xmin ) (xmax −xmin )
“−1”, respectively. Calculating the full complement of all pos- −1 2 − 2ˇ
(xmax +xmin )
sible factor combinations means that we can estimate all main 0 2
(xmax +xmin ) (xmax −xmin )
and interaction effects. There are three main effects, three +1 2 + 2ˇ
two-factor interactions, and one three-factor interaction, all +ˇ Xmax
of which appear in the response model as follows:



3 In this study the CCRD method was used to explore the
Y = a0 + ai Xi + aij Xi Xj + a123 X1 X2 X3 (1) effect of the four variables (feed-, recycle-, jet-impingement
i=1 i=1 j=i+1 flow rate, and rotating nozzle tube speed) on the efficiency of
the jet-impingement chamber (Fig. 1b). In these experiments
Y is the system efficiency: Y (%) = 100 × (1–mj /(mc + mj )), only the PSD S2 was used. The number of experiments is equal
where mj is the mass of dust collected from the ‘clean’ air to 2k with its origin at the center, 2k points fixed axially at
outlet of the jet impingement chamber and mc is the mass a distance, say ˇ, from the center to generate the quadratic
collected from the cyclones. The variables X are the design fac- terms, and replicate tests at the center; where k is the num-
tors, which were measured. A regression analysis was carried ber of design factors. The axial points are chosen such that
out using Mathematica software to determine the coefficients they allow for rotation (Box and Wilson, 1951), which ensure
‘a’ of the FFD model. that the variance of the model prediction is constant at all
points equidistant from the design center. Replicates of the
2.3. Effect of rotating the nozzle tube on the efficiency test at the center are very important as they provide an inde-
of the jet-impingement chamber pendent estimate of the experimental error. For four variables
the recommended number of tests at the center is six (Box and
Box and Wilson (1951) developed an effective alternative to the Hunter, 1957). Hence, the total number of tests required for the
factorial design method called the central composite rotat- four independent variables (feed-, recycle-, jet-impingement
able design (CCRD) method, which was further improved by flow rate, and rotating nozzle tube speed) is 24 + (2 × 4) + 6 = 30
Box and Hunter (Box and Hunter, 1957). The CCRD method (Box and Hunter, 1957; Obeng et al., 2005). After defining the
gives almost as much information as a three-level factorial, range of factorial designs, they are coded to lie at ±1 for the
requires fewer tests than the full factorial and was shown to factorial points, 0 for the center points and ±ˇ for the axial
be sufficient to describe the majority of steady-state process points. Table 1 shows the calculated codes as functions of the
responses (Cilliers et al., 1992; Crozier, 1992). range of factorial design.
486 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492

In Table 1, Xmax and Xmin are maximum and minimum val- ational variables. The results are displayed in this section in
ues of X, respectively; ˇ = [2k ]1/4 and k is the number of factorial Fig. 2. In Fig. 2 the selected operating points were: X1 = 0.698,
designs. Here, k = 4 hence ˇ = 2. The response model for four X2 = 0.343, and X3 = 0.253. For example, Fig. 2a shows system
variables is given by Eq. (2): efficiencies as a function of X1 for X2 = 0.343 and X3 = 0.253,
etc. When selecting the operating points, the emphasis was




4 on showing and discussing system responses not maximum
Y = a0 + ai Xi + aii Xi2 + aij Xi Xj (2) possible efficiencies, for which examples are given in the
i=1 i=1 i=1 j=i+1 experimental study (Table 2).
Based on the efficiencies calculated with the design
The response data were determined experimentally. A method for operating points (X1 , X2 , and X3 ) not covered by
regression analysis was carried out using Mathematica to experiments, a direct comparison of the efficiencies in Table 2
determine the coefficients ‘a’ of the response model. and those in Fig. 2 is not possible. However, the calculated val-
ues fit very well into ranges of efficiencies whose endpoints
3. Results and discussion represent measurements. For example, a relative flow rate of
0.26 (close to midpoint) in Fig. 2a yielded for S1 an efficiency
In this section we report on the pilot plant efficiency (system of 95.5% compared with endpoint experimental data of 97.2%
efficiency, Fig. 1a) based on experiments covering a number and 93.6% (Table 2). Respective values are for S2: calculated
normalized feed-, recycle-, jet impingement flow rates, and 98.3%, measured 98.3% and 98.2% and for S3: calculated 97.8%,
nozzle tube rotational speed ranges. The FFD method was measured 97.6% and 97.9% (Table 2). We conclude that the cal-
used to model the effects of the first three variables on the culated and experimental values are in very good agreement,
system efficiency (Fig. 1a). The CCRD method was used to i.e. within 2% relative (S1) or less (S2 and S3).
model the efficiency of the jet impingement chamber (Fig. 1b) As expected, Fig. 2a–c shows for each PSD (S1–S3) a differ-
when the nozzle tube rotational speed was added as the forth ent dependence of the efficiency of the system on any of the
variable. flow rates. The figures show that the system is most efficient
for PSD S2. Surprisingly the efficiency for S3, the PSD with the
3.1. Effect of PSD on efficiency of largest particles deviates significantly from S2 who’s PSD is
cyclone-jet-impingement system not very different from S3. In any case, efficiencies are high for
both PSDs, reaching ≥99% (Table 2). Note the high efficiency of
To model the effect of all three variables with different PSD on the new system for the separation of S1, the PSD where most
the efficiency via the FFD method, the low (−1) and high (+1) of the particles are smaller than 5 ␮m (Fig. 1a). Table 2 shows
settings of each variable were defined and are reported here that the efficiencies exceeded 95% and reached 98% for spe-
in normalized form: cific operating conditions. In only one test the efficiency was
X1 = Feed flow rate/maximum feed flow rate: 0.247–0.279 93%. The high efficiency for particles ≤5 ␮m is due to enhanced
X2 = Recycle flow rate/maximum recycle flow rate: forces acting horizontally on the particles and to the longer
0.313–0.445 residence time in the chamber compared to that in a cyclone.
X3 = Jet impingement flow rate/maximum jet impingement As shown in Table 3 in conjunction with Eq. (3), all coef-
flow rate: 0.157–0.340 ficients ‘a’ depend on S. Hence, we can write a more general
The non-normalized feed-, recycle-, and jet impingement formula for efficiency that includes all independent variables.
flow rates were in the hundreds of m3 /h. Using the FFD In this study we have three different particle sizes. If we plot
method, the coded and the normalized variables for each of each coefficient versus particle sizes, we get a parabolic curve.
the 8 experiments in the design matrix were calculated and Therefore, the fitting function of each coefficient for particle
are given in Table 2 together with the respective measured size can be defined by Eq. (4):
system efficiencies Y.
The experimental results in Table 2 shows that averag- a0 ,ai ,aij ,a123 = aS2 + bS + c, (wherei = 1–3andj = i + 1to3) (4)
ing the results for each particle size distribution yields the
highest system efficiency of Y = 98.1% for S2 (20–120 ␮m), fol- where, it is understood that each coefficient has, in general,
lowed by S3 (30–150 ␮m) with Y = 97.6% and S1 (0.3–30 ␮m) different a, b, and c. By fitting we can find the coefficients a, b
with Y = 96.3%, not considering for S1 the last two efficiencies and c, for each a0 , ai , aij , a123 . We end up with eight S dependent
in Table 2, for which obviously the least favorable operating equations for each a0 , ai , aij , a123 coefficient. By replacing a0 ,
conditions apply. Nevertheless, system operating conditions ai , aij , a123 by new S dependent equations in Eq. (3), we can find
exist for which Y = 98.0% (S1, test 1), Y = 99.7% (S2, test 4), and a single, general equation for the efficiency Y that depends on
Y = 99.4% (S3, test 5) can be reached. the four independent variables, X1 , X2 , X3 , and S (Eq. 5):
Eq. (1) can be expanded as follows:
Y=171.29 + X1 (−268.10 + 705.22X2 +662.72X3 −2083.90X2 X3 )

Y = a0 + a1 X1 + a2 X2 + a3 X3 + a12 X1 X2 + a13 X1 X3 + a23 X2 X3 −190.76X2 − 180.32X3 + 527.09X2 X3 + S(4.80 − 9.79X2

+ a123 X1 X2 X3 (3) −23.27X3 + 45.96X2 X3 + X1 (−18.86 + 37.19X2 + 95.44X3

−182.25X2 X3 )) + S2 (−0.08 + 0.16X2 + 0.33X3 − 0.67X2 X3

By fitting all sets of data (Table 2) to Eq. (3), all eight coeffi- +X1 (0.29 − 0.61X2 − 1.37X3 + 2.69X2 X3 )) (5)
cients for S1–S3 are calculated and shown in Table 3.
In addition to the experimental efficiencies reported in
Table 2, we conducted a series of case studies using Eq. (3) to In the following we give an example for when Eq. (5) is
evaluate the sensitivity of the entire system vis-à-vis the oper- used to find maximum efficiencies for selected ranges of vari-
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492 487

Table 2 – Coded levels of the three variables and experimental results.

Particle size Test no. Code level of variables Normalized variables Efficiency

X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3 %

1 −1 −1 −1 0.247 0.313 0.157 98.02a

2 1 −1 −1 0.279 0.313 0.157 96.45a
3 −1 −1 1 0.247 0.313 0.340 95.95
4 1 −1 1 0.279 0.313 0.340 95.01
5 −1 1 −1 0.247 0.445 0.157 95.92
6 1 1 −1 0.279 0.445 0.157 96.05
7 −1 1 1 0.247 0.445 0.340 94.23a
8 1 1 1 0.279 0.445 0.340 93.01a
1 −1 −1 −1 0.247 0.313 0.157 98.73a
2 1 −1 −1 0.279 0.313 0.157 96.92a
3 −1 −1 1 0.247 0.313 0.340 98.62
4 1 −1 1 0.279 0.313 0.340 99.69
5 −1 1 −1 0.247 0.445 0.157 97.68
6 1 1 −1 0.279 0.445 0.157 96.99
7 −1 1 1 0.247 0.445 0.340 98.52a
8 1 1 1 0.279 0.445 0.340 97.80a
1 −1 −1 −1 0.247 0.313 0.157 98.10a
2 1 −1 −1 0.279 0.313 0.157 97.06a
3 −1 −1 1 0.247 0.313 0.340 96.96
4 1 −1 1 0.279 0.313 0.340 95.01
5 −1 1 −1 0.247 0.445 0.157 99.43
6 1 1 −1 0.279 0.445 0.157 98.12
7 −1 1 1 0.247 0.445 0.340 99.10a
8 1 1 1 0.279 0.445 0.340 96.75a

Each pair of numbers averaged in the text below in the comparison with calculated yields.

Table 3 – Coefficients for Eq. (3).

Particle size a0 a1 a2 a3 a12 a13 a23 a123

S1 183.268 −315.167 −215.116 −238.579 797.794 901.604 642.029 −2539.570

S2 201.497 −398.403 −223.438 −421.357 848.769 1656.220 959.771 −3732.400
S3 96.673 3.940 14.078 8.656 −37.517 −102.757 75.072 −168.178

Fig. 2 – Effect of (a) feed flow rate, (b) recycle flow rate, and (c) jet impingement flow rate on the efficiency of the system for
the particle size distributions of S1, S2, and S3.
488 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492

ables rather than sensitivities of the entire system. We chose: rates (0.45) were held constant at the values in parenthesis.
X1 : 0.247 ≤ relative feed flow rate ≤ 0.279, X2 : 0.314 ≤ relative Smaller feed flow rates increase the residence time of particles
recycle flow rate ≤ 0.445, X3 : 0.157 ≤ relative jet impingement in the chamber and thus increase separation efficiency at all
flow rate ≤ 0.340, and PSD 1.6 (␮m) ≤ particle size ≤ 77 (␮m). We tube speeds. Fig. 3b shows the effect of different recycle flow
calculated a maximum efficiency of Y = 99.11% for X1 = 0.247, rates on efficiency. The relative feed- (0.7) and jet impinge-
X2 = 0.314, X3 = 0.157, and a particle size distribution with a ment flow rates (0.45) were held constant. Obviously, in the
most frequent particle size of 23.5 ␮m. selected range the influence of recycle flow rates on efficiency
is small. All feed- and recycle flow rates show a maximum effi-
3.2. Effect of rotating the nozzle tube on the efficiency ciency of the jet impingement chamber at a tube speed of 0.5.
of the jet impingement chamber This shows that rotating the nozzles has a positive effect on
efficiency that reaches a maximum. Beyond the maximum tur-
Using the relationships in Table 1, the normalized variables, bulence is likely to diminish particle enrichment near the wall
X1 , X2 , X3 , and additionally the variable for nozzle rotation X4 of the cylinder (Fig. 1b). Fig. 3c shows the effect of different jet
were calculated for each of the 30 experiments in the design impingement flow rates on efficiency. The feed- (0.7) and recy-
matrix and are given in Table 4. The speed of non-normalized cle flow rates (0.58) were held constant. Evidently, jet flow rate
X4 was in the range of tens of rpm. Efficiencies were studied and nozzle rotation are counterproductive. Below a certain jet
only with the PSD S2 (20–120 ␮m). flow rate nozzle rotation seems to have only a negative effect
X1 = Feed flow rate/maximum feed flow rate: 0.5–0. 9 on efficiency. Above a certain jet flow rate nozzle rotation seem
X2 = Recycle flow rate/maximum recycle flow rate: 0.5–0.9 to have an increasingly positive effect on efficiency.
X3 = Jet impingement flow rate/maximum jet impingement In Fig. 4 the variable is the normalized (or relative) feed flow
flow rate: 0.15–0.75 rate. Fig. 4a shows the effect of different relative recycle flow
X4 = Rotating nozzle tube speed/maximum rotating nozzle rates on efficiency in the feed flow rate range of 0.5–0.9. The
tube speed: 0–1 relative jet flow rate (0.45) and nozzle tube speed (0.5) were
The results in Table 4 show that averaging the results held constant at the values in parenthesis. The curves reflect
for dust S2 fed into the jet impingement chamber (Fig. 1b) that there are two effects of the recycle flow rate on efficiency.
yields an efficiency of Y = 96.5% versus Y = 98.1% for the effi- For example, the smallest recycle flow rate (0.26) has the small-
ciency of the total, i.e., when the dust is fed into the cyclones est effect on the feed flow rate when the two streams meet at
first (Fig. 1a). However, operating conditions exist for which the entry of the chamber (Fig. 1b). Increasing the feed flow at
Y = 97.7% can be reached (test 1, Table 4). Moreover, the sen- constant recycle flow diverts more gas towards the exit of the
sitivity studies below show that operating conditions exist chamber for cleaned gas without it being sufficiently clean. If
yielding even higher efficiencies (≥98%) than covered by our the recycle flow increases (0.58, 0.90) the total flow through
experiments (Figs. 3c, 4 b, 5 b, and 6 b, c, e). the chamber increases, the residence time in the chamber
Eq. (2) can be expanded as follows: decreases, i.e., the efficiency decreases but less gas is diverted
to the exit for clean gas, i.e., the efficiency increases. Within
Y = a0 + a1 X1 + a2 X2 + a3 X3 + a4 X4 + a11 X1 2 + a22 X2 2 + a33 X3 2 a certain range of increasing feed flow rates the two opposite
effects seem to compensate each other until the increasing
+ a44 X4 2 + a12 X1 X2 + a13 X1 X3 + a14 X1 X4 + a23 X2 X3 + a24 X2 X4
feed flow decreases the overall efficiency. Fig. 4b shows that
+ a34 X3 X4 (6) there is a dramatic effect of jet flow on efficiency. Small jet flow
rates are clearly favorable. Increasing feed flow rates decreases
the efficiency for all jet flow rates. Note that the relative noz-
By fitting the results in Table 4 to Eq. (6) all fifteen coeffi- zle tube speed (X4 ) was zero in this case. In Fig. 4c we see that
cients were calculated and are shown in Table 5. rotating the nozzles reduces the effect of the jet flow rates
As mentioned in Section 3.1 in addition to the experimental significantly but lowers the efficiency that was reached with
efficiencies reported in Table 4, we conducted a series of case rotation. The relative recycle flow rate (0.58) was held constant
studies using Eq. (6) to evaluate the sensitivity of the cham- in Fig. 4b, c. In Fig. 4d we see that the effect of nozzle rotation
ber vis-à-vis the operational variables. The sensitivity studies is small on efficiency for a given relative jet flow (here 0.45).
were carried out in all cases with a lower, a higher and a mid- Again, the relative recycle flow rate was 0.58.
point value for the parameters (feed flow, recycle flow, jet flow, In Fig. 5 the variable is the normalized (or relative) recycle
nozzle rotation speed) in all diagrams. The results are shown flow rate. Fig. 5a shows the effect of different relative feed flow
in Figs. 3–6. rates on efficiency in the range of relative recycle flow rates of
As for the sensitivity study of the entire system (Sec- 0.26–0.9. The jet flow rate (0.45) and nozzle tube speed (0.5)
tion 3.1, using Eq. (5)) we give an example for when Eq. (6) were held constant at the values in parenthesis. Making the
is used to find maximum efficiencies rather than sensitivi- recycle flow rate the main variable instead of the feed flow rate
ties of the jet impingement chamber with the particle size changes the shape of the curves from concave to convex and
distribution S2 for selected ranges of variables. We chose: from falling to rising, with one exception in Fig. 5a. In Fig. 5a
X1 : 0.5 ≤ relative feed flow rate ≤ 0.9, X2 : 0.258 ≤ relative recy- the relative jet flow rate is held constant at 0.45. The follow-
cle flow rate ≤ 0.901, X3 : 0.15 ≤ relative jet impingement flow ing factors control the trend and the position of the curves in
rate ≤ 0.75, and X4 : 0 ≤ relative nozzle tube speed ≤ 1. We Fig. 5a: The higher the feed flow rate and the lower the recycle
calculated a maximum efficiency of Y = 98.91% for X1 = 0.5, flow rate, the higher is the spill of not well cleaned gas into the
X2 = 0.258, X3 = 0.15, X4 = 0. outlet of the chamber for clean air. This effect diminishes as
In Fig. 3 the variable is the normalized (or relative) rotating the recycle flow rate increases and explains the increasing effi-
nozzle tube speed. Fig. 3a shows the effect of different relative ciency, e.g., of the lowest curve in Fig. 5a. Additional factors to
feed flow rates on efficiency in the range of relative tube speeds consider in this mode of operating the pilot plant are decreas-
of 0–1. The relative recycle- (0.58) and jet impingement flow
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492 489

Table 4 – Coded levels of the four variables and experimental results.

Test no. Code level of variables Normalized variables Efficiency

X1 X2 X3 X4 X1 X2 X3 X4 %

Factorial points
1 −1 −1 −1 −1 0.60 0.60 0.30 0.25 97.72
2 1 −1 −1 −1 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.25 96.25
3 −1 1 −1 −1 0.60 0.80 0.30 0.25 97.67
4 −1 −1 1 −1 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.25 95.56
5 −1 −1 −1 1 0.60 0.60 0.30 0.75 97.05
6 1 1 −1 −1 0.80 0.80 0.30 0.25 97.32
7 1 −1 1 −1 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.25 95.44
8 1 −1 −1 1 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.75 95.39
9 −1 1 1 −1 0.60 0.80 0.60 0.25 96.47
10 −1 1 −1 1 0.60 0.80 0.30 0.75 95.85
11 −1 −1 1 1 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.75 96.77
12 1 1 1 −1 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.25 95.59
13 1 1 −1 1 0.80 0.80 0.30 0.75 96.71
14 1 −1 1 1 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.75 95.66
15 −1 1 1 1 0.60 0.80 0.60 0.75 97.16
16 1 1 1 1 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.75 96.19

Axial points
17 −2 0 0 0 0.50 0.70 0.45 0.50 97.42
18 2 0 0 0 0.90 0.70 0.45 0.50 94.78
19 0 −2 0 0 0.70 0.50 0.45 0.50 97.18
20 0 2 0 0 0.70 0.90 0.45 0.50 96.67
21 0 0 −2 0 0.70 0.70 0.15 0.50 96.50
22 0 0 2 0 0.70 0.70 0.75 0.50 96.25
23 0 0 0 −2 0.70 0.70 0.45 0 96.32
24 0 0 0 2 0.70 0.70 0.45 1.0 95.76

Center points
25 0 0 0 0 0.70 0.70 0.45 0.50 96.76
26 0 0 0 0 0.70 0.70 0.45 0.50 96.12
27 0 0 0 0 0.70 0.70 0.45 0.50 97.11
28 0 0 0 0 0.70 0.70 0.45 0.50 96.81
29 0 0 0 0 0.70 0.70 0.45 0.50 96.90
30 0 0 0 0 0.70 0.70 0.45 0.50 97.01

Fig. 3 – Effect on chamber efficiency of (a) the nozzle tube speed and feed flow rate, (b) the nozzle tube speed and recycle
flow rate, (c) the nozzle tube speed and jet impingement flow rate.
490 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492

Fig. 4 – Effect on the chamber’s efficiency of (a) the feed and recycle flow rate, (b) the feed and jet impingement flow rate (c)
the feed and jet impingement flow rate (d) the feed flow rate and nozzle tube speed (X4 is the nozzle tube speed).

Fig. 5 – Effect on chamber’s efficiency of (a) the recycle and feed flow rates, (b) the recycle and jet-impingement flow rate, (c)
the recycle and jet impingement flow rate, (d) the recycle flow rate and nozzle tube speed (X4 is the nozzle tube speed).

Table 5 – Coefficients of Eq. (6).

a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a11 a22 a33 a44 a12 a13 a14 a23 a24 a34

98.49 12.02 −9.90 −3.38 −1.56 −16.04 1.78 −4.07 −2.81 11.73 −1.92 −0.15 2.17 −1.62 11.13

Table 6 – Summary of results.

Particle size distribution Efficiency (%)

Name Range(␮m) Most frequent(␮m) Fig. 1a Fig. 1b

Typical Best Typical Best

S1 0.3–40 1.6 96–98 98.0 Not tested Not tested

S2 10–150 57 97–99 99.7 96–98 98.5
S3 30–200 77 97–99 99.4 Not tested Not tested
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492 491

Fig. 6 – Effect on chamber efficiency of (a, b) the jet impingement and feed flow rates at two X4 values (c, d) the jet
impingement and recycle flow rates at two X4 values, (d) the jet impingement and recycle flow rate at X4 = 0.5 speed, (e) jet
impingement flow rate and nozzle tube speed.

ing residence time of the dust in the chamber and increasing Note that some efficiency is lost between Fig. 6a, b. This loss is
dilution as the relative recycle rate increases. As the feed flow probably due to turbulence induced by rotation. A comparison
rate decreases, these different factors take on different weight, of Fig. 6b with a shows that rotation does not reduce the loss
which determines the shape of the two other curves (feed flow of the chamber’s efficiency at the highest relative feed flow. As
0.7 and 0.5) in Fig. 5a. Fig. 5b shows the strong dependence of expected, Fig. 6c, d shows that there is an effect of different
efficiency on jet flow at zero rotation and the much weaker recycle flow rates on efficiency and that this effect is signifi-
dependence with rotation (Fig. 5c), as was shown already in cantly reduced when the nozzle tube is rotated. In Fig. 6c, d
Fig. 4b, c. The picture in Fig. 5d corresponds to that in Fig. 6d. the relative feed flow rate is held constant at 0.7. Fig. 6e shows
However, a closer look at Fig. 5b–d reveals that practically all how efficiency can be affected by varying jet flow and noz-
efficiencies are higher than those in Fig. 4b–d. The mode of zle rotation. Without rotation, the efficiency is high at small
operation shown in Fig. 5b–d requires considering three fac- jet flow rates and decreases when the jet flow rate increases
tors: (1) the relative feed flow was kept constant at 0.7. (2) The because turbulence near the wall increases. If the jet flow rate
residence time in the chamber decreases with increasing recy- is small but rotation is high, then rotation prevents the jet
cle flow rate. (3) The feed is increasingly diluted. Evidently, stream to push the dust particles far enough to the wall to pro-
increasing dilution of the feed, which increases efficiency of duce a clean stream in the middle. Increasing the jet flow rate
the chamber, outweighs the loss of residence time, which increases particles separation, i.e., efficiency, as the respec-
would decrease efficiency. This explains the increasing effi- tive curve shows (relative rotational speed = 1). Evidently, there
ciencies with increasing recycle flow. The important overall is a rotational speed for which the dependence of the cham-
finding is that this mode of operation yields higher efficiencies ber’s efficiency depends least on a varying jet flow (relative
than that shown in Fig. 4b–d. rotational speed = 0.5). The value of 0.5 was used whenever
In Fig. 6 the variable is the normalized (or relative) jet rotation was introduced as a parameter in earlier figures.
impingement flow rate. This sensitivity study quantifies fur- In Table 6 we summarize our findings. We show the three
ther the effects discovered earlier in this study: (1) Efficiencies particle size ranges, the most frequently occurring parti-
decrease with increasing jet flow rates. (2) Rotating the nozzle cle sizes and the experimentally determined efficiencies for
tube reduces this decrease. Fig. 6b shows that the decreas- feed injected first into the cyclones (Fig. 1a). We tested the
ing efficiency with increasing jet flow rate, which is shown in mode of operation where feed was injected first into the jet-
Fig. 6a, can almost be eliminated by rotating the nozzle tube. impingement chamber (Fig. 1b) only with the particle size
492 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1 4 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 483–492

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