Calculation Line Sizing TECHNIP (N)

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CALLIGNE Calculation note

English version (general interface): enter O (i.e. yes) or N (i.e. no/French version) o

Cost Code - Unit: XXXXLYY
Calculations sheet in English Français O
Français English
Page breaks for the calc. of line diameters (D) or for the calc. of pressure drop from an isometric (I) D

CALLIGNE (line sizing spreadsheet)

VERSION 2.4 for Excel

This calculation sheet is the property of TECHNIP and shall not be disclosed to others or reproduced in any
manner without its permission.
It is the user's responsibility to enter a consistent set of parameters and to perform results analyses.
Modification of the worksheet is forbidden. If required, contact the issuer.
Any modification of the worksheet involve the sole responsibility of the user concerning calculations and results.
If any inacurracy is detected, please inform the issuer. Please, do not solve yourself your problem without advising the issuer.


By default this spreadsheet conforms to Chap 13 Rev. 2 of Technip Process Design Guide GE 1.1.2 (Databook).

A screen resolution of not less than 1024x768 points is recommended. For comfort, the zoom can be adjusted.
Gas phase density can either be entered directly or calculated from P, T, mol. wt and z.
As well, the Cp/Cv ratio can either be entered directly or estimated, the correlation being valid only for hydrocarbons
whose MW is between 15 and 60 (If the MW is outside of that range, the Cp/Cv ratio and Mach number are not

The application determines the internal diameter from the nominal diameter (in inches) given by the user and the
schedule (refer to the sheet entitled 'Diameters').
The schedule is either given explicitly, or it is deduced from the piping class details previously entered by the user in the
sheet entitled 'Classes' (Technip standard piping classes can be used as a model: see the lower part of the table).
N.B. When the piping class calls for calculated thickness ('EP. CALC.' appears in the cell 'Internal diameter' and ERR in
the result cells), specify the schedule and not the class.

To add a column when all available are used up in the 'Calculations' sheet, copy the last column into the empty column
to its right. Select the column by its letter, unseal and reseal the file protection.
The tables in the 'Diameters', 'Criteria' and 'Classes' sheets, which are protected, contain a set of lines intended to
receive project specific items (blue cells).
In particular, specific schedules can be defined instead of UTI1 to UTI22 in the table of the 'Classes' sheet (blue cells).
If more project specific lines are necessary, unprotect the sheet, insert new lines in the blue area as required and
protect the sheet again.

1 - Line sizing

Fill in the data input zone between 'Date' up to and including 'Roughness'.
Caution: the Criterion Code is case sensitive.

The line sizing calculation ends at the row entitled 'Criteria checking'.

Downstream pressure is not required for a liquid phase calculation.

The criteria codes are listed in the first column of the table found on the 'Criteria' sheet.

2 - Isometric checking

Fill in the data input section as for line sizing.

For isometric checking, a second data input range goes from 'Allowed DP' to 'Pressure adjustment...'.

The user may, if he wishes, establish the pressure profile across connected sections.
To do so, arrange the calculations in columns from the furthest downstream to the furthest upstream:

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CALLIGNE Calculation note

- For the furthest downstream section:

fill in the cell entitled 'Downstream pressure (priority..'.
put nothing in the cell entitled 'Section (...' ,
- Other sections:
put 'T' in the cell entitled 'Section (...'.
do not fill in 'Downstream pressure (priority..'.
do not fix the density if the pressure variation is significant.
do not fill in 'Total line allowed deltaP (…'
For reducer/enlargment fittings and merging/splitting tees, refer to the dedicated example sheets for more instructions
on modelling

If the atmospherical pressure is different from 1.013 bara, correct density should be set manually (line 31)

The abbreviations and the resistance coefficients (K) used are from the TECHNIP 'Databook'. The curves for
K=f(diameter) are extrapolated as required.
A section may be inserted while maintaining the continuity of the pressure profile: insert a column and copy into it the
previous column (select the column by its letter, unseal and reseal the file protection).

The sheet can also be used for retro-calculation of the K value that fits the simulation with a measured pressure profile:
this option is to be specified on line 78.
In any case, never move cells or block of cells.

3 - Printing
The application is configured to print, by default, on a single page in line sizing mode. In other cases, the print range
must be modified and the page layout changed if appropriate.
- Specify lines 3 to 58 and landscape mode when sizing lines,
- Specify lines 3 to 101 and portrait mode when checking isometrics.

4 - Persons with good knowledge of this spreadsheet in case of problems.


5 - Example Sheets

In order to avoid mistakes during the pressure drop calculations, exemple sheets have been created.
- The sheet "Exemple Restriction - Enlargment" gives an exemple for the calculation of K values in case of a restriction
enlargement. In fact, the diameter written in the part "Geometry of section" has to be higher than the piping line diameter
- The sheet "Exemple Tee Splitting" shows an exemple for the calculation of K values in case of a Tee splitting
- The sheet "Exemple Tee Merging" gives an exemple for the calculation of K values in case of a Tee merging

6 - Formulation
The sheet "Formulas" displays the formulas calculating the pressure drop for one kilometer.

WARNING: Worksheet "calculations" does not take into account the evolution of the density along the pipe.
In case of compressible fluid and significant variation of pressure (Pressure drops) along the pipe when
compared to the pressure level, calculation will provide wrong results.
A method consists in defining a sufficient number of pipe section with low pressure drops and where the inlet
density of the compressible fluid would be calculated and specified for each sections.

WARNING: Never change the name of sheets. Do not insert new "Calculations" sheets.

WARNING: As for centrifugal compressors suction line, the straight pipe section (after last elbow, or last
fitting) should normally be taken at least as 5 times the pipe nominal diameter

WARNING: For tee splitting / merging, the DP of a line "A" is calculated using the velocity in line "A".
Refer to the examples of tee splitting & merging.

Note: Calculation of downstream and upstream angle refers to concentric restriction / enlargment
For these calculations, refer to the examples of restriction /enlargment

Note: User is responsible to input the piping class characteristics (diameter, thickness…).
For instance, for glass reinforced plactic (GRP) lines, it should be in accordance with standard ASTM D2996
Calligne permits the user to customize lines characteristics in sheets "Diameters" and "Classes".

Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls

CALLIGNE Calculation note

Activity-unit: XXXXLYY
Pipe calculations Notes :

Issued by
Checked by
Line Number on PID
Downstream pressure (priority input in iso checking mode) bar g.
Temperature (liquid: for information only) °C
Mass flowrate kg/h
Molecular Weight
z (compressibility factor)
A Viscosity cP
S Density (priority input) kg/m³
Cp/Cv (priority input)
Mass flowrate kg/h
LIQUID Density kg/m³
Viscosity cP
Criterion Code
Line Diameter inches
Schedule (default=STD) or Piping class
Roughness (default=0.045) mm
Gas density (at downtream pressure) kg/m³
Vaporised % (mass)
Total mass flowrate kg/h
Total volume flowrate m³/h
Stream density kg/m³ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Stream viscosity cP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nominal diameter mm
Schedule #MACRO?
Internal diameter mm #MACRO?
Roughness mm
Pseudo gas velocity m/s
Pseudo liquid velocity m/s
Cp/Cv (input or estimation for hydrocarbons only)
Mach Nber = velocity / sound velocity
Kettle return optimal diameter (for information) mm
C coefficient for 2 phase flow #MACRO?
C coefficient selected

Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls

CALLIGNE Calculation note

Ref. : ANSI/ASME B36.10M-1985 & 19M-1985, Chap 3 & 13 of Technip Process Design Guide GE 1.1.2 (Databook)
Diameter DN Schedule Extern. dia. Thickness Internal dia. Material sect. Specif. weight Intern. sect.
inches mm mm mm mm m2 kg/m m2
D DN S De e Di St P Si
0.125 6 10S 10.287 1.2446 7.7978 0.000035 0.28 0.000048
0.125 6 40 10.287 1.7272 6.8326 0.000046 0.36 0.000037
0.125 6 STD 10.287 1.7272 6.8326 0.000046 0.36 0.000037
0.125 6 40S 10.287 1.7272 6.8326 0.000046 0.36 0.000037
0.125 6 80 10.287 2.413 5.461 0.000060 0.47 0.000023
0.125 6 XS 10.287 2.413 5.461 0.000060 0.47 0.000023
0.125 6 80S 10.287 2.413 5.461 0.000060 0.47 0.000023
0.25 8 10S 13.716 1.651 10.414 0.000063 0.49 0.000085
0.25 8 40 13.716 2.2352 9.2456 0.000081 0.63 0.000067
0.25 8 STD 13.716 2.2352 9.2456 0.000081 0.63 0.000067
0.25 8 40S 13.716 2.2352 9.2456 0.000081 0.63 0.000067
0.25 8 80 13.716 3.0226 7.6708 0.000102 0.80 0.000046
0.25 8 XS 13.716 3.0226 7.6708 0.000102 0.80 0.000046
0.25 8 80S 13.716 3.0226 7.6708 0.000102 0.80 0.000046
0.375 10 10S 17.145 1.651 13.843 0.000080 0.63 0.000151
0.375 10 40 17.145 2.3114 12.5222 0.000108 0.85 0.000123
0.375 10 STD 17.145 2.3114 12.5222 0.000108 0.85 0.000123
0.375 10 40S 17.145 2.3114 12.5222 0.000108 0.85 0.000123
0.375 10 80 17.145 3.2004 10.7442 0.000140 1.10 0.000091
0.375 10 XS 17.145 3.2004 10.7442 0.000140 1.10 0.000091
0.375 10 80S 17.145 3.2004 10.7442 0.000140 1.10 0.000091
0.5 15 5S 21.336 1.651 18.034 0.000102 0.80 0.000255
0.5 15 10S 21.336 2.1082 17.1196 0.000127 1.00 0.000230
0.5 15 40 21.336 2.7686 15.7988 0.000161 1.27 0.000196
0.5 15 STD 21.336 2.7686 15.7988 0.000161 1.27 0.000196
0.5 15 40S 21.336 2.7686 15.7988 0.000161 1.27 0.000196
0.5 15 80 21.336 3.7338 13.8684 0.000206 1.62 0.000151
0.5 15 XS 21.336 3.7338 13.8684 0.000206 1.62 0.000151
0.5 15 80S 21.336 3.7338 13.8684 0.000206 1.62 0.000151
0.5 15 160 21.336 4.7752 11.7856 0.000248 1.95 0.000109
0.5 15 XXS 21.336 7.4676 6.4008 0.000325 2.55 0.000032
0.75 20 BWG10 19.05 3.4036 12.2428 0.000167 1.31 0.000118
0.75 20 BWG12 19.05 2.7686 13.5128 0.000142 1.11 0.000143
0.75 20 BWG14 19.05 2.1082 14.8336 0.000112 0.88 0.000173
0.75 20 BWG16 19.05 1.651 15.748 0.000090 0.71 0.000195
0.75 20 5S 26.67 1.651 23.368 0.000130 1.02 0.000429
0.75 20 10S 26.67 2.1082 22.4536 0.000163 1.28 0.000396
0.75 20 40 26.67 2.8702 20.9296 0.000215 1.68 0.000344
0.75 20 STD 26.67 2.8702 20.9296 0.000215 1.68 0.000344
0.75 20 40S 26.67 2.8702 20.9296 0.000215 1.68 0.000344
0.75 20 80 26.67 3.9116 18.8468 0.000280 2.20 0.000279
0.75 20 XS 26.67 3.9116 18.8468 0.000280 2.20 0.000279
0.75 20 80S 26.67 3.9116 18.8468 0.000280 2.20 0.000279
0.75 20 160 26.67 5.5626 15.5448 0.000369 2.90 0.000190
0.75 20 XXS 26.67 7.8232 11.0236 0.000463 3.64 0.000095
1 25 BWG8 25.4 4.191 17.018 0.000279 2.19 0.000227
1 25 BWG10 25.4 3.4036 18.5928 0.000235 1.85 0.000272
1 25 BWG12 25.4 2.7686 19.8628 0.000197 1.55 0.000310
1 25 BWG14 25.4 2.1082 21.1836 0.000154 1.21 0.000352
1 25 BWG16 25.4 1.651 22.098 0.000123 0.97 0.000384
1 25 5S 33.401 1.651 30.099 0.000165 1.29 0.000712
1 25 10S 33.401 2.7686 27.8638 0.000266 2.09 0.000610
1 25 40 33.401 3.3782 26.6446 0.000319 2.50 0.000558
1 25 STD 33.401 3.3782 26.6446 0.000319 2.50 0.000558
1 25 40S 33.401 3.3782 26.6446 0.000319 2.50 0.000558
1 25 80 33.401 4.5466 24.3078 0.000412 3.24 0.000464
1 25 XS 33.401 4.5466 24.3078 0.000412 3.24 0.000464
1 25 80S 33.401 4.5466 24.3078 0.000412 3.24 0.000464
1 25 160 33.401 6.35 20.701 0.000540 4.24 0.000337
1 25 XXS 33.401 9.0932 15.2146 0.000694 5.45 0.000182
1.5 40 5S 48.26 1.651 44.958 0.000242 1.90 0.001587
1.5 40 10S 48.26 2.7686 42.7228 0.000396 3.11 0.001434
1.5 40 40 48.26 3.683 40.894 0.000516 4.05 0.001313
1.5 40 STD 48.26 3.683 40.894 0.000516 4.05 0.001313
1.5 40 40S 48.26 3.683 40.894 0.000516 4.05 0.001313
1.5 40 80 48.26 5.08 38.1 0.000689 5.41 0.001140
1.5 40 XS 48.26 5.08 38.1 0.000689 5.41 0.001140
1.5 40 80S 48.26 5.08 38.1 0.000689 5.41 0.001140
1.5 40 160 48.26 7.1374 33.9852 0.000922 7.24 0.000907
1.5 40 XXS 48.26 10.16 27.94 0.001216 9.55 0.000613
2 50 5S 60.325 1.651 57.023 0.000304 2.39 0.002554
2 50 10S 60.325 2.7686 54.7878 0.000501 3.93 0.002358
2 50 40 60.325 3.9116 52.5018 0.000693 5.44 0.002165
2 50 STD 60.325 3.9116 52.5018 0.000693 5.44 0.002165
2 50 40S 60.325 3.9116 52.5018 0.000693 5.44 0.002165
2 50 80 60.325 5.5372 49.2506 0.000953 7.48 0.001905
2 50 XS 60.325 5.5372 49.2506 0.000953 7.48 0.001905
2 50 80S 60.325 5.5372 49.2506 0.000953 7.48 0.001905
2 50 160 60.325 8.7376 42.8498 0.001416 11.12 0.001442
2 50 XXS 60.325 11.0744 38.1762 0.001713 13.45 0.001145
3 80 5S 88.9 2.1082 84.6836 0.000575 4.51 0.005632
3 80 10S 88.9 3.048 82.804 0.000822 6.45 0.005385
3 80 40 88.9 5.4864 77.9272 0.001438 11.29 0.004769
3 80 STD 88.9 5.4864 77.9272 0.001438 11.29 0.004769
3 80 40S 88.9 5.4864 77.9272 0.001438 11.29 0.004769
3 80 80 88.9 7.62 73.66 0.001946 15.27 0.004261
3 80 XS 88.9 7.62 73.66 0.001946 15.27 0.004261
3 80 80S 88.9 7.62 73.66 0.001946 15.27 0.004261
3 80 160 88.9 11.1252 66.6496 0.002718 21.34 0.003489
3 80 XXS 88.9 15.24 58.42 0.003527 27.68 0.002680
4 100 5S 114.3 2.1082 110.0836 0.000743 5.83 0.009518
4 100 10S 114.3 3.048 108.204 0.001065 8.36 0.009196
4 100 40 114.3 6.0198 102.2604 0.002048 16.07 0.008213
4 100 STD 114.3 6.0198 102.2604 0.002048 16.07 0.008213
4 100 40S 114.3 6.0198 102.2604 0.002048 16.07 0.008213
4 100 80 114.3 8.5598 97.1804 0.002844 22.32 0.007417
4 100 XS 114.3 8.5598 97.1804 0.002844 22.32 0.007417
4 100 80S 114.3 8.5598 97.1804 0.002844 22.32 0.007417
4 100 120 114.3 11.1252 92.0496 0.003606 28.31 0.006655
4 100 160 114.3 13.4874 87.3252 0.004272 33.53 0.005989
4 100 XXS 114.3 17.1196 80.0608 0.005227 41.03 0.005034
6 150 5S 168.275 2.7686 162.7378 0.001440 11.30 0.020800
6 150 10S 168.275 3.4036 161.4678 0.001763 13.84 0.020477
6 150 40 168.275 7.112 154.051 0.003601 28.27 0.018639
6 150 STD 168.275 7.112 154.051 0.003601 28.27 0.018639
6 150 40S 168.275 7.112 154.051 0.003601 28.27 0.018639
6 150 80 168.275 10.9728 146.3294 0.005423 42.56 0.016817
6 150 XS 168.275 10.9728 146.3294 0.005423 42.56 0.016817
6 150 80S 168.275 10.9728 146.3294 0.005423 42.56 0.016817
6 150 120 168.275 14.2748 139.7254 0.006906 54.21 0.015333
6 150 160 168.275 18.2626 131.7498 0.008607 67.56 0.013633
6 150 XXS 168.275 21.9456 124.3838 0.010089 79.19 0.012151
8 200 5S 219.075 2.7686 213.5378 0.001881 14.77 0.035813
8 200 10S 219.075 3.7592 211.5566 0.002543 19.96 0.035151
8 200 20 219.075 6.35 206.375 0.004244 33.31 0.033451
8 200 30 219.075 7.0358 205.0034 0.004687 36.79 0.033007
8 200 40 219.075 8.1788 202.7174 0.005419 42.54 0.032275
8 200 STD 219.075 8.1788 202.7174 0.005419 42.54 0.032275
8 200 40S 219.075 8.1788 202.7174 0.005419 42.54 0.032275
8 200 60 219.075 10.3124 198.4502 0.006763 53.09 0.030931
8 200 80 219.075 12.7 193.675 0.008234 64.63 0.029460
8 200 XS 219.075 12.7 193.675 0.008234 64.63 0.029460
8 200 80S 219.075 12.7 193.675 0.008234 64.63 0.029460
8 200 100 219.075 15.0876 188.8998 0.009669 75.90 0.028025
8 200 120 219.075 18.2626 182.5498 0.011521 90.44 0.026173
8 200 140 219.075 20.6248 177.8254 0.012859 100.93 0.024836
8 200 XXS 219.075 22.225 174.625 0.013744 107.89 0.023950
8 200 160 219.075 23.0124 173.0502 0.014174 111.26 0.023520
10 250 5S 273.05 3.4036 266.2428 0.002883 22.63 0.055673
10 250 10S 273.05 4.191 264.668 0.003540 27.79 0.055016
10 250 20 273.05 6.35 260.35 0.005320 41.76 0.053236
10 250 30 273.05 7.7978 257.4544 0.006498 51.01 0.052058
10 250 40 273.05 9.271 254.508 0.007683 60.31 0.050874
10 250 STD 273.05 9.271 254.508 0.007683 60.31 0.050874
10 250 40S 273.05 9.271 254.508 0.007683 60.31 0.050874
10 250 60 273.05 12.7 247.65 0.010388 81.54 0.048169
10 250 XS 273.05 12.7 247.65 0.010388 81.54 0.048169
10 250 80S 273.05 12.7 247.65 0.010388 81.54 0.048169
10 250 80 273.05 15.0876 242.8748 0.012227 95.98 0.046329
10 250 100 273.05 18.2626 236.5248 0.014618 114.74 0.043938
10 250 120 273.05 21.4376 230.1748 0.016946 133.02 0.041611
10 250 140 273.05 25.4 222.25 0.019762 155.12 0.038795
10 250 XXS 273.05 25.4 222.25 0.019762 155.12 0.038795
10 250 160 273.05 28.575 215.9 0.021947 172.27 0.036610
12 300 5S 323.85 3.9624 315.9252 0.003982 31.26 0.078390
12 300 10S 323.85 4.572 314.706 0.004586 36.00 0.077786
12 300 20 323.85 6.35 311.15 0.006334 49.72 0.076038
12 300 7.14 323.85 7.1374 309.58 0.007102 55.74 0.075270
12 300 30 323.85 8.382 307.086 0.008307 65.21 0.074064
12 300 STD 323.85 9.525 304.8 0.009406 73.83 0.072966
12 300 40S 323.85 9.525 304.8 0.009406 73.83 0.072966
12 300 40 323.85 10.3124 303.2252 0.010158 79.73 0.072214
12 300 XS 323.85 12.7 298.45 0.012414 97.45 0.069957
12 300 80S 323.85 12.7 298.45 0.012414 97.45 0.069957
12 300 60 323.85 14.2748 295.3004 0.013883 108.98 0.068489
Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls
12 300 80 323.85 17.4752
CALLIGNE 288.8996 0.016820 132.03 0.065552 Calculation note
12 300 100 323.85 21.4376 280.9748 0.020367 159.87 0.062005
12 300 120 323.85 25.4 273.05 0.023815 186.94 0.058556
12 300 XXS 323.85 25.4 273.05 0.023815 186.94 0.058556
12 300 140 323.85 28.575 266.7 0.026507 208.07 0.055864
12 300 160 323.85 33.3248 257.2004 0.030416 238.75 0.051956
14 350 5S 355.6 3.9624 347.6752 0.004377 34.36 0.094937
14 350 10S 355.6 4.7752 346.0496 0.005263 41.31 0.094052
14 350 10 355.6 6.35 342.9 0.006967 54.69 0.092347
14 350 20 355.6 7.9248 339.7504 0.008656 67.94 0.090659
14 350 30 355.6 9.525 336.55 0.010356 81.29 0.088959
14 350 STD 355.6 9.525 336.55 0.010356 81.29 0.088959
14 350 40 355.6 11.1252 333.3496 0.012040 94.51 0.087275
14 350 XS 355.6 12.7 330.2 0.013681 107.39 0.085634
14 350 60 355.6 15.0876 325.4248 0.016140 126.69 0.083175
14 350 80 355.6 19.05 317.5 0.020142 158.10 0.079173
14 350 100 355.6 23.8252 307.9496 0.024833 194.93 0.074482
14 350 120 355.6 27.7876 300.0248 0.028617 224.63 0.070698
14 350 140 355.6 31.75 292.1 0.032303 253.56 0.067012
14 350 160 355.6 35.7124 284.1752 0.035889 281.71 0.063425
16 400 5S 406.4 4.191 398.018 0.005296 41.57 0.124421
16 400 10S 406.4 4.7752 396.8496 0.006025 47.29 0.123692
16 400 10 406.4 6.35 393.7 0.007981 62.64 0.121736
16 400 20 406.4 7.9248 390.5504 0.009921 77.87 0.119796
16 400 8.74 406.4 8.7376 388.9248 0.010916 85.68 0.118801
16 400 30 406.4 9.525 387.35 0.011876 93.22 0.117841
16 400 STD 406.4 9.525 387.35 0.011876 93.22 0.117841
16 400 40 406.4 12.7 381 0.015708 123.30 0.114009
16 400 XS 406.4 12.7 381 0.015708 123.30 0.114009
16 400 60 406.4 16.6624 373.0752 0.020401 160.14 0.109316
16 400 80 406.4 21.4376 363.5248 0.025927 203.51 0.103791
16 400 100 406.4 26.1874 354.0252 0.031280 245.53 0.098437
16 400 120 406.4 30.9626 344.4748 0.036520 286.66 0.093198
16 400 140 406.4 36.5252 333.3496 0.042442 333.15 0.087275
16 400 160 406.4 40.4876 325.4248 0.046542 365.34 0.083175
18 450 5S 457.2 4.191 448.818 0.005965 46.82 0.158209
18 450 10S 457.2 4.7752 447.6496 0.006787 53.28 0.157386
18 450 10 457.2 6.35 444.5 0.008994 70.60 0.155179
18 450 20 457.2 7.9248 441.3504 0.011185 87.80 0.152988
18 450 STD 457.2 9.525 438.15 0.013396 105.15 0.150777
18 450 30 457.2 11.1252 434.9496 0.015591 122.38 0.148583
18 450 XS 457.2 12.7 431.8 0.017735 139.21 0.146438
18 450 40 457.2 14.2748 428.6504 0.019863 155.92 0.144310
18 450 60 457.2 19.05 419.1 0.026222 205.83 0.137951
18 450 80 457.2 23.8252 409.5496 0.032438 254.62 0.131736
18 450 100 457.2 29.3624 398.4752 0.039466 309.79 0.124707
18 450 120 457.2 34.925 387.35 0.046332 363.68 0.117841
18 450 140 457.2 39.6748 377.8504 0.052041 408.50 0.112132
18 450 160 457.2 45.2374 366.7252 0.058547 459.57 0.105626
20 500 5S 508 4.7752 498.4496 0.007549 59.26 0.195134
20 500 10S 508 5.5372 496.9256 0.008741 68.61 0.193942
20 500 10 508 6.35 495.3 0.010007 78.55 0.192676
20 500 20 508 9.525 488.95 0.014916 117.09 0.187767
20 500 STD 508 9.525 488.95 0.014916 117.09 0.187767
20 500 30 508 12.7 482.6 0.019762 155.12 0.182921
20 500 XS 508 12.7 482.6 0.019762 155.12 0.182921
20 500 40 508 15.0876 477.8248 0.023364 183.39 0.179319
20 500 60 508 20.6248 466.7504 0.031579 247.88 0.171104
20 500 80 508 26.1874 455.6252 0.039639 311.15 0.163044
20 500 100 508 32.5374 442.9252 0.048601 381.50 0.154082
20 500 120 508 38.1 431.8 0.056245 441.49 0.146438
20 500 140 508 44.45 419.1 0.064732 508.11 0.137951
20 500 160 508 50.0126 407.9748 0.071959 564.84 0.130724
24 600 5S 609.6 5.5372 598.5256 0.010508 82.48 0.281355
24 600 10 609.6 6.35 596.9 0.012034 94.46 0.279829
24 600 10S 609.6 6.35 596.9 0.012034 94.46 0.279829
24 600 20 609.6 9.525 590.55 0.017956 140.95 0.273907
24 600 STD 609.6 9.525 590.55 0.017956 140.95 0.273907
24 600 XS 609.6 12.7 584.2 0.023815 186.94 0.268048
24 600 30 609.6 14.2748 581.0504 0.026698 209.56 0.265166
24 600 40 609.6 17.4752 574.6496 0.032508 255.17 0.259356
24 600 60 609.6 24.6126 560.3748 0.045233 355.06 0.246631
24 600 80 609.6 30.9626 547.6748 0.056285 441.81 0.235578
24 600 100 609.6 38.8874 531.8252 0.069723 547.29 0.222140
24 600 120 609.6 46.0248 517.5504 0.081488 639.64 0.210376
24 600 140 609.6 52.3748 504.8504 0.091686 719.69 0.200178
24 600 160 609.6 59.5376 490.5248 0.102885 807.60 0.188978
26 650 6.35 660.4 6.35 647.7 0.013048 102.42 0.329487
26 650 10 660.4 7.9248 644.5504 0.016244 127.51 0.326290
26 650 STD 660.4 9.525 641.35 0.019477 152.88 0.323058
26 650 20 660.4 12.7 635 0.025842 202.85 0.316692
26 650 XS 660.4 12.7 635 0.025842 202.85 0.316692
28 700 6.35 711.2 6.35 698.5 0.014061 110.37 0.383198
28 700 10 711.2 7.9248 695.3504 0.017509 137.44 0.379750
28 700 STD 711.2 9.525 692.15 0.020997 164.81 0.376262
28 700 20 711.2 12.7 685.8 0.027869 218.76 0.369390
28 700 XS 711.2 12.7 685.8 0.027869 218.76 0.369390
28 700 30 711.2 15.875 679.45 0.034678 272.20 0.362581
30 750 5S 762 6.35 749.3 0.015075 118.33 0.440962
30 750 6.35 762 6.35 749.3 0.015075 118.33 0.440962
30 750 10 762 7.9248 746.1504 0.018774 147.37 0.437263
30 750 10S 762 7.9248 746.1504 0.018774 147.37 0.437263
30 750 STD 762 9.525 742.95 0.022517 176.75 0.433520
30 750 20 762 12.7 736.6 0.029896 234.67 0.426141
30 750 XS 762 12.7 736.6 0.029896 234.67 0.426141
30 750 30 762 15.875 730.25 0.037211 292.09 0.418825
32 800 6.35 812.8 6.35 800.1 0.016088 126.28 0.502780
32 800 10 812.8 7.9248 796.9504 0.020039 157.29 0.498830
32 800 STD 812.8 9.525 793.75 0.024037 188.68 0.494832
32 800 20 812.8 12.7 787.4 0.031923 250.58 0.486946
32 800 XS 812.8 12.7 787.4 0.031923 250.58 0.486946
32 800 30 812.8 15.875 781.05 0.039745 311.98 0.479124
32 800 40 812.8 17.4752 777.8496 0.043663 342.74 0.475205
34 850 6.35 863.6 6.35 850.9 0.017101 134.24 0.568652
34 850 10 863.6 7.9248 847.7504 0.021303 167.22 0.564451
34 850 STD 863.6 9.525 844.55 0.025557 200.61 0.560197
34 850 20 863.6 12.7 838.2 0.033949 266.49 0.551804
34 850 XS 863.6 12.7 838.2 0.033949 266.49 0.551804
34 850 30 863.6 15.875 831.85 0.042278 331.87 0.543475
34 850 40 863.6 17.4752 828.6496 0.046452 364.63 0.539302
36 900 6.35 914.4 6.35 901.7 0.018115 142.19 0.638578
36 900 10 914.4 7.9248 898.5504 0.022568 177.15 0.634125
36 900 STD 914.4 9.525 895.35 0.027077 212.54 0.629616
36 900 20 914.4 12.7 889 0.035976 282.40 0.620717
36 900 XS 914.4 12.7 889 0.035976 282.40 0.620717
36 900 30 914.4 15.875 882.65 0.044812 351.75 0.611881
36 900 40 914.4 19.05 876.3 0.053584 420.61 0.603109
38 950 7.92 965.2 7.9248 949.3504 0.023833 187.08 0.707853
38 950 STD 965.2 9.525 946.15 0.028597 224.48 0.703088
38 950 XS 965.2 12.7 939.8 0.038003 298.31 0.693683
40 1000 7.92 1016 7.9248 1000.1504 0.025098 197.00 0.785634
40 1000 STD 1016 9.525 996.95 0.030117 236.41 0.780615
40 1000 XS 1016 12.7 990.6 0.040030 314.22 0.770702
40 1000 UTI1 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI2 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI3 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI4 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI5 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI6 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI7 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI8 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI9 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI10 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI11 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI12 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI13 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI14 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI15 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI16 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI17 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI18 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI19 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI20 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI21 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
40 1000 UTI22 1016 20.62 974.76 0.064480 506.14 0.746252
42 1050 8.74 1066.8 8.7376 1049.3248 0.029044 227.98 0.864788
42 1050 STD 1066.8 9.525 1047.75 0.031638 248.34 0.862194
42 1050 XS 1066.8 12.7 1041.4 0.042057 330.13 0.851775
44 1100 8.74 1117.6 8.7376 1100.1248 0.030438 238.93 0.950547
44 1100 STD 1117.6 9.525 1098.55 0.033158 260.27 0.947828
44 1100 XS 1117.6 12.7 1092.2 0.044084 346.03 0.936902
46 1150 8.74 1168.4 8.7376 1150.9248 0.031833 249.87 1.040360
46 1150 STD 1168.4 9.525 1149.35 0.034678 272.20 1.037515
46 1150 XS 1168.4 12.7 1143 0.046110 361.94 1.026083
48 1200 8.74 1219.2 8.7376 1201.7248 0.033227 260.82 1.134227
48 1200 STD 1219.2 9.525 1200.15 0.036198 284.14 1.131256
48 1200 XS 1219.2 12.7 1193.8 0.048137 377.85 1.119317
52 1300 MIN 1320.8 9.525 1301.75 0.039238 308.00 1.330899
56 1400 MIN 1422.4 9.525 1403.35 0.042278 331.87 1.546756
60 1500 MIN 1524 9.525 1504.95 0.045319 355.73 1.778828
64 1600 MIN 1625.6 9.525 1606.55 0.048359 379.59 2.027115
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CALLIGNE Calculation note

68 1700 MIN 1727.2 11.9126 1703.3748 0.064194 503.89 2.278822

72 1800 MIN 1828.8 12.7 1803.4 0.072459 568.77 2.554312
76 1900 MIN 1930.4 12.7 1905 0.076513 600.59 2.850230
80 2000 MIN 2032 14.2748 2003.4504 0.090486 710.27 3.152442

Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls

CALLIGNE Calculation note

From From
Criteria Title Diameter Pressure Velocity pV2 DP pV3 Reference
Code inches bar g. m/s Pa bar/km kg/s3
Gas AC Compressor suction 0 0 n/a 6000 0.7 n/a Databook
Gas AC Compressor suction 0 20 n/a 7500 0.7 n/a Databook
Gas AC Compressor suction 0 50 n/a 10000 0.7 n/a Databook
Gas AC Compressor suction 0 80 n/a 15000 0.7 n/a Databook
Gas AC Compressor suction 0 120 n/a 20000 0.7 n/a Databook
Liquid APB Pump suct., bubble pt 0 -1.013 0.6 n/a 0.9 n/a Databook
Liquid APB Pump suct., bubble pt 3 -1.013 0.9 n/a 0.9 n/a Databook
Liquid APB Pump suct., bubble pt 12 -1.013 1.2 n/a 0.9 n/a Databook
Liquid APB Pump suct., bubble pt 20 -1.013 1.5 n/a 0.9 n/a Databook
Liquid APSR Pump suct., subcooled 0 -1.013 0.9 n/a 3.5 n/a Databook
Liquid APSR Pump suct., subcooled 3 -1.013 1.2 n/a 3.5 n/a Databook
Liquid APSR Pump suct., subcooled 8 -1.013 1.5 n/a 3.5 n/a Databook
Liquid APSR Pump suct., subcooled 20 -1.013 1.8 n/a 3.5 n/a Databook
Liquid AR Reboiler feed 0 -1.013 n/a n/a 0.4 n/a Databook
Liquid BFW<50 BFW P<50 bg 0 -1.013 6 n/a 4.5 n/a Databook
Liquid BFW>50 BFW P>50 bg 0 -1.013 6 n/a 9 n/a Databook
Liquid BONNA Water, Bonna pipe 0 -1.013 3 n/a n/a n/a Databook
User C1 Criterion #1 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C10 Criterion #10 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C11 Criterion #11 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C12 Criterion #12 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C13 Criterion #13 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C14 Criterion #14 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C15 Criterion #15 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C16 Criterion #16 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C17 Criterion #17 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C18 Criterion #18 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C19 Criterion #19 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C2 Criterion #2 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C20 Criterion #20 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C3 Criterion #3 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C4 Criterion #4 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C5 Criterion #5 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C6 Criterion #6 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C7 Criterion #7 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C8 Criterion #8 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
User C9 Criterion #9 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a User
Mixed COND Mixed, Condensate 0 -1.013 20 n/a 0.3 n/a Databook
Liquid ECH Heat exchanger 0 -1.013 n/a 6000 n/a n/a HTRI/TEMA
Liquid EMER Sea water 0 -1.013 3.5 n/a n/a n/a Databook
Liquid ERC C.W. short unit line 0 -1.013 1.5 n/a 3.5 n/a Databook
Liquid ERC C.W. short unit line 3 -1.013 2 n/a 3.5 n/a Databook
Liquid ERC C.W. short unit line 4 -1.013 2.5 n/a 3.5 n/a Databook
Liquid ERC C.W. short unit line 6 -1.013 3 n/a 3.5 n/a Databook
Liquid ERL C.W. long unit line 0 -1.013 1.5 n/a 1.5 n/a Databook
Liquid ERL C.W. long unit line 3 -1.013 2 n/a 1.5 n/a Databook
Liquid ERL C.W. long unit line 4 -1.013 2.5 n/a 1.5 n/a Databook
Liquid ERL C.W. long unit line 6 -1.013 3 n/a 1.5 n/a Databook
Liquid EROFF C.W. offsites line 0 -1.013 1.5 n/a 1.16 n/a Databook
Liquid EROFF C.W. offsites line 3 -1.013 2 n/a 1.16 n/a Databook
Liquid EROFF C.W. offsites line 4 -1.013 2.5 n/a 1.16 n/a Databook
Liquid EROFF C.W. offsites line 6 -1.013 3 n/a 1.16 n/a Databook
Gas GAZ Gases, General 0 -1.013 n/a 6000 n/a n/a Databook
Gas GAZ Gases, General 0 20 n/a 7500 n/a n/a Databook
Gas GAZ Gases, General 0 50 n/a 10000 n/a n/a Databook
Gas GAZ Gases, General 0 80 n/a 15000 n/a n/a Databook
Gas GAZ Gases, General 0 120 n/a 20000 n/a n/a Databook
Liquid GRA Gravity flow 0 -1.013 n/a n/a 0.45 n/a Databook
Liquid KERB Kerosene to tank 0 -1.013 1 n/a n/a n/a Databook
Mixed MIX Mixed, General 0 -1.013 23 15000 n/a n/a Databook
Liquid P<50 Pump Pr<=50 bg 0 -1.013 n/a n/a 4.5 n/a Databook
Liquid P>50 Pump Pr>50 bg 0 -1.013 n/a n/a 9 n/a Databook
Gas RC Compressor discharge 0 0 n/a 6000 1.15 n/a Databook
Gas RC Compressor discharge 0 20 n/a 7500 1.15 n/a Databook
Gas RC Compressor discharge 0 50 n/a 10000 1.15 n/a Databook
Gas RC Compressor discharge 0 80 n/a 15000 1.15 n/a Databook
Gas RC Compressor discharge 0 120 n/a 20000 1.15 n/a Databook
Gas RR Kettle vapor return 0 -1.013 n/a 15000 0.4 n/a Databook
Gas RVS Stripper vapor return 0 -1.013 n/a 15000 0.45 n/a Databook
Manual SANS No checking 0 -1.013 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Liquid SL Side-stream draw-off 0 -1.013 0.6 n/a 0.9 n/a Databook
Liquid SL Side-stream draw-off 3 -1.013 0.9 n/a 0.9 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 -1.013 90 15000 n/a n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 -0.9375 n/a 15000 0.1635385 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 -0.9116117 n/a 15000 0.1859526 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 -0.875 n/a 15000 0.2126832 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 -0.8232233 n/a 15000 0.2443501 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 -0.75 n/a 15000 0.2816768 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 -0.6464466 n/a 15000 0.3255106 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 -0.5 n/a 15000 0.376845 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 -0.2928932 n/a 15000 0.4368441 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 0 n/a 15000 0.5068701 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 0.41421356 n/a 15000 0.5885149 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 1 n/a 15000 0.6836366 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 1.82842712 n/a 15000 0.794402 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 3 n/a 15000 0.9233363 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 4.65685425 n/a 15000 1.0733802 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 7 n/a 15000 1.2479574 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 10.3137085 n/a 15000 1.4510525 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 15 n/a 15000 1.6873019 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 21.627417 n/a 15000 1.9620997 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 31 n/a 15000 2.2817209 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 44.254834 n/a 15000 2.6534646 n/a Databook
Gas TCOL Column overhead 0 63 n/a 15000 3.0858205 n/a Databook
Gas TDSV Vacuum tower overhead 0 -1.013 90 15000 n/a n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATC Sat. steam, short unit line 0 -1.013 10 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATC Sat. steam, short unit line 0 10 10 15000 2.3 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATC Sat. steam, short unit line 3 -1.013 30 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATC Sat. steam, short unit line 3 10 30 15000 2.3 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATC Sat. steam, short unit line 10 -1.013 40 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATC Sat. steam, short unit line 10 10 40 15000 2.3 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURC Superh. steam, short unit line 0 -1.013 15 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURC Superh. steam, short unit line 0 10 15 15000 2.3 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURC Superh. steam, short unit line 3 -1.013 40 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURC Superh. steam, short unit line 3 10 40 15000 2.3 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURC Superh. steam, short unit line 10 -1.013 60 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURC Superh. steam, short unit line 10 10 60 15000 2.3 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATL Sat. steam, long unit line 0 -1.013 10 15000 0.24 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATL Sat. steam, long unit line 0 10 10 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATL Sat. steam, long unit line 3 -1.013 30 15000 0.24 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATL Sat. steam, long unit line 3 10 30 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATL Sat. steam, long unit line 10 -1.013 40 15000 0.24 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSATL Sat. steam, long unit line 10 10 40 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURL Superh. steam, long unit line 0 -1.013 15 15000 0.24 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURL Superh. steam, long unit line 0 10 15 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls
CALLIGNE Calculation note

Criteria Title Diameter Pressure Velocity pV2 DP pV3 Reference

Code inches bar g. m/s Pa bar/km kg/s3
Gas VAPSURL Superh. steam, long unit line 3 -1.013 40 15000 0.24 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURL Superh. steam, long unit line 3 10 40 15000 0.92 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURL Superh. steam, long unit line 10 -1.013 60 15000 0.24 n/a Databook
Gas VAPSURL Superh. steam, long unit line 10 10 60 15000 0.92 n/a Databook

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CALLIGNE Calculation note

Calculation of the angle of a contraction or an enlargement: lenght of the fitting = f(diameter)

Large Diameter Total length

Inches Inches ASME B16.9-1993 "Factory-made wrougth steel buttwelding fitting" p17-18
1 2
1.5 2.5
2 3
3 3.5
4 4
5 5
6 5.5
8 6
10 7
12 8
14 13
16 14
18 15
20 20
22 20
24 20
26 24
28 24
30 24
32 24
34 24
36 24
38 24
40 24
42 24
44 24
46 28
48 28
1000 0.01 sudden contraction

N.B : H is the total length of the fitting. For calculating the angle, the reduction zone itself is considered H/2 long.

Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls

CALLIGNE calculation note
Piping classes definition depends on the job.
Be careful not to use schedule names for calling these classes
Class or schedule
Class Inches Schedule
10 0 10
20 0 20
30 0 30
40 0 40
60 0 60
80 0 80
100 0 100
120 0 120
140 0 140
160 0 160
10S 0 10S
40S 0 40S
5S 0 5S
80S 0 80S
BWG10 0 BWG10
BWG12 0 BWG12
BWG14 0 BWG14
BWG16 0 BWG16
DA01 0 80
DA01 4 40
DA01 8 20
DA01 12 7.14
DA02 0 80
DA02 2 40
DA02 8 20
DA02 12 7.14
DA02 14 20
DA02 16 8.74
DA02 18 10
DA02 26 6.35
DA02 38 7.92
DA02 42 8.74
DA03 0 80
DA03 2 40
DA03 8 20
DA03 12 7.14
DA03 14 20
DA03 16 8.74
DA03 18 10
DA03 24 CAL
DA04 0 80
DA04 2 40
DA04 8 20
DA04 12 7.14
DA04 14 20
DA04 16 8.74
DA04 18 10
DA04 24 CAL
DA05 0 80
DA05 2 40
DA05 8 20
DA05 12 7.14
DA05 14 20
DA05 16 8.74
DA05 18 10
DA05 24 CAL
DA06 0 80
DA06 2 40
DA06 8 20
DA06 12 7.14
DA06 14 20
DA06 16 8.74
DA06 18 CAL
DA07 0 80
DA07 2 40
DA07 8 20
DA07 12 7.14
DA07 14 20
DA07 16 8.74
DA07 18 CAL
DA08 0 80
DA08 2 40
DA08 8 20
DA08 12 7.14
DA08 14 20
DA08 16 8.74
DA08 18 10
DA08 24 CAL
DA09 0 80
DA09 2 40
DA09 8 20
DA09 12 7.14
DA09 14 20
DA09 16 8.74
DA09 18 CAL
DA10 0 80
DA10 2 40
DA10 8 20
DA10 12 7.14
DA10 14 20
DA10 16 8.74
DA11 0 80
DA11 2 40
DA11 8 20
DA11 12 7.14
DA11 14 20
DA11 16 8.74
DA11 18 10
DA11 20 CAL
DA12 0 40S
DA12 2 40
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CALLIGNE calculation note
DA12 8 20
DA12 12 7.14
DA12 14 20
DA12 16 8.74
DA12 18 10
DA12 24 CAL
DB01 0 80
DB01 2 40
DB01 8 20
DB01 12 7.14
DB01 14 20
DB01 16 8.74
DB01 18 10
DK01 0 40S
DK01 2 10S
EA01 0 80
EA01 2 40
EA01 8 20
EA01 10 CAL
EA02 0 80
EA02 2 40
EA02 8 20
EA02 10 CAL
EA03 0 80
EA03 3 40
EA03 8 CAL
EA04 0 80
EA04 3 40
EA04 8 CAL
EA05 0 80
EA05 2 40
EA05 8 20
EA05 10 CAL
EA06 0 80
EA06 3 40
EA06 8 CAL
EA07 0 80
EA07 3 40
EA07 8 CAL
EA08 0 80
EA08 3 40
EA08 8 CAL
EA09 0 80
EA09 2 40
EA09 8 20
EA09 10 CAL
EA10 0 40S
EA10 2 40
EA10 8 20
EA10 10 CAL
EB01 0 80
EB01 2 40
EB01 8 20
EB01 10 CAL
EK01 0 40S
EK01 2 10S
EK01 6 CAL
GA01 0 80
GA01 8 CAL
GA02 0 160
GA02 3 80
GA02 8 CAL
GA03 0 80
GA03 8 CAL
GA04 0 160
GA04 3 80
GA04 8 CAL
GA05 0 160
GA05 3 80
GA05 8 CAL
GA06 0 160
GA06 3 80
GA06 8 CAL
GA07 0 80
GA07 8 CAL
GB01 0 80
GB01 8 CAL
GC01 0 80
GC01 8 CAL
GD01 0 160
GD01 3 80
GD01 8 CAL
GF01 0 160
GF01 3 80
GF01 8 CAL
GK01 0 40S
GK01 8 CAL
HD01 0 80
HD01 4 CAL
UTI10 0 UTI10
UTI11 0 UTI11
UTI12 0 UTI12
UTI13 0 UTI13
UTI14 0 UTI14
UTI15 0 UTI15
UTI16 0 UTI16
UTI17 0 UTI17
UTI18 0 UTI18
UTI19 0 UTI19
UTI20 0 UTI20
UTI21 0 UTI21
UTI22 0 UTI22

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CALLIGNE calculation note


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CALLIGNE Calculation note
Pressure drop Calculation for single phase
Calligne calculates pressure drop for turbulent flows.
This calculation is not valid for 2-phase flow.
L G L G2
The pressure drop is calculated with Darcy's equation: ΔP=4×f f × × OR ΔP=F D× ×
D 2×ρ D 2×ρ
with G=

[ ]
8 12 1 12
F D =4×f f =8× ( ) + 3
( A +B )

[ ]
1 16
A= 2.457×ln( 0 .9
() ( )
7 0.27×ε 37530
+ and B=
Re D

Pressure drop calculation for 2 phase flow

In order to make the equation of pressure drop continue, Lockhart Martinelli has given the following correlation
The expression of C coefficient refers to the handbook sheet TM5

with C = f ( rL, rV, mL, mV)

Δp Δp L
Δp L Δp V Δp V

A boiling regime is assumed because it is conservative, and so C= 2 x Co
If C1>C2 , Co=C1
If C1>C3 , Co=C1
If C1>C3 then
If C3>C2 , Co=C2
If C3<C2 , Co=C3

with C 2=
√ √ρL

√ ()
0 . 125
ρH ρ ρ L×ρG
C 3= × L & ρH=
ρV ρV x×ρ L+ ( 1− x )× ρG

[ ]
C 1=2+
1+0 . 005664×C & Y = 1−[ 0 .16×( 2 . 5+log( X ) )2 ]
0 .8

[ ( ) ]
0. 2
ρV μL
X =max 0. 00316 ; ×
ρL μV
( 300−G )2
If CF< 300 C F=300+
Else C F= G
Dp : frictional pressure drop, Pa
D : internal diameter, m
L : Pipe length (or equivalent length), m
ff: fanning factor
FD : Darcy factor
e : effective roughness, m
r: density, kg / m3
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CALLIGNE Calculation note

Re: Reynolds number

G: flux velocity, kg/s.m²
W: Mass flowrate, kg/h
Sp: cross section , m²
u: velocity, m/s
DpL : frictional pressure drop of liquid phase alone, Pa
DpV : frictional pressure drop of vapor phase alone, Pa
rL :liquid density, kg / m3
rV :vapor density, kg / m3
mL :liquid viscosity, cp
mV :vapor viscosity, cp
Re : Reynolds number
x: vapor fraction

Note: The friction factor f is calculated with Churchill's correlation

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CALLIGNE Calculation note

D = 18 in. D = 8 in. D = 20 in. D = 18 in. D = 14 in.

Activity-unit: XXXXLYY
Pipe calculations Notes :

Revision Restriction and enlargement example
Issued by
Checked by
Line Number on PID
Downstream pressure (priority input in iso checking mode) bar g.
Temperature (liquid: for information only) °C
Mass flowrate kg/h Flow direction
Molecular Weight
G 18” 8”
z (compressibility factor)
A 20” 18” 14”
Viscosity cP
S Density (priority input) kg/m³
Cp/Cv (priority input)
Mass flowrate kg/h
LIQUID Density kg/m³
Viscosity cP
Criterion Code
Line Diameter inches 18 8 20 18 14
Schedule (default=STD) or Piping class
Roughness (default=0.045) mm
Gas density (at downtream pressure) kg/m³
Vaporised % (mass)
Total mass flowrate kg/h
Total volume flowrate m³/h
Stream density kg/m³ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Stream viscosity cP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nominal diameter mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Internal diameter mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Roughness mm 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045
Pseudo gas velocity m/s
Pseudo liquid velocity m/s
Cp/Cv (input or estimation for hydrocarbons only)
Mach Nber = velocity / sound velocity
Kettle return optimal diameter (for information) mm
rv² Pa #VALUE! Quick Checking
Selected criterion title Diameters indicated in the part "Geometry of
Reference section" should be always bigger than the diameter
I Criterion valid from diameter inches indicated in the part "piping section"
T Criterion valid from pressure bar g.
R max v m/s
I max rv² Pa
max. DP bar/km
Criteria checking
Calligne v. 1.3 for Excel on file:
02-Jul-24 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/769331870.xls'#$Example restriction- 12:10 #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO?
Iso. verif. Total line allowed DP (1st section only, optional) bar
Section (put a T from the second to the last section of a line)
Straight pipe m
G Elevation (Downstream-Upstream) m
e Sudden/gradual Contraction upstream dia. in. 18 20 18
o Angle, calculated (put C), or user defined (default =180°) °
e Tee, merging streams at 90° (R: Run, L: Branch, S: Sym) R/L/S
t QL/QP (P:Princ./default:QL/QP=0 if R, QL/QP=1 and DP/DL=1 if L,S)
r DP/DL (mandatory for L and S if not =1)
y Flanged or welded regular 90° elbow Nber
Long radius flanged or welded 45° elbow Nber
f Tee, splitting streams at 90° (R: Run, L: Branch, S: Sym) R/L/S
QL/QP (P:Princ./default:QL/QP=0 if R, QL/QP=1 and DP/DL=1 if L,S)
s DP/DL (mandatory for L and S if not = 1)
e Flanged gate valve Nber
c Sudden/gradual Enlargement downstream dia. in. 20
i Angle, calculated (put C) or user defined (default =180°) °
o Name of Other fitting
n Other fitting, K value (followed by 'D' if given in number of diam.)
Pressure adjustment to upstream pressure of next section (put a 'A')
Downtream pressure (calculated if not fixed) bar g.
Upstream angle ° 180 180 180
Downstream angle ° 180
K Upstream Contraction (related to line dia.) (CR) #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
K Tee Merging streams at 90° (IC)
K Flanged or welded regular 90° elbow (HI)
K Long radius flanged or welded 45° elbow (HI)
K Tee Splitting Streams at 90° (IC)
K Flanged Gate valve (HI)
K Downstream Enlargement (related to line dia.) (CR) 0.71
K Other fitting
K for pressure adjustment
DP straight pipe bar
DP elevation bar
Pressure DP section bar #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
drop DP total line bar #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
calculation Calculated upstream pressure bar g.
Equivalent length of section (fittings+straight pipe) m #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Allowed DP - total line DP bar
Iso checking (allowed DP - total line DP > 0 ?) #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO?

Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls

CALLIGNE Calculation note

D = 18 in. D = 16 in. D = 18 in. D = 18 in.

Activity-unit: XXXXLYY
Pipe calculations Notes :

Tee Splitting example
Issued by
Checked by
QP =1.25m3/h
=4500m3/s Q=0.625m3/h Q=0.625m3/h
Line Number on PID
FROM DP =0.45m DL =0.45m
Downstream pressure (priority input in iso checking mode) bar g. DL =0.40m DP =0.45m
Temperature (liquid: for information only) °C
Mass flowrate kg/h
Molecular Weight
z (compressibility factor)
A Viscosity cP
S Density (priority input) kg/m³ Q L =0.625m3/h QP =1.25m3/h
Cp/Cv (priority input)
Mass flowrate kg/h 1000 500 1000 500
LIQUID Density kg/m³ 800 800 800 800
Viscosity cP 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Criterion Code
Line Diameter inches 18 16 18 18
Schedule (default=STD) or Piping class
Roughness (default=0.045) mm
Gas density (at downtream pressure) kg/m³
Vaporised % (mass) Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
Total mass flowrate kg/h 1000 500 1000 500
Total volume flowrate m³/h 1.25 0.625 1.25 0.63
Stream density kg/m³ 0.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 800.00 0.00
Stream viscosity cP 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00
Nominal diameter mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Internal diameter mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Roughness mm 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045
Pseudo gas velocity m/s
Pseudo liquid velocity m/s #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Cp/Cv (input or estimation for hydrocarbons only)
Mach Nber = velocity / sound velocity
Kettle return optimal diameter (for information) mm
Selected criterion title
C Reference
I Criterion valid from diameter inches
T Criterion valid from pressure bar g.
R max v m/s
I max rv² Pa
max. DP bar/km
Criteria checking
Calligne v. 1.3 for Excel on file:
02-Jul-24 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/769331870.xls'#$Example Tee 12:10 #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO?
Iso. verif. Total line allowed DP (1st section only, optional) bar
Section (put a T from the second to the last section of a line)
Straight pipe m
G Elevation (Downstream-Upstream) m
e Sudden/gradual Contraction/Enlargement upstream dia. in.
o Angle, calculated (put C), or user defined (default =180°) °
e Tee, merging streams at 90° (R: Run, L: Branch, S: Sym) R/L/S
t QL/QP (P:Princ./default:QL/QP=0 if R, QL/QP=1 and DP/DL=1 if L,S)
r DP/DL (mandatory for L and S if not =1)
y Flanged or welded regular 90° elbow Nber
Long radius flanged or welded 45° elbow Nber
f Tee, splitting streams at 90° (R: Run, L: Branch, S: Sym) R/L/S R L S
QL/QP (P:Princ./default:QL/QP=0 if R, QL/QP=1 and DP/DL=1 if L,S) 0.5 0.5 0.5
s DP/DL (mandatory for L and S if not = 1) 1.125 1.125 1
e Flanged gate valve Nber
c Sudden/gradual Contraction/Enlargement downstream dia in.
i Angle, calculated (put C) or user defined (default =180°) ° For your information
o Name of Other fitting
n Other fitting, K value (followed by 'D' if given in number of diam.)
Pressure adjustment to upstream pressure of next section (put a 'A')
Downtream pressure (calculated if not fixed) bar g. With
Upstream angle °
Downstream angle °
K Upstream Contr./Enlarg. (related to line dia.) (CR)
K Tee Merging streams at 90° (IC)
K Flanged or welded regular 90° elbow (HI)
K Long radius flanged or welded 45° elbow (HI)
K Tee Splitting Streams at 90° (IC) 0.10 3.50 4.30
K Flanged Gate valve (HI)
K Downstream Contr./Enlarg. (related to line dia.) (CR)
K Other fitting
K for pressure adjustment
Total K 0.10 3.50 4.30
DP straight pipe bar
DP elevation bar
Pressure DP section bar #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
drop DP total line bar #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
calculation Calculated upstream pressure bar g.
Equivalent length of section (fittings+straight pipe) m #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Allowed DP - total line DP bar
Iso checking (allowed DP - total line DP > 0 ?) #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO?

Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls

CALLIGNE Calculation note

D = 18 in. D = 16 in. D = 18 in. D = 18 in.

Activity-unit: XXXXLYY
Pipe calculations Notes :

Tee Merging example
Issued by
Checked by QPR =1.25m3/h
=4500m3/s Q=0.625m3/h Q=0.625m3/h
Line Number on PID
FROM DP =0.45m DL =0.45m
Downstream pressure (priority input in iso checking mode) bar g. DL =0.40m DP =0.45m
Temperature (liquid: for information only) °C
Mass flowrate kg/h
Molecular Weight
z (compressibility factor)
A Viscosity cP
S Density (priority input) kg/m³ QL =0.625m3/h QP =1.25m3/h
Cp/Cv (priority input)
Mass flowrate kg/h 1500 500 500 1000
LIQUID Density kg/m³ 800 800 800 800
Viscosity cP 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Criterion Code
Line Diameter inches 18 16 18 18
Schedule (default=STD) or Piping class
Roughness (default=0.045) mm
Gas density (at downtream pressure) kg/m³
Vaporised % (mass) Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
Total mass flowrate kg/h 1500 500 500 1000
Total volume flowrate m³/h 1.88 0.625 0.63 1.25
Stream density kg/m³ 0.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 800.00 0.00
Stream viscosity cP 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00
Nominal diameter mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Internal diameter mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Roughness mm 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045
Pseudo gas velocity m/s
Pseudo liquid velocity m/s #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Cp/Cv (input or estimation for hydrocarbons only)
Mach Nber = velocity / sound velocity
Kettle return optimal diameter (for information) mm
Selected criterion title
C Reference
I Criterion valid from diameter inches
T Criterion valid from pressure bar g.
R max v m/s
I max rv² Pa
max. DP bar/km
Criteria checking
Calligne v. 1.3 for Excel on file:
02-Jul-24 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/769331870.xls'#$Example Tee 12:10 #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO?
Iso. verif. Total line allowed DP (1st section only, optional) bar
Section (put a T from the second to the last section of a line)
Straight pipe m
G Elevation (Downstream-Upstream) m
e Sudden/gradual Contraction/Enlargement upstream dia. in.
o Angle, calculated (put C), or user defined (default =180°) °
e Tee, merging streams at 90° (R: Run, L: Branch, S: Sym) R/L/S R L S
t QL/QP (P:Princ./default:QL/QP=0 if R, QL/QP=1 and DP/DL=1 if L,S) 0.33 0.33 0.5
r DP/DL (mandatory for L and S if not =1) 1.125 1.125 1
y Flanged or welded regular 90° elbow Nber
Long radius flanged or welded 45° elbow Nber
f Tee, splitting streams at 90° (R: Run, L: Branch, S: Sym) R/L/S
For your information
QL/QP (P:Princ./default:QL/QP=0 if R, QL/QP=1 and DP/DL=1 if L,S)
s DP/DL (mandatory for L and S if not = 1)
e Flanged gate valve Nber
c Sudden/gradual Contraction/Enlargement downstream dia in.
t With
i Angle, calculated (put C) or user defined (default =180°) °
o Name of Other fitting
n Other fitting, K value (followed by 'D' if given in number of diam.)
Pressure adjustment to upstream pressure of next section (put a 'A')
Downtream pressure (calculated if not fixed) bar g.
Upstream angle °
Downstream angle °
K Upstream Contr./Enlarg. (related to line dia.) (CR)
K Tee Merging streams at 90° (IC) 0.56 1.06 1.25
K Flanged or welded regular 90° elbow (HI)
K Long radius flanged or welded 45° elbow (HI)
K Tee Splitting Streams at 90° (IC)
K Flanged Gate valve (HI)
K Downstream Contr./Enlarg. (related to line dia.) (CR)
K Other fitting
K for pressure adjustment
Total K 0.56 1.06 1.25
DP straight pipe bar
DP elevation bar
Pressure DP section bar #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
drop DP total line bar #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
calculation Calculated upstream pressure bar g.
Equivalent length of section (fittings+straight pipe) m #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Allowed DP - total line DP bar
Iso checking (allowed DP - total line DP > 0 ?) #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO?

Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls

CALLIGNE Calculation note


Version Number Creation date Author Evolution details

V1.2 1/20/2003 F.Bouget Calligne_V1.2

V1.3 9/15/2004 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V1.3

-A note, added in the user's guide, explains the calculation in case of an atmospherical pressure different from 1.013 bara
-logos updating and worksheet standardisation

V1.31 9/15/2004 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V1.31

-A note, added in the user's guide, underlines the fact that the Calligne calculations are not appropriate to compressible fluids

V1.32 3/21/2005 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V1.32

- r*v3 criteria has been deleted

V1.33 5/11/2006 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V1.33

- Creation of the sheet "Formulas"
- New warnings have been added in sheet "User's manual"
- Creation of Example sheets for Tee splitting and merging and for restriction and enlargement cases
- TECHNIP criteria for lines of gas have been updated according to Databook last update
- Correction of the angle calculation for contraction and enlargment fittings

V1.34 1/5/2007 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V1.34

-A note states that pressure drop calculation is only valid for gas ans liquid flow

V1.35 1/8/2007 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V1.35

- Calculation of pressure drop for 2-phase flow has been added using the Lockhart Martinelli method.

V1.36 4/11/2007 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V1.36

-Fitting calculation in tees has been revised for lateral branch. The pressure in this branch is related to the velocity
in this line (refering to User guide & "IDEL'CIK")

Property of TECHNIP. Reproduction, Copying, Distribution to Others not Authorized 769331870.xls

CALLIGNE Calculation note

V1.37 5/23/2007 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V1.37

- sheets example tee splitting and example tee merging have been updated
- C coefficient for a two phase flow is got with the calculated gas density instead of an input gas density

V2.0 9/17/2007 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V2.0

-General rules in user guide have ben updated
-page formulas has been detailed

V2.1 12/19/2007 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V2.1

- modification of the formulas for symetric tee splitting calculation

V2.2 7/10/2008 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V2.2

- A red alarm is displayed when the calculation of the mach number is greater than 1 (supersonic)
- Tee merging formula has been updated (for cases when QL/QP -> 0 )
- Tee merging & splitting formulas have been displayed on the sheets "examples"

V2.3 2/13/2009 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V2.3

- A note has been added in red in sheet User Guide - Refer to example for tee splitting / merging calculations

V2.4 8/31/2009 L. Van de Velde Calligne_V2.4

- In sheet user guide, a new note explains that user is responsible to input the piping class characteristics

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