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B: Personal and social life

Form 4 Learning objectives Topic/Content Concepts Skills Assessment

Cycle 1 (Formative &

Wks 2+3 -Give and exchange personal 1. Self,

informal family
-Refer to different family members, &
revise present tense of avoir and friends
etre and use possessive adjectives
-Describe physical
characteristics, revise adjective
and regular verbs in the present
-Discuss character
-Discuss friendship and
what makes a good
friend and use
irregular verbs in the
present tense.
Use conjunctions to
develop and justify

-Discuss family
relationships and use
reflexive verbs in the
present tense

Weeks -Describe your home, 2.In the home

4+5 use prepositions and
use depuis with the
present tense
-Discuss household
tasks, use adverbs of
frequency and use the
perfect tense

Weeks Discuss clothes and 3.Colours, Reading

comprehension Paper
6+7 accessories use clothes and 2 Section 1&2
adjectives to describe accessories Writing P4 Section
them 1&2
● Discuss fashion
choices for different
occasions using
different tenses
● Use the imperfect
tense to discuss what
you used to wear
● Express opinions on
the importance of
clothes and fashion
Weeks Discuss leisure 4.
8+9 activities and use the Leisure
verbs jouer and faire time,
Correctly things
● Talk about sport to do,
Express opinions hobbies
about different sports and
and use the sports

● Discuss different
sporting events
● Discuss reasons for
doing sport
● Discuss television
programmes and use
direct object pronouns
● Compare different TV
programmes and use
superlative adjectives

10+11 Make arrangements to 5. Leisure

go out and practise time –
using the immediate going out
future tense. Use
disjunctive pronouns
(moi, toi, lui, elle, etc.)
12 +13 Exchange information 6. Time Listening PAper 1:
Section 1&2
about daily life using expressions Q1-28
time expressions and
reflexive verbs in the
present tense

● Use modal verbs

pouvoir and devoir in
the present tense to Speaking: Paper 3 role
discuss daily routine play and conversation
● Ask questions about 1

daily life and use


● Discuss daily life in the

past and use reflexive
verbs in the perfect Reading
tense comprehension Paper

Writing P4 Section

14 +15 Discuss food and 7. Food &

meals and use the drink
partitive article (du, de
la, des)
● Understand recipes
and use the imperative
form of the present
tense. Use
expressions of
● Discuss healthy eating
and use the pronoun
● Order food in a
restaurant and use
negative expressions
Weeks Discuss minor health 8. Human

15+16 problems and use the body

expressions avoir mal and health
and se faire mal

● Discuss healthy and

unhealthy lifestyles
and use the future and
conditional tenses

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