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Table of contents

i Background of the MinIT ……………………………………… 2

ii Organizational structure, mission,vision and Philosophies……….. 2

chapter one
1 INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………… 3
1.1 Purpose……………………………………………………………… 3
1.2 Project Background…………………………………………………..3
1.3 Project purpose……………………………………………………….4
1.4 Limitation…………………………………………………………….5
1.5 Methodology………………………………………………………….6
1.6 Significance of the project……………………………………………6
1.7 Testing procedure…………………………………………………….6
1.8 Objective……………………………………………………………..7

chapter two
2 Work, Responsibilities and assignment…………. 8
2.1 Description of the existing system…………….. 8
2.2 system requirements and analysis……………… 10

chapter Three
3 Technical Aspect of the Internship………… 12

3.1 objective………………………………….. 12

3.2 system model……………………………… 12

3.3 activity diagram……………………………. 18

3.4 flow diagram……………………………….. 18

3.5 feasibility study……………………………… 20

Background of the MinIT
 The Innovation and technology ministry is established as a government institution for the
first time in level of commission as per the provision of proclamation No. 62/76.
Consequent to this, it has been re-organized and operated in the name of “FDRE Science
and Technology” in the level o ministry as per proclamation No. 603/2009.

 As per proclamation No. 1097/2019 enacted to-organize executive bodies in the year 2019,
the Ministry of science and technology and the Ministry of communication and
information technology are united and re-organized in the name of “Ministry of
Innovation and Technology”.

 The Institution has been carrying out various activities since the time it is established in
the level of commission up to these days and with a view to realize the vision to see
building up of bridge to transform our country to overall prosperity by supported with
innovation technology knowledge and research skill has been implemented as of very

Organizational structure
 The MinIT directorate is organized as follows the office follows simple
structure without multilevel hierarchy to either close and efficient time work among the
management time and decision. Partnerships and Technological innovation Manager is in
charge of managing the central ICT infrastructure, the databases, interfaces, portals and

n of
 To
ensure the sustainability of the country’s development by creating an environment in which
innovation systems are implemented.
 To coordinate, encourage and support science and technology activities that realize the

country’s social and economic developments.

Vision of the organization

 Build a country that is conducive for job and wealth creation through technology and innovation.
To see Ethiopia entrench the capacities which enable rapid learning, adaptation and utilization
of effective foreign technologies by the year 2022/23. Enhance creative thinking and innovative
practice among users Promote the spirit of research that is relevant and responsive to the needs
of the society.

 Knowledge is resource
 We give credit to new thoughts
 Diligence is a power of positive change
 Innovation and Technology is the language of the new generation
 Motivating innovation is feeding hope for the generation
 Modern technology is the foundation of our doth


1.1 Purpose

This document defines the user requirements for the Project implementation follow up
web application to create a suitable platform for clients and maids. The information
stated in this document will be used as the basis for subsequent development activities
including design, implementation, testing and post implementation review.

1.2 Project Background

In our country Ethiopia, maids are very important in every family. because they perform
so much houseworks in a family to simplify one's own life or the entire family. That's
because many family members have an outside job to do. So performing the double

task,inside and outside of the house, is too difficult. That's why maids are important for
one family.
As mentioned above maids play an important role in a family so a family needs a good
maid to simplify their life or house work. The way maids and clients were met was
either by the help of relatives of the clients or by using a domestic broker, who can offer
them different kinds of maids from different countries.
for that matter there needs to be a simple and precise system to find one. as they do their
job inside the clients home the client must get someone reliable and good at work. the
clients do their searching and finding tasks through the intelligent environment, it could
be by using their computer or smartphone.
A maid guide system is an interactive and innovative navigation system for users
requiring just a
standard mobile phone or computer. With this guide web, users can select the maid they
need and services they want to get from the maid under different brokers purposefully
from the complete spectrum offered.
a web based system has been chosen to implement this system. a web-based system
provides access to a software system using a computer and internet connection.
The project is intended to simplify the interaction between client and maids.
When the application is completed it will be able to provide different functionality like
listing the maids,the brokers or the language they speak or their experience.

1.3 Project Scope

This software system will be a web-based Project implementation follow up system
which will be used by clients, brokers and maids. This projects follow up aims to create
an intelligent platform for the clients and also for maids and brokers. It helps the clients
to access maids they want. And the system Provide maids based on their ability and
make them to see and filter the list of brokers with the number of maids they have.

The major functions provided by the system are listed below:
*Registration/deletion/updating of site admins

*User password change and reset

*Filter brokers or maids with their name/phone number/address

*Admin is able to create/update/delete brokers

*Broker is able to create/update/delete maids under him/her.
*Clients are able to see and filter the list of brokers with the number of maids they have
*Clients are able to see and filter the list of maids under the given broker

*Clients are able to see and filter the list of maids under all brokers
*Generate monthly/yearly reports that contain the number of maids employed or
*The amount of money the broker gained within a month/year
*Allow clients to comment on the broker
*Allow clients to comment on the maid

1.4 Limitation
the system is dependent on internet connection so in order to get a dynamic system we need to have an
internet connection.
Our system gives services only on connecting maids and brokers with clients not giving payments.
Significance of the project
Significances of this city guide System are:
- Minimizing the time wasted to find a maid.
- Providing information for users about the variety of services that the maid can do.
- Minimizing the cost for users that are eager to find service inside the city.

- Minimizing workloads for the brokers and maids.

1.5 Methodology
We have a limited time so we planned to use Agile software development methodology
because it helps us to test and find errors at the lower stage of development and it
reduces risk and also welcome changing requirements even at late in development. It
also helps us deliver working software frequently from a couple of weeks to a couple of
months with a preference to the shorter timescale. Also promotes the teams to meet
several days in a week to discuss progress, identify problems and plan the days activities
with the goal being able to produce working software as quickly as possible.
1.6 Significance of the Project
 This system provides freedom for users to penetrate significant information freely to
expected person. The system is more secured since it does not provide user information to
chat in the system

1.7 Testing procedure

●Requirement testing
In this phase we have focused on a testing approach in which test cases, conditions and data are derived
from requirements. It includes functional tests and also non-functional attributes such as performance,
reliability or usability.

● Unit testing
In this phase we have focused on testing the minimal software component, or module. Each unit (basic
component) of the system is tested to verify that the detailed design for the unit has been correctly
implemented. It is done at class level and resolves every missing syntax error and semantics error.
● Integration testing
We will use this phase of testing during integration (implementation) of the maid system to verify that
it meets its requirements. It is used to resolve the readability of the system. It occurs after unit testing.

Overview of Project Phases

The typical project includes the following phases:
Requirements Analysis and Definition (System Overview): This phase begins with
analyzing what exactly the system has to do. The system overview helps see the big
picture of the project and understand which steps need to be carried out. The product of
this stage is the general system requirements. This document will be modified as the
project is undertaken.
●Functional Specification and UI Prototype: A functional specification determines what
exactly the target system must do and the premises for its implementation. All
requirements should be thoroughly defined and documented. The general system
requirements and other documents created in the first phase serve as input here.
Depending on the nature of the system, creating a UI prototype in this phase may be
crucially important for the success of the project
●software Architecture and Test Plan: In this phase, it is necessary to determine the
system components covering our requirements and the way these components will work
●Implementation (Coding) and Testing: The goal of this phase is building the target
system based on the specifications developed in the previous phases. Transferring the
specification algorithms into a programming language
●Release : after the development and testing process is completed the
system will be released
●Operation and Maintenance: The task of this phase is the proper functioning of the
system. To improve a product or system, it should be continuously maintained.
System maintenance involves detecting and correcting errors, as well as extending and
improving the system itself.

1.8 Objectives of the project

General objective

The general objective of this project is to design and implement the website that links client and maid

Specific objectives

Evaluate the existing paper-based information maid management system.

Design and develop web-based system that shows brokers and maids to the client.

Design and implement a database for proper handling of the data recorded.

Develop a system that supplies timely information for users.

Develop a system that gives updated information to the user.

Develop website that reduce resource wastage.

Develop a system that announce a report the number of maids employed or resigned.

Develop a system that allow client t comment and compliant either on the broker or the maid.

2 Work, Responsibilities and assignment

 A website administrator is charged with wide range of administrative task, including
designing, maintain and troubleshoot website. Most importantly, they ensure a safe and
efficient user experience .This include implementing security protocols and modifying
software problems.
Responsibilities refer to the duties and tasks of their particular roles. This is sometimes referred to as
the job description. Roles, however, refer to a person’s position on a team. Every role has key
responsibilities that fit with that position.

2.1 Description of the existing system

●Major function of the current system
Based on our observation in this area. the current system is manual and non technological
system,because when clients wants house maids they go to the brokers office and search
maids they want. this is the current system in this area.

based on our analysis we found one mobile app, The application that provide house maids
placement service in Ethiopia it is called"
የ ቤ ት ሰ ራ ተ ኛ / Maids 4U"this is the app we found that perform the task. The
description of የ ቤ ት ሰ ራ ተ ኛ / Maids 4U
"We are the only online house maids placement service providing company in Ethiopia with
a company which is locally owned and operated by highly qualified software engineer and
Public health professionals, who have lived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
\nWe are your neighbors, and we care about the quality and integrity of the work we do.
We have a long tradition of providing our customers with exceptional service at affordable
rates in other businesses we do. We believe that your home, your family, your office, your
factory will be professionally served with the professional, most trusted, most secured
fulltime and per time housemaids, house cook maids and housekeeping maids to your
highest expectations, and we will always strive to keep you a happy, loyal customer."
□users of the current system are
□Drawbacks of the current system
● Low involvement of brokers
● unable to provide enough information
●data usage
Users’ role has access to reports, archives, and setting that they are assigned to
They can accept chats and check the traffic section data of the groups that they are assigned to.


1 User registration Functionality for user to create high yes User
2 Login Functionality for user to get high yes User
3 Logout Functionality for user to delete high yes User

4 Friend list Functionality to see list of High yes User
friends in the chat
5 Send message To send message High Yes User
6 Delete message To delete message Medium Yes User
7 feedback User can send feedback Low Yes User and admin
8 privacy User privacy Very Yes Admin
9 Performance Application system High Admin
10 Reliability Trusted by the user High Admin
11 Portability Application runs in different High
12 supportability Being supportive High Admin
13 Maintenance Updating and fixing system high Admin
2.2 System Requirements and Analysis
We have set requirements under function requirement and non-functional requirement.

Functional requirement

These requirements are those that enable the system to operate. These requirements focus mainly on
what the system should do. They include:

 Administration panel
 Admin manage user accounts
 Admin is able to create/update/delete brokers.
 Date and username are logged when main contents are changed
 User accounts
 User accounts are password protected
 Password resets are handled by the system.
 With the exception of system administrators, all user accounts are tied to an institution
 Data Access
 Authorized and privileged users can access the data.
 Browse, query, and download personnel activities status report.
 System security
 Main system updates are logged on the system.
 Users are given different permissions according their role on the project.
 Database and application will be backed up periodically with the system itself.
 User registration
 Registration/deletion/updating of site admins

 Receive comments
 Prepare reports that contain the number of maids employed or resigned

The reliability of the overall program depends on the reliability of the separate components.
The system should be 24 hours available to users everywhere where the internet is available,
meaning the user can access it using a web browser. Except In case of down for maintenance and
updates, a replacement page will be shown. Also, in case of a hardware failure or database corruption,
backups of the database should be retrieved with the MySQL server and saved by the administrator. So
that on down time it enables disaster recovery.

The system should be accessible through all areas in Ethiopia. Authorized user will log in to the
system and will access what the system provides.
• User credentials will be saved encrypted in the database in order to ensure the user's privacy.
• Only authorized users will be logged.
• The system should be hierarchically secure
• The privilege should be easily added and removed to and from the role
• Access to any resource should be defined
• The system will be protected against OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities such as SQL injection,
IDOR(Insecure direct object references), Cross-site scripting ( XSS)attacks,Cross-site request
forgery(CSRF) etc.

MySQL is used for maintaining the database and the Apache server takes care of the site. In case of
a failure, a re-initialization of the program is recommended.
Performance requirement
Performance requirement can be defined by these three major things
Response Time:
Client to server response time
 Since this web application is a communication app it needs a low response time the two
or more communicating peoples must not face a delay while communicating so our app
is required to have low response time (fast).
Server to DB response time
 Since the system uses a Real-time database which is firebase. The response time will be

less and the system should perform fast
Server background tasks processing time
 The system uses Laravel framework which helps to write a cleaner code by using MVC
methodology because of this the background tasks to be performed will be executed
fast and should decrease the response time.

3 Technical Aspect of the Internship

3.1 Objectives

In this project, the team use an object oriented system development methodology which incorporates
two principal phases. These principal phases are Object-Oriented Analysis and Object-oriented Design.
This chapter discusses the first phase of the methodology: object-oriented analysis (OOA). During
Object Oriented Analysis the following major activities are performed. System Requirement
Specifications (SRS), Use case modeling and documentation (for each use case identified), and the
development of sequence and activity diagrams and user interface prototyping.


o analysis our system we use UML diagram to simplifies the implementation part of the system. From
UML Diagram we use case diagram to identify use case and actors of the system and to identify the
interaction of use case and actors. We also use activity diagram to identify each activity of our system.
There is also sequence diagram, class diagram etc.

To analyze our system, we used UML diagram to simplify the implementation part of the system.
From UML Diagram we used use case diagram to identify use cases and actors of the system and to
identify their interaction. We also used activity diagram to identify each activity of our system. There
is also sequence diagram and class diagram. We have set requirements under functional requirement
and non-functional requirement.

The Project implementation of the system has the following active actors.
a) The project manager assesses the entire system. He/she can create a project on the system; feed all
necessary information of the project such as milestones, project deadlines and others.
b) The team leader adds all activities under the projects milestones and assigns to
team members.
c) The team member accesses assigned activities.

d) The guest can assess the entire system directly, depending on the privileges
The project manager, team leader and team members communicate with the system
through email.

A use case diagram for the project :

Figure 1: use case diagram

Admin Login Use Case

 Use Case Name Admin Login

 Use Case ID  UC1

 Brief description  User who have privilege to access the system’s

functionalities should be able to login each time
he/she wants to use the system

 Actor Admin

 Pre-condition Must be add first as Admin

 Post Condition If the user is authenticated the User logged int the
syst and the system displays

all features available for the role associated to the


 Basic Course Of Action (BCA)

 This use case starts when the User accesses the login in feature of the system by selecting his privilege.

 The system displays a log inform

 The user enters his/her user and password

 The user clicks login button

 The system validates the entered information.

 The system takes the user to his/her interface.

 The use case ends.

Alternate Flows
Title Description

 Admin fills invalid username and/or password  The system Displays error message.

 The system prompts the user to re enter the valid


 Use case continues with BCA2.

Table 1 use case documention for loin.

Admin Use Case

 Use Case Name Add Admin

 Use Case ID  UC2

 Brief description  User who have privilege to access the system’s

functionalities should be able to login each time
he/she wants to use the system

 Actor Admin

 Pre-condition Must has to be an admin of the system

 Post Condition Act as admin of the system and perform admin


 Basic Course Of Action (BCA)

 This use case starts when the Admin accesses the system feature that enables him/her to create an Admin
account by entering information that is saved in the Admin account.
 The system displays Admin Account Form.

 Admin enters the required Admin account information on the form.

 The system verifies values entered invalid.

 System saves the new account in the database after Admin Click the save button.

 The system notifies success message.

The use case is end when Admin clicks the ok button.

Alternate Flows
Title Description

2.1 User inserts Invalid User Account Information 1. The system

prompts invalid user account

2. system prompts
user to re enter valid account

3. use case
continues with BCA 2

2.2 user inserts existed 1. system prompts error

account message

2. System display message

that the account is already exist.

use case ends

Table2: use case documention for Admin.

3.3 Activity diagram.
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dynamic aspects of the
Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to another activity. The
activity can be described as an operation of the system.
The control flow is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be sequential, branched, or
concurrent. Activity diagrams deal with all type of flow control by using different elements such as
fork, join, etc

i. Login activity diagram


The system has six major activities, these activities are limited to the lifetime of the project, from
creation to termination. Other activities such user registration, system configurations (roll, user group,
permission and others registration) are not included here:

Figure 2: Activity diagram.

1. Create Project
The project manager creates a new project and gives the project to the team.
Actor: Project manager

2. Add deliverable
Lastly the manager may enter all expected deliverables of the project. Depending on the user
permissions, team leaders may also have the privilege to enter deliverables.
Actor: Project manager
Team leader

3. Add members to the team

New team members can only enter the group with the permission of the project manager only.
Actor: Project manager

4. Distribution of activities
The project assigned by the project manager to the group will be evenly distributed to the team by the
team leader.
Actor: Team leader

5. Request for approval

Based on the distribution of tasks by the team leader to every member of the group, members
request for activity completion approval.
Actor: Team members

6. Activity approval
The team leader replies to team members' activity completion requests either by approving or
rejecting. If an activity is approved, then the team leader would assign another activity to the
member. This activity continues until all activities are completed, and thus the project life is over.
Actor: Team members

3.5 Feasibility Study

Feasibility is the measure of how the new system is viable or beneficial from the existing system. It is
an ongoing process done frequently during systems development projects in order to Activities
Tools/Programs Client side coding HTML Client side scripting Java script Platform Firebase Database
server/ Web server Firebase database Server-side scripting PHP VS Code, notepad++ Documentation
MS Word User Training MS PowerPoint Modeling UML(Unified Modeling Language) Web Based
Blind Form System.

Technical Feasibility
Usually new systems established in order to overcome the technical illness of Freedom to talk their idea
across the world. In the same way, this system is technically big enough to be applied easily to the
problem identified in the other system. In addition, that, both hardware’s and software’s for this system
are highly available and can be owned with small cost. Therefore, it can be concluded that the system is
technically feasible

Operational Feasibility

The system will operate on any operating systems or platforms which have Apache installed. Therefore,
the system will operate in any kind of platforms .so the entire team member expects the system to be
operationally feasible.
Political Feasibility
The system is politically feasible cannot cause any harm or it does not have an influence in the
environments. The project is beneficial because it satisfies the objectives of the customer or User.
System is free from any problems because there is no negative side to user or customer
TIME feasibility
Time feasibility is used to determine how the proposed system accomplished with the given Timetable.
It implies effective time management for the system, and the project should finish within deadline. So
the team implemented and configured the system on time without any delay. The project schedule is
according to the time it has schedule the documentation and the time-to-time activities will be done on

Economic Feasibility

This feasibility is used for evaluating the effectiveness of a new system. In economic analysis the
procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate system and
compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and implement
could also be referred to as cost/benefit analysis.


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