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1.Which of the following is true about Linked List vs. Array?

Select one:
a. In linked list memory is not efficiently utilized
b. Arrays are used to dynamically allocating memory space
c. Arrays and Linked List are used to access the data’s
d. All

The correct answer is: Arrays and Linked List are used to
access the data’s sequentially

2. The memory allocation for the structure node is done at

Select one:
a. Compilation time
b. Rum time
c. Declaration time
d. None

The correct answer is: Rum time

3. Which of the following pseudo code is correct to push data to the stack?

Select one:
a. Decrement count and get the element in stk[count]
b. Increment top and store the element in stk[top]
c. Store the element in stk [count] and decrement count
d. Get the element from stk[top] and decrement top.
The correct answer is: Increment top and store the element in

4. which one is false about array in c++

Select one:
a. Last index of array is size of the array
b. Array index starts with 0
c. Array is a collection of related data
d. size of the array should be integer type
The correct answer is: Last index of array is size of the array
Question 5

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Which one of the following class is used to file read


Select one:
a. istream
b. ifstream
c. ostream
d. ofstream

The correct answer is: ifstream

Question 6

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Which one of the following is incorrect statement about

recursive function?

Select one:
a. A function that is defined in terms of it self
b. A recursive function without a base case is meaningless
c. recursion is very cheap in terms of time complexity
d. all are correct

The correct answer is: recursion is very cheap in terms of

time complexity
Question 7

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Which one of the following is false about general tree?

Select one:
a. A general tree is not empty.
b. It consists of a node (the root) that stores an element
c. It has at most 2 node , right sub tree and left sub tree
d. All

The correct answer is: It has at most 2 node , right sub tree
and left sub tree
Question 8

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What is the programming difference between while and do-
while loop

Select one:
a. do-while loop don't need condition
b. while loop will guarantee at least 1 time execution
c. do-while loop will guarantee at least 1 time execution
d. while is exacly the same as do-while

The correct answer is: do-while loop will guarantee at least 1

time execution
Question 9

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which jumping statement does not have uniform effect

Select one:
a. break
b. continue
c. goto
d. None

The correct answer is: goto

Question 10

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which one is not step in program development

Select one:
a. flowchart
b. execution
c. implementation
d. coding

The correct answer is: execution

All of the following statements are true, except?

Select one:
a. All functions have a return type which the default return is
b. C++ does not allow nested functions
c. In the inline function the compiler can ignore the inline
d. All are true

The correct answer is: All functions have a return type which
the default return is integer
Question 12

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_________? Determine the approximate number of
operations required to solve a problem of size n.

Select one:
a. Algorithm Analysis
b. Time Complexity
c. Space Complexity
d. None

The correct answer is: Time Complexity

Question 13

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Which one of the following is linear data structure system?

Select one:
a. Tree
b. Stack
c. Graphs
d. None

The correct answer is: Stack

Question 14

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____________? Is the term used to delete single element at a

time in the stack.

Select one:
a. isEmpty
b. Pop
c. Delete
d. Push

The correct answer is: Pop

Question 15

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which one is correct variable declaration

Select one:
a. int INT
b. INT int;
c. int INT;
d. int int

The correct answer is: int INT;

Question 16
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What is the output of the following code?

for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)

Select one:
a. 1,2,3,4,5
b. 1,3
c. 3
d. None

The correct answer is: None

Question 17

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Which searching technique is best to get the higher CGPA

scored student among 4nd year computer science students?
Their CGPA is stored in sorted array.
Select one:
a. Sequential Search
b. Binary Search
c. Linear Search
d. All

The correct answer is: Binary Search

Question 18

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Which statement is wrong about array declaration

Select one:
a. int a[3]={1,2};
b. int a[]={2,4};
c. int a[5]={2,4,5,6,7,8}
d. int a[1]={1};

The correct answer is: int a[5]={2,4,5,6,7,8}

Question 19

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which statemet is false about C++

Select one:
a. C++ is clase sensitive
b. ever statement in c++ must end with ;
c. There are three type of loop statement in c++
d. every c++ program must include math.h header file

The correct answer is: every c++ program must include

math.h header file
Question 20

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Which of the following is false about Algorithm?

Select one:
a. Algorithm is an infinite set of instructions.
b. Each and every steps of an algorithm is clear and no
ambiguity among them.
c. Algorithm should be terminated and should be correct.
d. None

The correct answer is: Algorithm is an infinite set of


which statement is false

Select one:
a. every for loop statement can be converted to while loop
b. every if statement can be converted to switch statement
c. every for loop statement can be converted to do-while
d. every switch statement can be converted to if statement

The correct answer is: every if statement can be converted to

switch statement
Question 22

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How many comparisons is made in selection sort?


Select one:
a. O(logn)
b. O(n)
c. O(n2)
d. O(1)

The correct answer is: O(n2)

Question 23

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When an item is deleted from the queue the value of the

front become?
Select one:
a. rear=rear+1
b. front=front+1
c. front=front-1
d. All

The correct answer is: front=front+1

Because it contains a descriptions of its own structure, a

database is considered to be ______?

Select one:
a. Described
b. Metadata compatible
c. Self-describing
d. An application program

The correct answer is: Self-describing

Question 25

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Which one of the following is not properties of good

encryption technique?

Select one:
a. Relatively simple for authorized users to encrypt and decrypt
b. Encryption scheme depends only on the secrecy of the
c. It should be extremely difficult for an intruder to determine
the encryption key.
d. None

The correct answer is: Encryption scheme depends only on

the secrecy of the algorithm
Question 26

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Which one of the following is true about physical database


Select one:
a. It is used to describe file design organizations, and indexes
b. It translate the logical description of data into the technical
c. It create a design for storing data that will provide adequate
d. All

The correct answer is: All

Question 27

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Which one of the following is not the parts of the data

definition language in SQL?

Select one:
a. Insert into
b. Alter table
c. Drop table
d. Create table

The correct answer is: Insert into

Question 28

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--------Is a core command language used by end-users and

programmers to store, retrieve, and access the data in the

Select one:
a. Data definition language
b. Data control language
c. Data dictionary
d. Data manipulation language

The correct answer is: Data manipulation language

Question 29
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Which one of the following allows us to combine two

relations in relational algebra operators?

Select one:
a. Cross-product
b. Set deference
c. Projection
d. Selection

The correct answer is: Cross-product

Question 30

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Which of the following is true?

Select one:
a. No relation can be in both BCNF and 3NG
b. A relation R is in 3NF if every non-prime attribute of R is
fully functionally dependent on every key of R
c. Every relation in BCNF is also in 3NG
d. Every relation in 2NF is also BCNF

The correct answer is: Every relation in BCNF is also in 3NG

Question 31
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Consider the following schedule for transction T1, T2 and T3:

Which one of the schedules below is the correct serialization
of the above?

Select one:
a. T1 ->T3 -> T2
b. T2 -> T1 -> T3
c. T3 -> T1->T2
d. T2 -> T3 -&gt; T1

The correct answer is: T1 ->T3 -> T2

Question 32

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-------------Provide concepts that describe details of how data

is stored in the computer?

Select one:
a. Hierarchical model
b. Conceptual Model
c. Physical model
d. Entity relationship model
The correct answer is: Physical model
Question 33

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Information about a collection of students is given by the

relation studinfo (studId, name, sex). The relation enroll
(studId, courseId) gives which student has enrolled for (or
taken) that course (s). Assume that every course is taken by
at least one male and at least one female student. What does
the following relational algebra expression represent?

Select one:
a. Courses in which all the female students are enrolled
b. Courses in which a proper subset of female students are
c. Courses in which only male students are enrolled
d. None

The correct answer is: Courses in which a proper subset of

female students are enrolled

Let E1 and E2 be two entities in an ER diagram with simple

single-valued attributes. R1 and R2 are two relationships
between E1 and E2, where R1 is on-to-many and R2 is many-
to-many. R1 and R2 do not have any attribute of their own.
What is the minimum numbers of tables required to
represent this situation in the relational; model?
Select one:
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 5

The correct answer is: 3

Question 35

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What will be cardinality ratio for an entity in A is associated

with any number (zero or more) of entities in B. An entity in
B, however, can be associated with at most one entity in A?

Select one:
a. 1-to-1
b. M-to-1
c. 1-to-M
d. M-to-M

The correct answer is: 1-to-M

Question 36

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Consider a schema R(A, B, C, D) and functional
dependencies A->B and C->D. Then the decomposition of R
into R1 (A, B) and R2(C, D) is?

Select one:
a. Not dependency preserving and not loss less join
b. Dependency preserving but not loss less join
c. Loss less join but not dependency preserving
d. Dependency preserving and loss less join

The correct answer is: Dependency preserving but not loss

less join
Question 37

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Which one of the following sorts rows in SQL?

Select one:
a. Group by
b. Sort by
c. Align by
d. Order by

The correct answer is: Order by

Question 38

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Which one of the following is true about relational calculus?

Select one:
a. It ensures order of operations to specify how to retrieve the
query result
b. There is no order of operations to specify how to retrieve the
query result
c. It is considered to be a procedural language.
d. None

The correct answer is: There is no order of operations to

specify how to retrieve the query result
Question 39

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The SQL keyword BETWEEN is used?

Select one:
a. As a wildcard
b. To limit the columns displayed
c. For range
d. None of the above is correct

The correct answer is: For range

Question 40

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An on-line commercial site such as is an

example of a (n)?

Select one:
a. E-commerce database application
b. Data mining database application
c. Single-user database application
d. Multiuser database application

The correct answer is: E-commerce database application

Question 41

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Which of the following is valid SQL for an index?

Select one:
The correct answer is: CREATE INDEX ID;
Question 42

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The relation book (title, price) contains the titles and prices of
the books. Assuming that no two books have the same price,
what does the following SQL query list? Select title from
book as B Where (select count (*) From book as T Where
T.price > B.price) > 5

Select one:
a. Titles of the four most expensive books
b. Title of the fifth most expensive book
c. Title of the fifth most inexpensive book
d. Titles of the five most expensive books

The correct answer is: Titles of the five most expensive books
Question 43

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----------Mostly maintain personal databases using ready-to-

use packaged applications?

Select one:
a. Sophisticated end user
b. Standalone end user
c. Casual end user
d. Parametric end user

The correct answer is: Standalone end user

Given the basic ER and relational modes, which of the

following is incorrect?

Select one:
a. In a row of a relation table, an attribute can have exactly one
value or Null value
b. An attribute of an entity can have more than one value
c. In a row of a relation table, an attribute can have more than
one value
d. An attribute of an entity can be composite

The correct answer is: In a row of a relation table, an attribute

can have more than one value
Question 45

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Which one of the following integrity constraint perform no

values of the attribute should be beyond the allowable limit?

Select one:
a. Referential integrity constraint
b. Semantic integrity constraint
c. Domain integrity constraint
d. Entity integrity constraint

The correct answer is: Domain integrity constraint

________Which SQL statement display age of male student

from student table

Select one:
a. select * from student where sex="M";
b. select age from student where sex="M";
c. select name,age in student where sex equals_to "M";
d. select age from student table where sex="M";

The correct answer is: select age from student where sex="M";
Question 47

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________is a languge to create database

Select one:
a. SQL
b. MySQL
d. PHP

The correct answer is: SQL

Question 48
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Which statement is false about PHP

Select one:
a. PHP is server side script
b. PHP file extenstion can be .php3 or .phtml
c. PHP is open source software
d. PHP is compatible with only MySQL and Oracle

The correct answer is: PHP is compatible with only MySQL

and Oracle
Question 49

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A tool used for information retrieval on web is?

Select one:
a. Web browser
b. Search engine
c. Mozilla firefox
d. All
The correct answer is: Search engine
Question 50

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________is a PHP predefined function to connect to database


Select one:
a. mysql_con
b. mysql_connect
c. mysql_php_connect
d. mysql_connection

The correct answer is: mysql_connect

Question 51

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A programmer who causes harm to the programs or

documents on the Internet is called?

Select one:
a. Software engineer
b. Hacker
c. Thief
d. All

The correct answer is: Hacker

Question 52

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E-mail uses _____ protocol to exchange the information

between the users?

Select one:
c. WWW
d. FTP

The correct answer is: SMTP

Question 53

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which SQL statement retrive student whose email address is

not gmail account

Select one:
a. Select * from student where email not like '*';
b. Select * from student where email not like '';
c. Select * from student where email not like '';
d. Select * from student where email not like '*';

The correct answer is: Select * from student where email not
like '';
Question 54

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The mechanism by which internet software translates names

to addresses and vice versa is?

Select one:
a. Web Address
b. Domain Name System
c. Internet Address
d. Proxy

The correct answer is: Domain Name System

Question 55

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The appearance of web pages can be improved by use of?

Select one:
a. Page style sheet
c. Style sheet
d. Cascading style sheet

The correct answer is: Cascading style sheet

________what is the output of the follwing statement? <php

die("Good"); echo ("Bye"); ?>

Select one:
a. Good
b. Bye
c. Bye Good
d. Good Bye

The correct answer is: Good

Question 57

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what is the name of this type of selector: ul h1{color:red;}

Select one:
a. Universal selector
b. Descendant selector
c. Pseudo-Class selector
d. ID selector
The correct answer is: Descendant selector
Question 58

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Which of the following language is loosely typed

Select one:
a. C++
b. Java
c. PHP
d. All

The correct answer is: PHP

Question 59

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________is a program which execute server side script PHP

Select one:
a. Browser
b. Website
c. Apache
The correct answer is: Apache

Sequential circuits are different form combinational circuits,


Select one:
a. Sequential circuits are designed only from NAND gates.
b. Output of sequential circuits depends only on current inputs.
c. Sequential circuits don’t have storage elements but
combinational circuits do.
d. Output of sequential circuits depends on current and past

The correct answer is: Output of sequential circuits depends

on current and past input.
Question 61

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Which one of the following is solution to the problem of

external fragmentation?

Select one:
a. Compaction
b. Swapping
c. Paging
d. A and C

The correct answer is: A and C

Question 62

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Which logical structure of directories allows directories to

have shared subdirectories and files?

Select one:
a. Single level directory structure
b. Two level directory structure
c. Tree-Structured Directories
d. Acyclic-Graph Directories

The correct answer is: Acyclic-Graph Directories

Question 63

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Which one of the following is special program which comes

into play after CPU scheduler?

Select one:
a. job scheduler
b. thread
c. Dispatcher latency
d. Dispatcher
The correct answer is: Dispatcher
Question 64

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Which binding schemes result in an environment where the

logical and physical addresses are the same?

Select one:
a. Load-time and Execution-time address-binding
b. Compile-time and Execution-time address-binding
c. Compile-time and Run-time address-binding
d. Compile-time and Load-time address-binding

The correct answer is: Compile-time and Load-time address-

Question 65

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If a decoder inputs are N-bits coded, it has

Select one:
a. Exactly 2N unique outputs.
b. Exactly N unique outputs
c. A maximum of 2N unique outputs.
d. A minimum of 2N unique outputs.
The correct answer is: A maximum of 2N unique outputs.
Question 66

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In 8-bits signed-magnitude representation, the minimum and

maximum integer values respectively are

Select one:
a. 0 and 255
b. -128 and 127
c. -127 and 128
d. -127 and 127

The correct answer is: -127 and 127

Question 67

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Which one of the following program runs in kernel mode

along with operating system?

Select one:
a. Device Driver
b. Polling
c. Segmentation
d. Paging
The correct answer is: Device Driver
Question 68

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Identify correct statement regarding with digital component

type called adders

Select one:
a. The sum result generated by full-adders is represented as
SUM = X + Y
b. Half-adders used only for adding two single bits.
c. Full-adders are constituting of two inputs and two outputs.
d. The sum result generated by half-adders is represented as
SUM = X’Y’ + XY

The correct answer is: Half-adders used only for adding two
single bits.
Question 69

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Which one of the following is true about asymmetric

encryption of data?

Select one:
a. the encryption key can be made publicly available
b. encrypts the data three times using three separate keys
c. AES is best example of asymmetric key encryption
d. Messages are broken down into 64-bit chunks

The correct answer is: the encryption key can be made

publicly available

Which one of the following represents Process in operating


Select one:
a. process control block
b. semaphores
c. Scheduler
d. critical section

The correct answer is: process control block

Question 71

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Among the following one is the best architecture if the

machine instructions are defined only by Operation Codes
(OPCODES) or if they don’t use Operands

Select one:
a. Accumulator Architecture
b. Memory-Memory Architecture
c. Register-Memory Architecture
d. Stack Architecture
The correct answer is: Stack Architecture
Question 72

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One of the common addressing mode in which bits in the

address fields specify a memory address that is to be used as
a pointer is known as.

Select one:
a. Register Addressing
b. Immediate Addressing
c. Indexed Addressing
d. Indirect Addressing

The correct answer is: Indirect Addressing

Question 73

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Which placement algorithm allocate largest hole that is big

enough to a program?

Select one:
a. First-fit
b. Second-fit
c. Worst-fit
d. Best-fit

The correct answer is: Worst-fit

Question 74

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Assume each RAM chips are size of 256 X 8-bits, then how
many chips are needed to design a memory of total capacity
4096 bytes?

Select one:
a. 16
b. 4
c. 12
d. 8

The correct answer is: 16

Question 75

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Which scheduling criteria used as the first measurement of

waiting time?

Select one:
a. Compilation time
b. Response time
c. Burst time
d. Waiting Time

The correct answer is: Response time

Question 76

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Which memory is used when programs are larger than

physical memory?

Select one:
a. Virtual memory
b. Register
c. Cache
d. Main memory

The correct answer is: Virtual memory

Question 77

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Which one of the following used to handle the I/O of one job
along with the computation of another job by putting job in a
Select one:
a. Polling
b. Spooling
c. Busy-waiting
d. A and C

The correct answer is: A and C

Question 78

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Which one of the following is special-purpose processor

which CPU delegates some of input/out operation to it?

Select one:
a. Register
b. DMA-controller
c. Cache
d. Control-Unit

The correct answer is: DMA-controller

Question 79

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Memories are ordered from left-to-right with longer access
times in

Select one:
a. Registers ->Cache RAMs-> Main Memory -> Hard Drive
b. Registers ->Main Memory -> Cache RAMs -> Hard Drive
c. Hard Drive -> Cache -> Main Memory-> Registers
d. Hard Drive -> Main Memory-> Cache -> Registers

The correct answer is: Registers ->Cache RAMs-> Main

Memory -> Hard Drive

A type of ROM that don’t require special tools to erase files

on the chips, but the erasure is done one-byte at a time

Select one:
a. Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM)
b. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
c. Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM)
d. Flash Memory

The correct answer is: Electrically Erasable Programmable

Read-Only Memory (EEPROM)
Question 81

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Which method is used to implement Contiguous memory

Select one:
a. Virtual memory
b. Paging
c. Segmentation
d. Partitioning

The correct answer is: Partitioning

Which one is not the characteristic of software testability?

Select one:
a. Operability
b. Observability
c. Controllability
d. Decomposability
e. None

The correct answer is: None

Question 83

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Which modeling represents architecture as an organized

collection of program components?
Select one:
a. Structural model
b. Framework models
c. Dynamic models
d. Functional models

The correct answer is: Structural model

Question 84

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Which one is false about activities given to the programmer

in coding to make it readable and understandable?

Select one:
a. Minimize the memory required
b. Minimize the effort required to complete the program
c. Maximize the program clarity
d. Maximize the number of statements

The correct answer is: Maximize the number of statements

Question 85

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Which one is the Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Select one:
a. Use cases
b. Class diagrams
c. State diagrams
d. Activity diagrams
e. All

The correct answer is: All

Question 86

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Which design methodology use the concepts of objects and


Select one:
a. Function-oriented
b. Bottom-up design
c. Top-down design
d. Object-oriented

The correct answer is: Object-oriented

Question 87
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Which types of cohesion occurs when there is no meaningful

relationship among the elements of a module or parts are
unrelated to one another?

Select one:
a. Sequential cohesion
b. Temporal cohesion
c. Coincidental cohesion
d. Logical cohesion

The correct answer is: Coincidental cohesion

Question 88

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Question text

_________________ ? Refers to the interaction between two

classes where a class has variables of the other class.

Select one:
a. Inheritance coupling
b. Interaction coupling
c. Component coupling
d. External coupling
The correct answer is: Component coupling
Question 89

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Question text

Which one testing strategy is applied in coding?

Select one:
a. System testing
b. Beta testing
c. Unit testing
d. Integration testing

The correct answer is: Unit testing

Question 90

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Question text

Which developing code process is first write the code to the

module then run the test script to fix the bugs found?

Select one:
a. Test-Driven Development
b. An Incremental Coding Process
c. Pair-Programming
d. A and C
e. None

The correct answer is: An Incremental Coding Process

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
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Question text

Which of the following phase is machine dependent code?

Select one:
a. Code optimizer
b. Syntax analyzer
c. Semantics analyzer
d. Intermediate code generator

The correct answer is: Code optimizer

Question 92

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Question text

Which of the following formal language concepts are not

used to develop the first phase of the compiler
Select one:
a. nfa
b. regular grammar
c. regular expression
d. dfa

The correct answer is: regular grammar

Question 93

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What type of grammar is parsed by bottom up parsing

Select one:
a. LL(1) grammar
b. Quasi simple grammar
c. Simple grammar
d. LR(1) grammar

The correct answer is: LR(1) grammar

Question 94

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What is the basic difference between Finite Automata and

Pushdown Automata?
Select one:
a. The presence and the absence of initial state
b. The number of states
c. The number of final state states
d. The presence and absence of memory

The correct answer is: The presence and absence of memory

Question 95

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Question text

The compiler is build a symbol table using a hashing

algorithm for the following identifiers (salary, average, team,
median, per_time and regular}, what is the index value to
enter per_time to the symbol table?

Select one:
a. 1
b. 3
c. 0
d. 2

The correct answer is: 0

Question 96

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Question text
Which of the following lexical tokens are identified by the
lexical analyzer but not included in the output

Select one:
a. Keyword
b. Special characters
c. Comments
d. Identifiers

The correct answer is: Comments

Question 97

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Question text

What is the output of the lexical analyzer phase of the

compiler ?

Select one:
a. Semantic tree
b. A stream of tokens
c. Syntax tree
d. Assembly code

The correct answer is: A stream of tokens

Question 98

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Question text
Which of the following pushdown machine operation
indicates the presence of ƛ production in the grammar

Select one:
a. Pop retain
b. Pop and advance
c. Reject
d. Replace and retain

The correct answer is: Pop retain

Question 99

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Question text

Which of the following abstract machine more powerful?

Select one:
a. Nfa
b. Turing machine
c. Pushdown machine
d. Dfa

The correct answer is: Turing machine

Question 100

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Question text
which of the following is not an operation for pushdown

Select one:
a. Move
b. Pop
c. Push
d. Replace

The correct answer is: Move

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