Tips Làm Rewrite

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[Tip 1] Động từ chuyển thành danh từ

Có một số bài tập cho động từ ở câu gốc và yêu cầu viết lại dưới dạng một danh từ làm nhiều bạn
khá lúng túng. Mình mong những từ sau đây có thể giúp các bạn.

1. to hesitate to V = have hesitation in Ving : lưỡng lự làm gì

2. to look at (v)= to have a look at (n): nhìn vào

3. to think about = to give thought to : nghĩ về

4. to notice st = take notice of : chú ý

5. to be determined to= to have a determination to : quyết tâm

6. to know (about) = to have knowledge of: biết

7. to succeed = make a success: thành công

8. to tend to = to have a tendency to : có khuynh hướng

9. to intend to +inf = to have intention of + V_ing : dự định

10. to desire to = have a desire to : khao khát, mong muốn

11. to be use = to be in use : được sử dụng

12. to wish = to have a wish / to express a wish : ao ước

13. to visit Sb = to pay a visit to Sb / to pay Sb a visit : thăm viếng

14. to discuss Sth = to have a discussion about : thảo luận

15. to sleep = have a sleep: ngủ

16. to decide to = to make a decision to : quyết định

17. to talk to = to have a talk with : nói chuyện

18. understand = hiểu, nhận thức

19. to explain Sth = to give an explanation for : giải thích

20. to call Sb = to give Sb a call : gọi điện cho…

21. to be interested in = to have interest in : thích

22. to bath = have/take a bath: tắm

23. to drink = to have a drink : uống

24. to rest = have a rest: nghỉ

25. to photograph = to have a photograph of : chụp hình

26. to cry = to give a cry : khóc kêu

27. to laugh at = to give a laugh at : cười nhạo

28. to examine = have an examination : kiểm tra

29. to welcome Sb = to give Sb a welcome : chào đón

30. to kiss Sb = to give Sb a kiss : hôn

31. to agree = to be in a agreement: đồng ý

32. to ring Sb = to give Sb a ring : gọi điện

33. to warn = to give warning : báo động, cảnh báo

34. to disagree = to be in a disagreement: không đồng ý

35. to try to (+inf) = to make an effort to/ to make an attempt to : cố gắng

36. to meet Sb = to have a meeting with Sb : gặp ai

37. to contact = have a contact with: liên lạc

38. to exchange = have an exchange of : trao đổi

39. to argue with sb = have an arguement with sb : tranh cãi

40. to complain about st = have a complaint about : phàn nàn

41. to land = make a landing : hạ cánh

42. to contribute = make a contribution to : đóng góp

43. to disturb = make a disturbance : làm phiền

44. to influence = play an influence over = have an influence on : ảnh hưởng

45. to receive = be in receipt of st : nhận

46 describe = give a description = miêu tả

[Tip 2] IDIOMs

1 pull oneself together = calm down

2 be in hot water = be in trouble

3 for good = forever

4 a straight face = kiềm chế cảm xúc

5 be in favor of = in support of

6 make a getaway = escape

7 a big shot = an important person

8 get on sb’s nerves = irritate

9 drive sb crazy = make sb crazy

10 set sb’s heart on st/ doing st = determine to V

11 take to st like a duck to water = giỏi

12 on the spur of the moment = hấp tấp

13 beyond sb’s means = too costly for one, more than one can afford.

14 make a mountain out of a molehill = chuyện bé xé ra to

15 a dead loss = useless

16 tell on = affect

17 due to V = should have p2

18 take sb for a ride = treat sb with sincerity

19 cast/shed/throw (any/some) light on st = clarify st

20 go back on st = fail to keep promise

21 a race against the clock/time = get st be p2 as fast as possible

22 at line = at risk

23 be a man of substance = become a rich and powerful man

24 throw caution to the wind = take some risks

25 be employed in Ving st = spend time Ving something

26 down the ages = all periods of history

27 a second chance = a second bite of the cherry

28 Out of the corner of sb’s eyes = accidently see sb

29 in the buff = naked

30 see st in pink = see st in rose-coloured spectacles

31 under the weather = not well

32 rack sb’s brains = think very hard ( kiểu là lắc não)

33 make an example of sb = punish sb as an example to warn the others

34 a fish out of water = không quan với

35 a big fish in a small pond = a big boss in small company

36 try in vain to V = fail to V

37 feel in sb’s bones ; linh cảm

38 out of question – không đáng để nhắc tới

39 on a whim = ngay lập tức

40 at a loss to V = không thể hiểu

41 get wind of st = nghe bí mật

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