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Input - textbook: SPEAK OUT – elementary

Language proficiency level: A2
This test format has two different parts: reading out loud a text and an interview.
Phase 1: reading out loud.
The interlocutor will ask each student to read out loud a text of 130 to 150 words.
Phase 2: interview
The interlocutor will ask each student three questions relating to the TOPIC of the text.
The interlocutor, who conducts the interview, will start by asking each student some
Hello, my name is…..and this is Mr. / Ms. …..
What's your full name?
What's your student code?
Can I see your student card? Thank you. Are you ready for the test?
In this part of the test, you are given a text on a familiar topic (around 150 words).You
have three minutes to look through the text and then read aloud. Now, here is the text.
The interlocutor wait for 3 minutes.
Interlocutor: Now, time is up. Please start reading.
Mike’s hobbies and interests
In the week, Mike likes to spend most of his free time at home. He is tired after work,
and usually relaxes in front of the TV for an hour. Sometimes, instead of watching
TV, he likes to browse the internet. he often reads the news on the internet, and about
once or twice a week, he sends an email to his family in Australia. Mike rarely sees
his family because he lives in Ireland, which is too far away from Australia to go very
Mike is also very musical. He enjoys playing the piano and the drums, but his
favourite musical instrument to play is the guitar. He plays the guitar in a band. They
usually practise at weekends, at his friend Paul’s place. They used to practise in Paul’s
house, but his neighbours complained about the noise, so now they always practise in
the garage.
Interlocutor: In this phase of the speaking test, you are asked THREE questions relating
to the topic of the text. It’s hobbies.
1. What do you often do in your free time?
2. What are some good points of doing so in your free time?
3. What are some bad points?

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