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Students’ names and ID numbers:

Le Ngoc Vi - 1907040258

Tran Thi Thuy Linh – 2007010163

Nguyen Thien Kim - 2107010138

Nguyen Nguyet Minh - 2107010183

Lecturer: An Thuy Tien, MA



SIGNED: __________________________________ DATED (DD/MM/YYYY): ______/_______/ _______

Due Date of Assignment: November 22, 2023

I. Introduction

“There’s no one quite like Neil Gaiman” states George R. R. Martin, an American novelist

and screenwriter. When it comes to Neil Gaiman, book lovers and fans of fantasy are no

strangers to his novels filled with fairy-tale elements, adventurous spirit, and rich

imagination. Gaiman's works have been translated into twenty-eight languages, earning him

numerous prestigious literary awards. He is the first author to simultaneously receive the

Newbery and Carnegie Medals for the same work. According to the BBC, one of his works,

Sandman, is listed in the “100 Novels That Shaped Our World”.

Gaiman came of age during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. This period witnessed

significant cultural shifts, including advancements in technology, changes in societal

norms, and the rise of subcultures. The late 20th century was marked by the end of the Cold

War, the advent of the internet, and the emergence of new forms of popular culture.

Gaiman's work often reflects and responds to these societal changes, blending traditional

storytelling with contemporary themes.

Among his notable creations stands Stardust, a novel that brings readers to a magical realm

where adventure unfolds, and characters discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. As

we delve into the analysis of the novella, it becomes imperative to not only explore

Gaiman's illustrious career but also to explore the intricacies of the narrative, with a

particular focus on the central character, Tristran Thorn. This paper aims to dissect the

layers of Stardust, unraveling the magic and meaning woven into its pages. By examining

Gaiman's background, the plot's essence, and the evolution of Tristran Thorn throughout his

journey, we hope to uncover the deeper messages and themes embedded in this fantastical


II. Analysis of Stardust

1. Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman was born on November 10, 1960, in Portchester, Hampshire, England. He

became intrigued by culture, the arts, and comic books from an early age. Gaiman attended

his secondary studies at Ardingly College before enrolling in Sherborne School to pursue

his postsecondary education. He initiated his career by penning short stories and comics.

Gaiman is active in the film and television industries in addition to writing. Film

adaptations of his novels are prevalent; "Stardust" and the television series "American

Gods" are two prominent instances.

Neil Gaiman is renowned for his unique creativity and storytelling prowess, exerting

significant influence on popular culture across various artistic genres. He writes for

theatrical plays, comic books, novels, and short narratives. The mystical, magical, and

mythical are all interwoven with parts of the actual world in many of Gaiman's writings. He

expertly blends these components to create stories that are both compelling and distinctive.

In Gaiman's writing, characters are frequently complicated and multidimensional. Readers

may easily empathize with and journey with his characters since he gives them a sense of

"realness" under extraordinary conditions.

2. Plot summary

“Stardust” by Neil Gaiman is a fantasy novel that brings readers on an enchanting

adventure through the magical realm of Faerie. The story begins in the quaint English

village of Wall, which is surrounded by a stone wall that splits actual life from the

imaginary land outside. Tristran Thorn, the main protagonist, is a young man who desires

to steal Victoria Forester's heart. Tristan proposes to retrieve a falling star that they both

saw one night as an affirmation of his love. However, this is not an ordinary star, it is a

celestial being named Yvaine, who has fallen to Earth. The challenge is that the star itself

has descended to the other side of the wall, in the mystical realm of Faerie. Tristan finds out

that Yvaine is more than just a piece of celestial stone once he crosses the wall; it is a

vibrant sentient being and he is not the only one seeking the star. A youthful prince

demands the star for his own evil purposes, while the fierce witch Lamia aims at capturing

Yvaine in order to reclaim her youthful glory and strength.

Tristan and Yvaine meet many different kinds of strange and risky people as they set off on

their adventure across the fascinating region. The land of Faerie is full of danger and

enchantment, from unicorns to sky pirates. Tristan finds an entrance to the magical realm

beyond his initial search for a fallen star, as well as his true paternity, along the road.

Romance, thrills, and adulthood themes are all intertwined throughout the story wherever

Tristan and Yvaine go through numerous challenges and trials. Characters face their own

desires while considering the consequences of their decisions since they explore themes

related to personality and destiny. The climax of the novel unfolds as a cosmic event

approaches, determining the fate of both the mortal world and the Faerie. Characters in the

story are forced to confront their deepest craves and fears, leading to a resolution that

blends aspects of traditional fairy tales with Gaiman's inventive and modern twist.

The delightful characters and rich world-building of "Stardust" make it stand out. Gaiman

skillfully combines his own storytelling style with classic fairy tale elements, delivering to

the tale a feeling of wonder and dark humor. The novel has received compliments for its

unique and creative perspective on the fairy tale genre, all the while capturing the key

concepts of standard fairy tales. In the end, "Stardust" brings countless untold stories

behind a young hero's dreamy journey, to prove that fairy tales are in fact also for adults.

3. Analysis of main character Tristran Thorn

3.1. Before the adventure

As the work "Stardust" is not entirely written in chronological order, the essay will

organize and analyze the character Tristran Thorn based on the chronological sequence:

before and after the commencement of his adventure.

Tristan Thorn is the protagonist in Neil Gaiman's novel "Stardust." He possesses eyes the

color of dark branches, resembling a night sky painting, creating a mysterious and magical

impression of his appearance. Tristran is the offspring of a woman from the village of Wall

and a fallen star. This adds a sense of wonder and uniqueness to his origin while

highlighting Tristran's distinct appearance. However, Tristran is unaware of his magical

heritage until he embarks on his journey to find the fallen star.

Tristran begins his life in the village of Wall, where a wall separates the ordinary world

from the magical realm. He lives in a peaceful environment, oblivious to the special nature

of his origin. Tristran deeply falls in love with a girl named Victoria Forester. The romantic

Tristran often dreams of a falling star and promises to bring it back to win Victoria's heart.

Before starting his journey, Tristran is portrayed as a typical and idealistic young man who

lives in the Wall village. He is depicted as a kind, reserved person who doesn't get much

attention from society. He comes to seem restrained, especially when he sees Victoria

Forester - the woman he loves.

In the pre-adventure phase, Tristran seems innocent and kind-hearted. He may not be a

hero, but he consistently demonstrates goodness and a willingness to help others. Despite

his apparent shyness and gentleness, Tristran possesses courage hidden behind his normal
appearance. He decides to overcome the wall to search for a fallen star, placing himself in

challenges and dangers to accomplish his goal.

These personality traits create a multidimensional character, and they are expected to

evolve and develop as Tristran embarks on his journey in the magical world.

3.2. During the adventure

Tristran is "too ignorant to be scared, too young to be awed" when he enters Faerie for the

first time. Put differently, he's not too unlike other young people who, when they go off on

an adventure, bite off more than they can chew. Fortunately, Tristran's naivete will garner

him a little aid along the road, because Faerie being what it is.

Perhaps due to his social awkwardness, Tristran dreams about adventures and extraordinary

deeds. He tells Victoria, "You are the most lovely woman in all the world," and he says it

"from the bottom of his heart," so not only does he have feelings for her, but he's earnest in

expressing them as well. He dares to ask Victoria if he can walk her home from the store

where he works.

The fact that Tristran struggles with logistics is demonstrated by the ragged and tarnished

garments he wears. He appears to have no consideration for the consequences when he tells

his father he's going through the wall, for example, adding, "I'm sure I can find a way [... If

necessary, I'll fight my way past the guards." Tristran may now go happily to Faerie

because his dad has everything under control.

After a long minute, he realizes that the sobbing figure beneath the hazel tree is the star he

has been searching for. "A clodpoll [... a ninny, a numbskull, a lackwit, and a coxcomb!" is

how the star, who has known this all along, describes him. "Yeah... I guess I am at that,"

Tristran amiably acknowledges her judgment. While we're at it, let's take a moment to

recognize Tristran's generosity of spirit, just for the record, since we might not react well to

such derogatory remarks.

To avoid attracting attention, Tristran leaves the star with the unicorn and heads into a

settlement to acquire food when he runs out of food. He informs her that he will have to

trust her to "trust you, on your honor as a star, not to run away" since doing so will require

removing the chain that has bonded them together. As he goes back to where he left them,

he feels foolish because she, of course, takes advantage of the chance to run.

However, Tristran is aware enough not to reject every person that approaches him. He

considers turning down the tree nymph's offer of assistance immediately after the star

escapes and finds herself, but ultimately decides "that any progress he had made on his

quest so far he had made by accepting the help that had been offered to him". This

demonstrates not just some excellent evaluation techniques but also the fact that Tristran's

trusting conduct has been sufficiently rewarded on this voyage, at least, to not be

discounted as meritless.

Like the hairy little guy Primus and the airship captain do when their paths meet, the tree

nymph lends a helping hand to him. Therefore, rather than being entirely cynical or

inherently untrusting, Tristran's personal path may involve learning when to trust—that is,

to control the impulse just a little bit.

Tristran isn't just kind to attractive girls, though—ahem, Victoria and Yvaine—he also

rescues a lovely bird—his mother, though he doesn't realize it at the moment—when its

chain gets entangled in a tree stump. And when his initial effort at escaping through the

wall fails, he assists a female store owner in getting ready for the Faerie Market. We

believe that Tristran's goodness of heart, tendency to believe, and general nice guy

demeanor all play a part in what makes him a potential hero.

Tristran remains calm and somehow finds a way out of the Sherwood's attempt to catch and

devour him together with the small, hairy guy. Alright, so it appears that Tristran can find

everything he can name in Faerie and has an excellent sense of direction. When it comes to

boldness, Tristran astounds both us and himself. Though first terrified, he agrees with the

star's request to stop the conflict between the unicorn and the lion. The unicorn is saved

from death by this deed.

Tristran's bravery and kindness are admirable, but as he travels, he discovers that everyone

has the freedom to define their own boundaries and make their own decisions, which leads

to a more profound sort of heroism. and that it's worth battling for this.

Since the beginning, when he was trying to entice Victoria to kiss him, Tristran has

changed a lot in his attitude of limits. "It was your right not to kiss me," he says Victoria

after he returns from his adventure, without needing an explanation for her refusal. He also

understands that "the star was not a thing to be passed from hand to hand, but a true person

in all respects and no kind of a thing at all" . Put another way, everyone's right to self-


Tristran does a great job when he does take the lead. Making good choices, he guides his

people to many wins and may even be considered "a member of the Fellowship of the

Castle... instrumental in breaking the power of the Unseelie Court." Put another way, even

if he doesn't first strike us as particularly suitable for the role of Lord of Stormhold, he

develops into it.

III. Conclusion

In the enchanted realm of Neil Gaiman's Stardust, we have embarked on a journey that

transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling. Gaiman has not only introduced us

to a captivating world but has also woven a narrative tapestry that reflects the universal

human experience. As we step back from the mesmerizing tale of Tristran Thorn and the

celestial quest for a fallen star, the richness of Gaiman's narrative craftsmanship becomes

abundantly clear.

The exploration of Neil Gaiman's writing career establishes the context for the brilliance

that unfolds in Stardust. The plot summary, a journey through starlit meadows and mystical

realms, serves as a testament to Gaiman's ability to seamlessly blend dark humor with

profound insights. Tristran Thorn, our guide in this fantastical odyssey, evolves from a

normal villager to a hero touched by the ethereal, his transformation mirroring the

complexities of the human condition.

Tristran's pre-adventure innocence and post-star discovery wisdom paint a vivid picture of

growth, resilience, and self-discovery. Within the layers of his story, we find echoes of our

own struggles, aspirations, and the timeless pursuit of identity. The optional exploration of

the title adds an additional layer of understanding, suggesting that the tale is not merely a

substance but a metaphor for the intangible dreams, hopes, and aspirations that shimmer in

the hearts of both characters and readers alike.

In the final reflection, Stardust emerges not just as a tale of magical adventures but as a

mirror reflecting the human spirit's journey through the labyrinth of life. Neil Gaiman,

through his narrative alchemy, invites readers to explore the realms of imagination while

subtly confronting the realities that shape our existence.

Words count: 2393


100 Novels That Shaped Our World by BBC - The Greatest Books. (n.d.).

Gaiman, N. (2010). Neil Gaiman | About Neil | Biography.

Tristan Thorn. (n.d.). Stardust Wiki.

Tristran Thorn in Stardust | Shmoop. (n.d.-b). Retrieved November 22, 2023,

Ray, M. (2019). Neil Gaiman | Biography, Comics, Books, & Facts. In Encyclopædia Britannica.


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