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Narrator: One afternoon in Mrs Virna’s Birth Clinic, Virna and other midwifes doing their regular


Virna:It’s okay mam, you will be fine, everything about the baby is normal and the baby is healthy.
You may come back 2 weeks later, or if something happened that worries you u can come back
here anytime.

Raja:Oh okay mam, im glad my baby is healthy, that’s all i need (chuckles). Thankyou mam, see
you later

Narrator: A few moments later, comes a mother whom are about to give birth

Riza:Excuse me mam, my stomach hurts, and i also have contraction since this morning, i think
im about to give birth

Momon:Yes she’s been having contraction and its getting stronger, and actually yesterday was
her due date mam

Virna:Alright mam, you may lay down on the bed, i will do some check up on you to make sure if
its time or not (talk to rima) Rim, please meassure the bloodpressure, leopold, and check up on
baby’s heart rate"

"Rima:Oh yes mam(talk to riza) excuse me mam, i will do some examination on you(talk to virna)
mam, the bloodpressure is 120/90, baby’s heart rate 150, and the baby’s also already engaged

Virna: okay thankyou(talk to riza) mam do you want to pee?

Riza: yes i want to pee(talk to momon) dear can you help me to the restroom, i want to pee

Momon:Sure honey, i’ll take you there, lets go

Narrator: RIza and her husband went to restroom, and after that she come back to the VK room.
The contraction gets worsen

Riza: ouch it hurts

Virna: calm down mam, take deep breath okay? Let me check on your opening(VT riza) mrs Riza,
the opening is still 4, you need to wait until its complete. Meanwhile you can rest or take a walk
if you want the opening to go faster. Just do not push yet bcs it will only waste your energy"

"Narrator:4 hours later

Virna: Dina, please observe mrs Riza

Dina: Alright mam(talk to riza) excuse me mam, i will do some examination on you.

Riza: Miss the contraction are getting stronger and i barely can hold it anymore, i want to push
right now, please let mrs Virna know.

Dina: okay mam i will(talk to virna) mam, the bloodpressure are 130/90, baby’s heart rate 160,
and the contraction getting frequent

Virna: (talk to riza) it’s okay mam, be patient, the opening arent complete yet, just hold it a few
more hours. You’re getting close

Narrator:2 hours later

Riza: Virnaa, my water just broke!"

"Virna: Okay mam, calm down, i think u are about to give birth right now, but let me make sure
first (VT) yes the opening is complete, push when i tell you to push okay?

Narrator:Finally the baby are born, this marks the end of Kala two, and process to Kala 3

Virna:, baby girl is here mam, she’s healthy and crying loudly,

Riza&momon:Alhamdulillaaaahhh ( like thanks god? Hahshsh)

Tari:Congratulation mam, the baby is being taken care with Virna, she will be fine. Mam

now i’ll give you oxcytocin shot to help with your contraction alright? Dina please give mrs Riza
oxcytocin shot

Dina:Yes mam,

Tari:Mam, sir, i will teach you how to massage the uterus so the contraction are going good, and
will stop the bleeding alright? (tari ppt dan improve sendiri)

Ryass: "Excuse me, where’s my granddaughter? Can i see her?

Rima: She’s in baby’s room mam, you may go there, i’ll lead you

Ryass: okay

Narrator: Kala 3 and Kala 4 went well, and 6 hours later mrs Riza is being moved to the
postnatal care room
Nisa: Assalamualaikum, mam i bleed this afternoon, i think im going to give birth soon

Mia: okay mam, have you been here before? Or is this your first time?

Nisa:Oh yes this is my first time coming here

Mia:Alright, please lay down on the bed, i will do some check up on you

(diperiksa) mam, did you went caesarian the last time you gave birth?

Nisa:Yes mam, i had c-section last time because my baby is in breech position

Mia:May i know when did you had the c-section?

Nisa: ""Two years ago mam

Mia: I see, so mam, im sorry but you have to give birth in the hospital, because i cant help

you here, not that i dont want to, but bcause i dont have the permission to help

mothers with c-section history in clinic, i am so sorry. But i will help you find the

nearest hospital and also accompany you through the labor, you dont have to worry

you will be fine

Anggra:It’s okay sis, be patient, trust the midwife i will accompany you

Mia:Dina please help me get all the documents ready and call for Unair hospital

Dina:Yes mam

Narrator:And then, nisa and her sister anggra, Mia, and Dina go to the nearest hospital and

Nisa gave birth safely. The end"

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