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INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics

INFO1003 Professional
Lecture 1

Communications and

Lecture 1
Introduction to Subject
Employability Skills
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Welcome to INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication & Ethics

Subject convenor, lecturer & tutor
• Kerry Fang
• Email:
• Consultation:
• By appointment via Zoom or ask me after class!

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Today’s lecture
• Introduction & Overview
• What the subject is about
• Employability skills/Soft skills/Transferrable skills

• Acronym PPCE = Professional Practice, Communication & Ethics

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Introduction & subject overview

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

How is Professional Practice, Communications and Ethics (PPCE) run?

• Lectures – weekly (2 hours)

• Attendance is expected
• Content and important announcements
• Some notes will be available on vUWS
• Lecture recordings: Use for back-up/review

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

How is Professional Practice, Communications and Ethics (PPCE) run?

• Workshops (tutorial/practical class) – weekly (2 hours)

• Starts in week 2
• Attendance is essential
• Discuss tutorial questions
• Work on group assignment
• No recordings – take notes!
• Bring pen & paper

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Expected student conduct

• Attend lectures and workshop (tutorial/practical) classes
• Mobile phones off during lectures and workshops
• Spend time in lectures and classes productively
• Be respectful towards other students and staff

• 10 CP (credit points) subject = 10 hours work every week

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

vUWS site:

• What can you find on vUWS?

• Learning guide and staff contact details
• Lecture notes
• Lecture recordings
• Workshop (tutorial/practical) work
• Assessments
• Announcements
• Check the PPCE vUWS site at least twice a week
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Learning Guide
• Schedule
• Assessment information
• Policies
• Student Conduct
• Academic integrity and student misconduct
• Useful links (such as student support)

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Subject description:
Working in ICT business environments requires awareness of how individuals can
collaborate to achieve project goals in an ethical and professional way. This subject
introduces students to concepts of professional behaviour, including ethics, professional
conduct and associated industry behavioural codes, as well as legal aspects related to ICT.
Students learn about various types of written and oral communication, professional
behaviour when working in teams, and personal project management. In addition, the
subject also introduces students to academic integrity and how to practice this during
their degree. Students with professional practice skills combined with technical abilities
are in high demand.
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Major subject content

• What is a professional, and what are the various
professional roles and relationships within IT.
• Ethics as a professional
• Professional Codes (Codes of ethics, professional conduct,
and professional practice)

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Major subject content (continued)

• Communication
• Oral communication and presentation skills
• Written communication (including professional and academic
• Professional communication in online communities
• Managing a team and project and the importance of communication
• Teamwork, professional behaviour and team communication
• Creating a work breakdown structure, estimating time, allocating
tasks, and preparing schedules
• Preparing agendas and minutes
• Resolving conflict 13
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Major subject content (continued)

• The importance of shared understanding within a team and
within an organisation
• Personal project management
• Academic integrity, how to practice this and expectations at
• Legal aspects of IT, including intellectual property, security
and privacy of information and IT regulatory compliance
• Equity, access, and cultural awareness considerations in IT

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Subject learning outcomes

1.Describe ethics and professional code of conduct associated with the
professions related to computing and Information &
Communications Technologies (ICT)
2.Communicate in a professional manner among team members and
with external stakeholders
3.Demonstrate good written communication skills, including academic
and professional writing styles

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Subject learning outcomes (continued)

4. Use project management skills to plan, schedule and manage
ongoing activities as an individual and as a team
5. Manage team dynamics that involves working with people of
varying skill levels, from different work/life experiences and diverse
cultural backgrounds
6. Demonstrate knowledge and practice of academic integrity and
how it links to professional integrity
7. Articulate the concepts related to legal aspects of IT, including
intellectual property, security and privacy of information, and IT
regulatory compliance

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

McDermid, D. (ed)(2008) Ethics in ICT: An Australian
Perspective, Pearson Education Australia

Available via Pearson or Online as an Ebook:

- Google Play
- Pearson:
(Use code BTUWSU for an additional 5% discount)
- May be able to find it second hand

Also available in closed reserve in the library on each


From the back cover: This book addresses the topics, social implications, professional practice and
interpersonal communications outlined in the Australian Computer Society (ACS) guidelines for professional
accreditation of ICT courses.
Your degree is accredited by ACS 17
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

To pass this subject you must:

1. Make a full attempt at all the mandatory assessment components, and

submit these when they are due
2. Contribute equally to the group assignment (including presentations)
3. Submit a peer review form based on your fellow group members
4. Achieve at least 50% in the final exam
5. Achieve a total mark for the subject of at least 50/100

Failure to submit ONE or more mandatory assessments without the approval

of the Subject Coordinator may result in a Fail Non-Submit (FNS) for your final
grade, regardless of total mark achieved.
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1


Component Weighting
Portfolio of workshop/tutorial 40%
answers (3 submissions)
Group Assignment* 30%
• Report (20%)
• Presentation (10%)
Final Exam (threshold of 50%)* 30%
Total 100%
*Mandatory assessments
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

What if you are unsure about something PPCE related during the
• Check the learning guide
• Check vUWS
• Behind on lectures?
• Watch the recording of any lectures you have missed – just going through the slides is not
• If after doing the above, your question is still not answered, ASK!
• Ask your tutor in your tutorial/practical (workshop) class
• There will always be time available in these classes to ask questions
• Ask your lecturer in the lecture
• The person you ask might not know the answer, but will usually be able to refer you to
someone who will.

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Procedure if you need to send an email to staff at the university

• Use your WSU student email account
• Put INFO1003 as part of the subject of the email
• Include your full name, student id, campus and workshop class
• Be clear about your query
• Be professional in your emails
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Employability skills

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Employability skills
• What are these skills?
• Sometimes referred to as ‘transferrable skills’ or ‘soft skills’
• Not specific to a particular type of work or degree

• Why are these skills important?

• Needed to make a person ‘employable’ – good technical understanding and
subject knowledge (‘hard skills’) is not enough
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Employability skills – why are these important?

• “Employability skills (sometimes called ‘soft’ skills) refer to a set of transferable skills and key
personal attributes which are highly valued by employers and essential for effective performance
in the workplace.”

• “Employability skills can be defined as the transferable skills needed by an individual to make them
'employable'. Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often
outline a set of skills that they want from an employee.”

• “Transferable skills, also known as ‘portable skills’, are qualities that can be transferred from one
job to another. While you likely already possess many transferable skills, you can work on
strengthening them and developing new ones that employers value across industries and jobs.”

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Employability skills - examples

- Communication
- Teamwork
- Problem-solving
- Initiative and enterprise skills
- Planning and organisational skills
- Learning skills
- Technology skills
- Self management skills
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Employers views

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Graduate employers’ top 10 desired skills and attributes


The most important selection criteria used when selecting graduates in addition
to relevant qualifications:
1. Interpersonal and communication skills (written and oral)
2. Drive and commitment/industry knowledge
3. Critical reasoning and analytical skills/technical skills
4. Calibre of academic results
5. Cultural alignment/values fit
6. Work experience
7. Teamwork skills
8. Emotional intelligence (including self-awareness, confidence, motivation)
9. Leadership skill
10. Activities (including intra and extracurricular)

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Least desirable characteristics in graduates (showing top 10 out of 18)


• Arrogance
• Poor oral communication
• Poor communication skills
• Poor cultural fit
• Unwillingness to learn
• Lack of passion
• Poor interpersonal skills
• Poor teamwork
• Motivational fit
• Poor academic results

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

“Soft skills make or break the hiring decision

As a business owner I hire people, not technical skill sets. And that’s why
their professional skills can make or break the hiring decision. If they can’t
communicate, be engaged, participate fully, think critically or demonstrate
leadership, it doesn’t matter how technically qualified they are. They won’t
have a long-term future at my company.

The way that individuals handle themselves in interactions at work is the

greatest determinant of their caliber as professionals. As the world
automates, professional skills are the currency of the future—and the key to
unlock a career where you can contribute something irreplaceable every
- Mark C. Perna

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Employability skills – Developing

& Documenting

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Develop employability skills during your degree:

• Group projects
• Teamwork
• Communication
• Conflict resolution
• Project management/planning & organising
• Presentations
• Planning & organising
• Public speaking
• Assignments
• Self-management
• Written communication
• Problem-solving 40
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Document regularly (you won’t remember)

• Keep a record/portfolio of experiences and activities
• Skills gained
• Qualities demonstrated
• Collect evidence
• Achievements
• Outcomes
• Comments made by others

à These will help you give examples in job applications and interviews

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Some links:

• Suggestions for how to demonstrate these skills to employers
• Link to a workbook ”Profile your employability skills’

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

WSU Careers:
• Workshops
• Resources
• Resume advise
• Career expos
• And much more

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Some useful links:

• Student central:
• Disability service:
• Academic integration plans (AIPs)
• Counselling service:
• Free and confidential counselling for students
• Student welfare service:

Most of these pages have expandable sections when you scroll down the page – click on these sections to get more details
and relevant links 44
INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Library – useful links

• General library links:
• Referencing tools & guides:
• Mendeley
• Zotero

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

What to do this week

• Ensure you know the day and time of your workshop class (practical)
• Download and read the learning guide from vUWS
• Check vUWS for workshop exercises, and prepare for your class
• Acquire the textbook
• Familiarise yourself with the PPCE vUWS site
• Familiarise yourself with the student section of the university site
• Check vUWS for week 2 lecture notes before wk 2 lecture

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1

Ongoing activities you need to do throughout semester

• Attend the lectures and engage with the content
• Attend your workshop classes and engage in the activities
• Complete the work specified every week
• Check your university email account regularly (daily is best)
• READ the emails you receive
• Check vUWS minimum twice a week

• Be determined to learn as much as you can during this semester!

INFO1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
Lecture 1



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