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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X- NORTHERN MINDANAO, SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON ‘June 5, 2024 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. aq, s. 2024 DIVISION SEARCH FOR THE 2024 MOST OUTSTANDING TEACHERS AND SCHOOL LEADERS To: Curriculum and Implementation Officials Elementary and Secondary School Heads Alternative Learning System Centers All Others Concerned 1. Anchoring on DepEd Order No. 78, s. 2007 titled Strengthening the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) of the Department of Education and in line with its quality policy to ensure employees’ excellent performance through continuous improvement, this Office will conduct the Division Search for the 2024 Most Outstanding Teachers and School Leaders. 2. The program aims to recognize teachers and school leaders for their innovative ideas, superior accomplishments, exemplary performance, and other efforts contributing to the realization of DepEd’s mission and vision. 3. The categories for the search are the following: 3.1 Elementary Teacher 3.1.1 Kindergarten 3.1.2 Grade 1 3.1.3 Grade 2 3.1.4 Grade 3 3.1.5 Grade 4 3.1.6 Grade 5 3.1.7 Grade 6 3.2 Junior High School Teacher 3.2.1 Araling Panlipunan 3.2.2 Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 3.2.3 English 3.2.4 Filipino Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay city, Bukidnon Hotline Number: #639178423657 Email Address: Z6/ Website: https:/[ Republic of the Pitivpines Bepartment of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO. SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON 3.2.3 English 3.2.4 Filipino 3.2.5 MAPEH 3.2.6 Math 3.3.7 Science 3.3.8 TLE 3.3. Senior High School Teacher 3.3.1 Academic 3.3.2. Technical Vocational 3.4 Master Teacher 3.4.1 Primary 3.4.2 Intermediate 3.4.3 Junior High School 3.4.4 Senior High School 3.5 Inclusive Education 3.5.1 Special Education Program 3.5.2 Indigenous Peoples Education Program 3.5.3 Alternative learning System 3.5.4 ALIVE 3.6 School Leader ‘School In-Charge (Elementary) School In-Charge (Secondary) Elementary School Head Teacher Secondary School Head Teacher Elementary School Principal Secondary School Principal Peeves DORADO DueOde 3.7 Supervisor 3.7.1 Public Schools District Supervisor 3.7.2 District In-charge 3.7.3 Education Program Supervisor 4. The timeline on the conduct of the Division search is as follows: ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybelay City, Bukidnon Hotline Number: +639178423657 Email Address: bukidnon@ dei fg) Website: htts://oukidnon, DepED MATATAG mara Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO, SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON Dates Activities July 1-13, 2024 School Level Screening and Selection July 15-19, 2024 District Level Screening and Selection ‘July 23, 2024 Submission of the list of District nominees and their hard copy documents to the Division July 24-31, 2024 Division Level Screening and Selection August 1-16, 2024 Onsite validation of the top 3 finalists September 13, 2024 Division Awarding Ceremony 5. _ There shall only be one nomince in every category from the district level. The list of the nominees shall be endorsed by the district supervisor/in charge and to be submitted to the Division Office using the attached summary sheet together with the nominees’ documents. The presentation of the Nominees’ documents should follow the attached criteria with proper ear tagging. 6. Those who were awardees in the Division and Regional Levels can still join the search, 7. Documents shall be submitted to the Division Office Attn: Elbert R. Francisco, Curriculum Implementation Division. Failure to follow the set deadlines means disqualification of the district entries. 8. This Office directs the immediate dissemination of this Memorandum. VICTORIA V. GAZO ao Schools Division Superjngendent Address: Fortich St., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon i) Hotline Number: +639178423657 ¢) Email Address: 447 Website: httos:/fbukidnon.deped ® Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION X~ NORTHERN MINDANAO. SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON Annex A DIVISION SEARCH FOR THE 2024 MOST OUTSTANDING TEACHERS AND SCHOOL LEADERS LIST OF OFFICIAL DISTRICT WINNERS District [Category — Name School 1, Elementary Teacher Kindergarten Grade 1 [Grade 2 oe E Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5. Grade 6 (2. JuniorHigh School Teacher Araling Panlipunan Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao English Filipino MAPEH Mathematics Science poate LE . Senior High School ‘Academic t ‘Academic [ ‘Technical Vocational 4, Master Teacher Primary Intermediate Junior High School ‘Senior High School |5. Inclusive Education |Special Education Program _| Indigenous peoples Education Program Alternative learning System | ALIVE 6. School Leader ‘Teacher In-Charge (Elementary) ‘Address: Fortich st, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Hotline Number: +639178423657 Email Address: bukidnon@deped gov. ph | Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN, HUNDRNAD SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNO! Teacher In-Charge (Secondary) eee | Elementary School Head Teacher | Secondary School Head ‘Teacher Elementary School Principal ‘Secondary School Principal Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Chair Member Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Member Member APPROVED BY: Signature Over Printed Name Public District Supervisor Address: Fotich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Hotline Number: +639178823657 +) Email address: bukié Website: https//bukidnon ‘eB Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON Annex B Criteria for School Leaders (Principal and Head Teacher) Indicators Weight Allocation Points | Basic Requirements: + Atleast two continuous services as full- fledged school principal/ head teacher/SIC * No pending administrative criminal case (Attach Certification from the Division Legal Officer) * No unliquidated Cash Advance (Attach Certification from the Division Accountant) 1. Performance Rating (SY 2022-2023 and SY | 2023-2024) Points Performance) = X WA (performance) Where: X= Average Performance rating in the last two | years 5= Highest possible performance rating WA= Weight Allocation for Performance (20 points) | 2. Participated to any relevant professional programs/trainings/Learning and Development Activities 10 District Level Division level Regional Level 3 a1 | | National/International Level 3. Served as Learning Facilitator in professional | programs/trainings/Learning and Development Activities 10 District Level Division level Regional Level a] a] & National/International Level Email Address: Ss ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay Cty, Bukidnon Hotline Number: +639178423657 Wate hice deee ae | REGION X - NORTHERN MIN ANAO, SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON | | 4. Awards and Recognition ( Most 20 Outstanding Employee) [Division Level 10 Regional level 15 National Level 20 5. Research ferro ‘Action Research Proposal duly approved by the 5 | school head supported with action plan | Conducted a Full-blown research duly approved by [10 y the school head supported with action plan, accomplishment report and data analyzed and interpreted Action Research Proposal duly approved by the higher office (district, division, or region) supported with action plan, accomplishment report and data analyzed and interpreted Conducted, submitted, and presented a full-blown | Conducted, presented, utilized, and applied the findings of a Full-blown research duly approved by the higher office (district, division, region, national or international) supported with action plan, accomplishment report and data analyzed and interpreted, and certification of the utilization /adoption signed by the higher office 20 6. Innovation 20 ‘Concept paper approved in the Division Level I Implemented innovation supported with an | approved accomplishment report and certification of the utilization and adoption of the innovation/intervention duly approved in _the Division Level 15 [Tnnovation adopted by other schools, district or |in the Division Level 20 "7. Videoclips ( 3-5 minutes) on their milestones TOTAL Hotline Number: +639178423657 Email Address: bukidnonf@deped,gov.oh ED : i E ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Website: Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION X ~ NORTHERN MINDANAO, SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON Annex [ : Criteria for Master Teachers [Indicators Weight | Points | | Allocation i Basic Requirements: Screening, Selection and Evaluation Processes At least two years of continuous services as teacher | No pending administrative criminal case With Very Satisfactory rating for the last two years All documents must be in the last two years not credited in the previous Division Search DOCUMENT EVALUATION /ANALYSIS-40% A. Education B, Training/Learning and Development C. Performance Rating D. Outstanding Accomplishments/ Meritorious Achievements 1 Awards and recognition 2.Research 3.Learning Innovation 4.Resource Speakership/Learning Facilitation/ Consultancy CLASSROOM OBSERVATION-50% A. Actual Class Observation/Teaching (60 points) B. Classroom structuring and Management (20 points) BEHAVIORAL EVENT INTERVIEW (10%) (with the Nominee and Focus group Discussion with students, parents, and OR colleagues) IV. VIDEOCLIPS ( 3-5 minutes) on their | milestones 7 aes Address: Fortich St., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon: DepED Hote Number: +39178425657 *) Email Address: MATATAG Website: c= Cy Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO. SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON 1. DOCUMENT ANALYSIS-50% A, EDUCATION 10 Bachelor's Degree with at least 18 units in any vertically-aligned MA/MS. Bachelor’s Degree with at least 24 units in any vertically-aligned MA/MS Bachelor’s Degree with at least 27 units in any vertically- aligned MA/MS Bachelor’s Degree with Complete Academic Requirements (CAR) in any vertically-aligned MA/MS Master's Degree a Master's Degree with at least 18 units in any vertically-aligned Doctorate Degree | Master's Degree with at least 24 units in any vertically-aligned Doctorate Degree Master's Degree with at least 27 units in any vertically-aligned Doctorate Degree ‘Master's degree with Complete Academic Requirements (CAR) in any vertically-aligned MA/MS Doctor’s Degree 10 B. TRAINING/LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT (15 1. Participated to any relevant professional programs/trainings/Learning and Development Activities School Level (At least 2) District Level (At least 1) Division level (At least 1) Regional Level (At least I) National/ International Level (At least 1) a] 8] 09) 20] = 2. Served as Event Facilitator/Coordinator in any relevant curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular and professional programs/trainings/Learning and Development Activities —— des Freh st, Sumpone Maly Cy, Bukdnon DehiED Wy ote Number: SoTeerse *) Email Lemna MATATAG Website: Cy Department of Education REGION X~ NORTHERN MINDANAO. SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON ‘School Level (At least 2) District Level (At least 1) Division level (At least 1) Regional Level (At least 1) National/International Level (At least 1) akan 3. |. Subject Matter Expertise/Demonstration 5 ‘Teaching/Leadership and Management in Special Projects/Committees/Technical Working Group School Level (At least 2) District Level (At least 1) Division level (At least 1) Regional Level (At least 1) National/International Level (At least 1) a) a} | 00) C. PERFORMANCE RATING (20 POINTS) Points (pecformance) = X WA (performance) Where: X= Average Performance rating in the last two years 5= Highest possible performance rating WA= Weight Allocation for Performance (20 points) 4.5 to 4.59 4.6 to 4.69 4.7 10 4.79 12 4.8 to 4.89 16 | 4.9 to 5.00 20 D, OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS/ MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENTS (20 POINTS) Winning Coach at the School/Community Level (At least 2) Winning Coach at the District Level (At least 1) Winning Coach at the Division level (At least 1) * he Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay Cy, Bukidnon ED Hotline Number: «699178423657 Email Address: bukidnon@deped.zov.oh MATATAG Website: =e ———— @ Bepartment of Education REGION X — NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON _ Winning Coach at the National/International | Winning Coach at the Regional Level (At least 1) Level (At least 1) . Research Action Research Proposal duly approved by the school head supported with action Plan Conducted a Full-blown research duly approved by the school head supported with action plan, accomplishment report and data analyzed and interpreted Conducted, submitted, and presented a full- blown Action Research Proposal duly approved by the higher office (district, division, or region) supported with action plan, accomplishment report and data analyzed and interpreted Conducted, presented, utilized, and applied the findings of a Full-blown research duly approved by the higher office (district, division, region, national or international) supported with action plan, accomplishment report and data analyzed and interpreted, and certification of the utilization/adoption signed by the higher office . Learning Innovation Submitted and presented a learning intervention/innovation proposal duly approved by the school head Implemented a learning intervention/ innovation supported with an approved accomplishment report and certification of the utilization and adoption of the innovation /intervention duly approved by the school head nae ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon el enbersaoireszees7 *] Email Address: bukidnon@deped, bakin dent och Website: Raieliensereact Bepartment of Education REGION X ~ NORTHERN MINDANAO. SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON Implemented a learning intervention/ 5 | innovation supported with accomplishment report, implementation results/findings and | certification of the utilization and adoption of | the innovation duly approved by the school head 4. Resource Speakership/Learning IE Facilitation/ Consultancy School Level (At least 2) I District Level (At least 1) 2 _ Division level (At least 1) 3 nal Level (At least 1) 4 | National/Intemnational Level (At least 1) 5 | I. PERFORMANCE VALIDATION /CLASSROOM | OBSERVATION (50%) A. Actual Class Observation (Unannounced)-60 points a_ Rating of 3 20 b. Rating of 4 25 | c. Rating of 5 30 _ d. Rating of 6 a 35 e. Rating of 7 40 B, Classroom structuring and Management (20 points) At least 25% completion. implementation 5 ofthe project/program b. Atleast 50% completion. implementation 10 of the project/ program ¢. Atleast 75% completion. implementation 15 of the project/ program 4. 100% completion. implementation of the 20 project/ program (Potential, Professional Ethics and Human. Retstions with the Nominees and Focus | C, BEHAVIORAL EVENT INTERVIEW (10%) ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon DeheED Wy fio foe seers, MATATAG Js) Email Address: ‘Website: hittps://bukidnon, ® Bepartment of Education REGION X ~ NORTHERN MINDANA( SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON Group Discussion with students, parents, and colleagues)-20 points Rating of 2 2 5 b._ Rating of 3 10 ©. Rating of 4 15 L d_ Rating of 5 20 DefieD MATATAG * at, Address: Fortich St., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Hotline Number: +639178423657 ¥ *) Email Address: ph Website: ittps://bukidnon,deped ‘Be Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X— NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON ‘Annex D Criteria for Teacher 1-3 (ALS, ALIVE, SPED, IPEd, Elementary and Secondary Teachers) Indicators Indicators Indicators Basic Requirements: Basic Basic © At least two years of Requirements: _| Requirements: continuous services as teacher | Atleasttwo | © Atleast two | © No pending administrative years of years of criminal case continuous continuous + With Very Satisfactory services as services as Performance rating for the last teacher teacher two years « No pending * No pending * Alldocuments must be in the administrati administrati last two years not credited in ve criminal ve criminal | the previous Division Search case case * With Very * With Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Performance Performance rating for rating for the last two the last two years years All documents All documents must be in the | must be in the last two years not | last two years not | credited in the credited in the previous Division | previous Division Search Search Screening, Selection and Evaluation Processes 1. DOCUMENT EVALUATION/ANALYSIS- 40% | A. Education B. Training/Learning and Development C. Performance Rating D. Outstanding Accomplishments/ | ‘Address: Fortich St., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnen Hotline Number: +639178423657 Email Address: bukidnon@deped,gov. ph Website: mate REGION X ~ NORTHERN MINDANAO, SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON Meritorious Achievements 1. Awards and recognition 2. Research | 3. Learning | Innovation 4. Resource Speakership/Lear ning Facilitation/ Consultancy I, CLASSROOM OBSERVATION- 50% | A. Actual Class Observation/Teaching (60 points) | B. Classroom structuring and Management (20 points) I. BEHAVIORAL EVENT INTERVIEW (10%) (with the Nominee and Focus group | Discussion with students, parents, | and OR colleagues)-40 points “IV. VIDOECLIPS (3-5 minutes) on their milestones 1. DOCUMENT ANALYSIS-50% EDUCATION [a0 Bachelor's Degree with at least 18 | units in any vertically-aligned | Ma/Ms _ Bachelor’s Degree with at least 24 units in any vertically-aligned MA/MS | Bachelor’s Degree with at least 27 units in any vertically-aligned _MA/MS Bachelor's Degree with Complete _ Academic Requirements (CAR) in any (Televant MA/MS DehED Wy MATATAS ae ee ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Hotline Number: «639178423657 J) Email Address: Website: https://bukidnon deped gov. L~4 ucation Department of Eni | REGION X —- NORTHERN MINDANAO | SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON, Master's Degree _ a at Es | Master’s Degree with at least 18 6 units in any vertically-aligned Doctorate Degree | Master’s Degree with at least 24 7 units in any vertically-aligned Doctorate Degree i : Master's Degree with at least 27 8 units in any vertically-aligned Doctorate Degree Master's degree with Complete 3 Academic Requirements (CAR) in any vertically-aligned MA/MS cee : Doctor's Degree i 10 TRAINING/LEARNING AND _ DEVELOPMENT (15 points) Participated to any relevant 5 professional Programs/trainings/Learning and Development Activities School Level z (District Level 2 | Division level Regional Level ale National/International Level 5 Served as Event 5 Facilitator /Coordinator in any "relevant curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular and professional programs/trainings/Learning and Development Activities ‘School Level District Level Division level Regional Level [ National/International Level ‘Subject Matter 5 Expertise/Demonstration ‘Teaching/Leadership and | Management in Special ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Hotline Number: +639178423657 ‘f +) Email Address: Website: hitps:// Projects/Committees/Technical Working Group OF BUKIDNON School Level (At least 1) District Level (At least 1) Division level (At least 1) _ [Regional Level (At least 1) National/International Level (At least uw alalely fo A. PERFORMANCE RATING (20 POINTS) Points (rertrmance| = = WA (performance) Where: X= Average Performance rating in the ast two years 5= Highest possible performance rating WA= Weight Allocation for Performance (20 points) 4.5 to 4.59 4.6 to 4.69 4.7 to 4.79 2 I 4.8 to 4.89 16 I 4.9 to 5.00 20 B. OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS / MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENTS (20 POINTS) Awards and Recognition Winning Coach at the School/Community Level (At | least 1) Winning Coach at the District Level (At least 2) Winning Coach at the Division level (At least 1) Winning Coach at the Regional Level (At least 1) | Winning Coach at the | National / International Level {ate least 1) DehED Wy MATATAG a w@ ‘Address: Fortich St., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon »\ Hotline Number: +639178423657 *) Email Address: bukidnon@deped.zov.oh ‘Website: | Department a €bucation | REGION. NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON . [s Action Research Proposal duly 1 approved by the school head supported with action plan Conducted a Full-blown 2 research duly approved by the school head supported with action plan, accomplishment report and data analyzed and interpreted Conducted, submitted, and 3 presented a full-blown Action Research Proposal duly approved by the higher office (district, division, or region) | supported with action plan, accomplishment report and data analyzed and interpreted ? Conducted, presented, utilized, 5 and applied the findings of a Full-blown research duly approved by the higher office (district, division, region, national or international] supported with action plan, accomplishment report and data analyzed and interpreted, and certification of the | | utilization/adoption signed by | the higher office | | |. Learning Innovation I Submitted and presented a learning intervention /innovation proposal duly approved by the school head Implemented a learning 3 intervention/ innovation supported with an approved accomplishment report and certification of the utilization Ba Address: Fortich st, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon IP) Hotline Number: +639178423657 Email Address: Website: A Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO’ SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON and adoption of the innovation /intervention duly approved by the school head Implemented a learning 5 intervention/ innovation supported with accomplishment report, implementation results/findings and certification of the utilization and adoption of the innovation duly approved by the school head F. Resource 5 Speakership/Learning |____Facilitation/ Consultancy ‘School Level (At least 2) District Level (At least 1) Division level (At least 1) _ | Regional Level (At least 1) National/International Level {At least 1) | | IL PERFORMANCE | VALIDATION/ CLASSROOM OBSERVATION (50%) Actual Class Observation (Unannounced)-60 points ____ Rating of 3 PAs ____ [20 Rating of 4 25 Rating of 5 30 Rating of 6 35 [ Rating of 7 40 | Classroom structuring and :ment (20 point alalelele At least 25% completion. implementation of the project/program. At least 50% completion. | 10 | implementation of the project/program Address: Fortich St., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon: Hotline Number: +639178423657 \" J") Email Address: ‘Website: https//bukidnon Department of Education REGION X —- NORTHERN MINDANAO’ SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON ‘At least 75% completion. 5 implementation of the project/program 100% completion. 20 implementation of the project/program BEHAVIORAL EVENT INTERVIEW (10%) | (Potential, Professional Ethics and Human Relations) with the Nominees and Focus Group Discussion with | students, parents, and colleagues}- 20 points et eee Sos Rating of 2 5 Rating of 3 10 Rating of 4 15 | Rating of 5 20 ‘Address: Fortich t., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Hotline Number: +639178423657 Email Address: ‘Website: DepED ws MATATAG Ty == aacowe puirmeas

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