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1. Nimbostratus cloud is: -

-> a High level cloud commonly found at a cold front
-> low level cloud only found in col areas
-> commonly associated with a warm front
-> a high level cloud caused by convection

2. Advection fog is most likely to be found:-

-> over coastal areas
-> in inland valley’s during the night
-> over areas of high ground which gradually slope upwards
-> in the vicinity of warm fronts

3. In terms of visibility, the difference between fog and mist is that: -

-> fog has a visibility of more than 1000 metres
-> fog has a visibility of less than 1000 metres
-> mist has a visibility of less than 100 metres
-> mist has a visibility of less than 1000 metres

4. On landing, an aircraft’s altimeter indicates the airfield elevation of 1650 ft with QNH
correctly set. During the pre flight inspection the following morning the altimeter indicates
1800 ft. During the night:-
-> the pressure has increased
-> the altimeter has become faulty
-> the static vent has become blocked
-> the pressure has decreased
5. Whilst flying in the vicinity of a mountain range a pilot observes formations of static
lenticular cloud. The pilot should expect:-
-> stable flying conditions
-> considerable turbulence
-> the lack of any wind
-> severe icing

6. Warm, moist air accompanied by a light wind which is moving over a cold surface may
result in:-
-> a Sea breeze
-> steam fog
-> advection fog
-> radiation fog

7. With reference to the Winds and Temperature chart on page 16 of the Meteorology
Manual. The temperature at 5 000 ft at S30°E015° is:-
-> ISA +12°
-> ISA -12°
-> ISA
-> ISA +7°C

8. According to ISA, the sea level density of air is:-

-> 1225 kg per cubic metre and remains constant with altitude
-> 1225 kg per cubic metre and decreases with altitude
-> 1225 grammes per cubic metre and remains constant throughout the atmosphere
-> 1225 grammes per cubic metre and decreases with altitude
9. Density altitude is:-
-> airfield elevation corrected for temperature
-> the altimeter indication with 1013 hPa set on the subscale
-> true altitude corrected for temperature
-> derived by correcting the pressure altitude for temperature
10. The type of fog that may be expected to form ahead of a warm front is:-
-> freezing fog
-> radiation fog
-> steam fog
-> frontal fog
11. cirrostratus is:-
-> high, thin streaks of white cloud ending in tufts, composed of water
-> a thin, high level cloud, covering most of the sky, composed of ice crystals
-> a layer of thick cloud, composed mostly of water droplets
-> a high level cloud formation appearing in patches, composed mostly of water droplets

12. Following the passage of a warm front in South Africa:-

-> the wind will veer
-> the pressure will begin to rise
-> the temperature will decrease
-> the pressure will continue to fall, but at a slower rate, and then start to rise

13. Following the passage of a cold front, the visibility will:-

-> improve very slowly
-> deteriorate rapidly
-> become gradually worse
-> improve rapidly
14. An air mass which is approaching South Africa from the Antarctic is classified as:-
-> polar continental
-> tropical continental
-> tropical maritime
-> polar maritime
15. With reference to Station 6 of the synoptic Station Model- 1, on page 5 of the
Meteorology Manual. The present weather is:-
-> slight, intermittent drizzle
-> moderate, intermittent rain
-> moderate, intermittent drizzle
-> slight, intermittent rain

16. On flying overhead an aerodrome at which ground fog is present, the runway is clearly
visible to the pilot when looking down. Assuming no change in conditions, from final
approach the visibility will appear to have:-
-> remain the same
-> reduced
-> improved

17. The requirements for the formation of a thunderstorm are a lifting action combined with:-
-> warm, dry air
-> unstable moist air
-> moist stable air
-> dry unstable air

18. When flying from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure:-
-> the altimeter will always indicate correctly when the subscale is set to 1013 hPa
-> the altimeter will tend to over read
-> the altimeter will tend to under read

19. With reference to the Significant Weather Chart 3 on page 15 of the Meteorology
Manual. The weather in the vicinity of Upington (UP) includes:-

-> 3 to 4 oktas of altocumulus at 10 000 ft

-> 5 to 7 oktas of alto stratus
-> 5 to 7 oktas of altocumulus, the tops of which exceed the
parameters of this chart
-> well separated thunderstorms

20. A common characteristic of a stable air mass is:-

-> the presence of cumulus clouds
-> it’s inability to resist vertical motion
-> excellent visibility
-> the presence of stratus clouds
21. On landing, an aircraft’s altimeter indicates the airfield elevation of 4500 ft with QNH
correctly set. During the pre-flight inspection the following morning the altimeter indicates
4200 ft. During the night:-
-> the static vent has became blocked
-> the altimeter has become faulty
-> the pressure has increased
-> the pressure has decreased

22. With reference to the METAR for Rand Airport (FAGM) on page 9 of the Meteorology
-> The maximum and minimum temperatures are 16° and 15°
-> the visibility is 2000 meters in fog
-> the metar was issued at 0730 local time on the 20th
-> the visibility is 2000 meters in mist
23. When the difference between the temperature and the dewpoint is small and reducing:-

-> ground frost may be expected to form

-> heavy rain may soon be expected
-> low cloud or fog may be expected to form
-> thunderstorm are present

24. A surface temperature inversion is caused by:-

-> the movement of cold air over a warm surface
-> clear skies and strong sunshine
-> terrestrial radiation with little or no wind an a clear night
-> rapidly rising warm air

25. A geostrophic wind is one:-

-> which flows around a high or low pressure system
-> where the flow is deflected by the rotation of the earth
-> which flows down a slope at night
-> which flows parallel to straight isobars
26. Precipitation in the form of rain can be expected from:-
-> cirrus clouds
-> altocumulus
-> lenticular clouds

27. The relationship between humidity and air density is that:-

-> humid air is less dense
-> humid air is more dense
-> humidity has no effect on air density

28. Type of wind in coastal areas, during the day:-

-> katabatic
-> land breeze
-> sea breeze
-> fohn wind

29. A warm front is created by:-

-> cold air cutting under warm air
-> warm air cutting under cold air
-> cold air being heated and forced to rise as it approaches land
-> warm air which is forced to ascend up and over cold air

30. A factor which contributes to a temperature inversion is:-

-> strong upslope wind
-> clear sky with strong sunshine
-> stable layer of air
-> unstable air

31. Polar maritime air is characterised by:-

-> exceptionally unstable air which produces clouds of great vertical
-> stable conditions at its source
-> unstable conditions at its source with poor visibility
-> fine weather but poor visibility

32. A continental air mass:-

-> forms over land and remains fairly dry throughout
-> forms over sea and remains fairly dry throughout
-> forms over land, absorbs moisture and will be saturated in the lower levels
-> forms over sea, absorbs moisture and will be saturated in the lower levels

33. The pressure altitude at an airfield will be indicated on an altimeter when:-

-> QFE is set on the subscale
-> the standard setting, 1013hPa is set on the subscale
-> airfield QNH is set on the subscale
-> regional QNH is set on the subscale

34. When the wind direction and velocity (W/V) is given to a pilot:-
-> surface wind directions at an airfield are always given in degrees
-> surface wind directions at an airfield are always given in degrees true
-> upper wind directions for en route flights are always given in degrees magnetic

35. In the southern hemisphere an aircraft which is being subjected to left drift is:-
-> flying towards an area of high pressure
-> flying towards an area of low pressure
-> flying away from an area of low pressure

36. When QNH has been set on the subscale of an altimeter, the instrument will indicate:-
-> the aircrafts height above the ground
-> the aircrafts altitude above sea level
-> the aircrafts pressure altitude
-> the aircrafts true altitude

37. The horizontal flow of air out of a high pressure system is referred to as:-
-> convergence
-> windshear
-> subsidence
-> divergence

38. The aircrafts pressure altitude will be indicated on an altimeter when:-

-> QFE has been set on the subscale
-> 1013hPa has been set on the subscale
-> QNH has been set on the subscale

39. The term “veering” refers to:-

-> a wind that is changing in a clockwise direction
-> a wind that is increasing in strength
-> a wind that is decreasing in strength
-> a wind that is changing direction in an anti-clockwise direction

40. On a clear night, light winds and moist air blowing over the land will most propably
-> steam fog
-> radiation fog
-> valley fog
-> advection fog
41. A concave or almond-shaped cloud which appears to be stationary in the vicinity of
mountains or hills is called:-
-> advection clouds
-> convergent clouds
-> lenticular clouds
-> roll clouds

42. During the development of a thunderstorm, the cumulus stage is characterised by:-
-> a pronounced anvil shape at the top of the cloud
-> severe downdrafts
-> strong and continues updrafts
-> heavy and continuous rain

43. Microbursts are most likely to occur:-

-> during the cumulus stage of the development thunderstorm
-> in clear air, if lenticular cloud is present
-> during the approach of a warm front, indicated by the pressure of stratus type cloud
-> in the vicinity of thunderstorms and are characterised by rain
shafts, virga or dust circles
44. Carburettor icing:-
-> is indicated by a sudden and complete loss of power
-> is indicated by a rough running engine and a gradual decrease in
-> will only occur when flying in cloud
-> will only occur when flying in air temperatures below 0°C

45. Cumulonimbus cloud is characterised by:-

-> severe turbulence
-> stable flying conditions
-> light, or no, rain showers
-> the absence of strong wind

46. Cooling of the earth’s surface during the night:-

-> is greatest during clear skies over the sea
-> is greatest during clear skies over rocky or desert areas
-> is greatest during cloudy overcast conditions over land or sea
-> is greatest during overcast conditions over the sea

47. The term “lapse rate” is used to describe:-

-> decrease in gravity with altitude
-> decrease in pressure with altitude
-> decrease in temperature with altitude
-> decrease in air density with altitude

48. Precipitation in the form of rain can be expected from:-

-> altocumulus
-> cirrus clouds
-> lenticular clouds

49. Assuming that the pressure of a parcel of air remains constant as the:-
-> temperature is decreased, the density will decrease
-> temperature is increased, the density will remain constant
-> temperature is decreased, the density will remain constant
-> temperature is increased, the density will decrease
50. The term “insolation” is used to define the:-
-> heating of the earth’s surface by the sun
-> re-radiation of heat from the earth’s surface
-> effect of descending air on temperature
-> heating of the earth’s atmosphere directly by the sun

51. Following the passage of a warm front in South Africa:-

-> the wind will veer
-> the visibility will improve rapidly
-> the pressure will begin to rise
-> the temperature will remain high and steady
52. The “Cape Doctor” is the name used in SA’s Cape Penisula, for:-
-> a strong south easterly wind during summer, usually accompanied
by clear skies
-> a strong north westerly wind during winter
-> a strong north westerly wind during summer
-> a strong south easterly wind during winter, causing low cloud and heavy rain.

53. Air at the surface which is forced to rise as a result of convergence:-

-> is generally unstable
-> is generally stable
-> will warm adiabatically as it rises
-> will have no influence on the air mass

54. The symbol SCT is used to indicate:-

-> 1 to 2 oktas of cloud
-> that the sky is clear
-> 5 to 7 oktas of cloud
-> 3 to 4 oktas of cloud
55. The characteristics of a moist, unstable air mass include:-
-> cumuliform clouds with rain showers
-> smooth flying conditions
-> a very low dewpoint
-> poor visibility

56. When the standard pressure setting, 1013hPa is set on the subscale of the altimeter of
an aircraft on the ground at an aerodrome, the altimeter will indicate:-
-> zero
-> pressure altitude
-> true altitude
-> density altitude

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