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SEATNO.—— ~ — NED UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FINAL YEAR(MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) NPRING SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2023 rae Dated ; 01-AUG-23 : ‘Max Marks : 60 Compressible Flow and Propulsion Systems - ME-417 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. ‘All patts of a question must be answered in continuation with each other. 3. Draw relevant diagram wherever necessary. 4. Assume missing data with justification, if required. Qi | fio 1 avs! The aireraft is flying with a speed of°500 m/s and encountering an altitude with a pressure of 70 «KPa and density of 0.909 kg/m’. Simultaneously, a wind is blowing in the opposite direction at a velocity of 35 m/s.Explain the following, i. The Mach number of the wind, ji. The Mach number of the air craft if there is no wind, fii, The Mach number of the aircraft relative to the wind. (6 marks) b. A supersonic nozzle has a throat and exit cross sectional area of 0.09m? and and 0.15m* respectively .The mass flow fate of air is 14kg/sec. Stagnation pressure and temperature at nozzle inlet 68kpas and 40°c respectively. Assuming steady, isentropic one dimensional flow. (@ Determine fluid properties at throat (b) show the process in TS diagram cLo2z ‘a. The depicted scenario involves air entering an insulated duct with a constant cross-sectional area. “The incoming air possesses a Mach number of 0.75, a pressure,6f 200 kPa, and a température of 350 K. The length of the duct is 0.55 m, with a diameter of 0.03 m. The average friction factor throughout the duct is 0.005.Solve for i. The Mach number, pressure and temperature atthe duct exit ii. The frictional force on the duct walls \ (6 marks, 7 eco b. Air flows with negligible friction tn a duct with a eross sectional area of 0.025m? as shown in Sigure. At the section 1, the pressure ,temperature and velocity are 1S0kPas,300k and 100m/sec respectively. At the section 2, the pressure is 75kPas.If the ait is heated between section 1 and 2. ‘Use concepts of flow with heat transfer to determine : (@) Remaining prope: (b) Mach number at downstream of the flow (€) Entropy change (@) Sketch the process in TS diagram Contec! volume fis 150 XPa T1380 K Vim 100 ms"? G f, 4 ; ; we ol Cigeal a uniform supersonic airflow traveling at a Mach number of 2.7, it encounters: 4 Kee comer that deflects the flow by 20 degrees, as illustrated in the figure. The flow has an initia! PI cn of 80 kPa and temperature of 263 K. By applying the principles of shock waves, determine oe ca number, pressure, and temperature downstream of the oblique shock wave, as well as the deflect angle at which the oblique shock becomes detached. (6 marks) i i t ' Oblique shock wave Mot an airstream with a Mach number of 2.0, a pressure of 170 kPa, and a temperature of 360 K entering a diverging channel, the objective is to determine the required back pressure to induce a normal shock wave. The channel's exit cross-sectional area is 2.5 times greater than the inlet. The Channel's cross-sectional area at the shock wave is twice that of the inlet, assuming steady, one- dimensional isentropic flow except within the normal shock wave. Also solve for the Mach number at the exit of the nozzle and the flow properties at the exit. (6 marks) Q@ cLo3 z a. Analyze the power plant cunning on d:e simple gas turbine to determine the specific work output, specific fuel consumption and cycle efficiency of the plant. The compressor pressure ratio is 8. The gas temperature is 300 K at the compressor inlet and 1300 K at the turbine inlet. The compressor and turbine has an isentropic efficiency of 87% and 88% respectively.1% power is lost in mechanical transmission and the combustion efficiency is 98%. The heating value of fuel is 41,895 kI/kg Account 4% compressor pressure loss in combustion chamber and the pressure loss is 1.04 bar. (12 marks) . Analyze a turbojet aircraft is flying with a Mach number of 0.85 at an altitude of 10,000 m, where the ambient conditions are 30 kPa and -35°C to determine (a) the velocity of the exhaust gases, (b) the propulsive power developed, and (¢) specific fuel consumption. Following are specifications for turbojet Engine. The pressure ratio across the compressor is 12, turbine inlet is 1350 K. The com : a x > : . The compressor has a per offic ency. hile the tur! a fficiency of 0.87. The inlet has isent e no7 , mechanical ta , pou 2. 1 % power is lost in mM eric: %. 9 7 . combustion o : ec ae a Seer eaRressure is lost in value of 42,700 » and the jet fuel has a heating (12 marks) NED UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FINAL YEAR (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) SPRING SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2023 Batch 2019 Dated : 03-AUG-23 Max Marks : 60 Time :3 Hours Mechatronics - ME-430 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Draw relevant diagrams wherever necessa 1928 Student Question No. 1 [CLO 1; 25 Marks} Explain what is side thrust and how can it be reduced in cam and follower mechanism? 3 marks) by Briefly describe the difference between diodes, transistors and thyristors. How are PN inctions used in each of them? ‘ (4 marks) oe ain what is a diode? Briefly describe 3 diodes with I application, (4 marks) The circuit diagram of Mechatronics System is given in Fig. 1. Solve for the range of current flowing in Fig. | through the resistance R when its value is varied from 20 to 240. (7 marks) wa A 400 ae | wv E300 = 100v Figure 7 The resistance of the various arms of a Wheatstone bridge used in Mechatronics System is shown in Fig. 2. The battery has an EMF of 6 V and negligible internal resistance. Using ‘Thevenin’s theorem, determine the value and direction of the cuivent in the alvanometer circuit BD. 7 marks) Figure 2 Question No, 2 [CLO 2; 25 Marks] a) Derive the gain equation for an inverting and hon-inverting amplifier. (8 Marks) b) In what three ways can an invertin i n ig amplifier be used to perform mathematical i Use the necessary assumptions and derive all 3 equations a Macy Use the Op-Amp given in Fig. 3 to solve for total gain of the Op-Amp. (6 Marks) P.T.O AR ar Vout M2 o—|4 Figure 3 1) Consider a load cell giving an output of 7.5 mV/N. Solve the word length required when its output passes through an ADC if force increases from 0 to 1.2 kN are to be measured with a resolution of 0.25 N? (3 Marks) 8) How does a weighted-resistor network work? Fill out the following table by solving the equation given in Fig. 4 with ref voltage 12V. (4 Marks) Wee tS sek Digital Inputs Vour Your = -[1v+ gictqY 3% D |c [BTA Jin Volts (HSB) Rg = 1kA. 0 jo Jo fo Yoo Rew ake. Dh len iede't ycg_ S i 1 }o /1 fo ines} a= aka C8) | ge Yoo 0 ota Ris eka 1 [1, Jo Te va0—\V\\\y— «is0y Figure 4 Question No. 3 [CLO 3; 10 Marks] Analyze the Pick and Place Robot given in Figure 5. Outline the typical program of Robot and draw the block diagram of closed-loop control of li Gaipper : Hy SEAT NO.__ NED UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FINAL YEAR (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) ‘SPRING SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2023 arte Dated : 05-AUG-23 Max Marks : 60 Advance Mathematical Techniques - MT-441 Instructions; 1): temp all questions : 2 Neat can dear and excelent presentation with good explanation (phsteaVmechanica and ‘good final remarks on your results shall be bring more marks. : 13: All questions carry equal marks. (a): After dimensional analysis a scientist find T as a function of five different measurable uantities u, v,1, y, @ and is given by a wytw" as Find an upper limit to the Percentage Error in measure of T. Can you generalize this result? What is your good conclusion to the obtained result? ee et ce temperatures is listed beloy £x}_1 2 4 5 R 05 2 3 jis (@: Design a Mathematical Model of Polynomial Fit of the form R = ax? through Least Square Method. Gi: Try to roughly Draw/plot the graph of R = ax* (after finding a and f). Is the curve asses through the Origin. What is the best name you suggest for this curve ? ii): Use this Polynomial to estimate Resistance R at t = 6. interpret and conclude your results. re Ina certain machine a slider moves along a fixed straight rod. Its distance x cms along the rod is given in the following table for various values of time ¢ seconds. a7 t 0.0 OL 02 |/ 03 0.4 0.5; 0.6 3 30.13 _[_31.62_][ 32.87 }[[33.647][ 33.95 [33.81 | 33.24 (O: Find the velocity and acceleration of the slider when t = 0. 3sec. ii): Explain Physically what your results represent? Write at least one methods name if the formulae are not given, then what you do? ally write up your deductions and establishing remarks. When a bolt sail at a high speed, the wind exerts force on its mast, which vari J : ies along the height. For a boat having a 25-ft mast, the total force on the mast is expressed as 30 _ f 228y F Sty egy (a): Using Simpson's 1/3" and 3/8" rules, obtain and estimate value ofthe force Foy taking h = 5, (B): Which method is the best for this problem and justify your answer. (): AC the end close your wording in the light of application of numerical integration, (06) QUG): Ifa Particle P is moving with velocity v at a time and itis noted that the acceleration of (een) the Particle satisfy the following Ordinary Differential Equation: dv fare V2t+v ; vl) =2; Find the velocity of the Particle at ¢ = 1.5 ,, using Modified Euler Method for h = 0.1. ae ‘The Discrete Mathematical Modeling of Forced Vibrating System of particular oscillation Gs Phenomena leads to the following Nonhomogeneous Difference Equation of the form: ke Ver2 — 16Y_ = Coss. ): Solve the difference equations in the form Yx = Yin ++ Yup i: Can you relate this Diserete system to some Continuous Dynamical system? 2G): Write final conclusions on your General Sol QH-(H): a): Test the convergence of the following improper integral and give explanation on your (06) final results. (CLO-2) co x34x% co 1—cosx @: a Sg aa. Q#4 (b): (b): The study of some mechanical system leads to the following integral: #) (a): Express this integral into Elliptic integral of First Kind, (GB): What are benefit of converting ordinary integrals into Elliptic Integrals ? (y): Give some scientific explanation (may be physical/mechanical) and concluding remarks, ” ~ (6): What the scientific pattern or design you discover in this calculation ? (@): Test the analyticity of the function: f(z) = e*(cos y — isin y) (02) 5-165: oe Qu): Verify that the given function is.harmonic and find its conjugate harmonic’ function. (05) Express w =u + fv as an analytic'fifiction of f(z). Where u = x? —y? + oS (CLO-1) sth: What does it mean by Contour integral ? How many type it have. Evaluate the following (05) Contour integral by first expelling its type and convergence: (CLO-1) co _xsinx co | xcosx Coat t® O: pede Further relate these integrals with properties of Even and Odd function’ integral of the a type: Jo, f(x)dx. FORM e ilk: cna & ita Oar SLEET_OF THE AMT MT-4t B= B21 Va\(Absolute), £, = Weval Ty Relative), Ey = Bx 100 = oe x 100(Percentage ) ere i 1 Fa S310 =0.5 x10" (Theorem-1) , Ey Sage (0 # 1): (Theorem 2) MS FG %2,%3,00.2_) Us Thage x, CH#2: Interpolation & Curve Fitting:- L): Interpolation Y@) = f@) = P(x) = TR Le(D¥1 5 L(x): Pr = Ey X 100 = Di. © x 100 (General Error Formula) Gensodlamy)= one Gemnas)al~ta) Tne MO) = POA) = Che Alady, + Bho Bie’. As) = [1 = 20 xD Ce aC) Be) = Ce x [6GIF Hermite PE) = yo + payy + EE Dary, 4 POD 7 yy te REDO DALMD any, hore py = (Newton's Forward) PO) = yet py, HEED vty, EEUUIED yay, PEED LD oH here y = 532 (Newton's Backward) YD = PCR) = fe) + eae) toma] + (—0)C2— flee agate] +e + %o)(%~ 21) (% — 2) flx0, x4, 22,x5] AG He) 24) (= fle ¥4, a] (Newton's Divided Difference Fotrmula) 1 YO) = 500) = Fle — 29M + Gem] +7G-2) Formula) and My = M, = 2: Least Square Methods:- ada tnb=Sy,, alxt+box= Zan (Least Square Formulae for Lines) Pe Lety= ax? + bz-bc be the best ft parabola. Then the normal equations ares aEad+bExtne=Sy, ale +bExd 405m, sLaoe, Ext + bSx} + eDaF = ‘CH#3: Numerical Differentiation Eaxtys esse Square Formulae or Farsbol) Integration Formulae:- 2: Numerical Differentiation Formulae: PUM ity, 4 We yay, seoamtae Ay, 4 SE24002 1205921009024 20 yet] FIX) SEH BY, + (@—apaty, + Pate poy, I ay, 41 0X) [a%0—Laty, + 3A 70 ~ Lary, + Lay, ~74%Y0+~]e1x0) 4 un By “LPI Bret Baty, Eat...) cane) Byars yr) | (pap) 4 . (Ces) 4 ay) cea) aty2t-.] (ax) Page 3or4 Numerical Inegeation Formulae: {L1G = FUG) + 21 Cay) + 20 2) + 24 ea) 4+ 24 nas) + Fn) (Trapernidal Formula) f= UG) + 44 ey) +24 C20) + AFC) + 2G) HAN Ca) Ho BY Cea) + AY anes) + fae) Giron 1/94 Formas) + 3f ana) + 3f nes) + fd] Sim99003/0%) re = VC) +37) + 870) +270) +3760 + Yl) + 2F C80 + ns Formulae:= set: Numerical on Equations & Difference Eg ‘y: Numerical Differentiation Equations Formulae:- yunn =e + Gin d)oM = O42 (Euler Method) Yuet Int EU) +L nereYasrI]s m= 0,4,2, (Modified Euler's) e+ Bey + 2ka + 2s + hy), m= 0.1.2, (RK-Methods of order) Int Bs ke = hf n+ Myint he) ys where, Ky = Af Gm Ide ha = Af Cen +2 yt) be = hf tet ), simbk = mo), HO = KOK PK 2003) Lhe (n= I)H] (ctor Formula) (9: MO = ke): KO = K(k) = = ke 1 Power Forms) (i) °° = 0 (ero Formula) (Ak = nkO“D eri yaar (CAS: The Improper & Elite Integrals: 1)e The Exponential and integrals He, where tis a constant converges it > 0 and diverges if <0. nett 1: The egral: 2); The integral: "where p ita constant and @ > 0, converges ip > T and diverges if pS 1 2 The Bits 2! 3" Kind:= 0: FU) = Bs (i) Stk 8) = [NTRS 0, Gis Tend) es» (2) = F(,)[le.limit = value of the function] (Definition of Conti 1 My = vg (CReEquations), 1g + iv (Derivative Formals) ue.) +6) (CR. in oben, tte +04) au Rote 1): zal = r, represents circle with center (a,0) and radius i in complex plane. Reside at Simple Pl R(x a)= llmpaa(2—a)f(2) (At Shmple Pole) pone Residue at pole of order ai: tr if etna Re 55 ge ele = a)*(2)) Rese at double pole or ple oforder2:- R= a)= lm ae S{(e— 0)*F(2)} Reside theorem:- [seh de nllRy +++ Ry] OR —_f.f(e) de = 2m Sum othe eesidues within C) ContosrToegraon Type - Contour otsration Type: Gonteur Lterration Ty (sind, c0s0)d0 Bar ayy ~ 22 cosme dx Page sof 4 SEAT NO. NED UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FINAL YEAR (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) SPRING SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2023 Batoh 2010 Dated : 08-AUG-23 Max Marka : Oporations Management - ME-435 Instructions: $ AMfemptall3 questions, © AllGquestions dary eqqal marks. * Assume any missing datn With proper justification, NG, 1a, Bell Computers purchases integrated chips at $350 per chip. The holding cost is $35 per unit per year. c ordering cost is $120 per onder, and sales are stendy, at 400 per month, The company's supplier, Rich Blue Chip Manufacturing, Ine, decides to offer price concessions in order to attract larger orders. The price structure is shown inthe table, (CLO-I Marks 7) ich ble Chip's Pee Suucture CUM ne 10 ns [100 199 unis 200.0 mens '; Nhat is economic order quantity? Plot saw-tooth curve (Inventory level vs time) representing min, max and average inventory level with the values calculated, is What isthe optimal order quantity and the minimum annual cost for Bell Computers to order, purchase, and hold these integrated chips? 'H. Bell Computers wishes to usé'a 10% Wdldiig cost rather than the fixed $35 holding cost in (a). What is the ‘optimal order quantity, and what is the optimal annual cost? -QNo. 1b. Hyundai Motors is considering three sites A, B, ahd C at which to locate a factory to build its new- rhe ag,ulomobile, the Hyundai Sport C150, The goal isto locate ata minimum-cost site, where costs menen by ‘he annual fixed plus variable costs of produetion, Hyundai Motors has gathered the folowing dats: er merry SITE FXED Cost itinraen a. Somc 2200) | " sauanon | ve | A Seon i060 it Sim knows it will produce between 0 and 60,000 Sport C1S0s at the new plant each year, but, thus far, that is the extent of its knowledge about production plans, (CLO-1 Marks 6) 1 For what values of volume, V, of production, if any, is site C a recommended site? ii, What volume indicates site A is optimal? ii, ose at range of volume is site B optimal? Why? No. Je. A manufacturing fim in Saudi Arabia hus four work centers arranged in the following order: (CLO-1 Marks 7). Plan A (Extsthig Layout) wes | we2 [wes | wea — 40m _ Ihe number of work pieees moved between the four work centers are shown inthe table, The piece for | meter is Saudj Riyal | oo. i Sonabule the Cost ofthe current layout, Assume that dtance is computed from the i ual the cost of the layout if the frm decided to switch WC wink Wee a Fe pra the cost oF te layout ifthe fin decided to switch WO Ith Wee 2» iv. Which isthe best layout? Why’? enter of each work coy Number of workpinces moved between the different work centers ech day’ ot relationships in the given table for building new models. All the activ Immediate | i Pessimistic time | Most likely time Activity _|_ predecessor (s) (a (b) pet (m)_ A 10 8 24 8 16 10 3 EC 21 EC 4 F 2 F 6 GH 2 LJ 3 S| D. 7|—]=| la} -a]r]o]o]e0| rloforro]es|eo|rafor i. Draw the PERT network, and labeling activities and determine the critical path. ii, Whats the estimated time of the critical path? What is the probability of completion of the project before and after 39 weeks? The Orange Top Cab Company has a taxi waiting at each of four cabstands in Evanston. our customers have called and required service. Find the optimal assignment of taxis to 1S So as to minimize total drive distances (miles) to the customers. (CLO-2, Marks 6) Customer Cab Site ~ Stand I Stand 2 ‘Stand 3 Le, ‘Stand 4 _ 1 Q-Ko, 2c, Using Johnson's Rule, find the optimum sequence for processing the jobs through the two work centers. Times at each center are in hours. (CLO-2 Marks Job Work Center 1 Work Center 2 A 12 B 3 6 9 l4 9 15 Page 2 0f3 rita No/M@A pizza shop in Dubai wants to estimate the standard time for preparing ils Tantus Mey oy piked The manager has performed a time study of the process ‘and the following results have bee (CLO-4, Marks 7) ” observed. [Task ‘OBSERVATIONS (SECONDS) PERFORMANCE. | ELEMENT 2 ae 5 RATING (%) | Flatten dough 100 J Spin and toss i dough _| Pour sauce 85 Place cheese on top Determine the following: i. Average observed time Normal time The standard time for the process, if the shop uses an allowance factor of 11%? (CLO-4, Marks 6) Q. Nos, Answer the following: - r : surement can be effective for higher productivity in terms of 2) How Method Study and Work Mea: work study? . 1) What are competitive advantages and disadvantages of the following work measurement methods for labor standards based on the adoption and accuracy (to adopt) in organization? i. Historical Experience ii, Time Study iii, _ Predetermine Time Standard Q. No. 3e. Samples of the work of 20 clerks are gathered (and shown in the table). Mosier carefully examines 100 records entered by each clerk and counts the number of errors. The fraction (percent) defective it each sample is also given in Table; CEO Donna Mosier wants to set control limits to include 99.73% of the random variation in the data entry process when it is in control. Construct a p-chart; determine the upper and lower limits for this process for 99.73% confidence. Comment on your results if a serious problem exists. 7, (CLO-4, Marks 7) RiiXat eae wat ae Cienega Page 3 of 3 SEAT NO. NEb UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FINAL YEAR (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) SPRING SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2023 i Batch 2019 g Time :3Hours Dated ; 03-AUG-23 Max Marks : 60 J Plant Malhitenanes - ME-426 a “Attempt All Questions and assume ty “Answer Will be conch fone ame hissing data with justficaton, nsidered incomplete without suitable and neat sketches witere applicable. Answer must be specific and technical and should not be general All Parts of one question must be SOLVED in the SAME sequence at one place Do not write anything on question Paper except your seat nd, « Instructions: yeeps Note: Question I belongs to CLO T, Question 2 belongs to CLO 2 and Question 3 belongs to CLO 3 Q1 (a) Suggest suitable answers for the given questions briefly [2 marks each x 6= 12 marks] © Which type of Maintenance is often referred to as “Fixit after regular interval"? Elaborate with help of example iL Discuss the role of lockout and tag out procedure in maintenance with the help of example. ii Describe infant mortality & ean you show the life stages of the machines withthe help of any graphical aid? a iv. |ZAs a maintenance engineer, do you agree/disagree with the statement that “Maintenance department 1s profit contributor”? Support your answer with the help of two examples WExplain any two differences between MTBF and MTTF. © Explain the operation of control valve and pressure relief valve in below figure process pnessune fee - =2_ cowmot exapecnion igor? ANE = Qi (b) A company make electronic cireuits, the quality program is well established. and the reject ee for the machine ce nufacturing gadgets is 5 pieces per shit. There is one 10 minutes break during the shift and a 50 minut lunch break. On average, 4 setups are made On each shift, the mean time setup an adjustment is half an hour. Machine ‘output has been limited to 250 pieces per hour but the deSign capacity is 300 pieces per hour, Based on the data provided discuss Availability, Performance, Quality & OEE for the press for the week in ques! jon? Comment on answer. Also illustrate significance of OEE in maintenance industry. {8 marks] _ QI.(@) The MTBF of a piece of equipment is 1000 hours, Discuss the probability of survival of this equipment for Mee, i. 400 hours. of operation . 700 hours of operation iii, 1100 hours. of operation ra (Bmarks| Q2. Suggest Suitable answer for the given Explain the operation of Borescope withthe help of sketch As discus its application in Methahical Meinthance [Smarks] Explain the procedure of checking tension of two belts on pulley using appropriate tool with the help of sketch. [4 marks] ¢) In Infrared thermography, whether We are interested in absolute temperature or relative temperatures. Discuss with the help of example. 4 {3 marks} 4) Explain shaft alignment procedure using laser alignment tool with the help of sketcl/figure. {4 marks} Page 1 of 2 * e) You have been appointed as the maintenance manager of a manufacturing plant that produces Sutomotive components. The tant has €XPerienced frequent breakdowns and unplanned downtime, resulting in significant losses. Your task afto dévelop End implement, a condition monitoring ‘Program to proactively detect and address equipment failures before they [ad to disruptions iN Production. In your response, address the following: ¥ > Key Elements of a Condition Monitoring Program > Step by steP Process of program Implementation > Performance Evaluation and Improvement > Challenges in implementation and mitigation Strategies [6 marks] Q3) (a) A company has,failed to repair a given piece of equipment because of the factors listed below. ——- AE Sled. gmanpaer absent, a B: Equipment is too broken to repa \. - - ie C: Appropriate fools and facilities are unavailable. ' bin : There are no spare parts. 7 : G rurthermore, cithet_ of the following two factors can result in the unavailability of "spare partsit & ° N A Parts hteno longer available in the market, (Bt Parts’are out of stock. _In addition, the unavailal : Poor planning. . Labor shortage. ‘ ‘Apply fault tree analysis and draw faylt tree for this undesired event: the equipment will not be repaired by @ given point in time. Solve for the probability of the occurreice of the undesired event if the probabilities Of occurrence of factors B, C, Ey F, Gy and H are 0.03, 0.02, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, and 0.07 respectively. : [6 marks] of skilled manpower can be caused by either of the following two factors: - ce @3. (b) Consider a system showing an open container for preliminary storage of fluid for use in a production process. The consuniption éf uid is not constant. Filling the tank is automatically controlled. When the liquid level reaches a certain height — “Norm; 1) will be activated and send a closure signal to valve. V1. The fukd-supply to tie ——~ tan€ then stops. If this mechanism does not function and the liquid level continues to increase to “abnormal level,” then the Level Switch Bligh High CCSTIN) will be activated and send a closure signal to valve V2. The fluid supply to the tank then stops. At the” ~” ‘ame time, the LSHH sends an opening signal to valve.W3 so thatthe fluid is @Fained. Apply fault wee analysis and draw fault wee diagram considering “Over filling of tank” as top event. ;- 14 marks} oe) ~ , brain ly Cause and effect analysis. ? . me Apply and GEE DSS -a0d draw cause and effegt diagram {or “boiler explosion”, considering any five failure ; ? [5 marks| aintenance? Hlustrate with the help of exaf@Ple Also demonstrate how we CESS industry, ’ i, [5 marks] - Q3) (a) Why we use failure analysis techniques in M ‘apply Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in pr Page 2 of 2

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