Teacher motivation tactics

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Teacher motivation tactics

1. Feedback exercise- materials (thread, scissors)- let each teacher call somebody by name and
offer constructive feedback
2. Get creative in your teaching- knowing your content well find creative ways to teach. Like
changing seating arrangement, seating in a circle, teaching from outside
3. Peer Observations and Feedback: Arrange opportunities for teachers to observe each other's
classes and provide constructive feedback. Peer observations can help teachers gain new
insights, learn from each other, and feel supported by their colleagues.
4. Reflection and Goal Setting: Encourage teachers to reflect on their teaching practices and set
personal and professional goals. This can be done through regular self-assessment or through
guided reflection sessions where teachers discuss their achievements, challenges, and
5. Recognition and Appreciation: Recognize and appreciate teachers for their hard work and
dedication. This can be done through verbal praise, written notes of appreciation, awards
ceremonies, or public acknowledgment of their achievements.
6. Team-building Activities: Organize team-building activities and social events to foster a sense of
camaraderie and collaboration among teachers. Building strong relationships within the school
community can boost morale and motivation.
7. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate milestones and achievements, both big and small,
throughout the school year. This could include celebrating improvements in student
performance, successful completion of projects or initiatives, or reaching personal and
professional goals.
8. Encourage Work-Life Balance: Recognize the importance of work-life balance and encourage
teachers to prioritize their well-being outside of the classroom. Provide support for managing
workload, stress, and burnout, and promote activities that help maintain a healthy work-life
9. Deal with your burdens: isolate and deal with your personal life stressors. E.g. drinking, lateness,
relationships with family,
10. Seek Feedback and Input: Regularly seek feedback from teachers about their
experiences, concerns, and suggestions for improvement. Actively listen to their input
and involve them in decision-making processes that affect their work and the school
Title: Igniting Passion: Empowering Teachers for Excellence
I. Introduction
A. Greeting and establishing rapport
B. Acknowledgment of the importance of teaching profession
C. Preview through the survey
II. The Power of Purpose
A. Reflecting on the noble mission of education
B. Rediscovering personal purpose in teaching
C. Sharing stories of impact and inspiration
III. Embracing Growth Mindset
A. Understanding the concept of growth mindset
B. Emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and improvement
C. Encouraging resilience in the face of challenges
IV. Fostering a Culture of Collaboration
A. Highlighting the benefits of collaboration among teachers
B. Promoting peer support and professional development
C. Encouraging sharing of best practices and lessons learned
V. Empowering Creativity and Innovation
A. Recognizing the importance of creativity in teaching
B. Encouraging experimentation with new teaching methods and
C. Providing space for innovation and exploration
VI. Nurturing Well-being and Work-Life Balance
A. Acknowledging the importance of teacher well-being
B. Promoting strategies for managing stress and avoiding burnout
C. Encouraging the pursuit of a healthy work-life balance
VII. Celebrating Successes and Milestones
A. Recognizing and celebrating achievements, both big and small
B. Emphasizing the importance of positive reinforcement and appreciation
C. Creating a culture of celebration and gratitude
VIII. Give and Receive feedback from colleagues - Exercise
VIII. Conclusion
A. Summarizing key points from the speech
B. Expressing gratitude to the teachers for their dedication and hard work
C. Encouraging continued passion and commitment to excellence in
IX. Q&A Session (optional)
A. Inviting questions and comments from the audience
B. Providing additional insights and advice based on audience inquiries
C. Closing the session with final words of encouragement and support
Fired Up! Ready to Go, Ready to learn, Ready to teach, Ready for life

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