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1. To provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of ability is the

primary goal of inclusive education?

2. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a legislation mandates

that students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education
3. Mainstreaming is the term for placing students with disabilities in general
education classrooms

4. Which is an example of a related service under IDEA? Physical therapy

5. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) aims to Design instruction that meets the
needs of diverse learners from the outset

6. In the context of special education, what does the term "IEP" stand for?

Individualized Education Plan

7. Giftedness is NOT a category of disability under IDEA?

8. What is the purpose of the "least restrictive environment" (LRE) mandate in


To ensure that students with disabilities are educated with their non-
disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate

9. What is the role of a paraprofessional in inclusive education? a) Lead teacher in

a special education classroom b) Administrator overseeing special education
programs c) Support staff providing assistance to students with disabilities in the
general education classroom d) Counselor providing therapy to students with

Support staff providing assistance to students with disabilities in the

general education classroom
10. Which principle of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) focuses on providing
multiple means of representation? Recognition

11. To determine the underlying causes of challenging behaviors is the purpose of a

Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) in special education?

12. What is the term for adapting the curriculum and instruction to meet the
individualized needs of students with disabilities?


13. Chunking is a strategy involves breaking tasks into smaller steps and providing
additional support as needed

14. Strength-based approach is an approach emphasizes the strengths and

abilities of students with disabilities rather than focusing solely on deficits

15. To provide early intervention and support to struggling learners is the role
of the Response to Intervention (RTI) framework in inclusive education.

16. Situation: During a classroom activity, a student with autism becomes

overwhelmed by the noise and begins to exhibit disruptive behaviors. What is the
most appropriate initial response by the teacher? Provide the student with a
sensory break or quiet space.

17. Situation: A student with dyslexia is struggling to read grade-level texts. What is
the most effective accommodation to support the student's learning? Providing
audiobooks or text-to-speech software

18. Situation: A student with ADHD frequently interrupts the class and has difficulty
staying focused. What is the best strategy to support this student's learning in the
classroom? Providing frequent breaks and opportunities for movement.

19. Situation: A student with a physical disability wants to participate in a physical

education class but faces barriers due to inaccessible equipment. What is the
teacher's responsibility in this situation? Provide alternative activities that the
student can participate in.

20. Situation: A student with a hearing impairment is struggling to understand the

instructions during a class presentation. What is the most appropriate
accommodation to support the student's access to information? Providing written
instructions or visual aids.

21. Situation: A student with Down syndrome is having difficulty completing a task
independently. What is the teacher's role in supporting the student's learning?
Providing additional time and support to complete the task.

22. Situation: A student with a visual impairment wants to participate in a science

experiment that involves reading small print on labels. What is the most
appropriate accommodation to support the student's participation? Providing a
magnifying glass or other assistive technology.

23. Situation: A student with a speech impairment is struggling to communicate with

peers during group activities. What is the most effective strategy to support the
student's social interaction? Providing opportunities for peer modeling and

24. Situation: A student with a learning disability is struggling to understand

mathematical concepts. What is the most effective accommodation to support the
student's learning in mathematics? Breaking down complex concepts into
smaller, more manageable steps.

25. Situation: A student with an emotional disturbance becomes agitated during a

class discussion. What is the most appropriate response by the teacher?
Providing support and guidance to help the student calm down.

26. Situation: A student with a physical disability requires assistance with mobility
throughout the school day. What is the most appropriate support to ensure the
student's independence and inclusion? Implementing universal design principles
to make the school environment accessible.

27. Situation: A student with an intellectual disability is struggling to grasp

mathematical concepts. What is the most effective instructional approach to
support the student's learning? Using hands-on activities and visual aids to
illustrate concepts.

28. Situation: A student with a sensory processing disorder is overwhelmed by the

bright lights and loud noises in the classroom. What is the most appropriate
accommodation to support the student's sensory needs? Providing sensory tools
such as noise-canceling headphones or fidget toys.
29. Situation: A student with a severe allergy requires medication during school
hours. What is the school's responsibility in managing the student's health
needs? a) Ignoring the student's medical condition and refusing to provide
accommodations b) Assigning a school nurse to administer medication as
needed c) Exempting the student from participating in school activities d)
Ensuring that staff members are trained in administering emergency medication
and responding to allergic reactions

30. Situation: During a group project, a student who uses a wheelchair expresses
difficulty accessing certain areas of the classroom. What should the teacher do?
Offer alternative arrangements to ensure the student can fully participate.

31. Situation: A student with a visual impairment is having trouble navigating the
school hallways independently. What can the school provide to assist the
student? Implement tactile markers or auditory cues along the hallways.

32. Situation: During a fire drill, a student with a hearing impairment may not hear the
alarm. What should the school do to ensure the safety of this student? Provide a
visual alert system in addition to auditory alarms.

33. Situation: A student with dyslexia is struggling to read printed materials. What
accommodation can the teacher provide? Offer audiobooks or digital text

34. Situation: A student with autism is sensitive to bright lights in the classroom.
What adjustment can the teacher make to accommodate this sensitivity?
Implement a dimmer switch to adjust lighting levels as needed.

35. Situation: A student with ADHD has difficulty staying seated during lessons. How
can the teacher support this student's learning? Provide opportunities for
movement breaks or fidget tools.

36. Situation: A student with a physical disability experiences difficulty accessing the
school cafeteria due to stairs. What should the school do to address this barrier?
Provide an alternate dining area accessible to all students.

37. Situation: A student with a speech impairment struggles to communicate with

classmates during group projects. What can the teacher do to facilitate
communication? Provide the student with a communication device or
augmentative communication system.

38. Situation: A student with a severe food allergy is participating in a classroom

cooking activity. What should the teacher do to ensure the student's safety?
Implement allergy-friendly recipes and procedures to prevent cross-
39. Situation: A student with anxiety experiences panic attacks during tests. What
can the teacher do to support the student during assessments? Provide
additional time or alternative testing arrangements.

40. Situation: A student with a mobility impairment requires access to the second
floor of the school building. What should the school provide to ensure equal
access? Provide an elevator or lift to access upper floors.

41. Full participation is the primary goal of inclusive education

42. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law in the United States mandates
that students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education in the least
restrictive environment

43. What does the term "least restrictive environment" mean in the context of special
education? Placing students in the general education classroom with appropriate

44. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) aims to create instructional materials and methods
that can be accessed by all students

45. What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)? A plan that outlines the
accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities.

46. To prevent academic failure through early intervention is the purpose of Response to
Intervention (RTI)

47. Inclusive education benefits both students with and without disabilities

48. To provide additional support to students with disabilities under the supervision of a
teacher is the role of a paraprofessional in inclusive education

49. What is the purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? A) To prohibit
discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life

50. Allowing the use of assistive technology in the classroom is an example of a reasonable
accommodation for a student with a disability

51. Differentiated instruction involves Adapting instruction to meet the diverse needs of

52. To prepare students with disabilities for life after high school is the purpose of transition
planning for students with disabilities.
53. Segregation is the term for the practice of placing students with disabilities in separate
classrooms or schools? A) Integration

54. Conducting a comprehensive is the first step in the special education process

55. What does the term "accommodation" refer to in the context of special education?
Modifying the curriculum to meet the needs of students with disabilities

56. Installing a ramp for wheelchair access is an example of a physical accommodation for
a student with a disability?

57. To provide students with disabilities access to the general education curriculum is the
purpose of the least restrictive environment (LRE) mandate

58. What is the role of a special education teacher in inclusive education? To lead
classroom instruction for all students

59. Full participation is a key principle of inclusive education? Full participation

60. Situational Question: A student with visual impairment is enrolled in your class.
What is the most appropriate first step to ensure their inclusion? Request a
consultation with a specialist in visual impairment.

61. Situational Question: A student with intellectual disabilities struggles with reading
comprehension. What is the best strategy to support their learning? Provide
audio recordings of the reading materials.

62. Situational Question: During a class discussion, a student with ADHD frequently
interrupts others. What is an effective classroom management strategy to
address this behavior? Use a visual cue or signal to indicate when it's
appropriate to speak.

63. Situational Question: A student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is sensitive
to loud noises. What is the most suitable accommodation to create an inclusive
environment? Options: Allow the student to wear noise-canceling headphones.

64. Situational Question: A student with physical disabilities uses a wheelchair and
cannot access the classroom due to stairs. What is the first action to ensure their
access to education? Install a ramp or elevator for wheelchair accessibility.

65. Situational Question: A student with a hearing impairment relies on lip-reading.

What is an effective communication strategy to facilitate their understanding in
class? Provide written notes or visual aids during lectures.
66. Situational Question: A student with dyslexia struggles with spelling. What is a
helpful accommodation to support their learning? Provide extra time on spelling

67. Situational Question: A student with emotional and behavioral disorders

frequently disrupts class activities. What is a proactive strategy to manage their
behavior? Develop a behavior intervention plan (BIP) with clear expectations.

68. Situational Question: A student with Down syndrome wants to participate in

extracurricular activities. What is the most inclusive approach to support their
involvement? Provide additional support and accommodations as needed.

69. Situational Question: A student with multiple disabilities requires individualized

educational planning. What is the primary purpose of an Individualized Education
Program (IEP)? To provide a personalized plan for their education and support

70. Situational Question: A student with a learning disability struggles with mathematical
concepts. What is an effective accommodation to support their understanding in
mathematics class? Provide extra time on math tests and assignments.

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