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Published under the authority of His Excellency the Governor of East Africa,

Vol. XVI.—No, 368.] NAIROBI, duly 8th, 1914. PRICE 20 CENTS.

Registered as a Newspaper at the G. P. 0. Published every Wednesday.


Govt. Notice No. 138—His Majesty’s Birthday, Greeting and Reply on occasion of 753
oP 3 22 189--The General Township Rules, 1914 753
ood ” a> 140—Rules under the Hast Africa Townships Ordinance, 1903
29 9 29 141—-Under the East Africa Marriage Ordinance, 1902
oP) 2 2 142—-Underthe Native Christian Marriage Ordinance, 1904
2? PP a3 143—Appointments under the Native Authority Ordinance, 1912 TBA
3 ood 2?
144—Appointment under the Native Authority Ordinance, 1912
3 29 39
145—Provincial Commissioners (Assistants) Ordinance, 1914 (No. 7 of 1914)
Non-disallowance of
—Pawnbrokers Amendment Ordinance, 1914 (No.10 of 1914 ), Non-
disallowance of
—Lunacy Amendment Ordinance, 1914 (No. 11 of 1914
4), Non-
disallowance of ... 755
33 7 29 146—Under the Land Titles Ordinance, 1908: .. 755
oP 2 3) 147—Appointments 755-756
3? 29 33
148-—Obituary 756
Gen. Notice No. 547—Special Meeting of Licensing Court, Nyanza Province 756
39 2? 2? 548—Under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1906 .. 756
a 29 Pad 549——Auction of Crown Lands we 757
550—Swahili Examination vee 787
551—Probate & Administration (Cause No. % of 1914)
” 3? 32
B20 . ( . » 1914)
39 32 33

2 ord n
2? od 33 553 » » (In‘the matter‘of H. B. Partington, .
deceased) 757
554——High Court, Cause List 758-759
Licences ‘and Permits issued at Uasin Gisha and Voi (Taveta) Districts during quarter
ended 31st March, 1914... 760
Gen. Notice No. 555—Cancellation of Currency Notes . 761-762
” a 2? 556—Dissolution of Parnership—aA.B. Trading Co 762,


Gen. Notice No. 557—Uganda Railway—Tenders for Maize 762

752 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE July 8th, 1914.

Rates of Subscription to “ Official Gazette,”’

Rs. cts.
For one year wee wes we 10 00
» 6 months... wee ves 5 00
» 8 a (excluding postage) . 3 00
» Og Gneluding » ) we 3 50
Single copy (excluding ,, ) one 0 20
» ” (including » ) eee O 25

Rs. Cts.
Price of one copy between 1 and 3 months old ees 0 30
do do s8and6 do 0 50
do do 6 months and 1 year old . 1 00
do do land 2 years old I 50
do over 2 years old... ses vee . 2 00

Matter for publication should reach the Editor not later than 3 o’clock on Monday
afternoon in each week.

The appointment of Mr. J. A. R. Eliot, to be Secretary to the Currency Commissioners, published on
page 356 of the “ Official Gazette” of April 22nd, should read April 18th, and not as shown,


From leave or Date. of leaving Date of Date of arrival

Name. Rank. on Ist at Mombasa or
Appointment. England, Embarkation, Kilindini.

K. J. R. Gardiner Asst. Engineer, P. W. D. Jst appoint. May14th, 1914.# | May 14th, 1914,| June 8th, 1914,
Capt. W. B. Brook Asst. District Commissioner Leave » 20th 4, | 4, Zist ,, ” 8th,
BE. V. Hemmant do do » 20th ,, 3 2ist 4, ” 8th,
M. St. C. Thom Staff Officer to Inspector do >» 20th ,, | ” 21st ,, ” Sth ,,
General of Police |
P, C. M. Watson Assistant Treasurer 1st appoint. » 20th ,, » ist ,, ” 8th ,,
A. i. Sockett Deputy Registrar do » 20th ,, ” 2ist ,, ” 8th ,,
J, L. Allan Registrar of Documents do » 20th ,, » 21s ,, ” sth ,,
H. M Gardiner Asst. Conservator of Forests do » 20th ,, » 2st ,, ” 8th ,,
F. Strawbridge Sanitary Inspector do » 20th ,, » 2ist ,, » 8th ,,
J, A. Wood Forester do » 20th ,, » ist ,, ” 8th,
©. A.J, Speller | Dispenser, Medical Dept. do » 2oth ,, » 2st, » 8th ,,
Miss L. R. Pettman Postal Clerk & Teiegraphist do » 20th ,, > 21st ,, ” 8th ,,
| Miss R. M. A. Baker do do » 20th, » lst ,, » 8th ,,
| J. Downey Draughtsman, Survey Deps. do » 20th ,, » 2st ,, ” 8th,
i i. Barret Conveyancing Assistant, do , 20th ,, » 2lsb ,, » 8th ,,
i Land Dept.
Lieut. C, N. Custance Quartermaster, 8rd K. A. R, do ‘dune 3rd, June 4th ,, » ith ,,
Lieut. H. H. Davis Subaltern, do » ord, ” 4th ,, » 2th ,,
N, Thomlinson Constable, E. A. Police do » oth? ,, » 19th ,,

*Kmbarked at Southampton.
+Embarked at Beira.


On leave or
Name. Rank. termination of Date of Departure.

T. H. Moxton Engineer, Lake Steamers, Busoga ‘Leave June 29th, 1914,

Railway ,
Miss A. M. Marston Nursing Sister do » 29th
Dr. A. Mouat : Medical Officer do ” 29th
R. W. Hamilton Chief Justice do . 29th”
A. J. Maclean Recorder of Titles do > 29th,
R. Edmondson Veterinary Officer do , 29th,”
Lieut. J. C. Tilly Subaltern, 8rd King’s K. A. R. do ” 29th, °
July 8, 1914. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 703


Government Notror No. 1381 NOTICE.

The following telegram was despatched by His Excellency the Governor on the occasion of the
birthday of His Majesty the King :—

“Kast Africa unites in tendering loyal greetings on the occasion of Your Majesty’s Birthday.

The following reply has been received :—


No, 554
Downine Srreet,
June 9th, 1914,

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of 1st instant tendering loyal greetings
from Hast Africa on the occasion of His Majesty’s birthday.

2. The telegram has been laid before the King who has been pleased to command meto convey to
you an expression of his thanks for this loyal and dutitul message.

I have the honourto be,

Your most obedient,
humble Servant,

Government Norice No. 189] RULES,

Whe East Africa Townships Ordinance, 1903.
Rules issued by His Excellency the Governor of the Hast Africa Protectorate under the East Africa
Townships Ordinance, 1903.

Nairob’, H. C. BELFIELD,
Dated this Ist day of July, 1914. Governor.

1. These Rules may be cited as “ The General Township Rules, 1914” and shall be read as one with
the Township Rules, 1904.
2. Rules 74 and 75 of the Township Rules, 1904, are hereby repealed and the following Rules are
hereby substituted therefor.
3. The occupier of any land within the limits of.a township whereon there is erected any stable,
vow-yard, cattle-shed, camel-shed, pig-sty or other construction for keeping swine or goats or sheep, shall
cause such premises to be thoroughly cleansed daily.
4. No person shall use any building or place within a township as a stable for horses, ponies, mules
ar donkeys kept for hire or as a cattle-shed or as a camel-shed except with a permit from the Town Clerk
or where there is no Town Clerk from the District Commissioner or from a Superintendent of Conservancy
who may in his discretion grant or withhold such permit which shall state thenumber of horses, ponies,
mules, donkeys, cattle or camels that may be kept and the situation of such building or place.
5, These Rules shall apply to all Townships save where other provision is made.
754 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE July 8, 1914,

Government Novice No. 140] RULES.

Issued by His Excellency the Governor of the East Africa Protectorate under the Hast Africa
Townships Ordinance, 1903.

Nairobi, H. C. BELFIELD,
Dated this 3rd day of July, 1914. Governor.

1. Township Rules dated 19th February, 1912, are amended as foilows :—

By the deletion in Rule 9 (2) of the words—
For a reserved plot 10 ft. x 10 ft. ves ves see .. Rs. 100/-
Fora reserved plot 10 ft. x 4 ft. ” 50/-
and substituting therefor.—
For a reserved plot 8’6” x 4’8” bes wee tee 4 Rs. 50/
For a reserved plot 6’ x 4’ vee wes oe 8. 50/-
2. By the the addition of Rule 10,
10. No greater number than two graves, in addition to the one occupied, can be reserved, and
then only by the next of kin or their legal representatives, and no more than three graves can be reserved
jn advance which shall be allotted at the discretion of the Municipal Authorities.

Government Notice No. 141] NOTICE.

Under the East Africa Marriage Ordinance, 1902,

In accordance with the provisions of the East Africa Marriage Ordinance, 1902, Section 6, I hereby
give notice that I have licensed the Roman Catholic Church at Nakuru to be a place for the celebration
of Marriages under the aforesaid Ordinance.

Nairobi, H. C. BELFIELD,
Dated this Ist day of July, 1914. Governor,

Government Notice No. 142] NOTICE.

Under the Native Christian Marriage Ordinance, 1904.

In exercise of the provisions of the Native Christian Marriage Ordinance, 1904, Section 7, I hereby
appoint the Priest for the time being in charge of the Roman Catholic Church, Nakuru, to be a Registrar
of Marriages for the purpose of the aforesaid Ordinance.

Nairobi, H. C. BELFIELD,
Dated this Ist day of July, 1914. Governor.

Government Notice No. 148] NOTICE.

Appointments under the Native Authority Ordinance, 1912.

The following persons are hereby appointed Official Headmen for the areas named in the Schedule :—~

Name. | Rank. | Division. District. | Remarks.

| |
Murigo wa Iriani Headman N. Iviani Nyeri Vice Karoki wa Ndoria
Kimaru wa Machiri Headman N. EB. Iriani Nyeri Vice Kaku wa Mwarari
| deposed.

Nairobi, H. C. BELFIELD,
Dated this 4th day of July, 1914, Governor.

Government Notice No. 144] NOTICE.
Appointment under the Native Authority Ordinance, 1912.

The following person is hereby appointed Sub-Chief for the area named in the Schedule : —

Name. | Rank. Location. District. Remarks.

Ndombis/o Dawasi Stb-Chief | Kakalelwa North Kavirondo In succession to Manyuro commit-

ted to High Court on criminal

Nairobi, H. C. BELFIELD,
Dated the 4th day of July, 1914. Governor.

Governuent Notice No. 145] NOTICE,

The Provincial Commissioners (Assistants) Ordinance, 19l4 (No. 7 of I914).

The Secretary of State has been pleased to notify that His Majesty’s power of disallowance will not
be exercised with respect to the above Ordinance.

The Pawnbrokers Amendment Ordinance, 1914 (No. 10 of 1914.)

The Secretary of State has been pleased to notify that His Majesty’s power of disallowance will not
be exercised with respect to the above Ordinance. .

The Lunacy Amendment Ordinance, 1914 (No. EI of 1914.)

The Secretary of State has been pleased to notify that His Majesty’s power of disallowance will not
be exercised with respect to the above Ordinance.

By Command of His Excellency,

Nairobi, W. J. MONSON,
July 4th, 1914. Acting Chief Secretary.

Government Notice No. 146] — NOTICE.

Under the Land Titles Ordinance, 1908.

His Excellency has approved the following constitution of the Land Arbitration Board for Kipini
District :—
Chatirman.—-The District Commissioner or Assistant District Commissioner as the Provincial
Commissioner may decide.
The Liwali, Ahmed bin Sud bin Hamed.
The Akida of Kipini, Hassan bin Abdullah.

Nairobi, W. J. MONSON,
July 6th, 1914. Acting Chief Secretary.

Government Notice No. 147] APPOINTMENTS.

In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the Prison Regulations, 1902, Section 2 (6), I hereby
appoint Harry Russa. Tare to be Deputy Superintendent of the Nairobi Prison and the Thika Special
Nairobi, H. C. BELFIELD,
Dated this Ist day of July, 1914. Governor.

His Excellency has been pleased to appoint Mr. G. Wooprurr, District Surveyor, to be a Memberof
the Board of Health for the purposes of the Public Health Ordinance, 1913.
756 | THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE July 8, 1914,

His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to make the following appointments :—
To be Acting Medical Officer of Health, Kisumu :—
Dr. W. Tudhope, to date 29th June, 1914,
To be a Junior Staff Surveyor :—
L. C. Wrieut, to date April Ist, i914. |
To be a Computer, Survey Department, Cadastral Branch :—
Hersert McCoan THornuitt, to date April Ist, 1914.
To be a Junior Staff Surveyor :-—
Gzorce Tayior, to date April Ist, 1914.
To be Assistant District Commissioner, Marakwet :—
Harry Bury Porrrawet1, to date May 9th, 1914.
To be Labour Officer, Kisumu :—
Caprain Watrer Burripar Broox, to date June 19th, 1914.
To be Assistant District Commissioner, Kisumu :—
Epwarp Vincent Hemmant, to date June 22nd, 1914.
To be Assistant to the Provincial Commissioner, Ukamba :—
Tarry Russer. Tarn, to date July 4th, 1914.

Secretaniat, Natrosi, W. J. MONSON,

July 8th, 1914. Acting Chief Secretary.

Government Notice No. 148] OBITUARY.

His Excelleucy the Governor learns with much regret of the death of Mr. H. B. Partington, of black-
water fever in Mombasa Hospital on the Ist of July.
Mr. Partington joined the Ugandaservice in 1900 and was transferred to this Protectorate in 1902. He
resigned in 1913 to take up private employment. He was a very capable and energetic officer, being
particularly successful in the management of natives.

Generar Notice No. 547] NOTICE.

Under the Liquor Ordinance, 1909.

Nyanza Province.

Notice is hereby given that in accordance with Section 22 (1) of the above-named Ordinance, a
Special Meeting of the Licensing Court will sit in the Provincial Commissioner’s Office, Kisumu, on Friday,
the 10th July, 1914, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
Business—Io deal with an application made by the Uganda Railway for the granting of a Railway
Station and Hotel Liquor Licence for the Dak Bungalow, Muhoroni.


Ist July, 1914. Provincial Commissioner.

Generat Notice No. 548] NOTICE.

Under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1906.
Mr. Ray Ulyate, Kijabe, has resigned his appointment as Issuer of Permits, vide “ Official Gazette,”
15th March, 1918, page 232.

Nairobi, J. B. BANKS,
July 38rd, 1913. Permit Officer.
July 8, 1914, THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE , 757

Genrrat Notice No. 549] NOTICE.

Auction of Crown Lands,
Occupation Licences in respect of 140 Farms situated at Trans-Nzoia, Uasin Gishu, Molo, Thika,
Elmenteita, Njoro, Kaimosi and Juba River will be sold by Auction in the Railway Institute Hall, Nairobi,
on Monday, 17th August, 1914, commencing at 10 a.m. Full particulars can be obtained post free on
application to the following :—
Land Office, Nairobi,
His Excellency the Governor General of the Union of South Africa,
The Colonial Office, London, 8. W.,
The Emigrants Information Office, Broadway, Westminster, London, 8S. W.

Nairobi, I. L. O. GOWER,
May 19th, 1974, Acting Land Officer.

GuneRAL Noticu No. 550] NOTICE.

Swahili Examination.
At an examination held at Serenli on the 25th of May, 1914, the following Officers passed in colloquial
Kiswahili in accordance with para. 152, King’s African Rifles Regulations :—
Major L. H. Soames.
Captain W. T. Gregg.
Lieut. 8. J. Lovegrove.

Nairobi, J. F. EDWARDS, Captain,

29th June, 1914. Adjutant, 3rd King’s African Rifles.

Gewnerat Notice No. 551]


CAUSE No, 22 ov 1914.

In tHe matrer or D. Rosrinson, DECEASED.

To all to whom it may concern.
Take notice that the account of the estate of the above-named D. Rostnson, deceased, has been lodged
with the Registrar of the High Court at Mombasa and that he has appointed the 6th day of August, 1914,
at 2 o’clock in the afternoon for passing of such account.
Mombasa J. W. H. PARKINSON,
1st July, 1914. Admimstrator General.

Genurat Novice No. 552 |


CAUSE No. 94 or 1914,

TN HE MATTER or Nangr s/o LawsI, DECEASED,

To all to whom it may concern.
Take notice that all persons having any claims against the estate of the above-named Nawngz s/o Laz,
who died at Kibwezion the 20th day of April, 1914, are required to prove such claims before me the under-
signed on or before the 8th day of September, 1914, after which date the claims so proved will be paid,
and the estate distributed according to law.
Mombasa, J. W. H. PARKINSON,
Ist Tuly, 1914. Administrator General.

Genera Novice No. 552]


In tHE matreR or H. B. Parrineton, DECEASED.

To all to whom it may concern.
Take notice that on or after the 22nd day of July, 1914, I intend to apply to the High Court of
East Africa at Mombasa for an order to administer the estate of the above-named H. B. Parrivezon,
who died at Mombasa on the 1st day of July, 1914.
Mombasa, J. W. H. PARKINSON,
July 4th, 1914. Administrator General.
758 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE July 8, 1914.

GaneRaL Notice No. 554] NOTICE.

His Honour Mr. Justice Ehrhardt will proceed on circuit and hold sittings of the High Court at the
places and on the dates below mentioned.

Kisumu, §3th July, 1914.
Criminal Case No. 29/14 Crown VS. Manyuru s/o Ngaou
” 2 ”? 40/14 ” vs. Onyego s/o Osaro
” 2” ” 44/14 ” . VS. Were s/o Waswa
District Raagistry.

Kisumu D. BR. C. C. No. 15/18 Anderson and Co vs. Ahmed Shah

” » 29 17/18 vs. Fatoo and Ahmed Shah
wy ” 2/14 Boustead and Clarke vs. Anderson and Co.
Civil Case No. “Ad/14 Ahmed Khan Rahimbux vs. Imamdin s/o llahibux
Kisumu D. R. C. C. No. 9/14 Nanakchand and
- Rajaram vs. Ahmed Khan Rahimbax
” - » 10/14 Hasham Jamal &Co. vs. Habib Velji
» » 11/14 do vs. Khoja Alibhai Velji
9 a ” 12/14 do vs. 1. Nurdin Ali Mohamed
2, Chatur and Lalchand, trading as
Chatur and Lalchand
» » ” 13/14 do ve. Milkiram Dewichand
» » 9 14/14 Andersonand Co. vs. Dewchand s/o Butasing
1 » » 15/14 A. Alidina Visram vs. Captain Rahimtulla Ismail
» » » 16/14 Attorney General vs. (Mian) Gian Singh
» » ” 17/14 do vs. Karamdad Gulab
» ” » 18/14 do vs. Musa Ismail
3 oo ” 19/14, do vs. 1. Labhu and 2. Kheda
» a » 20/14 HashamJamal& Co. vs. Ahmed Khan Rahim Bux
» » ” 21/14 A, A. Visram vs. Habib Velji
a » » 22/14 do vs. Gulamali Mohamedali
Civil Appeal No. 9/14 Popat Ibrahim &Co.vs. L. Frigerio and Co.
Nakuru, Sth July, 1914.
Criminal Case No, 33/14 Crown vs. R.G. Wright
District ReGIstRy.
Civil Case No. 5/13 Lord Delamere vs. ©. B. Clutterbuck
” 9 3 7/18 do VS. do
» ” ” 3/14 The Londiani Saw
Mills vs. Sheikh Chirag Din (Application for
execution of Decree)
” ” ” 4/14 Kedowa Saw Mills vs. Charag Din
” 2 ” 5/14 CC. B. Clutterbuck vs. Lala Ishwerdass Bishendas
> - a 6/14 Londiani Trading
Co. Lid. vs. Taj Din
3 mo. 3 7/14 Elmi Ahmed vs. 1. Dimbil, 2. Ali Bobali, 3. Duali Farah
” 3 a 8/14 Kedowa Saw Mills vs. Frank Watkins, Junior
” ” ” 9/14 C. B. Clutterbuck vs. Harjiwan Ramji
Nairobi, 23rd Jury, I9l4.
Criminal Case No. 28/14 Crown .vs. Suba wa Mwendwa and 2 others
” » 0 26/14, ” vs. Gobind Wasudeo Thatte
» » » 380/14 ” vs. Maitha Ngao
” ” - 36/14 ” vs. Bishen Singh
0 ” » 39/14 » vs. Muti wa Nzau
» ” a» 41/14 » vs. Kioko wa Kathuli
» » » 42/14 » vs. 1. Nzambo wa Ndundu and 2. Muli wa
» 0 » 48/14 » vs. Kagei wa Njau
” » » 46/14 » vs. Mutia wa Ngali Mbitini
Revision Case Criminal No. 23/14 Crown vs. Hawanda s/o Hongo
District REGISTRY.
Civil Case No. 49/138 W.J.Moynagh vs. OC. Scholtz
2 » » 68/18 Valji Hiryi and Sons vs. H. De La Rue
2 ” » 67/13 Jadavji Dhanji and
diva Jetha vs. C, Harvey
>» » » ~¢1/138 Gaurishanker
Govind}i vs. Abdul Wahid
22 2 39 8/14. Suleman Virji & Sons vs. E. De La Rue
July 8, 1914. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 759

District Registry, Natrozi.—(Contd).

Civil Case No. 9/14 John Cornah vs. Samuel Jacobsand Philip Abraham
» » » Li/14 The East Africa >
and Uganda |
Corporation |
Ltd. as propri-
etors of Nowfolle rvs. J. M. Drury
Hotel by its
Director F. A.C. |
» 2 » 12/14 TheB.E. A. Saw Mills vs. Frank Watkins Junior (Application
for execution of Decree)
» ” » 13/14 TheB.H. A. Saw Mills vs. Cullinan and Groves
2 » » 16/14 A.M.Little vs. Clement Hirtzel
» » ” 17/14 Valji Hirji and Sons vs. John Cook, F. O. B. Wilson and
Thompson Wells
” ” » 25/14 David Silver vs. A. Milne
» a » 26/14 The Kenia Saw Mills vs. L. B. Murray
0 3 » 28/14 Dahyalal Motichand vs. N.H. Waria and Co,
0 ” » 29/14 FPaqir Singh vs. Beant Singh
” 0 » 980/14 The Attorney General vs. Captain L. T. H. Leland
» » » 981/14 Beliram Parimal & Co. vs. Allen Thompson
» »” » 93/14 Mackinnon Bros. Ltd. vs. J. A. Mortimer
» » » 934/14 Beliram Shivdial & Co. vs. Mangoo s/o Joti
39 ” ” 35/14 Deva Singh vs. 1. Dwarkadass, 2. Jewanlal
” 9 » 96/14 Radha Kishen & Son vs. Lahb Singh
3 » 93/14 John Mackinnon vs. Charles Reginald Macdonell
Nauhria Ram Vs. 1, Lahb Singh, 2. Lahori Ram
43 Gerald Oliver Adams vs. Norman Thorne
3) Nasara Jetha and his
wife Sikina vs. Bhanji Virji
” 2 » 1/14 Plains Dairy vs. James K. Watson
i 2 » 42/14 Eustace Clare Atkinson vs. Clement Henry A. Hirtzel
» » » 48/14 Francis Carlton Holmes vs. A. G. A. Leakey
a » » 44/14 Harji Manda and Co. vs. Wessels and Co.
» 2 » 40/14 Philip Abraham Raphael vs. Edward William Kay Mouat
» n 0 46/14 William Miller Robertson
and William Gow vs. Kisumu Hotels, Ltd.
a ” » 47/14 Robertson & Gow vs. Gandolfi Hornyald, commonlycalled
Marquis Hornyold
” » » 48/14 Assanand Bishandass vs. Harji Manda and Co,
” 1” » 49/14 Gill, Wheelock & Johnson vs. The Caxton (B. E. A) Printing and
Publishing Co.
; » » 00/14 William Francis Nortje
by his Attorne .
George ‘Alexander vs, Alfred J. Klein |
Hume Hamilton
is » 51/14 George Percy Jinnings vs. Sam Branitzky |

+ 2 » 52/14 Suleman Virji& Sons vs. Cullinan & Groves
” a » 03/14 » ” » vs. Hashambhai Janmahomed
” » » 04/14 Harold Jowers vs. Bulkeley E. A. O’Meara
a ” » 85/14 Raymond Rooke Fenton vs. Annie Wills W/O Wills
a ” » 06/14 The Swedo African vs. Rudolph Franz Mayer and Maria
Ceffee Co, Ltd. by Anderson carrying on business as
its General Manager, the Falls Estate and their Manager
Ture Rundgren U kK, T. Rosslein.
Civil Appeal No. 12/14 Ahmed Khans/o
Gulam Nabi Khan vs. C, M. Giles
» » 18/14 Archibald Hogg vs. Harjiwan Ramji and Co.
» » ” 16/14 Meghji Ladha and Co. vs. Khimji Pachan and J. A. Dokelman
» ” » 22/14 Lali Jadav and Co. vs. Naran Virji
Nyeri, 6th August, I9I4.
Criminal Case No. 35/14 Crown vs. Kathugu wa Munyi

Fort Hall, 7th August, 19/4.

Criminal Case No. 32/14 Crown vs. Wanjoiha wa Ithondska

» » 388/14 ” vs. Kimani wa Kamau


27th June, 1914, Registrar, High Court.
762 TAH OFFICIAL GAZETTE July 8, 1914,

Rupees 20/- Rupees 20/- Rupees 20/- Rupees 20/- Rupees 20/- Rupees 20/-
No.-&19152 No.219643
=No.%20145 No-fer10s No.f22568 No. “24148
19157 19700 20151 21111 22606 24198
19176 19711 20175 21129 22789 24238
19180 19729 20262 21261 22865 24261
19186 19731 20311 21442 22901 24838
19187 19739 20830 21445 22911 24413
19224 19755 20337 21474, 22979 24463
19231 19762 20411 21564 23024. 244.90
19245 19770 20418 21592 23106 24508
19252 19777 20433 21621 23111 24550
19259 19805 20451 21656 223178 24639
19267 19811 20512 21716 23225 24650
19278 19834 20513 21857 23295 24783
19288 19844 20542 21880 23340 24892
19316 19847 20579 21931 23367 24898
19326 19890 20581 21998 23398 24902
19341 19901 20588 22015 23469 250383
19352 19903 20589 22096 23552 25089
19367 19949 20590 2215] 23634 20273
193892 19962 20648 22215 23660 25292
19405 19997 20674 22246 23734 253817
19428 20007 20685 22278 23749 25655
19431 20012 20711 22377 23793 25748
19505 20029 20776 223887 23797 25981
19577 20041 20835 22390 23987 26111
196038 20045 20921 22401 23994 26225
19609 20064 20941 22471. 24010 26269
19613 20079 20943 22524 24012 30226
19617 20187 20976 22562 24114

(To be continued.)

GeveraL Noricz No. 556] NOTICE.

Dissolution of Partnership.

_ Notice is hereby given that the partnership hitherto existing between William Russell Bowker and.
William Boyce Aggett trading as “The A. B. ‘Trading Company” has been dissolved by mutual consent.
as from the 30th day of June, 1914.

Nairobi, L. A. WRIGHT,
30th June, 1914, Solicitorfor the Parties.

Genera Notice No. 557] UGANDA RAILWAY.

Tenders are invited for the following :—
300 tons of Maize Flour (Hickory King), |
50 tons of Crushed Maize (__,, 9s
Delivery to be made in such quantities and at such times as may be required.
Quotations must include bags and cost of delivery at Railway Stores, Nairobi.
191 Sealed tenders to be marked “ Tenders for Maize” should reach the undersigned by the 27th July,


ord July, 1914, Chief Storekeeper.

Printed by the Govt. Printor, Nairobi.

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