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Lecturer: Dr. Herlinawati, M.Ed

Arranged by :

DONI ERZAKIN (2288203042)



Satuan Pendidikan :SMK Negeri 1 Sukra

Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester :XII / 1 (Satu)
Materi Pokok :Offering Help and Services.
Tahun Ajaran :2022/2023
Domain Konten :Listening – Speaking
Reading – Presenting
Alokasi Waktu :4 x 45 menit ( 2 pertemuan )

A. Kompetensi dasar (KD) dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, 3.1.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaaan ungkapam
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan menawarkan jasa dan tanggapannya.
tindakan menawarkan jasa, serta
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya ( Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
May, I help, you?, what can I do for you? What

4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal 4.1.1 Mengugkapkan secara lisan tanggapan
lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana terhadap ungkapan menawarkan jasa serta
yang melibatkan Tindakan menawarkan jasa, menanggapinya.
dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Peserta didik dapat menerapkan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa dengan
baik dan benar.
2. Peserta didik dapat menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek
dan sederhana yang melibatkan Tindakan menawarkan jasa, dan menanggapinya dengan
penuh percaya diri.
3. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaaan ungkapam menawarkan jasa dan tanggapannya.
4. Peserta didik dapat mengugkapkan secara lisan tanggapan terhadap ungkapan
menawarkan jasa bedasarkan situasi yang diberikan.
C. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan(15 menit)

2. Kegiatan Inti( 50 menit)
3. Penutup(15 menit)

D. Penilaian

1. Sikap> Observasi
2. Pengetahuan >Tes tertulis
3. Keterampilan > Pratik penugasan

Mengetahui Pekanbaru, 29 September 2022

Kepala SMK 1 Sukra Penyusun


NIP. 197211142005011009 NIM.2288203042
(in the form of brief notes) (labels, numbers)
(1, Gr)
1.1 Name of school
1.2 Major
1.3 Subject, Grade/Level BAHASA INGGRIS/XII
1.4 Students and teacher Student 60 and Teacher 10
(2, Gr)
2.1 Standard Competency Reading-Viewing

2.2 Basic Competency Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial,struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks

2.3 Object of test

2.4 Indicators Identify, Completed.
2.6 Kinds and format of Objective test: MC, Completion,
test Cloze-Test, Matching, Structured

2.7 Table of specification

(Blue Print)
2.8 Source of test
materials Book, Internet
2.9 Text used for the test

Note Gr = group (SD, SMP, SMA)


NO Basic Competencies Indicators Materials Format of Level of Cognitive Domain/ No

test of items
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
1 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi 3.1.1 Offering MC 2 2 6
sosial,struktur teks, dan Menerapkan help and
unsur kebahasaan teks fungsi social Services?
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan struktur
dan tulis yang melibatkan teks dalam
tindakan memberikan tindakan
informasi terkait tindakan menawarkan
menawarkan jasa, serta jasa, serta
menanggapinya, sesuai menanggapiny
dengan konteks a, sesuai
penggunaannya (Perhatikan dengan
unsur kebahasaan ) May, I konteks
help, you?, what can I do
for you? What if..?
3.1.2 Offering MC 2 2 5
Menyusun help and
ungkapan teks Services?
jasa serta
2 4.1. Menyusun teks 4.1.1 Offering MC 2 2 4
interaksi transaksional lisan Menyusun help and
dan tulis sangat pendek dan teks Services?
sederhana yang melibatkan interaksi
tindakan memberi dan interpersonal
meminta informasi terkait lisan sangat
menawarkan jasa serta pendek dan
menanggapinya dengan sederhana
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, yang
dan unsur kebahasaan yang melibatkan
benar dan sesuai konteks. tindakan
jasa serta
60% for application test items (C3)/SMA
20% for C1
20% for C2

No Indicators Questions Numbers

1 Applying 12 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
2 Differenting 13 13 14 15 16 17 18

total 25

C1 ( Knowledge Level )

1. What would you say if someone offered to help you ?

a. Thank you, I’m fine
b. That’s not necessary, I can do it my self
c. Yes, Please get me a cup of coffee
d. Sorry, I don’t need any help

2. How do you respond when someone offers to help you with household chores?
a. No, I can handle everything myself
b. Maybe later, I’ Still think about it
c. Yes, Please that would be very helpful
d. Thank you, I appreciate it

3. What do you usually say when someone offers to help in a difficult situation?
a. Thank you, But i have to solve it myself
b. Sure. I would really appreciate it
c. No. I don’t like asking for help from others.
d. That’s fine, I’ve already taken care of it

4. How would you respond if someone offered to help you when you were busy?
a. Now is not a good time, Maybe later
b. Sorry, I don’t need help at the moment
c. That’s not necessary, I can handle everything myself
d. Thank you, That would be very helpful, Could wait a moment?

5. What do you say if someone offers to help and you don’t feel comfortable accepting?
a. Sorry, I don’t like to depend on other people’s help
b. That,s okay, I can do it my self
c. Thank you, But I’d rather solve it my self
d. I appreciate your offer, But I don’t need it

6. Would you like me to help you with your presentation?

a. No thank you.
b. Yes that would be fantastic, I appreciate it
c. I’m sorry, but I prefer to work on it alone
d. Maybe later, not sure yet.
C2 ( Comprehension Level )

7. Which one shows a polite offer of help?

a. Want me to help you?
b. Need a favor?
c. Do you need help?
d. What can I do for you?

8. What is the appropriate response if someone offers to help carry your groceries?
a. Thanks , I can do it myself
b. Yes, That would be very helpful, thank you.
c. No need, I already carry my own
d. Thank you, I need help

9. When someone offers to help complete a task, the response that shows polite
acceptance of the offer is?
a. No, I can do it my self
b. Thank you, Id appreciate it?
c. That not necessary, I’m almost done
d. I don’t need help, But thank you

10. When you offer help to someone who look like they need it, the response that is
generally expected is?
a. No need, I can do it my self
b. Thank you very much for the offer
c. Yes, I need help.What can I do for you
d. Don’t brother, I’m fine

11. When offering help to people you don’t know, the most polite expression is?
a. What can I do for you?
b. I can help you
c. Do you need help?
d. Need a favor

12. Can I help you by carrying your shopping bags?

a. Thank you, but I can manage it myself
b. Oh how kind I would appreciate it
c. Sorry, I ready have plans
d. No need to brother, I can handle it myself
C3 (Application Level )

13. Hi, Diana go to the book for tonight

a. Are you
b. Shall them
c. Would you like to
d. How about

14. What shall we do today _ we go to the cinema?

a. Let’s
b. Shall I
c. Why don’t
d. Would you

15. the washing, if you don’t mind.

a. Can I
b. Should I
c. Would you
d. Shall we

16. get you a glass of iced lemon itea

a. Let me
b. Why don’t you
c. How about
d. I will help you

17. like me to mob the floor? It,s so dirty

a. Are you
b. Let me
c. Would you
d. Will you

18. Nanda : “ I have a lots work to do, I don’t know how I will manage”
Ihsan : “ to finish your works”
a. Why don’t you
b. How about
c. I will help you
d. Shall we together
19. Moza : “ I am so hungry”
Freya : “ to eat
a. Can I help you?
b. Would you like
c. How about
d. I’II buy something

20. Kayana : “ I haven’t received any response from him”

Qiyara : “ go and ask him?”
a. Shall us
b. I propose
c. Let me
d. Why don’t you

21. Can you carry those pulpen?

You : _______
a. No, I can manage
b. Yes, thank you. That will be great
c. I appreciate but I’m finr
d. Sorry, I don’t need assistance

22. If someone says “let me know if you need any help” what the most suitable reply?
You : ______
a. Thank you, I’II keep that in mind
b. No, I’m good
c. Its alright, I’m fine here
d. Its alright

23. When offering assistance, which of the following responses indicates acceptance?
You : ______
a. I’m okay, thanks
b. Yes please, that will be helpful
c. I don’t need any help, but thanks
d. Its fine, I can handle it

24. Would you like some assistance with your project?

You : ______
a. No, I’m good
b. Sure, that will be appreciated
c. I don’t require help
d. Sorry I don’t need any help

25. If someone offers to help you with your presentation preparetin, how should you
respond? You : _____
a. No, I prepare to do it myself
b. Yes, that will be fantastc
c. Thanks, but I don’t need assistance
d. Sorry, I don’t accept
(Knowlege ) 1. What would you say if someone
offered to help you ?
a. Thank you, I’m fine
b. That’s not necessary, I can do it my
c. Yes, Please get me a cup of coffee
d. Sorry, I don’t need any help

2. how do you respond when someone

offers to help you with household
a. No, I can handle everything myself
b. Maybe later, I’ Still think about it
c. Yes, Please that would be very
d. Thank you, I appreciate it

3. What do you usually say when

someone offers to help in a difficult
a. Thank you, But i have to solve it
b.Sure. I would really appreciate it
c.No. I don’t like asking for help from
d.That’s fine, I’ve already taken care of

4. How would you respond if someone

offered to help you when you were
a. Now is not a good time, Maybe later
Sorry, I don’t need help at the moment
b. That’s not necessary, I can handle
everything myself
c. Thank you, That would be very helpful,
Could wait a moment?

5. What do you say if someone offers to

help and you don’t feel comfortable
e. Sorry, I don’t like to depend on
other people’s help
f. That,s okay, I can do it my self
g. Thank you, But I’d rather solve it
my self
h. I appreciate your offer, But I don’t
need it

6. Would you like me to help you with

your presentation?
a. No thank you.
b. Yes that would be fantastic, I
appreciate it
c. I’m sorry, but I prefer to work on it
d. Maybe later, not sure yet.

7. Which one shows a polite offer of help?

e. Want me to help you?
f. Need a favor?
g. Do you need help?
h. What can I do for you?

8. What is the appropriate response if

someone offers to help carry your
C2 a. Thanks , I can do it myself
(Comprehension Level ) b. Yes, That would be very
helpful, thank you.
c. No need, I already carry my
d. Thank you, I need help

9. When someone offers to help complete

a task, the response that shows polite
acceptance of the offer is?
a. No, I can do it my self
b. Thank you, Id appreciate it?
c. That not necessary, I’m almost
d. I don’t need help, But thank you

10. When you offer help to someone who

look like they need it, the response that
is generally expected is?
a. No need, I can do it my self
b. Thank you very much for the
c. Yes, I need help.What can I do
for you
d. Don’t brother, I’m fine

11. When offering help to people you don’t

know, the most polite expression is?
a. What can I do for you?
b. I can help you
c. Do you need help?
d. Need a favor

12. Can I help you by carrying your

shopping bags?
a. Thank you, but I can manage it
b. Oh how kind I would appreciate
c. Sorry, I ready have plans
d. No need to brother, I can handle
it myself
13. Hi, Diana go to the book for
a. Are you
b. Shall them
c. Would you like to
d. How about

C3 14. What shall we do today we go to

(Application Level) the cinema?
a. Let’s
b. Shall I
c. Why don’t
d. Would you

15. the washing, if you don’t mind.

a. Can I
b. Should I
c. Would you
d. Shall we

16. get you a glass of iced lemon

a. Let me
b. Why don’t you
c. How about
d. I will help you

17. like me to mob the floor? It,s so

a. Are you
b. Let me
c. Would you
d. Will you

18. Nanda : “ I have a lots work to do, I

don’t know how I will manage”
Ihsan : “ to finish your works”
a. Why don’t you
b. How about
c. I will help you
d. Shall we together
19. Moza : “ I am so hungry”
Freya : “ to eat
a. Can I help you?
b. Would you like
c. How about
d. I’II buy something

20.Kayana : “ I haven’t received any

response from him”
Qiyara : “ _ go and
ask him?”
a. Shall us
b. I propose
c. Let me
d. Why don’t you

21. Can you carry those pulpen?you : __

a. No, I can manage
b. Yes, thank you. That will be
c. I appreciate but I’m finr
d. Sorry, I don’t need assistance

22. If someone says “let me know if you

need any help” what the most suitable
reply?you :___
a. Thank you, I’II keep that in
b. No, I’m good
c. Its alright, I’m fine here
d. Its alright

23. When offering assistance, which of

the following responses indicates
acceptance? You___
a. I’m okay, thanks
b. Yes please, that will be helpful
c. I don’t need any help, but
d. Its fine, I can handle it
24. Would you like some assistance with
your project? You:___
a. No, I’m good
b. Sure, that will be appreciated
c. I don’t require help
d. Sorry I don’t need any help

25 If someone offers to help

you with your presentation
preparetin, how should you
respond? You : _____
a. No, I prepare to do it myself
b.Yes, that will be fantastc
c. Thanks, but I don’t need assistance
d.Sorry, I don’t accept

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