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Mid term test marking keys

1. Which of the following is not an output device?

- A. Monitor
- B. Printer
- C. Keyboard
- D. Projector
Answer: C. Keyboard
Explanation: A keyboard is an input device, not an output device.
2. What is the term for the physical components of a computer?
- A. Software
- B. Hardware
- C. Firmware
- D. Shareware
Answer: B. Hardware
Explanation: Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system.
3. Which type of memory stores data temporarily while the computer is running?
- A. ROM
- B. RAM
Answer: B. RAM
Explanation: RAM (Random Access Memory) is used to store data and programs that are
currently being used by the computer's operating system and applications.
4. What is the purpose of an operating system?
- A. To create documents and spreadsheets
- B. To browse the internet
- C. To manage computer resources and provide a user interface
- D. To protect the computer from viruses
Answer:C. To manage computer resources and provide a user interface
Explanation: The operating system (OS) manages hardware resources, provides user
interfaces, and supports applications to run on the computer.
5. Which of the following is an example of application software?
- A. Microsoft Windows
- B. macOS
- C. Linux
- D. Microsoft Word
Answer:D. Microsoft Word
Explanation: Application software, such as Microsoft Word, is designed for specific tasks like
word processing.
6. What is the process of starting a computer called?
- A. Shutting down
- B. Restarting
- C. Booting
- D. Logging in
Answer:C. Booting
Explanation: Booting is the process of starting or initializing a computer system.
7. Which type of user interface uses commands?
- A. Command user interface
- B. Command line user interface
Answer:B. Command line user interface
Explanation: A command line user interface (CLI) allows users to interact with the computer by
typing commands.
8. What is the purpose of a scanner?
- C. To create digital copies of physical documents
- Scanners are devices used to convert physical documents or images into digital formats.
9. Which of the following is an advantage of using a computer network?
- C. Resource sharing
- Computer networks facilitate sharing of resources such as files, printers, and internet
connections among connected devices.
10. What is the term for the unauthorized use of someone else's work?
- B. Plagiarism
- Plagiarism refers to using someone else's work or ideas without proper attribution or
11. Which of the following is an example of a computer-based learning software?
- C. Typing Tutor
- Typing tutors are software programs designed to teach typing skills, typically through
interactive lessons and exercises.
12. What is the purpose of a PIN in electronic transactions?**
- C. To secure the transaction
- A PIN (Personal Identification Number) is used to authenticate and secure electronic
13. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cashless transactions?
- C. Increased need for physical cash
- Cashless transactions aim to reduce reliance on physical cash.
14. What is the purpose of a barcode reader in a supermarket?
- C. To scan product information
- Barcode readers are used in supermarkets to quickly read and process product information
stored in barcodes.
15. What does the acronym POS stand for in a retail context?
- B. Point of Sale
- POS refers to the location and time where a retail transaction is completed.
16. Which of the following is NOT a type of computer virus?

17. What is the purpose of a software license?

- B. To grant permission to use the software under specific terms
- A software license defines the terms under which the software can be used, outlining
permissions and restrictions.
18. Which of the following is an example of a web browser?
- B. Google Chrome
- Google Chrome is a popular web browser used to access and navigate the internet.
19. What is the term for a computer that is connected to a network?
- B. Client
- A client is a device or computer that accesses resources or services from a server over a

20. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using computers in education?

- C. Reduced number of pens in school
- While computers in education offer numerous benefits, such as increased access to
information, interactive learning experiences, and personalized learning opportunities, reducing
the number of pens is not typically considered a primary benefit.

Section B, I will address the short answer questions:

1. List one example of an input device
- Example: Keyboard
2. What is the function of the Central Processing Unit (CPU)?
- The CPU processes instructions from programs and performs calculations.
3. What is the difference between cold booting and warm booting?
- Cold booting: Starting a computer from a powered-off state.
- Warm booting: Restarting a computer without powering it off.
4. What is the difference between a magnetic stripe card and a smart card?
- Magnetic stripe card: Stores data magnetically on a stripe. Used mainly for simple data
storage and retrieval.
- Smart card: Contains an integrated circuit chip for storing data securely and performing
cryptographic functions. Provides higher security and functionality compared to magnetic stripe
5. What are two benefits of using a Point-of-Sale (POS) system in a supermarket?
- Benefits:
- Streamlined checkout process
- Automated inventory management
- Enhanced sales reporting
6.Give three (3) examples of CBL software.
- Examples:
- Typing Tutor
- Math Blaster
- Language learning software like Rosetta Stone
Section C:
1. (a) What is a Point of Sale (POS)?
- A Point of Sale (POS) is the location and system where a retail transaction is completed. It
includes the hardware and software used to process payments and manage sales.
2. (b) Give two examples of how computers are used in everyday life
- Examples:
1. Communication: Computers are used for emailing, messaging, and video calls.
2. Entertainment: Computers are used for gaming, streaming movies, and listening to music.
3. (a) What is computer-based learning (CBL)?
- Computer-based learning (CBL) refers to the use of computers as an educational tool to
enhance teaching and learning processes.
4. (b) State three (3) advantages of CBL
- Advantages of CBL include:
1. Flexibility: Learners can study at their own pace and convenience.
2. Interactivity: CBL often includes multimedia elements that engage learners.
3. Accessibility: CBL can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, promoting
widespread access to education.
5. (c) List 3 tools or software students with special needs may use while using the computer
- Examples:
1. Screen readers for visually impaired students.
2. Speech-to-text software for students with writing difficulties.
3. Assistive devices such as adaptive keyboards or mice.
6. List three common uses of computers in banking
- Common uses include:
1. Online banking for account management and transactions.
2. ATMs for cash withdrawals and account inquiries.
3. Financial software for managing investments and loans.
7. (a) Name the card above.
- Without the image provided, I can't identify the specific card mentioned in the question.
8. (b) What is e-commerce?
- E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet.
9. (c) State two advantages of e-commerce for consumers
- Advantages of e-commerce for consumers include:
1. Convenience: Shopping can be done anytime and from anywhere.
2. Variety and comparison: Consumers have access to a wide range of products and can
easily compare prices from different vendors.

e) Give one example of how a business can use e-commerce to its advantage:
- A business can use e-commerce to expand its market reach globally, allowing customers from
around the world to purchase its products or services online.

f) Give one security measure that should be there to use this card:
- One security measure is to implement encryption for data transmission, ensuring that any
sensitive information exchanged between the card and the system is protected from
unauthorized access.
g) Give one example of information stored on the card:
- Information stored on the card could include the cardholder's name, card number, expiration
date, and sometimes a security code (CVV) for verification during transactions.

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