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Education about Stroke

Definition FAST Method

Stroke is a condition that occurs when the ‘’We can also recognize the early
blood supply to the brain is interrupted or symptoms of stroke using the FAST sign
reduced due to a blockage called (ischemic method. ‘’
stroke) or rupture of blood vessels called ‘’FAST is a method that makes it easy to
(hemorrhagic stroke). recognize the early symptoms of stroke so
that it can be treated quickly. Here is a
Etiologi more complete explanation of FAST: ‘’
‘’then here are some causes of stroke’’
1. Ischemic Stroke : Blood clots often FACE - One side of the face may be
result from atherosclerosis, which is paralyzed, visible and noticeable when
the buildup of fatty deposits in the smiling, the corners of the lips are raised to
inner lining of blood vessels. only one side, or the eyes appear droopy.
2. The cause of hemorrhagic stroke is the ARMS - A person who is suspected of
rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. having a stroke because they are unable to
This condition causes blood to not lift one or both of their arms due to
flow in the brain's blood vessels to weakness, in addition to the arms may also
deliver oxygen to the brain tissue. lose sensation, may also feel tingling.
‘’ Besides that, the main factors for the SPEECH - Speech is disrupted or garbled,
occurrence of stroke disease are: ‘’ even unable to speak at all even though
1. High blood pressure you remain conscious.
2. smoking habit TIME - It is important to keep the above
3. heart disease signs in mind, especially if you are
4. genetics currently living with or caring for someone
5. obesity who is at high risk.
6. age ‘’ If you see any of these 3 symptoms, take
the person affected by stroke to the nearest
Types hospital for the necessary treatment.’’
‘’There are two types of stroke: ‘’
1. Ischemic stroke is a type of stroke that Prevention
occurs when the blood flow in the arteries ‘’and I will tell you how to prevent stroke
of the brain is blocked. This blockage can desease’’
be caused by a blood clot forming in the 1. Avoid cigarette smoke.
blood vessels of another organ of the body. 2. Increase vegetable & fruit
2. Then hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a consumption.
blood vessel in the brain leaks or ruptures. 3. Check your health regularly.
Brain hemorrhage can result from many 4. Exercise regularly such as aerobics
conditions that affect the blood vessels. at least 3 times a week.
This condition causes parts of the body 5. Reduce salty and salty foods.
controlled by the damaged area of the ‘’okay mam I have already explain to you
brain to be unable to function properly. about stroke desease, and if you already
understand you can nod your head’’
‘’ Okay Great,, mam I have a leaflet that
you could read while you re in a free time
here is the leaflet’’

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