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1(a) Explain the importance of the wetlands environment to human life. (6)

 Basket weaving
 Tourism /wildlife
 Canoeing
 Fishing
 Mixed farming

(b) Describe three ways in which the environment can be sustained. (6)

 A forestation
 Promotion of ecotourism
 Practise good farming methods
 Formulation of legislation to control environment
 Establishment of recycling industries

(c) Evaluate the role of the local communities in conserving the environment. (8)

 Litter picking campaigns

 Planting trees
 Education
 Use of good farming methods
 Use of friendly sources of energy
 Pollution
 Use of poor methods of farming etc

2(a ) Explain three social factors that contribute to population growth.(6)

 Lack of education
 Religion
 Gender preference

(b) Explain three effects of population growth on the environment.(6)

 Shortage of farmlands
 Development of slums
 Land degradation
 Overuse and extinction of resources
 Pollution
(c) Discuss four roles played by the youth in addressing the problem of rural-urban

 Self-employment
 Voluntary service in NGO’s
 Use of government schemes
 Form syndicates/networks to create employment

3(a) Explain three ways in which the family can address the issue of HIV/AIDS .(6)

 Educate children on consequences

 Provide care
 Encourage abstinence
 Encourage faithfulness
 Encourage use of condoms
 Avail relevant literature

(b) Explain the significance of inter-marriage across ethnic groups in Botswana.(6)

 Promotes cultural tolerance

 Promotes cultural enrichment
 Improve gene pool
 Promotes unity/bond.

(c) Evaluate the impact of the changing family systems in Botswana.(8)

 Increase in number of orphans

 Increase in destitutes
 Increase in street children
 Gender equality
 Nuclear family –easy to manage.

4(a) Discuss the provisions of the 1934 Native Tribunal Proclamation. (6)

 Kgosi could not try major cases such as murder,rape,treason

 Kgosi no longer chief judge,his judgement could be rejected by new courts called
 Ordinary people not allowed to comment in legal proceedings.
(b) Explain the role of the African Advisory Council in preparing Batswana for

 Pressed for developments

 Opposed the incorporation in the Union of SA
 Encourage Batswana to unite to achieve common goals
 Criticised colonial government for low salaries,poor education&health facilities

(c) Examine four challenges encountered in Nation Building.(8)

 Nepotism and favouritism

 Low levels of literacy
 Common language policy
 Gender inequality
 Legacy of colonialism
 Promotion and recognition of all languages

5 (a) Explain the role played by the Amnesty International organisation in sustaining
human life, dignity and peace.(6)

 Protects rights of political prisoners

 Campaigns against capital punishment
 Reports cases of abuse of human rights by other countries
 Campaigns against dictatorship

(b) Discuss three qualities of a good global citizen. (6)

 Fights/condemns against terrorism

 Respects human rights for all citizens of the globe.
 Promote use of environ friendly sources of energy to prevent global warming
 Respect of international law thru different international org.

(c) Assess the impact of globalisation on national cultures in Botswana. (8)

 Food-enriched/nutrition
-full of preservatives leading to diseases like obesity,diabetics,high blood
 Dress –dress suitable for all occasions/weather
 Language-

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