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VOCABULARY: Ranks of the Peruvian Police

A. Listen and repeat. Then, look at the badges and label them.
Captain – Major – Lieutenant – General – Ensign –
Colonel – Commander –Lieutenant General

1. ____________________ 2. ___________________

3. ___________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________

6. ___________________ 7. ____________________ 8. ____________________

B. Complete the sentences. Use the verb BE.

1. Mr. Atoche and Mr. Araujo _________ captains.
2. Mr. Diaz ________ not a major. He _______ a captain.
3. Mrs. Gutierrez and I _______ commanders.
4. Ms. Cieza _______ a major. She ________ a Police doctor. I AM
5 My uncle _________ a colonel. He works for DINOES. YOU ARE
6. A: __________ you a sergeant? HE
B: No, I ________ not. I _________ a Police student. SHE IS
7. A: Where _________ the lieutenants? IT
B: They ________ in the gym. WE
8. A: How old _________ the general? YOU ARE
B: He _______ fifty-four. THEY

CONVERSATION: Congratulations!
A. Colonel Sanchez is being promoted to general. Read the conversation and circle if the information
below is True, False or Doesn’t Say. Then, practice with your partner.
A: Good morning, lieutenant general!
B: Good morning, colonel Sanchez! I am
honoured to impose you this ensign.
A: Thank you so much.
B: Congratulations! Now and on, you are a
Police general.
A: Yes, Sir! I promise to fulfil all my duties and
outstand our Police Force.
B: My respect, general! God, bless you!
By the way, where are you from?
A: I’m from Chiclayo, Lambayeque, and you?
B: I’m from Chota, Cajamarca!
A: Chota is beautiful.
B: Beautiful and welcoming! Nice to meet you!
A: Nice to meet you, too!

1. Mr. Sanchez is a lieutenant general. True False Doesn’t say

2. The general lieutenant is from Cajamarca. True False Doesn’t say
3. The new general is from Chiclayo. True False Doesn’t say
4. The general and the lieutenant general are in Lima. True False Doesn’t say
5. Chota is not welcoming. True False Doesn’t say
GRAMMAR: Articles
A. Study the chart carefully.
Before consonant sound. A Before consonant or THE
Before vowel sound. AN vowel sound.

✓ When we already know what/who we are

✓ When it’s the first time we name a thing,
talking about.
a person, etc.
✓ When it’s unique in a place.
1. There is a captain leading some freshmen. 1. The captain is explaining basic safety rules.
2. Mr. Lopez is an old major. 2. He is the oldest in his prom.
B. Complete the sentences using A, AN, THE or X if articles are not necessary.
1. The general has _____ emergency. He is never _____ late.
2. A: My brother is ______ commander. He is in Spain now.
B: What is he doing there?
A: He is ____ busy. He is specializing in DNA profiles.
3. A: Excuse me, where is _______ chief of this Police station?
B: Sorry, he is in _____ meeting at ______ conference room.
4. A: Are you _____ British police officer? B: No. I’m _____ English lieutenant.

READING: Becoming a qualified police officer!
A. Alberto Jara is a police student in Lima. Read and fill in the charts with the adjectives in bold and
places at the police school in Italic.

Good morning, my name is Alberto Jara. I am

a second term student at the Police School in
Puente Piedra. My parents are from Arequipa, but
they live in Huacho. My father is a commander
and my mother is a chef at a restaurant near
home. I have three siblings; Laura is in primary
school, and Pedro and Juan are finishing high
school. I miss them very much.
My school is big and clean. There is a
swimming pool and a casino. The Casino is a place
where we can relax. There are two restaurants
where we buy some extra food and there is also a
canteen. Our principal meals: breakfast, lunch and
dinner there.
At first, it was difficult, but my classmates
and teachers are fantastic, specially my English
teacher. I also love Physical Education. My sport
uniform is dirty after class. They are building a OPPOSITE
new chapel. It is near the library. ADJECTIVES
I love being a police student. I am proud of 1 old
becoming a qualified police officer. easy 2
3 terrible
B. Read again and answer the questions. 4 small
1. Who is the text about? 5 dirty
2. What are his siblings’ names? PLACES AT THE POLICE SCHOOL
3. How is the school?
4. How many restaurants are there at school?
5. What are his parents’ occupations?
A. Write a paragraph about you __________________________________________________________________
by answering the questions.
1. What is your name?
2. Which term are you in? _______________________________________________________________________
3. What are your parents’ _______________________________________________________________________
4. Where are they from?
5. How many siblings do you _______________________________________________________________________
have? _______________________________________________________________________
6. How is your school?
7. Are you happy here? _______________________________________________________________________
VOCABULARY: Police Equipment
A. Listen and repeat. Then, look at the picture and label them.
a gun- a police car – a bulletproof vest – handcuffs – a pin – a baton –
a gun holster – a radio – a pepper spray – a flashlight

1. ____________________ 2. ___________________

3. ____________________ 4. ____________________

5. ____________________ 6. ___________________

7. ____________________ 8. ____________________

9. _____________________ 10. ____________________

GRAMMAR: Subject Pron. Vs. Possessive Adj.

A. Study the chart.
Martha is an excellent police officer. She is The subject refers to the person or thing
SUBJECT very young. that performs the action.
PRONOUNS Fred is in the police car. He is using the A subject pronoun replaces this person
radio. or thing to avoid repetition.
Mary is buying a pepper spray. I – You – He – She – It – We – You – They
The Captain is at school and his car is near Possessive adjectives are used to point
POSSESSIVE his office. out the noun that belongs to someone.
ADJECTIVES The students are doing a very good job and My – Your – His – Her – Its – Our – Their
their grades are also good.

B. Complete the paragraph. Use the possessive adjectives. Then, compare with a partner.

Hi! I’m Robert. I love 1______ family. This is my father.

2______ name is Fred. This is my mother. 3_____ name is
Jane. I have two siblings. Amy is my sister and Rob is
mybrother. We live in Lima. 4 _______ house is really big.
These are my aunt Leyla and Uncle Leo. 5_______ son is
Mathew and their daughter is Gabe. Uncle George is
single, and he has a beautiful girlfriend. My
grandparents are Freddy and Grace. My family is big.
Is 6________ family big or small?

C. Replace the subject pronouns by a possessive adjective.

1. My uncle’s name is Jack. ______ name is Jack.
2. Toby and Fran’s brother is in France. ______ brother is in France.
3. My mom’s car is a Seat. ______ car is a Seat.
4. My brother’s bicycle is blue. ______ bicycle is blue.
5. I have my sister’s books. I have _______ books.
6. Where are Paul and Nick’s books? Where are ______ books?
D. Choose the correct words.
1. My / I name is Louise.
2. Your / You are my best friend.
3. Their / They live in Australia.
4. Her / She sister is my English teacher.
5. We / Our parents are from London.
6. He / His is interested in computers.
READING: Ready to work
A. Read about Paul and answer the questions.
1. What is his name? This is Paul. He’s a police officer. He is from Chiclayo. He is
____________________________. working at a police station. He helps people.
2. What does he do? Every morning, he gets up very early. He takes a shower and has
3. Where is he working? a quick breakfast. At seven o’clock, he goes to his office. When
____________________________. he is at work, he puts on his uniform and goes to the next room.
4. What's in the other room?
In that room, there is all the police equipment that a police
officer needs; for example: guns, batons, bullets, handcuffs,
radios and many other things.
Finally, when he is ready to work, he and his partner patrol the
streets in the police car.

GRAMMAR: (Review)
Demonstratives: This – That – These – Those
A. Study the chart carefully.
Near / Here THIS Near / Here THESE
Far / There THAT Far / There THOSE
✓ We use This and These to talk about ✓ We use That and Those to talk about
people or things that are nearby. people or things that are faraway.
1. This is Marcos’s gun. 1. These are bullets.
2. That is my pepper spray. 2. Those are my watches.
B. Fill in the blanks with “this”, “these”, “that” or “those”

1. gun is nice.

2. flashlights are new.

3. watch is cheap.

4. car is expensive.

5. bullets are small.

A. Rewrite the reading about Paul. Change it to talk about a woman.

This is ____________________________________________________________________________





VOCABULARY: Public Places
A. Look at the picture, listen to the teacher, and repeat.





B. Read and complete the sentences with the vocabulary above.

1. I love Chinese food. I usually go to YAN KEM PO restaurant.
2. There are many people looking for the commander. He’s at the ______________________________.
3. The best soccer team in Peru plays in the _______________________________ today.
4. I see police students reading books. I am in the___________________________________________.
5. Some tourists are looking for the ___________________________ to see the Government Palace.
6. The Captain feels sick. He has a headache and fever. He is going to the ________________________.
7. I am traveling to Cusco. I see people with suitcases. I am at the ______________________.
8. My friends and I are learning about our culture. We are at the ___________________________________.
9. Ms. Gonzales is looking for a __________________________ to buy some medicine.
10. Susan and George are buying popcorn to see a film. They are at the_____________________________.

GRAMMAR: (Review)
Expressing Existence: There is – There are
A. Study the chart carefully.


There is a museum There is not a museum Is there a museum Yes, there is.
nearby. nearby. nearby? No, there isn’t.
There are some There are not (any) Are there (any) Yes, there are.
Plural banks around here. banks around here. banks around here? No, there aren’t.
B. Look at the map below and complete the sentences using the underlined phrases in Activity A:
1. ______________ a mall on Sucre Avenue. 4. __________ any parks in the map? Yes. There’s one.
2. ______________ any post offices. 5. __________ a police station in the map? Yes, there is.
3. ____________ two banks in the area. 6. __________ a school in this area.
GRAMMAR: Prepositions of Place 1 on the corner of – between –
A. Look at the pictures and complete. Then, repeat. across from – behind
2 next
1. to 3 in front of 4 5 near 6 7 far from 8

B. Look at the map below and complete the conversations. Add two more.
1. A: Where is the church? B: It is _______________ the hospital.
2. A: Where is the nearest hospital? B: It is __________________ the church and the university.
3. A: Where can I find a university? B: There is a university ________________ the supermarket.
4. A: _______________________________________ B: ______________________________________________________
5. A: _______________________________________ B: ______________________________________________________
----------- Elmer Faucett Avenue --------------
---------------Universitaria Avenue ------------

--------------------- --------------- La Marina Avenue-------- -----------------------


--------------------- ----------------La Paz Avenue---------- ----------------------

--------------------- ----------------Sucre Avenue----------------- -----------------------

C. Look at the map. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
next to – across from – church – on the corner of – behind – park

1. The airport is ________________________________ Elmer Faucet Avenue and La Paz Avenue.

2. The university is _____________________________ the hospital.
3. The national museum is _______________________________ the mall.
4. Is there a _______________ near here? Yes, there is. It is on La Paz Av, across from the mall.
5. Where is the museum? It is _____________________________ the restaurant.
6. Where is the hospital? It is between the ________________________ and the university.
D. Look at the map again and complete the conversations:
Is there a museum across from the supermarket? – Are there any drugstores around this area?
No. There is one on the corner of La Marina and Universitaria Av. – Yes, there is. It is next to the hospital.

1. A: Excuse me, is there a church nearby?

B: ________________________________________________________________________
2. A: _______________________________________________________________________?
B: Yes, there are. There is one across from the mall.
3. A: Is there a park next to the police station?
B: ________________________________________________________________________
4. A: _______________________________________________________________________?
B: No, there isn’t. It is across from library.

A. Two friends are meeting today. Stephany is calling Barbara. Where is Barbara?

B: Hello?
S: Hi Barbara! It’s Stephany.
B: Teffy! I’m waiting for you.
Where are you?
S: Relax! I’m on my way!
B: Remember. I am in front of the bank.
It is across from the stadium.
S: Ok. I’ll be there in three minutes.
B: All right! See you then.

B. Read again and check if the information is TRUE, FALSE or DOESN’T SAY.
1. Barbara is calling Teffy. True False Doesn’t say
2. Teffy is across from the bank. True False Doesn’t say
3. Barbara and Teffy are friends. True False Doesn’t say
4. Teffy is on her way. True False Doesn’t say
5. Barbara will be there in 3 minutes. True False Doesn’t say
C. Work in pairs, change the underlined words and practice the conversation.

GRAMMAR 2: Prepositions of place 2
A. Study the chart.
AT To use in specific location. Ricky is at home. He’s at 165 La Marina Av.

IN To use in a large area. He’s in Ayacucho.

ON To indicate position on a The stadium is on La Marina Avenue.

B. Fill in the blanks with these prepositions:
1. The Martinez are ________ the hotel ______ 457 La Paz Avenue.
2. Gonzalo is not _________ Huancayo city.
3. Sophia is ________ the supermarket _________________ Izaguirre Avenue.
4. They live _________ 832 Azucenas Street ____________ Tacna.

GRAMMAR 3: Prepositions of movement

A. GIVING DIRECTIONS. Study the chart carefully.

Go ahead
Go up
Go down On the right Turn right Turn left
Go straight On the left
Walk ahead
B. Look at the map, read and identify where these people are. Then, practice with your partner.
1. A: Excuse me, is there ________________________ near here?
B: Yes. Go ahead one block, turn left and walk ahead two blocks. It is across from the mall.
2. A: Excuse me, how can I get to the ________________________?
B: Turn left on La Marina Av. and go down two blocks. Take Sucre Av. on the left. It is next to
the mall.
3. A: Excuse me, Where is__________________ ?
B: Turn right and go up two blocks. You can find La Marina Av. It is on the left two blocks. It
is behind the library.

A. Read the situation and give directions to your partner.
1. You are at the bank and you want to get to 2. Your friend is at the church. Give him
the drugstore. instruction to go to the airport.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

A. There are two ways to tell the time. Look at both ways.


7:00 am Seven o’clock. Seven o’clock.
7:05 am Seven oh five. Five past seven.
7:15 am Seven fifteen. A quarter past seven.
2:30 pm Two thirty. Half past two.
2:45 pm Two forty-five. A quarter to three.
7:40 pm Seven forty. Twenty to eight.
10:55 pm Ten fifty five. Five to eleven.

B. There are some ways to ask for the time.

C. Complete these conversations and practice with your partner.

Pardon me, Sir! Can you tell me Excuse me, officers! What time
the time? is the Government Palace open?
1 2

Sure. It’s (4:30pm) _______________________ It is open on Saturdays and Sundays at

in the afternoon. (9:15am) __________________ in the morning.

✓ Midday / noon→ 12:00 pm
✓ Midnight→ 12:00 am

A. Look at the clocks, ask for and write the time in both ways. Then, practice with a partner.

Can you tell me the time?

1. I: It’s eleven oh five_______ 2. I: ___________________________ 3. I: __________________________

F:___________________________ F: ___________________________ F: __________________________

4. I: ___________________________ 5. I: ______________________________ 6. I:___________________________

F:___________________________ F: _______________________________ F:___________________________

VOCABULARY: Days of the week and months

A. Look at the chart. Complete the charts. What day is today?
Weekdays Weekend
Monday ___________ Wednesday Thursday _________ Saturday Sunday
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

B. Complete the sentences.

1. My birthday is in______________________. MONTHS
2. The movie day is on __________________. January
3. Parties are usually on ________________. February
4. PNP day is in __________________________. March
5. I was born in __________________________. _____________
6. My English class is at _________________. May
7. Break time is at _______________________. June
8. This term finishes in __________________. July
9. My English class is on ________________. August
10. My day-off is on ______________________. ______________
11. Lunch time is at ______________________. October
12. This year, my birthday is on _______________. November

VOCABULARY: Everyday activities
A. Listen and repeat. Then, look at the box and match with the pictures.

1. Get up early/late (I)

2. Do exercises ( )
3. Take a shower ( )
4. Attend classes ( )
5. Have breakfast ( ) B.
6. Have lunch ( )
7. Have dinner ( )
8. Go to bed ( )
9. Do service ( )
10. Make the bed ( )
11. Do homework ( )
C. D.

E. F. G.

I. get up J. K.

B. Complete the phrases:

1. _________ service. 5. __________ a shower.
2. _________ to bed. 6. __________ breakfast.
3. _________ classes. 7. __________ homework.
4. _________ lunch. 8. __________ up early.
GRAMMAR: Present Simple 1
A. Study the chart carefully.
I–We–You–They get up at 6 am. I–We–You–They (do not) don't get up at 6 am.
He–She–It gets up at 6 am. He–She–It (does not) doesn't get up at 6 am.
* Don't forget, when you use the third singular person (He, She, It), the verb is in "-S" Form.

B. Write these verbs in “-S” Form: SPELLING RULES: “-S” Form
1. write: _______________ 6. read: _________________ 1. In general, add an "S" to the base verb.
work works attend attends
2. eat: _________________ 7. speak: _______________
play plays drink drinks
3. do: __________________ 8. fly: ___________________ 2. Verbs ending in "SS, X, CH, SH, O ". Add “ES”.
go goes fix fixes
4. have: _______________ 9. attend: _____________ wash washes watch watches
3. Verbs ending in consonant + Y. Change “Y”
5. listen: ______________ 10. do: _________________ to I and add "IES"
cry cries study studies
C. Complete these sentences:
fly flies try tries
1. The police students __________ to bed at 10 pm. (go) 4. "HAVE" is irregular and changes to “HAS”.
have has
2. My captain Araujo ___________ lunch at 1pm. (have)
3. I always ________________a shower at 5 am. (take)
4. My brigadier____________ his homework on Sundays. (do)
5. Vanessa is my girlfriend. She usually __________ up at 7 o’clock in the morning. (get)
6. We always ____________ class on time and ____________ attention to our teachers. (attend) (pay)
D. Complete these sentences in negative, use the present simple.
1. My partner______________________ handcuffs. (not have)
2. I _____________________ TV on Mondays. (not watch)
3. Tourists ___________________________ some rules. (not understand)
4. The ensign __________________________ soccer. He has a backache. (not play)
5. Mrs. Sanchez ________________________ our city, she is from Cajamarca. (not know)
6. My classmates and I _________________________ service at night. (not do)
E. Next class. Talk about your routines. Include the time. (MIN. 5 act.)

GRAMMAR: Present Simple (Yes/No Questions)

A. Study the chart. The main verb always goes in BASE FORM when there is an AUXILIARY VERB.
I Yes, you do. No, you don't.
you Yes, I do. No, I don't.
they Yes, they do. No, they don't.
we get up at 7 am? Yes, we do. No, we don't.
he Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Does she Yes, she does No, she doesn’t.
it Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
B. Fill in the blanks. Use Present Simple.
1. _________ your partner ___________ vegetables? Yes, ____________ (eat)
2. _________ the commanders ___________ pizza? No, __________________. (like)
3. _________ your partners and you_____________ red pens? No, _________________. (have)
4. _________ you _____________ the bed at 7 am? Yes, _________________. (make)
5. _________ your relatives ______________ you on weekdays? No, ___________________. (visit)

B. Fill in the blanks.
A. Look at the picture. Complete the chart.
1. My parents ____________ have
breakfast with my siblings.
never – always – sometimes – rarely – usually
2. The colonel __________ goes to the
1. _________ gym in the morning. (100%)

2. _________ 3. My mother _________ cooks on

Sundays. She goes to a
3. ________ restaurant. (0%)
4. I am _______ late for school. (25%)
4. _________
5. The police students are ___________
5. _________ at home on weekends. (75%)

C. Circle the verbs in activity B. Is the Adverb of Frequency always before the verb?

GRAMMAR: Adverbs of frequency

A. Study the chart carefully. Where is the Adverb of Frequency?

We place the Adverb of Frequency AFTER the verb BE.
1. My mother is always busy at home.
2. I am never late for classes.
3. Peter’s aunts are usually happy at work.
B. Circle the correct choice.
1. Mr. Fernandez _________________ hungry at night.
a. rarely is b. is rarely c. rarely be
2. Your parents __________________ early at home.
a. is never b. never are c. are never
3. I __________________ tired when I work on Saturday.
a. am usually b. usually am c. be usually
4. The captain ____________________ angry in the morning.
a. is usually b. are usually c. usually is
5. Your brother _____________________ late for school.
a. is sometimes b. are sometimes c. sometimes are
6. The general ____________________ on time at work.
a. are always b. always is c. is always
D. Unscramble the words.
1. thirsty / are / usually / they _________________________________________________________.
2. am / late / never / I / for work _________________________________________________________.
3. is / tired / usually / Peter / at night __________________________________________________________.

GRAMMAR: Adverbs of frequency with other verbs
A. Study the chart carefully. Where is the Adverb of Frequency?

We place the Adverb of Frequency BEFORE the verb.
1. My commander always gets up early.
2. The captains sometimes have lunch at school.
3. Mrs. Cieza never drives to work.

B. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb and the dverbs of frecuency in ( ).

have – do – make – chat – take – go

1. The police students ____________________________ a shower in the morning. (always)

2. The major _______________________________ lunch at restautants. (never)
3. My partner Hidalgo ________________________________ online after lunch. (rarely)
4. Zapata and Vasquez __________________________________ the beds every morning. (usually)
5. My partner ______________________ service on Sundays. He usually has morning shifts. (sometimes)
6. Your friend ____________________________________ to bed after dinner. (never)
C. Unscramble the words.
1. sometimes / Mr. Vega / rides / motorbike / to work / his Sometimes can go
at the beginning.
2. drives / father / my / always / on weekends / car / his
3. flies / usually /Captain Vasquez / once a week / a plane
By himself
= Alone
READING: Erick’s daily activities
A. Routines are part of our lives. Erick does the same things on
weekdays. Pay attention to the verbs in bold.

B. Read the text again. Circle True or False.

1. Erick always takes a cold shower. True False
2. He never has lunch with his family. True False
3. He plays video games by himself. True False
4. He has dinner with his family. True False
5. He goes to bed late. True False

GRAMMAR: Information Questions
A. Study the chart. The main verb always goes in BASE FORM when there is an AUXILIARY VERB.

Inf. Questions or Wh- Questions, ask for some information.
What I
When do Video games.
we In my house.
Why they On weekends.
Who play ? Because it’s funny.
What time he At 3pm.
How does she Well.
How long it From 3 to 5pm.
How often Once a week.
B. Complete the conversations. Use Wh- words.
1. A: ______________ does Richard listen to music? B: He listens to music every day.
2. A: ______________ do the ensigns go shopping? B: They go to the mall.
3. A: ______________ does the captain call every night? B: He calls his wife.
4. A: ______________ does the police student have lunch? B: He has lunch at noon.
5. A: ______________ does Miguel do service? B: He does service for 8 hours.
6. A: ______________ do you do on weekends? B: I visit my parents.
A. Listen to your teacher. Notice the intonation at the end of the questions. Then, repeat carefully.
Rising Intonation Falling Intonation
Does your sister work in an office? What time does your sister work in the office?
Do they go shopping? Where do they go shopping?
Do you travel by plane? How often do you travel by plane?

B. Look at the underlined phrase. Make the questions. Then, compare with a partner.
1. _________________________________________________________?
I work every morning.
2. _________________________________________________________?
Yes, I’m a commander.
3. _________________________________________________________?
I live on the corner of Tomas Valle and Dominicos Av.
4. _________________________________________________________?
I get up at 10 am on Sundays.
5. __________________________________________________________?
No, I watch TV in the afternoons.

A. In pairs. Write a conversation using what you learned in class. Min. 6 questions.

A: Hi, _____________! How are you doing? _____________________________________________________________________

B: I’m fine. Thanks. When do you ______________________? _____________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


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