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Level of agreement and reliability of ADR encoder to monitor mean propulsive

velocity during the bench press exercise

Article in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology · May 2022
DOI: 10.1177/17543371221100395


1 477

5 authors, including:

Adrian Moreno Villanueva Markel Rico-González

University Isabel I Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


Guillermo Rodríguez Valero Jose Pino Ortega

University of Murcia University of Murcia


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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part P:

J Sports Engineering and Technology
Level of agreement and reliability of Ó IMechE 2022
Article reuse guidelines:
ADR encoder to monitor mean
DOI: 10.1177/17543371221100395

propulsive velocity during the bench

press exercise

Adrián Moreno-Villanueva1 , Markel Rico-González2,3 , Carlos Esteban

Pérez-Caballero1, Guillermo Rodrı́guez-Valero1 and José Pino-Ortega1,2

This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and the level of agreement of the ADR encoder to measure the mean propul-
sive velocity (MPV) of the bar in the bench press (BP) exercise on the Smith machine. Eleven males (21.6 6 1.5 years;
body mass 76.05 6 9.73 kg) performed the protocol with isometric phase prior to concentric muscle action (PP) and the
protocol in the absence of isometric phase (N-PP) for BP exercise on Smith machine. ADR encoder reported reliability
values with almost perfect correlations in all training zones and protocols (PP: ICC = 0.940–0.999, r = 0.899–0.997,
CV = 1.56%–4.05%, SEM = 0.0022–0.0153,and MDC = 0.006–0.031 m/s; N-PP: ICC = 0.963–0.999, r = 0.946–0.998,
CV = 0.70%–3.01%, SEM = 0.0012–0.0099, and MDC = 0.003–0.027 m/s). Although the levels of agreement were high in
both protocols (PP: SEM = 0.0024–0.0204 m/s, MDC = 0.007–0.057 m/s; N-PP: SEM = 0.0034–0.0288 m/s, MDC = 0.009–
0.080 m/s), ADR encoder considerably underestimated the MPV values in both protocols (PP: t = 22.239 to 29.486, p
\ 0.001–0.01; N-PP: t = 26.901 to 217.871, p \ 0.001) with respect to the gold standard (T-Force). In conclusion,
ADR encoder offers high reliability for the measurement of MPV in bench press exercise performed on Smith machine
regardless of their execution mode, in the entire range of intensities. However, this device is not interchangeable with T-
Force since it considerably underestimates the MPV values, especially at low loads (0%–40%). Furthermore, the use of
too wide load ranges suggests that the data be interpreted with caution, pending further research to corroborate the
findings presented.

Reproducibility, repeatability, exercise testing, velocity-based training, resistance training, bench press, barbell, velocity-
based resistance training, ADR encoder

Date received: 28 July 2021; accepted: 23 April 2022

Introduction practical, and effective way.6,13,14 In addition, the possi-

bility of measuring the speed of the bar in real time
The ability to quickly overcome a certain load conti-
nuum causes an improvement in muscle performance,
with its consequent increase in athletic and sports per- 1
Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of Murcia, San Javier, Spain
formance.1,2 Previously, the existence of a strong corre- 2
BIOVETMED & SPORTSCI Research Group, Department of Physical
lation between execution velocity and the different Activity and Sport, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Murcia, San
relative loads based on the one-repetition maximum Javier, Murcia
Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of the Basque
(1RM) has been demonstrated.3–5 Therefore, in recent Country, UPV/EHU, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
years, velocity-based resistance training (VBT) has been
postulated as one of the main methods of quantifica- Corresponding author:
tion and monitoring of training loads.6–8 This method Adrián Moreno-Villanueva, BIOVETMED & SPORTSCI Research Group,
Department of Physical Activity and Sport, Faculty of Sports Sciences,
allows creating individualized force-velocity profiles,9,10
University of Murcia, C/ Argentina, Campus de San Javier, Murcia 30720,
as well as knowing the physiological state6,11 and the Spain.
level of fatigue8,12 of an athlete in a non-invasive, Email:
2 Proc IMechE Part P: J Sports Engineering and Technology 00(0)

provides instant knowledge of the results to the athletes encoder to measure the velocity of the movement in the
themselves, improving their motivation, involvement, bench press exercise on the Smith machine, throughout
and the quality of the data collected.15–17 VBT also the load spectrum, with and without isometric phase
allows an athlete to set different training zones based prior to the concentric contraction regime. The main
on a predetermined work goal.6 However, the practical- hypotheses were that the reliability levels would be
ity and efficiency of VBT depends directly on the slightly lower in the protocol without a previous iso-
degree of precision and reliability of the devices used to metric phase.29,33 On the other hand, the ADR devices
measure the required kinetic data. would meet the requirements according to both inter-
Force platforms and 3D motion capture systems vention protocols, but would be interchangeable with
have been widely used as ‘‘gold standard’’ devices for respect to their gold standard due to underestimating
the measurement of variables related to force and the measurement results.24,25 Furthermore, we also
power.18–20 However, the use of these devices is often hypothesized that the lowest agreement and reliability
not affordable or practical, so they are usually limited values would occur at higher execution velocities (i.e. at
to laboratory work.21,22 Faced with these limitations, light loads).34
linear transducers (LT) are presented as a valid and reli-
able alternative to measure execution velocity in resis-
tance training.23,24 Within this branch of devices, linear Method
velocity transducers (LVT) directly calculate velocity Experimental approach to the problem
measurements through a precision tachometer,8,25 by
recording electrical signals proportional to the exten- Two devices of different technologies (LPT and LVT)
sion velocity of a cable attached to the bar.25,26 These were used simultaneously to analyze a barbell’s velocity
calculation procedures aid in the minimization of mea- during mean propulsive velocity (MPV) based resis-
surement errors from data processing by derivation, tance bench press exercise, with two different execution
which is why its implementation as a gold standard cri- protocols: with isometric phase prior to concentric
terion is currently growing.8,26 On the other hand, lin- muscle action (PP) and in the absence of it (N-PP). The
ear position transducers (LPT) are composed of an data between ADR encoder (LPT encoder) and T-
isoinertial dynamometer, and unlike LVT, they directly Force (LVT device, highlighted as a gold standard),
measure the vertical displacement of the cable.27,28 This were compared to assess the level of agreement inter-
displacement time data is derived using the inverse device. In addition, the reliability of ADR encoder was
dynamics approach to obtain velocity.27,28 However, assessed.
these devices have some inherent limitations to their
technology. There is also evidence that their ability to Subjects
detect the actual onset of movement is reduced in plyo-
metric movements without a previous isometric phase, Eleven male subjects (age 21.6 6 1.5 year; body
as well as in light loads.29,30 This fact, together with the mass 76.05 6 9.73 kg; height 1.75 6 0.07 m; BMI 24.3 6
double processing of the data to obtain the velocity 1.8 kg/m2; percentage of body fat 15.2% 6 3.9%), with
data through the displacement of the cable, makes the an average experience of 2.38 6 1.08 year in the practice
LPTs underestimate the velocity data compared to of the bench press exercise (2–3 times per week), volun-
LVT devices, with a direct velocity calculation proce- tarily participated in this study. Their 1RM for the
dure.27,28,31 Therefore, both the nature of the exercise standing and non-standing bench press exercise was
(i.e. plyometric or non-plyometric) and the way it is 90.4 6 18.9 and 96.1 6 19 kg, respectively. No previous
performed (e.g. with or without isometric phase) and musculoskeletal pathologies were reported that could
the load applied, are factors that can alter the reliability affect the tests developed in the present study. An
and agreement of the LPTs.20,28,32 information sheet was provided to the participants,
The increasing use of LPTs for VBT monitoring has indicating the duration, objective of the study, type of
led to the manufacture of these devices by various participation, and possible contraindications. To
brands, each with their own technological characteris- express their agreement, the participants signed an
tics, such as sampling frequency and calculation algo- informed consent form in writing. The study was car-
rithms. Consequently, there is a need to independently ried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki
and objectively carry out agreement and reliability tests and was approved by the Research Ethics Commission
of these emerging instruments, in order to guarantee of the University of Murcia (3075/2020).
their efficiency and quality for the monitoring of velo-
city measurements. ADR encoder (Toledo, Spain) is a
new LPT that has burst onto the sports market recently,
as a tool that allows the user to measure velocity vari- For each participant, the tests were carried out during
ables instantly. However, there are no studies evaluat- two sessions in random order, with a previous session
ing the reliability and level of agreement of this device. of familiarization with the exercise to be carried out
Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate along with different modes of execution (with and with-
the reliability and the level of agreement of the ADR out pause). All sessions were separated by at least 48 h
Moreno-Villanueva et al. 3

explosive concentric phase. In both cases, the subjects

were not allowed to bounce the bar off the chest in the
eccentric phase, nor were they allowed to separate the
trunk or shoulders from the bench during the con-
centric phase.

Measurement equipment and data acquisition

To carry out all sessions and exercises, a Smith machine
(Multipower Fitness, Peroga, Murcia, Spain) without
counterweight (isoinertial load) was used. This machine
only allows the vertical movement of the bar through-
Figure 1. Execution protocol of the bench press exercise in out the entire path of the movement, with minimal fric-
Smith Machine. tion between the bar and the support rails. The bar
integrated into the Smith machine was made of carbon
of recovery and were carried out at the same time fiber (total weight of 5 kg) and had an available grip
(8:00 AM). In addition, the subjects were deprived of length of 1.3 m. Additional loads were added by sliding
ingesting caffeine or similar substances due to their calibrated weight disks (Powerkan, Valladolid, Spain)
ergogenic effect.35 at both ends of the bar.
The warm-up was identical in each session and con-
sisted of 5 min of stationary bike (50 W with a cadence
of 65 revolutions per minute), followed by performing Encoders
10 bench press repetitions with progressively increasing The concentric MPV of the bar of each repetition was
velocity using the initial load (5 kg). As previously men- measured and recorded, simultaneously, with four
tioned, each subject performed series along the entire devices from two different brands and technologies, as
load spectrum (from 5 kg of the bar to 1RM), perform- follows:
ing the bench press exercise. The description of the
bench press execution protocol has been widely – Two T-Force Dynamic Measurement Systemä
reported in previous research (see Figure 1).25,36 The units (Ergotech Consulting, Murcia, Spain). This sys-
participants lay supine on a flat bench (Peroga Fitness, tem consists of an LVT connected to a personal com-
Murcia, Spain), with their feet resting on the floor and puter via an analog-to-digital data acquisition board
their hands on the bar. The position of the bench was with 14-bit resolution and custom software (version
carefully adjusted for each participant, to ensure that 3.60). The concentric velocity of the instantaneous bar
the vertical projection of the bar corresponded to the was sampled at a frequency of 1000 Hz and subse-
intermammary line of each participant. The width of quently smoothed with a fourth order low-pass
the bar grip was self-selected by each participant, pro- Butterworth digital filter with no phase shift and a cut-
vided it was slightly wider than shoulder width, and off frequency of 10 Hz. The specific software (TFDMS
was replicated identically in all repetitions and inter- version 2.35) calculates the kinematic and kinetic para-
vention protocols. In each intervention test, the partici- meters of each repetition, and stores and provides all
pants started with a neutral load (only the 5 kg information from the results obtained in real time.
corresponding to the bar) and progressively 5 kg loads Installation and calibration time is estimated at
were implemented. About 3–5 repetitions were executed 2.4 min. The number of repetitions lost per 100 cases is
with loads between 5% and 45% 1RM estimated for 0.8.
the same load and with a 3-min rest between series, – Two ADR encoder units (Toledo, Spain). This
while from the 50% 1RM estimated one repetition was device consists of an LPT technology that transfers the
executed per load, with a recovery between sets of concentric and eccentric velocity data instantly via
5 min. This system of 17–20 incremental loads allowed Bluetooth to a portable device with customized soft-
each subject to reach the full load spectrum while being ware (version 5.2). It has a sampling frequency of
observed. By standardization and safety criteria, the 1000 Hz, with a calculation error of 62.5 mm of displa-
participants were instructed to lower the bar in a slow cement and a spring tension of 150 g (data provided by
and controlled manner at an average velocity of 0.5– the company). In addition, it has a digital filter with no
0.7 m/s, up to the chest, just above the nipples. phase shift and a cut-off frequency of 10 Hz. Specific
However, there were differences in the mode of subse- software (ADR encoder version 5.2) calculates kine-
quent execution, inherent in each study protocol. Thus, matic and kinematic data in real time. The estimated
while the N-PP continued with the performance of an installation and calibration time is 3.1 min. The number
explosive concentric phase, the PP established the per- of repetitions lost per 100 cases is 0.9. No further infor-
formance of an isometric phase lasting 2 s, prior to the mation was provided by the company.
4 Proc IMechE Part P: J Sports Engineering and Technology 00(0)

the bar is greater than the acceleration due to gravity,

discarding polluting time points.31,38 Also, the full load
spectrum was divided and filtered into four training
zones in percentages of 1RM (Zone 1: 0%–40% 1RM;
Zone 2: 40%–60% 1RM; Zone 3: 60%–80% 1RM;
Zone 4: 80%–100% 1RM). Despite the fact that most
studies focus their VBT analysis on three training zones
that start from loads of 40% 1RM,28,31,39 in the present
investigation it was chosen to include a lower training
zone (0%–40% 1RM) (i) to fully include the speed-
strength training zone6,40 and (ii) to study the behavior
of the ADR encoder in the entire spectrum of speeds
and loads. Finally, the load percentage data were
reconverted to displacement velocity data, based on
previous recommendations for the bench press exercise6
for its interpretation through the data provided by the
linear transducers. In this way, training zone 1 (0%–
40% 1RM) corresponded to a VMP equal to or greater
than 1.10 m/s, training zone 2 to a VMP of 0.80–
1.09 m/s, training zone 3 at a VMP of 0.50–0.79 m/s,
and training zone 4 at a VMP of 0.18–0.49 m/s.6
Figure 2. Distribution of the ADR encoders and T-Force
devices on the bar.
Statistical analyses
Each device was assembled and calibrated before each
The Shapiro-Wilk test and Q-Q graphs were performed
session, following the manufacturer’s technical instruc-
to check the normality and homoscedasticity of the
tions. The T-Force devices were interconnected with
data. Bland-Altman plots were also used to analyze the
personal computers running the Windows 10 operating
level of agreement inter-device pair results, with their
system (version 20.04), while the ADR encoder devices
corresponding calculation of systematic bias and 95%
were connected to an external power supply (2200 mAh
limits of agreement (see Figures 3 and 4). The post-hoc
capacity; 5 V electrical voltage). Both T-Force and
statistical power for the intra-device design (Cohen’s f
ADR encoder were used with the most recent versions
effect size) was calculated using G* Power software ver-
(version 3.60 and 5.2 respectively). On the other hand,
sion 3.41 Significance was set at p 4 0.05. Value ranges
the retractable cables of the four devices were placed of small = 0.10, medium = 0.25, and large = 0.40 were
homogeneously on the right and left side of the bar, considered.42
3 cm from the vertical displacement axis, with 5 cm The standard error of measurement (SEM) was cal-
separation between devices, avoiding variations of a culated from the square root of the mean square error
technological nature. In this way, on the right side of term in a repeated measures analysis of variance
the bar, ADR encoder was placed in the inner zone and (ANOVA) to determine the amount of variability
T-Force in the outer face, and vice versa (see Figure 2). caused by the measurement error, expressed in absolute
The reliability of the inter-device was evaluated by terms.43 By derivation, the results were calculated in
comparing the MPV results obtained simultaneously relative terms (%) to obtain the coefficient of variation
by the devices, in both action protocols (with pause (CV = 100 3 SEM/mean). In most sports and physical
and without pause). The agreement of the ADR enco- performance modalities, the CV should be less than
der was obtained by individualized comparison of each 5%.44 The minimum detectable change (MDC), a sensi-
ADR device with respect to each T-Force device. tivity measure derived from the SEM
Device units were numbered randomly (#1 and #2 for (O2 3 SEM 3 1.96), was calculated to establish a quan-
each technology). titative limit from which the change of a variable as a
In this study, only MPV was analyzed, defined as determinant or not, can be determined.45
the part of the concentric phase during which the accel- For the reliability analysis, the intraclass correlation
eration of the bar is greater than the acceleration due coefficient (ICC) was calculated according to the indi-
to gravity.31 Previous research has shown that LPT cations of Koo and Li,46 with a 95% confidence inter-
devices have difficulty detecting the actual onset of the val. ICC values between 0.95 and 0.99 are adequate for
concentric phase of movement.29,33 Consequently, add- the evaluation of technological devices oriented to
ing time points prior to the actual start of the con- research and clinical practice.47 On the other hand,
centric phase can alter the resulting velocity data if Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was calculated to
measured through the mean velocity.37,38 This risk is evaluate the degree of linear relationship between the
minimized through MPV data, defined as the part of paired MPV data between pairs of devices. The magni-
the concentric phase during which the acceleration of tude of the relationships was linked to Pearson’s values
Moreno-Villanueva et al. 5

Figure 3. Between-device agreement in mean propulsive velocity (MPV) for bench press with pause (pause protocol).

based on previous evidence as follows: trivial: 0.10, Results

small: 0.10–0.29, moderate: 0.30–0.49, high: 0.50–0.69,
The post hoc statistical power calculation for intra-
very high: 0.70–0.90, and almost perfect: . 0.90.48
devices showed ‘‘medium’’ effect size values and statisti-
Levels of disagreement were established taking into
cal significance in all values (Cohen’s f = 0.203–0.224;
account the evidence revealed and supported by previ-
p \ 0.05).42
ous studies.6,36 Therefore, it was determined that a dif-
The MPV data paired with T-Force 1 from both
ference inter-device in the bench press MPV data of
ADR devices for the evaluation of agreement in the
between 0.07 and 0.09 m/s corresponds to a moderate
training zones Z3 and Z4 were excluded from the study
level of disagreement, between 0.10 and 0.13 m/s. a high
level and between 0.14 and 0.18 m/s a very high level, because they did not meet the homoscedasticity require-
with a load estimation error of 5%, 7%, and 10% of ments for the N-PP. In order to give homogeneity and
1RM, respectively. rigor to the remaining data set, the logarithmic trans-
Statistical calculations and figures were carried out formation of the previously mentioned excluded data
using SPSS statistical software (IBM Corp. Released was discarded.
2020. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 27.0. Table 1 shows the inter-device reliability results and
Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). the confidence interval (95% CI) for the ADR encoder
6 Proc IMechE Part P: J Sports Engineering and Technology 00(0)

Figure 4. Between-device agreement in mean propulsive velocity (MPV) for bench press without pause (non-pause protocol).

Table 1. Inter-device reliability of ADR encoder for Smith machine bench press test, measured through MPV in both pause and non-
pause protocol.

Pause protocol Non-pause protocol

ICC r Confidence CV (%) SEM SDC ICC r Confidence CV (%) SEM SDC
interval (95% CI) (m/s) (m/s) interval (95% CI) (m/s) (m/s)
Lower Upper Lower Upper

Zone 1 0.940 0.899 0.901 0.964 3.43 0.0153 0.042 0.963 0.946 0.942 0.977 3.01 0.0099 0.027
Zone 2 0.968 0.946 0.938 0.983 4.05 0.0111 0.031 0.997 0.994 0.994 0.998 1.52 0.0029 0.008
Zone 3 0.998 0.997 0.997 0.999 1.65 0.0028 0.008 0.999 0.998 0.998 0.999 0.96 0.0015 0.004
Zone 4 0.999 0.997 0.998 0.999 1.56 0.0022 0.006 0.999 0.997 0.998 0.999 0.70 0.0012 0.003

CV: coefficient of variation; ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient; m/s: meters per second; r: Pearson’s correlation coefficient; SDC: smallest
detectable change; SEM: standard error of measurement; %: percentage.

LPTs. The data reflected adequate reliability values, r = 0.946–0.997, CV = 1.56%–4.05%, SEM = 0.0022–
with an almost perfect correlation in all the training 0.0111, and MDC = 0.006–0.031 m/s) as in the N-PP
zones evaluated, both in the PP (ICC = 0.968–0.999, (ICC = 0.963%–0.999%, r=0.946–0.998, CV=
Moreno-Villanueva et al. 7

0.70%–3.01%, SEM = 0.0012–0.0099 m/s, MDC = training areas, with the exception of the situation men-
0.003–0.027 m/s), except in zone 1 of the PP, which tioned previously.
exhibited a very high correlation (ICC = 0.940, The evaluation of the reliability of a device is an
r = 0.899, CV = 3.43%, SEM = 0.0153, and essential requirement to determine the degree and mag-
MDC = 0.0042 m/s). nitude of the variations in the results it offers.25 In this
Table 2 reflects the agreement results of each ADR way, it is possible to objectively and rigorously quantify
encoder device compared to each of the gold standard the degree of repeatability offered by the device under
devices, in each evaluated training zone, both in the PP study, given a specific execution protocol and under
and the N-PP. In the PP, both ADR devices demon- well-defined intervention conditions.25,44 This fact will
strated high levels of repeatability with respect to the allow us to assess whether the degree of variation
gold standard device, in all training zones, with lower offered by a certain device falls within the accepted lim-
measurement errors as progress was made through its, which will be smaller or larger depending on the
them (Z1: SEM = 0.0133–0.0204 m/s, MDC=0.037– intended data use.24,49 Therefore, the first step to verify
0.057 m/s; Z2: SEM = 0.0084–0.0105 m/s, MDC= the rigor of a device is to analyze its reliability, since a
0.023–0.029 m/s; Z3: SEM=0.0029–0.0042 m/s, MDC device that is not reliable cannot be considered valid.25
= 0.008–0.012 m/s; Z4: SEM = 0.0024–0.0040 m/s, The reliability results of the present study for the
MDC = 0.007–0.011 m/s). However, the ADR devices measurement of MPV are in line with the reported
considerably underestimated the MPV values measured results of previous low-cost LPTs validation investiga-
through T-Force (gold standard), with differences of tions1,25 that performed the bench press exercise under
greater magnitude as one advanced in the training similar conditions, both with isometric phase
zones (Z1: t = 22.239 to 22.677, p \ 0.01–0.05; Z2: (Chronojump device; ICC = 0.995%, CV = 5% and
t = 24.935 to 25.769, p \ 0.001; Z3: t = 28.627 to 2%, SEM = 0.04 m/s)25 as without it (GymAware
29.486, p \ 0.001; Z4: t = 25.830 to 28.104, p device; ICC=0.999, CV=1.80%, and SEM=0.02 m/s).1
\ 0.001). In the N-PP, the ADR devices presented Previous scientific evidence, such as the studies by
adequate agreement values, with a tendency to reduce Cormie et al.29 and Król and Go1aś33 suggests that
measurement errors from training zone 1 to zone 4 (Z1: monitoring concentric velocity without a prior isometric
SEM = 0.0125–0.0288 m/s; MDC = 0.035–0.080 m/s; phase leads to greater measurement errors.29,33 This is
Z2: SEM = 0.0089–0.0173 m/s; MDC = 0.02 5– partly due to the limitation of this type of device to detect
0.048 m/s; Z3: SEM = 0.0060–0.0063 m/s; MDC= the real start of the thrust phase, maximizing measure-
0.017 m/s; Z4: SEM=0.0034–0.0038 m/s; MDC = ment errors the higher the sampling frequency (amount
0.009–0.011 m/s). This trend was also reflected in the of data reported per second and expressed in Hertz
evolution of the effect size of the ADR differences with (Hz)).38,50 However, the evidence from the aforemen-
respect to T-Force, with higher underestimation values tioned studies, together with the results obtained from
by ADR in training zones 1 and 2 (Z1: t = 26.901 to the present investigation, refutes this idea, at least when
217.871, p \ 0.001; Z2: t = 28.908 to 214.747; p the exercises are performed on a Smith machine.1,25 This
\ 0.001) with respect to zones 3 and 4 (Z3: t = 28.651 suggests that the reliability values are more affected by
to 29.909, p \ 0.001; Z4: t = 27.985 to 29.212; other limiting factors inherent to the linear transducer
p \ 0.001). technology, such as the high sensitivity when the exercise
is performed in the free weight condition, reported by
previous research.29,33 In this sense, future research
Discussion should analyze the behavior of the ADR device during
exercises with free weight, to verify the degree of compe-
The present study was designed to analyze the reliabil- tence in the face of this new kinematic requirement.
ity and level of agreement of an LPT device (ADR Furthermore, to adequately assess the reliability of a
encoder) for the measurement of concentric MPV dur- device, it is necessary to separate technological errors
ing bench press exercise on the Smith machine, both from biological errors, so that its true precision can be
with isometric phase prior to concentric contraction determined.25 In the present study, errors of a biological
and in the absence of it, across the entire load spec- nature were minimized to the maximum, since the proto-
trum. The findings of the present investigation sug- col was carried out on a Smith machine (avoiding the 3D
gested that ADR encoder is a valid and reliable device plane), with a previous isometric phase (PP) and with the
for the evaluation and monitoring of the velocity of execution of an exercise of non-plyometric nature,
movement in bench press exercise performed on the according to previous methodological recommenda-
Smith machine, throughout the entire load spectrum. tions.1,29,33 This fact, together with the performance of
These results partially ratify our previous hypotheses, the N-PP with the same sample of subjects, allowed the
since (i) moderate levels of disagreement were found in researchers to objectively conclude that the ADR device
zone 1 of the protocol without isometric phase, and (ii) maintains adequate conditions of reliability regardless of
although the lowest values of agreement and reliability the mode of execution of the movement.
occurred at high execution velocities, these differences Despite evaluating the reliability of a specific device,
were not significant with respect to the rest of the it is also important to determine whether or not there is
Table 2. Level of agreement of the MPV data of ADR encoder with respect to T-force, both in the pause protocol and non-pause protocol, in the performance of bench press in Smith machine.

With pause protocol No pause protocol

t p SEM (m/s) SDC (m/s) Bias 6 SD 95% Bias t p SEM (m/s) SDC (m/s) Bias 6 SD 95% Bias
Lower Upper Lower Upper

Zone 1 ADR 1 – T-Force 1 22.534 \ 0.05 0.0204 0.057 20.0519 6 01626 20.0928 20.0110 26.901 \ 0.001 0.0288 0.080 20.1988 6 02512 20.2562 20.1414
ADR 1 – T-Force 2 22.514 \ 0.05 0.0186 0.052 20.0467 6 01474 20.0838 20.0095 213.633 \ 0.001 0.0166 0.046 20.2264 6 01448 20.2595 20.1934
ADR 2 – T-Force 1 22.677 \ 0.01 0.0137 0.038 20.0367 6 01123 20.0641 20.0093 27.538 \ 0.001 0.0262 0.073 20.1978 6 02318 20.2501 20.1456
ADR 2 – T-Force 2 22.239 \ 0.05 0.0133 0.037 20.0297 6 01086 20.0562 20.0032 217.871 \ 0.001 0.0125 0.035 20.2237 6 01106 20.2486 20.1988
Zone 2 ADR 1 – T-Force 1 25.384 \ 0.001 0.0090 0.025 20.0487 6 00557 20.0670 20.0303 28.908 \ 0.001 0.0173 0.048 20.1544 6 01082 20.1894 20.1193
ADR 1 – T-Force 2 25.300 \ 0.001 0.0084 0.023 20.0447 6 00519 20.0617 20.0276 211.949 \ 0.001 0.0095 0.026 20.1138 6 00595 20.1331 20.0946
ADR 2 – T-Force 1 25.769 \ 0.001 0.0097 0.027 20.0558 6 00596 20.0753 20.0362 210.105 \ 0.001 0.0170 0.047 20.1720 6 01063 20.2065 20.1376
ADR 2 – T-Force 2 24.935 \ 0.001 0.0105 0.029 20.0518 6 00646 20.0730 20.0305 214.747 \ 0.001 0.0089 0.025 20.1315 6 00557 20.1496 20.1135
Zone 3 ADR 1 – T-Force 1 29.291 \ 0.001 0.0031 0.009 20.0291 6 00203 20.0354 20.0228 – – – – 20.0491 6 02220 20.1174 0.0192
ADR 1 – T-Force 2 29.486 \ 0.001 0.0029 0.008 20.0279 6 00190 20.0338 20.0219 28.651 \ 0.001 0.0063 0.017 20.0542 6 00411 20.0668 20.0415
ADR 2 – T-Force 1 28.980 \ 0.001 0.0042 0.012 20.0374 6 00267 20.0458 20.0290 – – – – 20.0542 6 02239 20.1231 0.0147
ADR 2 – T-Force 2 28.627 \ 0.001 0.0042 0.012 20.0366 6 00272 20.0452 20.0280 29.909 \ 0.001 0.0060 0.017 20.0593 6 00392 20.0714 20.0472
Zone 4 ADR 1 – T-Force 1 28.104 \ 0.001 0.0024 0.007 20.0196 6 00179 20.0244 20.0147 – – – – 0.0470 6 01473 0.0038 0.0903
ADR 1 – T-Force 2 26.947 \ 0.001 0.0029 0.008 20.0202 6 00214 20.0261 20.0144 27.985 \ 0.001 0.0038 0.011 20.0304 6 00261 20.0381 20.0228
ADR 2 – T-Force 1 26.600 \ 0.001 0.0034 0.009 20.0226 6 00255 20.0295 20.0158 – – – – 0.0462 6 01468 0.0031 0.0893
ADR 2 – T-Force 2 25.830 \ 0.001 0.0040 0.011 20.0234 6 00295 20.0314 20.0153 29.212 \ 0.001 0.0034 0.009 20.0313 6 00233 20.0381 20.0244

m/s: meters per second; p: statistical significance; SD: standard deviation; SDC: smallest detectable change; SEM: standard error of measurement; t: difference size.
Proc IMechE Part P: J Sports Engineering and Technology 00(0)
Moreno-Villanueva et al. 9

a concordance between the LPTs and the gold standard note that the ADR device significantly underestimates
used, to check whether they produce similar velocity the MPV values with respect to T-Force, both in the
values.27 In this way, it is possible to provide strength PP (t = 22.239 to 29.486; p \ 0.001–0.05) and N-PP
and conditioning coaches and other associated profes- (t = 26.901 to 217.871; p \ 0.001). These results are
sionals, with information that allows them to objec- in line with previous studies such as Mitter et al.53 and
tively assess the real precision of a certain device, and Perez-Castilla et al.54 that reported significant differ-
whether they are interchangeable with respect to ences (p \ 0.001) in different LPT devices with respect
others.51 to their gold standards (GymAware vs Vicon 3D and
The agreement results of the present study corrobo- Speed4Lifts vs Trio OptiTrack, respectively), in the
rate the ability of ADR to accurately measure MPV quantification of mean velocity. However, there are dif-
values throughout the entire load spectrum, both in the ficulties in extrapolating these results with the present
PP and the N-PP (see Table 2). However, it is worth study, since in one of the previous studies the exercise
highlighting the trend of decreasing measurement was carried out in the free weight condition53 and in
errors as MPV decreases, in line with previous research both studies28,53 the data was used mean velocity.
performed with mean values such as Askow et al.32 Furthermore, the extent of these differences in absolute
(GymAware device; SEE = 0.03–0.04 m/s), Courel- terms is unknown. All this means that the data col-
Ibáñez et al.25 (Chronojump device; ICC = 0.984– lected in this study should be treated with caution.
0.993; SEE = 0.04–0.05 m/s), and McGrath et al.39 However, regardless of the magnitude of the differ-
(FitroDyne device; ICC = 0.958–0.977). In this way, ences, the results obtained in the present investigation
two fundamental agreement thresholds can be dis- join a body of evidence that assumes a clear underesti-
cerned depending on whether the margins of error are mation in the data collected by the LPT devices with
of a magnitude to be taken into account or not, consid- respect to the T-Force.24,25 One of the main explana-
ering the MDC values reported by previous tions is due to the data processing system inherent in
research.6,13,36 Consequently, it is observed that the each technology. While LVTs provide velocity mea-
ADR has non-significant measurement errors in all surements directly, recording electrical signals that are
training zones (SEM = 0.0024–0.0204 m/s, proportional to cable extension velocity.8,26 LPTs
MDC = 0.007–0.057 m/s) in the PP. These results are derive velocity data from cable displacement data.27,28
lower than those reported by Courel-Ibáñez et al.25 Manipulation of raw data by derivation has previously
with an execution protocol identical to that of the pres- been shown to increase the measurement errors of the
ent study (SEE = 0.06 m/s; MDC = 0.15 m/s). In this resulting calculations.8,26 Therefore, this factor consti-
sense, authors such Weakley et al.52 support the tutes an insurmountable disadvantage of LPT com-
hypothesis that a higher sampling frequency favors pared to LVT, which will increase as more data
greater precision of the data obtained. Therefore, the processing processes are required to calculate variables
difference in the sampling frequencies of both devices derived from velocity, such as MPV.31,55 The fact that
involved (Chronojump = 500 Hz, ADR = 1000 Hz) the differences are greater in the N-PP compared to the
can be one of the factors to take into account, as long PP can be explained, again, by the sampling frequency
as it is carried out with a previous isometric phase and and the limited ability to detect the actual onset of the
on a Smith machine.1,25,29 On the other hand, the N-PP concentric phase of movement by the LPTs.29,33 The
reflects moderate levels of disagreement6,13,36 in train- absence of an isometric phase prior to the push phase
ing zone 1 (SEM = 0.0125–0.0288 m/s; MDC = 0.035– favors the addition of time points prior to the actual
0.080 m/s), lacking significance in the rest of subsequent start of the movement to be evaluated, increasing the
training zones (SEM = 0.0034–0.0173 m/s; magnitude of the technological error.38,50
MDC = 0.048–0.009 m/s). These results cannot be Despite being the only study that has compared two
objectively compared in any existing work in the previ- execution protocols with the same sample of subjects to
ous literature, since to our knowledge, no study has assess the reliability and level of agreement of a LT
evaluated the measurement errors in absolute statistical device, the present investigation is not without its lim-
terms (SEE, SEM, MDC) of an upper body exercise itations. First, the results can only be extrapolated to
without an isometric phase prior to the concentric the male population, so the reliability of the ADR
phase. However, these differences with respect to the encoder in the female population is unknown. Second,
results obtained from the PP are certainly predictable, the reported findings can only be extrapolated to non-
considering that the absence of an isometric pause plyometric upper body exercises performed on the 2D
accentuates the inherent technical error of LPTs in plane (Smith machine). Third, the use of too wide load
detecting the real start of the concentric phase of move- ranges, together with the use of a single gold standard
ment.29,33 In turn, the magnitude of the error is directly device, constitutes two limitations that can lessen the
proportional to the sampling frequency of the LPT impact of the current findings. The use of an additional
device (1000 Hz in the case of ADR encoder), as indi- gold standard device could have contributed to give
cated by previous research.38,50 greater robustness, if possible, in the validation process.
Despite the optimal results obtained in the measure- To conclude, it is very common for device companies
ment errors of technological origin, it is important to to update their complementary analytics software to
10 Proc IMechE Part P: J Sports Engineering and Technology 00(0)

continually adapt and improve their products. These Declaration of conflicting interests
updates can alter some algorithms for calculating vari- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
ables, with their consequent variations with respect to with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publi-
previous versions. In this sense, our results may not cation of this article.
accurately reflect the most recent versions that appear.
However, the present investigation offers valuable
information on the behavior of this type of device in Funding
different protocols of action throughout the entire load The author(s) received no financial support for the
spectrum. research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Ethical approval
The study was carried out in accordance with the
ADR encoder is an LPT device that provides reliable Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the
results for the evaluation and monitoring of MPV in Research Ethics Commission of the University of
the concentric phase, for bench press exercises per- Murcia (3075/2020).
formed on the Smith machine throughout the entire
spectrum loading. Regarding the degree of agreement,
ADR encoder reported minimal measurement errors
with respect to T-Force throughout the entire load Adrián Moreno-Villanueva
spectrum, both in the PP and in N-PP, except in train- 0002-7301-0619
ing zone 1 (0%–40% of 1RM) of the latter protocol. Markel Rico-González
These measurement errors were positively related to 9849-0444
the velocity of execution of the movement. In addition, José Pino-Ortega
it is important to note that the ADR encoder consider- 0897
ably and systematically underestimated all MPV results
compared to T-Force, so these devices are not inter- References
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