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Lesson Plan

School : Senior High School

Class / Semester : X / Ganjil
Material : Narrative Text
Time : 3x45 minutes

A. Basic Competence
Basic Competence Indicators of Competence Achievement
3.8 Differentiate social functions, text 3.8.1. Identifying social functions,
structure, and elements language of text structure, and linguistic elements
some texts oral and written Narrative some folk legends.
with asking for and giving information 3.8.2. Comparing social functions,
related folk legends, simple, according to text structure, and linguistic elements
context its use. some folk legend texts.

4.8 Capturing meaning meaningfully 4.8.1. Find written detailed information

contextually related to social functions, whether implied or implied regarding
text structure, and elements narrative the text of the legend
text language, spoken and write related people.
simple folk legend. 4.8.2. Write a related moral message
Narrative folk legend.
4.8.3. Summarize the contents of the
Narrative text
folk legend.

B. Learning Objectives
Students are expected to be able to:
o Identify sentences that contain parts of the legend asked.
o Identify similarities and differences in social function, text structure and linguistic
elements of Narrative text.
o Read the legend with correct intonation, pronunciation and word stress.
o Understand the structure of Narrative text in giving and asking for information related
to folk legends.
o Understand the linguistic elements of Narrative text in giving and asking information
related to folk legends.

C. Learning Material
Narrative text is a type of text that connects a series of events and contains content
about fiction and non-fiction stories. These two forms of text use language
imaginative and express emotions. The purpose of Narrative text is to entertain
readers and tells stories that happened in the past. There are several types of text
Narratives include: legend, fairy tale, fable, a journey or a voyage, folk tales. However, on
This discussion focuses on legendary stories.
Social Function of Narrative Text:
✓ Entertaining
✓ Giving lessons or information
✓ Changing social opinion

Narrative text structure:

1. Orientation:
Setting the beginning of the story and introducing the characters (who, when, what, and
2. Complication (problem arises followed by other problems):
Explains the problems in the story and how the main characters are solve the problem. This
section includes situations, activities or events an event that causes a problem/complex to
reach its climax seen when a crisis arises.
3. Resolution:
The crisis usually goes down for the better but can also get worse
4. Reorientation (optional)
Usually indicates the end of the story usually a happy ending or sad.

Linguistic elements of Narrative text:

✓ Simple Past tense
✓ Noun phrases
✓ Time connectives and conjunctions such as: however, although, later, then.
✓ Adverbs and adverbial phrases describe the place and time of events such as once upon
a time, long time ago.
✓ Action verbs (action verbs) show an action such as: stood, explained, smashed.
✓ Saying and thinking verbs show what the person is feeling/thinking/saying characters
such as: told, realized, decided.

D. Learning Method
Approach : Scientific
Method : Multimedia
Model : Project-Based Learning

E. Learning Activities
Learning steps Description Time
Initial activity Orientation 15 Minutes
• Students respond to
greetings and
questions from
teachers related to
their condition.
• The teacher checks
the student
attendance list
• The teacher asks
students about last
week's (previous)

Brainstorming Stage
• The teacher displays
an image related to
new material as a
• Students guess the
material to be taught
according to

Motivational Strategy
• The teacher explains
the learning objectives
to students
• The teacher explains
why students must
study the material
Core activities Observe 110 Minutes
• Students are asked to
observe various
examples of narrative
texts in written form
• Students are asked to
identify the text
structure and linguistic
elements of narrative
text in written form
• Students are asked to
explain the social
function of narrative
text in written form
• Students are asked to
observe various
examples of narrative
texts in oral form
• Students are asked to
identify the text
structure and linguistic
elements of narrative
text in oral form
• Students are asked to
explain the social
function of narrative
text in oral form

• The teacher directs
each student to create
a question related to
the material
• Students ask questions
based on the material
• The teacher directs
each student to try to
answer questions
from their friends
(other students)
• • The teacher explains
the entire material
and confirms the
questions and answers
asked and answered
by students

• The teacher gives a
new narrative text in
written form to the
• Students read
narrative text in
written form in turns
without being
instructed by the
• Students are asked to
analyze text structure,
social function
linguistic elements
and work on several
questions from
narrative texts in
written form
• The teacher asks
students to convey the
results of their work
by correcting together

• Students form a group
in pairs
• Students are asked to
discuss based on the
material provided by
the teacher
• The teacher provides a
new narrative text in
oral form
• Students are asked to
analyze text structure,
linguistic elements,
social functions and
work on several
questions from
narrative texts in oral
• The teacher asks
students to collect the
results of their work

• The teacher divides
students into 4 groups
• The teacher gives
several narrative text
titles to each group
• Each group is asked to
make a picture
illustration (in the
form of a poster and
equipped with text
structure, linguistic
elements and social
functions) from a
short narrative text
based on the title
given by the teacher
to be used as
Closing Activities • Teachers and students 10 Minutes
conclude the material
that has been
• The teacher asks
students about the
difficulties students
experience in the
material that has been
• Teachers and students
review the material
that has been taught
along with the
• The teacher gives
assignments to
students regarding the
material that has been
taught (making picture
• The teacher presents
new material for the
next meeting.
• The teacher ends the

F. Learning Sources and Media

1. Learning Sources
• Cambridge University Press 2012. This test is not for sale.Distributed in Indonesia by
Mentari Books.
• Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2015. Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X.
Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
2. Media
• Laptop
• Power Point Slide

G. Assesment
Behavioral Development
No Student Name Responsibility Tolerance Dicipline
Assesment Notes :
A = Very Good C = Not Bad
B = Good D = Bad

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