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CG 515 +

2007 / 2008
The 2007 / 2008 edition of the CG 515 + is a compilation of applicable Title 33 CFR and
Title 46 CFR regulations pertaining to foreign vessels operating in the navigable waters
of the United States.

The information contained in the two volume “Foreign Vessel Rules” was obtained

directly from U.S. Government sources available to the public. Changes and updates
have been applied through the date printed on the cover.

The format for the CG 515 + is as follows:

Book 1: CFR 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters:

¾ Current regulations of the United States Coast Guard, Department of
Transportation pertaining to Navigation and Navigable Waters of the United
States. A
¾ Additional Sub-Chapters Pertaining to Maritime Security.

Book 2: CFR 46 Shipping


¾ Current regulations of the United States Coast Guard, Department of

Transportation pertaining to Shipping.

¾ Appendix A – Forms required or otherwise useful for foreign vessels operating in


U.S. waters from Book 1.

¾ Appendix B – Forms required or otherwise useful for foreign vessels operating in

U.S. waters from Book 2.

¾ ISPS Code and Maritime Transportation Security Act.


© 2003-2007 CG Publications

CFR 46 Parts 1 To 199

Chapter I - Coast Guard, Department Of Homeland


Master Table Of Contents

Subchapter A – Procedures Applicable To The Public Subchapter I-A – Mobile Offshore Drilling Units

Part Page 108 Design And Equipment 124
1 Organization, General Course And Methods Governing 109 Operations 154
Marine Safety Functions 2

2 Vessel Inspections 6 Subchapter N – Dangerous Cargoes
4 Marine Casualties And Investigations. 12
7 Boundary Lines 22 147 Hazardous Ships' Stores 167
8 Vessel Inspection Alternatives 27 147A Interim Regulations For Shipboard Fumigation 171

148 Carriage Of Solid Hazardous Materials In Bulk 174
Subchapter B – Merchant Marine Officers And Seamen
Subchapter O – Certain Bulk Dangerous Cargoes
Manning Requirements
Chemical Testing
37 A
150 Compatibilty Of Cargoes
151 Barges Carrying Bulk Liquid Hazardous Material
Subchapter D – Tank Vessels Cargoes 214
153 Ships Carrying Bulk Liquid, Liquefied Gas, Or
30 General Provisions 40 Compressed Gas Hazardous Materials 268

31 Inspection And Certification 60 154 Safety Standards For Self-Propelled Vessels Carrying
32 Special Equipment, Machinery, And Hull Requirements 64 Bulk Liquefied Gases 326
34 Firefighting Equipment 66
35 Operations 70 Subchapter S – Subdivision And Stability

39 Vapor Control Systems 80

170 Stability Requirements For All Inspected Vessels 369
Subchapter E – Load Lines 172 Special Rules Pertaining To Bulk Cargoes 380

173 Special Rules Pertaining To Vessel Use 387

42 Domestic And Foreign Voyages By Sea 86
46 Subdivision Load Lines For Passenger Vessels 97 Subchapter V – Marine Occupational Safety And Health

Subchapter H – Passenger Vessels
197 General Provisions 390
70 General Provisions 101
80 Disclosure Of Safety Standards And Country Of Appendix A – Forms Required Or Useful For Foreign

Registry 103 Vessels Operating In US Waters Found In Book 1 403

Subchapter I – Cargo And Miscellaneous Vessels Appendix B – Forms Required Or Useful For Foreign
Vessels Operating In US Waters Found In Book 2 427

90 General Provisions 105

97 Operations 112 ISPS Code 430
98 Special Construction, Arrangement, And Other
Provisions For Certain Dangerous Cargoes In Bulk 114 Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 498

Part 1–Organization, General Course And Methods
Governing Marine Safety Functions
Table Of Contents (1) The Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and
Environmental Protection, under the general direction of the
Subpart 1.0 – Organization And General Flow Of Functions Commandant, directs, supervises, and coordinates the activities
of the Standards Directorate, consisting of the Office of Design
Sec. and Engineering Standards, the Office of Operating and
1.01-05 Definitions Of Terms Used In This Part. Environmental Standards, and the Office of Standards Evaluation
1.01-10 Organization. and Development; the Field Activities Directorate, consisting of
1.01-15 Organization; Districts. the Office of Compliance, the Office of Response, and the Office
of Investigations and Analysis; the Waterways Management
Subpart 1.03 – Rights Of Appeal Directorate, consisting of the Great Lakes Pilotage Staff, the
Office of Policy and Planning, and the Office of Vessel Traffic
1.03-10 Definition Of Terms Used In This Subpart. Management; and the Resource Management Directorate,
1.03-15 General. consisting of the Office of Planning and Resources, and the Office

1.03-20 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of An OCMI. of Information Resources. The Port Safety and Security programs
1.03-25 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of A District administered by the Chief, Office of Compliance and the Marine
Commander. Environmental Response programs administered by the Chief,

1.03-30 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of The Marine Office of Response are guided by regulations contained in 33
Safety Center. CFR chapter I. The Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety,
1.03-35 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of A Recognized Security, and Environmental Protection exercises technical

Classification Society Acting On Behalf Of The Coast control over the Commanding Officer, National Maritime Center
Guard. and, through the District Commander, supervises the
1.03-40 Appeals from decisions or actions of the National administration of the Marine Safety Division of District Offices and
Maritime Center. Officers in Charge, Marine Inspection.

1.03-45 Appeals from decisions or actions involving
documentation of vessels. (1)(i) The Director of Standards (G-MS), under the general
1.03-50 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of The Director, direction and supervision of the Assistant Commandant for Marine
Great Lakes Pilotage.

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552; 14 U.S.C. 633; 46 U.S.C. 7701; 46

Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection establishes
federal policies for development of marine safety, security, and
environmental protection treaties, laws, and regulations; develops
U.S.C. Chapter 93; Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2135; Department safety, security and environmental protection standards for the
of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1; §1.01-35 also maritime industry; integrates all marine safety, security, and
issued under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 3507. environmental protection regulatory programs; prepares

[SOURCE: CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50376, Dec. 6, 1989, unless legislation, regulations, and industry guidance for new safety and
otherwise noted.] environmental protection programs; and maintains an active
program for development of third party consensus industry

Subpart 1.0 – Organization And General Flow Of (1)(i)(A) The Chief, Office of Design and Engineering Standards
Functions (G-MSE), at Headquarters, under the direction of the Assistant

Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental

§1.01-05 Definitions Of Terms Used In This Part. Protection and the Director of Standards, manages the program
(a) The term Commandant means the Commandant of the Coast for defining the overall regulatory approach for vessels, offshore

Guard. structures, and other marine systems incorporating safety

considerations regarding the role of the human element; develops
(b) The term District Commander means an officer of the Coast policies and regulations on load line matters and supervises
Guard designated as such by the Commandant to command all classification societies authorized to assign load lines on behalf of
Coast Guard activities within a district. the Coast Guard; oversees the development and maintenance of

programs that incorporate risk-based methods in making safety

(c) The term Area Commander means an officer of the Coast determinations and policies; and oversees technical research and
Guard designated as such by the Commandant to command all development for safety and environmental protection associated
Coast Guard activities within an Area. with marine vessels, structures and facilities.

§1.01-10 Organization. (1)(i)(B) The Chief, Office of Operating and Environmental

(a) The Commandant is the head of the agency and exercises Standards (G-MSO), at Headquarters, under the direction of the
overall direction over the policy and administration of the Coast Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and
Guard. Environmental Protection and the Director of Standards,
coordinates and integrates program standards for personnel
(b) To carry out the regulatory and enforcement aspects of marine qualification, vessel manning, vessel and facility operations, cargo
safety, the staff officers designated in this paragraph are assigned systems and handling, and environmental protection; develops
to the Commandant. The chain of military command is directly and maintains standards, regulations and industry guidance for
from the Commandant to the District Commanders, except for maritime industry operations to prevent deaths, injuries, property
marine safety regulatory and enforcement matters within the area damage, and environmental harm; develops and maintains safety
of responsibility of Coast Guard Activities Europe. For Activities standards and regulations for commercial fishing industry vessels
Europe, the chain of command is from the Commandant to the and uninspected commercial vessels; and develops and
Atlantic Area Commander. The staff officers at Headquarters act maintains health and safety standards and regulations for U.S.
only on the basis of the Commandant's authority and direction. inspected vessels.

(1)(i)(C) The Chief, Office of Standards Evaluation and construction, alterations, and repair of commercial vessels to
Development (G-MSR), at Headquarters, under the Direction of determine conformance with the marine inspection laws,
the Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and regulations, and implementing directions, and administers the
Environmental Protection and the Director of Standards, U.S. Tonnage Measurement program; administers operational
coordinates the development of new standards and programs and administrational control over the National Vessel
across all technical and operational areas of marine safety, Documentation Center which administers U.S. vessel
security, and environmental protection; provides comprehensive identification and documentation; administers merchant mariner
analytical support for all standards assessment and development licensing and seaman's documentation; and exercises
efforts; and coordinates development of measures of administrative and technical oversight for the Marine Safety
effectiveness for assessing regulatory programs and consensus Laboratory (MSL).
(1)(iii) The Director of Waterways Management (G-MW), under
(1)(ii) The Director of Field Activities (G-MO), under the general the general direction and supervision of the Assistant
direction and supervision of the Assistant Commandant for Marine Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental
Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection, acts as Program Protection, is the principle advisor to the Assistant Commandant
Manager for the Marine Safety and Marine Environmental for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection on
Protection Programs; directs, coordinates, and integrates the waterways management objectives, goals, strategies, and related
Coast Guard's marine safety, security, and environmental policy issues; coordinates waterways management issues with
protection compliance programs, contingency planning, response other interested Coast Guard offices; represents the Coast Guard

operations, and investigations programs; establishes and with other DOT modal administrations and other federal, state,
coordinates field implementation policies and priorities for all and international governmental organizations on matters

marine safety commands and units; serves as the focal point for concerning waterways management, DOT's Marine
field support and technical guidance; and provides oversight of Transportation System (MTS), and port security; in coordination
marine documentation and marine personnel administration with the Director of Field Activities, resolves appeals on

matters. waterways management issues from industry and the public
regarding decisions by Captains of the Port; as the Secretary of
(1)(ii)(A) The Chief, Office of Compliance (G-MOC), at Transportation's representative, chairs the U.S. Port Security
Headquarters, under the direction of the Assistant Commandant Committee; directs and administers the Interagency Committee
for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection and the on the Marine Transportation System and the Navigation Safety

Director of Field Activities, administers and balances all marine Advisory Council.
safety, security, and environmental protection compliance
programs, including direction of Coast Guard activities and (1)(iv) The Director of Resource Management (G-MR), under the
oversight of third parties and industry programs; develops,
publishes and maintains program policies for vessel compliance, A
general direction and supervision of the Assistant Commandant
for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection, serves
interprets standards and regulations, and provides field guidance as Facility Manager for the marine safety programs; coordinates
for execution and enforcement; administers the marine inspection and integrates financial, informational, and human resources;
program and foreign vessel boarding program for the enforcement plans, acquires, develops, and allocates resources for

of commercial vessel material and operational safety standards; development and execution of the Coast Guard's marine safety
and supervises the administration of the manning of U.S. vessels. programs; provides the focal point for all resource issues in
support of the Standards and Operations Directorates; and
(1)(ii)(B) The Chief, Office of Response (G-MOR), at oversees the development and management of the Coast Guard's

Headquarters, under the Direction of the Assistant Commandant direct user fee program.
for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection and the
Director of Field Activities, coordinates and integrates field (2) The Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard at Headquarters, under

planning, preparedness, and response operations for pollution the general direction and supervision of the General Counsel,
incidents, natural disasters, marine accidents, terrorism, and other Department of Homeland Security and the Commandant,
threats to public safety, the marine environment, or marine considers cases involving alleged violations of navigation and

transportation and commerce; develops, publishes, and maintains vessel inspection laws or regulations prescribed thereunder and
program policies for preparedness and response, interprets laws published in this chapter or in 33 CFR chapter I, and reviews
and regulations, and provides field guidance for execution; appeals to the Commandant from statutory monetary penalties
provides guidance regarding emergency authorities of the Captain assessed therefor. Upon completion of such a review, the Chief
of the Port (COTP); and administers Office programs for ports and Counsel prepares a proposed action for the Commandant's

waterway management, bridging compliance and response efforts consideration or, in appropriate cases, takes final action on behalf
with an active presence in the marine environment. of, and as directed by, the Commandant.

(1)(ii)(C) The Chief, Office of Investigations and Analyses (G- [CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50376, Dec. 6, 1989, as amended by CGD
MOA), at Headquarters, under the direction of the Assistant 95-072, 60 FR 50458, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 95-072, 60 FR

Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental 54106, Oct. 19, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50724, Sept. 27, 1996;
Protection and the Director of Field Activities, reviews CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51041, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG-1998-4442, 63
investigations of marine casualties; manages, develops policy for FR 52188, Sept. 30, 1998; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR
and evaluates domestic and international programs and 48617, Sept. 21, 2001; 68 FR 9533, Feb. 28, 2003; USCG-2006-
processes associated with investigations of marine casualties and 24520,71 FR 35818, June 22,2006]
injuries; manages analysis of casualties and casualty data, civil
penalties and other remedial programs (including proceedings to §1.01-15 Organization; Districts; National Maritime Center.
suspend or revoke Coast Guard licenses, documents or (a) To assist the District Commander, and the Atlantic Area
certificates held by mariners); and manages marine employer Commander with respect to Activities Europe, in carrying out the
drug and alcohol testing programs. regulatory and enforcement aspects of marine safety, there is
assigned to each District Commander and to the Atlantic Area
(1)(ii)(D) The Commanding Officer, Coast Guard National Commander a staff officer designated as Chief, Marine Safety
Maritime Center (NMC) under technical control of the Assistant Division. The chain of military command is from the District
Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Commander to each Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, within
Protection, administers operational and administrative control of the district and from the Atlantic Area Commander to the Officer in
the Marine Safety Center which conducts reviews and approvals Charge, Activities Europe. The Chief of the Marine Safety Division
of plans, calculations, and other materials concerning the design, is a staff officer assigned to the District Commanders and Atlantic

Area Commander, and acts only on the basis of the authority and §1.03-10 Definition Of Terms Used In This Subpart.
direction of the District Commanders, and the Atlantic Area (a) The term recognized classification society means the
Commanders with respect to Activities Europe. American Bureau of Shipping or other classification society
recognized by the Commandant.
(b) The Officers in Charge, Marine Inspection, in the Coast Guard
districts, under the supervision of the District Commanders, and (b) The term new vessel means:
the Officer in Charge, Activities Europe, under the supervision of
the Atlantic Area Commander are in charge of the marine (1) For vessels which require a Certificate of Inspection, a new
inspection offices in the various ports and have command vessel is a vessel which has not received an initial Certificate of
responsibilities with assigned marine safety zones for the Inspection.
performance of duties with respect to the inspection, enforcement
and administration of navigation and vessel inspection laws, and (2) For vessels which do not require a Certificate of Inspection, a
rules and regulations governing marine safety. The Officer in new vessel is a vessel which has not received a Load Line
Charge, Marine Inspection, has been designated and delegated assignment.
to give immediate direction to Coast Guard activities relating to
marine safety functions consisting of inspection of vessels in (c) The term existing vessel means a vessel which is not a new
order to determine that they comply with the applicable laws, vessel.
rules, and regulations relating to construction, equipment,
manning and operation, and to be satisfied that such vessels are §1.03-15 General.

in seaworthy condition for the services in which such vessels are (a) Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken
to be operated; shipyard inspections; factory inspections of under this chapter or under chapter III of this title, by or on behalf

materials and equipment for vessels; the licensing, certificating, of the Coast Guard, except for matters covered by subpart J of
shipment and discharge of seaman; investigations of marine part 5 of this chapter dealing with suspension-and-revocation
casualties and accidents; investigations of violations of law; hearings, shall follow the procedures contained in this section

negligence, misconduct, unskillfullness, incompetence or when requesting that the decision or action be reviewed, set
misbehavior of persons holding licenses, certificates, or aside, or revised.
documents issued by the Coast Guard; initiations of actions
seeking suspension or revocation under 46 U.S.C. chapter 77 of (b) When requesting that a decision or action be reconsidered or
licenses, certificates and documents held by persons, and reviewed, as may be required by this subpart, such request must

presentation of cases at hearings before Administrative Law be made within 30 days after the decision is rendered or the
Judges; and the enforcement of navigation, vessel inspection and action is taken.
seaman laws in general.

(c) The Commanding Officer of the National Maritime Center has A

(c) When making a formal appeal of a decision or action, as
permitted by this subpart, such appeal must be submitted in
been designated and delegated to: writing and received by the authority to whom the appeal is
required to be made within 30 days after the decision or action
(1) Give direction to Coast Guard activities relating to marine being appealed, or within 30 days after the last administrative

safety functions consisting of the licensing, credentialing, action required by this subpart. Upon written request and for good
certificating, shipment and discharge of seamen; cause, the 30 day time limit may be extended by the authority to
whom the appeal is required to be made.
(2) Refer to the processing Regional Examination Center (REC)

or cognizant OCMI potential violations of law, negligence, (d) A formal appeal must contain a description of the decision or
misconduct, unskillfulness, incompetence or misbehavior of action being appealed and the appellant's reason(s) why the
persons holding merchant mariner's documents, licenses, decision or action should be set aside or revised.

certificates or credentials issued by the Coast Guard, and

recommend suspension or revocation under 46 U.S.C. Chapter (e) When considering an appeal, the Commandant or a District
77 when deemed appropriate; and Commander may stay the effect of a decision or action being

appealed pending determination of the appeal.

(3) Grant, withhold, suspend, or withdraw course approvals.
(f) While a request for reconsideration or review or a formal
(d) The Commanding Officer of the National Maritime Center has appeal is pending, the original decision or action remains in effect,
the same authority as an OCMI for the purpose of carrying out the unless otherwise stayed under paragraph (e) of this section.

marine safety functions listed in paragraph (c) of this section

pursuant to the provisions of Subchapter B of this chapter. (g) The Commandant may delegate authority to act on
administrative appeals under this subpart to the Assistant
(e) Applicants for merchant mariner's documents, licenses, Commandant for Marine Safety and Environmental Protection,
certificates or credentials may apply to the Coast Guard National and appropriate office chiefs within Marine Safety and

Maritime Center or any of the Regional Examination Centers. Environmental Protection.

Applicants may contact the National Maritime Center at 4200
Wilson Boulevard, Suite 630, Arlington, Virginia 22203-1804, or (h) Formal appeals made to the Commandant shall be addressed
by telephone at 202-493-1002. A list of Regional Examination to:
Locations is available through the Coast Guard Web site at (1) Commandant (G-MOC) for appeals involving vessel inspection
issues, load line issues, and vessel manning issues;
(f) For descriptions of Coast Guard districts and marine inspection
zones, see 33 CFR part 3. (2) Commandant (G-MS) for appeals involving vessel plan review
or tonnage measurement issues;
Subpart 1.03 – Rights Of Appeal
(3) Commandant (CG-3PC) for all appeals involving suspension
[AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 552; 14 U.S.C. 633; 46 U.S.C. 7701; 46 or withdrawal of course approvals, all marine personnel issues
U.S.C. Chapter 93; Public Law 107-296, 116 Stat. 2135; appealed from the National Maritime Center or from an OCMI
Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 1070; §1.01-35 through a District Commander, and all appeals regarding the
also issued under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 3507.] documentation of a vessel under part 67 or part 68 of this title. All
appeals regarding the documentation of a vessel under part 67 or

part 68 of this title must be addressed to Commandant CG- the cognizant OCMI. Following review by the cognizant OCMI, the
3PC(d), Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second St., SW, decision or action under review may be appealed to the District
Washington, DC 20593, and a copy of each such appeal must be Commander, in accordance with the procedures contained in
sent to the National Vessel Documentation Center, 792 T J §1.03-20 of this subpart.
Jackson Drive; Falling Waters, WV 25419; [CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51040, Sept. 30, 1997, as amended by
USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52188, Sept. 30, 1998]
(4) Commandant (G-PSE), for appeals involving the recognition of
a classification society; or. §1.03-35 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of A
Recognized Classification Society Acting On Behalf Of The
(5) Commandant (G-M) for appeals involving decisions or actions Coast Guard.
of the Director, Great Lakes Pilotage. (a) Any person directly affected by a decision or action of a
recognized classification society performing plan review, tonnage
(i) Failure to submit a formal appeal in accordance with the measurement, or load line assignment on behalf of the Coast
procedures and time limits contained in this subpart results in the Guard may, after requesting reconsideration of the decision or
decision or action becoming final agency action. action by the classification society, make a formal appeal, via the
classification society headquarters, to the Commandant, in
(j) Any decision made by the Commandant, or by the Assistant accordance with the procedures contained in §1.03-15 of this
Commandant for Marine Safety and Environmental Protection, or subpart.
by an office chief pursuant to authority delegated by the

Commandant is final agency action on the appeal. (b) Any person directly affected by a decision or action of a
recognized classification society acting as a marine inspector, as

[CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50376, Dec. 6, 1989, as amended by CGD defined in §30.10-43 of this chapter, on behalf of the Coast
89-007, CGD 89-007a, 58 FR 60265, Nov. 15, 1993; CGD 96- Guard, prior to initiating a formal appeal, must request review of
041, 61 FR 50725, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51040, that decision or action by the cognizant OCMI. Following review

Sept. 30, 1997; CGD 95-010, 62 FR 67532, Dec. 24, 1997; by the cognizant OCMI, the decision or action under review may
USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52188, Sept. 30, 1998; USCG-1999- be appealed to the District Commander, in accordance with the
6216, 64 FR 53222, Oct. 1, 1999; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000; procedures contained in §1.03-20 of this subpart.
66 FR 31842, June 13, 2001; 66 FR 44985, Aug. 27, 2001; 68 FR
37091, June 23, 2003]. [CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50376, Dec. 6, 1989, as amended by CGD

97-057, 62 FR 51041, Sept. 30, 1997]
§1.03-20 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of An OCMI.
Any person directly affected by a decision or action of an OCMI §1.03-40 Appeals from decisions or actions of the National
may, after requesting reconsideration of the decision or action by
the cognizant OCMI, make a formal appeal of that decision or A
Maritime Center.
Any person directly affected by a decision or action of an officer or
action, via the office of the cognizant OCMI, to the District employee of the National Maritime Center (NMC) involving any of
Commander of the district in which the office of the cognizant the marine safety functions listed in §1.01-15(c) of this subpart
OCMI is located, or in the case of the Officer in Charge, Activities may, after requesting reconsideration of the decision or action by

Europe, to the Atlantic Area Commander, in accordance with the the NMC, make a formal appeal of that decision or action, via the
procedures contained in Sec. 1.03-15 of this subpart.. NMC, to the Director of Inspection and Compliance, Commandant
(G-PC), on such an appeal will constitute final agency action.
§1.03-25 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of A District

Commander. [USCG – 2006-25535, 71 FR 48482, Autg. 21, 2006]

Any person directly affected by a decision or action of a District
Commander made pursuant to §1.03-20 of this subpart, may §1.03-45 Appeals from decisions or actions involving

make a formal appeal of that decision or action, via the office of documentation of vessels.
the cognizant District Commander, to the Commandant, in Any person directly affected by a decision or action of an officer or
accordance with the procedures contained in §1.03-15 of this employee of the Coast Guard acting on or in regard to the

subpart. documentation of a vessel under part 67 or part 68 of this title,

may make a formal appeal of that decision or action to the
§1.03-30 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of The Marine Director of Inspection and Compliance, Commandant (CG-3PC),
Safety Center. in accordance with the procedures contained in §1.03-15 of this
(a) Any person directly affected by a decision or action of the subpart. The decision of the Director of Inspection and

Marine Safety Center involving tonnage measurement or which Compliance, Commandant (CG-3PC), on such an appeal will
otherwise affects a new vessel or plans for a vessel to be built constitute final agency action.
may, after requesting reconsideration of the decision or action by
the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, make a formal §1.03-50 Appeals From Decisions Or Actions Of The Director,
appeal, of that decision or action, via the Commanding Officer, Great Lakes Pilotage.

Marine Safety Center, to the Commandant, in accordance with Any person directly affected by a decision or action of the
the procedures contained in §1.03-15 of this subpart. Director, Great Lakes Pilotage, may make a formal appeal of that
decision or action to Commandant (G-M), in accordance with the
(b) Any person directly affected by a decision or action of the procedures contained in §1.03-15 of this subpart.
Marine Safety Center not involving tonnage measurement but
which otherwise affects an existing vessel, prior to initiating a [66 FR 31842, June 13, 2001; 66 FR 44985, Aug. 27, 2001; 68
formal appeal, must request review of that decision or action by FR 37091, June 23, 2003

Part 2 – Vessel Inspections
Table Of Contents which are obtainable from the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection, at any local U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office.
Subpart 2.01–Inspecting And Certificating Of Vessels
(1)(i) CG-3752–Application for Inspection of U.S. Vessel.
2.01-1 Applications For Inspections. (1)(ii) CG-986–Application for Inspection of Foreign Vessel.
2.01-5 Certificate Of Inspection.
2.01-6 Certificates Issued To Foreign Vessels. (2) These applications require information on name and type of
2.01-8 Application Of Regulations To Vessels Or Tankships vessel, nature of employment and route in which to be operated,
On An International Voyage. and place where and date when the vessel may be inspected.
2.01-13 Inspection Requirements–Foreign Vessels.
2.01-20 Suspension Or Revocation Of Certificates Of (b) To whom submitted. The completed form must be submitted
Inspection. to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in the Marine
2.01-25 International Convention For Safety Of Life At Sea, Inspection Zone within which the inspection is to be conducted.

2.01-30 Delegation Of OCMI Signature Authority. (c) New vessels. Applications for inspection of new vessels must
2.01-40 Passengers Or Persons In Addition To Crew On Cargo be preceded by the submission of applicable drawings or prints in
Or Tank Vessels. accordance with the specific requirements in subchapters D (Tank

Vessels), E (Load Lines), F (Marine Engineering), H (Passenger
Subpart 2.10–Fees Vessels), I (Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels), J (Electrical
Engineering), K (Small Passenger Vessels Carrying More Than

2.10-1 Applicability. 150 Passengers Or With Overnight Accommodations For More
2.10-5 Exemptions. Than 49 Passengers), L (Offshore Supply Vessels), O (Certain
2.10-20 General Requirements. Bulk Dangerous Cargoes), S (Subdivision and Stability), and T
2.10-125 Fees For Examination Of Foreign Tankships. (Small Passenger Vessels) of this chapter applicable to that
particular type of vessel or type of service in which the vessel is

2.10-130 Fees For Examination Of Foreign Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units. proposed to be operated.
2.10-135 Penalties.

Subpart 2.50–Penalties A
(d) Foreign-built vessels.

(1) Those foreign-built vessels which are specifically authorized

2.50-1 Penalty Procedures. by public or private laws to engage in the coastwise trade, and
those foreign-built vessels which are documented to engage in
Subpart 2.75–Approvals Of Safety Equipment, Materials And the foreign trade shall be inspected and certificated as required by

Installations, And Qualifications For Construction Personnel law and/or the regulations in this chapter which are applicable to
their class and employment.
2.75-1 Approvals.
2.75-5 Certificates Of Approval. (2) Foreign-built vessels are not permitted to engage in the U.S.

coastwise trade (domestic trade) unless specifically authorized by

Subpart 2.85–Load Lines law. Therefore, when foreign-built vessels are intended for use in
the coastwise trade as defined by the U.S. Customs Service, such

2.85-1 Assignment Of Load Lines. vessels will not be inspected and certificated unless specifically
authorized by law to engage in coastwise trade.
Subpart 2.95–Retention Of Records By The Public

[CG FR 65-50, 30 FR 16604, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD

2.95-1 Certificates Or Documents Issued By Coast Guard. 79-023, 48 FR 51006, Nov. 4, 1983; CGD 91-030, 60 FR 13563,
2.95-5 Certificates Or Documents Issued By Others. Mar. 13, 1995; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51041, Sept. 30, 1997; CGD
95-028, 62 FR 51194, Sept. 30, 1997]
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1903; 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2110,

3103, 3205, 3306, 3307, 3703; 46 U.S.C. Chapter 701; E.O. §2.01-5 Certificate Of Inspection.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of (a) Issuance of certificates. Upon completion of the inspection
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1. Subpart 2.45 also of a United States vessel, and on condition that the vessel and its
issued under the Act Dec. 27, 1950, Ch. 1155, secs. 1, 2, 64 Stat. equipment are approved by the inspector, a certificate of one or

1120 (see 46 U.S.C. App. note prec. 1). more of the following Coast Guard forms is issued by the Officer
[SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16604, Dec. 30, 1965, unless in Charge, Marine Inspection:
otherwise noted.]
(1) CG-841–Certificate of Inspection.
[65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000; 67 FR
34756, May 15, 2002] (2) CG-854–Temporary Certificate of Inspection.

(b) Description of certificates. The certificates of inspection

Subpart 2.01 – Inspecting And Certificating Of issued to United States vessels describe the vessel, the route the
Vessels vessel may travel, the minimum manning requirements, the safety
equipment and appliances required to be on board, the total
§2.01-1 Applications For Inspections. number of persons that may be carried, and the names of the
(a) Application forms. owners and operators. The period of validity is stated on the
certificate. The certificate may be renewed by applying for
(1) Applications for inspections of vessels required to be inspection under §2.01-1.
inspected under Subtitle II, Title 46 of the U.S. Code, Title 46 and
Title 33 U.S. Code, or under 50 U.S.C. 198 shall be made by the (c) Amending certificates. When, because of a change in the
master, owner, or agent on the following Coast Guard forms character of the vessel or vessel's route, equipment, etc., the

vessel does not comply with the requirements of the Certificate of international voyage or tankships on an international voyage,
Inspection previously issued, a certificate amending such it is intended that these requirements apply only to vessels or
certificate may be issued at the discretion of the Officer in Charge, tankships, as applicable, which are subject to the International
Marine Inspection, to whom a request is made on Coast Guard Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.
form CG-858, Certificate of Inspection Amendment.
(b) For details regarding application of Convention requirements
[CGD 77-014, 44 FR 5316, Jan. 25, 1979; 65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, to tankships, see §30.01-6 of this chapter; to passenger vessels,
2000] see §70.05-10 of this chapter; to cargo ships other than
tankships, see §90.05-10 of this chapter; and to small passenger
§2.01-6 Certificates Issued To Foreign Vessels. vessels, see §§115.900 and 176.900 of this chapter. (E.O. 11239,
(a) Issuance of certificates. Upon completion of an examination 30 FR 9671, 3 CFR, 1965 Supp.).
of a foreign vessel, one or more of the following certificates is
issued by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection: [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16604, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
90-008, 55 FR 30659, July 26, 1990; 65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000]
(1) CG-4504–Control Verification for Foreign Vessel–issued to a
foreign vessel that is registered in a country which is signatory to §2.01-13 Inspection Requirements–Foreign Vessels.
the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. (a) Foreign vessels registered in countries which are parties to the
effective International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea are
(2)(i) CG-2832A–Letter of Compliance–issued to a foreign vessel normally subject to the examination provided for in Chapter I of

that is suitable for carriage of hazardous cargoes in bulk as that Convention. However, in the case of any vessel involving
defined in 46 Code of Federal Regulations, subchapter 0 and is in novel features of design or construction, upon which that

compliance with Tankship Cargo Venting and Handling Systems Convention is silent or which involve potential unusual operating
and Minimum Pollution Prevention Regulations and Transfer risks, a more extensive inspection may be required when
Procedures (33 CFR parts 155, 156, 157 and 159), and considered necessary to safeguard the life or property in United

Navigation Safety Inspection Regulations (33 CFR part 164). States ports where such vessel may enter. In such a case,
pertinent plans and/or calculations may be required to be
(2)(ii) Letter of Compliance–issued to Foreign Mobile Offshore submitted sufficiently in advance to permit evaluation before
Drilling Units engaged in Outer Continental Shelf activities under inspection.
33 CFR 143.210.

(b) Foreign vessels registered in countries which are not parties to
(3) CG-840S-1–Tank Vessel Examination Letter–issued to a the effective International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, or
foreign vessel that is suitable for carriage of cargoes as defined in foreign vessels registered in countries which are parties to the
46 Code of Federal Regulations, subchapter D and is in
compliance with Tankship Cargo Venting and Handling Systems A
effective Convention but which vessels are exempted from part or
all of the Convention, may under conditions specified in applicable
and Minimum Safety Standards (SOLAS 74–46 CFR part 35), inspection laws be subject to inspection and certification as
Pollution Prevention Regulations and Transfer Procedures (33 specified in regulations governing specific categories of vessels.
CFR parts 155, 156, 157 and 159), and Navigation Safety

Regulations (33 CFR part 164). (c) For details concerning application of regulations to foreign
vessels, see part 30 (Tank Vessels), part 70 (Passenger
(4) Foreign vessels of countries which are nonsignatory to the Vessels), part 90 (Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels), §147.1
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, are (Dangerous Cargoes), part 148 (Bulk Solid Hazardous Materials),

issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection (CG-854) and a parts 153 and 154 (Certain Bulk Dangerous Cargoes), and part
Certificate of Inspection (CG-841) as described in §2.01-5. 175 (Small Passenger Vessels) of this chapter.

(b) Description of Certificates. [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16604, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
73-96, 42 FR 49022, Sept. 26, 1977; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51041,
(1) CG-4504–Control Verification for Foreign Vessels-describes Sept. 30, 1997]

the vessel, type of certificate required by the International

Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, country issued by, §2.01-20 Suspension Or Revocation Of Certificates Of
and its expiration date. The period of validity of a control Inspection.
verification for foreign vessel is stated on the certificate. Under the authority if 46 U.S.C. 3313 and 46 U.S.C. 3710, a
certificate of inspection issued to a vessel may be suspended or

(2) CG-2832A–Letter of Compliance–describe the vessel and the revoked if a vessel is found not to comply with the terms of its
period for which the letter is valid. certificate or fails to meet a standard required by this chapter.

(3) CG-840S-1–Tank Vessel Examination Letter–describe the [CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997, as amended by
vessel and if there are any deficiencies as to applicable USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52188, Sept. 30, 1998]

regulations at the time the vessel was examined. If there are

deficiencies they are listed in an attachment to this letter (CG- §2.01-25 International Convention For Safety Of Life At Sea,
840S-2). The Tank Vessel Examination Letter is valid for a period 1974.
of 1 year from the date the examination is completed. (a) Certificates required.

(4) Temporary Certificate of Inspection (CG-854) and Certificate (1) The International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974,
of Inspection (CG-841) are amended as provided for in §2.01- requires one or more of the following certificates to be carried on
5(c). board certain passenger, cargo or tankships engaged in
international voyages:
[CGD 77-014, 44 FR 5316, Jan. 25, 1979, as amended by CGD
90-008, 55 FR 30659, July 26, 1990; CGD 91-030, 60 FR 13563, (1)(i) Passenger Ship Safety Certificate.
Mar. 13, 1995]
(1)(ii) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.
§2.01-8 Application Of Regulations To Vessels Or Tankships
On An International Voyage. (1)(iii) Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.
(a) Where, in various places or portions in this chapter,
requirements are stipulated specifically for vessels on an (1)(iv) Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.

(1)(v) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificate. suspended at any time when it is determined the vessel is no
longer in compliance with applicable requirements. (See §2.01-70
(1)(vi) Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificate. for appeal procedures.)

(1)(vii) Safety Management Certificate. (d) CG-969–Notice of Receipt of Application for Passenger
Ship Safety Certificate.
(1)(viii) International Ship Security Certificate.
(1) The Passenger Ship Safety Certificate is issued by the
(2) The U.S. Coast Guard will issue through the Officer In Charge, Commandant after determining all applicable requirements of the
Marine Inspection, the following certificates after performing an Convention have been met. In the event the completion of the
inspection or safety management audit of the vessel's systems certification of any passenger vessel cannot be effected prior to
and determining the vessel meets the applicable requirements: the sailing of the passenger ship on a foreign voyage, or in any
case where the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate is not received
(2)(i) Passenger Ship Safety Certificate. from the Commandant before the ship sails on a foreign voyage,
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, will issue a completed
(2)(ii) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate, except when Form CG-969, describing the passenger ship and certifying that
issued to cargo ships by a Coast Guard recognized classification an application for a Passenger Ship Safety Certificate is being
society at the option of the owner or agent. processed, and that in his opinion the vessel meets applicable
requirements of the Convention administered by the Coast Guard.

(2)(iii) Cargo Ships Safety Equipment Certificate.
(2) The completed Form CG-969 may be exhibited in explanation

(2)(iv) Exemption Certificate. of the failure of the passenger ship to have on board a current
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate. This completed form CG-969
(2)(v) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificate. may be accepted as prima facie evidence that the passenger ship

described therein is in compliance with the applicable
(2)(vi) Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificate. requirements of the Convention.

(2)(vii) Safety Management Certificate, except when issued by a (e) Exempted vessel.
recognized organization authorized by the Coast Guard.

(1) A vessel may be exempted by the Commandant from
(2)(viii) International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC). complying with certain requirements of the Convention under his
administration upon request made in writing to him and
(3) When authorized by the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, the
American Bureau of Shipping may issue the Cargo Ship Safety A
transmitted via the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. In such
case the exemptions are stated in the Exemption Certificate,
Construction Certificate to cargo and tankships which it classes. which is issued by the Commandant through the appropriate
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
(4) The Federal Communications Commission will issue the

following certificates: (2) The Federal Communications Commission issues the

Exemption Certificate, which modifies the Cargo Ship Safety
(4)(i) Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. Radio Certificate.

(4)(ii) Exemption Certificate. (f) Availability of Certificates. The Convention certificates must
be on board the vessel and readily available for examination at all
(b) Applications. times.

(1) The application for inspection and issuance of a certificate or (g) Foreign flag vessels. At the request of the government of a
certificates is made on the appropriate form listed in §2.01-1, or country in which is registered a vessel engaged in an international

by letter, to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in or nearest voyage, such a vessel may be issued the applicable certificate or
the port at which the inspection is to be made and shall be signed certificates listed in paragraph (a) of this section. The certificate
by the master or agent of the vessel. The certificates previously will be issued only after inspection has been made by the issuing
issued are surrendered at the time the inspection is performed. agency, providing the vessel is found to comply with the
Further details are set forth in subchapter D (Tank Vessels), requirements of the Convention.

subchapter H (Passenger Vessels), subchapter I (Cargo and

Miscellaneous Vessels), subchapter K (Small Passenger Vessels [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16604, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
Carrying more than 150 Passengers or with overnight 73-96, 42 FR 49023, Sept. 16, 1977; CGD 90-008, 55 FR 30659,
accommodations for more than 49 Passengers), subchapter L July 26, 1990; CGD 95-073, 62 FR 67514, Dec. 24, 1997; USCG-
(Offshore Supply Vessels), subchapter O (Certain Bulk 1999-6216, 64 FR 53222, Oct. 1, 1999; 65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000

Dangerous Cargoes), and subchapter T (Small Passenger [FR Doc. 03-26347 Filed 10-17-03; 8:45 am]
Vessels), of this chapter.
§2.01-30 Delegation Of OCMI Signature Authority.
(2) For vessels other than passenger vessels, you must contact The OCMI may redelegate to one individual on his or her staff
the local office of the Federal Communications Commission to authority to sign documents issued under this subpart.
apply for the inspection concerning the issuance of a Cargo Ship
Safety Radio Certificate. [CGD 97-001, 62 FR 17748, Apr. 11, 1997]

(c) Certificates issued. §2.01-40 Passengers Or Persons In Addition To Crew On

Cargo Or Tank Vessels.
(1) If a vessel meets the applicable requirements of the (a) Under the authority of 46 U.S.C. 3304, a documented vessel
Convention, it shall be issued appropriate certificates listed in transporting cargo may be allowed by its certificate of inspection
paragraph (a) of this section. These certificates describe the to carry not more than 12 individuals in addition to the crew on
vessel and state the vessel is in compliance with the applicable international voyages and not more than 16 individuals in addition
requirements of the Convention. to the crew on other voyages.

(2) A Convention certificate may be withdrawn, revoked or (b) The application for permission to carry persons in addition to

the crew may be included in the application described in §2.01-1. [CGD 96-067, 62 FR 19232, Apr. 21, 1997, as amended by CDG
If granted it is endorsed on the certificate of inspection.
§2.10-20 General Requirements.
CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16604, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD (a) Unless otherwise specified, vessel owners must pay the fees
95-028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997] required by this subpart before inspection or examination services
are provided.
Subpart 2.10–Fees
(b) Fees required by this subpart must be paid in U.S. currency by
[SOURCE: CGD 91-030, 60 FR 13563, Mar. 13, 1995, unless check or money order, drawn on a U.S. bank, and made payable
otherwise noted.] to the U.S. Treasury.

§2.10-1 Applicability. (c) All payments must be accompanied by the vessel name and
(a) This subpart establishes vessel inspection fees for all vessels its vessel identification number.
required to have a Certificate of Inspection and vessel
examination fees for all foreign vessels required to have either a (d) Unless otherwise specified, fees required by this subpart must
Letter of Compliance or a Tank Vessel Examination Letter. be mailed to the following address: USCG Inspection Fees, PO
Box 105663, Atlanta, GA 30348-5663.
(b) The fees in this subpart do not apply to:
(e) For purposes of this subpart, the address for Commandant (G-

(1) Vessels being inspected for the initial issuance of a Certificate MRP) is: Commandant (G-MRP), United States Coast Guard,
of Inspection; 2100 Second Street S.W., Washington, DC 20593-0001.

(2) Foreign passenger vessels; (f) Information concerning a vessel's user fee anniversary date
may be obtained from any Coast Guard Marine Safety or Marine

(3) Training vessels operated by State maritime academies; Inspection Office.

(4) Public vessels of the United States except for Maritime [CGD 91-030, 60 FR 13563, Mar. 13, 1995, as amended by CGD
Administration vessels; and 95-072, 60 FR 50459, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR
50725, Sept. 27, 1996]

(5) Publicly owned ferries.
§2.10-125 Fees For Examination Of Foreign Tankships.
Each foreign tankship of a country party to the International
[CGD 91-030, 60 FR 13563, Mar. 13, 1995, as amended by CGD
96-067, 62 FR 19232, Apr. 21, 1997] A
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended, must
§2.10-5 Exemptions.
(a) Vessels owned or operated by a non-profit organization may (a) For examination for the issuance of a Letter of Compliance
be exempted from payment of the fees required by this subpart, under §2.01-6(a)(2)(i) of this part, or examination for the annual

only if the vessel is used exclusively for one or more of the endorsement to a Letter of Compliance, a fee of $1,100.
(b) For examination for the issuance of a Tank Vessel
(1) Training youth in boating, seamanship, or navigation skills; Examination Letter under §2.01-6(a)(3) of this part, a fee of

(2) Educating youth in a course of marine environmental studies;
§2.10-130 Fees For Examination Of Foreign Mobile Offshore

(3) Providing excursions for persons with disabilities as defined Drilling Units.
under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) [42 U.S.C. Each foreign mobile offshore drilling unit must pay:
12102(2)]; or

(a) For examination for the issuance of a Letter of Compliance

(4) Providing medical services. indicating compliance with the design and equipment standards of
either the documenting nation or the International Maritime
(b) Vessels owned or operated by the Federal government or the Organization Code for Construction and Equipment of Mobile
government of any State or political subdivision thereunder may Offshore Drilling Units, a fee of $1,830.

be exempted from the fees required by this subpart provided the

vessel is used exclusively for one or more of the purposes listed (b) For examination for the issuance of a Letter of Compliance
in paragraph (a) of this section. indicating compliance with the design and equipment standards of
46 CFR part 108, the inspection fee listed in table 2.10-101 of this
subpart for the same type of mobile offshore drilling unit.

(c) The term used exclusively in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
section does not preclude:
§2.10-135 Penalties.
(1) The carriage of adult volunteers or crew, or (a) A vessel owner or operator who fails to pay a fee or charge
established under this subpart is liable to the United States
(2) The vessel's use for fundraising activities without regard to the Government for a civil penalty.
age of the participants aboard the vessel, provided revenues
raised are for the operation and maintenance of the vessel and (b) In addition to the fees established in this subpart, the Coast
that such fundraising activities do not exceed one day of Guard may recover collection and enforcement costs associated
fundraising for each month of the vessel's operating season. with delinquent payments of, or failure to pay, a fee. Coast Guard
inspection and examination services may also be withheld
(d) Vessel owners or operators may submit a written request for pending payment of outstanding fees owed to the Coast Guard for
exemption to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, of the inspection and examination services provided.
Marine Inspection Zone in which the vessel normally operates.
The exemption request must provide the vessel name, the vessel (c) Each District Commander or Officer in Charge Marine
identification number, and evidence that the organization and the Inspection may request the Secretary of the Treasury, or the
vessel meet the criteria set forth in this section. authorized representative thereof, to withhold or revoke the

clearance required by 46 U.S.C. app. 91 of a vessel for which a (e) A specific Commandant's approval granted to anyone, which
fee or charge established under this part has not been paid or is described in a certificate of approval, or a letter, or marked
until a bond is posted for the payment. plans, etc., cannot be transferred to another without a specific
prior authorization from the Commandant. Such a transfer without
[CGD 91-030, 60 FR 13563, Mar. 13, 1995, as amended by CGD the Commandant's authorization normally terminates such
96-052, 62 FR 16703, Apr. 8, 1997] approval.

Subpart 2.50 – Penalties (f) A listing of current and formerly approved equipment and
materials may be found on the internet at:
§2.50-1 Penalty Procedures. Each OCMI may be contacted
Civil and criminal penalty procedures appear in 33 CFR part 1. for information concerning approved equipment.
Civil monetary penalty amounts are set forth in 33 CFR part 27.
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16604, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
[CGD 96-052, 62 FR 16703, Apr. 8, 1997] 82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34533,
Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50459, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD
93-055, 61 FR 13927, Mar. 28, 1996; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50725,
Subpart 2.75 – Approvals Of Safety Equipment, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51041, Sept. 30, 1997]
Materials And Installations, And Qualifications
For Construction Personnel §2.75-5 Certificates Of Approval.

(a) The Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety and
§2.75-1 Approvals. Environmental Protection or his delegate, will issue a certificate of

(a) Certain navigation and vessel inspection laws, or regulations approval to the manufacturer or party named therein and certify
in this chapter or in 33 CFR chapter I, require the Commandant's that such manufacturer or party has submitted satisfactory
approval before specific types of safety equipment, materials, or evidence that the item described therein complies with the

installations may be installed or used on vessels subject to Coast applicable laws and regulations, which are outlined on the reverse
Guard inspection, or on other described vessels, motorboats, side of the certificate.
artificial islands, and fixed structures.
(b) The approval shall be in effect for a period of 5 years from the
(b) The Commandant's approvals are issued to persons, date on the certificate of approval unless sooner canceled or

partnerships, companies, or corporations who offer for sale suspended by proper authority, or otherwise specifically stated in
specific items of safety equipment, materials, or installations, or the certificate.
intend them for their own or others' use. These approvals are
intended to provide a control over the quality of such approved
items. The Commandant's approvals apply only to those items A [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16604, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34533,
constructed or installed in accordance with applicable Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50725, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD
requirements, and the details as described in the documents 97-057, 62 FR 51041, Sept. 30, 1997]
granting specific approval. If a specific item when manufactured

does not comply with these details, then it is not considered to be Subpart 2.85 – Load Lines
approved and the approval issued does not apply to such
modified item. For example, if an item is manufactured with §2.85-1 Assignment Of Load Lines.
changes in design or material not previously approved, the Most U.S. vessels, and foreign vessels in U.S. waters are

approval does not apply to such modified item. The failure to required to have load line assignments in accordance with 46
comply with applicable requirements and details specified in the U.S.C. Chapter 51. The load lines marks, when placed on a
approval subjects the holder to immediate suspension of approval vessel, indicate the maximum draft to which such vessel can be

as described in §2.75-40, and if necessary, to a public hearing lawfully submerged, in the various circumstances and seasons
seeking withdrawal of approval and removal of all such items from applicable to such vessel. See subchapter E (Load Lines) of this
use or installation as provided in §2.75-50. chapter for applicable details governing assignment and marking

of load lines.
(c) The Commandant's approvals are issued to qualified holders
in the form of certificates of approval (Form CGHQ-10030), by [CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997, as amended by
appropriate description and identification in documents filed with USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52188, Sept. 30, 1998]
the Office of the Federal Register and published in the FEDERAL

REGISTER, or by letters, or by appropriate markings on

drawings, plans, etc. Under the direction of the Commandant, the
Subpart 2.95–Retention Of Records By The
Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety and Environmental Public
Protection is delegated the authority to exercise the necessary
actions relating to the granting, suspension, cancellation or §2.95-1 Certificates Or Documents Issued By Coast Guard.

revocation of approvals for special items of safety equipment, (a) Certificates or documents issued to the public, as required by
materials or installations required by law in regulation in this laws, rules, or regulations, shall be retained for the applicable
chapter or in 33 CFR chapter I to have the Commandant's period of time, as follows:
approval. The authority delegated to the Assistant Commandant
for Marine Safety and Environmental Protection may be further (1) If the certificate or document specifies a definite period of time
delegated by him. for which it is valid, it shall be retained for so long as it is valid
unless it is required to be surrendered; or,
(d) The approvals granted to holders qualifying under the
regulations in this chapter or in specifications, copies of which (2) If the certificate or document does not specify a definite period
may be obtained from the Commandant (G-MSE), and to which of time for which it is valid, it shall be retained for that period of
official Coast Guard numbers are assigned, will be in the form of time such certificate or document is required for operation of the
certificates of approval. Unless specifically provided otherwise, vessel; or,
the approval shall be valid for a period of five years from the date
on the certificate of approval, but subject to suspension and/or (3) If the certificate or document is evidence of a person's
cancellation if it is found the item offered, sold, or used as Coast qualifications, it shall be retained for so long as it is valid unless it
Guard approved differs in any detail from the item as described in is required to be surrendered.
the certificate of approval and referenced material.

(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing the for which it is valid, it shall be retained for so long as it is valid
Coast Guard from canceling, suspending, or withdrawing any unless it is required to be surrendered; or
certificate or document issued at any time.
(2) If the certificate or document does not specify a definite period
§2.95-5 Certificates Or Documents Issued By Others. of time for which it is valid, it shall be retained for the period of
(a) Certificates or documents issued by other public agencies or time such certificate or document is required for operation of the
private organizations, which are accepted as prima facie evidence vessel; or,
of compliance with requirements administered by the Coast
Guard, shall be retained for the applicable period of time as (3) If the certificate or documents is evidence of a person's
follows: qualifications, it shall be retained for so long as it is valid unless it
is required to be surrendered.
(1) If the certificate or document specifies a definite period of time


Part 4 – Marine Casualties And Investigations
Table Of Contents 4.07-25 Testimony Of Witnesses In Other Districts, Depositions.
4.07-30 Testimony Of Witnesses Under Oath.
Subpart 4.01–Authority And Scope Of Regulations 4.07-35 Counsel For Witnesses And Parties In Interest.
4.07-45 Foreign Units Of Coast Guard, Investigation By.
Sec. 4.07-55 Information To Be Furnished Marine Board Of
4.01-1 Scope Of Regulation. Investigation.
4.01-3 Reporting Exclusion.
Subpart 4.09–Marine Board Of Investigation
Subpart 4.03–Definitions
4.09-1 Commandant To Designate.
4.03-1 Marine Casualty Or Accident. 4.09-5 Powers Of Marine Board Of Investigation.
4.03-2 Serious Marine Incident. 4.09-10 Witnesses, Payment Of.
4.03-4 Individual Directly Involved In A Serious Marine Incident 4.09-15 Time And Place Of Investigation, Notice Of; Rights Of
4.03-5 Medical Facility. Witnesses, Etc.
4.03-6 Qualified Medical Personnel. 4.09-17 Sessions To Be Public.

4.03-7 Chemical Test. 4.09-20 Record Of Proceedings.
4.03-10 Party In Interest. 4.09-25 U.S. Attorney To Be Notified.
4.03-15 Commandant. 4.09-30 Action On Report.

4.03-20 Coast Guard District. 4.09-35 Preferment Of Charges.
4.03-25 District Commander.
4.03-30 Investigating Officer. Subpart 4.11–Witnesses And Witness Fees

4.03-35 Nuclear Vessel.
4.03-40 Public Vessels. 4.11-1 Employees Of Vessels Controlled By Army Or Navy As
4.03-45 Marine Employer. Witnesses.
4.03-50 Recreational Vessel. 4.11-5 Coercion Of Witnesses.
4.11-10 Witness Fees And Allowances.

4.03-55 Law Enforcement Officer.

Subpart 4.04–Notice Of Potential Vessel Casualty Subpart 4.12–Testimony By Interrogatories And Depositions

Reports Of Potential Vessel Casualty.
Reports Of Lack Of Vessel Communication.
A 4.12-1 Application, Procedure, And Admissibility.
4.04-5 Substance Of Reports. Subpart 4.13–Availability Of Records

Subpart 4.05–Notice Of Marine Casualty And Voyage 4.13-1 Public Availability Of Records.

Subpart 4.19–Construction Of Regulations And Rules Of
4.05-1 Notice Of Marine Casualty. Evidence
4.05-5 Substance Of Marine Casualty Notice.

4.05-10 Written Report Of Marine Casualty. 4.19-1 Construction Of Regulations.

4.05-12 Alcohol Or Drug Use By Individuals Directly Involved In 4.19-5 Adherence To Rules Of Evidence.

4.05-15 Voyage Records, Retention Of. Subpart 4.21–Computation Of Time

4.05-20 Report Of Accident To Aid To Navigation.
4.05-25 Reports When State Of War Exists. 4.21-1 Computation Of Time.

4.05-30 Incidents Involving Hazardous Materials.

4.05-35 Incidents Involving Nuclear Vessels. Subpart 4.23–Evidence Of Criminal Liability
4.05-40 Alternate Electronic Means Of Reporting.
4.23-1 Evidence Of Criminal Liability.
Subpart 4.06–Mandatory Chemical Testing Following Serious

Marine Incidents Involving Vessels In Commercial Service Subpart 4.40–Coast Guard–National Transportation Safety
Board Marine Casualty Investigations
4.06-1 Responsibilities Of The Marine Employer.
4.06-5 Responsibilities Of Individuals Directly Involved In 4.40-1 Purpose.

Serious Marine Incidents. 4.40-3 Relationship To Coast Guard Marine Investigation

4.06-10 Required Specimens. Regulations And Procedures.
4.06-20 Specimen Collection Requirements. 4.40-5 Definitions.
4.06-30 Specimen Collection In Incidents Involving Fatalities. 4.40-10 Preliminary Investigation By The Coast Guard.
4.06-40 Specimen Handling And Shipping. 4.40-15 Marine Casualty Investigation By The Board.
4.06-50 Specimen Analysis And Follow-Up Procedures. 4.40-20 Cause Or Probable Cause Determinations From Board
4.06-60 Submission Of Reports And Test Results. Investigation.
4.40-25 Coast Guard Marine Casualty Investigation For The
Subpart 4.07–Investigations Board.
4.40-30 Procedures For Coast Guard Investigation.
4.07-1 Commandant Or District Commander To Order 4.40-35 Records Of The Coast Guard And The Board.
4.07-5 Investigating Officers, Powers Of. Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2103,
4.07-7 Opening Statement. 2306, 6101, 6301, 6305; 50 U.S.C. 198; Department of Homeland
4.07-10 Report Of Investigation. Security Delegation No. 0170.1. Authority for subpart 4.40: 49
4.07-15 Recommendations, Action On. U.S.C. 1903(a)(1)(E). [SOURCE: CGD 74-119, 39 FR 33317,
4.07-20 Transfer Of Jurisdiction. Sept. 17, 1974, unless otherwise noted.]

Subpart 4.01–Authority And Scope Of (2) An injury to a crewmember, passenger, or other person which
requires professional medical treatment beyond first aid, and, in
Regulations the case of a person employed on board a vessel in commercial
service, which renders the individual unfit to perform routine
§4.01-1 Scope Of Regulation.
vessel duties;
The regulations in this part govern the reporting of marine
casualties, the investigation of marine casualties and the
(3) Damage to property, as defined in §4.05-1(a)(7) of this part, in
submittal of reports designed to increase the likelihood of timely
excess of $100,000;
assistance to vessels in distress.
(4) Actual or constructive total loss of any vessel subject to
[CGD 85-015, 51 FR 19341, May 29, 1986]
inspection under 46 U.S.C. 3301; or
§4.01-3 Reporting Exclusion.
(5) Actual or constructive total loss of any self-propelled vessel,
(a) Vessels subject to 33 CFR 173.51 are excluded from the
not subject to inspection under 46 U.S.C. 3301, of 100 gross tons
requirements of subpart 4.05.
or more.
(b) Vessels which report diving accidents under 46 CFR 197.484
(b) A discharge of oil of 10,000 gallons or more into the navigable
regarding deaths, or injuries which cause incapacitation for
waters of the United States, as defined in 33 U.S.C. 1321,
greater than 72 hours, are not required to give notice under
whether or not resulting from a marine casualty.

§4.05-1(a)(5) or §4.05-1(a)(6).
(c) A discharge of a reportable quantity of a hazardous substance
(c) Vessels are excluded from the requirements of §4.05-1(a)(5)

into the navigable waters of the United States, or a release of a
and (a)(6) with respect to the death or injury of shipyard or harbor
reportable quantity of a hazardous substance into the
workers when such accidents are not the result of either a vessel
environment of the United States, whether or not resulting from a
casualty (e.g., collision) or a vessel equipment casualty (e.g.,

marine casualty.
cargo boom failure) and are subject to the reporting requirements
of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under
[CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47077, Nov. 21, 1988, as amended by CGD
29 CFR 1904.
97-057, 62 FR 51041, Sept. 30, 1997]

(d) Except as provided in subpart 4.40, public vessels are
§4.03-4 Individual Directly Involved In A Serious Marine
excluded from the requirements of this part.
The term individual directly involved in a serious marine
[CGD 76-170, 45 FR 77441, Nov. 24, 1980; 46 FR 19235, Mar.
30, 1981, as amended by CGD 76-170, 47 FR 39684, Sept. 9,
1982; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997; 65 FR 58455,
A incident is an individual whose order, action or failure to act is
determined to be, or cannot be ruled out as, a causative factor in
the events leading to or causing a serious marine incident.
Sept. 29, 2000]
[CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47077, Nov. 21, 1988]
Subpart 4.03–Definitions

§4.03-5 Medical Facility.

§4.03-1 Marine Casualty Or Accident. The term medical facility means an American hospital, clinic,
(a) The term marine casualty or accident shall mean any physician's office, or laboratory, where blood and urine specimens

casualty or accident involving any vessel other than public can be collected according to recognized professional standards.
vessels if such casualty or accident occurs upon the navigable
waters of the United States, its territories or possessions or any [CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47077, Nov. 21, 1988]

casualty or accident wherever such casualty or accident may

occur involving any United States' vessel which is not a public §4.03-6 Qualified Medical Personnel.
vessel. (See §4.03-40 for definition of Public Vessel.) The term qualified medical personnel means a physician,

physician's assistant, nurse, emergency medical technician, or

(b) The term marine casualty or accident includes any other person authorized under State or Federal law or regulation
accidental grounding, or any occurrence involving a vessel which to collect blood and urine specimens.
results in damage by or to the vessel, its apparel, gear, or cargo,
or injury or loss of life of any person; and includes among other [CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47077, Nov. 21, 1988]
things, collisions, strandings, groundings, founderings, heavy

weather damage, fires, explosions, failure of gear and equipment §4.03-7 Chemical Test.
and any other damage which might affect or impair the The term chemical test means a scientifically recognized test
seaworthiness of the vessel. which analyzes an individual's breath, blood, urine, saliva, bodily
fluids, or tissues for evidence of dangerous drug or alcohol use.

(c) The term marine casualty or accident also includes

occurrences of loss of life or injury to any person while diving from [CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47077, Nov. 21, 1988]
a vessel and using underwater breathing apparatus.
§4.03-10 Party In Interest.
[CGD 74-119, 39 FR 33317, Sept. 17, 1974, as amended by CGD The term party in interest shall mean any person whom the
76-170, 45 FR 77441, Nov. 24, 1980] Marine Board of Investigation or the investigating officer shall find
to have a direct interest in the investigation conducted by it and
§4.03-2 Serious Marine Incident. shall include an owner, a charterer, or the agent of such owner or
The term serious marine incident includes the following events charterer of the vessel or vessels involved in the marine casualty
involving a vessel in commercial service: or accident, and all licensed or certificated personnel whose
conduct, whether or not involved in a marine casualty or accident
(a) Any marine casualty or accident as defined in §4.03-1 which is is under investigation by the Board or investigating officer.
required by §4.05-1 to be reported to the Coast Guard and which
results in any of the following: §4.03-15 Commandant.
The Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, is that officer who acts as
(1) One or more deaths; chief of the Coast Guard and is charged with the administration of
the Coast Guard.

§4.03-20 Coast Guard District. (a) The Coast Guard district rescue coordination center (RCC)
A Coast Guard district is one of the geographical areas whose cognizant over the area the vessel was last operating in; or
boundaries are described in 33 CFR part 3.
(b) The Coast Guard search and rescue authority nearest to
§4.03-25 District Commander. where the vessel was last operating.
The District Commander is the chief of a Coast Guard district and
is charged with the administration of all Coast Guard Reasons for belief that a vessel is in distress include, but are not
responsibilities and activities within his respective district, except limited to, lack of communication with or nonappearance of the
those functions of administrative law judges under the vessel.
Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 237, 5 U.S.C. 1001 et
seq.) and activities of independent units of the Coast Guard, such §4.04-3 Reports Of Lack Of Vessel Communication.
as the Coast Guard Yard and the Coast Guard Academy. The owner, charterer, managing operator or agent of a vessel that
is required to report to the United States flag Merchant Vessel
§4.03-30 Investigating Officer. Location Filing System under the authority of section 212(A) of
An investigating officer is an officer or employee of the Coast the Merchant Marine Act, 1936 (46 App. U.S.C. 1122a), shall
Guard designated by the Commandant, District Commander or immediately notify the Coast Guard if more than 48 hours have
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, for the purpose of passed since receiving communication from the vessel. This
making investigations of marine casualties and accidents or other notification shall be given to the Coast Guard district RCC
matters pertaining to the conduct of seamen. An Officer in cognizant over the area the vessel was last operating in.

Charge, Marine Inspection, is an investigating officer without
further designation. (Information collection requirements approved by the Office of

Management and Budget under control number 1625-0048)
§4.03-35 Nuclear Vessel.
The term nuclear vessel means any vessel in which power for §4.04-5 Substance Of Reports.

propulsion, or for any other purpose, is derived from nuclear The owner, charterer, managing operator or agent, notifying the
energy; or any vessel handling or processing substantial amounts Coast Guard under §4.04-1 or §4.04-3, shall:
of radioactive material other than as cargo.
(a) Provided the name and identification number of the vessel, the
[CGD 84-099, 52 FR 47534, Dec. 14, 1987] names of the individuals on board, and other information that may

be requested by the Coast Guard (when providing the names of
§4.03-40 Public Vessels. the individuals on board for a passenger vessel, the list of
passengers need only meet the requirements of 46 U.S.C. 3502);
Public vessel means a vessel that–
(a) Is owned, or demise chartered, and operated by the U.S. A and
Government or a government of a foreign country, except a (b) Submit written confirmation of that notice to the Coast Guard
vessel owned or operated by the Department of Transportation or facility that the notice was given to within 24 hours.
any corporation organized or controlled by the Department

(except a vessel operated by the Coast Guard or Saint Lawrence (Information collection requirements approved by the Office of
Seaway Development Corporation); and Management and Budget under control number 1625-0048)

(b) Is not engaged in commercial service. Subpart 4.05–Notice Of Marine Casualty And

[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997]

Voyage Records
§4.05-1 Notice Of Marine Casualty.

§4.03-45 Marine Employer.

(a) Immediately after the addressing of resultant safety concerns,
Marine employer means the owner, managing operator,
the owner, agent, master, operator, or person in charge, shall
charterer, agent, master, or person in charge of a vessel other
notify the nearest Marine Safety Office, Marine Inspection Office

than a recreational vessel.

or Coast Guard Group Office whenever a vessel is involved in a
marine casualty consisting in–
[CGD 84-099, 52 FR 47534, Dec. 14, 1987]
(1) An unintended grounding, or an unintended strike of (allison
§4.03-50 Recreational Vessel.
with) a bridge;

Recreational vessel means a vessel meeting the definition in 46

U.S.C. 2101(25) that is then being used only for pleasure.
(2) An intended grounding, or an intended strike of a bridge, that
creates a hazard to navigation, the environment, or the safety of a
[CGD 84-099, 52 FR 47534, Dec. 14, 1987]
vessel, or that meets any criterion of paragraphs (a)(3) through

§4.03-55 Law Enforcement Officer.
Law enforcement officer means a Coast Guard commissioned,
(3) A loss of main propulsion, primary steering, or any associated
warrant or petty officer; or any other law enforcement officer
component or control system that reduces the maneuverability of
authorized to obtain a chemical test under Federal, State, or local
the vessel;
(4) An occurrence materially and adversely affecting the vessel's
[CGD 84-099, 52 FR 47534, Dec. 14, 1987]
seaworthiness or fitness for service or route, including but not
limited to fire, flooding, or failure of or damage to fixed fire-
Subpart 4.04–Notice Of Potential Vessel Casualty extinguishing systems, lifesaving equipment, auxiliary power-
[SOURCE: CGD 85-015, 51 FR 19341, May 29, 1986, unless generating equipment, or bilge-pumping systems;
otherwise noted.]
(5) A loss of life;
§4.04-1 Reports Of Potential Vessel Casualty.
A vessel owner, charterer, managing operator or agent shall (6) An injury that requires professional medical treatment
immediately notify either of the following Coast Guard officers if (treatment beyond first aid) and, if the person is engaged or
there is reason to believe a vessel is lost or imperiled. employed on board a vessel in commercial service, that renders

the individual unfit to perform his or her routine duties; or (a) The owner, agent, master, or person in charge of any vessel
involved in a marine casualty shall retain such voyage records as
(7) An occurrence causing property-damage in excess of are maintained by the vessel, such as both rough and smooth
$25,000, this damage including the cost of labor and material to deck and engine room logs, bell books, navigation charts,
restore the property to its condition before the occurrence, but not navigation work books, compass deviation cards, gyro records,
including the cost of salvage, cleaning, gas-freeing, drydocking, or stowage plans, records of draft, aids to mariners, night order
demurrage. books, radiograms sent and received, radio logs, crew and
passenger lists, articles of shipment, official logs and other
(b) Notice given as required by 33 CFR 160.215 satisfies the material which might be of assistance in investigating and
requirement of this section if the marine casualty involves a determining the cause of the casualty. The owner, agent, master,
hazardous condition as defined by 33 CFR 160.203. other officer or person responsible for the custody thereof, shall
make these records available upon request, to a duly authorized
[CGD 94-030, 59 FR 39471, Aug. 3, 1994] investigating officer, administrative law judge, officer or employee
of the Coast Guard.
§4.05-5 Substance Of Marine Casualty Notice.
The notice required in §4.05-1 must include the name and official (b) The investigating officer may substitute photostatic copies of
number of the vessel involved, the name of the vessel's owner or the voyage records referred to in paragraph (a) of this section
agent, the nature and circumstances of the casualty, the locality in when they have served their purpose and return the original
which it occurred, the nature and extent of injury to persons, and records to the owner or owners thereof.

the damage to property.
§4.05-20 Report Of Accident To Aid To Navigation.

[CGD 76-170, 45 FR 77441, Nov. 24, 1980] Whenever a vessel collides with a buoy, or other aid to navigation
under the jurisdiction of the Coast Guard, or is connected with any
§4.05-10 Written Report Of Marine Casualty. such collision, it shall be the duty of the person in charge of such

(a) The owner, agent, master, operator, or person in charge shall, vessel to report the accident to the nearest Officer in Charge,
within five days, file a written report of any marine casualty Marine Inspection. No report on Form CG-2692 is required unless
required to be reported under §4.05-1. This written report is in one or more of the results listed in §4.05-1 occur.
addition to the immediate notice required by §4.05-1. This written
report must be delivered to a Coast Guard Marine Safety Office or [CGD 74-119, 39 FR 33317, Sept. 17, 1974, as amended by CGD

Marine Inspection Office. It must be provided on Form CG-2692 88-070, 53 FR 34533, Sept. 7, 1988]
(Report of Marine Accident, Injury or Death), supplemented as
necessary by appended Forms CG-2692A (Barge Addendum) §4.05-25 Reports When State Of War Exists.
and CG-2692B (Report of Required Chemical Drug and Alcohol
Testing Following a Serious Marine Incident). A During the period when a state of war exists between the United
States and any foreign nation, communications in regard to
casualties or accidents shall be handled with caution and the
(b) If filed without delay after the occurrence of the marine reports shall not be made by radio or by telegram.
casualty, the report required by paragraph (a) of this section

suffices as the notice required by §4.05-1(a). §4.05-30 Incidents Involving Hazardous Materials.
When a casualty occurs involving hazardous materials,
[CGD 94-030, 63 FR 19192, Apr. 17, 1998] notification and a written report to the Department of
Transportation may be required. See 49 CFR 171.15 and 171.16.

§4.05-12 Alcohol Or Drug Use By Individuals Directly

Involved In Casualties. [CGD 76-170, 45 FR 77441, Nov. 24, 1980]
(a) For each marine casualty required to be reported by §4.05-10,

the marine employer shall determine whether there is any §4.05-35 Incidents Involving Nuclear Vessels.
evidence of alcohol or drug use by individuals directly involved in The master of any nuclear vessel shall immediately inform the
the casualty. Commandant in the event of any accident or casualty to the

nuclear vessel which may lead to an environmental hazard. The

(b) The marine employer shall include in the written report, Form master shall also immediately inform the competent governmental
CG-2692, submitted for the casualty information which: authority of the country in whose waters the vessel may be or
whose waters the vessel approaches in a damaged condition.
(1) Identifies those individuals for whom evidence of drug or

alcohol use, or evidence of intoxication, has been obtained; and, [CGD 84-099, 52 FR 47534, Dec. 14, 1987]

(2) Specifies the method used to obtain such evidence, such as §4.05-40 Alternate Electronic Means Of Reporting.
personal observation of the individual, or by chemical testing of The Commandant may approve alternate electronic means of
the individual. submitting notices and reports required under this subpart.

(c) An entry shall be made in the official log book, if carried, [USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53223, Oct. 1, 1999]
pertaining to those individuals for whom evidence of intoxication is
obtained. The individual must be informed of this entry and the Subpart 4.06–Mandatory Chemical Testing
entry must be witnessed by a second person.
Following Serious Marine Incidents Involving
(d) If an individual directly involved in a casualty refuses to submit Vessels In Commercial Service
to, or cooperate in, the administration of a timely chemical test,
when directed by a law enforcement officer or by the marine [SOURCE: CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47078, Nov. 21, 1988, unless
employer, this fact shall be noted in the official log book, if carried, otherwise noted.]
and in the written report (Form CG-2692), and shall be admissible
as evidence in any administrative proceeding. §4.06-1 Responsibilities Of The Marine Employer.
(a) At the time of occurrence of a marine casualty, a discharge of
[CGD 84-099, 52 FR 47534, Dec. 14, 1987] oil into the navigable waters of the United States, a discharge of a
hazardous substance into the navigable waters of the United
§4.05-15 Voyage Records, Retention Of. States, or a release of a hazardous substance into the
environment of the United States, the marine employer shall

make a timely, good faith determination as to whether the incidents. The specimen collection and shipping kits need not be
occurrence currently is, or is likely to become, a serious marine maintained aboard each vessel if they can otherwise be readily
incident. obtained within 24 hours from the time of the occurrence of the
serious marine incident.
(b) When a marine employer determines that a casualty or
incident is, or is likely to become, a serious marine incident, the (c) The marine employer shall ensure that specimens required by
marine employer shall take all practicable steps to have each §4.06-10 are collected as soon as practicable following the
individual engaged or employed on board the vessel who is occurrence of a serious marine incident.
directly involved in the incident chemically tested for evidence of
drug and alcohol use. (d) When obtaining blood, breath, and urine specimens, the
marine employer shall ensure that the collection process is
(c) The determination of which individuals are directly involved in supervised by either qualified collection personnel, the marine
a serious marine incident is to be made by the marine employer. employer, a law enforcement officer, or the marine employer's
A law enforcement officer may determine that additional representative.
individuals are directly involved in the serious marine incident. In
such cases, the marine employer shall take all practicable steps (e) Chemical tests of an individual's breath for the presence of
to have these individuals tested in accordance with paragraph (b) alcohol using a breath testing device may be conducted by any
of this section. individual trained to conduct such tests. Blood specimens shall be
taken only by qualified medical personnel.

(d) The requirements of this subpart shall not prevent vessel
personnel who are required to be tested from performing duties in [66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001]

the aftermath of a serious marine incident when their performance
is necessary for the preservation of life or property or the §4.06-30 Specimen Collection In Incidents Involving
protection of the environment. Fatalities.

(a) When an individual engaged or employed on board a vessel
(e) The marine employer shall ensure that all individuals engaged dies as a result of a serious marine incident, blood and urine
or employed on board a vessel are fully indoctrinated in the specimens must be obtained from the remains of the individual for
requirements of this subpart, and that appropriate vessel chemical testing, if practicable to do so. The marine employer
personnel are trained as necessary in the practical applications of shall notify the appropriate local authority, such as the coroner or

these requirements. medical examiner, as soon as possible, of the fatality and of the
requirements of this subpart. The marine employer shall provide
[66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001] the specimen collection and shipping kit and request that the local

§4.06-5 Responsibilities Of Individuals Directly Involved In A authority assist in obtaining the necessary specimens. When the
custodian of the remains is a person other than the local authority,
Serious Marine Incidents. the marine employer shall request the custodian to cooperate in
(a) Any individual engaged or employed on board a vessel who is obtaining the specimens required under this part.
determined to be directly involved in a serious marine incident

shall provide blood, breath or urine specimens for chemical tests (b) If the local authority or custodian of the remains declines to
required by §4.06-10 when directed to do so by the marine cooperate in obtaining the necessary specimens, the marine
employer or a law enforcement officer. employer shall provide an explanation of the circumstances on
Form CG-2692B (Report of Required Chemical Drug and Alcohol

(b) If the individual refuses to provide blood, breath or urine Testing Following a Serious Marine Incident).
specimens, this refusal shall be noted on Form CG-2692B and in
the vessel's official log book, if one is required. §4.06-40 Specimen Handling And Shipping.

(a) The marine employer shall ensure that blood specimens

(c) No individual may be forcibly compelled to provide specimens collected in accordance with §§4.06-20 and 4.06-30 are promptly
for chemical tests required by this part; however, refusal is shipped to a testing laboratory qualified to conduct tests on such

considered a violation of regulation and could subject the specimens. A proper chain of custody must be maintained for
individual to suspension and revocation proceedings under part 5 each specimen from the time of collection through the authorized
of this chapter and removal from any duties which directly affect disposition of the specimen. Blood specimens must be shipped to
the safety of the vessel's navigation or operations. the laboratory in a cooled condition by any means adequate to
ensure delivery within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt by the

§4.06-10 Required Specimens. carrier.

Each individual required to submit to chemical testing shall, as
soon as practicable, provide the following specimens for chemical (b) The marine employer shall ensure that the urine specimen
testing: collection procedures of §16.113 of this chapter and the chain of
custody requirements of 49 CFR Part 40 are complied with. The

(a) Urine specimens, collected in accordance with §4.06-20 and marine employer shall ensure that urine specimens required by
part 16 of this chapter. §§4.06-20 and 4.06-30 are promptly shipped to a laboratory

(b) Blood or breath specimens, or both, collected in accordance complying with the requirements of 49 CFR part 40. Urine
with §4.06-20. specimens must be shipped by an expeditious means, but need
not be shipped in a cooled condition for overnight delivery.
§4.06-20 Specimen Collection Requirements.
(a) All inspected vessels certificated for unrestricted ocean routes, [66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001]
and all inspected vessels certificated for restricted overseas
routes, are required to have on board at all times a breath testing §4.06-50 Specimen Analysis And Follow-Up Procedures.
device capable of determining the presence of alcohol in a (a) Each laboratory will provide prompt analysis of specimens
person's system. The breath testing device shall be used in collected under this subpart, consistent with the need to develop
accordance with procedures specified by the manufacturer. all relevant information and to produce a complete analysis report.

(b) The marine employer shall ensure that urine specimen (b) Reports shall be sent to the Medical Review Officer meeting
collection and shipping kits meeting the requirements of 49 CFR the requirements of 49 CFR 40.121, as designated by the marine
Part 40 are readily available for use following serious marine employer submitting the specimen for testing. Wherever a

urinalysis report indicates the presence of a dangerous drug or part of any licensed or certificated person contributed to the
drug metabolite, the Medical Review Officer shall review the casualty, so that appropriate proceedings against the license or
report as required by 49 CFR Part 40, Subpart G and submit his certificate of such person may be recommended and taken under
or her findings to the marine employer. Blood test reports 46 U.S.C. 6301;
indicating the presence of alcohol shall be similarly reviewed to
determine if there is a legitimate medical explanation. (4) Whether there is evidence that any Coast Guard personnel or
any representative or employee of any other government agency
(c) Analysis results which indicate the presence of alcohol, or any other person caused or contributed to the cause of the
dangerous drugs, or drug metabolites shall not be construed by casualty; or,
themselves as constituting a finding that use of drugs or alcohol
was the probable cause of a serious marine incident. (5) Whether the accident shall be further investigated by a Marine
Board of Investigation in accordance with regulations in subpart
[CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47078, Nov. 21, 1988, as amended by CGD 4.09.
90-053, 58 FR 31107, May 28, 1993; 66 FR 42964, August 16,
2001] [CGD 74-119, 39 FR 33317, Sept. 17, 1974, as amended by CGD
97-057, 62 FR 51041, Sept. 30, 1997]
§4.06-60 Submission Of Reports And Test Results.
(a) Whenever an individual engaged or employed on a vessel is §4.07-5 Investigating Officers, Powers Of.
identified as being directly involved in a serious marine incident, (a) An investigating officer investigates each marine casualty or

the marine employer shall complete Form CG-2692B (Report of accident reported under §§4.05-1 and 4.05-10.
Required Chemical Drug and Alcohol Testing Following a Serious

Marine Incident). (b) Such investigating officer shall have the power to administer
oaths, subpoena witnesses, require persons having knowledge of
(b) When the serious marine incident requires the submission of the subject matter of the investigation to answer questionnaires

Form CG-2692 (Report of Marine Casualty, Injury or Death) to the and require the production of relevant books, papers, documents
Coast Guard in accordance with §4.05-10, the report required by and other records.
paragraph (a) of this section shall be appended to Form CG-2692.
(c) Attendance of witnesses or the production of books, papers,
(c) In incidents involving discharges of oil or hazardous documents or any other evidence shall be compelled by a similar

substances as described in §4.03-2(b) and (c) of this part, when process as in the United States District Court.
Form CG-2692 is not required to be submitted, the report required
by paragraph (a) of this section shall be submitted to the Coast [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17099, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
Guard Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, having jurisdiction
over the location where the discharge occurred or nearest the port A CGD-104R, 37 FR 14234, July 18, 1972]
of first arrival following the discharge. §4.07-7 Opening Statement.
The investigating officer or the Chairman of a Marine Board of
(d) Upon receipt of the report of chemical test results, the marine Investigation shall open the investigation by announcing the

employer shall submit a copy of the test results for each person statutory authority for the proceeding and he shall advise parties
listed on the CG-2692B to the Coast Guard Officer in Charge, in interest concerning their rights to be represented by counsel, to
Marine Inspection to whom the CG-2692B was submitted. examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to call witnesses in
their own behalf.

(e) The Commandant may approve alternate electronic means of

submitting reports and test results as required under paragraphs §4.07-10 Report Of Investigation.
(a) through (d) of this section. (a) At the conclusion of the investigation the investigating officer

shall submit to the Commandant via the Officer in Charge, Marine

[CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47078, Nov. 21, 1988, as amended by CGD Inspection, and the District Commander, a full and complete
97-057, 62 FR 51041, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR report of the facts as determined by his investigation, together

53223, Oct. 1, 1999] with his opinions and recommendations in the premises. The
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, and the District Commander
Subpart 4.07–Investigations shall forward the investigating officer's report to the Commandant
with an endorsement stating:
§4.07-1 Commandant Or District Commander To Order

Investigation. (1) Approval or otherwise of the findings of fact, conclusions and

(a) The Commandant or District Commander upon receipt of recommendations;
information of a marine casualty or accident, will immediately
cause such investigation as may be necessary in accordance with (2) Any action taken with respect to the recommendations;

the regulations in this part.

(3) Whether or not any action has been or will be taken under part
(b) The investigations of marine casualties and accidents and the 5 of this subchapter to suspend or revoke licenses or certificates;
determinations made are for the purpose of taking appropriate and,
measures for promoting safety of life and property at sea, and are
not intended to fix civil or criminal responsibility. (4) Whether or not violations of laws or regulations relating to
vessels have been reported on Form CG-2636, report of violation
(c) The investigation will determine as closely as possible: of navigation laws.

(1) The cause of the accident; (b) At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigating officer
shall submit the report described in paragraph (a) of this section,
(2) Whether there is evidence that any failure of material (either to the Commandant via the Merchant Marine Detail Officer or the
physical or design) was involved or contributed to the casualty, so Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, and the Commander, Coast
that proper recommendations for the prevention of the recurrence Guard MIO Europe for a European port or Commander,
of similar casualties may be made; Fourteenth Coast Guard for an Asian or Pacific port. The
Merchant Marine Detail Officer or the Officer in Charge, Marine
(3) Whether there is evidence that any act of misconduct, Inspection, and Commander, Coast Guard MIO Europe or
inattention to duty, negligence or willful violation of the law on the Commander, Fourteenth Coast Guard District shall forward the

investigating officer's report to the Commandant with the If it appears that it would tend to promote safety of life and
endorsement described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this property at sea or would be in the public interest, the
section. Commandant may designate a Marine Board of Investigation to
conduct an investigation.
[CGD 74-119, 39 FR 33317, Sept. 17, 1974, as amended by CGD
75-196, 41 FR 18655, May 6, 1976; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51042, [CGD 76-170, 45 FR 77441, Nov. 24, 1980]
Sept. 30, 1997]
§4.09-5 Powers Of Marine Board Of Investigation.
§4.07-15 Recommendations, Action On. Any Marine Board of Investigation so designated shall have the
Where the recommendations of an investigating officer are such power to administer oaths, summon witnesses, require persons
that their accomplishment is within the authority of the District having knowledge of the subject matter of the investigation to
Commander or any of the personnel under his command, answer questionnaires, and to require the production of relevant
immediate steps shall be taken to put them into effect and his books, papers, documents or any other evidence. Attendance of
forwarding endorsement shall so indicate. witnesses or the production of books, papers, documents or any
other evidence shall be compelled by a similar process as in the
§4.07-20 Transfer Of Jurisdiction. United States District Court. The chairman shall administer all
When it appears to the District Commander that it is more necessary oaths to any witnesses summoned before said Board.
advantageous to conduct an investigation in a district other than
in the district where the casualty was first reported, that officer §4.09-10 Witnesses, Payment Of.

shall transfer the case to the other district together with any Any witness subpoenaed under §4.09-5 shall be paid such fees
information or material relative to the casualty he may have. for his travel and attendance as shall be certified by the chairman

of a Marine Board of Investigation or an investigating officer, in
§4.07-25 Testimony Of Witnesses In Other Districts, accordance with §4.11-10.

When witnesses are available in a district other than the district in §4.09-15 Time And Place Of Investigation, Notice Of; Rights
which the investigation is being made, testimony or statements Of Witnesses, Etc.
shall be taken from witnesses in the other districts by an Reasonable notice of the time and place of the investigation shall
investigating officer and promptly transmitted to the investigating be given to any person whose conduct is or may be under
officer conducting the investigation. Depositions may be taken in investigation and to any other party in interest. All parties in

the manner prescribed by regulations in subpart 4.12. interest shall be allowed to be represented by counsel, to cross-
examine witnesses, and to call witnesses in their own behalf.
§4.07-30 Testimony Of Witnesses Under Oath.
(a) Witnesses to marine casualties or accidents appearing before
an investigating officer may be placed under oath and their A §4.09-17 Sessions To Be Public.
(a) All sessions of a Marine Board of Investigation for the purpose
testimony may be reduced to writing. of obtaining evidence shall normally be open to the public, subject
to the provision that the conduct of any person present shall not
(b) Written statements and reports submitted as evidence by be allowed to interfere with the proper and orderly functioning of

witnesses shall be sworn to before an officer authorized to the Board. Sessions will not be open to the public when evidence
administer oaths and such statements and/or reports shall be of a classified nature or affecting national security is to be
signed. received.

§4.07-35 Counsel For Witnesses And Parties In Interest. §4.09-20 Record Of Proceedings.
(a) All parties in interest shall be allowed to be represented by The testimony of witnesses shall be transcribed and a complete
counsel, to examine and cross-examine witnesses and to call record of the proceedings of a Marine Board of Investigation shall

witnesses in their own behalf. be kept. At the conclusion of the investigation a written report
shall be made containing findings of fact, opinions, and
(b) Witnesses who are not parties in interest may be assisted by recommendations to the Commandant for his consideration.

counsel for the purpose of advising such witnesses concerning

their rights; however, such counsel will not be permitted to §4.09-25 U.S. Attorney To Be Notified.
examine or cross-examine other witnesses or otherwise The recorder of a Marine Board of Investigation shall notify the
participate in the investigation. United States Attorney for the District in which the Marine Board
of Investigation is being conducted of the nature of the casualty

§4.07-45 Foreign Units Of Coast Guard, Investigation By. under investigation and time and place the investigation will be
Investigations of marine casualties conducted by foreign units of made.
the Coast Guard shall be in accordance with the regulations in
this part and all actions taken in connection with the investigations §4.09-30 Action On Report.
of such marine casualties entered in the official log(s) of the Upon approval of the report of a Marine Board of Investigation the

vessel(s) concerned. Commandant will require to be placed into effect such

recommendations as he may deem necessary for the better
§4.07-55 Information To Be Furnished Marine Board Of improvement and safety of life and property at sea.
When a Marine Board of Investigation is convened in accordance §4.09-35 Preferment Of Charges.
with §4.09-1, the investigating officer shall immediately furnish the (a) If in the course of an investigation by a Marine Board there
board with all testimony, statements, reports, documents, papers, appears probable cause for the preferment of charges against
a list of witnesses including those whom he has examined, other any licensed or certificated personnel, the Marine Board shall,
material which he may have gathered, and a statement of any either during or immediately following the investigation and before
findings of fact which he may have determined. The preliminary the witnesses have dispersed, apprise the District Commander of
investigation shall cease forthwith and the aforementioned such evidence for possible action in accordance with part 5 of this
material shall become a part of the Marine Board of subchapter, without waiting for the approval of the report by the
Investigation's record. Commandant. Such action or proceedings shall be independent
and apart from any other action which may be later ordered by the
Subpart 4.09–Marine Board Of Investigation Commandant or taken by other authorities.

§4.09-1 Commandant To Designate. Subpart 4.11–Witnesses And Witness Fees

§4.11-1 Employees Of Vessels Controlled By Army Or Navy Investigation shall present it to the parties for their examination.
As Witnesses. The investigating officer or Marine Board of Investigation shall
No officer, seaman, or other employee of any public vessel rule on the admissibility of the deposition or any part thereof and
controlled by the Army or Navy (not including the Coast Guard) of of any objection offered by either party thereto.
the United States, shall be summoned or otherwise required to
appear as a witness in connection with any investigation or other [CGD 74-119, 39 FR 33317, Sept. 17, 1974, as amended by CGD
proceeding without the consent of the Government agency 96-041, 61 FR 50726, Sept. 27, 1996]
Subpart 4.13–Availability Of Records
§4.11-5 Coercion Of Witnesses.
Any attempt to coerce any witness or to induce him to testify §4.13-1 Public Availability Of Records.
falsely in connection with a shipping casualty, or to induce any Coast Guard records are made available to the public in
witness to leave the jurisdiction of the United States, is punishable accordance with 49 CFR part 7.
by a fine of $5,000.00 or imprisonment for one year, or both such
fine and imprisonment. [CGD 73-43R, 40 FR 13501, Mar. 27, 1975]

§4.11-10 Witness Fees And Allowances.

Witness fees and allowances are paid in accordance with 46 CFR
Subpart 4.19–Construction Of Regulations And
5.401. Rules Of Evidence

[CGD 79-080, 45 FR 2046, Jan. 10, 1980, as amended by CGD §4.19-1 Construction Of Regulations.
The regulations in this part shall be liberally construed to insure

96-041, 61 FR 50726, Sept. 27, 1996]
just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of the issues
Subpart 4.12–Testimony By Interrogatories And

Depositions §4.19-5 Adherence To Rules Of Evidence.
As hearings under this part are administrative in character, strict
§4.12-1 Application, Procedure, And Admissibility. adherence to the formal rules of evidence is not imperative.
(a) Witnesses shall be examined orally, except that for good However, in the interest of orderly presentation of the facts of a

cause shown, testimony may be taken by deposition upon case, the rules of evidence should be observed as closely as
application of any party in interest or upon the initiative of the possible.
investigating officer or Marine Board of Investigation.

(b) Applications to take depositions shall be in writing setting forth

the reasons why such deposition should be taken, the name and
A Subpart 4.21–Computation Of Time
§4.21-1 Computation Of Time.
address of the witness, the matters concerning which it is
The time, within which any act, provided by the regulation in this
expected the witness will testify, and the time and place proposed
subchapter, or an order of the Marine Board of Investigation is to
for the taking of the deposition. Such application shall be made to

be done, shall be computed by excluding the first day and

an investigating officer or the Marine Board of Investigation prior
including the last unless the last day is Sunday or a legal holiday,
to or during the course of the proceedings.
in which case the time shall extend to and include the next
succeeding day that is not a Sunday or legal holiday: Provided,
(c) The investigating officer or Marine Board of Investigation,

however, That where the time fixed by the regulations in this

shall, upon receipt of the application, if good cause is shown,
subchapter or an order of the Board is five days or less all
make and serve upon the parties an order which will specify the
intervening Sundays or legal holidays, other than Saturdays, shall
name of the witness whose deposition is to be taken, the name

be excluded.
and place of the taking of such deposition and shall contain a
designation of the officer before whom the witness is to testify.
Such deposition may be taken before any officer authorized to Subpart 4.23–Evidence Of Criminal Liability

administer oaths by the laws of the United States.

§4.23-1 Evidence Of Criminal Liability.
(d) The party desiring the deposition may submit a list of If, as a result of any investigation or other proceeding conducted
interrogatories to be propounded to the absent witness; then the hereunder, evidence of criminal liability on the part of any licensed
opposite party after he has been allowed a reasonable time for officer or certificated person or any other person is found, such

this purpose, may submit a list of cross-interrogatories. If either evidence shall be referred to the U.S. Attorney General.
party objects to any question of the adversary party, the matter
shall be presented to the investigating officer or Marine Board of Subpart 4.40–Coast Guard–National
Investigation for a ruling. Upon agreement of the parties on a list Transportation Safety Board Marine Casualty

of interrogatories and cross-interrogatories (if any) the

investigating officer or Marine Board of Investigation may
propound such additional questions as may be necessary to
[SOURCE: CGD 76-149, 42 FR 61200, Dec. 1, 1977, unless
clarify the testimony given by the witness.
otherwise noted.]
(e) The subpoena referred to in subpart F of this subchapter
§4.40-1 Purpose.
together with the list of interrogatories and cross-interrogatories (if
This subpart prescribes the joint regulations of the National
any) shall be forwarded to the officer designated to take such
Transportation Safety Board and the Coast Guard for the
deposition. This officer will cause the subpoena to be served
investigation of marine casualties.
personally on the witness. After service the subpoena shall be
endorsed and returned to the investigating officer or Marine Board
[CGD 82-034, 47 FR 45882, Oct. 14, 1982]
of Investigation.
§4.40-3 Relationship To Coast Guard Marine Investigation
(f) When the deposition has been duly executed it shall be
Regulations And Procedures.
returned to the investigating officer or Marine Board of
(a) The Coast Guard's responsibility to investigate marine
Investigation. As soon as practicable after the receipt of the
casualties is not eliminated nor diminished by the regulations in
deposition the investigating officer or Marine Board of
this subpart.

(b) In those instances where the National Transportation Safety [CGD 76-149, 42 FR 61200, Dec. 1, 1977, as amended by CGD
Board conducts an investigation in which the Coast Guard also 82-034, 47 FR 45882, Oct. 14, 1982]
has responsibility under 46 U.S.C. Chapter 63, the proceedings
are conducted independently but so as to avoid duplication as §4.40-15 Marine Casualty Investigation By The Board.
much as possible. (a) The Board may conduct an investigation under the Act of any
major marine casualty or any casualty involving public and non-
[CGD 76-149, 42 FR 61200, Dec. 1, 1977, as amended by CGD public vessels. Where the Board determines it will convene a
95-028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997] hearing in connection with such an investigation, the Board's rules
of practice for transportation accident hearings in 49 CFR part
§4.40-5 Definitions. 845 shall apply.
As used in this subpart:
(a) Act means title III of Public Law 93-633, the Independent (b) The Board shall conduct an investigation under the Act when:
Safety Board Act of 1974, (49 U.S.C. 1131).
(1) The casualty involves a Coast Guard and a non-public vessel
(b) Board means the National Transportation Safety Board. and at least one fatality or $75,000 in property damage; or

(c) Chairman means the Chairman of the National Transportation (2) The Commandant and the Board agree that the Board shall
Safety Board. conduct the investigation, and the casualty involves a public and a
non-public vessel and at least one fatality or $75,000 in property

(d) Major marine casualty means a casualty involving a vessel, damage; or
other than a public vessel, that results in:

(3) The Commandant and the Board agree that the Board shall
(1) The loss of six or more lives: conduct the investigation, and the casualty is a major marine
casualty which involves significant safety issues relating to Coast

(2) The loss of a mechanically propelled vessel of 100 or more Guard safety functions.
gross tons;
[CGD 82-034, 47 FR 45882, Oct. 14, 1982]
(3) Property damage initially estimated at $500,000 or more; or
§4.40-20 Cause Or Probable Cause Determinations From

(4) Serious threat, as determined by the Commandant and Board Investigation.
concurred in by the Chairman, to life, property, or the environment After an investigation conducted by the Board under §4.40-15, the
by hazardous materials. Board determines cause or probable cause and issues a report of

(e) Public vessel means a vessel owned by the United States, A that determination.
except a vessel to which the Act of October 25, 1919, c.82, (41 §4.40-25 Coast Guard Marine Casualty Investigation For The
Stat. 305, 46 U.S.C. 363) applies. Board.
(a) If the Board does not conduct an investigation under §4.40-

(f) Vessel of the United States means a vessel: 15(a), (b)(2) or (3), the Coast Guard, at the request of the Board,
may conduct an investigation under the Act unless there is an
(1) Documented or required to be documented under the laws of allegation of Federal Government misfeasance or nonfeasance.
the United States;

(b) The Board will request the Coast Guard to conduct an

(2) Owned in the United States; or investigation under paragraph (a) of this section within 48 hours of
receiving notice under §4.40-10(c).

(3) Owned by a citizen or resident of the United States and not

registered under a foreign flag. (c) The Coast Guard will advise the Board within 24 hours of
receipt of a request under paragraph (b) of this section whether

[CGD 76-149, 42 FR 61200, Dec. 1, 1977, as amended by CGD the Coast Guard will conduct an investigation under the Act.
95-028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997]
[CGD 82-034, 47 FR 45882, Oct. 14, 1982]
§4.40-10 Preliminary Investigation By The Coast Guard.
(a) The Coast Guard conducts the preliminary investigation of §4.40-30 Procedures For Coast Guard Investigation.

marine casualties. (a) The Coast Guard conducts an investigation under §4.40-25
using the procedures in 46 CFR 4.01-1 through 4.23-1.
(b) The Commandant determines from the preliminary
investigation whether: (b) The Board may designate a person or persons to participate in
every phase of an investigation, including an on scene

(1) The casualty is a major marine casualty; or investigation, that is conducted under the provisions of subpart
4.40-25 of this part.
(2) The casualty involves a public and a non-public vessel and at
least one fatality or $75,000 in property damage; or (c) Consistent with Coast Guard responsibility to direct the course
of the investigation, the person or persons designated by the
(3) The casualty involves a Coast Guard and a non-public vessel Board under paragraph (b) of this section may:
and at least one fatality or $75,000 in property damage; or
(1) Make recommendations about the scope of the investigations.
(4) The casualty is a major marine casualty which involves
significant safety issues relating to Coast Guard safety functions, (2) Call and examine witnesses.
e.g., search and rescue, aids to navigation, vessel traffic systems,
commercial vessel safety, etc. (3) Submit or request additional evidence.

(c) The Commandant notifies the Board of a casualty described in (d) The Commandant provides a record of the proceedings to the
paragraph (b) of this section. Board of an investigation of a major marine casualty under
paragraph (a) of this section.

(e) The Board, under the Act, makes its determination of the facts, [CGD 76-149, 42 FR 61200, Dec. 1, 1977, as amended by CGD
conditions, circumstances, and the cause or probable cause of a 95-028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997]
major marine casualty using the record of the proceedings
provided by the Commandant under paragraph (d) of this section, §4.40-35 Records Of The Coast Guard And The Board.
and any additional evidence the Board may acquire under its own (a) Records of the Coast Guard made under §4.40-30 are
authority. available to the public under 49 CFR part 7.

(f) An investigation by the Coast Guard under this section is both (b) Records of the Board made under §§4.40-20 and 4.40-30 are
an investigation under the Act and under 46 U.S.C. Chapter 63. available to the public under 49 CFR part 801.


Part 7 – Boundary Lines
Table Of Contents §7.1 General Purpose Of Boundary Lines.

GENERAL The lines in this part delineate the application of the following U.S.
statutes: 33 U.S.C. 152 relating to the length of towing hawsers;
Sec. 33 U.S.C. 1201 et seq., the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge
7.1 General Purpose Of Boundary Lines. Radiotelephone Act; 46 U.S.C. 5102(b)(6), which exempt from
7.5 Rules For Establishing Boundary Lines. load line requirements certain vessels on domestic voyages; 46
U.S.C. 3301(6) requiring the inspection of seagoing barges which
ATLANTIC COAST are defined in 46 U.S.C. 2101(32); 46 U.S.C. 3301(7) requiring
the inspection of seagoing motor vessels which are defined in 46
7.10 Eastport, ME To Cape Ann, MA. U.S.C. 2101(33); 46 U.S.C. 3302(d) which exempts from
7.15 Massachusetts Bay, MA. inspection requirements certain vessels under 150 gross tons that
7.20 Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound, Buzzards Bay, operate within the waters of southeastern Alaska and the State of
Narragansett Bay, MA, Block Island Sound And Washington; and 46 U.S.C. 8304, "Implementing the Officers'
Easterly Entrance To Long Island Sound, NY. Competency Certificates Convention, 1936."

7.25 Montauk Point, NY To Atlantic Beach, NY.
7.30 New York Harbor, NY. [CGD 81-058, 50 FR 25230, June 18, 1985, as amended by CGD
7.35 Sandy Hook, NJ To Cape May, NJ. 95-028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR

7.40 Delaware Bay And Tributaries. 52188, Sept. 30, 1998]
7.45 Cape Henlopen, DE To Cape Charles, VA.
7.50 Chesapeake Bay And Tributaries. §7.5 Rules For Establishing Boundary Lines.

7.55 Cape Henry, VA To Cape Fear, NC. (a) For application of the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone
7.60 Cape Fear, NC To Sullivans Island, SC. Act, 33 U.S.C. 1201 et seq., the line is 12 nautical miles seaward
7.65 Charleston Harbor, SC. of the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured.
7.70 Folly Island, SC To Hilton Head Island, SC.
(b) Barges of 100 gross tons and over operating on the sheltered

7.75 Savannah River/Tybee Roads.
7.80 Tybee Island, GA To St. Simons Island, GA. waters of British Columbia as defined in the United States-
7.85 St. Simons Island, GA To Little Talbot Island, FL. Canada treaty of 1933 (49 Stat. 2685, TS 869) are not required to
St. Johns River, FL.
St. Johns Point, FL To Miami Beach, FL.
Florida Reefs And Keys from Miami, FL To Marquesas
A be inspected as seagoing barges under 46 U.S.C. 3301.

(c) Except as otherwise described in this part, Boundary Lines are

Keys, FL. lines drawn following the general trend of the seaward, highwater
shorelines and lines continuing the general trend of the seaward,
GULF COAST highwater shorelines across entrances to small bays, inlets and

7.105 Marquesas Keys, FL To Rio Grande, TX.

§7.10 Eastport, ME To Cape Ann, MA.

7.110 Mamala Bay, HI. (a) A line drawn from the easternmost extremity of Kendall Head
to latitude 44°54'45" N. longitude 66°58'30" W.; thence to the

PACIFIC COAST range marker located in approximate position latitude 44°51'45"

N. longitude 66°59" W.
7.115 Santa Catalina Island, CA.

7.120 Mexican/United States Border To Point Fermin, CA. (b) A line drawn from West Quoddy Head Light to latitude
7.125 Point Vincente, CA To Point Conception, CA. 44°48.5' N. longitude 66°56.4' W. (Sail Rock Lighted Whistle Buoy
7.130 Point Conception, CA To Point Sur, CA. "1"); thence to latitude 44°37.5' N. longitude 67°09.8' W. (Little
7.135 Point Sur, CA To Cape Blanco, OR. River Lighted Whistle Buoy "2LR"); thence to latitude 44°14.5' N.
7.140 Cape Blanco, OR To Cape Flattery, WA. longitude 67°57.2' W. (Frenchman Bay Approach Lighted Whistle

7.145 Strait Of Juan De Fuca, Haro Strait And Strait Of Buoy "FB"); thence to Mount Desert Light; thence to Matinicus
Georgia, WA. Rock Light; thence to Monhegan Island Light; thence to latitude
43°31.6' N. longitude 70°05.5' W. (Portland Lighted Horn Buoy
ALASKA "P"); thence to Boon Island Light; thence to latitude 42°37.9' N.

longitude 70°31.2' W. (Cape Ann Lighted Whistle Buoy "2").

7.150 Canadian (BC) And United States (AK) Borders To
Cape Spencer, AK. §7.15 Massachusetts Bay, MA.
7.155 Cape Spencer, AK To Cape St. Elias, AK. A line drawn from latitude 42°37.9' N. longitude 70°31.2' W.
7.160 Point Whitshed, AK To Aialik Cape, AK. (Cape Ann Lighted Whistle Buoy "2") to latitude 42°22.7' N.
7.165 Kenai Peninsula, AK To Kodiak Island, AK. longitude 70°47.0' W. (Boston Lighted Horn Buoy "B"); thence to
7.170 Alaska Peninsula, AK To Aleutian Islands, AK. Race Point Light.
7.175 Alaska Peninsula, AK To Nunivak, AK.
7.180 Kotzebue Sound, AK. §7.20 Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound, Buzzards Bay,
Narragansett Bay, MA, Block Island Sound And Easterly
Authority: 14 U.S.C. 633; 33 U.S.C. 151, 1222; Department of Entrance To Long Island Sound, NY.
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.SOURCE: CGD 81- (a) A line drawn from Chatham Light to latitude 41°36.1' N.
058, 50 FR 25230, June 18, 1985, unless otherwise noted. longitude 69°51.1' W. (Pollack Rip Entrance Lighted Horn Buoy
"PR"); thence to latitude 41°26.0' N. longitude 69°46.2' W. (Great
Round Shoal Channel Lighted Buoy "2"); thence to Sankaty Head

(b) A line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Nantucket Inlet South Jetty Light.
Island to the southwesternmost extremity of Wasque Point,
Chappaquiddick Island. (b) A line drawn from Ocean City Inlet Light "6" to latitude 38°19.4'
N. longitude 75°05.0' W. (Ocean City Inlet Entrance Lighted Buoy
(c) A line drawn from Gay Head Light to Block Island Southeast "4"); thence to latitude 38°19.3' N. longitude 75°05.1' W. (Ocean
Light; thence to Montauk Point Light on the easterly end of Long City Inlet Entrance Lighted Buoy "5"); thence to the easternmost
Island. extremity of the south breakwater.

§7.25 Montauk Point, NY To Atlantic Beach, NY. (c) A line drawn from Assateague Beach Tower Light to latitude
(a) A line drawn from Shinnecock East Breakwater Light to 37°50.2' N. longitude 75°24.9' W. (Chincoteague Inlet Lighted Bell
Shinnecock West Breakwater Light. Buoy "CI"); thence to the tower charted at latitude 37°52.6' N.
longitude 75°26.7' W.
(b) A line drawn from Moriches Inlet East Breakwater Light to
Moriches Inlet West Breakwater Light. (d) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Cedar Island
to latitude 37°34.7' N. longitude 75°36.0' W. (Wachapreague Inlet
(c) A line drawn from Fire Island Inlet Breakwater Light 348° true Entrance Lighted Buoy "1"); thence due south to shore at
to the southernmost extremity of the spit of land at the western Parramore Beach.
end of Oak Beach.
(e) A line drawn from the seaward tangent of Parramore Beach to

(d) A line drawn from Jones Inlet Light 322° true across the the lookout tower on the northern end of Hog Island chartered in
southwest tangent of the island on the north side of Jones Inlet to approximate position latitude 37°27.2' N. longitude 75°40.5' W.

the shoreline.
§7.50 Chesapeake Bay And Tributaries.
§7.30 New York Harbor, NY. A line drawn from Cape Charles Light to latitude 36°56.8' N.

A line drawn from East Rockaway Inlet Breakwater Light to longitude 75°55.1' W. (North Chesapeake Entrance Lighted Gong
Ambrose Light; thence to Highlands Light (north tower). Buoy "NCD"); thence to latitude 36°54.8' N. longitude 75°55.6' W.
(Chesapeake Bay Entrance Lighted Bell Buoy "CBC"); thence to
§7.35 Sandy Hook, NJ To Cape May, NJ. latitude 36°55.0' N. longitude 75°58.0' W. (Cape Henry Buoy "1");
(a) A line drawn from Shark River Inlet North Breakwater Light "2" thence to Cape Henry Light.

to Shark River Inlet South Breakwater Light "1".
§7.55 Cape Henry, VA To Cape Fear, NC.
(b) A line drawn from Manasquan Inlet North Breakwater Light to (a) A line drawn from Rudee Inlet Jetty Light "2" to latitude 36°50'
Manasquan Inlet South Breakwater Light.
A N. longitude 75°56.7' W.; thence to Rudee Inlet Jetty Light "1".
(c) A line drawn along the submerged Barnegat Inlet North (b) A line drawn from Bodie Island Light to latitude 35°49.3' N.
Breakwater to Barnegat Inlet North Breakwater Light "2"; thence longitude 75°31.9' W. (Oregon Inlet Approach Lighted Whistle
to Barnegat Inlet Light "5"; thence along the submerged Barnegat Buoy "OI"); thence to Oregon Inlet Radiobeacon.

Inlet South Breakwater to shore.

(c) A line drawn from Hatteras Inlet Light 255° true to the eastern
(d) A line drawn from the seaward tangent of Long Beach Island end of Ocracoke Island.
to the seaward tangent of Pullen Island across Beach Haven and

Little Egg Inlets. (d) A line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Ocracoke
Island at latitude 35°04' N. longitude 76°00.8' W. to the
(e) A line drawn from the seaward tangent of Pullen Island to the northeasternmost extremity of Portsmouth Island at latitude

seaward tangent of Brigantine Island across Brigantine Inlet. 35°03.7' N. longitude 76°02.3' W.

(f) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of Absecon Inlet North (e) A line drawn across Drum Inlet parallel with the general trend

Jetty to Atlantic City Light. of the seaward, highwater shoreline.

(g) A line drawn from the southernmost point of Longport at (f) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Cape Lookout
latitude 39°18.2' N. longitude 74°32.2' W. to the northeasternmost to latitude 34°38.4' N. longitude 76°40.6' W. (Beaufort Inlet
point of Ocean City at latitude 39°17.6' N. longitude 74°33.1' W. Lighted Bell Buoy "2BI"); thence to the seaward extremity of the

across Great Egg Harbor Inlet. Beaufort Inlet west jetty.

(h) A line drawn parallel with the general trend of the seaward, (g) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of Masonboro Inlet
highwater shoreline across Corson Inlet. north jetty to latitude 34°10.3' N. longitude 77°48.0' W.
(Masonboro Inlet Lighted Whistle Buoy "A"); thence to the beach

(i) A line formed by the centerline of the Townsend Inlet Highway in approximate position latitude 34°10' N. longitude 77°49.4' W.
§7.60 Cape Fear, NC To Sullivans Island, SC.
(j) A line formed by the shoreline of Seven Mile Beach and (a) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity to Cape Fear to
Hereford Inlet Light. latitude 33°49.5' N. longitude 78°03.7' W. (Cape Fear River
Entrance Lighted Bell Buoy "2CF"); thence to Oak Island Light.
§7.40 Delaware Bay And Tributaries.
A line drawn from Cape May Inlet East Jetty Light to latitude (b) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Bird Island at
38°55.8' N. longitude 74°51.4' W. (Cape May Harbor Inlet Lighted approximate position latitude 33°51.2' N. longitude 78°32.6' W. to
Bell Buoy "2CM"); thence to latitude 38°48.9' N. longitude latitude 33°50.3' N. longitude 78°32.5' W. (Little River Inlet
75°02.3' W. (Delaware Bay Entrance Channel Lighted Buoy "8"); Entrance Lighted Whistle Buoy "2LR"); thence to the
thence to the northernmost extremity of Cape Henlopen. northeasternmost extremity of Waties Island at approximate
position latitude 33°51.2' N. longitude 78°33.6' W.
§7.45 Cape Henlopen, DE To Cape Charles, VA.
(a) A line drawn from the easternmost extremity of Indian River (c) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of Murrells Inlet north
Inlet North Jetty to latitude 38°36.5' N. longitude 75°02.8' W. jetty to latitude 33°31.5' N. longitude 79°01.6' W. (Murrells Inlet
Indian River Inlet Lighted Gong Buoy "1"); thence to Indian River Lighted Bell Buoy "MI"); thence to Murrells Inlet South Jetty Light.

(d) A line drawn from Georgetown Light to latitude 33°11.6' N. (b) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Amelia Island
longitude 79°05.4' W. (Winyah Bay Lighted Bell Buoy "2WB"); to latitude 30°29.4' N. longitude 81°22.9' W. (Nassau Sound
thence to the southernmost extremity of Sand Island. Approach Buoy "6A"); thence to the northeasternmost extremity of
Little Talbot Island.
§7.65 Charleston Harbor, SC.
A line drawn from Charleston Light on Sullivans Island to latitude §7.90 St. Johns River, FL.
32°40.7' N. longitude 79°42.9' W. (Charleston Lighted Whistle A line drawn from the southeasternmost extremity of Little Talbot
Buoy "2C"); thence to Folly Island Loran Tower (latitude 32°41.0' (Spike) Island to latitude 30°23.8' N. longitude 81°20.3' W. (St.
N. longitude 79°53.2' W.). Johns Lighted Whistle Buoy "2 STJ"); thence to St. Johns Light.

§7.70 Folly Island, SC To Hilton Head Island, SC. §7.95 St. Johns Point, FL To Miami Beach, FL.
(a) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Folly Island to (a) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of St. Augustine Inlet
latitude 32°35' N. longitude 79°58.2' W. (Stono Inlet Lighted north jetty to latitude 29°55' N. longitude 81°15.3' W. (St.
Whistle Buoy "1S"); thence to Kiawah Island bearing Augustine Lighted Whistle Buoy "ST. A."); thence to the seaward
approximately 307° true. extremity of St. Augustine Inlet south jetty.

(b) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Kiawah Island (b) A line formed by the centerline of the highway bridge over
to latitude 32°31' N. longitude 80°07.8' W. (North Edisto River Matanzas Inlet.
Entrance Lighted Whistle Buoy "2NE"); thence to Botany Bay

Island in approximate position latitude 32°33.1' N. longitude (c) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of Ponce de Leon
80°12.7' W. Inlet north jetty to latitude 29°04.7' N. longitude 80°54' W. (Ponce

de Leon Inlet Lighted Bell Buoy "2"); thence to Ponce de Leon
(c) A line drawn from the microwave antenna tower on Edisto Inlet Approach Light.
Beach charted in approximate position latitude 32°29.3' N.

longitude 80°19.2' W. across St. Helena Sound to the abandoned (d) A line drawn from Canaveral Harbor Approach Channel Range
lighthouse tower on Hunting Island charted in approximate Front Light to latitude 28°23.7' N. longitude 80°32.2' W.
position latitude 32°22.5' N. longitude 80°26.5' W. (Canaveral Bight Wreck Lighted Buoy "WR6"); thence to the radio
tower on Canaveral Peninsula in approximate position latitude
(d) A line drawn from the abandoned lighthouse on Hunting Island 28°22.9' N. longitude 80°36.6' W.

in approximate position latitude 32°22.5' N. longitude 80°26.2' W.
to latitude 32°18' N. longitude 80°25' W.; thence to the standpipe (e) A line drawn across the seaward extremity of the Sebastian
on Fripp Island in approximate position latitude 32°19' N. Inlet Jetties.
longitude 80°28.7' W.
A (f) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of the Fort Pierce Inlet
(e) A line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Bull Point on North Jetty to latitude 27°28.5' N. longitude 80°16.2' W. (Fort
Capers Island to latitude 32°04.8' N. longitude 80°34.9' W. (Port Pierce Inlet Lighted Whistle Buoy "2"); thence to the tank located
Royal Sound Lighted Whistle Buoy "2PR"); thence to the in approximate position latitude 27°27.2' N. longitude 80°17.2' W.

easternmost extremity of Hilton Head at latitude 32°13.2' N.

longitude 80°40.1' W. (g) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of St. Lucie Inlet
north jetty to latitude 27°10' N. longitude 80°08.4' W. (St. Lucie
§7.75 Savannah River/Tybee Roads. Inlet Entrance Lighted Whistle Buoy "2"); thence to Jupiter Island

A line drawn from the southwesternmost extremity of Braddock bearing approximately 180° true.
Point to latitude 31°58.3' N. longitude 80°44.1' W. (Tybee Lighted
Whistle Buoy "T"); thence to the southeasternmost extremity of (h) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of Jupiter Inlet North

Little Tybee Island bearing approximately 269° true. Jetty to the northeast extremity of the concrete apron on the south
side of Jupiter Inlet.
§7.80 Tybee Island, GA To St. Simons Island, GA.

(a) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Savannah (i) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of Lake Worth Inlet
Beach on Tybee Island 255° true across Tybee Inlet to the shore North Jetty to latitude 26°46.4' N. longitude 80°01.5' W. (Lake
of Little Tybee Island south of the entrance to Buck Hammock Worth Inlet Lighted Bell Buoy "2LW"); thence to Lake Worth Inlet
Creek. Lighted Buoy "3"; thence to the seaward extremity of Lake Worth
Inlet South Jetty.

(b) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Little Tybee

Island at Beach Hammock to the easternmost extremity of (j) A line drawn across the seaward extremity of the Boynton Inlet
Wassaw Island. Jetties.

(c) A line drawn from Wassaw Island in approximate position (k) A line drawn from Boca Raton Inlet North Jetty Light "2" to

latitude 31°52.5' N. longitude 80°58.5' W. to latitude 31°48.3' N. Boca Raton Inlet South Jetty Light "1".
longitude 80°56.8' W. (Ossabaw Sound North Channel Buoy
"OS"); thence to latitude 31°39.3' N. longitude 81°02.3' W. (St. (l) A line drawn from Hillsboro Inlet Light to Hillsboro Inlet
Catherines Sound Buoy "St. C."); thence to latitude 31°31.2' N. Entrance Light "2"; thence to Hillsboro Inlet Entrance Light "1";
longitude 81°03.8' W. (Sapelo Sound Buoy "S"); thence to the thence west to the shoreline.
easternmost extremity of Blackbeard Island at Northeast Point.
(m) A line drawn from the tower located in approximate position
(d) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Blackbeard latitude 26°06.9' N. longitude 80°06.4' W. to latitude 26°05.5' N.
Island to latitude 31°19.4' N. longitude 81°11.5' W. (Doboy Sound longitude 80°04.8' W. (Port Everglades Lighted Whistle Buoy "1");
Lighted Buoy "D"); thence to latitude 31°04.1' N. longitude thence to the signal tower located in approximate position latitude
81°16.7' W. (St. Simons Lighted Whistle Buoy "ST S"). 26°05.5' N. longitude 80°06.5' W.

§7.85 St. Simons Island, GA To Little Talbot Island, FL. (n) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of Bakers Haulover
(a) A line drawn from latitude 31°04.1' N. longitude 81°16.7' W. Inlet north jetty 090° true to longitude 80°07.2' W.; thence to the
(St. Simons Lighted Whistle Buoy "ST S") to latitude 30°42.7' N. seaward extremity of Bakers Haulover Inlet south jetty.
longitude 81°19.0' W. (St. Mary's Entrance Lighted Whistle Buoy
"1"); thence to Amelia Island Light.

§7.100 Florida Reefs And Keys From Miami, FL To Marquesas (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Light "4" to Marina Del Rey
Keys, FL. Breakwater South Light "1". A line drawn from Marina Del Rey
(a) A line drawn from the tower located in approximate position Breakwater North Light "2" to Marina Del Rey Light "3".
latitude 25°46.7' N. longitude 80°08' W. to latitude 25°46.1' N.
longitude 80°05.0' W. (Miami Lighted Whistle Buoy "M"); thence (c) A line drawn from Port Hueneme East Jetty Light "4" to Port
to Fowey Rocks Light (latitude 25°35.4' N. longitude 80°05.8' W.); Hueneme West Jetty Light "3".
thence to Pacific Reef Light (latitude 25°22.3' N. longitude
80°08.5' W.) thence to Carysfort Reef Light (latitude 25°13.3' N. (d) A line drawn from Channel Islands Harbor South Jetty Light
longitude 80°12.7' W.); thence to Molasses Reef Light "10" "2" to Channel Islands Harbor Breakwater South Light "1". A line
(latitude 25°00.7' N. longitude 80°22.6' W.); thence to Alligator drawn from Channel Islands Harbor Breakwater North Light to
Reef Light (latitude 24°51.1 N. longitude 80°37.1' W.); thence to Channel Islands Harbor North Jetty Light "5".
Tennessee Reef Light (latitude 24°44.7' N. longitude 80°46.9' W.);
thence to Sombrero Key Light (latitude 24°37.6' N. longitude (e) A line drawn from Ventura Marina South Jetty Light "6" to
81°06.6' W.); thence to American Shoal Light (latitude 24°31.5' N. Ventura Marina Breakwater South Light "3". A line drawn from
longitude 81°31.2' W.); thence to latitude 24°27.7' N. longitude Ventura Marina Breakwater North Light to Ventura Marina North
81°48.1' W. (Key West Entrance Lighted Whistle Buoy); thence to Jetty Light "7".
Cosgrove Shoal Light (latitude 24°27.5' N. longitude 82°11.2' W.);
thence due north to a point 12 miles from the baseline from which (f) A line drawn from Santa Barbara Harbor Light "4" to latitude
the territorial sea is measured in approximate position latitude 34°24.1' N. longitude 119°40.7' W. (Santa Barbara Harbor Lighted

24°47.5' N. longitude 82°11.2' W. Bell Buoy "1"); thence to Santa Barbara Harbor Breakwater Light.

GULF COAST §7.130 Point Conception, CA To Point Sur, CA.
(a) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Fossil Point
§7.105 Marquesas Keys, FL To Rio Grande, TX. at longitude 120°43.5' W. to the seaward extremity of Whaler

A line drawn from Marquesas Keys, Florida at approximate Island Breakwater.
position latitude 24[deg]47.5' N, longitude 82[deg]11.2' W; along
the 12-mile line which marks the seaward limits of the territorial (b) A line drawn from the outer end of Morro Bay Entrance East
sea (as defined in 33 CFR 2.22(a)(1)) to Rio Grande, Texas at Breakwater to latitude 35°21.5' N. longitude 120°52.3' W. (Morro
approximate position latitude 25[deg]58.6' N, longitude Bay Entrance Lighted Bell Buoy "1"); thence to Morro Bay West

96[deg]55.5' W. Breakwater Light.

§7.135 Point Sur, CA To Cape Blanco, OR.

§7.110 Mamala Bay, HI.

A (a) A line drawn from Monterey Harbor Light "6" to latitude
36°36.5' N. longitude 121°53.2' W. (Monterey Harbor Anchorage
Buoy "A"); thence to the northernmost extremity of Monterey
A line drawn from Barbers Point Light to Diamond Head Light.
Municipal Wharf No. 2.

(b) A line drawn from seaward extremity of the pier located 0.3
mile south of Moss Landing Harbor Entrance to the seaward
§7.115 Santa Catalina Island, CA. extremity of the Moss Landing Harbor North Breakwater.
(a) A line drawn from the northernmost point of Lion Head to the

north tangent of Bird Rock Island; thence to the northernmost (c) A line drawn from Santa Cruz Light to the southernmost
point of Blue Cavern Point. projection of Soquel Point.

(b) A line drawn from White Rock to the northernmost point of (d) A straight line drawn from Point Bonita Light across Golden
Abalone Point. Gate through Mile Rocks Light to the shore.

§7.120 Mexican/United States Border To Point Fermin, CA. (e) A line drawn from the northwestern tip of Tomales Point to
(a) A line drawn from the southerly tower of the Coronado Hotel in latitude 38°15.1' N. longitude 123°00.1' W. (Tomales Point
approximate position latitude 32°40.8' N. longitude 117°10.6' W. Lighted Horn Buoy "2"); thence to latitude 38°17.2' N. longitude
to latitude 32°39.1' N. longitude 117°13.6' W. (San Diego Bay 123°02.3' W. (Bodega Harbor Approach Lighted Gong Buoy
Channel Lighted Bell Buoy "5"); thence to Point Loma Light. "BA"); thence to the southernmost extremity of Bodega Head.

(b) A line drawn from Mission Bay South Jetty Light "2" to Mission (f) A line drawn from Humboldt Bay Entrance Light "4" to
Bay North Jetty Light "1". Humboldt Bay Entrance Light "3".

(c) A line drawn from Oceanside South Jetty Light "4" to (g) A line drawn from Crescent City Outer Breakwater Light "5" to

Oceanside Breakwater Light "3". the southeasternmost extremity of Whaler Island at longitude
124°11' W.
(d) A line drawn from Dana Point Jetty Light "6" to Dana Point
Breakwater Light "5". §7.140 Cape Blanco, OR To Cape Flattery, WA.
(a) A line drawn from the seaward extremity of the Coos Bay
(e) A line drawn from Newport Bay East Jetty Light "4" to Newport South Jetty to latitude 43°21.9' N. longitude 124°21.7' W. (Coos
Bay West Jetty Light "3". Bay Entrance Lighted Bell Buoy "1"); thence to the seaward
extremity of the Coos Bay North Jetty.
(f) A line drawn from Anaheim Bay East Jetty Light "6" to Anaheim
Bay West Jetty Light "5"; thence to Long Beach Breakwater East (b) A line drawn from the lookout tower located in approximate
End Light "1". A line drawn from Long Beach Entrance Light "2" to position latitude 46°13.6' N. longitude 124°00.7' W. to latitude
Long Beach Light. A line drawn from Los Angeles Main Channel 46°12.8' N. longitude 124°08.0' W. (Columbia River Entrance
Entrance Light "2" to Los Angeles Light. Lighted Whistle Buoy "2"); thence to latitude 46°14.5' N. longitude
124°09.5' W. (Columbia River Entrance Lighted Bell Buoy "1");
§7.125 Point Vincente, CA To Point Conception, CA. thence to North Head Light.
(a) A line drawn from Redondo Beach East Jetty Light "2" to
Redondo Beach West Jetty Light "3". (c) A line drawn from latitude 46°52.8' N. longitude 124°12.6' W.

(Grays Harbor Light to Grays Harbor Entrance Lighted Whistle (c) A line drawn from the southwesternmost extremity of
Buoy "2"); thence to latitude 46°55.0' N. longitude 124°14.7' W. Montague Island to Point Elrington Light; thence to the
(Grays Harbor Entrance Lighted Whistle Buoy "3"); thence to southernmost extremity of Cape Puget.
Grays Harbor Bar Range Rear Light.
(d) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Cape
§7.145 Strait Of Juan De Fuca, Haro Strait And Strait Of Resurrection to the Aialik Cape.
Georgia WA.
(a) A line drawn from the northernmost point of Angeles Point to §7.165 Kenai Peninsula, AK To Kodiak Island, AK.
latitude 48°21.1' N. longitude 123°02.5' W. (Hein Bank Lighted (a) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Kenai
Bell Buoy); thence to latitude 48°25.5' N. longitude 122°58.5' W. Peninsula at longitude 151°44.0' W. to East Amatuli Island Light;
(Salmon Bank Lighted Gong Buoy "3"); thence to Cattle Point thence to the northwesternmost extremity of Shuyak Island at
Light on San Juan Island. Party Cape; thence to the easternmost extremity of Cape
(b) A line drawn from Lime Kiln Light to Kellett Bluff Light on
Henry Island; thence to Turn Point Light on Stuart Island; thence (b) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Pillar Cape
to Skipjack Island Light; thence to latitude 48°46.6' N. longitude on Afognak Island to Spruce Cape Light; thence to the
122°53.4' W. (Clements Reef Bouy "2"); thence to International easternmost extremity of Long Island; thence to the
Boundary Range B Front Light. northeasternmost extremity of Cape Chiniak.

ALASKA (c) A line drawn from Cape Nunilak at latitude 58°09.7' N. to the
northernmost extremity of Raspberry Island. A line drawn from the

§7.150 Canadian (BC) And United States (AK) Borders To westernmost extremity of Raspberry Cape to the northernmost
Cape Spencer, AK. extremity of Miners Point.
(a) A line drawn from the northeasternmost extremity of Point

Mansfield, Sitklan Island 040° true to the mainland. §7.170 Alaska Peninsula, AK To Aleutian Islands, AK.
(a) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Cape
(b) A line drawn from the southeasternmost extremity of Island Kumlium to the westernmost extremity of Nakchamik Island;
Point, Sitklan Island to the southernmost extremity of Garnet thence to the easternmost extremity of Castle Cape at Chignik
Point, Kanagunut Island; thence to Lord Rock Light; thence to Bay.

Barren Island Light; thence to Cape Chacon Light; thence to Cape
Muzon Light. (b) A line drawn from Second Priest Rock to Ulakta Head Light at
Iliuliuk Bay entrance.
(c) A line drawn from Point Cornwallis Light to Cape Bartolome
Light; thence to Cape Edgecumbe Light; thence to the
A (c) A line drawn from Arch Rock to the northernmost extremity of
westernmost extremity of Cape Cross. Devilfish Point at Captains Bay.

(d) A line drawn from Surge Bay Entrance Light to Cape Spencer (d) A line drawn from the easternmost extremity of Lagoon Point

Light. to the northwesternmost extremity of Cape Kutuzof at Port Moller.

§7.155 Cape Spencer, AK To Cape St. Elias, AK. §7.175 Alaska Peninsula, AK To Nunivak, AK.
(a) A line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Harbor Point (a) A line drawn from the northernmost extremity of Goose Point

to the southernmost extremity of LaChaussee Spit at Lituya Bay. at Egegik Bay to Protection Point.

(b) A line drawn from Ocean Cape Light to latitude 59°31.9' N. (b) A line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Kulukak Point

longitude 139°57.1' W. (Yakutat Bay Entrance Lighted Whistle to the northernmost extremity of Round Island; thence to the
Buoy "2"); thence to the southeasternmost extremity of Point southernmost extremity of Hagemeister Island; thence to the
Manby. southernmost extremity of Cape Peirce; thence to the

southernmost extremity of Cape Newenham.

(c) A line drawn from the northernmost extremity of Point Riou to
the easternmost extremity of Icy Cape. (c) A line drawn from the church spire located in approximate
position latitude 59°45' N. longitude 161°55' W. at the mouth of
§7.160 Point Whitshed, AK To Aialik Cape, AK. the Kanektok River to the southernmost extremity of Cape Avinof.

(a) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Point

Whitshed to the easternmost extremity of Hinchinbrook Island. §7.180 Kotzebue Sound, AK.
A line drawn from Cape Espenberg Light to latitude 66°52' N.
(b) A line drawn from Cape Hinchinbrook Light to Schooner Rock longitude 163°28' W.; and thence to Cape Krusenstern Light.

Light "1".

Part 8 – Vessel Inspection Alternatives
Table Of Contents
Delegated Function Related to General Vessel Safety
Subpart A–General Assessment means issuance of the SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety
Construction Certificate or issuance of the SOLAS Cargo Ship
Sec. Safety Equipment Certificate.
8.100 Definitions.
8.110 Incorporation By Reference. Exclusive Surveyor means a person who is employed solely by
8.120 Reciprocity. a classification society and is authorized to conduct vessel
8.130 Agreement Conditions. surveys. Independent surveyors, hired on a case-by-case basis,
or surveyors of another classification society are not considered
Subpart B–Recognition Of A Classification Society exclusive surveyors for the performance of delegated functions on
behalf of the Coast Guard.
8.200 Purpose.
8.210 Applicability. Gross Tons means vessel tonnage measured in accordance with
8.220 Recognition Of A Classification Society. the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships,

8.230 Minimum Standards For A Recognized Classification 1969. Vessels not measured by this convention must be
Society. measured in accordance with the method utilized by the flag state
8.240 Application For Recognition. administration of that vessel.

8.250 Acceptance Of Standards And Functions Delegated
Under Existing Regulations. MARPOL 73/78 means the Protocol of 1978 relating to the
8.260 Revocation Of Classification Society Recognition. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from

Ships, 1973, and includes the Convention which means the
Subpart C–International Convention Certificate Issuance International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, 1973, including Protocols I and II and Annexes I, II, and V
8.300 Purpose. thereto, including any modification or amendments to the
Convention, Protocols or Annexes which have entered into force

8.310 Applicability.
8.320 Classification Society Authorization To Issue for the United States.
International Certificates.
8.330 Termination Of Classification Society Authority.

Subpart D–Alternate Compliance Program

A Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) means any person
from the civilian or military branch of the Coast Guard designated
as such by the Commandant and who, under the superintendence
and direction of a Coast Guard District Commander, is in charge
8.400 Purpose. of an inspection zone for the performance of duties with respect to
8.410 Applicability. the inspection, enforcement, and administration of 46 U.S.C.,

8.420 Classification Society Authorization To Participate In Revised Statutes, and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental
The Alternate Compliance Program. thereto, and rules and regulations thereunder.
8.430 U.S. Supplement To Class Rules.
8.440 Vessel Enrollment In The Alternate Compliance Recognized Classification Society means the American Bureau

Program. of Shipping or other classification society recognized by the

8.450 Termination Of Classification Society Authority. Commandant under this part.

[Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3103, 3306, 3316, 3703; Department of SOLAS means International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1. [SOURCE: CGD 95- Sea, 1974, as amended.
010, 62 FR 67532, Dec. 24, 1997, unless otherwise noted.]

§8.110 Incorporation By Reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this
Subpart A–General subchapter with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. To enforce
§8.100 Definitions. any edition other than that specified in paragraph (b) of this

Authorized Classification Society means a recognized section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of the change in the
classification society that has been delegated the authority to FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the
conduct certain functions and certifications on behalf of the Coast public. All material is available for inspection at the Office of the
Guard. Federal Register, 800 North Capitol St., NW., Suite 700,

Washington, DC and at the U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Design

Class Rules means the standards developed and published by a and Engineering Standards, 2100 Second St., SW., Washington,
classification society regarding the design, construction and DC 20593-0001, and is available from the sources listed in
certification of commercial vessels. paragraph (b).
Classed means that a vessel meets the classification society (b) The material incorporated by reference in this subchapter and
requirements that embody the technical rules, regulations, the sections affected are as follows:
standards, guidelines and associated surveys and inspections
covering the design, construction and through-life compliance of a American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
ship's structure and essential engineering and electrical systems. –ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive, Houston, TX 77060.
Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, 1996–31.01-
Commandant means the Commandant of the Coast Guard. 3(b), 71.15-5(b), 91.15-5(b)
Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, 1997–31.01-
Delegated Function means a function related to Coast Guard 3(b), 71.15-5(b), 91.15-5(b)
commercial vessel inspection which has been delegated to a Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, 1998–31.01-
classification society. Delegated functions may include issuance
3(b), 71.15-5(b), 91.15-5(b)
of international convention certificates and participation in the
Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units,
Alternate Compliance Program under this part.

U. S. Supplement to ABS Rules for Steel Vessels for Vessels (2) Maintain a corporate office in the United States that has
on International Voyages, 21 October 1996–31.01-3(b), 71.15- adequate resources and staff to support all delegated functions
5(b), 91.15-5(b) and to maintain required associated records.
U.S. Supplement to ABS Rules for Steel Vessels for Vessels on
International Voyages, 1 August 1997–31.01-3(b), 71.15-5(b), (3) Maintain all records in the United States related to delegated
91.15-5(b) functions conducted on behalf of the Coast Guard.
U.S. Supplement to ABS Rules for Mobile Offshore Drilling
Units, 1 June 1998–107.205(b) (4) Make available to appropriate Coast Guard representatives
vessel status information and records, including outstanding
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) vessel deficiencies or classification society recommendations, in
–11 West 42nd St., New York, NY 10036. the English language, on all vessels for which the classification
ANSI/ASQC Q9001–1994, Quality Assurance in Design, society has performed any delegated function on behalf of the
Development, Production and Servicing, 1994–8.230 Coast Guard.

Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) (5) Report to the Commandant (G-MOC) the names and official
–100 Leadenhall Street, London EC3A 3BP. numbers of any vessels removed from class for which the
Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, 1998– classification society has performed any delegated function on
31.01-3(b), 71.15-5(b), 91.15-5(b) behalf of the Coast Guard and include a description of the reason
Lloyd's Register of Shipping Supplemental Requirements, 19 for the removal.

September 1998–31.01-3(b), 71.15-5(b), 91.15-5(b)
(6) Report to the Commandant (G-MOC) all port state detentions

[CGD 95-010, 62 FR 67532, Dec. 24, 1997, as amended by on all vessels for which the classification society has performed
USCG-1999-5004, 64 FR 30439, June 8, 1999; 65 FR 58455, any delegated function on behalf of the Coast Guard when aware
Sept. 29, 2000] of such detention.

§8.120 Reciprocity. (7) Annually provide the Commandant (G-MOC) with its register
(a) The Commandant may delegate authority to a classification of classed vessels.
society that has its headquarters in a country other than the
United States only to the extent that the flag state administration (8) Ensure vessels meet all requirements for class of the

of that country delegates authority and provides access to the accepting classification society prior to accepting vessels
American Bureau of Shipping to inspect, certify and provide transferred from another classification society.
related services to vessels flagged by that country. The
Commandant will determine reciprocity on a "case-by-case"
basis. A (9) Suspend class for vessels that are overdue for special renewal
or annual survey.
(b) In order to demonstrate that the conditions described in (10) Attend any vessel for which the classification society has
paragraph (a) of this section are satisfied, a classification society performed any delegated function on behalf of the Coast Guard at

must provide to the Coast Guard an affidavit, from the the request of the appropriate Coast Guard officials, without
government of the country that the classification society is regard to the vessel's location–unless prohibited to do so under
headquartered in, listing the authorities delegated by the flag state the laws of the United States, the laws of the jurisdiction in which
administration of that country to the American Bureau of Shipping, the vessel is located, the classification society's home country

and indicating any conditions related to the delegated authority. domestic law, or where the classification society considers an
unacceptable hazard to life and/or property exists.
(c) The Commandant will not consider an application for

authorization to perform a delegated function submitted under this (11) Honor appeal decisions made by the Commandant (G-MSE)
part until the conditions described in paragraph (a) of this section or Commandant (G-MOC) on issues related to delegated
are satisfied. Where simultaneous authorization by a foreign functions.

government for ABS is involved, this requirement may be waived.

(12) Apply U.S. flag administration interpretations, when they
(d) The Commandant will not evaluate a classification society for exist, to international conventions for which the classification
recognition until the conditions described in paragraph (a) of this society has been delegated authority to certificate or perform
section are satisfied for at least one of the authorized delegations other functions on behalf of the Coast Guard.

being sought. Where simultaneous recognition by a foreign

government for ABS is involved, this requirement may be waived. (13) Obtain approval from the Commandant (G-MOC) prior to
granting exemptions from the requirements of international
(e) The Commandant may make a delegation regarding load lines conventions, class rules, and the U.S. supplement to class rules.
under 46 U.S.C. 5107 or measurement of vessels under 46

U.S.C. 14103 without regard to the conditions described in (14) Make available to the Coast Guard all records, in the English
paragraph (a) of this section. language, related to equivalency determinations or approvals
made in the course of delegated functions conducted on behalf of
§8.130 Agreement Conditions. the Coast Guard.
(a) Delegated functions performed by, and statutory certificates
issued by, an authorized classification society will be accepted as (15) Report to the Coast Guard all information specified in the
functions performed by, or certificates issued by, the Coast agreement at the specified frequency and to the specified Coast
Guard, provided that the classification society maintains Guard office or official.
compliance with all provisions of its agreement with the
Commandant. Any agreement between the Commandant and a (16) Grant the Coast Guard access to all plans and documents,
recognized classification society authorizing the performance of including reports on surveys, on the basis of which certificates are
delegated functions will be written and will require the issued or endorsed by the classification society.
classification society to comply with each of the following:
(17) Identify a liaison representative to the Coast Guard.
(1) Issue any certificates related to a delegated function in the
English language. (18) Provide regulations, rules, instructions and report forms in
the English language.

(19) Allow the Commandant (G-M) to participate in the correction of the deficiencies identified by the Coast Guard.
development of class rules.
§8.230 Minimum Standards For A Recognized Classification
(20) Inform the Commandant (G-M) of all proposed changes to Society.
class rules. (a) In order to receive recognition by the Coast Guard a
classification society must:
(21) Provide the Commandant (G-M) the opportunity to comment
on any proposed changes to class rules and to respond to the (1) Establish that it has functioned as an international
classification society's disposition of the comments made by the classification society for at least 30 years with its own class rules;
Coast Guard.
(2) Establish that is has a history of appropriate corrective actions
(22) Furnish information and required access to the Coast Guard in addressing vessel casualties and cases of nonconformity with
to conduct oversight of the classification society's activities related class rules;
to delegated functions conducted on behalf of the Coast Guard.
(3) Establish that it has a history of appropriate changes to class
(23) Allow the Coast Guard to accompany them on internal and rules based on their application and the overall performance of its
external quality audits and provide written results of such audits to classed fleet;
appropriate Coast Guard representatives.
(4) Have a total classed tonnage of at least 10 million gross tons;

(24) Provide the Coast Guard access necessary to audit the
authorized classification society to ensure that it continues to (5) Have a classed fleet of at least 1,500 ocean-going vessels

comply with the minimum standards for a recognized over 100 gross tons;
classification society.
(6) Have a total classed tonnage of ocean-going vessels over 100

(25) Use only exclusive surveyors of that classification society to gross tons totaling no less than 8 million gross tons;
accomplish all work done on behalf of, or under any delegation
from, the Coast Guard. For tonnage-related measurement service (7) Publish and maintain class rules in the English language for
only, however, classification societies may use part-time the design, construction and certification of ships and their
employees or independent contractors in place of exclusive associated essential engineering systems;

(8) Maintain written survey procedures in the English language;
(26) Allow its surveyors to participate in training with the Coast
Guard regarding delegated functions.
A (9) Have adequate resources, including research, technical, and
managerial staff, to ensure appropriate updating and maintaining
(b) Amendments to an agreement between the Coast Guard and of class rules and procedures;
an authorized classification society will become effective only
after consultation and written agreement between parties. (10) Have adequate resources and geographical coverage to

carry out all plan review and vessel survey activities associated
(c) Agreements may be terminated by one party only upon written with delegated functions as well as classification society
notice to the other party. Termination will occur sixty days after requirements;
written notice is given.

(11) Employ a minimum of 150 exclusive surveyors;

Subpart B–Recognition Of A Classification
(12) Have adequate criteria for hiring and qualifying surveyors

and technical staff;

§8.200 Purpose.
(13) Have an adequate program for continued training of
This subpart establishes criteria and procedures for vessel

surveyors and technical staff;

classification societies to obtain recognition from the Coast
Guard. This recognition is necessary in order for a classification
(14) Have a corporate office in the United States that provides a
society to become authorized to perform vessel inspection and
continuous management and administrative presence;
certification functions delegated by the Coast Guard as described
in this part.

(15) Maintain an internal quality system based on ANSI/ASQC

Q9001 or an equivalent quality standard;
§8.210 Applicability.
This subpart applies to all vessel classification societies seeking
(16) Determine classed vessels comply with class rules, during
recognition by the Coast Guard.
appropriate surveys and inspection;

§8.220 Recognition Of A Classification Society.

(17) Determine that attended vessels comply with all statutory
(a) A classification society must be recognized by the
requirements related to delegated functions, during appropriate
Commandant before it may receive statutory authority delegated
surveys and inspection;
by the Coast Guard.
(18) Monitor all activities related to delegated functions for
(b) In order to become recognized, a classification society must
consistency and required end-results;
meet the requirements of §8.230.
(19) Maintain and ensure compliance with a Code of Ethics that
(c) A classification society found to meet the criteria for
recognizes the inherent responsibility associated with delegation
recognition will be notified in writing by the Commandant.
of authority;
(d) If the Coast Guard determines that a classification society
(20) Not be under the financial control of shipowners or
does not meet the criteria for recognition, the Coast Guard will
shipbuilders, or of others engaged commercially in the
provide the reason for this determination.
manufacture, equipping, repair or operation of ships;
(e) A classification society may reapply for recognition upon
(21) Not be financially dependent on a single commercial enterp-

rise for its revenue; (1) International Load Line Certificate;

(22) Not have any business interest in, or share of ownership of, (2) International Tonnage Certificate (1969);
any vessel in its classed fleet; and
(3) SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate;
(23) Not be involved in any activities which could result in a
conflict of interest. (4) SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate;

(b) Recognition may be granted after it is established that the (5) International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of
classification society has an acceptable record of vessel Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk;
detentions attributed to classification society performance under
the Coast Guard Port State Control Program. (6) International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied
Gases in Bulk;
§8.240 Application For Recognition.
(a) A classification society must apply for recognition in writing to (7) International Maritime Organization (IMO) Mobile Offshore
the Commandant (G-MSE). Drilling Unit Safety Certificate;

(b) An application must indicate which specific authority the (8) MARPOL 73/78 International Oil Pollution Prevention
classification society seeks to have delegated. Certificate; and

(c) Upon verification from the Coast Guard that the conditions of (9) MARPOL 73/78 International Pollution Prevention Certificate

reciprocity have been met in accordance with §8.120, the for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk.
requesting classification society must submit documentation to
establish that it meets the requirements of §8.230. (c) The Coast Guard will enter into a written agreement with a

recognized classification society authorized to issue international
§8.250 Acceptance Of Standards And Functions Delegated convention certificates. This agreement will define the scope,
Under Existing Regulations. terms, conditions and requirements of that delegation. Conditions
(a) Classification society class rules will only be accepted as of these agreements are presented in §8.130.
equivalent to Coast Guard regulatory standards when that

classification society has received authorization to conduct a §8.330 Termination Of Classification Society Authority.
related delegated function. (a) The Coast Guard may terminate an authorization agreement
with a classification society if:
(b) A recognized classification society may not conduct any
delegated function under this title until it receives a separate A (1) The Commandant revokes the classification society's
written authorization from the Commandant to conduct that recognition, as specified in §8.260; or
specific function.
(2) The classification society fails to comply with the conditions of

§8.260 Revocation Of Classification Society Recognition. the authorization agreement as specified in §8.130.
A recognized classification society which fails to maintain the
minimum standards established in this part will be reevaluated (b) In the event that a flag administration of a country changes
and its recognized status revoked if warranted. conditions related to the authority that is delegated to ABS, the

Commandant may modify or revoke the Coast Guard's

Subpart C–International Convention Certificate authorization of that classification society that has its
headquarters in that country.

(c) Certificates issued by a classification society which has had its

§8.300 Purpose.
authorization terminated will remain valid until the next
This subpart establishes options for vessel owners and operators

classification society survey associated with that certificate is

to obtain required international convention certification through
required or until the certificate expires, whichever occurs first.
means other than those prescribed elsewhere in this chapter.

§8.310 Applicability. Subpart D–Alternate Compliance Program

This subpart applies to:

[SOURCE: 63 FR 44353, Aug. 18, 1998, unless otherwise noted.]

(a) Recognized classification societies; and
§8.400 Purpose.
(b) All U.S. flag vessels that are certificated for international This subpart establishes an alternative to subpart 2.01 of this

voyages and are classed by a recognized classification society chapter for certification of United States vessels.
that is authorized by the Coast Guard to issue the applicable
international certificate as specified in this subpart. §8.410 Applicability.
This subpart applies to:
§8.320 Classification Society Authorization To Issue (a) Recognized classification societies; and
International Certificates.
(a) The Commandant may authorize a recognized classification (b) U.S. flag vessels that are certificated for international voyages
society to issue certain international convention certificates. and are classed by a recognized classification society that is
Authorization will be based on review of: authorized by the Coast Guard to participate in the Alternate
Compliance Program (ACP) as specified in this subpart and
(1) Applicable class rules; and whose vessel type is authorized to participate in the ACP per the
applicable subchapter of 46 CFR chapter I.
(2) Applicable classification society procedures.
§8.420 Classification Society Authorization To Participate In
(b) The Coast Guard may delegate issuance of the following The Alternate Compliance Program.
international convention certificates to a recognized classification (a) The Commandant may authorize a recognized classification

society to participate in the ACP Authorization will be based on a a vessel complies with applicable international treaties and
satisfactory review of: agreements, the classification society's class rules, and the U.S.
Supplement prepared by the classification society and accepted
(1) Applicable class rules; and by the Coast Guard, the cognizant OCMI may issue a certificate
of inspection to the vessel. If the OCMI declines to issue a
(2) Applicable classification society procedures. certificate of inspection even though the reports made by the
authorized classification society indicate that the vessel meets
(b) Authorization for a recognized classification society to applicable standards, the vessel owner or operator may appeal
participate in the ACP will require development of a U.S. the OCMI decision as provided in subpart 1.03 of this chapter.
Supplement to the society's class rules that meets the
requirements of §8.430 of this part, which must be accepted by (d) If reports from an authorized classification society indicate that
the Coast Guard. a vessel does not comply with applicable international treaties
and agreements, the classification society's class rules, and the
(c) A recognized classification society will be eligible to receive U.S. Supplement prepared by the classification society and
authorization to participate in the ACP only after it has performed accepted by the Coast Guard, the cognizant OCMI may decline to
a delegated function related to general vessel safety assessment, issue a certificate of inspection. If the OCMI declines to issue a
as defined in §8.100, for a two-year period. certificate of inspection, the vessel owner or operator may:

(d) If, after this two-year period, the Coast Guard finds that the (1) Correct the reported deficiencies and make arrangements with

recognized classification society has not demonstrated the the classification society for an additional inspection;
necessary satisfactory performance or lacks adequate

experience, the recognized classification society will not be (2) Request inspection by the Coast Guard under other provisions
eligible to participate in the ACP. The Coast Guard will provide of this subchapter; or
the reason for this determination to the recognized classification

society. A classification society may appeal the decision of the (3) Appeal via the authorized classification society to the Chief,
Coast Guard concerning recognition to the Commandant in Office of Compliance, Commandant (G-MOC), U.S. Coast Guard,
writing in accordance with 46 CFR 1.03-15(h)(4). 2100 Second St. SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001.

(e) The Coast Guard will enter into a written agreement with a §8.450 Termination Of Classification Society Authority.

recognized classification society authorized to participate in the (a) The Coast Guard may terminate an authorization agreement
ACP. This agreement will define the scope, terms, conditions and with a classification society to participate in the Alternate
requirements of the necessary delegation. Conditions of this Compliance Program if:
agreement are presented in §8.130.
A (1) The Commandant revokes the classification society's
§8.430 U.S. Supplement To Class Rules. recognition, as specified in §8.260; or
Prior to receiving authorization to participate in the ACP, a
recognized classification society must prepare, and receive (2) The classification society fails to comply with the conditions of

Commandant (G-MSE) approval of, a U.S. Supplement to the the authorization agreement as specified in §8.130.
recognized classification society's class rules. This supplement
must include all regulations applicable for issuance of a Certificate (b) In the event that a flag administration of a country changes
of Inspection (COI) which are not, in the opinion of the conditions related to the authority that is delegated to ABS, the

Commandant, adequately established by either the class rules of Commandant may modify or revoke the Coast Guard's
that classification society or applicable international regulations. authorization of that classification society that has its
headquarters in that country.

§8.440 Vessel Enrollment In The Alternate Compliance

Program. (c) Certificates issued by a classification society which has had its
(a) In place of compliance with other applicable provisions of this authorization to participate in the Alternate Compliance Program

title, the owner or operator of a vessel subject to plan review and terminated, will be subject to the provisions of §8.330.
inspection under this subchapter for initial issuance or renewal of
a COI may submit the vessel for classification, plan review and (d) Owners or operators of vessels enrolled in the ACP and
inspection by a recognized classification society authorized by the classed by a classification society that has its authority to
Coast Guard to determine compliance with applicable participate in the ACP terminated, must:

international treaties and agreements, the classification society's

class rules, and the U.S. Supplement prepared by the (1) Change the classification society for the vessel to a
classification society and accepted by the Coast Guard. classification society that is authorized to participate in the ACP;
(b) A vessel owner or operator wishing to have a vessel inspected

under paragraph (a) of this section shall submit an Application for (2) Disenroll the vessel from the ACP.
Inspection of U.S. Vessel (CG-3752) to the cognizant OCMI, and
indicate on the form that the inspection will be conducted by an (e) The Coast Guard will provide guidance to a vessel owner
authorized classification society under the ACP. affected by the revocation of a classification society's authority to
participate in the ACP. This will include notification of when the
(c) Based on reports from an authorized classification society that action required under paragraph (d) of this section must be

Part 15 – Manning Requirements
Table Of Contents and shipping laws of the United States, including uninspected
vessels (46 U.S.C. 7101-9308).
Subpart A–Purpose And Applicability
(b) The navigation and shipping laws state that a vessel may not
Sec. be operated unless certain manning requirements are met. In
15.101 Purpose Of Regulations. addition to establishing a minimum of licensed individuals and
15.102 Paperwork Approval. members of the crew to be carried on board certain vessels, they
15.103 General. establish minimum qualifications concerning licenses, citizenship,
15.105 Incorporation By Reference. and conditions of employment. It is the responsibility of the owner,
charterer, managing operator, master, or person in charge or
Subpart I–Vessels In Foreign Trade command of the vessel to ensure that appropriate personnel are
carried to meet the requirements of the applicable navigation and
15.1001 General. shipping laws and regulations.
15.1010 California.
15.1020 Hawaii. (c) Inspected vessels are issued a certificate of inspection which

15.1030 New York And New Jersey. indicates the minimum complement of licensed individuals and
15.1040 Massachusetts. crew (including lifeboatmen) considered necessary for safe
15.1050 North Carolina. operation. The certificate of inspection complements the statutory

requirements but does not supersede them.
Subpart J–Vessels Subject To Requirements Of STCW
(d) The regulations in subpart J of this part apply to seagoing

15.1101 General. vessels subject to the International Convention on Standards of
15.1103 Employment And Service Within Restrictions Of A Training, Certification and watchkeeping for Seafarers as
License, Document, And STCW Endorsement Or Of A amended (STCW ).
Certificate Of Training.
(e) Neither any person serving on any of the following vessels,

15.1105 Familiarization And Basic Safety-Training.
15.1107 Maintenance Of Merchant Mariners' Records By Owner nor any owner or operator of any of these vessels, need meet the
Or Operator. requirements of subpart J, because the vessels are exempt from
15.1109 Watches.
15.1111 Work Hours And Rest Periods. A application of STCW:

(1) Uninspected passenger vessels as defined in 46 U.S.C.

Authority: 46 U.S.C. 2101, 2103, 3306, 3703, 8101, 8102, 8104, 2101(42).
8105, 8301, 8304, 8502, 8503, 8701, 8702, 8901, 8902, 8903,
8904, 8905(b), 8906 and 9102; and Department of Homeland (2) Fishing vessels as defined in 46 U.S.C. 2101(11)(a).

Security Delegation No. 0170.1. [SOURCE: CGD 81-059, 52 FR

38652, Oct. 16, 1987, unless otherwise noted.] (3) Fishing vessels used as fish-tender vessels as defined in 46
U.S.C. 2101(11)(c).
[64 FR 63213, Nov. 19, 1999; 65 FR 64388, Oct. 27, 2000; 67 FR

34756, May 15, 2002; 67 FR 66063, Oct. 30, 2002; 68 FR 35801, (4) Barges as defined in 46 U.S.C. 2101(2), including non-self-
June 17, 2003] propelled mobile offshore-drilling units.

(5) Vessels operating exclusively on the Great Lakes.

Subpart A–Purpose And Applicability
(f) Personnel serving on the following vessels, and the owners

§15.101 Purpose Of Regulations. and operators of these vessels, are in compliance with subpart J
The purpose of the regulations in this part is to set forth uniform and are not subject to further obligation for the purposes of
minimum requirements for the manning of vessels. In general, STCW, on account of the vessels' special operating conditions as
they implement, interpret, or apply the specific statutory manning small vessels engaged in domestic voyages:
requirements in title 46, U.S.C., parts E & F, implement various

international conventions which affect merchant marine (1) Small passenger vessels subject to subchapter T or K of title
personnel, and provide the means for establishing the 46, CFR.
complement necessary for safe operation of vessels.
(2) Vessels of less than 200 GRT (other than passenger vessels
§15.102 Paperwork Approval.

subject to subchapter H of title 46 CFR).

(a) This section lists the control numbers assigned by the Office of
Management and Budget under the Paper Reduction Act of 1980 (g) Licensed personnel serving on vessels identified in
(Pub. L. 96-511) for the reporting and recordkeeping requirements paragraphs (e)(5), (f)(1), and (f)(2) of this section will be issued,
in this part. without additional proof of qualification, an appropriate STCW
certificate or endorsement when the Officer in Charge, Marine
(b) The following control numbers have been assigned to the Inspection determines that such an endorsement is necessary to
sections indicated: enable the vessel to engage in an international voyage. The
STCW certificate or endorsement will be expressly limited to
(1) OMB 1625-0079–46 CFR 15.1107 service on the vessel or the class of vessels and will not establish
qualification for any other purpose.
(2) [Reserved]
[CGD 81-059, 52 FR 38652, Oct. 16, 1987, as amended by CGD
[CGD 95-62, 62 FR 34538, June 26, 1997] 95-062, 62 FR 34538, June 26, 1997]

§15.103 General. §15.105 Incorporation By Reference.

(a) The regulations in this part apply to all vessels which are (a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with
subject to the manning requirements contained in the navigation the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5

U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other longitude 119°17'20"W, thence easterly to latitude 34°09'24"N,
than that specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the Coast longitude 119°13'24"W, thence northwesterly along the shoreline
Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL to latitude 34°14'24"N, longitude 119°16'00"W.
REGISTER and must ensure that the material is available to the
public. All approved material is available for inspection at the (e) Goleta, CA. The waters including the ARCO, Ellwood Marine
Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street NW., Terminal, lying within an area bounded by a line beginning at
Suite 700, Washington, DC, and at the U.S. Coast Guard, Office latitude 34°26'12"N, longitude 119°57'00"W, thence southerly to
of Operating and Environmental Standards, 2100 Second Street latitude 34°22'48"N, longitude 119°57'00"W, thence southeasterly
SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001, and is available from the along a line drawn three nautical miles from the baseline to
sources indicated in paragraph (b) of this section. latitude 34°21'06"N, longitude 119°50'30.5"W, thence northerly to
latitude 34°24'18"N, longitude 119°50'30"W, thence northwesterly
(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this along the shoreline to latitude 34°26'12"N, longitude
part and the sections affected are as follows: 119°57'00"W.

International Maritime Organization (IMO) (f) Gaviota, CA. The waters including the Texaco Trading and
4 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR, England Transportation, Gaviota Marine Terminal, lying within an area
STCW–The International Convention on Standards of Training, bounded by a line beginning at latitude 34°28'06"N, longitude
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, 120°16'00"W, thence southerly to latitude 34°25'06"N, longitude
(STCW Convention), and Seafarer's Training, Certification and 120°16'00"W, thence easterly along a line drawn three nautical

Watchkeeping Code (STCW Code)–15.103; 15.1101; 15.1103; miles from the baseline to latitude 34°25'24"N, longitude
15.1105; 15.1109. 120°08'30"W, thence northerly to latitude 34°28'24"N, longitude

120°08'30"W, thence westerly along the shoreline to latitude
[CGD 95-062, 62 FR 34539, June 26, 1997, as amended by 34°28'06"N, longitude 120°16'00"W.
USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53223, Oct. 1, 1999]

(g) Moss Landing, CA. The waters including the Pacific Gas and
Subpart I–Vessels In Foreign Trade Electric Company Power Plant, lying within an area bounded by a
[SOURCE: CGD 92-061, 60 FR 24796, May 10, 1995, unless line beginning at latitude 36°49'00"N, longitude 121°47'42"W,
otherwise noted.] thence westerly to latitude 36°49'00"N, longitude 121°51'00"W,
thence southerly to latitude 36°47'00"N, longitude 121°51'00"W

§15.1001 General. thence easterly to latitude 36°47'00"N, longitude 121°47'54"W,
Self-propelled vessels engaged in foreign commerce are required thence northerly along the shoreline to latitude 36°49'00"N,
longitude 121°47'42"W.
to use a pilot holding an appropriately endorsed Federal first class
pilot's license issued by the Coast Guard when operating in the
navigable waters of the United States specified in this subpart.
A (h) Estero Bay, CA. The waters including various moorings,
including the Pacific Gas and Electric Company mooring and the
§15.1010 California. two Chevron Oil Company Terminals lying within an area
The following offshore marine oil terminals located within U.S. bounded by a line beginning at latitude 36°25'00"N, longitude

navigable waters of the State of California: 120°52'30"W, thence westerly to latitude 36°25'00"N, longitude
120°56'00"W, thence southerly to latitude 36°22'00"N, longitude
(a) Carlsbad, CA. The waters including the San Diego Gas and 120°56'00"W, thence easterly to latitude 36°22'00"N, longitude
Electric, Encina Power Plant, lying within an area bounded by a 120°52'12"W, thence northerly along the shoreline to latitude

line beginning at latitude 33°10'06"N, longitude 117°21'42"W, 36°25'00"N, longitude 120°52'30"W.

thence southwesterly to latitude 33°08'54"N, longitude
117°24'36"W, thence southwesterly to latitude 33°04'30"N, (i) San Luis Obispo Bay, CA. The waters including the Unocal

longitude 117°21'42"W, thence northeasterly to latitude Corporation Avila Terminal and the approaches thereto, lying in
33°05'36"N, longitude 117°18'54"W, thence northwesterly along an area bounded by a line beginning at latitude 35°09'42"N,
the shoreline to latitude 33°10'06"N, longitude 117°21'42"W. longitude 120°46'00"W, thence southerly to latitude 35°07'00"N,

longitude 120°46'00"W, thence easterly to latitude 35°07'00"N,

(b) Huntington Beach, CA. The waters including the Golden longitude 120°43'00"W, thence northerly to latitude 35°10'24"N,
West Refining Company, Huntington Beach Marine Terminal, longitude 120°43'00"W, thence westerly along the shoreline to
lying within an area bounded by a line beginning at latitude latitude 35°09'42"N, longitude 120°46'00"W.
33°39'06"N, longitude 118°00'0"W, thence westerly to latitude

33°39'18"N, longitude 118°05'12"W, thence southeasterly along a [CGD 92-061, 60 FR 24796, Jan. 4, 1995, as amended by USCG-
line drawn three nautical miles from the baseline to latitude 1998-4442, 63 FR 52189, Sept. 30, 1998]
33°35'30"N, longitude 118°00'00"W, thence easterly to latitude
33°35'30"N, longitude 117°52'30"W, thence northwesterly along §15.1020 Hawaii.
The following offshore marine oil terminals located within U.S.

the shoreline to latitude 33°39'06"N, longitude 118°00'00"W.

navigable waters of the State of Hawaii: Barbers Point, Island of
(c) El Segundo, CA. The waters including the Chevron USA, El Oahu. The waters including the Hawaiian Independent Refinery,
Segundo Marine Terminal, lying within an area bounded by a line Inc. and the Chevron moorings lying within an area bounded by a
beginning at latitude 33°56'18"N, longitude 118°26'18"W, thence line bearing 180 degrees true from Barbers Point Light to latitude
westerly to latitude 33°56'18"N, longitude 118°30'48"W, thence 21°14.8'N, longitude 158°06.4'W, thence easterly to latitude
southeasterly along a line drawn three nautical miles from the 21°14.8'N, longitude 158°03.3'W, thence northeasterly to latitude
baseline to latitude 33°51'48"N, longitude 118°27'54"W, thence 21°15.6'N, longitude 158°01.1'W, thence northwesterly to latitude
easterly to latitude 33°51'48"N, longitude 118°24'00"W, thence 21°18.5'N, longitude 158°02.0'W, thence westerly along the
northwesterly along the shoreline to latitude 33°56'18"N, longitude shoreline to latitude 21°17.8'N, longitude 158°06.4'W.
§15.1030 New York And New Jersey.
(d) Oxnard, CA. The waters including the Southern California The following U.S. navigable waters located within the States of
Edison Company, Mandalay Generating Station, lying within an New York and New Jersey when the vessel is making an intra-
area bounded by a line beginning at latitude 34°14'12"N, port transit, to include, but not limited to, a movement from a dock
longitude 119°16'00"W, thence westerly to latitude 34°14'12"N, to a dock, from a dock to an anchorage, from an anchorage to a
longitude 119°19'36"W, thence southeasterly along a line drawn dock, or from an anchorage to an anchorage, within the following
three nautical miles from the baseline to latitude 34°09'24"N, listed operating areas:

(a) East River from Execution Rocks to New York Harbor, Upper [AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 2101, 2103, 3306, 3703, 8101, 8102,
Bay; 8104, 8105, 8301, 8304, 8502, 8503, 8701, 8702, 8901, 8902,
8903, 8904, 8905(b), 9102; Pub. L. 103-206, 107 Stat. 2439; 49
(b) Hudson River from Yonkers, New York to New York Harbor, CFR 1.45 and 1.46.]
Upper Bay; [SOURCE: CGD 95-062, 62 FR 34539, June 26, 1997, unless
otherwise noted.
(c) Raritan River from Grossman Dock/Arsenal to New York
Harbor, Lower Bay; §15.1101 General.
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this subpart, the term–
(d) Arthur Kill Channel;
(1) STCW means the International Convention on Standards of
(e) Kill Van Kull Channel; Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as
amended in 1995;
(f) Newark Bay;
(2) STCW Code means the Seafarer's Training, Certification and
(g) Passaic River from Point No Point to Newark Bay; Watchkeeping Code;

(h) Hackensack River from the turning basin to Newark Bay; and (3) Seagoing vessel means a self-propelled vessel in
commercial service that operates beyond the Boundary Line

(i) New York Harbor, Upper and Lower Bay. established by 46 CFR part 7. It does not include a vessel that
navigates exclusively on inland waters;

"Intra-port transit" as used in this section includes the (4) Rest means a period of time during which the person
movement of a foreign-trade vessel inbound from sea from the concerned is off duty, is not performing work (which includes

point where a State-licensed pilot ceases providing pilotage to administrative tasks such as chart corrections or preparation of
another point within the identified areas (i.e., a dock or port-entry documents), and is allowed to sleep without being
anchorage). Likewise, intra-port transit also includes the interrupted; and
movement of a foreign-trade vessel outbound to sea from a point
within the identified areas (i.e., a dock or anchorage) to the point (5) Overriding operational conditions means circumstances in

where a State licensed pilot begins providing pilotage. which essential shipboard work cannot be delayed for safety or
environmental reasons, or could not reasonably have been
§15.1040 Massachusetts. anticipated at the commencement of the voyage.
The following U.S. navigable waters located within the State of
Massachusetts when the vessel is in transit, but not bound to or A (b) Except as otherwise provided in §15.1103(d), the regulations
departing from a port within the following listed operating areas: in this subpart apply to seagoing vessels subject to STCW.

(a) Cape Cod Bay south of latitude 41°48'54"N; (c) A vessel that has on board a valid Safety Management

Certificate and a copy of a Document of Compliance issued for

(b) The Cape Cod Canal; and that vessel in accordance with 46 U.S.C. 3205 is presumed in
compliance with the regulations in this subpart.
(c) Buzzards Bay east of a line extending from the southernmost

point of Wilbur Point (latitude 41°34'55"N longitude 70°51'15"W) §15.1103 Employment And Service Within Restrictions Of A
to the easternmost point of Pasque Island (latitude 41°26'55"N License, Document, And STCW Endorsement Or Of A
longitude 70°50'30"W). Certificate Of Training.

(a) On board a seagoing vessel operating beyond the Boundary

[CGD 92-061, 60 FR 24796, May 10, 1995, as amended by Line, no person may employ or engage any person to serve, and
USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52189, Sept. 10, 1998] no person may serve, in a position requiring a person to hold an

STCW endorsement, including master, chief mate, chief engineer,

§15.1050 North Carolina. second engineer, officer of the navigational or engineering watch,
(a) The following navigable waters of the United States within the or radio operator, unless the person serving holds an appropriate,
State of North Carolina when the vessel is maneuvering while valid STCW certificate or endorsement issued in accordance with
berthing or unberthing, is approaching or passing through a part 10 or 12 of this chapter.

bridge, or is making any intra-port transit, which transit may

include but is not limited to movement from a dock to a dock, from (b) On board a seagoing vessel of 500 GT or more, as
a dock to an anchorage, from an anchorage to a dock, or from an determined under the International Tonnage Convention, no
anchorage to an anchorage, within either of the following areas: person may employ or engage any person to serve, and no
person may serve, as a rating forming part of the navigational

(1) The waters of the Cape Fear River from the boundary line watch, except for training, unless the person serving holds an
established by 46 CFR 7.60 to Latitude 34°16.5'N. appropriate, valid STCW certificate or endorsement issued in
accordance with part 12 of this chapter.
(2) The waters of the Northeast Cape Fear River from its
confluence with the Cape Fear River at Point Peter to Latitude (c) After January 31, 2002, on board a seagoing vessel driven by
34°17'N. main propulsion machinery of 750 kW [1,000 hp] propulsion
power or more, no person may employ or engage any person to
(b) This subpart does not apply to any vessel on the waters serve, and no person may serve, in a rating forming part of a
specified in paragraph (a) of this section if the laws of the State of watch in a manned engine-room, nor may any person be
North Carolina require a State-licensed pilot on the vessel. designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-
room, except for training or for the performance of duties of an
[CGD 97-073, 63 FR 57255, Oct. 27, 1998] unskilled nature, unless the person serving holds an appropriate,
valid STCW certificate or endorsement issued in accordance with
Subpart J–Vessels Subject To Requirements Of part 12 of this chapter.
STCW (d) You must hold documentary evidence to show you meet the
requirements of §10.1105 (if licensed) or §12.35-5 (if unlicensed)

of this chapter if you are a master or crewmember on board a (b) After January 31, 1997, on board a seagoing vessel, no
vessel that is– person may assign a shipboard duty or responsibility to any
person who is serving in a position that must be filled as part of
(1) Subject to the STCW; the required crew complement, and no person may perform any
such duty or responsibility, unless he or she is familiar with it and
(2) Not a Ro-Ro passenger ship; and with all vessel's arrangements, installations, equipment,
procedures, and characteristics relevant to his or her routine or
(3) Carrying more than 12 passengers when on an international emergency duties or responsibilities, in accordance with STCW
voyage. Regulation I/14.

(f) After January 31, 2002, on board a seagoing vessel required to (c) After January 31, 1997, on board a seagoing vessel, no
comply with provisions of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety person may assign a shipboard duty or responsibility to any
System (GMDSS) in Chapter IV of SOLAS, no person may person who is serving in a position that must be filled as part of
employ or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, the required crew complement or who is assigned a responsibility
as the master, chief mate, or officer of the navigational watch, on the muster list, and no person may perform any such duty or
unless the person serving holds the appropriate certificate for responsibility, unless the person performing it can produce
operator of radio in GMDSS. evidence of having–

(g) On board a seagoing vessel required to comply with (1) Received appropriate approved basic safety training or

provisions of the GMDSS in Chapter IV of SOLAS, no person may instruction as set out in the standards of competence under
employ or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, STCW Regulation VI/1, with respect to personal survival

as the person designated to maintain GMDSS equipment at sea, techniques, fire prevention and fire-fighting, elementary first aid,
when the service of a person so designated is used to meet the and personal safety and social responsibilities; and
maintenance requirements of SOLAS Regulation IV/15, which

allows for capability of at-sea electronic maintenance to ensure (2) Achieved or, if training has been completed, maintained
that radio equipment is available for radio communication, unless competence within the last 5 years, in accordance with STCW
the person so serving holds documentary evidence that he or she regulation VI/1.
is competent to maintain GMDSS equipment at sea.
(d) Subject to training requirements that may apply for issue or

(h) After January 31, 2002, on board a seagoing vessel fitted with renewal of a license or document under part 10 or 12 of this
an Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA), no person may employ chapter, a person who is serving on a seagoing vessel
or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, as the immediately before February 1, 1997, and has not received
master, chief mate, or officer of the navigational watch, unless the
person so serving has been trained in the use of ARPA in A training or instruction in basic safety training, may continue to
serve until February 1, 2002, without receiving such training or
accordance with §10.205 or §10.209 of this chapter, whichever is instruction, if he or she can produce evidence of having
appropriate. participated in well-organized drills and other structured exercises
or in on-board safety-training programs during which his or her

[67 FR 66063, Oct. 30, 2002] performance was evaluated and weaknesses were brought to his
or her attention.
§15.1105 Familiarization And Basic Safety-Training.
(a) After January 31, 1997, on board a seagoing vessel, no (e) Fish-processing vessels in compliance with the provisions of

person may assign any person to perform shipboard duties, and 46 CFR part 28 on instructions, drills, and safety orientation are
no person may perform those duties, unless the person deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this section
performing them has received– on familiarization and basic safety-training.

(1) Training in personal survival techniques as set out in the §15.1107 Maintenance Of Merchant Mariners' Records By
standard of competence under STCW Regulation VI/1; or Owner Or Operator.

Each owner or operator of a U.S.-documented seagoing vessel

(2) Sufficient familiarization training or instruction that he or she– shall ensure that procedures are in place, in respect of each
merchant mariner holding a license or merchant mariner's
(2)(i) Can communicate with other persons on board about document and serving on any such vessel, to ensure that the
elementary safety matters and understand informational symbols, following information is maintained throughout his or her service,

signs, and alarm signals concerning safety; and is readily accessible to those in management responsible for
the safety of the vessel and for the prevention of marine pollution:
(2)(ii) Knows what to do if a person falls overboard; if fire or
smoke is detected; or if the firm alarm or abandon-ship alarm (a) Medical fitness (such as results of a recent evaluation by a
sounds; medical professional certifying that the mariner is physically able

to perform the tasks and duties normally associated with a

(2)(iii) Can identify stations for muster and embarkation, and particular shipboard position or does not have an apparent
emergency-escape routes; medical condition that disqualifies him or her from the
requirements of a particular shipboard position).
(2)(iv) Can locate and don life-jackets;
(b) Experience and training relevant to assigned shipboard duties
(2)(v) Can raise the alarm and knows the use of portable fire (i.e., record of training completed, and of relevant on-the-job
extinguishers; experience acquired).

(2)(vi) Can take immediate action upon encountering an accident (c) Competency in assigned shipboard duties (evidenced by
or other medical emergency before seeking further medical copies of current licenses, documents, or endorsements that the
assistance on board; and mariner holds, as well as by a record of the most recent basic
safety assessment and by instances where ship-specific
(2)(vii) Can close and open the fire doors, weather-tight doors, familiarization has been achieved and maintained).
and watertight doors fitted in the vessel other than those for hull
openings. §15.1109 Watches.

Each master of a vessel that operates beyond the Boundary Line (d) The minimum period of 10 hours of rest required under
shall ensure observance of the principles concerning paragraph (a) of this section may be reduced to not less than 6
watchkeeping set out in STCW Regulation VIII/2 and section A- consecutive hours as long as–
VIII/2 of the STCW Code.
(1) No reduction extends beyond 2 days; and
§15.1111 Work Hours And Rest Periods.
(a) After January 31, 1997, each person assigned duty as officer (2) Not less than 70 hours of rest are provided each 7-day period.
in charge of a navigational or engineering watch, or duty as a
rating forming part of a navigational or engineering watch, on (e) The minimum period of rest required under paragraph (a) of
board any vessel that operates beyond the Boundary Line shall this section may not be devoted to watchkeeping or other duties.
receive a minimum of 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period.
(f) Watchkeeping personnel remain subject to the work-hour limits
(b) The hours of rest required under paragraph (a) of this section in 46 U.S.C. 8104 and to the conditions when crew members may
may be divided into no more than two periods, of which one must be required to work.
be at least 6 hours in length.
(g) The Master shall post watch schedules where they are easily
(c) The requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section accessible. They must cover each affected member of the crew
need not be maintained in the case of an emergency or drill or in and must take into account the rest requirements of this section
other overriding operational conditions. as well as port rotations and changes in the vessel's itinerary.


Part 16 – Chemical Testing
Table Of Contents employed in the preparation of fish or fish products, or in a
support position, and who have no duties that directly affect the
Subpart A–General safe operation of the vessel;

Sec. (2) Scientific personnel on an oceanographic research vessel;

16.101 Purpose Of Regulations.
16.105 Definitions Of Terms Used In This Part. (3) Individuals on industrial vessels who are industrial personnel,
16.107 Waivers. as defined in this chapter; and
16.109 Public Interest Exclusion (PIE)
16.113 Chemical Drug Testing (4) Individuals not required under part 15 of this subchapter who
16.115 Penalties have no duties that directly affect the safe operation of the vessel.

Subpart B–Required Chemical Testing Dangerous drug means a narcotic drug, a controlled substance,
or a controlled-substance analog (as defined in section 102 of the
16.203 Employer, MRO, And SAP Responsibilities. Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Control Act of 1970 (21 U.S.C.

16.240 Serious Marine Incident Testing Requirements. 802)).
16.250 Reasonable Cause Testing Requirements.
Drug test means a chemical test of an individual's urine for

Authority: 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 7101, 7301, and 7701; evidence of dangerous drug use.
Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
[SOURCE: CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47079, Nov. 21, 1988, unless Employer means a marine employer or sponsoring organization.

otherwise noted.]
Fails a chemical test for dangerous drugs means that the
[66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001] result of a chemical test conducted in accordance with 49 CFR 40
was reported as "positive" by a Medical Review Officer because
the chemical test indicated the presence of a dangerous drug at a

Subpart A–General level equal to or exceeding the levels established in 49 CFR part
§16.101 Purpose Of Regulations.
(a) The regulations in this part provide a means to minimize the
use of intoxicants by merchant marine personnel and to promote
A Marine employer means the owner, managing operator,
charterer, agent, master, or person in charge of a vessel, other
a drug free and safe work environment. than a recreational vessel.

(b) These regulations prescribe the minimum standards, Medical Review Officer (MRO) means a person who is a

procedures, and means to be used to test for the use of licensed physician and who is responsible for receiving and
dangerous drugs. reviewing laboratory results generated by an employer's drug
testing program and evaluating medical explanations for certain
(c) As part of a reasonable cause drug testing program drug test results.

established pursuant to this part, employers may test for drugs in

addition to those specified in this part only with approval granted Operation means to navigate, steer, direct, manage, or sail a
by the Coast Guard under 49 CFR part 40 and for substances for vessel, or to control, monitor, or maintain the vessel's main or

which the Department of Health and Human Services has auxiliary equipment or systems. Operation includes:
established an approved testing protocol and positive threshold.
(a) Determining the vessel's position, piloting, directing the vessel

§16.105 Definitions Of Terms Used In This Part. along a desired trackline, keeping account of the vessel's
Chemical test means a scientifically recognized test which progress through the water, ordering or executing changes in
analyzes an individual's breath, blood, urine, saliva, bodily fluids, course, rudder position, or speed, and maintaining a lookout;
or tissues for evidence of dangerous drug or alcohol use.
(b) Controlling, operating, monitoring, maintaining, or testing: the

Consortium/Third party administrator (C/TPA) means a vessel's propulsion and steering systems; electric power
service agent who provides or coordinates the provision of a generators; bilge, ballast, fire, and cargo pumps; deck machinery
variety of drug and alcohol testing services to employers. C/TPAs including winches, windlasses, and lifting equipment; lifesaving
typically perform administrative tasks concerning the operation of equipment and appliances; firefighting systems and equipment;
the employers' drug and alcohol testing programs. This term

and navigation and communication equipment; and

includes, but is not limited to, groups of employers who join
together to administer, as a single entity, the DOT drug and (c) Mooring, anchoring, and line handling; loading or discharging
alcohol testing programs of its members. of cargo or fuel; assembling or disassembling of tows; and
maintaining the vessel's stability and watertight integrity.
Crewmember means an individual who is:
(a) On board a vessel acting under the authority of a license, Passes a chemical test for dangerous drugs means the result
certificate of registry, or merchant mariner's document issued of a chemical test conducted in accordance with 49 CFR part 40
under this subchapter, whether or not the individual is a member is reported as "negative" by a Medical Review Officer in
of the vessel's crew; or accordance with that part.

(b) Engaged or employed on board a vessel owned in the United Positive rate for random drug testing means the number of
States that is required by law or regulation to engage, employ, or verified positive results for random drug tests conducted under
be operated by an individual holding a license, certificate of this part plus the number of refusals of random drug tests
registry, or merchant mariner's document issued under this required by this part, divided by the total number of random drug
subchapter, except the following: test results (i.e., positives, negatives, and refusals) under this
(1) Individuals on fish processing vessels who are primarily

Refuse to submit means you refused to take a drug test as set [66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001]
out in 49 CFR 40.191.
§16.113 Chemical Drug Testing.
Serious marine incident means an event defined in 46 CFR (a) Drug testing programs required by this part must be conducted
4.03-2. in accordance with 49 CFR part 40, Procedures for Transportation
Workplace Testing Programs. This subpart summarizes the
Service agent means any person or entity that provides services responsibilities of documented and licensed mariners, marine
specified under this part or 49 CFR part 40 to employers and/or employers, MRO, SAP and other chemical testing service
crewmembers in connection with DOT drug and alcohol testing providers in 49 CFR part 40. The regulations in 49 CFR part 40
requirements. This includes, but is not limited to, collectors, BATs should be consulted to determine the specific procedures which
and STTs, laboratories, MROs, substance abuse professionals, must be established and utilized. Drug testing programs required
and C/ TPAs. To act as service agents, persons and by this part must use only drug testing laboratories certified by the
organizations must meet the qualifications set forth in applicable Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
sections of 49 CFR part 40. Service agents are not employers for
purposes of this part. (b) Each specimen collected in accordance with this part will be
tested, as provided in 49 CFR 40.85, for the following:
Sponsoring organization is any company, consortium,
corporation, association, union, or other organization with which (1) Marijuana;
individuals serving in the marine industry, or their employers, are (2) Cocaine;

associated. (3) Opiates;
(4) Phencyclidine (PCP); and

Stand-down means the practice of temporarily removing a (5) Amphetamines.
crewmember from the performance of safety-sensitive functions
based only on a report from a laboratory to the MRO of a [66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001]

confirmed positive test for a drug or drug metabolite, an
adulterated test, or a substituted test, before the MRO has §16.115 Penalties.
completed verification of the test result. Violation of this part is subject to the civil penalties set forth in 46
U.S.C. 2115. Any person who fails to implement or conduct, or
Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) means a person who who otherwise fails to comply with the requirements for chemical

evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol testing for dangerous drugs as prescribed under this part, is liable
regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, to the United States Government for a civil penalty of not more
treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare. than $5,000 for each violation. Each day of a continuing violation

Vessel owned in the United States means any vessel A will constitute a separate violation.
documented or numbered under the laws of the United States; [66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001]
and any vessel owned by a citizen of the United States that is not
documented or numbered by any nation. Subpart B–Required Chemical Testing

[CGD 86-067, 53 FR 47079, Nov. 21, 1988; 53 FR 48367, Nov. §16.203 Employer, MRO, And SAP Responsibilities.
30, 1988, as amended by CGD 90-014, 56 FR 31033, July 8, (a) Employers.
1991; CGD 90-053, 58 FR 31107, May 28, 1993; CGD 93-051, 59

FR 28792, June 3, 1994; 59 FR 62226, Dec. 2, 1994; CGD 91- (1) Employers must ensure that they and their crewmembers
223, 60 FR 4525, Jan. 23, 1995; 66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001] meet the requirements of this part.

§16.107 Waivers. (2) Employers are responsible for all the actions of their officials,
(a) To obtain a waiver from 49 CFR 40.21 or from this part you representatives, and agents in carrying out the requirements of
must send your request for a waiver to the Commandant (G- this part.

(3) All agreements and arrangements, written or unwritten,
(b) Employers for whom compliance with this part would violate between and among employers and service agents concerning
the domestic laws or policies of another country may request an the implementation of DOT drug testing requirements are
exemption from the drug testing requirements of this part by deemed, as a matter of law, to require compliance with all

submitting a written request to Commandant (G-MOA), at the applicable provisions of this part and DOT agency drug testing
address listed in §16.500(a). regulations. Compliance with these provisions is a material term
of all such agreements and arrangements.
(c) An employer may request a waiver from the Coast Guard in
order to stand-down a crewmember following the Medical Review

(b) Medical Review Officer (MRO).

Officer's receipt of a laboratory report of a confirmed positive test
for a drug or drug metabolite, an adulterated test, or a substituted (1) Individuals performing MRO functions must meet the training
test pertaining to the crewmember. Consistent with 49 CFR 40.21, requirements and follow the procedures in 49 CFR Part 40.
the request for a waiver must include as a minimum: Information
about the organization and the proposed written company policy (2) MROs may report chemical drug test results to the Coast
concerning stand-down. Specific elements required in the written Guard for unemployed, self-employed, or individual mariners.
waiver request are contained in 49 CFR 40.21(c).
(c) Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). Individuals
[66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001] performing SAP functions must meet the training requirements
and follow the procedures in 49 CFR Part 40.
§16.109 Public Interest Exclusion (PIE).
Service agents are subject to Public Interest Exclusion (PIE) [66 FR 42964, August 16, 2001]
actions in accordance with 49 CFR Part 40, subpart R. The PIE is
an action which excludes from participation in DOT's drug and §16.240 Serious Marine Incident Testing Requirements.
alcohol testing program any service agent who, by serious The marine employer shall ensure that all persons directly
noncompliance with this part or with 49 CFR part 40, has shown involved in a serious marine incident are chemically tested for
that it is not currently acting in a responsible manner. evidence of dangerous drugs and alcohol in accordance with the

requirements of 46 CFR 4.06. contemporaneous physical, behavioral, or performance indicators
of probable use. Where practicable, this belief should be based
§16.250 Reasonable Cause Testing Requirements. on the observation of the individual by two persons in supervisory
(a) The marine employer shall require any crewmember engaged positions.
or employed on board a vessel owned in the United States that is
required by law or regulation to engage, employ or be operated by (c) When the marine employer requires testing of an individual
an individual holding a license, certificate of registry, or merchant under the provisions of this section, the individual must be
mariner's document issued under this subchapter, who is informed of that fact and directed to provide a urine specimen as
reasonably suspected of using a dangerous drug to be chemically soon as practicable. This fact shall be entered in the vessel's
tested for dangerous drugs. official log book, if one is required.

(b) The marine employer's decision to test must be based on a (d) If an individual refuses to provide a urine specimen when
reasonable and articulable belief that the individual has used a directed to do so by the employer under the provisions of this
dangerous drug based on direct observation of specific, section, this fact shall be entered in the vessel's official log book,
if one is required.


Part 30 – General Provisions
Table Of Contents 30.15-1 Conditions Under Which Equivalents May Be Used–
[NOTE: Parts 151 through 157 in 33 CFR subchapter O contain
additional design, equipment, and operations requirements Subpart 30.25–Commodities Regulated
relating to pollution prevention for vessels that carry oil.]
30.25-1 Cargoes Carried In Vessels Certificated Under The
Subpart 30.01–Administration Rules Of This Subchapter.
30.25-3 Benzene.
30.01-1 Purpose Of Regulations. Subpart 30.30–Interim Procedures For Evaluating Vessel
30.01-3 Incorporation By Reference. Personnel Licensing And Certification Programs Of Foreign
30.01-5 Application Of Regulations–TB/ALL. Countries
30.01-6 Application To Vessels On An International Voyage.
30.30-1 Scope And Purpose.
Subpart 30.10–Definitions 30.30-3 Evaluation Materials.

30.30-5 Submission Of Evaluation Materials.
30.10-1 Definition Of Terms–TB/ALL. 30.30-7 Availability Of Materials.
30.10-2 Accommodation Space–TB/ALL. 30.30-9 Evaluation.

30.10-2a Anniversary Date–TB/ALL. 30.30-11 Determinations.
30.10-3 Approved–TB/ALL.
30.10-5 Cargo–TB/ALL. Authority: 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 7101, 7301, and 7701;

30.10-5a Cargo Area–TB/ALL. Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
30.10-5b Cargo Control Station–TB/ALL. [SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16657, Dec. 30, 1965, unless
30.10-6 Cargo Handling Room–TB/ALL. otherwise noted.]
30.10-6a Category A Machinery Space–TB/ALL.
[64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000; 65 FR

30.10-7 Certificated–TB/ALL.
30.10-9 Classification Requirements–TB/ALL. 10943, Mar. 1, 2000; 67 FR 34756, May 15, 2002]
30.10-11 Coastwise–TB/C.
30.10-13 Cofferdam–TB/ALL.
30.10-14 Combination Carrier–TB/ALL.
30.10-15 Combustible Liquid–TB/ALL.
A Subpart 30.01–Administration
§30.01-1 Purpose Of Regulations.
30.10-17 Commandant–TB/ALL. (a) The rules and regulations in this subchapter are prescribed for
30.10-19 Coast Guard District Commander–TB/ALL. all tank vessels in accordance with the intent of the various
30.10-19aControl Space–TB/ALL. statutes administered by the Coast Guard and to provide for a

30.10-20 Deadweight Or DWT–TB/ALL. correct and uniform administration of the vessel inspection
30.10-21 Flammable Or Inflammable–TB/ALL. requirements applicable to tank vessels.
30.10-22 Flammable Liquid–TB/ALL.
30.10-23 Flame Arrester–TB/ALL.

[CGFR 68-32, 33 FR 5712, Apr. 12, 1968]

30.10-25 Flame Screen–TB/ALL.
30.10-27 Flashpoint–TB/ALL. §30.01-3 Incorporation By Reference.

30.10-29 Gas Free–TB/ALL. (a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with
30.10-31 General Rules And Regulations–TB/ALL. the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5
30.10-33 Great Lakes–TB/L. U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other
30.10-35 Headquarters–TB/ALL.

than that specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the Coast

30.10-37 Keel Laying Date–TB/ALL. Guard must publish notice of change in the Federal Register; and
30.10-38 Lightweight–TB/ALL. the material must be available to the public. All approved material
30.10-39 Liquefied Flammable Gas–TB/ALL. is available for inspection at the Office of the Federal Register,
30.10-41 Lakes, Bays, And Sounds–TB/B. 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC, and at
30.10-42 Machinery Space–TB/ALL. the U.S. Coast Guard Office of Design and Engineering

30.10-43 Marine Inspector Or Inspector–TB/ALL. Standards (G-MSE), 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, DC
30.10-45 Ocean–TB/O. 20593-0001, and is available from the sources indicated in
30.10-47 Officer In Charge, Marine Inspection–TB/ALL. paragraph (b) of this section.
30.10-48 Oil Fuel–TB/ALL.

30.10-48aOil Fuel Unit–TB/ALL. (b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this
30.10-49 Permit–TB/ALL. part, and the sections affected are as follows:
30.10-50 Pilot Boarding Equipment And Point Of Access.
30.10-55 Pressure Vacuum Relief Valve–TB/ALL. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
30.10-57 Recognized Classification Society–TB/ALL. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
30.10-59 Reid Vapor Pressure–TB/ALL. ASTM D 323-94, Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure of
30.10-61 Rivers–TB/R. Petroleum Products (Reid Method)–30.10-22; 30.10-59
30.10-62 Self-Propelled Tank Vessel–TB/ALL.
30.10-62aService Spaces–TB/ALL. [64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, Mar. 1, 2000]
30.10-63 Spark Arrester–TB/ALL.
30.10-65 Tank Barge–B/ALL. §30.01-5 Application Of Regulations–TB/ALL.
30.10-67 Tankship–T/ALL. [NOTE: 33 CFR subchapter O (parts 151 through 157) contains
30.10-69 Tank Vessel–TB/ALL. additional design, equipment, and operations requirements
30.10-71 Tankerman–TB/ALL. relating to pollution prevention for vessels that carry oil.]

Subpart 30.15–Equivalents (a) The regulations in this subchapter contain requirements for
materials, design, construction, inspection, manning, and

operation of tank vessels, including handling and stowage of indicated by letters in the heading of the section or paragraph.
cargo and duties of officers and crew. However, vessels The first letter or two letters indicate the type of vessel and the
certificated as passenger, cargo, and miscellaneous vessels, letter or letters following the oblique line indicate the waters in
whose principal purpose or use is not the carriage of flammable or which such vessels may operate. These letters are described as
combustible liquid cargo in bulk, may be granted a permit to carry follows:
limited quantities of flammable or combustible liquid cargo in bulk
in the grades indicated: (1) "T" signifies a tankship.

(1) Passenger vessels: (2) "B" signifies a tank barge when it precedes an oblique line; or
it signifies service on bays, sounds, and lakes other than the
(1)(i) Grade E in an integral tank; and Great Lakes when it follows an oblique line.

(1)(ii) Grade E in a portable tank, including a marine portable tank (3) "ALL" signifies service on all waters.
(MPT), in accordance with subpart 98.30 or 98.33 of this chapter.
(4) "O" signifies service on ocean waters.
(2) Cargo vessels:
(5) "C" signifies services on coastwise waters.
(2)(i) Grades D and E in an integral tank; and
(6) "L" signifies service on Great Lakes waters.

(2)(ii) Grades D and E and certain specifically named Grade C in
a portable tank, including an MPT, in accordance with subpart (7) "R" signifies service on river waters.

98.30 or 98.33 of this chapter.
(d) This subchapter is applicable to all U.S.-flag vessels indicated
(3) Miscellaneous vessels, such as cable, salvage, pile-driving in Column 2 of Table 30.01-5(d), except as follows:

and oil-drilling-rig vessels:
(1) Any vessel operating exclusively on inland waters which are
(3)(i) Grades B, C, D, and E in a fixed independent or integral not navigable waters of the United States.
tank authorized by the Commandant; and
(2) Any vessel while laid up and dismantled and out of

(3)(ii) Grades D and E and certain specifically named Grade C in commission.
a portable tank, including an MPT, in accordance with subpart
98.30 or 98.33 of this chapter. (3) With the exception of vessels of the U.S. Maritime
(b) [Reserved]
A Administration, any vessel with title vested in the United States
and which is used for public purposes.
(c) The vessels and services to which each regulation applies are






(e) This subchapter shall be applicable to all foreign flag vessels [67 FR 34756, May 15, 2002]
carrying combustible or flammable liquid cargo in bulk while in the
navigable waters over which the United States has jurisdiction,
except that:
A §30.01-6 Application To Vessels On An International Voyage.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this
section, the regulations in this subchapter that apply to a vessel
(1) A vessel of a foreign nation signatory to the International on an international voyage apply to a vessel that:
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, which has on board a

current valid Safety Equipment Certificate, or a vessel of a foreign (1) Is mechanically propelled and of at least 500 gross tons; and
nation having inspection laws approximating those of the United
States, together with reciprocal inspection arrangements with the (2) Is engaged on a voyage:
United States and which has on board a current valid certificate of

inspection issued by its government under such arrangements, in (2)(i) From a country to which the International Convention for
either case, shall be subject only to the requirements of §35.01-1 Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 74) applies, to a port outside
and the safety and cargo handling requirements in subparts 35.30 that country or the reverse;

and 35.35 of this subchapter. In addition, these vessels shall

report marine casualties occurring while they are in the navigable (2)(ii) From any territory, including the Commonwealth of Puerto
waters of the United States as required by subpart 35.15. Rico, all possessions of the United States, and all lands held by

the United States under a protectorate or mandate, whose

(2) A foreign flag vessel, except a public vessel, which operates international relations are the responsibility of a contracting
on or enters the navigable waters of the United States, or which SOLAS 74 government, or which is administered by the United
transfers oil in any port or place subject to the jurisdiction of the Nations, to a port outside that territory or the reverse; or
United States, must comply with the provisions of §31.10-21a and

subparts 32.53, 32.59 and 34.05 of this chapter, as applicable. (2)(iii) Between the contiguous states of the United States and the
states of Hawaii or Alaska or between the states of Hawaii and
(f) Notwithstanding the exceptions previously noted in paragraph Alaska.

(e) of this section, foreign vessels of novel design or construction, (b) The regulations that apply to a vessel on an international
or whose operation involves potential unusual risks, shall be voyage in this subchapter do not apply to ships engaged on a
subject to inspection to the extent necessary to safeguard life and voyage solely on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River as
property in United States ports, as further provided by §2.01-13 of far east as a straight line drawn from Cap des Rosiers to West
subchapter A (Procedures applicable to the Public) of this Point, Anticosti Island and, on the north side of Anticosti Island,
chapter. the 63rd Meridian;

(g) Manned barges carrying any of the cargoes listed in Table (c) The Commandant or his authorized representative may
30.25-1 will be considered individually by the Commandant and exempt any vessel on an international voyage from the
may be required to comply with the requirements of subchapter O requirements of this subchapter if the vessel:
of this chapter, as applicable, as well as the requirements of this
subchapter. (1) Makes a single international voyage in exceptional
circumstances; and
(h) Subpart 30.30 contains procedures for evaluating vessel
personnel licensing and certification programs of foreign countries (2) Meets safety requirements prescribed for the voyage by the
which license or certificate personnel serving on tank vessels that Commandant.
enter or operate in U.S. navigable waters and ports.
(d) The Commandant or his authorized representative may

exempt any vessel from the construction requirements of this point of less than 43.3°C (110°F); or
subchapter if the vessel does not proceed more than 20 nautical
miles from the nearest land in the course of its voyage. (d) One or more oil fired boilers or oil fuel units.

[CGD 72-131R, 38 FR 29320, Oct. 24, 1973, as amended by [CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3842, Jan. 26, 1976]
CGD 80-123, 45 FR 64586, Sept. 30, 1980; CGD 90-008, 55 FR
30660, July 26, 1990; CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25286, May 20, 1996; §30.10-7 Certificated–TB/ALL.
66 FR 48617, Sept. 21, 2001] The term certificated when applied to tank vessels refers to a
vessel covered by a certificate of inspection issued by the Coast
Subpart 30.10–Definitions Guard; when applied to men employed on tank vessels, the term
refers to a certificate of ability issued by the Coast Guard.
§30.10-1 Definition Of Terms–TB/ALL.
Certain terms used in the regulations in this subchapter are §30.10-9 Classification Requirements–TB/ALL.
defined in this subpart. The term classification requirements means applicable rules
and supplementary requirements of the American Bureau of
§30.10-2 Accommodation Space–TB/ALL. Shipping, or other recognized classification society.
The term accommodation space means any public space such
as a hall, dining room, mess room, lounge, corridor, lavatory, §30.10-11 Coastwise–TB/C.
Under this designation shall be included all tank vessels normally

cabin, office, hospital, cinema, game and hobby room, pantry that
contains no cooking appliances, and a similar space open to the navigating the waters of any ocean or the Gulf of Mexico 20
passengers and crew. nautical miles or less offshore.

[CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3842, Jan. 26, 1976] §30.10-13 Cofferdam–TB/ALL.
The term cofferdam means a void or empty space separating two

§30.10-2a Anniversary Date–TB/ALL. or more compartments for the purpose of isolation or to prevent
The term anniversary date means the day and the month of the contents of one compartment from entering another in the
each year, which corresponds to the date of expiration of the event of the failure of the walls of one to retain their tightness.
Certificate of Inspection.
§30.10-14 Combination Carrier–TB/ALL.

[65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000] The term combination carrier means a tank vessel designed to
carry alternatively liquid and solid cargoes in bulk.
§30.10-3 Approved–TB/ALL.
The term approved means approved by the Commandant unless
otherwise stated.
A [CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976]
§30.10-15 Combustible Liquid–TB/ALL.
§30.10-5 Cargo–TB/ALL. The term combustible liquid means any liquid having a
The term cargo means combustible liquid, flammable liquid, or flashpoint above 80°F. (as determined from an open-cup tester,

liquefied flammable gas unless otherwise stated. as used for test of burning oils). In the regulations of this
subchapter, combustible liquids are referred to by grades, as
§30.10-5a Cargo Area–TB/ALL. follows:
The term cargo area means that part of a vessel that includes the

cargo tanks and other tanks into which cargo or cargo vapors are (a) Grade D. Any combustible liquid having a flashpoint below
intentionally introduced, holds containing these tanks, all 150°F. and above 80°F.
intervening space within, between, below, or outboard of these

tanks or holds, and the deck area over the length and beam of the (b) Grade E. Any combustible liquid having a flashpoint of 150°F.
vessel above these tanks, holds, or spaces. or above.

[CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3842, Jan. 26, 1976] [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16657, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
73-96, 42 FR 49023, Sept. 26, 1977]
§30.10-5b Cargo Control Station–TB/ALL.
The term cargo control station means a location that is manned §30.10-17 Commandant–TB/ALL.
during cargo transfer operations for the purpose of directing or The term Commandant means the Commandant of the Coast

controlling the loading or unloading of cargo. Guard.

[CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3842, Jan. 26, 1976] §30.10-19 Coast Guard District Commander–TB/ALL.
The term Coast Guard District Commander means an officer of
the Coast Guard designated as such by the Commandant to

§30.10-6 Cargo Handling Room–TB/ALL.

The term cargo handling room means any enclosed space command all Coast Guard activities within his district which
where cargo is pumped, compressed, or processed. Examples of include the enforcement and administration of Subtitle II, Title 46,
cargo handling rooms are pump rooms, compressor rooms, and U.S. Code, Title 46 and Title 33, U.S. Code, and regulations
cargo valve rooms. issued under these statutes.

[CGFR 68-65, 33 FR 19983, Dec. 28, 1968] [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16657, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
95-028, 62 FR 51197, Sept. 30, 1997]
§30.10-6a Category A Machinery Space–TB/ALL.
The term Category A machinery space means any space and §30.10-19a Control Space–TB/ALL.
trunks and ducts to such a space that contains: The term control space means an enclosed space in which is
(a) Internal combustion machinery used for main propulsion; located a ship's radio, main navigating equipment, or emergency
source of power or in which is located centralized fire recording or
(b) Internal combustion machinery used for purposes other than fire control equipment, but not including firefighting apparatus that
main propulsion where the total aggregate power is at least 500 must be located in the cargo area or individual pieces of
brake horsepower; firefighting equipment.

(c) Internal combustion machinery that uses a fuel that has a flash [CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976]

§30.10-20 Deadweight Or DWT–TB/ALL. Under this designation shall be included all tank vessels
The term deadweight or DWT means the difference in metric navigating the Great Lakes.
tons between the lightweight displacement and the total
displacement of a vessel measured in water of specific gravity §30.10-35 Headquarters–TB/ALL.
1.025 at the load waterline corresponding to the summer The term Headquarters means the Office of the Commandant,
freeboard assigned according to 46 CFR, subchapter E. U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, DC 20593-0001.

[CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976] [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16657, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
CGFR 68-32, 33 FR 5712, Apr. 12, 1968; CGD 88-070, 53 FR
§30.10-21 Flammable Or Inflammable–TB/ALL. 34533, Sept. 7, 1988]
The words flammable and inflammable are interchangeable or
synonymous terms for the purpose of the regulations in this §30.10-37 Keel Laying Date–TB/ALL.
subchapter. The term keel laying date means the date upon which
progressive construction identifiable with a specific vessel begins,
§30.10-22 Flammable Liquid–TB/ALL. including construction of the first module or prefabricated section
The term flammable liquid means any liquid which gives off of the hull that is identifiable with that vessel.
flammable vapors (as determined by flashpoint from an open-cup
tester, as used for test of burning oils) at or below a temperature [CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976]
of 80°F. Flammable liquids are referred to by grades as follows:

§30.10-38 Lightweight–TB/ALL.
(a) Grade A. Any flammable liquid having a Reid1 vapor pressure The term lightweight means the displacement of a vessel in

of 14 pounds or more. metric tons without cargo, oil fuel, lubricating oil, ballast water,
fresh water, feedwater in tanks, consumable stores, and persons
(b) Grade B. Any flammable liquid having a Reid vapor pressure and their effects.

under 14 pounds and over 8 1/2 pounds.
[CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976]
(c) Grade C. Any flammable liquid having a Reid vapor pressure
of 8 1/2 pounds or less and a flashpoint of 80°F. or below. §30.10-39 Liquefied Flammable Gas–TB/ALL.

[ American Society for Testing Materials Standard D 323 The term liquefied flammable gas means any flammable gas
(incorporated by reference, see §30.01-3), Method of Test for having a Reid vapor pressure exceeding 40 pounds, which has
Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method).] been liquefied.

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16657, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD

A [CGFR 66-33, 31 FR 15267, Dec. 6, 1966]
73-96, 42 FR 49023, Sept. 26, 1977; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29,
§30.10-41 Lakes, Bays, And Sounds–TB/B.
Under this designation shall be included all tank vessels

navigating the waters of any of the lakes, bays, or sounds other

§30.10-23 Flame Arrester–TB/ALL.
than the waters of the Great Lakes.
The term flame arrester means any device or assembly of a
cellular, tubular, pressure, or other type used for preventing the
§30.10-42 Machinery Space–TB/ALL.
passage of flames into enclosed spaces.

The term machinery space means any space that contains

machinery and related equipment including Category A machinery
§30.10-25 Flame Screen–TB/ALL.
spaces, propelling machinery, boilers, oil fuel units, steam and
The term flame screen means a fitted single screen of corrosion-

internal combustion engines, generators and centralized electrical

resistant wire of at least 30 by 30 mesh, or two fitted screens,
machinery, oil filling stations, refrigeration, stabilizing, ventilation,
both of corrosion-resistant wire, of at least 20 by 20 mesh, spaced
and air conditioning machinery, and similar spaces and trunks to
not less than 1/2 inch or more than 1 1/2 inches apart.

such spaces.
§30.10-27 Flashpoint–TB/ALL.
[CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976]
The term flashpoint indicates the temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit at which a liquid gives off a flammable vapor when
§30.10-43 Marine Inspector Or Inspector–TB/ALL.
heated in an open-cup tester. For the purpose of the regulations

The terms marine inspector or inspector mean any person from

in this subchapter, flashpoints determined by other testing
the civilian or military branch of the Coast Guard assigned under
methods will be equivalent to those determined with an open-cup
the superintendence and direction of an Officer in Charge, Marine
tester, as follows:
Inspection, or any other person as may be designated for the
performance of duties with respect to the enforcement and


administration of Subtitle II, Title 46, U.S. Code, Title 46 and Title
[In degrees Farenheit]
33, U.S. Code, and regulations issued under these statutes.
Open-cup Tag closed-cup Pensky-Martens
Tester tester Closed tester
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16657, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
(A.S.T.M) (A.S.T.M)
95-028, 62 FR 11597, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR
80 75 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]
150 140
§30.10-45 Ocean–TB/O.
§30.10-29 Gas Free–TB/ALL. Under this designation shall be included all tank vessels normally
The term gas free means free from dangerous concentrations of navigating the waters of any ocean or the Gulf of Mexico more
flammable or toxic gases. than 20 nautical miles offshore.
§30.10-31 General Rules And Regulations–TB/ALL. §30.10-47 Officer In Charge, Marine Inspection–TB/ALL.
The term general rules and regulations means the The term Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, means any
requirements contained in this chapter. person from the civilian or military branch of the Coast Guard
designated as such by the Commandant and who under the
§30.10-33 Great Lakes–TB/L. superintendence and direction of the Coast Guard District

Commander is in charge of an inspection zone for the §30.10-62a Service Spaces–TB/ALL.
performance of duties with respect to the enforcement and Service spaces are spaces that are used for galleys, pantries
administration of Subtitle II, Title 46, U.S. Code, Title 46 and Title containing cooking appliances, lockers, storerooms, paint and
33, U.S. Code, and regulations issued under these statutes. lamp rooms and similar spaces that contain highly combustible
materials, laundries, garbage and trash disposal and stowage
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16657, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD rooms, workshops other than those forming part of the machinery
95-028, 62 FR 51197, Sept. 30, 1997] spaces, and similar spaces and trunks to such spaces.

§30.10-48 Oil Fuel–TB/ALL. [CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976]

The term oil fuel means oil used as fuel for machinery in the
vessel in which it is carried. §30.10-63 Spark Arrester–TB/ALL.
The term spark arrester means any device, assembly, or method
[CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976] of a mechanical, centrifugal, cooling, or other type and of a size
suitable for the retention or quenching of sparks in exhaust pipes
§30.10-48a Oil Fuel Unit–TB/ALL. from internal combustion engines.
The term oil fuel unit means the equipment used for the
preparation of oil fuel for delivery to an oil fired boiler, the §30.10-65 Tank Barge–B/ALL.
equipment used for the preparation of heated oil fuel for delivery The term tank barge means a nonself-propelled tank vessel.
to an internal combustion engine, and any oil fuel pressure pump,

filter, and heater that deals with oil at a pressure of more than 1.8 [CGD 79-116, 62 FR 25135, May 8, 1997]
kilograms per square centimeter (25 p.s.i.) gauge.

§30.10-67 Tankship–T/ALL.
[CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976] The term tankship means a self-propelled tank vessel
constructed or adapted primarily to carry oil or hazardous material

§30.10-49 Permit–TB/ALL. in bulk in the cargo spaces.
The term permit refers to endorsement on the certificate of
inspection, authorizing the presence on board of liquid flammable [CGD 79-116, 62 FR 25135, May 8, 1997]
or combustible cargoes in bulk, issued by an Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, for a tank vessel which is found to be in §30.10-69 Tank Vessel–TB/ALL.

substantial compliance with the regulations in this subchapter. The term tank vessel means a vessel that is constructed or
adapted to carry, or that carries, oil or hazardous material in bulk
§30.10-50 Pilot Boarding Equipment And Point Of Access. as cargo or cargo residue, and that–
(a) Pilot boarding equipment means a pilot ladder,
accommodation ladder, pilot hoist, or combination of them as A (a) Is a vessel of the United States;
required by this subchapter.
(b) Operates on the navigable waters of the United States; or
(b) Point of access means the place on deck of a vessel where a

person steps onto or off of pilot boarding equipment. (c) Transfers oil or hazardous material in a port or place subject to
the jurisdiction of the United States.
[CGD 79-032, 49 FR 25455, June 21, 1984]
[CGD 79-116, 62 FR 25135, May 8, 1997]

§30.10-55 Pressure Vacuum Relief Valve–TB/ALL.

The term pressure vacuum relief valve means any device or §30.10-71 Tankerman–TB/ALL.
assembly of a mechanical, liquid, weight, or other type used for The following ratings are established in part 13 of this chapter.

the automatic regulation of pressure or vacuum in enclosed The terms for the ratings identify persons holding valid merchant
places. mariners' documents for service in the ratings issued under that

§30.10-57 Recognized Classification Society–TB/ALL. (a) Tankerman-PIC.

The term recognized classification society means the (b) Tankerman-PIC (Barge).
American Bureau of Shipping or other classification society (c) Restricted Tankerman-PIC.
recognized by the Commandant. (d) Restricted Tankerman-PIC (Barge).
(e) Tankerman-Assistant.

§30.10-59 Reid Vapor Pressure–TB/ALL. (f) Tankerman-Engineer.

The term Reid vapor pressure means the vapor pressure of a
liquid at a temperature of 100°F., expressed in pounds per square [CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17155, Apr. 4, 1995]
inch absolute, as determined by the Reid Method as described in
the American Society for Testing Materials Standard D 323 Subpart 30.15–Equivalents

(incorporated by reference, see §30.01-3), Method of Test for

Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products. This Standard is available §30.15-1 Conditions Under Which Equivalents May Be Used–
at Headquarters for reading purposes or it may be purchased TB/ALL.
from the Society at 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, (a) Where in this subchapter it is provided that a particular fitting,
PA 19428-2959. material, appliance, apparatus, or equipment, or type thereof,
shall be fitted or carried in a vessel, or that any particular
[65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000] provision shall be made or arrangement shall be adopted, the
Commandant may accept in substitution therefore any other
§30.10-61 Rivers–TB/R. fitting, material, apparatus, or equipment, or type thereof, or any
Under this designation shall be included all tank vessels whose other arrangement: Provided, That he shall have been satisfied by
navigation is restricted to rivers and/or to canals, exclusively. suitable trials that the fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, or
equipment, or type thereof, or the provision or arrangement is at
§30.10-62 Self-Propelled Tank Vessel–TB/ALL. least as effective as that specified in this subchapter.
Self-propelled tank vessel means a self-propelled tank vessel
other than a tankship. (b) In any case where it is shown to the satisfaction of the
Commandant that the use of any particular equipment, apparatus,
[CGD 79-116, 62 FR 25135, May 8, 1997] or arrangement not specifically required by law is unreasonable or

impracticable, the Commandant may permit the use of alternate more cargoes appearing in Table 30.25-1 may be transported
equipment, apparatus, or arrangement to such an extent and under the provisions of this subchapter. A category A, B, or C
upon such conditions as will insure, to his satisfaction, a degree of noxious liquid substance (NLS) cargo, as defined in §153.2 of this
safety consistent with the minimum standards set forth in this chapter, that is listed in Table 30.25-1 and any mixture containing
subchapter. one or more category A, B, or C NLS cargoes listed in Table
30.25-1 may be carried in bulk under this subchapter if the vessel
Subpart 30.25–Commodities Regulated is not regulated under part 153 of this chapter. If the vessel is
regulated under §153.1 of this chapter, category A, B, and C NLS
§30.25-1 Cargoes Carried In Vessels Certificated Under The cargoes must be carried under part 153, or, as an alternative in
Rules Of This Subchapter. the case of category C oil-like NLS, under 33 CFR part 151.
The cargoes listed in Table 30.25-1 are flammable or combustible Requirements for category D NLS cargoes and mixtures of non-
and when transported in bulk must be in vessels certificated NLS cargoes with category D NLS cargoes are in 33 CFR part
under the rules of this subchapter. A mixture or blend of two or 151.








CGD 92-100, 59 FR 17005, Apr. 11, 1994; CGD 94-900, 59 FR
45135, Aug. 31, 1994; CGD 94-902, 60 FR 34042, 34045, June
29, 1995; CGD 95-900, 60 FR 39267, Aug. 2, 1995; 65 FR 67136,
Nov. 8, 2000]

§30.25-3 Benzene.
The provisions contained in 46 CFR part 197, subpart C, apply to
liquid cargoes containing 0.5% or more benzene by volume.

[CGD 88-040, 56 FR 65006, Dec. 13, 1991]

Subpart 30.30–Interim Procedures For

Evaluating Vessel Personnel Licensing And
Certification Programs Of Foreign Countries
[SOURCE: CGD 79-081a, 45 FR 23427, Apr. 7, 1980, unless
otherwise noted.]

§30.30-1 Scope And Purpose.
(a) This subpart contains procedures for evaluating vessel
personnel licensing and certification programs of foreign

countries. Evaluations are done for countries which license or
certificate personnel serving on tank vessels that enter or operate
in U.S. navigable waters and ports.

(b) The purpose of each evaluation is to determine whether a
foreign licensing and certification program has standards that are
comparable to or more stringent than U.S. standards.

(c) A determination that licensing and certification standards of a
foreign country are not comparable to or more stringent than U.S.

A standards will subject tank vessels manned with officers licensed

by that country to the prohibition in 33 U.S.C. 1228(a)(5) on
operation with those officers in U.S. navigable waters and ports.
§30.30-3 Evaluation Materials.
The materials to be submitted for evaluation must include the

English text of the following:

(a) All laws, decrees, orders, and regulations relating to manning,


training, qualification, and watchkeeping of personnel on tank

vessels engaged in foreign trade.

(b) A copy of each type of license and certificate issued by the

country to tank vessel personnel.

§30.30-5 Submission Of Evaluation Materials.

(a) The evaluation materials listed in §30.30-3 should be sent to
Commandant (G-MOC), U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100
Second Street, SW., Washington, DC 20593. The materials
should include the name and address of the person to whom
correspondence concerning the evaluation can be sent.

(b) Updated materials may be submitted at any time during the

evaluation process.

[CGD 79-081a, 45 FR 23427, Apr. 7, 1980, as amended by CGD

95-072, 60 FR 50461, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR
50726, Sept. 27, 1996]

§30.30-7 Availability Of Materials.

Evaluation materials submitted in accordance with this subpart
will be available for inspection and copying between 7:30 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, except holidays, at
Coast Guard Headquarters, room 1104, 2100 Second Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20593. Telephone: (202) 372-1251.

[CGD 79-081a, 45 FR 23427, Apr. 7, 1980, as amended by CGD

95-072, 60 FR 50461, Sept. 29, 1995]

[CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28972, Aug. 1, 1988, as amended by CGD §30.30-9 Evaluation.

88-100, 54 FR 40009, Sept. 29, 1989; CGD 88-100, 55 FR Materials submitted in accordance with this subpart will be
17276, Apr. 24, 1990; CGD 88-040, 56 FR 52122, Oct. 17, 1991; evaluated by comparison to the regulations in parts 5, 10, and 13

of this chapter, and by comparison to the U.S. laws referenced in (b) Notice of each determination made in accordance with this
those regulations. section and a brief explanation of reasons therefore will be
published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. A copy of this notice will
[CGD79-081a, 45 FR 23427, Apr. 7, 1980, as amended by CGD also be sent to the person whose name is provided in accordance
97-057, 62 FR 51043, Sept. 30, 1997] with §30.30-5.

§30.30-11 Determinations. (c) Each determination remains in effect for 5 years unless sooner
(a) After evaluation of materials submitted in accordance with this cancelled.
subpart, a determination will be made as to whether the licensing
and certification program described by the materials has (d) Any request to reconsider a determination must be submitted
standards that are comparable to or more stringent than to the address listed in §30.30-5 and must include a statement of
standards set by the regulations and laws referenced in §30.30-9. reasons in support. The person submitting the request will be
notified in writing of the action taken.


Part 31 – Inspection And Certification
Table Of Contents Inspectors may at any time lawfully inspect any tank vessel.

Subpart 31.01–General Subpart 31.10—Inspections

Sec. §31.10-18 Firefighting Equipment: General–TB/ALL.
31.01-1 Inspections Required–TB/ALL. (a) It shall be the duty of the owner, master, or person in charge
31.01-10 Authority Of Marine Inspectors—TB/ALL. of a tank vessel to require and have performed at least once in
every 12 months, the tests and inspections of all hand portable
Subpart 31.10—Inspections fire extinguishers, semiportable fire extinguishing systems, and
fixed fire extinguishing systems on board, as described in
31.10-18 Firefighting Equipment: General–TB/ALL. paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section. The owner, master, or
31.10-18aLiquefied Gas Vessels: Additional Firefighting person in charge shall keep records of such tests and inspections
Equipment Inspections. showing the dates when performed, the number and/or other
31.10-19 All Firefighting Equipment May Be Tested–TB/ALL. identification of each unit tested and inspected, and the name(s)

31.10-21aPeriodic Gauging Of Tank Vessel Midbodies More Than of the person(s) and/or company conducting the tests and
30 Years Old That Carry Certain Oil Cargoes–TB/ALL. inspections. Such records shall be made available to the marine
31.10-32 Loading Information-TB/ALL. inspector upon request and shall be kept for the period of validity

of the vessel's current certificate of inspection. Where practicable,
Subpart 31.40–Certificates Under International Convention these records should be kept in or with the vessel's logbook. The
For Safety Of Life At Sea, 1974 conduct of these tests and inspections does not relieve the owner,

master, or person in charge of his responsibility to maintain this
31.40-1 Application–T/ALL. firefighting equipment in proper condition at all times.
31.40-5 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate–T/ALL.
31.40-10 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate–T/ALL. (b) The following tests and inspections of portable fire

31.40-15 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate–T/ALL. extinguishing equipment shall be made:
31.40-25 Exemption Certificate–T/ALL.
31.40-30 Safety Management Certificate–T/ALL. TABLE 31.10-18(b)
Availability Of Certificates–T/ALL.
Duration Of Convention Certificates–T/ALL.
American Bureau Of Shipping–T/ALL.
A Type Unit
Soda Acid
Discharge. Clean hose and inside of
extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge.
Foam Discharge. Clean hose and inside of
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j); 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3205, 3306, 3307, extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge.
3703; 46 U.S.C. Chapter 701; 49 U.S.C. 5103, 5106; E.O. 12234, Pump tank (water or Discharge. Clean hose and inside of

45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; E.O. 12777, 56 FR antifreeze). extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge with
54757, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; Department of Homeland clean water or antifreeze.
Security Delegation No. 0170.1. Section 31.10-21 also issued Cartridge operated Examine pressure cartridge and
under the authority of Sect. 4109, Pub. L. 101-380, 104 Stat. 515.

(water, antifreeze or replace if end is punctured or if

[SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16662, Dec. 30, 1965, unless loaded steam). cartridge is otherwise determined to
otherwise noted.] have leaked or to be in unsuitable

condition. Remove liquid, clean hose

[65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000] and inside of extinguisher throroughly.
Recharge with clean water, solution, or

Subpart 31.01–General antifreeze.

Insert charged cartridge.
§31.01-1 Inspections Required–TB/ALL. Stored pressure (water, See that pressure gage is in operating
(a) Every tank vessel subject to the regulations in this subchapter antifreeze, or loaded range. If not, or if seal is broken, weigh
shall be inspected every 5 years or more often, if necessary, by stream). or otherwise determine that full charge

the Coast Guard to see that the hull, boilers, machinery, is in extinguisher. Recharge if pressure
equipment, apparatus for storage, and appliances of the vessel is low or if extinguishing agent is
comply with marine inspection laws, and the regulations in this needed.
subchapter, and when applicable, subchapters E, F, J, O, Q, S, Carbon dioxide Weigh cylinders. Recharge if weight
loss exceeds 10 percent if weight of

and W of this chapter and 33 CFR parts 155 and 157.

charge. Inspect hose and nozzle to be
(b) Tank vessels which are laid up, dismantled, and out of sure they are clear.
commission are exempt from inspections required by law or Type Unit Test
regulations in this subchapter, provided that such vessels are Dry chemical Examine pressure cartridge and
cleaned of all cargo residue and maintained in a gas free (cartridge-operated replace if end is punctured or if
condition. type. cartridge is otherwise determined to
have leaked or to be in unsuitable
(c) For inspection and tests of tanks containing certain dangerous condition. Inspect hose and nozzle to
cargoes in bulk, see part 98 and subchapter O of this chapter. see if they are clear. Insert charged
cartridge. Be sure dy chemical is
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16662, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by freeflowing (not caked) and chamber
CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3709, Feb. 25, 1970; CGD 80-009, 48 FR contains full charge.
36458, Aug. 11, 1983; CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51006, Nov. 4, 1983; Dry chemical (stored See that pressure gage is in operating
CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25286, May 20, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR pressure type). range. If not, or if seal is broken, weigh
51043, Sept. 30, 1997; 65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000] or otherwise determine that full charge
of dry chemical is in extinguisher.
§31.01-10 Authority Of Marine Inspectors–TB/ALL. Recharge if pressure is low or if dry

chemical is needed. be checked by weighing to determine their contents, and if found
to be more than 10 percent under the required contents of carbon
Vaporizing liquid Pump a few strokes into clean pail and dioxide, they shall be recharged.
(pump type). replace liquid. Keep water out of
extinguisher or liquid. Keep (i) Steam smothering lines shall be tested with at least 50 pounds
extinguisher completely full of liquid. per square inch of air pressure or by blowing steam through the
Vaporizing liquid See that pressure gage is in operating lines at the working pressure and a survey made for detecting
(stored pressure type). range. Weigh or check liquid level to corrosion and defects using hammer test or such other means as
determine that full charge of liquid is in may be necessary.
extinguisher. Recharge if pressure is
low or if liquid is needed. [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16662, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
Cylinders must be tested and marked, and all flexible CGFR 68-32, 33 FR 5712, Apr. 12, 1968; CGD 84-044, 53 FR
connections and discharge hoses of semi-portable carbon dioxide 7748, Mar. 10, 1988; 65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000]
and halon extinguishers must be tested or renewed, as required
by §§147.60 and 147.65 of this chapter. §31.10-18a Liquefied Gas Vessels: Additional Firefighting
Equipment Inspections.
Vaporizing-liquid type fire extinguishers containing carbon (a) Once during each 12 month period after the month an original
tetrachloride or chlorobromomethane or other toxic vaporizing Certificate of Inspection is issued for a liquefied gas vessel under
liquids shall be removed from all vessels. §31.05-1, the master shall ensure that the firefighting systems

required in part 154 of this chapter for a liquefied gas vessel
(c) The following tests and inspections of fixed fire extinguishing meets the following:

equipment shall be made:
(1) The exterior water spray system must past a water spray test.
TABLE 31.10-18(c)
Type System Test

(2) The dry chemical system must meet the manufacturer's
Foam Systems utilizing a soda solution shall specifications for–
have such solution replaced. In all
cases, ascertain that powder is not (2)(i) The amount of dry chemical powder; and

Carbon dioxide Weigh cylinders. Recharge if weight (2)(ii) The pressure for nitrogen bottles.
loss exceeds 10 percent of weight of
charge. (3) The piping, valves, and controls of the system must be
Cylinders must be tested and marked, and all flexible
connections on fixed carbon dioxide and halon extinguishers must
A operable.
be tested or renewed, as required by §§147.60 and 147.65 of this (b) On the same date that the requirements under paragraph (a)
chapter. of this section are met, the master shall record in the vessel's
official logbook the following information:

(d) Deck foam systems shall be tested at the inspection for

certification and the periodic inspection by discharging foam for (1) The date of the inspection.
approximately 15 seconds from any nozzle designated by the
marine inspector. It shall not be required to deliver foam from all (2) The identification of each device inspected.

foam outlets, but all lines and nozzles shall be tested with water to
prove them to be clear of obstruction. Before the inspection for (3) The name of the inspector.
certification and periodic inspection of deck foam systems utilizing

a mechanical foam system, a representative sample of the foam [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26006, May 3, 1979]
liquid shall be submitted to the manufacturer who will issue a
certificate indicating gravity, pH, percentage of water dilution and §31.10-19 All Firefighting Equipment May Be Tested–TB/ALL.

solid content. (a) During the inspection of fire-fighting equipment, the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, may require fire apparatus to be
(e) At each inspection for certification, periodic inspection, and at tested, and used, except as provided under §§31.10-18(h) and
such other times as considered necessary, the inspector shall 34.15-90(a) of this subchapter.
determine that all fire extinguishing equipment is in suitable

condition and that the tests and inspections required by (b) [Reserved]
paragraphs (b) through (i) of this section have been conducted. In
addition, the marine inspector may require such tests as are §31.10-21a Periodic Gauging Of Tank Vessel Midbodies More
considered necessary to determine the condition of the Than 30 Years Old That Carry Certain Oil Cargoes–TB/ALL.
equipment. (a) As used in this section, the term "midbody" means the 40-

percent midship length (0.40L) of the tank vessel. The age of the
(f) On all fire extinguishing systems, all the piping, controls, midbody is determined from its year of original construction.
valves, and alarms shall be checked by the marine inspector to
ascertain that the system is in good operating condition. (b) Midbodies of all tank vessels certificated to carry a pollution
category I oil cargo listed in 46 CFR Table 30.25-1 must undergo
(g) The fire main system shall be operated and the pressure an initial gauging survey and periodic regauging surveys as
checked at the most remote and highest outlets by the marine follows:
inspector. All fire hose shall be subjected to a test pressure
equivalent to the maximum pressure to which they may be (1) An initial midbody gauging survey must be accomplished no
subjected in service, but not less than 100 p.s.i. The marine later than the next drydocking inspection after the midbody
inspector shall check that the hose couplings are securely becomes 30 years old.
fastened in accordance with the regulations of this subchapter.
(2) Regaugings:
(h) At each inspection for certification, periodic inspection, and at
such other times as considered necessary, all carbon dioxide (2)(i) Midbodies of double hull tank vessels, or single hull tank
cylinders for fixed, semiportable, and portable systems shall be vessels with independent tanks, that operated in fresh water at
examined and replaced if any corrosion is found. They shall also least 6 months in every 12-month period since the last drydock

examination must be regauged at intervals not exceeding 10 [CGD 95-012, 60 FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995; 65 FR 6494, Feb. 9,
years; 2000]

(2)(ii) Midbodies of all other tank vessels must be regauged at §31.40-5 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate–T/ALL.
intervals not exceeding 5 years. (a) All tankships on an international voyage are required to have a
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate. This certificate shall
(c) The midbody gauging survey must be comprised of at least be issued by the U.S. Coast Guard or the American Bureau of
three transverse (girth) belts of deck, bottom, side, inner hull, Shipping to certain vessels on behalf of the United States of
trunk, and longitudinal bulkhead plating and attached longitudinal America as provided in Regulation 12, Chapter I, of the
members. The number and specific locations of the gauging International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.
points shall be to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge of
Marine Inspection (OCMI). (b) All such tankships shall meet the applicable requirements of
this chapter for tankships on an international voyage.
(d) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, within 60
days of the vessel's required compliance date the owner or [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16662, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
operator shall submit the following to the OCMI that issued the 90-008, 55 FR 30660, July 26, 1990]
vessel's current Certificate of Inspection:
§31.40-10 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate–T/ALL.
(1) The gauging survey results. (a) All tankships on an international voyage are required to have a

Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.
(2) An engineering analysis signed by a registered Professional

Engineer licensed by any state of the United States or the District (b) All such tankships shall meet the applicable requirements of
of Columbia, or signed by a Coast Guard-approved organization, this chapter for tankships on an international voyage.

§31.40-15 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate–T/ALL.
(2)(i) Certifies the vessel's compliance with the minimum section Every tankship equipped with a radio installation on an
modulus and plating thickness requirements of subpart 32.59 of international voyage must have a Cargo Ship Safety Radio
this chapter; or Certificate. Each radio installation must meet the requirements of
the Federal Communication Commission and the International

(2)(ii) Proposes structural repairs and/or modifications that will Convention for Safety of Life at Sea.
bring the vessel up to the required strength standards.
[OGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16662, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
(e) The vessel owner or operator shall keep a permanent copy of
the Coast Guard-approved gauging report available for inspection A USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53223, Oct. 1, 1999; 65 FR 6494, Feb.
9, 2000]
by the OCMI.
§31.40-25 Exemption Certificate–T/ALL.
(f) Instead of the submittals required by paragraphs (c) and (d) of (a) A tankship may be exempted by the Commandant from

this section, current classification with the American Bureau of complying with certain requirements of the Convention under his
Shipping or another recognized classification society, or a load administration upon request made in writing to him and
line certificate issued in accordance with the International transmitted via the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
Convention on Load Lines or the International Voyage Load Line

Act, may be submitted as evidence of compliance with the (b) When an exemption is granted to a tankship by the
requirements of this section. Commandant under and in accordance with the Convention, an
Exemption Certificate describing such exemption shall be issued

[CGD 91-209, 58 FR 52602, Oct. 8, 1993] through the appropriate Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in
addition to other required certificates.
§31.10-32 Loading Information–TB/ALL.

(a) This section applies to each tankship and tank barge the §31.40-30 Safety Management Certificate–T/ALL.
construction of which begins on or after September 6, 1977. All tankships to which 33 CFR part 96 applies on an international
voyage must have a valid Safety Management Certificate and a
(b) Each tank vessel over 300 feet in length must have the copy of their company's valid Document of Compliance certificate
loading information prescribed in either §42.15-1(a) or §45.105(a) on board.

of this chapter. For tank vessels subject to the Load Line Acts the
information must be approved by the Commandant or by a [CGD 95-073, 62 FR 67514, Dec. 24, 1997]
recognized classification society that is approved by the
Commandant. For tank vessels not subject to the Load Line Acts §31.40-35 Availability Of Certificates.
loading information must be approved by the Commandant. If the The Convention certificates shall be on board the vessel and

vessel is a tankship, the approved information must be provided readily available for examination at all times.
to the master of the vessel. If the vessel is a tank barge, the
information must be provided to the person in charge of handling [65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000]
the cargo during loading or off-loading of the barge.
§31.40-40 Duration Of Convention Certificates–T/ALL.
[CGD 75-041, 42 FR 28887, June 6, 1977; 42 FR 35650, July 11, (a) The following certificates are valid for a period of not more
1977] than 60 months.

Subpart 31.40–Certificates Under International (1) A Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.
(2) A Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.
Convention For Safety Of Life At Sea, 1974 (3) A Safety Management Certificate.
(4) A Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.
§31.40-1 Application–T/ALL
The provisions of this subpart shall apply to all tankships on an
(b) An Exemption certificate must not be valid for longer than the
international voyage (See §30.01-6 of this chapter.).
period of the certificate to which it refers.

(c) A Convention certificate may be withdrawn, revoked, or (b) At the option of the owner or agent of a tankship on an
suspended at any time when it is determined that the vessel is no international voyage and on direct application to the American
longer in compliance with applicable requirements. (See §2.01-70 Bureau of Shipping, the Bureau may issue to such tankship a
of this chapter for procedures governing appeals.) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate, having a period of
validity of not more than 60 months after ascertaining that the
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16662, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD tankship:
95-012, 60 FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995; CGD 95-073, 62 FR
67514, Dec. 24, 1997; USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53223, Oct. 1, (1) Has met the applicable requirements of the Convention; and,
1999; 65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000]
(2) Is currently classed by the Bureau and classification
§31.40-45 American Bureau Of Shipping–T/ALL. requirements have been dealt with to the satisfaction of the
(a) The American Bureau of Shipping, with its home office at ABS Bureau.
Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive, Houston, TX 77060, is hereby
designated as an organization duly authorized to issue the Cargo (c) When the Bureau determines that a tankship to which it has
Ship Safety Construction Certificate to certain tankships on behalf issued a Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate no longer
of the United States of America as provided in Regulation 12, complies with the Bureau's applicable requirements for
chapter I, of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, classification, the Bureau shall immediately furnish to the Coast
1974, and executive order 12234 and the certificate shall be Guard all relevant information, which will be used by the Coast
subject to the requirements in this subpart. The American Bureau Guard to determine whether or not to withdraw, revoke or

of Shipping is authorized to place the official seal of the United suspend the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.
States of America on the certificate. This designation and

delegation to the American Bureau of Shipping shall be in effect [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16662, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
from May 26, 1965, until terminated by proper authority and notice 90-008, 55 FR 30660, July 26, 1990; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50726,
of cancellation is published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Sept. 27, 1996; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000]


Part 32 – Special Equipment, Machinery, And Hull
Table Of Contents (c) This part does not apply to vessels as stated in 46 U.S.C.
Subpart 32.53–Inert Gas System
[CGD 77-057a, 44 FR 66501, Nov. 19, 1979, as amended by
32.53-1 Application–T/ALL. CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51043, Sept. 30, 1997; CGD 95-028, 62 FR
32.53-3 Exemptions. 51198, Sept. 30, 1997]
32.53-5 Operation–T/ALL.
32.53-10 General–T/ALL. §32.53-3 Exemptions.
(a) The Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety and
Subpart 32.59—Minimum Logitudinal Strength And Plating Environmental Protection grants exemptions for crude oil tankers
Thickness Requirements For Unclassed Tank Vessels That of less than 40,000 deadweight tons not fitted with high capacity
Carry Certain Oil Cargoes—TB/ALL tank washing machines, if the vessel's owner can show that
compliance would be unreasonable and impracticable due to the

32.59-1 Minimum Section Modolus And Plating Thickness vessel's design characteristics.
(b) Requests for exemptions must be submitted in writing to:

[AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 3703, 3719; E.O. 12234, Commandant (G-MSO), U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, DC
45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; 49 CFR 1.46; Subpart 20593-0001.
32.59 also issued under the authority of Sec. 4109, Pub. L. 101-

380, 104 Stat. 515.] (c) Each request must be supported by documentation showing
[SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16671, Dec. 30, 1965, unless that:
otherwise noted.][66 FR 48617, Sept. 21, 2001; 67 FR 58515,
Sept. 17, 2002] (1) The system would be detrimental to the safe operation of the

Subpart 32.53–Inert Gas System (2) It is physically impracticable to install the system; or
[SOURCE: CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976, unless
otherwise noted.]
A (3) Adequate maintenance of the system would be impossible.
§32.53-1 Application–T/ALL. (d) The vessel's owner may request a conference. The exemption
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, request file will be available for use in the conference and
this subpart applies to: additional arguments or evidence in any form may be presented.

The conference will be recorded. The presiding officer

(1) A U.S. crude oil tanker or product carrier of 100,000 DWT tons summarizes the material presented at the conference and
(metric) or more or combination carrier of 50,000 DWT tons submits written recommendations to the Assistant Commandant
(metric) or more, that has a keel laying date on or after January 1, for Marine Safety and Environmental Protection.

(e) The Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety and
(2) A new (as defined in 46 U.S.C. 3701) crude oil tanker or Environmental Protection reviews the exemption request file and

product carrier, or foreign flag crude oil tanker or product carrier of decides whether to grant or deny the exemption. The decision
20,000 DWT tons or more entering the navigable waters of the shall include an explanation of the basis on which the exemption
U.S. is granted or denied, and constitutes final agency action.

(3) A crude oil tanker that is equipped with a cargo tank cleaning [CGD 77-057a, 44 FR 66502, Nov. 19, 1979, as amended by
system that uses crude oil washing. CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 29486, June 27, 1983; CGD 88-070, 53 FR
34534, Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50461, Sept. 29, 1995;
(4) An existing product carrier of 20,000 deadweight tons (metric) CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50727, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR

or more that has tank washing machines with a capacity of more 51043, Sept. 30, 1997]
than 60 cubic meters per hour after May 31, 1983.
§32.53-5 Operation–T/ALL.
(5) Any other U.S. or foreign flag: Unless the cargo tanks are gas free, the master of each tankship

to which this subpart applies shall ensure that the inert gas
(5)(i) Crude oil tanker or product carrier of 70,000 deadweight system is operated as necessary to maintain an inert atmosphere
tons (metric) and over after May 31, 1981; in the cargo tanks.
(5)(ii) Crude oil tanker between 20,000 and 70,000 deadweight [66 FR 48617, Sept. 21, 2001]
tons (metric) after May 31, 1983;
§32.53-10 General–T/ALL.
(5)(iii) Product carrier between 40,000 and 70,000 deadweight (a) Each tankship to which this subpart applies must have an inert
tons (metric) after May 31, 1983. gas system that meets the requirements of this subpart and is
approved in accordance with 46 CFR 50.20.
(b) This subpart does not apply to vessels designed to carry only:
(b) Each inert gas system must be designed, constructed and
(1) Liquefied gas cargo; or installed in accordance with the provisions of SOLAS II-2,
regulation 62, with the following provisions:
(2) Grade E cargo that is carried at a temperature lower than 5°C
below its flash point. (1) Acceptable types of water seals include the wet and semiwet

type. Other types of seals may be accepted on a case by case (3) Trunk: 75 percent of Rule thickness;
basis if approval is given by the Coast Guard Marine Safety
Center. (4) Sheer strake: 75 percent of Rule thickness;

(2) If a vapor collection system required to meet part 39 of this (5) Outer sideshell: 75 percent of Rule thickness;
subchapter is connected to the inert gas system, the instruction
manual required by SOLAS II-2, regulation 62.21 must include (6) Inner sideshell: 75 percent of Rule thickness;
procedures relating to vapor collection operations.
(7) Outer bottom; 75 percent of Rule thickness;
[CGD 74-127, 41 FR 3843, Jan. 26, 1976, as amended by CGD
95-028, 62 FR 51198, Sept. 30, 1997] (8) Inner bottom: 70 percent of Rule thickness;

Subpart 32.59—Minimum Logitudinal Strength (9) Keel: 75 percent of Rule thickness;

And Plating Thickness Requirements For (10) Bulkheads: 75 percent of Rule thickness.
Unclassed Tank Vessels That Carry Certain Oil
Cargoes—TB/ALL [CGD 91-209, 58 FR 52602, Oct. 8, 1993]

§32.90-1 Pilot Boarding Equipment.

§32.59-1 Minimum Section Modulus And Plating Thickness
Requirements–TB/ALL. (a) This section applies to each vessel that normally embarks or
(a) As used in this section, Rule means the current Rules of the disembarks a pilot from a pilot boat or other vessel.

American Bureau of Shipping or other recognized classification
society, as appropriate for the vessel's present service and (b) Each vessel must have suitable pilot boarding equipment
regardless of the year the vessel was constructed. available for use on each side of the vessel. If a vessel has only

one set of equipment, the equipment must be capable of being
(b) The requirements of this section apply to all in-service, easily transferred to and rigged for use on either side of the
unclassed tank vessels certificated to carry a pollution category I vessel.
oil cargo listed in 46 CFR Table 30.25-1.
(c) Pilot boarding equipment must be capable of resting firmly

(c) For all vessels except those limited on their Certificate of against the vessel's side and be secured so that it is clear from
Inspection to river routes only, the minimum midship section overboard discharges.
modulus must be–

(1) At least 90 percent of that required by Rule; or

A (d) Each vessel must have lighting positioned to provide adequate
illumination for the pilot boarding equipment and each point of
(2) Where there is no specific Rule requirement, at least 100
percent of that which is necessary to meet the bending moment (e) Each vessel must have a point of access that has:

developed under a full load condition in still water, using a

permissible bending stress of 12.74 kN/cm2 (1.30 t/cm2, 8.25 (1) A gateway in the rails or bulwark with adequate handholds; or
(2) Two handhold stanchions and a bulwark ladder that is

(d) Within the 40-percent midship length, the average flange and securely attached to the bulwark rail and deck.
web thicknesses of each longitudinal stiffener must be as follows:
(f) The pilot boarding equipment required by paragraph (b) of this

(1) For deck and bottom stiffeners: at least 85 percent of Rule section must include at least one pilot ladder approved under
thickness, unless a buckling analysis demonstrates that lesser subpart 163.003 of this chapter. Each pilot ladder must be of a
thicknesses can be safely tolerated. However, the average single length and capable of extending from the point of access to

thickness must never be less than 80 percent of Rule thickness; the water's edge during each condition of loading and trim, with
and an adverse list of 15°.

(2) For side stiffeners: at least 75 percent of Rule thickness. (g) Whenever the distance from the water's edge to the point of
access is more than 30 feet, access from a pilot ladder to the

(e) Within the 40-percent midship length, the average thickness vessel must be by way of an accommodation ladder or equally
for longitudinal strength plating must be at least as follows: safe and convenient means.

(1) Weather deck: 75 percent of Rule thickness; (h) Pilot hoists, if used, must be approved under subpart 163.002
of this chapter.

(2) Hatch: 70 percent of Rule thickness;

[CGD 79-032, 49 FR 25455, June 21, 1984]

Part 34–Firefighting Equipment
Table Of Contents (4) Pumprooms. A carbon dioxide, inert gas, foam or water spray
system must be installed for the protection of all pumprooms.
Subpart 34.05–Firefighting Equipment, Where Required
(5) Boilerrooms. On tankships contracted for on or after
34.05-1 Fire Main System–T/ALL. November 19, 1952, a carbon dioxide or foam system shall be
34.05-5 Fire-Extinguishing Systems–T/ALL. installed for the protection of all spaces containing oil fired boilers,
34.05-10 Portable And Semiportable Extinguishers–TB/ALL. either main or auxiliary, their fuel oil service pumps and/or such
34.05-20 Fire Axes–T/ALL. fuel oil units as the heaters, strainers, valves, manifolds, etc., that
are subject to the discharge pressure of the fuel oil service
Subpart 34.50–Portable And Semiportable Extinguishers pumps.

34.50-1 Application–TB/ALL. (6) Machinery spaces. A carbon dioxide system shall be installed
34.50-5 Classification–TB/ALL. for the protection of machinery spaces containing internal
34.50-10 Location–TB/ALL. combustion propelling engines using fuel having a flashpoint of
34.50-15 Spare Charges–TB/ALL. less than 110 degrees F.

34.50-20 Semiportable Fire Extinguishers–TB/ALL.
(7) Internal combustion installations. Fire-extinguishing
Subpart 34.60–Fire Axes systems shall be provided for internal combustion installations in

accordance with the following:
34.60-1 Application–T/ALL.
34.60-5 Number Required–T/ALL. (7)(i) If a fire-extinguishing system is installed to protect an

34.60-10 Location–T/ALL. internal combustion installation, the system shall be of the carbon
dioxide type.
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3
CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security (7)(ii) On vessels of 1,000 gross tons and over on an international
voyage, the construction or conversion of which is contracted for

Delegation No. 0170.1 [SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16694,
Dec. 30, 1965, unless otherwise noted.] on or after May 26, 1965, a fixed carbon dioxide system shall be
installed in all spaces containing internal combustion or gas

Subpart 34.05–Firefighting Equipment, Where

A turbine main propulsion machinery, auxiliaries with an aggregate
power of 1,000 b.h.p. or greater, or their fuel oil units, including
purifiers, valves, and manifolds.
§34.05-1 Fire Main System–T/ALL. (7)(iii) On vessels of 1,000 gross tons and over, the construction,
(a) Fire pumps, piping, hydrants, hose and nozzles shall be conversion or automation of which is contracted for on or after

installed on all tankships. January 1, 1968, a fixed carbon dioxide system shall be installed
in all spaces containing internal combustion or gas turbine main
(b) The arrangements and details of the fire main system shall be propulsion machinery, auxiliaries with an aggregate power of
as set forth in subpart 34.10. 1,000 b.h.p. or greater, or their fuel oil units, including purifiers,

valves and manifolds.

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16694, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
77-057a, 44 FR 66502, Nov. 19, 1979] (8) Enclosed ventilating system. On tankships contracted for on

or after January 1, 1962, where an enclosed ventilating system is

§34.05-5 Fire-Extinguishing Systems–T/ALL. installed for electric propulsion motors or generators, a carbon
(a) Approved fire extinguishing systems must be installed on all dioxide extinguishing system shall be installed in such system.

tankships in the following locations. Previously approved

installations may be retained as long as they are maintained in (b) The arrangements and details of the fire-extinguishing
good condition to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine systems shall be as set forth in subparts 34.10 through 34.20.
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16694, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by

(1) Dry cargo compartments. A carbon dioxide or water spray CGFR 67-90, 33 FR 1015, Jan. 26, 1968; CGD 77-057a, 44 FR
system must be installed for the protection of all dry cargo 66502, Nov. 19, 1979; CGD 95-027, 61 FR 25998, May 23, 1996]
compartments. Where such compartments are readily accessible
by means of doors such spaces need be protected only by the fire §34.05-10 Portable And Semiportable Extinguishers–TB/ALL.

main system. (a) All portable and semiportable extinguishers on board tank
vessels shall be of an approved type.
(2) Cargo tanks. A deck foam system must be installed for the
protection of all cargo tank spaces. Where a deck foam system is (b) The type, size, location and arrangement of portable and
installed, an approved inert gas, steam or other system may also semiportable extinguishers shall be as set forth in subpart 34.50.
be installed for the purposes of fire prevention or inerting of cargo
tanks. For vessels under 100 feet in length, the semiportable [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16694, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
equipment required by footnote 1 of table 34.05-5(a) will be CGFR 70-143, 35 FR 19905, Dec. 30, 1970]
considered as meeting the requirements of this subparagraph.
§34.05-20 Fire Axes–T/ALL.
(3) Lamp and paint lockers and similar spaces. A carbon (a) Fire axes shall be provided on all tankships.
dioxide or water spray system must be installed in all lamp and
paint lockers, oil rooms, and similar spaces. (b) The location and arrangement of fire axes shall be as set forth
in subpart 34.60.

Subpart 34.50–Portable And Semiportable TABLE 34.50-5(c)
Extinguishers Classification Soda- Foam Carbon Dry
type (size) acid and (Gallons) dioxide chemical
water (Pounds) (Pounds)
§34.50-1 Application–TB/ALL.
(a) The provisions of this subpart, with the exception of §34.50-
90, shall apply to all vessels contracted for on or after January 1, A-II 2½ 2½
1962. B-I 1¼ 4 2
B-III 2½ 15 10
(b) All vessels contracted for prior to January 1, 1962, shall meet B-IV 12 35 20
the requirements of §34.50-90. B-IV 20 50 30
1 1
B-V 40 100 50
§34.50-5 Classification–TB/ALL. C-I 4 2
(a) Portable and semiportable extinguishers shall be classified by CC-II 15 10
a combination letter and number symbol. The letter indicating the 1
For outside use, double the amount shall be carried.
type of fire which the unit could be expected to extinguish, and the
number indicating the relative size of the unit. §34.50-10 Location–TB/ALL.
(a) Approved portable and semiportable extinguishers shall be
(b) The types of fire will be designated as follows: installed in accordance with Table 34.50-10(a). The location of the

equipment shall be such as in the opinion of the Officer in Charge,
(1) "A" for fires in ordinary combustible materials such as Marine Inspection, will be most convenient in case of emergency.
mattresses, piles of wood, shavings, canvas, etc., where the Where special circumstances exist, not covered by Table 34.50-

quenching and cooling effects of quantities of water, or solutions 10(a), the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may require such
containing large percentages of water, are of first importance. additional equipment as he deems necessary for the proper
protection of the vessel.

(2) "B" for fires in combustible or flammable liquids such as
gasoline, lubricating oil, diesel oil, greases, etc., where a (b) For additional portable extinguishers as a substitute for sand,
blanketing or smothering effect is essential. see §34.55-10.

(3) "C" for fires in electrical equipment where the use of non- (c) Semiportable extinguishers shall be located in the open so as
conducting extinguishing agent is of first importance so that to be readily seen.
electrical shock is not experienced by the firefighter.

(c) The number designations for size will start with "I" for the
smallest to "V" for the largest. Extinguishers which have a gross
A (d) If portable extinguishers are not located in the open or behind
glass so that they may be readily seen they may be placed in
enclosures together with the fire hose, provided such enclosures
weight of 55 pounds or less when fully charged are considered are marked as required by §35.40-25 of this subchapter.
portable. Extinguishers which have a gross weight of more than
55 pounds when fully charged are considered semiportable and

(e) Portable extinguishers and their stations shall be numbered in

shall be fitted with suitable hose and nozzle or other practicable accordance with §35.40-25 of this subchapter.
means so that all portions of the space concerned may be
reached. Examples of size graduations for some of the typical (f) Hand portable or semiportable extinguishers which are
portable and semiportable extinguishers are set forth in Table

required on their nameplates to be protected from freezing shall

34.50-5(c). not be located where freezing temperatures may be expected.


[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16694, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGFR 70-143, 35 FR 19905, Dec. 30, 1970; 67 FR 66069, Oct. 30, 2002]

§34.50-15 Spare Charges–TB/ALL. (b) [Reserved]
(a) Spare charges shall be carried on all vessels for at least 50
percent of each size and each variety, i.e. foam, soda-acid, §34.60-5 Number Required–T/ALL.
carbon dioxide, etc., of portable extinguisher required by §34.50-
10(a). However, if the unit is of such variety that it cannot be
readily recharged by the vessel's personnel, one spare unit of the
A (a) All tankships shall carry at least the minimum number of fire
axes as set forth in Table 34.60-5(a). Nothing in this paragraph
shall be construed as limiting the Officer in Charge, Marine
same classification shall be carried in lieu of spare charges for all Inspection, from requiring such additional fire axes as he deems
such units of the same size and variety. This section does not necessary for the proper protection of the tankship.
apply to unmanned barges.

TABLE 34.60-5(a)
(b) Spare charges shall be so packaged as to minimize the Gross tons Number of axes
hazards to personnel while recharging the units. Over Not over
50 1

§34.50-20 Semiportable Fire Extinguishers–TB/ALL 50 200 2

(a) The frame or support of each size III, IV, and V fire 200 500 3
extinguisher required by Table 34.50-10(a) must be welded or

500 1,000 4
otherwise permanently attached to a bulkhead or deck. 1,000 5
(b) If a size III, IV, or V fire extinguisher has wheels and is not

(b) [Reserved]
required by Table 34.50-10(a), it must be securely stowed when
not in use to prevent it from rolling out of control under heavy sea
§34.60-10 Location–T/ALL.
(a) Fire axes shall be distributed throughout the spaces so as to
be most readily available in the event of emergency.
[CGD 77-039, 44 FR 34132, June 14, 1979]

(b) If fire axes are not located in the open, or behind glass, so that
Subpart 34.60–Fire Axes they may readily be seen, they may be placed in enclosures
together with the fire hose, provided such enclosures are marked
§34.60-1 Application–T/ALL. as required by §35.40-15 of this subchapter.

(a) The provisions of this subpart shall apply to all tankships.

Part 35 – Operations
Table Of Contents 35.30-40 Flammable Liquid And Gas Fuels As Ship's Stores–
Subpart 35.01–Special Operating Requirements
Subpart 35.35–Cargo Handling
35.01-1 Inspection And Testing Required When Making 35.35-1 Persons On Duty–TB/ALL.
Alterations, Repairs, Or Other Such Operations 35.35-5 Electric Bonding–TB/ALL.
Involving Riveting, Welding, Burning, Or Like Fire- 35.35-10 Closing Of Freeing-Ports, Scuppers, And Sea Valves–
Producing Actions–TB/ALL. TB/ALL.
35.01-5 Sanitary Condition And Crew Quarters–T/ALL. 35.35-15 Connecting For Cargo Transfer–TB/ALL.
35.01-10 Shipping Papers–TB/ALL. 35.35-20 Inspection Before Transfer Of Cargo–TB/ALL.
35.01-15 Carriage Of Persons Other Than Crew–TB/ALL. 35.35-25 Approval To Start Transfer Of Cargo–TB/ALL.
35.01-25 Sacrificial Anode Installations–TB/ALL. 35.35-30 "Declaration Of Inspection" For Tank Vessels–TB/ALL.
35.01-35 Repairs And Alterations To Fire-Fighting Equipment– 35.35-35 Duties Of Person In Charge Of Transfer–TB/ALL.
TB/ALL. 35.35-40 Conditions Under Which Transfer Operations Shall Not

35.01-55 Pilot Boarding Operation. Be Commenced Or If Started Shall Be Discontinued–
35.01-60 Person Excluded. TB/ALL.
35.35-42 Restrictions On Vessels Alongside A Tank Vessel

Subpart 35.05–Officers And Crews Loading Or Unloading Cargo Of Grade A, B, Or C–
35.05-15 Tank Vessel Security–TB/ALL. 35.35-45 Auxiliary Steam, Air, Or Electric Current-B/ALL.

35.05-20 Physical Condition Of Crew–TB/ALL. 35.35-50 Termination Of Transfer Operations–TB/ALL.
35.05-25 Illness, Alcohol, Drugs–TB/ALL. 35.35-55 Transfer Of Other Cargo Or Stores On Tank Vessels–
Subpart 35.07–Logbook Entries 35.35-60 Transportation Of Other Cargo Or Stores On Tank

35.07-1 Application–TB/ALL. 35.35-70 Maintenance Of Cargo Handling Equipment–TB/ALL.
35.07-5 Logbooks And Records–TB/ALL. 35.35-75 Emergencies–TB/ALL.
35.07-10 Actions Required To Be Logged–TB/ALL.

Subpart 35.15–Notice And Reporting Of Casualty And

A 35.35-85 Air Compressors–TB/ALL.

[Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j); 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703, 6101; 49

Voyage Records U.S.C. 5103, 5106; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980
Comp., p. 277; E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p.
35.15-1 Notice And Reporting Of Casualty And Voyage 351; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.

Records–TB/ALL. [SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, unless

otherwise noted.]
Subpart 35.20–Navigation
Subpart 35.01–Special Operating Requirements

35.20-1 Notice To Mariners; Aids To Navigation–T/OCLB.

35.20-5 Draft Of Tankships–T/OC. §35.01-1 Inspection And Testing Required When Making

35.20-7 Verification Of Vessel Compliance With Applicable Alterations, Repairs, Or Other Such Operations Involving
Stability Requirements–TB/ALL. Riveting, Welding, Burning, Or Like Fire-Producing Actions–
35.20-10 Steering Gear Test–T/ALL. TB/ALL.
35.20-20 Master's And Officer's Responsibility–TB/ALL.

(a) The provisions of "Standard for the Control of Gas Hazards on

35.20-30 Flashing The Rays Of A Searchlight Or Other Blinding Vessels to be Repaired," NFPA No. 306, published by National
Light–T/ALL. Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA
35.20-35 Whistling–T/ALL. 02269, shall be used as a guide in conducting the inspections and
35.20-40 Maneuvering Characteristics–T/OC. issuance of certificates required by this section.
35.20-45 Use Of Auto Pilot–T/ALL.

(b) Until an inspection has been made to determine that such

Subpart 35.25–Engine Department operation can be undertaken with safety, no alterations, repairs,
or other such operations involving riveting, welding, burning, or
35.25-1 Examination Of Boilers And Machinery By Engineer– like fire-producing actions shall be made:

35.25-5 Repairs Of Boilers And Unfired Pressure Vessels And (1) Within or on the boundaries of cargo tanks which have been
Reports Of Repairs Or Accidents By Chief Engineer– used to carry flammable or combustible liquid or chemicals in
TB/ALL. bulk, or within spaces adjacent to such cargo tanks; or,
35.25-10 Requirements For Fuel Oil–T/ALL.
35.25-15 Carrying Of Excess Steam–TB/ALL. (2) Within or on the boundaries of fuel tanks; or,

Subpart 35.30–General Safety Rules (3) To pipe lines, heating coils, pumps, fittings, or other
appurtenances connected to such cargo or fuel tanks.
35.30-1 Warning Signals And Signs–TB/ALL.
35.30-5 Fires, Matches, And Smoking–TB/ALL. (c) Such inspections shall be made and evidenced as follows:
35.30-10 Cargo Tank Hatches, Ullage Holes, And Butterworth
Plates–TB/ALL. (1) In ports or places in the United States or its territories and
35.30-20 Emergency Equipment–TB/ALL. possessions, the inspection shall be made by a marine chemist
35.30-25 Explosives–TB/ALL. certificated by the National Fire Protection Association; however,
35.30-30 Portable Electrical Equipment–TB/ALL. if the services of such certified marine chemist are not reasonably
35.30-35 Spark Producing Devices–TB/ALL. available, the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, upon the

recommendation of the vessel owner and his contractor or their (1) The maximum allowable energy that can be developed by a
representative, shall select a person who, in the case of an falling anode shall be 200 foot-pounds.
individual vessel, shall be authorized to make such inspection. If
the inspection indicates that such operations can be undertaken (2) No anode shall be installed more than 6 feet above the bottom
with safety, a certificate setting forth the fact in writing and of the tank. Special consideration will be given when structural
qualified as may be required, shall be issued by the certified design prevents the anodes from falling in event of failure of the
marine chemist or the authorized person before the work is attachments.
started. Such qualifications shall include any requirements as may
be deemed necessary to maintain, insofar as can reasonably be (3) Each anode shall have at least two welded or bolted
done, the safe conditions in the spaces certified, throughout the connections to the supporting structure. Special consideration will
operation and shall include such additional tests and certifications be given to proprietary attachments which provide equally safe
as considered required. Such qualifications and requirements installations.
shall include precautions necessary to eliminate or minimize
hazards that may be present from protective coatings or residues (4) The plans of the anode installation and a chemical analysis of
from cargoes. the alloy composition shall be submitted for approval. The anode
should be magnesium free and the silicon content limited to trace
(2) When not in such a port or place, and a marine chemist or amounts.
such person authorized by the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection, is not reasonably available, the inspection shall be (5) The recommended construction of the anode should utilize a

made by the senior officer present and a proper entry shall be mild steel core with necessary attachments. Other types may be
made in the vessel's logbook. used but will require special consideration.

(d) It shall be the responsibility of the senior officer present to (c) Sacrificial anodes using materials other than those having
secure copies of certificates issued by the certified marine aluminum and/or magnesium in whole or in part are permitted.

chemist or such person authorized by the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection. It shall be the responsibility of the senior officer [CGFR 69-72, 34 FR 17482, Oct. 29, 1969]
present, insofar as the persons under his control are concerned,
to maintain a safe condition on the vessel by full observance of all §35.01-35 Repairs And Alterations To Firefighting
qualifications and requirements listed by the marine chemist in the Equipment–TB/ALL.

certificate. (a) No extensive repairs or alterations, except in emergency, shall
be made to any fire-extinguishing apparatus, or other appliance
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD subject to inspection, without advance notice to the Officer in
95-072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, 1995]
A Charge, Marine Inspection. Such repairs or alterations shall so far
as is practicable be made with materials and tested in the manner
§35.01-5 Sanitary Condition And Crew Quarters–T/ALL. specified within the regulations in this subchapter and subchapter
It shall be the duty of the master and chief engineer of every Q (Specifications) of this chapter for new construction.
tankship to see that such vessel and crew's quarters are kept in a

sanitary condition. (b) Emergency repairs or alterations shall be reported as soon as

practicable to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, where the
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
vessel may call after such repairs are made.
95-027, 61 FR 25999, May 23, 1996]

§35.01-55 Pilot Boarding Operation.

§35.01-10 Shipping Papers–TB/ALL.
(a) The master shall ensure that pilot boarding equipment is
Each loaded tank vessel shall have on board a bill of lading,
maintained as follows:
manifest, or shipping document giving the name of the consignee

and the location of the delivery point, the kind, grades, and
(1) The equipment must be kept clean and in good working order.
approximate quantity of each kind and grade of cargo, and for
whose account the cargo is being handled. The tank vessel shall

(2) Each damaged step or spreader step on a pilot ladder must be

not be delayed in order to secure exact quantities of cargo. Such
replaced in kind with an approved replacement step or spreader
manifests or bills of lading may be made out by the master,
step, prior to further use of the ladder. The replacement step or
master of the towing vessel, owner, or agent of the owner:
spreader step must be secured by the method used in the original
Provided, however, That in the case of unmanned barges where
construction of the ladder, and in accordance with manufacturer
shipping papers are not available, an entry in the logbook of the

towing vessel giving the name of the shipper and location of
shipping point, the name of the consignee and location of delivery
(b) The master shall ensure compliance with the following during
point, the approximate kind, grade, and quantity of cargo in each
pilot boarding operations:
barge of the tow, and for whose account the cargo is being

handled, shall be considered as complying with the requirements

(1) Only approved pilot boarding equipment may be used.
of this section.
(2) The pilot boarding equipment must rest firmly against the hull
§35.01-15 Carriage Of Persons Other Than Crew–TB/ALL.
of the vessel and be clear of overboard discharges.
No person not connected with the operation of a tank ship or tank
barge or not having legitimate business with said vessel, shall be
(3) Two man ropes, a safety line and an approved lifebuoy with an
permitted aboard while vessel is under way unless specifically
approved water light must be at the point of access and be
allowed by its certificate.
immediately available for use during boarding operations.
§35.01-25 Sacrificial Anode Installations–TB/ALL.
(4) Rigging of the equipment and embarkation/debarkation of a
(a) The installation of magnesium sacrificial anodes in cargo tanks
pilot must be supervised in person by a deck officer.
utilized for the carriage of flammable or combustible liquids in bulk
is prohibited.
(5) Both the equipment over the side and the point of access must
be adequately lit during night operations.
(b) A sacrificial anode using an aluminum alloy will be permitted in
cargo tanks under the following criteria:
(6) If a pilot hoist is used, a pilot ladder must be kept on deck

adjacent to the hoist and available for immediate use. (3)(i) It must be maintained under surveillance as required in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section; or
[CGD 79-032, 49 FR 25455, June 21, 1984]
(3)(ii) All cargo tank hatches must be clearly marked in not less
§35.01-60 Person Excluded. than three inch lettering "Danger–Keep Out," and all hatch covers
Masters and pilots shall exclude from the pilothouse and must be closed and dogged down in such a way that the hatch
navigation bridge while underway, all persons not connected with cannot be opened by the use of bare hands alone.
the navigation of the vessel. However, licensed officers of
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
vessels, persons regularly engaged in training, regulating,
80-009,48 FR 36459, Aug. 11, 1983; CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17155,
evaluating, or learning the profession of pilot, officials of the
Apr. 4, 1995]
United States Coast Guard, United States Navy, United States
Coast and Geodetic Survey, United States Army Corps of
§35.05-20 Physical Condition Of Crew–TB/ALL.
Engineers, Maritime Administration, and National Transportation
No person shall be engaged as a member of the crew on a tank
Safety Board may be allowed in the pilothouse or upon the
vessel if he is known by the employer to be physically or mentally
navigation bridge upon the responsibility of the master or pilot.
incapable of performing the duties assigned him.
[CGD 91-023, 59 FR 16779, Apr. 8, 1994]
§35.05-25 Illness, Alcohol, Drugs–TB/ALL.
(a) No person, known by the individual in charge of a tank vessel
Subpart 35.05–Officers And Crews

to be under the influence of liquor or other stimulant, or to be ill to
such an extent as to unfit him for any particular service on the
§35.05-15 Tank Vessel Security–TB/ALL. tank vessel, shall be allowed to perform such service while in

(a) Manned tank vessel. At least one member of the crew of a such condition.
manned tank vessel shall be on board at all times except when
the vessel is gas free or is moored at a dock or terminal at which (b) When a member of the crew of a tank vessel which is loading

watchman service is provided. bulk cargo of Grade A, B, or C arrives at the gangway and is
observed to be in an intoxicated condition, he shall not be
(b) Unmanned barge. permitted to board the vessel without escort.

(1) The owner, managing operator, master, and person in charge

of a vessel towing a tank barge that need not be manned, and
Subpart 35.07–Logbook Entries
each of them, shall be responsible for monitoring the security and
§35.07-1 Application–TB/ALL.
integrity of the tank barge and for ensuring adherence to proper
safety precautions. These responsibilities include, but are not
limited to–
A (a) Except as specifically noted, the provisions of this subpart
shall apply to all tank vessels.
§35.07-5 Logbooks And Records–TB/ALL.
(1)(i) Ensuring that any tank barge added to the tow has all tank
(a) The master or person in charge of a vessel that is required by
openings properly secured; has its freeing-ports and scuppers, if
46 U.S.C. 11301 to have an official logbook shall maintain the

any, unobstructed; meets any loadline or freeboard requirements;

logbook on form CG-706. The official logbook is available free to
and neither leaks cargo into the water, voids, or cofferdams nor
masters of U.S.-flag vessels from the officer in Charge, Marine
leaks water into the tanks, voids, or cofferdams;
Inspection, as form CG-706B or CG-706C, depending on the

number of persons employed in the crew. When the voyage is

(1)(ii) Ensuring that every tank barge in the tow is properly
completed, the master or person in charge shall file the logbook
secured within the tow;
with the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.

(1)(iii) Ensuring that periodic checks are made of every tank barge
(b) The master or person in charge of a vessel that is not required
in the tow for leakage of cargo into the water, voids, or cofferdams
by 46 U.S.C. 11301 to have an official logbook, shall maintain, on
and for leakage of water into the tanks, voids, or cofferdams;

board, an unofficial logbook or record in any form desired for the

purposes of making entries therein as required by law or
(1)(iv) Knowing the cargo of every tank barge in the tow, any
regulations in this subchapter. Such logs or records are not filed
hazards associated with the cargo, and what to do on discovery of
with the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, but must be kept
a leak;
available for review by a marine inspector for a period of 1 year
after the date to which the records refer. Separate records of tests

(1)(v) Ensuring that the crew of the vessel know the cargo of
and inspections of fire fighting equipment must be maintained with
every tank barge in the tow, any hazards associated with the
the vessel's logs for the period of validity of the vessel's certificate
cargo, and what to do on discovery of a leak;
of inspection.

(1)(vi) Reporting to the Coast Guard any leaks from a tank barge
[CGD 95-027, 61 FR 25999, May 23, 1996]
in the tow into the water, as required by 33 CFR 151.15; and
§35.07-10 Actions Required To Be Logged–TB/ALL.
(1)(vii) Ensuring that the crew of the vessel and other personnel in
(a) General–TB/ALL. The actions and observations noted in this
the vicinity of the tank barges in the tow follow the proper safety
section shall be entered in the Official Logbook or in logs or
precautions for tank vessels, and that no activity takes place in
records considered to take place of the Official Logbooks. This
the vicinity of the barges that could create a hazard.
section contains no requirements which are not made in specific
laws or in other regulations in this subchapter, the items being
(2) When a barge is moored and contains more oil than the
merely grouped together for convenience.
normal clingage and unpumpable bilge or sump residues, the
barge must be kept under surveillance by a person responsible
(b) Entries–T/ALL. Entries shall be made in the logs of tankships
for the security of the barge and for keeping unauthorized persons
with respect to the following:
off the barge.
(1) Onboard training, musters, and drills: held in accordance with
(3) When a barge is moored and contains no oil but is not gas
subchapter W (Lifesaving Appliances or Arrangements) of this

(2) Draft and load line marks. For tankships of 150 gross tons and the Great Lakes. These notices may be obtained free of charge,
over, prior to leaving port for ocean, coastwise, and Great Lakes by making application to Commander, 9th Coast Guard District.
voyages only. See §35.20-5.
(c) Weekly Notices to Mariners (worldwide coverage) are
(3) Verification of vessel compliance with applicable stability prepared jointly by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency,
requirements. After loading and prior to departure and at all other National Ocean Service, and the U.S. Coast Guard. They include
times necessary to assure the safety of the vessel. See §35.20-7. changes in aids to navigation in assembled form for the 1st, 5th,
7th, Greater Antilles Section, 8th, 11th, 13th, 14th, and 17th Coast
(4) Steering gear tests. Prior to departure, or for tank ships on Guard Districts. Foreign marine information is also included in
voyages of less than 48 hours duration or tankships operating on these notices. These notices are available without charge from
lakes, bays, sounds and rivers, once every week. See §35.20-10. the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, U.S. Collector of
Customs of the major seaports in the United States and are also
(5) Fuel oil data. Upon receipt of fuel oil on board to be used as on file in the U.S. Consulates where they may be inspected.
fuel. See §35.25-10.
(d) As appropriate for the intended voyage, all vessels must carry
(6) Inspections and tests of firefighting equipment. Once every adequate and up-to-date:
year. See §31.10-18 of this subchapter.
(1) Charts;
(7) Operation and inspection of the emergency lighting and power (2) Sailing directions;

systems. Once in each week that the vessel is navigated. See (3) Coast pilots;
§35.10-15. (4) Light lists;

(5) Notices to mariners;
(8) Cargo gear inspections: At least once a month. See §31.37-70 (6) Tide tables;
of this subchapter. (7) Current tables; and
(8) All other nautical publications necessary.1

(c) Entries–B/ALL. Entries shall be made in the records for tank
barges with respect to the following: [ For United States vessels in or on the navigable waters of the
United States, see 33 CFR 164.33.]
(1) Inspections and tests of firefighting equipment. Once every

year. See §31.10-18 of this subchapter. [CGFR 66-33, 31 FR 15268, Dec. 6, 1966, as amended by CGFR
68-32, 33 FR 5714, Apr. 12, 1968; CGD 75-074, 42 FR 5963,
(2) Draft and load line marks. For tank barges of 150 gross tons Jan. 31, 1977; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7, 1988; 66 FR
and over, prior to leaving port for ocean, coastwise, and Great
Lakes voyages only. A 48617, Sept. 21, 2001]
§35.20-5 Draft Of Tankships–T/OC.
(3) Cargo gear inspections: At least once a month. See §31.37-70 The master of every tankship shall, whenever leaving port, enter
of this subchapter. the maximum draft of his vessel in the logbook.

(4) Verification of vessel compliance with applicable stability §35.20-7 Verification Of Vessel Compliance With Applicable
requirements. After loading and prior to departure and at all other Stability Requirements–TB/ALL.
times necessary to assure the safety of the vessel. See §35.20-7. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, after

loading and prior to departure and at all other times necessary to

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD assure the safety of the vessel, the master or person in charge
89-037, 57 FR 41821, Sept. 11, 1992; CGD 84-069, 61 FR shall determine that the vessel complies with all applicable

25286, May 20, 1996, CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51199, Sept. 30, 1997] stability requirements in the vessels's trim and stability book,
stability letter, Certificate of Inspection, and Load Line Certificate,
Subpart 35.15–Notice And Reporting Of Casualty as the case may be. The vessel may not depart until it is in

compliance with these requirements..

And Voyage Records
(b) When determining compliance with applicable stability
§35.15-1 Notice And Reporting Of Casualty And Voyage
requirements the vessel's draft, trim, and stability must be
determined as necessary.
The requirements for providing notice and reporting of marine

casualties and for retaining voyage records are contained in part

(c) If a log book is required by §35.07-5, then the master or
4 of this chapter.
person in charge must enter an attestation statement verifying
that the vessel complies with the applicable stability requirements
[CGD 84-099, 52 FR 47535, Dec. 14, 1987; 53 FR 13117, Apr.
at the times specified in paragraph (a) and any stability

21, 1988]
calculations made in support of the determination must be
retained on board the vessel for the duration of the voyage.
Subpart 35.20–Navigation
(d) Stability verification is not required for tank barges whose
§35.20-1 Notice To Mariners; Aids To Navigation–T/OCLB. Certificate of Inspection carries draft restrictions for purposes
(a) Licensed officers are required to acquaint themselves with the other than stability.
latest information published by the Coast Guard and the National
Imagery and Mapping Agency regarding aids to navigation, and [CGD 88-037, 57 FR 41821, Sept. 11, 1992]
neglect to do so is evidence of neglect of duty. It is desirable that
vessels navigating oceans and coastwise and Great Lakes water §35.20-10 Steering Gear Test–T/ALL.
shall have available in the pilothouse for convenient reference at On all tankships making voyages of more than 48 hours' duration,
all times a file of the applicable Notice to Mariners. the entire steering gear, the whistle, the means of communication,
and the signaling appliances between the bridge or pilothouse
(b) Weekly Notices to Mariners (Great Lakes Edition), published and engineroom shall be examined and tested by a licensed
by the Commander, 9th Coast Guard District, contain officer of the vessel within a period of not more than 12 hours
announcements and information on changes in aids to navigation before leaving port. All such vessels making voyages of less than
and other marine information affecting the safety of navigation on 48 hours' duration or operating on lakes, bays, sounds, and rivers

shall be so examined and tested at least once in every week. The (d) The information on the fact sheet must be:
fact and time of such examination and test shall be recorded in
the ship's logbook. (1) Verified six months after the vessel is placed in service; or
(2) Modified six months after the vessel is placed into service and
§35.20-20 Master's And Officer's Responsibility–TB/ALL. verified within three months thereafter.
Nothing in this part shall exonerate any master or officer in
command from the consequences of any neglect to keep a proper (e) The information that appears on the fact sheet may be
lookout or the neglect of any precaution which may be required by obtained from:
the ordinary practice of seamen or by the special circumstances
of the case. (1) Trial trip observations;
(2) Model tests;
§35.20-30 Flashing The Rays Of A Searchlight Or Other (3) Analytical calculations;
Blinding Light–T/ALL. (4) Simulations;
No person shall flash, or cause to be flashed, the rays of a search (5) Information established from another vessel of similar hull
light or other blinding light onto the bridge or into the pilothouse of form, power, rudder and propeller; or
any vessel under way. (6) Any combination of the above.

[CGD 95-027, 61 FR 26000, May 23, 1996] The accuracy of the information in the fact sheet required is that
attainable by ordinary shipboard navigation equipment.

§35.20-35 Whistling–T/ALL.
The unnecessary sounding of a vessel's whistle is prohibited (f) The requirements for information for fact sheets for specialized

within any harbor limits of the United States. craft such as semi-submersibles, hydrofoils, hovercraft and other
vessels of unusual design will be specified on a case by case
[CGD 95-027, 61 FR 26000, May 23, 1996] basis.

§35.20-40 Maneuvering Characteristics–T/OC. [CGD 73-78, 40 FR 2689, Jan. 15, 1975]
For each ocean and coastwise tankship of 1,600 gross tons or
over, the following apply: §35.20-45 Use Of Auto Pilot–T/ALL.
Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.13, when the automatic pilot is

(a) The following maneuvering information must be prominently used in:
displayed in the pilothouse on a fact sheet:
(a) Areas of high traffic density;
(1) For full and half speed, a turning circle diagram to port and
starboard that shows the time and the distance of advance and A (b) Conditions of restricted visibility; and
transfer required to alter the course 90 degrees with maximum
rudder angle and constant power settings. (c) All other hazardous navigational situations, the master shall
ensure that:

(2) The time and distance to stop the vessel from full and half
speed while maintaining approximately the initial heading with (1) It is possible to immediately establish manual control of the
minimum application of rudder. ship's steering;

(3) For each vessel with a fixed propeller, a table of shaft (2) A competent person is ready at all times to take over steering
revolutions per minute for a representative range of speeds. control; and

(4) For each vessel with a controllable pitch propeller a table of (3) The changeover from automatic to manual steering and vice
control settings for a representative range of speeds. versa is made by, or under, the supervision of the officer of the

(5) For each vessel that is fitted with an auxiliary device to assist
[CGD 75-074, 42 FR 5963, Jan. 31, 1977, as amended by CGD
in maneuvering, such as a bow thruster, a table of vessel speeds
91-204, 58 FR 27633, May 10, 1993]
at which the auxiliary device is effective in maneuvering the
Subpart 35.25 – Engine Department

(b) The maneuvering information must be provided for the normal

load and normal ballast condition for: §35.25-1 Examination Of Boilers And Machinery By
(1) Calm weather–wind 10 knots or less, calm sea; It shall be the duty of an engineer when assuming charge of the
(2) No current; boilers to examine the same forthwith and thoroughly. If any part

(3) Deep water conditions–water depth twice the vessel's draft thereof is found in bad condition, the engineer shall immediately
or greater; and report the facts to the master, owner, or agent, and to the nearest
(4) Clean hull. Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.

(c) At the bottom of the fact sheet, the following statement must [CGD 95-027, 61 FR 26000, May 23, 1996]
§35.25-5 Repairs Of Boilers And Unfired Pressure Vessels
WARNING And Reports Of Repairs Or Accidents By Chief Engineer–
The response of the (name of the vessel) may be different from TB/ALL.
those listed above if any of the following conditions, upon which (a) Before making any repairs to boilers or unfired pressure
the maneuvering information is based, are varied: vessels, the chief engineer shall submit a report covering the
nature of the repairs to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection,
(1) Calm weather–wind 10 knots or less, calm sea; at or nearest to the port where the repairs are to be made.
(2) No current;
(3) Water depth twice the vessel's draft or greater; (b) In the event of an accident to a boiler, unfired pressure vessel,
(4) Clean hull; and or machinery tending to render the further use of the item itself
(5) Intermediate drafts or unusual trim. unsafe until repairs are made, or if by ordinary wear such items

become unsafe, a report shall be made by the chief engineer attendant conditions and circumstances, including consideration
immediately to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, or if at for location of shore side facilities, maintenance of mobility,
sea, immediately upon arrival at port. provision for fire protection, state or change of winds, tides, sea,
weather conditions, forces of nature and other circumstances
§35.25-10 Requirements For Fuel Oil–T/ALL. generally beyond human control.
(a) Oil to be used as fuel to be burned under boilers on tankships
shall have a flashpoint of not less than 140°F. (Pensky-Martens (b) Boiler fires. Boiler fires are normally permitted during cargo
Closed Cup Method, ASTM D 93) (incorporated by reference, see transfer operations: Provided, That prior to loading Grades A, B,
§35-01-3). and C cargoes, the senior deck officer on duty, who shall be a
licensed officer or certificated tankerman, shall make an
(b) It shall be the duty of the chief engineer to make an entry in inspection to determine whether in his judgment boiler fires may
the log of each supply of fuel oil received on board, stating the be maintained with reasonable safety during the loading
quantity received, the name of the vendor, the name of the oil operation.
producer, and the flashpoint (Pensky-Martens Closed Cup
Method, ASTM D 93) (incorporated by reference, see §35-01-3) (c) Smoking. Smoking is prohibited on the weather decks of tank
for which it is certified by the producer. vessels when they are not gas free or are alongside docks. At
other times and places the senior deck officer on duty, who shall
(c) It shall be the further duty of the chief engineer to draw and be a licensed officer or certificated tankerman, shall designate
seal at the time the supply is received on board, a half-pint when and where the crew may smoke: Provided, That prior to

sample of each lot of fuel oil, such sample to be preserved until loading Grade A, B, or C cargo the master or senior deck officer
that particular supply of oil is exhausted. on duty shall make an inspection to determine if and where, in his

judgment, smoking may be permitted with reasonable safety
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by during the loading operation.
CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18805, Dec. 18, 1968; CGD 73-254, 40 FR

40163, Sept. 2, 1975; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000] (d) Matches. The use of other than safety matches is forbidden
aboard tank vessels at all times.
§35.25-15 Carrying Of Excess Steam–TB/ALL.
It shall be the duty of the chief engineer of any tank vessel to see [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
that a steam pressure is not carried in excess of that allowed by 95-012, 60 FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995]

the certificate of inspection, and to see that the safety valves,
once set by the inspector, are in no way tampered with or made §35.30-10 Cargo Tank Hatches, Ullage Holes, And
inoperative. Butterworth Plates–TB/ALL.

[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51199, Sept. 30, 1997] A No cargo tank hatches, ullage holes, or Butterworth plates shall
be opened or shall remain open without flame screens, except
under the supervision of the senior members of the crew on duty,
Subpart 35.30—General Safety Rules unless the tank opened is gas free.

§35.30-1 Warning Signals And Signs–TB/ALL. §35.30-20 Emergency Equipment–TB/ALL

(a) Red warning signals. During transfer of bulk cargo while fast (a) Two emergency outfits, stored for use in widely separated,
to a dock, a red signal (flag by day and electric lantern at night) accessible locations, are required for the following:
shall be so placed that it will be visible on all sides. While

transferring bulk cargo at anchor, a red flag only shall be (1) All tankships on international voyage.
(2) All tankships over 1,000 gross tons.

(b) Warning sign at gangway. A sign shall be displayed to warn

persons approaching the gangway, while a vessel is moored or (3) All tankships having cargo tanks which exceed 15 feet in
anchored unless it is empty and gas-freed. The sign shall state in depth, measured from the deck to the lowest point at which cargo

letters not less than 2 inches high substantially as follows: is carried.

Warning (b) One emergency outfit is required for all manned tank barges
No open lights. having cargo tanks which exceed 15 feet in depth, measured from
No smoking. the deck to the lowest point at which cargo is carried.

No visitors.
(c) Each emergency outfit shall be equipped as follows:
(c) Warning sign in radio room. A sign shall be placed in radio
room warning against the use of radio equipment during transfer (1) One pressure-demand, open-circuit, self-contained breathing
apparatus, approved by the Mine Safety and Health

of Grade A, B, or C liquids, except by permission of senior deck

officer. Administration (MSHA) and by the National Institute for
(d) [Reserved] Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and having at a
minimum a 30-minute air supply, a full facepiece, and a spare
(e) Additional placards or signs required in connection with the charge.
movement of certain open hopper type barges are described in
§35.01-45. (2) One lifeline with a belt or a suitable harness.

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by (3) One, Type II or Type III, flashlight constructed and marked in
CGFR 70-143, 35 FR 19905, Dec. 30, 1970; CGD 73-96, 42 FR accordance with ASTM F 1014 (incorporated by reference, see
49024, Sept. 26, 1977; CGD 73-243, 45 FR 18000, Mar. 20, §35.01-3).
(4) One fire ax.
§35.30-5 Fires, Matches, And Smoking–TB/ALL.
(a) General. In making the determinations required under (5) Boots and gloves of rubber or other electrically nonconducting
paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section the senior deck officer material.
on duty, who shall be a licensed officer or certificated tankerman,
shall exercise his skill and experience with due regard to (6) A rigid helmet which provides effective protection against

impact. (2)(v) Spaces where flammable gases are not expected to
accumulate; and:
(7) Protective clothing of material that will protect the skin from the
heat of fire and burns from scalding steam. The outer surface (3) Each compartment where flammable gas is expected to
shall be water resistant. accumulate is:

(d) A self-contained compressed-air breathing apparatus (3)(i) Closed; and

previously approved by MSHA and NIOSH under part 160,
subpart 160.011, of this chapter may continue in use as required (3)(ii) Secured.
equipment if it was part of the vessel's equipment on November
23, 1992, and as long as it is maintained in good condition to the [CGD 74-125A, 47 FR 15230, Apr. 8, 1982]
satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
§35.30-35 Spark Producing Devices–TB/ALL.
(e) Lifelines shall be of steel or bronze wire rope. Steel wire rope (a) Where Grades A, B, C, and D liquid cargoes are involved,
shall be either inherently corrosion resistant or made so by power driven or manually operated spark producing devices shall
galvanizing or tinning. Each end shall be fitted with a hook with not be used in bulk cargo tanks, fuel oil tanks, cargo pumprooms,
keeper having a throat opening which can be readily slipped over or enclosed spaces immediately above or adjacent to bulk cargo
a 5/8-inch bolt. The total length of the lifeline shall be dependent tanks unless all the following conditions are met:
upon the size and arrangement of the vessel, and more than one

line may be hooked together to achieve the necessary length. No (1) The compartment itself is gas-free;
individual length of lifeline may be less than 50 feet in length. The

assembled lifeline shall have a minimum breaking strength of (2) The compartments adjacent and the compartments diagonally
1,500 pounds. adjacent are either:

[CGD 73-11R, 38 FR 27354, Oct. 3, 1973, as amended by CGD (i) Gas-free;
75-074, 42 FR 5963, Jan. 31, 1977; CGD 82-042, 53 FR 17704, (ii) Inerted;
May 18, 1988; CGD 86-036, 57 FR 48324, Oct. 23, 1992; 57 FR (iii) Filled with water;
56406, Nov. 27, 1992; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51199, Sept. 30, (iv) Contain Grade E liquid and are closed and secured; or
1997; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, Mar. 1, 2000] (v) Are spaces in which flammable vapors and gases normally

are not expected to accumulate; and,
§35.30-25 Explosives–TB/ALL.
Fulminates or other detonating compounds in bulk in dry (3) All other compartments of the vessel in which flammable
condition; explosive compositions that ignite spontaneously or
undergo marked decomposition when subjected for forty-eight A vapors and gases may normally be expected to accumulate are
closed and secured.
consecutive hours to a temperature of 167°F. or more;
composition containing an ammonium salt and a chlorate; and (b) This section does not prohibit the use of small hand tools in
other like explosives shall not be accepted, stored, stowed or such locations.

transported on board tank vessels.

§35.30-40 Flammable Liquid And Gas Fuels As Ship's
§35.30-30 Portable Electric Equipment–TB/ALL. Stores–TB/ALL.
Portable electric equipment must not be used in a hazardous Flammable liquids and gases other than diesel fuel, to be used as

location described in subpart 111.105 of this chapter except: fuel for approved equipment must satisfy the following:

(a) Self-contained, battery-fed, explosion-proof lamps approved (a) Stowage must be in containers approved by DOT or A.S.M.E.

by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Factory Mutual Research for the contents carried, or in a portable safety container approved
Corporation, or other independent laboratory recognized by the by a recognized testing laboratory for the contents carried.
Commandant, for use in a Class I, Division 1 location for the

electrical group classification of the cargo; (b) The contents must be marked on the containers, and the
containers must be labeled in accordance with DOT requirements
(b) Intrinsically safe equipment approved by Underwriters for flammable liquids and gases.
Laboratories Inc., Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other
independent laboratory recognized by the Commandant, for use (c) Containers must be stowed on or above the weather deck in

in a Class I, Division 1 location for the electrical group locations designated by the master. Containers specified in
classification of the cargo; and paragraph (a)(1) of this section which do not exceed a capacity of
five gallons may be stowed below the weather deck in a paint or
(c) Any electrical equipment, if: lamp locker.

(1) The hazardous location is: [CGD 80-009, 48 FR 36459, Aug. 11, 1983, as amended by CGD
86-033, 53 FR 36024, Sept. 16, 1988; CGD 95-028, 62 FR
(1)(i) Enclosed; and 51199, Sept. 30, 1997]

(1)(ii) Gas free; Subpart 35.35 – Cargo Handling

(2) The adjacent compartments are: §35.35-1 Persons On Duty–TB/ALL.
(a) On each tankship required to be documented under the laws
(2)(i) Gas free; of the United States, the owner, managing operator, master, and
person in charge of the vessel, and each of them, shall ensure
(2)(ii) Inerted; that–

(2)(iii) Filled with water; (1) Enough "Tankerman-PICs" or restricted "Tankerman-PICs",

and "Tankerman-Assistants", authorized for the classification of
(2)(iv) Filled with Grade E liquid; or cargo carried, are on duty to safely transfer liquid cargo in bulk or
safely clean cargo tanks; and

(2) Each transfer of liquid cargo in bulk and each cleaning of a §35.35-10 Closing Of Freeing-Ports, Scuppers, And Sea
cargo tank is supervised by a person qualified to be the person in Valves–TB/ALL.
charge of the transfer or the cleaning under subpart C of 33 CFR The person in charge of each transfer of liquid cargo in bulk shall
part 155. ensure that all freeing-ports and scuppers are properly plugged
during the transfer except on tank vessels using water for cooling
(b) On each United States tank barge subject to inspection– decks. Although under no circumstances may sea valves be
secured by locks, the valves must be closed, and lashed or
(1) The owner, managing operator, master, and person in charge sealed, to indicate that they should not be opened during the
of the vessel, and each of them, shall ensure that no transfer of transfer.
liquid cargo in bulk or cleaning of a cargo tank takes place unless
under the supervision of a qualified person designated as the [CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17156, Apr. 4, 1995]
person in charge of the transfer or the cleaning under subpart C
of 33 CFR part 155; and §35.35-15 Connecting For Cargo Transfer–TB/ALL.
(a) Movement of the vessel must be considered to insure safe
(2) The person designated as the person in charge of the transfer cargo transfer. Suitable material must be used in joints and in
shall ensure that– couplings to insure that connections are tight. A bolted flanged
coupling must not have less than four bolts, under any
(2)(i) Enough qualified personnel are on duty to safely transfer circumstances.
liquid cargo in bulk or safely clean cargo tanks; and

(b) When cargo connections are supported by ship's tackle, the
(2)(ii) The approved portable extinguishers required by Table person in charge of the transfer of liquid cargo in bulk shall

34.50-10(a) of this chapter are aboard and readily available determine the weights involved to ensure that adequate tackle is
before any transfer of liquid cargo in bulk or any operation of used.
barge machinery or boilers.

(c) Pans or buckets shall be placed under cargo hose connections
(c) On each foreign tankship, the owner, managing operator, on the tank vessel.
master, and person in charge of the vessel, and each of them,
shall ensure that– [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
80-009, 48 FR 36459, Aug. 11, 1983; CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17156,

(1) Enough personnel, qualified for the classification of cargo Apr. 4, 1995]
carried, are on duty to safely transfer liquid cargo in bulk or safely
clean cargo tanks; and §35.35-20 Inspection Before Transfer Of Cargo–TB/ALL.

(2) Each transfer of liquid cargo in bulk and each cleaning of a A Before the transfer of liquid cargo in bulk, the person in charge of
the transfer shall inspect the vessel to ensure the following:
cargo tank is supervised by a qualified person designated as a
person in charge of the transfer or the cleaning under subpart C (a) Warnings are displayed as required.
of 33 CFR part 155.

(b) No repair work in way of cargo spaces is being carried on

(d) On each foreign tank barge– without his permission.

(1) The owner, managing operator, master, and person in charge (c) Cargo connections have been made as described in §35.35-

of the vessel, and each of them, shall ensure that no transfer of 15 and cargo valves are set
liquid cargo in bulk or cleaning of a cargo tank takes place unless
under the supervision of a qualified person designated as the (d) All cargo connections have been made to the vessel's

person in charge of the transfer or the cleaning under subpart C pipeline, and not through an open end hose led through a hatch.
of 33 CFR part 155.
(e) In loading Grades A, B, and C cargoes, there are no fires or

(2) The person designated as the person in charge of the transfer open flames present on the deck, or in any compartment which is
shall ensure that enough qualified personnel are on duty to safely located on, facing, open, and adjacent to that part of the deck on
transfer liquid cargo in bulk or safely clean cargo tanks. which cargo connections have been made.

(e) The person in charge of the transfer of liquid cargo in bulk on (f) The shore terminal or the other tank vessel concerned has

the tank vessel shall be responsible for the safe loading and reported itself in readiness for transfer of cargo.
discharge of the liquid cargo in bulk.
(g) All sea valves connected to the cargo piping system are
(f) The person in charge of the transfer of liquid cargo in bulk on closed.
each United States tank vessel, when lightering to or from a

foreign tank vessel, shall ensure that the person in charge on the (h) In loading Grades A, B, and C cargoes, that an inspection has
foreign tank vessel, or his or her interpreter, is capable of reading, been made to determine whether boiler fires can be maintained
speaking, and understanding the English language well enough to with reasonable safety.
allow a safe transfer.
(i) In loading Grades A, B, and C cargoes, that an inspection has
[CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17155, Apr. 4, 1995] been made to determine whether galley fires can be maintained
with reasonable safety.
§35.35-5 Electric Bonding–TB/ALL.
A tank vessel may be electrically connected to the shore piping, (j) In loading Grades A, B, or C cargoes, that an inspection has
through which the cargo is to be transferred, prior to the been made to determine whether smoking may be permitted with
connecting of a cargo hose. This electrical connection, if made, reasonable safety in areas other than the weather deck.
shall be maintained until after the cargo hose has been
disconnected, and any spillage has been removed. (k) On tankships the construction or conversion of which is started
on or after July 1, 1951, which are to load or discharge Grade A
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by cargo, all openings in the top of the tanks, except the branch vent
CGFR 66-33, 31 FR 15268, Dec. 6, 1966] lines and covers to ullage hole sounding pipes, are tightly closed.
(See §§32.20-20 and 32.55-20 of this subchapter.)

(l) On tankships the construction or conversion of which is started Date __________________________________________
on or after July 1, 1951, which are to load or discharge Grade A
cargo, the method for determining the liquid level in the tank Vessel __________________________________________
without opening ullage holes, cargo hatches or Butterworth plates
is in proper order. (See §32.20-20 of this subchapter.) Port of __________________________________________

(m) When a transfer operation includes collection of cargo vapor Product[s] being transferred–(Classification[s] and
from a vessel's cargo tanks through a vapor control system not Kind[s])__________________________________________
located on the vessel:
(1) Each part of the vapor collection system is aligned to allow
vapor to flow to a facility vapor control system, or if lightering, to I, _______________, the person in charge of the transfer of liquid
the other vessel; cargo in bulk about to begin, do certify that I have personally
inspected this vessel with reference to the following requirements
(2) Vapor collection hoses or arms are connected to the vessel set forth in 46 CFR 35.35-20, and that opposite each of the
vapor collection connection; applicable items listed below I have indicated whether the vessel
complies with all pertinent regulations.
(3) The electrical insulation requirements of 33 CFR 154.810(g) or
§39.40-3(c) of this subchapter are provided between the vessel (1) Are warnings displayed as required?

vapor connection and the facility or service vessel vapor
connection; (2) Is there any repair work in way of cargo spaces being carried

on for which permission has not been given?
(4) The maximum cargo transfer rate is determined in accordance
with §39.30-1(d) of this subchapter; (3) Have cargo connections been made as described in 46 CFR

35.35-15 and are cargo valves set?
(5) The maximum and minimum operating pressures at the facility
vapor connection, or vessel vapor connection if lightering, are (4) Have all cargo connections been made to the vessel's pipeline
determined; and not through an open-end hose led through a hatch?

(6) The overfill control system on a tank barge, if fitted in (5) Are there any fires or open flames present on the deck or in
accordance with §39.20-9(b) of this subchapter, is connected to any compartment which is located on, open or adjacent to or
the facility, tested and operating properly; facing the main deck of the vessels on which the cargo

(7) Each alarm required by §§39.20-7, 39.20-9 and 39.40-3(a) of A connections have been made?
this subchapter has been tested not more than 24 hours prior to (6) Has the shore terminal or other tank vessel concerned
the start of the transfer operation and is operating properly; reported itself in readiness for transfer of cargo?

(8) Each vapor recovery hose has no unrepaired loose covers, (7) Are sea valves connected to the cargo piping system closed?
kinks, bulges, soft spots, or any other defect which would permit
the discharge of vapors through the hose material, and no (8) If Grades, A, B, or C cargoes are to be loaded and boiler fires
gouges, cuts, or slashes that penetrate the first layer of hose are lighted, has an inspection been made to determine whether

reinforcement; and these fires may be maintained with reasonable safety?

(9) The oxygen content of the vessel's cargo tanks, if inerted, is at (9) If Grades A, B, or C cargoes are to be loaded and galley fires

or below 8 percent by volume. are lighted, has an inspection been made to determine whether
the galley fires may be maintained with reasonable safety?
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD

80-009, 48 FR 36459, Aug. 11, 1983; CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, (10) If Grades A, B, or C cargoes are to be loaded, has an
June 21, 1990; CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17156, Apr. 4, 1995] inspection been made to determine whether smoking is to be
permitted in areas not on the weather decks?
§35.35-25 Approval To Start Transfer Of Cargo–TB/ALL.
When the person in charge of the transfer of liquid cargo in bulk (11) If smoking is to be permitted in areas not on the weather

has ensured that the requirements of §§35.35-20 and 35.35-30 decks, have those areas been designated?
have been met, he or she may give approval to start the transfer.
(12) Is the inert gas system being operated as necessary to
[CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17156, Apr. 4, 1995] maintain an inert atmosphere in the cargo tanks in compliance
with 46 CFR 32.53-5?

§35.35-30 "Declaration Of Inspection" For Tank Vessels–

TB/ALL. (13) Have the applicable sections of the vessel response plan
(a) After an inspection under §35.35-20, but before a transfer of been reviewed before commencing transfer, and arrangements or
cargo, fuel oil, or bunkers may commence as described in this contingencies made for implementation of the Plan should the
section and 33 CFR 156.120 and 156.150, the person in charge need arise?
of the transfer shall prepare, in duplicate, a Declaration of
Inspection. The original must be kept aboard the vessel, and the (c) In addition to the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section,
duplicate provided to the terminal supervisor or that person's if a transfer operation includes the collection of cargo vapor from
representative. The supervisor or the representative may, upon a vessel's cargo tanks through a vapor control system not located
demand, inspect the vessel to determine whether its condition is on the vessel, the Declaration of Inspection must include the
as stated on the Declaration of Inspection. following as an appendix:

(b) The Declaration of Inspection may be in any form, but must (1) Is each part of the vapor collection system aligned to allow
contain at least: vapor to flow to the facility vapor connection or, if lightering, to the
other vessel?
Declaration of Inspection Before Transfer of Liquid Cargo in Bulk

(2) Are the vapor collection hoses or arms connected to the [CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17156, Apr. 4, 1995]
vessel's vapor collection connection?
§35.35-45 Auxiliary Steam, Air, Or Electric Current–B/ALL.
(3) Are the vessel and facility vapor connections electrically When discharging cargo from one or more barges, the towing
isolated? vessel may furnish steam, air, or electric current for pumps on
barges or dock, but in no case shall the cargo pass through or
(4) Have the initial transfer rate and the maximum transfer rate over the towing vessel.
been determined?
§35.35-50 Termination Of Transfer Operations–TB/ALL.
(5) Have the maximum and minimum operating pressures at the (a) When transfer operations are completed the valves on cargo
facility vapor connection, or the vessel vapor connection if connections on the vessel shall be closed. The cargo connections
lightering, been determined? shall be drained of cargo.

(6) Have all alarms required by §§39.20-7, 39.20-9 and 39.40-3(a) (b) [Reserved]
of this subchapter been tested within 24 hours prior to the start of
the transfer operation and found to be operating properly? §35.35-55 Transfer Of Other Cargo Or Stores On Tank
(7) Is each vapor recovery hose free of unrepaired loose covers, (a) No packaged goods, freight, or ship's stores may be loaded or
kinks, bulges, soft spots, or any other defect which would permit unloaded during the loading or unloading of cargo of Grade A, B,

the discharge of vapors through the hose material, and gouges, or C except by permission of the person in charge of the transfer
cuts, or slashes that penetrate the first layer of hose of liquid cargo in bulk. No explosives may be loaded, unloaded, or

reinforcement? carried as cargo on any tank vessel containing cargo of Grade A,
B, or C.
(8) Has the oxygen concentration of all inerted cargo tanks been

verified to be 8 percent or less? (b) Where package and general cargo is carried directly over bulk
cargo tanks, it shall be properly dunnaged to prevent chafing of
[CGD 80-009, 48 FR 36459, Aug. 11, 1983, as amended by CGD metal parts and securely lashed or stowed.
88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990; CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17156,
Apr. 4, 1995; CGD 79-116, 62 FR 25135, May 8, 1997] [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD

79-116, 60 FR 17157, Apr. 4, 1995]
§35.35-35 Duties Of Person In Charge Of Transfer–TB/ALL.
The person in charge of the transfer of liquid cargo in bulk, fuel oil §35.35-60 Transportation Of Other Cargo Or Stores On Tank
in bulk, or bunkers in bulk shall control the transfer as follows:
A Barges–B/ALL.
(a) Tank barges may be permitted to transport deck cargoes
(a) Supervise the operations of cargo-system valves. directly over bulk cargo spaces when the nature of such deck
cargoes and the methods of loading and unloading same do not
(b) Commence transfer of cargo at slow rate of cargo flow. create an undue hazard. Such tank barges shall have their decks

properly dunnaged to prevent chafing between the steel parts of

(c) Observe cargo connections for leakage. the vessel and the deck cargo.

(d) Observe pressure on cargo system. (b) [Reserved]


(e) If transfer is loading (rather than discharging), observe rate of §35.35-70 Maintenance Of Cargo Handling Equipment–
loading to avoid overflow of tanks. TB/ALL.

The cargo handling equipment shall be maintained by the tank

(f) Comply with 33 CFR 156.120 and 156.150. vessel's personnel in accordance with the regulations in this
subchapter, including the following:

[CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17156, Apr. 4, 1995, as amended by CGD

79-116, 62 FR 25135, May 8, 1997] (a) Cargo hose shall not be used in transfer operations in which
the pressures are such that leakage of cargo occurs through the
§35.35-40 Conditions Under Which Transfer Operations Shall body of the hose.
Not Be Commenced Or If Started Shall Be Discontinued–

TB/ALL. (b) Cargo pump relief valves shall be tested at least once each
Cargo transfer operations shall not be started or, if started, shall year to determine that they function satisfactorily at the pressure
be discontinued under the following conditions: at which they are set to open.

(a) During severe electrical storms. (c) Cargo pump pressure gage shall be tested at least once a

year for accuracy.

(b) If a fire occurs on the wharf or on the tanker or in the vicinity.
(d) The cargo discharge piping of all tank vessels shall be tested
§35.35-42 Restrictions On Vessels Alongside A Tank Vessel at least once each year for tightness, at the maximum working
Loading Or Unloading Cargo Of Grade A, B, Or C–TB/ALL. pressure.

(a) No vessel may come alongside or remain alongside a tank §35.35-75 Emergencies–TB/ALL.
vessel in way of its cargo tanks while it is loading or unloading In case of emergencies nothing in the regulations in this
cargo of Grade A, B, or C without permission of the person in subchapter shall be construed as preventing the senior officer
charge of the transfer on the tank vessel. present from pursuing the most effective action in his judgment for
rectifying the conditions causing the emergency.
(b) No vessel may come alongside or remain alongside a tank
vessel in way of its cargo tanks while it is loading or unloading §35.35-85 Air Compressors–TB/ALL.
cargo of Grade A, B, or C unless the conditions then prevailing No person may operate, install, or reinstall an air compressor in a
are acceptable to the persons in charge of cargo-handling on both cargo area described in §32.35-15 of this subchapter.
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51200, Sept. 30, 1997]

Part 39 – Vapor Control Systems
Table Of Contents directly over the cargo tanks.

Subpart 39.10–General Existing vapor collection system means a vapor collection

Sec. system which was operating prior to July 23, 1990.
39.10-1 Applicability–TB/ALL.
39.10-3 Definitions–TB/ALL. Facility vapor connection means the point in a facility's fixed
39.10-5 Incorporation By Reference–TB/ALL. vapor collection system where it connects with the vapor
39.10-9 Vessel Vapor Processing Unit–TB/ALL. collection hose or the base of the vapor collection arm.
39.10-11 Personnel Training–TB/ALL.
39.10-13 Submission Of Vapor Control System Designs–TB/ALL. Independent as applied to two systems means that one system
will operate with a failure of any part of the other system except
Subpart 39.20–Design And Equipment power sources and electrical feeder panels.

39.20-1 Vapor Collection System–TB/ALL. Inerted means the oxygen content of the vapor space in a cargo
39.20-3 Cargo Gauging System–TB/ALL. tank is reduced to 8 percent by volume or less in accordance with

39.20-7 Tankship Liquid Overfill Protection–T/ALL. the inert gas requirements of §32.53 or §153.500 of this chapter.
39.20-9 Tank Barge Liquid Overfill Protection–B/ALL.
39.20-11 Vapor Overpressure And Vacuum Protection–TB/ALL. Lightering or lightering operation means the transfer of a bulk

39.20-13 High And Low Vapor Pressure Protection For liquid cargo from a tank vessel to a service vessel.
Marine Safety Center means the Commanding Officer, U.S.

Subpart 39.30–Operations Coast Guard Marine Safety Center, 400 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20590-0001.
39.30-1 Operational Requirements–TB/ALL.
Maximum allowable transfer rate means the maximum
volumetric rate at which a vessel may receive cargo or ballast.

Subpart 39.40–Lightering And Topping-Off Operations With
Vapor Balancing
New vapor collection system means a vapor collection system
General Requirements For Vapor Balancing–TB/ALL.
Design And Equipment For Vapor Balancing–TB/ALL.
Operational Requirements For Vapor Balancing–
A which is not an existing vapor collection system.

Service vessel means a vessel which transports bulk liquid cargo

TB/ALL. between a facility and another vessel.

Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703, 3715(b); 45 Topping-off operation means the transfer of a bulk liquid cargo

FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland from a service vessel to another vessel in order to load the
Security Delegation No. 0170.1. [SOURCE: CGD 88-102, 55 FR receiving vessel to a deeper draft.
25446, June 21, 1990, unless otherwise noted.]
Vapor balancing means the transfer of vapor displaced by

incoming cargo from the tank of a vessel receiving cargo into a

Subpart 39.10 – General tank of the vessel or facility delivering cargo via a vapor collection

§39.10-1 Applicability–TB/ALL.
(a) Except as specified by paragraph (c) of this section, this part Vapor collection system means an arrangement of piping and
applies to each tank vessel operating in the navigable waters of hoses used to collect vapor emitted from a vessel's cargo tanks

the United States, when collecting vapors of crude oil, gasoline and to transport the vapor to a vapor processing unit.
blends, or benzene emitted from a vessel's cargo tanks through a
vapor control system. Vapor control system means an arrangement of piping and
equipment used to control vapor emissions collected from a
(b) A tank vessel which transfers vapors of flammable or vessel. It includes the vapor collection system and vapor

combustible cargoes other than crude oil, gasoline blends, or processing unit.
benzene, to a facility covered by 33 CFR part 154 must meet the
requirements prescribed by the Commandant (G-MSO). Vapor processing unit means the components of a vapor control
system that recovers, destroys, or disperses vapor collected from

(c) A tank vessel with an existing vapor collection system a vessel.

specifically approved by the Coast Guard for the collection of
cargo vapor which was operating prior to July 23, 1990, is subject Vessel vapor connection means the point in a vessel's fixed
only to §39.30-1 and §39.40-5 of this part as long as it transfers vapor collection system where it connects with the vapor
cargo vapor only to the specific facilities for which it was collection hose or arm.
§39.10-5 Incorporation By Reference--TB/ALL.
(d) This part does not apply to the collection of vapors of liquefied (a) Certain materials are incorporated by reference into this part
flammable gases as defined in §30.10-39 of this subchapter. with the approval of the Director of the FEDERAL REGISTER in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). To enforce any edition other
[CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990, as amended by CGD than the one listed in paragraph (b) of this section, notice of
95-072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR change must be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the
50727, Sept. 27, 1996] material made available to the public. All approved material is on
file at the U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Operating and
§39.10-3 Definitions–TB/ALL. Environmental Standards (G-MSO), 2100 Second Street, SW.,
As used in this part: Washington, DC 20593-0001, or at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). For information on the
Cargo deck area means that part of the weather deck that is availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:

80 (b) The training program required by paragraph (a) of this section
ons/ibr_locations.html. All material is available from the sources must cover the following subjects:
indicated in paragraph (b) of this section.
(1) Purpose of a vapor control system;
(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this (2) Principles of the vapor control system;
part, and the sections affected are: (3) Components of the vapor control system;
(4) Hazards associated with the vapor control system;
American Petroleum Institute (API), (5) Coast Guard regulations in this part;
1220 L Street NW., Washington, DC 20005 (6) Operating procedures, including:
API Standard 2000, Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure (6)(i) Testing and inspection requirements,
Storage Tanks (Nonrefrigerated and Refrigerated), Third Edition, (6)(ii) Pre-transfer procedures,
January 1982 (reaffirmed December 1987)...................... 39.20-11 (6)(iii) Connection sequence,
(6)(iv) Start-up procedures, and
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), (6)(v) Normal operations; and
11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036 (7) Emergency procedures.
ANSI B16.5, Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, 1981
.......…………………………………………........................... 39.20-1 [CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990; 55 FR 39270, Sept.
26, 1990]
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),

100 Barr Harbor Drive, West §39.10-13 Submission Of Vapor Control System Designs–
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 TB/ALL.

ASTM F 1271-90 (1995)--Standard Specification for Spill Valves (a) Plans, calculations, and specifications for a new vessel vapor
for Use in Marine Tank Liquid Overpressure Protection collection system must be submitted to the Marine Safety Center
Applications ………………………………………………….. 39.20-9 for approval prior to installation.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), (b) An existing vapor collection system installation that has been
Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Coast Guard approved to transfer cargo vapor to specific facilities
Internationale, must be reviewed and approved by the Marine Safety Center prior
1 rue de Varembe´, Geneva, Switzerland to transferring vapors to other facilities.

IEC 309-1--Plugs, Socket-Outlets and Couplers for Industrial
Purposes: Part 1, General Requirements, 1979 (c) The owners/operators of a foreign flag vessel may submit
............................................................................................ 39.20-9 certification by the classification society which classes the vessel
IEC 309-2--Plugs, Socket-Outlets and Couplers for Industrial
Purposes: Part 2, Dimensional Interchangeability Requirements A that the vessel meets the requirements of this part as an
alternative to meeting the requirements in paragraph (a) of this
for Pin and Contact-tube Accessories, 1981 …………....... 39.20-9 section.

National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), (d) Upon satisfactory completion of plan review and inspection of

2101 L St. NW., Washington, DC 20036 the vapor collection system or receipt of the certification provided
ANSI/NEMA WD6--Wiring Devices, Dimensional Requirements, for in paragraph (c) of this section, the Officer in Charge, Marine
1988 ……………………………………………..................... 39.20-9 Inspection, shall endorse the Certificate of Inspection for U.S. flag
vessels, or the Certificate of Compliance for foreign flag vessels,

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), that the vessel is acceptable for collecting the vapor from crude
1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 oil, gasoline blends, and benzene, or any other vapor it is found
NFPA 70--National Electrical Code, 1987 ......................... 39.20-9 acceptable to collect.

Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), [CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990, as amended by CGD
15th Floor, 96 Victoria Street, London SWIE 5JW, England 95-028, 62 FR 51200, Sept. 30, 1997]

International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, Third

Edition, 1988 …….............................................................. 39.30-1
Subpart 39.20 – Design and Equipment
[CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990, as amended by CGD
§39.20-1 Vapor Collection System–TB/ALL.
95-072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR
(a) Each vapor collection system must meet the following

50727, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51043, Sept. 30,

1997; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, Mar. 1, 2000; 69
FR 18801, Apr. 9, 2004]
(1) Except as allowed by paragraph (a)(3) of this section or the
Commandant (G-MSO), vapor collection piping must be
§39.10-9 Vessel Vapor Processing Unit–TB/ALL.

permanently installed, with the vessel's vapor connection located

Each vessel which has a vapor processing unit located on board
as close as practical to the loading manifold;
must meet the requirements of 33 CFR part 154, subpart E to the
satisfaction of the Commandant (G-MSO) in addition to complying
(2) If the vessel collects vapors from incompatible cargoes
with the requirements of this part.
simultaneously, it must keep the incompatible vapors separate
throughout the entire vapor collection system;
[CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990, as amended by CGD
95-072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR
(3) A vessel certified to carry cargo listed in Table 151.05 of part
50727, Sept. 27, 1996]
151 or Table 1 of part 153 of this chapter may have vapor
connections located in the vicinity of each tank in order to
§39.10-11 Personnel Training–TB/ALL.
preserve segregation of cargo systems, in lieu of common header
(a) A person in charge of a transfer operation utilizing a vapor
collection system must have completed a training program
covering the particular system installed on the vessel. Training
(4) A means must be provided to eliminate liquid condensate
must include drills or demonstrations using the installed vapor
which may collect in the system, such as draining and collecting
control system covering normal operations and emergency
liquid from each low point in the line;

(5) Vapor collection piping must be electrically bonded to the hull (1) Provides a closed gauging arrangement as defined in
and must be electrically continuous; and §151.15.10 of this chapter that does not require opening the tank
to the atmosphere during cargo transfer;
(6) An inerted tankship must have a means to isolate the inert gas
supply from the vapor collection system. The inert gas main (2) Allows the operator to determine the liquid level in the tank for
isolation valve required by SOLAS 74, as amended, chapter II-2, the full range of liquid levels in the tank;
Regulation 62.10.8 may be used to satisfy this requirement.
(3) Indicates the liquid level in the tank at the location where
(b) The vapor collection system must not interfere with the proper cargo transfer is controlled; and
operation of the cargo tank venting system.
(4) If portable, is installed on the tank during the entire transfer
(c) An isolation valve capable of manual operation must be operation.
provided at the vessel vapor connection. The valve must have an
indicator to show clearly whether the valve is in the open or (b) Except when a tank barge complies with §39.20-9(a) of this
closed position, unless the valve position can be readily part, each cargo tank of a barge must have a high level indicating
determined from the valve handle or valve stem. device that:

(d) The last 1.0 meter (3.3 feet) of vapor piping before the vessel (1) Provides a visual indication of the liquid level in the cargo tank
vapor connection must be: when the cargo level is within 1.0 meter (3.28 feet) of the tank top;

(1) Painted red/yellow/red with: (2) Has the maximum liquid level permitted under §39.30-1(e) of

this part at even keel conditions conspicuously and permanently
(1)(i) The red bands 0.1 meter (0.33 feet) wide, and marked on the indicating device; and

(1)(ii) The middle yellow band 0.8 meter (2.64 feet) wide; and (3) Is visible from all cargo control areas on the tank barge.

(2) Labeled "VAPOR" in black letters at least 50 millimeters (2 §39.20-7 Tankship Liquid Overfill Protection–T/ALL.
inches) high. (a) Each cargo tank of a tankship must be equipped with an
intrinsically safe high level alarm and a tank overfill alarm.

(e) Each vessel vapor connection flange must have a
permanently attached 0.5 inch diameter stud at least 1.0 inch long (b) The high level alarm and tank overfill alarm required by
projecting outward from the flange face. The stud must be located paragraph (a) of this section, if installed after July 23, 1990 must:
at the top of the flange, midway between bolt holes, and in line
with the bolt hole pattern. A (1) Be independent of each other;
(f) Each hose used for transferring vapors must: (2) Alarm in the event of loss of power to the alarm system or
failure of electrical circuitry to the tank level sensor; and

(1) Have a design burst pressure of at least 25 psig;

(3) Be able to be checked at the tank for proper operation prior to
(2) Have a maximum allowable working pressure of at least 5 each transfer or contain an electronic self-testing feature which
psig; monitors the condition of the alarm circuitry and sensor.

(3) Be capable of withstanding at least 2.0 psi vacuum without (c) The high level alarm required by paragraph (a) of this section
collapsing or constricting; must

(4) Be electrically continuous with a maximum resistance of ten (1) Alarm before the tank overfill alarm, but no lower than 95
thousand (10,000) ohms; percent of tank capacity;

(5) Have flanges with: (2) Be identified with the legend "High Level Alarm" in black
letters at least 50 millimeters (2 inches) high on a white
(5)(i) A bolt hole arrangement complying with the requirements for background; and
150 pound class ANSI B16.5 flanges, and

(3) Have audible and visible alarm indications that can be seen
(5)(ii) One or more 0.625 inch diameter holes in the flange located and heard on the vessel where cargo transfer is controlled.
midway between bolt holes and in line with the bolt hole pattern;
(d) The tank overfill alarm required by paragraph (a) of this
(6) Be abrasion resistant and resistant to kinking; and section must:

(7) Have the last 1.0 meter (3.3 feet) of each end of the vapor (1) Be independent of the cargo gauging system;
hose marked in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.
(2) Have audible and visible alarm indications that can be seen
(g) Vapor hose handling equipment must be provided with hose and heard on the vessel where cargo transfer is controlled and in
saddles which provide adequate support to prevent kinking or the cargo deck area;
collapse of hoses.
(3) Be identified with the legend "TANK OVERFILL ALARM" in
[CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990, as amended by CGD black letters at least 50 millimeters (2 inches) high on a white
95-072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR background; and
50727, Sept. 27, 1996]
(4) Alarm early enough to allow the person in charge of transfer
§39.20-3 Cargo Gauging System–TB/ALL. operations to stop the transfer operation before the cargo tank
(a) Each cargo tank of a tank vessel that is connected to a vapor overflows.
collection system must be equipped with a cargo gauging device
which: (e) If a spill valve is installed on a cargo tank fitted with a vapor

collection system, it must meet the requirements of §39.20-9(c) of more than the maximum design working pressure for the tank;
this part. and

(f) If a rupture disk is installed on a cargo tank fitted with a vapor (4) If the vessel is in ocean or coastwise service, has provisions to
collection system, it must meet the requirements of §39.20-9(d) of prevent opening due to cargo sloshing.
this part.
(d) A rupture disk arrangement which meets paragraphs (c)(2),
§39.20-9 Tank Barge Liquid Overfill Protection–B/ALL. (c)(3) and (c)(4) of this section and is approved by the
Each cargo tank of a tank barge must have one of the following Commandant (G-MSO).
liquid overfill protection arrangements.
[CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990, as amended by CGD
(a) A system meeting the requirements of §39.20-7 of this part 95-072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR
which: 50727, Sept. 27, 1996; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000]

(1) Includes a self-contained power supply; §39.20-11 Vapor Overpressure And Vacuum Protection–
(2) Is powered by generators installed on the barge; or (a) The cargo tank venting system required by §32.55 of this
chapter must:
(3) Receives power from a facility and is fitted with a shore tie

cable and a 120 volt 20 amp explosion-proof plug which meets: (1) Be capable of discharging cargo vapor at 1.25 times the
maximum transfer rate such that the pressure in the vapor space

(3)(i) ANSI/NEMA WD6; of each tank connected to the vapor collection system does not
(3)(ii) NFPA 70, Articles 410-57 and 501-12; and

(1)(i) The maximum design working pressure for the tank, or
(3)(iii) §111.105-9 of this chapter.
(1)(ii) If a spill valve or rupture disk is fitted, the pressure at which
(b) An intrinsically safe overfill control system which: the device operates;

(1) Is independent of the cargo gauging device required by (2) Not relieve at a pressure corresponding to a pressure in the
§39.20-3(a) of this part; cargo tank vapor space of less than 1.0 psig;

(2) Actuates an alarm and automatic shutdown system at the

facility overfill control panel, or on the vessel to be lightered if a A (3) Prevent a vacuum in the cargo tank vapor space, whether
generated by withdrawal of cargo or vapor at maximum rates, that
lightering operation, 60 seconds before the tank becomes 100 exceeds the maximum design vacuum for any tank connected to
percent liquid full; the vapor collection system; and

(3) Is able to be checked at the tank for proper operation prior to (4) Not relieve at a vacuum corresponding to a vacuum in the
each loading; cargo tank vapor space of less than 0.5 psi below atmospheric
(4) Consists of components which, individually or in series, will not

generate or store a total of more than 1.2 V, 0.1 A, 25 mW, or 20 (b) Each pressure-vacuum relief valve must:
(1) Be tested for venting capacity in accordance with paragraph

(5) Has at least one tank overfill sensor switch with normally of API 2000; and
closed contacts per cargo tank;
(2) Have a means to check that the device operates freely and

(6) Has all tank overfill sensor switches connected in series;

does not remain in the open position, if installed after July 23,
(7) Has interconnecting cabling that meets §111.105-15(b) of this 1991.
chapter; and
(c) The relieving capacity test required by paragraph (b)(1) of this

(8) Has a male plug with a 5 wire, 16 amp connector body section must be carried out with a flame screen fitted at the
meeting IEC 309-1/309-2 which is: vacuum relief opening and at the discharge opening if the
pressure-vacuum relief valve is not designed to ensure a
(8)(i) Configured with pins S2 and R1 for the tank overfill sensor minimum vapor discharge velocity of 30 meters (98.4 ft.) per
circuit, pin G connected to the cabling shield, and pins N and T3 second.

reserved for an optional high level alarm circuit meeting the

requirements of this paragraph; and §39.20-13 High And Low Vapor Pressure Protection For
(8)(ii) Labeled "Connector for Barge Overflow Control System" Each tankship vapor collection system must be fitted with a
and with the total inductance and capacitance of the connected pressure sensing device that senses the pressure in the main
switches and cabling. vapor collection line, which:

(c) A spill valve which: (a) Has a pressure indicator located on the vessel where the
cargo transfer is controlled; and
(1) Meets ASTM F1271 (incorporated by reference, see §39.10-5)
(b) Has a high pressure and a low pressure alarm that:
(2) Relieves at a pressure higher than the pressure at which the
pressure relief valves meeting the requirements of §39.20-11 (1) Is audible and visible on the vessel where cargo transfer is
operate; controlled;

(3) Limits the maximum pressure at the cargo tank top during (2) Alarms at a high pressure of not more than 90 percent of the
liquid overfill, at the maximum loading rate for the tank, to not lowest pressure relief valve setting in the cargo tank venting

system; and (2) Except when the tank is inerted, any pressure in the cargo
tank vapor space is first reduced to atmospheric pressure by the
(3) Alarms at a low pressure of not less than four inches water vapor control system;
gauge (0.144 psig) for an inerted tankship, or the lowest vacuum
relief valve setting in the cargo tank venting system for a non- (3) The cargo is not required to be closed or restricted gauged by
inerted tankship. Table 151.05 of part 151 or Table 1 in part 153 of this chapter;
Subpart 39.30 – Operations
(4) For static accumulating cargo, all metallic equipment used in
§39.30-1 Operational Requirements–TB/ALL. sampling or gauging is electrically bonded to the vessel before it
(a) Vapor from a tank vessel may not be transferred to: is put into the tank, remains bonded to the vessel until it is
removed from the tank, and if the tank is not inerted, a period of
(1) A facility in the United States which does not have its letter of 30 minutes has elapsed since loading of the tank was completed.
adequacy endorsed as meeting the requirements of 33 CFR part
154, subpart E; or (h) For static accumulating cargo the initial transfer rate must be
controlled in accordance with Section 7.4 of the OCIMF,
(2) In the case of a lightering or topping off operation, a vessel International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, in order
which does not have its certificate of inspection or certificate of to minimize the development of a static electrical charge.

compliance endorsed as meeting the requirements of this part.
(i) If cargo vapor is collected by a facility that requires the vapor
(b) The pressure drop through the vapor collection system from from the vessel to be inerted in accordance with 33 CFR

the most remote cargo tank to the vessel vapor connection must 154.820(a) or (b), the oxygen content in the vapor space of each
be: cargo tank connected to the vapor collection system must not
exceed 8 percent by volume at the start of cargo transfer. The

(1) Determined for each cargo handled by the vapor collection oxygen content of each tank must be measured at a point one
system at the maximum transfer rate and at lessor transfer rates; meter (3.28 feet) below the tanktop and at a point equal to one-
half of the ullage. Where tanks have partial bulkheads, the oxygen
(2) Based on a 50 percent cargo vapor and air mixture, and a content of each area of that tank formed by each partial bulkhead
vapor growth rate appropriate for the cargo being loaded; and must be measured at a point one meter (3.28 feet) below the

tanktop and at a point equal to one-half of the ullage.
(3) Included in the vessel's oil transfer procedures as a table or
(j) If the vessel is equipped with an inert gas system, the isolation
graph showing the liquid transfer rate versus the pressure drop.

(c) If a vessel carries vapor hoses, the pressure drop through the
A valve required by §39.20-1(a)(6) of this part must remain closed
during vapor transfer.
hoses must be included in the pressure drop calculations required
by paragraph (b) of this section. (k) Unless equipped with an automatic self-test and circuit
monitoring feature, each high level alarm and tank overfill alarm

(d) The rate of cargo transfer must not exceed the maximum required by §39.20-7 or §39.20-9 of this part, on a cargo tank
allowable transfer rate as determined by the lesser of the being loaded, must be tested at the tank for proper operation
following: within 24 hours prior to the start of cargo transfer.

(1) Eighty (80) percent of the total venting capacity of the [CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990; 55 FR 39270, Sept.
pressure relief valves in the cargo tank venting system when 26, 1990]
relieving at the set pressure required by §39.20-11(a) of this part;

Subpart 39.40–Lightering And Topping-Off

(2) The total vacuum relieving capacity of the vacuum relief valves Operations With Vapor Balancing
in the cargo tank venting system when relieving at the set

pressure required by §39.20-11(a) of this part; §39.40-1 General Requirements For Vapor Balancing–
(3) The rate based on pressure drop calculations at which, for a (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each
given pressure at the facility vapor connection, or if lightering at vessel which uses vapor balancing while conducting a lightering
the vapor connection of the vessel receiving cargo, the pressure or topping-off operation must meet the requirements of this

in any cargo tank connected to the vapor collection system subpart in addition to the requirements of subparts 39.10, 39.20,
exceeds 80 percent of the setting of any pressure relief valve in and 39.30 of this part.
the cargo tank venting system.
(b) An arrangement to control vapor emissions during a lightering

(e) A cargo tank must not be filled higher than: or topping-off operation which does not use vapor balancing must
receive approval from the Commandant (G-MSO).
(e)(1) 98.5 percent of the cargo tank volume; or
(c) A vapor balancing operation must not use a compressor or
(2) The level at which an overfill alarm complying with §39.20-7 or blower to assist vapor transfer without approval from the
§39.20-9(b)(2) of this part is set. Commandant (G-MSO).

(f) A cargo tank must not be opened to the atmosphere during (d) Vapor balancing is prohibited when the cargo tanks on a
cargo transfer operations except as provided in paragraph (g) of vessel discharging cargo are inerted and the cargo tanks on a
this section. vessel receiving cargo are not inerted.

(g) A cargo tank may be opened to the atmosphere for gauging or (e) A vessel which intends to engage in a lightering or topping-off
sampling while a tank vessel is connected to a vapor control operation while collecting cargo vapor from other than crude oil,
system if the following conditions are met: gasoline, or benzene must receive specific approval from the
Commandant (G-MSO).
(1) The cargo tank is not being filled;
[CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990; 55 FR 39270, Sept.

26, 1990, as amended by CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, to ensure that the oxygen content in the vapor space does not
1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50727, Sept. 27, 1996] exceed 8 percent by volume. The oxygen content of each tank
must be measured at a point one meter (3.28 feet) below the
§39.40-3 Design And Equipment For Vapor Balancing– tanktop and at a point equal to one-half of the ullage. Where tanks
TB/ALL. have partial bulkheads, the oxygen content of each area of that
(a) If the cargo tanks on a vessel discharging cargo and a vessel tank formed by each partial bulkhead must be measured at a
receiving cargo are inerted, the service vessel must: point one meter (3.28 feet) below the tanktop and at a point equal
to one-half of the ullage;
(1) Have a means to inert the vapor transfer hose prior to
transferring cargo vapor; and (2) The oxygen analyzer required by §39.40-3(a) must be tested
for proper operation prior to the start of each transfer operation;
(2) Have an oxygen analyzer with a sensor or sampling
connection fitted within 3 meters (9.74 ft.) of the vessel vapor (3) The oxygen content of vapors being transferred must be
connection which: continuously monitored during the transfer operation;

(2)(i) Activates an audible and visible alarm at a location on the (4) Cargo transfer must be terminated if the oxygen content
service vessel where cargo transfer is controlled when the oxygen exceeds 8 percent by volume and must not be restarted until the
content in the vapor collection system exceeds 8 percent by oxygen content in the tanks of the vessel receiving cargo is
volume; reduced to 8 percent by volume or less; and

(2)(ii) Has an oxygen concentration indicator located on the (5) The vapor transfer hose must be purged of air and inerted

service vessel where the cargo transfer is controlled; and prior to starting vapor transfer.

(2)(iii) Has a connection for injecting a span gas of known (c) The isolation valve, required by §39.20-1(c) of this part,

concentration for calibration and testing of the oxygen analyzer. located on the service vessel must not be opened until the
pressure in the vapor collection system on the vessel receiving
(b) If the cargo tanks on a vessel discharging cargo are not cargo exceeds the pressure in the vapor collection system on the
inerted, the vapor collection line on the service vessel must be vessel discharging cargo.
fitted with a detonation arrester that meets the requirements of 33

CFR 154.822(a) located within 3 meters (9.74 ft.) of the vessel (d) The cargo transfer rate must be controlled from the vessel
vapor connection. discharging cargo, and must not exceed the maximum allowable
transfer rate for the vessel receiving cargo.
(c) An electrical insulating flange or one length of non-conductive
hose must be provided between the vessel vapor connection on A (e) The pressure in the vapor space of any cargo tank connected
the service vessel and the vapor connection on the vessel being to the vapor collection line on either the vessel receiving cargo or
lightered or topped-off. the vessel discharging cargo must not exceed 80 percent of the
lowest setting of any pressure relief valve during ballasting or

§39.40-5 Operational Requirements For Vapor Balancing– cargo transfer.

(a) During a lightering or topping-off operation each cargo tank (f) All impressed current cathodic protection systems must be
being loaded must be connected by the vapor collection system to deenergized during cargo transfer operations.

a cargo tank which is being discharged.

(g) Tank washing is prohibited unless the cargo tanks on both the
(b) If the cargo tanks on both the vessel discharging cargo and vessel discharging cargo and the vessel receiving cargo are

the vessel receiving cargo are inerted, the following requirements inerted or the tank is isolated from the vapor collection line.
must be met:
[CGD 88-102, 55 FR 25446, June 21, 1990; 55 FR 39270, Sept.

(1) Each tank on a vessel receiving cargo which is connected to 26, 1990]
the vapor collection system must be tested prior to cargo transfer

Part 42–Domestic And Foreign Voyages By Sea
Table Of Contents 42.50-10 Load Line Certificates For Nonadherent Foreign Flag
Subpart 42.01–Authority And Purpose
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116; Department of Homeland
Sec. Security Delegation No. 0170.1; section 42.01-5 also issued
42.01-1 Authority For Regulations. under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 3507.
42.01-10 Purpose Of Regulations.
Subpart 42.01 – Authority And Purpose
Subpart 42.03–Application
§42.01-1 Authority For Regulations.
42.03-10 Foreign Vessels Subject To This Subchapter. The statutory authority to prescribe rules and regulations requiring
42.03-15 The Great Lakes Of North America. certain vessels to have and display load line marks indicating the
42.03-17 Special Load Line Marks For Vessels Carrying Timber maximum amidship draft to which such vessels may be safely
Deck Cargo. loaded and certification thereof by the assigning authority is in 46
42.03-20 Equivalents. U.S.C. 5101-5116.

42.03-30 Exemptions For Vessels.
42.03-35 U.S.-Flag Vessels And Canadian Vessels Navigating [CGD 80-120, 47 FR 5721, Feb. 8, 1982, as amended by CGD
On Sheltered Waters Of Puget Sound And Contiguous 97-057, 62 FR 51043, Sept. 30, 1997]

West Coast Waters Of United States And Canada.
§42.01-10 Purpose Of Regulations.
Subpart 42.05–Definition Of Terms Used In This Subchapter (a) The load line marks when placed on a vessel shall indicate the

maximum amidships draft to which such vessel can be lawfully
42.05-40 Great Lakes. submerged, in the various circumstances and seasons applicable
42.05-60 Recognized Classification Society. to such vessel.
42.05-65 Surveyor.

(b) This subchapter sets forth the uniform minimum requirements
Subpart 42.07–Control, Enforcement, And Rights Of Appeal for load line marks on various categories of vessels. It also sets
forth requirements for surveys relating to the assignment of load
Load Lines Required.
Marks Placed On Vessel To Indicate Load Lines.
Submergence Of Load Line Marks.
A lines, the issuing of load line certificates by authorized issuing
authorities, and the carriage of load line certificates aboard
42.07-15 Zones And Seasonal Areas.
42.07-35 American Bureau Of Shipping As An Assigning (c) The rules and regulations in this subchapter also provide for
Authority. the enforcement of load line requirements and control over

42.07-40 Recognized Classification Society As An Assigning vessels when it is believed such vessels may be in violation of
Authority. applicable load line requirements.
42.07-43 Change In Assigning Authority.
42.07-45 Load Line Certificates.

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10049, July 12, 1968, as amended by CGD

42.07-50 Penalties For Violations. 80-120, 47 FR 5721, Feb. 8, 1982]
42.07-55 Cancellation Of Load Line Certificates Or Exemption

Certificates. Subpart 42.03 – Application

42.07-60 Control.
42.07-75 Right Of Appeal. §42.03-10 Foreign Vessels Subject To This Subchapter.

(a) General. All existing foreign merchant vessels of 150 gross

Subpart 42.09–Load Line Assignments And Surveys–General tons or over, and new foreign vessels of 79 feet in length or more,
Requirements loading at or proceeding from any port or place within the
42.09-1 Assignment Of Load Lines. jurisdiction of the United States or its possessions for a foreign
42.09-15 Surveys By The American Bureau Of Shipping Or voyage by sea, or arriving within the jurisdiction of the United
Assigning Authority.

States or its possessions from a foreign voyage by sea, in both

42.09-20 Surveys Of Foreign Vessels. cases the Great Lakes excepted, are subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101-
42.09-25 Initial Or Periodic Survey Requirements For All Vessels. 5116, and the regulations in this part applicable to such service.
42.09-30 Additional Survey Requirements For Steel-Hull Vessels. All foreign merchant vessels of 150 gross tons or over, loading at
42.09-35 Additional Survey Requirements For Wood-Hull or proceeding from any port or place within the United States on

Vessels. the Great Lakes of North America, or arriving within the

42.09-40 Annual Surveys. jurisdiction of the United States on the Great Lakes, are subject to
42.09-45 Correction Of Deficiencies. 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116 and the regulations in part 45 of this
42.09-50 Repairs Or Alterations To Vessel After It Has Been subchapter applicable to such service.
(b) Canadian vessels. All vessels of Canadian registry and
Subpart 42.11–Applications For Load Line Assignments, holding valid certificates issued pursuant to Canadian laws and
Surveys, And Certificates regulations are assumed to be in compliance with the applicable
provisions of 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116, the International Convention
42.11-1 General. on Load Lines, 1966, and the regulations in this subchapter.
42.11-10 Applications For Load Line Assignments And
Certificates For Vessels Other Than U.S.-Flag Vessels. (c) Vessels of countries signatory to or adhering to the 1966
42.11-15 Application For Timber Load Lines. Convention. The enforcement and control of load line
42.11-20 Application For Annual Survey. requirements regarding vessels of countries signatory to or
adhering to The International Convention on Load Lines, 1966,
Subpart 42.50–Load Line Certificates–Model Forms (the 1966 Convention) are as described in §42.07-60 in this part,

which is in accord with provisions of Article 21 of the 1966 particular equipment, apparatus, or arrangement not specifically
Convention. Such vessels when holding currently valid certificates required by law is unreasonable or impracticable, appropriate
issued pursuant to the 1966 Convention, or recognized under alternatives may be permitted under such conditions as are
such Convention, are assumed to be in compliance with the consistent with the minimum standards set forth in this
applicable provisions of such Convention. Such vessels are subchapter.
deemed to be in compliance with the load line requirements found
to be equally effective as those established in this part and [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10050, July 12, 1968]
therefore in compliance with the applicable load line provisions of
46 U.S.C. 5101-5116, as amended, and the regulations in this §42.03-30 Exemptions For Vessels.
part as authorized by such laws. Vessels engaged in navigation (a) For an individual vessel or category of vessels, upon the
on the Great Lakes are subject to application of seasonal specific recommendation of the assigning authority, the
international marks as specified in Part 45 of this subchapter. Commandant may authorize an exemption from one or more load
line requirements. Such recommendation and authorization will
(d) Vessels of countries not signatory to or adhering to the depend upon provision of any additional features as deemed
1966 Convention. necessary by the authorities to ensure the vessel's safety in the
services and under the conditions specified in paragraph (b) of
(1) Vessels of countries not signatory to or adhering to the 1966 this section.
Convention, when within the jurisdiction of the United States, shall
be subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116, and the regulations in this (b) Exemptions from specific load line requirements for vessels

subchapter as authorized by such laws. meeting requirements of paragraph (a) of this section are
authorized, subject to certain conditions, including type of voyage

(2) Vessels of countries signatory to or adhering only to engaged in, as follows:
International Load Line Convention, London, 1930 (the 1930
Convention), and holding valid certificates issued under that (1) For vessels engaged on international voyages between the

Convention, are subject to the applicable law described in United States and near neighboring ports of its possessions or of
paragraph (a) of this section and the regulations prescribed foreign countries. The exemptions may be permitted because the
thereunder in this subchapter. requirements are deemed to be unreasonable or impracticable
due to the sheltered nature of the waters on which the voyages
[CGD 80-120, 47 FR 5722, Feb. 8, 1982, as amended by CGD occur or other conditions. These exemptions shall be valid only so

97-057, 62 FR 51043, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR long as such a vessel shall remain engaged on specific
52190, Sept. 30, 1998] designated voyages. If the voyage involves a foreign country or
countries, the United States will require an exemption agreement
§42.03-15 The Great Lakes Of North America.
(a) The term "Great Lakes of North America" means those A with such country or countries prior to the issuance of the
appropriate load line certificate.
waters of North America which are defined in §42.05-40, and in
the exception in Article 5(2)(a) of the 1966 Convention. (2) For vessels engaged on international voyages which embody
features of a novel kind, and where nonexemption may seriously

(b) The expressions in the regulations in this part, such as impede research, development, and incorporation of novel
"voyages by sea," "proceed to sea," "arrive from the high seas," features into vessels. If the voyage or voyages intended involve a
etc., shall be construed as having no application to voyages on foreign country or countries, then the United States will require an
the Great Lakes or portions thereof unless specifically provided exemption agreement with such country or countries prior to the

otherwise in Part 45 of this subchapter. issuance of a Load Line Exemption Certificate. If the
Commandant grants an exemption pursuant to this paragraph
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10050, July 12, 1968] (b)(2) to a U.S. flag vessel that operates on the Great Lakes of

North America, he may notify the Chairman of the Board of

§42.03-17 Special Load Line Marks For Vessels Carrying Steamship Inspection of Canada of the nature of the exemption,
Timber Deck Cargo. but no special exemption certificate is issued.

(a) Certain vessels having load line marks not related to carriage
of timber deck cargo may be assigned timber load lines if they are (3) For a vessel not normally engaged on international voyages
in compliance with the applicable requirements governing timber but which is required to undertake a single international voyage
deck cargoes in this subchapter. The timber load lines apply and under exceptional circumstances.
may be used only when the vessel is carrying timber deck cargo.

(4) For self-propelled hopper dredges engaged on international

(b) A new or existing vessel having timber load lines assigned to voyages or on limited service domestic voyages by sea. These
it, when carrying timber deck cargo, may be loaded to the vessel's vessels may be exempt from applicable hatch cover requirements
timber load line applicable to the voyage and season. of §42.15-25 of this part by showing they meet the requirements
in §174.310 of this chapter. When a Load Line Exemption

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10050, July 12, 1968, as amended by CGD Certificate is issued for this exemption, it must have an
80-120, 47 FR 5722, Feb. 8, 1982] endorsement that only seawater is allowed in the vessel's
§42.03-20 Equivalents.
(a) Where in this subchapter it is provided that a particular fitting, (c) A vessel given one or more exemptions from load line
material, appliance, apparatus, or equipment, or type thereof, requirements under the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this
shall be fitted or carried in a vessel, or that a particular provision section will be issued the appropriate load line certificate, using
shall be made or arrangement shall be adopted, the assigning Form A1, A2, or A3. In each case the exemptions shall be
authority, with the prior approval of the Commandant, may accept specified on the load line certificate together with the Convention
in substitution therefor any other fitting, material, apparatus, or authority which authorizes such exemptions.
equipment or type thereof, or any other provision or arrangement:
Provided, That it can be demonstrated by trial thereof or (d) A vessel given one or more exemptions under the provisions
otherwise that the substitution is at least as effective as that of paragraph (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section will be issued a Load
required by the regulations in this subchapter. Line Exemption Certificate, using Form E1. This certificate shall
be in lieu of a regular load line certificate, and the vessel shall be
(b) In any case where it is shown to the satisfaction of the considered as in compliance with applicable load line
assigning authority and the Commandant that the use of any requirements.

(e) The Commandant may exempt from any of the requirements Subpart 42.05 – Definition Of Terms Used In This
of this part a vessel that engages on a domestic voyage by sea or
a voyage solely on the Great Lakes and embodies features of a
novel kind, if the novel features and any additional safety
§42.05-40 Great Lakes.
measures required are described on the face of the issued
(a) This term means the Great Lakes of North America.
(b) As used in this part, the term solely navigating the Great
(f) A vessel that is not usually engaged on domestic voyages by
Lakes includes any special service coastwise navigation
sea or on voyages on the Great Lakes but that, in exceptional
performed by the vessel.
circumstances, is required to undertake a single such voyage
between two specific ports is–
(c) In concurrence with related Canadian regulations, the waters
of the St. Lawrence River west of a rhumb line drawn from Cap de
(1) Subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116 and the applicable regulations
Rosiers to West Point, Anticosti Island, and west of a line along
of this subchapter; and
63° W. longitude from Anticosti Island to the north shore of the St.
Lawrence River shall be considered as a part of the Great Lakes.
(2) Issued a single voyage load line authorization by the
In addition, the Victoria Bridge, Montreal, Canada, is the dividing
Commandant that states the conditions under which the voyage
line between fresh water and salt water in the St. Lawrence River.
may be made and any additional safety measures required for a
single voyage.

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10051, July 12, 1968, as amended by CGD
73-49R, 38 FR 12290, May 10, 1973]
[CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9011, June 5, 1969, as amended by CGD

73-49R, 38 FR 12289, May 10, 1973; CGD 76-080, 54 FR 36976,
§42.05-60 Recognized Classification Society.
Sept. 6, 1989; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]
The term recognized classification society means the
American Bureau of Shipping or other classification society

§42.03-35 U.S.-Flag Vessels And Canadian Vessels
recognized by the Commandant, as provided in 46 U.S.C. 5107,
Navigating On Sheltered Waters Of Puget Sound And
and who also may be approved as a load line assigning and
Contiguous West Coast Waters Of United States And
issuing authority.
(a) In a Treaty between the United States and Canada proclaimed

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10052, July 12, 1968, as amended by
on August 11, 1934, the respective Governments were satisfied of
USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]
the sheltered nature of certain waters of the west coast of North
America. It was agreed to exempt vessels of the United States
and Canadian vessels from load line requirements when such
vessels engage on international voyages originating on, wholly A §42.05-65 Surveyor.
The term surveyor means any person designated by the
American Bureau of Shipping or other classification society
confined to, and terminating on such waters. In Article I of this
recognized by the Commandant as the person who actually
Treaty these waters are described as follows: "* * * the waters of
examines the vessel and/or materials associated with such
Puget Sound, the waters lying between Vancouver Island and the
examination, and who ascertains such vessel complies with

mainland, and east of a line from a point 1 nautical mile west of

applicable load line requirements.
the city limits of Port Angeles in the State of Washington to Race
Rocks on Vancouver Island, and of a line from Hope Island,
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10052, July 12, 1968]
British Columbia, to Cape Calvert, Calvert Island, British

Columbia, the waters east of a line from Cape Calvert to Duke

Point on Duke Island, and the waters north of Duke Island and Subpart 42.07 – Control, Enforcement, And
east of Prince of Wales Island, Baranof Island, and Chicagof Rights Of Appeal

Island, the waters of Peril, Neva, and Olga Straits to Sitka, and
the waters east of a line from Port Althorp of Chicagof Island to §42.07-1 Load Lines Required.
Cape Spencer, Alaska, are sheltered waters * * *." (a) The vessels listed in §§42.03-5 and 42.03-10 as subject to the

applicable requirements in this subchapter shall have load lines

(b) U.S.-flag vessels and Canadian vessels navigating on the accurately marked amidships, port and starboard, as provided in
treaty waters on a voyage as described in paragraph (a) of this this part 42 or the 1966 Convention, unless otherwise stated.
section are by virtue of this Treaty of August 11, 1934, not subject Those vessels issued load line exemption certificates may not be
to load line requirements in 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116, the 1966 required to have load line marks (see §42.03-30).

Convention, and the regulations in this subchapter. Vessels

navigating these sheltered waters and passing outside their (b) For vessels marked with international load lines and
boundary on any voyage cannot claim the benefits of this Treaty navigating the Great Lakes, such vessels are also subject to
and shall be in compliance with the applicable load line requirements in part 45 of this subchapter while on the Great
requirements in 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116, the 1966 Convention, and Lakes. See §45.9 of this subchapter for load line marks used by

the regulations in this subchapter. such vessels.

(c) Since subdivision requirements apply to all passenger vessels (c) For Great Lakes vessels operating solely on Great Lakes
subject to the 1960 International Convention on Safety of Life at voyages, the requirements for the applicable load line marks are
Sea, those passenger vessels navigating on the waters described in part 45 of this subchapter. Great Lakes vessels when making
in paragraph (a) of this section shall be in compliance with such other international or unlimited coastwise voyages shall comply
1960 Convention requirements and the regulations in part 46 of with the applicable requirements in parts 42, 44, and 45 of this
this subchapter. The Coast Guard issues to such a vessel a subchapter.
stability letter. The assigning authority is authorized to issue to
such a passenger vessel an appropriate load line certificate, (d) For coastwise steam colliers, barges, and self-propelled
modified to meet the conditions governing her service barges in special services, the requirements for the applicable
assignment, and marking. load line marks are in part 44 of this subchapter. These
requirements also include certain regulations governing such
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10051, July 12, 1968, as amended by vessels when they additionally engage in Great Lakes voyages,
CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9011, June 5, 1969; USCG-1998-4442, 63 international voyages or unlimited coastwise voyages. Load line
FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998] requirements in this part 42 also apply to such vessels when
engaged on international or unlimited coastwise voyages.

(e) Existing U.S.-flag vessels, as defined in §42.05-30(a) of this (c) When a vessel is in fresh water of unit density, the appropriate
chapter, engaged in international or coastwise voyages, may load line may be submerged by the amount of the fresh water
retain the load line assigned under previous regulations, provided: allowance shown on the applicable load line certificate. Where the
density is other than unity, an allowance shall be made
(1) The vessel has not been assigned a reduced freeboard under proportional to the difference between 1.025 and the actual
the regulations in this part 42, and density. This paragraph does not apply to vessels when
navigating the Great Lakes.
(2) The form of the load line certificate issued to and carried on
board the vessel conforms to the requirements of subpart 42.50 of (d) When a vessel departs from a port situated on a river or inland
this part or §44.05-35 or §46.10-30 of this chapter. waters, deeper loading shall be permitted corresponding to the
weight of fuel and all other materials required for consumption
(f) This part applies to foreign vessels of countries– between the port of departure and the sea. This paragraph does
not apply to vessels when navigating the Great Lakes.
(1) Signatory to or adhering to the 1966 Convention;
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10052, July 12, 1968, as amended by
(2) Adhering to the 1930 Convention and not acceding to the CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9012, June 5, 1969; USCG-1998-4442, 63
1966 Convention, or; FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]

(3) Not adhering to either the 1930 Convention or the 1966 §42.07-15 Zones And Seasonal Areas.

Convention but subject to the load line acts. (a) A vessel subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116 or the 1966
Convention shall comply, as applicable, with the requirements

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10052, July 12, 1968, as amended by regarding the zones and seasonal areas described in subpart
CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9011, June 5, 1969; CGD 73-49R, 38 FR 42.30.
12290, May 10, 1973; CGD 80-120, 47 FR 5722, Feb. 8, 1982]

(b) A port located on the boundary line between two zones or
§42.07-5 Marks Placed On Vessel To Indicate Load Lines. areas shall be regarded as within the zone or seasonal area from
(a) Load line marks to indicate the maximum amidship's draft to or into which the vessel arrives or departs.
which a vessel can be lawfully submerged, in the various
circumstances and seasons, shall be permanently marked on [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10053, July 12, 1968, as amended by

each side of the vessel in the form, manner, and location as USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]
required by this subchapter.
§42.07-35 American Bureau Of Shipping As An Assigning
(b) The load line marks placed on a vessel shall be attested to by
a valid load line certificate as required by §42.07-45(b). The A Authority.
(a) The American Bureau of Shipping, with its home office at ABS
issuing authority shall not deliver any required load line certificate Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive, Houston, TX 77060, is hereby
to the vessel until after its surveyor has ascertained that the appointed as the prime assigning and issuing authority under the
vessel meets the applicable survey requirements and the correct provisions of Articles 13 and 16(3) of the 1966 Convention and as

placement of the marks on the vessel's sides has been confirmed. directed by 46 U.S.C. 5107. In this capacity the American Bureau
of Shipping is empowered to assign load lines, to perform surveys
(c) The requirements for load line marks apply to all new and required for load line assignments, and to determine that the
existing vessels as specified in §§42.03-5 and 42.03-10, except position of and the manner of marking vessels has been done in

when a vessel has been issued a load line exemption certificate in accordance with applicable requirements.
lieu of a load line certificate.
(b) On behalf of the United States of America, the American

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10052, July 12, 1968, as amended by Bureau of Shipping is authorized to issue or reissue, under its
CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9012, June 5, 1969] own seal and signature of its officials, the appropriate load line
certificates or International Load Line Exemption Certificate as

§42.07-10 Submergence Of Load Line Marks. described in subpart 42.50 of this part or in parts 44 to 46,
(a) Except as provided otherwise in this section, vessels of the inclusive, of this subchapter. Except for the International Load
types described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this section Line Exemption Certificate, the required load line certificate
shall not be so loaded as to submerge at any time when departing issued to a specific vessel shall certify to the correctness of the
for a voyage by sea, or on the Great Lakes, or during the voyage, load line marks assigned and marked on the vessel and

or on arrival, the applicable load lines marked on the sides of the compliance with authorized conditions, restrictions, and/or
vessel for the season of the year and the zone or area in which exemptions, if any. The International Load Line Exemption
the vessel may be operating. Certificate when issued to a vessel shall certify as to the
compliance with the information applicable to the vessel.
(1) Merchant vessels of 150 gross tons or over, as described in

§42.03-5 or §42.03-10, and on voyages subject to 46 U.S.C. (c) The designation and delegation to the American Bureau of
5101-5116. Shipping as an assigning and issuing authority shall be in effect
indefinitely unless for due cause it shall be terminated by proper
(2) All new vessels of 79 feet or over in length on voyages subject authority and notice of cancellation is published in the FEDERAL
to the 1966 Convention. REGISTER.

(3) All vessels of 150 gross tons or over, other than merchant (d) The American Bureau of Shipping is authorized to revalidate
vessels covered by paragraph (a)(1) of this section, on voyages from time to time by endorsement a load line certificate or an
subject to the 1966 Convention. International Load Line Exemption Certificate.

(b) When loading a vessel in a favorable zone for a voyage on (e) Before revalidating any certificate by endorsement, the
which the vessel will enter a less favorable zone, such allowances American Bureau of Shipping shall verify that the required load
must be made that the vessel when crossing into the less line marks assigned are marked on the vessel and the vessel is in
favorable zone, will conform to the regulations and freeboard for compliance with authorized conditions, restrictions, and/or
the less favorable zone. exemptions, if any.

(f) The American Bureau of Shipping shall issue all load line (c) A load line assignment and certificate issued to any vessel
certificates in duplicate; one copy shall be delivered to the owner under the authority of the regulations in this subchapter (or under
or master of the vessel, and one copy (together with a summary the authority of any Government adhering to the 1966
of data used to determine the assigned load lines) shall be Convention, under the provisions of Article 19(5) of the 1966
forwarded to the Commandant. Convention) shall cease to be valid upon the transfer of such
vessel to the flag of another Government.
(g) The American Bureau of Shipping shall prepare a load line
survey report on each new vessel or existing vessel when brought (d) Each loadline certificate is issued for the following length of
into complete compliance with this part prior to issuing the time:
required load line certificate described in subpart 42.50 of this
part. At the time the certificate is delivered, one copy of this report (1) An international and coastwise certificate is issued for 5 years
shall be delivered to the master of the vessel, and one copy shall and may be extended by the Commandant up to 150 days from
be forwarded to the Commandant. When a load line survey report the date of the–
is superseded or revised, one copy shall be delivered to the
master of the vessel, and one copy shall be forwarded to the (1)(i) Survey that is endorsed on the certificate by the surveyor
Commandant. authorized by the Coast Guard; or

(h) The load line survey report or stability information furnished to (1)(ii) Last day of the 5-year period.
a specific vessel shall include a statement of the locations of all

watertight subdivision bulkheads, including steps or recesses (2) A Great Lakes certificate is issued for 5 years and may be
therein, which may be involved in the vessel's load line extended by the Commander, Ninth Coast Guard District, up to

assignment. 365 days from date of the–

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10053, July 12, 1968, as amended by (2)(i) Survey that is endorsed on the certificate by the surveyor

CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9012, June 5, 1969; CGD 80-143, 47 FR authorized by the Coast Guard; or
25149, June 10, 1982; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50727, Sept. 27,
1996; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998; 65 FR (2)(ii) Last day of the 5-year period.
58455, Sept. 29, 2000]
(e) The form of certificate certifying to the correctness of the load

§42.07-40 Recognized Classification Society As An line marks, assigned under the regulations in this part, may be in
Assigning Authority. the form of temporary or provisional certificate, signed by the
(a) On behalf of the United States of America, under the authorized surveyor pending early issuance of appropriate
provisions of Articles 13 and 16(3) and as provided in 46 U.S.C.
5107, the Commandant, at the request of a shipowner, may A certificate as shown in subpart 42.50 of this part as follows:
appoint any other recognized classification society, which he may (1) International Load Line Certificate, 1966, issued to U.S.
approve, as the assigning and issuing authority who shall perform vessels engaged in foreign voyages, or engaged in coastwise or
the same functions and duties as indicated in §42.07-35 for the intercoastal voyages (provided such vessels qualify to engage in

American Bureau of Shipping. foreign voyages without restriction), as follows:

(b) The appointment of a recognized classification society as the (1)(i) Form A1, For general use.
assigning and issuing authority will be limited to vessels

specifically designated by the Commandant. (1)(ii) Form A2, For sailing vessels.

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10053, July 12, 1968, as amended by (1)(iii) Form A3, For general use, combined with timber deck

USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998] cargo.

§42.07-43 Change In Assigning Authority. (2) Certificate issued to foreign vessels belonging to countries that

(a) If the owner desires a change in assigning and issuing have not ratified or acceded to the 1966 Convention as follows:
authority for a vessel, a special request shall be made in writing to
the Commandant at least 90 days prior to the expiration date of (2)(i) Form B, For general use.
the present certificate or the annual endorsement thereon.
(3) Coastwise load line certificate (other than for special service

(b) A change in the assigning authority does not presume any as provided for by part 44 of this subchapter) issued to U.S.
change in assigned load lines. vessels engaged solely in coastwise and/or intercoastal voyages
(which may be subject to restrictions as to manning, routes,
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10053, July 12, 1968] seasons, waters of operations, etc., as shown on the face of the
certificate), as follows:

§42.07-45 Load Line Certificates.

(a) The load line certificates for which the Government of the (3)(i) Form C1, For general use.
United States of America assumes full responsibility may be
issued by the Commandant, the American Bureau of Shipping, or (3)(ii) Form C2, For sailing ships.
a recognized classification society when appointed as an
authorized assigning and issuing authority for specifically (3)(iii) Form C3, For general use, combined with timber deck
designated vessels. cargo.

(b) The load line certificate shall certify to the correctness of the (f) The form of certificate certifying to the correctness of
load line marks assigned to the vessel and that the vessel is in exemptions granted under the regulations in this part shall be as
compliance with applicable requirements. A certificate issued shown in subpart 42.50 of this part as follows:
under this subchapter also shall describe the applicable load line
marks, conditions, restrictions, and/or exemptions, if any, the (1) International load line exemption certificate issued under
vessel shall observe, according to the season of the year and the special conditions to U.S.-flag vessels engaged in foreign
zone or area in which the vessel may operate. The load line voyages, as follows:
exemption certificate issued under §42.03-30 shall certify the
special conditions the vessel shall observe. (1)(i) Form E1, For general international use.

(1)(ii) Where this certificate is intended to expire after a single applicable regulations in this subchapter, as well as the appeal
voyage, this information shall be noted on the face of the procedures to be allowed, are in 33 CFR subpart 1.07.
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10054, July 12, 1968, as amended by
(2) International load line certificate Form A1, A2, or A3 issued CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9012, June 5, 1969; CGD 80-120, 47 FR
under special conditions to U.S.-flag vessels on international 5722, Feb. 8, 1982; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51043, Sept. 30, 1997]
voyages between the United States and near neighboring ports of
its possessions or of foreign countries. Exemptions, if any, shall §42.07-55 Cancellation Of Load Line Certificates Or
be specified on the certificate. Exemption Certificates.
(a) Since vessels described in §42.03-5 or §42.03-10 when found
(g) The issuing authority shall provide the printed forms it may use qualified are issued appropriate load line certificates or load line
under the regulations in this subchapter. These forms shall be exemption certificates, under U.S. responsibility as indicated in
approved by the Commandant before final printing. The §42.07-45 such certificates may be canceled by proper U.S.
international load line certificate and exemption certificate forms authority for due cause, including one or more of the causes listed
shall exactly reproduce the arrangement of the printed part of the in paragraph (b) of this section. Such action may occur prior to the
model Forms A1, A2, A3, and E1 indicated in subpart 42.50 of expiration date on the certificate and normal certificate surrender.
this part for all official copies and any certified copies issued. The cancellation of such certificate means that the correctness of
load line marks and compliance with conditions of assignment for
(h) Where a vessel qualifies for and is issued a Form E1 the named vessel no longer are recognized by the United States

International Load Line Exemption Certificate for foreign voyages and that the existing assigned load line marks are voided.
but is also or solely engaged in coastwise or intercoastal voyages

by sea, this certificate shall be considered equivalent to a valid (b) Certain causes for automatic cancellation of certificates are:
coastwise load line certificate. In such case the vessel shall be
deemed in full compliance with 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116 and the (1) The conditions of assignment have not been maintained as

regulations in this part promulgated thereunder. required by this subchapter.

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10054, July 12, 1968, as amended by (2) Material alterations have taken place in the hull or
CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9012, June 5, 1969; CGD 73-49R, 38 FR superstructure of the vessel, which will necessitate the
12290, May 10, 1973; CGD-74; 153, 39 FR 25324, July 10, 1974; assignment of an increased freeboard.

CGD 80-120, 47 FR 5722, Feb. 8, 1982; CGD 96-006, 61 FR
35964, July 9, 1996; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, (3) The fittings and appliances have not been maintained in an
1998] effective condition for the protection of openings, guardrails,

§42.07-50 Penalties For Violations. A freeing ports, and means of access to crew's quarters.
(a) The penalties for violation of various provisions of the load line (4) The structural strength of the vessel is lowered to such an
acts or the regulations established thereunder are set forth in 46 extent that the vessel is unsafe.
U.S.C. 5116. The Secretary of Transportation by 49 CFR 1.46(b)

has transferred to the Commandant authority to assess, collect, (5) The load line certificate or International Load Line Exemption
remit or litigate any monetary penalty imposed under these laws. Certificate is not endorsed to show the vessel has been surveyed
annually or periodically by the issuing authority as required by this
(b) The master and/or owner of a vessel that is operated, part or the 1966 Convention.

navigated, or used in violation of the provisions of the load line

acts, or the regulations in this subchapter will be subject to the (6) Issuance of a new load line certificate for the same vessel.
penalties as set forth in law, and the vessel shall also be liable

therefor. Depending upon the gravity of the violations, the Coast (7) Surrender of a certificate for cancellation when required.
Guard may do any one or more of the following:
(8) The owner, master, or agent of the vessel has furnished false

(1) Detain a vessel if deemed to be overloaded in violation of title or fraudulent information in or with the application for a certificate.
46 U.S.C. 5112, in accordance with 46 U.S.C. 5113 and have the
vessel surveyed by three disinterested surveyors. [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10054, July 12, 1968, as amended by
CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9012, June 5, 1969]
(2) Assess and collect applicable monetary penalties for certain

violations as provided in 46 U.S.C. 5112 and 5116. §42.07-60 Control.

(a) The District Director of Customs or the Coast Guard District
(3) Initiate a criminal prosecution for certain violations when Commander may detain a vessel for survey if there is reason to
required by 46 U.S.C. 5112 or 5116. believe that the vessel is proceeding on her journey in excess of
the draft allowed by the regulations in this subchapter as indicated

(4) Initiate an action of libel against the vessel involved if there is by the vessel's load line certificate, or otherwise. The Coast
a failure to pay monetary penalties assessed. Guard District Commander may detain a vessel if it is so loaded
as to be manifestly unsafe to proceed to sea.
(5) Initiate a suspension or revocation proceeding, in addition to
the foregoing actions described in this paragraph against any (b) If the District Director of Customs orders a vessel detained, he
officer or seaman holding a valid Coast Guard license or shall immediately inform the Coast Guard District Commander
merchant mariner's document and who may violate any provision thereof, who shall thereupon advise the District Director of
of the load line acts, the 1966 Convention, or the regulations in Customs whether or not he deems that the vessel may proceed to
this subchapter, under the provisions of 46 U.S.C. Chapter 77, sea with safety. If the Coast Guard District Commander orders a
and the regulations in 46 CFR part 5. vessel detained, such officer will furnish the District Director of
Customs immediate notification of such detention. The clearance
(c) In determining offenses, 46 U.S.C. 5116 provides that 'Each shall be refused to any vessel which shall have been ordered
day of a continuing violation is a separate violation' and detained, which shall be in effect until it is shown that the vessel is
not in violation of the applicable law and the regulations in this
(d) The procedures governing the assessment, collection, subchapter.
remission and litigation of any monetary penalty proposed under
46 U.S.C. 5116 for a violation of either load line law or the (1) Where a vessel is detained for noncompliance with "material

alteration" and "effective maintenance" requirements of paragraph [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10055, July 12, 1968, as amended by
(f)(1) of this section, the detention shall only be exercised insofar CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9012, June 5, 1969; USCG-1998-4442, 63
as may be necessary to ensure that the vessel can proceed to FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]
sea without danger to passengers or crew.
§42.07-75 Right Of Appeal.
(c) The detention of a vessel will be by written order of either the Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under
Coast Guard District Commander or the District Director of this subchapter, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal
Customs, depending on who orders the detention. The Coast therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.
Guard District Commander will immediately arrange for a survey
in the manner prescribed by 46 U.S.C. 5113. Unless the owner or [CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50380, Dec. 6, 1989]
agent waives in writing and stipulates to accept the Coast Guard's
survey, the Coast Guard District Commander shall appoint three Subpart 42.09–Load Line Assignments And
disinterested surveyors and, where practicable, one of them shall
be from the Surveying Staff of the American Bureau of Shipping.
Surveys–General Requirements
Such surveyors shall conduct a survey to ascertain whether or not
§42.09-1 Assignment Of Load Lines.
the vessel is loaded in violation of the applicable provisions in the
(a) The assignment of load lines is conditioned upon the structural
load line acts, and the regulations in this subchapter. If the survey
efficiency and satisfactory stability of the vessel, and upon the
confirms the allegation that the vessel is in violation of either law
provisions provided on the vessel for her effective protection and
or the applicable regulations in this subchapter, "the owner and

that of the crew. Certain vessels, such as vessels carrying all their
agent shall bear the costs of the survey in addition to any penalty
cargo as deck cargo, or vessels where design or service require
or fine imposed", as provided in these laws.
special conditions to be applicable, shall have certain stability

limitations imposed on them, as may be necessary. When stability
(d) Whenever a vessel is detained, the master or owner may,
limitations for a vessel are prescribed, the assigning authority
within 5 days, appeal to the Commandant who may, if he desires,
shall furnish the master the vessel's maximum draft permitted and

order a further survey, and may affirm, set aside, or modify the
other conditions, including reference to Commandant approved
order of the detaining officer.
operating stability features, which may be applicable.
(e) Where a foreign vessel is detained or intervention action of
(1) No load line assignment shall be made under this part to a
any other kind is taken against a foreign vessel, the officer

vessel proceeding on a foreign voyage, or where the load line
carrying out the action shall immediately inform in writing the
assignment is related to the flooded stability provisions and the
Consul or the diplomatic representative of the State whose flag
vessel is proceeding on a domestic voyage, until the applicable
the vessel is flying, of the decision involved together with all
pertinent circumstances under which intervention was deemed
necessary. A light ship characteristics are established and incorporated into the
vessel's stability data approved by the Commandant and
furnished to the master of the vessel.
(f) Under 46 U.S.C. 5109 a vessel of a foreign country which has
(2) If load line assignments are made to vessels for coastwise
ratified the 1966 Convention, or which holds a recognized and
voyages before the results of the required stability characteristics

valid 1930 Convention certificate, or which holds a valid Great

are determined and incorporated into the vessel's stability data
Lakes Certificate, shall be exempt from the provisions of the
approved by the Commandant, then such load line assignments
regulations in this subchapter insofar as the marking of the load
shall be regarded as conditional and shall be subject to
lines and the certificating thereof are concerned, so long as such
verification or modification for removal of the conditional status.

country similarly recognizes the load lines established by this

Any vessel with a conditional load line assignment shall not be
subchapter for the purpose of a voyage by sea subject to the
loaded beyond a conservative safe draft. Where the Commandant
proviso in paragraph (f)(1) of this section or the alternative proviso
deems it unnecessary, the requirement for furnishing stability

in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.

information to the masters of coastwise vessels assigned load
lines not related to flooded stability may be omitted and the
(1) If the foreign vessel is marked with load lines and has on
assigning authority and others concerned will be so notified.

board a valid International or Great Lakes Load Line Certificate

certifying to the correctness of the marks, the control provisions in
(b) Each vessel subject to load line requirements shall carry on
this part which are in accord with Article 21 of the 1966
board a valid certificate attesting to compliance with such
Convention shall be observed. In this connection, the vessel shall
requirements. (See §§42.07-35 and 42.07-40 for additional data
not be loaded beyond the limits allowed by the certificate. The
furnished to the vessel.)

position of the load lines on the vessel shall correspond with the
certificate. The vessel shall not have been so materially altered as
(c) The master of the vessel for which a load line certificate has
to make the vessel manifestly unfit to proceed to sea without
been issued shall be responsible for the maintenance of such
danger to human life, in regard to:
certificate on board such vessel and for compliance with its terms

and conditions. Additionally, the master shall be responsible for

(1)(i) The hull or superstructure (if necessitating assignment of an
having the current load line survey report on board the vessel.
increased freeboard); and/or,
This report shall be made available to surveyors when carrying
out subsequent load line surveys.
(1)(ii) The appliances and fittings for protection of openings,
guardrails, freeing ports, and means of access to crew's quarters
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10055, July 12, 1968, as amended by
(if necessitating replacement or other effective maintenance).
CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9012, June 5, 1969]
(2) (Alternatively provided) If the foreign vessel has on board an
§42.09-15 Surveys By The American Bureau Of Shipping Or
International Load Line Exemption Certificate in lieu of an
Assigning Authority.
International Load Line Certificate, 1966, in such case, verify that
(a) General. Before issuing a certificate or placement of load line
it is valid and any conditions stipulated therein are met.
marks on a vessel, the assigning and issuing authority shall make
an initial or periodic survey of the vessel as required by this
(g) A foreign vessel of a nation for which the 1966 Convention has
subchapter. A load line survey report shall be made, reflecting
not come into force does not qualify for an International Load Line
information and facts based on initial surveys, including required
Certificate, 1966. In lieu thereof, such a vessel shall be required
and special elements as may be deemed necessary by the
to have on board a valid Form B load line certificate or a
assigning authority or the Commandant.
recognized 1930 Convention certificate.

(b) Initial survey. An initial survey shall be made before the described in subpart 42.50 of this part: Provided, That the load
vessel is put in service or the first time the assigning authority is line certificate issued shall be valid for a period of 1 year. The
requested to survey a vessel. The survey shall include a complete certificate may be revalidated by endorsement for additional 1
examination of its structure and equipment insofar as required by year periods if the condition of the vessel so warrants, but in any
the applicable requirements in this subchapter. This survey shall event the certificate shall become void five (5) years from date of
be such as to ensure that the arrangements, materials, scantlings, issue, or at the expiration of the fourth (4th) yearly validation,
and subsequent placement of load line marks fully comply with whichever occurs first. Whenever the condition of the vessel
applicable requirements. warrants special limitations, such information and facts shall be
attested to on the front or back of the certificate as necessary, by
(c) Periodical survey. A periodical survey shall be made at the assigning and issuing authority.
intervals not exceeding five (5) years from an initial or previous
periodic survey. The survey shall be similar to the initial survey [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10056, July 12, 1968, as amended by
insofar as extent and purpose are concerned. CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9013, June 5, 1969; CGD 80-120, 47 FR
5723, Feb. 8, 1982; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30,
(1) If the load line marks are found to be correct for the condition 1998]
the vessel is then in, the assigning and issuing authority shall
issue a new load line certificate, valid for such time as the §42.09-25 Initial Or Periodic Survey Requirements For All
condition of the vessel then warrants but in no case for a period of Vessels.
longer than 5 years. If, after a survey has been passed, a loadline (a) Before a survey may be completed, the vessel shall be placed

certificate can not be issued before the current certificate expires, in a drydock or hauled out. The surveyor shall be given complete
the current certificate may be extended by an endorsement in access to all parts of the vessel to ensure that the vessel

accordance with the requirements contained in §42.07-45(d). This complies with all applicable requirements.
endorsement of the assigning authority shall be placed on the
back of the certificate, as shown on the forms in subpart 42.50. (b) The surveyor shall examine on all vessels the items, etc.,

However, if there have been alterations which affect the vessel's listed in this paragraph to determine if in satisfactory condition
freeboards, such extension shall not be granted. This prohibition and meeting applicable requirements in this subchapter.
is the same as in Article 19(2) of the 1966 Convention.
(1) Cargo hatch coamings, covers, beams and supports, gaskets,
(2) The periodical survey, including certificate extension or clamps, locking bars, tarpaulins, battens, cleats and wedges of

reissue, for a vessel holding an international load line exemption hatches on exposed freeboard, quarter and superstructure decks,
certificate for more than one voyage, shall be the same as for any and elsewhere as may be necessary.
other vessel covered by this section except for load line marks.
However, other conditions specified in the exemption certificate
shall be verified. A (2) Structure of the vessel, coamings, closures, and all means of
protection provided for openings, such as for ventilators,
companionways, machinery casings, fiddleys, funnels, enclosed
(d) Annual surveys for endorsements. Vessels subject to initial superstructures on the freeboard deck (and their end bulkheads)
and periodic surveys shall have annual surveys, within 3 months or equivalent protective deck houses, openings in the freeboard

either way of the certificate's anniversary date. The annual and superstructure decks, and significant openings at higher
surveys shall be made by and prove satisfactory to the assigning levels in the vessel.
and issuing authority prior to executing the required annual
endorsements on load line certificates or exemption certificates. (3) Transverse watertight subdivision bulkheads, as fitted,

The scope shall be as defined in §42.09-40 and such as to ensure including any openings therein and closures for such openings.
that the applicable load line marks are found to be correct for the They shall be examined throughout their vertical and transverse
condition the vessel is then in. extent.

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10056, July 12, 1968, as amended by (4) All air-pipe outlets, their closures, all scuppers, and all sanitary
CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9012, June 5, 1969; CGD 73-49R, 38 FR discharges in the vessel's sides, including nonreturn valves

12290, May 10, 1973] installed.

§42.09-20 Surveys Of Foreign Vessels. (5) The main and auxiliary sea inlets and discharges in the
(a) General. Foreign vessels of countries which have not ratified machinery space, and elsewhere if existent, and the valves and
or acceded to the 1966 Convention, or which do not have valid controls for these items.

certificates issued under other international convention or treaty

and recognized by the United States of America, if desiring to (6) All gangways, cargo ports, and airports, including dead covers
depart from a port or place in the United States, the or other similar openings in the vessel's sides and their closures.
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Territory of Guam, or other
U.S. possessions, shall be subjected to survey, marking, and (7) All guardrails, bulwarks, gangways, and freeing port shutters,

certification by a load line assigning and issuing authority as including securing devices, and bars.
authorized under §42.07-35 or §42.07-40, unless:
(8) All eye plates or similar fittings for timber (or other) deck-cargo
(1) The vessel is exempted by the provision of 46 U.S.C. 5102; or lashings, including the lashings, sockets for uprights and
protective devices as may be necessary for ventilators and
(2) The vessel is under tow and carrying neither passengers nor steering arrangements.
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10056, July 12, 1968, as amended by
(b) Scope of survey. A periodical survey described in §42.09- CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9013, June 5, 1969]
15(c) shall be conducted by and prove satisfactory to the
assigning and issuing authority. It shall be made prior to issue or §42.09-30 Additional Survey Requirements For Steel-Hull
reissue of the applicable certificate. Vessels.
(a) In addition to the requirements in §42.09-25, the surveyor of
(c) Certification of load lines. The assigning and issuing the assigning authority shall examine the items, etc., listed in this
authority after determining the vessel meets the applicable section, to determine if in satisfactory condition and meeting
requirements in this part may issue a load line certificate subject applicable requirements in this subchapter.
to requirements in §42.07-45 and on the applicable form

(b) When the vessel is in drydock, the hull plating, etc., shall be (c) The assigning and issuing authority shall report on the annual
examined. survey made to the owner of the vessel.

(c) The holds, 'tween decks, peaks, bilges, machinery spaces, [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10057, July 12, 1968 as amended by CGD
and bunkers shall be examined to determine the condition of the 80-143, 47 FR 25149, June 10, 1982]
framing, etc.
§42.09-45 Correction Of Deficiencies.
(d) The deep tanks and other tanks which form part of the vessel (a) During and after any survey made by the assigning and
shall be examined internally. issuing authority, those items, fittings, etc., which are found to be
in an unsatisfactory condition by the surveyor shall be repaired or
(e) If a double bottom is fitted, the tanks normally shall be renewed in order to place the vessel in a satisfactory condition.
examined internally. Where double bottom and other tanks are
used for fuel-oil bunkers, such tanks need not be cleaned out, if (b) No load line certificate shall be issued, endorsed, extended, or
the surveyor is able to determine by an external examination that reissued or delivered to a vessel subject to this subchapter until
their general condition is satisfactory. after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected as required by
paragraph (a) of this section.
(f) The deck shall be examined.
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10057, July 12, 1968, as amended by
(g) Where, owing to the age and condition of the vessel or CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9013, June 5, 1969]

otherwise, the surveyor deems it necessary, the shell and deck
plating may be required to be drilled or other acceptable means §42.09-50 Repairs Or Alterations To Vessel After It Has Been

used, in order to ascertain the then thickness of such plating. Surveyed.
(a) After any survey of the vessel made under §§42.09-25 to
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10057, July 12, 1968] 42.09-40, inclusive, as applicable, has been completed and

deficiencies corrected as provided in §42.09-45, no change shall
§42.09-35 Additional Survey Requirements For Wood-Hull be made in the vessel's structure, equipment, arrangement,
Vessels. material, or scantlings as covered by such survey, without the
(a) In addition to the requirements in §42.09-25, the surveyor of prior specific approval of the assigning and issuing authority.
the assigning authority shall examine the items, etc., listed in this

section, to determine if in satisfactory condition and meeting the (b) To avoid a freeboard or other penalty, any vessel which
applicable requirements in this subchapter. undergoes repairs, alterations, or modifications, including
outfitting related thereto, shall continue to comply with the
(b) When the vessel is in drydock or hauled out, the keel, stem,
stern frame or sternpost, outside planking, and caulking shall be A applicable requirements consistent with the load line certificate
(c) An existing vessel, which had a load line assigned under
(c) The fasteners shall be examined. Bolts, screws, or equivalent previous regulations which undergoes repairs, alterations, or

fastenings, as deemed necessary by the surveyor, must be modifications of a major character, shall meet the requirements
backed out, or otherwise dealt with, to ensure soundness. for a new vessel in this part insofar as the assigning and issuing
authority and the Commandant deem reasonable and practicable.
(d) The holds, 'tween decks, peaks, bilges, machinery spaces,

and bunkers shall be examined. [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10057, July 12, 1968, as amended by CGD
80-120, 47 FR 5723, Feb. 8, 1982]
(e) The entire structure, including decks, shall be examined. If

considered necessary by the surveyor, borings shall be made, or Subpart 42.11 – Applications for Load Line
other means may be used, to ascertain the condition of the
materials. Should these measures disclose sufficient cause,
Assignments, Surveys, and Certificates

further examination to satisfy the surveyor as to the true condition

§42.11-1 General.
shall be made and check locations listed. This list shall be
(a) As described in this subchapter under §§42.07-35, 42.07-40,
submitted to the assigning and issuing authority for record
42.09-15, and 42.09-20, the American Bureau of Shipping or
purposes, and for use in subsequent surveys.
other recognized classification societies approved as load line
assigning and issuing authorities perform the duties connected

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10057, July 12, 1968]

with making load line assignments to vessels.
§42.09-40 Annual Surveys.
(b) The Commandant is responsible for the administration of the
(a) Relative to §§42.09-15(d) and 42.09-20(c), the assigning and
load line acts, the 1966 Convention, other treaties regarding load
issuing authority shall make an annual survey of each vessel

lines, and the implementing regulations in this subchapter which

holding an appropriate certificate issued under this subchapter.
include prescribed form and content of applicable load line
(b) The annual survey shall be of such scope and extent so as to
(c) Except in special instances for Coast Guard vessels, the
Commandant does not perform the duties of a load line assigning
(1) The maintenance in an effective condition of the fittings and
appliances for the:
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10057, July 12, 1968, as amended by
(1)(i) Protection of openings;
CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9013, June 5, 1969; CGD 80-120, 47 FR
(1)(ii) Guardrails;
5723, Feb. 8, 1982]
(1)(iii) Freeing ports; and,
(1)(iv) Means of access to crew's quarters.
§42.11-10 Applications For Load Line Assignments And
Certificates For Vessels Other Than U.S.-Flag Vessels.
(2) That there have not been alterations made to the hull or
(a) The application for the assignment of load lines and certificate
superstructure which would affect the calculations determining the
for a foreign vessel belonging to (or which will belong to) either a
position of the load line marks.
country ratifying or acceding to the International Convention on

Load Lines, 1966, or to a country with which the United States of §42.11-15 Application For Timber Load Lines.
America has a reciprocal load line agreement in effect shall be (a) The owner, master, or agent of a vessel having load lines
made by the Government whose flag the vessel flies, or will fly. assigned under this subchapter may apply to the assigning and
The application may be made direct to the American Bureau of issuing authority for timber load lines when making his application
Shipping, or after receiving the Commandant's approval, to a for a load line certificate. After the vessel has been found in
recognized classification society which that country has requested compliance with the applicable requirements in this subchapter, it
as an assigning and issuing authority. When the load line may be marked with timber load lines, which will also be certified
assignment and certificate are authorized pursuant to the to in the load line certificate.
requirements in this part, the certificate must contain a statement
that it has been issued at the request of a specific Government, [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10058, July 12, 1968, as amended by
which shall be named therein. CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9013, June 5, 1969]

(1) When the load line assignment is performed under the §42.11-20 Application For Annual Survey.
applicable regulations in this subchapter, the assigning and (a) The owner, master, or agent of a vessel holding a load line
issuing authority shall transmit to the requesting Government at certificate shall apply to the assigning and issuing authority who
the earliest practicable date, one copy of each certificate issued, issued the certificate for the annual survey required by §42.09-40
the load line survey report used for computing the freeboard, and or the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.
the freeboard computations. For information, the assigning and
issuing authority shall also notify the Commandant of the names [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10058, July 12, 1968]

of the vessel and the Government involved and the date and
place where the work was done. §42.50-10 Load Line Certificates For Nonadherent Foreign

Flag Vessels.
(b) For a foreign vessel of a country not included in paragraph (a) (a) The form of load line certificate certifying to the correctness of
of this section, the owner, master, or agent normally shall apply in the load line marks assigned under the regulations in this

writing to the American Bureau of Shipping, or to any other subchapter to nonadherent foreign flag vessels as specified in
recognized assigning and issuing authority after it has been §42.07-45(e)(2) is:
approved by the Commandant, for the assignment, survey, and
certification of load lines, or for reissue of a load line certificate, as (1) Form B for general use. The period of validity shall be as
may be necessary for the vessel to clear ports of the United expressed in §42.09-20(c).

States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Territory of Guam,
or other U.S. possessions. Normally the same requirements, (b) The text and arrangement of the printed portion of Form B
conditions, procedures, distribution of applicable certificates, etc., shall be identical with the information on the face and reverse
shall be applied to such foreign vessels which are applied to
similar U.S.-flag vessels of 150 gross tons or over. A sides of Form A1 certificate in §42.50-5(b) except for title of
certificate, model form, the first paragraph, and the wording of the
certificate for issuance and revalidation, which shall be as follows:
[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10058, July 12, 1968, as amended by
CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9013, June 5, 1969]


[CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9017, June 5, 1969]

Part 46–Subdivision Load Lines For Passenger Vessels
Table Of Contents well as on passenger vessels of 150 gross tons or over engaged
in coastwise or Great Lakes voyages.
Subpart 46.01–Purpose
(b) When engaged in voyages subject to this part, no passenger
Sec. vessel required to be marked with subdivision load lines shall
46.01-1 Purpose. depart from or arrive at any port or place under the jurisdiction of
46.01-15 Application Of Regulations. the United States, nor shall such United States vessel operate on
46.01-20 Penalties For Violations. the high seas nor the Great Lakes, unless such vessel has been
marked with subdivision load lines in accordance with the
Subpart 46.05–Definitions Used In This Part regulations in this part, has on board a valid certificate certifying
to the correctness of the location of such subdivision load line
46.05-1 Passenger Vessel. marks, and is otherwise in compliance with the applicable
46.05-10 Foreign Voyage. requirements of law and regulations in this part.
46.05-15 Coastwise Voyages.
46.05-20 Great Lakes Voyage. (c) No passenger vessel of the United States of 150 gross tons or

46.05-25 New Passenger Vessel. over and subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116, shall engage in
46.05-30 Existing Passenger Vessel. coastwise voyages or voyages on the Great Lakes unless such
vessel has been marked with subdivision load lines in accordance

Subpart 46.10–Administration with the regulations in this part and has on board a valid
certificate certifying to the correctness of the location of such
46.10-1 Relaxation From Regulations. subdivision load line marks.

46.10-5 Load Line Requirements For Subdivision.
46.10-10 Marks To Indicate Subdivision Load Lines. (d) No foreign passenger vessel belonging to a country that has
46.10-15 Survey For The Establishment And Renewal Of ratified or acceded to the applicable International Convention for
Subdivision Load Line Marks. Safety of Life at Sea shall arrive or depart from any port or place
under the jurisdiction of the United States, and no foreign

46.10-20 Application For The Assignment And Renewal Of
Subdivision Load Lines. passenger vessel subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116, shall arrive or
46.10-25 Equivalents. depart from any port or place under the jurisdiction of the United
Subdivision Load Line Certificates.
Validity Of Subdivision Load Line Certificates.
Nonsubmergence Subdivision Load Line (Great Lakes).
A States, including ports on the Great Lakes, unless that vessel has
been marked with subdivision load lines in accordance with the
regulations in this part and has on board a valid certificate
46.10-45 Nonsubmergence Subdivision Load Lines In Salt certifying to the correctness of the location of such subdivision
Water. load line marks.
46.10-50 Drills And Inspections.

46.10-55 Logbook Entries. (e) Subdivision load lines shall be marked on both sides of
46.10-60 Control. passenger vessels where determined and in a manner described
46.10-65 Construction. in subpart 46.15 as applicable to the vessel's service. The
46.10-70 Plans And Inspections Of New And Converted Vessels. subdivision load line certificates shall be in accordance with

§§46.10-30 and 46.10-35.

Subpart 46.15–Subdivision Load Lines For Passenger
Vessels Engaged In Foreign, Coastwise, And Great Lakes [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965 as amended by CGD

Voyages 80-120, 47 FR 5723, Feb. 8, 1982; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51044,

Sept. 30, 1997; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]
46.15-1 Procedure For Determination Of Subdivision Load Line.

46.15-5 Engineering Requirements. §46.01-20 Penalties For Violations.

46.15-10 Subdivision Load Lines. (a) Penalties for violations of the regulations in this part by
passenger vessels of the United States engaged in foreign
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306; 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116; E.O. 12234, 3 voyages shall be in accordance with those laws which require the
CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security inspection and certification of the vessel. In addition, for

Delegation No. 0170.1. [SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, passenger vessels subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101-5116, which engage
Dec. 30, 1965, unless otherwise noted.] in voyages described in §42.03-5, §42.03-10, or §45.01-1, the
penalties for violations of the regulations in this part shall be those
set forth in the load line act applicable to the vessel.
Subpart 46.01 -- Purpose

(b) For a further description of the actions which may be taken

§46.01-1 Purpose. see §42.07-50, of this subchapter. The procedures governing the
(a) The purpose of the regulations in this part is to set forth assessment, collection, remission and mitigation of any monetary
uniform minimum requirements applicable to passenger vessels penalty imposed for a violation of a law or the regulations
required to have subdivision load lines. These requirements deal prescribed thereunder in this part, as well as the appeal
with the following: procedures followed, are in subpart 2.50 of part 2 of subchapter A
(Procedures Applicable to the Public) of this chapter.
(1) Load line requirements applicable before a passenger
vessel will be marked with and certificated as to subdivision [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
load lines. CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10077, July 12, 1968; CGD 80-120, 47 FR
(2) Assigning, marking, and recording of subdivision load lines. 5723, Feb. 8, 1982; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51044, Sept. 30, 1997]
(3) Administration of subdivision load lines.
(4) Application of requirements to passenger vessels. Subpart 46.50 – Definitions Used in This Part
§46.01-15 Application Of Regulations. §46.05-1 Passenger Vessel.
(a) The regulations in this part establish subdivision load lines (a) For the purpose of the regulations in this part, a vessel is a
required on passenger vessels engaged in foreign voyages, as

passenger vessel if: [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10077, July 12, 1968]
(1) Engaged on an international voyage by sea, it carries or is
authorized to carry more than 12 passengers; or, §46.10-10 Marks To Indicate Subdivision Load Lines.
(a) Marks to indicate the maximum mean draft to which a
(2) Engaged on a coastwise voyage by sea or a voyage on the passenger vessel may be lawfully submerged shall be
Great Lakes, it carries or is authorized to carry more than 16 permanently marked on each side of the passenger vessel in the
persons in addition to the crew. form, manner, and location provided in this part.

§46.05-10 Foreign Voyage. (b) The Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, will determine the
(a) A foreign voyage for the purpose of marking passenger position of the subdivision load lines by the application of the
vessels with subdivision load lines is a voyage by sea between a requirements contained in this part and parts 170 and 171 of this
port under the jurisdiction of the United States and a port of a chapter. The correct marking of subdivision load lines will be
foreign country, its colonies, territories, or protectorates, or certified by the American Bureau of Shipping or a classification
conversely (a voyage exclusively on the Great Lakes excepted). society approved by the Commandant for that purpose.

§46.05-15 Coastwise Voyages. (c) Certificates certifying to the correctness of subdivision load
(a) A coastwise voyage by sea, for the purpose of marking line marks shall not be furnished until it is determined that the
passenger vessels with subdivision load lines, is a voyage in marks have been correctly placed upon the passenger vessel.

which a vessel in the usual course of her employment proceeds
from one port or place in the United States to another port or (d) In the case of passenger vessels that are required by the

place in the United States or from a port or place in a possession International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea to have on
to another port or place in the same possession, and passes board a safety certificate, the certification of subdivision, load line
outside the line dividing inland waters from the high seas (a marks shall be made by letter to the Commandant (G-M), U.S.

voyage exclusively on the Great Lakes excepted), as well as a Coast Guard, Washington, DC 20593-0001.
voyage in which a vessel proceeds from a port or place in the
United States or her possessions and passes outside the line [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
dividing inland waters from the high seas and navigates on the CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10077, July 12, 1968; CGD 79-023, 48 FR
high seas, and then returns to the same port or place. 51007, Nov. 4, 1983; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7, 1988]

§46.05-20 Great Lakes Voyage. §46.10-15 Survey For The Establishment And Renewal Of
A Great Lakes voyage is any voyage from a United States port or Subdivision Load Line Marks.
place on the Great Lakes to another United States port or place
on the Great Lakes or to a Canadian port or place on the Great A (a) Every passenger vessel to be marked with and certificated for
subdivision load lines must comply with the requirements as set
Lakes, or conversely. forth in subchapter H (Passenger Vessels) of this chapter for
ocean, coastwise, and Great Lakes service as applicable to the
§46.05-25 New Passenger Vessel. particular vessel and the service in which she is to be employed.

A new passenger vessel is a vessel whose keel was laid or was a

vessel converted into a passenger vessel on or after May 26, (b) Every passenger vessel marked with a subdivision load line
1965. shall be subjected to the surveys specified in this paragraph. The
details of the surveys or inspections indicated in paragraphs (b)(1)

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by through (3) of this section shall be as set forth in the applicable
CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10077, July 12, 1968] sections of part 71 of subchapter H (Passenger Vessels) of this

§46.05-30 Existing Passenger Vessel.

An existing passenger vessel in respect to its voyage is any (1) A survey before the vessel is put in service.
passenger vessel that is not a new passenger vessel as defined (2) A periodical survey once every 12 months.

in §46.05-25. (3) Additional surveys as occasion arises.

(4) Surveys required by part 42, part 44, or part 45 of this
Subpart 46.10 – Administration subchapter.

§46.10-1 Relaxation From Regulations. [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by

(a) New passenger vessels making foreign voyages by sea shall CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10077, July 12, 1968]
comply with the requirements in this part. An existing passenger
vessel engaged in foreign voyages by sea may be permitted §46.10-20 Application For The Assignment And Renewal Of
relaxation from the requirements of this part if, in the opinion of Subdivision Load Lines.
(a) Application for assignment and renewal of subdivision load

the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, such requirements are

unreasonable or impracticable. lines and certification thereof shall be made in writing to the
Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, D.C. 20593-0001.
(b) A new passenger vessel making coastwise voyages by sea or
making Great Lakes voyages shall comply with the requirements [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
in this part. An existing passenger vessel making coastwise CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10077, July 12, 1968; CGD 88-070, 53 FR
voyages by sea or Great Lakes voyages may be permitted 34534, Sept. 7, 1988]
relaxation from the requirements of this part if, in the opinion of
the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, such requirements are §46.10-25 Equivalents.
unreasonable or impracticable. (a) Where in the regulations in this part it is provided that a
particular fitting, appliance, apparatus, or type thereof, shall be
§46.10-5 Load Line Requirements For Subdivision. fitted or carried in a vessel engaged on foreign voyages by sea or
(a) The load line requirements of parts 42, 44, 45 of this that any particular arrangement shall be adopted, there may be
subchapter as applicable to the passenger vessel and her substituted any other fitting or appliance or type thereof or any
service, shall be complied with before a passenger vessel will be other arrangement provided that the Commandant, U.S. Coast
marked with and certificated as to subdivision load lines. Guard, shall have been satisfied by suitable trials that the fitting,
appliance, or apparatus, or type thereof, or that the arrangement

substituted is at least as effective as that specified in this part. voyage.

(b) Where, in the application of the regulations in this part to §46.10-45 Nonsubmergence Subdivision Load Lines In Salt
passenger vessels engaged in coastwise voyages by sea and on Water.
Great Lakes voyages, it is desired to substitute other construction, (a) Passenger vessels required to be marked with subdivision
arrangement, fitting, or appliance, or type thereof, such load lines, engaged on foreign and coastwise voyages other than
substitution may be made if approved by the Commandant, U.S. the Great Lakes voyages, shall not submerge in salt water the
Coast Guard, provided the degree of safety provided by this part subdivision load line applicable to the voyage. Passenger vessels
is obtained. engaged on ocean, foreign or coastwise voyages may be marked
with fresh water load lines. A passenger vessel on foreign or
§46.10-30 Subdivision Load Line Certificates. coastwise voyages (except Great Lakes voyages) may have an
(a) Passenger vessels engaged in foreign voyages by sea shall allowance made for the degree of brackishness of the water in
have their subdivision load lines certified on the safety certificate which the vessel is floating but not for the weight of fuel, water,
required by the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, etc., required for consumption between the point of departure and
1960. Safety certificates shall be issued by the Commandant, the open sea, and no allowance is to be made for bilge or ballast
U.S. Coast Guard, for a period not to exceed one year. These water that may be in the passenger vessel at the time of
vessels will also be provided with the load line certificate required departure.
by part 42 of this subchapter, the minimum freeboard shown
thereon to be not less than the minimum freeboard corresponding §46.10-50 Drills And Inspections.

to the principal passenger condition. The fact that they are (a) For the required drills and inspections to be conducted on
subdivision load lines is to be noted on the load line certificate. passenger vessels, see subpart 78.17 of subchapter H

(Passenger Vessels) of this chapter.
(b) Passenger vessels engaged on coastwise voyages by sea or
Great Lakes voyages shall have the position of their subdivision §46.10-55 Logbook Entries.

load lines recorded on a load line certificate in the form required (a) For required logbook entries to be made on passenger
by part 42 or part 45 of this subchapter. The fact that they are vessels, see subpart 78.17 of subchapter H (Passenger Vessels)
subdivision load lines is to be noted on the load line certificate. of this chapter.

(c) A note shall be added to the load line certificate below the §46.10-60 Control.

signature of the assigning-authority in the following form: (a) The District Director of Customs or the Coast Guard District
The bulkhead deck used for determining the position of the Commander may detain a passenger vessel for a survey if there
subdivision load lines certified above is _____________________ is reason to believe that such a vessel is proceeding on her
(here described bulkhead deck).
A journey in excess of the draft allowed by the regulations in this
part as indicated by the vessel's load lines certified on the safety
(d) Annual inspections of passenger vessels shall be as required certificate, load line certificate, or otherwise. The Coast Guard
by §§42.09-40 and 46.10-15 of this subchapter and renewal of District Commander may detain a passenger vessel if it is so
passenger vessels' load line certificates shall be as required by loaded as to be manifestly unsafe to proceed to sea. Except as

§§42.09-15 and 42.09-20. otherwise required by this section, §42.07-60 if this subchapter
applies to all passenger vessels assigned load lines under the
(e) Each new passenger vessel which receives its first load line load line acts and the regulations of this subchapter.
certificate shall also be provided with a copy of the load line

survey report as required by §42.09-1(c) or §45.01-30 of this [CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9019, June 5, 1969]
§46.10-65 Construction.

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by (a) The watertight subdivision of every passenger vessel must be
CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10077, July 12, 1968; CGFR 68-126, 34 FR as efficient as possible, having regard to its intended service. This
9019, June 5, 1969; CGD 80-120, 47 FR 5723, Feb. 8, 1982; principle is given effect by applying the requirements in part 171

CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7, 1988] of this chapter.

§46.10-35 Validity Of Subdivision Load Line Certificates. (b) Passenger vessels engaged in foreign voyages by sea or
(a) Subdivision load line certificates issued to passenger vessels coastwise voyages by sea or voyages on the Great Lakes, to be
shall only be valid during the time for which the certificates are marked with subdivision load lines shall comply with the

issued. requirements in this part.

(b) If, due to any cause, the conditions as required by this part are [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD
changed, or the regulations in this part are not carried out, the 79-023, 48 FR 51007, Nov. 4, 1983]
load line certificate may be cancelled and the load lines

considered nonexistent: Provided, That if the conditions causing §46.10-70 Plans And Inspections Of New And Converted
the cancellation of the certificate are satisfactorily corrected, the Vessels.
load line certificate shall be reinstated for the remainder of its (a) Plans for a new passenger vessel or a vessel to be converted
term. to a passenger vessel shall be submitted to the Commandant as
required by subpart 71.65 of subchapter H (Passenger Vessels)
(c) A valid subdivision load line certificate for foreign voyages by of this chapter.
sea shall be valid for coastwise voyages by sea and Great Lakes
voyages. A valid subdivision load line certificate for coastwise (b) Inspections shall be made during the construction or
voyages by sea shall be valid for Great Lakes voyages but not for conversion of the vessel as required by subpart 71.20 of
foreign voyages by sea. A valid subdivision load line certificate for subchapter H (Passenger Vessels) of this chapter.
Great Lakes voyages shall not be valid for foreign or coastwise
voyages by sea. (c) Upon completion of construction or conversion of a passenger
vessel, a stability test must be performed and stability information
§46.10-40 Nonsubmergence Subdivision Load Line (Great must be supplied to the operator as required by part 170 of this
Lakes). chapter.
(a) Passenger vessels on the Great Lakes of 150 gross tons or
over shall not submerge the subdivision load line applicable to the [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD

79-023, 48 FR 51007, Nov. 4, 1983] (e) When the freeboard from the highest subdivision load line on a
vessel used as a passenger vessel is greater than the freeboard
Subpart 46.15 – Subdivision Load Lines for from the lowest load line permitted by part 42 of this subchapter,
the load lines required by part 42 of this subchapter shall be
Passenger Vessels Engaged in Foreign, omitted and the disk with its horizontal line located in line with the
Coastwise, and Great Lakes Voyages highest subdivision load line.

§46.15-1 Procedure For Determination Of Subdivision Load (f) One fresh water line shall be marked. When a subdivision and
Line. a normal load line are combined, the normal fresh water line only
The procedure for determining the subdivision load line as well as shall be used unless the position of the subdivision load line is
special construction features of the vessel must be as set forth in such that confusion will result, in which case a subdivision fresh
subpart 72.01 and parts 170 and 171 of this chapter. water line may be used, marked FC1 and the normal fresh water
line omitted.
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51007, Nov. 4, 1983]
(g) Subdivision load lines shall be aft of the vertical line. The
§46.15-5 Engineering Requirements. vertical line shall be extended as necessary to connect the lowest
(a) Bilge and ballast systems, piping, inlets and discharges, ash and highest load lines marked on the vessel.
chutes, astern power, and auxiliary steering shall be in
accordance with the provisions of subchapter F (Marine (h) When a vessel has spaces used for cargo and passengers

Engineering) of this chapter. alternatively so that the position of the subdivision load line varies
with the service, subdivision load lines for the principal passenger
§46.15-10 Subdivision Load Lines.

condition shall be marked and denoted by C1 and the alternative
(a) Subdivision load lines shall be located by measuring vertically conditions marked and denoted by C2, C3, etc. The position of
down from the deck line required by part 42 of this subchapter. each load line and the conditions under which a particular load

line is applicable shall be noted in the certificate.
(b) The length, width, and manner of marking the lines shall be as
provided in subpart 42.13 of this subchapter. (i) The principal passenger condition for a vessel having spaces
used for passengers and cargo alternatively is the condition
(c) No subdivision load line is to be placed so that the freeboard is where only those spaces appropriated exclusively to passengers

reduced from that determined by the highest seasonal mark are taken into consideration for determination of the subdivision
permitted by part 42. load line.

(d) When the highest subdivision load line is located on a vessel

used as a passenger vessel in a position between the highest and
lowest seasonal load line marks, the seasonal load line marks
A (j) For Great Lakes vessels, references to part 42 shall read part
45 and a "diamond" shall be substituted for the "disk". No "fresh
water" line will be marked.
above the subdivision load line will be omitted and those below
will be marked. [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by

CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10077, July 12, 1968]


Part 70–General Provisions
Table Of Contents approximating those of the United States together with reciprocal
inspection arrangements with the United States, and which has
Subpart 70.01–Authority And Purpose on board a current valid certificate of inspection issued by its
government under such arrangements.
70.01-1 Purpose Of Regulations. (c) Notwithstanding the exceptions previously noted in paragraph
(b) of this section, foreign vessels of novel design or construction,
Subpart 70.05–Application or whose operation involves potential unusual risks shall be
subject to inspection to the extent necessary to safeguard life and
70.05-3 Foreign Vessels Subject To The Requirements Of This property in United States" ports, as further provided by §2.01-13
Subchapter. of subchapter A (Procedures Applicable to the Public) of this
70.05-5 Specific Application Noted In Text. chapter.
70.05-10 Application To Vessels On An International Voyage.
70.05-18 Applicability To Vessels Operating Under An Exemption (d) The requirements for notification of safety standards and for
Afforded In The Passenger Vessel Safety Act Of 1993 safety information and country of registry in promotional literature

(PVSA). or advertising of a foreign passenger vessel of 100 gross tons or
70.05-30 Combustible And Flammable Liquid Cargo In Bulk. over having berth or stateroom accommodations for 50 or more
passengers are contained in part 80 of this chapter.

Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; Pub. L. 103-206, 107 Stat.
2439; 49 U.S.C. 5103, 5106; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, (e) Not withstanding the other provisions of this section, foreign
1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security passenger vessels of over 100 gross tons having berth or

Delegation No. 0170.1; Section 70.01-15 also issued under the stateroom accommodations for more than 50 persons and
authority of 44 U.S.C. 3507. [SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR departing a United States port with passengers who are United
16890, Dec. 30, 1965, unless otherwise noted.] States nationals and who embarked at that port shall comply with
the provisions of the International Convention for Safety of Life at
Sea, 1974.

[67 FR 34756, May 15, 2002]
(f) Notwithstanding the exceptions noted in paragraph (b) of this
Subpart 70.01 – Authority And Purpose
§70.01-1 Purpose Of Regulations.
A section, each foreign vessel must report marine casualties
occurring while the vessel is in the navigable waters of the United
States as required by subpart 78.07.
The purpose of the regulations in this subchapter is to set forth
uniform minimum requirements for passenger vessels. The [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16890, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
regulations are necessary to carry out the provisions of law CGFR 66-33, 31 FR 15280, Dec. 6, 1966; CGFR 68-65, 33 FR

affecting passenger vessels and such regulations have the force 19985, Dec. 28, 1968; CGFR 69-106a, 35 FR 16834, Oct. 31,
of law. 1970; CGD 72-187R, 38 FR 9081, Apr. 10, 1973; CGD 77-042,
42 FR 63643, Dec. 19, 1977; CGD 90-008, 55 FR 3066O, July
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16890, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD 26, 1990]

95-028, 62 FR 51203, Sept. 30, 1997]

§70.05-5 Specific Application Noted In Text.
Subpart 70.05 -- Application (a) At the beginning of the various parts, subparts, and sections, a

more specific application is generally given for the particular

§70.05-3 Foreign Vessels Subject To The Requirements Of portion of the text involved. This application sets forth the types,
This Subchapter. sizes, or services or vessels to which the text pertains, and in

(a) Except as specifically noted in paragraphs (b) and (e), and (f) many cases limits the application of the text to vessels contracted
of this section, parts 70 to 78, inclusive, of this subchapter, shall for before or after a specific date. As used in this subchapter, the
be applicable to the extent prescribed by law to all foreign vessels term vessels contracted for includes not only the contracting for
of the following classifications indicated in column 4 of table the construction of a vessel, but also the contracting for a material
70.05-1(a) that are 100 gross tons or over: alteration to a vessel, the contracting for the conversion of a

vessel to a passenger vessel, and the changing of service or

(1) Foreign vessels which carry more than 12 passengers from route of a vessel if such change increases or modifies the general
any port in the United States; or, requirements for the vessel or increases the hazards to which it
might be subjected.

(2) Foreign vessels, other than those mentioned in paragraph

(a)(1) of this section, which carry more than 6 passengers from (b) [Reserved]
any port in the United States, and which are:
§70.05-10 Application To Vessels On An International
(2)(i) Sailing vessels of 100 gross tons or over and not more than Voyage.
700 gross tons; or, (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this
section, the regulations in this subchapter that apply to a vessel
(2)(ii) Non-self-propelled vessels of 100 gross tons. on an "international voyage" apply to a vessel that–

(b) The provisions of parts 70 to 78, inclusive, of this subchapter (1) Is mechanically propelled and carries more than 12
shall not be applicable to those foreign vessels covered by passengers; and
paragraph (a) of this section which are:
(2) Is engaged on a voyage–
(1) Any vessel of a foreign nation signatory to the International
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and which has on (2)(i) From a country to which the International Convention for
board a current valid safety certificate; or, Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, (SOLAS 74) applies, to a port outside
that country or the reverse;
(2) Any vessel of a foreign nation having inspection laws

(2)(ii) From any territory, including the Commonwealth of Puerto (d) The Commandant or his authorized representative may
Rico, all possessions of the United States and all lands held by exempt any vessel from the construction requirements of this
the United States under a protectorate or mandate, whose subchapter if the vessel does not proceed more than 20 nautical
international relations are the responsibility of a contracting miles from the nearest land in the course of its voyage.
SOLAS 74 government, or which is administered by the United
Nations, to a port outside that territory or the reverse; or [CGD 72-131R, 38 FR 29320, Oct. 24, 1973, as amended by
CGD 90-008, 55 FR 30661, July 26, 1990; CGD 84-069, 61 FR
(2)(iii) Between the contiguous states of the United States and the 25287, May 20, 1996]
states of Hawaii or Alaska or between the states of Hawaii and
Alaska. §70.05-30 Combustible And Flammable Liquid Cargo In Bulk.
[NOTE: Requirements for double hull construction for vessels
(b) The regulations that apply to a vessel on an "international carrying oil, as defined in 33 CFR 157.03, in bulk as cargo are
voyage" in this subchapter do not apply to ships engaged on a found in 33 CFR 157.10d.]
voyage solely on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River as
far east as a straight line drawn from Cap des Rosiers to West Vessels inspected and certificated under this subchapter may
Point, Anticosti Island and, on the north side of Anticosti Island, carry limited quantities of combustible liquid cargo in bulk in the
the 63rd Meridian; grades indicated, provided the certificate of inspection is
endorsed to permit such carriage:
(c) The Commandant or his authorized representative may

exempt any vessel on an international voyage from the (a) Grade E in an integral tank; and
requirements of this subchapter if the vessel–

(b) Grade E in a portable tank, including a marine portable tank, in
(1) Makes a single international voyage in exceptional accordance with subpart 98.30 or 98.33 of this chapter.
circumstances; and

[CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11, 1990, as amended by CGD
(2) Meets safety requirements prescribed for the voyage by the 90-051, 57 FR 36246, Aug. 12, 1992]


Part 80–Disclosure Of Safety Standards And Country Of
Table Of Contents (a) Each owner, operator, agent, or other person, selling passage
for a coastwise or an international voyage embarking passengers
Sec. at a United States port shall give to a prospective passenger, in
80.01 Purpose. writing, at the time of or before passage is booked, separately
80.10 Applicability. from any promotional literature or advertising used, a document
80.15 Ocean Voyage. containing the following information for each vessel concerned–
80.20 Exception To Requirements.
80.25 Notification Of Safety Standards. (1) The name of the vessel;
80.30 Promotional Literature Or Advertising.
80.40 Civil Penalty. (2) The country of registry;

[Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306; Department of Homeland Security (3) One of the following statements as appropriate:
Delegation No. 0170.1

[SOURCE: CGD 72-187R, 38 FR 9081, Apr. 10, 1973, unless (3)(i) This vessel complies with international safety standards,
otherwise noted.] except the 1966 fire safety standards.

(3)(ii) This vessel complies with international safety standards
§80.01 Purpose. developed prior to 1960. There is (or, is not) an automatic
The purpose of the regulations in this part is to implement 46 sprinkler system fitted in the passenger living and public spaces.

U.S.C. 3504. The hull, decks, deckhouses, structural bulkheads, and internal
partitions are (or, are not) composed of combustible materials.
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51205, Sept. 30, 1997]
(3)(iii) This vessel does not comply with any international safety
§80.10 Applicability.

standard. There is (or, is not) an automatic sprinkler system fitted
Except as exempted in §80.20, this part applies to– in the passenger living and public spaces. The hull, decks,
deckhouses, structural bulkheads, and internal partitions are (or,
(a) Owners, operators, agents, or any persons selling passage on
a foreign or domestic vessel of one hundred gross tons or over
having berth or stateroom accommodations for fifty or more
A are not) composed of combustible materials.

(b) The information required in paragraph (a) of this section must

passengers and embarking passengers at a United States port for be printed in a type no smaller than six points, American point
a coastwise or an international voyage; and (b) owners, system.
operators, agents, and other persons involved in the publishing

and distribution of promotional material in or over any medium of (c) The information required in paragraph (a) of this section must
communication within the United States offering passage or be headed–
soliciting passengers for an ocean voyage anywhere in the world,
by a vessel of one hundred gross tons or over having berth or (1) "SAFETY INFORMATION";

stateroom accommodations for fifty or more passengers,

regardless of whether passengers are embarked at United States (2) With each letter in the heading capitalized; and
ports for said voyage.

(3) In boldfaced type of a size equal to the size of the text

(b) [Reserved] required in paragraph (a) of this section.

[CGD 79-180, 48 FR 7456, Feb. 22, 1983] [CGD 72-187R, 38 FR 9081, Apr. 10, 1973, as amended by CGD
79-180, 48 FR 7456, Feb. 22, 1983]
§80.15 Ocean Voyage.
An ocean voyage for the purposes of this part means: §80.30 Promotional Literature Or Advertising.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, all

A voyage on any body of water seaward of the low water mark promotional literature or advertising in or over any medium of
such as an ocean or arm thereof, other major bodies of water communication within the United States that offers passage or
such as seas, gulfs, and straits, except voyages exclusively within solicits passengers for ocean voyages anywhere in the world
harbors and small coastal indentations. must contain the safety information statement prescribed in

paragraph (b) of this section if–

[CGD 79-180, 48 FR 7456, Feb. 22, 1983]
(1) A vessel is named; or
§80.20 Exception To Requirements.
(a) This part does not apply to vessels that comply with the safety (2) A voyage is described by–
standards set forth in the International Convention for Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974. (2)(i) A stated port or area of departure;
(2)(ii) A stated port or area of destination; or
(b) If the exception in paragraph (a) of this section applies, the (2)(iii) A schedule of days of departure or arrival.
country of registry must appear in printed advertising or
promotional literature as described in §80.30(a), in a type no (b) The safety information statement required in paragraph (a) of
smaller than six points, American point system. this section must include–
[CGD 72-187R, 38 FR 9081, Apr. 10, 1973, as amended by CGD (1) The name of the vessel;
79-180, 48 FR 7456, Feb. 22, 1983; CGD 90-008, 55 FR 30661,
July 26, 1990] (2) The country of registry; and
§80.25 Notification Of Safety Standards.

(3) One of the following statements, as appropriate: required in paragraph (a) of this section to contain safety
information must–
(3)(i) This vessel complies with international safety standards,
except the 1966 fire safety standards. (1) State the safety information prescribed in paragraph (b) of this
section at least once for each vessel named; and
(3)(ii) This vessel complies with international safety standards
developed prior to 1960. There is (or, is not) an automatic (2) Include a reference in the index of contents or the cover
sprinkler fitted in the passenger living and public spaces. The hull, regarding the page number where the safety information for each
decks, deckhouses, structural bulkheads, and internal partitions vessel is located.
are (or, are not) composed of combustible materials.
(f) The section does not apply to–
(3)(iii) This vessel does not comply with any international safety
standard. There is (or, is not) an automatic sprinkler fitted in the (1) An advertising sign that is towed, displayed, or written by
passenger living and public spaces. The hull, decks, deckhouses, aircraft;
structural bulkheads, and internal partitions are (or, are not)
composed of combustible materials. (2) An advertisement in a trade publication that is directed to the
professional counselors in the travel industry and not intended or
(c) The safety information statement prescribed in paragraph (b) used for general distribution to the public for solicitation of
of this section must be– passage on a vessel; or

(1) Printed in a type no smaller than 6 points, American point (3) An advertisement within a magazine, newspaper, periodical,

system, that is the same size as any other textual matter of the or similar publication that is–
promotional literature or advertising, including any headings;
(3)(i) Produced outside of the United States;

(2) Headed "SAFETY INFORMATION" in the same size type that
is used in the safety information statement; and (3)(ii) Not an American edition; and

(3) Separated from other portions of the text by double spacing or (3)(iii) Primarily distributed in the country in which it is produced.
box ruling.

§80.40 Civil Penalty.
(d) If the promotional literature or advertising lists two or more For each violation of the regulations in this part, the owner,
passenger vessels, the owner or operator shall clearly indicate operator, agent, or other person involved is subject to the
the safety information prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section
for each vessel, but unnecessary repetition is not required. A penalties prescribed in 46 U.S.C. 3504.
[CGFR 72-187R, 38 FR 9081, Apr. 10, 1973, as amended by
(e) Each brochure, pamphlet, schedule, and similar publication CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51205, Sept. 30, 1997]

Part 90–General Provisions
Table Of Contents §90.05-1 Vessels Subject To Requirements Of This
Subpart 90.01–Authority And Purpose (a) This subchapter is applicable to all U.S.-flag vessels indicated
in Column 4 of Table 90.05-1(a) and to all such foreign-flag
Sec. vessels which carry 12 or fewer passengers from any port in the
90.01-1 Purpose Of Regulations. United States to the extent prescribed by law, except as follows:

Subpart 90.05–Application (1) Any vessel of a foreign nation signatory to the International
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and which has on
90.05-1 Vessels Subject To Requirements Of This Subchapter. board a current, valid safety equipment certificate.
90.05-5 Specific Application Noted In Text.
(2) Any vessel operating exclusively on inland waters which are
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; Pub. L. 103-206, 107 Stat. not navigable waters of the United States.
2439; 49 U.S.C. 5103, 5106; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR,
1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security (3) Any vessel while laid up and dismantled and out of

Delegation No. 0170.1 [SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16970, commission.
Dec. 30, 1965, unless otherwise noted.]
(4) With the exception of vessels of the U.S. Maritime

Administration, any vessel with title vested in the United States
[65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000; 67 FR 34756, May 15, 2002] and which is used for public purposes.

Subpart 90.01 – Authority And Purpose (b) Notwithstanding the exception previously noted in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section, foreign vessels of novel design or
§90.01-1 Purpose Of Regulations. construction or whose operation involves potential unusual risks
The purpose of the regulations in this subchapter is to set forth shall be subject to inspection to the extent necessary to safeguard
life and property in United States ports, as further provided by

uniform minimum requirements for cargo and miscellaneous
vessels, as listed in Column 5 of table 90.05-1(a). §2.01-13 of subchapter A (Procedures Applicable to the Public) of
this chapter.
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51205, Sept. 30, 1997]

Subpart 90.05 – Application

A (c) Notwithstanding the exception noted in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section, each foreign vessel shall report marine casualties
occurring while the vessel is in the navigable waters of the United
States as required by Subpart 97.07.






[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16970, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGFR 67-83, 33 FR 1109, Jan. 27, 1968; CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3711, Feb. 25,
1970; CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49025, Sept. 26, 1977; CGD 77-042, 42 FR 63643, Dec. 19, 1977; CGD 86-033, 53 FR 36025, Sept. 16, 1988; CGD

86-033, 53 FR 46871, Nov. 21, 1988; CGD 90-008, 55 FR 30661, July 26, 1990; 67 FR 34756, May 15, 2002]

§90.05-5 Specific Application Noted In Text. term "vessels contracted for" includes not only the contracting for
(a) At the beginning of the various parts, subparts, and sections, a
more specific application is generally given for the particular
portion of the text involved. This application sets forth the types,
A the construction of a vessel, but also the contracting for a material
alteration to a vessel, the contracting for the conversion of a
vessel to a cargo or miscellaneous vessel, and the changing of
sizes, or services or vessels to which the text pertains, and in service or route of a vessel if such change increases or modifies
many cases limits the application of the text to vessels contracted the general requirements for the vessel or increases the hazards
for before or after a specific date. As used in this subchapter, the to which it might be subjected.

Part 97—Operations
Table Of Contents upon the navigation bridge upon the responsibility of the master
or pilot.
Subpart 97.01–Application [CGD 91-023, 59 FR 16779, Apr. 8, 1994; 66 FR 48617, Sept. 21,
97.01-1 General. Subpart 97.16–Auto Pilot
Subpart 97.10–Persons Allowed In Pilothouse And On
§97.16-1 Use Of Auto Pilot.
Navigation Bridge
Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.15, when the automatic pilot is
used in–
97.10-1 Application.
97.10-5 Persons Excluded.
(a) Areas of high traffic density;
Subpart 97.16–Auto Pilot
(b) Conditions of restricted visibility; and

97.16-1 Use Of Auto Pilot.
(c) All other hazardous navigational situations, the master shall
ensure that–
Subpart 97.19–Manuevering Characteristics

(1) It is possible to immediately establish manual control of the
97.19-1 Data Required.
ship's steering;

Subpart 97.20–Whistling
(2) A competent person is ready at all times to take over steering
97.20-1 Unnecessary Whistling Prohibited.
(3) The changeover from automatic to manual steering and vice

Subpart 97.25–Searchlights
versa is made by, or under, the supervision of the officer of the
97.25-1 Improper Use Prohibited.

Subpart 97.27–Lookouts A [CGD 75-074, 42 FR 5964, Jan. 31, 1977]

Subpart 97.19–Manuevering Characteristics

97.27-5 Master's And Officer's Responsibility.
§97.19-1 Data Required.
Subpart 97.95–Person In Charge Of Transfer Of Liquid Cargo For each ocean and coastwise vessel of 1,600 gross tons or over,

In Bulk the following apply:

97.95-1 General. (a) The following maneuvering information must be prominently


displayed in the pilothouse on a fact sheet:

[Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j); 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 6101; 49
U.S.C. 5103, 5106; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 (1) For full and half speed, a turning circle diagram to port and
Comp., p. 277; E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757; 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p.

starboard that shows the time and the distance of advance and
351; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1. transfer required to alter the course 90 degrees with maximum
[SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17011, Dec. 30, 1965, unless rudder angle and constant power settings.
otherwise noted.]

(2) The time and distance to stop the vessel from full and half
Subpart 97.01 – Application speed while maintaining approximately the initial heading with
minimum application of rudder.
§97.01-1 General.
(3) For each vessel with a fixed propeller, a table of shaft

(a) The provisions of this part shall apply to all vessels except
as specifically noted in this part. revolutions per minute for a representative range of speeds.

(4) For each vessel with a controllable pitch propeller a table of

Subpart 97.10 – Persons Allowed In Pilothouse control settings or a representative range of speeds.

And On Naviagation Bridge

(5) For each vessel that is fitted with an auxiliary device to assist
§97.10-1 Application. in maneuvering, such as a bow thruster, a table of vessel speeds
(a) The provisions of this subpart shall apply to all vessels at which the auxiliary device is effective in maneuvering the
carrying passengers. vessel.

§97.10-5 Persons Excluded. (b) The maneuvering information must be provided in the normal
Masters and pilots shall exclude from the pilothouse and load and normal light condition with normal trim for a particular
navigation bridge while underway, all persons not connected with condition of loading assuming the following–
the navigation of the vessel. However, licensed officers of
vessels, persons regularly engaged in training, regulating, (1) Calm weather–wind 10 knots or less, calm sea;
evaluating, or learning the profession of pilot, officials of the
United States Coast Guard, United States Navy, National Imagery (2) No current;
and Mapping Agency, National Ocean Service, United States
Army Corps of Engineers, Maritime Administration, and National (3) Deep water conditions–water depth twice the vessel's draft or
Transportation Safety Board may be allowed in the pilothouse or greater; and
(4) Clean hull.

(c) At the bottom of the fact sheet, the following statement must [CGD 73-78, 40 FR 2689, Jan. 15, 1975]
Subpart 97.20 – Whistling
The response of the (name of the vessel) may be different from §97.20-1 Unnecessary Whistling Prohibited.
those listed above if any of the following conditions, upon which (a) The unnecessary sounding of the vessel's whistle is prohibited
the maneuvering information is based, are varied: within any harbor limits of the United States.

(1) Calm weather–wind 10 knots or less, calm sea;

(2) No current;
Subpart 97.25 – Searchlights
(3) Water depth twice the vessel's draft or greater;
§97.25-1 Improper Use Prohibited.
(4) Clean hull; and
(a) No person shall flash or cause to be flashed the rays of a
(5) Intermediate drafts or unusual trim.
searchlight or other blinding light onto the bridge or into the
pilothouse of any vessel under way.
(d) The information on the fact sheet must be:

(1) Verified six months after the vessel is placed in service; or Subparts 97.27 – Lookouts
(2) Modified six months after the vessel is placed into service
and verified within three months thereafter. §97.27-5 Master's And Officer's Responsibility.

(a) Nothing in this part shall exonerate any master or officer in
(e) The information that appears on the fact sheet may be command from the consequences of any neglect to keep a proper
lookout or to maintain a proper fire watch or from any neglect of

obtained from:
any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of
(1) Trial trip observations; seamen or by the special circumstances of the case. When
circumstances require it, additional watches shall be maintained

(2) Model tests;
(3) Analytical calculations; to guard against fire or other danger and to give an alarm in case
(4) Simulations; of accident or disaster.
(5) Information established from another vessel of similar hull
form, power, rudder and propeller; or Subpart 97.95 – Person in charge of Transfer of

(6) Any combination of the above. Liquid Cargo in Bulk
The accuracy of the information in the fact sheet required is that
attainable by ordinary shipboard navigation equipment.
A §97.95-1 General.
A qualified person in charge of a transfer of liquid cargo in bulk
shall be designated in accordance with subpart C of 33 CFR part
(f) The requirements for information for fact sheets for specialized 155.
craft such as semi-submersibles, hydrofoils, hovercraft and other
vessels of unusual design will be specified on a case by case [CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17157, Apr. 4, 1995]


Part 98 – Special Construction, Arrangement, And Other
Provisions For Certain Dangerous Cargoes In Bulk
Table Of Contents 98.33-9 Stowage.
98.33-11 Smoking.
Subpart 98.01–General 98.33-13 Cargo-Handling Systems.
98.33-15 Transfers.
98.01-1 Applicability. Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1903; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3307, 3703; 49
98.01-3 Incorporation By Reference. U.S.C. App. 1804; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980
Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No.
Subpart 98.25–Anhydrous Ammonia In Bulk 0170.1 [SOURCE: CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965,
unless otherwise noted.]
98.25-1 Applicability.
98.25-5 How Anhydrous Ammonia May Be Carried. [65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000]
98.25-10 Design And Construction Of Cargo Tanks.

98.25-15 Markings. Subpart 98.01 – General
98.25-20 Installation Of Cargo Tanks.
98.25-30 Lagging.

§98.01-1 Applicability.
98.25-35 Refrigerated Systems. (a) The provisions of this part shall apply to all self-propelled
98.25-40 Valves, Fittings, And Accessories. cargo vessels which carry in bulk any of the dangerous cargoes
98.25-45 Liquid Level Gaging Device.

specifically noted in this part.
98.25-50 Filling And Discharge Pipes.
98.25-55 Cargo Piping. (b) [Reserved]
98.25-60 Safety Relief Valves.
98.25-65 Filling Density. (c) The regulations for barges carrying any of the bulk chemical

98.25-70 Venting. cargoes listed in subparts 98.01 through 98.25 are found in
98.25-75 Ventilation. subchapter O of this chapter.
98.25-80 Cargo Hose.
Electrical Bonding.
Special Operating Requirements.
Tests And Inspections.
A (d) [Reserved]
(e) Manned barges carrying any of the cargoes listed in Table
98.25-97 Nondestructive Testing. 151.05 of this chapter will be considered individually by the
Commandant and may be required to meet the applicable
Subpart 98.30–Portable Tanks

requirements of subchapter O of this chapter, as well as the

requirements of this subchapter.
98.30-1 Applicability.
98.30-2 Definitions. [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by

98.30-3 Vessels Carrying MPTs. CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3711, Feb. 25, 1970; CGD 84-043, 55 FR
98.30-4 Vessels Carrying Portable Tanks Other Than MPTs 37411, Sept. 11, 1990; 59 FR 17011, Apr. 11, 1994]
98.30-5 Materials Authorized For Transfer To And From A

Portable Tank. §98.01-3 Incorporation By Reference.

98.30-6 Lifting A Portable Tank. (a) Certain standards and specifications are incorporated by
98.30-7 Smoking. reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the

98.30-8 Gaskets And Lining. Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). To enforce
98.30-9 Stowage Of Portable Tanks. any edition other than the ones listed in paragraph (b) of this
98.30-10 Pipe Connections, And Filling And Discharge Openings. section, notice of change must be published in the FEDERAL
98.30-11 Cargo Pumps. REGISTER and the material made available to the public. All
98.30-13 Ground Connection. approved material is at the Office of the Federal Register, 800
98.30-14 Requirements For Ships Carrying NLSs In Portable

North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC, and is

Tanks. available from the sources indicated in paragraph (b) of this
98.30-15 Leakage Containment. section.
98.30-17 Qualifications Of Person In Charge.
98.30-19 Supervision By Person In Charge. (b) The standards and specifications approved for incorporation

98.30-21 Inspection Prior To Transfer. by reference in this part and the sections affected, are:
98.30-23 Requirements For Transfer; General.
98.30-25 Requirements For Transfer; Cargo Handling System. American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
98.30-27 Connections. 4153 Arlingate Road, Caller # 28518, Columbus, OH, 43228-0518
98.30-29 Piping Incompatible Products. ASNT "Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A (1988),
98.30-31 Conditions For Pumping. Personnel Qualification and Certification in
98.30-33 Warning Signals. Nondestructive Testing"
98.30-35 Warning Sign At Gangway. 98.25-97(c)(2)
98.30-37 Firefighting Requirements. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International
98.30-39 Alternate Fire Extinguishing System. Three Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016-5990
Subpart 98.33–Portable Tanks For Certain Grade E ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, section V,
Combustible Liquids And Other Regulated Materials Nondestructive Examination (1986)
98.33-1 Applicability. [CGD 85-061, 54 FR 50965, Dec. 11, 1989 as amended by
98.33-3 Cargoes Authorized. USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53226, Oct. 1, 1999]
98.33-5 Portable Tanks Authorized.
98.33-7 Pipe And Hose Connections. Subpart 98.25 – Anhydrous Ammonia in Bulk
§98.25-1 Applicability. resistant plate secured to the outside jacket of the lagging.
(a) The regulations in this subpart apply to each self-propelled
vessel that has anhydrous ammonia on board as a cargo, cargo [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
residue, or vapor and that is not regulated under part 154 of this CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18902, Dec. 18, 1968]
§98.25-20 Installation Of Cargo Tanks.
(b) Any self-propelled vessel to which this subpart applies shall be (a) Independent tanks shall be arranged in the vessel so as to
inspected and certificated under this subchapter and subchapter provide a minimum clearance of not less than 24 inches from the
D of this chapter. vessel's side and not less than 15 inches from the vessel's
bottom. Where more than one tank is installed in a vessel, the
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26008, May 3, 1979] distance between such tanks shall be not less than 15 inches,
unless otherwise approved by the Commandant. Alternate
§98.25-5 How Anhydrous Ammonia May Be Carried. provisions may be made for moving such tanks to provide for
(a) Anhydrous ammonia shall be carried in unfired pressure adequate inspection and maintenance of the vessel's structure
vessel type tanks independent of the structure as detailed in this and the tanks.
part, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this
section. (b) The design shall show the manner in which the tanks are to be
installed, supported, and secured in the vessel and shall be
(b) When anhydrous ammonia is to be transported at its boiling approved prior to installation. Tanks shall be supported in steel

temperature at or near atmospheric pressure, the Commandant saddles and securely anchored in place. If the tanks are required
may permit the use of alternate methods of storage if it is shown to be stress-relieved no appendages shall be welded to the tanks

to his satisfaction that a degree of safety is obtained consistent after they have been stress-relieved unless authorized by the
with the minimum requirements of this subpart. Commandant.

§98.25-10 Design And Construction Of Cargo Tanks. (c) Tanks may be located in dry cargo holds or in liquid cargo
(a) The cargo tanks shall meet the requirements for Class I, I-L, II, tanks or may be installed "on deck" or "under deck" with the tank
or II-L welded pressure vessels and shall be fabricated, protruding above deck. On installations where a portion of the
inspected, and tested in accordance with the applicable tank extends above the weather deck, provision shall be made to
requirements of part 54 of subchapter F (Marine Engineering) of maintain the weathertightness of the deck, except that vessels

this chapter. operating on protected inland waters may have tanks located in
the holds of hopper type barges without the watertightness of the
(b) Unlagged cargo tanks subject to atmospheric temperatures deck being maintained. All tanks shall be installed with the
shall be designed for a pressure of not less than 250 pounds per
square inch gage. A manhole opening and fittings located above the weather deck.
(d) The anhydrous ammonia tanks may be installed in the bulk
(c) Where unrefrigerated cargo tanks are lagged as required by liquid cargo tanks provided the liquid surrounding the enclosed
§§98.25-30 and 98.25-60, the tanks shall be designed for a anhydrous ammonia tanks complies with the following chemical

pressure of not less than 215 pounds per square inch gage. and physical properties:

(d) Refrigerated cargo tanks, in which the temperature of the (1) Boiling point above 125°F. at atmospheric pressure.
liquid ammonia is maintained below the normal atmospheric

temperatures, shall be designed for a pressure of not less than (2) Inert to ammonia at 100°F. at atmospheric pressure.
the vapor pressure corresponding to the temperature of the liquid
at which the system is to be maintained, plus 25 pounds per (3) Noncorrosive in the liquid and vapor phase to the ammonia

square inch gage. tanks and piping.

(e) Each tank shall be provided with not less than a 15" x 18" [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by

diameter manhole, fitted with a cover located above the maximum CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3711, Feb. 25, 1970]
liquid level and as close as possible to the top of the tank. Where
access trunks are fitted to tanks, the diameter of the trunks shall §98.25-30 Lagging.
be not less than 30 inches. (a) Lagged tanks shall be covered with an incombustible
insulation material of a thickness to provide a thermal

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by conductance of not more than 0.075 B.t.u. per square foot per
CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18902, Dec. 18, 1968] degree F. differential in temperature per hour. The insulating
material shall be of an approved type complying with the
§98.25-15 Markings. requirements of subpart 164.009 of subchapter Q (Specifications)
(a) Cargo tanks shall be marked in accordance with the of this chapter, and shall be given a vapor proof coating with fire

requirements of §54.10-20 of subchapter F (Marine Engineering) retardant material acceptable to the Commandant. Tanks
of this chapter. exposed to the weather shall have the insulation and vapor proof
coating covered with a removable sheet metal jacket of not less
(b) In addition to the markings required to be stamped on the than 0.083 inch thickness and flashed around all openings so as
tank, the legend, "Anhydrous Ammonia" shall be conspicuously to be weather tight. Materials other than sheet metal may be used
and legibly marked upon the dome or upper portion of the tank in to cover the insulation and vapor proof coating when specifically
letters at least 4 inches high. authorized by the Commandant.

(c) All tank inlet and outlet connections, except safety relief (b) Where unlagged tanks are installed in insulated holds or
valves, liquid level gaging devices and pressure gages shall be insulated 'tween deck spaces, such tanks shall be considered
labeled to designate whether they terminate in the vapor or liquid lagged provided the thermal conductance of the insulation is not
space. Labels of noncorrosive material may be attached to less than that required by paragraph (a) of this section.
§98.25-35 Refrigerated Systems.
(d) All tank markings shall be permanently and legibly stamped in (a) Where refrigerated systems are installed to maintain the
a readily visible position. If the tanks are lagged, the markings temperature of the liquid below atmospheric, at least two
attached to the tank proper shall be duplicated on a corrosion complete refrigeration plants automatically regulated by pressure

variations within the tanks shall be provided, each to be complete point. The thermometer well shall terminate in the liquid space
with the necessary auxiliaries for proper operation. The capacity and be attached to the shell by welding with the end of the fitting
of each refrigeration compressor shall be sufficient to maintain the being provided with a gas-tight screwed plug or bolted cover.
vapor pressure in the tanks during the peak atmospheric
temperature conditions below the pressure for which the tanks are [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
designed. CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18902, Dec. 18, 1968; CGFR 70-10, 35 FR
3712, Feb. 25, 1970]
(b) An alternate arrangement may consist of three compressors,
any two of which shall be capable of maintaining the vapor §98.25-45 Liquid Level Gaging Device.
pressure in the tanks during peak atmospheric temperature (a) Each tank shall be fitted with a liquid level gaging device of
conditions below the pressure for which the tanks are designed, suitable design to indicate the maximum level to which the tank
the third compressor acting as a stand-by unit. may be filled with liquid at temperatures between 20°F. and
(c) Refrigerated tanks shall be insulated in conformance with the
requirements of §98.25-30. (b) Liquid level gaging devices shall be of the following types:
magnetic, rotary tube, slip tube, fixed tube, automatic float, or
§98.25-40 Valves, Fittings, And Accessories. other types acceptable to the Commandant.
(a) All valves, flanges, fittings and accessory equipment shall be
of a type suitable for use with anhydrous ammonia and shall be (c) Gaging devices that require bleeding of the product to the

made of steel, or malleable or nodular iron meeting the atmosphere, such as rotary tube, fixed tube, and slip tube, shall
requirements of §56.60-1 of subchapter F (Marine Engineering) of be so designed that the bleed valve maximum opening is not

this chapter. Valves shall be fitted with noncorrosive material larger than a No. 54 drill size, unless provided with an excess flow
suitable for ammonia service. Valves, flanges, and pipe fittings valve.
shall be of the square or round tongue and groove type or raised-

face, United States of America Standard 300-pound standard (d) Gaging devices shall have a design pressure of at least 250
minimum, fitted with suitable soft gasket material. Welded fittings pounds per square inch.
shall be used wherever possible and the number of pipe joints
shall be held to a minimum. Screwed joints are not permitted for (e) Gage glasses of the columnar type are prohibited.
pipe diameters exceeding 2 inches. Nonferrous materials, such as

copper, copper alloys and aluminum alloys, shall not be used in §98.25-50 Filling And Discharge Pipes.
the construction of valves, fittings or accessory equipment. (a) Filling connections shall be provided with one of the following:
Brazed joints are prohibited.

(b) Each tank shall be provided with the necessary fill and A (1) Combination back pressure check valve and excess flow
discharge liquid and vapor shut-off valves, safety relief valves,
liquid level gaging devices, thermometer well and pressure gage, (2) One double or two single back pressure check valves; or
and shall be provided with suitable access for convenient

operation. Connections to tanks installed below the weather deck (3) A positive shut-off valve in conjunction with either an internal
shall be made to a trunk or dome extending above the weather back pressure check valve or an internal excess flow valve.
deck. Connections to the tanks shall be protected against
mechanical damage and tampering. Other openings in the tanks, (b) All other liquid and vapor connections to tanks, except filling

except as specifically permitted by this part, are prohibited. connections, safety relief valves, and liquid level gaging devices
and pressure gages described in §98.25-40(e) and (f) shall be
(c) All connections to the tanks, except safety devices and liquid equipped with automatic excess flow valves; or in lieu thereof,

level gaging devices, shall have manually operated shut-off may be fitted with quick closing internal stop valves, which, except
valves located as close to the tank as possible. during filling and discharge operations, shall remain closed. The
control mechanism for such valves shall be provided with a

(d) Excess flow valves where required by this section shall close secondary remote control of a type acceptable to the
automatically at the rated flow of vapor or liquid as specified by Commandant.
the manufacturer. The piping, including valves, fittings and
appurtenances, protected by an excess flow valve, shall have a (c) The excess flow, internal stop or back pressure check valves
greater capacity than the rated flow of the excess flow valve. shall be located on the inside of the tank or outside where the

piping enters the tank. In the latter case, installation shall be

(e) Liquid level gaging devices which are so constructed that made in such a manner that any undue strain will not cause
outward flow of tank contents shall not exceed that passed by a breakage between the tank and the excess flow or internal stop
No. 54 drill size opening, need not be equipped with excess flow valve.

(d) Where the filling and discharge are made through a common
(f) Pressure gage connections need not be equipped with excess nozzle at the tank, and the connection is fitted with a quick-closing
flow valves if the openings are not larger than No. 54 drill size. internal stop valve as permitted in paragraph (b) of this section,
the back pressure check valve or excess flow valve is not
(g) Excess flow valves may be designed with a bypass, not to required, provided, however, a positive shut-off valve is installed
exceed a No. 60 drill size opening, to allow equalization of in conjunction with the internal stop valve.
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
(h) Prior to disconnecting shore lines, the pressure in the liquid CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3712, Feb. 25, 1970]
and vapor lines shall be relieved through suitable valves installed
at the loading header. §98.25-55 Cargo Piping.
(a) Piping shall be of seamless steel meeting the requirements of
(i) Relief valves shall be fitted in liquid lines which may be subject §56.60-1 of subchapter F (Marine Engineering) of this chapter.
to excessive pressure caused by liquid full condition, and the The piping shall be of not less than Schedule 40 thickness. In
escape from the relief valves shall be piped to the venting system. case of piping on the discharge side of the liquid pumps or vapor
compressors, the design shall be for a pressure of not less than
(j) The pressure gage shall be located at the highest practical the pump or compressor relief valve setting; or if the piping is not

fitted with relief valves, the design pressure shall not be less than such that the back pressure in relief valve discharge lines shall
the total discharge head of the pump or compressor. not be more than 10 percent of the safety relief valve setting.

(b) Where necessary, provision shall be made for expansion and (d) Return bends and restrictive pipe fittings are prohibited. Vents
contraction of piping by means of seamless steel pipe expansion and headers shall be so installed as to prevent stresses on safety
bends. Special consideration will be given for packless type relief valve mountings.
expansion joints. Slip type expansion joints are prohibited. Piping
shall be provided with adequate support to take the weight of the (e) When vent discharge risers are installed, they shall be so
piping off the valves and fittings. located as to provide protection against physical damage and be
fitted with loose raincaps.
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18902, Dec. 18, 1968] (f) No shut-off valve shall be fitted in the venting system between
the safety relief valve and the vent outlets. Suitable provision shall
§98.25-60 Safety Relief Valves. be made for draining the venting system if liquid can collect
(a) Each tank shall be fitted with two or more approved safety therein.
relief valves, designed, constructed, and flow-tested for capacity
in conformance with subpart 162.018 of subchapter Q [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
(Specifications) of this chapter. CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3712, Feb. 25, 1970; 35 FR 6431, Apr. 22,

(b) Each safety relief valve shall start to discharge at a pressure
not in excess of the design pressure of the tank. §98.25-75 Ventilation.

(a) All enclosed spaces containing cargo tanks fitted with bottom
(c) Safety relief valves shall be attached to the tank near the outlet connections shall be provided with mechanical ventilation of
highest point of the vapor space. Shutoff valves shall not be sufficient capacity to assure a change of air every 3 minutes.

installed between the tanks and the safety relief valves, except Where cargo tanks are fitted with top outlet connections, the
manifolds for mounting multiple safety relief valves may be fitted enclosed spaces containing such tanks shall be fitted with
with acceptable interlocking three-way valves so arranged at all efficient natural or mechanical ventilation.
times as to permit at any position of the three-way valve, an
unrestricted flow of vapors through at least one port. When two (b) Enclosed compartments in which machinery such as cargo

safety relief valves are mounted in parallel on both the upper pumps or vapor compressors are located shall be adequately
outlets of the three-way valve, the arrangement shall be such as ventilated.
to permit at least one safety relief valve to be operative at all
A §98.25-80 Cargo Hose.
(a) Cargo hose fabricated of seamless steel pipe with swivel
(d) Each safety valve shall be tested in the presence of a marine joints, wire braided armored rubber or other hose material
inspector at the site of installation before or after mounting prior to acceptable to the Commandant, shall be fitted to the liquid or
being placed in service. The tests shall prove that the safety relief vapor lines during filling and discharging of the cargo tanks.

valve will start to discharge at a pressure not in excess of the

maximum allowable pressure of the tank. (b) Hose subject to tank pressure shall be designed for a bursting
pressure of not less than five times the maximum safety relief
[CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18902, Dec. 18, 1968] valve setting of the tank.

§98.25-65 Filling Density. (c) Hose subject to discharge pressure of pumps or vapor
(a) The filling density, or the percent ratio of the liquefied gas that compressors shall be designed for a bursting pressure of not less

may be loaded in the tank to the weight of the water the tank will than five times the pressure of setting of the pump or compressor
hold at 60°F., shall not exceed 56 percent for unlagged tanks and relief valve.
58 percent for lagged or refrigerated tanks.

(d) Before being placed in service, each new cargo hose, with all
§98.25-70 Venting. necessary fittings attached, shall be hydrostatically tested by the
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each manufacturer to a pressure of not less than twice the maximum
safety valve installed on a cargo tank shall be connected to a pressure to which it may be subjected in service. The hose shall
branch vent of a venting system which shall be constructed so be marked with the maximum pressure guaranteed by the

that the discharge of gas will be directed vertically upward to a manufacturer.

point at least 10 feet above the weather deck or the top of any
tank or house located above the weather deck. §98.25-85 Electrical Bonding.
(a) Each cargo tank shall be electrically grounded to the hull. The
(b) The capacity of branch vents or vent headers shall depend cargo vessel shall be electrically connected to the shore piping

upon the number of cargo tanks connected to such branch or prior to connecting the cargo hose. This electrical connection shall
header as provided in Table 98.25-70(b). be maintained until after the cargo hose has been disconnected
and any spillage has been removed.
HEADERS [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3712, Feb. 25, 1970]
Number of cargo tanks Percent of total vavle
discharge §98.25-90 Special Operating Requirements.
1 or 2 100 (a) Repairs involving welding or burning shall not be undertaken
3 90 on the cargo tanks or piping while anhydrous ammonia in either
4 80 the liquid or vapor state is present in the system.
5 70
6 or more 60 (b) During the time anhydrous ammonia is laden in the tanks the
vessel shall be under constant surveillance.
(c) In addition to the requirement specified in paragraph (b) of this
section, the size of the branch vents or vent headers shall be (c) Authorization from the Commandant (G-MSO) shall be

obtained to transport lading other than anhydrous ammonia in the nondestructive testing of each tank in accordance with §98.25-97,
cargo tanks. during each internal inspection.

(d) Sufficient hose stations shall be installed with adequate water (b) A hydrostatic test of 1 1/2 times the maximum allowable
supply so that if leakage of anhydrous ammonia occurs the pressure as determined by the safety relief valve setting shall be
vapors may be removed by use of a stream of water. made at any time that the inspector considers such hydrostatic
test necessary to determine the condition of the tank. If the jacket
(1) At least two units of approved self-contained breathing and lagging are not removed during the hydrostatic tests
apparatus, one stowed forward of the cargo tanks and one prescribed in this paragraph, the tank shall hold the hydrostatic
stowed aft of the cargo tanks, shall be carried on board the vessel test pressure for at least 20 minutes without a pressure drop.
at all times.
(c) The safety relief valves shall be popped in the presence of a
(2) All approved self-contained breathing apparatus, masks and marine inspector by either liquid, gas or vapor pressure at least
respiratory protective devices shall be of types suitable for starting once every four years to determine the accuracy of adjustment
and operating at the temperatures encountered, and shall be and, if necessary, shall be reset.
maintained in good operating condition.
[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 17022, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by
(3) Personnel involved in the filling or discharge operations shall CGFR 67-86, 32 FR 17622, Dec. 9, 1967; CGD 85-061, 54 FR
be adequately trained in the use of the equipment. 50965, Dec. 11, 1989; 65 FR 6494, Feb. 9, 2000]

(4) For all self-propelled cargo vessels, during filling or discharge §98.25-97 Nondestructive Testing.

operations every person on the vessel shall carry on his person or (a) Before nondestructive testing may be conducted to meet
have close at hand at all times a canister mask approved for §98.25-95(a)(3) and (4), the owner shall submit a proposal to the
ammonia; or each person shall carry on his person a respiratory Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection for approval that includes–

protective device which will protect the wearer against ammonia
vapors and provide respiratory protection for emergency escape (1) The test methods and procedures to be used, all of which
from a contaminated area which would result from cargo leakage. must meet section V of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
This respiratory protective equipment shall be of such size and Code (1986);
weight that the person wearing it will not be restricted in

movement or in the wearing of lifesaving device. (2) Each location on the tank to be tested; and

(f) While fast to a dock, a vessel during transfer of bulk cargo shall (3) The test method and procedure to be conducted at each
display a red flag by day or a red light by night, which signal shall
be so placed that it will be visible on all sides. When at anchor, a A location on the tank.
vessel during transfer of bulk cargo shall display a red flag by day, (b) If the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection rejects the
which signal shall be so placed that it will be visible on all sides. proposal, the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection informs the
owner of the reasons why the proposal is rejected.

[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3712, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD

82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50464, (c) If the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection accepts the
Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996] proposal, then the owner shall ensure that–

§98.25-95 Tests And Inspections. (1) The proposal is followed; and

(a) Each tank shall be subjected to the tests and inspections
described in this section in the presence of a marine inspector, (2) Nondestructive testing is performed by personnel meeting

except as otherwise provided in this part. ASNT "Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A (1988),
Personnel Qualifications and Certification in Nondestructive
(1) An internal inspection of the tank is conducted within– Testing."

(1)(i) Ten years after the last internal inspection if the tank is a (d) Within 30 days after completing the nondestructive test, the
pressure-vessel type cargo tank on an unmanned barge owner shall submit a written report of the results to the Officer in
described under §151.01-25(c) of this chapter and carrying cargo Charge, Marine Inspection.
at temperatures of -67 °F (-55 °C) or warmer; or

[CGD 85-061, 54 FR 50965, Dec. 11, 1989]

(1)(ii) Eight years after the last internal inspection if the tank is of
a type other than that described in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this Subpart 98.30 – Portable Tanks

[SOURCE: CGD 73-172, 39 FR 22954, June 25, 1974, unless

(2) An external examination of unlagged tanks and the visible otherwise noted.]
parts of lagged tanks is made at each inspection for certification
and periodic inspection. The owner shall ensure that the amount §98.30-1 Applicability.
of insulation deemed necessary by the marine inspector is (a) This subpart contains regulations concerning transfer of
removed from insulated tanks during each internal inspection to combustible liquids, certain flammable liquids, and other
allow spot external examination of the tanks and insulation, or the hazardous materials to or from portable tanks on vessels.
thickness of the tanks may be gauged by a nondestructive means
accepted by the marine inspector without the removal of (b) This subpart applies to the following portable tanks:
(1) A marine portable tank (MPT);
(3) If required by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection the
owner shall conduct nondestructive testing of each tank in (2) An IM 101 or IM 102 portable tank; and
accordance with §98.25-97.
(3) A portable tank authorized for liquid hazardous materials,
(4) If the tank is a pressure vessel type cargo tank with an internal other than liquefied gases, by the Associate Administrator for
inspection interval of 10 years, and is 30 years old or older, Hazardous Materials Safety, Research and Special Programs
determined from the date it was built, the owner shall conduct Administration (AAHMS), under an exemption issued in

accordance with subpart B of 49 CFR part 107. class in 49 CFR part 173 other than that of "flammable liquid",
"combustible liquid", or "ORM-E";
[CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37411, Sept. 11, 1990, as amended by CGD
97-057, 62 FR 51046, Sept. 30, 1997] (2) Any corrosive liquid that–

§98.30-2 Definitions. (2)(i) Is compatible with the materials of the tank;

(a) IM 101 portable tank and IM 102 portable tank mean a
portable tank constructed in accordance with 49 CFR 178.270 (2)(ii) Meets the definition of no other hazard class in 49 CFR part
through 178.272 and approved under 49 CFR 173.32a. 173; and

(b) MPT means a marine portable tank that was inspected and (2)(iii) Is authorized for transport in an IM 101 or IM 102 portable
stamped by the Coast Guard on or before September 30, 1992, tank under subpart F of 49 CFR part 173;
and that meets the applicable requirements in this part and part
64 of this chapter. (3) Any hazardous material listed in Table 98.30-5(a);

[CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37411, Sept. 11, 1990] (4) Any environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, N.O.S.,
Class 9, listed in table 1 of appendix A of 49 CFR 172.101, and
§98.30-3 Vessels Carrying MPTs. any aqueous solution of an environmentally hazardous
Each MPT on a vessel to which this part applies must bear, on a substance, solid, N.O.S., Class 9, listed in that table, that meets

metal or other corrosion-resistant tag– the definition of "hazardous substance" in 49 CFR 171.8; and

(a) An inspection date for pressure relief devices and vacuum (5) Other cargoes subject to regulation under 49 CFR parts 171
relief devices in accordance with paragraph (b) of §64.79 of this through 176 when authorized in writing by the Commandant.
chapter that is not more than 12 months earlier than the month in Requests for such authorization must be submitted as prescribed

which the vessel is operated; in §153.900(d)(1) of this chapter.

(b) An inspection date in accordance with paragraph (b) of §64.81 TABLE 98.30-5(A) CERTAIN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
of this chapter that is not more than 30 months earlier than the AUTHORIZED FOR TRANSFER TO AND FROM PORTABLE
month during which the vessel is operated; and TANKS

(c) A hydrostatic test date in accordance with paragraph (b) of Alcohols; flash point of 80°F (27°C) or less by open-cup test
§64.83 of this chapter that is not more than 60 months earlier than
the month during which the vessel is operated.
A Benzene
Mixtures of Hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid containing
[CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37411, Sept. 11, 1990] not more than 36 percent hydrochloric acid or 2 percent
hydrofluoric acid
§98.30-4 Vessels Carrying Portable Tanks Other Than MPTs. Methyl Ethyl Ketone

(a) Each portable tank, other than an MPT, on board a vessel to Toluene (Toluol)
which this part applies must be one of the following: NOTE:
Each MPT must be lined with rubber or with material equally
(1) An IM 101 or IM 102 tank authorized for its contents in acid-resistant and equally strong and durable.

accordance with Columns 7 and 8C of the Hazardous Materials

Table of 49 CFR 172.101. (b) Grade D and Grade E combustible liquids with a flash point of
100°F (38°C) or higher by closed cup test that are not listed by

(2) A portable tank authorized by the AAHMS under an exemption name in the Table of 49 CFR 172.101 may be transferred to and
issued in accordance with subpart B of 49 CFR part 107, and from an MPT or an IM 102 portable tank conforming to the entry
for note "T1" of 49 CFR 172.102(c)(7)(i).

(2)(i) According to the terms of the exemption, equivalent to an IM

101 or IM 102 portable tank; and (c) Sulfuric acid having a concentration of not over 51 percent
may be transferred to or from an MPT only if the MPT is lined with
(2)(ii) Authorized for its contents under the terms of the exemption rubber or with material equally acid-resistant and equally strong
or by written acknowledgment from the AAHMS. and durable.

(b) Each IM 101 or IM 102 portable tank must be tested and (d) Sulfuric acid having a concentration of 65.25 percent or
inspected in accordance with 49 CFR 173.32b, and used only as greater may be transferred to or from any portable tank; provided
specified in 49 CFR 173.32c. that the corrosion rate on steel, measured at 100°F (38°C), of

sulfuric acid having a concentration of greater than 65.25 percent

(c) Each portable tank authorized under an exemption from the is not greater than the corrosion rate of such an acid having a
AAHMS must be inspected and tested, maintained, and used in concentration of 65.25 percent.
accordance with the terms of that exemption.
(e) Environmentally hazardous substances (see paragraph (a)(4)
[CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37411, Sept. 11, 1990; 56 FR 13598, Apr. 3, of this section) may be transferred only to or from an IM 101 or IM
1991, as amended by CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50464, Sept. 29, 1995; 102 portable tank or an MPT.
CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR
51046, Sept. 30, 1997] (f) A hazardous material that may be transferred to and from an
IM 102 portable tank may also be transferred to and from an IM
§98.30-5 Materials Authorized For Transfer To And From A 101 portable tank.
Portable Tank.
(a) The following hazardous materials may be transferred to and (g) No hazardous material not referred to in this section may be
from a portable tank under this subpart: transferred to or from a portable tank on board a vessel.
(1) Any Grade D or Grade E combustible liquid listed in §30.25-1 [CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37411, Sept. 11, 1990; 55 FR 40755, Oct. 4,
of this chapter that does not meet the definition of any hazard 1990, as amended by CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51046, Sept. 30, 1997]

§98.30-6 Lifting A Portable Tank. (b) The vessel is electrically grounded to an offshore platform,
No person may lift a portable tank with another portable tank. shore piping, or another vessel by a–

[CGD 73-172, 39 FR 22954, June 25, 1974. Redesignated by (1) Cargo hose constructed with an integral grounding wire if the
CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37411, Sept. 11, 1990] end connections are used for electrical continuity; or

§98.30-7 Smoking. (2) Separate grounding that is maintained until the cargo hose is
No person may smoke within 50 feet of a portable tank on the disconnected and drained.
deck on which the tank is stowed.
§98.30-14 Requirements For Ships Carrying NLSs In Portable
§98.30-8 Gaskets And Lining. Tanks.
No person may transfer a hazardous material to or from a (a) The person in charge of a ship, except a ship under subpart
portable tank on board a vessel unless each gasket and the lining 98.31 of this chapter, that carries an NLS in a portable tank shall
of the portable tank are made of a material that is– ensure that–

(a) Chemically compatible with the product for which the portable (1) The ship's Certificate of Inspection is endorsed with the name
tank is approved; and of the NLS;

(b) Resistant to deterioration by the product for which the portable (2) Any letters issued by the Commandant (G-MSO) prescribing

tank is approved. additional conditions for endorsement are attached; and

[CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37412, Sept. 11, 1990] (3) Each operating requirement specified in writing by
Commandant (G-MSO) as a condition for endorsement is met.
§98.30-9 Stowage Of Portable Tanks.

(a) No person may operate a vessel to which this subpart applies (b) To have a ship's Certificate of Inspection endorsed to allow
unless each portable tank is stowed on an open deck. the carriage of NLSs in portable tanks, the–

(b) No person may stow a portable tank– (1) Owner of the ship must make a request to the Commandant
(G-MSO) following the procedures for requesting alternatives in

(1) In the vicinity of another tank that contains a chemically §153.10(a) of this chapter; and
incompatible product; and
(2) The ship must meet any design and equipment requirements
(2) Unless all electrical equipment is explosion-proof or
intrinsically safe, as defined in §§111.105-9 and 111.105-11 of A specified in writing as a condition for the endorsement by the
Commandant (G-MSO).
this chapter, in the area of the tank and its associated equipment
that is– [CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28974, Aug. 1, 1988. Redesignated at CGD
84-043, 55 FR 37411, Sept. 11, 1990, and amended by CGD 84-

(2)(i) Within 10 feet in any horizontal direction; and 043, 55 FR 37412, Sept. 11, 1990; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50464,
Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996]
(2)(ii) Within 8 feet above the deck.
§98.30-15 Leakage Containment.

[CGD 73-172, 39 FR 22954, June 25, 1974, as amended by CGD (a) No person may transfer a product to or from a vessel unless
84-043, 55 FR 37412, Sept. 11, 1990; 55 FR 47477, Nov. 14, there is a container or enclosed deck area that meets the
1990] requirements of this section under or around each transfer

connection area.
§98.30-10 Pipe Connections, And Filling And Discharge
Openings. (b) Each container or enclosed deck area must hold, in all

No person may transfer a hazardous material to or from a conditions of vessel list or trim to be encountered during the
portable tank on board a vessel, unless each filling and discharge transferring operation, 5 gallons or more and must have a means
opening in the tank bottom is equipped with the following: of draining or removing any leakage without mixing incompatible
products or discharging into the water.
(a) For an IM 101 or IM 102 portable tank, the closures specified

in 49 CFR 173.32c(g)(2); and §98.30-17 Qualifications Of Person In Charge.

(a) The operator or agent of each vessel shall designate the
(b) For an MPT, the valves and closures specified in §§64.33 person in charge of a transfer of liquid cargo in bulk to or from a
through 64.41 of this chapter. portable tank.

[CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37412, Sept. 11, 1990] (b) Each person designated as person in charge of a transfer of
liquid cargo in bulk to or from a portable tank shall–
§98.30-11 Cargo Pumps.
No person may operate a cargo pump to transfer a product to or (1) On a tank barge, hold a "Tankerman-PIC", restricted
from a portable tank unless the pump is installed– "Tankerman-PIC", "Tankerman-PIC (Barge)", or restricted
"Tankerman-PIC (Barge)" merchant mariner's document
(a) Above deck; or authorizing transfer of the classification of cargo involved;

(b) Below deck, in conformance with subpart 32.60 of this (2) On a self-propelled tank vessel, or on a tankship, carrying oil
chapter. or hazardous material in bulk, hold a valid license or certificate
authorizing service as a master, mate, pilot, engineer, or operator
§98.30-13 Ground Connection. aboard that vessel, and a Tankerman-PIC or a restricted
No person may transfer an inflammable or combustible product to Tankerman (PIC) endorsement on his or her MMD.
or from a vessel unless–
[CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17157, Apr. 4, 1995, as amended at 62 FR
(a) The portable tank and its pumping equipment is electrically 25135, May 8, 1997]
grounded to the hull of the vessel; and

§98.30-19 Supervision By Person In Charge. (9) Discharge containment procedures;
(a) No person may connect, top off, disconnect, or engage in any (10) Discharge reporting procedures;
other critical product transfer operation unless the person in (11) Watch or shift arrangement; and
charge designated in §98.30-17, personally supervises the (12) Transfer shutdown procedures;
(i) The person in charge of the transfer operations on the
(b) No person may start the flow of a product to or from a portable transferring vessel or facility and the person in charge of transfer
tank unless instructed to do so by the person in charge. operations on the receiving vessel or facility agree to begin the
transfer operations; and
(c) No person may transfer a product to or from a portable tank
unless the person in charge is in the immediate vicinity of the (j) Each person in charge required in this subpart is present.
transfer operation and immediately available to the person
transferring the product. §98.30-25 Requirements For Transfer; Cargo Handling
§98.30-21 Inspection Prior To Transfer. No person may transfer a product to or from a portable tank
No person may transfer to or from a portable tank a product with a unless the cargo handling system meets the requirements in
flashpoint of less than 300°F unless the person in charge of the subpart F of part 64 of this chapter.
transfer determines that–
§98.30-27 Connections.

(a) Each warning signal and sign required in §§98.30-33 and (a) Each person who makes a connection for a transfer operation
98.30-35 is displayed; shall–

(b) No repair work in the vicinity of any portable tank is done (1) Use suitable material in joints and couplings to make a tight
without permission of the person in charge of the transfer seal;

operation; and
(2) Use a bolt in at least every other hole and in no case less than
(c) Riveting, welding, burning, or a similar operation is not done in four bolts in each temporary connection utilizing an American
the vicinity of a portable tank unless an inspection by the person National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard flange coupling;
in charge of the transfer ensures that the operation can be done

safely. (3) Use a bolt in each hole of couplings other than ANSI standard
flange couplings;
§98.30-23 Requirements For Transfer; General.
No person may transfer a product to or from a portable tank
unless– A (4) Use a bolt in each hole of each permanently connected flange
(a) The vessel's moorings are strong enough to hold in all (5) Use bolts of the same size in each bolted coupling; and
expected conditions of surge, current, and weather and are long

enough to allow adjustment for changes in draft, drift, and tide (6) Tighten each bolt and nut uniformly to distribute the load.
during the transfer operation;
(b) No person who makes a connection for a transfer operation
(b) Transfer hoses or loading arms are long enough to allow the may use any bolt that shows signs of strain or is elongated or

vessel to move the limits of its mooring without placing strain on deteriorated.
the hose, loading arm, or transfer piping system;
(c) No person may use a connection for transfer operations

(c) Each transfer hose is supported in a manner that prevents unless it is–
strain on its coupling;
(1) A bolted or full threaded connection; or

(d) Each part of the transfer system necessary to allow the flow of (2) A quick-connect coupling accepted by the Coast Guard.
the product is lined up for the transfer;
§98.30-29 Piping Incompatible Products.
(e) Each transfer hose has no loose covers, kinks, bulges, soft No person may pipe a portable tank with another tank that
spots, and no gouges, cuts, or slashes that penetrate the hose contains a chemically incompatible product.

§98.30-31 Conditions For Pumping.
(f) Each coupling meets the requirements of §98.30-27; No person may start pumping a product to or from a portable tank
or if started, continue to pump if–
(g) Each scupper or drain in a discharge containment system is

closed; (a) There is an electrical storm;

(h) The person in charge of the transfer operations on the (b) A fire occurs–
transferring vessel or facility and the person in charge of the
transfer operations on the receiving vessel or facility have held a (1) On the deck;
conference, to ensure that each person in charge understands– (2) On the vessel;
(3) In the vicinity; or
(1) The identity of the product to be transferred;
(2) The sequence of transfer operations; (c) The cargo hose ruptures or leaks.
(3) The transfer rate;
(4) The name or title and location of each person participating in §98.30-33 Warning Signals.
the transfer operation; (a) If the vessel is moored, no person may transfer to or from a
(5) Particulars of the transferring and receiving systems; portable tank a product with a flashpoint of less than 300°F unless
(6) Critical stages of the transfer operations; the person in charge displays a–
(7) Federal, state, and local rules that apply to the transfer of
dangerous articles and combustible liquids; (1) Red flag by day; and
(8) Emergency procedures; (2) Red electric lantern by night.

(b) If the vessel is at anchor, no person may transfer to or from a (2) A portable tank authorized under 49 CFR 176.340(b); and
portable tank a product with a flashpoint of less than 300°F unless
the person in charge displays a red flag. (3) A portable tank approved by the Commandant under subpart
50.20 of this chapter.
(c) The signal required in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section
must be visible on all sides of the vessel. [CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37412, Sept. 11, 1990; 56 FR 13598, Apr. 3,
1991, as amended by CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51046, Sept. 30, 1997]
§98.30-35 Warning Sign At Gangway.
If a vessel is moored, no person may transfer to or from a §98.33-3 Cargoes Authorized.
portable tank a product with a flashpoint of less than 300°F unless The following cargoes are authorized for transfer to and from
the person in charge displays at each gangway or access that is portable tanks authorized by §98.33-5:
open for use a warning placard containing the following in letters
2 inches in height or larger: (a) Grade E combustible liquids that have a closed-cup flashpoint
of 300°F or higher and that meet the definition of no DOT hazard
WARNING class in 49 CFR part 173;
No open lights
No smoking (b) Any environmentally hazardous substance, liquid N.O.S.,
Class 9, listed in table 1 of appendix A of 49 CFR 172.101, and
§98.30-37 Firefighting Requirements. any aqueous solution of an environmentally hazardous

No person may lift a portable tank on or off a vessel, or transfer a substance, solid, N.O.S., Class 9, listed in that table, that meets
product with a flashpoint of less than 300°F to or from a portable the definition of "Hazardous substance" in 49 CFR 171.8.

tank unless–
(c) Other cargoes subject to regulation under 49 CFR parts 171
(a) Water pressure is maintained on the firemain; through 176 when authorized in writing by the Commandant.

Requests for such authorization must be submitted as prescribed
(b) Firehoses, fitted with a Coast Guard approved combination in §153.900(d)(1) of this chapter.
nozzle, are attached to each fire hydrant in the vicinity of the
portable tanks; [CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37412, Sept. 11, 1990, as amended by CGD
97-057, 62 FR 51046, Sept. 30, 1997]

(c) Except as provided in §98.30-39, fire extinguishers of a dry
chemical type are– §98.33-5 Portable Tanks Authorized.
The cargoes authorized under §98.33-3 may be transferred to
(1) Located to protect the deck area 10 feet in any horizontal
direction from each portable tank and its associated cargo A and from portable tanks to which this subpart applies if the
portable tanks have:
handling system; (a) A minimum design pressure of 9 psig.

(2) Coast Guard approved; and (b) Pressure-relief devices that may be frangible pressure-relief

devices (rupture disks), and that do not open at less than 3 psig.
(3) Capable of covering the deck area without being moved;
[CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37412, Sept. 11, 1990; 55 FR 47477, Nov.
(d) In a deck area of 500 square feet or less, there are 2 or more 14, 1990]

dry chemical fire extinguishers of 300 pounds or more total

capacity of extinguishing agent; and §98.33-7 Pipe And Hose Connections.
If a portable tank authorized under §98.33-5 of this part has a

(e) In a deck area of more than 500 square feet, there are 3 or pipe or hose connection in its bottom, the connection must have a
more dry chemical fire extinguishers of 450 pounds or more total manually operated valve and a bolted flange, threaded cap, or
capacity of extinguishing agent. similar device, to protect against leakage of the tank's contents.

§98.30-39 Alternate Fire Extinguishing System. §98.33-9 Stowage.

An alternative to the fire extinguishing system required in §98.30- Each portable tank authorized under §98.33-5 of this part must be
37(c) may be approved in accordance with procedures contained secured to the vessel by devices of sufficient strength and
in subpart 90.15 of this chapter. number to prevent the tank from moving in any direction during

Subpart 98.33 – Portable Tanks for Certain Grade
§98.33-11 Smoking.
E Combustible Liquids and Other Regulated No person may smoke when–

(a) Within 50 feet of a portable tank containing a combustible

[SOURCE: CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37412, Sept. 11, 1990, unless liquid; and
otherwise noted.]
(b) On the deck where the tank is stowed.
§98.33-1 Applicability.
(a) This subpart contains regulations concerning transfer of §98.33-13 Cargo-Handling Systems.
certain low-hazard materials to and from portable tanks on A cargo authorized under §98.33-3 of this part may not be
vessels transferred to or from a portable tank authorized under §98.33-5
of this part unless the cargo-handling system meets the
(b) This subpart applies to the following portable tanks: requirements of subpart F of part 64 of this chapter.

(1) A DOT-specification 57 portable tank (see 49 CFR 173.24, §98.33-15 Transfers.

173.32, 178.251, and 178.253); A cargo authorized under §98.33-3 of this part may not be
transferred to or from a portable tank authorized under §98.33-5
[NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(1): Copies of Specifications of this part unless the following requirements are met:
178.251 and 178.253 may be obtained from the Commandant (G-
MSO-3).] (a) Cargo pumps comply with §98.30-11 of this part;

(b) Ground connection complies with §98.30-13 of this part; (g) Connections comply with §98.30-27 of this part;

(c) Leakage containment complies with §98.30-15 of this part; (h) Pumping of incompatible products complies with §98.30-29 of
this part;
(d) Qualification of person in charge complies with §98.30-17 of
this part; (i) Conditions for pumping comply with §98.30-31 of this part; and

(e) Supervision of person in charge complies with §98.30-19 of (j) Carriage of NLSs complies with §98.30-14 of this part.
this part;
[CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37412, Sept. 11, 1990; 55 FR 47477, Nov.
(f) Transfers, general, comply with §98.30-23 of this part; 14, 1990]


Part 108 – Design And Equipment
Table Of Contents 108.195 Location Of Accommodation Spaces.
108.197 Construction Of Accommodation Spaces.
Subpart A–General 108.199 Arrangement Of Sleeping Spaces.
108.201 Size Of Sleeping Spaces.
Sec. 108.203 Berths And Lockers.
108.101 Incorporation By Reference. 108.205 Wash Spaces; Toilet Spaces; And Shower Spaces.
108.103 Equipment Not Required On A Unit. 108.207 Messrooms.
108.105 Substitutes For Required Fittings, Material, Apparatus, 108.209 Hospital Spaces.
Equipment, Arrangements, Calculations, And Tests. 108.210 Hospital Space Not Required.
108.109 Classification Society Standards. 108.211 Miscellaneous Accommodation Spaces.
108.213 Heating Requirements.
Subpart B–Construction And Arrangement 108.215 Insect Screens.


108.113 Structural Standards. 108.217 Guardrails And Bulwarks.
108.114 Appliances For Watertight And Weathertight Integrity 108.219 Guardrails.
108.221 Storm Rails.

FIRE PROTECTION: GENERAL 108.223 Guards On Exposed Equipment.

108.123 Isolation Of Combustible Material. HELICOPTER FACILITIES

108.127 Storage Lockers For Combustibles.
108.231 Application.
108.235 Construction.
108.237 Fuel Storage Facilities.

108.131 Definitions.
108.133 Hull Superstructure, Structural Bulkheads, Decks, And 108.239 Fuel Transfer Equipment.
Deckhouses. 108.241 Visual Aids.
108.135 Boundary Bulkheads, Decks Of Galleys, And
Combustible Material Lockers.
108.137 Bulkhead And Deck Separations Of Accommodation
A Subpart C–Stability
Spaces. 108.301 Stability.
108.139 Boundary Bulkheads And Decks Of A Space
Containing Emergency Power. Subpart D–Fire Extinguishing Systems

108.141 Boundary Bulkheads And Decks Between The

Emergency Power Source And Service Generators. 108.401 Fire Main System.
108.143 Accommodation Space. 108.403 Fire Extinguishing Systems: General.
108.145 Hatches And Tonnage Openings. 108.403aFire Extinguishing Systems: Non-Vital Services.

108.147 Certain Paints Prohibited. 108.404 Selection Of Fire Detection System.

108.405 Fire Detection System.
MEANS OF ESCAPE 108.407 Detectors For Electrical Fire Detection System.

108.409 Location And Spacing Of Tubing In Pneumatic Fire

108.151 Two Means Required. Detection System.
108.153 Location Of Means Of Escape. 108.411 Smoke Detection System.

108.155 Restrictions On Means Of Escape Utilized. 108.413 Fusible Element Fire Detection System.
108.157 Locked Doors.
108.159 Stairways And Exterior Inclined Ladders. FIRE MAIN SYSTEM
108.160 Vertical Ladders.
108.161 Dead End Corridors. 108.415 Fire Pump: General.

108.165 Access To Lifeboats And Liferafts. 108.417 Fire Pump Components And Associated Equipment.
108.167 Weather Deck Ladders. 108.419 Fire Main Capacity.
108.421 Location Of Fire Pumps And Associated Equipment.
CLASSIFIED LOCATIONS 108.423 Fire Hydrants And Associated Equipment.

108.425 Fire Hoses And Associated Equipment.

108.170 Definitions. 108.427 International Shore Connection.
108.171 Class I, Division 1 Locations. 108.429 Fire Main System Protection.
108.173 Class I, Division 2 Locations.
108.175 Contiguous Locations. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLING SYSTEMS
108.177 Electrical Equipment In Classified Locations.
108.430 General.
108.181 Ventilation For Enclosed Spaces.
108.185 Ventilation For Enclosed Classified Locations. 108.431 Carbon Dioxide Systems: General.
108.187 Ventilation For Brush Type Electric Motors In Classified 108.433 Quantity Of CO2: General.
Spaces. 108.437 Pipe Sizes And Discharge Rates For Enclosed
Ventilation Systems For Rotating Electrical Equipment.
ACCOMMODATION SPACES 108.439 Quantity Of CO2 For Protection Of Spaces.
108.441 Piping And Discharge Rates For CO2 Systems.
108.193 Restrictions. 108.443 Controls And Valves.
108.445 Alarm And Means Of Escape.

108.447 Piping. 108.601 Crane Design.
108.449 Piping Tests.
108.451 CO2 Storage. Subpart G–Equipment Markings And Instructions
108.453 Discharge Outlets.
108.455 Enclosure Openings. 108.621 Equipment Markings: General.
108.457 Pressure Release. 108.623 General Alarm Bell Switch.
108.625 General Alarm Bell.
108.629 Fire Extinguishing System Branch Line Valve.
108.458 General. 108.631 Fixed Fire Extinguishing System Controls.
108.633 Fire Stations.
FOAM EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS 108.635 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus.
108.636 Work Vests.
108.459 Number And Location Of Outlets. 108.637 Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers.
108.461 Coamings. 108.639 Emergency Lights.
108.463 Foam Rate: Protein. 108.641 Instructions For Changing Steering Gear.
108.467 Water Supply. 108.643 Rudder Orders.
108.469 Quantity Of Foam Producing Materials. 108.645 Markings On Lifesaving Appliances.
108.471 Water Pump. 108.646 Marking Of Stowage Locations.

108.473 Foam System Components. 108.647 Inflatable Liferafts.
108.474 Aqueous Film Forming Foam Systems. 108.649 Lifejackets, Immersion Suits, And Lifebuoys.

108.475 Piping. 108.650 EPIRBs And SARTs.
108.477 Fire Hydrants. 108.651 Portable Magazine Chests.
108.653 Helicopter Facilities.

108.657 Unit Markings.
108.486 Helicopter Decks. 108.659 Lifesaving Signal Instructions.
108.487 Helicopter Deck Fueling Operations. 108.661 Unit Markings: Draft Marks.
108.489 Helicopter Fueling Facilities. 108.663 Unit Markings: Load Line.

108.665 Appliances For Watertight Integrity.
EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS Subpart H–Miscellaneous Equipment

108.491 General. A 108.697 Buoyant Work Vests.

108.493 Location. 108.699 Substitution Of Life Preservers.
108.495 Spare Charges. 108.701 Sounding Equipment.
108.496 Semiportable Fire Extinguishers. 108.703 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus.

108.705 Anchors, Chains, Wire Rope, And Hawsers.

108.709 Litter.
108.497 Fireman's Outfits. 108.713 International Code Of Signals.

108.499 Fire Axes. 108.715 Magnetic Compass And Gyrocompass.

108.717 Radar.
Subpart E–Lifesaving Equipment 108.719 Pilot Boarding Equipment.

108.500 General. Subpart I–Navigation Bridge Visibility

108.503 Relationship To International Standards.

108.510 Application. 108.801 Navigation Bridge Visibility.

108.515 Requirements For Units Built Before October 1, 1996.
108.520 Type Of Survival Craft. Subpart J–Muster List
108.525 Survival Craft Number And Arrangement.
108.530 Stowage Of Survival Craft. 108.901 Muster List And Emergency Instructions.

108.540 Survival Craft Muster And Embarkation Arrangements.

108.545 Marine Evacuation System Launching Arrangements. Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3102, 3306; Department of
108.550 Survival Craft Launching And Recovery Arrangements: Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1. [SOURCE: CGD 73-
General. 251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, unless otherwise noted.]
108.553 Survival Craft Launching And Recovery Arrangements

Using Falls And A Winch.

108.555 Lifeboat Launching And Recovery Arrangements.
Subpart A – General
108.557 Free-Fall Lifeboat Launching And Recovery
§108.101 Incorporation By Reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with
108.560 Rescue Boats.
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance
108.565 Stowage Of Rescue Boats.
with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). To enforce any edition other than that
108.570 Rescue Boat Embarkation, Launching And Recovery
specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the Coast Guard must
publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and make
108.575 Survival Craft And Rescue Boat Equipment.
the material available to the public. All approved material is on file
108.580 Personal Lifesaving Appliances.
at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street,
108.595 Communications.
NW., suite 700, Washington, DC, and at the U.S. Coast Guard,
108.597 Line-Throwing Appliance.
Office of Design and Engineering Standards (G-MSE), 2100
Second Street SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001 and is available
Subpart F–Cranes from the sources indicated in paragraph (b) of this section.


(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this equivalent to the requirements of this part and the appliance or
part and the sections affected are: arrangement–

ASTM F 1014-92, Standard Specification for Flashlights on (1) Is evaluated and tested in accordance with IMO Resolution
Vessels 108.497 A.520(13), Code of Practice for the Evaluation, Testing and
ASTM F 1121-87 (1993), Standard Specification for International Acceptance of Prototype Novel Life-saving Appliances and
Shore Connections for Marine Fire Applications 108.427 Arrangements; or

INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION (IMO) (2) Has successfully undergone evaluation and tests that are
Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR, substantially equivalent to those recommendations.
United Kingdom
(d) During a unit's construction and when any modification to the
Resolution A.520(13), Code of Practice for the Evaluation, Testing lifesaving arrangement is done after construction, the owner must
and Acceptance of Prototype Novel Life-saving Appliances and obtain acceptance of lifesaving arrangements from the
Arrangements, 17 November 1983. 108.105. Commandant (G-MSC).

Resolution A.649(16), Code for the Construction and (e) The OCMI may accept substitute lifesaving appliances other
Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code), 19 than those required by this part, except for–
October 1989 with amendments of June 1991. 108.503.

(1) Survival craft and rescue boats; and
Resolution A.658(16), Use and Fitting of Retro-reflective

108.645; (2) Survival craft and rescue boat launching and embarkation
Materials on Life-saving Appliances, 20 November 1989.

108.649. (f) Acceptance of lifesaving appliances and arrangements will
Resolution A.760(18), Symbols Related to Life-saving remain in effect unless–
Appliances and Arrangements, 17 November 1993. (1) The OCMI deems their condition to be unsatisfactory or unfit
108.647; for the service intended; or

108.655. (2) The OCMI deems the crew's ability to use and assist others in
the use of the lifesaving appliances or arrangements to be
1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269-9101. NFPA 13-1996, A inadequate.
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. 108.430 [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 84-069, 61 FR
[88-032, 56 FR 35826, July 29, 1991, as amended by CGD 95- 25291, May 20, 1996]

072, 60 FR 50464, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25290,

May 20, 1996; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD §108.109 Classification Society Standards.
97-057, 62 FR 51046, Sept. 30, 1997; CGD 95-028, 62 FR (a) Any person who desires to use the rules of a classification
51208, Sept. 30, 1997; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, society, other than the American Bureau of Shipping, to meet

March 1, 2000] requirements in this Subchapter must request recognition of that

society from the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center. The
§108.103 Equipment Not Required On A Unit. relevant rules must be submitted with the request.

Each item of lifesaving and firefighting equipment carried on

board the unit in addition to equipment of the type required under [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
this subchapter, must– 95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 1995]

(a) Be approved; or Subpart B – Construction and Arragement

(b) Be acceptable to the cognizant OCMI, for use on the unit.

[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996]

Hull Structure

§108.113 Structural Standards.

§108.105 Substitutes For Required Fittings, Material,
Except as provided in §108.109, each unit must meet the
Apparatus, Equipment, Arrangements, Calculations, And
structural standards of the American Bureau of Shipping's Rules
for Building and Classing Offshore Mobile Drilling Units,
(a) Where this subchapter requires a particular fitting, material,

apparatus, equipment, arrangement, calculation or test, the
Commandant (G-MSE) may accept any substitution that is at
§108.114 Appliances For Watertight And Weathertight
least as effective as that specified. If necessary, the Commandant
(G-MSE) may require engineering evaluations and tests to
(a) Appliances to ensure watertight integrity include watertight
demonstrate the equivalence of the substitution.
doors, hatches, scuttles, bolted manhole covers, or other
watertight closures for openings in watertight decks and
(b) In any case where it is shown to the satisfaction of the
Commandant that the use of any particular equipment, apparatus,
arrangement, or test is unreasonable or impracticable, the
(b) Appliances to ensure weathertight integrity include
Commandant may permit the use of alternate equipment,
weathertight doors and hatches, closures for air pipes, ventilators,
apparatus, arrangement, or test to such an extent and upon such
ventilation intakes and outlets, and closures for other openings in
condition as will insure, to his satisfaction, a degree of safety
deckhouses and superstructures.
consistent with the minimum standards set forth in this
(c) Each internal opening fixed with appliances to ensure
watertight integrity which are used intermittently during operation
(c) The Commandant (G-MSE) may accept a novel lifesaving
of the unit while afloat must meet the following:
appliance or arrangement, if it provides a level of safety

(1) Each door, hatch, and scuttle must– average temperature rise on the unexposed side of the insulated
bulkhead or deck of less than 139°C. (250°F.) above the
(1)(i) Be remotely controlled from a normally manned control temperature before the standard fire test and has a temperature
station, and be operable locally from both sides of the bulkhead; rise at any point on the unexposed surface, including any joint, of
or less than 180°C. (325°F.) above the temperature before the
standard fire test.
(1)(ii) If there is no means of remote control there must be an
alarm system which signals whether the appliance is open or (3) B class bulkhead or deck means a bulkhead or deck that–
closed both locally at each appliance and in a normally manned
control station. (3)(i) Is made of approved noncombustible material;

(2) Each closing appliance must remain watertight under the (3)(ii) Prevents flame from passing through it for 30 minutes if
design water pressure of the watertight boundary of which it is a subjected to the standard fire test.
(4) C class bulkhead or deck means a bulkhead or deck made
(d) Each external opening fitted with an appliance to ensure of approved noncombustible material.
weathertight integrity must be located so that it would not be
submerged below the final equilibrium waterline if the unit is (c) Equivalent material means a material that by itself or with
subjected simultaneously to– insulation has smoke and fire retardant properties equal to that of

the steel required for "A" or "B" class bulkheads or decks and has
(1) Damage causing flooding described in §174.075 through structural qualities equivalent to steel at the end of the applicable

§174.085 of this chapter; and fire exposure.

(2) A wind heeling moment calculated in accordance with (d) Approved material means a material approved under one of

§174.055 of this chapter using a wind velocity of 50 knots (25.8 the following subparts of Subchapter Q of this chapter:
meters per second).
(1) Deck coverings, Subpart 164.006.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD (2) Structural insulation, Subpart 164.007.
79-023, 48 FR 51008, Nov. 4, 1983] (3) Bulkhead panel, Subpart 164.008.

(4) Noncombustible materials, Subpart 164.009;
Fire Protection: General (5) Interior finishes, Subpart 164.012.

§108.123 Isolation Of Combustible Material.

Each internal combustion engine exhaust, boiler and galley
A (e) Stairtower means a stairway that penetrates more than one
deck within the same enclosure, or two or more stairways that–
uptake, and similar heat source must be separated or insulated
from combustible materials. (1) Are arranged vertically one above the other; or

§108.127 Storage Lockers For Combustibles. (2) Penetrate both the deck and the overhead within the same
Each oil and paint locker must be made of steel or an equivalent enclosure.
material or be completely lined with steel or an equivalent material
as described in §108.131(c) of this subpart. (f) Accommodation space includes, sleeping, mess, hospital,

recreational, toilet, washing and shower spaces, and corridors.

Structural Fire Protection
§108.133 Hull Superstructure, Structural Bulkheads, Decks,

§108.131 Definitions. And Deckhouses.

(a) Standard Fire Test means the test in which specimens of the Each hull superstructure, structural bulkhead, deck, and
relevant bulkheads or decks, having a surface of approximately deckhouse must be made of steel or an equivalent material.

4.65 square meters (50 square feet) and a height of 2.44 meters
(8 feet) resembling as closely as possible the intended §108.135 Boundary Bulkheads, Decks Of Galleys, And
construction and including, where appropriate, at least one joint, Combustible Material Lockers.
are exposed in a test furnace to a series of temperature Each boundary bulkhead and deck of each galley, each
relationships approximately as follows: combination galley and messroom, and each combustible

material storage locker must be an A class bulkhead and A class

(1) At the end of 5 minutes–538°C. (1,000°F.) deck respectively.
(2) At the end of 10 minutes–704°C. (1,300°F.)
(3) At the end of 30 minutes–843°C. (1,550°F.) §108.137 Bulkhead And Deck Separations Of
Accommodation Spaces.

(4) At the end of 60 minutes–927°C. (1,700°F.).

Each boundary bulkhead and deck that separates an
(b) Bulkheads and decks are defined and classed as follows: accommodation space or control station from the following must
be an A class bulkhead and A class deck respectively–
(1) A class bulkhead or deck means a bulkhead or deck that–
(a) Machinery space;
(1)(i) Is made of steel or other equivalent material; and (b) Galley or combination galley and messroom;
(c) Main pantry;
(1)(ii) Prevents the passage of flame and smoke for 60 minutes if (d) Classified space;
subjected to the standard fire test. (e) Store room.

(2) A 60 bulkhead or deck means an A class bulkhead or deck §108.139 Boundary Bulkheads And Decks Of A Space
that– Containing Emergency Power.
Each boundary bulkhead and deck of a space containing an
(2)(i) Is insulated with approved insulation, bulkhead panels, or emergency electric power source or components of an
deck covering; emergency electric power source must be an A class bulkhead
and A class deck respectively. When separate but adjoining
(2)(ii) If subjected to the standard fire test for 60 minutes, has an spaces are provided for such equipment, boundary bulkhead type

construction is not required for the separating partitions common No nitrocellulose or other highly flammable or noxious fume-
to each space. producing paint or lacquer may be used on a unit.

§108.141 Boundary Bulkheads And Decks Between The Means of Escape

Emergency Power Source And Service Generators.
Each boundary bulkhead and deck of a space containing an §108.151 Two Means Required.
emergency electric power source or components of an (a) Each of the following must have at least 2 means of escape:
emergency electric power source that adjoins a space containing
a ship's service generator, the components of a ship's service (1) Each accommodation space with a deck area of at least 27 sq.
generator, or a classified space must be an A-60 bulkhead and A- meters (300 sq. ft.).
60 deck.
(2) Each space, other than an accommodation space, that is
§108.143 Accommodation Space. continuously manned or used on a regular working basis except
(a) Each corridor bulkhead in an accommodation space must be for routine security checks.
an A class or B class bulkhead except if an A class bulkhead is
specifically required by this part. (3) Weather deck areas where personnel may be normally
(b) No door in a corridor bulkhead in an accommodation space
may have a louver, except that a stateroom, lounge, or recreation

(b) When two means of escape are required from a space below
room door may have louvers in its lower half. the main deck, one the means of escape must provide for a rapid
escape through openings that are not required to be watertight by

(c) Each stairtower, elevator, and dumbwaiter, and other trunk damage stability considerations.
must be enclosed by A class bulkheads.
(c) When two means of escape are required from a space above

(d) Each bulkhead not described under paragraph (a) of this the main deck, one of the means of escape must provide for a
section must be either A class, B class, or C class bulkheads. rapid escape to a weather deck.

(e) At least one opening to each stairway must be enclosed by §108.153 Location Of Means Of Escape.
either A class or B class bulkheads and doors. The required two means of escape must be through exits that

minimize the possibility of having both exits blocked if a fire or
(f) Each stairtower must have doors at all levels and each must be other casualty occurs in the area.
an A class door.

(g) Each door required by paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section– A §108.155 Restrictions On Means Of Escape Utilized.
A required means of escape may not be a vertical ladder or deck
scuttle, except that one of the means of escape may be a vertical
(1) Must be self-closing; ladder or deck scuttle if a stairway would be impracticable.

(2) May not have any means to permanently hold the door open, §108.157 Locked Doors.
except for magnetic holdbacks that are operated from the bridge No door to the required means of escape may be designed to lock
or other remote location. except–

(h) Interior stairs, including stringers and treads, must be made of (a) A crash door or a door that has a locking device that can be
steel or an equivalent material. easily forced, if on both sides of the door a permanent and easily
seen instruction is placed; or

(i) Except in washrooms and toilet spaces, each deck covering in

an accommodation space must be made of an approved material, (b) An outside door to a deckhouse if the door can be locked by
except an overlay on a deck for leveling or finishing that is not key only and if the master or person in charge has control of the

more than 9.375 millimeters (3/8 inch) thick. key to the door's lock.

(j) Except as provided in paragraph (1), each ceiling, lining, §108.159 Stairways And Exterior Inclined Ladders.
insulation, and pipe and duct lagging in an accommodation space Each stairway, except a stairway in a machinery or storage
must be made of an approved material that is noncombustible. space, and each exterior inclined ladder must be at least 70

centimeters (28 inches) wide with an angle of inclination from the

(k) Each sheathing, furring, or holding piece used to secure a horizontal of not more than 50 degrees, except that special
bulkhead, ceiling, lining, or insulation in an accommodation space consideration may be given to the installation if a 70 centimeters
must be made of an approved material that is non-combustible. (28 inch) width is impracticable.

(l) No bulkhead, lining, or ceiling in an accommodation space may §108.160 Vertical Ladders.
have a combustible veneer greater than 2 millimeters (1/12 inch) (a) Each vertical ladder must have rungs that are–
in thickness.
(1) At least 41 centimeters (16 inches) in length;
(m) Each corridor or hidden space in an accommodation space
may be covered by an approved interior finish or a reasonable (2) Not more than 30 centimeters (12 inches) apart, uniform for
number of coats of paint. However, no corridor or hidden space the length of the ladder; and
may have combustible veneer, trim, or decoration except material
approved under Subpart 164.012 of this chapter. (3) At least 18 centimeters (7 inches) from the nearest permanent
object in back of the ladder.
§108.145 Hatches And Tonnage Openings.
Each hatch, except a hatch between storage spaces and each (b) Except when unavoidable obstructions are encountered, there
tonnage opening closure, must be made of steel or an equivalent must be at least 11.5 centimeters (4 1/2 inches) clearance above
material of the same class as the bulkhead or deck where the each rung.
opening occurs.
(c) Except as provided in §108.540(h)(3)(ii), each exterior vertical
§108.147 Certain Paints Prohibited. ladder more than 6 meters (20 ft.) in length must be fitted with a

cage or ladder safety device meeting ANSI Standard 14.3 (1974) §108.173 Class I, Division 2 Locations.
for fixed ladders. The following are Class I, Division 2 locations:

(d) No vertical fixed ladders may be made of wood. (a) An enclosed space that has any open portion of the mud
[67 FR 61276, Sept. 30, 2002] circulating system from the final degassing discharge to the mud
suction connection at the mud pit.
§108.161 Dead End Corridors.
No dead end corridor may be more than 13 meters (43 feet) long. (b) A location in the weather that is–

§108.165 Access To Lifeboats And Liferafts. (1) Within the boundaries of the drilling derrick up to a height of 3
Each unit must be designed to provide direct access to the m (10 ft.) above the drill floor;
lifeboat and liferaft embarkation areas.
(2) Below the drill floor and within a radius of 3 m (10 ft.) of a
§108.167 Weather Deck Ladders. possible source of gas release; or
Each unit must have at least one permanent, inclined ladder
between each weather deck. (3) Within 1.5 m (5 ft.) of the boundaries of any ventilation outlet,
access, or other opening to a Class I, Division 2 space.
(c) A location that is–

§108.170 Definitions.
(a) Classified locations are those in which flammable hydrocarbon (1) Within 1.5 m (5 ft.) of a semi-enclosed Class I, Division 1

gas or vapors, resulting from the drilling operations, may be location indicated in §108.171(b); or
present in quantities sufficient to produce an explosive or ignitable
mixture. Location of these areas affect the design of the units' (2) Within 1.5 m (5 ft.) of a Class I, Division 1 space indicated in

machinery, electrical, and ventilation systems. (See Notes 1 and §108.171(e).
(d) A semi-enclosed area that is below and contiguous with the
(b) For the purpose of this subpart "semi-enclosed location" drill floor to the boundaries of the derrick or to the extent of any
means a location where natural conditions of ventilation are enclosure which is liable to trap gasses.

notably different from those on open decks due to the presence of
structures such as roofs, windbreaks, or bulkheads. (e) A semi-enclosed derrick to the extent of its enclosure above
the drill floor or to a height of 3 m (10 ft.) above the drill floor,
[NOTES: 1. Further requirements with respect to hazardous
locations are contained in part 111, subpart 111.105, of this A whichever is greater.
chapter. 2. For specific requirements for machinery and electrical (f) Except as provided in §108.175 an enclosed space that has an
installations on mobile offshore drilling units see Subchapters "F" opening into a Class I, Division 2 location.
and "J" of this chapter.]

§108.175 Contiguous Locations.

[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD An enclosed space that has direct access to a Division 1 or
94-108, 61 FR 28270, June 4, 1996] Division 2 location is the same division as that location, except–

§108.171 Class I, Division 1 Locations. (a) An enclosed space that has direct access to a Division 1
The following are Class I, Division 1 locations: location is not a hazardous location if–

(a) An enclosed space that contains any part of the mud (1) The access has self-closing gas-tight doors that form an air
circulating system that has an opening into the space and is lock;
between the well and final degassing discharge.

(2) The ventilation causes greater pressure in the space than in

(b) An enclosed or semi-enclosed location that is below the drill the Division 1 location; and
floor, and contains a possible source of gas release.
(3) Loss of ventilation overpressure activates an alarm at a
(c) An enclosed space that is on the drill floor, and is not manned station;

separated by a solid, gas-light floor from the spaces specified in

paragraph (b) of this section. (b) An enclosed space that has direct access to a Division 1
location can be considered as a Division 2 location if–
(d) A space that would normally be considered a Division 2
location under §108.173 but where combustible or flammable (1) The access has a self-closing, gas-tight door that opens into

gases might accumulate. the space and that has no hold-back device;

(e) A location in the weather, or a semi-enclosed location, except (2) Ventilation causes the air to flow with the door open from the
as provided in paragraph (b) of this section that is within 1.5 m (5 space into the Division 1 location; and
ft.) of the boundary of any–
(3) Loss of ventilation activates an alarm at a manned control
(1) Equipment or opening specified in paragraph (a) of this station; and
(c) An enclosed space that has direct access to a Division 2
(2) Ventilation outlet, access, or other opening to a Class I, location is not a hazardous location if–
Division 1 space; or
(1) The access has a self-closing, gas-tight door that opens into
(3) Gas vent outlet. the space and that has no hold-back device;

(f) Except as provided in §108.175, an enclosed space that has (2) Ventilation causes the air to flow with the door open from the
an opening into a Class I, Division 1 location. space into the Division 2 location; and

(3) Loss of ventilation activates an alarm at a manned control open into any accommodation space, except that accesses and
station. sounding tubes may open into corridors.

§108.177 Electrical Equipment In Classified Locations. §108.195 Location Of Accommodation Spaces.

Electrical equipment and devices installed in spaces made non- (a) On surface type units, accommodation spaces must not be
hazardous by the methods indicated in §108.175 must only be located forward of a vertical plane located at 5 percent of the
essential equipment. unit's length aft of the stem, at the designed summer load line.

VENTILATION (b) On all units, the deckhead of each accommodation space

must be above the deepest load line.
§108.181 Ventilation For Enclosed Spaces.
(a) Each enclosed space must be vented or ventilated. §108.197 Construction Of Accommodation Spaces.
(a) Each sleeping, mess, recreational, or hospital space that is
(b) There must be a means to close each vent or ventilating adjacent to or immediately above a stowage or machinery space,
system. paint locker, drying room, washroom, toilet space, or other odor
source must be made odorproof.
(c) Each fan in a ventilating system must have remote controls
installed in accordance with part 111, subpart 111.103, of this (b) Each accommodation space that is adjacent to or immediately
above a galley, machinery space, machinery casing, boiler room,

or other noise or heat source, must be protected from the heat
(d) There must be a means to close each doorway, ventilator, and and noise.

annular space around each funnel or other opening to machinery,
stowage, or working spaces. The means must be located outside (c) Where the shell or an unsheathed weather deck forms a
the space. boundary of an accommodation space, the shell of deck must

have a covering that prevents the formation of moisture.
(e) Each intake in a ventilating system must be located so as to
prevent, as far as practicable, the intake of noxious fumes. (d) The deckheads of each accommodation space must be a light
[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD

94-108, 61 FR 28270, June 4, 1996] (e) Each accommodation space in which water may accumulate
must have a drain scupper located in the lowest part of the space,
considering the average trim of the unit.
§108.185 Ventilation For Enclosed Classified Locations.
(a) The ventilation system for each enclosed classified location
must be designed to maintain a pressure differential between the
A (f) Each public toilet space must be constructed and located so
enclosed classified location and each non-classified location that its odors do not readily enter any sleeping, mess,
adjacent to the enclosed classified location, so as to prevent the recreational, or hospital space.
discharge of ignitable gases into the non-classified adjacent

locations. §108.199 Arrangement Of Sleeping Spaces.

To the extent practicable, each occupation group must be berthed
(b) Each air intake must be outside of enclosed classified together in sleeping spaces arranged to minimize disturbance
locations. created by personnel leaving for or arriving from a working period.

(c) Each unit must have alarms that are powered independently of §108.201 Size Of Sleeping Spaces.
the ventilation motor power and control circuitry and sound at a (a) No sleeping space may berth more than four persons, except

continuously manned station when– that a sleeping space for personnel not regularly employed on a
unit may berth up to six persons if the space meets §108.199 and
(1) Gas is present in an enclosed classified location; or berthing of six persons in that space is authorized by the

Commandant (G-MSO).
(2) The ventilation system for the space is not working.
(b) Without deducting any equipment used by the occupants,
(d) Each ventilation system for enclosed classified locations must each sleeping space must have for each occupant–
provide a complete change of air every five minutes.

(1) 2.8 square meters (approximately 30 square feet) of deck

[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD area; and
94-108, 61 FR 28270, June 4, 1996]
(2) 6 cubic meters (approximately 210 cubic feet) of volume.

§108.187 Ventilation For Brush Type Electric Motors In

Classified Spaces. (c) Each sleeping space must have at least 191 centimeters
Ventilation for brush type electric motors in classified locations (approximately 6 feet 3 inches) of headroom over clear deck
must meet N.F.P.A. 496-1974 "Standard for Purged and areas.
Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous
Locations", except audible and visual alarms may be used if [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
shutting down the motors may cause unsafe conditions. 82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50465,
Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996]
ACCOMMODATION SPACES §108.203 Berths And Lockers.
(a) Each sleeping space must have a separate berth for each
§108.193 Restrictions.
(a) There must be no direct communication between the
accommodation spaces and any chainlocker, stowage, or
(b) No more than one berth may be placed over another.
machinery space, except through solid, close-fitted doors or
(c) Each berth must have a framework of hard, smooth material
that is not likely to corrode or harbor vermin.
(b) No access, vent, or sounding tube from a fuel or oil tank may

(d) Each berth must be arranged to provide ample room for easy (m) Each toilet must have an open front seat.
(n) Each washing space and toilet space must be so constructed
(e) Each berth must be at least 76 centimeters (approximately 30 and arranged that it can be kept in a clean and sanitary condition
inches) wide by 193 centimeters (approximately 76 inches) long. and the plumbing and mechanical appliances kept in good
working order.
(f) Adjacent berths must be separated by a partition that extends
at least 46 centimeters (approximately 18 inches) above the (o) Washbasins may be located in sleeping spaces.
sleeping surface.
§108.207 Messrooms.
(g) The bottom of a lower berth must be at least 30 centimeters (a) Each messroom that is not adjacent to the galley that serves it
(approximately 12 inches) above the deck. must be equipped with a steamtable.

(h) The bottom of an upper berth must be at least 76 centimeters (b) Each messroom must seat the number of persons expected to
(approximately 2 feet 6 inches) from the bottom of the berth below eat in the messroom at one time.
it and from the deck or any pipe, ventilating duct, or other
overhead installation. §108.209 Hospital Spaces.
(a) Each unit carrying twelve or more persons on a voyage of
(i) Each berth must have a berth light. more than three days must have a hospital space.

(j) Each occupant of a sleeping space must have a readily (b) Each hospital space must be suitably separated from other

accessible locker of hard, smooth material. spaces.

(k) Each locker must be at least .194 square meters (c) No hospital space may be used for any other purpose, when

(approximately 300 square inches) in cross section and 1.53 used for care of the sick.
meters (approximately 60 inches) high.
(d) An entrance to each hospital space must be wide enough and
§108.205 Wash Spaces; Toilet Spaces; And Shower Spaces. arranged to readily admit a person on a stretcher.
(a) For the purposes of this section–

(e) Each berth in a hospital space must be made of metal.
(1) "Private facility" means a toilet, washing, or shower space
that is accessible only from one single or double occupancy (f) Each upper berth must be hinged and arranged so that it can
sleeping space;
A be secured clear of the lower berth.
(2) "Semi-private facility" means a toilet, washing or shower (g) Each hospital space must have at least one berth that is
space that is accessible from either of two one-to-four person accessible from both sides.
occupancy sleeping spaces; and

(h) Each hospital space must have one berth for every 12 persons
(3) "Public facility" means a toilet, washing, or shower space or portion thereof on board, who are not berthed in single
that is not private or semi-private. occupancy rooms, but the number of berths need not exceed six.

(b) Each private facility must have one toilet, one shower, and one (i) Each hospital space must have a toilet, washbasin, and
washbasin, all of which may be in a single space. bathtub or shower accessible from the hospital space.

(c) Each semi-private facility must have at least one toilet and one (j) Each hospital space must have clothes lockers, a table, and
shower, which may be in a single space. seats.

(d) Each room adjoining a semi-private facility must have a §108.210 Hospital Space Not Required.
washbasin if a washbasin is not installed in a semi-private facility. (a) The hospital space required under §108.209 is not required on
a unit if one single or double occupancy sleeping space,
(e) Each unit must have enough public facilities to provide at least designated and equipped as a treatment or isolation room or both
one toilet, one shower, and one washbasin for each eight persons is available for immediate medical use, and has–

who occupy sleeping spaces that do not have private or semi-

private facilities. (1) An entrance that is wide enough and arranged to readily admit
a person on a stretcher;
(f) Urinals may be installed in toilet rooms, but no toilet required in
this section may be replaced by a urinal. (2) A single berth or examination table that is accessible from

both sides; and

(g) Each public toilet space and washing space must be
convenient to the sleeping space that it serves. (3) A washbasin in or immediately adjacent to it.

(h) No public facility may open into any sleeping space. §108.211 Miscellaneous Accommodation Spaces.
(a) Each unit must have enough facilities for personnel to wash
(i) Each washbasin, shower, and bathtub must have hot and cold their own clothes, including at least one tub or sink that has hot
running water. and cold running water.

(j) Adjacent toilets must be separated by a partition that is open at (b) Each unit must have enough equipment or space for the
the top and bottom for ventilation and cleaning. personnel to dry their own clothes.

(k) Public toilet facilities and shower facilities must be separated. (c) Each unit must have an accommodation space that can be
used for recreation.
(l) Each public facility that is a toilet space must have at least one
washbasin unless the only access to the toilet space is through a §108.213 Heating Requirements.
washing space.

(a) Each accommodation space must be heated by a heating (a) Each helicopter deck must be–
system that can maintain at least 20°C. (68°F.).
(1) At least the size of the rotor diameter of the largest single main
(b) Radiators and other heating apparatuses must be constructed, rotor helicopter that will be used on the facility; or
located or shielded so as to avoid risk of–
(2) If tandem main rotor helicopters use the facility, at least of a
(1) Fire; size to provide a longitudinal axis of 9/10 the overall length of the
(2) Danger; and helicopter, and a width of 3/4 of the overall length of the
(3) Discomfort helicopter.

to the occupants of each accommodation space. [NOTE: For the purpose of paragraph (a)(2) the overall length is
measured across both main rotors in the fore and aft line.]
(c) Each exposed pipe in an accommodation space, leading to a
radiator or other heating apparatus must be insulated. (b) Each helicopter deck must be located so as to provide clear
approach/departure paths to enable the largest helicopter using
§108.215 Insect Screens. the facility to operate in all weather conditions which allow
(a) Accommodation spaces must be protected against the helicopter operations.
admission of insects.
§108.235 Construction.

(b) Insect screens must be installed when natural ventilation is (a) Each helicopter deck must be designed to accommodate the
provided. loadings (static and dynamic) imposed by operation and stowage

of helicopters intended to use the facility as well as environmental
Rails loadings (wind, wave, water, snow, etc.) anticipated for the unit.

§108.217 Guardrails And Bulwarks. (b) The adequacy of each helicopter deck for the loadings
(a) Each unit must have guardrails or bulwarks along the edge of required in paragraph (a) of this section must be shown by design
the bridge, of each deck, and of each deck opening. calculations. Where the placement of a load affects the suitability
of a structural member, the load must be evaluated in the most
(b) Each guardrail and bulwark must extend at least one meter unfavorable position for each member.

(39.37 inches) above the deck except where this height may
interfere with the normal operation of the unit, a lesser height may (c) The analysis required in paragraph (b) of this section must be
based on the dead load of the structure, existing stresses in the
be approved.

(c) Removable guardrails may be installed where operating

A deck when it is an integral part of a unit's structure, and each of
the following loading conditions:
conditions warrant their use.
(1) Uniform distributed loading. A loading of 2kg/m2 (42 lb/ft2)
§108.219 Guardrails. applied to the helicopter deck area.

(a) Except for exposed peripheries of a freeboard or

superstructure deck, each guardrail must have at least two evenly (2) Helicopter landing impact loading. The limit load
spaced courses. established by the limit drop test in 14 CFR 29.725, or a load of
not less than 75 percent of the helicopter maximum weight taken

(b) At exposed peripheries of a freeboard or superstructure deck, on a square area of 0.3 x 0.3 m (1 ft. x 1 ft.) under each main
each guardrail must have at least three courses not more than 38 landing gear unit applied anywhere on the helicopter deck area.
centimeters (15 in.) apart with the lowest course not more than 23

centimeters (9 in.) above the deck. (3) Stowed helicopter loading. The helicopter maximum weight
plus inertial forces from the helicopter due to anticipated unit
(c) For a rounded gunwale, the guardrail must be at the edge of motions, and applicable environmental loadings including wind

the flat of the deck. loads.

§108.221 Storm Rails. (d) The landing area of each helicopter facility must–
Each unit must have a storm rail in the following locations:
(1) Have a non-skid surface;

(a) On each deckhouse side that is normally accessible.

(2) Have drainage facilities that prevent the collection of liquids
(b) On each side of each passageway that is wider than 1.83 and prevent liquids from spreading to or falling on other parts of
meters (6 feet). the unit;

(c) On at least one side of each passageway that is less than 1.83 (3) Have recessed tie-down points; and
meters (6 feet) wide.
(4) Be free of projections, except that landing lights or other
§108.223 Guards On Exposed Equipment. projections may be installed around the periphery of the landing
Each unit must have hand covers, guards, or rails installed on all deck provided they do not interfere with landing and take-off
belts, gears, shafts, pulleys, sprockets, spindles, flywheels or operations.
other reciprocating, rotating or moving parts of machinery or
equipment normally exposed to contact by personnel. (e) The unprotected perimeter of each helicopter facility must
have a safety net at least 1.5 meters (4.92 ft.) wide. The outer
edge of the net must not extend more than 15 centimeters (6 in.)
Helicopter Facilities above the surface of the deck.
§108.231 Application.
(f) Each helicopter facility must have both a main and an
Sections 108.231 through 108.241 apply to each unit with a
emergency access/egress route located as far apart from each
helicopter landing facility.
other as practicable.
§108.233 Location And Size.
§108.237 Fuel Storage Facilities.

(a) Helicopter fuel storage tanks must be installed as far as (a) Each of the following on a unit must have an approved fixed
practicable from– gaseous type extinguishing system:

(1) The landing area; and (1) Each paint locker, oil room, and similar space.

(2) Each source of vapor ignition. (2) Each enclosed space containing internal combustion or gas
turbine main propulsion machinery.
(b) Independent tanks must meet Subpart 58.50 of this Chapter.
(3) Each enclosed space containing internal combustion
(c) Marine portable fuel stowage tanks must meet Part 64 of this machinery with an aggregate power of at least 1000 B.H.P.
(4) Each enclosed space containing a fuel oil unit, including
(d) Each marine portable fuel stowage tank must have a means to purifiers, valves, or manifolds for main propulsion machinery or
contain fuel spills or leaks. internal combustion machinery with an aggregate power of at
least 1000 B.H.P.
[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by
USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53226, Oct. 1, 1999] (5) Each enclosed ventilation system for electric motors or
generators used for vital services including bilge pumps, fire
§108.239 Fuel Transfer Equipment. pumps, or propulsion.

(a) Each nozzle must be a "deadman" type.
(b) Each space containing an oil fired boiler, the fuel oil unit or

(b) Each hose must have a storage reel. valves for the boiler, or manifolds in the line between the fuel
settling tanks and the boiler on a unit must have a fixed gas type,
(c) Each hose must have a static grounding device. foam, or other approved fire extinguishing system.

(d) Each electric fuel transfer pump must have a control with a [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
fuel transfer pump operation indicator light at the pump. 95-027, 61 FR 26008, May 23, 1996]

(e) There must be a fuel pump shut off at each of the access §108.403a Fire Extinguishing Systems: Non-Vital Services.

routes required by §108.235(f). Each enclosed ventilating system for electric motors or generators
not used for vital services must have an access into the system
(f) Each fuel transfer pump and each hose reel must have a for firefighting or be protected by a fixed fire protection system.
means to contain fuel spills or leaks.
A §108.404 Selection Of Fire Detection System.
(g) Each hose must meet chapter 3 "Aircraft Fueling Hose" of (a) If a fire detector is in a space, it must provide effective
National Fire Protection Association Standard for Aircraft Fuel detection of fires most likely to occur in the space.
Servicing (N.F.P.A. No. 407-1975).

(b) The fire detection system must be designed to minimize false

§108.241 Visual Aids. alarms.
(a) Each helicopter deck must–
§108.405 Fire Detection System.

(1) Have a wind direction indicator located in an unobstructed (a) Each fire detection system and each smoke detection system
area readily visible to helicopter pilots approaching the deck; on a unit must–

(2) Be fitted around the perimeter with yellow and blue lights in (1) Be approved by the Commandant; and
alternate order, not more than 3 meters (10 ft.) apart; and
(2) Have a visual alarm and an audible alarm in the pilothouse or

(3) Be marked with– at a normally manned control station for the system.

(3)(i) The unit's identification; (b) Each fire detection system must be divided into zones to limit
the area covered by any particular alarm signal.
(3)(ii) A continuous line 40 centimeters (16 in.) wide on the

perimeter; and (c) Each visual alarm must–

(3)(iii) Aiming circles as may be appropriate considering deck (1) Have a chart or diagram next to the alarm that shows the
configuration, helicopter type, and operational requirements. location of the zones in the system and that contains the
instructions for operating, and testing the system;

(b) All markings must be in a contrasting color to the surface of

the deck. (2) When activated show the zone in the system where fire has
Subpart C – Stability been detected; and

§108.301 Stability. (3) Be in a noticeable location in the pilothouse or control station.

Each unit must meet the requirements in Subchapter S of this
chapter that apply to Mobile Offshore Drilling Units. §108.407 Detectors For Electric Fire Detection System.
(a) Each detector in an electric fire detection system must be
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51008, Nov. 4, 1983] located where–

(1) No portion of the overhead of a space protected is more than

Subpart D – Fire Extinguishing Systems 3 meters (10 feet) from a detector;
§108.401 Fire Main System.
(2) Beams and girders extending below the ceiling of the space
Each unit must have a fire main system.
protected and any other obstructions do not detract from the
effectiveness of the detector; and
§108.403 Fire Extinguishing Systems: General.

(3) Damage to the detector is unlikely to occur if it is not operating under shut off condition is not capable of developing the
protected. pressure described in §108.415 plus 1.75 kilograms per square
centimeter (25 pounds per square inch).
(b) Each detector must be set to activate at not less than 57°C
(135°F) and at not more than 73°C (165°F), except that if a space (b) Each fire pump in a fire main system must have a pressure
normally has a high ambient temperature each detector may be gauge on its discharge side.
set to activate at not less than 80°C (175°F) and not more than
107°C (225°F). (c) Fire pumps may be used for other purposes. One of the
required pumps must be kept available for use on the fire system
§108.409 Location And Spacing Of Tubing In Pneumatic Fire at all times. If a fire pump is used in a system other than the fire
Detection System. main system, except for branch lines connected to the fire main
(a) All tubing in a pneumatic fire detection system must be on the for deck washing, each pipe connecting the other system must be
overhead or within 300 millimeters (12 inches) of the overhead on connected to the pump discharge through a shut off valve at a
a bulkhead in a location where– manifold near the pump. If the fire pump exceeds the pressure in
§108.417(a), the pipe leading from the discharge manifold to
(1) No portion of the overhead is more than 3.6 meters (12 feet) other portions of the fire main system must have a reducing
from the nearest point of tubing; station and a pressure gauge in addition to the pressure gauge
required by paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) Beams or girders extending below the ceiling or other

obstructions do not detract from the effectiveness of the tubing; (d) If a fire pump has a reducing station, the relief valve required
and by paragraph (a) of this section for the pump and the additional

pressure gauge required in paragraph (c) of this section must not
(3) Damage to the tubing, is unlikely to occur if it is not protected. be located on the discharge side of the reducing station.

(b) If tubing in a tubing circuit is installed in an enclosed space, at (e) An oil line must not be connected to a fire pump.
least 5% of the tubing in the circuit must be exposed in the space,
except that at least 7.6 meters (25 feet) of tubing must always be [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
exposed in the space. 95-028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997]

(c) A pneumatic fire detection system must be set to activate after §108.419 Fire Main Capacity.
approximately a 22°C. (40°F.) per minute increase in temperature The diameter of the fire main must be sufficient for the effective
at the center of the circuit in the system. distribution of the maximum required discharge from two fire

§108.411 Smoke Detection System. A pumps operating simultaneously.

Each smoke accumulator in a smoke detection system must be §108.421 Location Of Fire Pumps And Associated
located on the overhead of the compartment protected by the Equipment.
system in a location– Each fire pump required by §108.415, and the source of power,

controls, sea connections for the fire pump, and booster pumps, if
(a) Where no portion of the overhead of the compartment is more installed, must be installed in locations where, if a fire occurs in an
than 12 meters (40 feet) from an accumulator; enclosed space, all of the fire pumps on the unit are not made
inoperative, except that if compliance with this requirement is

(b) That is no closer to the opening of a ventilator than 3 times the impracticable, a gas type extinguishing system may be installed to
diameter or equivalent size of the opening. protect at least one of the fire pumps, its source of power, and

(c) Where damage to the accumulator is unlikely to occur if it is

not protected. §108.423 Fire Hydrants And Associated Equipment.
(a) A fire main system must have enough fire hydrants so that

§108.413 Fusible Element Fire Detection System. each accessible space may be sprayed with at least two spray
(a) A fusible element fire detection system may be installed. patterns of water.

(b) The arrangements for the system must be acceptable to the (b) In a main machinery space, except a shaft alley with no
Commandant. assigned space for stowage of combustibles, each spray pattern

of water must be from one length of fire hose and each must be
Fire Main System from a separate outlet. In all other spaces at least one spray
pattern of water must be from one length of fire hose.
§108.415 Fire Pump: General.
(c) No outlet on a fire hydrant may point above the horizontal.

A fire main system must have at least two independently driven

fire pumps that can each deliver water at a continuous pitot tube
pressure of at least 3.5 kilograms per square centimeter (d) Each fire hydrant must have at least one spanner and at least
(approximately 50 pounds per square inch) at least two fire hose one fire hose rack or reel.
nozzles that are connected to the highest two fire hydrants on the
unit. Alternative designs that meet the pressure requirement of §108.425 Fire Hoses And Associated Equipment.
this paragraph will be considered for column stabilized and self (a) Each length of fire hose in a fire main system must be–
elevating units.
(1) Of 1 1/2 or 2 1/2 inch nominal hose size diameter;
§108.417 Fire Pump Components And Associated
Equipment. (2) Of 50 foot nominal hose size length; and
(a) Each fire pump in a fire main system must have a relief valve
on its discharge side that is set to relieve at 1.75 kilograms per (3) Lined commercial fire hose that meets Standard 19 of the
square centimeter (approximately 25 pounds per square inch) in Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., (1971 edition) or Federal
excess of the pump discharge pressure necessary to meet the Specification ZZ-H-451f.
pressure required in §108.415 for the pump or 8.6 kilograms per
square centimeters (approximately 125 pounds per square inch), (b) Fire station hydrant connections shall be brass, bronze, or
whichever is greater. A relief valve may be omitted if the pump other equivalent metal. Couplings shall either:

(1) Use National Standard fire hose coupling threads for the 1 1/2 (a) Sections 108.431 through 108.457 apply to high pressure
inch (38 millimeter) and 2 1/2 inch (64 millimeter) hose sizes, i.e., carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems.
9 threads per inch for 1 1/2 inch hose, and 7 1/2 threads per inch
for 2 1/2 inch hose; or (b) Low pressure systems, that is, those in which the carbon
dioxide is stored in liquid form at low temperature, must be
(2) Be a uniform design for each hose diameter throughout the approved by the Commandant.
(c) Each carbon dioxide system cylinder must be fabricated,
(c) Each nozzle for a firehose in a fire main system must be a tested, and marked in accordance with §§147.60 and 147.65 of
combination solid stream and water spray firehose nozzle that is this chapter.
approve under subpart 162.027. Combination solid stream and
water spray nozzles previously approved under subpart 162.027 [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
of this chapter may be retained so long as they are maintained in 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988]
good condition to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection. §108.433 Quantity Of CO2: General.
Each CO2 system must have enough gas to meet the quantity
(d) A combination solid stream and water spray firehose nozzle requirements of §108.439 for the space requiring the greatest
previously approved under subpart 162.027 of this chapter, must amount of CO2.
have a low-velocity water spray applicator also previously

approved under subpart 162.027 of this chapter when installed §108.437 Pipe Sizes And Discharge Rates For Enclosed
in– Ventilation Systems For Rotating Electrical Equipment.

(a) The minimum pipe size for the initial charge must meet table
(1) Machinery spaces containing oil fired boilers, internal 108.441 and the discharge of the required amount of CO2 must
combustion machinery or oil fuel units; and be completed within 2 minutes.

(2) Helicopter decks. (b) The minimum pipe size for the delayed discharge must be at
least 1.25 centimeters (1/2 inch) standard pipe.
[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
95-027, 61 FR 26008, May 23, 1996; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51208, (c) The pipe used for the initial discharge must not be used for the

Sept. 30, 1997] delayed discharge, except systems having a volume of less than
57 cubic meters (2,000 cubic feet).
§108.427 International Shore Connection.
A fire main system on a unit in international service must have–
A §108.439 Quantity Of CO2 For Protection Of Spaces.
(a) The number of pounds of CO2 required to protect a space
(a) At least one international shore connection that meets ASTM must be equal to the gross volume of the space divided by the
F 1121 (incorporated by reference, see §105.01-3). appropriate factor from Table 108.439.

(b) A cutoff valve and check valve for each connection; and (b) If a machinery space includes a casing, the gross volume of
the space may be calculated using the reductions allowed in 46
(c) Facilities available enabling the connection to be used on CFR 95.10-5(e).
either side of the unit.

(c) If fuel can drain from a space to an adjacent space or if two

[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD spaces are not entirely separate, the requirements for both
88-032, 56 FR 35826, July 29, 1991; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, spaces must be used to determine the amount of CO2 to be

2000] provided and the CO2 system must be arranged to discharge into
both spaces simultaneously.
§108.429 Fire Main System Protection.

(a) Each pipe and fire hydrant in a fire main system must be TABLE 108.439–CO2 Supply Factors
installed to the extent practicable in locations that are not exposed [Gross volume of space in cubic feet]
to damage by materials that are moved on or onto the deck. Over Not Over Factory
0 500 15
(b) Each part of the fire main system located on an exposed deck 500 1,600 16

must either be protected against freezing or be fitted with cutout 1,600 4,500 18
valves and drain valves to shut off and drain the entire exposed 4,500 50,000 20
system in freezing weather. 50,000 22

Automatic Sprinkling System


§108.441 Piping And Discharge Rates For CO2 Systems.

(a) The size of branch lines to spaces protected by a CO2 system
§108.430 General. must meet Table 108.441.
Automatic Sprinkler Systems shall comply with NFPA 13-1996.
(b) Distribution piping within a space must be proportioned from
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997] the supply line to give proper distribution to the outlets without
Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing
Systems (c) The number, type, and location of discharge outlets must
distribute the CO2 uniformly throughout the space.
§108.431 Carbon Dioxide Systems: General.

TABLE 108.441–CO2 System Pipe Size controls of a CO2 system has a lock, the space must have a key
CO2 supply in system, Minimum pipe size (inches), to the lock in a break-glass type box that is next to and visible
kilograms (pounds) millimeters (inches) from the entrance.
45 (100) 12.7 (½).
104 (225) 19.05 (¾). §108.445 Alarm And Means Of Escape.
136 (300) 25.4 (1). (a) Each CO2 system that has a supply of more than 136
272 (600) 31.75 (1¼). kilograms (300 pounds) of CO2, except a system that protects a
450 (1,000) 38.10 (1½). tank, must have an alarm that sounds for at least 20 seconds
1,110 (2,450) 50.80 (2). before the CO2 is released into the space.
1,130 (2,500) 63.5 (2½).
(b) Each audible alarm for a CO2 system must have the CO2
2,023 (4,450) 76.2 (3).
supply for the system as its source of power and must be in a
3,229 (7,100) 88.9 (3½).
visible location in the spaces protected.
4,750 (10,000) 101.6 (4).
6,818 (15,000) 114.3 (4½). §108.447 Piping.
(a) Each pipe, valve, and fitting in a CO2 system must have a
(d) The total area of all discharge outlets must be more than 35 bursting pressure of at least 420 kilograms per square centimeter
percent and less than 85 percent of the nominal cylinder outlet (6,000 pounds per square inch).
area or the area of the supply pipe, whichever is smaller. The

nominal cylinder outlet area in square centimeters is determined (b) All piping for a CO2 system of nominal size of 19.05
by multiplying the factor 0.0313 by the number of kilograms of millimeters (3/4 inch) inside diameter or less must be at least
CO2 required. (The nominal cylinder outlet area in square inches

Schedule 40 (standard weight) and all piping of nominal size over
is determined by multiplying the factor 0.0022 by the number of 19.05 millimeters (3/4 inch) inside diameter must be at least
pounds of CO2 required). The nominal cylinder outlet area must Schedule 80 (extra heavy).
not be less than 71 square millimeters (0.110 square inches).

(c) Each pipe, valve, and fitting made of ferrous materials in a
(e) A CO2 system must discharge at least 85 percent of the CO2 system must be protected inside and outside from corrosion.
required amount within 2 minutes.
(d) Each CO2 system must have a pressure relief valve set to

§108.443 Controls And Valves. relieve between 168 and 196 kilograms per square centimeter
(a) At least one control for operating a CO2 system must be (2,400 and 2,800 pounds per square inch) in the distribution
outside the space or spaces that the system protects and in a manifold or other location that protects the piping when all branch
location that would be accessible if a fire occurred in any space
that the system protects. Control valves must not be located in a
protected space unless the CO2 cylinders are also in the
A line shut off valves are closed.
(e) The end of each branch line in a CO2 system must extend at
protected space. least 50 millimeters (2 inches) beyond the last discharge outlet
and be closed with a cap or plug.
(b) A CO2 system that protects more than one space must have a

manifold with a stop valve, the normal position of which is closed, (f) Piping, valves, and fittings in a CO2 system must be securely
that directs the flow of CO2 to each protected space. supported and protected from damage.
(c) A CO2 system that protects only one space must have a stop

(g) Each CO2 system must have drains and dirt traps located
valve installed between the cylinders and the discharge outlets in where dirt or moisture can accumulate in the system.
the system, except on a system that has a CO2 supply of 136

kilograms (300 pounds) or less. (h) Discharge piping in a CO2 system may not be used for any
other purpose except as part of a fire detection system.
(d) At least one of the control stations in a CO2 system that

protects a machinery space must be as near as practicable to one (i) Piping in a CO2 system that passes through accommodation
of the main escapes from that space. spaces must not have drains or other openings within these
(e) All distribution valves and controls must be of an approved
type. §108.449 Piping Tests.

(a) Each test prescribed in (b), (c), and (d) of this section must be
(f) Each CO2 system that has a stop valve must have a remote performed upon completion of the piping installation.
control that operates only the stop valve and must have a
separate remote control for releasing the required amount of CO2 (b) When tested with CO2 or other inert gas under a pressure of
into the space protected by the system. 70 kilograms per square centimeter (1000 pounds per square

inch), with no additional gas introduced into the system, the

(g) Each CO2 system that does not have a stop valve must be leakage in the piping from the cylinders to the stop valves in the
operated by a remote control that releases the required amount of manifold must not allow a pressure drop of more than 10.5
CO2 into the space protected by the system. kilograms per square centimeter (150 pounds per square inch)
per minute for a 2 minute period.
(h) Remote controls to each space must be in an enclosure.
(c) When tested with CO2 or other inert gas under a pressure of
(i) Each system must have a manual control at its cylinders for 42 kilograms per square centimeter (600 pounds per square
releasing CO2 from the cylinders, except that if the system has inch), with no additional gas introduced into the system, the
pilot cylinders, a manual control is not required for other than pilot leakage in each branch line must not allow a pressure drop of
cylinders. more than 10.5 kilograms per square centimeter (150 pounds per
square inch) per minute for a 2-minute period. The distribution
(j) If gas pressure is used to release CO2 from a system having piping must be capped within the protected space.
more than 2 cylinders, the system must have at least 2 pilot
cylinders to release the CO2 from the remaining cylinders. (d) Small independent systems protecting emergency generator
rooms, lamp lockers and similar small spaces need not meet the
(k) If the entrance to a space containing the CO2 supply or tests prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section if they

are tested by blowing out the piping with air at a pressure of at Foam Extinguishing Systems
least 7 kilograms per square centimeter (100 pounds per square
inch). §108.459 Number And Location Of Outlets.
(a) A foam extinguishing system in a space must have enough
§108.451 CO2 Storage. outlets to spread a layer of foam of uniform thickness over the
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each deck or bilge areas of the space.
cylinder of a CO2 system must be outside each space protected
by the system and in a location that would be accessible if a fire (b) A foam extinguishing system in a space that has a boiler on a
occurred in any space protected by the system. flat that is open to or can drain into a lower portion of the space
must have enough outlets to spread a layer of foam of uniform
(b) A CO2 system that has a CO2 supply of 136 kilograms (300 thickness over the–
pounds) or less may have one or more cylinders in the space
protected by the system if the space has a heat detection system (1) Flat; and
to activate the system automatically in addition to the remote and
manual controls required by this subpart. (2) Deck or bilge areas of the space.

(c) Each space that contains cylinders of a CO2 system must be (c) A foam extinguishing system for a tank must have enough
ventilated and designed to prevent an ambient temperature of outlets to spread a layer of foam of uniform thickness over the
more than 54°C. (130°F.)

surface of the liquid in the tank.

(d) Each cylinder in a CO2 system must be securely fastened, §108.461 Coamings.

supported, protected from damage, in an accessible location, and Each machinery flat in a space that has a foam extinguishing
capable of removal from that location. system must have coamings that are high enough to retain spilled
oil and foam on the flat on all openings except deck drains.

(e) Each unit must have a means for weighing cylinders of a CO2
system. §108.463 Foam Rate: Protein.
(a) If the outlets of a protein foam extinguishing system are in a
(f) A cylinder in a CO2 system may not be mounted in a position space, the foam rate at each outlet must be at least 6.52 liters per
that is inclined more than 30° from a vertical position, except that minute for each square meter (.16 gallons per minute for each

a cylinder having flexible or bent siphon tubes may be mounted in square foot) of area covered by the systems.
a position that is inclined up to 80° from the vertical. The bottom
of each cylinder when mounted must be at least 5 centimeters (2
inches) from the deck.
A (b) If the outlets of a protein foam extinguishing system are in a
tank, the foam rate at each outlet must be at least 4.07 liters per
minute for each square meter (.1 gallon per minute for each
(g) If a cylinder does not have a check valve on its independent square foot) of liquid surface in the tank.
cylinder discharge, it must have a plug or cap to close the outlet
when the cylinder is moved. §108.467 Water Supply.

The water supply of a foam extinguishing system must not be the

[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD water supply of the fire main system on the unit unless when both
84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988] systems are operated simultaneously–

§108.453 Discharge Outlets. (a) The water supply rate to the foam production equipment
Each discharge outlet must be of an approved type. meets the requirements of this section; and

§108.455 Enclosure Openings. (b) Water supply rate to the fire hydrants required by §108.415 of
(a) Mechanical ventilation for spaces protected by a CO2 system this subpart allows compliance with the pressure requirement in
must be designed to shut down automatically when the system is that section.

§108.469 Quantity Of Foam Producing Materials.
(b) Each space that is protected by a CO2 system and that has (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each foam
natural ventilation must have a means for closing that ventilation. extinguishing system with outlets–

(c) Each space protected by a CO2 system must have the (1) In a tank must have enough foam producing material to
following means for closing the openings to the space from discharge foam for at least 5 minutes at each outlet; and
outside the space:
(2) In a space must have enough foam producing material to
(1) Doors, shutters, or dampers for closing each opening in the

discharge foam for at least 3 minutes at each outlet.

lower portion of the space.
(b) If a foam system has outlets in more than one tank or space,
(2) Doors, shutters, dampers or temporary means such as canvas the system need have only enough foam producing material to
or other material normally on board a unit may be used for closing cover the largest space that the system covers or, if the liquid
each opening in the upper portion of the space. surface of a tank covered by the system is larger, the tank with
the largest liquid surface.
§108.457 Pressure Release.
Each air tight or vapor tight space, such as a paint locker, that is §108.471 Water Pump.
protected by a CO2 system must have a means for releasing Each water pump in a foam extinguishing system must be outside
pressure that accumulates within the space if CO2 is discharged each machinery space in which the system has outlets and must
into the space. not receive power from any of those spaces.

Halogenated Gas Extinguishing Systems §108.473 Foam System Components.

(a) Each foam agent, each tank for a foam agent, each discharge
§108.458 General. outlet, each control, and each valve for the operation of a foam
Halogenated gas extinguishing systems may be installed if extinguishing system must be approved by the Commandant.
approved by the Commandant.

(b) Each foam agent tank and each control and valve for the (3) Be capable of discharging from each hose at 7 kilograms per
operation of a foam extinguishing system with outlets in a space square centimeter (100 pounds per square inch) pressure–
must be outside the pace and must not be in a space that may
become inaccessible if a fire occurs in the space. (3)(i) A single foam stream at a rate of at least 340 liters (90
gallons) per minute; and
(c) Each control for a foam extinguishing system with outlets in a
space must be near a main escape from the space. (3)(ii) A foam spray at a rate of at least 190 liters (50 gallons) per
§108.474 Aqueous Film Forming Foam Systems.
Aqueous film forming foam systems may be installed if approved (c) Each system must have operating controls at each of its hose
by the Commandant. locations, be protected from icing and freezing, and be capable of
operation within 10 seconds after activation of its controls.
§108.475 Piping.
(a) Each pipe, valve, and fitting in a foam extinguishing system (d) Each system must have at least one hose at each of the two
must meet the applicable requirements in Subchapter F of this access routes required by §108.235(f) of this part. Each hose
chapter. must be reel mounted and long enough to cover any point on the
helicopter deck. Each hose that discharges foam must have a
(b) Each pipe, valve, and fitting made of ferrous material must be nozzle that has foam stream, foam spray, and off positions.
protected inside and outside from corrosion.

§108.489 Helicopter Fueling Facilities.
(c) Each pipe, valve, and fitting must have support and protection (a) Each helicopter fueling facility must have a fire protection

from damage. system that discharges one of the following agents in the amounts
prescribed for the agents over the area of the fuel containment
(d) Each foam extinguishing system must have enough– systems around marine portable tanks, fuel transfer pumps and

fuel hose reels:
(1) Dirt traps to prevent the accumulation of dirt in its pipes; and
(1) Protein foam at the rate of 6.52 liters per minute for each
(2) Drains to remove liquid from the system. square meter (.16 gallons per minute for each square foot) of area
covered for five minutes.

(e) Piping in a foam extinguishing system must be used only for
discharging foam. (2) Aqueous film forming foam at the rate of 4.07 liters per minute
for each square meter (.1 gallon per minute for each square foot)
§108.477 Fire Hydrants.
(a) If a fixed foam extinguishing system has outlets in a main A of area covered for five minutes.
machinery space, at least 2 fire hydrants, in addition to the fire (3) 22.5 kilograms (50 pounds) of dry chemical (B-V semi-
hydrants required by §108.423 of this subpart, must be installed portable) for each fueling facility of up to 27.87 square meters
outside the entrances to the space with each at a separate (300 square feet).

(b) If the fire protection system required by §108.487 of this
(b) Each hydrant must have enough hose to spray any part of the subpart is arranged so that it covers both a helicopter fueling
space. facility and a landing deck, the system must have the quantity of

agents required by this section in addition to the quantity required

(c) Each hydrant must have a combination nozzle and applicator. by §108.487.

Fire Protection for Helicopter Facilities Hand Portable and Semiportable Fire
Extinguishing Systems
§108.486 Helicopter Decks.

At least two of the accesses to the helicopter landing deck must §108.491 General.
each have a fire hydrant on the unit's fire main system located Each hand portable and semiportable fire extinguisher on a unit
next to them. must be approved under Subpart 162.028 or 162.039 of this
§108.487 Helicopter Deck Fueling Operations.

(a) Each helicopter landing deck on which fueling operations are §108.493 Location.
conducted must have a fire protection system that discharges (a) Each unit must have the hand portable and semiportable fire
protein foam or aqueous film forming foam. extinguishers prescribed in Table 108.495(a) of this subpart and
installed in the locations prescribed in the table.

(b) a system that only discharges foam must–

(b) Each portable and semi-portable fire extinguisher must be
(1) Have enough foam agent to discharge foam continuously for visible and readily accessible.
at least 5 minutes at maximum discharge rate;
(c) The location, size, and number of each portable and
(2) Have at least the amount of foam agent needed to cover an semiportable fire extinguisher on a unit must be acceptable to the
area equivalent to the swept rotor area of the largest helicopter for appropriate OCMI. The OCMI may require extinguishers in
which the deck is designed with foam at– addition to those prescribed in Table 108.495(a) if he considers
them necessary for fire protection on the unit.
(2)(i) If protein foam is used, 6.52 liters per minute for each
square meter (.16 gallons per minute for each square foot) of area (d) Each hand portable and semiportable fire extinguisher that
covered for five minutes; has a nameplate which states that it is to be protected from
freezing, must be located where freezing temperatures do not
(2)(ii) If aqueous film forming foam is used, 4.07 liters per minute occur.
for each square meter (.1 gallons per minute for each square foot)
of area covered for five minutes; and §108.495 Spare Charges.

(a) Each unit must have enough spare charges for 50 percent of (b) If a unit has extinguishers that cannot be recharged by
the hand portable fire extinguishers required under Table personnel on unit, it must also have at least one spare
108.495(a) of this subpart that are rechargeable by personnel on extinguisher for each classification and variety of those
the unit. extinguishers.

TABLE 108.495(A)–Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers and Semiportable Fire-Extinguishing Systems


TABLE 108.495(B)
Classification: Water liters Foam liters Carbon Dry chemical Halon 1211
Type and size (gallons) (gallons) dioxide kilograms kilograms
kilograms (pounds) (pounds)
A II 9.5 (2½) 9.5 (2½) 2.25 (5)
B I 4.7 (1¼) 1.8 (4) 0.9 (2) 1.1 (2½)
B II 9.5 (2½) 6.7 (15) 4.5 (10) 4.5 (10)
B III 45.5 (12) 15.8 (35) 9.0 (20)
B IV 7.6 (20) 22.5 (50) 13.5 (30)
4 4
B V 152 (40) 45 (100) 22.5 (50)
C I 1.8 (4) 0.9 (2)
C II 6.7 (15) 4.5 (10)
C III 15.8 (35) 9.0 (20)
C IV 22.5 (50) 13.5 (30)
. Fire extinguishers are designed by type as follows: (a) "A" for fires in combustible materials such as wood. (b) "B" for fires in flammable
liquids and greases. (c) "C" for fires in electrical equipment.

. Fire extinguishers are designated by size where size "I" is the smallest and size "V" is the largest. Sizes "I" and "II" are hand-portable
extinguishers and sizes "III", "IV", and "V" are semiportable extinguishers.

. Must be specifically approved as a type A, B, or C extinguisher.

. For outside use, double the quantity of agent that must be carried.
. For outside use only.

§108.496 Semiportable Fire Extinguishers. (1) Is attached to a belt or a suitable harness;
(a) The frame or support of each size III, IV, and V fire
extinguisher required by Table 108.495(a), except a wheeled size (2) Is made of bronze wire rope, inherently corrosion resistant
V extinguisher provided for a helicopter landing deck, must be
welded or otherwise permanently attached to a bulkhead or deck. A steel wire rope, or galvanized or tinned steel wire rope;

(3) Is made up of enough 15.2 meters (50 foot) or greater lengths

(b) If the following semiportable fire extinguishers have wheels, of wire rope to permit use of the outfit in any location on the unit;
they must be securely stowed when not in use to prevent them
from rolling out of control under heavy sea conditions: (4) Has each end fitted with a hook with a 16 millimeters (5/8 inch)

throat opening for the keeper; and

(1) Each size V extinguisher required for a helicopter landing
deck. (5) Has a minimum breaking strength of 680 kilograms (1,500

(2) Each size III, IV, and V extinguisher that is not required by
Table 108.495(a). (e) Boots and gloves that are made of rubber or other electrically

non-conductive material;
[CGD 77-039, 44 FR 34133, June 14, 1979]
(f) A helmet that meets the requirements in ANSI standard Z-89.1-
Miscellaneous Firefighting Equipment 1969; and

§108.497 Fireman's Outfits. (g) Clothing that protects the skin from scalding steam and the
Each unit must have at least 2 fireman's outfits. Each fireman's heat of fire and that has a water resistant outer surface.
outfit on a unit must consist of–
[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD

(a) A pressure-demand, open-circuit, self-contained breathing 82-042, 53 FR 17705, May 18, 1988; CGD 86-036, 57 FR 48326,
apparatus, approved by the Mine Safety and Health Oct. 23, 1992; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, March
Administration (MSHA) and by the National Institute for 1, 2000]
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and having at a

minimum a 30-minute air supply, a full facepiece, and a spare §108.499 Fire Axes.
charge; but a self-contained compressed-air breathing apparatus Each unit must have at least two fire axes.
previously approved by MSHA and NIOSH under part 160,
subpart 160.011, of this chapter may continue in use as required Subpart E – Livesaving Equipment
equipment if it was part of the vessel's equipment on November
23, 1992, and as long as it is maintained in good condition to the [SOURCE: CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, unless
satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection; otherwise noted.]

(b) A Type II or Type III flashlight constructed and marked in §108.500 General.
accordance with ASTM F 1014 (incorporated by reference, see (a) Each unit, other than a drillship, must meet the requirements
§108.101). in this subpart.

(c) An oxygen and explosive meter with the Underwriter's (b) Each drillship must meet the lifesaving system requirements in
Laboratories, Inc. label or the Factory Mutual label; subchapter W of this chapter for a tank vessel certificated to carry
cargoes that have a flash point less than 60°C as determined
(d) A lifeline that– under ASTM D 93 (incorporated by reference, see §108.101).

(c) The OCMI may require a unit to carry specialized or additional (b) Subject to §108.515, each unit constructed before October 1,
lifesaving equipment other than as required by this part, if the 1996, must meet the requirements of this subpart, except for the
OCMI determines the conditions of the unit's service present number, type, and arrangement of lifeboats (including survival
uniquely hazardous circumstances which are not adequately capsules), lifeboat davits, winches, inflatable liferafts, liferaft
addressed by existing requirements. launching equipment, and rescue boats.

[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR (1) If a District Commander determines that the overall safety of
52814, Oct. 1, 1998; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, the persons on board a unit will not be significantly reduced, the
March 1, 2000] District Commander may grant an exemption from compliance
with a provision of this part to a specific unit for a specified
§108.503 Relationship To International Standards. geographic area within the boundaries of the Coast Guard
For the purposes of this part, any unit carrying a valid IMO MODU District. This exemption may be limited to certain periods of the
Safety Certificate, including a listing of lifesaving equipment as year.
required by the 1989 IMO MODU Code, is considered to have
met the requirements of this subpart if, in addition to the (2) Requests for exemption under this paragraph must be in
requirements of the 1989 IMO MODU Code, it meets the following writing to the OCMI for transmission to the District Commander in
requirements: the area in which the unit is in service or will be in service.

(a) Each new lifeboat and launching appliance may be of (3) If the exemption is granted by the District Commander, the

aluminum construction only if its stowage location is protected OCMI will endorse the unit's Certificate of Inspection with a
with a water spray system in accordance with §108.550(d) of this statement describing the exemption.

§108.515 Requirements For Units Built Before October 1,
(b) Each lifejacket, immersion suit, and emergency position 1996.

indicating radiobeacon (EPIRB) must be marked with the unit's (a) Units which were constructed prior to October 1, 1996, must–
name in accordance with §§108.649 and 108.650.
(1) By October 1, 1997, have either–
(c) Inflatable lifejackets, if carried, must be of the same or similar
design as required by §108.580(b). (1)(i) Lifeboats and liferafts that meet §108.525; or

(d) Containers for lifejackets, immersions suits, and anti-exposure (1)(ii) Totally enclosed fire-protected lifeboats of sufficient
suits must be marked as specified in §108.649(g). capacity to accommodate 100 percent of the persons permitted

(e) Each liferaft must be arranged to permit it to drop into the A on board, plus additional totally enclosed lifeboats or davit-
launched liferafts of sufficient capacity to accommodate 100
water from the deck on which it is stowed as required in percent of the persons permitted on board the unit. The following
§108.530(c)(3). exceptions apply:

(f) Survival craft must be arranged to allow safe disembarkation (1)(ii)(A) An open lifeboat may be used instead of davit-launched
onto the unit after a drill in accordance with §108.540(f). liferafts as long as it is in good working order. An open lifeboat
requiring extensive repairs must be replaced with either a totally
(g) The requirements for guarding of falls in §§108.553(d) and (f) enclosed fire-protected lifeboat, or davit-launched liferafts.

must be met.
(1)(ii)(B) A submersible unit constructed before January 3, 1979,
(h) The winch drum requirements described in §108.553(e) must may continue to use the lifesaving arrangements described on the

be met for all survival craft winches, not just multiple drum units Certificate of Inspection in effect on October 1, 1996.
(2) By October 1, 1997, fit retro-reflective material on all floating

(i) The maximum lowering speed requirements from §§108.553(h) appliances, lifejackets, and immersion suits.
and (i) must be met.
(3) Except for the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of
(j) An auxiliary line must be kept with each line-throwing appliance this section, units may retain the arrangement of lifesaving
in accordance with §108.597(c)(2). appliances previously required and approved for the unit, as long

as the arrangement or appliance is maintained in good condition

(k) Immersion suits are required on all units, except those to the satisfaction of the OCMI.
operating between the 32 degrees north and 32 degrees south
latitude in accordance with §108.580(c). (b) When any lifesaving appliance or arrangement on a unit
subject to this part is replaced, or when the unit undergoes

(l) All abandonment drills conducted on units carrying immersion repairs, alterations or modifications of a major character involving
suits must include immersion suits. replacement of, or any addition to, the existing lifesaving
appliances or arrangements, each new lifesaving appliance and
§108.510 Application. arrangement must meet the requirements of this part, unless the
(a) For the purposes of this subpart– OCMI determines that the unit cannot accommodate the new
appliance or arrangement, except that–
(1) Similar stage of construction means the stage at which–
(1) A survival craft is not required to meet the requirements of this
(1)(i) Construction identifiable with a specific unit begins; and part if it is replaced without replacing its davit and winch; and

(1)(ii) Assembly of that unit comprising at least 50 metric tons (2) A davit and its winch are not required to meet the
(55.1 U.S. tons) or 1 percent of the estimated mass of all requirements of this part if one or both are replaced without
structural material, whichever is less, has been achieved. replacing the survival craft.

(2) Unit constructed means a unit, the keel of which is laid or §108.520 Type Of Survival Craft.
which is at a similar stage of construction. (a) Each lifeboat must be a fire-protected lifeboat approved under

approval series 160.035. A lifeboat of aluminum construction in (7) Each survival craft must be in a secure and sheltered position
the hull or canopy must be protected in its stowage position by a and protected from damage by fire and explosion, as far as
water spray system meeting the requirements of part 34, subpart practicable.
34.25 of this chapter.
(8) Each survival craft must not require lifting from its stowed
(b) Each inflatable liferaft must be approved under approval series position in order to launch, except that a davit-launched liferaft
160.151. Each rigid liferaft must be approved under approval may be lifted by a manually powered winch from its stowed
series 160.118. Each liferaft must have a capacity of six persons position to its embarkation position.
or more.
(b) Additional lifeboat-specific stowage requirements. In
§108.525 Survival Craft Number And Arrangement. addition to meeting the requirements of paragraph (a) of this
(a) Each unit must carry the following: section, each lifeboat must be stowed as follows:

(1) Lifeboats installed in at least two widely separated locations (1) The unit must be arranged so each lifeboat, in its stowed
on different sides or ends of the unit. The arrangement of the position, is protected from damage by heavy seas.
lifeboats must provide sufficient capacity to accommodate the
total number of persons permitted on board if– (2) Each lifeboat must be stowed attached to its launching
(1)(i) All the lifeboats in any one location are lost or rendered

unusable; or (3) Each lifeboat must be provided a means for recharging the
lifeboat batteries from the unit's power supply at a supply voltage

(1)(ii) All the lifeboats on any one side or end of the unit are lost or not exceeding 50 volts.
rendered unusable.
(c) Additional liferaft-specific stowage requirements. In

(2) Liferafts arranged for float-free launching and having an addition to meeting the requirements of paragraph (a) of this
aggregate capacity that will accommodate the total number of section, each liferaft must be stowed as follows:
persons permitted on board.
(1) Each liferaft must be stowed to permit manual release from its
(b) In the case of a self-elevating unit where, due to its size or securing arrangements.

configuration, lifeboats can not be located in the widely separated
locations required under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the (2) Each liferaft must be stowed at a height above the waterline in
OCMI may accept the following number and arrangement of the lightest seagoing condition, not greater than the maximum
survival craft:
A stowage height indicated on the liferaft. Each liferaft without an
indicated maximum stowage height must be stowed not more
(1) Lifeboats with an aggregate capacity to accommodate the total than 18 meters (59 feet) above the waterline in the unit's lightest
number of persons permitted on board. seagoing condition.

(2) Liferafts served by launching appliances or marine evacuation (3) Each liferaft must be arranged to permit it to drop into the
systems of an aggregate capacity to accommodate the total water from the deck on which it is stowed. A liferaft stowage
number of persons permitted on board. These liferafts may be the arrangement meets this requirement if it–
float-free liferafts under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, or liferafts

in addition to the float-free liferafts. (3)(i) Is outboard of the rail or bulwark;

§108.530 Stowage Of Survival Craft. (3)(ii) Is on stanchions or on a platform adjacent to the rail or

(a) General. Each survival craft required to be served by a bulwark; or

launching appliance or marine evacuation system must be stowed
as follows: (3)(iii) Has a gate or other suitable opening to allow the liferaft to

be pushed directly overboard.

(1) Each survival craft must be stowed as close to the
accommodation and service spaces as possible. (4) Each davit-launched liferaft must be stowed within reach of its
lifting hook, unless some means of transfer is provided that is not
(2) Each survival craft must be stowed in a way that neither the rendered inoperable–

survival craft nor its stowage arrangements will interfere with the
embarkation and operation of any other survival craft or rescue (4)(i) Within the list limits specified in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this
boat at any other launching station. section;

(3) Each survival craft must be stowed as near the water surface (4)(ii) By unit motion; or

as is safe and practicable.

(4)(iii) By power failure.
(4) Each survival craft must be stowed where the survival craft, in
the embarkation position, is above the waterline with the unit– (5) Each rigid container for an inflatable liferaft to be launched by
a launching appliance must be secured in a way that the
(4)(i) In the fully loaded condition; and container or parts of it are prevented from falling into the water
during and after inflation and launching of the contained liferaft.
(4)(ii) Listed up to 20 degrees either way, or to the angle where
the unit's weatherdeck edge becomes submerged, whichever is (6) Each liferaft must have a painter system providing a
less. connection between the unit and the liferaft.

(5) Each survival craft must be sufficiently ready for use so that (7) Each liferaft or group of liferafts must be arranged for float-free
two crew members can complete preparations for embarkation launching. The arrangement must ensure that the liferaft or
and launching in less than 5 minutes. liferafts when released and inflated, are not dragged under by the
sinking unit. A hydrostatic release unit used in a float-free
(6) Each survival craft must be fully equipped as required under arrangement must be approved under approval series 160.162.
this subpart.

§108.540 Survival Craft Muster And Embarkation (3)(ii) Each vertical fixed ladder must meet the requirements
Arrangements. under §108.160 for fixed ladders, except that the vertical bars in
(a) Each muster station must have sufficient space to cages must be open at least 500 millimeters (20 inches) on one
accommodate all persons assigned to muster at that station. One side throughout the length of the ladder, and cages are not
or more muster stations must be close to each embarkation required in the area subject to wave action or on ladders inside
station. the legs of a self-elevating unit.

(b) Each muster station and embarkation station must be readily (3)(iii) If a fixed ladder cannot be installed, the OCMI may accept
accessible from accommodation and work areas. an alternate means of embarkation with sufficient capacity for all
persons permitted on board to safely descend to the waterline.
(c) Each lifeboat must be arranged to be boarded and launched
directly from the stowed position. (4) Alternate means of embarkation under paragraphs (h)(1)(ii)
and (h)(3) of this section, such as portable slides, safety booms,
(d) Each lifeboat must be arranged to be boarded by its full moveable ladders, elevators, and controlled descent devices,
complement of persons within 3 minutes from the time the must be acceptable to the OCMI. An alternate means of
instruction to board is given. embarkation must have sufficient capacity to permit persons to
safely descend to the waterline at a rate comparable to the device
(e) Each davit-launched and free-fall survival craft muster station which the alternate means of embarkation replaces.
and embarkation station for a survival craft which is boarded

before it is launched must be arranged to enable stretcher cases [CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR
to be placed in the survival craft. 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

(f) Means must be provided for bringing each davit-launched §108.545 Marine Evacuation System Launching
survival craft against the side of the unit and holding it alongside Arrangements.

to allow persons to be– (a) Arrangements. Each marine evacuation system must have
the following arrangements:
(1) Safely embarked in the case of a survival craft intended to be
boarded over the edge of the deck; and (1) Each marine evacuation system must be capable of being
deployed by one person.

(2) Safely disembarked after a drill in the case of a survival craft
not intended to be moved to the stowed position with a full (2) Each marine evacuation system must enable the total number
complement of persons on board. of persons for which it is designed, to be transferred from the unit

(g) Each davit-launched liferaft launching arrangement must have A into the inflated liferafts within a period of 10 minutes from the
time the signal to abandon the unit is given.
a means to hold the liferaft in the embarkation position that–
(3) Each marine evacuation system must be arranged so that
(1) Will hold the liferaft securely in high winds; liferafts may be securely attached to the platform and released

from the platform by a person either in the liferaft or on the

(2) Can be rapidly engaged in the proper position for boarding; platform.
(4) Each marine evacuation system must be capable of being

(3) Can be rapidly released for launching by one person from deployed from the unit under unfavorable conditions of list of up to
within the loaded liferaft. 20 degrees.

(h) Each launching station or each two adjacent launching (5) If the marine evacuation system has an inclined slide, the
stations must have an embarkation ladder as follows: angle of the slide from horizontal must be within a range of 30 to
35 degrees when the unit is upright and in the lightest seagoing

(1) Each embarkation ladder must be approved under approval condition.

series 160.117 or be a rope ladder approved under approval
series 160.017, and must be installed in a way that– (6) Each marine evacuation system platform must be capable of
being restrained by a bowsing line or other positioning system
(1)(i) Each embarkation ladder must extend in a single length, that is designed to deploy automatically, and if necessary, be

from the deck to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition capable of being adjusted to the position required for evacuation.
with the unit listed not less than up to 15 degrees either way; or
(b) Stowage. Each marine evacuation system must be stowed as
(1)(ii) Each embarkation ladder may be replaced by a device follows:
approved to provide safe and rapid access to survival craft in the

water, if the OCMI permits the device, provided that there is at (1) There must not be any openings between the marine
least one embarkation ladder on each side of the unit. evacuation system's embarkation station and the unit's side at the
unit's waterline in the lightest seagoing condition.
(2) An embarkation ladder is not required if–
(2) The marine evacuation system must be protected from any
(2)(i) The distance from the embarkation deck to the unit's lightest projections of the unit's structure or equipment.
operating waterline is less than 3 meters (10 feet); and
(3) The marine evacuation system's passage and platform, when
(2)(ii) The unit is not in international service. deployed, its stowage container, and its operational arrangement
must not interfere with the operation of any other lifesaving
(3) If the embarkation ladders cannot be supported against a appliance at any other launching station.
vertical flat surface, the unit must instead be provided with at least
two widely-separated fixed metal ladders or stairways extending (4) Where appropriate, the marine evacuation system's stowage
from the deck to the surface of the water and meet the following: area must be protected from damage by heavy seas.

(3)(i) Each inclined fixed ladder must meet the requirements (c) Stowage of associated liferafts. Inflatable liferafts used in
under §108.159. conjunction with the marine evacuation system must be stowed

as follows: (2) Falls, where used, must be long enough for survival craft to
reach the water; and
(1) Each inflatable liferaft used in conjunction with the marine
evacuation system must be close to the system container, but (3) Lifeboats with an aggregate capacity that will accommodate
capable of dropping clear of the deployed chute and boarding the total number of persons permitted on board must be capable
platform. of being launched safely, and clear of any obstruction. The
location and orientation of each lifeboat must be such that the
(2) Each inflatable liferaft used in conjunction with the marine lifeboat is either headed away from the unit upon launching, or
evacuation system must be capable of individual release from its can be turned to a heading away from the unit immediately upon
stowage rack. launching.

(3) Each inflatable liferaft used in conjunction with the marine (g) A launching appliance must not depend on any means other
evacuation system must be stowed in accordance with §108.530. than gravity or stored mechanical power independent of the unit's
power supplies to launch the survival craft it serves, in the fully
(4) Each inflatable liferaft used in conjunction with the marine loaded and equipped conditions, and also in the light condition.
evacuation system must be provided with pre-connected or easily
connected retrieving lines to the platform. (h) Each launching appliance's structural attachment to the vessel
must be designed, based on the ultimate strength of the
§108.550 Survival Craft Launching And Recovery construction material, to be at least 4.5 times the load imparted on

Arrangements: General. the attachment by the launching appliance and its fully loaded
(a) Each launching appliance for a lifeboat must be a davit survival craft under the most adverse combination of list and trim

approved under approval series 160.132, with a winch approved under paragraph (b) of this section.
under approval series 160.115. Each launching appliance for a
davit-launched liferaft must be approved under approval series (i) Each launching appliance must be arranged so that–

160.163, with an automatic disengaging apparatus approved
under approval series 160.170. (1) All parts requiring regular maintenance by the crew are readily
accessible and easily maintained;
(b) All lifeboats required for abandonment by the total number of
persons permitted on board must be capable of being launched (2) The launching appliance remains effective under conditions of

with their full complement of persons and equipment within 10 icing;
minutes from the time the signal to abandon the unit is given.
(3) The same type of release mechanism is used for each similar
(c) Each survival craft must be arranged to clear each leg,
column, footing, brace, mat, and each similar structure below the A survival craft carried on board the unit; and
hull of a self-elevating unit and clear the upper hull, the columns, (4) The preparation and handling of survival craft at any one
and the pontoons of a column stabilized unit, with the unit in an launching station does not interfere with the prompt preparation
intact condition. and handling of any other survival craft at any other station.

(1) The survival craft must be arranged to be launched down the (j) Each launching mechanism must be arranged so it may be
straight side of the unit or be mounted on a structure intended to actuated by one person from a position on the unit's deck, and
provide clearance from lower structures of the unit. also from a position within the survival craft. Each launching and

recovery arrangement must allow the operator on the deck to

(2) The OCMI may allow a reduction in the total number of observe the survival craft at all times during launching.
survival craft meeting this requirement when the unit is in the

transit mode and the number of personnel on board is reduced. In (k) Means must be provided outside the machinery space to
such cases, sufficient survival craft must be available for use by prevent any discharge of water onto survival craft during
the total number of personnel remaining on board. abandonment.

(d) Each lifeboat of aluminum construction in the hull or canopy, §108.553 Survival Craft Launching And Recovery
and each aluminum launching appliance must be protected in its Arrangements Using Falls And A Winch.
stowage position by a water spray system meeting the Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements, in addition to
requirements of part 34, subpart 34.25 of this chapter. meeting the requirements in §108.550, must meet the following

(e) With the exception of the secondary means of launching for
free-fall lifeboats, each launching appliance together with all its (a) Each fall wire must be of rotation-resistant and corrosion-
lowering and recovery gear must be arranged in a way that the resistant steel wire rope.
fully equipped survival craft it serves can be safely lowered when

loaded with its full complement of persons, and also without (b) The breaking strength of each fall wire and each attachment
persons, against– used on the fall must be at least six times the load imparted on
the fall by the fully-loaded survival craft.
(1) A list of up to 20 degrees on the high side; and
(c) Each fall must be long enough for the survival craft to reach
(2) A list of up to 20 degrees or the degree of list where the the water with the unit in its lightest seagoing condition, under
survival craft becomes waterborne, whichever, is the greater, on unfavorable conditions of trim and with the unit listed not less than
the low side. 20 degrees either way.

(f) When the unit is under any unfavorable condition such as (d) Each unguarded fall must not pass near any operating position
maximum airgap, lightest transit or operational condition, or any of the winch, such as hand cranks, payout wheels, and brake
damaged condition under part 174, subpart C of this chapter,– levers.

(1) Notwithstanding the requirements under §108.550(e), survival (e) Each winch drum must be arranged so the fall wire winds onto
craft launching appliances and marine evacuation systems must the drum in a level wrap, and a multiple drum winch must be
be capable of operation; arranged so that the falls wind off at the same rate when lowering,

and onto the drums at the same rate when hoisting. §108.557 Free-Fall Lifeboat Launching And Recovery
(f) Each fall, where exposed to damage or fouling, must have (a) The launching appliance for a free-fall lifeboat must be
guards or equivalent protection. Each fall that leads along a deck designed and installed so that the launching appliance and the
must be covered with a guard that is not more than 300 lifeboat it serves operate as a system to protect the occupants
millimeters (1 foot) above the deck. from harmful acceleration forces and to effectively clear the unit.

(g) The lowering speed for a fully loaded survival craft must be not (b) The launching appliance must be designed and arranged so
less than that obtained from the following formula: that in its ready to launch position, the distance from the lowest
point on the lifeboat it serves to the water surface with the unit in
(1) S = 0.4 + (0.02 H), where S is the speed of lowering in meters its lightest seagoing condition does not exceed the lifeboat's
per second, and H is the height in meters from the davit head to certificated free-fall height.
the waterline at the lightest seagoing condition, with H not greater
than 30, regardless of the lowering height. (c) The launching appliance must be arranged so as to preclude
accidental release of the lifeboat in its unattended stowed
(2) S = 79 + (1.2 H), where S is the speed of lowering in feet per position. If the means provided to secure the lifeboat cannot be
minute, and H is the height in feet, with H not greater than 99. released from inside the lifeboat, the means to secure the lifeboat
must be arranged as to preclude boarding the lifeboat without first
(h) The lowering speed for a survival craft loaded with all of its releasing it.

equipment must be not less than 70 percent of the speed required
under paragraph (g) of this section. (d) Each free-fall launching arrangement must be provided with a

secondary means to launch the lifeboat by falls. Such means
(i) The lowering speed for a fully loaded survival craft must be not must comply with the requirements of §§108.550, 108.553, and
more than 1.3 meters per second (256 feet per minute). 108.555. Notwithstanding §108.550(e), the launching appliance

must be capable of launching the lifeboat against unfavorable
(j) If a survival craft is recovered by electric power, the electrical conditions of list of 5 degrees in any direction and it need not
installation, including the electric power-operated boat winch, comply with the speed requirements of §§108.553(g), (h), and (i).
must meet the requirements in subchapter J of this chapter. If a
survival craft is recovered by any means of power, including a If the secondary launching appliance is not dependent on gravity,

portable power source, safety devices must be provided which stored mechanical power or other manual means, the launching
automatically cut off the power before the davit arms or falls reach arrangement must be connected both to the unit's main and
the stops in order to avoid overstressing the falls or davits, unless emergency power supplies.
the motor is designed to prevent such overstressing.
A §108.560 Rescue Boats.
(k) Each launching appliance must be fitted with brakes that meet Each unit must carry at least one rescue boat. Each rescue boat
the following requirements: must be approved under approval series 160.156. A lifeboat is
accepted as a rescue boat if it also meets the requirements for a

(1) The brakes must be capable of stopping the descent of the rescue boat.
survival craft or rescue boat and holding it securely when loaded
with it full complement of persons and equipment. §108.565 Stowage Of Rescue Boats.
(a) Rescue boats must be stowed as follows:

(2) The brake pads must, where necessary, be protected from

water and oil. (1) Each rescue boat must be ready for launching in not more
than 5 minutes.

(3) Manual brakes must be arranged so that the brake is always

applied unless the operator, or a mechanism activated by the (2) Each rescue boat must be in a position suitable for launching
operator, holds the brake control in the off position. and recovery.

§108.555 Lifeboat Launching And Recovery Arrangements. (3) Each rescue boat must be stowed in a way that neither the
Lifeboat launching and recovery arrangements, in addition to rescue boat nor its stowage arrangements will interfere with the
meeting the requirements in §§108.550 and 108.553, must meet operation of any survival craft at any other launching station.
the following requirements:

(4) Each rescue boat that is also a lifeboat, must be in compliance

(a) Each lifeboat must be capable of being launched with the unit with §108.530.
making headway of 5 knots in calm water, or with the unit
anchored or bearing on the bottom in a current of up to 5 knots. A (b) Each rescue boat must be provided a means for recharging
painter may be used to meet this requirement. the rescue boat batteries from the unit's power supply at a supply

voltage not exceeding 50 volts.

(b) Each lifeboat must be provided with a launching appliance.
The launching appliance must be capable of launching and (c) Each inflated rescue boat must be kept fully inflated at all
recovering the lifeboat with its crew. times.

(c) Each launching appliance arrangement must allow the [CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR
operator on the unit to observe the lifeboat at all times during 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]
§108.570 Rescue Boat Embarkation, Launching And
(d) Each launching appliance arrangement must be designed to Recovery Arrangements.
ensure persons can safely disembark from the survival craft prior (a) Each rescue boat must be capable of being launched with the
its stowage. unit making headway of 5 knots in calm water, or with the unit
anchored or bearing on the bottom in a current of up to 5 knots. A
[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996; 61 FR 40281, Aug. 1, painter may be used to meet this requirement.

(b) Each rescue boat embarkation and launching arrangement 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]
must permit the rescue boat to be boarded and launched in the
shortest possible time. §108.575 Survival Craft And Rescue Boat Equipment.
(a) All lifeboat and rescue boat equipment must be as follows:
(c) If the rescue boat is one of the unit's survival craft, the rescue
boat must also be as follows: (1) The equipment must be secured within the boat by lashings,
storage in lockers, or compartments, storage in brackets or similar
(1) The rescue boat must meet the embarkation arrangement and mounting arrangements or other suitable means.
launching station requirements of §108.540.
(2) The equipment must be secured in such a manner as not to
(2) The rescue boat must meet the launching arrangement interfere with any abandonment procedures or reduce seating
requirements of §§108.550 and 108.557, and if the launching capacity.
arrangement uses falls and a winch, §108.553.
(3) The equipment must be as small and of as little mass as
(3) If the launching arrangement uses a single fall, the rescue possible.
boat must have an automatic disengaging apparatus approved
under approval series 160.170, instead of a lifeboat release (4) The equipment must be packed in a suitable and compact
mechanism. form.

(d) Rapid recovery of the rescue boat must be possible when (5) The equipment should be stowed so the items do not–
loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment. If the

rescue boat is also a lifeboat, rapid recovery must be possible (5)(i) Reduce the seating capacity;
when loaded with its lifeboat equipment and an approved rescue
boat complement of at least six persons. (5)(ii) Adversely affect the seaworthiness of the survival craft or

rescue boat; or
(e) Each rescue boat launching appliance must be fitted with a
powered winch motor. (5)(iii) Overload the launching appliance.

(f) Each rescue boat launching appliance must be capable of (b) Each lifeboat, rigid liferaft, and rescue boat, unless otherwise

hoisting the rescue boat when loaded with its full rescue boat stated in this paragraph, must carry the equipment specified for it
complement of persons and equipment at a rate of not less than in table §108.575(b) of this section. A lifeboat that is also a rescue
0.3 meters per second (59 feet per minute). boat must carry the equipment in the table column marked for a

[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR A lifeboat. Each item in the table has the same description as in
§199.175 of this chapter.



[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

§108.580 Personal Lifesaving Appliances.

(a) Lifebuoys. Each unit must carry at least eight lifebuoys (1)(i) Each lifebuoy must be capable of being rapidly cast loose.
approved under approval series 160.150 as follows:
(1)(ii) Each lifebuoy must not be permanently secured to the unit
(1) Stowage. Lifebuoys must be stowed as follows: in anyway.

(1)(iii) Lifebuoys must be so distributed as to be readily available operate only on waters between 32° N and 32° S latitude.
on each side of the unit and, as far as practicable, on each open
deck extending to the side of the unit. The lifebuoys with attached (3)(ii) Each lifejacket must have a whistle firmly secured by a cord
self-igniting lights must be evenly distributed on all sides of the to the lifejacket.
(c) Immersion suits or anti-exposure suits. Each unit must
(1)(iv) At least two lifebuoys, each with attached self-activating carry immersion suits approved under approval series 160.171 or
smoke signals, must be stowed where they can be quickly anti-exposure suits approved under approval series 160.153.
released from the navigating bridge or main control station, or a
location readily available to personnel on board. These lifebuoys (1) General. Each unit, except units operating between 32
should, when released, fall directly into the water without striking degrees north latitude and 32 degrees south latitude, must carry–
any part of the unit.
(1)(i) Immersion suits or anti-exposure suits of suitable size for
(2) Attachments and fittings. Lifebuoys must have the following each person assigned to the rescue boat crew;
attachments and fittings:
(1)(ii) Immersion suits approved under approval series 160.171 of
(2)(i) At least one lifebuoy on each side of the unit fitted with a the appropriate size for each person on board, which count
buoyant lifeline that is– toward meeting the requirements of paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this
section; and

(2)(i)(A) At least as long as twice the height where it is stowed
above the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition, or 30 (1)(iii) In addition to the immersion suits required under paragraph

meters (100 feet), whichever is the greater; (c)(1)(ii) of this section, each watch station, work station, and
industrial work site must have enough immersion suits to equal
(2)(i)(B) Non-kinking; the number of persons normally on watch in, or assigned to, the

station or site at one time. However, an immersion suit is not
(2)(i)(C) Not less than 8 millimeters (5/16 inch) in diameter; required at a station or site for a person whose cabin or berthing
area (and the immersion suits stowed in that location) is readily
(2)(i)(D) Of a breaking strength which is not less than 5 accessible to the station or site.
kiloNewtons (1,124 pounds-force); and

(2) Attachments and fittings. Immersion suits or anti-exposure
(2)(i)(E) Is, if synthetic, a dark color or certified by the suits must have the following attachments and fittings:
manufacturer to be resistant to deterioration from ultraviolet light.

(2)(ii) At least one-half the total number of lifebuoys on the unit A (2)(i) Each immersion suit or anti-exposure suit must have a
lifejacket light approved under approval series 161.112 securely
must each be fitted with a self-igniting light approved under attached to the front shoulder area of the immersion suit or anti-
approval series 161.010. A self-igniting light must not be attached exposure suit. On a unit not in international service, a light
to the lifebuoys required by this section to be fitted with lifelines. approved under approval series 161.012 may be used. However,

lifejacket lights bearing Coast Guard approval number

(2)(iii) At least two lifebuoys on the unit each must be fitted with a 161.012/2/1 are not permitted on units certificated to operate on
self-activating smoke signal approved under approval series waters where water temperature may drop below 10°C (50°F).
160.157. Lifebuoys fitted with smoke signals must also be fitted

with lights. (2)(ii) Each immersion suit or anti-exposure suit must have a
whistle firmly secured by a cord to the immersion suit or anti-
(b) Lifejackets. Each unit must carry lifejackets approved under exposure suit.

approval series 160.155, 160.176, or 160.177. If the unit carries

inflatable lifejackets, they must be of the same or similar design [CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR
and have the same method of operation. 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

(1) General. Each unit must carry a lifejacket for each person on §108.595 Communications.
board and in addition, a sufficient number of lifejackets must be (a) Radio lifesaving appliances. Radio lifesaving appliance
carried for persons at each work station and industrial work site. installations and arrangements must meet the requirements of 47
CFR part 80.

(2) Stowage. Lifejackets must be stowed as follows:

(b) Distress flares. Each unit must–
(2)(i) The lifejackets must be readily accessible.
(1) Carry not less than 12 rocket parachute flares approved under
(2)(ii) The additional lifejackets required by paragraph (b)(1) of approval series 160.136; and

this section must be stowed in places readily accessible to the

work stations and industrial work sites. (2) Stow the flares in a portable watertight container carried on
the navigating bridge, or if the unit does not have a bridge, in the
(2)(iii) Where, due to the particular arrangements of the unit, the control room.
lifejackets under paragraph (b)(1) of this section could become
inaccessible, the OCMI may require an increase in the number of §108.597 Line-Throwing Appliance.
lifejackets to be carried, or suitable alternative arrangements. (a) General. Each unit in international service must have a line-
throwing appliance that is approved under approval series
(3) Attachments and fittings. Lifejackets must have the following 160.040. Each unit not in international service must carry a line-
attachments and fittings: throwing appliance approved under either approval series
160.040 or 160.031.
(3)(i) Each lifejacket must have a lifejacket light approved under
approval series 161.112 securely attached to the front shoulder (b) Stowage. The line-throwing appliance and its equipment must
area of the lifejacket. On a unit not in international service, a light be readily accessible for use.
approved under approval series 161.012 may be used. However,
lifejacket lights bearing Coast Guard approval number (c) Additional equipment. Each unit must carry the following
161.012/2/1 are not permitted unless the unit is certificated to equipment for the line-throwing appliance:

(1) The equipment on the list provided by the manufacturer with APPARATUS" in letters at least 5 centimeters (2 inches) high.
the approved appliance; and
(b) Instructions for the operation of a fixed fire extinguishing
(2) An auxiliary line that– system must be posted next to a fire apparatus described in
paragraph (a) of this section.
(2)(i) Has a breaking strength of at least 40 kiloNewtons (9,000
pounds-force); §108.633 Fire Stations.
Each fire station must be identified by marking: "FIRE STATION
(2)(ii) Is, if synthetic, a dark color or certified by the manufacturer NO. –" next to the station in letters and numbers at least 5
to be resistant to deterioration from ultraviolet light; and centimeters (2 inches) high.

(2)(iii) Is– §108.635 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus.

Each locker or space containing self-contained breathing
(2)(iii)(A) At least 450 meters (1,500 feet) long, if the line-throwing apparatus must be marked: "SELF CONTAINED BREATHING
appliance is approved under approval series 160.040; or APPARATUS".

(2)(iii)(B) At least 150 meters (500 feet) long, if the line-throwing §108.636 Work Vests.
appliance is approved under approval series 160.031. Each space containing a work vest must be marked: "WORK

Subpart F – Cranes
§108.637 Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers.

§108.601 Crane Design. (a) Each hand portable fire extinguisher must be marked with a
(a) Each crane and crane foundation on a unit must be designed number that identifies it in relation to all other hand portable fire
in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute Specification extinguishers.

for Offshore Cranes, API Spec. 2C, Second Edition, February,
1972 (with supplement 2). (b) The location of each hand portable fire extinguisher must be
marked with the same number that is marked on the extinguisher.
(b) In addition to the design requirements of paragraph (a), each
crane must have the following: §108.639 Emergency Lights.

Each emergency light must be marked: "E".
(1) Each control marked to show its function.
§108.641 Instructions For Changing Steering Gear.
(2) Instruments with built-in lighting.
(3) Fuel tank fills and overflows that do not run onto the engine
A Instructions stating, in order, the different steps to be taken for
changing to emergency and secondary steering gear must be
(4) No gasoline engines. posted in the steering gear room and at each secondary steering
(5) Spark arrestors fitted on engine exhaust pipes. station in 1.3 centimeters (1/2 inch) letters and numerals of
contrasting color to the background.

Subpart G – Equipment Markings and §108.643 Rudder Orders.

Instructions At each steering station, the direction which the wheel or steering
device must be moved for right rudder or left rudder must be

§108.621 Equipment Markings: General. marked in letters of contrasting color to the background on the
Unless otherwise provided, each marking required in this subpart wheel or steering device or in a place that is directly in the
must be– helmsman's line of vision to indicate "RIGHT RUDDER" and

(a) Printed in English;
(b) In red letters with a contrasting background; §108.645 Markings On Lifesaving Appliances.

(c) Permanent; (a) Lifeboats and rescue boats. Each lifeboat and rescue boat
(d) Easy to be seen; must be plainly marked as follows:
(e) At least 1.3 centimeters (1/2 inch) in height.
(1) Each side of each lifeboat and rescue boat bow must be
§108.623 General Alarm Bell Switch. marked in block capital letters and numbers with–
Each general alarm bell switch must be marked "GENERAL

ALARM" on a plate or other firm noncorrosive backing. (1)(i) The name of the unit; and

§108.625 General Alarm Bell. (1)(ii) The name of the port required to be marked on the unit to
Each general alarm bell must be identified by marking "GENERAL meet the requirements of subpart 67.123 of this chapter.


the bell. (2) The number of persons the boat is equipped for, which may
not exceed the number shown on its nameplate, must be clearly
§108.627 Carbon Dioxide Alarm. marked in permanent characters.
Each carbon dioxide alarm must be identified by marking: "WHEN
ALARM SOUNDS VACATE AT ONCE. CARBON DIOXIDE (3) The number of the boat and the unit's name, must be plainly
BEING RELEASED" next to the alarm. marked or painted so that the markings are visible from above the
§108.629 Fire Extinguishing System Branch Line Valve.
Each branch line valve of each fire extinguishing system must be (4) Type II retro-reflective material approved under approval
marked with the name of the space or spaces it serves. series 164.018 must be placed on the boat and meet the
arrangement requirements in IMO Resolution A.658(16).
§108.631 Fixed Fire Extinguishing System Controls.
(a) Each cabinet or space that contains a valve, control, or (b) Rigid liferafts. Each rigid liferaft must be marked as follows:
manifold of a fixed fire extinguishing system must be marked by
one of the following: "CARBON DIOXIDE FIRE APPARATUS", (1) The name of the unit must be marked on each rigid liferaft.

(2) The name of the port required to be marked on the unit to (f) Each lifebuoy stowage position must be marked with either the
meet the requirements of subpart 67.123 of this chapter. words "LIFEBUOY" or "LIFE BUOY", or with the appropriate
symbol from IMO Resolution A.760(18).
(3) The length of the painter must be marked on each rigid liferaft.
(g) Each lifejacket, immersion suit, and anti-exposure suit
(4) At each entrance of each rigid liferaft, the number of persons container must be marked in block capital letters and numbers
the rigid liferaft is equipped for, not exceeding the number shown with the minimum quantity, identity, and if sizes other than adult or
on its nameplate, must be marked in letters and numbers at least universal sizes are used on the unit, the size of the equipment
100 millimeters (4 inches) high, in a color contrasting to that of the stowed inside the container. The equipment may be identified in
liferaft. words or with the appropriate symbol from IMO Resolution
[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25298, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR
52815, Oct. 1, 1998] [CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25298, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR
52815, Oct. 1, 1998]
§108.646 Marking Of Stowage Locations.
(a) Containers, brackets, racks, and other similar stowage §108.650 EPIRBs And SARTs.
locations for lifesaving equipment, must be marked with symbols Emergency position indicating radiobeacons and search and
in accordance with IMO Resolution A.760(18), indicating the rescue transponders. Each EPIRB and SART should have the
devices stowed in that location for that purpose. name of the unit plainly marked or painted on its label, except for

EPIRBs or SARTs in an inflatable liferaft or permanently installed
(b) If more than one device is stowed in that location, the number in a survival craft.

of devices must also be indicated.
[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25299, May 20, 1996]
(c) Survival craft should be numbered.

§108.651 Portable Magazine Chests.
[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25298, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR Each portable magazine chest must be marked: "PORTABLE
AWAY" in letters at least 7.5 centimeters (3 inches) high.
§108.647 Inflatable Liferafts.

The number of the liferaft and the number of persons it is §108.653 Helicopter Facilities.
permitted to accommodate must be marked or painted in a (a) Each helicopter fueling facility must be marked adjacent to the
conspicuous place in the immediate vicinity of each inflatable fueling hose storage: "WARNING – HELICOPTER FUELING
liferaft in block capital letters and numbers. The word "liferaft" or
the appropriate symbol from IMO Resolution A.760(18) shall be A STATION – KEEP LIGHTS AND FIRE AWAY".
used to identify the stowage location. Liferafts stowed on the (b) Each storage tank for helicopter fuel must be marked:
sides of the unit should be numbered in the same manner as the "DANGER – FLAMMABLE LIQUID".
lifeboats. This marking must not be on the inflatable liferaft

container. (c) Each access to a helicopter landing area must be marked:

[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25298, May 20, 1996]
(d) Each marking required by this section must be in letters at

§108.649 Lifejackets, Immersion Suits, And Lifebuoys. least 7.5 centimeters (3 inches) high.
(a) Each lifejacket must be marked–
§108.655 Operating Instructions.

(1) In block capital letters with the name of the unit; and Each unit must have posters or signs displayed in the vicinity of
each survival craft and the survival craft's launching controls that–
(2) With type I retro-reflective material approved under approval

series 164.018. The arrangement of the retro-reflective material (a) Illustrate the purpose of controls;
must meet IMO Resolution A.658(16). (b) Illustrate the procedures for operating the launching device;
(c) Give relevant instructions or warnings;
(b) The stowage positions for lifejackets, other than lifejackets (d) Can be easily seen under emergency lighting conditions;
stowed in staterooms, must be marked with either the word and

"LIFEJACKET" or with the appropriate symbol from IMO (e) Display symbols in accordance with IMO Resolution
Resolution A.760(18). A.760(18).

(c) Each immersion suit or anti-exposure suit must be marked to [CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25299, May 20, 1996]
identify the person or unit to which it belongs.

§108.657 Unit Markings.

(d) Immersion suits or anti-exposure suits must be stowed so they The hull of each unit must be marked in accordance with Parts 67
are readily accessible, and the stowage positions must be marked and 69 of this chapter.
with either the words "IMMERSION SUITS" or "ANTI-EXPOSURE
SUITS", or with the appropriate symbol from IMO Resolution §108.659 Lifesaving Signal Instructions.
A.760(18). On all vessels to which this subpart applies, there must be readily
available to the offshore installation manager, master, or person
(e) Each lifebuoy must be marked– in charge a placard containing instructions for the use of the
lifesaving signals set forth in regulation 16, chapter V, of the
(1) In block capital letters with the unit's name and with the name International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. These
of the port required to be marked on the unit under subpart signals must be used by vessels or persons in distress when
67.123 of this chapter; and communicating with lifesaving stations and maritime rescue units.

(2) With type II retro-reflective material approved under part 164, [CGD 95-027, 61 FR 26008, May 23, 1996]
subpart 164.018 of this chapter. The arrangement of the retro-
reflective material must meet IMO Resolution A.658(16). §108.661 Unit Markings: Draft Marks.
(a) Each unit must have draft marks for each foot of immersion–

(1) If the unit is a surface unit, on both the port and starboard (a) Each unit must be equipped with a self-contained breathing
sides of the stem and the stern-post or rudderpost or at any other apparatus described in §108.497(a) to use as protection against
place at the stern of the unit as may be necessary for easy gas leaking from a refrigeration unit if it is equipped with any
observance; refrigeration unit using–

(2) If the unit is a self-elevating unit, near each corner of the hull (1) Ammonia to refrigerate any space with a volume of more than
but not more than 4 required; and 20 cubic feet; or

(3) If the unit is a column-stabilized unit, on each corner column, (2) Fluorocarbons to refrigerate any space with a volume of more
continuing to the footing or lower displacement hull. than 1000 cubic feet.

(b) The bottom of each mark must be at the draft indicated by that (b) The self-contained breathing apparatus required in §108.497
mark. may be used for this purpose.

(c) Each mark must be– [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
86-036, 57 FR 48326, Oct. 23, 1992]
(1) In numerals 15 centimeters (6 inches) high; and
(2) In contrasting color to the background. §108.705 Anchors, Chains, Wire Rope, And Hawsers.
(a) Each unit must be fitted with anchors, chains, wire rope, and

(d) For the purposes of this section, "draft" means the distance hawsers in agreement with the standards established by the
from the bottom of the keel or the lowest shell plate on the outer American Bureau of Shipping.

surface of the unit to the surface of the water, except that where a
unit has a permanent appendage extending below the bottom of (b) Units which are equipped with anchors used as operational
the keel, "draft" means the distance from the lowest part of the equipment are not required to have additional anchors if the

appendage to the surface of the water. operational anchors meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of
this section.
(e) In cases where draft marks are obscured due to operational
constraints or by protrusions, the vessel must be fitted with a [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by
reliable draft indicating system from which the draft can be USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53226, Oct. 1, 1999]

§108.707 First Aid Kit.
[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD Each unit must have a first-aid kit approved by the Mine Safety
89-037, 57 FR 41823, Sept. 11, 1992]
A and Health Administration (Formerly Mining Enforcement and
Safety Administration) of a size suitable for the number of persons
§108.663 Unit Markings: Load Line. allowed on board the unit that is stowed in a location that is
Each unit that is assigned a load line must have the load line accessible to persons on board.
marked in accordance with Part 42 of this chapter.

§108.709 Litter.
§108.665 Appliances For Watertight Integrity. Each unit must have a litter that is–
Each watertight door, scuttle, and hatch required for watertight
integrity, which may be opened during normal operations must be (a) Stowed in a location that is accessible to the persons on

marked in letters of contrasting color to the background "KEEP board; and

(b) Capable of being used on the type of helicopters serving the

Subpart H – Miscellaneous Equipment unit.

§108.697 Buoyant Work Vests. §108.713 International Code Of Signals.


(a) Each buoyant work vest on a unit must be approved under Each vessel on an international voyage which is required to carry
Subpart 160.053 or Subpart 160.077 of this chapter. a radiotelegraph or radiotelephone installation in accordance with
Chapter IV of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention, 1960, must
(b) Commercial hybrid PFD's carried as work vests must be– carry the International Code of Signals.

(1) Used, stowed, and maintained in accordance with the §108.715 Magnetic Compass And Gyrocompass.
procedures set out in the manual required for these devices by (a) Each self-propelled unit in ocean or coastwise service must
§160.077-29 of this chapter and any limitation(s) market on them; have a magnetic compass.
(b) Each self-propelled unit of 1,600 gross tons and over in ocean

(2) Of the same or similar design and have the same method of or coastwise service must have a gyrocompass in addition to the
operation as each other hybrid PFD carried on board. magnetic compass required in paragraph (a) of this section.

[CGD 78-174A, 51 FR 4351, Feb. 4, 1986] (c) Each unit that is required to have a gyrocompass must have
an illuminated repeater for the gyrocompass that is at the main
§108.699 Substitution Of Life Preservers. steering stand unless the gyrocompass is illuminated and is at the
A work vest may not be substituted for a required life preserver– main steering stand.

(a) For the life saving equipment requirements of this part; or §108.717 Radar.
(b) For use during drills and emergencies. Each self-propelled unit of 1,600 gross tons and over in ocean or
coastwise service must have–
§108.701 Sounding Equipment.
Each self-propelled unit must have a mechanical or electronic (a) A marine radar system for surface navigation; and
sounding apparatus. (b) Facilities on the bridge for plotting radar readings.

§108.703 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. §108.719 Pilot Boarding Equipment.

(a) This section applies to each vessel that normally embarks or (5) From each bridge wing, the respective side of the vessel is
disembarks a pilot from a pilot boat or other vessel. visible forward and aft.

(b) Each vessel must have suitable pilot boarding equipment (b) Windows fitted on the navigation bridge must be arranged so
available for use on each side of the vessel. If a vessel has only that:
one set of equipment, the equipment must be capable of being
easily transferred to and rigged for use on either side of the (1) Framing between windows is kept to a minimum and is not
vessel. installed immediately in front of any work station.

(c) Pilot boarding equipment must be capable of resting firmly (2) Front windows are inclined from the vertical plane, top out, at
against the vessel's side and be secured so that it is clear from an angle of not less than 10 degrees and not more than 25
overboard discharges. degrees.

(d) Each vessel must have lighting positioned to provide adequate (3) The height of the lower edge of the front windows is limited to
illumination for the pilot boarding equipment and each point of prevent any obstruction of the forward view previously described
access. in this section.

(e) Each vessel must have a point of access that has– (4) The height of the upper edge of the front windows allows a
forward view of the horizon at the conning position, for a person

(1) A gateway in the rails or bulwark with adequate handholds; or with a height of eye of 1.8 meters (71 inches), when the vessel is
at a forward pitch angle of 20 degrees.

(2) Two handhold stanchions and a bulwark ladder that is
securely attached to the bulwark rail and deck. (c) Polarized or tinted windows must not be fitted.

(f) The pilot boarding equipment required by paragraph (b) of this [CGD 85-099, 55 FR 32248, Aug. 8, 1990]
section must include at least one pilot ladder approved under
subpart 163.003 of this chapter. Each pilot ladder must be of a Subpart J – Muster List
single length and capable of extending from the point of access to
the water's edge during each condition of loading and trim, with §108.901 Muster List And Emergency Instructions.

an adverse list of 15°. (a) General. Copies of clear instructions must be provided on the
unit, detailing the actions that each person on board should follow
(g) Whenever the distance from the water's edge to the point of
access is more than 30 feet, access from a pilot ladder to the
vessel must be by way of an accommodation ladder or equally A in the event of an emergency.

(b) Muster list. Copies of the muster list must be posted in

safe and convenient means. conspicuous places throughout the unit including on the
navigating bridge, in the control room, and in accommodation
(h) Pilot hoists, if used, must be approved under subpart 163.002 spaces. The muster list must be posted at all times while the unit

of this chapter. is in service. After the muster list has been prepared, if any
change takes place that necessitates an alteration in the muster
[CGD 79-032, 49 FR 25455, June 21, 1984] list, the person in charge must either revise the muster list or
prepare a new one. Muster lists must provide the following

Subpart I – Navigation Bridge Visibility information:

§108.801 Navigation Bridge Visibility. (1) Each muster list must specify instructions for operating the

Each mobile offshore drilling unit which is 100 meters (328 feet) general emergency alarm system.
or more in length and contracted for on or after September 7,
1990, must meet the following requirements: (2) Each muster list must specify the emergency signals.

(a) The field of vision from the navigation bridge, whether the (3) Each muster list must specify the actions to be taken by the
vessel is in a laden or unladen condition, must be such that: crew and industrial personnel when each signal is sounded.

(1) From the conning position, the view of the sea surface is not (4) Each muster list must specify how the order to abandon the

obscured forward of the bow by more than the lesser of two ship unit will be given.
lengths or 500 meters (1,640 feet) from dead ahead to 10
degrees on either side of the vessel. Within this arc of visibility (5) Each muster list must specify the persons that are assigned to
any blind sector caused by cargo, cargo gear, or other permanent make sure that lifesaving and firefighting appliances are

obstruction must not exceed 5 degrees. maintained in good condition and ready for immediate use.

(2) From the conning position, the horizontal field of vision (6) The muster list must specify the duties assigned to the
extends over an arc from at least 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on different industrial personnel and members of the crew that
one side of the vessel, through dead ahead, to at least 22.5 include–
degrees abaft the beam on the other side of the vessel. Blind
sectors forward of the beam caused by cargo, cargo gear, or (6)(i) Closing the watertight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers,
other permanent obstruction must not exceed 10 degrees each, sidescuttles, skylights, portholes, and other similar openings in
nor total more than 20 degrees, including any blind sector within the unit's hull;
the arc of visibility described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
(6)(ii) Equipping the survival craft and other lifesaving appliances;
(3) From each bridge wing, the field of vision extends over an arc
from at least 45 degrees on the opposite bow, through dead (6)(iii) Preparing and launching the survival craft;
ahead, to at least dead astern.
(6)(iv) Preparing other lifesaving appliances;
(4) From the main steering position, the field of vision extends
over and arc from dead ahead to at least 60 degrees on either (6)(v) Mustering the visitors and other persons in addition to the
side of the vessel. crew and industrial personnel;

(6)(vi) Using communication equipment; (7)(iv) Keeping order in the passageways and on the stairways
and generally controlling the movements of the visitors and other
(6)(vii) Manning the emergency squad assigned to deal with fires persons on board;
and other emergencies;
(8) Each muster list must specify substitutes for key persons if
(6)(viii) Special duties assigned with respect to the use of they are disabled, taking into account that different emergencies
firefighting equipment and installations; require different actions.

(6)(ix) Cover the duties of the crew and industrial personnel in (c) Emergency instructions. Illustrations and instructions in
case of collisions or other serious casualties; and English and any other appropriate language, as determined by
the OCMI, must be posted in each cabin used for persons who
(6)(x) Cover the duties of the crew and industrial personnel in are not members of the crew or industrial personnel. They must
case of severe storms. be conspicuously displayed at each muster station and in other
accommodation spaces to inform personnel of–
(7) Each muster list must specify the duties assigned to industrial
personnel and members of the crew in relation to visitors and (1) The fire and emergency signal;
other persons on board in case of an emergency that include– (2) Their muster station;
(3) The essential actions they must take in an emergency;
(7)(i) Warning visitors and other persons on board; (4) The location of lifejackets, including child-size lifejackets;

(5) The method of donning lifejackets;
(7)(ii) Seeing that visitors and other persons on board are suitably (6) If immersion suits are provided, the location of the

dressed and have donned their lifejackets or immersion suits immersion suits; and
correctly; (7) Fully illustrated instructions on the method of donning
immersion suits.

(7)(iii) Assembling visitors and other persons on board at muster
stations; and [CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25299, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR
52815, Oct. 1, 1998]


Part 109 — Operations
Table Of Contents 109.557 Flammable And Combustible Liquids: Carriage.
109.559 Explosives And Radioactive Materials.
Subpart A—General 109.563 Posting Of Documents.
109.564 Maneuvering Characteristics.
Sec. 109.565 Charts And Nautical Publications.
109.101 Applicability. 109.573 Riveting, Welding, And Burning Operations.
109.103 Requirements Of The International Convention For 109.575 Accumulation Of Liquids On Helicopter Decks.
Safety Of Life At Sea, 1974. 109.577 Helicopter Fueling.
109.105 Incorporation By Reference. 109.585 Use Of Auto Pilot.
109.107 Designation Of Master Or Person In Charge.
109.109 Responsibilities Of Master Or Person In Charge. Appendix A To Part 109 – Navigation And Vessel Inspection
109.121 Operating Manual. Circular No. 4-78 — Inspection And Certification
Of Existing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
Subpart B–Tests, Drills, And Inspections
Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 6101, 10104;

109.201 Steering Gear, Whistles, General Alarm, And Means Of Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
Communication. [SOURCE: CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, unless
109.203 Sanitation. otherwise noted.]

109.205 Inspection Of Boilers And Machinery.
109.209 Appliances For Watertight Integrity. Subpart A—General
109.211 Testing Of Emergency Lighting And Power Systems.

109.213 Emergency Training And Drills. §109.101 Applicability.
109.223 Fire Fighting Equipment. No unit may be operated unless it complies with the regulations in
109.227 Verification Of Vessel Compliance With Applicable this part.
Stability Requirements.

§109.103 Requirements Of The International Convention For
Subpart C–Operation And Stowage Of Safety Equipment Safety Of Life At Sea, 1974.
No self-propelled unit of more than 500 gross tons may embark
109.301 Operational Readiness, Maintenance, And I nspection
Of Lifesaving Equipment.
109.323 Manning Of Survival Craft And Supervision.
A on an international voyage unless it is issued the appropriate
Convention certificate as described in §§107.401 through 107.413
of this subchapter.
109.329 Fire Pumps.
109.331 Firehoses And Hydrants. §109.105 Incorporation By Reference.
109.333 Fire Main Cutoff Valves. (a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with

109.334 Working Over Water. the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance
109.335 Stowage Of Work Vests. with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). To enforce any edition other than that
109.337 Fireman's Outfit. specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the Coast Guard must
109.339 Location Of Fire Axes.

publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and make

109.347 Pilot Boarding Equipment. the material available to the public. All approved material is on file
at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street,
Subpart D–Reports, Notifications, And Records

NW., suite 700, Washington, DC 20002, and at the U.S. Coast

Guard, Office of Design and Engineering Standards (G-MSE),
REPORTS AND NOTIFICATIONS 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001 and is
109.411 Notice And Reporting Of Casualty.

available from the sources indicated in paragraph (b) of this

109.415 Retention Of Records After Casualty. section.
109.419 Report Of Unsafe Machinery.
109.421 eport Of Repairs To Boilers And Pressure Vessels. (b) The material for incorporation by reference in this part and the
109.425 Repairs And Alterations: Fire Detecting And sections affected are:
Extinguishing Equipment.

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

RECORDS 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
109.431 Logbook. ASTM Adjunct F 1626, Symbols for Use in Accordance with
109.433 Logbook Entries. Regulation II-2/20 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention as amended

109.435 Record Of Fire Fighting Equipment Inspection. PCN: 12-616260-01 (1996)— 109.563
109.437 Crane Record Book.
109.439 Crane Certificates. International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR
Subpart E–Emergency Signals United Kingdom.
Resolution A.654.(16), Graphical Symbols for Fire
109.503 Emergency Signals. Control Plans– 109.563

Subpart F—Cranes [CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997, as amended by

USCG 1998-4442, 63 FR 52191, Sept. 30, 1998; 64 FR 67170,
109.521 Cranes: General. Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, March 1, 2000]
109.525 Cranes: Working Loads.
109.527 Cranes: Operator Designation. §109.107 Designation Of Master Or Person In Charge.
The owner of a unit or his agent shall designate an individual to
Subpart G—Miscellaneous be the master or person in charge of the unit.

109.555 Propulsion Boilers. §109.109 Responsibilities Of Master Or Person In Charge.

(a) The master or person in charge shall– (14) Guidance for preparing the unit for the passage of a severe
storm and the specific actions and approximate length of time to
(1) Ensure that the provisions of the Certificate of Inspection are complete them or to attain a designated level of preparedness.
adhered to; and
(15) Guidance for operating the unit while changing its mode of
(2) Be fully cognizant of the provisions in the operating manual operation and for preparing the unit to make a move and, for self-
required by §109.121. elevating units in the transit mode, information for preparing the
unit to avoid structural damage during heavy weather, including
(b) Nothing in this subpart shall be construed as limiting the the positioning and securing of legs, cantilever structures, and
master or person in charge, at his own responsibility, from heavy cargo or large equipment which might shift position.
diverting from the route prescribed in the Certificate of Inspection
or taking such steps as he deems necessary and prudent to (16) A description of any inherent operational limitations for each
assist vessels in distress or for other emergency conditions. mode of operation and for each change in mode of operation.

§109.121 Operating Manual. (17) Guidance for the person in charge to determine the cause of
(a) Each unit must have on board an operating manual approved unexpected list and trim before taking corrective action.
by the Coast Guard as meeting the requirements of this section.
(18) For column stabilized units, a description, a schematic
(b) The operating manual must be available to, and written in a diagram, and guidance for the operation of the ballast system and

manner that is easily understood by, the unit's operating of the alternate means of ballast system operation, together with a
personnel and include the following: description of their limitations, such as pump capacities at various

angles of heel and trim.
(1) A table of contents and general index.
(19) A description, a schematic diagram, and guidance for the

(2) A general description of the unit, including major dimensions, operation of the bilge system and of the alternate means of bilge
tonnages, dry bulk capacities, damage stability standard to which system operation, together with a description of their limitations,
designed, hook load capacity, rotary table capacity, set back load such as spaces not connected to the bilge system.
capacity, drilling derrick capacity, and the identification, the
maximum deadweight in pounds and kilograms, and the rotor size (20) General arrangement plans showing the location of:

in feet and meters of the helicopter used for the design of the Watertight and weathertight compartments, and openings in the
helicopter deck. hull and structure; vents, closures, and mechanical, ventilating,
and electrical emergency shutdowns; flooding alarms and fire and
(3) Limiting design data for each mode of operation, including
draft, air gap, wave height, wave period, wind, current, A gas detectors; and access to different compartments and decks.
temperature, and other environmental factors. (21) A list of emergency shutdowns and guidance on restarting all
mechanical, ventilating, and electrical equipment after activation
(4) Instructions on the use of the stability data. of the emergency shutdowns.

(5) Lightweight data with a comprehensive listing of the inclusions (22) Procedures for evacuating personnel from the unit.
and exclusions of semi-permanent equipment, together with
guidance for the routine recording of lightweight alterations. (23) A plan showing the hazardous locations described in

§111.105-33 of this chapter.

(6) Information identifying the type, location, and quantities of
permanent ballast. (24) A schematic diagram of the emergency power system.

(7) Hydrostatic curves or tables. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control
number 1625-0038)

(8) The maximum allowable deck loadings either listed or shown

on a plan. [CGD 83-071, 52 FR 6979, Mar. 6, 1987; 52 FR 9383, Mar. 24,
1987, as amended by CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997]
(9) A capacity plan showing the capacities and the vertical,
longitudinal, and transverse centers of gravity of tanks and bulk Subpart B – Tests, Drills, and Inspections

material stowage spaces.

§109.201 Steering Gear, Whistles, General Alarm, And Means
(10) Tank sounding tables or curves showing capacities, the Of Communication.
vertical, longitudinal, and transverse centers of gravity in The master or person in charge shall ensure that–
graduated intervals, and the free surface data of each tank.

(a) Steering gear, whistles, general alarm bells, and means of

(11) Stability information setting forth the maximum allowable communication between the bridge or control room and the
height of the center of gravity in relation to draft data, engine room on self propelled units are inspected and tested–
displacement, and other applicable parameters unique to the
design of the unit to determine compliance with the intact and (1) Within 12 hours before getting under way; and
damage stability criteria.
(2) At least once each week if under way or on station; and
(12) Examples of loading conditions for each mode of operation
and instructions for developing other acceptable loading (b) Whistles and general alarm bells on all other units are
conditions. inspected examined and tested at least once each week.

(13) Information concerning the use of any special crossflooding §109.203 Sanitation.
fitting for each operating condition which, if damage occurs, may (a) The master or person in charge shall insure that the
require crossflooding for survival (surface units only) and the accommodation spaces are in a clean and sanitary condition.
location of any valve that may require closure to prevent
progressive flooding (all units). (b) The chief engineer, or engineer in charge if no chief engineer

is required, shall insure that the engineering spaces are in a clean (2)(viii) The use of all survival equipment;
and sanitary condition.
(2)(ix) The use of all detection equipment for the location of
§109.205 Inspection Of Boilers And Machinery. survivors or survival craft;
The chief engineer or engineer in charge, before he assumes
charge of the boilers and machinery of a unit shall inspect the (2)(x) With illustrations, the use of radio lifesaving appliances;
boilers and machinery, other than industrial machinery, and report
to the master or person in charge and the Officer in Charge, (2)(xi) The use of sea anchors;
Marine Inspection, any parts that are not in operating condition.
(2)(xii) The use of engine and accessories;
§109.209 Appliances For Watertight Integrity.
(a) Before getting underway, the master or person in charge shall (2)(xiii) The recovery of survival craft and rescue boats, including
insure that each appliance for watertight integrity is closed and stowage and securing;
(2)(xiv) The hazards of exposure and the need for warm clothing;
(b) If existing conditions warrant, the master or person in charge
may permit appliances for watertight integrity to be open while (2)(xv) The best use of the survival craft for survival;
(2)(xvi) The methods of retrieval, including the use of helicopter

§109.211 Testing Of Emergency Lighting And Power rescue gear (slings, baskets, stretchers), and unit's line throwing
Systems. apparatus;

(a) The master or person in charge shall insure that–
(2)(xvii) The other functions contained in the muster list and
(1) Each emergency lighting and each emergency power system emergency instructions; and

is tested at least once each week;
(2)(xviii) The instructions for emergency repair of the lifesaving
(2) Each emergency generator is tested at least once each month appliances.
by operating it under load for at least 2 hours; and
(b) Familiarity with emergency procedures. Each of the crew

(3) Each storage battery for emergency lighting and power members and industrial personnel with assigned emergency
systems is tested every six months under actual connected load duties on the muster list must be familiar with their assigned
for a period of at least 2 hours. duties before working on the unit.

(b) After the 2 hour test period required in paragraph (a)(3) of this A (c) Drills–general.
section, the voltage values under load or specific gravity of
electrolyte must be measured. Measured values must be (1) Drills must, as far as practicable, be conducted as if there
extrapolated to approximate the values that would result following were an actual emergency.

a 12 hour test period. The test must be extended if a trend cannot

be determined to allow extrapolation. The capacity of the battery (2) Each of the crew members and industrial personnel must
corresponding to the extrapolated values of voltage or specific participate in at least one abandonment drill and one fire drill
gravity must be sufficient to supply the actual connected load. every month. Drills must take place within 24 hours of a change in

crew or industrial personnel if more than 25 percent of the

§109.213 Emergency Training And Drills. persons on board have not participated in an abandonment and
(a) Training materials. Abandonment training material must be fire drills on board the unit in the previous month.

on board each unit. The training material must consist either of a

manual of one or more volumes, written in easily understood (3) Drills must be held before the unit enters service for the first
terms and illustrated wherever possible, or audiovisual training time after modification of a major character, or when a new crew

aids, or both as follows: is engaged.

(1) If a training manual is used, a copy must be made available to (d) Abandonment drills.
each person on board the unit. If audiovisual training aids are
used, they must be incorporated into the onboard training (1) Abandonment drills must include the following:

sessions described under paragraph (g) of this section.

(1)(i) Each drill must include summoning of industrial personnel
(2) The training material must explain, in detail– and crew to muster stations with the general alarm, followed by
drill announcements on the public address or other
(2)(i) The procedure for donning lifejackets, immersion suits, and communication system, and ensuring that all on board are made

anti-exposure suits carried on board; aware of the order to abandon ship.

(2)(ii) The procedure for mustering at the assigned stations; (1)(ii) Each drill must include reporting to stations and preparing
for the duties described in the muster list.
(2)(iii) The procedure for boarding, launching, and clearing the
survival craft and rescue boats; (1)(iii) Each drill must include checking that industrial personnel
and crew are suitably dressed.
(2)(iv) The method of launching from within the survival craft;
(1)(iv) Each drill must include checking that lifejackets or
(2)(v) The procedure for releasing from launching appliances; immersion suits are correctly donned.

(2)(vi) The method and use of water spray systems in launching (1)(v) Each drill must include lowering of at least one lifeboat after
areas when required for the protection of aluminum survival craft any necessary preparation for launching.
or launching appliances;
(1)(vi) Each drill must include starting and operating the lifeboat
(2)(vii) Illumination in launching area; engine.

(1)(vii) Each drill must include operating davits used for launching (3) The equipment used during drills must immediately be brought
the liferafts. back to its fully operational condition, and any faults and defects
discovered during the drills must be remedied as soon as
(2) Different lifeboats must, as far as practicable, be lowered in possible.
compliance with the requirements of paragraph (d)(1)(v) of this
section at successive drills. (g) Onboard training and instruction.

(3) Each lifeboat must be launched with its assigned operating (1) Except as provided in paragraph (g)(2) of this section, onboard
crew aboard, and maneuvered in the water at least once every 3 training in the use of the unit's lifesaving appliances, including
months, during an abandonment drill. survival craft equipment, and in the use of the unit's fire-
extinguishing appliances must be given to each member of the
(4) As far as is reasonable and practicable, rescue boats other crew and industrial personnel as soon as possible but not later
than lifeboats which are also rescue boats, must be launched than 2 weeks after they join the unit.
each month with their assigned crew aboard and maneuvered in
the water. In all cases this requirement must be complied with at (2) If crew or industrial personnel are on a regularly scheduled
least once every 3 months. rotating assignment to the unit, onboard training in the use of the
unit's lifesaving appliances, including survival craft equipment,
(5) If a unit is fitted with marine evacuation systems, drills must and in the use of the unit's fire-extinguishing appliances must be
include an exercising of the procedures required for the given not later than 2 weeks after the time of first joining the unit.

deployment of such a system up to the point immediately
preceding actual deployment of the system. This aspect of drills (3) The crew and industrial personnel must be instructed in the

should be augmented by regular instruction using the on board use of the unit's fire-extinguishing appliances, lifesaving
training aids. Additionally, members of the crew or industrial appliances, and in survival at sea at the same interval as the
personnel assigned to duties involving the marine evacuation drills. Individual instruction may cover different parts of the unit's

system must be further trained by participation in a full lifesaving and fire-extinguishing appliances, but all the unit's
deployment of a similar system into water, either on board a unit lifesaving and fire-extinguishing appliances, must be covered
or ashore, at intervals normally not longer than 2 years, but in no within any period of 2 months.
case longer than 3 years.
(4) Crew and industrial personnel must be given instructions

(6) Emergency lighting for mustering and abandonment must be which include, but are not limited to–
tested at each abandonment drill.
(4)(i) The operation and use of the unit's inflatable liferafts;
(7) On a unit carrying immersion suits or anti-exposure suits,
immersion suits or anti-exposure suits must be worn by crew A (4)(ii) The problems of hypothermia, first aid treatment for
members and industrial personnel in at least one abandonment hypothermia and other appropriate first aid procedures;
drill in any three-month period. If wearing the suit is impracticable
due to warm weather, the crew members must be instructed on its (4)(iii) The special instructions necessary for use of the unit's

donning and use. lifesaving appliances in severe weather and severe sea
conditions; and
(e) Line-throwing appliance. A drill must be conducted on the
use of the line-throwing appliance at least once every 3 months. (4)(iv) The operation and use of fire-extinguishing appliances.

The actual firing of the appliance is at the discretion of the person

in charge. (5) Onboard training in the use of davit-launched liferafts must
take place at intervals of not more than 4 months on each unit

(f) Fire drills. with davit-launched liferafts. Whenever practicable this must
include the inflation and lowering of a liferaft. If this liferaft is a
(1) Fire drills must, as far as practicable, be planned in such a special liferaft intended for training purposes only, and is not part

way that due consideration is given to regular practice in the of the unit's lifesaving equipment, this liferaft must be
various emergencies that may occur depending on the type of conspicuously marked.
(6) Each of the industrial personnel without designated
(2) Each fire drill must include– responsibility for the survival of others on board, must be

instructed in at least–
(2)(i) Reporting to stations, and preparing for the duties described
in the muster list for the particular fire emergency being simulated; (6)(i) The emergencies which might occur on that particular type
of unit;
(2)(ii) Starting of fire pumps and the use of two jets of water to

determine that the system is in proper working order; (6)(ii) The consequences of panic;

(2)(iii) Checking the fireman's outfits and other personal rescue (6)(iii) The location and actuation of fire alarm controls;
(6)(iv) The location and proper method of use of firefighting
(2)(iv) Checking the relevant communication equipment; equipment;

(2)(v) Checking the operation of watertight doors, fire doors, and (6)(v) Fire precautions;
fire dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilation systems in
the drill area; (6)(vi) The types of all lifesaving appliances carried on the unit
and proper methods of using them, including–
(2)(vi) Checking the necessary arrangements for subsequent
abandonment of the unit; and (6)(vi)(A) The correct method of donning and wearing a lifejacket,
and if provided an immersion suit;
(2)(vii) Simulated operation of remote controls for stopping
ventilation and fuel supplies to machinery spaces. (6)(vi)(B) Jumping into the water from a height while wearing a

lifejacket and, if provided, an immersion suit; (7)(v)(H) Making proper use of food and drinking water and using
protective measures in survival craft such as those for preventing
(6)(vi)(C) How to board survival craft from the unit and from the exposure to cold, sun, wind, rain, and sea, and for preventing
water; seasickness.

(6)(vi)(D) Operation and use of the unit's inflatable liferafts; (7)(vi) Cautioning on the preservation of body fluids and the
dangers of drinking seawater;
(6)(vi)(E) Special instructions necessary for use of the unit's
lifesaving appliances in severe weather and severe sea (7)(vii) Transferring personnel from survival craft to helicopters or
conditions; to work boats;

(6)(vi)(F) Swimming while wearing a lifejacket; and (7)(viii) Maintaining morale; and

(6)(vi)(G) Keeping afloat without a lifejacket. (7)(ix) Methods of helicopter rescue.

(6)(vii) Where appropriate, how to survive in the water– (h) Records.

(6)(vii)(A) In the presence of fire or oil on the water; (1) When musters are held, details of abandonment drills, fire
drills, other lifesaving appliances, and onboard training must be

(6)(vii)(B) In cold conditions; and recorded in the unit's official logbook. Logbook entries must
include the following:

(6)(vii)(C) If sharks may be present.
(1)(i) Logbook entries must identify the date and time of the drill,
(6)(viii) Problems of hypothermia, first aid treatment for muster, or training session.

hypothermia and other appropriate first aid procedures;
(1)(ii) Logbook entries must identify the survival craft and fire-
(6)(ix) The need to adhere to the principles of survival; and extinguishing equipment used in the drills.

(6)(x) The basic methods of boarding helicopters. (1)(iii) Logbook entries must identify the inoperative or

malfunctioning equipment and the corrective action taken.
(7) Each member of the crew and each of the industrial personnel
with designated responsibility for the survival of others on board (1)(iv) Logbook entries must identify crew members and industrial
must be instructed in at least the items covered in paragraph
(g)(6) of this section, and– A personnel participating in drills or training sessions.
(1)(v) Logbook entries must identify the subject of the onboard
(7)(i) Methods of detection, isolation, control, and extinguishing of training session.

(2) If a full muster, drill, or training session is not held at the

(7)(ii) Checking and maintaining fire fighting equipment; appointed time, an entry must be made in the logbook stating the
circumstances and the extent of the muster, drill, or training
(7)(iii) Marshaling of personnel; and session held.

(7)(iv) Abandonment of the unit, including– [CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25299, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR
52815, Oct. 1, 1998]

(7)(iv)(A) Launching survival craft;

§109.223 Fire Fighting Equipment.
(7)(iv)(B) Getting survival craft quickly and safely clear of the unit; The master or person in charge shall insure that each hand

and portable fire extinguisher, semi-portable fire extinguisher, and

fixed fire-extinguishing system is tested and inspected at least
(7)(iv)(C) Righting a capsized survival craft. once each twelve months.

(7)(v) Handling all survival craft and their equipment, including– §109.227 Verification Of Vessel Compliance With Applicable

Stability Requirements.
(7)(v)(A) Checking and maintaining their readiness for immediate (a) The master or person-in-charge shall determine that the
use; vessel complies with all applicable stability requirements in the
vessel's trim and stability book, operating manual, stability letter,
(7)(v)(B) Using equipment to the best advantage; Certificate of Inspection, and Load Line Certificate, as the case

may be, and then enter an attestation statement of the verification

(7)(v)(C) Using the sea anchor; in the log book, at the following times:

(7)(v)(D) Remaining, as far as practicable, in the general vicinity (1) Prior to transitioning from the transit condition to the operating
of the unit, well clear of but not downwind of any hydrocarbons or condition;
(2) Prior to transitioning from the operating condition to the transit
(7)(v)(E) Recovering and, as far as practicable, caring for other condition;
(3) Prior to significant changes in deck load or ballast;
(7)(v)(F) Keeping a lookout;
(4) At other times as required by the vessel's trim and stability
(7)(v)(G) Operating equipment provided to aid in the detection of book or operating manual; and
the survival craft by others, including radio distress alerting and
radio emergency procedures; and (5) At all other times necessary to assure the safety of the vessel.

(b) When determining compliance with applicable stability (1) Each lifesaving appliance, including lifeboat equipment, must
requirements the vessel's draft, trim, and stability must be be inspected monthly using the checklists required under
determined as necessary and any stability calculations made in paragraph (b) of this section to make sure it is complete and in
support of the determination must be retained on board the vessel good working order. A report of the inspection, including a
for a one month period or until a change of location, if shorter. statement as to the condition of the equipment, must be recorded
in the unit's official logbook.
[CGD 89-037, 57 FR 41823, Sept. 11, 1992]
(2) Each EPIRB and each SART other than an EPIRB or SART in
Subpart C–Operation And Stowage Of Safety an inflatable liferaft, must be tested monthly. The EPIRB must be
tested using the integrated test circuit and output indicator to
Equipment determine that it is operative.
§109.301 Operational Readiness, Maintenance, And
(f) Annual inspections. Annual inspection and repair must
Inspection Of Lifesaving Equipment.
include the following:
(a) Operational readiness. Except as provided in
§109.301(b)(3), each lifesaving appliance must be in good
(1) Each survival craft, except for inflatable liferafts, must be
working order and ready for immediate use at all times when the
stripped, cleaned, and thoroughly inspected and repaired, as
unit is in operation.
needed, at least once in each year, including emptying and
cleaning each fuel tank, and refilling it with fresh fuel.

(b) Maintenance.
(2) Each davit, winch, fall and other launching appliance must be
(1) The manufacturer's instructions for onboard maintenance of

thoroughly inspected and repaired, as needed, once in each year.
lifesaving appliances must be onboard and must include the
following for each appliance–
(3) Each item of survival equipment with an expiration date must

be replaced during the annual inspection and repair, if the
(1)(i) Checklists for use when carrying out the inspections
expiration date has passed.
required under §109.301(e);
(4) Each battery clearly marked with an expiration date, that is
(1)(ii) Maintenance and repair instructions;
used in an item of survival equipment must be replaced during the

annual inspection and repair, if the expiration date has passed.
(1)(iii) A schedule of periodic maintenance;
(5) Except for a storage battery used in a lifeboat or rescue boat,
(1)(iv) A diagram of lubrication points with the recommended
lubricants; A each battery without an expiration date that is used in an item of
survival equipment must be replaced during the annual inspection
and repair.
(1)(v) A list of replaceable parts;
(g) Servicing of inflatable lifesaving appliances, inflated
(1)(vi) A list of sources of spare parts; and

rescue boats, and marine evacuation systems.

(1)(vii) A log for records of inspections and maintenance.
(1) Each inflatable lifesaving appliance and marine evacuation
system must be serviced–
(2) In lieu of compliance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, The

OCMI may accept a planned maintenance program that includes

(1)(i) Within 12 months of its initial packing; and
the items listed in that paragraph.

(1)(ii) Within 12 months of each subsequent servicing, except

(3) If lifeboats, rescue boats or rigid liferafts are maintained and
when servicing is delayed until the next scheduled inspection of
repaired while the unit is in operation, there must be a sufficient
the unit, provided the delay does not exceed 5 months.
number of lifeboats and liferafts remaining available for use to

accommodate all persons on board.

(2) Each inflatable lifejacket must be serviced in accordance with
servicing procedures meeting the requirements of part 160,
(c) Spare parts and repair equipment. Spare parts and repair
subpart 160.176 of this chapter. Each hybrid inflatable lifejacket
equipment must be provided for each lifesaving appliance and
must be serviced in accordance with the owners manual and
component subject to excessive wear or consumption and that

meet the requirements of part 160, subpart 160.077 of this

needs to be replaced regularly.
(d) Weekly inspections and tests.
(3) An inflatable liferaft must be serviced at a facility specifically
approved by the Commandant for the particular brand, and in

(1) Each survival craft, rescue boat, and launching appliance must
accordance with servicing procedures meeting the requirements
be visually inspected to ensure its readiness for use.
of part 160, subpart 160.151, of this chapter–
(2) Each lifeboat engine and rescue boat engine must be run
(3)(i) No later than the month and year on its servicing sticker
ahead and astern for a total of not less than 3 minutes, unless the
affixed under 46 CFR 160.151-57(n), except that servicing may
ambient air temperature is below the minimum temperature
be delayed until the next scheduled inspection of the unit,
required for starting the engine. During this time, demonstrations
provided that the delay does not exceed 5 months; and
should indicate that the gear box and gear box train are engaging
satisfactorily. If the special characteristics of an outboard motor
(3)(ii) Whenever the container is damaged or the container straps
fitted to a rescue boat would not allow the outboard motor to be
or seals are broken.
run other than with its propeller submerged for a period of 3
minutes, the outboard motor should be run for such period as
(4) Each inflated rescue boat must be repaired and maintained in
prescribed in the manufacturer's handbook.
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. All repairs to
inflated chambers must be made at a servicing facility approved
(3) The general alarm system must be tested.
by the Commandant, except for emergency repairs carried out on
board the unit.
(e) Monthly inspections.

(h) Periodic servicing of hydrostatic release units. Each and the characteristics of the unit, may permit persons practiced
hydrostatic release unit, other than a disposable hydrostatic in the handling and operation of liferafts or inflatable buoyant
release unit, must be serviced– apparatus to be placed in charge of liferafts or inflatable buoyant
(1) Within 12 months of its manufacture and within 12 months of
each subsequent servicing, except when servicing is delayed until (2) Have another person designated second-in-command of each
the next scheduled inspection of the unit, provided the delay does lifeboat permitted to carry more than 40 persons. This person
not exceed 5 months; and should be a deck officer, able seaman, or certificated person; and

(2) In accordance with repair and testing procedures meeting the (3) Have a list of the survival craft crew and must see that the
requirements of part 160, subpart 160.062 of this chapter. crewmembers are acquainted with their duties. The second-in-
command of a lifeboat must also have a list of the lifeboat crew.
(i) Periodic servicing of launching appliances and release
gear. (d) There must be a person assigned to each motorized survival
craft who is capable of operating the engine and carrying out
(1) Launching appliances must be serviced at the intervals minor adjustments.
recommended in the manufacturer's instructions, or as set out in
the shipboard planned maintenance program. (e) The person in charge must make sure that the persons
required under paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section are

(2) Launching appliances must be thoroughly examined at equitably distributed among the unit's survival craft.
intervals not exceeding 5 years and upon completion of the

examination, the launching appliance must be subjected to a [CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25302, May 20, 1996]
dynamic test of the winch brake.
§109.329 Fire Pumps.

(3) Lifeboat and rescue boat release gear must be serviced at the The master or person in charge shall insure that at least one of
intervals recommended in the manufacturer's instructions, or as the fire pumps required in §108.415 is ready for use on the fire
set out in the planned maintenance program. main system at all times.

(4) Lifeboat and rescue boat release gear must be subjected to a §109.331 Firehoses And Hydrants.

thorough examination by properly trained personnel familiar with The master or person in charge shall insure that–
the system at each inspection for certification.
(a) At least one length of firehose with a combination nozzle is
(5) Lifeboat and rescue boat release gear must be operationally
tested under a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat A connected to each fire hydrant required by this subchapter, at all
times, except that during heavy weather a firehose in an exposed
when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment, location may be temporarily removed from the fire hydrant and
whenever overhauled, or at least once every 5 years. stowed in an accessible, nearby location;

(j) Maintenance of falls. (b) A fire hose required by this subchapter is not used for any
purpose other than firefighting, fire drills, and testing;
(1) Each fall used in a launching appliance must be turned end-
for-end at intervals of not more than 30 months and must be (c) Access to each fire hydrant is not blocked;

renewed when necessary due to deterioration or at intervals of

not more than 5 years, whichever is earlier. (d) Each firehose, except a firehose temporarily removed from an
exposed location, is stowed on a rack or reel required by this

(2) As an alternative to paragraph (j)(1) of this section, each fall subchapter; and
may be inspected annually and renewed whenever necessary
due to deterioration or at intervals of not more than 4 years, (e) Each low velocity spray applicator for a fire hose nozzle is

whichever is earlier. attached to the nozzle or stowed next to the fire hydrant to which
the fire hose is attached.
(k) Rotational deployment of marine evacuation systems. In
addition to or in conjunction with the servicing intervals of marine §109.333 Fire Main Cutoff Valves.
evacuation systems required by paragraph (g)(1) of this section, The master or person in charge shall insure that each fire main

each marine evacuation system must be deployed from the unit cutoff valve is open and sealed to prevent closing, except that a
on a rotational basis. Each marine evacuation system must be cutoff valve may be closed to protect the portion of the fire main
deployed at least once every 6 years. system on an exposed deck from freezing.

[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25301, May 20, 1996, as amended by CGD §109.334 Working Over Water.

85-205, 62 FR 35392, July 1, 1997; CGD 84-069, 63 FR 52816, The master or person in charge shall insure that each person
Oct. 1, 1998; 67 FR 58537, Sept. 17, 2002] working over the water is wearing a life preserver or a buoyant
work vest.
§109.323 Manning Of Survival Craft And Supervision.
(a) There must be a sufficient number of trained persons on board §109.335 Stowage Of Work Vests.
the survival craft for mustering and assisting untrained persons. The master or person in charge shall insure that no work vest is
stowed where life preservers are stowed.
(b) There must be a sufficient number of deck officers, able
seamen, or certificated persons on board to operate the survival §109.337 Fireman's Outfit.
craft and launching arrangements required for abandonment by The master or person in charge shall insure that–
the total number of persons on board.
(a) At least 2 persons who are trained in the use of the fireman's
(c) There must be one person placed in charge of each survival outfit are on board at all times; and
craft to be used. The person in charge must–
(b) Each fireman's outfit and its spare equipment is stowed in a
(1) Be a deck officer, able seaman, or certificated person. The separate and accessible location.
OCMI, considering the number of persons permitted on board,

(c) A fireman's outfit is not used for any purpose other than fire (10) Record of drafts.
fighting except as provided in §108.703. (11) Notices to mariners.
(12) Radiograms sent and received.
§109.339 Location Of Fire Axes. (13) The radio log.
The master or person in charge shall insure that the fire axes (14) Personnel list.
required in §108.499 of this subchapter are located in the (15) Crane record book.
enclosures for fire hoses marked in accordance with §108.633 of
this subchapter, if the fire axes are not located in plain view. (c) The owner, agent, master, or person in charge shall, upon
request, make the records described in this section available for
§109.347 Pilot Boarding Equipment. examination by any Coast Guard official authorized to investigate
(a) The master or person in charge shall ensure that pilot the casualty.
boarding equipment is maintained as follows:
§109.419 Report Of Unsafe Machinery.
(1) The equipment must be kept clean and in good working order. If a boiler, unfired pressure vessel, or other machinery on a unit is
unsafe to operate, the master or person in charge shall report the
(2) Each damaged step or spreader step on a pilot ladder must be existence of the unsafe condition to the Officer in Charge, Marine
replaced in kind with an approved replacement step or spreader Inspection.
step, prior to further use of the ladder. The replacement step or
spreader step must be secured by the method used in the original §109.421 Report Of Repairs To Boilers And Pressure Vessels.

construction of the ladder, and in accordance with manufacturer Before making repairs, except normal repairs and maintenance
instructions. such as replacement of valves or pressure seals, to boilers or

unfired pressure vessels in accordance with §50.05-10 of this
(b) The master or person in charge shall ensure compliance with chapter, the master or person in charge shall report the nature of
the following during pilot boarding operations: the repairs to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.

(1) Only approved pilot boarding equipment may be used. §109.425 Repairs And Alterations: Fire Detecting And
Extinguishing Equipment.
(2) The pilot boarding equipment must rest firmly against the hull (a) Before making repairs or alterations, except for routine
of the vessel and be clear of overboard discharges. maintenance, minor repairs, or emergency repairs or alterations

to fire detecting and extinguishing equipment, the master or
(3) Two man ropes, a safety line and an approved lifebuoy with an person in charge must report the nature of the repairs or
approved water light must be at the point of access and be alterations to the OCMI.
immediately available for use during boarding operations.
A (b) When emergency repairs or alterations, other than minor
(4) Rigging of the equipment and embarkation/debarkation of a emergency repairs, have been made to fire-detecting or fire-
pilot must be supervised in person by a deck officer. extinguishing equipment, the master or person in charge must
report the nature of the repairs or alterations to the OCMI.

(5) Both the equipment over the side and the point of access must
be adequately lit during night operations. [CGD 84-069, 63 FR 52816, Oct. 1, 1998]

(6) If a pilot hoist is used, a pilot ladder must be kept on deck RECORDS

adjacent to the hoist and available for immediate use.

§109.431 Logbook.
[CGD 79-032, 49 FR 25455, June 21, 1984]
(a) The master or person in charge of a unit, that is required by 46

U.S.C. 11301 to have an official logbook, shall maintain the

Subpart D–Reports, Notifications, And Records logbook on Form CG-706. When the voyage is completed, the
master or person in charge shall file the logbook with the Officer

REPORTS AND NOTIFICATIONS in Charge, Marine Inspection.

§109.411 Notice And Reporting Of Casualty. (b) The master or person in charge of a unit that is not required by
The requirements for providing notice and reporting of marine 46 U.S.C. 11301 to have an official logbook, shall maintain, on
casualties are contained in Part 4 of this chapter. board, an unofficial logbook for making the entries required by this

[CGD 84-099, 52 FR 47536, Dec. 14, 1987] subpart. This logbook must be retained on board until the unit's
next reinspection or inspection for certification.
§109.415 Retention Of Records After Casualty.
(a) The owner, agent, master, or person in charge of a unit for [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
95-028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR

which a report of casualty is made under §109.411 shall insure

that all records maintained on the unit are retained on board the 53227, Oct. 1, 1999]
unit for at least 3 months after the report of casualty is made or
until advised by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, that §109.433 Logbook Entries.
records need not be retained on board. 1
[ NOTE: 46 U.S.C. 11301 requires that certain entries be made
(b) The records which must be retained in accordance with in an official logbook, in addition to the entries required by this
paragraph (a) of this section include: section; and 46 U.S.C. 11302 prescribes the manner of making
those entries.]
(1) Rough and smooth deck log. The master or person in charge shall insure that the following
(2) Rough and smooth engine room log. applicable entries are made in the logbook required by this
(3) Tour reports. subpart:
(4) Bell books.
(5) Navigation charts in use at the time of casualty. (a) The date of each test of the steering gear, whistle, general
(6) Navigation work books. alarm, and communications equipment and the condition of the
(7) Compass deviation cards. equipment.
(8) Gyrocompass records.
(9) Storage plans. (b) The time and date of each opening and closing, while the unit

is afloat, of each required appliance for watertight integrity not (g) Date and description of each failure of the crane, or any
fitted with a remote operating control or alarm system and the component or safety feature.
reasons for the action.
(h) Date and description of each repair to the crane structure,
(c) The date of each test of emergency lighting and power boom, or equipment.
systems and the condition and performance of the equipment.
§109.439 Crane Certificates.
(d) The logbook must include information on emergency training The master or person in charge shall insure that the following
drills required in §109.213(h). certificates and records for each crane are maintained on the unit:

(e) Prior to getting underway, the fore and aft drafts, the position (a) Each certificate issued by a crane certifying authority.
of the loadline marks in relation to the surface of the water, and
the density of the water in which the vessel is floating, if in fresh (b) Each record and original certificate, or certified copy of a
or brackish water. certificate, or manufacturers or testing laboratories, companies or
organizations for–
(f) After loading and prior to getting underway and at all other
times necessary to assure the safety of the vessel, a statement (1) Loose gear;
verifying vessel compliance with applicable stability requirements (2) Wire rope; and
as required by §109.227. (3) The annealing of wrought iron gear.

(g) The date of each inspection of each accommodation space. Subpart E – Emergency Signals.

(h) The date of each inspection required in §109.573 if performed §109.503 Emergency Signals.
by the master or person in charge. (a) Emergency stations signals are established as follows:

[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD (1) The signal to man emergency stations is a rapid succession of
83-067, 49 FR 39162, Oct. 4, 1984; CGD 89-037, 57 FR 41824, short soundings of both the general alarm bell and the whistle, if a
Sept. 11, 1992; CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25303, May 20, 1996] whistle is installed, for a period of not less than 10 seconds.

§109.435 Record Of Fire Fighting Equipment Inspection. (2) The signal to secure from emergency stations is the sounding
(a) The master or person in charge shall ensure that a record of of both the general alarm bell and the whistle, if a whistle is
each test and inspection required in §109.223 is maintained on
board, until the unit is reinspected or inspected for certification.
A installed, three times.

(b) The abandon unit stations signals are established as follows:

(b) The record required in paragraph (a) of this section must
show– (1) The signal to man abandon unit stations is a continuous
sounding of both the general alarm and the whistle, if a whistle is

(1) The date of each test and inspection; installed.

(2) The number or other identification of each item of equipment (2) If whistle signals are used to direct the handling of lifeboats
tested or inspected; and and davit-launched liferafts, they must be–

(3) The name of the person, and the company he represents if (2)(i) One short blast to lower the lifeboats and davit-launched
any, who conducts the test or inspection. liferafts; and

§109.437 Crane Record Book. (2)(ii) Two short blasts to stop lowering the lifeboats and davit-
The master or person in charge shall ensure that the following are launched liferafts.

maintained in a crane record book:

(3) The signal to secure from abandon unit stations is the
(a) Descriptive information which will identify each crane sounding of both the general alarm bell and the whistle, if a
including– whistle is installed, three times.

(1) The API name plate data required by Section 11 of API Spec. [CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
2C, Second Edition, February 1972; and 84-069, 61 FR 25303, May 20, 1996]

(2) The rates load chart for each line reeving and boom length
which may be utilized.
Subpart F – Cranes

§109.521 Cranes: General.

(b) Information required by Section 3 of the American Petroleum
The master or person in charge shall ensure that each crane is
Institute Recommended Practice for Operation and
operated and maintained in accordance with the API
Maintenance of Offshore Cranes, API RP 2D, First Edition
Recommended Practice for Operation and Maintenance of
(October 1972) with supplement 1.
Offshore Cranes, API RP 2D, First Edition (Oct. 1972) with
supplement 1.
(c) Dates and results of frequent inspections and tests required in
paragraph (b) of this section.
§109.525 Cranes: Working Loads.
The master or person in charge shall ensure that tables indicating
(d) Dates and results of periodic inspections and tests required in
the maximum safe working loads for the various working angles of
paragraph (b) of this section.
the boom, where the boom is rated at varying capacities
depending on the radius, and the maximum and minimum radius
(e) Date and result of each rated load test.
at which the boom may be safely used, are conspicuously posted
near the controls and are visible to the operator when working the
(f) Date and description of each replacement or renewal of wire
rope, hooks, and other load components.

§109.527 Cranes: Operator Designation. [CGD 73-251,43 FR 56828,Dec. 4, 1978,as amended by CGD 95-
(a) The master or person in charge shall designate, in writing, 028, 62 FR 51208,Sept. 30, 1997;65 FR 58455,Sept. 29, 2000]
each crane operator.
§109.564 Maneuvering Characteristics.
(b) The master or person in charge shall ensure that only (a) The master or person in charge of each self-propelled unit of
designated operators operate cranes. 1,600 gross tons and over shall ensure that a maneuvering
information fact sheet is prominently displayed in the pilothouse.
(c) The master or person in charge shall ensure that each
designated operator is familiar with the provisions of the API (b) For surface type units, the maneuvering information in Subpart
Recommended Practice for Operation and Maintenance of 97.19 of this chapter must be displayed.
Offshore Cranes, API RP 2D, First Edition (Oct. 1972) with
supplement 1. (c) The maneuvering information requirements for column
stabilized, self-elevating, and other units of unusual design will be
Subpart G – Miscellaneous specified on a case by case basis.

§109.555 Propulsion Boilers. §109.565 Charts And Nautical Publications.

The master or person in charge and the engineer in charge shall The master or person in charge of a self-propelled unit shall
ensure that– ensure that the unit has the following adequate, up to date, and
appropriate items for the intended voyage:

(a) Steam pressure does not exceed that allowed by the
certificate of inspection; and (a) Charts.

(b) Sailing directions.
(b) The safety valves, once set, are not tampered with or made (c) Coast pilots.
inoperative. (d) Light lists.

(e) Notices to mariners.
[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD (f) Tide Tables.
95-028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997] (g) Current Tables.
(h) All other nautical publications necessary.1
§109.557 Flammable And Combustible Liquids: Carriage.

The master or person in charge shall ensure that– [ NOTE: For U.S. units in or on the navigable waters of the
United States. See 33 CFR 164.33.]
(a) Flammable and combustible liquids in bulk are not carried,
except as allowed by endorsement to the Certificate of Inspection; A §109.573 Riveting, Welding, And Burning Operations.
Except as allowed by this section–
(b) Portable tanks are handled and stowed in accordance with
subparts 98.30 and 98.33 of this chapter and the provisions of 49 (a) The master or person in charge shall ensure that there is no
CFR parts 171 through 179 that apply to portable tanks; and riveting, welding, or burning–

(c) Grades B and lower liquids are– (1) In a fuel tank;

(1) Authorized, by the Commandant, to be carried; and (2) On the boundary of a fuel tank;
(2) Carried only in fixed independent or integral tanks. (3) On pipelines, heating coils, pumps, fittings, or other

appurtenances connected to fuel tanks; or

[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD (4) On the boundary of spaces adjacent to tanks carrying
84-043, 55 FR 37413, Sept. 11, 1990] Grades A, B, or C flammable liquids in bulk.

§109.559 Explosives And Radioactive Materials. (b) The operations prohibited in paragraph (a) of this section may
Except as authorized by the master or person in charge, no be allowed if–

person may use explosives or radioactive materials and

equipment on a unit. (1) An inspection conducted in accordance with the "Standard for
the Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels to be Repaired," N.F.P.A.
§109.563 Posting Of Documents.The master or person in No. 306-1974, is made–
charge shall ensure that the following are posted under glass in

the pilot house or control center: (1)(i) In ports or navigable waters of the United States, its
territories and possessions, by–
(a) General arrangement plans for each deck showing–
(1)(i)(A) A marine chemist certified by the National Fire Protection
Association; or

(1) Each fire retardant bulkhead;

(2) Each fire detecting, manual alarm, and fire extinguishing
system; (1)(i)(B) If a certified marine chemist is not available, a person
(3) Each fire door; designated by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection; or
(4) Each means of ingress to compartments; and
(5) Each ventilating system, including the location of each (1)(ii) In all other locations by–
damper, fan, and remote means of stopping the fans.
(6) For units constructed on or after September 30, 1997, and for (1)(ii)(A) A marine chemist certified by the National Fire Protection
existing units which have their plans redrawn, the symbols used Association;
to identify the aforementioned details shall be in accordance with
IMO Assembly resolution A.654(16). The identical symbols can be (1)(ii)(B) If a certified marine chemist is not available, a person
found in ASTM Adjunct F 1626 (incorporated by reference, see designated by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection; or
(1)(ii)(C) If the persons required in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(A) and (B)
(b) The stability letter issued by the Coast Guard. of this section are not available, the master or person in charge;
or a welding supervisor designated, in writing, by the master or
(c) Each SOLAS and Coast Guard certificate issued to the unit. person in charge; and

(2) A certificate is issued by the person conducting the inspection drilling units. "Existing" Mobile Offshore Drilling Units are those
stating– vessels which have been contracted for before the effective date
of the regulations including:
(2)(i) That he conducted the inspection in accordance with the
standard in paragraph (b)(1) of this section; (1) Units in Service.
(2) Units under construction.
(2)(ii) The operations that may be conducted; and (3) Units contracted for which are to be constructed and
delivered prior to January 1, 1981.
(2)(iii) A list of precautions to be followed during the operations;
b. Existing uncertificated mobile drilling units of which there
(c) The master or person in charge shall ensure that the are approximately 92 of the bottom bearing configuration, i.e.,
precautions in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section are followed. jack-up and submersible types, have not previously been required
to comply with vessel inspection regulations. Some units have
§109.575 Accumulation Of Liquids On Helicopter Decks. met the load line requirements of Subchapter "E" for International
The master or person in charge shall ensure that no liquids are Voyages. Many of the older units are not classed by a
allowed to accumulate on the helicopter decks. classification society. Bottom bearing units operating on the Outer
Continental Shelf of United States have been required to meet the
§109.577 Helicopter Fueling. safety requirements of 33 CFR Subchapter "N" as artificial
(a) The master or person in charge shall designate persons to islands. On January 3, 1979, existing bottom bearing units are

conduct helicopter fueling operations. subject to the "grandfather provisions" in §107.211(c) of
Subchapter IA.

(b) Portable tanks are handled and stowed in accordance with
subparts 98.30 and 98.33 of this chapter and the provisions of 49 c. Existing certificated mobile offshore drilling units, for the
CFR parts 171 through 179 that apply to portable tanks; and purposes of this NVIC, are column-stabilized and ship-shape

types of which approximately 58 are currently certificated, or have
[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
made application for an original Certificate of Inspection or intend
84-043, 55 FR 37413, Sept. 11, 1990]
to make application for an original inspection for certification
under 46 CFR Subchapter "I" on the basis of the unit being
§109.585 Use Of Auto Pilot.
contracted for prior to the effective date of the new regulations.

Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.15, when the automatic pilot is
These units may continue to meet the structural, equipment,
used in areas of high traffic density, conditions of restricted
material and arrangement standards which were applicable to the
visibility, and all other hazardous navigational situations, the
hull, engineering, electrical and industrial systems when the units
master or person in charge shall ensure that–
(a) It is possible to immediately establish manual control of the
unit's steering;
A were contracted for. In addition they must meet the provisions of
d.(1), d.(4)(d), d.(7)(b), d.(8), d.(9), d.(10)(b), d.(11) and d.(12) of
paragraph 3 of this NVC in accordance with §107.215(c)(2) of
Subchapter IA.
(b) A competent person is ready at all times to take over steering
control; and

d. Inspection Provisions for Existing Uncertificated Units.

The intent of the "grandfather" provisions of this NVIC for existing
(c) The changeover from automatic to manual steering and vice
uncertificated units is to ascertain through inspection that the
versa is made by, or under the supervision of, the officer of the
material condition of the unit and its equipment meet reasonable

levels of safety. To this end, the following determinations will be

Appendix A To Part 109–Navigation And Vessel Inspection
Circular No. 4-78–Inspection And Certification Of Existing

• The design, construction and arrangements of the hull,

Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
machinery electrical and industrial systems do not reveal
1. Purpose. To promulgate instructions for the inspection and
manifestly unsafe aspects.
certification of existing mobile offshore drilling units. This NVIC is

also being published as appendix A of 46 CFR Subchapter IA.

• There is no excessive deterioration of the hull structure or
2. Background. Mobile Offshore Drilling Units are recognized equipment foundations.
internationally through the Intergovernmental Maritime
Consultative Organization as being a "special purpose ship" • There are no intrinsic fire or explosion hazards.

designed and operated to carry out an industrial function at sea.

Contemporary U.S. Vessel regulations in Title 46 CFR do not • There are no personnel hazards such as unguarded moving
adequately cover the safety considerations which are unique to machinery, potential electrical shock conditions or lack of
the hull and structural designs, industrial equipment and operating handrails.

procedures incorporated in drilling vessels. To provide

appropriate and adequate standards, the Coast Guard with the • The unit is seaworthy and exhibits satisfactory stability.
assistance of the National Offshore Operations Advisory
Committee, and following the provisions of the Administrative (1) General.
Procedures Act, developed Subchapter IA, Regulations for Mobile (a) Repairs and minor alterations to hull structure or equipment
Offshore Drilling Units, 46 CFR Parts 107-109 and amendments may be made to the same standards as the original installation.
to 46 CFR Subchapters "F", Marine Engineering Regulations, and However, new installations or major alterations which affect
"J", Electrical Engineering Regulations. These regulations, vessel or personnel safety shall meet the applicable standards of
published in FEDERAL REGISTER (43 FR 56788 December 4, Subchapter IA.
1978) will apply to all units contracted for on or after the effective
date of the regulations. (b) Existing items of safety equipment not meeting the applicable
specifications or requirements set forth in Subchapter IA may be
3. Discussion. continued in service as long as they are maintained in good
working order to the satisfaction of the OCMI. Such safety
a. This NVIC elaborates the "grandfather provisions" of 46 CFR equipment and installations requiring extensive repairs shall be
107.211 and 107.215 in applying Subchapter IA to the replaced and shall meet the applicable specifications and
approximately 150 existing ocean-going U.S. flag mobile offshore requirements of Subchapter IA.

(c) The OCMI has discretion to accept alternatives or equivalents simultaneously, but it is the owner's responsibility to arrange
which meet the established standards, and to give special coordinated inspection schedules.
consideration to departures from the regulations when it can be
shown that special circumstances warrant such departures. (c) The structural review conducted by the American Bureau of
Shipping or other recognized classification society for load line
(2) Plan Submittal. assignment may be accepted by the Coast Guard as proof of
(a) For units not classed by the American Bureau of Shipping or structural adequacy of the hull.
other recognized classification society, (see 46 CFR 108.109) the
OCMI must have sufficient plans and information submitted to him (d) The stability review must be completed prior to issuance of a
which will describe such things as the unit's size, construction, Load Line Certificate. The Coast Guard will inform the American
configuration, arrangement of tanks, decks and spaces; and the Bureau of Shipping or other recognized classification society of
machinery and electrical installation. In addition, the OCMI may the results of the stability review, and will indicate any stability
require submittal of any additional data he considers necessary in limitations to be placed on the Load Line Certificate.
order to proceed with the original inspections.
(e) Freeboard calculations for self-elevating units with barge type
(b) For units classed by the American Bureau of Shipping or other hulls will be made in accordance with 46 CFR, Part 42. The bow
recognized classification society, the plans and information height requirements of 46 CFR 42.20-70 may be relaxed to
described in Subchapter IA §107.305(a), (b), (v), and (ii) and a approximately 33% of the normal requirement for barge shapes
general description of the machinery and electrical installation moving at speeds less than 6 knots. No relaxation of the addition

shall be submitted to the OCMI for information. The OCMI may to freeboard for deficiency in sheer is allowed. The freeboard for
accept continued classification as proof of structural, mechanical, units other than self-elevating units with barge type hulls will be

and electrical sufficiency. However, the OCMI may require based upon compliance with the intact and damage stability
additional plans and information if necessary. standards applicable at the time the unit was contracted for.

(3) Hull Structure. (f) All units delivered after the date of this NVIC regardless of
(a) No structural changes will be required unless manifestly contract date, must obtain a Load Line Certificate as soon as
unsafe conditions exist. operationally feasible.

(b) Existing uncertificated units must be drydocked or have a (6) Route and Operating Area Limitations.

special examination in lieu of drydocking as required by 46 CFR, (a) Units classed by the American Bureau of Shipping or other
107-261. recognized classification society for ocean service generally will
be certificated by the Coast Guard for ocean routes.
(c) Achievement of one compartment subdivision is not required
where extensive modification of the original design would be A (b) Unclassed units which have proven structural and stability
necessary; however, watertight integrity of the hull and structural adequacy by continued safe operation in a specific geographic
boundaries must be maintained. Bulkheads and decks designed area, such as the Gulf of Mexico, will be limited by the Certificate
to be watertight must be maintained as such where they are of Inspection and Load Line Certificate to that area. To qualify for

penetrated by pipes, electrical cable, reach rods, ventilation an unlimited oceans route, such a unit must be reviewed for
systems, etc. adequacy of the structure and stability by the Coast Guard and
meet the Load Line requirements of d. (5) above.
(4) Stability.

(a) The stability of each existing unit will be reviewed by the Coast (c) Any unit which intends to move or operate outside the
Guard. The plans indicated in 46 CFR Subchapter IA §107.305(q) geographical area indicated on the Certificate of Inspection must
through (u-l) must be submitted to the cognizant OCMI or receive prior approval from the OCMI.

Merchant Marine Technical Office.

(7) Fire Protection.
(b) Lightship data from a Coast Guard witnessed and approved (a) Structural fire protection. All units must meet the provisions

stability test is required for each existing, uncertificated unit. of §108.123, Insulation of Combustible Materials and §108.127,
Alternatively other evidence of lightship values will be considered Storage Lockers for Combustibles. All existing interior stairways
on a case by case basis. which are open at each end must be enclosed at one level. On
units where wood was utilized in the construction of
(c) In general, compliance with the intact stability standards of 46 accommodation spaces, each space must be equipped with a

CFR Subchapter IA, §§108.303 through 108.309 is required. smoke or heat detector either battery powered or operating on the
Where existing units were designed to a lesser standard of AC power supply. All detectors must have the Underwriters
stability than that specified in §§108.303 through 108.309, some Laboratories, Inc., label (UL) or the Factory Mutual Laboratories
relaxation based on proven past performance may be granted at (FM) label.
the discretion of the OCMI and limiting conditions, if any, set forth

in the operating manual. In no case will the minimum wind speed (b) Fire Extinguishing Systems. Systems and equipment must
for adequate stability be reduced below 50 knots. be provided which will meet or be equivalent to the applicable
specifications and provisions required by Subchapter IA. Installed
(d) An operating manual shall be prepared for each unit. Each fire extinguishing systems, which provide equivalent or greater
operating manual must contain the information indicated in 46 protection than systems required by Subpart E, Subchapter IA
CFR Subchapter IA, §109.121(d) and be submitted to the may be continued in use as long as they are in good material
cognizant OCMI or Merchant Marine Technical Office for review. condition and will function as designed. Where practicable,
existing washdown systems may be utilized as the firemain.
(5) Load Line. Where wood was utilized in the construction of accommodation
(a) All units are required to obtain and maintain a valid Load Line spaces, the applicable requirements of 46 CFR Subchapter IA,
Certificate. The structure and stability of the unit must be proven Table 108.495(a) should be doubled.
adequate for the voyages and areas of operation intended.
(8) Lifesaving Equipment.
(b) The American Bureau of Shipping or other recognized (a) Each unit must have lifesaving equipment (lifeboats and davit
classification society will issue Load Line Certificates and conduct launched liferafts) for 200 percent of the total persons allowed on
initial and annual load line surveys. Coast Guard and the board. Except for submersible type units, the installation of
American Bureau of Shipping inspections may be conducted lifeboats for 100 percent of the persons (on board) is required in

accordance with 46 CFR 108.503 of Subchapter IA. a. The owner of each existing certificated unit must provide the
Consideration will be given to those units where existing cognizant OCMI a proposed plan to accomplish the requirements
arrangement and structure do not provide sufficient room for in paragraph 3. c. of this NVIC within 60 days from the effective
installation of the lifeboats or where the added weight of the date of the regulations. Most items should be approved at the
lifeboats, davits and winches will materially reduce the variable unit's next inspection for certification; however, where major
load capacity of the unit. In such cases, davit launched inflatable equipment installations are concerned, the owner may be allowed
liferafts with a combined personnel capacity of the required up to two years to comply with the requirements from the time the
lifeboats, and a rescue boat approved by the OCMI may be OCMI completes his assessment of the proposals.
acceptable equivalents. Submersible type units may substitute
Coast Guard approved throw over type inflatable liferafts and an b. Application for Original Inspection for Certification. Not
approved rescue boat for the required lifeboats. later than sixty days from January 3, 1979, application for original
(b) For the second part of the total 200 percent primary lifesaving inspection for certification of all existing uncertificated units, shall
requirement, lifeboats installed in accordance with 33 CFR, be submitted to the appropriate OCMI. The plans or descriptive
Subchapter "N" Part 144 or Coast Guard approved life floats may data specified in paragraph 3.d(2) of this NVIC along with a
be retained as provided for in 3.d(1)(b) of this Circular. They will proposed plan to bring the unit into compliance should, if possible,
be considered collectively with the Coast Guard approved liferafts be submitted with the application for inspection. If not feasible to
for calculating the amount of equipment to provide for 100 percent assemble all required information in this time frame, an estimated
of personnel on board. date of submittal shall be indicated on the application.
Arrangements should be made to commence the original

(c) Adequate access to all lifesaving equipment must be provided. inspection for certification with due consideration for the unit's
operating situation.

(9) Cranes.
(a) Plan approval will not normally be required of any crane which c. To the extent possible the same inspection team will conduct
conforms to the specifications of the manufacturer as originally

installed. A rated load test as described in §107.260 of the inspection of all existing uncertificated units in a geographical
Subchapter IA will be required unless the crane has been load area. It may be advantageous to conduct the original inspection in
tested while under certification by an approved certifying authority conjunction with an impending special or periodic survey,
as provided for in 46 CFR 107.258. Prior to the rated load test, drydocking or availability period. Units under construction will
the crane should be identified by manufacturer and model number receive primary consideration by the OCMI for the allocation of

to determine that the correct load rating chart is being used. The time and personnel so that any problems can be identified while
owner must submit to the OCMI details and calculations of any the unit is in the most advantageous situation to apply corrections.
alterations to a crane which were accomplished without
manufacturer's documentation in order to verify the rated load of
the crane. A d. The variety of designs and arrangements presented by existing
uninspected MODU's makes it impractical to prescribe detailed
standards for all existing units. The procedures followed to
(10) Electrical. implement this NVC must provide the necessary flexibility. Items
(a) Multiple power sources do not require an emergency which must be taken into consideration in applying this NVIC are

generator; however, storage batteries or approved relay- listed below. Categorizing units into groups to which the same
controlled battery operated lanterns are required to be installed items apply will be of value during the inspection process. These
for the emergency lighting system and provide 12 hours of items are:
lighting. • Type

• Builder
(b) Electrical equipment installed in Class I, division 1 and 2 • Model
locations, as defined in Subchapter IA, §108.170 must be of a • Date build

suitable type and in good material condition. • Classed by ABS or other classification society
• Load Line assignment
(11) Unfired Pressure Vessels. • Operating history (including geographical areas)

(a) Unfired pressure vessels built and stamped in accordance with

• Present location
Section VIII of the ASME Code may be continued in service as
long as they remain in satisfactory condition. At the original and
e. Issuance of the Original Certificate of Inspection. The intent
subsequent inspections for certification, ASME Code pressure
of the original inspection of existing uncertificated units is to
vessels must be tested and examined in accordance with the
identify and commence correction of any unsafe conditions and/or

requirements in 46 CFR 61.10-5.

equipment deficiencies and to issue the unit an original Certificate
of Inspection. A reasonable period of time will be permitted to
(b) Unfired pressure vessels which cannot be identified as being
correct minor deficiencies. Those items directly affecting
constructed to any recognized standard may be continued in
personnel safety and health will require immediate attention to
service provided that no obvious defects are noted. These

correct the unsafe condition. Extensive deficiencies, such as

pressure vessels shall be hydrostatically tested to one and one
those involving structural aspects or equipment may require up to
half times the working pressure. For pressure vessels that can not
two years to remedy. Additional times may be allowed if repair
be reasonably hydrostatically tested, nondestructive testing may
facilities are not available to coastal areas adjacent to the unit's
be used to verify the pressure vessels condition for continued
area of operation. Where manifestly unsafe conditions are found,
serviceability. These pressure vessels will then be stamped with a
the OCMI may require that the unit discontinue operations until
Coast Guard identification number and periodically tested and
such conditions are corrected. If the owner or operator feels
examined in accordance with the requirements in 46 CFR 61.10-
aggrieved by the decision of the OCMI, the appeals procedures of
46 CFR 2.01-70 are applicable.
(12) Marine Sanitation Devices.
f. Questions concerning this NVIC should be referred to the
(a) All units must meet the provisions of 33 CFR Part 159, Coast
Commandant (G-MOC).
Guard Marine Sanitation Devices Regulations. The discharge
requirements are compatible with the OCS Orders of the U.S.
[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD
Geological Survey.
96-041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996]
4. Action.

Part 147 – Hazardous Ships' Stores
Table Of Contents Compressed gas means compressed gas as the term is defined
in 49 CFR 173.115.
Subpart A–General Provisions
Consumer commodity means a commodity, such as a polish,
Sec. insecticide, cleaning compound, or distillate, that is packaged and
147.1 Purpose And Applicability. distributed in a form and quantity intended for sale through retail
147.3 Definitions. sales establishments.
147.5 Commandant (G-MSO); Address.
147.7 Incorporation By Reference. Flammable liquid means flammable liquid as the term is defined
147.8 OMB Control Numbers Assigned Pursuant To The in 49 CFR 173.120(a).
Paperwork Reduction Act.
147.9 Waivers. Hazardous material means hazardous material as the term is
147.15 Hazardous Ships' Stores Permitted On Board Vessels. defined in 49 CFR 171.8.
147.30 Labeling.
147.33 Right Of Appeal. Hazardous ships' stores means ships' stores that are hazardous

Subpart B–Stowage And Other Special Requirements For
Particular Materials Proper shipping name means the name of the hazardous ships'

stores shown in Roman print (not in italics) in 49 CFR 172.101.
147.35 Purpose Of Subpart.
147.40 Materials Requiring Commandant (G-MSO) Approval. Ships' stores means materials which are on board a vessel for

147.45 Flammable And Combustible Liquids. the upkeep, maintenance, safety, operation, or navigation of the
147.50 Fuel For Cooking, Heating, And Lighting. vessel (except for fumigants under part 147A of this chapter, for
147.60 Compressed Gases. fuel and compressed air used for the vessel's primary propulsion
147.65 Carbon Dioxide And Halon Fire Extinguishing Systems. machinery, or for fixed auxiliary equipment) or for the safety or
comfort of the vessel's passengers or crew.

147.70 Acetylene.
147.85 Oxygen.
147.90 Refrigerants. Technical name means the recognized chemical name used in
Radioactive Materials.
Anesthetics, Drugs, And Medicines.
A scientific or technical publications.

[CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, as amended by CGD

97-057, 62 FR 51048, Sept. 30, 1997]
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR,
1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security §147.5 Commandant (G-MSO); Address.

Delegation No. 0170.1. Commandant (G-MSO) is the Office of Operating and

[SOURCE: CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, unless Environmental Standards, Marine Safety, Security and
otherwise noted.] Environmental Protection. The address is Commandant (G-MSO),
U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, DC 20593-0001,

and the telephone number is (202) 372-1401.

Subpart A – General Provisions
[CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50731, Sept. 27, 1996]

§147.1 Purpose And Applicability.

(a) This part prescribes regulations designating what hazardous §147.7 Incorporation By Reference.
materials may be on board vessels as ships' stores and (a) In this part, portions or the entire text of certain standards and

prescribes requirements for the labeling, stowage, and use of specifications are incorporated by reference as the governing
those materials. requirements for materials, equipment, tests, or procedures to be
followed. These standards and specification requirements
(b) This part applies to all vessels listed in 46 U.S.C. 3301 as specifically referred to in this part are the governing requirements
subject to inspection under part B of 46 U.S.C. Subtitle II. On for the subject matters covered, unless specifically limited,
foreign vessels in the navigable waters of the United States, the

modified, or replaced by the regulations.

Captain of the Port or District Commander may prohibit the
unsafe use or stowage of hazardous ships' stores under 33 CFR (b) These materials are incorporated by reference into this part
160.109. under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) with the approval of the Director of the

Federal Register. The Office of the Federal Register publishes a

(c) All certifications previously issued by the Coast Guard under table, "Material Approved for Incorporation by Reference," which
this part permitting the use of particular materials or products as appears in the Finding Aids section of this volume. To enforce any
ships' stores are null and void. edition other than the one listed in paragraph (c) of this section,
notice of the change must be published in the FEDERAL
§147.3 Definitions. REGISTER and the material made available. All approved
As used in this part: material is on file at the Office of the Federal Register Information
Center, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC
Accommodation, control, or service spaces means living and at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second Street,
quarters, including walkways, dining rooms, galleys, pantries, SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001. Copies may be obtained from
lounges, lavatories, cabins, staterooms, offices, hospitals, the sources indicated in paragraph (c) of this section.
cinemas, and game and hobby rooms; areas containing controls
for equipment and navigation; workshops, other than those (c) The materials approved for incorporation by reference in this
forming part of machinery spaces; and store rooms adjacent to part are:
these spaces.
American Boat and Yacht Council, Inc. (ABYC), 3069 Solomons
Combustible liquid means combustible liquid as the term is Island Road, Edgewater, MD 21037
defined in 49 CFR 173.120(b). ABYC H-25-81–Portable Fuel Systems and Portable Containers

for Flammable Liquids, May 12, 1981. Unless prohibited under subpart B of this part, any hazardous
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air- material may be on board a vessel as ships' stores if the
Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), material–
Publication Sales Department, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta,
GA 30329 (a) Is labeled according to §147.30; and
ANSI/ASHRAE 34-78–Number Designation of Refrigerants,
approved 1978. (b) Meets the requirements, if any, in subpart B of this part
Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human applicable to the material.
Services (DHHS),
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, §147.30 Labeling.
Washington, D.C. 20402 (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, all
DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 84-2024–The Ship's Medicine immediate receptacles, containers, or packages containing
Chest and Medical Aid at Sea, revised 1984. hazardous ships' stores must be labeled in English with the
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL), 12 Laboratory Drive, following information concerning the contents:
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3995
UL 30–Standard for Metal Safety Cans, 7th Ed., March 11, (1) Technical name or proper shipping name.
1985, revised March 12, 1985 and March 3, 1987.
UL 1185–Standard for Portable Marine Fuel Tanks, Second (2) For hazardous ships' stores other than liquid fuels,
Edition, March 13, 1978, revised July 6, 1984. manufacturer's or supplier's name and address.

UL 1313–Standard for Nonmetallic Safety Cans for Petroleum
Products, 1st Ed., March 15, 1982, revised January 3, 1984 and (3) Hazard classification under 49 CFR 172.101, 173.2, and

March 22, 1985. 173.2(a).
UL 1314–Standard for Special-Propose Containers, 1st Ed.,
July 7, 1983, revised February 7, 1984 and September 23, 1986. (4) For hazardous ships' stores other than liquid fuels, step by

step procedures for proper use.
[CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, as amended by CGD
97-057, 62 FR 51048, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR (5) First aid instructions in the event of personnel contact,
53227, Oct. 1, 1999] including antidotes in the event of ingestion.

§147.8 OMB Control Numbers Assigned Pursuant To The (6) Stowage and segregation requirements.
Paperwork Reduction Act.
(a) Purpose. This section collects and displays the control (b) Hazardous ships' stores that are consumer commodities
numbers assigned to information collection and recordkeeping
requirements in this subchapter by the Office of Management and A labeled in accordance with the Federal Hazardous Substances
Act Regulations in 26 CFR part 1500 need not be labeled as
Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 specified in paragraph (a) of this section.
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Coast Guard intends that this
section comply with the requirements of 44 U.S.C. 3507(f), which [CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, as amended by CGD

requires that agencies display a current control number assigned 97-057, 62 FR 51048, Sept. 30, 1997]
by the Director of the OMB for each approved agency information
collection requirement. §147.33 Right Of Appeal.
Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under

(b) Display. this part, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal
therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.
46 CFR part or section where Current OMB

identified or described Control no. [CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50381, Dec. 6, 1989; 55 FR 21386, May 24,
§147.9 1625-0034 1990]
§147.30 1625-0034

§147.40 1625-0034 Subpart B–Stowage And Other Special

§147.60(c)(2) 1625-0034 Requirements For Particular Materials
[CGD 88-072, 53 FR 34298, Sept. 6, 1988; 88-072, 53 FR §147.35 Purpose Of Subpart.
37570, Sept. 27, 1988] This subpart prescribes special requirements applicable to

particular, named materials. These requirements are in addition to

§147.9 Waivers. the general requirements in subpart A applicable to those
(a) Any requirement in this part may be waived on a case by case materials.
basis if it is determined by Commandant (G-MSO) that the

requirement is impracticable under the circumstances and that an §147.40 Materials Requiring Commandant (G-MSO) Approval.
acceptable level of safety can be maintained. (a) Commandant (G-MSO) approval is required before the
following hazardous materials may be on board a vessel as ships'
(b) Requests for issuance of a waiver must be in writing and stores:
contain a detailed explanation of–
(1) Poison gases of Class 2, Division 2.3 and toxic liquids of Class
(1) Why the requirement is impracticable; and 6, Division 6.1 which are poisonous by inhalation in Hazard Zone
(2) What measures will be taken to maintain an acceptable or A.
equivalent level of safety.
(2) Explosives of Divisions 1.1 or 1.2.
[CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, as amended by CGD
95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR (3) Flammable gases, other than those addressed specifically in
50731, Sept. 27, 1996] this subpart.

§147.15 Hazardous Ships' Stores Permitted On Board (4) Forbidden materials listed in 49 CFR 172.101.

(b) Request for approval must be submitted to the Commandant
(G-MSO), identify the material, and explain the need for its use. (i) Portable containers or portable outboard fuel tanks may be
refilled from a larger container of flammable or combustible liquid
(c) Upon approval, the material is added to the list of materials on the weather deck of a vessel, other than a small passenger
approved under this section. A copy of this list is available from vessel subject to Subchapter T of this chapter, provided that–
the Commandant (G-MSO) at the address in §147.5.
(1) A drip pan of adequate size is used to collect any drippings;
[CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, as amended by CGD and
95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 19955; CGD 96-041, 61 FR
50731, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51048, Sept. 30, (2) At least one Coast Guard approved Type B, Size I, fire
1997] extinguisher is within three meters (9.75 feet) of the refilling
§147.45 Flammable And Combustible Liquids.
(a) This section applies to the stowage and transfer of flammable [CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, as amended by CGD
and combustible liquids (including gasoline and diesel oil), other 92-100, 59 FR 17001, Apr. 11, 1994; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51048,
than liquids used as fuel for cooking, heating, and lighting under Sept. 30, 1997]
§147.50 Fuel For Cooking, Heating, And Lighting.
(b) No flammable or combustible liquids may be stowed in any (a) Flammable and combustible liquids and gases not listed in this

accommodation, control, or service space (other than a paint section are prohibited for cooking, heating, or lighting on any
locker). vessel, with the exception of combustible liquids on cargo

(c) No more than 19 liters (five gallons) of flammable liquids may
be stowed in any machinery space. The flammable liquids must (b) Fluid alcohol is prohibited for cooking, heating, or lighting on

be in containers of 3.8 liters (one gallon) or less. ferry vessels. Fluid alcohol burners, where wet primed, must have
a catch pan not less than 3/4 of an inch deep secured inside of
(d) No more than 208 liters (55 gallons) of combustible liquids the frame of the stove or have the metal protection under the
may be stowed in any machinery space. stove flanged up 3/4 of an inch to form a pan.

(e) An aggregate of more than 7.6 liters (two gallons) of (c) Containers of solidified alcohol must be secured on a fixed
flammable or combustible liquids stowed outside of an base.
accommodation, control, or service, space (other than a paint
locker) or outside of a machinery space must be stowed in a paint
locker that is marked with a warning sign indicating flammable or A (d) Liquefied or non-liquefied gas is prohibited for cooking,
heating, and lighting on ferry vessels, but may be used on other
combustible liquid storage. inspected vessels if the system in which it is used meets the
applicable requirements of subpart 58.16 or subpart 184.05 of this
(f) Flammable and combustible liquids used as fuel for portable chapter, as appropriate, or is approved by the Commandant (G-

auxiliary equipment must be stored in– MSE).

(1) Integral tanks that form part of the vessel's structure; (e) Kerosene and commercial standard fuel oil No. 1, No. 2, and
No. 3 are prohibited for cooking, heating, or lighting on ferry or

(2) An independent tank meeting the requirements of subpart passenger vessels, unless the following conditions are met:
58.50 of Part 58 of this chapter;
(1) Pressure or gravity feed must be used.

(3) A non-bulk packaging authorized for Class 3 (flammable)

liquids or combustible liquids under 49 CFR 173.201, 173.202, or (2) Where wet priming is used in a cooking device, the device
173.203, as referenced for the specific liquid in column 8B of the must have a catch pan not less than three fourths of an inch deep

Hazardous Materials Table of 49 CFR 172.101. secured inside the frame of the device or a metal protector under
the device with a least a three fourths inch flange to form a pan.
(4) A portable outboard fuel tank meeting the specifications of
ABYC H-25-81 or one identified by Underwriters Laboratories as (3) Where wet priming is used, a non-flammable priming liquid
meeting the specifications of UL 1185; must be used.

(5) A portable safety container identified by Underwriters (4) Fuel tanks for fixed stoves must be separated from the stove
Laboratories as meeting the specifications of UL 30 or UL 1313; and mounted in a location open to the atmosphere or mounted
or inside a compartment with an outside fill and vent.

(6) A portable safety container identified by Underwriters (5) Fuel lines must have an easily accessible shut-off valve at the
Laboratories as meeting the requirements of UL 1314. tank.

(g) Each portable container of flammable or combustible liquid (6) If the fuel tank is outside of a stove compartment, a shut-off
used for portable auxiliary equipment must be stowed in a paint valve must be fitted at the stove.
locker or an open location designated by the master.
[CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, as amended by CGD
(h) Fuel tanks for portable auxiliary equipment using flammable or 83-013, 54 FR 6402, Feb. 10, 1989; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50465,
combustible liquids may only be refilled on a vessel– Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50731, Sept. 27, 1996]

(1) By using a container described in paragraph (f)(2), (f)(3), or §147.60 Compressed Gases.
(f)(5) of this section which has a capacity not exceeding 23 liters (a) Cylinder requirements. Cylinders used for containing
(6 gallons); or hazardous ships' stores that are compressed gases must be–

(2) In the case of portable outboard fuel tanks described in (1) Authorized for the proper shipping name of the gas in
paragraph (f)(4) of this section, in accordance with paragraph (i) accordance with 49 CFR 172.101 and 49 CFR part 173;
of this section.

(2) Constructed in accordance with subpart C of 49 CFR part 178 two minute period. The test must be performed when the
or exempted under 49 CFR part 107; cylinders are retested.

(3) Filled, marked, and inspected in accordance with 49 CFR §147.70 Acetylene.
173.301 through 173.308; and (a) Seventeen cubic meters (600 standard cubic feet) or less of
acetylene may be stowed on or below decks on any vessel.
(4) Except as provided in §147.65, maintained and retested in
accordance with 49 CFR 173.34 (b) More than 17 m3 (600 standard cubic feet) of acetylene may
be on board a vessel engaged in industrial operations, if it is
(b) Stowage and care of cylinders. stowed on deck.

(1) Cylinders must always be secured and, when not in use, they §147.85 Oxygen.
must be stowed in a rack in an upright position, with the valve (a) Eighty five cubic meters (3000 standard cubic feet) or less of
protection cap in place. oxygen may be on board any vessel.

(2) Lockers or housings must be vented to the open air near the (b) More than 85 m3 (3000 standard cubic feet) of oxygen may be
top and bottom for positive circulation of vapors. on board a vessel engaged in industrial operations, if it is stowed
on deck or in a well ventilated space.
(3) Cylinders must be protected from all sources of heat which

may cause the cylinders to be heated to a temperature higher §147.90 Refrigerants.
than 130°F. (a) Only refrigerants listed in ANSI/ASHRAE 34-78 may be

carried as ships' stores.
(c) Pressure vessels other than cylinders. Pressure vessels,
other than cylinders subject to paragraph (a) of this section, used (b) Refrigerants contained in a vessel's operating system are not

for containing ships' stores that are compressed gases must– considered as being carried as ship's stores.

(1) Be constructed and inspected in accordance with part 54 of §147.95 Explosives.

this chapter; and (a) Explosives–general. Except as provided for elsewhere in this
subchapter, explosives, as defined in 49 CFR 173.50, which are

(2) Carry only nitrogen or air, unless permission is granted by hazardous ships' stores must be stowed in a magazine which is
Commandant (G-MSO) to do otherwise. constructed and located in accordance with 49 CFR 176.122
through 176.138.
[CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, as amended by CGD
95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 19955; CGD 96-041, 61 FR A (b) Small arms ammunition.
50731, Sept. 27, 1996]
(1) No person shall bring, have in their possession, or use on
§147.65 Carbon Dioxide And Halon Fire Extinguishing board a vessel any small arms ammunition, except by express

Systems. permission of the master of the vessel.

(a) Carbon dioxide or halon cylinders forming part of a fixed fire
extinguishing system must be retested, at least, every 12 years. If (2) All small arms ammunition must be stowed in a locked metal
a cylinder is discharged and more than five years have elapsed magazine or locker. The key to the locker must be kept in the

since the last test, it must be retested before recharging. possession of the master or a person designated by the master.

(b) Carbon dioxide or halon cylinders must be rejected for further (c) Ships' signals and emergency equipment.

service when they–

(1) Leak; (1) Explosive ships' signals and emergency equipment, including
(2) Are dented, bulging, severely corroded, or otherwise in a pyrotechnic distress signals and line throwing equipment, must be

weakened condition; stowed in watertight containers or wood lined magazine chests.

(3) Have lost more than five percent of their tare weight; or
(4) Have been involved in a fire. (2) All pyrotechnic distress signals, rockets, and line throwing
guns must be stowed in accordance with the requirements of 49
(c) Cylinders which have contained carbon dioxide or halon and CFR 176.140 through 176.146.

have not been tested within five years must not be used to
contain another compressed gas on board a vessel, unless the [CGD 84-044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10, 1988, as amended by CGD
cylinder is retested and re-marked in accordance with 92-100, 59 FR 17001, Apr. 11, 1994; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51048,
§147.60(a)(3) and (a)(4). Sept. 30, 1997]

(d) Flexible connections between cylinders and distribution piping §147.100 Radioactive Materials.
of semi-portable or fixed carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems (a) Radioactive materials must not be brought on board, used in
and discharge hoses in semi-portable carbon dioxide fire any manner, or stored on the vessel, unless the use of the
extinguishing systems must be renewed or tested at a pressure of materials is authorized by a current license issued by the Nuclear
6.9 MPa (1000 psig). At test pressure, the pressure must not drop Regulatory Commission (NRC) under 10 CFR parts 30 and 34.
at a rate greater than 1.03 MPa (150 psi) per minute for a two
minute period. The test must be performed when the cylinders are (b) Stowage of radioactive materials must conform to the
retested. requirements of the NRC license.

(e) Flexible connections between cylinders and distribution piping §147.105 Anesthetics, Drugs, And Medicines.
of fixed halon fire extinguishing systems must be tested at a Anesthetics, drugs, and medicines must be stowed and
pressure of one and one-half times the cylinder service pressure dispensed in accordance with the DHHS Publication No. (PHS)
as marked on the cylinder. At test pressure, the pressure must not 84-2024.
drop at a rate greater than 1.03 MPa (150 psi) per minute for a

Part 147A–Interim Regulations For Shipboard Fumigation
Table Of Contents §147A.7 Definitions.
As used in this part:
(a) Qualified person means a person who has experience with
Sec. the particular fumigant or knowledge of its properties and is
147A.1 Purpose. familiar with fumigant detection equipment and procedures, or an
147A.3 Applicability. applicator who is certified by the Environmental Protection
147A.5 General Requirement. Agency if his certification covers the fumigant that is used.
147A.6 Right Of Appeal
147A.7 Definitions. (b) Fumigant means a substance or mixture of substances that is
147A.9 Persons In Charge Of Fumigation And The Vessel; a gas or is rapidly or progressively transformed to the gaseous
Designation. state though some nongaseous or particulate matter may remain
147A.10 Notice To Captain Of The Port. in the space that is fumigated.

BEFORE FUMIGATION (c) Fumigation means the application of a fumigant on board a

vessel to a specific treatment space.
147A.11 Person In Charge Of Fumigation; Before Fumigation.
147A.13 Person In Charge Of The Vessel; Before Fumigation. §147A.9 Persons In Charge Of Fumigation And The Vessel;

DURING FUMIGATION (a) The person, including any individual, firm, association,
partnership, or corporation, that is conducting a fumigation

147A.21 Person In Charge Of Fumigation; During Fumigation. operation shall designate a person in charge of fumigation for
147A.23 Person In Charge Of Vessel; During Fumigation. each operation.
147A.25 Entry.
(b) The operator of each vessel shall designate a person in
charge of the vessel for each fumigation operation.


147A.31 Removal Of Fumigation Material And Warning Signs. §147A.10 Notice To Captain Of The Port.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FLAMMABLE FUMIGANTS A Unless otherwise authorized by the Captain of the Port, at least
24 hours before fumigation the operator of the vessel shall notify
the Coast Guard Captain of the Port, for the area where the
147A.41 Person In Charge Of Fumigation; Flammable vessel is to be fumigated, of the time and place of the fumigation,
Fumigants. and the name of the vessel that is to be fumigated.
147A.43 Other Sources Of Ignition; Flammable Fumigants.

Before Fumigation
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 5103; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1. [SOURCE: CGD 74-144, 39 FR 32998, §147A.11 Person In Charge Of Fumigation; Before
Sept. 13, 1974, unless otherwise noted.] Fumigation.

(a) The person in charge of fumigation shall notify the person in

charge of the vessel of:

(1) The space that is to be fumigated;

§147A.1 Purpose.
The purpose of this part is to prescribe the requirements for (2) The name, address, and emergency telephone number of the

shipboard fumigation that are critical for the health and safety of fumigation company;
the crew and any other person who is on board a vessel during
fumigation. These are interim rules pending further study and (3) The dates and times of fumigation;
promulgation of comprehensive regulations on shipboard
fumigation. (4) The characteristics of the fumigant;

§147A.3 Applicability. (5) The spaces that are determined to be safe for occupancy
This part prescribes the rules for shipboard fumigation on vessels paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section;
to which 49 CFR parts 171-179 apply under 49 CFR 176.5.

(6) The maximum allowable concentration of fumigant in spaces,

[CGD 86-033, 53 FR 36026, Sept. 16, 1988] if any, that are determined to be safe for occupancy under
paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section;
§147A.5 General Requirement.
No person may cause or authorize shipboard fumigation contrary (7) The symptoms of exposure to the fumigant; and
to the rules in this part.
(8) Emergency first aid treatment for exposure to the fumigant.
§147A.6 Right Of Appeal.
Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under (b) The person in charge of fumigation shall ensure that:
this part, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal
therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter. (1) A marine chemist or other qualified person who has
knowledge of and experience in shipboard fumigation evaluates
[CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50381, Dec. 6, 1989] the vessel's construction and configuration and determines:

(1)(i) Which spaces, if any, are safe for occupancy during (1)(ii) The intervals that inspections must be made under
fumigation; and §147A.21(a)(1);

(2) No persons or domestic animals are in the space that is to be (2) Ensure that all necessary measures are taken for the health
fumigated or the spaces that are designated as unsafe for and safety of any person; and
occupancy under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section;
(3) Notify the person in charge of the vessel when there is no
(3) There is proper and secure sealing to confine the fumigant to danger to the health and safety of any person.
the space that is to be fumigated, including blanking off and
sealing any ventilation ducts and smoke detectors; (c) After the exposure period, if the vessel is in port, the person in
charge of fumigation shall ensure that fumigators or other
(4) The personal protection and fumigation detection equipment qualified persons ventilate the space that is fumigated as follows:
for the fumigant that is to be used is on board the vessel;
(1) Hatch covers and vent seals must be removed, other routes of
(5) Warning signs are: access to the atmosphere must be opened, and if necessary,
mechanical ventilation must be used.
(5)(i) Posted upon all gangplanks, ladders, and other points of
access to the vessel; (2) Personal protection equipment that is appropriate for the
fumigant that is used must be worn.
(5)(ii) Posted on all entrances to the spaces that are designated
as unsafe for occupancy under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section; (d) If ventilation is completed before the vessel leaves port, the
and person in charge of fumigation shall:

(5)(iii) In accordance with 49 CFR 173.9(c) or section 8.10 of the (1) Ensure that a qualified person, who is wearing the personal

General Introduction of the International Maritime Dangerous protection equipment for the fumigant that is used if remote
Goods Code. The word "unit" on the warning sign may be detection equipment is not used, tests the space that is fumigated
replaced with "vessel," "barge," "hold," or "space," as appropriate. and determines if there is any danger to the health and safety of

any person, including a danger from fumigant that may be
(6) Watchmen are stationed at all entrances to: retained in bagged, baled, or other absorbent cargo;

(6)(i) Spaces that are not determined to be safe for occupancy (2) Notify the person in charge of the vessel of this determination;
under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section; or and

(6)(ii) The vessel, if no spaces are determined to be safe for (3) If it is determined that there is a danger:
occupancy under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.

[CGD 74-144, 39 FR 32998, Sept. 13, 1974; 39 FR 37771, Oct. A (3)(i) Ensure that all measures are taken that are necessary for
the health and safety of all persons; and
24, 19745; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50731, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-
057, 62 FR 51048, Sept. 30, 1997] (3)(ii) Notify the person in charge of the vessel when there is no
danger to the health and safety of any person.

§147A.13 Person In Charge Of The Vessel; Before

Fumigation. §147A.23 Person In Charge Of Vessel; During Fumigation.
(a) After notice under §147A.11(a)(5), the person in charge of the (a) The person in charge of the vessel shall ensure that the crew
vessel shall notify the crew and all other persons on board the and all other persons on board the vessel who are not

vessel who are not participating in the fumigation of the spaces participating in the fumigation restrict their movement during
that are determined to be safe for occupancy under fumigation to the spaces that are determined to be safe for
§147A.11(b)(1)(i). occupancy under §147A.11(b)(1)(i).

(b) If no spaces are determined to be safe for occupancy under (b) The person in charge of the vessel shall ensure that the crew
§147A.11(b)(1)(i), the person in charge of the vessel shall ensure and all other persons who are not participating in the fumigation

that the crew and all persons who are not participating in the follow any instructions of the person in charge of fumigation that
fumigation leave the vessel and remain away during fumigation. are issued under §147A.21(b)(2) or (d)(3)(i) and that the vessel
does not leave port if he is notified under:
(1) Section 147A.21(b)(1) that there is leakage, unless the person

§147A.21 Person In Charge Of Fumigation; During in charge of fumigation notifies him under §147A.21(b)(3) of this
Fumigation. subpart that there is no danger; or
(a) Until ventilation begins, or until the vessel leaves port, the
person in charge of fumigation shall ensure that a qualified person (2) Section 147A.21(d)(2) that there is a danger after ventilation,
unless the person in charge of the fumigation notifies him under

inspects the vessel as follows:

§147A.21(d)(3)(ii) that there is no danger.
(1) He must use detection equipment for the fumigant that is used
to ensure that the fumigant is confined to: (c) If fumigation is not completed before the vessel leaves port,
the person in charge of the vessel shall ensure that personal
(1)(i) The space that is fumigated, if partial occupancy is allowed protection and fumigant detection equipment for the fumigant that
under §147A.11(b)(1)(i); or is used is on board the vessel.

(1)(ii) The vessel, if no space is determined to be safe for (d) If the vessel leaves port before fumigation is completed, the
occupancy under §147A.11(b)(1)(i). person in charge of the vessel shall ensure that a qualified person
makes periodic inspections until ventilation is completed and this
(2) He must make inspections at the intervals that are determined person shall use detection equipment for the fumigant that is used
to be necessary by the marine chemist or qualified person under to determine if:
(1) There is leakage of fumigant; or
(b) If leakage occurs, the person in charge of fumigation shall:
(2) There is a concentration of fumigant that is a danger to the
(1) Notify the person in charge of the vessel that there is leakage; health and safety of any person.

(e) If the qualified person determines under paragraph (d) of this (3) No person may enter the space that is fumigated unless he
section that there is leakage or a concentration of fumigant that is wears a lifeline and safety harness and each life-line is tended by
a danger to the health and safety of any person, the person in a person who is outside the space and who is wearing the
charge of the vessel shall take all measures that are, in his personal protection equipment for the fumigant that is in use.
discretion, necessary to ensure health and safety of all persons
who are on board the vessel. If the danger is due to leakage, he After Ventilation
shall also ensure that qualified persons immediately ventilate in
accordance with paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of §147A.21. §147A.31 Removal Of Fumigation Material And Warning
(f) If the vessel leaves port during the exposure period, the person After ventilation is completed and a marine chemist or other
in charge of the vessel shall ensure that the space that is qualified person determines that there is no danger to the health
fumigated is ventilated by qualified persons after the exposure and safety of any person under §147A.21(d) or §147A.23(g), the
period in accordance with paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of §147A.21. person in charge of fumigation, or, if the vessel has left port, the
person in charge of the vessel, shall ensure that all warning signs
(g) If ventilation is completed after the vessel leaves port, the are removed and fumigation containers and materials are
person in charge of the vessel shall ensure that a qualified removed and disposed of in accordance with the manufacturer's
person, who is wearing the personal protection equipment for the recommendations.
fumigant that is used if remote detection equipment is not used,
tests the space that is fumigated to determine if there is a danger

to the health and safety of any person, including a danger from
Special Requirements for Flammable Fumigants
fumigant that may be retained in bagged, baled, or other
§147A.41 Person In Charge Of Fumigation; Flammable

absorbent cargo. If the qualified person determines that there is a
danger, the person in charge of the vessel shall take all measures
(a) The person in charge of fumigation shall ensure that:
that are, in his discretion, necessary to ensure the health and

safety of all persons who are on board the vessel.
(1) Before the space that is to be fumigated is sealed, it is
thoroughly cleaned, and all refuse, oily waste, and other
§147A.25 Entry.
combustible material is removed;
(a) No person may enter the spaces that immediately adjoin the
space that is fumigated during fumigation unless entry is for

(2) Before fumigation, all fire fighting equipment, including
emergency purposes or the space is tested and declared safe for
sprinklers and fire pumps, is in operating condition; and
human occupancy by a marine chemist or other qualified person
and is inspected under §147A.21(a)(2) or §147A.23(d).

(b) If entry is made for emergency purposes: A (3) Before and during fumigation, electrical circuits that are in the
space that is fumigated are de-energized.
(b) [Reserved]
(1) No person may enter the space that is fumigated or any
adjoining spaces during fumigation unless he wears the personal
§147A.43 Other Sources Of Ignition; Flammable Fumigants.

protection equipment for the fumigant that is in use;

While the space that is fumigated is being sealed or during
fumigation, no person may use matches, smoking materials, fires,
(2) No person may enter the space that is fumigated unless the
open flames, or any other source of ignition in any spaces that are
entry is made by a two person team; and
not determined to be safe for occupancy under §147A.11(b)(1)(i).

Part 148 – Carriage Of Solid Hazardous Materials In Bulk
Table Of Contents Delegation No. 0170.1.
[SOURCE: CGD 83-067a, 49 FR 16794, Apr. 20, 1984, unless
Subpart 148.01—General otherwise noted.]
148.01-1 Purpose And Applicability. Subpart 148.01 – General
148.01-7 Permitted Cargoes.
148.01-9 Filing Of Special Petition For Special Permit. §148.01-1 Purpose And Applicability.
148.01-11Special Permits; Standard Conditions. (a) This part prescribes regulations under which bulk solid
148.01-13Assignment And Certification. hazardous materials may be transported. Each master, person in
148.01-15Right Of Appeal. charge of the vessel, owner, charterer and agent shall ensure
compliance with this part and communicate the requirements of
Subpart 148.02–Vessel Requirements this part to every person performing any function covered by this
part. Each person involved in the transportation of bulk solid
148.02-1 Shipping Papers. hazardous materials shall comply with the requirements of this
148.02-3 Dangerous Cargo Manifest. part within the scope of his job responsibilities.

148.02-5 Report Of Hazardous Materials Incidents.
(b) For the purposes of this part, the term bulk applies only to
Subpart 148.03–Minimum Transportation Requirements cargoes transported on board cargo vessels or barges without

mark or count and which are to be directly loaded into the holds of
148.03-1 General. such vessels or barges without containers or wrappers.
148.03-3 Direction And Observation.

148.03-5 Prior To Loading. (c) For purposes of this part, the term vessel means a "cargo
148.03-7 During Transport. vessel or barge" which is not exempted under 49 U.S.C. 5107(d).
148.03-11Stowage Conditions.
148.03-13Completion Of Off-Loading. (d) For the purposes of this part, the term transported includes

the various operations associated with the cargo transportation
Subpart 148.04–Special Additional Requirements For Certain such as, loading, off-loading, handling, storing, stowing, carrying,
Materials conveying, using, etc.

148.04-1 Radioactive Material, Low Specific Activity (LSA).

148.04-9 Fishmeal Or Scrap, Ground Or Pelletized; Fishmeal Or
A (e) The term hazardous materials includes a number of specific
classes, the definitions of which are contained in 49 CFR parts
Scrap, Ground And Pelletized (Mixture). 170-189.
148.04-13Ferrous Metal Borings, Shavings, Turnings Or Cuttings
(Excluding Stainless Steel). [CGD 83-067a, 49 FR 16794, Apr. 20, 1984, as amended by CGD

148.04-15Petroleum Coke, Uncalcined; Petroleum Coke, 95-028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997]
Uncalcined And Calcined (Mixture).
148.04-17Petroleum Coke, Calcined, At 130°F Or Above. §148.01-7 Permitted Cargoes.
148.04-19Tankage, Garbage Or Rough Ammoniate, Solid.

(a) The solid hazardous materials cargoes listed here may be

148.04-20Sulfur. transported in bulk on board vessels if they comply with the
148.04-21Coconut Meal Pellets (Also Known As Copra Pellets). regulations in this part. Unlisted cargoes may be transported only
148.04-23Unslaked Lime In Bulk.

if express authority is given by the Commandant in accordance

with §148.01-9 of this subpart.
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103; Department of Homeland Security


[NOTE: Definitions of hazard classes of hazardous materials are found in 49 CFR 171.8 and 49 CFR 173.500.]

(b) A mixture or blend of two or more cargoes, one or more of Guard (G-MSO), Washington, DC 20593, and must contain the
which is listed in paragraph (a) of this section, will be treated as following minimum information:
an unlisted cargo and specific authorization by the Commandant,
in accordance with §148.01-9, for shipment in bulk is required. (1) The regulatory provisions involved.

§148.01-9 Filing Of Special Petition For Special Permit. (2) The justification for the proposed shipments or alternative
(a) A petition for authorization to transport an unlisted cargo or to procedure, including any reasons why the current regulations are
use alternative procedures must be submitted to the U.S. Coast not appropriate, why the public interest would be served by the

proposal, and the basis upon which the proposal would provide part that are applicable to the transportation of solid hazardous
an equivalent degree of safety to those shipments conducted in materials in bulk on vessels with respect to:
accordance with the current regulations. (1) Inspection of vessels for suitability for loading such materials
in bulk;
(3) A detailed description of the proposal, including when
appropriate, drawings, plans, calculations, procedures, test (2) Examination of stowage of such materials loaded in bulk on
results, previous approvals or permits, and any other supporting board vessels;
(3) Making recommendations as to stowage requirements
(4) The chemical name, common name, hazard classification for applicable to the transportation of such materials in bulk; and
properties (chemical and physical), and characteristics of the
materials covered by the proposal, including composition and (4) Issuing of certificates of loading, setting forth that the stowage
ingredient percentages (specified by weight) if a mixture. of such materials in bulk is in accordance with applicable
regulations contained in this part.
(5) Any relevant shipping or accident experience.
(b) Certificates of loading from the National Cargo Bureau, Inc.,
(6) A description of the vessel or vessels to be employed for the are accepted as evidence of compliance with the applicable
shipments and the U.S. ports to be involved. provisions of this part with respect to the transportation of solid
hazardous materials in bulk on board vessels.

(7) A statement or recommendation regarding any changes to the
regulations which would be desirable to obviate the need for §148.01-15 Right Of Appeal.

similar permission from the Commandant. Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under
this part, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal
(b) Unless there is a good reason for priority treatment, each therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.

proposal is considered in the order in which it is received. To
permit timely consideration, proposals should be submitted at [CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50381, Dec. 6, 1989]
least 45 days before the requested effective date.
§148.02-1 Shipping Papers.
[CGD 83-067a, 49 FR 16794, Apr. 20, 1984, as amended by CGD (a) Carriers may not accept for transportation nor transport by

95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 19955; CGD 96-041, 61 FR vessel in bulk any solid hazardous materials listed in §148.01-7(a)
50731, Sept. 27, 1996] of this part, unless the hazardous materials offered for such
shipment is accompanied by a shipping paper on which the
§148.01-11 Special Permits; Standard Conditions.
(a) Each person to whom a special permit is issued under the A following information is shown:
terms of §148.01-9 shall comply with all requirements of this part (1) The shipping name and hazard class of the hazardous
except as specifically provided by the terms of the special permit. material as listed in §148.01-7(a) of this part.

(b) Unless otherwise specified in the special permit, each (2) The quantity of the hazardous material to be transported.
shipment made under special permit must comply with the
following: (3) The name and address of the U.S. shipper or his authorized

(1) Each shipping paper issued and the dangerous cargo manifest
prepared in connection with such shipment must bear the notation (4) A certification which bears the following statement, signed by
"CG Special Permit No. *" with the * to be filled in with the the shipper or his authorized representative: "This is to certify that

assigned special permit number. the above-named hazardous material is properly named,
prepared, and otherwise in proper condition for bulk shipment by
(2) Each person to whom a special permit is issued shall furnish a vessel in accordance with the applicable regulations of the U.S.

summary of experience to the U.S. Coast Guard (G-MSO), Coast Guard".

Washington, DC 20593, before the date of expiration of the permit
and when any amendment to the special permit is requested. The (b) For import shipments, the consignee shall advise the carrier or
information must include the number of shipments made, tonnage foreign shipper (consignor) of the applicable U.S. Coast Guard
of each shipment, and what vessel's and U.S. Ports were regulations. The carrier or foreign shipper (consignor) shall then

involved. In addition, an immediate report must be submitted the furnish the information required in paragraph (a) of this section, as
U.S. Coast Guard (G-MSO) in the event of any casualty, accident, advised by the consignee, either on the shipping papers or
or damaging incident which occurs when transporting solid dangerous cargo manifest.
hazardous materials in bulk under the terms of a special permit.
(c) The shipping paper required in paragraph (a) of this section

(b)(3) A copy of the special permit, kept current, and any must be kept on board the towing vessel along with the
amendments thereto, must be on board each vessel while dangerous cargo manifest (§148.02-3 of this subpart) except
transporting solid hazardous materials in bulk under the terms of when the shipment is by an unmanned barge in which case it may
a special permit. The special permit must be kept with the be kept on board the towing vessel. When an unmanned barge is
dangerous cargo manifest (§148.02-3). moored, the shipping paper must remain on board the barge, in a
readily retrievable location, such as a metal tube attached to the
(c) Each permit is subject to suspension or revocation for cause barge.
by the U.S. Coast Guard before its expiration date.
§148.02-3 Dangerous Cargo Manifest.
[CGD 83-067a, 49 FR 16794, Apr. 20, 1984, as amended by CGD (a) Each vessel, except for unmanned barges, transporting solid
95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 19955; CGD 96-041, 61 FR hazardous materials in bulk under the terms of this part must
50731, Sept. 27, 1996] have on board a dangerous cargo manifest, kept in a conspicuous
place on or near the bridge house, on which the following
§148.01-13 Assignment And Certification. information is entered:
(a) The National Cargo Bureau, Inc., is authorized to assist the
U.S. Coast Guard in administering the provisions contained in this (1) Name of vessel and official number. (If the vessel has no

official number, the international radio call sign must be §148.03-13 Completion Of Off-Loading.
substituted.) Upon the completion of off-loading of a solid hazardous material
in bulk, each hold must be thoroughly cleaned of all residue of
(2) Nationality of vessel. such material.

(3) The name of the hazardous material as listed in §148.01-7(a) Subpart 148.04 – Special Additional
of this part.
Requirements for Certain Material
(4) The hold(s) in which the material is being transported.
§148.04-1 Radioactive Material, Low Specific Activity (LSA).
(a) Authorized materials are limited to:
(5) The quantity of the material loaded in each hold.
(1) Uranium or thorium ores and physical or chemical
(6) Date and signature of Master of the vessel's owner or his
concentrates of such ores;
authorized representative to acknowledge correctness of the
dangerous cargo manifest.
(2) Uranium metal, natural thorium metal and alloys of these
metals; and
(b) [Reserved]
(3) Material of low radioactive concentration, if the estimated
§148.02-5 Report Of Hazardous Materials Incidents.

radioactivity concentration dose not exceed 0.001 millicurie per
In the event of an incident involving hazardous materials, an
gram and the contribution from Group I material (See title 49 CFR
immediate report must be sent in accordance with 49 CFR
parts 170 to 189, inclusive) does not exceed 1 percent of the total

Subpart 148.03–Minimum Transportation (b) Each hold used for the transportation of any of these materials

Requirements must be surveyed with appropriate radiation-detection instruments
after the completion of off-loading. Such holds must not again be
§148.03-1 General. used for the transportation of any cargo until the radiation dose
The regulations in this subpart apply to each bulk shipment of a rate at any accessible surface is less than 0.5 millirem per hour

solid hazardous material listed in §148.01-7 of this part. and until there is no significant removable radioactive surface
contamination according to 49 CFR 173.443.
§148.03-3 Direction And Observation.
Loading or off-loading of a solid hazardous material in bulk within
the navigable waters of the U.S. must be conducted only under
the direction and observation of a person assigned or employed
A (c) Each hold or barge used for transportation of any of these
materials must be effectively closed or covered to prevent
dispersal of the material during transportation.
for such duty by the vessel's master or owner or authorized
representative. §148.04-9 Fishmeal Or Scrap, Ground Or Pelletized; Fishmeal
Or Scrap, Ground And Pelletized (Mixture).

§148.03-5 Prior To Loading. (a) The fishmeal or scrap, ground or pelletized and fishmeal or
Prior to loading any solid hazardous material in bulk on board a scrap, ground and pelletized mixture must contain at least 6
vessel: percent moisture by weight but not more than 12 percent moisture
by weight.

(a) Each hold must be thoroughly cleaned of all loose debris and
dunnage; but permanent wooden battens or sheathing may (b) The material must not contain more than 18 percent fat by
remain in the hold; and weight.

(b) Each hold and each bilge of that hold must be dry. (c) At the time of production of the material, it must be treated with
at least 400 ppm antioxidant (ethoxyquin); in the case where the

§148.03-7 During Transport. material contains more than 12 percent fat by weight, it must be
During the transport of a solid hazardous material in bulk, except treated with at least 1000 ppm antioxidant (ethoxyquin) at the time
for unmanned vessels, cargo shall be periodically inspected to of production.
ensure that there are no undetected increases in temperature in
that cargo and that no other changes in the cargo are occurring (d) Shipment of the material in bulk must take place within twelve

that might affect the safety of his vessel and the results of these months of the date of production.
inspections shall be recorded in a log.
(e) The temperature of the material to be loaded must not, at the
§148.03-11 Stowage Conditions. time of loading exceed 35°C (95°F), or 5°F above ambient

(a) Other hazardous materials cargo must not be stowed in the temperature, whichever is greater.
same hold or on deck above a hold in which a solid hazardous
material in bulk is loaded. (f) The material must contain at least 100 ppm antioxidant
(ethoxyquin) at the time of shipment.
(b) No explosive Class C, flammable liquid, flammable solid,
flammable or nonflammable compressed gas, organic peroxide, (g) Each shipment of the material in bulk must be accompanied
or extremely dangerous poison may be stowed in any hold by a statement in which the shipper certifies:
adjacent to a hold in which a solid hazardous material in bulk is
loaded. (1) The moisture content of the material;

(c) All explosive Class A and B materials must be stowed (2) The fat content of the material;
longitudinally at least one hold (or an equivalent longitudinal
distance if on deck) from any hold in which hazardous material in (3) The concentration of antioxidant (ethoxyquin) in the material in
bulk is loaded. ppm at the time the material is loaded on a vessel in bulk;

(d) Combustible cargo must not be stowed in a hold in which a (4) Date and place of production of the material; and
solid hazardous material in bulk is loaded.

(5) The physical state of the material (ground, pelletized, or (1) Before loading;
(2) During loading, in each hold and in the pile being loaded at
(h) Temperature readings must be taken three times a day and least every twenty-four hours and, if the temperature is rising, as
recorded. If the temperature of the cargo exceeds 130°F and often as necessary to ensure the conditions in this section are
continues to increase, ventilation to the hold must be restricted. met; and

§148.04-13 Ferrous Metal Borings, Shavings, Turnings, Or (3) After loading, in each hold at least every twenty-four hours.
Cuttings (Excluding Stainless Steel).
(a) This section applies to the stowage and transportation in bulk (d) During loading, if the temperature of the article in a hold is
of hazardous materials described as ferrous metal borings, 200°F or higher, the master or person in charge of the vessel
shavings, turnings, or cuttings on board vessels (excluding must notify the Coast Guard Captain of the Port and suspend
stainless steel). However, unmanned barges on which the article loading until the temperature of the article is less than 190°F.
is stowed for or transported on a voyage entirely on the navigable
waters of the United States are exempt from the requirements of (e) After loading:
this section. Ferrous metal borings, shavings, turnings, or cuttings
(excluding stainless steel) must not be stowed and transported in (1) If the temperature of the article is 150°F or above, the master
bulk unless the following conditions are met: or person in charge must notify the Captain of the Port and
ensure that the vessel remains in the port area until the conditions

(1) [Reserved] of paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section are met; or

(2) All wooden sweat battens, dunnage and debris must be (2) In the case of a short-duration voyage to which paragraph
removed from the hold before the article is loaded. (a)(7)(ii) of this section applies, if the temperature of the article in
a hold is 190°F or above, the master or person in charge must

(3) During loading and transporting, the bilge of each hold in notify the Captain of the Port and ensure that the vessel remains
which the article is stowed or is to be stowed must be as dry as in the port area until the conditions of paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this
practicable. section are met.

(4) During loading, the article must be compacted in the hold as (f) Except for shipments of the article in bulk which leave the port

frequently as practicable with a bulldozer or means that provide of loading under the conditions specified in paragraphs (a)(7)(ii) of
equivalent surface compaction. Upon completion of loading, the this section, after the vessel leaves the port, if the temperature of
article must be trimmed to eliminate peaks or mounds and the article in the hold rises above 149°F, the master must notify
A the nearest Coast Guard Captain of the Port as soon as possible
(5) Other cargo must not be loaded in a hold containing the article
if: (1) The name, nationality, and position of the vessel;

(5)(i) The cargo to be loaded in the same hold with the article is (2) The most recent temperature taken;
another hazardous material as defined in this part or a
combustible material; (3) The length of time that the temperature has been above 149°F
and the rate of rise, if any;

(5)(ii) The loading of the article is not completed first; and

(4) The port where the article was loaded and the destination of
(5)(iii) The temperature of the article in the hold is above 130°F or the article;

has increased within eight hours before loading of the other

cargo. (5) The last port of call of the vessel and its next port of call;

(6) During loading, the temperature of the article in the pile being (6) What action has been taken; and
loaded must be less than 130°F.
(7) Whether any other cargo is endangered.
(7) Upon completion of loading, the vessel may not leave the port
unless: (g) To meet the conditions of this section, the master of a vessel

that is transporting the article must ensure that each temperature

(7)(i) The temperature of each article in each hold is less than taken is recorded.
150°F and, if the temperature of the article in a hold has been
more than 150°F during loading, the temperature of each article §148.04-15 Petroleum Coke, Uncalcined; Petroleum Coke,
has shown a downward trend below 150°F for at least eight hours Uncalcined And Calcined (Mixture).

after completion of loading of the hold; or The material at 130°F or above must not be loaded in bulk on any
(7)(ii) The vessel intends to sail directly to another port that is no
further than twelve hours sailing time for the vessel concerned, for §148.04-17 Petroleum Coke, Calcined, At 130°F Or Above.
the purpose of loading more of the article in bulk or to completely (a) The requirements of this part do not apply to bulk shipments of
off-load the article, and the temperature of the article is less than petroleum coke, calcined, on any vessel when the material is less
190°F and has shown a downward trend for a least eight hours than 130°F.
after completion of loading.
(b) The material must not be loaded in cargo vessels when
(b) For the purposes of each temperature requirement of this temperatures exceed 225°F.
section, the temperature of the article is the highest temperature
taken between eight and fourteen inches below the surface at ten- (c) Other hazardous materials must not be stowed in any hold
foot intervals over its length and width. adjacent to any other containing this material except as provided
in paragraph (d) of this section.
(c) The master or person in charge of a vessel that is loading or
transporting the article must ensure that the temperature of the (d) In holds over tanks containing fuel or material having a
article is taken: flashpoint under 200°F, a two-to-three foot layer of the material at

a temperature not greater than 110°F must be first loaded into loaded or discharged must be opened to provide circulation of air.
that hold. Only then may the material at 130°F or above be
loaded into that hold. (d) No smoking is permitted on board the vessel and "No
Smoking" signs must be conspicously posted.
(e) The loading of the material must be as follows:
(e) If a metal chute is used it must be grounded using a flexible
(1) For shipments in holds over fuel tanks, the loading of the two- cable.
to-three foot layer of the material at a temperature not greater
than 110°F (as required by paragraph (d) of this section) in these (f) Upon completion of loading, the sulfur must be leveled off. Any
holds must be completed prior to the loading of the material at decks, bulkheads, or overheads containing sulfur dust must be
130°F or above in any hold of the vessel. swept clean or washed down.

(2) Upon completion of the loading described in paragraph (e)(1) (g) Other cargo, which is oxygen bearing, must not be stowed in
of this section, a two-to-three foot layer of the material at 130°F or the same hold with sulfur.
above must first be loaded in each hold (including those holds, if
any, already containing a layer of the material at a temperature (h) An oxygen breathing apparatus, or proper gas mask, must be
not greater than 110°F) in which the material is to be loaded in made available.
accordance with this section.
(i) A fire hose, preferably supplied with fresh water from a shore

(3) Upon the completion of the loading of the two-to-three-foot supply source, must be available at each hatch through which
layer of the material at 130°F or above in each hold, as required sulfur is being loaded.

in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the normal loading of the
material at 130°F or above may proceed to completion. §148.04-21 Coconut Meal Pellets (Also Known As Copra

(f) Personnel must be warned by the Master of the vessel or his (a) Coconut meal pellets;
authorized representative that calcined petroleum coke loaded (1) Must contain at least 6 percent and not more than 13 percent
and transported under the terms of this section is hot and that moisture and not more than 10 percent residual fat contents;
injury due to burns is possible.
(2) Must not be loaded if the temperature exceeds 120°F;

§148.04-19 Tankage, Garbage Or Rough Ammoniate, Solid.
(a) The material must contain at least 7 percent moisture by (3) Must not be stowed within 4 feet of any bulkheads subject to
weight. artificial heat; and

(b) The material must not be loaded if the temperature in the A (4) Must not be overstowed with any other cargo.
material, before loading, exceeds 100°F.
(b) A clear space of at least 1 foot must be provided between the
§148.04-20 Sulfur. top of the cargo and underside of deck beams.

(a) When sulfur is loaded in a deep hold with general cargo in the
'tween deck hold above the sulfur, a dust proof wooden bulkhead §148.04-23 Unslaked Lime In Bulk.
enclosure must be built in the hatchways from the over deck of (a) Unslaked lime in bulk must be transported in unmanned, all
the lower hold to the weather deck forming a tight enclosure steel, double-hulled barges equipped with weathertight hatches or

capable of preventing sulfur dust from entering the 'tween decks covers. The barge must not carry any other cargo while unslaked
during loading. lime is on board.

(b) Ceiling must be made tight to prevent sulfur dust from entering (b) The originating shipping order and transfer shipping paper
the bilges; any chinking necessary in the way of tank tops or requirement in §148.02-1 and the dangerous cargo manifest
bilges must be made of noncombustible material. requirements in §148.02-3 do not apply to the transportation of

unslaked lime under paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Cowl ventilators serving the hold into which sulfur is being

Part 150–Compatibility Of Cargoes
Table Of Contents (a) The containment system must separate the hazardous
material or its residue from any cargo in table I with which it is
Sec. incompatible by two barriers such as formed by a:
150.110 Applicability.
150.115 Definitions. (1) Cofferdam;
150.120 Definition Of Incompatible Cargoes. (2) Empty tank;
150.130 Loading A Cargo On Vessels Carrying Cargoes With (3) Void space;
Which It Is Incompatible. (4) Cargo handling space;
150.140 Cargoes Not Listed In Table I Or II. (5) Tank containing a compatible cargo; or
150.150 Exceptions To The Compatibility Chart. (6) Piping tunnel.
150.160 Carrying A Cargo As An Exception To The
Compatibility Chart. (b) In this subpart, isolation across a cruciform joint is equivalent
150.170 Right Of Appeal. to isolation by two barriers.
Figure I – Compatibility Chart
Table I – Alphabetical List Of Cargoes (c) The containment system for the hazardous material must not

Table II – Grouping Of Cargoes have a piping or venting system that connects to a containment
Appendix I To Part 150 – Exceptions To The Chart system carrying a cargo with which the hazardous material is
Appendix II To Part 150 – Explanation Of Figure 1 incompatible. Any such piping or venting system must have been

Appendix III To Part 150 – Testing Procedures For Determining separated from the containment system carrying the incompatible
Exceptions To The Chart cargo by:
Appendix IV To Part 150 – Data Sheet

(1) Removing a valve or spool piece and blanking off the exposed
[Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; Department of Homeland pipe ends, or
Security Delegation No. 0170.1. Section 150.105 issued under 44
U.S.C. 3507; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. (2) Installing two spectacle flanges in series with a means of
detecting leakage into the pipe between the spectacle flanges.

[SOURCE: CGD 75-59, 45 FR 70263, Oct. 23, 1980, unless
otherwise noted.] §150.140 Cargoes Not Listed In Table I Or II.

§150.110 Applicability.
This subpart prescribes rules for identifying incompatible
A A cargo of hazardous material not listed in Table I or II must be
handled as if incompatible with all other cargoes until the
Commandant (G-MSO) (tel. no. (202) 372-1425) assigns the
hazardous materials and rules for carrying these materials in bulk hazardous material to a compatibility group. (Table I lists cargoes
as cargo in permanently attached tanks or in tanks that are alphabetically while Table II lists cargoes by compatibility group).
loaded or discharged while aboard the vessel. The rules apply to

all vessels that carry liquid dangerous cargoes in bulk that are [CGD 83-047, 50 FR 33038, Aug. 16, 1985, CGD 86-100, 52 FR
subject to 46 U.S.C. Chapter 37. 21037, June 4, 1987; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29,
19955; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50731, Sept. 27, 1996]
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51209, Sept. 30, 1997]

§150.150 Exceptions To The Compatibility Chart.

§150.115 Definitions. The Commandant (G-MSO) authorizes, on a case by case basis,
As used in this subpart: exceptions to the rules in this subpart under the following

Hazardous material means: (a) When two cargoes shown to be incompatible in Figure 1 meet
the standards for a compatible pair in Appendix III, or

(a) A flammable liquid as defined in §30.10-22 or a combustible

liquid as defined in §30.10-15 of this chapter; (b) When two cargoes shown to be compatible in Figure 1 meet
the standards for an incompatible pair in Appendix III.
(b) A material listed in Table 151.05, Table 1 of part 153, or Table
4 of part 154 of this chapter; or Appendix I contains cargoes which have been found to be

exceptions to Figure 1, the Compatibility Chart.

(c) A liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas listed in 49 CFR
172.101. [CGD 83-047, 50 FR 33038, Aug. 16, 1985, as amended at CGD
95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR

Person in charge means the master of a self-propelled vessel, or 50731, Sept. 27, 1996]
the person in charge of a barge.
§150.160 Carrying A Cargo As An Exception To The
§150.120 Definition Of Incompatible Cargoes. Compatibility Chart.
Except as described in §150.150, a cargo of hazardous material The Operator of a vessel having on board a cargo carried as an
is incompatible with another cargo listed in Table I if the chemical exception under §150.150 but not listed in Appendix I, Exceptions
groups of the two cargoes have an "X" where their columns to the Chart, shall make sure that:
intersect in Figure 1 and are not shown as exceptions in Appendix
I. (See also §150.140.) (a) The Commandant (G-MSO) has authorized by letter or
message the cargo pair as an exception to the compatibility chart;
[CGD 83-047, 50 FR 33038, Aug. 16, 1985] and

§150.130 Loading A Cargo On Vessels Carrying Cargoes (b) A copy of the letter or message is on the vessel.
With Which It Is Incompatible.
Except as described in §150.160, the person in charge of a vessel [CGD 75-59, 45 FR 70263, Oct. 23, 1980, as amended by CGD
shall ensure that the containment system for a cargo that is a 82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 83-047, 50 FR 33038,
hazardous material meets the following requirements: Aug. 16, 1985; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD
96-041, 61 FR 50731, Sept. 27, 1996]

§150.170 Right Of Appeal. [CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50381, Dec. 6, 1989]
Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under
this part, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal
therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.







































1. Because of very high reactivity or unusual conditions of Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid

carriage or potential compatibility problems, this commodity is not Ferric chloride solution
assigned to a specific group in the Compatibility Chart. For Fluorosilicic acid
additional compatibility information, contact Commandant (G- Hydrochloric acid
MSO), U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street, SW., Washington, Phosphoric acid
DC 20593-0001. Telephone (202) 372-1425. Polyaluminum chloride solution

2. See Appendix I-Exceptions to the Chart. 2. SULFURIC ACIDS

[CGD 92-100, 59 FR 17011, Apr. 11, 1994, as amended by CGD Sulfuric acid 2
94-902, 60 FR 34042, June 29, 1995; CGD 95-900, 60 FR 34045, Sulfuric acid, spent

34046, 34047, 34049 June 29, 1995; CGD 95-900, 60 FR 39267, Titanium tetrachloride
Aug. 2, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50731, Sept. 27, 1996; 65 FR
67136, Nov. 8, 2000] 3. NITRIC ACID

Ferric nitrate, Nitric acid solution
TABLE II—GROUPING OF CARGOES Nitric acid (70% or less)

Acetone cyanohydrin 1,2
Acetic acid 2
Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid 1,2
Acrylic acid 2

Aluminium chloride, Hydrochloric acid solution1
Butyric acid
Ammonium hydrogen phosphate solution 1
Cashew nut shell oil (untreated)
Ammonium nitrate solution 1
Ammonium thiocyanate, Ammonium thiosulfate solution 1
Benzenesulfonyl chloride 1,2
gamma-Butyrolactone 1,2
A Citric acid
Chloroacetic acid solution
Chloropropionic acid
Decanoic acid
Chlorine 1
2,2-Dichloropropionic acid
Chlorosulfonic acid 1
2,2-Dimethyloctanoic acid
Decyloxytetrahydro-thiophene dioxide 2

2-Ethylhexanoic acid
tert-Dodecanethiol 2
Formic acid 2
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Dimethylamine salt solution 1,2
Glycolic acid
Dimethylamine salt of 2,4-
Glyoxylic acid

Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid solution 1,2

n-Heptanoic acid
Diphenylol propane-Epichlorohydrin resins1
Hexanoic acid
Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 1,2
2-Hydroxy-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid

Dodecyl hydroxypropyl sulfide 2

Methacrylic acid
Ethylene oxide 1
Naphthenic acid
Fluorosilicic acid Hydrogen peroxide solutions 1
Neodecanoic acid

Lactic acid 2
Nonanoic acid
Long chain alkaryl sulfonic acid (C16–C60)2
Nonanoic, Tridecanoic acid mixture
Magnesium chloride solution 1,2
Octanoic acid
Molasses residue 1
n-Pentanoic acid, 2-Methyl butryic acid mixture
Motor fuel antiknock compounds containing Lead alkyls 1
Pentanoic acid

Naphthalene sulfonic acid-formaldehyde copolymer, sodium salt

Propionic acid
solution 1
Trimethylacetic acid
Undecanoic acid
Nitrating acid 1
Nitric acid (greater than 70%) 1

o-Nitrophenol 1,2
Noxious Liquid Substance, n.o.s. (NLS’s) 1
Ammonium sulfide solution
Oleum 1,2
Calcium hypochlorite solutions
Phosphorus 1
Caustic potash solution 2
Phthalate based polyester polyol 2
Caustic soda solution 2
SAP 7001 1
Cresylate spent caustic
Sodium chlorate solution 1,2
Cresylic acid, sodium salt solution
Sodium dichromate solution 1,2
Kraft black liquor
Sodium hydrogen sulfide, Sodium carbonate solution 1,2
Kraft pulping liquors
Sodium sulfide, Hydrosulfide solution 1,2
Mercaptobenzothiazol, sodium salt solution
Sodium thiocyanate solution 1,2
Potassium hydroxide solution 2
Sulfur 1
Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water mixture (containing Sodium
Tall oil fatty acid, barium salt 2
Urea, Ammonium mono- and di-hydrogen phosphate, Potassium
Sodium aluminate solution
chloride solution
Sodium borohydride, Sodium hydroxide solution
Sodium carbonate solutions
Sodium cyanide solution

Sodium hydrosulfide solution 2 Sulfohydrocarbon, long chain (C18+)
Sodium hydrosulfide, Ammonium sulfide solution 2 alkylamine mixture
Sodium hydroxide solution 2 Tetraethylenepentamine 2
Sodium hypochlorite solution Triethylamine
Sodium 2-mercaptobenzothiazol solution Triethylenetetramine 2
Sodium naphthenate solution Trimethylamine solution
Sodium nitrite solution Trimethylhexamethylene diamine (2,2,4-and 2,4,4-)
Triphenylborane, Caustic soda solution
Trisodium phosphate solution 8. ALKANOLAMINES
Vanillin black liquor
6. AMMONIA Aminoethyldiethanolamine,
Aminoethylethanolamine solution
Ammonia, anhydrous Aminoethylethanolamine
Ammonia, aqueous 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol
Ammonium hydroxide (28% or less Ammonia) Diethanolamine
Ammonium nitrate, Urea solution (containing Ammonia) Diethylaminoethanol
Urea, Ammonium nitrate solution (containing Ammonia) Diethylethanolamine

7. ALIPHATIC AMINES Dimethylethanolamine
Ethoxylated long chain (C16+)

Butylamine alkyloxyalkanamine
Cyclohexylamine Methyl diethanolamine

Diethylamine 2 Triethanolamine 2
Diethylenetriamine 2 Triisopropanolamine
Diisobutylamine Ucarsol CR Solvent 302 SG

Dimethylamine 9. AROMATIC AMINES
Dimethylamine solution
Alkyl (C8–C9) phenylamine in aromatic solvents
Di-n-propylamine A Aniline
Calcium long chain alkyl phenolic amine (C8–C40)
4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid, Dimethylamine salt solution
Diphenylamine, reaction product with 2,2,4-Trimethylpentene
Dialkyl (C8–C9) diphenylamines
Diphenylamines, alkylated
Dodecylamine, Tetradecylamine mixture 2
Dimethylamine salt of 4-Chloro-2- methylphenoxyacetic acid

Tetradecyldimethylamine mixture
Ethylamine 2
Ethylamine solution

Ethyleneamine EA 1302 2
2-Methyl-6-ethyl aniline
2-Methyl-5-ethyl pyridine
N-Ethyl cyclohexylamine
Methyl pyridine

Ethylenediamine 2
2-Ethyl hexylamine
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 2
Paraldehyde-Ammonia reaction product

Glyphosate solution (not containing surfactant)

Pyridine bases
Hexamethylenediamine solution
Hexamethylenetetramine solutions

HiTec 321
bis-(Hydrogenated tallow alkyl)methyl amines Acetochlor
Isophorone diamine Acrylamide solution
Long chain polyetheramine in alkyl(C2–C4)benzenes

Metam sodium solution N,N-Dimethylacetamide
Methylamine solutions N,N-Dimethylacetamide solution
Morpholine 2 Dimethylformamide
Oleylamine Formamide
Pentaethylenehexamine N,N-bis(2-Hydroxyethyl) oleamide
Pentaethylenehexamine, Octadecenoamide
Tetraethylenepentamine mixture Zinc alkenyl carboxamide
Phosphate esters, alkyl (C12–C14) amine
Polyethylene polyamines 2 11. ORGANIC ANHYDRIDES
Polyolefin amide alkeneamine (C28+) Acetic anhydride
Polyisobutenamine in aliphatic (C10–C14) solvent Alkenylsuccinic anhydride
Poly (C17+) olefin amine Maleic anhydride
Polyolefin amide alkeneamine/Molybdenum oxysulfide mixture Phthalic anhydride
Propanil, Mesityl oxide, Isophorone mixture Polyisobutenyl anhydride adduct
Propylamine Polyolefin anhydride
iso-Propylamine solution Propionic anhydride

Diphenylmethane diisocyanate Mesityl oxide 2
Hexamethylene diisocyanate Methyl amyl ketone
Isophorone diisocyanate Methyl butyl ketone
Polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate Methyl butyl ketone
Toluene diisocyanate Methyl ethyl ketone 2
Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate (2,2,4- and 2,4,4-) Methyl heptyl ketone
Methyl isoamyl ketone
13. VINYL ACETATE Methyl isobutyl ketone 2
Methyl propyl ketone
Vinyl acetate Trifluralin in Xylene
Vinyl ethyl ether
Vinyl neodecanate 19. ALDEHYDES
Vinyl toluene
14. ACRYLATES Acrolein 2
Butyl acrylate Crotonaldehyde 2
Butyl methacrylate Decaldehyde
Butyl methacrylate, Decyl methacrylate, Ethylhexaldehyde

Cetyl-Eicosyl methacrylate mixture 2-Ethyl-3-propylacrolein 2
Cetyl-Eicosyl methacrylate mixture Formaldehyde, Methanol mixtures 2

Decyl acrylate Formaldehyde solution 2
Dodecyl methacrylate Furfural
Dodecyl-Octadecyl methacrylate mixture Glutaraldehyde solution

Dodecyl-Pentadecyl methacrylate mixture Glyoxal solutions
Ethyl acrylate 3-Methyl butyraldehyde
2-Ethylhexyl acrylate Methylolureas
Ethyl methacrylate 3-(Methylthio)propionaldehyde
2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate 2 Octyl aldehyde

Methacrylic resin in Ethylene dichloride Paraldehyde
Methyl acrylate Pentyl aldehyde
Methyl methacrylate Propionaldehyde
Nonyl methacrylate
Polyalkyl(C18 - C22) acrylate in Xylene A Valeraldehyde
Polyalkyl (C10–C18) methacrylate/Ethylene 20. ALCOHOLS, GLYCOLS
Polyalkyl (C10–C20) methacrylate
Propylene copolymer mixture Acrylonitrile-Styrene copolymer dispersion in Polyether polyol

Roehm monomer 6615 Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol polyethoxylates
15. SUBSTITUTED ALLYLS Alcohol polyethoxylates, secondary
Alcohols (C13+)

Acrylonitrile 2 Amyl alcohol

Allyl alcohol 2 Behenyl alcohol
Allyl chloride Brake fluid base mixtures

1,3-Dichloropropene 1,4-Butanediol
Dichloropropene, Dichloropropane mixtures Butyl alcohol 2
Methacrylonitrile Butylene glycol 2

Cetyl-Stearyl alcohol
16. ALKYLENE OXIDES Choline chloride solutions
Butylene oxide
Decyl alcohol 2
Ethylene oxide, Propylene oxide mixtures
Diacetone alcohol 2
Propylene oxide

Diethyl hexanol
Diisobutyl carbinol
Dodecyl alcohol

Ethoxylated alcohols, C11-C15
Ethyl alcohol 2
Ethyl butanol
Acetone 2
Ethylene chlorohydrin
Ethylene cyanohydrin
Amyl methyl ketone
Ethylene glycol 2
Butyl heptyl ketone
Camphor oil
Furfuryl alcohol 2
1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl pentan-3-one 2
Glycerine 2
Glycerine, Dioxanedimethanol mixture
Cyclohexanone, Cyclohexanol mixtures 2
Glycerol monooleate
Diisobutyl ketone
Ethyl amyl ketone
Hexamethylene glycol
Epoxy resin
Ketone residue
Hexylene glycol
Isophorone 2
Hydroxy terminated polybutadiene

Icosa(oxypropane-2,3-diyl)s Decene
Lauryl polyglucose (50% or less) Dicyclopentadiene
3-Methoxy-1-butanol Diisobutylene
Methyl alcohol 2 Dipentene
Methyl amyl alcohol Dodecene
Methyl butenol Ethylene
Methylbutynol Ethylene-Propylene copolymer
2-Methyl-2-hydroxy-3-butyne Ethylidene norbornene 2
Methyl isobutyl carbinol 1-Heptene
3-Methyl-3-methoxybutanol Hexene
2-Methyl-1,3-propanediol Isoprene
Molasses Isoprene concentrate (Shell)
Nonyl alcohol 2 Latex (ammonia (1% or less) inhibited)
Octanol 2 Methyl acetylene, Propadiene mixture
Octyl alcohol 2 Methyl butene
Penacosa(oxypropane-2,3-diyl)s Methylcyclopentadiene dimer
Pentadecanol 2-Methyl-1-pentene
Polyalkylene oxide polyol 4-Methyl-1-pentene
Polybutadiene, hydroxy terminated alpha-Methyl styrene

Polyglycerol Myrcene
Polyglycerine, Sodium salts solution (containing less than 3% Nonene

Sodium hydroxide) 2 1-Octadecene
Polyolefin amide alkeneamine polyol Octene
Propyl alcohol 2 Olefin mixtures

Propylene glycol 2 alpha-Olefins (C6 - C18) mixtures
Rum alpha-Olefins (C13+)
Sorbitol solutions 1,3-Pentadiene
Stearyl alcohol Pentene
Tallow fatty alcohol alpha-Pinene

Tetradecanol beta-Pinene
Tridecanol Polybutene
Trimethyl nonanol Poly(4+)isobutylene
Trimethylol propane polyethoxylate
Undecanol A Polyolefin (molecular weight 300+)
Undecyl alcohol Poly(5+)propylene
21. PHENOLS, CRESOLS Propylene-butylene copolymer

Propylene dimer
Benzyl alcohol Propylene, Propane, MAPP gas mixture
Carbolic oil Propylene tetramer
Creosote 2 Propylene trimer

Cresols Styrene
Cresylic acid Tetradecene
Cresylic acid dephenolized Tridecene

Cresylic acid, tar Triisobutylene

Dibutylphenols Tripropylene
2,4-Dichlorophenol Turpentine

Dodecyl phenol Undecene

Long chain alkylphenate/phenol sulfide mixture 31. PARAFFINS
Nonyl phenol
Octyl phenol Alkanes (C6–C9)

Phenol n-Alkanes (C10+)

Xylenols iso- & cyclo-Alkanes (C10–C11)
iso- & cyclo-Alkanes (C12+)

Caprolactam solution Cyclohexane

23–29. UNASSIGNED Decane
30. OLEFINS Ethane
Ethyl cyclohexane
Amylene Heptane
Aryl polyolefin (C11–C50) Hexane 2
Butadiene Methane
Butadiene, Butylene mixtures (cont. Acetylenes) Methylcyclohexane
Butene 2-Methyl pentane
Butene oligomer Nonane
Butylene Octane
1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene Pentane
1,3-Cyclopentadiene dimer Propane
Cyclopentadiene, Styrene, Benzene mixture iso-Propylcyclohexane
Cyclopentene Tridecane

Waxes: Gasoline blending stock, reformates
Paraffin Gasolines:
Automotive (not over 4.23 grams lead per gal.)
32. AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS Aviation (not over 4.86 grams lead per gal.)
Casinghead (natural)
Alkyl(C3–C4)benzenes Polymer
Alkyl(C5–C8)benzenes Straight run
Alkyl(C9+)benzenes Jet Fuels:
Alkyl acrylate-Vinyl pyridine copolymer in Toluene JP-4
Alkylbenzene, Alkylindane, Alkylindene mixture (each C12–C17) JP-5
Benzene JP-8
Benzene hydrocarbon mixtures (having 10% Benzene or more) Kerosene
Benzene, Toluene, Xylene mixtures Mineral spirits
Butylbenzene Naphtha:
Butyl phenol, Formaldehyde resin in Xylene Coal tar solvent
Butyl toluene Petroleum
Cumene Solvent
Cymene Stoddard solvent
Decylbenzene Varnish Makers’ and Painters’

Dialkyl(C10 - C14) benzenes Oil, fuel:
Diethylbenzene No. 1

Diisopropylbenzene No. 1-D
Diisopropyl naphthalene No. 2
Diphenyl No. 2-D

Dodecylbenzene No. 4
Dodecyl xylene No. 5
Ethylbenzene No. 6
Ethyl toluene Oil, misc:
1-Hexadecylnaphthalene, 1,4-bis(Hexadecyl) Aliphatic

Isopropylbenzene Aromatic
Methyl naphthalene Clarified
Naphthalene Coal
Naphthalene mixture
Naphthalene still residue A Crude
1-Phenyl-1-xylyl ethane Gas, high pour
Poly(2+)cyclic aromatics Heartcut distillate
Polyolefin amine in alkylbenzenes (C2–C4) Linseed

Propylbenzene Lubricating
Pseudocumene Mineral
C9 Resinfeed (DSM) 2 Mineral seal
Tetradecylbenzene Motor

Tetrahydronaphthalene Neatsfoot
1,2,3,5-Tetramethylbenzene Penetrating
Toluene Pine

Tridecylbenzene Rosin
Triethylbenzene Sperm
Trimethylbenzene Spindle

Undecylbenzene Turbine
Xylene Residual
Xylenes, Ethylbenzene mixture Road
33. MISCELLANEOUS HYDROCARBON MIXTURES Oxyalkylated alkyl phenol formaldehyde

Alachlor Pine oil
Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt solutions Polyolefin amine (C28–C250)
Alkyl dithiothiadiazole (C6–C24) Polyolefin amide alkeneamine (C17+)
Asphalt blending stocks, roofers flux Polyolefin amide alkeneamine borate (C28– C250)

Asphalt blending stocks, straight run residue Sodium petroleum sulfonate

Asphalt emulsion Sulfohydrocarbon (C3–C88)
Aviation alkylates Waxes:
Calcuim sulfonate, Calcium carbonate, Hydrocarbon solvent Petroleum
mixture Sulfurized fat (C14–C20)
Coal tar Sulfurized polyolefinamide alkeneamines (C28–C250)
Coal tar distillate White spirit (low (15-20%) aromatic)
Coal tar, high temperature
Coal tar pitch 34. ESTERS
Degummed C9 (DOW) Alkane (C14–C17) sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution
Diphenyl, Diphenyl ether Alkyl(C8+)amine, Alkenyl (C12+) acid ester mixture
Distillates, flashed feed stocks Alkyl ester copolymer (C6–C18)
Distillates, straight run Alkyl(C7–C9) nitrates 2
Drilling mud (low toxicity) (if flammable or combustible) Alkyl (C8–C40) phenol sulfide
Gas oil, cracked Alkyl (C10–C20, saturated and unsaturated) phosphite
Gasoline blending stock, alkylates Alkyl sulfonic acid ester of phenol

Alkylaryl phosphate mixtures (more than 40%) Ethylene glycol ethyl ether acetate
Amyl acetate Ethylene glycol methyl ether acetate
Animal and Fish oils, n.o.s. Ethyl-3-ethoxypropionate
Animal and Fish acid oils and distillates, n.o.s. Ethyl hexyl phthalate
Barium long chain alkaryl (C11–C50) sulfonate Ethyl propionate
Barium long chain alkyl(C8–C14)phenate sulfide Ethyl propionate
Benzene tricarboxylic acid trioctyl ester Fatty acids (saturated, C14+)
Benzyl acetate Glycerol polyalkoxylate
Butyl acetate Glyceryl triacetate
Butyl benzyl phthalate Glycidyl ester of C10 trialkyl acetic acid
n-Butyl butyrate Gylcidyl ester of tridecylacetic acid
Butyl formate Heptyl acetate
iso-Butyl isobutyrate Hexyl acetate
n-Butyl propionate Lauric acid
Calcium alkyl(C9)phenol sulfide, polyolefin phosphorosulfide Lecithin
mixture Magnesium long chain alkaryl sulfonate (C11–C50)
Calcium long chain alkaryl sulfonate (C11– C50) Magnesium long chain alkyl phenate sulfide (C8–C20)
Calcium long chain alkyl phenate sulfide (C8–C40) Magnesium long chain alkyl salicylate (C11+)
Calcium long chain alkyl phenates 3-Methoxybutyl acetate

Calcium long chain alkyl salicylate (C13+) 1-Methoxy-2-propyl acetate
Calcium nitrate, Magnesium nitrate, Potassium chloride solution Methyl acetate

Calcium nitrate solution Methyl acetoacetate
Cobalt naphthenate in solvent naphtha Methyl amyl acetate
Coconut oil, fatty acid Methyl butyrate

Copper salt of long chain alkanoic acids Methyl formate
Cottonseed oil, fatty acid 3-Methyl-3-methoxybutyl acetate
Cyclohexyl acetate Methyl salicylate
Decyl acetate Metolachlor
Dialkyl(C7 - C13) phthalates Naphthalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution (40% or less)

Dibutyl hydrogen phosphonate Nonyl acetate
Dibutyl phthalate n-Octyl acetate
Diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate Octyl decyl adipate
Diethylene glycol dibenzoate
Diethylene glycol ethyl ether acetate A Oil, edible:
Diethylene glycol methyl ether acetate Castor
Diethylene glycol phthalate Cocoa butter
Di-(2-ethylhexyl)adipate Coconut 2

Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Cod liver

Diethyl phthalate Corn
Diethyl sulfate Cotton seed
Diheptyl phthalate Fish 2

Dihexyl phthalate Groundnut

Di-n-hexyl adipate Hazelnut
Diisobutyl phthalate Lard

Diisodecyl phthalate Lanolin

Diisononyl adipate Nutmeg butter
Diisononyl phthalate Olive

Diisooctyl phthalate Palm2

Dimethyl adipate Palm kernel
Dimethylcyclicsiloxane hydrolyzate Peanut
Dimethyl glutarate Poppy
Dimethyl hydrogen phosphite 2 Poppy seed

Dimethyl naphthalene sulfonic acid, sodium Raisin seed

salt solution 2 Rapeseed
Dimethyl phthalate Rice bran
Dimethyl polysiloxane Safflower
Dimethyl succinate Salad

Dinonyl phthalate Sesame

Dioctyl phthalate Soya bean
Diphenyl tolyl phosphate, less than 0.02% ortho-isomer) Sunflower
Dipropylene glycol dibenzoate Sunflower seed
Dithiocarbamate ester (C7–C35) Tucum
Ditridecyl adipate Vegetable
Ditridecyl phthalate Walnut
2-Dodecenylsuccinic acid, dipotassium salt solution Oil, misc:
Diundecyl phthalate Animal
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate Coconut oil, fatty actid methyl ester
Ethyl acetate Cotton seed oil, fatty acid
Ethyl acetoacetate Lanolin
Ethyl butyrate Palm kernel oil, fatty acid methyl ester
Ethylene carbonate Palm oil, methyl ester
Ethylene glycol acetate Pilchard
Ethylene glycol butyl ether acetate Perilla
Ethylene glycol diacetate Soapstock

Soyabean (epoxidized) Chlorinated paraffins (C14 - C17)
Tall Chlorobenzene
Tall, fatty acid 2 Chlorodifluoromethane
Tung Chloroform
Olefin/Alkyl ester copolymer (molecular weight 2000+) Chlorotoluene
Oleic acid Dibromomethane
Palm kernel acid oil Dibutylphenols
Palm kernel acid oil, methyl ester 3,4-Dichloro-1-butene
Palm stearin Dichlorobenzene
n-Pentyl propionate Dichlorodifluoromethane
Poly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1–C6) ether acetate 1,1-Dichloroethane
Polydimethylsiloxane 1,6-Dichlorohexane
Polyferric sulfate solution 2,2’-Dichloroisopropyl ether
Polymethylsiloxane Dichloromethane
Poly(20)oxyethylene sorbitan monooleate Dichloropropane
Polysiloxane Ethyl chloride
Polyolefin aminoester salt Ethylene dibromide
Polyolefin ester (C28–C250) Ethylene dichloride 2
Polyolefin phosphorosulfide, barium derivative (C28–C250) Methyl bromide

Potassium formate solution Methyl chloride
Potassium oleate Monochlorodifluoromethane

Potassium salt of polyolefin acid n-Propyl chloride
Propyl acetate Pentachloroethane
Propylene carbonate Perchloroethylene

Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water mixture (not containing Sodium 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
hydroxide) 2 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Sodium acetate solution 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 2
Sodium benzoate solution 1,1,2-Trichloroethane

Sodium dimethyl naphthalene sulfonate solution 2 Trichloroethylene 2
Sodium long chain alkyl salicylate (C13+) 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
Sodium naphthalene sulfonate solution 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane
Soyabean oil (epoxidized)
Stearic acid A 37. NITRILES
Tall oil
Tall oil fatty acid (Resin acids less than 20%) 2 Acetonitrile
Tallow 2 Adiponitrile

Tallow fatty acid 2 Lactonitrile solution

Tributyl phosphate Propionitrile
Tricresyl phosphate Tallow nitrile
Tridecanoic acid

Tridecyl acetate 38. CARBON DISULFIDE

Triethylene glycol dibenzoate
Triethylene glycol di-(2-ethylbutyrate) Carbon disulfide

Triethyl phosphate
Triethyl phosphite 2 39. SULFOLANE
Triisooctyl trimellitate 2

Triisopropylated phenyl phosphates 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3- Sulfolane

pentanediol diisobutyrate
2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol-1-isobutyrate 40. GLYCOL ETHERS
Trimethyl phosphite 2 Alkyl (C7-C11) phenol poly(4-12)ethoxylate

Trisodium nitrilotriacetate Alkyl (C9-C15) phenyl propoxylate

Trixylyl phosphate Diethylene glycol 2
Trixylenyl phosphate Diethylene glycol butyl ether
Vegetable acid oils and distillates, n.o.s. Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether
Vegetable oils, n.o.s. Diethylene glycol diethyl ether

Waxes: Diethylene glycol ethyl ether

Carnauba Diethylene glycol methyl ether
Zinc alkaryl dithiophosphate (C7–C16) Diethylene glycol n-hexyl ether
Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3–C14) Diethylene glycol phenyl ether
Diethylene glycol propyl ether
35. VINYL HALIDES Dipropylene glycol
Dipropylene glycol butyl ether
Vinyl chloride Dipropylene glycol methyl ether
Vinylidene chloride Ethoxy triglycol
Ethylene glycol hexyl ether
36. HALOGENATED HYDROCARBONS Ethylene glycol methyl butyl ether
Ethylene glycol monoalkyl ethers
Benzyl chloride Ethylene glycol tert-butyl ether
Bromochloromethane Ethylene glycol butyl ether
Carbon tetrachloride 2 Ethylene glycol dibutyl ether
Catoxid feedstock 2 Ethylene glycol ethyl ether
Chlorinated paraffins (C10 - C13) Ethylene glycol isopropyl ether

Ethylene glycol methyl ether Aluminum sulfate solution 2
Ethylene glycol phenyl ether 2-Amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol solution
Ethylene glycol phenyl ether, Diethylene glycol phenyl ether Ammonium bisulfite solution 2
mixture Ammonium lignosulfonate solution
Ethylene glycol propyl ether Ammonium nitrate, Urea solution (not containing Ammonia)
Hexaethylene glycol Ammonium polyphosphate solution
Methoxy triglycol Ammonium sulfate solution
Nonyl phenol poly(4+)ethoxylates Ammonium thiosulfate solution
Pentaethylene glycol methyl ether Sulfonated polyacrylate solutions 2
Polyalkylene glycol butyl ether Calcium bromide solution
Polyalkylene glycols, Polyalkylene glycol Calcium chloride solution
monoalkyl ethers mixtures Calcium lignosulfonate solution
Polyethylene glycols Caramel solutions
Polyethylene glycol dimethyl ether Clay slurry
Poly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1–C6) ether Corn syrup
Polyethylene glycol monoalkyl ether Dextrose solution
Polypropylene glycol methyl ether 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Diethanolamine salt solution
Polypropylene glycols 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,Triisopropanolamine salt solution
Poly(tetramethylene ether) glycols (mw 950–1050)

Polytetramethylene ether glycol Diethanolamine salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid solution
n-Propoxypropanol Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, pentasodium salt solution
Dodecyl diphenyl ether disulfonate solution

Propylene glycol monoalkyl ether
Propylene glycol ethyl ether Drilling brine (containing Calcium, Potassium, or Sodium salts)
Propylene glycol methyl ether Drilling brine (containing Zinc salts)
Drilling mud (low toxicity) (if non-flammable or non-combustible)

Propylene glycol n-butyl ether
Propylene glycol phenyl ether Ethylenediaminetetracetic acid, tetrasodium salt solution
Propylene glycol propyl ether Ethylene-Vinyl acetate copolymer emulsion
Tetraethylene glycol Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediamine triacetic acid, trisodium salt
Tetraethylene glycol methyl ether solution 2

Triethylene glycol Fish solubles (water based fish meal extracts)
Triethylene glycol butyl ether Fructose solution
Triethylene glycol butyl ether mixture Fumaric adduct of Rosin, water dispersion
Triethylene glycol ether mixture
Triethylene glycol ethyl ether A Hexamethylenediamine adipate solution
N-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylene diamine triacetic acid, trisodium salt
Triethylene glycol methyl ether
Tripropylene glycol Kaolin clay slurry
Tripropylene glycol methyl ether Latex, liquid synthetic
Lignin liquor

41. ETHERS Liquid Streptomyces solubles

l-Lysine solution
Alkaryl polyether (C9–C20) N-Methylglucamine solution
Naphthenic acid, sodium salt solution

tert-Amyl methyl ether

Butyl ether Potassium chloride solution
2,2’-Dichloroethyl ether Potassium thiosulfate solution

Diethyl ether Rosin soap (disproportionated) solution

Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A Sewage sludge, treated
Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol F Sodium alkyl sulfonate solution
Sodium hydrogen sulfite solution

Dimethyl furan
1,4-Dioxane Sodium lignosulfonate solution
Diphenyl ether Sodium polyacrylate solution 2
Diphenyl ether, Diphenyl phenyl ether mixture Sodium salt of Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediamine triacetic acid
Ethyl tert-butyl ether 2 solution
Ethyl ether Sodium silicate solution 2

Long chain alkaryl polyether (C11–C20) Sodium sulfide solution

Methyl-tert-butyl ether 2 Sodium sulfite solution
Methyl tert-pentyl ether Sodium tartrates, Sodium succinates solution
Propyl ether Sulfonated polyacrylate solutions 2

Tetrahydrofuran Tall oil soap (disproportionated) solution

1,3, 5-Trioxane Tetrasodium salt of EDTA solution
Polyether (molecular weight 2000+) Titanium dioxide slurry
Triisopropanolamine salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Urea, Ammonium nitrate solution (not containing Ammonia)
o-Chloronitrobenzene Urea, Ammonium phosphate solution
Dinitrotoluene Urea solution
Nitrobenzene Vegetable protein solution (hydrolysed)
Nitroethane Water
Nitroethane, 1-Nitropropane mixture
Nitropropane, Nitroethane mixtures
Nitrotoluene Because of very high reactivity or unusual conditions of carriage
or potential compatibility problems, this product is not assigned to
43. MISCELLANEOUS WATER SOLUTIONS a specific group in the Compatibility Chart. For additional
Alkyl polyglucoside solutions compatibility information, contact Commandant (G-MSO), U.S.

Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street, SW., Washington, DC 20593- Ethylenediamine (7) Isophorone (18)
0001. Telephone (202) 372-1425. (Continued) Methyl butyl ketone (18)
Methyl iso-butyl ketone (18)
See Appendix I–Exceptions to the Chart. Methyl ethyl ketone (18)
Propyl alcohol (20)
[CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40012, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended by CGD iso-Propyl alcohol (20)
88-100, 55 FR 17276, Apr. 24, 1990; CGD 92-100, 59 FR 17025, Propylene glycol (20)
Apr. 11, 1994; CGD 94-902, 60 FR 34043, June 29, 1995; CGD Oleum (0) Hexane (31)
95-900, 60 FR 34049, 34050, June 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR Dichloromethane (36)
50731, Sept. 27, 1996; 65 FR 67136, Nov. 8, 2000] Perchloroethylene (36)
1,2-Propylene glycol (20) Diethylenetriamine (7)
Appendix I To Part 150 – Exceptions To The Chart Polyethylene polyamines (7)
(a). The binary combinations listed below have been tested as Triethylenetetramine (7)
prescribed in Appendix III and found not to be dangerously Sodium dichromate, 70% (0) Methyl alcohol (20)
reactive. These combinations are exceptions to the Compatibility (49-Sodium hydrosulfide Methyl alcohol (20)
Chart (Figure 1) and may be stowed in adjacent tanks. solution (5) iso-Propyl alcohol (20)
Sulfuric acid (2) Coconut oil (34)
Member of reactive group Compatible with Coconut oil acid (34)
Acetone (18) Diethylenetriamine (7)

Palm oil (34)
Acetone cyanohydrin (0) Acetic acid (4) Tallow (34)
Acrylonitrile (15) Triethanolamine (8) Sulfuric acid, 98% or less (2) Choice white grease tallow (34)

Triethanolamine (8) Morpholine (7)
1,4-Butylene glycol (20) Ethylamine (7) (b). The binary combinations listed below have been determined
Triethanolamine (8) to be dangerously reactive, based on either data obtained in the

gamma-Butyrolactone (0) N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (9) literature or on laboratory testing which has been carried out in
Caustic potash, 50% or less Isobutyl alcohol (20) accordance with procedures prescribed in Appendix III. These
(5) Ethyl alcohol (20) combinations are exceptions to the Compatibility Chart (Figure 1)
Ethylene glycol (20) and may not be stowed in adjacent tanks.
Isopropyl alcohol (20)

Methyl alcohol (20) Acetone cyanohydrin (0) is not compatible with Groups 1-12, 16,
iso-Octyl alcohol (20) 17 and 22.
Caustic soda, 50% or less
Butyl alcohol (20)
alcohol, Methanol A Acrolein (19) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-Oxidizing
Mineral Acids.
Decyl alcohol (20)
iso-Decyl alcohol (20) Acrylic acid (4) is not compatible with Group 9, Aromatic Amines.
Diacetone alcohol (20)

Diethylene glycol (40) Acrylonitrile (15) is not compatible with Group 5 (Caustics).
Ethyl alcohol (20)
Ethyl alcohol (40%, whiskey) (20) Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid (0) is not compatible with Groups 1-3,
Ethylene glycol (20) 5-9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 30, 34, 37, and strong oxidizers.

Ethylene glycol, Diethylene glycol

mixture (20) Allyl alcohol (15) is not compatible with Group 12, Isocyanates.
Ethyl hexanol (Octyl alcohol) (20)

Methyl alcohol (20) Alkyl(C7-C9) nitrates (34) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-
Nonyl alcohol (20) oxidizing Mineral Acids.
iso-Nonyl alcohol (20)

Propyl alcohol (20) Aluminum sulfate solution (43) is not compatible with Groups 5-
Propylene glycol (20) 11.
Sodium chlorate (0) solution
iso-Tridecanol (20) Ammonium bisulfite solution (43) is not compatible with Groups 1,
tert- Dodecanethiol (0) Acrylonitrile (15) 3, 4, and 5.

Diisodecyl phthalate (34) Benzenesulfonyl chloride (0) is not compatible with Groups 5-7,
Methyl ethyl ketone (18) and 43.
iso-Nonyl alcohol (20)
Perchloroethylene (36) 1,4-Butylene glycol (20) is not compatible with Caustic soda

iso-Propyl alcohol (20) solution, 50% or less (5).

Tall oil, crude
Dodecyl and Tall oil, fatty acid (34) gamma-Butyrolactone (0) is not compatible with Groups 1-9.
Tetradecylamine mixture (7).
Member of reactive group Compatible with C9 Resinfeed (DSM) (32) is not compatible with Group 2, Sulfuric
Ethylenediamine (7) Butyl alcohol (20) acid.
tert-Butyl alcohol (20)
Butylene glycol (20) Carbon tetrachloride (36) is not compatible with
Creosote (21) Tetraethylenepentamine or Triethylenetetramine, both Group 7,
Diethylene glycol (40) Aliphatic amines.
Dodecyl alcohol (20)
Ethyl alcohol (20) Catoxid feedstock (36) is not compatible with Group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Ethylene glycol (20) or 12.
Ethyl hexanol (20)
Glycerine (20) Caustic soda solution, 50% or less (5) is not compatible with 1,4-
Isononyl alcohol (20) Butylene glycol (20).

1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl pentan-3-one (18) is not 5, 7, or 12.
compatible with Group 5 (Caustics) or 10 (Amides).
o-Nitrophenol (0) is not compatible with Groups 2, 3, and 5-10.
Crotonaldehyde (19) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-
Oxidizing Mineral Acids. Octyl nitrates (all isomers), see Alkyl(C7-C9) nitrates.

Cyclohexanone, Cyclohexanol mixture (18) is not compatible with Oleum (0) is not compatible with Sulfuric acid (2) and 1,1,1-
Group 12, Isocyanates. Trichloroethane (36).

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Triisopropanolamine salt solution Phthalate based polyester polyol (0) is not compatible with group
(43) is not compatible with Group 3, Nitric Acid. 2, 3, 5, 7 and 12.

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Dimethylamine salt solution (0) is Polyglycerine, Sodium salts solution (20) is not compatible with
not compatible with Groups 1-5, 11, 12, and 16. Groups 1, 4, 11, 16, 17, 19, 21 and 22.

Diethylenetriamine (7) is not compatible with 1,2,3- Propylene, Propane, MAPP gas mixture (containing 12% or less
Trichloropropane, Group 36, Halogenated hydrocarbons. MAPP gas) (30) is not compatible with Group 1 (Non-oxidizing
mineral acids), Group 36 (Halogenated hydrocarbons), nitrogen
Dimethyl hydrogen phosphite (34) is not compatible with Groups 1 dioxide, oxidizing materials, or molten sulfur.

and 4.
Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water mixture (1% or less Sodium

Dimethyl naphthalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution (34) is hydroxide) (34) is not compatible with Group 12 (Isocyanates).
not compatible with Group 12, Formaldehyde, and strong
oxidizing agents. Sodium chlorate solution (50% or less) (0) is not compatible with

Groups 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17 and 20.
Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (0) is not compatible with oxidizing
agents and Groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 30, 34, Sodium dichromate solution (70% or less) (0) is not compatible
and 37. with Groups 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17 and 20.

Ethyl tert-butyl ether (41) is not compatible with Group 1, Non- Sodium dimethyl naphthalene sulfonate solution (34) is not
oxidizing mineral acids. compatible with Group 12, Formaldehyde and strong oxidizing
Ethylenediamine (7) and Ethyleneamine EA 1302 (7) are not
compatible with either Ethylene dichloride (36) or 1,2,3- A Sodium hydrogen sulfide, Sodium carbonate solution (0) is not
Trichloropropane (36)". compatible with Groups 6 (Ammonia) and 7 (Aliphatic amines).

Ethylene dichloride (36) is not compatible with Ethylenediamine Sodium hydrosulfide (5) is not compatible with Groups 6

(7) or Ethyleneamine EA 1302 (7) (Ammonia) and 7 (Aliphatic amines).

Ethylidene norbornene (30) is not compatible with Groups 1-3 and Sodium hydrosulfide, Ammonium sulfide solution (5) is not
5-8. compatible with Groups 6 (Ammonia) and 7 (Aliphatic amines).

2-Ethyl-3-propylacrolein (19) is not compatible with Group 1, Non- Sodium polyacrylate solution (43) is not compatible with Group 3,
Oxidizing Mineral Acids. Nitric Acid.

Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediamine triacetic acid, Sodium salt Sodium silicate solution (43) is not compatible with Group 3, Nitric
solution (43) is not compatible with Group 3, Nitric acid. Acid.

Fish oil (34) is not compatible with Sulfuric acid (2). Sodium sulfide, hydrosulfide solution (0) is not compatible with
Groups 6 (Ammonia) and 7 (Aliphatic amines).
Formaldehyde (over 50%) in Methyl alcohol (over 30%) (19) is not
compatible with Group 12, Isocyanates. Sodium thiocyanate (56% or less) (0) is not compatible with

Groups 1-4.
Formic acid (4) is not compatible with Furfural alcohol (20).
Sulfonated polyacrylate solution (43) is not compatible with Group
Furfuryl alcohol (20) is not compatible with Group 1, Non- 5 (Caustics).
Oxidizing Mineral Acids and Formic acid (4).

Sulfuric acid (2) is not compatible with Fish oil (34), or Oleum (0).
2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate (14) is not compatible with Group 5, 6, or Tall oil fatty acid (Resin acids less than 20%) (34) is not
12. compatible with Group 5, Caustics.

Isophorone (18) is not compatible with Group 8, Alkanolamines. Tallow fatty acid (34) is not compatible with Group 5, Caustics.
Tetraethylenepentamine (7) is not compatible with Carbon
Magnesium chloride solution (0) is not compatible with Groups 2, tetrachloride, Group 36, Halogenated hydrocarbons.
3, 5, 6 and 12.
1,1,1-Trichloroethane (36) is not compatible with Oleum (0).
Mesityl oxide (18) is not compatible with Group 8, Alkanolamines.
Trichloroethylene (36) is not compatible with Group 5, Caustics.
Methacrylonitrile (15) is not compatible with Group 5 (Caustics).
1,2,3-Trichloropropane (36) is not compatible with
Methyl tert-butyl ether (41) is not compatible with Group 1, Non- Diethylenetriamine, Ethylenediamine, Ethyleaneamine EA 1302,
oxidizing Mineral Acids. or Triethylenetetramine, all Group 7, Aliphatic amines.

NIAX POLYOL APP 240C (0) is not compatible with Group 2, 3, Triethyl phosphite (34) is not compatible with Groups 1, and 4.

Triethylenetetramine (7) is not compatible with Carbon (NOTE that reactivity may vary among the group members. Refer
tetrachloride, or 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, both Group 36, to Table I or Table II to find whether the products in question are
Halogenated hydrocarbons. referenced by a footNOTE which indicates that exceptions exist
and are listed in Appendix I. Unless the combination is specifically
Trimethyl phosphite (34) is not compatible with Groups 1 and 4. mentioned in Appendix I, it is compatible.)

1,3,5-Trioxane (41) is not compatible with Group 1 (non-oxidizing [CGD 75-59, 45 FR 70263, Oct. 23, 1980, as amended by CGD
mineral acids) and Group 4 (Organic acids). 83-047, 50 FR 33046, Aug. 16, 1985]

[CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40012, Sept. 29, 1989 as amended by CGD EXAMPLES

88-100, 55 FR 17277, Apr. 24, 1990; CDG 92-100, 59 FR 17026, Combination Groups Compatible
Apr. 11, 1994; CGD 94-902, 60 FR 34043, June 29, 1995; CGD Butyraldehyde/Acetic Acid 19/4 Yes.
95-900, 60 FR 34050, June 29, 1995; 65 FR 67136, Nov. 8, 2000] Allyl Alcohol/Toluene 15/12 No.
Appendix II To Part 150 – Explanation Of Figure 1 Decene/Ethyl Benzene 30/32 Yes.
Definition of a hazardous reaction – As a first approximation, a Ethanolamine/Acetone 8/18 Yes.
mixture of two cargoes is considered hazardous when, under Ammonia/Dimethylformamide 6/10 No.
specified condition, the temperature rise of the mixture exceeds
25°C or a gas is evolved. It is possible for the reaction of two

cargoes to produce a product that is significantly more flammable Appendix III To Part 150–Testing Procedures For
or toxic than the original cargoes even though the reaction is non- Determining Exceptions To The Chart

hazardous from temperature or pressure considerations, although
no examples of such a reaction are known at this time. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATING BINARY

Chart format – There are different degrees of reactivity among
the various cargoes. Many of them are relatively non-reactive: For General safety precautions – Chemical reactivity tests have, by
example, aromatic hydrocarbons or paraffins. Others will form their nature, serious potential for injuring the experimenter or
hazardous combinations with many groups: For example, the destroying equipment. The experimenter should 1) have
inorganic acids. knowledge of the magnitude of the reactivity to be expected, 2)

use adequate facilities and protective equipment to prevent injury
The cargo groups in the compatibility chart are separated into two from splatter of materials or release of fumes, and 3) start on a
categories: 1 through 22 are "Reactive Groups" and 30 through
43 are "Cargo Groups". Left unassigned and available for future
expansion are groups 23 through 29 and those past 43. Reactive A small scale so that unexpected reactions can be safely contained.
All tests should be performed in a well-ventilated laboratory hood
provided with shields.
Groups contain products which are chemically the most reactive;
dangerous combinations may result between members of Testing chemicals other than liquids – The procedure outlined
different Reactive Groups and between members of Reactive below was developed for chemicals which are liquids at ambient

Groups and Cargo Groups. Products assigned to Cargo Groups, temperatures. If one or both chemicals are normally shipped at
however, are much less reactive; dangerous combinations elevated temperatures, the same procedure may be followed
involving these can be formed only with members of certain except the chemicals are tested at their respective shipping
Reactive Groups. Cargo Groups do not react hazardously with temperatures and the oil bath in Step 3 is maintained at a level

one another. 25°C above the higher temperature. This information is then
indicated on the data sheet. If one of the chemicals is a gas at
Using the Compatibility Chart – The following procedure ambient temperatures, consult the Coast Guard for additional

explains how the compatibility chart should be used to find instructions before proceeding with the compatibility test.
compatibility infomation:
Step 1

(1) Determine the group numbers of the two cargoes by referring

to the alphabetical listing of cargoes and the corresponding Objective – To determine if the test chemicals react violently and
groups (Table I). Many cargoes are listed under their parent present a safety hazard in further tests.
names; unless otherwise indicated, isomers or mixtures of
isomers of a particular cargo are assigned to the same group. For Procedure – Place 0.5ml of one (A) of the test chemicals in a 25

example, to find the group number for Isobutyl Alcohol, look under x 150mm test tube. Clamp the test tube to a stand behind a safety
the parent name Butyl Alcohol. Similarly, the group number for shield (in a hood). Carefully add from a dropper 0.5ml of the other
para-Xylene is found under the entry Xylene. If a cargo cannot be substance (B). Shake to induce mixing. If no immediate reaction
found in this listing, contact the Coast Guard for a group occurs, retain the mixture for at least 10 minutes to check for a
determination (see §150.140).

delayed reaction.

(2) If both group numbers are between 30 and 43 inclusive, the Results – If a violent reaction occurs, such as sputtering, boiling
products are compatible and the chart need not be used. of reactants or release of fumes, record the results on the Data
Sheet (appendix IV) and do not proceed to Step 2. If no reaction
(3) If both group numbers do not fall between 30 and 43 inclusive, or a minor reaction occurs, proceed to Step 2.
locate one of the numbers on the left of the chart (Cargo Groups)
and the other across the top (Reactive Groups). (Note that if a Step 2
group number is between 30 and 43, it can only be found on the
left side of the chart.) The box formed by the intersection of the Objective–To determine the heat of reaction of two chemicals on
column and row containing the two numbers will contain one of mixing under specified conditions.
the following:
Procedure–These separate mixes of the proposed binary
(a) Blank–The two cargoes are compatible. combination will be tested. These are 2 ml : 18 ml, 10 ml : 10 ml,
and 18 ml : 2 ml, respectively, to result in a final mixture of about
(b) "X"–The two cargoes are not compatible. 20 ml in each case.

A reference-junctioned thermocouple is prepared by inserting two Objective–To determine if exothermic reactions occur at
lengths of 20 gauge or finer iron-constantan or chromelalumel temperatures up to 50°C.
duplex thermocouple wire into glass capilary sheaths. The
common wire of each probe is joined, while the other wire of each Procedure–If a non-hazardous reaction occurred in Step 2, the
is connected to a strip-chart recorder. The thermocouple probe ratio of chemicals which resulted in the greatest temperature rise
which produces a negative pen deflection upon warming is the will be tested. Fresh chemicals will be used with a total volume for
reference junction and is placed in a test tube of water at ambient this test of about 10ml (a ratio of 1ml:9ml, 5ml:5ml, or 9ml:1ml). If
laboratory temprature. The other probe is placed near the bottom no reaction was observed in Step 2, use a ratio of 5ml:5ml. Using
of a Dewar flask of about 300ml capacity, such that the the thermocouple prepared for Step 2, insert the reference probe
thermocouple will be below the surface of the test mixture. The into a 25 x 150mm test tube containing 10ml of water. Place the
Dewar flask is equipped with a magnetic stirrer having a stirring other probe into an empty test tube. Start the temperature
bar coated with an inert material such as a flourinated recorder and add the two chemicals of the combination, one at a
hydrocarbon. time, to the empty test tube. Lower the two test tubes into an oil
bath maintained at 50 ± 2°C. Hold the samples in the oil bath until
Start the temperature recorder and stirrer. Deliver the test the maximum temperature differential is recorded, and in all cases
chemicals to the Dewar Flask simultaneously from separate at least 15 minutes. Observe the test mixture to determine if
graduated syringes. If an exothermic reaction occurs, continue the gases are evolved or if other visible changes occur. Follow
test until the maximum temperature is reached and begins to prescribed safety precautions.
subside. If no apparent reaction occurs, continue the test for at

least 30 minutes to check for a delayed reaction. Stop agitation Results–Record the maximum differential temperature measured,
and observe the mixture at five-minute intervals to determine if the time required to reach this temperature, and any other

the mixture is miscible, if gases are evolved, or if other visible observations in the proper space on the Data Sheet.
changes occur. In the interest of safety, a mirror can be used for
these observations. Repeat the above test for the other mixture Send a copy of the Data Sheet for each binary chemical mixture

combinations. tested to: Commandant (G-MSO), U.S. Coast Guard,
Washington, DC 20593-0001.
Results–Record the results in the appropriate places on the Data
Sheet. If no reaction occurs or if the temperature rise is less than [CGD 75-59, 45 FR 70263, Oct. 23, 1980, as amended by CGD
25°C, proceed to Step 3. If the observed temperature rise 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 83-047, 50 FR 33046,

exceeds 25°C or gases are evolved, do not proceed to Step 3. Aug. 16, 1985; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34535, Sept. 7, 1985; CGD
96-041, 61 FR 50731, Sept. 27, 1996]
Step 3



Chemicals A ___________________________ B ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

Description of Products:


Sample Source

Composition (by weight %)

Inhibitors or Stabilizers

Deviations from Prescribed

(including special equipment)

Step Number 1

Products miscible? ______________________________ Gases evolved? ___________________________

Other Observations:

Step Number 2
2/18 10/10 18/2
A/B Ratio:

Initial Temperature

Maximum Δ T

Time to reach Max.


Products miscible?

Gases evolved?

Other Observations

Size of Dewer Flask (inside measurements): Width _________ mm Height _________ mm

Step Number 3

A/B Ration

Oil Bath Temperature A

Maximum Δ T

Time to read Max. Temp

Gases evolved?

Other Observations

Date of Test: ________________________________________________________________________

Submitting Organization: ______________________________________________________________


Test Data Approval By: _______________________________________________________________


Part 151– Barges Carrying Bulk Liquid Hazardous Material
Table Of Contents 151.05 Summary Of Minimum Requirements

Subpart 151.01 – General Subpart 151.10–Barge Hull Construction Requirements

151.01-1 Applicability. 151.10-1 Barge Hull Classifications.
151.01-2 Incorporation By Reference. 151.10-5 Subdivision And Stability.
151.01-10 Application Of Vessel Inspection Regulations. 151.10-15 Certificate Endorsement.
151.01-15 Dangerous Cargoes Not Specifically Named. 151.10-20 Hull Construction.
151.01-20 Use Of Minimum Requirements.
151.01-25 Existing Barges. Subpart 151.12–Equipment And Operating Requirements For
151.01-30 Effective Date. Control Of Pollution From Category D NLS Cargoes
151.01-35 Right Of Appeal.
151.12-5 Equipment For Category D NLS.

Subpart 151.02—Equivalents 151.12-10 Operation Of Oceangoing Non-Self-Propelled Ships
Carrying Category D NLS.
151.02-1 Conditions Under Which Equivalents May Be Used.

Subpart 151.13–Cargo Segregation
151.02-5 Design Of Unmanned Barges.
151.13-1 General.
Subpart 151.03—Definitions

151.13-5 Cargo Segregation–Tanks.

151.03-1 Definitions Of Terms. Subpart 151.15—Tanks

151.03-3 Angle Of Downflooding.
151.03-5 Approved. 151.15-1 Tank Types.

151.03-7 Barge. 151.15-3 Construction.
151.03-9 Cargo. 151.15-5 Venting.
151.03-11 Coastwise. 151.15-6 Venting Piping.
A 151.15-10 Cargo Gauging Devices.
Subpart 151.20–Cargo Transfer
151.03-19 Environment.
151.03-21 Filling Density. 151.20-1 Piping–General.
151.03-23 Flame Arrestor.

151.20-5 Cargo System Valving Requirements.

151.03-25 Flame Screen. 151.20-10 Cargo System Instrumentation.
151.03-27 Gas Free. 151.20-15 Cargo Hose If Carried On The Barge.
151.03-29 Great Lakes. 151.20-20 Cargo Transfer Methods.

151.03-30 Hazardous Material.

151.03-31 Headquarters. Subpart 151.25–Environmental Control
151.03-33 Lakes, Bays, And Sounds.

151.03-35 Limiting Draft. 151.25-1 Cargo Tank.

151.03-36 Liquid. 151.25-2 Cargo Handling Space.
151.03-37 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure.

151.03-38 Nondestructive Testing. Subpart 151.30–Portable Fire Extinguishers

151.03-39 Ocean.
151.03-41 Officer In Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI). 151.30-1 Type.
151.03-43 Pressure.
151.03-45 Rivers. Subpart 151.40–Temperature Or Pressure Control
151.03-47 Service.

151.03-49 Sounding Tube.
151.03-51 Tank Barge. 151.40-1 Definitions.
151.03-53 Tankerman. 151.40-2 Materials.
151.03-55 [Reserved] 151.40-5 Construction.

151.40-10 Operational Requirements.

Subpart 151.04–Inspection And Certification 151.40-11 Refrigeration Systems.

151.04-1 Certificate Of Inspection. Subpart 151.45—Operations

151.04-2 Inspection Required.
151.04-3 Initial Inspection. 151.45-1 General.
151.04-5 Inspection For Certification. 151.45-2 Special Operating Requirements.
151.04-7 Nondestructive Testing. 151.45-3 Manning.
151.45-4 Cargo-Handling.
Subpart 151.05–Summary Of Minimum Requirements For 151.45-5 Open Hopper Barges.
Specific Cargoes 151.45-6 Maximum Amount Of Cargo.
151.45-7 Shipping Papers.
151.05-1 Explanation Of Column Headings In Table 151.05. 151.45-8 Illness, Alcohol, Drugs.
151.05-2 Compliance With Requirements For Tank Barges 151.45-9 Signals.
Carrying Benzene And Benzene Containing
Cargoes, Or Butyl Acrylate Cargoes. Subpart 151.50–Special Requirements

151.50-1 General. (b) All non-self-propelled United States ships that are not
151.50-5 Cargoes Having Toxic Properties. oceangoing that carry a bulk cargo that is–
151.50-6 Motor Fuel Antiknock Compounds.
151.50-10 Alkylene Oxides. (1) Listed in Table 151.05, and
151.50-12 Ethylene Oxide.
151.50-13 Propylene Oxide. (2) Not being carried in a portable tank regulated under subpart
151.50-20 Inorganic Acids. 98.30 or 98.33 of this chapter.
151.50-21 Sulfuric Acid.
151.50-22 Hydrochloric Acid. [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7776, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
151.50-23 Phosphoric Acid. 84-043, 55 FR 37413, Sept. 11, 1990]
151.50-30 Compressed Gases.
151.50-31 Chlorine. 46 CFR §151.01-2 Incorporation By Reference.
151.50-32 Ammonia, Anhydrous. (a) Certain standards and specifications are incorporated by
151.50-34 Vinyl Chloride (Vinyl Chloride Monomer). reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the
151.50-36 Argon Or Nitrogen. Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). To enforce
151.50-40 Additional Requirements For Carbon Disulfide any edition other than the ones listed in paragraph (b) of this
(Carbon Bisulfide) And Ethyl Ether. section, notice of change must be published in the FEDERAL
151.50-41 Carbon Disulfide (Carbon Bisulfide). REGISTER and the material made available to the public. All
151.50-42 Ethyl Ether. approved material is on file at the National Archives and Records

151.50-50 Elemental Phosphorus In Water. Administration (NARA), and is available from the sources
151.50-55 Sulfur (Molten). indicated in paragraph (b) of this section. For information on the

151.50-60 Benzene. availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:
151.50-70 Cargoes Requiring Inhibition Of Stabilization.
151.50-73 Chemical Protective Clothing. ons/ibr_locations.html.

151.50-74 Ethylidene Norbornene.
151.50-75 Ferric Chloride Solution. (b) The standards and specifications approved for incorporation
151.50-76 Hydrochloric Acid, Spent (NTE 15%). by reference in this part and the sections affected, are:
151.50-77 Fluorosilicic Acid (30% Or Less) (Hydrofluorosilicic
Acid). American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)

151.50-79 Methyl Acetylene-Propadiene Mixture. 4153 Arlingate Road, Caller num;28518, Columbus, OH 43228-
151.50-80 Nitric Acid (70% Or Less). 0518
151.50-81 Special Operating Requirements For Heat Sensitive ASNT "Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A (1988),

Sulfur Dioxide. A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive
Testing" 151.04-7(c)(2)
151.50-86 Alkyl (C7-C9) Nitrates.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International
Subpart 151.55–Special Requirements For Materials Of Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

Construction ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section V,

Nondestructive Examination (1986) 151.04-7(a)(1)
151.55-1 General.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Subpart 151.56–Prohibited Materials Of Construction 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
ASTM D 4986-98, Standard Test Method for Horizontal Burning
151.56-1 Prohibited Materials. Characteristics of Cellular Polymeric Materials--151.15-3

ASTM E 84-98, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning

Subpart 151.58–Required Materials Of Construction Characteristics of Building Materials--151.15-3

1.51.58-1 Required Materials. [CGD 85-061, 54 FR 50965, Dec. 11, 1989, as amended by
USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53227, Oct. 1, 1999; 64 FR 67170,
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1903; 46 U.S.C. 3703; Department of Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, Mar. 1, 2000; 69 FR 18801, Apr. 9,
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1. 2004]
[SOURCE: CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, unless

otherwise noted.] §151.01-10 Application Of Vessel Inspection Regulations.

(a) The regulations in this part are requirements which may be in
[EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes for part 151 appear addition to, supplement, or modify requirements in other
at CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40029, Sept. 29, 1989.] subchapters in this chapter. When a specific requirement in
another part or section in another subchapter in this chapter is in

conflict with or contrary to requirement or intent expressed in this

Subpart 151.01 – General part, the regulations in this part shall take precedence.
§151.01-1 Applicability.
(b) Every unmanned tank barge which carries or is intended to
This part applies to the following:
carry in bulk any liquid or liquefied gas listed in Table 151.05 and
has flammability or combustibility characteristics as indicated by a
(a) Oceangoing, as defined in 33 CFR 151.05(j), non-self-
fire protection requirement in Table 151.05 shall be inspected and
propelled United States ships and non-self-propelled foreign ships
certificated under the provisions in subchapter D (Tank Vessels)
operating in United States waters that carry a bulk cargo that is–
of this chapter and the regulations in this part.
(1) Listed in Table 151.05;
(c) Every unmanned tank barge prior to the carriage in bulk of any
liquid or liquefied gas listed in Table 151.05 which does not have
(2) Not being carried in a portable tank regulated under subpart
the flammability or combustibility characteristics as indicated by
98.30 or 98.33 of this chapter; and
the fire protection requirement in Table 151.05 shall be inspected
and certificated under the applicable provisions of subchapter D
(3) Not an NLS or is an NLS cargo that is a Category D listed in
or subchapter I of this chapter, at the option of the barge owner, in
§151.12-5 of this part.
addition to the regulations in this part. However, unless the barge

owner notifies the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection of his (b) If an existing barge, which has been designed to carry or has
option to have the barge inspected and certificated under regularly been carrying one or more of the cargoes regulated by
subchapter I at the time he submits the application for inspection this subchapter, is found to be so arranged, or outfitted that
(Form CG-3752), the unmanned tank barge shall be inspected conversion to bring it into compliance with any or all of the
and certificated under the provisions of subchapter D of this requirements of this subchapter is impractical or impossible, the
chapter and the regulations in this part. Commandant, upon application, may review the plans of the
barge to determine if it is suitable and safe for the cargoes to be
(c)(c-1) Each unmanned tank barge constructed on or after transported.
September 6, 1977, that carries in bulk a cargo listed in Table
151.05 and that is certificated under subchapter I of this chapter (c) Except for operating and vinyl chloride requirements, barges
must meet the loading information requirements in §31.10-32 of constructed and certificated for the transportation of any cargo for
this chapter. which specific regulations existed, in parts 36, 38, 39, 40, and 98
of this chapter at the time of their construction or conversion, may
(d) The provisions of subchapter D of this chapter shall apply to continue and will be certificated to operate without the
all unmanned tank barges which carry in bulk any of the liquids or requirement that they comply with the provisions of subchapter O
liquefied gases listed in Table 30.25-1 of this chapter. The of this chapter.
provisions of this part shall not apply to such barges unless it is
also desired to carry one or more of the liquids or liquefied gases [CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
listed in Table 151.05. 74-167k, 40 FR 17026, Apr. 16, 1975]

(e) Manned barges which carry or intend to carry in bulk the §151.01-30 Effective Date.

cargoes specified in Table 151.05 will be considered individually (a) The regulations in this subchapter are effective on and after
by the Commandant and may be required to meet the June 1, 1970. However, amendments, revisions, or additions shall
requirements of this subchapter and of subchapter D (Tank become effective ninety (90) days after the date of publication in

Vessels) or I (Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels) of this chapter the FEDERAL REGISTER unless the Commandant shall fix a
as applicable. different time.

[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970] (b) The regulations in this subchapter are not retroactive in effect
unless specifically made so at the time the regulations are issued.

§151.01-15 Dangerous Cargoes Not Specifically Named. Changes in specification requirements of articles of equipment, or
(a) Any liquid or liquefied gas, which meets the definitions referred materials used in construction of tank barges, shall not apply to
to in §151.01-1 and is not named in Table 151.05 or Table 30.25- such items which have been passed as satisfactory until
1 of this chapter shall not be transported in bulk in a manned or
unmanned tank barge without the prior specific approval of the A replacement shall become necessary, unless a specific finding is
made that such equipment or materials used is unsafe or
Commandant. hazardous and has to be removed from tank barges.

(b) Mixtures or blends of two or more cargoes, one or more of §151.01-35 Right Of Appeal.

which appears in Table 151.05, will be treated as though they Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under
were new products and specific approval of the Commandant this part, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal
must be obtained prior to undertaking their transportation. therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.
[CGFR-70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD

[CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50381, Dec. 6, 1989]

81-101, 52 FR 7777, Mar. 12, 1987; CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28974,
Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, 1989; CGD 88-100, 54
FR 40029, Sept. 29, 1989] Subpart 151.02 – Equivalents

§151.01-20 Use Of Minimum Requirements. §151.02-1 Conditions Under Which Equivalents May Be Used.
(a) The minimum requirements governing transportation of any (a) Where in this part it is provided that a particular fitting,

liquid or liquefied gas listed in Table 151.05 are set forth in this material, appliance, apparatus, or equipment, or type thereof,
part when such substances are carried in bulk in unmanned tank shall be fitted or carried in a vessel, or that any particular
barges. provision shall be made or arrangement including cargo
segregation shall be adopted, the Commandant may accept in
(b) Before any liquid or liquefied gas listed in Table 151.05 may substitution therefor any other fitting, material, apparatus or

be carried in an unmanned tank barge, the certificate of equipment, or type thereof, or any other provision or arrangement.
inspection issued to such barge shall be appropriately endorsed However, the Commandant shall be satisfied by suitable evidence
to show approval to transport such cargo. that the fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, or equipment, or
the type thereof, or the provision or arrangement shall be at least

[CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD as effective as that specified in this part.
88-100, 54 FR 40029, Sept. 29, 1989]
(b) In any case where it is shown to the satisfaction of the
§151.01-25 Existing Barges. Commandant that the use of any particular equipment, apparatus,
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, barges or arrangement not specifically required by law is unreasonable or
certified for, or used within the previous 2 years prior to the impracticable, the Commandant may permit the use of alternate
effective date of this regulation, or barges equivalent to such equipment apparatus, or arrangement to such an extent and upon
barges, for the transportation of any cargo regulated by this such conditions as will insure, to his satisfaction, a degree of
subchapter which do not meet the specific requirements herein, safety consistent with the minimum standards set forth in this part.
may be continued in service subject to the following conditions:
§151.02-5 Design Of Unmanned Barges.
(1) Venting, gauging, and all operating requirements shall be met (a) In order not to inhibit design and application, the Commandant
within a 1-year period subsequent to the effective date. may approve vessels of novel design, both new and for
conversion, after it is shown to his satisfaction that such a vessel
(2) All other requirements shall be met within a 2-year period is at least as safe as any vessel which meets the standards
subsequent to the effective date. required by this part.

(b) [Reserved]

Subpart 151.03 – Definitions (a) Flammable or combustible;

§151.03-1 Definitions Of Terms. (b) Designated a hazardous substance under section 311(b) of
Certain terms used in the regulations in this subchapter are the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1321); or
defined in this subpart.
(c) Designated a hazardous material under 49 U.S.C. 5103.
§151.03-3 Angle Of Downflooding.
The angle of heel of the vessel at which any opening in the hull [NOTE: The Environmental Protection Agency designates
not provided with a water tight closure would be immersed. hazardous substances in 40 CFR Table 116.4A. The Coast Guard
designates hazardous materials that are transported as bulk
§151.03-5 Approved. liquids by water in §153.40.]
This term means approved by the Commandant unless otherwise
stated. [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7777, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
95-028, 62 FR 51209, Sept. 30, 1997]
§151.03-7 Barge.
This term means any non-self-propelled vessel designed to carry §151.03-31 Headquarters.
cargo. The Office of the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, Washington,
DC 20593-0001.

§151.03-9 Cargo.
This term means any liquid, gas or solid having one or more of [CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
the dangerous properties defined in this subchapter. 88-070, 53 FR 34535, Sept. 7, 1988]

§151.03-11 Coastwise. §151.03-33 Lakes, Bays, And Sounds.
This designation refers to all vessels normally navigating the A designation for all vessels navigating the waters of any of the

waters of any ocean or the Gulf of Mexico 20 nautical miles or lakes, bays, or sounds other than the waters of the Great Lakes.
less offshore.
§151.03-35 Limiting Draft.
§151.03-13 Cofferdam. Maximum allowable draft to which a barge may be loaded.
This term means a void or empty space separating two or more Limiting draft is a function of hull type and cargo specific gravity. A

compartments for the purpose of isolation or to prevent the barge may be assigned different limiting drafts for different hull
contents of one compartment from entering another in the event types or within one hull type for different specific gravities.
of the failure of the walls of one to retain their tightness.

§151.03-15 Commandant.
A §151.03-36 Liquid.
In this part liquid includes liquefied and compressed gases.
This term means Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard.
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7777, Mar. 12, 1987]
§151.03-17 Compatible.

Compatible means that a cargo will not react in an unsafe manner §151.03-37 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure.
with other cargo or materials used in construction of the barge. The maximum allowable working pressure shall be as defined in
The prime considerations are the chemical, physical, or thermal section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
properties of the reaction including heat, pressure, toxicity,

stability, and explosive nature of the reaction and its end [CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
products. 85-061, 54 FR 50965, Dec. 11, 1989]

§151.03-19 Environment. §151.03-38 Nondestructive Testing.

This term refers to the atmosphere within a cargo tank and the Nondestructive testing includes ultrasonic examination, liquid
spaces adjacent to the tank or spaces in which cargo is handled. penetrant examination, magnetic particle examination,

radiographic examination, eddy current, and acoustic emission.

§151.03-21 Filling Density. [CGD 85-061, 54 FR 50965, Dec. 11, 1989]
The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the weight of cargo that
may be loaded into a tank compared to the weight of water that §151.03-39 Ocean.
the tank will hold at 60°F. The weight of a gallon of water at 60°F A designation for all vessels normally navigating the waters of any

in air shall be 8.32828 pounds. ocean or the Gulf of Mexico more than 20 nautical miles offshore.

§151.03-23 Flame Arrestor. §151.03-41 Officer In Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI).

Any device or assembly of cellular, tubular, pressure or other type This term means any person from the civilian or military branch of

used for preventing the passage of flames into enclosed spaces. the Coast Guard designated as such by the Commandant and
who, under the superintendence and direction of the Coast Guard
§151.03-25 Flame Screen. District Commander, is in charge of an inspection zone for the
A fitted single screen of corrosion-resistant wire of at least 30 by performance of duties with respect to the enforcement and
30 mesh or two fitted screens, both of corrosion-resistant wire, of administration of Subtitle II of Title 46, U.S. Code, Title 46 and
at least 20 by 20 mesh spaced not less than one-half inch or more Title 33 U.S. Code, and regulations issued under these statutes.
than 1 1/2 inches apart.
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51209, Sept. 30, 1997]
§151.03-27 Gas Free.
Free from dangerous concentrations of flammable or toxic gases. §151.03-43 Pressure.
Terminology used in this part are: pounds per square inch gauge
§151.03-29 Great Lakes. (p.s.i.g.) or pounds per square inch absolute (p.s.i.a.). 14.7 p.s.i.a.
A designation for all vessels in Great Lakes service. is equal to 0 p.s.i.g. P.s.i.g. is normally used in reference to
design or operating requirements.
§151.03-30 Hazardous Material.
In this part hazardous material means a liquid material or §151.03-45 Rivers.
substance that is–

A designation for all vessels whose navigation is restricted to structure, tanks and pressure vessels and their appurtenances
rivers and/or canals, exclusively. comply with applicable regulations of this chapter and with the
requirements of this part.
§151.03-47 Service.
The waters upon which a vessel may be operated as endorsed (b) [Reserved]
upon the certificate of inspection.
§151.04-5 Inspection For Certification.
§151.03-49 Sounding Tube. (a) An inspection for certification is a prerequisite of the
This is an unperforated tube fitted to an ullage hole, secured so reissuance of a Certificate of Inspection as provided for in
as to be vapor tight to the underside of the tank top open at the applicable regulations of this chapter.
bottom, and extending to within 18 inches or less of the bottom of
the tank. (b) Unless otherwise specified in table 151.05, cargo tanks are
internally examined as follows:
§151.03-51 Tank Barge.
A non-self-propelled vessel especially constructed or converted to (1) Where the cargo tank is of the gravity type and the structural
carry bulk liquid cargo in tanks. framing is on the internal tank surface, the tank shall be inspected
internally at the time of inspection for certification.
§151.03-53 Tankerman.
The following ratings are established in part 13 of this chapter. (2) Where the cargo tank is of the gravity type and the structural

The terms for the ratings identify persons holding valid merchant framing is on the external tank surface accessible for examination
mariners' documents for service in the ratings issued under that from voids, cofferdams, double bottoms, and other similar spaces,

part: tanks shall be inspected internally at 4-year intervals.

(a) Tankerman-PIC. (3) If the tank is a pressure-vessel type cargo tank, an internal

(b) Tankerman-PIC (Barge). inspection of the tank is conducted within–
(c) Restricted Tankerman-PIC.
(d) Restricted Tankerman-PIC (Barge). (3)(i) Ten years after the last internal inspection on an unmanned
(e) Tankerman-Assistant. barge carrying cargo at temperatures of -67°F (-55°C) or warmer;
(f) Tankerman-Engineer. or

[CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17157, Apr. 4, 1995] (3)(ii) Eight years after the last internal inspection if the tank is a
pressure type cargo tank carrying cargo at temperatures colder
§151.03-55 [Reserved]
A than -67°F (-55°C).
Subpart 151.04 – Inspection and Certification (4) Internal inspection may be required at more frequent intervals
as deemed necessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine
§151.04-1 Certificate Of Inspection. Inspection.

(a) A certificate of inspection is required for every unmanned tank

barge subject to the requirements in this subchapter. A certificate (c) An external examination of unlagged tanks and the visible
of inspection shall be issued to the barge or to its owners by the parts of lagged tanks is made at each biennial inspection. If the
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, if the barge is found to vessel has single skin construction, the underwater portion of the

comply with applicable inspection laws and the regulations in this tank need not be examined unless deemed necessary by the
chapter. Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. If an external examination of
the tank is not possible because of insulation, the owner shall

(b) The certificate of inspection shall be endorsed with respect to ensure that–
the waters over which the barge may be operated.
(1) The amount of insulation deemed necessary by the marine

(c) The certificate shall be endorsed describing the cargoes by inspector is removed during each cargo tank internal inspection to
name as given in Table 151.05 or as specifically approved by the allow spot external examination of the tanks and insulation; or
Commandant. No other dangerous cargo as defined in Subpart
151.01-1 shall be carried. Certificates shall specify maximum (2) The thickness of the tanks is gauged by a nondestructive
cargo weight (short tons), maximum density (pounds per gallon) means accepted by the marine inspector without the removal of

and any operating limitations and a limiting draft. insulation.

[CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD (d) If required by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection the
88-100, 54 FR 40029, Sept. 29, 1989] owner shall conduct nondestructive testing of each tank
designated by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection in

§151.04-2 Inspection Required. accordance with §151.04-7.

(a) Every unmanned tank barge subject to the regulations in this
subchapter shall be inspected biennially. More frequent (e) If the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection considers a
inspections may be required, if necessary, by the Officer in hydrostatic test necessary to determine the condition of the tanks,
Charge, Marine Inspection, to see that the hull, equipment and the owner shall perform the test at a pressure of 1 1/2 times the
appliances of the vessel comply with the marine inspection laws, tank's–
and the regulations of this subchapter and other subchapters
where applicable. (1) Maximum allowable pressure, as determined by the safety
relief valve setting; or
(b) [Reserved]
(2) Design pressure, when cargo tanks operate at maximum
§151.04-3 Initial Inspection. allowable pressures reduced below the design pressure in order
(a) The initial inspection which may consist of a series of to satisfy special mechanical stress relief requirements.
inspections during the construction of an unmanned barge shall
include a complete inspection of the structure, auxiliary [NOTE: See the ASME Code, Section VIII, Appendix 3 for
machinery, and equipment. The inspection shall be such as to information on design pressure.]
insure that the arrangement, materials, and scantlings of the hull

(f) Quick closing valves shall be tested by operating the (d) Within 30 days after completing the nondestructive test, the
emergency shutoff system from each operating point at the time owner shall submit a written report of the results to the Officer in
of each vessel's inspection for certification. Charge, Marine Inspection.
[CGD 85-061, 54 FR 50966, Dec. 11, 1989]
(g) Excess flow valves shall be inspected at the time of inspection
for certification. The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, shall
satisfy himself that the valve is in working condition by visual Subpart 151.05–Summary Of Minimum
inspection, and if this is impossible, by one of the following Requirements For Specific Cargoes
§151.05-1 Explanation Of Column Headings In Table 151.05.
(1) Removing the valve and bench testing ashore; the valve shall (a) Cargo identification/name. This column identifies cargoes by
close at or below its rated closing flow. name. Words in italics are not part of the cargo name but may be
used in addition to the cargo name. When one entry references
(2) By any other means acceptable to the Officer in Charge, another entry by use of the word "see" and both names are in
Marine Inspection, which will demonstrate that the valve is roman type, either name may be used as the cargo name (e.g.,
operable. "Diethyl either see Ethyl ether"). However, the referenced entry is
(h) Pressure vaccum relief valves shall be examined to determine
that the operating mechanism is free and capable of activation. (b) Cargo identification/pressure. This column identifies cargo

in terms of pressure within the tank. Terms used are:
(i) Safety relief valves shall be tested by bench testing or other

suitable means. The valves shall relieve and reseat within the (1) Pressurized. Cargo carried at a pressure in excess of 10
design tolerances of the set pressure, or it shall be removed and pounds per square inch gauge as measured at the top of the tank
reset prior to being returned to service. This test shall be (i.e., exclusive of static head).

conducted at the time of the inspection for certification.
(2) Atmospheric pressure. Cargo carried at not more than 10
(j) Cargo hose stored on board the vessel which is used in pounds per square inch gauge, exclusive of static head.
transferring cargoes listed in Table 151.05 shall be inspected
every 2 years. This inspection shall consist of a visual (c) Cargo identification/temperature. This column identifies the

examination and a hydrostatic test of 1 1/2 times the maximum cargo by the temperature of the cargo during transit.
pressure to which the hose will be subjected in service. The date
of the most recent inspection and the test pressure shall be (1) Ambient temperature. Cargo which is carried at naturally
stenciled or otherwise marked on the hose.
A occurring temperatures.
(k) Cargo piping shall be inspected and tested at the same time (2) Low temperature. Cargo carried below ambient temperatures
as the cargo tanks. when the product temperature is below 0 °F.

(l) If the tank is a pressure vessel type cargo tank with an internal (3) Elevated temperature. Cargo carried above ambient
inspection interval of 10 years, and is 30 years old or older, temperatures.
determined from the date it was built, the owner shall conduct
nondestructive testing of each tank in accordance with §151.04-7, (d) Hull type. This column refers to the flotation features of the

during each internal inspection. barge. Terms used are explained and defined in Subpart 151.10
of this part.
[CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD

88-100, 54 FR 40029, Sept. 29, 1989; CGD 85-061, 54 FR (e) Cargo segregation/tanks. This column refers to the
50965, Dec. 11, 1989] separation of the cargo from its surroundings. Terms are
explained in §151.13-5 and in footnotes to Table 151.05 of this

§151.04-7 Nondestructive Testing. part.

(a) Before nondestructive testing may be conducted to meet
§151.04-5(d) and (l), the owner shall submit a proposal to the (f) Tanks/type. This column refers to the design requirements for
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection that includes– cargo tanks and their placement within the hull of the vessel.
Terms are explained in §151.15-1.

(1) The test methods and procedures to be used all of which must
meet section V of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (g) Tanks/venting. This column refers to arrangements for
(1986); preventing excess pressure or vacuum within the cargo tank.
Terms used are explained and defined in §151.15-5.
(2) Each location on the tank to be tested; and

(h) Tanks/gauging devices. This column refers to arrangements

(3) The test method and procedure to be conducted at each provided for determining the amount of cargo present in cargo
location on the tank. tanks. Terms used are explained and defined in §151.15-10.

(b) If the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection rejects the (i) Cargo transfer/piping. This column refers to the classification
proposal, the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection informs the of piping in accordance with Subchapter F of this chapter as
owner of the reasons why the proposal is rejected. discussed in §151.20-1.

(c) If the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection accepts the (j) Cargo transfer/control. This column refers to the valving
proposal, then the owner shall ensure that– requirements for the cargo piping system. These requirements
are defined in §151.20-5.
(1) The proposal is followed; and
(k) Environmental control/cargo tanks. This column refers to
(2) Nondestructive testing is performed by personnel meeting control of the composition of the environment within cargo tanks.
ASNT "Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A (1988), Definitions and detailed requirements are given in §151.25-1.
Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive
Testing." (l) Environmental control/cargo handling space. This column

refers to control of the environment in the cargo handling spaces. (q) Tank inspection period. This column refers to the maximum
Definitions and detailed requirements are found in §151.25-2. period in years between internal cargo tank inspections.
Applicable requirements are given in §151.04-5.
(m) Fire protection. This column specifies whether portable fire
extinguishers are required on barges carrying the cargo named. [CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970; 35 FR 6431, Apr. 22,
Requirements for cargoes requiring extinguishers are given in 1970, as amended by CGD 74-275, 40 FR 21958, May 20, 1975;
Subpart 151.30 of this part. CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40029, Sept. 29, 19895; CGD 96-041, 61 FR
50731, Sept. 27, 1996; 65 FR 67136, Nov. 8, 2000]
(n) Special requirements. This column refers to requirements in
subparts 151.40, 151.50, 151.55, 151.56, and 151.58 of this part §151.05-2 Compliance With Requirements For Tank Barges
which apply to specific cargoes. The section numbers listed omit Carrying Benzene And Benzene Containing Cargoes, Or
the preceding part designation, "151". Butyl Acrylate Cargoes.
A tank barge certificated to carry benzene and benzene
(o) Electrical hazard class-group. This column lists the electrical containing cargoes or butyl acrylate cargoes must comply with the
hazard class and group used for the cargo when determining gauging requirement of Table 151.05 of this part by August 15,
requirements for electrical equipment under subchapter J 1998. Until that date, a tank barge certificated to carry benzene
(Electrical engineering) of this chapter. and benzene containing cargoes must meet either the gauging
requirement of Table 151.05 or the restricted or closed gauging
(p) Temperature control installations. This column refers to requirements in effect on September 29, 1994; and a tank barge

systems which are used to control the temperature of the cargo. certificated to carry butyl acrylate cargoes must meet either the
Definitions and requirements which are applicable if such systems gauging requirements of Table 151.05 or comply with the open,

are used are given in Subpart 151.40 of this part. restricted, or closed gauging requirements in effect on September
29, 1994.

[CGD 95-900, 60 FR 34050, June 29, 1995]
























Subpart 151.10 – Barge Hull Construction [CGD 70-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983]
Requirements §151.10-15 Certificate Endorsement.
(a)-(b) [Reserved]
§151.10-1 Barge Hull Classifications.
(a) Each barge constructed or converted in conformance with this
(c) Certificate endorsement. The following information shall be
subpart shall be assigned a hull type number.
submitted, and upon approval of calculations shall form part of the
endorsement on the Certificate of Inspection:
(1) Effective dates for certain requirements:
(1) Limiting draft for each hull type service for which approval is
(1)(i) Barges constructed or converted between July 1, 1964, and
June 1, 1970, in accordance with the construction requirements of
§§32.63 and 98.03 of this chapter are considered to comply with
(2) Maximum density (lb./gal.) and maximum cargo weight (tons)
the basic provisions of this subpart and will retain the hull type
for each tank for which approval is requested. Their weights will
classification for the service for which they were originally
normally reflect uniform loading except that for trim purposes the
approved. Changes in product endorsement will not be
individual tank cargo weight may exceed the uniform loading tank
considered a change in service, except when a change to a
cargo weight, corresponding to the barge fresh water deadweight
product of higher specific gravity necessitates a reevaluation of
at the limiting draft, by 5 percent. Where a greater degree of
the intact and damage stability requirements in subpart E of part
nonuniform loading is desired, longitudinal strength calculations

172 of this chapter.
shall be submitted.
(2) [Reserved] [CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD

79-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983]
(b) For this purpose the barge hull types shall be defined as
follows: §151.10-20 Hull Construction.

(a) Construction features.
(1) Type I barge hull. Barge hulls classed as Type I are those
designed to carry products which require the maximum preventive (1) Each barge hull shall be constructed with a suitable bow form
measures to preclude the uncontrolled release of the cargo. (length, shape, and height of headlog) to protect against diving at

These barges are required to meet: the maximum speed at which the barge is designed to be towed.
In any integrated tow, only the lead barge need comply with this
(1)(i) Standards of intact stability and a modified two compartment requirement.
standard of subdivision and damage stability, as specified in
subpart E of part 172 of this chapter; and A (2) All "open hopper" type barges shall be provided with coamings
around the hopper space and a 36-inch minimum height
(1)(ii) Hull structural requirements, including an assumed plowshare breakwater on the forward rake. The plowshare
grounding condition. breakwater may be omitted, if it is demonstrated to the
satisfaction of the Commandant that sufficient protection is

(2) Type I-S (special) barge hulls. Type I-S (special) barge hulls achieved without it. Coamings shall have a minimum height of 36
are those constructed or converted for the carriage of chlorine in inches forward and may be graduated to a minimum height of 24
bulk prior to July 1, 1964, and modified to higher stability inches at midlength and 18 inches thereafter. All hopper barges
standards prior to July 1, 1968, but not meeting the requirements constructed with a weathertight rain shield over the hopper space

for full Type I classification. are exempt from these requirements, except that they shall be
provided with an 18-inch minimum coaming all around the hopper.
(3) Type II barge hull. Barge hulls classed as Type II are those

designed to carry products which require significant preventive (3) All "open hopper" type barges modified for the carriage of
measures to preclude the uncontrolled release of the cargo. chlorine in bulk shall be provided with 36-inch minimum height
These barges are required to meet: coamings around the hopper.

(3)(i) Standards of intact stability and a modified one compartment (4) All barges in ocean or coastwise service shall be provided with
standard of subdivision and damage stability, as specified in a structural deck and hatches in accordance with the applicable
subpart E of part 172 of this chapter; and provisions of subchapter E of this chapter and the scantling
requirements of the American Bureau of Shipping.

(3)(ii) Hull structural requirements, including an assumed

grounding condition. (b) Hull structural requirements.

(4) Type III barge hull. Barge hulls classed as Type III are those (1) All Types I, II, and III barges shall comply with the basic

designed to carry products of sufficient hazard to require a structural requirements of the American Bureau of Shipping for
moderate degree of control. These barges are required to meet: barges of the ordinary types and the applicable supplementary
requirements of this section.
(4)(i) Standards of intact stability as specified in subpart E of part
172 of this chapter; and (2) Types I and II barges in inland service: A grounding condition
shall be assumed where the forward rake bulkhead rests upon a
(4)(ii) Hull structural requirements. pinnacle at the water surface. The maximum hull and tank
bending moment and tank saddle reactions (if applicable) shall be
[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD determined. The hull bending stress shall not exceed the
79-023, 48 FR 51008, Nov. 4, 1983; CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40040, applicable limits of paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section.
Sept. 29, 1989] The maximum tank bending moment and saddle reaction shall be
used in the tank design calculations required by §151.15-2(b)(3).
§151.10-5 Subdivision And Stability.
Each barge must meet the applicable requirements in subchapter (2)(i) Independent tanks supported by only two saddles do not
S of this chapter. contribute to the strength and stiffness of the barge hull. In such

case, the hull stress shall not exceed either 50 percent of the Ammonium bisulfite solution
minimum ultimate tensile strength of the material or 70 percent of Butyl methacrylate
the yield strength when specified, whichever is greater. Caustic soda solution
Coal tar pitch
(2)(ii) Independent tanks supported by three or more saddles Cyclohexanone
contribute to the strength and stiffness of the hull. In such case, Cyclohexanone, Cychexanol mixture
the hull stress shall not exceed the percentage stress values Dichloromethane
prescribed in §151.10-20(b)(2)(i), multiplied by the quantity 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid
(1.5-SWT/UTS), N,N-Dimethylacetamide
where SWT is the stress calculated without including the effect of Dimethylformamide
the tanks, and UTS is the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the 1,4-Dioxane
material. The value SWT, however, shall in no case be more than Ethanolamine
75 percent of UTS. N-Ethylcyclohexylamine
Ethylene cyanohydrin
(2)(iii) Integral tanks may be considered as contributing to the Ethylene glycol monoalkyl ethers
strength and stiffness of the barge hull. The hull stresses for Ethyl methacrylate
integral tank barges shall not exceed the percentage stress Formic acid

values prescribed in paragraph (b)(2)(i), of this section. Glutaraldehyde solution
Glyoxylic acid solution (50% or less)

(3) Types I and II barges in ocean service: Hydrochloric acid
Mesityl oxide
(3)(i) Independent tank barges with tanks supported by three or Methyl methacrylate

more saddles shall be subjected to a 0.6L0.6 trochoidal wave Morpholine
hogsag analysis to determine the maximum hull and tank bending 1- or 2-Nitropropane
moments and tank saddle reactions. Phosphoric acid
Polyethylene polyamines
(3)(ii) All independent tank barges, regardless of the number of Polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate

saddle supports shall be subject to a still water bending analysis Propionic acid
to determine the hull bending moment. For those barges with iso-Propyl ether
independent tanks supported by three or more saddles, this Pyridine
analysis shall consider tank-hull interaction so as to determine
tank bending moments and saddle reactions. A Tetraethylenepentamine
(3)(iii) The still water tank bending moments and saddle reactions Triethylenetetramine
shall be superimposed upon those obtained by simultaneous

application of the following dynamic loadings: [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7777, Mar. 12, 1989, as amended by CGD
88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989; CGD 92-100, 59 FR
(3)(iii)(a) Rolling 30° each side (120° full cycle) in 10 seconds. 17028, Apr. 11, 1994; CGD 94-900, 59 FR 45139, Aug. 31, 1994;
CGD 94-902, 60 FR 34043, June 29, 1995; 65 FR 67136, Nov. 8,

(3)(iii)(b) Pitching 6° half amplitude (24° full cycle) in 7 seconds. 2000]

(3)(iii)(c) Heaving L/80 half amplitude (L/20 full cycle) in 8 §151.12-10 Operation Of Oceangoing Non-Self-Propelled

seconds. Ships Carrying Category D NLS.

(a) An oceangoing non-self-propelled ship may not carry in a
(3)(iv) The hull structure and saddle support system shall be cargo tank a Category D NLS cargo listed under §151.12-5 unless

analyzed, using the maximum hull bending moments and saddle the ship has on board a Certificate of Inspection and for ships
reactions obtained from the foregoing. Bending stress shall not making foreign voyages an NLS Certificate endorsed under that
exceed 60 percent of the yield strength or 42 percent of the section to allow the cargo tank to carry the NLS cargo.
minimum tensile strength of the material, whichever is less.
Critical buckling strength shall be at least 75 percent greater than (b) The person in charge of an oceangoing non-self-propelled

calculated buckling stresses. The maximum tank bending ship that carries a Category D NLS listed under §151.12-5 shall
moments and saddle reactions shall be used in the tank design ensure that the ship is operated as prescribed for the operation of
calculations required by §151.15-3(b)(8). oceangoing ships carrying Category D NLSs in §§153.901,
153.909, 153.1100, 153.1102, 153.1104, 153.1106, 153.1124,
Subpart 151.12 – Equipment and Operating Requirements for 153.1126, 153.1128, 153.1130 and 153.1132 of this chapter.

Control of Pollution from Catergory D NLS Cargoes

[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7777, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
[SOURCE: CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7777, Mar. 12, 1987, unless 81-101, 53 FR 28974, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28,
otherwise noted.] 1989]

§151.12-5 Equipment For Category D NLS. Subpart 151.13 – Cargo Segregation

The Coast Guard endorses the Certificate of Inspection and for
ships making foreign voyages issues the endorsed NLS §151.13-1 General.
Certificate required by §151.12-10 for an oceangoing non-self- This subpart prescribes the requirements for cargo segregation
propelled ship to carry as bulk cargo the following Category D for cargo tanks. These requirements are based on considerations
NLSs if the ship meets the requirements of this part and the of cargo reactivity, stability, and contamination of the
requirements applying to ships that carry Category D NLS surroundings and other cargoes.
cargoes in §§153.470, 153.486, and 153.490 of this chapter:
Acetic acid [CGD 88-100. 54 FR 40029, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended by CGD
Acrylic acid 96-041, 61 FR 50731, Sept. 27, 1996]
Aminoethylethanolamine §151.13-5 Cargo Segregation–Tanks.

(a) The configurations listed in this paragraph refer to the pressure is less than 10 pounds per square inch gauge. Pressure
separation of the cargo from its surroundings and list the various vessel tanks shall be of Classes I, I-L, II, II-L, or III, as defined in
degrees of segregation required. Paragraphs and (2) of this subchapter F of this chapter.
section explain the symbols used in lines 1 and 2, in order, under
the tank segregation column of Table 151.05. §151.15-3 Construction.
This section lists the requirements for construction of the types of
(1) Segregation of cargo from surrounding waters (Line 1 of Table cargo tanks defined in §151.15-1.
(a) Gravity type tanks. Gravity type cargo tanks vented at a
i = Skin of vessel (single skin) only required. Cargo tank wall can pressure of 4 pounds per square inch gauge or less shall be
be vessel's hull. constructed and tested as required by standards established by
the American Bureau of Shipping or other recognized
ii = Double skin required. Cargo tank wall cannot be vessel's hull. classification society. Gravity type tanks vented at a pressure
exceeding 4 but not exceeding 10 pounds per square inch gauge
NA = Nonapplicable for this case. Independent tanks already will be given special consideration by the Commandant.
have such segregation built in through design.
(b) Pressure vessel type tanks. Pressure vessel type tanks shall
(2) Segregation of cargo space from machinery spaces and other be designed and tested in accordance with the requirements of
spaces which have or could have a source of ignition (Line 2 of Part 54 of this chapter.

Table 151.05).
(1) Uninsulated cargo tanks, where the cargo is transported, at or

i = Single bulkhead only required. Tank wall can be sole near ambient temperatures, shall be designed for a pressure not
separating medium. less than the vapor pressure of the cargo at 115°F. The design
shall also be based on the minimum internal pressure (maximum

ii = Double bulkhead, required. Cofferdam, empty tank, vacuum), plus the maximum external static head to which the tank
pumproom, tank with Grade E Liquid (if compatible with cargo) is may be subjected.
(2) When cargo tanks, in which the cargo is transported at or near
(b) [Reserved] ambient temperature, are insulated with an insulation material of a

thickness to provide a thermal conductance of not more than
(c) If a cofferdam is required for segregation purposes and a 0.075 B.t.u. per square foot per degree Fahrenheit differential in
secondary barrier is required for low temperature protection by temperature per hour, the tanks shall be designed for a pressure
§151.15-3(d)(4), the void space between the primary and
secondary barriers shall not be acceptable in lieu of the required A of not less than the vapor pressure of the cargo at 105°F. The
insulation shall also meet the requirements of paragraph (f) of this
cofferdam. section.

[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD (3) Cargo tanks in which the temperature is maintained below the

75-59, 45 FR 70273, Oct. 23, 19805; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50731, normal atmospheric temperature by refrigeration or other
Sept. 27, 1996] acceptable means shall be designed for a pressure of not less
than 110 percent of the vapor pressure corresponding to the
Subpart 151.15 – Tanks temperature of the liquid at which the system is maintained, or the

pressure corresponding to the greatest dynamic and static loads

§151.15-1 Tank Types. expected to be encountered in service. For mechanically stressed
This section lists the definitions of the various tank types required relieved cargo tanks, additional factors relating design pressure

for cargo containment by Table 151.05. and maximum allowable pressure shall be as specified by the
Commandant. The material of the tank shall meet the material
(a) Integral. A cargo containment envelope which forms a part of requirements specified in part 54 of this chapter for the service

the vessel's hull in which it is built, and may be stressed in the temperature, and this temperature shall be permanently marked
same manner and by the same loads which stress the contiguous on the tank as prescribed in §54.10-20 of this chapter.
hull structure. An integral tank is essential to the structural
completeness of its vessel's hull. (4) The maximum allowable temperature of the cargo is defined
as the boiling temperature of the liquid at a pressure equal to the

(b) Independent. A cargo containment envelope which is not a setting of the relief valve.
contiguous part of the hull structure. An independent tank is built
and installed so as to eliminate, wherever possible (or, in any (5) The service temperature is the minimum temperature of a
event, to minimize) its stressing as a result of stressing or motion product at which it may be contained, loaded and/or transported.
However, the service temperature shall in no case be taken

of the adjacent hull structure. In general, therefore, motion of

parts of the tank relative to the adjacent hull structure is possible. higher than given by the following formula.
An independent tank is not essential to the structural
completeness of its carrying vessel's hull. tz = tw - 0.25(tw - tB)

(c) Gravity. Tanks having a design pressure (as described in Part where:
54 of this chapter) not greater than 10 pounds per square inch
gauge and of prismatic shape or other geometry where stress tz = Service temperature.
analysis is neither readily nor completely determinate. (Integral
tanks are of the gravity type.) tw = Boiling temperature of gas at normal working pressure of
container but not higher than +32°F.
(d) Pressure. Independent tanks whose design pressure (as
described in Part 54 of this chapter) is above 10 pounds per tB = Boiling temperature of gas at atmospheric pressure.
square inch gauge and fabricated in accordance with part 54, of
this chapter. Independent gravity tanks which are of normal Under normal circumstances, only temperatures due to
pressure vessel configuration (i.e., bodies of revolution, in which refrigerated service will be considered in determining the service
the stresses are readily determinate) shall be classed as pressure temperature. Refrigerated service for purposes of this paragraph
vessel type tanks even though their maximum allowable working is defined as service where the temperature is controlled in the

process rather than being caused by atmospheric conditions. (i) When low temperature cargoes are to be carried in gravity type
tanks at a temperature lower than that for which the hull steel is
(6) Heat transmission studies, where required, shall assume the adequate, a secondary barrier designed to contain leaked cargo
minimum ambient temperatures of 0°F still air and 32°F still water, temporarily shall be provided. The design of the cargo
and maximum ambient temperatures of 115°F still air and 90°F containment system shall be such that under normal service
still water. conditions, or upon failure of the primary tank, the hull structure
shall not be cooled down to a temperature which is unsafe for the
(7) Where applicable, the design of the cargo tanks shall materials involved. The secondary barrier and structural
investigate the thermal stresses induced in the tanks at the components of the hull which may be exposed to low
service temperature. temperatures shall meet the material requirements (i.e., chemistry
and physical properties) specified in part 54 of this chapter for the
(8) Calculations showing the stress level in the tanks under service temperature involved. Heat transmission studies and tests
dynamic loading conditions for ocean service barges (see may be required to demonstrate that the structural material
§151.10-20(b)(4)) and grounding conditions for inland service temperatures in the hull are acceptable.
barges (see §151.10-20(b)(2)) shall be submitted to the
Commandant for approval. These calculations shall take into (4)(ii) The design shall take into consideration the thermal
account the local stresses due to the interaction between the stresses induced in the cargo tank at the service temperature
barge hull and the tanks. during loading.

(c) High density cargo. Cargoes with a specific gravity greater (4)(iii) Where necessary, devices for spray loading or other
than that for which the scantlings of the tank are designed may be methods of precooling or cooling during loading shall be included

carried provided that: in the design.

(1) The maximum cargo weight (tons) in a specific tank does not (4)(iv) Pressure-vessel type tanks shall be radiographed in

exceed the maximum cargo weight (tons) endorsed on the accordance with the requirements of part 54 of this chapter. For
certificate of inspection. gravity type tanks, all weld intersections or crossings in joints of
primary tank shells shall be radiographed for a distance of 10
(2) The scantlings of the tank are sufficient to prevent rupture thicknesses from the intersection. All other welding in the primary
under a full head of the higher density cargo. Scantlings meeting tank and in the secondary barrier, shall be spot radiographed in

ordinary bulkhead requirements for the full head will satisfy this accordance with the requirements specified in part 54 of this
requirement. chapter for Class II-L pressure vessels.

(d) Arrangements–
A (4)(v) For nonpressure vessel type containment systems, access
shall be arranged to permit inspection one side each of the
(1) Collision protection. primary tank and secondary barrier, under normal shipyard
conditions. Containment systems which, because of their peculiar
(i) Tanks containing cargoes which are required to be carried in design, cannot be visually inspected to this degree, may be

Type I hulls by Table 151.05 shall be located a minimum of 4 feet specially considered provided an equivalent degree of safety is
inboard from the side shell and box end of the vessel. Tanks attained.
containing cargoes which are required to be carried in Type II
hulls by Table 151.05 shall be located a minimum of 3 feet (e) Installation of cargo tanks.

inboard from the side shell and box end of the vessel.
(1) Cargo tanks shall be supported on foundations of steel or
(1)(ii) All independent cargo tanks installed on Type I or Type II other suitable material and securely anchored in place to prevent

barge hulls shall be protected with suitable collision chocks or the tanks from shifting when subjected to external forces. Each
collision straps. A longitudinal collision load of one and one half tank shall be supported so as to prevent the concentration of
times the combined weight of the tank and the cargo shall be excessive loads on the supporting portions of the shell or head.

assumed. All other independent cargo tanks shall be provided

with suitable collision chocks or collision straps assuming a (2) Foundations, and stays where required, shall be designed for
longitudinal collision load equal to the combined weight of the support and constraint of the weight of the full tank, and the
tank and the cargo. The design bearing stress shall not exceed 2 dynamic loads imposed thereon. Thermal movement shall also be
times the yield strength or 1.5 times the minimum ultimate considered.

strength, whichever is less.

(3) Foundations and stays shall be suitable for the temperatures
(1)(iii) Tanks containing cargoes, which are required to be carried they will experience at design conditions.
in Type I or Type II hulls by Table 151.05, shall be located a
minimum of 25 feet from the head log at the bow. Box barges and (4) Cargo tanks may be installed "on deck," "under deck," or with

trail barges need not comply with this requirement. the tanks protruding through the deck. All tanks shall be installed
with the manhole openings located in the open above the weather
(2) Inspection clearances. The distance between tanks or deck. Provided an equivalent degree of safety is attained, the
between a tank and the vessel's structure shall be such as to Commandant may approve cargo tanks installed with manhole
provide adequate access for inspection and maintenance of all openings located below the weather deck. Where a portion of the
tank surfaces and hull structure; but shall not normally be less tank extends above the weather deck, provision shall be made to
than 15 inches except in way of web frames or similar major maintain the weathertightness of the deck, except that the
structural members where the minimum clearance shall be equal weathertightness of the upper deck need not be maintained on:
to the flange or faceplate width.
(4)(i) Vessels operating on restricted routes which are sufficiently
(3) Access openings. Each tank shall be provided with at least a protected; or,
15" x 18" diameter manhole, fitted with a cover located above the
maximum liquid level as close as possible to the top of the tank. (4)(ii) Open hopper type barges of acceptable design.
Where access trunks are fitted to tanks, the diameter of the trunks
shall be at least 30 inches. (5) No welding shall be performed on tanks which require and
have been stress relieved unless authorized by the Commandant.
(4) Low temperature protection.

(f) Materials. paragraph shall not be permitted a reduction in size of relief
(1) Materials used in the construction of cargo tanks shall be
suitable for the intended application and shall be in accordance [CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
with the applicable requirements of part 54 of this chapter. For 88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1,
cargoes carried at low temperatures, the tank supports and 1999; 65 FR 10943, Mar. 1, 2000; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000]
foundations, and portions of the hull which may be exposed to low
temperature, shall also meet the applicable requirements of that §151.15-5 Venting.
part. This section contains definitions and requirements for the various
methods of venting specified in Table 151.05. In addition to the
(2) When required, cargo tanks shall be lined with rubber or other requirement that all vents must penetrate into tanks at the top of
material acceptable to the Commandant. The interior surfaces of the vapor space, the following methods of venting and the
the cargo tanks shall be made smooth, welds chipped or ground applicable restrictions are listed:
smooth, and the surfaces thoroughly cleaned before the lining is
applied. The lining material shall be resistive to attack by the (a) Open venting. A venting system which offers no restriction
cargo, not less elastic than the metal of the tank proper, and (except pipe losses and flame screen, where used) to the
nonporous when tested after application. It shall be of movement of liquid or vapor to or from the cargo tank (via the
substantially uniform thickness. The lining shall be directly bonded vent) under normal operating conditions. The total cross-sectional
to the tank plating, or attached by other satisfactory means area of the vents shall not be less than the total cross-sectional

acceptable to the Commandant. area of the filling pipe or pipes. Ullage openings may be counted
as part of the required cross-sectional area: Provided, That each

(g) Insulation. cargo tank has at least one permanent vent. The minimum size of
a cargo tank vent shall be not less than 2 1/2 inches. The outlet
(1) Insulation, when provided, shall be compatible with the cargo end of the vent shall terminate in a gooseneck bend and shall be

and the tank materials. located at a reasonable height above the weather deck, clear of
all obstructions. No shut-off valve or frangible disk shall be fitted
(2) Insulation in a location exposed to possible high temperature in the vent lines except that a float check valve may be installed
or source of ignition shall be one of the following: so as to exclude the entry of water into the tank (i.e., to prevent
downflooding). An open venting system may be fitted with a flame

(2)(i) Incombustible, complying with the requirements of Subpart screen.
164.009 of Part 164 of this chapter; or
(b) Pressure-vacuum venting. A normally closed venting system
(2)(ii) Fire retardant, having a flame spread rating of 50 or less as
determined by ASTM Specification E 84 (incorporated by A fitted with a device to automatically limit the pressure or vacuum
in the tank to design limits. Pressure-vacuum relief valves shall
reference, see §151.01-2) (Tunnel Test); or, comply with the requirements of subpart 162.017 of this chapter.
The required capacity of the venting system shall be in
(2)(iii) Nonburning or "self-extinguishing" as determined by ASTM accordance with part 54 of this chapter.

Specification D 4986, "Horizontal Burning Characteristics of

Cellular Polymeric Materials" (incorporated by reference, see (c) Safety relief venting. A closed venting system fitted with a
§151.01-2) and covered by a steel jacket having a minimum device to automatically limit the pressure in the tank to below its
thickness of 18 gauge (0.0428 inches) (U.S. Standard Gauge) or maximum allowable working pressure. The maximum safety relief

an equivalent means of protection acceptable to the valve setting shall not exceed the maximum allowable working
Commandant. pressure of the tank. For cargoes carried at ambient
temperatures, the minimum safety relief valve setting shall

(3) Insulation in a location protected against high temperature or correspond to the saturated vapor pressure of the cargo at 105°F
source of ignition need satisfy no requirement for combustibility. if carried in an insulated tank, or 115°F if carried in an uninsulated
tank. For cargoes carried below ambient temperature, the safety

(4) Insulation shall be impervious to water vapor, or have a vapor- relief valve setting shall be selected to provide a suitable margin
proof coating of a fire-retardant material acceptable to the between normal operating pressure of the tank and the opening
Commandant. Unless the vapor barrier is inherently weather pressure of the valve but in no case shall it exceed the maximum
resistant, tanks exposed to the weather shall be fitted with a allowable working pressure of the tank. The safety relief valves
removable sheet metal jacket of not less than 18 gauge over the shall be of a type approved under subparts 162.001 or 162.018 of

vapor-proof coating and flashed around all openings so as to be subchapter Q of this chapter. The required capacity of the safety
weathertight. Insulation which is not exposed to the weather when relief valves shall be in accordance with the requirements of part
installed on tanks carrying cargoes above ambient temperatures 54 of this chapter.
need not be impervious to water vapor nor be covered with a
vapor-proof coating. (d) Rupture disks.

(5) Insulation shall be adequately protected in areas of possible (1) When required by the nature of the cargo, rupture disks may
mechanical damage. be installed in lieu of or in addition to other pressure limiting
devices in accordance with the requirements of §54.15-13 of this
(h) Fire exposure protection. Tanks which are provided with fire chapter.
exposure protection of one of the following categories may be
allowed a reduction in the size of relief valves. (2) When a pressure-vacuum relief valve or safety relief valve
normally protected by a rupture disk or breaking pin device is
(1) Approved incombustible insulation meeting the requirements exposed to the cargo due to breakage of the disk, the valve shall
of subpart 164.007 of part 164 of this chapter which is secured to be reinspected before being returned to service.
the tank with steel bands.
§151.15-6 Venting Piping.
(2) Located in a hold or protected by a self-supporting steel jacket (a) The back pressure in the relief valve discharge lines shall be
or cover (such as a hopper cover) of at least 10 gauge (0.1345) taken into account when determining the flow capacity of the relief
for insulation. valve to be used. The back pressure in the discharge line shall be
limited to 10 percent of the valve operating pressure or a
(i) Tanks not protected against fire exposure as described in this compensating-type valve shall be used. Suitable provision shall

be made for draining condensate which may accumulate in the percent of the water capacity of the tank shall be provided in
vent piping. addition as a means of checking the accuracy of the automatic
float gauge, or other alternate means acceptable to the
(b) [Reserved] Commandant may be used.

§151.15-10 Cargo Gauging Devices. (i) Gauge glasses of the columnar type are prohibited.
This section contains definitions and requirements for types of
gauging devices specified in Table 151.05. (j) Flat sight glasses may be used in the design of automatic float
continuous reading tape gauges. However such glasses shall be
(a) Open gauging. A gauging method which uses an opening in made of high strength material, suitable for the operating
the cargo tank and which may expose the gauge user to the temperatures, of not less than one-half inch in thickness and
cargo and its vapors. Examples of this type are gauge hatch, adequately protected by a metal cover.
ullage hole.
Subpart 151.20 – Cargo Transfer
(b) Restricted. A gauging device which penetrates the cargo tank
and which, in operation, causes or permits the release to the §151.20-1 Piping–General.
atmosphere of small quantities of cargo vapor or liquid. The (a) Cargo piping systems shall be arranged and fabricated in
amount of cargo released is controlled by the small diameter of accordance with this section and Subchapter F. The class of
the tank penetration opening and by a locally operated valve or

piping system required for a specific cargo shall be as listed in
similar closure device in that opening. When not in use, this type Table 151.05 as a minimum; however, a higher class may be
gauging device is closed to maintain the complete integrity of required when the actual service temperature or pressure so

cargo containment. Examples of this type are rotary tube, fixed dictates. See Table 56.04-2 of this chapter.
tube, slip tube, sounding tube. (See §§151.03-43 and 151.15-
10(g).) (b) Piping system components shall be suitable for use with the

cargoes for which the barge is certificated, and shall be of
(c) Closed. A gauging device which penetrates the cargo tank, materials listed in Subchapter F of this chapter, or such other
but which is part of a closed system maintaining the complete material as the Commandant may specifically approve. All piping
integrity of cargo containment. This device is designed and materials shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of
installed so as not to release cargo liquid or vapor in any amount Subchapter F of this chapter. The valve seat material, packing,

to the atmosphere. Examples of this type are automatic float, gaskets, and all other material which comes into contact with the
continuous tape (magnetic coupled), sight glass (protected), cargo shall be resistant to the chemical action of the cargoes for
electronic probe, magnetic, differential pressure cell.

(d) Isolated or indirect. A gauging method or device which is A which the barge is certificated.

(c) Cargo piping systems, when subject to corrosive attack of the

isolated from the tank (no penetration of the tank shell) and which cargo, and when serving cargo tanks which are required by this
may employ an indirect measurement to obtain the desired subchapter to be lined or coated, shall be constructed of, lined or
quantity. Examples of this type are weighing of cargo, sonic depth coated with corrosion-resistant material. Vent systems shall be

gauge (without penetration of tank shell), pipe flow meter. similarly constructed, lined, or coated up to and including the vent
control device.
(e) All gauging devices and related fixtures which form a part of
the cargo containment barrier shall be of suitable material and (d) All piping systems components shall have a pressure rating at

shall be designed for the pressure and temperature of the cargo operating temperature (according to the applicable American
in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter F of this National Standards Institute, Inc., pressure/temperature relations)
chapter. not less than the maximum pressure to which the system may be

subjected. Piping which is not protected by a relief valve, or which

(f) Use of restricted gauging devices. can be isolated from its relief valve, shall be designed for the
greatest of:

(1) When required in Table 151.05, cargoes carried under

pressure shall have restricted gauging devices designed so that (1) The cargo vapor pressure at 115°F.
the maximum bleed valve opening is not larger than 0.055;inch;
diameter, unless provided with an excess flow valve. Sounding (2) The maximum allowable working pressure of the cargo tank.
tubes are prohibited for use with cargoes having a vapor pressure

in excess of 14.7 p.s.i.a. at 115°F, if carried in an uninsulated (3) The pressure of the associated pump or compressor relief
tank, or at 105°F, if carried in an insulated tank. valve.

(2) When utilizing a sounding tube, the cargo tank vent system (4) The total discharge head of the associated pump or
shall be designed to prevent the discharge of cargo through the

compressor where a discharge relief valve is not used.

sounding tube due to pressure build up in the cargo tank vapor
space. (See §151.03-43) When cargoes carried at atmospheric The escape from cargo piping system relief valves shall be run to
pressure are required to have a restricted gauging device, open venting system or to a suitable recovery system. Provisions shall
gauges may be provided in addition to restricted gauges for this be made for pressure relief of all piping, valves, fittings, etc., in
type of cargo. However, open gauges may not be used while which excessive pressure build-up may occur because of an
cargo transfer operations are actually being performed. increase in product temperature.

(g) Fixed tube gauges are not acceptable as primary means of (e) Provisions shall be made by the use of offsets, loops, bends,
gauging. They may be used as a check on the calibration of other expansion joints, etc., to protect the piping and tank from
gauging devices. excessive stress due to thermal movement and/or movements of
the tank and hull structure. Expansion joints shall be held to a
(h) For pressure-vessel type tanks, each automatic float, minimum and where used shall be subject to individual approval
continuous reading tape or similar type gauge not mounted by the Commandant.
directly on the tank or dome shall be fitted with a shutoff device
located as close to the tank as practicable. When an automatic (f) Low temperature piping shall be isolated from the hull
float gauging device, which gauges the entire height of the tank, is structure. Where necessary, arrangements to provide for the
used, a fixed tube gauge set in the range of 85 percent to 90 protection of the hull structure from leaks in low temperature

systems in way of pumps, flanges, etc., shall be provided. equipment or may be part of the shore facility and attached to the
barge end of the loading hose. When a cargo hose connection is
(g) Connections to tanks shall be protected against mechanical not in use, it may be secured with a blind flange.
damage and tampering. Underdeck cargo piping shall not be
installed between the outboard side of cargo containment spaces (3) If individual deepwell pumps are used to discharge the
and the skin of the barge, unless provision is made to maintain contents of each cargo tank, and the pumps are provided with a
the minimum inspection and collision protection clearances remote shutdown device, a stop valve at the tank is not required
(where required) between the piping and the skin. Cargo piping on the tank discharge line.
which is external to tanks, and is installed below the weather deck
shall be joined by welding, except for flanged connections to (b) Gravity-2 (G-2).
shutoff valves and expansion joints.
(1) One manually operated stop valve shall be installed on each
(h) Piping shall enter independent cargo tanks above the tank penetration, located as close as possible to the tank.
weatherdeck, either through or as close to the tank dome as
possible. (2) One remote operated, quick closing shut-off valve shall be
installed at each cargo hose connection.
(i) Horizontal runs of cargo piping on integral tank barges may be
run above or below the weatherdeck. When run below the (3) A remote shutdown device shall be installed for all cargo
weatherdeck, the following are applicable: handling machinery.

(1) Horizontal runs located entirely within integral cargo tanks (c) Pressure-1 (P-1).

shall be fitted with a stop valve, located inside the tank that is
being serviced and operable from the weatherdeck. There shall (1) One manually operated stop valve and one excess flow valve
be cargo compatibility in the event of a piping failure. shall be installed on each tank penetration, located as close as

possible to the tank.
(2) Horizontal runs of cargo piping installed in pipe tunnels may
penetrate gravity type tanks below the weatherdeck: Provided, (2) One manually operated stop valve shall be installed at each
That each penetration is fitted with a stop valve operable from the cargo hose connection, when in use.
weatherdeck. If the tunnel is directly accessible from the

weatherdeck without penetrating the cargo tank, the stop valve (d) Pressure-2 (P-2).
shall be located on the tunnel side. If the tunnel is not accessible
from the weatherdeck, the valve shall be located on the tank side (1) One manually operated stop valve and one excess flow valve
of the penetration.
A shall be installed at each tank penetration, located as close as
possible to the tank.
(3) The tunnel shall comply with all tank requirements for
construction, location, ventilation, and electrical hazard. There (2) One remote operated quick closing shutoff valve shall be
shall be cargo compatibility in the event of a piping failure. installed at each cargo hose connection when in use.

(4) The tunnel shall have no other openings except to the (3) No tank penetration shall be less than 1 inch diameter.
weatherdeck or a cargo pumproom.
(e) Cargo tank penetrations which are connections for gauging or

§151.20-5 Cargo System Valving Requirements. measuring devices need not be equipped with excess flow or
For the purpose of adequately controlling the cargo, both under remote operated quick closing valves provided that the opening is
normal operating and casualty conditions, every cargo piping constructed so that the outward flow of tank contents shall not

system shall be provided with one of the following sets of control exceed that passed by a No. 54 drill size (0.055-inch diameter).
valves and meet the requirements listed below. Cargo tanks,
whether gravity or pressure vessel type, for cargoes having a (f) The control system for any required quick closing shutoff

saturated vapor pressure of 10 pounds per square inch gauge or valves shall be such that the valves may be operated from at least
less at 115°F (105°F if the tank is insulated) shall be provided two remote locations on the vessel; if means of fire protection is
with a valving system designated as Gravity-1. Cargo tanks, required by Table 151.05, the control system shall also be
whether gravity or pressure vessel type, for cargoes which are provided with fusible elements designed to melt between 208°F
carried below ambient temperature and whose vapor pressure is and 220°F, which will cause the quick closing shutoff valves to

maintained at 10 pounds per square inch gauge or below shall be close in case of fire. Quick closing shutoff valves shall be of the
provided with a valving system designated as Gravity-2. Cargo fail-closed (closed on loss of power) type and be capable of local
tanks for cargoes which have vapor pressures above 10 p.s.i.g. at manual operation. Quick closing shutoff valves shall operate from
115°F (105°F if tank is insulated) shall be provided with a valving full open to full closed under all service conditions in not more
system designated as Pressure-1. Cargo tanks for cargoes which than 10 seconds, without causing excessive pressure surges.

have vapor pressures above 10 pounds per square inch gauge at

115°F (105°F if tank is insulated) and which require greater (g) Excess flow valves, where required, shall close automatically
protection due to their hazardous characteristics shall be provided at the rated closing flow of vapor or liquid as tested and specified
with a valving system designated as Pressure-2. The by the manufacturer. The piping, including fittings, valves, and
requirements of paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section for stop appurtenances protected by an excess flow valve, shall have a
valves or excess flow valves to be fitted at tank penetrations are greater capacity than the rated closing flow of the excess flow
not applicable to nozzles at which pressure vacuum or safety valve. Excess flow valves may be designed with a bypass not to
relief valves are fitted. exceed 0.040-inch diameter opening to allow equalization of
pressure, after an operating shutdown.
(a) Gravity-1 (G-1).
(h) Suitable means shall be provided to relieve the pressure and
(1) One manually operated stop valve shall be installed on each remove liquid contents from cargo lines and hoses to the cargo
tank filling and discharge line, located near the tank penetration. tank or other safe location prior to effecting disconnections.

(2) One stop valve or blind flange shall be installed at each cargo §151.20-10 Cargo System Instrumentation.
hose connection. When a cargo hose connection is in use, it shall (a) Each tank operated at other than ambient temperature shall
be provided with a stop valve; which may be part of the vessel's be provided with at least one remote reading temperature sensor

located in the liquid phase of the cargo. The temperature gauge (c) Ventilated (forced). Vapor space above the liquid surface in
shall be located at the cargo handling control station or another the tank is continuously swept with air by means of blowers or
approved location. other mechanical devices requiring power.

(b) Where required, each tank equipped with safety relief valves (d) Ventilated (natural). Vapor space above the liquid surface in
shall be fitted with a pressure gauge which shall be located at the the tank is continuously swept with atmospheric air without the
cargo handling control station or at another approved location. use of blowers or other mechanical devices requiring power (e.g.,
"chimney-effect" ventilation).
§151.20-15 Cargo Hose If Carried On The Barge.
(a) Liquid and vapor line hose used for cargo transfer shall be of (e) Dry. All vapor space within the cargo tank is filled and
suitable material resistant to the action of the cargo. Hose shall be maintained with a gas or vapor containing no more than 100 ppm
suitable for the temperatures to which it may be subjected and water.
shall be acceptable to the Commandant.
[CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989]
(b) Hose subject to tank pressure, or the discharge pressure of
pumps or vapor compressors, shall be designed for a bursting
§151.25-2 Cargo Handling Space.
pressure of not less than 5 times the maximum safety relief valve
Pump rooms, compressor rooms, refrigeration rooms, heating
setting of the tank, pump, or compressor, whichever determines
rooms, instrument rooms or other closed spaces regularly entered
the maximum pressure to which the hose may be subjected in

by operating personnel, in which work is performed on the cargo
or in which the cargo movement is locally controlled, may be
required to be fitted with one of the following types of ventilation:

(c) Each new type of cargo hose, complete with end fittings, shall
be prototype tested to a pressure not less than five times its
(a) Forced ventilation. The forced ventilation system shall be
specified maximum working pressure. The hose temperature
designed to insure sufficient air movement through these spaces

during this prototype test shall duplicate the intended extreme
to avoid the accumulation of toxic or flammable vapors and to
service temperature. Thereafter, each new length of cargo hose
insure sufficient oxygen to support life, and, in any event, the
produced shall be hydrostatically tested at ambient temperature to
ventilation system shall have a minimum capacity sufficient to
a pressure not less than twice its maximum working pressure nor
permit a change of air every 3 minutes.
more than two-fifths its bursting pressure. The hose shall be

marked with its maximum working pressure, and if used in other
(b) Natural ventilation. The natural ventilation system shall be
than ambient temperature service, its maximum or minimum
designed to insure sufficient air movement to avoid the

§151.20-20 Cargo Transfer Methods. A accumulation of toxic or flammable vapors and to insure sufficient
oxygen to support life.
(a) Cargo transfer may be accomplished by means of gravity,
pumping, vapor or gas pressurization, or fluid displacement Subpart 151.30 – Portable Fire Extinguisher
unless otherwise provided in Subpart 151.50 of this part.
§151.30-1 Type.

(b) Vapor or gas pressurization may be used only in transferring When required by Table 151.05, approved portable fire
cargo from pressure vessel type cargo tanks. The pressurizing extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with Subpart 34.50
vapor or gas lines shall be provided with safety relief device in the of this chapter. The fire extinguishing media shall be dry chemical

lines set to open at a pressure no greater than 90 percent of the or other suitable agent for all locations.
set pressure of the cargo tank safety relief valve. The pressurizing
line shall be fitted with a stop valve at the tank, and a check valve Subpart 151.40 – Temperature Or Pressure

to prevent the accidental release of cargo through the pressure Control Installations
§151.40-1 Definitions.

(c) Fluid displacement is permitted with either gravity or pressure This section defines the various methods by which the cargo may
vessel type cargo tanks. The displacing fluid shall enter the tank be heated or cooled.
under low relative pressure. The fluid entry line shall be fitted with
a safety relief valve set to lift at a pressure no higher than 80 (a) Boiloff. Cargo pressure and temperatures are maintained by
percent of the cargo tank safety relief valve setting. permitting the cargo to boil naturally and the cargo vapor thus

generated removed from the tank by venting.

(d) When cargo vapors are flammable, combustible or toxic, cargo
filling lines entering the top of the tank shall lead to a point at or (b) External cargo cooling–
near the bottom. Spray filling lines, discharging near the top of the
tank, may be fitted in lieu of, or in addition to, the above cargo

(1) Cargo vapor compression. A refrigeration system in which the

filling lines. cargo vapors generated within the tank are withdrawn,
compressed, and the lower energy vapor or its condensate
Subpart 151.25 – Environmental Control returned to the tank.

§151.25-1 Cargo Tank. (2) External heat exchange. A refrigeration system in which the
When carrying certain commodities regulated by this subchapter, cargo vapor or liquid is cooled outside the cargo tanks by being
one of the following types of cargo protection may be required, passed through a heat exchanger. Refrigeration is not
within the main cargo tank, and in some cases, in the space accomplished by direct compression of the cargo.
between the primary and secondary barriers.
(c) Internal heat exchange. A refrigeration system in which a
(a) Inerted. All vapor spaces within the cargo tank are filled and cooling fluid is passed through heat transfer coils immersed in the
maintained with a gas or vapor which will not support combustion cargo tank liquid or vapor phases.
and which will not react with the cargo.
(d) Tank refrigeration. A refrigeration system in which the
(b) Padded. All vapor spaces within the cargo tanks are filled and cooling fluid is passed around the cargo tank exterior in order to
maintained with a liquid, gas (other than air), or vapor which will remove heat from the tank or its surroundings.
not react with the cargo.

(e) No refrigeration. A system that allows the liquefied gas to swamping of such barges, having due regard to their design and
warm up and increase in pressure. The insulation and tank design freeboard, and to the operating conditions.
pressure shall be adequate to provide for a suitable margin for the
operating time and temperatures involved. (c) No cargo tank hatch, ullage hole, or tank cleaning openings
shall be opened or remain open except under the supervision of
(f) Tank heating. the person in charge, except when the tank is gas free.

(1) A system in which the cargo is heated by means of steam or (d) Barges, when tendered to the carrier for transportation, shall
other heat transfer fluid running through coils within or around the have all bilges and void spaces (except those used for ballasting)
tank. The cargo itself does not leave the tank. substantially free of water. Periodic inspections and necessary
pumping shall be carried out to insure maintenance of such water-
(2) A recirculating system in which the cargo leaves the tank, is free condition in order to minimize the free surface effects, both in
pumped through a heater and then returned to the tank. longitudinal and transverse directions. Except when otherwise
considered necessary for inspection or pumping, all hatch covers
§151.40-2 Materials. and other hull closure devices for void spaces and hull
Materials used in the construction of temperature or pressure compartments other than cargo spaces shall be closed and
control systems shall be suitable for the intended application and secured at all times.
meet the requirements of Subchapter F and the Special
Requirements section of this subchapter. (e) Cargo signs and cards.

§151.40-5 Construction. (1) Warning signs shall be displayed on the vessel, port and

Construction of machinery or equipment, such as heat starboard, facing outboard without obstructions, at all times
exchangers, condensers, piping, etc., associated with except when the vessel is gas free. The warning sign shall be
temperature or pressure control systems shall meet the rectangular and a minimum of 3 feet wide and 2 feet high. It shall

requirements of Subchapter F of this chapter. The electrical be of sufficient size to accommodate the required alerting
portions of these installations shall meet the requirements of information, which shall be shown in black block style letters and
Subchapter J of this chapter. numerals (characters) at least 3 inches high on a white
background. The minimum spacing between adjacent words and
§151.40-10 Operational Requirements. lines of characters shall be 2 inches. The minimum spacing

Control systems, required by Table 151.05 shall be provided with between adjacent characters shall be one-half inch. All characters
an audible or visual high cargo temperature or high cargo shall have a minimum stroke width of one-half inch and shall be a
pressure alarm which is discernible at the towboat. The alarm minimum of 2 inches wide, except for the letters "M" and "W",
shall operate when either the pressure or the temperature
exceeds the operating limits of the system. The alarm may A which shall be a minimum of 3 inches wide, and except for the
letter "I" and the Numeral "1", which may be 1/2-inch wide. The
monitor either pressure or temperature, but must be independent signs shall have a 2-inch minimum white border clear of
of the control system. characters. The signs shall be maintained legible. The alerting
information shall include the following:

§151.40-11 Refrigeration Systems.

(a) Boiloff systems. The venting of cargo boiloff to atmosphere WARNING
shall not be used as a primary means of temperature or pressure DANGEROUS CARGO
control unless specifically authorized by the Commandant.

(This sign may be covered or removed when Subchapter O

(b) Vapor compression, tank refrigeration, and secondary commodities are not being carried.)
refrigeration systems: The required cooling capacity of

refrigeration systems shall be sufficient to maintain the cargo at NO VISITORS

design operating conditions with ambient temperature of 115°F NO SMOKING
still air and 90°F still water. The number and arrangement of

compressors shall be such that the required cooling capacity of (This sign may be removed or covered when the commodity is not
the system is maintained with one compressor inoperative. flammable or combustible.)
Portions of the system other than the compressors need not have
standby capacity. NO OPEN LIGHTS

Subpart 151.45 – Operations (This sign may be removed or covered when the commodity is not
flammable or combustible.)
§151.45-1 General.
(a) Barges certificated as tank barges (Subchapter D of this (2)(i) Names and locations of all cargoes will be displayed in a
readily discernible manner on all barges carrying one or more

chapter) or cargo barges (Subchapter I of this chapter) for the

carriage of cargoes regulated by this subchapter shall meet all commodities regulated by this subchapter. This may be an
applicable requirements for operations in the appropriate individual sign at or on each tank or by a single sign similar to the
subchapter; in addition, requirements prescribed in this subpart following example:
shall apply to either type of certification.
Tank No. Cargo
(b) [Reserved] IP /xxxx/
IS /xxxx/
§151.45-2 Special Operating Requirements. 2P /xxxx/
(a) The requirements of this section shall apply to all barges 2S /xxxx/
carrying in bulk any cargoes regulated by this subchapter;
however, the provisions of this section are not applicable to such These signs may be printed, handwritten, permanent or
barges when empty and gas-freed. changeable, but be visible and readable at all times. These signs
should be as readable, as those specified in paragraph (e)(1) of
(b) When it is necessary to operate box or square-end barges as this section. Cargoes regulated by other subchapters will be
lead barges of tows, the person in charge of the towing vessel included whenever carried simultaneously with commodities
shall control the speed to insure protection against diving and regulated by this subchapter.

(2)(ii) When the dangerous cargo barge is carrying only a single (2) A towing vessel engaged in transporting such unmanned
product, the Warning Sign required by paragraph (e)(1) of this barges shall not leave them unattended. When a barge is
section can be considered as meeting the requirements for the moored, but not gas free, it shall be under the care of a watchman
cargo location sign. The name of the commodity shall be added to who may be a member of the complement of the towing vessel, or
the Warning Sign. a terminal employee, or other person. This person shall be
responsible for the security of the barge and for keeping
(3) A cargo information card for each cargo regulated by this unauthorized persons off the barge. Such person shall be
subchapter shall be carried on the bridge or in the pilot house of provided with, read, and have in his possession for ready
the towing vessel, readily available for use by the person in reference the information cards required by paragraph (e) of this
charge of the watch. This information card shall also be carried section.
aboard the barge, mounted near the Warning Sign required by
paragraph (e)(1) of this section, in such position as to be easily (g) All cargo hatches shall be closed, dogged down, or otherwise
read by a man standing on the deck of the barge. The minimum tightly secured.
card size shall be 7" x 9 1/2". The card shall have legible printing
on one side only. The card shall be laminated in clear plastic or [CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
otherwise made weatherproof. The following data shall be listed: 88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989; CGD 79-116, 60 FR
17158, Apr. 4, 1995]
(3)(i) Cargo identification and characteristics. Identification of
the cargo, as listed in Table 151.05, its appearance and odor. A §151.45-3 Manning.

statement of the hazards involved and instructions for the safe Except as provided for in this section, barges need not be
handling of the cargo and, as applicable, the need for special manned unless in the judgment of the Officer in Charge, Marine

cargo environments. Inspection, such manning is necessary for the protection of life
and property and for safe operation of the vessel. Vessels
(3)(ii) Emergency procedures. Precautions to be observed in the requiring manning for safe operation shall be subject to additional

event of spills, leaks, or equipment or machinery breakdown requirements as determined by the Commandant. Towing
and/or uncontrolled release of the cargo into the waterway or vessels, while towing barges which are not required to be
atmosphere. Precautions to be observed in the event of exposure manned, shall be provided with and have on board the
of personnel to toxic cargoes. information card required by §151.45-2(e)(3). This card shall be in
the possession of the master or person in charge.

(3)(iii) Firefighting procedures. Precautions to be observed in
the event of a fire occurring on or adjacent to the barge, and §151.45-4 Cargo-Handling.
enumeration of firefighting media suitable for use in case of a (a) On a United States tank barge subject to inspection–
cargo fire.
A (1) The owner and operator of the vessel, and his or her agent,
(f) Surveillance. During the time the cargo tanks contain any and each of them, shall ensure that no transfer of liquid cargo in
amount of liquid or gaseous dangerous cargoes requiring Type I bulk or cleaning of a cargo tank takes place unless under the
or Type II barge hulls, the barge shall be under surveillance, as supervision of a qualified person designated as the person in

set forth in this paragraph: charge of the transfer or the cleaning under Subpart C of 33 CFR
part 155.
(1) The licensed operator, person in command, and mate of a
vessel towing a tank barge that need not be manned, and each of (2) The person in charge of the transfer shall ensure that enough

them, shall be responsible for monitoring the security and integrity qualified personnel are on duty to safely transfer liquid cargo in
of the tank barge and for ensuring adherence to proper safety bulk or to safely clean cargo tanks.
precautions. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to–

(b) Closing of sea and ballast valves. All sea and ballast valves
(1)(i) Ensuring that every tank barge added to the tow has all tank are to be properly aligned and lashed, or sealed in their correct
openings properly secured; has its freeing-ports and scuppers, if position prior to beginning cargo transfer operations. Under no

any, unobstructed; meets any loadline or freeboard requirements; circumstances shall such valves be secured by locks.
and neither leaks cargo into the water, voids, or cofferdams nor
leaks water into the tanks, voids, or cofferdams; (c) Connecting for cargo transfer.

(1)(ii) Ensuring that every tank barge in the tow is properly (1) Movement of the vessel shall be considered when making the

secured within the tow; cargo connections to insure safe cargo transfer. Suitable material
shall be used in joints and in couplings when making connections
(1)(iii) Ensuring that periodic checks are made of every tank barge to insure that they are tight. Under no circumstances shall less
in the tow for leakage of cargo into the water, voids, or cofferdams than three bolts be used in a bolted flanged coupling.
and for leakage of water into the tanks, voids, or cofferdams;

(2) When cargo connections are supported by the vessel's tackle,

(1)(iv) Knowing the cargo of every tank barge in the tow, all the person in charge of the transfer operations shall inspect the
hazards associated with the cargo, and what to do on discovery of vessel to insure that sufficient tackles are used.
a leak;
(3) Pans or buckets shall be placed under cargo hose
(1)(v) Ensuring that the crew of the vessel know the cargo of connections.
every tank barge in the tow, all hazards associated with the cargo,
and what to do on discovery of a leak; (4) Cargo transfer operations for any cargo requiring a PV or
safety relief venting device in Table 151.05 shall be performed
(1)(vi) Reporting to the Coast Guard any leaks from a tank barge with cargo hatch covers closed.
in the tow into the water, as required by 33 CFR 151.15; and
(d) Inspection prior to transfer of cargo. Prior to the transfer of
(1)(vii) Ensuring that the crew of the vessel and other personnel in cargo, the person in charge of the transfer operation shall inspect
the vicinity of the tank barges in the tow follow the proper safety the barge and other cargo equipment to assure himself that the
precautions for tank vessels, and that no activity takes place in following conditions exist:
the vicinity of the barges that could create a hazard.

(1) The Certificate of Inspection is endorsed for the products to be vessel shall be closed. The cargo connections shall be drained of
loaded. Loading restrictions, if any, should be noted. cargo.

(2) Warning signs are displayed as required. (j) Transfer of other cargo or stores on a barge.

(3) Cargo information cards for the product are aboard. (1) Packaged goods, freight, and ship's stores shall not be loaded
or discharged during the loading of flammable cargoes except by
(4) No repair work in way of cargo space is being carried out. permission of the person in charge of the transfer operation.
Explosives shall not be loaded or carried on any barge containing
(5) Cargo connections and hatch covers conform with the products regulated by this subchapter.
provisions of paragraph (c) of this section and cargo valves are
properly set. (2) Where package and general cargo is carried directly over bulk
cargo tanks, it shall be properly dunnaged to prevent chafing of
(6) All connections for cargo transfer have been made to the metal parts and securely lashed or stowed.
vessel's fixed pipeline system.
(k) Transportation of other cargo or stores on barges. Barges
(7) In transferring flammable or combustible cargoes, there are no may be permitted to transport deck cargoes directly over bulk
fires or open flames present on the deck, or in any compartment cargo spaces when the nature of such deck cargoes and the
which is located on, facing, open or adjacent to the part of the methods of loading and unloading same do not create an undue

deck on which cargo connections have been made. hazard. Such barges shall have their decks properly dunnaged to
prevent chafing between the steel parts of the vessel and the

(8) The shore terminal or other tank vessel concerned has deck cargo.
reported itself in readiness for transfer of cargo.
(l) Deck construction must be adequate to support the intended

(9) All sea valves are properly set and those connected to the load. Provisions for carrying deck cargo shall be endorsed on the
cargo piping are closed. Certificate of Inspection by the Officer in Charge, Marine
(10) When transferring flammable or combustible cargoes that a
determination was made as to whether or not boiler and/or galley (m) Emergencies. In case of emergencies, nothing in the

fires can be maintained with reasonable safety. regulations in this subchapter shall be construed as preventing
the person in charge of transfer operations from pursuing the
(e) Duties of the person in charge during transfer operations. most effective action in his judgment for rectifying the conditions
The person in charge of the transfer operations shall control the
operations as follows: A causing the emergency.
[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970; 35 FR 6431, Apr. 22,
(1) Supervise the operation of the cargo system valves. 1970, as amended by CGD 75-59, 45 FR 70273, Oct. 23, 1980;
CGD 81-059, 54 FR 151, Jan. 4, 1989; CGD 79-116, 60 FR

(2) Start transfer of cargo slowly. 17158, Apr. 4, 1995]

(3) Observe cargo connections and hose for leakage. §151.45-5 Open Hopper Barges.
(a) All open hopper barges not constructed or modified in

(4) Observe operating pressure on cargo systems. conformance with the provisions of Subpart 151.10 of this part
when carrying in bulk any cargoes regulated by this subchapter
(5) Comply with loading limitations placed on the vessel by the shall meet the provisions of this section. However, the provisions

Certificate of Inspection, if, any, for the purpose of not overloading of this section are not applicable to such barges when empty (not
individual tanks or the vessel. necessarily cleaned or gas-freed).

(6) Observe the loading rate for the purpose of avoiding overflow (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no such open
of the tanks. hopper type barge shall be placed as lead barge in any tow.
These barges shall be placed in protected positions within the tow
(f) Cargo transfer operations shall not be started or, if started, so that the danger from diving or swamping will be minimized.
shall be discontinued under the following conditions: Where, due to operating conditions, compliance with this

paragraph is impossible, the provisions of paragraph (a)(3) of this

(1) During severe electrical storms. section apply. The person in charge of the towing vessel shall be
responsible for compliance with this paragraph.
(2) If a fire occurs on the barge, the wharf or in the immediate
vicinity. (2) No such open hopper type barge shall be moved from a

loading facility unless all void spaces and bilges are substantially
(3) If potentially dangerous leakage occurs. free of water. Periodic inspections and necessary pumping shall
be carried out to insure the maintenance of such water-free
(g) No vessel shall come alongside or remain alongside a barge conditions, in order to minimize the free surface effect in both the
in way of its cargo tanks while it is transferring cargo unless the longitudinal and transverse directions. Except when considered
conditions then prevailing are mutually acceptable to the persons necessary for inspection or pumping, all hatch covers and other
in charge of cargo handling. hull closure devices for void spaces and hull compartments shall
be closed and secured at all times. In the case of unmanned
(h) Auxiliary steam, air, fuel, or electric current. When barges, the person in charge of the towing vessel shall be
discharging cargo from one or more barges, the towing vessel deemed to be in charge of the barge, and all requirements to be
may furnish steam, air, fuel, or electric current for pumps on carried out on the barge shall be carried out by or under the
barges or dock, but in no case shall the cargo pass through or direction of this person.
over the towing vessel.
(3) When an open hopper type barge is in an exposed position,
(i) Termination of transfer operations. When transfer such that protection from swamping provided by adjoining barges
operations are completed, the valves on cargo connections on the cannot be obtained from the location within the tow, it shall be the
responsibility of the person in charge of the towing vessel to

control speed so as to insure protection against diving and §151.45-9 Signals.
swamping of the barge, having regard to its design and freeboard, While fast to a dock, a vessel during transfer of bulk cargo shall
and other operating conditions. display a red flag by day or a red light by night, which signal shall
be so placed that it will be visible on all sides. When at anchor, a
(b) To show that special operating requirements apply to a vessel during transfer of bulk cargo shall display a red flag by day,
specific open hopper type barge, additional placards or signs shall placed so that it will be visible on all sides. This flag may be
be displayed in at least four different locations on the barge when metallic.
the cargoes subject to this part are carried in any form in the Subpart 151.50–Special Requirements
cargo tanks. The placards or signs shall be posted on the barge
approximately amidships on each side and near the centerline [EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to Subpart 151.50
fore and aft facing outboard. Racks, or other suitable means for appear at 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 1995 and at 61 FR 50732,
mounting such placards or signs, shall be so arranged as to Sept. 27, 1996.]
provide clear visibility and shall be protected from becoming
readily damaged or obscured. The placards or signs shall be at §151.50-1 General.
least equal in dimensions to the DOT standard tank car Special requirements found in this subpart pertain to specific
"Dangerous" placard (10 3/4 inches square or larger) and shall cargoes and to similar groups of cargoes. These requirements are
display a circle (10 inches in diameter or larger) with alternating in addition to and take precedence over any other requirements
quadrants of white and red, and so mounted that the red found in these regulations.
quadrants are centered on the vertical axis. The shipper and/or

owner of the barge shall be responsible for the installation of the §151.50-5 Cargoes Having Toxic Properties.
required placards or signs, including maintenance of them while When table 151.05 refers to this section, the following apply:

such barge is in temporary storage with cargo aboard. The person
in charge of the towing vessel shall be responsible for the (a) [Reserved]
continued maintenance of the placards or signs while such barge

is in transit. (b) Independent tanks shall be designed and tested for a head of
at least 8 feet above the top of the tank using the specific gravity
§151.45-6 Maximum Amount Of Cargo. of the product to be carried. In addition, tank design calculations
(a) Tanks carrying liquids or liquefied gases at ambient shall demonstrate that the tank can withstand, without rupture, a
temperatures regulated by this subchapter shall be limited in the single loading to the highest level to which the product may rise, if

amount of cargo loaded to that which will avoid the tank being that exceeds 8 feet. In general, plate less than five-sixteenths inch
liquid full at 105°F if insulated, or 115°F if uninsulated. If specific in thickness shall not be used in the fabrication of independent
filling densities are designated in Subpart 151.50 of this part, they
shall take precedence over that noted above.
A tanks unless otherwise approved.

(c)(1) Cargo tanks transporting liquids having a Reid vapor

(b) Refrigerated and semirefrigerated tanks shall be filled so that pressure exceeding 14 pounds per square inch absolute or
there is an outage of at least 2 percent of the volume of the tank vented at a gauge pressure exceeding 4 pounds per square inch,
at the temperature corresponding to the vapor pressure of the or where air or water pressure is used to discharge the cargo,

cargo at the safety relief valve setting. A reduction in the required shall be fabricated as arc-welded unfired pressure vessels.
outage may be permitted by the Commandant when warranted by
special design considerations. Normally, then, the maximum (2) Unfired pressure vessel cargo tanks shall be designed for a
volume to which a tank may be loaded is: pressure not less than the vapor pressure, in pounds per square

inch gauge, of the lading at 115°F, or the maximum air or water

VL = 0.98drV ÷ dL pressure used to discharge the cargo, whichever is greater, but in
no case shall the design pressure of such tanks be less than 30

where: pounds per square inch gauge.

VL = Maximum volume to which tank may be loaded. (d) Piping.


V = Volume of tank. (1) The pumps and piping used for cargo transfer shall be
independent of all other piping.
dr = Density of cargo at the temperature required for a cargo
vapor pressure equal to the relief valve setting. (2) Where multiple cargoes are carried, and the cargo piping

conveying cargoes covered under this section are led through

dL = Density of cargo at the loading temperature and pressure. cargo tanks containing other products, the piping shall be
encased in a tunnel.
§151.45-7 Shipping Papers.
Each barge carrying dangerous cargo shall have on board a bill of

(3) Where cargo lines handling other products, or bilge and ballast
lading, manifest, or shipping document giving the name of piping are led through tanks containing cargoes covered by this
shipper, location of the loading point, and the kind, grade, and section, the piping shall be enclosed in a tunnel.
approximate quantity by compartment of each cargo in the barge.
Such manifest or bills of lading may be made out by the shipper, (e) Gravity type cargo tanks shall be fitted with an approved
master of the towing vessel, owner, or agent of the owner. pressure-vacuum relief valve of not less than 2 1/2-inch size,
However, in the case of unmanned barges the master of the which shall be set at a pressure of not less than 3 pounds per
towing vessel shall either have a copy of the shipping papers for square inch gauge, but not in excess of the design pressure of the
each barge in his tow or he shall make an entry in the towing tank.
vessel's log book giving the name of the shipper, location where
the barge was loaded, and the kind, grade, and quantity of cargo (f) The discharge fittings from each safety relief or pressure
by compartment in the barge. The barge shall not be delayed in vacuum relief valve shall be directed in such a manner as to not
order to secure the exact quantities of cargo. impinge on another tank, piping or any other equipment which
would increase the fire hazard should burning products be
§151.45-8 Illness, Alcohol, Drugs. discharged from the safety or pressure vacuum relief valve as a
A person who is under the influence of liquor or other stimulants, result of a fire or other casualty. In addition, the discharges shall
or is so ill as to render him unfit to perform service shall not be be directed away from areas where it is likely that persons might
permitted to perform any duties on the barge. be working and as remote as practicable from ventilation inlets

and ignition sources. A common discharge header may be (d) All valves, flanges, fittings, and accessory equipment shall be
employed if desired. The area near the discharge fittings shall be of a type suitable for use with the alkylene oxides and shall be
clearly marked as a hazardous area. made of steel or stainless steel, or other materials acceptable to
the Commandant. Impurities of copper, magnesium and other
(g) A means shall be provided for either the reclamation or safe acetylide-forming metals shall be kept to a minimum. The
venting of vapors during the loading and unloading operations. chemical composition of all material used shall be submitted to
For this purpose the safety relief or pressure vacuum relief valve the Commandant for approval prior to fabrication. Disks or disk
shall be provided with a valved bypass to a vapor return line faces, seats and other wearing parts of valves shall be made of
shore connection which shall be used whenever vapor return stainless steel containing not less than 11 percent chromium.
shore facilities are available. In the event vapors must be vented Mercury, silver, aluminum, magnesium, copper, and their alloys
to the atmosphere, a vent riser shall extend at least 12 feet above shall not be used for any valves, gauges, thermometers, or any
the highest level accessible to personnel. The vent riser may be similar devices. Gaskets shall be constructed of spirally wound
collapsible for ease of stowage when not in use. Vapor return stainless steel with "Teflon" or other suitable material. All packing
lines or vent risers for tanks carrying the same class product may and gaskets shall be constructed of materials which do not react
be connected to a common header system if desired. Tanks spontaneously with or lower the autoignition temperature of the
carrying cargoes covered by this section shall be vented alkylene oxides.
independent of tanks carrying other products.
(e) The pressure rating of valves, fittings, and accessories shall
(h) The pump room ventilation outlet duct exhausts shall be not less than the maximum pressure for which the cargo tank

terminate at a distance of at least 6 feet above the enclosed is designed, or the shutoff head of the cargo pump, whichever is
space or pump room and at least 6 feet from any entrance to the greater, but in no case less than 150 pounds per square inch.

interior part of the vessel. The discharge end of the exhaust ducts Welded fittings manufactured in accordance with A.N.S.I.
shall be located so as to preclude the possibility of recirculating Standards shall be used wherever possible, and the number of
contaminated air through the pump room, or other spaces where pipe joints shall be held to a minimum. Threaded joints in the

personnel may be present. cargo liquid and vapor lines are prohibited.

[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD (f) The thermometer shall terminate in the liquid space and shall
88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989] be attached to the shell by welding with the end of the fitting being
provided with a gastight screwed plug or bolted cover.

§151.50-6 Motor Fuel Antiknock Compounds.
When transporting motor fuel antiknock compounds containing (g) Automatic float continuous reading tape gauge, and similar
tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead the requirements listed in this types, shall be fitted with a shutoff valve located as close to the
section shall be observed.
A tank as practicable, which shall be designed to close
automatically in the event of fracture of the external gauge piping.
(a) Tanks used for these cargoes shall not be used for the An auxiliary gauging device shall always be used in conjunction
transportation of any other cargo except those commodities to be with an automatic gauging device.
used in the manufacture of tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead.

(h) Filling and discharge piping shall extend to within 4 inches of

(b) Pump rooms shall be equipped with forced ventilation with the bottom of the tank or sump pit if one is provided.
complete air change every 2 minutes. Air analysis shall be run for
lead content to determine if the atmosphere is satisfactory prior to (i) Venting.

personnel entering the pump room.

(1) The discharge fittings from each safety relief or pressure
(c) Entry into cargo tanks used for the transportation of these vacuum relief valve shall be directed in such a manner as to not

cargoes is not permitted. impinge on another tank, piping or any other equipment which
would increase the fire hazard should burning products be
(d) No internal tank inspection is required. If it is desired to discharged from the safety or pressure vacuum relief valve as a

internally inspect tanks used for these cargoes, the Commandant result of a fire or other casualty. In addition, the discharges shall
must be notified in advance before such inspection is made. be directed away from areas where it is likely that persons might
be working and as remote as practicable from ventilation inlets
(e) The provisions of §151.50-5 shall also be met as a and ignition sources. A common discharge header may be
requirement for shipping antiknock compounds containing employed if desired. The area near the discharge fittings shall be

tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead. clearly marked as a hazardous area.

§151.50-10 Alkylene Oxides. (2) A means shall be provided for either the reclamation or safe
(a) For the purpose of this part, alkylene oxides are considered to venting of vapors during the loading and unloading operations.
be ethylene oxide and propylene oxide. For this purpose, the safety relief or pressure vacuum relief valve

shall be provided with a valved bypass to a vapor return line

(b) Alkylene oxides transported under the provisions of this part shore connection which shall be used whenever vapor return
shall be acetylene free. shore facilities are available. In the event vapors must be vented
to the atmosphere, a vent riser shall be connected to the vapor
(c)(1) No other product may be transported in tanks certified for return line and extend at least 12 feet above the highest level
an alkylene oxide except that the Commandant may approve accessible to personnel. The vent riser may be collapsible for
subsequent transportation of other products and return to alkylene ease of stowage when not in use. The vent riser shall not be
oxide service if tanks, piping and auxiliary equipment are connected to a safety relief or pressure vacuum valve. Vapor
adequately cleaned to the satisfaction of the Marine Inspector. return lines or vent risers for tanks carrying the same class
product may be connected to a common header system if
(2) Unless authorized by the Commandant, no other kind of cargo desired. Tanks carrying alkylene oxides shall be vented
except methane, ethane, propane, butane and pentane shall be independent of tanks carrying other products.
on board a tank vessel certificated for the carriage of an alkylene
oxide at the same time an alkylene oxide in either the liquid or (3) The outlet of each vent riser shall be fitted with acceptable
vapor state is present in any cargo tank. Alkylene oxide tanks corrosion-resistant flame screen of suitable material or a flame
shall not be installed in tanks intended for any other cargo. arrester suitable for use with alkylene oxide.

(j) Ventilation. §151.50-12 Ethylene Oxide.
(1) All enclosed spaces within the hull shall be vented or (a)(1) Ethylene oxide shall be carried in fixed, independent,
ventilated in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter pressure vessel type cargo tanks, designed, constructed,
except as otherwise provided for in this subpart. arranged and, if necessary, equipped with machinery to maintain
the cargo temperature below 90°F except as otherwise provided
(2) The enclosed spaces in which the cargo tanks are located for in paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
shall be inerted by injection of a suitable inert gas or shall be well
ventilated. (2) Ethylene oxide shall be loaded at a temperature below 70°F.

(3) The enclosed spaces in which the cargo tanks are located, if (3) When ethylene oxide is to be transported at or near
an inerting system is not installed, shall be fitted with forced atmospheric pressure, the Commandant may permit the use of
ventilation of such capacity to provide a complete change of air alternate methods of storage which are consistent with the
every three minutes and arranged in such a manner that any minimum requirements of this subpart.
vapors lost into the space will be removed. The ventilation system
shall be in operation at all times cargo is being loaded or (b)(1) All cargo tanks shall be constructed of a carbon steel or
discharged. No electrical equipment shall be fitted within the stainless steel acceptable to the Commandant. Impurities of
spaces or within ten feet of the ventilation exhaust from these copper, magnesium and other acetylide-forming metals shall be
spaces. kept to a minimum. The chemical composition of all steel used
shall be submitted to the Commandant for approval prior to

(4) All ventilation machinery shall be of nonsparking construction fabrication. Aluminum, copper and other acetylide-forming metals,
and shall not provide a source of vapor ignition. such as silver, mercury, magnesium, and their alloys shall not be

used as materials of construction for tanks or equipment used in
(5) Each vent shall be fitted with a flame screen of corrosion handling ethylene oxide.
resistant wire which is suitable for use with the alkylene oxide.

(2) Cargo tanks shall meet the requirements of Class I pressure
(k)(1) Flexible metal hose fabricated of stainless steel or other vessels.
acceptable material, resistant to the action of the alkylene oxide,
shall be fitted to the liquid and vapor lines during cargo transfer. (3) Cargo tanks shall be designed for the maximum pressure of
vapor or gas used in discharging the cargo but in no case shall

(2) The hose shall be marked with the maximum pressure the design pressure of such tanks be less than 75 pounds per
guaranteed by the manufacturer, and with his certification with the square inch gauge. The tank shell and heads shall not be less
words "Certified for _____________ Oxide." than 5/16-inch thick.

(3) Cargo hose intended for alkylene oxide service shall not be A (c)(1) Cargo tanks shall be located below deck in holds or
used for any other products except those which are compatible enclosed spaces with the domes or trunks extended above the
with the alkylene oxide. weather deck and terminating in the open. Provisions shall be
made to maintain the watertightness of the deck by means of

(l) Vessel shall be electrically bonded to the shore piping prior to watertight seals around such domes or trunks. The holds or
connecting the cargo hose. This electrical bonding shall be enclosed spaces, in which the ethylene oxide tanks are located,
maintained until after the cargo hose has been disconnected and shall not be used for any other purpose. However, in open hopper
any spillage has been removed. type barges of a suitable design approved for such service, the

weatherdeck may not be required to be watertight.

(m) Cargo shall be discharged by pumping or by displacement
with nitrogen or other acceptable inert gas. In no case shall air be (2) All cargo tanks shall be installed with the manhole openings

allowed to enter the system. During loading and unloading and all tank connections located above the weatherdeck in the
operations, the vapor shall not be discharged to the atmosphere. open.
Provisions shall be made to return all displaced vapor to the

loading facility. The loading rate and the pressure applied to the (3) Tanks shall be electrically bonded to the hull.
tank to discharge the cargo shall be so limited to prevent opening
the safety relief valves. (4) No welding of any kind shall be done on cargo tanks or
supporting structure unless authorized by the Commandant.
(n) During cargo transfer, a water hose with pressure to the

nozzle, when atmospheric temperatures permit, shall be (d) All cargo tanks, piping, valves, fittings, and similar equipment
connected to a water supply for immediate use during filling and which may contain ethylene oxide in either the liquid or vapor
discharge operations and any spillage of alkylene oxide shall be phase, including the vent risers, shall be insulated. Flanges need
immediately washed away. This requirement can be met by not be covered, but if covered, a small opening shall be left at the
facilities provided from shore. bottom of the flange cover to detect leaks. Insulation shall be of

an approved incombustible material suitable for use with ethylene

(o) Prior to disconnecting shore lines, the pressure in the liquid oxide, which does not significantly lower the autoignition
and vapor lines shall be relieved through suitable valves installed temperature and which does not react spontaneously with
at the loading header. The liquid and vapor discharged from these ethylene oxide. The insulation shall be of such thickness as to
lines shall not be discharged to atmosphere. provide a thermal conductance of not more than 0.075 B.t.u. per
square foot per degree Fahrenheit differential in temperature per
(p) The safety relief valves shall be tested by liquid, gas, or vapor hour.
pressure at least once every 2 years to determine the accuracy of
adjustment and, if necessary, shall be reset. Alkylene oxides shall (e)(1) When cooling systems are installed to maintain the
not be used as the testing medium. temperature of the liquid below 90°F, at least two complete
cooling plants, automatically regulated by temperature variations
(q) The special requirements for ethylene oxide contained in within the tanks shall be provided; each to be complete with the
§151.50-12 and for propylene oxide contained in §151.50-13 shall necessary auxiliaries for proper operation. The control system
also be observed. shall also be capable of being manually operated. An alarm shall
be provided to indicate malfunctioning of the temperature
[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD controls. The capacity of each cooling system shall be sufficient to
85-061, 54 FR 50966, Dec. 11, 1989]

maintain the temperature of the liquid cargo at or below the considered necessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine
design temperature of the system. Inspection.

(2) An alternate arrangement may consist of three cooling plants, [CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
any two of which shall be sufficient to maintain the temperature of 85-061, 54 FR 50966, Dec. 11, 1989]
the liquid cargo at or below the design temperature of the system.
§151.50-13 Propylene Oxide.
(3) Cooling systems requiring compression of ethylene oxide are (a)(1) Pressure vessel cargo tanks shall meet the requirements of
prohibited. Class II pressure vessels.

(f) In addition to the shutoff valve required, all tank connections (2) Cargo tanks shall be designed for the maximum pressure
larger than one-half inch inside pipe size, except safety relief expected to be encountered during loading, storing and
valves and liquid level gauging devices, shall be fitted with either discharging the cargo but in no case shall the design pressure of
internal back pressure check valves or internal excess flow valves pressure vessel tanks be less than thirty (30) pounds per square
in conjunction with a quick closing stop valve operable from at inch gauge. The tank shell and heads shall not be less than 5/16-
least two remote locations. The quick closing stop valve shall be inch thick.
of the "fail safe" type acceptable to the Commandant and shall be
equipped with a fusible plug designed to melt between 208°F and (b) When propylene oxide is carried on board a vessel, piping
220°F, which will cause the quick closing valve to close systems in propylene oxide service shall not be used for any other

automatically in case of fire. The quick closing valve shall be product and shall be completely separate from all other systems.
located as close to the tank as possible. The piping system shall be designed so that no cross connection

may be made through inadvertence.
(g) Piping systems intended for ethylene oxide service shall not
be used for any other product and shall be completely separate (c) Each safety relief valve shall be set to start to discharge at not

from all other systems. The piping system shall be designed so less than 30 pounds per square inch gauge, nor more than the
that no cross connections may be made either through accident design pressure of the tank.
or design.
(d) Filling density shall not exceed 80 percent.
(h) Each safety relief valve shall be set to start to discharge at not

less than 75 pounds per square inch gauge, nor more than the (e)(1) The cargo shall be shipped under a suitable protective
design pressure of the tank. padding, such as nitrogen gas. Other gases proposed for use as
padding may be given consideration by the Commandant.
(i) The filling density shall not exceed 83 percent.
A Original charging only of protective gas padding at the loading
facility is not considered adequate. A sufficient amount of spare
(j)(1) The cargo shall be shipped under a suitable protective padding gas as approved by the Commandant shall be provided
inerting gas system, such as nitrogen. When nitrogen gas is used, on the vessel in order to maintain the proper concentration of the
the gas inerting system shall be so designed that the vapor space gas in the event of normal leakage or other losses.

above the liquid cargo will be filled and maintained with a gas
mixture of not less than 45 percent nitrogen. Other gases (2) Any padding gas selected should be at least 98 percent pure
proposed for inerting use may be given consideration by the and free of reactive materials.
Commandant. Original charging only of protective inerting gas at

the loading facility is not considered adequate. A sufficient (f) Prior to loading, a sample from the cargo tank will be taken to
amount of spare inerting gas as approved by the Commandant insure that the pad gas will meet the requirements of paragraph
shall be provided on the vessel in order to maintain the proper (e) of this section and that the oxygen content of the vapor space

concentration of the gas in the event of normal leakage or other will be not more than 2 percent maximum. If necessary, a sample
losses. will be taken after loading to insure the vapor space meets this

(2) Any inerting gas selected should be at least 98 percent pure

and free of reactive materials, such as ammonia, hydrogen (g) The cargo piping shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 1
sulfide, sulfur compounds, and acetylene. 1/2 times the maximum pressure to which they may be subjected
in service.
(k) Prior to loading, a sample from the cargo tank will be taken to

insure that the pad gas will meet the requirements of paragraph (j) (h) The Commandant may permit the transportation of propylene
of this section and that the oxygen content of the vapor space will xide in other than pressure vessel type tanks if it is shown to his
be not more than 2 percent maximum. If necessary, a sample will satisfaction that a degree of safety is obtained consistent with the
be taken after loading to insure the vapor space meets this minimum requirements of this subpart.

(i) The provisions of §151.50-10 shall be complied with as a

(l) The cargo piping shall be inspected and tested at least once in requirement for shipping propylene oxide.
each 2 calendar years.
§151.50-20 Inorganic Acids.
(m) In those cases where the cargo transfer hose used is not part (a)(1) Gravity type cargo tanks shall be designed and tested to
of the barge's equipment, the person in charge of the transfer meet the rules of the American Bureau of Shipping for a head of
operation shall determine that the provisions of §151.50-10(k) water at least 8 feet above the tank top or the highest level the
have been met before using this hose. A certificate of test, lading may rise, whichever is the greater. The plate thickness of
supplied by the transfer facility, will be considered as adequate for any part of the tank shall not be less than three-eighths inch.
this determination.
(2) Gravity tank vents.
(n) The provisions of §151.50-10 shall be complied with as a
requirement for shipping ethylene oxide. (i) The outlet end of the gravity tank vent shall terminate above
the weatherdeck, clear of all obstructions and away from any
(o) A hydrostatic test of 1 1/2 times the design pressure shall be source of ignition.
made on the cargo tanks at least once in each 4 years at the time
the internal examination is made and at such other times as (2)(ii) The gravity tank vent shall terminate in a gooseneck bend

and shall be fitted with a single flame screen or two fitted flame sulfuric acid in §151.50-21 also apply to the carriage of those
screens as described in §151.03-25. No shutoff valve or frangible acids.
disk shall be fitted in the vent lines.
[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by GGD
(b)(1) Pressure vessel type cargo tanks shall be independent of 80-001, 46 FR 63279, Dec. 31, 1981; CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4781,
the vessel's structure and shall be designed for the maximum Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989; CGD
pressure to which they may be subjected when compressed air is 92-100, 59 FR 17028, Apr. 11, 1994]
used to discharge the cargo, but in no case shall the design
pressure be less than that indicated as follows: §151.50-21 Sulfuric Acid.
(a) How sulfuric acid may be carried.
Fluorosilicic Acid–50 pounds per square inch gauge.
(1) Sulfuric acid of concentration of 77.5 percent (1.7019 specific
Hydrochloric Acid–50 pounds per square inch gauge. gravity) (59.8° Baumé) or greater concentrations with or without
an inhibitor, provided the corrosive effect on steel measured at
Hydrofluorosilicic Acid, see Fluorosilicic Acid. 100°F is not greater than that of 66° Baumé commercial sulfuric
acid, may be transported in unlined gravity type cargo tanks or
Phosphoric Acid–30 pounds per square inch gauge. unlined pressure vessel type cargo tanks.

Sulfuric Acid–50 pounds per square inch gauge. (2) Sulfuric acid of concentration of 65.25 percent (1.559 specific

gravity) (52° Baumé) or greater concentrations, provided the
(2) Pressure vessel type cargo tanks shall be of welded corrosive effect on steel measured at 100°F is not greater than

construction meeting the requirements for Class II or Class III that of 52° Baumé commercial sulfuric acid, may be transported in
given in Part 54 of this chapter. unlined pressure vessel type cargo tanks independent of the
vessel's structure.

(3) When compressed air is used to discharge the cargo, the tank
shall be fitted with a vent led to the atmosphere in which a rupture (3) Sulfuric acid of concentration not to exceed 65.25 percent
disk shall be installed. The rupture disk shall be designed to burst (1.559 specific gravity) (52° Baumé) may be transported in gravity
at a pressure not exceeding the design pressure of the tank. An type cargo tanks or pressure-vessel type cargo tanks which are
auxiliary vent to relieve the pressure or vacuum in the tank during lined with lead or other equally suitable acid-resistant material

the cargo transfer operation may be led from the vent line acceptable to the Commandant.
between the tank and the rupture disk. A shutoff valve may be
fitted in the auxiliary vent. (4) Sulfuric acid of concentration not to exceed 51 percent (1.408

(c) Openings in tanks are prohibited below deck, except for A specific gravity) (42° Baumé) and spent sulfuric acid resulting
from the use of sulfuric acid in industrial processes may be
access openings used for inspection and maintenance of tanks, transported in gravity type cargo tanks which are lined with rubber
or unless otherwise specifically approved by the Commandant. or other equally suitable acid-resistant material acceptable to the
Openings shall be fitted with bolted cover plates and acid- Commandant. See §151.15-3(f)(2).

resistant gaskets.
(5) Spent or sludge sulfuric acid resulting from the use of sulfuric
(d) Where special arrangements are approved by the acid in industrial processes may be transported in unlined gravity
Commandant to permit a pump suction to be led from the bottom type cargo tanks or unlined pressure vessel type cargo tanks,

of the tank, the filling and discharge lines shall be fitted with provided the corrosive effect on steel is not greater than that of
shutoff valves located above the weatherdeck or operable commercial sulfuric acid as prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this
therefrom. section.

(e) The outage shall not be less than 1 percent. (b) Heating coils will be the only acceptable means of liquefying
frozen or congealed sulfuric acid.

(f) All enclosed compartments containing cargo tanks and all

machinery spaces containing cargo pumps shall be fitted with (c) During cargo transfer, a water hose shall be connected to a
effective means of ventilation. water supply ready for immediate use and any leakage or spillage
of acid shall be immediately washed down. This requirement can
(g) A separator shall be fitted in compressed air lines to the tank be met by facilities provided from shore.

when air pressure is used to discharge the cargo.

(d) The requirements of §151.50-20 are also applicable to the
(h) Only installed electric or portable battery lights shall be used shipment of sulfuric acid.
during the cargo transfer operations. Smoking is prohibited and
the person in charge of cargo transfer shall post No Smoking §151.50-22 Hydrochloric Acid.

signs during cargo transfer operations. (a) Hydrochloric acid shall be carried in gravity or pressure type
cargo tanks which are independent of the vessel's structure
(i) Tanks approved for the transportation of acid cargoes subject provided such tanks are lined with rubber or other equally suitable
to this section shall not be used for the transportation of any other material acceptable to the Commandant. See §151.15-3(f)(2).
commodity, except upon authorization by the Commandant (G-
MSO). (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of §151.50-20(b)(3),
compressed air may be used to discharge hydrochloric acid from
(j) Each cargo tank shall be subjected to an internal examination gravity type cargo tanks only if the tanks are of cylindrical shape
at least once in every 4 years. If cargo tank lining is required and with dished heads, provided the air pressure does not exceed the
the lining of the cargo tank has deteriorated in service or is not in design pressure of the tank but in no case shall it exceed 10
place, the Marine Inspector may require the tank to be tested by pounds per square inch gauge. Such tanks shall be fitted with
such nondestructive means as he may consider necessary to pressure relief devices and need not be vented to the atmosphere
determine its condition. as required by §151.50-20(b)(3).

(k) The special requirements for fluorosilicic acid in §151.50-77, (c) During cargo transfer, a water hose shall be connected to a
for hydrochloric acid in §151.50-22, for hydrofluorosilicic acid, water supply and be ready for immediate use. Any leakage or
see fluorosilicic acid, for phosphoric acid in §151.50-23, and for spillage of acid shall be immediately washed down. This

requirement can be met by facilities provided from shore. forming part of the hull on unmanned barges will be given special
consideration by the Commandant.
(d) Spent hydrochloric acid or hydrochloric acid adulterated by
other chemicals, inhibitors, oils, solvents, water, etc., shall not be (3) The capacity of branch vents or vent headers shall depend
transported in bulk except upon authorization by the Commandant upon the number of cargo tanks connected to such branch or
(G-MSO). header as provided in Table 151.50-30(b)(3).

(e) The requirements of §151.50-20 are also applicable to the TABLE 151.50-30(B)(3)–CAPACITY OF BRANCH
shipment of hydrochloric acid.
Number of cargo tanks Percent of total valve
[CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989]
1 or 2 100
§151.50-23 Phosphoric Acid. 3 90
(a) The term phosphoric acid as used in this subpart shall include, 4 80
in addition to phosphoric acid, aqueous solutions of phosphoric 5 70
acid, and super phosphoric acid. 6 or more 60

(b) Phosphoric acid may be carried in either gravity or pressure (4) Return bends and restrictive pipe fittings are prohibited. Vents

type cargo tanks. The tanks shall be rubber-lined, or lined or clad and headers shall be so installed as to minimize stresses on
with other suitable material acceptable to the Commandant, or safety relief valves and their mounting nozzles.

shall be fabricated of a phosphoric acid resistant stainless steel.
See §151.15-3(f)(2). (5) When vent discharge risers are installed, they shall be so
located as to protect against physical damage and be fitted with
loose raincaps.

(c) The vessel's shell plating shall not be used as any part of the
boundaries of gravity type cargo tanks.
(6) When vent discharge risers are installed and their installation
(d) Cargo piping, including valves, fittings, and flanges where in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph results in
exposed to the acid, shall be rubber-lined, or lined, coated or clad restrictions in the operation of the barge due to navigation

with other corrosion-resistant material, or shall be fabricated of a clearances, the vents may be designed so as to be collapsible
phosphoric acid resistant stainless steel. Vent piping, including when passing under such low clearance obstacles.
flanges and fittings, shall be similarly protected at least to the
height of the flangible disk if such is installed.
A (c) Repairs involving welding or burning.

(1) Repairs involving welding or burning shall not be undertaken

(e) Phosphoric acid adulterated by other chemicals, inhibitors,
oils, solvents, etc., shall not be transported in bulk cargo tanks on the cargo tanks or piping while cargo in either the liquid or
except upon authorization by the Commandant (G-MSO). vapor state is present therein.

(f) The requirements of §151.50-20 are also applicable to the (2) Repairs involving welding or burning on parts of the barge
shipment of phosphoric acid. other than cargo tanks or piping may be undertaken provided
positive pressure is maintained in the tanks or the tanks have

[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD been vented or washed internally.
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983]
(d) Respiratory equipment.

§151.50-30 Compressed Gases.

(a) All tank inlet and outlet connections, except safety relief (1) At least one approved self-contained breathing apparatus shall
valves, liquid level gauging devices, and pressure gauges shall be be available in a readily accessible location off the barge at all

marked to designate whether they terminate in the vapor or liquid times during the cargo transfer operations. This equipment shall
space. Labels, when used, shall be of corrosion-resistant not be considered to be part of the barge equipment, and the
materials and may be attached to valves. barge shall not be required to carry this equipment en route.

(b) Venting. (2) The approved self-contained breathing apparatus, masks, and

all respiratory protective devices shall be of types suitable for

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section each starting and operating at the temperatures encountered, and shall
safety relief valve installed on a cargo tank shall be connected to be maintained in good operating condition.
a branch vent of a venting system which shall be constructed so
that the discharge of gas will be directed vertically upward to a (3) Personnel involved in the cargo transfer operations shall be

point at least 10 feet above the weatherdeck or the top of any adequately trained in the use of the respiratory equipment.
tank or house located above the weatherdeck.
(e) Filling densities and container design pressure. For
(2) Safety valves on cargo tanks in barges may be connected to compressed gases transported at or near ambient temperatures,
individual or common risers which shall extend to a reasonable the maximum filling densities and minimum design pressure of
height above the deck. Where the escape of vapors from the container as indicated in Table 151.50-30(e) shall apply.
venting system may interfere with towing operations, the Deviations from the tabulated values shall be submitted to the
installation shall be acceptable to the Commandant, and the Commandant for approval. Where cargo is to be carried at
arrangement shall be such as to minimize the hazard of escaping temperatures below ambient, the tank shall be designed in
vapors. Arrangements specially provided for venting cargo tanks accordance with §151.15-3(b)(3) and the maximum amount of
cargo shall be in accordance with §151.45-6(b).

Maximum permitted filling density Minimum design pressure of tank
(percent by weight, see §151.03-21) (pounds per square inch gauge)
Kind of gas
Uninsulated tanks Insulated tanks Uninsulated Insulated
tanks tanks
Ammonia, anhydrous 57 58 250 215
Chlorine 125 125 300 300
Dichlorodifluoromethane 123 125 147 127
Dimethylamine 61 62 46 36
Methyl chloride 85 87 131 112
Monochlorodi-fluoromethane 110 113 243 211
Vinyl chloride 86 87 81 67

(f) The shell and head thickness of liquefied compressed cargo (e) Each tank shall be provided with liquid and vapor connections

tanks shall not be less than five-sixteenths inch. fitted with manually operated shutoff valves and with safety relief
valves. All valves shall be bolted to the cover or covers specified
(g) The special requirements for ammonia (anhydrous) in in paragraph (b)(3) of this section and shall be protected against

§151.50-32, for argon in §151.50-36, for chlorine in §151.50-31, mechanical damage by a suitable protective metal housing. A
for nitrogen in §151.50-36, and for vinyl chloride in §151.50-34 drain connection shall be provided from the protective housing.
also apply to the carriage of those gases.

(f) All liquid and vapor connections, except safety relief valves,
[CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD shall be fitted with automatic excess flow valves, which shall be
88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989] located on the inside of the tank. Bypass openings are not
permitted in excess flow valves.

§151.50-31 Chlorine.
(a) Chlorine barges. Subparts 98.03 and 98.20 of Part 98 of this (g) Chlorine barge cargo piping shall not be fitted with the
chapter have been revoked. However, chlorine barges that were nonreturn valves specified by §151.20-20(b).
certified in accordance with the requirements of subpart 98.20 of
part 98 of this chapter and having hulls modified, if necessary, to
comply with §§98.03-5(c) and 98.03-25(c) of this chapter, shall be
A (h) Liquid level gauging devices of any type are prohibited on
chlorine tanks.
considered as complying with this part.
(i) A pressure gauge shall be attached to the vapor shutoff valve
(b) Design and construction of cargo tanks. or vapor line so as to indicate the pressure in the tank at all times

during loading and unloading.

(1) The cargo tanks shall meet the requirements of Class I
pressure vessels. (j) Piping including connections between tank valves and fixed
barge piping, shall be of a thickness of not less than Schedule 80.

(2) Tanks shall be designed for a pressure of not less than 300
pounds per square inch gauge. For the maximum allowable (k) In multiple tank installations the tanks shall not be

working pressure of tanks in service, see paragraph (q) of this interconnected by piping or manifolds which may contain liquid
section. chlorine. Manifolding of vapor lines of individual tanks into a
common header for connection to shore is permitted. More than
(3) Each tank shall be provided with one or more 24-inch inside one cargo tank may be filled or discharged at a time, provided

diameter manhole, fitted with a cover located above the maximum each tank is filled from or discharged to shore tanks through
liquid level and as close as possible to the top of the tank. There separate lines.
shall be no other openings in the tank.
(l) Connections between fixed barge piping and shore piping shall
(c) Tanks may be installed "on deck" or "under deck" with the tank be fabricated from one of the following:

protruding above deck. If a portion of the tank extends above the

weatherdeck, provision shall be made to maintain the (1) Schedule 80 seamless pipe, having flexible metallic joints.
weathertightness on the deck. All tanks shall be installed with the
manhole opening located above the weatherdeck. Hopper type (2) Corrosion-resistant metallic pipe (equivalent to Schedule 80)

barges operating on protected inland waters may have tanks not subject to deterioration by chlorine, having flexible metallic
located in the hopper space. joints.

(d) All valves, flanges, fittings and accessary equipment shall be (3) Flexible metallic hose acceptable to the Commandant. If
of a type suitable for use with chlorine and shall be made of paragraphs (k)(1) or (2) of this section are used, the flexible
metal, corrosion-resistant to chlorine in either the gas or liquid metallic joints shall meet the requirements for cargo hose. See
phase. Cast or malleable iron shall not be used. Valves, flanges, §151.04-5(h).
and flanged joints shall be 300 pounds A.N.S.I. standard
minimum with tongue and groove or raised face. Joints shall be (m) Safety relief valves shall discharge into the protective housing
fitted with sheet lead or other suitable gasket material. Welded surrounding the valves. Suitable provisions shall be made to vent
fittings shall be used wherever possible and the number of pipe the housing. The arrangement shall be such as to minimize the
joints held to a minimum. Threaded joints in cargo lines and vapor hazard of escaping vapors.
lines shall not be used in sizes above 1 inch internal diameter.
Welded "hammerlock" unions or other unions approved by the (n) Cargo transfer operations.
Commandant may be used at terminal points of fixed barge
piping. (1) The amount of chlorine loaded into each cargo tank shall be

determined by weight. Draft marks shall not be used as a means 85-061, 54 FR 50966, Dec. 11, 1989; CGD 85-061, 55 FR 41918,
of weighing. Any chlorine vapors vented during the filling Oct. 16, 1990]
operation shall be disregarded when calculating the maximum
amount of chlorine to be loaded into the cargo tanks. §151.50-32 Ammonia, Anhydrous.
(a) The anhydrous ammonia tanks may be installed in the bulk
(2) Prior to the start of filling operations, care shall be exercised to liquid cargo tanks provided the liquid surrounding the enclosed
insure that the cargo tanks are empty, dry, and free from foreign anhydrous ammonia tanks complies with the following chemical
matter. and physical properties:

(3) After the filling operation is completed, the vapor in each cargo (1) Boiling point above 125°F atmospheric pressure.
tank shall be analyzed to determine the percentage of gaseous (2) Inert to ammonia at 100°F at atmospheric pressure.
chlorine in the vapor space. If it should contain less than 80 (3) Noncorrosive in the liquid and vapor phase to the ammonia
percent chlorine by volume, vapors shall be withdrawn through tanks and piping.
the vent or vapor line until the vapor in the cargo tanks contains at
least 80 percent chlorine by volume. (b) Copper, copper alloys, and copper bearing alloys shall not be
used as materials of construction for tanks, pipelines, valves,
(4) After filling connections are removed, upon completion of the fittings, and other items of equipment that may come in contact
loading of a cargo tank, all connections at the tank shall be tested with anhydrous ammonia liquid or vapor.
for leakage of chlorine by the aqua ammonia method.

(c) Valves, flanges and pipe fittings shall be of the tongue and
(5) The chlorine in the cargo tanks shall be discharged by the groove or raised-face type, fitted with suitable gasket material.

pressure differential method. If the vapor pressure of the chlorine Welded fittings shall be used wherever possible and the number
is not sufficient to force the liquid out of the tank, compressed air, of pipe joints shall be held to a minimum. Threaded joints are not
or other nonreactive gas, may be used to secure the desired rate permitted for pipe diameters exceeding 2 inches. Brazed joints

of discharge, provided the air or gas is oil-free and thoroughly are prohibited.
dried by passing it over activated aluminum oxide, silica gel, or
other acceptable drying agent, and provided the supply pressure (d) All enclosed spaces containing cargo tanks fitted with bottom
is limited to 75 percent of maximum allowable pressure of chlorine outlet connections shall be provided with mechanical ventilation of
tanks. sufficient capacity to assure a change of air every 3 minutes.

(6) After completion of cargo transfer, any liquid chlorine in the (e) Each cargo tank shall be electrically grounded to the hull.
cargo piping shall be removed and cargo transfer piping shall be
disconnected at the cargo tanks. After disconnecting the cargo
piping, both ends of the line shall be closed and all inlet and outlet A (f) When transferring cargo, a hose shall be connected to a water
supply so that if leakage of anhydrous ammonia occurs the vapor
valves on the tank shall be plugged or fitted with blind flanges. may be dispersed by the use of water fog. This requirement can
be met by facilities provided from shore.
(o) During cargo transfer, every person on the barge shall carry

on his person a respiratory protective device which will protect the (g) During cargo transfer operations, every person on the vessel
wearer against chlorine vapors and will provide respiratory shall carry on his person or have close at hand at all times a
protection for emergency escape from a contaminated area canister mask approved for ammonia or each person shall carry
resulting from cargo leakage. This respiratory protective on his person a respiratory protective device which will protect the

equipment shall be of such size and weight that the person wearer against ammonia vapors and will provide respiratory
wearing it will not be restricted in movement or in the wearing of a protection for emergency escape from a contaminated area
lifesaving device. resulting from cargo leakage. This respiratory protective

equipment shall be of such size and weight that the person

(p) During each internal inspection, each cargo tank must be wearing it will not be restricted in movement or in the wearing of a
tested hydrostatically to 1 1/2 times the maximum allowable lifesaving device.

pressure as determined by the safety relief valve setting.

(h) [Reserved]
(q) During each internal inspection, each cargo tank excess flow
valve and safety relief valve must be inspected and tested in (i) The requirements of §151.50-30 for compressed gases are
accordance with paragraphs (g) and (i) of §151.04-5 of this also applicable to the shipment of anhydrous ammonia.

[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
(r) When periodic inspection indicates that a cargo tank has 85-061, 54 FR 50966, Dec. 11, 1989]
deteriorated in service, the maximum allowable pressure shall be
recalculated, using the minimum thickness found by actual §151.50-34 Vinyl Chloride (Vinyl Chloride Monomer).

measurement. The recalculated maximum allowable pressure (a) Copper, aluminum, magnesium, mercury, silver, and their
shall be not less than 275 pounds per square inch gauge. If the alloys shall not be used as materials of construction for tanks,
recalculated maximum allowable pressure is less than 275 pipelines, valves, fittings, and other items of equipment that may
pounds per square inch gauge, the cargo tanks shall be come in contact with vinyl chloride liquid or vapor.
withdrawn from service.
(b) Valves, flanges, and pipe fittings shall be of the tongue and
(s) The following substances shall not be carried as stores on groove or raised-face type, fitted with suitable gasket material.
board barges transporting chlorine in bulk: hydrogen, methane, Welded fittings shall be used wherever possible and the number
liquefied petroleum gases, coal gas, acetylene, ammonia, of pipe joints shall be held to a minimum. Threaded joints are not
turpentine, compounds containing metallic powders, finely divided permitted for pipe diameters exceeding 2 inches. Brazed joints
metals or finely divided organic materials. are prohibited.

(t) The requirements of §151.50-30 for compressed gases are (c) Each cargo tank shall be electrically grounded to the hull.
also applicable to the shipment of chlorine.
(d) The vessel shall be electrically bonded to the shore piping
[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD prior to connecting the cargo hose. This electrical bonding shall

be maintained until after the cargo hose has been disconnected each use, to prevent skin contact with liquid vinyl chloride.
and any spillage has been removed.
[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
(e) To the extent he deems it necessary, the Officer in Charge, 74-167R, 40 FR 17026, Apr. 16, 1975; CGD 88-100, 54 FR
Marine Inspection, may require that sufficient insulation shall be 40040, Sept. 29, 1989]
removed from insulated tanks at least once in each 8 calendar
years to permit spot external examination of the tanks and §151.50-36 Argon Or Nitrogen.
insulation in accordance with §151.04-5(c). (a) A cargo tank that contains argon or nitrogen and that has a
maximum allowable working pressure of 172 kPa (25 psig) or
(f) The requirements of §151.50-30 for compressed gases are greater must have one of the following arrangements:
also applicable to the shipment of vinyl chloride.
(1) A refrigeration system that keeps the tank pressure below the
(g) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that: safety relief valve operating pressure when ambient temperatures
are 46°C (115°F) air and 32°C (90°F) water.
(1) Cargo vapors are returned to the cargo tank or shore
disposition for reclamation or destruction during cargo transfer (2) A relief valve or pressure control valve that maintains the tank
operations; pressure below the setting of the tank's required safety relief
valve in ambient temperatures of 46°C (115°F) air and 32°C
(2) Continuous monitoring for vinyl chloride vapor leaks is (90°F) water.

conducted aboard a tank barge undergoing vinyl chloride transfer
operations. Fixed or portable instrumentation may be utilized to (b) A cargo tank with a maximum allowable working pressure of

ensure that personnel are not exposed to vinyl chloride vapor less than 172 kPa (25 psig) is approved by the Commandant (G-
concentrations in excess of 1 ppm averaged over any eight hour MSO) on a case by case basis.
period of 5 ppm averaged over any period not exceeding 15

minutes. The method of monitoring and measurement shall have (c) Section 151.50-30 also applies to the carriage of argon or
an accuracy (with a confidence level of 95 percent) of not less nitrogen.
than plus or minus 50 percent from 0.25 through 0.5 ppm, plus or
minus 35 percent from over 0.5 ppm through 1.0 ppm, and plus or [CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989]
minus 25 percent over 1.0 ppm;

§151.50-40 Additional Requirements For Carbon Disulfide
(3) Cargo transfer operation is discontinued or corrective action is (Carbon Bisulfide) And Ethyl Ether.
initiated by the person in charge to minimize exposure to (a) The provisions of this section are applicable if specifically
personnel whenever a vinyl chloride vapor concentration in
excess of 1 ppm is detected. If the vinyl chloride vapor A referenced in the Special Requirements column of Table 151.05.
concentration exceeds 5 ppm for over 15 minutes, action to (b) Cargo tanks shall be electrically bonded to the hull of the
reduce the leak can be continued only if the respiratory protection vessel. A vessel shall be electrically bonded to the shore piping
requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1017 are met by all personnel in prior to connecting the cargo hose. This electrical bonding shall

the area of the leak; be maintained until after the cargo hose has been disconnected
and any spillage has been removed.
(4) Those portions of cargo lines which will be open to the
atmosphere after piping is disconnected are free of vinyl chloride (c) Pumps may be used for discharging cargo: Provided, That

liquid and that the vinyl chloride vapor concentration in the area of they are the vertical submerged type designed to avoid liquid
the cargo piping disconnect points is not greater than 5 ppm; pressure against the shaft gland and are suitable for use with the

(5) Any restricted gauge fitted on a tank containing vinyl chloride

is effectively out of service by locking or sealing the device so that (d) Provisions shall be made to maintain an inert gas padding in
it cannot be used; and the cargo tank during loading, unloading and during transit.

(6) A restricted gauge is not to be used as a "check" on the (e) Provisions shall be made to prevent any leakage being
required closed gauge, nor as a means or sampling. washed into the waterways at the loading and unloading points.

(h) The words "CANCER–SUSPECT AGENT" must be added to (f) The special requirements of §151.50-41 for carbon disulfide

the warning signs required by 46 CFR 151.45-2(e). (carbon bisulfide) and §151.50-42 for ethyl ether shall also be
(i) Signs bearing the legend:
[CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD
CANCER – SUSPECT AGENT IN THIS AREA 88-100, 54 FR 40029, Sept. 29, 1989]

PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED §151.50-41 Carbon Disulfide (Carbon Bisulfide).

(a) All openings shall be in the top of the tank.
(b) Loading lines shall terminate near the bottom of the tank.
must be posted whenever hazardous operations, such as tank
cleaning, are in progress. (c) A standard ullage opening shall be provided for secondary and
emergency sounding.
(j) A tank barge undergoing cargo transfer operations must be
designated a "regulated area" having access limited to authorized (d) If a cargo discharge pump is used, it shall be inserted through
persons and requiring a daily roster of authorized persons who a cylindrical well extending from the tank top to a point near the
may board the barge. tank bottom. A blanket of water shall be formed in this well before
attempting pump removal.
(k) Employees engaged in hazardous operations, such as tank
cleaning, must be provided, and be required to wear and use (e) Water or inert gas displacement may be used for discharging
respiratory protection in accordance with the provisions of 29 CFR cargo provided the cargo system is designed for the expected
1910.1017 and protective garments, provided clean and dry for pressure and temperature. This method for discharging may be

used with pressure type tanks only. (a) Tanks shall be designed and tested for a head equivalent to
the design lading of phosphorus and its water blanket extended to
(f) Adequate natural ventilation shall be provided for the voids 8 feet above the tank top. In addition, tank design calculations
around the cargo tanks while the vessel is under way. During shall demonstrate that the tank can withstand, without rupture, a
loading and unloading, forced ventilation shall be used. The single loading to the highest level to which the water blanket may
forced ventilation shall be of sufficient capacity to provide a rise, if that exceeds 8 feet. Tanks shall not be less than 5/16-inch
complete change of air within each void space every 5 minutes. thick.
The ventilating fan shall be of nonsparking construction.
(b) When a water displacement method of discharge is used,
(g) Because of its low ignition temperature and the close pressure vessel type cargo tanks, designed and tested in
clearances required to arrest its flame propagation, carbon accordance with Subchapter F of this chapter shall be employed.
disulfide (carbon bisulfide) requires safeguards beyond those Such tanks shall be designed for the maximum pressure to which
required for any electrical hazard groups. they may be subjected when water pressure is used to discharge
the cargo.
(h) The requirements of §151.50-40 are also applicable to the
shipment of carbon disulfide (carbon bisulfide). (c) Each cargo tank shall be fitted with an approved pressure
vacuum relief valve set to discharge at a pressure not exceeding
[CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD 2 pounds per square inch. When transferring cargo, the vent
88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989] discharge shall lead overboard above the waterline. When

pressure vessel type tanks are used, each tank shall be fitted with
§151.50-42 Ethyl Ether. a relief valve of suitable size.

(a)(1) Gravity tanks shall be designed and tested to meet the
rules of the American Bureau of Shipping for a head of water at (d) Sufficient outage shall be provided to prevent the tank from
least 8 feet above the tank top or the highest level the lading may being liquid full at any time, but in no case shall the outage be

rise, whichever is greater. All openings shall be in the top of the less than 1 percent. When pressure vessel type tanks are used,
tank. outage need not be provided.

(2) Pressure vessel type tanks shall be designed for the maximum (e) The use of compressed air to discharge cargo is prohibited.
pressure to which they may be subjected when pressure is used

to discharge the cargo, but in no case shall the design pressure (f) Cargo shall be loaded at a temperature not exceeding 140°F,
be less than 50 pounds per square inch gauge. All openings shall and then cooled until the water above the cargo has a
be in the top of the tank. temperature not exceeding 105°F prior to the movement of the

(b) Adequate natural ventilation shall be provided for the voids A vessel. Upon presentation of satisfactory proof that procedures
followed will provide adequate safety in transportation and
around the cargo tanks while the vessel is underway. If a power handling, the Commandant may authorize movement of the
ventilation system is installed, all blowers shall be of nonsparking vessel following cooling of the water above the cargo to a
construction. Power driven ventilation equipment shall not be temperature exceeding 105°F.

located in the void spaces surrounding the cargo tanks.

(g) Coils in which steam or hot water is circulated to heat the
(c) Pressure relief valve settings shall not be less than 3 pounds cargo so that it may be pumped shall be located outside the cargo
per square inch gauge for gravity tanks. For pressure vessels, the tanks.

relief valve setting shall not exceed the design pressure of the
tank. (h) A fixed ballast piping system (including a power driven pump
of ample capacity), or other means acceptable to the

(d) Inert gas displacement may be used for discharging cargo Commandant shall be installed so that any void space
from pressure vessel tanks provided the cargo system is surrounding the tanks may be flooded.
designed for the expected pressure and the discharge pressure

does not exceed 50 pounds per square inch gauge or the design (i) All openings shall be in the top of the tank and shall be fitted
pressure of the tank, whichever is less. with bolted cover plates and gaskets resistant to the attack of
phosphorus pentoxide.
(e) No electrical equipment except for approved lighting fixtures
shall be installed in enclosed spaces adjacent to the cargo tanks. (j) All enclosed compartments containing cargo tanks shall be

Lighting fixtures must be approved for use in Class I, Group C, provided with effective means of ventilation.
hazardous locations. The installation of electrical equipment on
the weather deck shall comply with the requirements of part 111, (k) Cargo lines shall be traced with steam piping and secured
subpart 111.105 of this chapter. thereto by lagging to prevent solidification of cargo during transfer

(f) Copper, silver, mercury and magnesium or other acetylide

forming metals and their alloys shall not be used as materials of (l) During cargo transfer, a water hose shall be connected to a
construction for tanks, pipelines, valves, fittings and other items of water supply ready for immediate use, and any spillage of
equipment that may come in contact with the cargo vapor or phosphorus shall be immediately washed down. This requirement
liquid. can be met by facilities provided from shore.

(g) Precautions shall be taken to prevent the contamination of (m) At least two fresh air masks or self-contained breathing
ethyl ether by strong oxidizing agents. apparatus shall be stowed on board the vessel at all times for use
of personnel entering the tanks or adjacent spaces.
(h) The requirements of §151.50-40 are also applicable to the
shipment of ethyl ether. (n) Authorization from the Commandant (G-MSO) shall be
obtained to transport lading other than phosphorus in the cargo
[CFGR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD tanks or to have on board any other cargo when phosphorus is
88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989] laden in the tanks.

§151.50-50 Elemental Phosphorus In Water. (o) Mechanical ventilation of sufficient capacity to insure a change

of air within the cargo tanks every 3 minutes shall be provided [NOTE: "Guidelines for the Selection of Chemical Protective
during the inspection and maintenance of the cargo tanks. Clothing", Third Edition, 1987, available from the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1330 Kemper
(p) Cargo tanks shall be electrically bonded to the hull of the Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240-1634, provides information
barge. A vessel shall be electrically bonded to the shore piping on the proper clothing for the cargo being handled.]
prior to connecting the cargo hose. This electrical bonding shall
be maintained until after the cargo hose has been disconnected. (b) The section applies during the following operations:

[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 24, 1970, as amended by CGD (1) Sampling cargo.
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983] (2) Transferring cargo.
(3) Making or breaking cargo hose connections.
§151.50-55 Sulfur (Molten). (4) Gauging a cargo tank, unless gauging is by closed system.
(a) Ventilation (cargo tank): (5) Opening cargo tanks.

(1) Cargo tank ventilation shall be provided to maintain the (c) Coveralls or lab aprons may be replaced by splash suits or
concentration of H2S below one-half of its lower explosive limit aprons constructed of light weight or disposable materials if, in the
throughout the cargo tank vapor space for all conditions of judgment of the person in charge of cargo handling operations,
carriage; i.e., below 1.85 percent by volume.
(1) Contact with the cargo is likely to occur only infrequently and

(2) Where mechanical ventilation systems are used for accidentally; and
maintaining low gas concentrations in cargo tanks, an alarm

system shall be provided to give warning if the system fails. (2) The splash suit or apron is disposed of immediately after
(3) Connections shall be provided to enable sampling of the

atmosphere over the cargo in each cargo tank for analysis. (d) Splash protective eyewear must be tight-fitting chemical-
splash goggles, face shields, or similar items intended specifically
(4) The ventilation system shall be designed and arranged to for eye protection from chemical splashing or spraying.
preclude the depositing of sulfur within the system.
(e) The person in charge of cargo handling operations shall

(b) Void spaces: ensure that each person in the vicinity of an operation listed in the
paragraph (b) of this section or in the vicinity of tanks, piping, or
(1) Openings to void spaces adjacent to cargo tanks shall be pumps being used to transfer the cargo wears splash protective
designed and fitted to prevent the entry of water, sulfur or cargo
vapors. A eyewear under paragraph (d) of this section.
[CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended by
(2) Connections shall be provided to enable sampling and USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53227, Oct. 1, 1999]
analyzing vapors in void spaces.

§151.50-74 Ethylidene Norbornene.

(c) Temperature controls shall be provided in accordance with When Table 151.05 refers to this section, the following apply:
§151.20-10 and applicable sections of Subpart 151.40 of this part.
Heat transfer media shall be steam, and alternate media will (a) 151.50-5(g) and (h)

require specific approval of the Commandant.

(b) Rubber hoses or fittings may not be used in transfer
[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970] operations.

§151.50-60 Benzene. [CGD 80-001, 46 FR 63279, Dec. 31, 1981]

The person in charge of a Coast Guard inspected barge must

ensure that the provisions of part 197, subpart C, of this chapter §151.50-75 Ferric Chloride Solution.
are applied. A containment system (cargo tank piping system, venting system,
and gauging system) carrying this solution must be lined with
[CGD 88-040, 56 FR 65006, Dec. 13, 1991] rubber, corrosion resistant plastic, or a material approved by the
Commandant (G-MSO).

§151.50-70 Cargoes Requiring Inhibition Or Stabilization.

When table 151.05 refers to this section, that cargo must be– [CGD 80-001, 46 FR 63279, Dec. 31, 1981, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40041,
(a) Inhibited; or Sept. 29, 1989; 55 FR 17276, Apr. 24, 1990]
(b) Stabilized.

§151.50-76 Hydrochloric Acid, Spent (NTE 15%).

[CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989] (a)(1) Gravity type cargo tanks must be designed and tested to
meet the rules of the American Bureau of Shipping for a head of
§151.50-73 Chemical Protective Clothing. water at least 8 feet above the tank top or the highest level the
When table 151.05 refers to this section, the following apply: lading may rise, whichever is greater. The plate thickness of any
part of the tank may not be less than three-eighths inch. A shell
(a) The person in charge of cargo handling operations shall plating of a barge may not be on the boundary of any part of the
ensure that the following chemical protective clothing constructed cargo tank.
of materials resistant to permeation by the cargo being handled is
worn by all personnel engaged in an operation listed in paragraph (2) Gravity tank vents must:

(b) of this section: (2)(i) Terminate above the weatherdeck, clear of all obstructions
and away from any from any source of ignition; and
(1) Splash protective eyewear.
(2) Long-sleeved gloves. (2)(ii) Be fitted with a single flame screen or two fitted flame
(3) Boots or shoe covers. screens as described in §151.03-25. Neither a shut-off valve nor a
(4) Coveralls or lab aprons. frangible disk may be fitted in the vent lines.

(b) Openings in the tanks are prohibited below deck, except for (a) The composition of the methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture
access openings used for inspection and maintenance of tanks, at loading must be within one of the following sets of composition
or unless otherwise specifically approved by the Commandant (G- limits:
MSO). Openings must be fitted with bolted cover plates and acid-
resistant gaskets. (1) Composition 1 is:

(c) Where special arrangements are approved by the (1)(i) Maximum methyl acetylene to propadiene molar ratio of 3 to
Commandant (G-MSO) to permit a pump suction to be led from 1;
the bottom of the tank, the filling and discharge lines must be
fitted with shutoff valves located above the weatherdeck or (1)(ii) Maximum combined concentration of methyl acetylene and
operable from it. propadiene of 65 mole percent;

(d) The outage may not be less than 1 percent. (1)(iii) Minimum combined concentration of propane, butane, and
isobutane of 24 mole percent, of which at least one-third (on a
(e) An enclosed compartment containing, or a compartment molar basis) must be butanes and one-third propane; and
adjacent to, a cargo tank:
(1)(iv) Maximum combined concentration of propylene and
(1) May have no electrical equipment that does not meet or butadiene of 10 mole percent.
exceed class I-B electrical requirements; and

(2) Composition 2 is:
(2) Must have at least one gooseneck vent of 2.5 inch diameter or

greater. The structural arrangement of the compartment must (2)(i) Maximum methyl acetylene and propadiene combined
provide for the free passage of air and gases to the vent or vents. concentration of 30 mole percent;

(f) No lights may be used during the cargo transfer operations, (2)(ii) Maximum methyl acetylene concentration of 20 mole
except installed electric or portable battery lights. Smoking is percent;
prohibited and the person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure
that "No Smoking" signs are displayed during cargo transfer (2)(iii) Maximum propadiene concentration of 20 mole percent;

(2)(iv) Maximum propylene concentration of 45 mole percent;
(g) Tanks approved for the transportation of acid cargoes subject
to this section may not be used for the transportation of any other (2)(v) Maximum butadiene and butylenes combined concentration
commodity, except upon authorization by the Commandant (G-
MSO). A of 2 mole percent;
(2)(vi) Minimum saturated C4 hydrocarbon concentration of 4
(h) Each cargo tank must be examined internally at least once in mole percent; and
every 4 years. If the lining of the cargo tank has deteriorated in

service or is not in place, the Marine Inspector may require the (2)(vii) Minimum propane concentration of 25 mole percent.
tank to be tested by such nondestructive means as he may
consider necessary to determine its condition. (b) A barge carrying a methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture must
have a refrigeration system that does not compress the cargo

[CGD 80-001, 46 FR 63279, Dec. 31, 1981, as amended by CGD vapor or have a refrigeration system with the following features:
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983]
(1) A vapor compressor that does not raise the temperature and

§151.50-77 Fluorosilicic Acid (30% Or Less) pressure of the vapor above 60°C (140°F) and 1.72 MPa guage
(Hydrofluorosilicic Acid). (250 psig) during its operations, and that does not allow vapor to
(a) Hydrofluorosilicic acid must be carried in gravity or pressure stagnate in the compressor while it continues to run.

type cargo tanks independent of the vessel's structure. The tanks

must be lined with rubber or other equally suitable material (2) At the discharge piping from each compressor stage or each
approved by the Commandant (G-MSO). See §151.15-3(f)(2). cylinder in the same stage of a reciprocating compressor:

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of §151.50-20(b)(3), no (2)(i) Two temperature actuated shutdown switches set to operate

compressed air may be used to discharge hydrofluorosilicic acid at 60°C (140°F) or less;
from gravity type cargo tanks unless:
(2)(ii) A pressure actuated shutdown switch set to operate at 1.72
(1) The tanks are of cylindrical shape with dished heads, and MPa gauge (250 psig) or less; and

(2) The air pressure does not exceed: (2)(iii) A safety relief valve set to relieve at 1.77 MPa gauge (256
psig) or less anywhere except into the compressor suction line.
(2)(i) The design pressure of the tank, and
(c) The piping system, including the cargo refrigeration system,
(2)(ii) 10 pounds per square inch gauge. The tanks must be fitted for tanks to be loaded with methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture
with pressure relief devices. must be completely separate from piping and refrigeration
systems for other tanks. If the piping system for the tanks to be
(c) During cargo tansfer, a water hose must be connected to a loaded with methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture is not
water supply and be ready for immediate use. Any leakage or independent, the required piping separation must be
spillage of acid must be immediately washed down. This accomplished by the removal of spool pieces, valves or other pipe
requirement can be met by facilities provided from shore. sections and the installation of blank flanges at these locations.
The required separation applies to all liquid and vapor piping,
[CGD 80-001, 46 FR 63279, Dec. 31, 1981, as amended by CGD liquid and vapor vent lines and any other possible connections,
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 92-100, 59 FR 17028, such as common inert gas supply lines.
Apr. 11, 1994]
[CGD 80-001, 46 FR 63279, Dec. 31, 1981]
§151.50-79 Methyl Acetylene-Propadiene Mixture.

§151.50-80 Nitric Acid (70% Or Less). (10) Not be interconnected with another cargo tank by piping or
(a) Tanks, cargo piping, valves, fittings, and flanges (where manifold that carriers cargo liquid, except vapor lines connected
exposed to the acid) must be lined with nitric acid resistant rubber to a common header, and
or fabricated from nitric acid resistant stainless steel. See
§151.15-3(f)(2). (11) Have an excess flow valve that is located on the inside of the
tank for every liquid and vapor connection, except the safety relief
(b) During cargo transfer, a water hose must be connected to a valve;
water supply, ready for immediate use. Any leakage or spillage of
acid must be immediately washed down. This requirement can be (12) Have no bypass opening on any excess flow valve.
met by facilities provided from shore.
(e) Cargo transfer operations:
(c) Nitric acid contaminated by other chemicals, oils, solvents, etc.
may not be transported in bulk without an authorization from the (1) May not be conducted with more than one cargo tank at a time
Commandant (G-MSO). unles each tank is filled from or discharged to shore tanks through
separate lines;
[CGD 80-001, 46 FR 63280, Dec. 31, 1981, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40041, (2) Must be conducted with connections between fixed barge
Sept. 29, 1989] piping and shore piping of either Schedule 40 pipe having flexible
metallic joints that meet §151.04-5(h) or of flexible metallic hose

§151.50-81 Special Operating Requirements For Heat that is acceptable to the Commandant (G-MSO);
Sensitive Cargoes.

When table 151.05 refers to this section, the following apply to the (3) From barge to shore must be by pressurization with an oil free,
cargo: non-reactive gas that has a maximum of 100 ppm moisture;

(a) Must not be carried in a tank equipped with heating coils (4) Must be conducted with vapor return to shore connections that
unless the heating supply to the coils is disconnected. ensure that all vapor is returned to shore; and

(b) Must not be carried in a tank adjacent to another tank (5) Must be conducted with every person on the barge carrying a
containing an elevated temperature cargo. respiratory protective device that protects the wearer against

sulfur dioxide vapors and provides respiratory protection for
(c) Must not be carried in a deck tank. emergency escape from a contaminated area that results from
cargo leakage.
[CGD 80-001, 46 FR 63280, Dec. 31, 1981, as amended by CGD
88-100, 54 FR 40041, Sept. 29, 1989] A (f) Respiratory protective equipment must be of a size and weight
that allows unrestricted movement and wearing of a lifesaving
§151.50-84 Sulfur Dioxide. device.
(a) Sulfur dioxide that is transported under the provisions of this

part may not contain more than 100 ppm of water. (g) After the completion of cargo transfer, all liquid sulfur dioxide
in the cargo piping must be removed and cargo transfer piping
(b) Cargo piping must be at least Schedule 40 pipe. must be disconnected at the cargo tanks. After the cargo piping is
disconnected, both ends of the line must be plugged or fitted with

(c) Flanges must be 150 lb. A.N.S.I. Standard minimum with blind flanges.
tongue and groove or raised face.
[CGD 80-001, 46 FR 63280, Dec. 31, 1981, as amended by CGD

(d) A cargo tank must: 82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40041,
Sept. 29, 1989; 55 FR 17276, Apr. 24, 1990]
(1) Meet the requirements of a Class I welded pressure vessel;

§151.50-86 Alkyl (C7-C9) Nitrates.

(2) Be designed for a maximum allowable working pressure of at (a) The carriage temperature of octyl nitrates must be maintained
least 125 psig; below 100°C (212°F) in order to prevent the occurrence of a self-
sustaining exothermic decomposition reaction.
(3) Be hydrostatically tested every two years to at least 188 psig;

(b) Octyl nitrates may not be carried in a deck tank unless the
(4) Be provided with one or more manholes that are fitted with a tank has a combination of insulation and a water deluge system
cover sized not less than 15 inches by 23 inches or 13 inches sufficient to maintain the tank's cargo temperature below 100°C
nominal diameter, located above the maximum liquid level, and as (212°F) and the cargo temperature rise at or below
close as possible to the top of the tank; 1.5°C(2.7°F)/hour, for a fire of 650°C (1200°F).

(5) Have no openings other than those required in paragraph [CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40040, Sept. 29, 1989; CGD 92-100, 59 FR
(d)(4) of this section; 17028, Apr. 11, 1994]

(6) Have no liquid level gauges other than closed or indirect Subpart 151.55 – Special Requirements for
Materials of Construction
(7) Have all valves and the closed gauge that is required by Table
§151.55-1 General.
151.05 bolted to the cover or covers that are required in
(a) This section provides special requirements for the materials of
paragraph (d)(4) of this section;
construction of equipment that may come into contact with various
cargoes. Table 151.05 contains specific requirements for various
(8) Have a metal housing that is fitted with a drain and vent
connection protecting all valves and the closed gauge within this
housing against mechanical damage;
(b) Copper, copper alloys, zinc, and aluminum shall not be used
as materials of construction for tanks, pipelines, valves, fittings,
(9) Have all safety relief valves discharging into the protective
and other items of equipment that may come in contact with the

cargo liquid or vapor. (Equivalent to §151.56-1(a), (b), and (c).) Feb. 10, 1977; CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40041, Sept. 29, 1989]

(c) Copper, copper alloys, zinc, galvanized steel, and mercury Subpart 151.56 – Prohibited Materials of
shall not be used as materials of construction for tanks, pipelines,
valves, fittings, and other items of equipment that may come in
contact with the cargo liquid or vapor. (Equivalent to §151.56-1(b),
§151.56-1 Prohibited Materials.
(c), and (g).)
When one of the following paragraphs of this section is
referenced in table 151.05, the materials listed in that paragraph
(d) Aluminum, magnesium, zinc, and lithium shall not be used as
may not be used in components that contact the cargo or its
materials of construction for tanks, pipelines, valves, fittings, and
other items of equipment that may come in contact with the cargo
liquid or vapor. (Equivalent to §151.56-1(a), (c), and (d).)
(a) Aluminum or aluminum alloys.
(b) Copper or copper alloys.
(e) Copper and copper bearing alloys shall not be used as
(c) Zinc, galvanized steel, or alloys having more than 10
materials of construction for tanks, pipelines, valves, fittings, and
percent zinc by weight.
other items of equipment that may come in contact with the cargo
(d) Magnesium.
liquid or vapor. (Equivalent to §151.56-1(b).)
(e) Lead.
(f) Silver or silver alloys.
(f) Aluminum or copper or alloys of either shall not be used as

(g) Mercury.
materials of construction for tanks, pipelines, valves, fittings, and
other items of equipment that may come in contact with the cargo
[CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40041, Sept. 29, 1989]

vapor or liquid. (Equivalent to §151.56-1(a) and (b).)

(g) Aluminum, stainless steel, or steel covered with a suitable Subpart 151.58 – Requuired Materials of

protective lining or coating shall be used as materials of
construction for tanks, pipelines, valves fittings, and other items of
equipment that may come in contact with the cargo liquid or §151.58-1 Required Materials.
vapor. (Equivalent to §151.58-1(a).) When one of the following paragraphs of this section is
referenced in table 151.05, only those materials listed in that

(h) Alkaline or acidic materials, such as caustic soda or sulfuric paragraph may be used in components that contact the cargo or
acid, should not be allowed to contaminate this cargo. its vapor:

(i) For concentrations of 98 percent or greater, aluminum or

stainless steel shall be used as materials of construction. For A (a) Aluminum, stainless steel, or steel covered with a protective
lining or coating. (See §151.15-3(f)(2).)
concentrations of less than 98 percent, 304L or 316 stainless
steel shall be used as materials of construction. (b)-(c) [Reserved]

(j) Zinc, alloys that have more than 10 percent zinc by weight, and (d) Solid austenitic stainless steel.
aluminum may not be used as materials of construction for tanks,
pipelines, valves, fittings, and other items of equipment that may (e) Stainless steel or steel covered with a suitable protective lining
come in contact with cargo liquid or vapor. (Equivalent to or coating. (See §151.15-3(f)(2).)

§151.56-1(a) and (c).)

[CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40041, Sept. 29, 1989]
[CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3714, Feb. 25, 1970, as amended by CGD

73-275R, 41 FR 3087, Jan. 21, 1976; CGD 75-223, 42 FR 8378,


Part 153 – Ships Carrying Bulk Liquid, Liquefied Gas, Or
Compressed Gas Hazardous Materials
Table Of Contents 153.282 Cargo Filling Lines.
153.283 Valving For Cargo Piping.
Subpart A–General 153.284 Characteristics Of Required Quick Closing Valves.
153.285 Valving For Cargo Pump Manifolds.
Sec. 153.292 Separation Of Piping Systems.
153.0 Availability Of Materials. 153.294 Marking Of Piping Systems.
153.1 Applicability. 153.296 Emergency Shutdown Stations.
153.2 Definitions And Acronyms. 153.297 Emergency Actuators At The Point Of Cargo Control.
153.3 Right Of Appeal.
153.4 Incorporation By Reference. CARGO HANDLING SPACE VENTILATION
153.7 Ships Built Before December 27, 1977 And Non-Self-
Propelled Ships Built Before July 1, 1983: Application. 153.310 Ventilation System Type.
153.8 Procedures For Requesting An Endorsed Certificate Of 153.312 Ventilation System Standards.

Inspection. 153.314 Ventilation Of Spaces Not Usually Occupied.
153.9 Foreign Flag Vessel Endorsement Application. 153.316 Special Cargo Pumproom Ventilation Rate.
153.10 Procedures For Requesting Alternatives And Waivers;

Termination Of Waivers. CARGO PUMPROOMS
153.12 IMO Certificates For United States Ships.
153.15 Conditions Under Which The Coast Guard Issues A 153.330 Access.

Certificate Of Inspection Or Certificate Of Compliance. 153.332 Hoisting Arrangement.
153.16 Requirements For Foreign Flag Vessel Permits. 153.333 Cargo Pump Discharge Pressure Gauge.
153.30 Special Area Endorsement. 153.334 Bilge Pumping Systems.
153.40 Determination Of Materials That Are Hazardous. 153.336 Special Cargo Pump Or Pumproom Requirements.

Subpart B–Design And Equipment CARGO VENTING SYSTEMS


153.190 Stability Requirements.

A 153.350
Location Of B/3 Vent Discharges.
Location Of 4 m Vent Discharges.
B/3 And 4 m Venting System Outlets.
153.201 Openings To Accommodation, Service Or Control 153.353 High Velocity Vents.
Spaces. 153.354 Venting System Inlet.
153.208 Ballast Equipment. 153.355 PV Venting Systems.

153.209 Bilge Pumping Systems. 153.358 Venting System Flow Capacity.

153.214 Personnel Emergency And Safety Equipment. 153.360 Venting System Restriction.
153.215 Safety Equipment Lockers. 153.361 Arrangements For Removal Of Valves From Venting
Systems Having Multiple Relief Valves.

153.216 Shower And Eyewash Fountains.

153.217 Access To Enclosed Spaces And Dedicated Ballast 153.362 Venting System Drain.
Tanks. 153.364 Venting System Supports.
153.365 Liquid Overpressurization Protection.

153.219 Access To Double Bottom Tanks Serving As Dedicated

Ballast Tanks. 153.368 Pressure-Vacuum Valves.
153.370 Minimum Relief Valve Setting For Ambient
Temperature Cargo Tanks.


153.371 Minimum Relief Valve Setting For Refrigerated Cargo
153.230 Type I System. Tanks.
153.231 Type II System. 153.372 Gauges And Vapor Return For Cargo Vapor Pressures
153.232 Type III System. Exceeding 100 kPa (Approx. 14.7 psia).
153.233 Separation Of Tanks From Machinery, Service And


153.234 Fore And Aft Location.
153.235 Exceptions To Cargo Piping Location Restrictions. 153.400 General Requirements For Gauges.
153.236 Prohibited Materials. 153.404 Standards For Containment Systems Having Required

153.238 Required Materials. Closed Gauges.

153.239 Use Of Cast Iron. 153.406 Standards For Containment Systems Having Required
153.240 Insulation. Restricted Gauges.
153.407 Special Requirements For Sounding Tube Gauges.
CARGO TANKS 153.408 Tank Overflow Control.
153.409 High Level Alarms.
153.250 Double-Bottom And Deep Tanks As Cargo Tanks.
153.251 Independent Cargo Tanks. CARGO TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS
153.252 Special Requirement For An Independent Cargo Tank.
153.254 Cargo Tank Access. 153.430 Heat Transfer Systems; General.
153.256 Trunks, Domes, And Openings Of Cargo Tanks. 153.432 Cooling Systems.
153.266 Tank Linings. 153.434 Heat Transfer Coils Within A Tank.
153.436 Heat Transfer Fluids: Compatibility With Cargo.
PIPING SYSTEMS AND CARGO HANDLING EQUIPMENT 153.438 Cargo Pressure Or Temperature Alarms Required.
153.440 Cargo Temperature Sensors.
153.280 Piping System Design.
153.281 Piping To Independent Tanks.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FLAMMABLE OR 153.901 Documents: Posting, Availability, And Alteration.
COMBUSTIBLE CARGOES 153.902 Expiration And Invalidation Of The Certificates Of
153.460 Fire Protection Systems. 153.903 Operating A United States Ship In Special Areas:
153.461 Electrical Bonding Of Independent Tanks. Categories A, B, And C.
153.462 Static Discharges From Inert Gas Systems. 153.904 Limitations In The Endorsement.
153.463 Vent System Discharges. 153.905 Regulations Required To Be On Board.
153.465 Flammable Vapor Detector. 153.907 Cargo Information.
153.466 Electrical Equipment. 153.908 Cargo Viscosity And Melting Point Information;
Measuring Cargo Temperature During Discharge:
153.909 Completing The Cargo Record Book And Record
153.470 System For Discharge Of NLS Residue To The Sea: Retention: Categories A, B, C, And D.
Categories A, B, C, And D. 153.910 Cargo Piping Plan.
153.480 Stripping Quantity For Category B And C NLS Tanks 153.912 Certficate Of Inhibition Or Stabilization.
On Ships Built After June 30, 1986: Categories B And
153.481 Stripping Quantities And Interim Standards For
Category B NLS Tanks On Ships Built Before July 1, 153.920 Cargo Quantity Limitations.

1986: Category B. 153.921 Explosives.
153.482 Stripping Quantities And Interim Standards For 153.923 Inerting Systems.

Category C NLS Tanks On Ships Built Before July 1,
153.483 Restricted Voyage Waiver For Category B And C NLS

Tanks On Ships Built Before July 1, 1986: Category B 153.930 Cargo Antidotes.
And C. 153.931 Obstruction Of Pumproom Ladderways.
153.484 Prewash Equipment. 153.932 Goggles And Protective Clothing.
153.486 Design And Equipment For Removing NLS Residue By 153.933 Chemical Protective Clothing.
Ventilation: Categories A, B, C, And D. 153.934 Entry Into Spaces Containing Cargo Vapor.

153.488 Design And Equipment For Tanks Carrying High 153.935 Opening Of Tanks And Cargo Sampling.
Melting Point NLSs: Category B. 153.935a Storage Of Cargo Samples.
153.490 Cargo Record Book And Approved Procedures And 153.936 Illness, Alcohol, Drugs.
Arrangements Manual: Categories A, B, C, And D.
153.491 Waiver Of Certain Equipment For Dedicated Cargo A MARKING OF CARGO TRANSFER HOSE
153.940 Standards For Marking Of Cargo Hose.


153.500 Inert Gas Systems.
153.501 Requirement For Dry Inert Gas. 153.953 Signals During Cargo Transfer.
153.515 Special Requirements For Extremely Flammable 153.955 Warning Signs During Cargo Transfer.

Cargoes. 153.957 Persons In Charge Of Transferring Liquid Cargo In Bulk

153.520 Special Requirements For Carbon Disulfide. Or Cleaning Cargo Tanks.
153.525 Special Requirements For Unusually Toxic Cargoes. 153.959 Approval To Begin Transfer Operations Required.

153.526 Toxic Vapor Detectors. 153.964 Discharge By Gas Pressurization.

153.527 Toxic Vapor Protection. 153.966 Discharge By Liquid Displacement.
153.530 Special Requirements For Alkylene Oxides. 153.968 Cargo Transfer Conference.

153.545 Special Requirements For Liquid Sulfur. 153.970 Cargo Transfer Piping.
153.554 Special Requirements For Acids. 153.972 Connecting A Cargo Hose.
153.555 Special Requirements For Inorganic Acids. 153.975 Preparation For Cargo Transfer.
153.556 Special Requirements For Sulfuric Acid And Oleum. 153.976 Transfer Of Packaged Cargo Or Ship's Stores.
153.557 Special Requirements For Hydrochloric Acid. 153.977 Supervision Of Cargo Transfer.

153.558 Special Requirements For Phosphoric Acid. 153.979 Gauging With A Sounding Tube.
153.559 Special Requirements For Nitric Acid (Less Than 70 153.980 Isolation Of Automatic Closing Valves.
Percent). 153.981 Leaving Room In Tank For Cargo Expansion.
153.560 Special Requirements For Alkyl (C7-C9) Nitrates. 153.983 Termination Procedures.
153.565 Special Requirements For Temperature Sensors.

153.602 Special Requirements For Cargoes Reactive With SPECIAL CARGO PROCEDURES
153.1000 Special Operating Requirements For Cargoes Reactive
153.1002 Special Operating Requirements For Heat Sensitive
153.806 Loading Information. Cargoes.
153.808 Examination Required For A Certificate Of Compliance. 153.1003 Prohibited Carriage In Deck Tanks.
153.809 Procedures For Having The Coast Guard Examine A 153.1004 Inhibited And Stabilized Cargoes.
Vessel For A Certificate Of Compliance. 153.1010 Alkylene Oxides.
153.812 Inspection For Certificate Of Inspection. 153.1011 Changing Containment Systems And Hoses To And
From Alkylene Oxide Service.
Subpart C–Operations 153.1020 Unusually Toxic Cargoes.
153.1025 Motor Fuel Antiknock Compounds.
DOCUMENTS AND CARGO INFORMATION 153.1035 Acetone Cyanohydrin Or Lactonitrile Solutions.
153.1040 Carbon Disulfide.
153.900 Certificates And Authorization To Carry A Bulk Liquid 153.1045 Inorganic Acids.
Hazardsous Material. 153.1046 Sulfuric Acid.

153.1052 Carriage Of Other Cargoes In Acid Tanks. U.S.C. 1903 (b). [SOURCE: CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26,
153.1060 Benzene. 1977, unless otherwise noted.]
153.1065 Sodium Chlorate Solutions.
[EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes for Part 153 appear
APPROVAL OF SURVEYORS AND HANDLING OF at 59 FR 17028, Apr. 11, 1994, CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50465, Sept.
CATEGORIES A, B, C, AND D CARGO AND NLS RESIDUE 29, 1995 and at CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50732, Sept. 27, 1996.]

153.1100 Responsibility Of The Person In Charge.

153.1101 Procedures For Getting A Surveyor: Approval Of
Subpart A – General
§153.0 Availability Of Materials.
153.1102 Handling And Disposal Of NLS Residue: Categories A,
(a) Various sections in this part refer to the following documents
B, C, And D.
which are incorporated in Annex II of MARPOL 73/78.
153.1104 Draining Of Cargo Hose: Categories A, B, C, And D.
153.1106 Cleaning Agents.
(1) IMO Standards for Procedures and Arrangements for the
153.1108 Heated Prewash For Solidifying NLS, High Viscosity
Discharge of Noxious Liquid Substances, Resolution MEPC
NLS And Required Prewashes Of NLS Whose Viscosity
18(22), 1985 in effect on April 6, 1987.
Exceeds 25 mPa Sec At 20°C: Categories A, B, And C.
153.1112 Prewash For Tanks Containing Category A NILS
(2) IMO International Code for the Construction and

Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk,
153.1114 Conditions Under Which A Prewash May Be Omitted:
Resolution MEPC 19(22), 1985 in effect on April 6, 1987.
Categories A, B, And C.

153.1116 Prewash For Tanks Unloaded Without Following The
(3) IMO Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Approved Procedures And Arrangements Manual:
Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, Resolution MEPC
Category B And C.
20(22), 1985 in effect on April 6, 1987.

153.1118 Prewash Of Categories B And C Cargo Tanks Not
Meeting Stripping Standards: Categories B And C.
(b) The IMO documents listed in this section are available from
153.1119 When To Prewash And Discharge NLS Residues From
the following:
A Prewash; Unloading An NLS Cargo In A Country
Whose Administration Is Not Signatory To MARPOL

(1) IMO Secretariat, Publications section, 4 Albert Embankment,
73/78: Categories A, B, And C.
London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom, Telex 23588;
153.1120 Procedures For Tank Prewash: Categories A, B, And C.
153.1122 Discharges Of NLS Residue From Tank Washing Other
Than A Prewash: Categories A, B, And C.
153.1124 Discharges Of Category D NLS Residue. A (2) Horizon Nautical, Inc., 2821 Harvard Ave, Metairie, LA 70006,
1 (800) 707 3885;
153.1126 Discharge Of NLS Residue From A Slop Tank To The
(3) New York Nautical Instrument and Service Company, 140
Sea: Categories A, B, C, And D.
West Broadway, New York, NY 10013, 1 (212) 962 4522;
153.1128 Discharge Of NLS Residue From A Cargo Tank To The

Sea: Categories A, B, C, And D.

(4) UNZ & Company, 190 Baldwin Avenue, Jersey City, NJ
153.1130 Failure Of Slops Discharge Recording Equipment;
Operating With, Reporting Failures, And Replacing
Pollution Equipment: Category A, B, C, D.
(5) Southwest Instrument Company, 235 West 7th Street, San

153.1132 Reporting Spills And Non-Complying Discharges:

Pedro, CA 90731.
Category A, B, C, And D.
(6) Marine Education Textbooks, 124 North Van Avenue, Houma,

LA 70363-5895.
153.1500 Venting System Rupture Disks.
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7777, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD

153.1502 Fixed Ballast Relocation.

92-100, 59 FR 17028, Apr. 11, 1994]
153.1504 Inspection Of Personnel Emergency And Safety
§153.1 Applicability.
This part applies to the following:
Subpart D–Test And Calculation Procedures For Determining
(a) All United States self-propelled ships and those foreign self-

Stripping Quantity, Clingage NLS Residue, And Total NLS

propelled ships operating in United States waters that carry in
bulk a cargo listed in Table 1 or allowed in a written permission
under §153.900(d), unless–
153.1600 Equipment Required For Conducting The Stripping
Quantity Test.

(1) The ship is carrying the cargo under 33 CFR part 151;
153.1602 Test Procedure For Determining The Stripping Quantity.
153.1604 Determining The Stripping Quantity From The Test
(2) The ship is carrying the cargo in a portable tank under subpart
98.30 or 98.33 of this chapter; or
153.1608 Calculation Of Total NLS Residue And Clingage NLS
(3) The ship is an offshore supply vessel carrying the cargo under
Table 1 – Summary Of Minimum Requirements
subpart 98.31 of the chapter; or
Table 2 – Cargoes Not Regulated Under Subchapters
D Or O Of This Chapter When Carried In Bulk On
(b) All United States oceangoing non-self-propelled ships and
Non-Oceangoing Barges
those foreign non-self-propelled ships operating in United States
Appendix I – [Reserved]
waters that carry in bulk a Category A, B, or C NLS cargo listed in
Appendix II – Metric Units Used In Part 153
Table 1 or allowed in a written permission under §153.900(d),
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3703; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1. Section 153.40 issued under 49 U.S.C.
(1) The ship is carrying the cargo under 33 CFR part 151;
5103. Sections 153.470 through 153.491, 153.1100 through
153.1132, and 153.1600 through 153.1608 also issued under 33
(2) The ship is carrying the cargo in a portable tank under subpart

98.30 or 98.33 of this chapter; Cargo tank means a tank that:

(3) The ship is an offshore supply vessel carrying the cargo under (1) Is part of or permanently affixed to a tankship; and (2) Carries
subpart 98.31 of this chapter; or a cargo described in part 153, table 1.–SUMMARY OF MINIMUM
REQUIREMENTS in any quantity, including residual liquid or
(4) The ship's Certificate of Inspection is endorsed for a limited vapor.
short protected coastwise route and the ship is constructed and
certificated primarily for service on an inland route. Certificate of Compliance means a certificate issued by the
Coast Guard that a foreign flag vessel had been examined and
(c) All ships that carry a bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed found to comply with the regulations in this chapter.
gas cargo that is not–
Closed gauging system means an arrangement for gauging the
(1) Listed in Table 1 of this part; amount of cargo in a tank, such as a float and tape or a
magnetically coupled float and indicator, that does not have any
(2) Listed in Table 2 of this part; opening through which cargo vapor or liquid can escape.

(3) Carried under a written permission granted under §153.900(d); Combustible is defined in §30.10-15 of this chapter.

(4) Carried under part 30 through 35, 98, 151, or 154 of this Commandant means Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard. The

chapter; or term is often followed by a mailing code in parentheses. The
mailing address should include any mailing code and should be

(5) Carried as an NLS under 33 CFR part 151. written as follows:

[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7777, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD Commandant (mailing code), U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second

84-025, 53 FR 15844, May 4, 1988; CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28974, Street SW. Washington, D.C. 20593-0001.
Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, 1989; CGD 84-043, 55
FR 37413, Sept. 11, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50732, Sept. 27, Control space is defined in §30.10-19a of this chapter.
Cycle, means that the tank washing machine progresses through

§153.2 Definitions And Acronyms. complete rotations until it reaches an orientation identical to its
As used in this part: starting orientation.

Accommodation spaces means halls, dining rooms, lounges,

lavatories, cabins, staterooms, offices, hospitals, cinemas, game A [NOTE: For a typical one or two nozzle tank washing machine
that rotates in both the horizontal and vertical planes though more
and hobby rooms, pantries containing no cooking appliances, and slowly in one than the other, a cycle would be at least one rotation
similar permanently enclosed spaces. in each plane of rotation.]

Adequate reception facility means each facility certified as Dedicated ballast tank means a tank that is used only for ballast.
adequate under 33 CFR 158.160 and each facility provided by a
Administration signatory to MARPOL 73/78 under Regulation 7 of Emergency shutdown station means a part of the tankship
Annex II. where the required emergency shutdown controls are clustered.

Annex II means Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 and is the Annex to Flammable is defined in §30.10-22 of this chapter.
MARPOL 73/78 regulating the discharge of noxious liquid

substances to the sea. Forward perpendicular is defined in §42.13-15(b) of this

B means the breadth of the vessel and is defined in §42.13-15(d)

of this chapter. Hazardous material means a liquid material or substance that

Built means that a ship's construction has reached any of the
following stages: (1) Flammable or combustible;
(2) Designated a hazardous substance under section 311(b) of

(1) The keel is laid. the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1321);or
(2) The mass of the partially assembled ship is 50,000 kg. (3) Designated a hazardous material under 49 U.S.C. 5103.
(3) The mass of the partially assembled ship is one percent of
the estimated mass of the completed ship. [NOTE: The Environmental Protection Agency designates
hazardous substances in 40 CFR Table 116.A. The Coast Guard

Cargo area means that part of a vessel that includes the cargo designates hazardous materials that are transported as bulk
tanks, spaces adjacent to the cargo tanks and the part of the deck liquids by water in §153.40.]
over the cargo tanks and adjacent spaces.
High viscosity NLS includes high viscosity Category B NLS and
Cargo containment system means a cargo tank, its cargo piping high viscosity Category C NLS.
system, its venting system, and its gauging system.
High viscosity Category B NLS means any Category B NLS
Cargo handling space means an enclosed space that must be having a viscosity of at least 25 mPa.s at 20°C and at least 25
entered during a routine loading, carriage, or discharge of cargo mPa.s at the time it is unloaded.
and that contains an element of the cargo containment system
having a seal or packing to prevent the escape of cargo, such as High viscosity Category C NLS means any Category C NLS
a valve, cargo pump, or cargo vapor compressor. having a viscosity of at least 60 mPa.s at 20°C and at least 60
mPa.s at the time it is unloaded.
Cargo piping system means a tankship's permanently installed
piping arrangement, including any valves and pumps, that carries IMO means the International Maritime Organization (IMO,
cargo to or from a cargo tank. formerly Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
or IMCO).

IMO Bulk Chemical Code includes the IMO International Code Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, is defined in §1.05(b) of
for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous this chapter.
Chemicals in Bulk, Resolution MEPC 19(22), 1985 and the IMO
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Open gauging means an arrangement for gauging the amount of
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, Resolution MEPC 20(22), 1985. cargo in a tank through a large opening, such as a tank hatch or
ullage opening.
IMO Certificate includes a Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage
of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk issued under the IMO Code for Open venting system means a venting system that always
the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous allows vapor to flow freely to and from the tank.
Chemicals in Bulk, Resolution MEPC 20(22), 1985 and an
International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Phosphoric acid means phosphoric acid, superphosphoric acid,
Chemicals in Bulk issued under the IMO International Code for and aqueous solutions of phosphoric acid.
the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk, Resolution MEPC 19(22), 1985. Pressure-vacuum (PV) valve means a valve that is normally
closed and which opens under a preset positive pressure or a
Independent, as applied to a cargo piping, venting, heating or vacuum.
cooling system means that the system is connected to no other
system, and has no means available for connection to another Prewash means a tank washing operation that meets the
system. procedure in §153.1120.

Independent tank means a cargo tank that is permanently Pumproom means any enclosed space containing a pump that is

affixed to the vessel, that is self-supporting, that incorporates no part of a cargo containment system.
part of the vessel's hull and that is not essential to the integrity of
the hull. Reception facility means anything capable of receiving NLS

residues in a country whose Administration is not signatory to
Intank cargo pump means a pump: MARPOL 73/78 and each adequate reception facility.

(1) Located within the cargo tank it serves; and Refrigerated tank means a cargo tank that is equipped to carry a
(2) Whose piping passes through only the top of the cargo tank. cargo that must be cooled in order to keep the cargo's vapor

pressure from exceeding the tank's pressure-vacuum or safety
Integral tank means a cargo tank that also is part of or is formed relief valve setting under ambient conditions of 32°C (approx.
in part by the vessel's hull structure so that the tank and the hull 90°F) still water and 46°C (approx. 115°F) still air.
may be stressed by the same loads.
A Relief valve setting means the inlet line pressure at which a vent
IOPP Certificate means an International Oil Pollution Prevention system's pressure-vacuum or safety relief valve fully opens.
Certificate required under 33 CFR 151.19.
Residues and mixtures containing NLSs (NLS residue)

L means the length of the vessel and is defined in §42.13-15(a) of means–

this chapter.
(1) Any Category A, B, C, or D NLS cargo retained on the ship
Liquid means each substance having a vapor pressure of 172 because it fails to meet consignee specifications;

kPa or less at 37.8°C.

(2) Any part of a Category A, B, C, or D NLS cargo remaining on
Marine Inspector is defined in §30.10-43 of this chapter. the ship after NLS is discharged to the consignee, including but

not limited to puddles on the tank bottom and in sumps, clingage

MARPOL 73/78 means the International Convention for in the tanks, and substance remaining in the pipes; or
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (done at London,

November 2, 1973), modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating to (3) Any material contaminated with a Category A, B, C, or D NLS
the International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from cargo, including but not limited to bilge slops, ballast, hose drip
Ships, 1973 (done at London, on February 17, 1978). pan contents, and tank wash water.

Master means the person-in-charge of a self-propelled or non- Restricted gauging system means a method of gauging the

self-propelled ship. amount of cargo in a tank through an opening of limited size that
restricts or prevents the release of cargo vapors from the tank
Mixture means a mixture containing only the substances vapor space.
described in conjunction with the term.
Safety relief (SR) valve means a normally closed valve that

Nearest land has the same meaning as in 33 CFR 151.05(h). opens under a preset positive pressure.

Noxious liquid substance (NLS) means– Separate and separated, as applied to a cargo piping, venting,
heating or cooling system, means either an independent system
(1) Each substance listed in 33 CFR 151.47 or 33 CFR 151.49; or one that may be disconnected from all other systems by:

(2) Each substance having an "A," "B," "C," or "D" beside its name (a) Removing spool pieces or valves and blanking the open pipe
in the column headed "Pollution Category" in Table 1; and ends; or

(3) Each substance that is identified as an NLS in a written (b) Blocking each system interconnection with two blind flanges in
permission issued under §153.900(c). series and providing a means of detecting leakage into the pipe
section between the flanges.
NLS Certificate means an International Pollution Prevention
Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk Service spaces means spaces outside the cargo area used for
issued under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78. galleys, pantries containing cooking appliances, lockers, store
rooms, workshops other than those forming part of machinery
Oceangoing ship has the same meaning as in 33 CFR 151.05(j). spaces, and trunks to such spaces.

Ship means a vessel of any type whatsoever, including American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
hydrofoils, air-cushion vehicles, submersibles, floating craft 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
whether self-propelled or not, and fixed or floating platforms. ASTM F 1122-87 (1992), Standard Specification for Quick
Disconnect Couplings………………………………………...153.940
Slop tanks include slop tanks and cargo tanks used as slop
tanks. ASTM F 1271-90 (1995), Standard Specification for Spill Valves
for Use in Marine Tank Liquid Overpressure Protections
Solidifying NLS means a Category A, B, or C NLS that has a Applications--153.365
melting point–
[CGD 88-032, 56 FR 35826, July 29, 1991, as amended by CGD
(1) Greater than 0°C but less than 15°C and a temperature, 96-041, 61 FR 50732, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR
measured under the procedure in §153.908(d), that is less than 51048, Sept. 30, 1997; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943,
5°C above its melting point at the time it is unloaded; or Mar. 1, 2000; 69 FR 18801, Apr. 9, 2004]

(2) 15°C or greater and has a temperature, measured under the §153.7 Ships Built Before December 27, 1977 And Non-Self-
procedure in §153.908(d), that is less than 10°C above its melting Propelled Ships Built Before July 1, 1983: Application.
point at the time it is unloaded. (a) Definitions.

Solution means a water solution. (1) Permit means a Certificate of Inspection, Letter of

Compliance, or Certificate of Compliance.
Special area means the Baltic Sea Area as defined in 33 CFR

151.13(a)(2) and the Black Sea Area as defined in 33 CFR (2) Existing tankship means a tankship for which a contract was
151.13(a)(3). let on or before December 27, 1977.

SR venting system means a venting system in which an SR (3) Letter of Compliance in this section means a letter issued by
valve controls vapor flow from the cargo tank. the Coast Guard before 27 December 1977 which permitted a
Tankship has the same meaning as "ship". foreign flag tankship to carry a bulk cargo regulated under this
Venting system means a permanent piping arrangement leading

from a cargo tank and used to control the flow of vapor to and (b) Endorsements for existing tankships.
from the tank.
(1) The Coast Guard endorses the permit of an existing tankship
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
78-128, 47 FR 21204, May 17, 1982; CGD 81-052, 50 FR 8732, A to carry a cargo listed in Table 1 if:
Mar. 5, 1985; CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21170, May 22, 1985; CGD 81- (1)(i) The tankship held a permit on December 27, 1977,
101, 52 FR 7778, Mar. 12, 1987; CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28974, endorsed for the cargo in question;
Aug. 1, 1988; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34535, Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 81-

101, 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, 1989; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50732, (1)(ii) The tankship meets the construction standards under which
Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51209, Sept. 30, 1997; the Coast Guard issued the permit; and
USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52191, Sept. 30, 1998]
(1)(iii) The tankship meets the standards in paragraph (c) of this

§153.3 Right Of Appeal. section.

Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under
this part, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal (2) The Coast Guard endorses the permit of an existing tankship

therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter. to carry a cargo listed in Table 1 if:

[CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50381, Dec. 6, 1989] (2)(i) The tankship held a permit on December 27, 1977;

§153.4 Incorporation By Reference. (2)(ii) The Coast Guard did not require the permit to be endorsed
a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with with the name of the cargo at any time before December 27,
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance 1977;
with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). To enforce any edition other than that

specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the Coast Guard must (2)(iii) The tankship meets the construction standards under which
publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and make the Coast Guard issued the permit;
the material available to the public. All approved material is on file
at the U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Operating and Environmental (2)(iv) The tankship carried the cargo in question; and
Standards (G-MSO), 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, DC

20593-0001 or at the National Archives and Records (2)(v) The tankship meets the standards in paragraph (c) of this
Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this section.
material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: (3) The Coast Guard endorses the permit of an existing tankship
ons/ibr_locations.html. All material is available from the sources to carry a cargo listed in Table 1 if:
indicated in paragraph (b) of this section.
(3)(i) The tankship held a permit on December 27, 1977 endorsed
(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this to carry class B or C poisons under 46 CFR part 39;
part and the sections affected are:
(3)(ii) The cargo in question is a class B or C poison;
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036 (3)(iii) The tankship meets the construction standards in 46 CFR
ANSI B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, 1988…...153.940 part 39; and
ANSI B16.24, Bronze Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings,
1979….. ………………………………………………….........153.940 (3)(iv) The tankship meets the standards in paragraph (c) of this
ANSI B16.31, Non-Ferrous Flanges, 1971 ........................153.940

(4) The Commandant (G-MSO) considers on a case by case (7) [Reserved]
basis endorsing the permit of an existing tankship to carry a cargo
listed in Table 1 if: (8) No part of the ship's hull plating is a component of a cargo
tank if the cargo tank is endorsed to carry a cargo having a type II
(4)(i) The tankship does not come within the categories described containment system in Table 1.
in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section;
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
(4)(ii) The tankship meets paragraph (c) of this section; and 78-128, 47 FR 21204, May 17, 1982; CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4781,
Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983; CGD 81-
(4)(iii) The tankship meets any additional requirements the 052, 50 FR 8733, Mar. 5, 1985; CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7779, Mar.
Commandant (G-MSO) may prescribe. 12, 1987; CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28974, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR
12629, Mar. 28, 1989; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 54106, Oct. 19, 1995]
(c) An existing tankship must meet all the requirements of this
part except as provided in paragraphs (c)(3), (4), (5) and (6) of §153.8 Procedures For Requesting An Endorsed Certificate
this section. Of Inspection.
(a) When applying for the endorsed Certificate of Inspection that
(1)-(2) [Reserved] §153.900 requires for a ship to carry a cargo listed in Table 1, the
applicant must proceed as follows:
(3) The Commandant (G-MSO) considers on a case by case

basis endorsing as a type II containment system one that fails to (1) Send a letter to one of the Coast Guard offices listed in
meet §§153.231(b), 153.234, 172.130 and 172.133 of this chapter §91.55-15 of this chapter that includes–

if the tankship and containment system meet the following
minimum conditions: (1)(i) A request for the endorsed Certificate of Inspection;

(3)(i) The tankship has a loadline certificate. (1)(ii) The name of the ship; and

(3)(ii) The cargo tank is not part of the tankship's shell plating. (1)(iii) A list of the cargoes from Table 1 the applicant wishes the
endorsement to allow.
(3)(iii) The distance between the bottom plating of the cargo tank

and the bottom shell plating of the tankship is at least 76 cm (2) Supply to the Coast Guard when requested–
measured parallel to the vertical axis of the tankship.
(2)(i) Hull type calculations;
(4) The Commandant (G-MSO) considers on a case by case
basis endorsing a containment system as a type II containment A (2)(ii) The plans and information listed in §§54.01-18, 56.01-10,
system if: 91.55-5 (a), (b), (d), (g), and (h), and 110.25-1 of this chapter;

(4)(i) The containment system is modified to meet §153.231(b) by (2)(iii) A copy of the Procedures and Arrangements Manual

adding double bottoms or wing tanks; and required by §153.490; and

(4)(ii) The tankship can survive the damage described in (2)(iv) Any other ship information, including plans, design
§§172.135 and 172.150 of this chapter to those parts of the calculations, test results, certificates, and manufacturer's data,

tankship other than machinery spaces. that the Coast Guard needs to determine if the ship meets this
(5) The Commandant (G-MSO) considers on a case by case

basis endorsing as a type III containment system one that does (b) The Coast Guard notifies the applicant in writing–
not meet §§153.234, 172.130 and 172.133 of this chapter if the
tankship has a load line certificate. (1) Whether any further information is necessary to evaluate the

request for the endorsed Certificate of Inspection; and

(6) The Commandant (G-MSO) considers on a case by case
basis endorsing the tankship to carry cargoes listed in Table 1 of (2) Of the outcome of the request for the endorsed Certificate of
this part if the tankship does not meet §§153.217, 153.219 and Inspection.

(c) The Coast Guard returns the Procedures and Arrangements

(d) Except as required by this paragraph, subpart B of this part Manual stamped "Approved" or indicating what corrections are
does not apply to a non-self-propelled ship that carries an NLS necessary.
cargo under this part if–
[NOTE: The procedures for requesting an IOPP Certificate are

(1) The ship was built before July 1, 1983; found in 33 CFR Part 151.]

(2) The ship carries no NLS cargo or NLS residue at any time it is [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7779, Mar. 12, 1987]
in waters of another Administration signatory to MARPOL 73/78;
§153.9 Foreign Flag Vessel Endorsement Application.
(3) The NLS does not require a type I containment system; (a) Application for a vessel whose flag administration is
signatory to MARPOL 73/78 and issues IMO Certificates. A
(4) The ship meets all requirements in parts 30 through 34 and person who desires a Certificate of Compliance endorsed to carry
part 151 of this chapter that apply to the cargo; a cargo in table 1 of this part, as described in §153.900 of this
part, must request the endorsement from the cognizant Officer in
(5) The ship meets the provisions in §153.216 and §§153.470 Charge, Marine Inspection and have aboard the vessel copies of
through 153.491 applying to the NLS category of that cargo; IMO Certificates issued by the vessel's administration and–

(6) When the "Special Requirements" column of Table 1 contains (1) An additional classification society statement that the vessel
an entry for §153.408 or §153.409 beside the cargo name, the complies with §153.530(b), (d), and (p)(1) if a person desires a
ship meets the section, except the system prescribed by the Certificate of Compliance endorsed with the name of an alkylene
section need be capable of operation only during loading; oxide; and

(2) An additional classification society statement that the vessel which the alternative would substitute;
complies with §§153.370, 153.371, and 153.438 if a person
desires a Certificate of Compliance endorsed with the name of a (2) The alternative does not substitute an operational standard for
cargo whose vapor pressure exceeds 100 kPa absolute at 37.8°C a design or equipment standard; and
(approximately 14.7 psia at 100°F).
(3) The Commandant (G-MSO) determines that the alternative
(b) Application for a vessel whose flag administration does provides a level of protection for purposes of safety and pollution
not issue IMO Certificates. A person who desires a Certificate of at least equal to the requirement in this part.
Compliance1 endorsed with the name of a cargo in Table 1 of this
part, as described in §153.900, must submit to Commanding (b) The Coast Guard considers granting a waiver of a requirement
Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center (MSC), 400 for which this part allows a waiver if the person wishing the waiver
Seventh St., SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001 an application sends a written application to the Commandant (G-MSO) that
that includes the following information: includes–

(1) A copy of the vessel's Cargo Ship Safety Construction (1) A citation of the regulation that allows the waiver; and
Certificate and Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate issued
under the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. (2) Any information and pledges that the regulation requires to be
submitted with the application for the waiver.
(2) A list of those cargoes for which the Letter of Compliance is to

be endorsed. (c) The Commandant notifies the applicant in writing–

(3) The specific tanks that are to be endorsed for each cargo. (1) Whether any further information is necessary to evaluate the
request for an alternative or waiver; and
(4) The names of the U.S. ports in which the person anticipates

operating the vessel. (2) Of the outcome of the request for an alternative or waiver.

(5) The name of the vessel's flag administration. (d) A waiver issued under this part terminates if any–

(6) The name of the society that classes the vessel. (1) Information required to be supplied with the application for the

waiver changes;
(7) A brief description of the vessel's cargo containment systems.
(2) Pledges required to be supplied with the application for the
(8) Hull type calculations.
A waiver are repudiated;
(9) The plans and information listed in §§54.01-18, 56.01-10, (3) Restrictions or procedures applying to operations under the
91.55-5 (a), (b), (d), (g), and (h), and 111.05-5(d) of this chapter. waiver are violated; or

(c) Conditions applying to all Certificate of Compliance (4) Requirements in the section of this part authorizing the waiver
applications. are violated.

(1) If requested by the Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7780, Mar. 12, 1987]

Marine Safety Center (MSC), 400 Seventh St., SW., Washington,

DC 20590-0001, a person desiring a Certificate of Compliance for §153.12 IMO Certificates For United States Ships.
a vessel must furnish any other vessel information such as plans, Either a classification society authorized under 46 CFR part 8, or

design calculations, test results, certificates, and manufacturer's the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, issues a United States
data, that the Coast Guard needs to determine that the vessel ship an IMO Certificate endorsed to allow the carriage of a
meets the standards of this part. hazardous material or NLS cargo in table 1 of this part if the

following requirements are met:

(2) Correspondence with the Coast Guard and vessel information
submitted under this part must be in English except IMO (a) The ship's owner must make a request to the OCMI for the
Certificates which may be in French. IMO Certificate.

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD (b) The ship must meet this part.
81-052, 50 FR 8733, Mar. 5, 1985; 50 FR 15895, Apr. 23, 1985;
CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34535, Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 88-070, 53 FR (c) Self-propelled ships contracted for after November 1, 1973 but
37570, Sept. 27, 1988; CGD 89-025, 54 FR 19571, May 8, 1989; built before December 28, 1977 must meet requirements in this
CGD 90-008, 55 FR 30663, July 26, 1990; CGD 92-100, 59 FR part that apply to a self-propelled ship built on December 28,

17028, Apr. 11, 1994; CGD 95-027, 61 FR 26008, May 23, 1996] 1977.

§153.10 Procedures For Requesting Alternatives And (d) Non-self-propelled ships contracted for after November 1,
Waivers; Termination Of Waivers. 1973 but built before July 1, 1983 must meet the requirements in
(a) The Coast Guard considers allowing the use of an alternative this part applying to non-self-propelled ships built on July 1, 1983.
in place of a requirement in this part if–
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7780, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
(1) The person wishing to use the alternative sends a written 95-010, 62 FR 67537, Dec. 24, 1997]
application to the Commandant (G-MSO) explaining–
§153.15 Conditions Under Which The Coast Guard Issues A
(1)(i) The requirement in this part that would not be met and the Certificate Of Inspection Or Certificate Of Compliance.
reason why; (a) The Coast Guard issues the endorsed Certificate of Inspection
required under §153.900 for a United States ship to carry a
(1)(ii) The alternative the person proposes to be substituted; and hazardous material or NLS listed in Table 1 if–

(1)(iii) How the alternative would ensure a level of safety and (1) The person wishing the Certificate of Inspection applies
pollution protection at least equal to that of the requirement for following the procedures under §153.8; and

(2) The ship meets the design and equipment requirements of this C, or D in Table 1 are also Noxious Liquid Substances under
part and– Annex II and the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, 33 U.S.C.
1901 et seq.]
(2)(i) Subchapter D of this chapter if the hazardous material or
NLS is flammable or combustible; or (d) Materials listed in Table 4 of Part 154.

(2)(ii) Either Subchapter D or I of this chapter, at the option of the (e) Materials that are NLSs under MARPOL Annex II.
ship owner, if the hazardous material or NLS is non-flammable or
non-combustible. (f) Liquids, liquefied gases, and compressed gases, that are–

(b) The Coast Guard issues the endorsed Certificate of (1) Listed in 49 CFR 172.101;
Compliance required under §153.900 for a foreign ship to carry a
hazardous material or NLS listed in Table 1 if– (2) Listed in 49 CFR 172.102; or

(1) The person wishing the Certificate of Compliance follows the (3) Listed or within any of the definitions in subparts C through O
procedures under §153.9; of 49 CFR part 173.

(2) The ship has an IMO Certificate issued by its Administration (g) Those liquid, liquefied gas, and compressed gas materials
and endorsed with the name of the hazardous material or NLS if designated as hazardous in the permissions granted under

the ship's Administration is signatory to MARPOL 73/78; §153.900(c).

(3) The ship meets the requirements of this part applying to [ The Coast Guard continues to propose in the FEDERAL
United States ships and §30.01-5(e) of this chapter if the ship's REGISTER any addition of these designated hazardous materials
Administration is not signatory to MARPOL 73/78; and to one of the tables referred to in paragraphs (a) through (d).]

(4) The ship meets any additional design and equipment [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7780, Mar. 12, 1987]
requirements specified by the Commandant (G-MSO). Subpart B – Design and Equipment
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7780, Mar. 12, 1987]
General Vessel Requirements

§153.190 Stability Requirements.
§153.16 Requirements For Foreign Flag Vessel Permits.
Each vessel must meet the applicable requirements in
To have its Certificate of Compliance endorsed to carry a cargo
listed in Table 1, a foreign flag vessel must:
A Subchapter S of this chapter.

[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983. Redesignated by CGD

(a) Have an IMO Certificate, if the flag administration issues IMO
81-101, 52 FR 7780, Mar. 12, 1987]
Certificates, endorsed with the name of the cargo and meet any
specific requirements in this subpart that the Commandant (G-
§153.201 Openings To Accommodation, Service Or Control

MSO) may prescribe; or

(a) Except as allowed in paragraph (b) of this section, entrances,
(b) Meet the requirements of this subpart and §30.01-5(e) of this
ventilation intakes and exhausts, and other openings to
accommodation, service, or control spaces must be located aft of

the house bulkhead facing the cargo area a distance at least

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
equal to the following:
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 81-052, 50 FR 8733,

Mar. 5, 1985; CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7780, Mar. 12, 1987; CGD 95-
(1) 3 m (approx. 10 ft) if the vessel length is less than 75 meters
027, 61 FR 26008, May 23, 1996]
(approx. 246 ft).

§153.30 Special Area Endorsement.

(2) L/25 if the vessel length is between 75 and 125 meters
The Coast Guard endorses the Certificate of Inspection of a
(approx. 246 ft and 410 ft).
United States ship allowing it to operate in special areas if the
ship owner–
(3) 5 m (approx. 16.5 ft) if the vessel length is more than 125
meters (approx. 410 ft).

(a) Requests the endorsement following the procedures in

(b) Fixed port lights, wheelhouse doors, and windows need not
meet the location requirements specified in paragraph (a) of this
(b) Shows that the ship meets the design and equipment
section if they do not leak when tested with a fire hose at 207 kPa
requirements applying to ships operating in special areas

gauge (30 psig).

contained in Regulations 5, 5A, and 8 of Annex II and the
Standards for Procedures and Arrangements. [CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21173, May 22, 1985]

[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7780, Mar. 12, 1987] §153.208 Ballast Equipment.

(a) Except for the arrangement described in paragraph (b) of this
§153.40 Determination Of Materials That Are Hazardous. section no piping that serves a dedicated ballast tank that is
Under the authority delegated by the Secretary of Transportation adjacent to a cargo tank may enter an engine room or
in 49 CFR 1.46(t) to carry out the functions under 49 U.S.C. 1803, accommodation space.
the Coast Guard has found the following materials to be
hazardous when transported in bulk: (b) Piping used only to fill a dedicated ballast tank adjacent to a
cargo tank may enter an engine room or accommodation space if
(a) Materials listed in Table 30.25-1 of this chapter. the piping has a valve or valving arrangement:
(b) Materials listed in Table 151.05.
(c) Materials listed in Table 1.1 (1) Within the part of the tankship where a containment system
may be located under §153.234;
[ Those hazardous material cargoes designated Category A, B,

(2) That allows liquid to flow only towards that ballast tank (such (e) with the legend "SAFETY EQUIPMENT."
as a check valve); and
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
(3) That enables a person to shut off the fill line from the 78-128, 47 FR 21207, May 17, 1982; CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781,
weatherdeck (such as a stop valve). Mar. 12, 1987]

(c) Except as prescribed in paragraph (d) of this section, pumps, §153.216 Shower And Eyewash Fountains.
piping, vent lines, overflow tubes and sounding tubes serving (a) Each non-self-propelled ship must have a fixed or portable
dedicated ballast tanks must not be located within a cargo shower and eyewash fountain that operates during cargo transfer
containment system. and meets paragraph (c) of this section.

(d) Each vent line, overflow tube and sounding tube that serves a (b) Each self-propelled ship must have a shower and eyewash
dedicated ballast tank and that is located within a cargo fountain that operates at all times and meets paragraph (c) of this
containment system must meet §32.60-10(e)(2) of this chapter. section.

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD (c) The shower and eyewash fountains required by paragraphs
78-128, 47 FR 21207, May 17, 1982] (a) and (b) of this section must–

§153.209 Bilge Pumping Systems. (1) Operate in any ambient temperature;

Bilge pumping systems for cargo pumprooms, slop tanks, and
void spaces separated from cargo tanks by only a single bulkhead (2) Dispense water at a temperature between 0°C and 40°C

must be entirely within the locations allowed containment systems (approx. 32°F and 104°F);
in §153.234.
(3) Be located on the weatherdeck; and

§153.214 Personnel Emergency And Safety Equipment.
Each self-propelled ship must have the following: (4) Be marked "EMERGENCY SHOWER" as described in
§153.955(c), (d), and (e), so that the marking is visible from work
(a) Two stretchers or wire baskets complete with equipment for areas in the part of the deck where the cargo containment
lifting an injured person from a pumproom or a cargo tank. systems are located.

(b) In addition to any similar equipment required by Subchapter D [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987]
of this chapter, three each of the following:

(1) A 30 minute self-contained breathing apparatus of the A §153.217 Access To Enclosed Spaces And Dedicated Ballast
pressure demand type, approved by the Mining Safety and Health An access opening to an enclosed space or a dedicated ballast
Administration (formerly the Mining Enforcement and Safety tank must meet the requirements for a cargo tank access in
Administration) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety §153.254(b), (c), and (d) if:

and Health, or the tankship's flag administration with five refill

tanks or cartridges of 30 minutes capacity each. (a) The enclosed space or dedicated ballast tank is located within
the cargo area of the vessel; or
(2) A set of overalls or large apron, boots, long sleeved gloves,

and goggles, each made of materials resistant to the cargoes in (b) A part of a cargo containment system lies within the enclosed
Table 1 that are endorsed on the Certificate of Inspection or space or dedicated ballast tank.
Certificate of Compliance.

[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21207, May 17, 1982]

(3) A steel-cored lifeline with harness.
§153.219 Access To Double Bottom Tanks Serving As

(4) An explosion-proof lamp. Dedicated Ballast Tanks.

(a) Except as prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section, access
(c) First aid equipment. openings to double bottom tanks serving as dedicated ballast
tanks must not be located within a cargo containment system.
[GCD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD

77-222, 43 FR 57256, Dec. 7, 1978; CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21207, (b) Each access opening to a double bottom tank that is a
May 17, 1982; CGD 81-052, 50 FR 8733, Mar. 5, 1985; CGD 81- dedicated ballast tank and that is located within a cargo
101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987] containment system must be:

§153.215 Safety Equipment Lockers. (1) Enclosed in an access trunk extending to the weatherdeck;

Each self-propelled ship must have the following:

(2) Separated from the cargo containment system by two
(a) Each tankship must have at least two safety equipment manhole coverings; or
(3) Approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
(b) One safety equipment locker must be adjacent to the
emergency shutdown station required by §153.296(b). This locker [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21207, May 17, 1982, as amended by CGD
must contain one set of the equipment required by §153.214(a) 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
and two sets of that required by §153.214(b).
Cargo Containment Systems
(c) The second safety equipment locker must be adjacent to the
second emergency shutdown station required by §153.296. This §153.230 Type I System.
locker must contain the remaining equipment required by A type I containment system must meet the following
§153.214(a) and (b). requirements:
(d) Each safety equipment locker must be marked as described in (a) The vessel must meet the requirements in subpart F of part
§153.955(c), (d), and 172 of this chapter for a type I hull.

(b) Except as described in §153.235: (6) Double walled piping or a piping tunnel.

(1) It may be no closer to the tankship's shell than 76 cm (approx. §153.234 Fore And Aft Location.
29.9 in.); and Except as allowed in §153.7, each ship must meet the following:

(2) It may not be located in any part of the tankship subject to the (a) Each cargo containment system and any compartments within
damage described in Table 172.135 of this chapter for: which a containment system is located must be forward of a
tankship's accommodation spaces.
(2)(i) COLLISION PENETRATION, Transverse extent; and
(b) Except as described in §153.235, each cargo containment
(2)(ii) GROUNDING PENETRATION, Vertical extents from the system must be located at least 0.05L aft of the forward
baseline upward. perpendicular, but in no case forward of a collision bulkhead.
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
79-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983]
81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987]
§153.231 Type II System.
§153.235 Exceptions To Cargo Piping Location Restrictions.
A type II containment system must meet the following
Cargo piping must not be located in those areas from which a
containment system is excluded by §§153.230(b), 153.231(b),

and 153.234(b) unless the cargo piping:
(a) The vessel must meet the requirements in subpart F of part
172 of this chapter for a type I or II hull.

(a) Drains back to the cargo tank under any heel or trim resulting
from the damage specified in §172.135 of this chapter; and
(b) Except as allowed in §§153.7 and 153.235–

(b) Enters the cargo tank above the liquid level for a full tank in
(1) It may be no closer to the tankship's shell than 76 cm (approx.
any condition of heel or trim resulting from the damage specified
29.9 in.); and
in §172.135 of this chapter.
(2) It may not be located in any part of the tankship subject to the
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD

damage described in Table 172.135 of this chapter for
79-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983]
GROUNDING PENETRATION, Vertical extent from the baseline
§153.236 Prohibited Materials.
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
79-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983; CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781,
A When one of the following paragraphs of this section is
referenced in Table 1, the materials listed in that paragraph may
not be used in components that contact the cargo liquid or vapor:
Mar. 12, 1987]
(a) Aluminum or aluminum alloys.
§153.232 Type III System.

(b) Copper or copper alloys.

A type III containment system must be in either a type I, II, or III
(c) Zinc, galvanized steel or alloys having more than 10
hull. The requirements for type I, II, and III hulls are in subpart F
percent zinc by weight.
of part 172 of this chapter.
(d) Magnesium.

(e) Lead.
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983]
(f) Silver or silver alloys.
(g) Mercury.
§153.233 Separation Of Tanks From Machinery, Service And

Other Spaces.
§153.238 Required Materials.
(a) To prevent leakage through a single weld failure, the following
When one of the following paragraphs of this section is
spaces must be separated from a cargo by two walls, two

referenced in Table 1, only those materials listed in that

bulkheads, or a bulkhead and a deck not meeting in a cruciform
paragraph may be used in components that contact the cargo
liquid or vapor:
(1) Machinery spaces.
(a) Aluminum, stainless steel, or steel covered with a protective
(2) Service spaces.

lining or coating.
(3) Accommodation spaces.
(4) Spaces for storing potable domestic, or feed water.
(b) With cargo concentrations of 98 percent or greater, aluminum
(5) Spaces for storing edibles.
or stainless steel.

(b) Some examples of arrangements that may separate cargo

(c) With cargo concentrations of less than 98 percent, 304L or
from the spaces listed in paragraph (a) of this section are the
316 stainless steel.
(d) Solid austenitic stainless steel.
(1) Dedicated ballast tanks.
(2) Cargo pumprooms.
(e) Stainless steel or steel covered with a suitable protective lining
(3) Ballast pumprooms.
or coating. (See §153.266.)
(4) Tanks not carrying a cargo listed in this part.3
3 [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
[ See also §§32.56-5 and 32.60-10 of this chapter for limitations
88-100, 54 FR 40041, Sept. 29, 1989]
on the stowage of combustible liquids adjacent to ignition
§153.239 Use Of Cast Iron.
(a) Cast iron used in a cargo containment system must meet the
(5) A cofferdam aft of the cargo containment systems and whose
requirements of §56.60-10(b) of this chapter.
forward bulkhead is forward of any joint common to an
accommodations space and the deck.
(b) For purposes of this section, the term "lethal products" in

§56.60-10(b) means those cargoes that Table 1 references to §153.266 Tank Linings.
§153.525 or §153.527. A tank lining must be:
(a) At least as elastic as the tank material; and
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21207, May 17, 1982]
(b) Applied or attached to the tank as recommended by the lining
§153.240 Insulation. manufacturer.
Cargo containment system insulation made necessary by the
requirements of this part must meet the requirements in §38.05- Piping Systems And Cargo Handling Equipment
20 of this chapter. However, the vapor barrier required by §38.05-
20(b) is unnecessary if the insulation is: §153.280 Piping System Design.
(a) Each cargo piping system must meet the standards of Part 56
(a) Protected from the weather, and attached to a containment and §§38.10-1(b), 38.10-1(e), and 38.10-10(a) of this chapter.
system maintained at a temperature in excess of 46°C (approx.
115°F); or (b) Piping carrying cargo or cargo residue may not enter any
machinery space except a cargo pumproom.
(b) In an atmosphere whose dewpoint is less than the
temperature of any surface in contact with the insulation. §153.281 Piping To Independent Tanks.
Piping for an independent cargo tank must penetrate the tank only
Cargo Tanks

through that part of the tank or dome extending above the
§153.250 Double-Bottom And Deep Tanks As Cargo Tanks.

Except in those cases in which Commandant (G-MSO) [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982]
specifically approves another arrangement, such as a double-
bottom or deep tank as a cargo tank, an integral cargo tank or the §153.282 Cargo Filling Lines.

hold within which an independent cargo tank is located must The discharge point of a cargo tank filling line must be no higher
extend to the weatherdeck. above the bottom of the cargo tank or sump than 10 cm (approx.
4 in.) or the radius of the filling line, whichever is greater.
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983] §153.283 Valving For Cargo Piping.

(a) Except as described in this section, a cargo line must have a
§153.251 Independent Cargo Tanks. deck operable, manual stop valve:
All independent cargo tank must meet §38.05-10(a)(1), (b), (d),
and (e)(1) of this chapter.
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982]
A (1) In each tank which the line serves; and
(2) At each cargo hose connection point.
§153.252 Special Requirement For An Independent Cargo
(b) The valve required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section may be

in a cargo pumproom at the pumproom bulkhead if the cargo tank

When Table 1 refers to this section, the cargo tank must be an
the cargo line serves is adjacent to the pumproom.
independent tank that meets §§38.05-2(d) and 38.05-4(g) of this
chapter. (See also §153.256(b)).
(c) The valve required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section may be

on the weatherdeck if:

[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982]
(1) The weatherdeck is the top of the tank;

§153.254 Cargo Tank Access.

(a) A cargo tank must have at least one covered manhole opening
(2) The line goes through the weatherdeck into the tank; and
into the vapor space described in §153.354.

(3) The valve is at the point where the line penetrates the
(b) An access through a vertical cargo tank surface must be at
least 60 cm by 80 cm (approx. 23.6 x 31.5 in.) and no more than
60 cm above a foothold grating, or surface on both sides of the
(d) The valve required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section may be
access way.
outside the tank if:

(c) An access through a horizontal cargo tank surface must be at

(1) The tank is an independent tank; and
least 60 cm by 60 cm (approx. 23.6 x 23.6 in.).
(2) The valve is at the point where the line penetrates the tank.
(d) An access trunk must be no less than 76 cm (approx. 29.9 in.)

in diameter.
(e) The discharge line of an intank cargo pump need not have the
valve required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
§153.256 Trunks, Domes, And Openings Of Cargo Tanks.
(a) The hatch of a cargo tank must:
(f) If the cargo exerts a gravity head pressure on a valve required
(1) Be at the highest point of the tank; and
by this section, the valve must be a positive shutoff valve that
meets §56.50-60(d) of this chapter.
(2) Open on or above the weatherdeck.
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
(b) To be endorsed to carry a cargo requiring an independent
78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982]
cargo tank, a tank must have:
§153.284 Characteristics Of Required Quick Closing Valves.
(1) A trunk or dome at the uppermost part of the tank, extending
A remotely actuated quick closing shutoff valve required by
above the weatherdeck;
§153.530(n) must:
(2) Its hatch at the top of the trunk or dome; and
(a) Be a positive shutoff valve;
(3) No openings below the weatherdeck.
(b) Be of the fail-closed type that closes on loss of power;

(c) Be capable of local manual closing; [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982]
(d) Close from the time of actuation in 30 seconds or less; and
§153.297 Emergency Actuators At The Point Of Cargo
(e) Be equipped with a fusible element that melts at less than Control.
104°C (approx. 220°F) and closes the valve. (a) The point from which cargo transfer is controlled must have
the same actuators an emergency shutdown station must have
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982; 47 FR 27293, June under §153.296 and an actuator for any deck water spray
24, 1982] systems required by this part.

§153.285 Valving For Cargo Pump Manifolds. (b) The point from which cargo transfer is controlled may be one
(a) When cargo lines serving different tanks enter a pumproom of the emergency shutdown stations required under §153.296 if it
and connect to the same pump: meets the requirements of that section.

(1) Each cargo line must have a stop valve within the line; Cargo Handling Space Ventilation
(2) The valve must be before the cargo line joins the other lines or §153.310 Ventilation System Type.
pump; and A cargo handling space must have a permanent forced ventilation

system of the exhaust type.
(3) The valve must be within the pumproom.
§153.312 Ventilation System Standards.

(b) The valve in paragraph (a) of this section is required in A cargo handling space ventilation system must meet the
addition to any valve required under §153.283(b). following:

§153.292 Separation Of Piping Systems. (a) A ventilation system exhaust duct must discharge no less than
Cargo piping systems must be arranged so that operations 10 m (approx. 32.8 ft) from openings into or ventilation intakes for,
necessary to provide separate systems can be accomplished in a accommodation or service spaces.
cargo handling space or on the weatherdeck.
(b) A ventilation system must not recycle vapors from ventilation

[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982] discharges.

§153.294 Marking Of Piping Systems.

(a) Each cargo piping system must be marked with the
designation number of the cargo tank it serves at each hose A (c) Except for the space served by the ventilation duct, a
ventilation duct must not pass through a machinery room, an
accommodation space, or working spaces.
connection, valve, and blind in the piping system. The markings
must be in characters at least 5 cm (approx. 2 in.) high. (d) A ventilation system must be operable from outside the space
it ventilates.

(b) Every hose connection of a cargo piping system must be

marked with the cargo piping system's working pressure required (e) A ventilation system must be sized to change the air in the
by §38.10-10(a) of this chapter.4 ventilated space at least 30 times per hour.

[ See §153.280 of the part.] (f) A ventilation system must not allow air to stagnate in any part
of a ventilated space.
§153.296 Emergency Shutdown Stations.

(a) Each tankship must have at least two emergency shutdown (g) A ventilation system must be able to exhaust air from both
stations. above and below the deck plates of a ventilated space.

(b) One emergency shutdown station must be located forward of §153.314 Ventilation Of Spaces Not Usually Occupied.
the deckhouse, in the after part of the weatherdeck in which the (a) Each tankship must have portable ventilation equipment that
cargo tanks are located. fits the mount required in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

(c) A second emergency shutdown station must be located so that (b) Each enclosed space within the cargo area that does not have

one of the two stations is accessible from any part of the a permanent ventilation system meeting §153.312 must have:
weatherdeck if a break in a cargo piping system or hose causes
spraying or leaking. (1) A mount for the portable mechanical ventilation equipment
required by this section; and
(d) Each emergency shutdown station must contain a single

remote actuator for all quick closing shutoff valves required by this (2) Either permanent ventilation ductwork connected to the mount
part. and arranged to supply air to the extremities of the space; or

(e) Each emergency shutdown station must have the controls (3) An attachment for temporary ductwork at the mount with
necessary to stop all cargo pumps on the tankship. enough ductway in the ventilated space and temporary ductwork
stowed aboard the vessel to supply air to the extremities of the
(f) Any remote emergency actuator, such as that for a quick space.
closing shut-off valve, a cargo pump, or a water spray system,
must be of a type that will not defeat the operation of other remote [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
emergency actuators. The emergency action must occur whether 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982]
one or several actuators are operated.
§153.316 Special Cargo Pumproom Ventilation Rate.
(g) Each emergency shutdown station must be marked as When Table 1 refers to this section, the cargo pumproom
described in §153.955(c), (d), and (e) with the legend ventilation system must change the air in the cargo pumproom 45
"EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN STATION" so that the legend is times per hour and discharge no less than 4 m (approx. 13.1 ft)
visible from work areas in the part of the deck where the cargo above the deck.
containment systems are located.

Cargo Pumprooms pumproom for at least one hour each without using the cartridges
§153.330 Access. for the breathing apparatus required in §153.214(b)(1).
(a) The access door to a cargo pump-room must open on the
weatheredeck. [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983]
(b) The access way to a cargo pump-room and its valving must
allow passage of a man wearing the breathing apparatus required Cargo Venting Systems
by §153.214(b)(1).
§153.350 Location Of B/3 Vent Discharges.
(c) Each ladderway in a cargo pump-room must be free from Except as prescribed in §153.353, a B/3 venting system must
obstructions by piping, framework, or other equipment. discharge:

(d) Cargo pumproom ladders and platforms must have guard (a) At the highest of the following points:
(1) 6m (approx. 19.7 ft) above the weatherdeck.
(e) Each ladder to a cargo pump-room must have an incline from
the horizontal of less than 60°. (2) B/3 above the weatherdeck.

§153.332 Hoisting Arrangement. (3) 6m (approx. 19.7 ft) above a walkway, if the walkway is within
(a) A cargo pumproom located below the weatherdeck must have a 6m (approx. 19.7 ft) horizontal radius from the vent discharge.
a permanent hoisting arrangement with a lifting capacity of 2500

N (approx. 562 lbs), operable from the weatherdeck, for the (b) At least 15m (approx. 49.2 ft) from air intakes for, or openings
removal of an unconscious person. into, accommodation and service spaces.

(b) The cargo pumproom must have a 60 cm by 60 cm (approx. 2 [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982; 47 FR 27293, June
ft by 2 ft) cross-sectional clearance through the hoistway. 24, 1982]

§153.333 Cargo Pump Discharge Pressure Gauge. §153.351 Location Of 4m Vent Discharges.
Each cargo pump within a pump-room must have a discharge Except as prescribed in §153.353, a 4m venting system must

pressure gauge outside the pumproom. discharge:

§153.334 Bilge Pumping Systems.

(a) A cargo pumproom must have a bilge pumping system. A (a) At least 4m (approx. 13.1 ft) above the higher of:

(1) the weatherdeck; or

(b) The bilge pumping system must have:
(2) any walkway that is within a 4m (approx. 13.1 ft) horizontal
(1) Complete remote operating controls outside the cargo radius from the vent discharge.

pumproom; and
(b) At least 10m (approx. 32.8 ft) from air intakes for, or openings
(2) An alarm that operates when the depth of liquid in the bilges into, accommodation or service spaces.
exceeds 50 cm (approx. 19.7 in.).

[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982]

§153.336 Special Cargo Pump Or Pumproom Requirements.
(a) When Table 1 refers to this section: §153.352 B/3 And 4 m Venting System Outlets.

A B/3 or 4 m venting system outlet must:

(1) The cargo pump must be an intank cargo pump;
(a) Discharge vertically upwards; and

(2) The cargo pumproom must be on or above the weatherdeck;

or (b) Prevent precipitation from entering the vent system.

(3) The cargo pumproom must have the specific approval of the §153.353 High Velocity Vents.
Commandant (G-MSO). The discharge point of a B/3 or 4m venting system must be

located at least 3m (approx. 10 ft) above the weatherdeck or

(b) For a cargo pumproom described in paragraph (a)(2) or (a)(3) walkway if:
the tankship must:
(a) The discharge is a vertical, unimpeded jet;

(1) Have a low pressure breathing quality air supply system for
use with the breathing apparatus in the pumproom; or (b) The jet has a minimum exit velocity of 30 m/sec (approx. 98.4
ft/sec); and
(2) Meet any requirements specified by the Commandant (G-
MSO). (c) The high velocity vent has been approved by Commandant
(c) A low pressure air supply system described in paragraph
(b)(1) of this section must: [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
(1) Run from fixed air bottles to the pumproom;
§153.354 Venting System Inlet.
(2) Have an air compressor to recharge the fixed air bottles; A venting system must terminate in the vapor space above the
cargo when the tank is filled to a 2 percent ullage and the
(3) have hose connections in the pumproom suitable for use with tankship has no heel or trim.
the breathing apparatus required in §153.214(b)(1); and
§153.355 PV Venting Systems.
(4) have the air capacity to enable two men to work in the When Table 1 requires a PV venting system, the cargo tank must

have a PV valve in its vent line. The PV valve must be located §153.368 Pressure-Vacuum Valves.
between the tank and any connection to another tank's vent line (a) The pressure side of a required pressure-vacuum relief valve
(such as a vent riser common to two or more tanks). must begin to open only at a pressure exceeding 3.5 kPa gauge
(approx. 0.5 psig).
§153.358 Venting System Flow Capacity.
(a) The cross-sectional flow area of any vent system segment, (b) A pressure-vacuum relief valve must meet the requirements of
including any PV or SR valve, must at no point be less than that Subpart 162.017 of this chapter.
of a pipe whose inside diameter is 6.4 cm (approx. 2.5 in.).
§153.370 Minimum Relief Valve Setting For Ambient
(b) When Table 1 requires a closed or restricted gauging system, Temperature Cargo Tanks.
calculations must show that, under conditions in which a The relief valve setting for a containment system that carries a
saturated cargo vapor is discharged through the venting system cargo at ambient temperature must at least equal the cargo's
at the maximum anticipated loading rate, the pressure differential vapor pressure at 46°C (approx. 115°F).
between the cargo tank vapor space and the atmosphere does
not exceed 28 kPa gauge (approx. 4 psig), or, for independent [CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21173, May 22, 1985]
tanks, the maximum working pressure of the tank.
§153.371 Minimum Relief Valve Setting For Refrigerated
§153.360 Venting System Restriction. Cargo Tanks.
A venting system must have no assembly that could reduce its The relief valve setting for a containment system that carries a

cross-sectional flow area or flow capacity to less than that refrigerated cargo must at least equal the lesser of:
required in §153.358.

(a) That in §153.370; or
§153.361 Arrangements For Removal Of Valves From Venting
Systems Having Multiple Relief Valves. (b) 110 percent of the cargo's vapor pressure at the steady state

A venting system having multiple relief valves may be arranged to temperature obtained by a full tank of cargo with the refrigeration
allow the removal of a valve (for repair, as an example) provided system operating under ambient conditions described within the
the venting system: definition of a refrigerated tank in §153.2.

(a) Has valves that are interlocked, so that the removal of a valve §153.372 Gauges And Vapor Return For Cargo Vapor

does not reduce the venting system relieving capacity below the Pressures Exceeding 100 kPa (approx. 14.7 psia).
minimum relieving capacity required by §153.358; and When table 1 references this section, the containment system
must have a:
(b) Is arranged so that cargo vapor will not escape through the
opening left after a valve has been removed. A (a) Tank pressure gauge at the point where cargo flow is
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982; 47 FR 27293, June controlled during transfer; and
24, 1982]
(b) Vapor return connection.

§153.362 Venting System Drain.

Unless a cargo vent system at every point is level or slopes back [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977; 42 FR 57126, Nov. 1,
to the cargo tank under all conditions of heel and trim allowed 1977, as amended by CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21173, May 22, 1985]
under §153.806, the cargo vent system must have a drain valve

at each low point (trap) in the vent line. Cargo Gauging Systems
§153.364 Venting System Supports. §153.400 General Requirements For Gauges.

Supports for a vent system must meet §38.10-10(c) of this (a) Columnar gauge glasses must not be installed on a cargo
chapter. containment system.

§153.365 Liquid Overpressurization Protection. (b) Flat sight glasses must meet §38.10-20(h) of this chapter.
(a) Except as noted in paragraph (b) of this section, a
containment system requiring closed or restricted gauging must: §153.404 Standards For Containment Systems Having
Required Closed Gauges.
(1) Be designed to withstand the maximum pressure that When Table 1 requires a cargo's containment system to have a

develops during an overfill of the densest cargo endorsed for the closed gauge, the containment system must have the following:
containment system; or
(a) A permanently installed closed gauging system.
(2) Have an overflow control system that meets §153.408; or

(b) A vapor return connection.

(3) Meet the requirements specified by the Commandant (G-
MSO). (c) The high level alarm described in §153.409.

(b) A containment system requiring restricted gauging, except for (d) Either a closed cargo sampling system or a cargo sampling
those cargoes that reference §§153.525 or 153.527, may be arrangement allowing the retrieval of a sample through an orifice
equipped with a spill valve that: not exceeding:

(1) Meets ASTM F 1271 (incorporated by reference, see §153.4); (1) 0.635 cm (approx. 0.25 in.) diameter when the cargo's vapor
and pressure is 28 kPa gauge (approx. 4 psig) or less; or

(2) Limits the maximum pressure during liquid overfill at a (2) 0.140 cm (approx. 0.055 in.) diameter when the cargo's vapor
specified cargo loading rate to that which the containment system pressure exceeds 28 kPa (approx. 4 psig).
is able to withstand (see §§153.294(b) and 152.977(b)).
§153.406 Standards For Containment Systems Having
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21208, May 17, 1982, as amended by CGD Required Restricted Gauges.
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 88-032, 56 FR 35827, When Table 1 requires a cargo's containment system to have a
July 29, 1991; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000] restricted gauge, the containment system must have:

(a) A closed gauging system; or [CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21173, May 22, 1985]

(b) A system that has: §153.409 High Level Alarms.

When Table 1 refers to this section or requires a cargo to have a
(1) A restricted gauge (e.g., a sounding tube) with an orifice closed gauging system, the cargo's containment system must
diameter not exceeding 20 cm (approx. 7.8 in.); have a high level alarm:

(2) A permanently attached gauge cover that is vapor tight when (a) That gives an audible and visual alarm before the tank fills to
in place; and 97 percent of its capacity;

(3) A venting system that has either: (b) That can be seen and heard where cargo transfer is controlled
and on the open deck;
(3)(i) Lock open PV valves; or
(c) Whose operation can be checked prior to each loading; and
(3)(ii) Valved bypasses around the PV valves.
(d) That must be marked as described in §153.408(c)(6) with the
§153.407 Special Requirements For Sounding Tube Gauges. legend "HIGH LEVEL ALARM."
(a) A sounding tube installed as a restricted gauge must extend to
within one meter (approx. 39.4 in.) of the bottom of the tank. [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21209, May 17, 1982; 47 FR 27293, June

24, 1982]
(b) A sounding tube must not be installed on a tank whose relief

valve setting exceeds 28 kPa (approx. 4 psig) unless it is Cargo Temperature Control System
specifically permitted by the Commandant (G-MSO).
§153.430 Heat Transfer Systems; General.

(c) A sounding tube must have no perforations in the tube wall. Each cargo cooling system required by this part and each cargo
heating system must:
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] (a) Meet the standards of Subchapters F (Marine Engineering)
and J (Electrical Engineering) of this chapter;

§153.408 Tank Overflow Control.
(a) When table 1 references this section, a cargo containment (b) Have valving that enables the system to be separated from all
system must have a cargo high level alarm meeting §153.409 and
one of the following additional systems:
A other cooling and heating systems; and

(c) Allow manual regulation of the system's heat transfer

(1) A second high level (cargo overflow) alarm. rate.[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by
CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21209, May 17, 1982; CGD 81-078, 50 FR
(2) A system that automatically stops cargo flow to the tank 21174, May 22, 1985]

(automatic shutdown system).

§153.432 Cooling Systems.
(b) The high level alarm and the cargo overflow alarm or (a) Each cargo cooling system must have an equivalent standby
automatic shutdown system must: unit that is installed and that can be placed in operation

immediately after failure of the primary cooling system.

(1) Be independent of one-another; and
(b) Each tankship that has a cargo tank with a required cooling

(2) Operate on loss of power. system must have a manual that contains:

(c) The cargo overflow alarm or the automatic shutdown system (1) A piping diagram for the cooling system; and

must operate early enough to:

(2) Instructions for changing over to the standby system described
(1) Stop the loading operation before the cargo tank overflows; in paragraph (a) of this section.
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD

(2) Avoid surge pressures that exceed the working pressure 78-128, 47 FR 21209, May 17, 1982]
specified in §153.294(b).
§153.434 Heat Transfer Coils Within A Tank.
(d) A tank overflow must be identified with the legend "TANK When a cargo tank contains any quantity of cargo, a cargo
OVERFLOW ALARM" in lettering as specified for the warning

cooling or heating system having coils within the tank must keep
sign in §153.955. the heat transfer fluid at a pressure greater than the pressure
exerted on the heating or cooling system by the cargo.
(e) A tank overflow alarm must be audible and visible in that part
of the deck where the containment systems are located and at the [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21209, May 17, 1982]
point where cargo loading is controlled on the tankship.
§153.436 Heat Transfer Fluids: Compatibility With Cargo.
(f) The automatic shutdown system or tank overflow alarm must A heat transfer fluid separated from the cargo by only one wall
be able to be checked at the tank for proper operation (for (for example, the heat transfer fluid in a coil within a tank) must be
example, by electrically simulating an overfill at the tank gauge compatible with the cargo under the standards prescribed for
connection). compatibility between two cargoes in Part 150 of this chapter.

(g) In this section, "independent" as applied to two systems [CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21174, May 22, 1985]
means that one system will operate with a failure of any part of
the other system except high level power sources and electrical §153.438 Cargo Pressure Or Temperature Alarms Required.
feeder panels. Conduit need not be independent; the control (a) Each refrigerated tank must have:
wiring for several independent systems may be carried in a single
conduit. (1) An alarm that operates when the cargo's pressure exceeds

the vapor pressure described in §153.371(b); or 34 of this chapter or be specifically approved by the Commandant
(2) An alarm that operates when the cargo's temperature exceeds
the steady state temperature described in §153.371(b). [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781,
(b) The alarm must give an audible and visual signal on the bridge Mar. 12, 1987]
and at the cargo control station.
§153.461 Electrical Bonding Of Independent Tanks.
(c) The cargo pressure or temperature alarm must be An independent metallic cargo tank that carries a flammable or
independent of other cargo pressure or temperature sensing combustible cargo must be electrically bonded to the tankship's
arrangements. hull.

§153.440 Cargo Temperature Sensors. §153.462 Static Discharges From Inert Gas Systems.
(a) Except as prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section, when An inert gas system on a tank that carries a flammable or
Table 1 refers to this section, the containment system must meet combustible cargo must not create static arcing as the inert gas is
the following requirements: injected into the tank.

(1) A heated or refrigerated cargo tank must have a remote §153.463 Vent System Discharges.
reading thermometer sensing the temperature of the cargo at the The discharge of a venting system must be at least 10 m (approx.

bottom of the tank. 32.8 ft) from an ignition source if:

(2) A refrigerated tank must have a remote reading second (a) The cargo tank is endorsed to carry a flammable or
thermometer near the top of the tank and below the maximum combustible cargo; and
liquid level allowed by §153.981.

(b) Table 1 requires the cargo to have a PV venting system.
(3) Unless waived under §153.491(a), a cargo tank endorsed to
carry a Category A, B, or C NLS cargo must have a thermometer §153.465 Flammable Vapor Detector.
whose temperature reading is no greater than the temperature of (a) A tankship that carries a flammable cargo must have two
the cargo at a level above the tank bottom at least one-eighth but vapor detectors that meet §35.30-15(b) of this chapter.

no more than one-half the height of the tank if the cargo is–
(b) At least one of the vapor detectors in paragraph (a) of this
(3)(i) A Category A NLS or a Category B NLS having a viscosity section must be portable.
of at least 25 mPa.s at 20°C;
A §153.466 Electrical Equipment.
(3)(ii) A Category C NLS having a viscosity of at least 60 mPa.s at A tankship carrying a flammable or combustible cargo under this
20°C; or part must meet subchapter J of this chapter.

(3)(iii) A Category A, B, or C NLS that has a melting point greater Design and Equipment for Pollution Control
than 0°C.
[SOURCE: Sections 153.470 through 153.491 appear at CGD 81-
(b) A readout for each remote thermometer required by this 101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987, unless otherwise noted.]

section must be at the point where cargo transfer is controlled.

§153.470 System For Discharge Of NLS Residue To The Sea:
(c) A portable thermometer may be substituted for the equipment Categories A, B, C, And D.

required in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section if– Unless waived under §153.491, each ship that discharges
Category A, B, or C NLS residue, or Category D NLS residue not
(1) Table 1 allows open gauging with the cargo; or diluted to 1/10th of its original concentration, into the sea under

§§153.1126 and 153.1128 must have an NLS residue discharge

(2) Table 1 allows restricted gauging with the cargo, and the system meeting the following:
portable thermometer is designed to be used through the
containment system's restricted gauging system. (a) Minimum diameter of an NLS residue discharge outlet.
The outlet of each NLS residue discharge system must have a

[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21209, May 17, 1982, as amended by CGD diameter at least as great as that given by the following formula:
81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987; CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28974,
Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, 1989] (Qd)(cosine Ф)
D = ─────────
Special Requirements for Flammable or

Combustible Cargoes
§153.460 Fire Protection Systems.
Each self-propelled ship and each manned non-self-propelled D = Minimum diameter of the discharge outlet in meters.
ship must meet the following:
Qd = Maximum rate in cubic meters per hour at which the ship
(a) With the exception of the vent riser, each part of a cargo operator wishes to discharge slops (note: Qd affects the
containment system exposed on the weatherdeck must be discharge rate allowed under §153.1126(b)(2)).
covered by the fire protection system listed beside the cargo in
Table 1 and described in the footnotes to Table 1. L = Distance from the forward perpendicular to the discharge
outlet in meters.
(b) The Commandant (G-MSO) approves the substitution of a dry
chemical (D) type fire protection system for an A or B type on a Ф = The acute angle between a perpendicular to the shell plating
case by case basis. at the discharge location and the direction of the average velocity
of the discharged liquid.
(c) A fire protection system required by this part must meet part

(b) Location of an NLS residue discharge outlet. Each NLS (3) Each system that has the capacity to exceed Q calculated in
residue discharge outlet must be located– paragraph (b)(1) of this section must have equipment that–

(1) At the turn of the bilge beneath the cargo area; and (3)(i) Records the NLS residue flow through the system; and

(2) Where the discharge from the outlet is not drawn into the (3)(ii) Is sufficiently accurate that its recorded values averaged
ship's seawater intakes. over any 30 second period differ no more than 15% from the
actual flow averaged over the same 30 second period.
(c) Location of dual NLS residue discharge outlets. If the
value of 6.45 for K is used in §153.1126(b)(2), the NLS residue (4) Each system that has the capacity to exceed Q calculated
discharge system must have two outlets located on opposite under paragraph (b)(1) of this section and does not automatically
sides of the ship. control the flow rate must have–

[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD (4)(i) Manual controls that enable the flow to be adjusted to the
81-101, 53 FR 28974, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, value of Q calculated in paragraph (b)(1) of this section and that
1989; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51209, Sept. 30, 1997] must be moved through at least 25% of their total range of
movement for the discharge rate to change from 0.5Q to 1.5Q;
§153.480 Stripping Quantity For Category B And C NLS and
Tanks On Ships Built After June 30, 1986: Categories B And

C. (4)(ii) A flow rate meter located where the flow is manually
Unless waived under §153.491, Category B and C NLS cargo controlled.

tanks on each ship built after June 30, 1986 must have stripping
quantities determined under §153.1604 that are less than– [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
81-101, 53 FR 28974, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28,

(a) 0.15 m3 if Category B; and 1989]

(b) 0.35 m3 if Category C. §153.482 Stripping Quantities And Interim Standards For
Category C NLS Tanks On Ships Built Before July 1, 1986:
§153.481 Stripping Quantities And Interim Standards For Category C. Unless waived under §153.483 or §153.491, each

Category B NLS Tanks On Ships Built Before July 1, 1986: Category C NLS cargo tank on ships built before July 1, 1986
Category B. must meet the following:
Unless waived under §153.483 or §153.491, each Category B
NLS cargo tank on ships built before July 1, 1986 must meet the
following: A (a) Unless the tank meets the interim standard provided by
paragraph (b) of this section, the tank must have a stripping
quantity determined under 153.1604 that is less than 0.95 m3.
(a) Unless the tank meets the interim standard provided by
paragraph (b) of this section and is prewashed in accordance with (b) Before October 3, 1994, the tank may have a total NLS

§153.1118, the tank must have a stripping quantity determined residue determined under §153.1608 that is less than 3.0 m or
under §153.1604 that is less than 0.35m3. 1/1000th of the tank's capacity.

(b) Before October 3, 1994, the tank may have a total NLS §153.483 Restricted Voyage Waiver For Category B And C

residue determined under §153.1608 that is less than 1.0 m3 or NLS Tanks On Ships Built Before July 1, 1986: Category B
1/3000th of the tank's capacity and an NLS residue discharge And C.
system meeting the following: At its discretion the Coast Guard waives §§153.481 and 153.482

under this section and allows a ship to carry Category B and C

(1) The system must be capable of discharging at a rate equal to NLS cargoes between ports or terminals in one or more countries
or less than Q in the following formula: signatory to MARPOL 73/78 if the ship's owner requests a waiver

following the procedures in §153.10 and includes–

Q = K U1.4 L1.6 x 10-5 m3/hr
(a) A written pledge to–
K = 4.3, except K=6.45 if the discharge is equally distributed (a)(1) Limit the loading and discharge of Category B and C NLS

between two NLS residue discharge outlets on opposite sides of cargoes in a foreign port to those ports and terminals in countries
the ship (see §§153.470(c) and 153.1126(b)). signatory to MARPOL 73/78 and listed in accordance with
paragraph (b) of this section; and
L = ship's length in meters.
(2) Prewash the cargo tank as required under §153.1118 after

U = for a ship that is self-propelled, the minimum speed in knots each Category B or C NLS is unloaded unless the prewash is
specified in the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual allowed to be omitted under §153.1114;
for discharging Category B NLS residue, but at least 7;
(b) A list of–
U = for a ship that is not self-propelled, the minimum speed in
knots specified in the approved Procedures and Arrangements (1) All foreign ports or terminals at which the ship is expected to
Manual for discharging Category B NLS residue, but at least 4. load or discharge Category B or C NLS cargo, and

(2) The system must have equipment capable of automatically (2) All foreign ports or terminals at which the ship is expected to
recording– discharge Category B or C NLS residue from the tank;

(2)(i) The time of day that discharge of NLS residue through the (c) An estimate of the quantity of NLS residue to be discharged to
residue discharge system starts and ends; and each foreign port or terminal listed under paragraph (b)(2) of this
(2)(ii) The dates on which discharge begins and ends unless the
equipment allows a person to enter these dates on the record (d) Written statements from the owners of adequate reception
manually. facilities in the ports and terminals listed in accordance with

paragraph (b)(2) of this section who have agreed to take NLS ventilation, in addition to the equipment required under paragraph
residue from the ship, showing the amount of NLS residue each (a) of this section the ship must have–
agrees to take; and
(1) Portable forced air ventilating equipment fitting the ventilation
(e) A written attestation from the person in charge of each port or openings required in paragraph (a) of this section and able to
terminal listed in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section ventilate the extremities of the tank to the extent prescribed in
that the administration has determined the port or terminal to have Appendix C of the IMO Standards for Procedures and
adequate reception facilities for the NLS residue. Arrangements for the Discharge of Noxious Liquid
Substances, Resolution MEPC 18(22), 1985; and
[NOTE TO §153.483: Certificates of Inspection and any IMO
Certificates issued to ships on restricted voyage waivers indicate (2) A connector that allows a fan or air supply to be connected to
that while the ship carries an NLS cargo or NLS residue, it is the hose connections for the tank at the manifold.
limited to voyages between the ports or terminals listed on the
certificate.] [NOTE: The Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) allows states
to regulate emissions from tank ventilation. There may be other
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD regulations, both local and Federal, that affect the use of tank
81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, ventilation for safety or environmental purposes.]
§153.488 Design And Equipment For Tanks Carrying High

§153.484 Prewash Equipment. Melting Point NLSs: Category B.
Unless the ship operator shows that the prewash equipment Unless waived under §153.491, for a ship to have its Certificate of

specified in this section will be available at discharge or prewash Inspection or Certificate of Compliance endorsed allowing a tank
facilities or the equipment is waived under §153.491, to have its to carry a Category B NLS with a melting point of 15°C or more,
Certificate of Inspection or Certificate of Compliance endorsed to the cargo tank must have–

carry a Category A NLS or a Category B or C NLS requiring
viscosity or melting point information under §153.908(a) and (b), a (a) An arrangement enabling the cargo to be heated before cargo
ship must have the following: transfer, using heat supplied by the ship or by another source;
(a) For the tanks that carry the NLS, a tank washing system

capable of washing all interior tank surfaces except those (b) Sides and bottom separate from the ship's side or bottom shell
shielded from the washing system spray by ship's structure, and plating.
consisting of a wash water supply system and–

(1) A fixed tank washing machine in each tank; or A §153.490 Cargo Record Book And Approved Procedures And
Arrangements Manual: Categories A, B, C, And D.
(a) Unless waived under §153.491, to have a Certificate of
(2) A portable tank washing machine and, if required by the Coast Inspection or Certificate of Compliance endorsed to carry NLS
Guard, equipment to move it during washing and when storing. cargo, a ship must have–

(b) Piping, valving, and crossovers needed to arrange the cargo (1) If U.S., a Cargo Record Book published by the Coast Guard
piping so that the wash water passes through the cargo pump and (OMB App. No. 1625-0094), or, if foreign, a Cargo Record Book
cargo piping during tank washing or discharge of tank wash having the same entries and format as Appendix 4 of Annex II;

water. and

(c) If the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual (2) A Procedures and Arrangements Manual meeting paragraph

specifies the hot water prewash required under 153.1108, a (b) of this section and approved by–
means of supplying water to the tank washing machine under
paragraph (a) of this section at– (2)(i) The Coast Guard, if the ship is a United States ship or one

whose Administration is not signatory to MARPOL 73/78; or

(1) A temperature of at least 60°C (140°F) when it leaves the
washing machine; and (2)(ii) The Administration, if the ship is one whose Administration
is signatory to MARPOL 73/78.
(2) The flow rate needed for the washing machine jets to meet

paragraph (a) of this section. (b) Each Procedures and Arrangements Manual under paragraph
(a)(2) of this section must include the following:
§153.486 Design And Equipment For Removing NLS Residue
By Ventilation: Categories A, B, C, And D. (1) The standard format and content prescribed in Chapter 2 and
(a) If NLS residue is to be removed from a cargo tank by Appendix D of the IMO Standards for Procedures and

ventilation, in addition to the equipment required under paragraph Arrangements for the Discharge of Noxious Liquid
Substances, Resolution MEPC 18(22), 1985, or, for ships for
(b) of this section the ship must have– which the only NLS carried is a Category D NLS and ships having
a waiver under §153.483 or §153.491, the format and content
(1) Openings in the tank deck near the sump or suction point; prescribed by the Commandant (G-MSO).

(2) If the openings required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section are (2) If the ship has a tank that carries a cargo under a waiver
insufficient, an access opening for visually determining whether issued under §153.483, procedures ensuring that–
liquid remains in the sump area of the cargo tank after ventilation
or some other means for making this determination; and (2)(i) Category B and C NLSs are discharged from the tank only in
the ports or terminals listed in accordance with §153.483(b); and
(3) An approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual with
instructions that meet §153.490(b)(3). (2)(ii) The tank is prewashed after discharging each Category B or
C NLS unless §153.1114 allows the prewash to be omitted.
(b) Unless the ship operator shows that the ventilation equipment
specified in this paragraph will be available from shore when (3) If ventilation is used to clean a tank under §153.1102(b)(2),
needed, if NLS residue is to be removed from a cargo tank by ventilation procedures that meet those in Appendix C of the IMO

Standards for Procedures and Arrangements for the (c) Has storage for enough inerting gas to replace that normally
Discharge of Noxious Liquid Substances, Resolution MEPC lost while the tank's atmosphere is maintained in an inert
18(22), 1985. condition (e.g. through tank breathing and relief valve leakage),
but in no case an amount less than 5 percent of the tank's
(4) If tank cleaning agents are used, quantities to use and capacity when measured with the gas at -18°C (approx. 0°F) and
instructions for using the cleaning agents. a pressure equal to the cargo tank's relief valve setting; and

(5) If the tank has the discharge recording equipment required in (d) Has connections for any supplemental gas supply necessary
§153.481(b), procedures to ensure that no NLS residue is to maintain the inert gas pressure described in paragraph (b) of
discharged from the tank when the recording equipment is this section during cargo discharge.
incapacitated unless the concentration and total quantity limits for
the NLS in Annex II are not exceeded. §153.501 Requirement For Dry Inert Gas.
When Table 1 refers to this section, an inert gas system for the
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
containment system must supply inert gas containing no more
81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28,
than 100 ppm water.
§153.515 Special Requirements For Extremely Flammable
§153.491 Waiver Of Certain Equipment For Dedicated Cargo
When Table 1 refers to this section:

(a) The Coast Guard waives §§153.440(a)(3), 153.480, 153.481,
153.482, and 153.488 and endorses a ship's Certificate of
(a) An enclosed space containing a cargo tank must have an
Inspection or Certificate of Compliance allowing a cargo tank to

inerting system that meets the requirements in §153.500 applying
carry a single, specific NLS cargo and no other cargo if the ship's
to the inert gas system of a containment system;

(b) Cargo discharge pumps must be of a type that does not
(1) Requests a waiver following the procedures in §153.10; and
subject the shaft gland to the cargo under pressure or that is
submerged; and
(2) Pledges in writing that while any waiver is in effect the cargo
tank will–
(c) The cargo tank's relief valve setting must be no less than 21

kPa gauge (approx. 3 psig).
(2)(i) Carry only the NLS cargo listed on the Certificate of
Inspection or Certificate of Compliance;
§153.520 Special Requirements For Carbon Disulfide.
(2)(ii) Carry no cargo other than the NLS; and A A containment system carrying carbon disulfide must meet the
(2)(iii) Not be washed or ballasted unless the wash water or
(a) Each cargo pump must be of the intank type and encased
ballast water is discharged to a reception facility.
within a cylindrical well that extends from the top of the tank to a

point no more than 10 cm (approx. 4 in.) above the bottom of the

(b) The Coast Guard waives §§153.470 and 153.490(a)(2) if–
(1) The ship's owner requests a waiver following the procedures
(b) [Reserved]
in §153.10;

(c) The cargo piping and venting systems must be completely

(2) The Coast Guard has issued a waiver to each of the ship's
independent of those for other cargo.
NLS cargo tanks under paragraph (a) of this section; and

(d) Pressure relief valves must be made of type 304 or 316

(3) The ship's owner adds to the ship's operational manual any
stainless steel.
provisions for preventing NLS discharge specified by the

Commandant (G-MSO) as a condition for issuing the waiver.

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
78-128, 47 FR 21209, May 17, 1982]
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28,
§153.525 Special Requirements For Unusually Toxic

When Table 1 refers to this section a containment system must
Special Requirements meet the following:

§153.500 Inert Gas Systems. (a) Cargo piping and venting systems must be designed so that

When Table 1 refers to this section, a cargo containment system they can be separated from any containment system endorsed for
must have a permanent inert gas system that: a cargo not covered by this section.

(a) Maintains the vapor space of the containment system in an (b) A cargo tank's relief valve setting must be not less than 21
inert state by filling the vapor space with a gas that is neither kPa gauge (approx. 3 psig).
reactive with the cargo nor flammable;
(c) All cargo pumps and valves located below the weatherdeck
(b) Has a pressure control system that: must be operable from the weatherdeck.

(1) Prevents the inert gas system from raising the cargo tank (d) A heat transfer system for the cargo must:
pressure to more than the relief valve setting; and
(1) Be independent of other ship service systems, except for other
(2) Maintains at least a 3.5 kPa gauge (approx. 0.5 psig) pressure cargo heat transfer systems, and not enter the engine room;
within the containment system at all times, including cargo
discharge; (2) Be totally external to the cargo containment system; or

(3) Be approved by the Commandant (G-MSO) for use with toxic (d) The following materials are generally found unsatisfactory for
cargoes. gaskets, packing, insulation, and similar uses in alkylene oxide
containment systems and would require extensive testing as
(e) The cargo must be separated from any bunkers by at least two described in paragraph (c) of this section before being approved:
(1) Neoprene or natural rubber if it might be in contact with the
(f) A cargo containment system must have a vapor return alkylene oxide.
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD (2) Asbestos or asbestos mixed with other materials such as with
78-128, 47 FR 21209, May 17, 1982; CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, many common insulations, packing materials, and gasket
Feb. 3, 1983] materials.

§153.526 Toxic Vapor Detectors. (3) Materials containing oxides of magnesium, such as mineral
(a) When Table 1 refers to this section, a tankship must have two wools.
toxic vapor detectors, at least one of which must be portable,
each able to measure vapor concentrations in the range of the (e) The tank's relief valve setting must not be less than 21 kPa
time weighted average (TWA) for the cargo. The portable detector gauge (approx. 3 psig).
may be a direct reading detector tube instrument. These vapor
detectors may be combined with those required by §153.465. (f) If the containment system is equipped with a cooling system,

the cooling system must:
(b) When the toxic vapor detectors required by paragraph (a) of

this section are not available and the cargo referenced to this (1) Not compress the cargo; and
section is transferred through a cargo pumproom, the tankship
must meet §153.336(b). (2) Regulate the cargo temperature automatically and allow

manual regulation.
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982]
(g) The cargo piping system must:
§153.527 Toxic Vapor Protection.
When Table 1 refers to this section, a tankship must have on (1) Comply with Part 38 of this chapter;

board for each crew member:
(2) Be completely separate from all other systems;
(a) An emergency escape breathing apparatus (EEBA) approved
by the Mining Safety and Health Administration (formerly the
Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration) and the National A (3) Be assembled from valves, fittings, and accessories having a
pressure rating of not less than 1030 kPa gauge (approx. 150
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, or the tankship's flag psig) (American National Standards Institute); and
(4) Have no threaded joints.

(b) Where the emergency escape breathing apparatus does not

protect the eyes from vapors, a set of goggles that either: (h) The cargo containment system vapor space and each space
listed in paragraphs (k) and (l) of this section must have
(1) Meet the specifications of ANSI Practice for Occupational and continuous monitoring of oxygen concentration or have an

Educational Eye and Face Protection, Z-87.1(1979); or arrangement to enable sampling with a portable oxygen analyzer.

(2) Are approved by the tankship's flag administration. (i) Valve disks or disk faces, seats, and other wearing valve parts

must be made of stainless steel containing no less than 11

[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982] percent chromium.

§153.530 Special Requirements For Alkylene Oxides. (j) The venting system must be independent of other containment
When Table 1 refers to this section, a containment system must or tankship systems.
meet the following:
(k) When a cargo tank is in an enclosed space, the space must
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a have:

cargo containment system must be made of:

(1) An inert gas system meeting the requirements that apply to
(1) Stainless steel other than types 416 and 442; and the inert gas system of a containment system in §153.500, or

(2) Steel. (2) A forced ventilation system meeting the requirements that

apply to a cargo handling space ventilation system in §153.312.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, gaskets
must be composites of spirally wound stainless steel and Teflon (l) Cofferdams, cargo tanks, double bottom spaces, void spaces
or similar flourinated polymer. and other enclosed spaces adjacent to an integral cargo tank
must have an inert gas system meeting the requirements that
(c) The Commandant (G-MSO) approves a cargo containment apply to the inert gas system of a containment system in
system using materials other than those described in this section §153.500.
for alkylene oxides on a case by case basis if:
(m) An intank pump or inert gas displacement must be used to
(1) The person wishing to have the containment system approved discharge cargo.
completes any tests prescribed by the Commandant (G-MSO);
and (n) The cargo discharge piping system must have a remotely
actuated quick closing shutoff valve that meets §153.284 at the
(2) The Commandant (G-MSO) approves the results of the tests cargo transfer hose connection.
and the material for use with alkylene oxides.
(o) Cargo hose must:

(1) Have the specific approval of the Commandant (G-MSO) for (3) Lined with natural rubber or neoprene if the cargo composition
use in alkylene oxide transfer; and does not exceed 51 percent acid by weight.

(2) Be marked "For Alkylene Oxide Transfer Only". (c) A containment system for oleum may be of unlined steel if the
concentration of free sulfur trioxide in the oleum exceeds 20
(p) All exposed parts of the cargo containment system above or percent by weight.
on the deck, such as tank domes, cargo piping, and loading
manifolds, must be covered by a water spray system that: [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
(1) Operates automatically in a fire involving the cargo
containment system; §153.557 Special Requirements For Hydrochloric Acid.
(a) A containment system that carries hydrochloric acid must be
(2) Has at least two remote manual actuators, one in each lined with:
emergency shutdown station required by §153.296; and
(1) Natural rubber;
(3) Covers the area of application with a uniform spray of
2 2
0.175 l/m sec (0.0043 gal/ft sec). (2) Neoprene; or

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD (3) A material approved for hydrochloric acid tanks by the

78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982; CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Commandant (G-MSO).
Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 39629, Sept. 1, 1983; CGD

81-078, 50 FR 21174, May 22, 1985] (b) Containment systems for contaminated hydrochloric acid are
approved by the Commandant (G-MSO) on a case by case basis.
§153.545 Special Requirements For Liquid Sulfur.

(a) A containment system carrying liquid sulfur must have: [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983]
(1) A cargo tank ventilation system that:
§153.558 Special Requirements For Phosphoric Acid.
(1)(i) Maintains the H2S vapor concentration below 1.85 percent A phosphoric acid containment system must be:

by volume; and
(a) Lined with natural rubber or neoprene;
(1)(ii) Prevents sulfur buildup within itself; and
(2) An alarm system designed to operate when the ventilation
system blower fails. A (b) Lined with a material approved for phosphoric acid tanks by
the Commandant (G-MSO); or
(b) The void spaces around a cargo tank that carries liquid sulfur (c) Made of a stainless steel that resists corrosion by phosphoric
must be oil tight. acid.

(c) A cargo tank that carries liquid sulfur and the void spaces [NOTE: "Phosphoric acid", as defined in §153.2, includes
surrounding the tank must have connections for sampling vapor. phosphoric acid, superphosphoric acid, and aqueous solutions of
phosphoric acid.]

§153.554 Special Requirements For Acids.

When Table 1 refers to this section: [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40042,

(a) Each containment system loading and discharge connection Sept. 29, 1989]
must have a spray shield;
§153.559 Special Requirements For Nitric Acid (Less Than 70

(b) Each cargo containment system must be separated from Percent).

bunkers by double walls, such as a cofferdam and piping tunnels; A containment system that carries nitric acid (less than 70
and percent) must be of stainless steel that resists corrosion by nitric
(c) Each vessel must have on board a means to determine

whether cargo has leaked into the spaces adjacent to a cargo §153.560 Special Requirements For Alkyl (C7-C9) Nitrates.
containment system. (a) The carriage temperature of octyl nitrates must be maintained
below 100°C (212°F) in order to prevent the occurrence of a self-
§153.555 Special Requirements For Inorganic Acids. sustaining exothermic decomposition reaction.
When Table 1 refers to this section, a tankship's shell plating

must not be a part of the cargo tank. (b) Octyl nitrates may not be carried in a deck tank unless the
tank has a combination of insulation and a water deluge system
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982] sufficient to maintain the tank's cargo temperature below 100°C
(212°F) and the cargo temperature rise at below
§153.556 Special Requirements For Sulfuric Acid And Oleum. 1.5°C(2.7°F)/hour, for a fire of 650°C (1200°F).
(a) Except as prescribed in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section,
[CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40042, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended by CGD
containment systems carrying sulfuric acid, oleum, or
92-100, 59 FR 17028, Apr. 11, 1994; CGD 94-900, 59 FR 45139,
contaminated sulfuric acid are approved by the Commandant (G-
Aug. 31, 1994]
MSO) on a case by case basis.
§153.565 Special Requirement For Temperature Sensors.
(b) A containment system carrying sulfuric acid may be:
If a cargo listed in table 1 of this part refers to this section,
temperature sensors must be used to monitor the cargo pump
(1) Made of unlined steel if the cargo composition is between 70
temperature to detect overheating due to pump failures, when
and 80 or between 90 and 100 percent acid by weight;
carrying that cargo.
(2) Lined with lead if the cargo composition does not exceed 96
[CGD 94-900, 59 FR 45139, Aug. 31, 1994]
percent acid by weight; or

§153.602 Special Requirements For Cargoes Reactive With Documents and Cargo Information
When Table 1 refers to this section, the air inlet to the pressure- §153.900 Certificates And Authorization To Carry A Bulk
vacuum valve for the cargo tank must be located at least 2m Liquid Hazardous Material.
(approx. 6.6 ft) above the weatherdeck. (a) Except as allowed in 33 CFR 151.33(a), no ship may carry a
cargo of bulk liquid hazardous material or an NLS residue if the
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982] bulk liquid hazardous material or NLS is listed in Table 1 or
carried under a written permission under paragraph (d) of this
Testing and Inspection section unless the ship meets the following:
§153.806 Loading Information.
Each tankship must have a manual containing information that (1) The cargo must be carried in a cargo tank.
enables the master to load and ballast the tankship while keeping
structural stresses within design limits. (2) If a United States ship, the ship must have a Subchapter D or I
Certificate of Inspection that is endorsed to allow the cargo tank to
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983] carry the cargo.

§153.808 Examination Required For A Certificate Of (3) If a foreign ship, the ship must have a Certificate of
Compliance. Compliance that is endorsed to allow the cargo tank to carry the

Before a vessel receives either an initial or a reissued Certificate cargo.
of Compliance endorsed to carry a cargo from Table 1 of this part,
the vessel must call at a U.S. port for an examination during (4) The ship must have an IMO Certificate of Fitness issued under

which the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, determines §153.12 that is endorsed to allow the cargo tank to carry the
whether or not the vessel meets the requirements of this chapter. cargo if it is–

[CGD 81-052, 50 FR 8733, Mar. 5, 1985, as amended by CGD (4)(i) A United States self-propelled ship in foreign waters; or
95-027, 61 FR 26009, May 23, 1996]
(4)(ii) A United States non-self-propelled ship in the waters of
§153.809 Procedures For Having The Coast Guard Examine A another Administration signatory to MARPOL 73/78 and the cargo
Vessel For A Certificate Of Compliance. is a Category A, B, or C NLS.

The owner of a foreign flag vessel wishing to have the Coast
Guard conduct a Certificate of Compliance examination, as (b) [Reserved]
required by §153.808, must proceed as follows:

(a) Notify the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection of the port

A (c) No ship may carry any bulk liquid cargo not listed in §30.25-1
of this chapter, Table 151.05 of Part 151 of this chapter, Table 1
where the vessel is to be inspected at least 7 days before the or Table 2 of this part, Table 4 of Part 154 of this chapter, 33 CFR
vessel arrives and arrange the exact time and other details of the 151.47, or 33 CFR 151.49 unless the cargo name is endorsed on
examination. This notification is in addition to any other pre-arrival the Certificate of Inspection or contained in a letter issued under

notice to the Coast Guard required by other regulations, but may paragraph (d) of this section.
be concurrent with the endorsement application in §153.9, and
must include– (d) The Coast Guard at its discretion endorses the Certificate of
Inspection with the name of or issues a letter allowing the carriage

(1) The name of the vessel's first U.S. port of call; of an unlisted cargo described under paragraph (c) of this section
(2) The date that the vessel is scheduled to arrive;

(1) The shipowner–

(3) The name and telephone number of the owner's local agent;
and (1)(i) Requests the Coast Guard to add the cargo; and

(4) The names of all cargoes listed in table 1 of this part that are (1)(ii) Supplies any information the Coast Guard needs to develop
on board the vessel. carriage requirements for the bulk liquid cargo; and

(b) Before the examination required by §153.808 is begun, make (2) The ship–

certain that the following plans are on board the vessel and
available to the Marine Inspector. These plans include– (2)(i) Has a Certificate of Inspection, Certificate of Compliance, or
IOPP Certificate as specified in this part;
(1) A general arrangement (including the location of fire fighting,

safety, and lifesaving gear); (2)(ii) Meets the design and equipment requirements of this part
specified by the Coast Guard; and
(2) A capacity plan;
(2)(iii) Meets any additional requirements made by the Coast
(3) A schematic diagram of cargo piping on deck and in tanks Guard.
(including the location of all valves and pumps); and
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7783, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28,
(4) A schematic diagram of cargo tank vent piping (including the
location of relief valves and flame screens).
§153.901 Documents: Posting, Availability, And Alteration.
[CGD 95-027, 61 FR 26009, May 23, 1996]
(a) No person may operate a United States ship unless the
endorsed Certificate of Inspection is readily available on the ship.
§153.812 Inspection For Certificate Of Inspection.
The rules governing the issuance of Certificates of Inspection are
(b) No person may operate a foreign ship unless the endorsed
contained in part 31 of this chapter.
Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of Inspection is readily
available on the ship.
Subpart C – Operations

(c) No person may operate a ship under an alternative or waiver §153.907 Cargo Information.
granted under this part unless the document granting the (a) The master shall ensure that the following information for each
alternative or waiver is attached to the ship's Certificate of cargo carried under this part is readily available to those on the
Inspection or Certificate of Compliance. tankship engaged in cargo operations:

(d) Except as allowed in paragraph (e) of this section, the Coast (1) The name of the cargo as listed in table 1.
Guard does not accept the following if altered:
(2) A description of the cargo's appearance and color.
(1) Certificates of Inspection.
(3) Hazards in handling the cargo.
(2) Certificates of Compliance.
(4) Any special handling procedures for the cargo, such as
(3) Certificates of Fitness, unless the alteration is by the issuing inerting.
(5) Procedures to follow if the cargo spills or leaks.
(4) Approved Procedures and Arrangements Manuals, unless the
alteration is approved by the issuing authority. (6) Procedures for treating a person exposed to the cargo.

(5) NLS Certificates. (7) A list of fire fighting procedures and extinguishing agents

effective with cargo fires.
(e) A person wishing to change a Procedures and Arrangements

Manual approved by the Coast Guard must submit a copy to the (8) Shipper's name.
Coast Guard following the procedures for requesting an endorsed
Certificate of Inspection in §153.8. (9) Loading point.

[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7783, Mar. 12, 1987] (10) Approximate quantity of cargo.

§153.902 Expiration And Invalidation Of The Certificate Of (11) Tank in which the cargo is located.

(a) The Certificate of Compliance shows its expiration date. (12) The name of an agent in the United States authorized to
accept service of legal process for the vessel.
(b) The endorsement of a Certificate of Compliance under this
part is invalid if the vessel does not have a valid IMO Certificate of
Fitness. A (b) The master shall make sure that the following information for
cargoes other than those carried under this part is readily
available on the tankship:
(c) The endorsement on a Certificate of Compliance invalidated
under paragraph (b) of this section, becomes valid again once the (1) The name of the cargo as listed in Table 4 of Part 154 of this

ship has the IMO Certificate of Fitness revalidated or reissued. chapter or §30.25-1 of this chapter if the cargo is listed in one of
these two tables.
[NOTE: See §153.809 for procedures for having a Certificate of
Compliance reissued.] (2) The name of the cargo prescribed in the letter authorizing

carriage of the cargo under §153.900(d) if the cargo is a

[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7784, Mar. 12, 1987; CGD 95-072, 60 FR
hazardous or flammable cargo authorized for carriage under that
50465, Sept. 29, 1995; 60 FR 54106, Oct. 19, 1995; CGD 95-027,
61 FR 26009, May 23, 1996]

(3) The shipper's name for the cargo and the name of the shipper
§153.903 Operating A United States Ship In Special Areas:
if the cargo is neither a hazardous nor flammable cargo.
Categories A, B, And C.

No person may operate a United States ship that carries an NLS

[CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21174, May 22, 1985; as amended by CGD
or NLS residue in a special area unless–
88-100, 54 FR 40042, Sept. 29, 1989]
(a) The ship's Certificate of Inspection is endorsed in accordance
§153.908 Cargo Viscosity And Melting Point Information;
with §153.30; and

Measuring Cargo Temperature During Discharge: Categories

A, B, And C.
(b) The ship meets the operating requirements applying to special
(a) The person in charge of the ship may not accept a shipment of
areas in Regulations 5, 5A, 8 and the Standards for Procedures
a Category A, B, or C NLS cargo having a reference to this
and Arrangements of Annex II.
paragraph in the "Special Requirements" column of Table 1

unless the person has, from the cargo's manufacturer or the

[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7784, Mar. 12, 1987]
person listed as the shipper on the bill of lading, a written
statement of the following:
§153.904 Limitations In The Endorsement.
No person may operate a tankship unless that person complies
(1) For Category A or B NLS, the cargo's viscosity at 20°C in
with all limitations in the endorsement on the tankship's Certificate
mPa.s and, if the cargo's viscosity exceeds 25 mPa.s at 20°C, the
of Inspection or Certificate of Compliance.
temperature at which the viscosity is 25 mPa.s.
[CGD 81-052, 50 FR 8734, Mar. 5, 1985]
(2) For Category C NLS, the cargo's viscosity at 20°C in mPa.s
and, if the cargo's viscosity exceeds 60 mPa.s at 20°C, the
§153.905 Regulations Required To Be On Board.
temperature at which the viscosity is 60 mPa.s. If the cargo's
No person may operate a tankship unless the most recent
viscosity varies from shipment to shipment, the maximum
editions of this part, and parts 35 and 150 of this chapter are on
viscosity and maximum temperature values may be supplied.
(b) The person in charge of the ship may not accept a shipment of
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982]
a Category A, B, or C cargo having a reference to this paragraph

in the "Special Requirements" column of Table 1 unless the (b) The person in charge of the ship shall ensure that the Cargo
person has a written statement of the cargo's melting point in °C Record Book is on board and readily available for inspection and
from the cargo's manufacturer or the person listed as the shipper copying by the Coast Guard and when the ship is a U.S. ship in
on the bill of lading. If the cargo's melting point varies from the waters of a foreign country whose Administration is signatory
shipment to shipment, the highest melting point may be supplied. to MARPOL 73/78, the authorities of that country.

(c) The person in charge of the ship shall ensure that the cargo (c) Each officer in charge of an operation listed under paragraph
temperature is read and recorded in the Cargo Record Book (a) of this section, and each Surveyor observing an operation that
following the procedures in paragraph (d) of this section when a this part requires the presence of a Surveyor, shall attest to the
cargo having a reference to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section in accuracy and completeness of each Cargo Record Book entry
the "Special Requirements" column of Table 1 is unloaded. concerning those operations by signing after each entry.

(d) The cargo temperature measured in paragraph (c) of this (d) After all the entries on a page of the Cargo Record Book are
section must be made using the following procedure: completed, and if the person in charge of the ship agrees with the
entries, the person in charge of the ship shall sign the bottom of
(1) Each reading must be made with the sensor or thermometer that page.
required by §153.440(a)(3) or (c). If a portable thermometer is
used, it must be located as prescribed for the temperature sensor (e) The ship owner or operator shall ensure that–
in §153.440(a)(3).

(1) Each Cargo Record Book is retained on board the ship for at
(2) A total of 2 readings must be made, the first reading to be least 3 years after the last entry; and

made no more than 30 minutes after cargo transfer begins and
the second reading no more than 30 minutes before the main (2) Each discharge recording required by §153.1126(b)(1) is
cargo pump is shut down. retained on board the ship for at least three years.

(3) The cargo's temperature is the average of the 2 readings [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7784, Mar. 12, 1987]
made under paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
§153.910 Cargo Piping Plan.
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7784, Mar. 12, 1987] No person may operate a tankship unless the tankship has a

cargo piping plan that:
§153.909 Completing The Cargo Record Book And Record
Retention: Categories A, B, C, And D. (a) Shows all cargo piping on the tankship;
(a) The person in charge of a ship shall ensure that the Cargo
Record Book required under §153.490 is completed immediately A (b) Shows all cargo valving, pumps, and other equipment that is
after any of the following occurs: used during cargo transfer;

(1) An NLS cargo is loaded. (c) Shows the cargo tanks;


(2) An NLS cargo is transferred between tanks on a ship. (d) Shows any modifications necessary to a containment system
that is to be separated as prescribed under Part 150 of this
(3) An NLS cargo is unloaded from a tank. subchapter, or §§153.525 and 153.1020;

(4) A tank that last carried an NLS cargo is prewashed under this (e) Emphasizes the piping and equipment described in
part. paragraphs (a), (b) and (d) of this section by using contrasting

colors, line widths, or similar methods; and

(5) A tank that last carried an NLS cargo is washed, except as
reported under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, cleaned, or (f) Shows the cargo loading rates chosen under §153.365(b) for

ventilated. all applicable cargo lines.

(6) Washings from a tank that last carried an NLS cargo are [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
discharged to the sea. 78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982]

(7) Tanks that last carried an NLS cargo are ballasted. §153.912 Certificate Of Inhibition Or Stabilization.
(a) When a cargo in Table 1 is referred to this section, no person
(8) Ballast water is discharged to the sea from a cargo tank that may operate a tankship carrying the cargo without a written
last carried an NLS. certification, carried on the bridge of the tankship, from the
shipper that the cargo is:

(9) An NLS cargo or NLS residue is discharged to the sea by

accident or except as allowed by this part. (1) Inhibited; or

(10) A Surveyor is present during an operation that this part (2) Stabilized.
requires the presence of a Surveyor.
(b) The certification required by this section must contain the
(11) NLS residue or NLS cargo is transferred from cargo following information:
pumproom bilges or transferred to an incinerator.
(1) Whether the cargo is inhibited or stabilized.
(12) A waiver is issued to the ship, ship owner, ship operator, or
person in charge of the ship under this part. (2) The name and concentration of the inhibitor or stabilizer.

(13) The concentration of a Category A NLS residue is measured (3) The date the inhibitor or stabilizer was added.
under §153.1120(a).
(4) The length of time the inhibitor or stabilizer is effective.
(14) Any discharge recording equipment required by
§153.481(b)(2) fails. (5) Any temperature limitations qualifying the inhibitor's or

stabilizer's effective lifetime. (a) The master shall ensure that the following chemical protective
clothing constructed of materials resistant to permeation by the
(6) The action to be taken should the duration of the voyage cargo being handled is worn by all personnel engaged in an
exceed the inhibitor's or stabilizer's useful life. operation listed in paragraph (b) of this section:

General Cargo Operational Requirements (1) Splash protective eyewear.

(2) Long-sleeved gloves.
§153.920 Cargo Quantity Limitations. (3) Boots or shoe covers.
(a) No person may load a cargo tank or operate a tankship that (4) Coveralls or lab aprons.
carries a cargo tank containing in excess of 1250 m3 (approx.
44,138 ft3) of cargo requiring a type I containment system. [NOTE: "Guidelines for the Selection of Chemical Protective
Clothing", Third Edition, 1987, available from the American
(b) No person may load a cargo tank or operate a tankship that Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1330 Kemper
carries a cargo tank containing in excess of 3000 m3 (approx. Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240-1634, provides information
105,932 ft3) of a cargo requiring a type II containment system. on the proper clothing for the cargo being handled.]

§153.921 Explosives. (b) This section applies during the following operations:
No person may load, off-load, or carry a cargo listed in this part
(1) Sampling cargo.

on board a vessel that carries explosives unless he has the prior
written permission of the Commandant (G-MSO). (2) Transferring cargo.
(3) Making or breaking cargo hose connections.

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD (4) Gauging a cargo tank, unless gauging is by closed system.
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] (5) Opening cargo tanks.

§153.923 Inerting Systems. (c) Coveralls or lab aprons may be replaced by splash suits or
The master shall ensure that the inert gas systems for any cargo aprons constructed of light weight or disposable materials if, in the
that this part requires to be inerted are operating correctly. judgment of the master–

General Vessel Safety (1) Contact with the cargo being handled is likely to occur only

infrequently and accidentally; and
§153.930 Cargo Antidotes.
(2) The splash suit or apron is disposed of immediately after
No person may operate a tankship that carries a cargo listed in
Table 1 unless the tankship has on board the antidotes described
for the cargo in the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents
A contamination.
Involving Dangerous Goods, published by IMO. (d) Splash protective eyewear must be tight-fitting chemical-
splash goggles, face shields, or similar items intended specifically
§153.931 Obstruction Of Pumproom Ladderways. for eye protection from chemical splashing or spraying.

The master shall ensure that all cargo pumproom ladderways are
unobstructed at all times. (e) The master shall ensure that each person in the vicinity of an
operation listed in paragraph (b) of this section or in the vicinity of
§153.932 Goggles And Protective Clothing. tanks, piping, or pumps being used to transfer the cargo wears

(a) The master shall ensure that each person wear a face mask or splash protective eyewear under paragraph (d) of this section.
tight-fitting goggles for eye protection against splashing or
spraying liquids if that person is: [CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40042, Sept. 29, 1989; as amended by

USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53227, Oct. 1, 1999]

(1) Sampling cargo;
(2) Transferring cargo; §153.934 Entry Into Spaces Containing Cargo Vapor.

(3) Making or breaking a cargo hose connection; (a) No person may enter a cargo tank, cargo handling space,
(4) Gauging a cargo tank; or pumproom or enclosed space in the cargo area without the
(5) Opening a cargo tank by opening a Butterworth hatch, permission of the master.
ullage hatch, cargo tank hatch, or similar opening.
(b) Before permitting anyone to enter a cargo tank, cargo handling

(b) The master shall ensure that each person wear a face mask or space, pumproom or other enclosed space in the cargo area, the
tight-fitting goggles for eye protection against splashing or master shall make sure that:
spraying liquids if the person is:
(1) The space is free of toxic vapors and has sufficient oxygen to
support life; or

(1) In the area of the deck where the cargo tanks, cargo piping,
and cargo pumprooms are located while a cargo transfer is taking
place; or (2) Those entering the space wear protective equipment with self-
contained breathing apparatus as described in §153.214(b) and
(2) In a cargo pumproom, an enclosed space adjacent to a cargo an officer closely supervises the entire operation.
tank, or a space containing part of a cargo containment system.
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
(c) The master shall ensure that each person in paragraphs (a) 78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982]
and (b) of this section wear any additional protective clothing the
master believes necessary to protect the person from the cargo's §153.935 Opening Of Tanks And Cargo Sampling.
hazards. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the master
shall ensure that all cargo tank hatches, ullage openings, and
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD tank cleaning openings are tightly closed at all times.
78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982]
(b) The master may not authorize the opening of a cargo tank,
§153.933 Chemical Protective Clothing. except:
When table 1 refers to this section, the following apply:
(1) To clean a tank;

(2) To transfer a cargo that Table 1 allows in a containment (1) Date of manufacture;
system having an open gauging system;
(2) Working pressure discribed in paragraph (d) of this section;
(3) To sample a cargo that Table 1 allows in a containment
system having an open gauging system; or (3) Date of the last test made as prescribed in paragraph (e) of
this section; and
(4) To sample a cargo that Table 1 allows in a containment
system having a restricted gauging system if: (4) Manufacturer's recommended maximum and minimum
(4)(i) The tank is not being filled during sampling;
(c) A cargo hose assembly must have a minimum bursting
(4)(ii) The vent system has relieved any pressure in the tank; pressure as stated by the manufacturer of at least 5152 kPa
gauge (approx. 750 psig).
(4)(iii) The person sampling the cargo wears the protective
clothing required during cargo transfer; and (d) The working pressure marked on a hose must meet the
(4)(iv) The tank is closed tightly following sampling.
(1) Be at least 1030 kPa gauge (approx. 150 psig).
(c) The master shall make sure that cargoes requiring closed

gauging are sampled only through the controlled sampling (2) Not exceeded 20 per cent (one-fifth) of the manufacturer's
arrangement required by §153.404(d). stated bursting pressure.

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD (3) Not exceed the manufacturer's recommended working
78-128, 47 FR 21210, May 17, 1982] pressure.

§153.935a Storage Of Cargo Samples. (4) Not exceed the test pressure used in the latest test under
(a) The master shall make sure that any cargo samples are stored paragraph (e)(3) of this section.
(e) A cargo hose assembly must be inspected and tested by

(1) A designated and ventilated space in the cargo area of the placing it in a straight, horizontal position so that its entire external
vessel; or surface is accessible. It must be ascertained that the hose
(2) An area approved by the Commandant (G-MSO) or the
tankship's flag administration for the stowage of cargo samples. A (1) Has no loose covers, kinks, bulges, soft spots, and no gouges,
cuts, or slashes that penetrate any hose reinforcement;
(b) The master shall make sure that cargo sample bottles are
stored: (2) Has no external and, to the extent internal inspection is

possible with both ends of the hose open, no internal

(1) In a way that prevents shifting of the sample bottles when the deterioration; and
vessel is at sea;
(3) Does not burst, bulge, leak, or abnormally distort under static

(2) In bins or containers constructed of materials that are resistant liquid pressure at least as great as the recommended working
to the cargo samples; and pressure.

(3) Apart from other sample bottles containing incompatible [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
liquids (See part 150, subpart A). 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982; CGD 88-032, 56 FR 35827,
July 29, 1991; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000]
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982, as amended by CGD

82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

Cargo Transfer Procedures
§153.936 Illness, Alcohol, Drugs.
The master shall ensure that no person participates in cargo §153.953 Signals During Cargo Transfer.
related operations who appears to be intoxicated by alcohol or The master shall ensure that:

drugs or to be so ill as to be unfit for the particular operation.

(a) The tankship displays a red flag in the day and a red light at
night when transferring cargo while fast to a dock;
Marking of Cargo Transfer Home

(b) The tankship displays a red flag when transferring cargo while
§153.940 Standards For Marking Of Cargo Hose.
at anchor; and
No person may mark a hose assembly as meeting the standards
of this section unless the hose assembly meets the following
(c) The red flag or the red light is visible from all sides of the
(a) Each hose assembly must have:
§153.955 Warning Signs During Cargo Transfer.
(a) When transferring cargo while fast to a dock or at anchor in
(1) Fully threaded connections;
port, the master shall ensure that the tankship displays a warning
sign at the gangway facing the shore so that it may be seen from
(2) Flanges that meet ANSI B16.5, B16.24, or B16.31; or
the shore and another warning sign facing outboard toward the
water so that it may be seen from the water. (See figure 1).
(3) Class 1 quick-disconnect couplings that comply with ASTM F
1122 (incorporated by reference, see §153.4), and are marked
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, each
warning sign must have the following legends:
(b) Each hose assembly must be marked with the:
(1) Warning.

(2) Dangerous Cargo. §153.959 Approval To Begin Transfer Operations Required.
(3) No Visitors. No person may make connections for cargo transfer or transfer
(4) No Smoking. cargo unless he has authorization from the person in charge of
(5) No Open Lights. cargo transfer.

(c) Each letter must be block style, black on a white background. §153.964 Discharge By Gas Pressurization.
The person in charge of cargo transfer may not authorize cargo
(d) Each letter must: discharge by gas pressurization unless:

(1) Be 7.5 cm (approx. 3 in.) high; (a) The tank to be offloaded has an SR or PV venting system;

(2) Be 5 cm (approx. 2 in.) wide except for "M" and "W" which (b) The pressurization medium is either the cargo vapor or a
must be 7.5 cm (approx. 3 in.) wide and the letter "I" which may nonflammable, nontoxic gas inert to the cargo; and
be 1.3 cm (approx. 1/2 in.) wide; and
(c) The pressurizing line has:

(1) A pressure reducing valve whose setting does not exceed

90% of the tank's relief valve setting and a manual control valve
between the pressure reducing valve and the tank; or

(2) For an inert gas medium:

(2)(i) A safety relief valve with a cross sectional flow area at least
equal to that of the pressurizing line and whose relieving pressure

does not exceed 90 percent of the tank's relief valve setting;

(2)(ii) A manual control valve between the safety relief valve and
the tank; and
(3) Have 1.3 cm (approx. 1/2 in.) stroke width.

(2)(iii) A check valve between the manual control valve and the
(e) The spacing must be: tank.
(1) 1.3 cm (approx. 1/2 in.) between letters of the same word;
(2) 5 cm (approx. 2 in.) between words;
(3) 5 cm (approx. 2 in.) between lines; and
A §153.966 Discharge By Liquid Displacement.
The person in charge of cargo transfer may not authorize cargo
discharge by liquid displacement unless the liquid supply line to
(4) 5 cm (approx. 2 in.) at the borders of the sign. the tank has:
(f) Except as described in §153.1045, the legends "No Smoking"

(a) A safety relief or pressure reducing valve set to operate at no

and "No Open Lights" are not required when the cargoes on more than 80 percent of the tank's relief valve setting; and
board the tankship are neither flammable nor combustible.
(b) A manual control valve between the tank and the supply line's
§153.957 Persons In Charge Of Transferring Liquid Cargo In

safety relief valve or pressure reducing valve.

Bulk Or Cleaning Cargo Tanks.
(a) The owner and operator of the vessel, and his or her agent, §153.968 Cargo Transfer Conference.
and each of them, shall ensure that–

(a) Before he may begin making connections for cargo transfer,

the person in charge of cargo transfer shall confer with the person
(1) Enough "Tankerman-PICs" or restricted "Tankerman-PICs", supervising the cargo transfer at the facility.
and "Tankerman-Assistants", authorized for the classification of

cargo carried, are on duty to safely transfer liquid cargo in bulk or (b) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall discuss the
to safely clean cargo tanks; important aspects of the transfer operation, such as the following,
with the supervisor at the facility:
(2) Each transfer of liquid cargo in bulk and each cleaning of a
cargo tank is supervised by a qualified person designated as a

(1) The products to be transferred.

person in charge of the transfer or the cleaning under Subpart C
of 33 CFR part 155; (2) The cargo loading rates marked on the cargo piping plan or
the maximum safe transfer rates.
(3) When cargo regulated under this part is due for transfer, the

person in charge of the transfer has received special training in (3) The critical or hazardous stages of the transfer operation.
the particular hazards associated with the cargo and in all special
procedures for its handling; and (4) The emergency procedures in case of a spill.
(4) On each foreign vessel, the person in charge understands his (5) If the vessel is equipped with the tank overflow alarm
or her responsibilities as described in this subchapter. prescribed in §153.408(c), a procedure for shutdown of shore
pumps, shore valves, and ship's valves that prevents piping
(b) Upon request by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in system pressures from exceeding those for which the piping
whose zone the transfer will take place, the owner and operator of system is designed.
the vessel, and his or her agent, and each of them, shall provide
documentary evidence that the person in charge has received the [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
training specified by paragraph (a)(3) of this section and is 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982; CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21174,
capable of competently performing the procedures necessary for May 22, 1985]
the cargo.
§153.970 Cargo Transfer Piping.
[CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17158, Apr. 4, 1995] The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that:

(a) Cargo is transferred to or from a cargo tank only through the (l) All scuppers are plugged.
tankship's cargo piping system;
(m) Smoking is limited to safe places.
(b) Vapor not returned to shore through the tankship's vapor
return system is discharged at the height required for the cargo's (n) Fire fighting and safety equipment is ready.
vent riser in Table 1, and
(o) He is in effective communication with the transfer terminal.
(c) All cargo vapor is returned to shore through the valved
connection on the venting system if: (p) The person in charge of the transfer terminal has
acknowledged that he is ready to transfer.
(1) The cargo requires closed gauging, is referenced to §153.372
or is referenced to §153.525; (q) Pressures within the cargo transfer and containment systems
do not exceed the pressure ranges for which the transfer hose
(2) The transfer terminal has vapor return equipment; and and containment systems are designed.

(3) In his estimation the vapor return equipment is adequate to (r) No vessels that would hazard cargo transfer are alongside the
handle the vapor expected from the tank. tankship.

§153.972 Connecting A Cargo Hose. [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD

The person in charge of cargo transfer may not authorize the 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982]
connection of a hose to a cargo containment system unless:

§153.976 Transfer Of Packaged Cargo Or Ship's Stores.
(a) He has ensured himself that the cargo will not weaken or The person in charge of cargo transfer may neither begin nor
damage the hose; continue the transfer of a flammable or combustible cargo while

packaged cargo or ship's stores are transferred unless transfer of
(b) The hose is marked as meeting the standards of §153.940; the packaged cargo or ship's stores does not hazard transfer of
the flammable or combustible cargo.
(c) The date of the hose's last pressure test is within one year of
the date on which the hose is used to transfer cargo; §153.977 Supervision Of Cargo Transfer.

The person in charge of cargo transfer shall:
(d) The recommended working pressure marked on a hose used
for discharge meets or exceeds the working pressure marked on (a) Supervise the operation of cargo system valves;
the cargo piping at the hose connection; and
A (b) Monitor the cargo loading rate to ensure it does not exceed
(e) The cargo's temperature is within the manufacturer's that stated on the cargo piping plan; and
recommended maximum and minimum hose temperatures.
(c) Monitor the cargo level in the tanks to make sure they do not

§153.975 Preparation For Cargo Transfer. overflow.

The person in charge of cargo transfer may not approve or
continue cargo transfer unless the following conditions are met: [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982]

(a) No fires or open flames are on deck or in compartments near §153.979 Gauging With A Sounding Tube.
the hose connections when Table 1 requires the cargo's (a) No person may remove the cover of a sounding tube unless
containment system to have a fire protection system. he has authorization from the person in charge of cargo transfer.

(b) Any electrical bonding of the tankship to the transfer facility is (b) The person in charge of cargo transfer may not authorize
made before the cargo transfer piping is joined. removal of the cover from a sounding tube gauge unless all tank

pressure has been relieved through the tank's venting system.

(c) Any supplemental inert gas supply necessary to maintain the
3.5 kPa gauge (approx. 0.5 psig) pressure in the tank during §153.980 Isolation Of Automatic Closing Valves.
offloading (see §153.500) is connected to the inert gas pressure The person in charge of cargo transfer may isolate automatic
control system. closing valves described in §153.408(b) from a cargo containment

system if the following conditions are met:

(d) The transfer connections have enough slack to allow for
vessel movement. (a) The containment system carries products to which §153.408
does not apply.
(e) The transfer connections are supported by tackles.

(b) The valves are isolated by:

(f) The cargo high level alarms, tank overflow alarms and overflow
control systems are functioning correctly when the cargo is (1) Removing the valves; or
(2) Installing removable pipes and blind flanges to by-pass the
(g) Joints and couplings are gasketed and mated tightly. valves.

(h) Flanges are bolted tightly. [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982]

(i) No repair work is underway in areas where cargo or cargo §153.981 Leaving Room In Tank For Cargo Expansion.
vapors may collect. The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that the
amount of cargo in a tank does not exceed the tank's capacity at
(j) Cargo and sea valves are properly set, with those sea valves any ambient temperature between -18°C (approx. 0°F) and 46°C
connected to cargo piping lashed or sealed shut. (approx. 115°F).

(k) Venting system bypass valves are set for cargo transfer and §153.983 Termination Procedures.
are operating properly.

Upon completion of the transfer operation, the person in charge of (1)(i) Obtain verification from a Coast Guard Marine Inspector or
cargo transfer shall ensure that: from a representative of the tankship's flag administration that
separation of the alkylene oxide piping system complies with
(a) The cargo transfer connections are closed off; alkylene oxide handling plans approved by the Coast Guard or
the tankship's flag administration; and
(b) The transfer lines and hoses are drained of cargo, either into
the tank or back to the transfer terminal; (1)(ii) Make sure that each spectacle flange and blank flange
connection that is required to separate alkylene oxide piping
(c) Any electrical bonding between the vessel and the shore systems from other systems has a wire and seal attached by a
facility is broken only after the cargo hose is disconnected and all Coast Guard Marine Inspector or a representative of the
spills removed; and tankship's flag administration.

(d) Each vent system is returned to its nonloading configuration. (2) Purge the containment system until the oxygen content of the
cargo tank is less than 2% by volume.
Special Cargo Procedures
(b) The person in charge of an alkylene oxide cargo transfer shall
§153.1000 Special Operating Requirements For Cargoes ensure that:
Reactive With Water.
(1) No alkylene oxide vapor or liquid is released to the

When Table 1 refers to this section, the master must ensure that
the cargo: atmosphere during cargo transfer;

(a) Is carried only in a containment system completely isolated (2) No vapor return system connected to an alkylene oxide
from any systems containing water, such as slop tanks, ballast containment system is at the same time connected to another
tanks, cargo tanks containing slops or ballast, their vent lines or containment system;

piping; and
(3) Alkylene oxide is discharged only by an intank cargo pump or
(b) Is separated by double walls, such as cofferdams and piping inert gas displacement;
tunnels, from any system containing water, as for example those
described in paragraph (a) of this section. (4) Transfer hose is approved by the Commandant (G-MSO)

under §153.530(o) for alkylene oxide transfer and is marked "For
§153.1002 Special Operating Requirements For Heat Alkylene Oxide Transfer Only"; and
Sensitive Cargoes.
When Table 1 refers to this section, the master shall make sure
A (5) A water hose is laid out on deck with water pressure to the
nozzle, and all alkylene oxide spillages are washed away
(a) The cargo temperature is maintained below the temperature
that would induce polymerization, decomposition, thermal (c) While alkylene oxides are onboard the vessel, the master shall

instability, evolution of gas or reaction of the cargo; make sure that the oxygen content of the vapor space above the
alkylene oxide and those spaces specified in §153.530(k) and (l)
(b) Any heating coils in the cargo tank are blanked off; and is maintained below 2% by volume.

(c) The cargo is not carried in uninsulated deck tanks. (d) Tankships with independent piping for alkylene oxides must
have onboard:
[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982]

(1) Alkylene oxide handling plans approved by the Coast Guard or

§153.1003 Prohibited Carriage In Deck Tanks. the tankship's flag administration; and
When Table 1 refers to this section, cargoes may not be carried in

deck tanks. (2) Certification from the Coast Guard or the tankship's flag
administration that the cargo piping for alkylene oxides is
[CGD 95-900, 60 FR 34050, June 29, 1995] independent.

§153.1004 Inhibited And Stabilized Cargoes. [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD

(a) Before loading a cargo containment system with a cargo 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982; CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4782,
referenced to this section in Table 1, the person in charge of Feb. 3, 1983]
cargo transfer shall make sure that the cargo containment system
is free of contaminants that could: §153.1011 Changing Containment Systems And Hoses To
And From Alkylene Oxide Service.

(1) Catalyze the polymerization or decomposition of the cargo; or (a) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall make sure that:

(2) Degrade the effectiveness of the inhibitor or stabilizer. (1) No alkylene oxide is loaded into a containment system that
last carried a cargo other than an alkylene oxide unless the
(b) The master shall make sure that the cargo is maintained at a containment system has been cleaned and inspected to make
temperature which will prevent crystallization or solidification of sure it is in good condition with no heavy rust accumulations or
the cargo. traces of previous cargoes;

[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982] (2) No alkylene oxide is loaded into a containment system that
within the previous three loadings carried a cargo listed in
§153.1010 Alkylene Oxides. paragraph (b) of this section unless the containment system has
(a) Before each loading of a cargo containment system with a been cleaned to the satisfaction of a Coast Guard Marine
cargo referenced to this section in Table 1, the person in charge Inspector or a person specifically authorized by the Commandant
of cargo transfer shall: (G-MSO) to approve alkylene oxide tank cleaning;

(1) Unless the tankship is equipped with independent cargo piping (3) No cargo but an alkylene oxide is loaded into a containment
that meets paragraph (d) of this section: system which last carried an alkylene oxide unless the

containment system has been cleaned of alkylene oxide to the (d) No person may enter a cargo tank endorsed for motor fuel
satisfaction of a Coast Guard Marine Inspector or person antiknock compounds if he does not follow the conditions in the
specifically authorized by the Commandant (G-MSO) to approve authorization under paragraph (c) of this section.
alkylene oxide tank cleaning; and
[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
(4) No hose marked "For Alkylene Oxide Transfer Only" is used 78-128, 47 FR 21212, May 17, 1982; CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4782,
for the transfer of a cargo other than an alkylene oxide. Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40042, Sept. 29, 1989]

(b) The following cargoes are particularly reactive with alkylene §153.1035 Acetone Cyanohydrin Or Lactonitrile Solutions.
oxides: No person may operate a tankship carrying a cargo of acetone
cyanohydrin or lactonitrile solutions, unless that cargo is stabilized
(1) Non-oxidizing mineral acids (e.g. hydrochloric, phosphoric); with an inorganic acid.
(2) Sulfuric acid;
[CGD 88-100, 54 FR 40042, Sept. 29, 1989]
(3) Nitric acid;
(4) Organic acids (e.g. acetic, formic);
§153.1040 Carbon Disulfide.
(5) Halogenated organic acids (e.g. chloroacetic);
(a) No person may load, carry, or discharge carbon disulfide
(6) Sulfonic acids (e.g. alkyl benzene sulfonic);
unless the cargo tank has a water pad over the cargo of at least
(7) Caustic alkalies (e.g. caustic soda, caustic potash; sodium
one meter (approx. 40 in.).

(8) Ammonia and ammonia solutions;
(b) The person in charge of a carbon disulfide transfer operation
(9) Aliphatic amines;
shall ensure that carbon disulfide is discharged only by

(10)Alkanolamines; and
displacement or intank cargo pump.
(11)Oxidizing substances.
(c) No person may remove a cargo pump for a containment

[CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21211, May 17, 1982, as amended by CGD
system that carries carbon disulfide unless:
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21174,
May 22, 1985]
(1) The containment system has a gas free certificate issued
under the standards in §35.01-1 of this chapter; or
§153.1020 Unusually Toxic Cargoes.

(a) No person may load or carry a cargo referenced to this section
(2) The vapor space in the pump well is filled with water.
in Table 1 unless the cargo's piping and venting systems are
separated from piping and venting systems carrying cargoes not
referred to this section.
A §153.1045 Inorganic Acids.
When Table 1 refers to this section, the person in charge of cargo
transfer shall ensure that the legends "NO SMOKING" and "NO
(b) The master shall ensure that no heat transfer medium that has
OPEN LIGHTS" are displayed on the warning sign required in
been circulated through a cargo referenced to this section in
§153.955(a) when cargo is transferred.
Table 1 is circulated through a cargo not referenced to this

section unless he determines the medium to be uncontaminated

§153.1046 Sulfuric Acid.
with cargo.
No person may liquefy frozen or congealed sulfuric acid other
than by external tank heating coils.
(c) No person may discharge overboard condensed steam from

the heating system of a cargo referenced to this section in Table 1

§153.1052 Carriage Of Other Cargoes In Acid Tanks.
unless he first determines the condensate to be uncontaminated
No person shall load or carry other cargoes in a cargo
with cargo.
containment system of a U.S. flag ship endorsed to carry sulfuric

acid, hydrochloric acid, or phosphoric acid with out specific

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD
authorization from the Commandant (G-MSO).
78-128, 47 FR 21212, May 17, 1982]

[CGD 94-900, 59 FR 45139, Aug. 31, 1994]

§153.1025 Motor Fuel Antiknock Compounds.
(a) No person may load or carry any other cargo in a containment
§153.1060 Benzene.
system approved for motor fuel antiknock compounds containing
The person in charge of a Coast Guard inspected vessel must
lead alkyls except a cargo to be used solely in the manufacture of
ensure that the provisions of part 197, subpart C, of this chapter

motor fuel antiknock compounds.

are applied.
(b) The master shall ensure that no person enter a pumproom or
[CGD 88-040, 56 FR 65006, Dec. 13, 1991]
void space that contains piping from a containment system
approved for motor fuel antiknock compounds containing lead

§153.1065 Sodium Chlorate Solutions.

alkyls unless:
(a) No person may load sodium chlorate solutions into a
containment system that previously carried another cargo unless
(1) The pumproom or void space atmosphere has been analyzed
the containment system is thoroughly washed before loading.
for its lead (as Pb) content and found to be less than 0.075
mg/m3 ; or
(b) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall make sure that
spills of sodium chlorate solutions are immediately washed away.
(2) The person follows the procedures for entering a cargo tank
described in paragraph (c) of this section.
[CGD 81-078, 50 FR 21174, May 22, 1985]
(c) No person may enter a cargo tank endorsed for motor fuel
antiknock compounds containing lead alkyls without prior specific Approval of Surveyors and Handling of
authorization from the Commandant (G-MSO). This authorization Categories A, B, C, and D Cargo and NLS
may be obtained by telephone ((202) 372-1425) if the person has Residue
previously obtained approval for the cargo tank entry procedure
from the Commandant (G-MSO). [SOURCE: CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7785, Mar. 12, 1987, unless
otherwise noted.]

§153.1100 Responsibility Of The Person In Charge. (a) Except those Category A NLS residues that must be
The person in charge of the ship shall ensure that– discharged under paragraph (c) of this section, NLS residue from
an NLS whose vapor pressure is 5 kPa (50 mbar) or less at 20°C
(a) The requirements of §§153.1102 through 153.1132 are met; (68°F) must be–
[NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a): The Marine Protection, Research,
(b) The procedures in the approved Procedures and and Sanctuaries Act allows specific liquids to be discharged to the
Arrangements Manual are followed. sea under permits issued by the EPA.]

§153.1101 Procedures For Getting A Surveyor: Approval Of (1) Unloaded to any consignee;
Surveyors. (2) Returned to the shipper;
(a) At least 24 hours before a Surveyor is needed, the person (3) Discharged to a reception facility;
wishing the services of a Surveyor must contact the Captain of (4) Retained on the ship; or
the Port or the Marine Safety Office that has jurisdiction over the (5) Discharged to the sea under §153.1126 or §153.1128.
port at which the Surveyor will be needed to–
(b) Except those Category A NLS residues that must be
(1) Arrange for the Coast Guard to provide a Surveyor; or discharged under paragraph (c) of this section, NLS residue from
an NLS whose vapor pressure is greater than 5 kPa (50 mbar) at
(2) Inform the Coast Guard of the selection of a Surveyor from 20°C must be-

one of the organizations accepted by the Coast Guard to provide
Surveyors. (1) Handled in the same way as the NLS residue under paragraph

(a) of this section; or
(b) Organizations may be accepted by the Coast Guard to provide
Surveyors if they– (2) Ventilated following a ventilation procedure in the approved

Procedures and Arrangements Manual.
(1) Are engaged, as a regular part of their business, in performing
inspections or tests of bulk liquid cargo tanks or bulk liquid cargo [NOTE: The Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq) allows states
handling equipment; to regulate emissions from tank ventilation. There may be other
regulations, both local and Federal, that affect the use of tank

(2) Are familiar with the references in §153.0(b) and with the ventilation for safety or environmental purposes.]
requirements of this part;
(c) NLS residue containing Category A NLS in pumproom bilges
(3) Are not controlled by the owners or operators of ships needing
the services of the Surveyors or the facilities at which those ships A and in spill trays at the manifold must be discharged to a
reception facility.
would unload cargo;
[CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7785, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
(4) Are not dependent on Coast Guard acceptance under this 81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28,

section to remain in business; and 1989]

(5) Sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Coast Guard. §153.1104 Draining Of Cargo Hose: Categories A, B, C, And

(c) Each application for acceptance as a Surveyor must be Before a cargo hose used in discharging an NLS from a ship's
submitted to the Commandant (G-MSO) and must contain the cargo tank is disconnected, the hose must be drained back to the
following: transfer terminal unless the tank unloading the cargo has a waiver

under §153.483 or §153.491.

(1) The name and address of the organization, including
subsidiaries and divisions, requesting acceptance by the Coast [CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar.

Guard to provide Surveyors. 28, 1989]

(2) A statement that the organization is not controlled by the §153.1106 Cleaning Agents.
owners or operators of ships needing the services of Surveyors or No tank cleaning agent other than water or steam may be used to
the facilities at which these ships would unload, or a full clean an NLS residue from a cargo tank except as prescribed in

disclosure of any ownership or controlling interest held by such the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual.
§153.1108 Heated Prewash For Solidifying NLS, High
(3) A description of the experience and qualifications of the Viscosity NLS And Required Prewashes Of NLS Whose
personnel who would be performing the function of Surveyor. Viscosity Exceeds 25 mPa Sec At 20°C: Categories A, B, And

(4) A statement that the persons who will be performing the (a) When a high viscosity or solidifying cargo is unloaded from a
function of Surveyor have been trained in and are familiar with the cargo tank, the cargo tank must be prewashed unless §153.1114
requirements of Annex II and the regulations in this part. or paragraph (c) of this section allows the prewash to be omitted.

(5) A statement that the Coast Guard may verify the information (b) When a prewash is required for a tank that has unloaded a
submitted in the application and may examine the persons who solidifying cargo or a cargo having a viscosity exceeding 25 mPa
will be performing the function of Surveyor to determine their sec at 20°C, the wash water used in the prewash must leave the
qualifications. tank washing machine at a temperature of at least 60°C (140°F).

(d) The acceptance of an organization may be terminated by the (c) The prewash required under paragraph (a) of this section may
Commandant if the organization fails to properly perform or be omitted if the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual
supervise the inspections required in this part. contains a procedure for measuring the temperature of all interior
cargo tank surfaces throughout unloading and under the
§153.1102 Handling And Disposal Of NLS Residue: measuring procedure the temperature of these surfaces remains
Cateqories A, B, C, And D. above–

(1) The temperature of the cargo's melting point if the cargo is a waiver issued under §153.483.
Category B or C solidifying NLS; or
§153.1119 When To Prewash And Discharge NLS Residues
(2) The temperature at which the cargo's viscosity exceeds– From A Prewash; Unloading An NLS Cargo In A Country
Whose Administration Is Not Signatory To MARPOL 73/78:
(2)(i) 25 mPa.s, if the cargo is a high viscosity Category B NLS; or Categories A, B, And C.
(a) Except as allowed in paragraphs (b), (c), and (e) of this
(2)(ii) 60 mPa.s, if the cargo is a high viscosity Category C NLS. section, each prewash required by this subpart must be
completed and all tank washings must be discharged to a
[81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, reception facility before the ship leaves the unloading port.
(b) NLS residue from the prewash following the unloading of a
§153.1112 Prewash For Tanks Containing Category A NLS Category B NLS may be transferred to a slop tank for discharge
Residue. under §153.1126 instead of being discharged under paragraph (a)
Unless §153.1114 allows the prewash to be omitted, a cargo tank of this section if the prewash is required solely under
that unloads a Category A NLS cargo must be prewashed §153.1118(a)(1).
following the procedures in §153.1120.
(c) A tank that is required by this part to be prewashed may be
§153.1114 Conditions Under Which A Prewash May Be prewashed in a port other than the unloading port if the following

Omitted: Categories A, B, And C. conditions are met:
A prewash required by this part may be omitted if one of the

following requirements is met: (1) The person in charge requests permission from the
Commandant (G-MSO) (tel num; 202-372-1425) if the prewash
(a) A Surveyor has signed a statement in the Cargo Record Book port is a foreign port, or the Captain of the Port having jurisdiction

that the next cargo has been determined to be one that may be over the unloading port if the prewash port is a U.S. port.
loaded without washing the tank, and the tank is not washed or
ballasted before it is loaded with the next cargo. (2) The person in charge supplies with the request required under
paragraph (c)(1) of this section–
(b) A Surveyor has signed a statement in the Cargo Record Book

that the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual contains (2)(i) The name of the ship;
procedures for removing the NLS residue by ventilation, and the
cargo tank is not washed or ballasted before being cleaned (2)(ii) The name of the owner;
following the ventilation procedure.
A (2)(iii) The name of the NLS;
[NOTE: The Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) allows states
to regulate emissions from tank ventilation. There may be other (2)(iv) The approximate date the tank will be prewashed if the
regulations, both local and Federal, that affect the use of tank relocation of the prewash port is for one time only;

ventilation for safety or environmental purposes.]

(2)(v) A written agreement to receive the tank washings by a
(c) The tank requiring the prewash has a waiver issued under reception facility in the prewash port;
§153.483 or §153.491 and the waiver states when the tank is to

be prewashed. (2)(vi) When the prewash port or terminal is in a country whose

Administration is signatory to MARPOL 73/78, a written
§153.1116 Prewash For Tanks Unloaded Without Following attestation from the person in charge of each prewash port or

The Approved Procedures And Arrangements Manual: terminal that the Administration has determined the port or
Categories B And C. terminal to have adequate reception facilities for the NLS residue;
If for any reason more Category B or C NLS residue remains in a

cargo tank and transfer piping of a ship after unloading than (2)(vii) Written pledges from the person in charge that–
would remain after a normal discharge of the cargo when the
unloading procedures in the approved Procedures and (2)(vii)(A) The tank to be prewashed will not be washed or
Arrangements Manual are followed, the tank must be prewashed ballasted before being prewashed; and
following the procedures in §153.1120 unless–

(2)(vii)(B) The ship will be taken to the reception facility and the
(a) Section 153.1114 allows the prewash to be omitted; or tank prewashed in accordance with the requirements in
§153.1120; and
(b) The residue is reduced using another procedure, and a
Surveyor estimates and states in the Cargo Record Book that the (2)(viii) Any additional information the Captain of the Port or

cargo tank and transfer piping contain no more NLS residue than Commandant (G-MSO) requests to evaluate granting the
they would if discharged following the procedures in the approved permission.
Procedures and Arrangements Manual, and no other prewash is
required by this part. (3) The Coast Guard or Commandant (G-MSO) has granted the
permission in writing, the permission is carried aboard the ship,
§153.1118 Prewash Of Categories B And C Cargo Tanks Not and the person in charge of the ship has made an entry in the
Meeting Stripping Standards: Categories B And C. Cargo Record Book stating that the permission has been granted.
(a) Unless §153.1114 allows the prewash to be omitted, a cargo
tank from which a Category B NLS is unloaded must be (d) Unless the permission granted under paragraph (c)(4) of this
prewashed using the procedures in §153.1120(b) if the tank– section includes alternate conditions of termination or revocation
in writing, the permission is–
(1) Operates under the interim standard in §153.481(b); or
(2) Has a waiver issued under §153.483. (1) Terminated after the tank is prewashed as pledged in
paragraph (c)(3)(vii) of this section or loaded with another cargo;
(b) Unless §153.1114 allows the prewash to be omitted, a cargo
tank from which a Category C NLS is unloaded must be (2) Revoked if either of the pledges in paragraph (c)(3)(vii) of this
prewashed using the procedures in §153.1120(b) if the tank has a section is invalidated or the agreement in paragraph (c)(3)(v) of

this section is repudiated; and (1) If the prewash is for a Category A NLS, the prewash may not
begin until a Surveyor is present.
(3) Revoked at any time the ship is not operated in accordance
with the pledges in paragraph (c)(3)(vii) of this section and the (2) The equipment specified in §153.484 must be used as
conditions listed with the granted permission. prescribed in the approved Procedures and Arrangements
Manual for the prewash.
(e) A U.S. ship that would otherwise be required by this part to
prewash in a port without reception facilities must obtain (3) The wash water must be heated if required by §153.1108, and
permission from Commandant (G-MSO) to prewash in an water or tank washings must pass through the cargo pump and
alternate port. piping, including any stripping equipment, during washing or
during discharge of tank washings.
§153.1120 Procedures For Tank Prewash: Categories A, B,
And C. (4) Except as required in paragraph (b)(5) of this section, the
Except where the approved Procedures and Arrangements number of washing machine cycles specified in Table 153.1120
Manual prescribes a different procedure, each of the following must be completed. If a prewash is required by a section listed
steps must be done in the order listed for the Coast Guard to under Column 1 of Table 153.1120 and another section listed
consider the tanks prewashed under this part: under Column 2, the number of cycles in Column 1 must be
completed but no additional cycles are necessary.
(a) When this part requires a prewash of a tank containing

Category A NLS residue and the alternative prewash procedure in (5) If the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual
paragraph (b) of this section is not used, the prewash must meet specifies that a tank washing machine must be moved for the

the following: prewash of a tank from which a Category A NLS or a solidifying
NLS has been unloaded, the number of washing machine cycles
(1) The prewash may not begin until– specified in Table 153.1120 must be completed at each position

to which the washing machine is moved.
(1)(i) A Surveyor is present; and
(6) When the NLS is immiscible with water or is a solidifying
(1)(ii) Instrumentation or equipment is available that is capable of cargo, the tank must be pumped out each time enough tank
measuring the concentration of the Category A NLS in the NLS washings collect in the bottom of the tank for the pump to gain

residue and determining whether it is below 0.1 per cent by suction, or the procedures in paragraphs (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5)
weight. of this section must be repeated two additional times with the tank
pumped out each time, for a total of three washings.
(2) The equipment specified in §153.484 must be used as
prescribed in the approved Procedures and Arrangements A (7) Items 12 through 14 in the Cargo Record Book must be
Manual for the prewash. completed and, if the prewash is for a Category A NLS,
verification that the procedures specified in the approved
(3) The wash water must be heated if required by §153.1108, and Procedures and Arrangements Manual were followed shown by

water or tank washings must pass through the cargo pump and the Surveyor's endorsement in the Cargo Record Book.
piping, including any stripping equipment, during washing or
during discharge of tank washings. TABLE 153.1120–NUMBER OF WASHING MACHINE CYCLES

(4) The tank washing machine must be placed in all positions

specified for the tank's Category A NLS prewash procedure in the Number of washing machine cycles
approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual. Column 1: Column 2:

Prewash under Prewash except

(5) The tank must be pumped out each time there are enough §153.116 or for a those listed under
tank washings collected in the bottom of the tank for the pump to solidifying NLS column 1

gain suction, and if the NLS is immiscible with water or is a under §153.1108
solidifying cargo, all floating and suspended NLS must be Category A NLS 2 1
discharged. Category B or C NLS 1 1/2

(6) The washing machine must be operated until samples of the [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7785, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD

discharged tank washings taken by the Surveyor are tested using 81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28,
the equipment required by paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section and 1989]
the concentration of NLS is below 0.1 per cent by weight.
§153.1122 Discharges Of NLS Residue From Tank Washing
(7) After the washing is stopped, the remaining tank washings

Other Than A Prewash: Categories A, B, And C.

must be pumped out. Tank washings that do not result from a prewash and that contain
Category A, B, or C NLS residues must be discharged to a
(8) The Cargo Record Book must have items 12 through 14 reception facility or discharged to the sea under §153.1126 or
completed and must show the Surveyor's written certification of §153.1128 except those tank washings resulting from washing a
their accuracy. tank that has been cleaned following a ventilation procedure in
the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual.
(9) The Cargo Record Book must have the Surveyor's written
concurrence that the prewash procedures specified in the §153.1124 Discharges Of Category D NLS Residue.
approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual were followed. NLS residue from Category D NLSs must be discharged to a
reception facility or discharged to the sea using the following
(b) When this part requires a prewash of a tank containing procedure:
Category B or C NLS residue or when the procedure in this
paragraph is used as an alternative to the prewash procedure (a) Before discharge begins, drain or flush the NLS residue in the
under paragraph (a) of this section, the prewash must meet the tank's piping systems into the tank.

(b) After draining or flushing, discharge the NLS residue to the (b) To discharge a Category D NLS residue to which 10 times its
sea in accordance with §153.1128 or transfer it to a slop tank and volume in water is added and mixed, the ship must be–
discharge in accordance with §153.1126.
(1) If self-propelled, maintained at a speed of at least 12.97 km/hr
§153.1126 Discharge Of NLS Residue From A Slop Tank To (7 knots); and
The Sea: Categories A, B, C, And D.
NLS residue in a slop tank may not be discharged into the sea (2) If not self-propelled, maintained at a speed of at least 7.41
unless– km/hr (4 knots).
(c) Each ship built before July 1, 1986 that discharges Category
(a) The ship meets the conditions for discharging the NLS residue A, B or C NLS residues before January 1, 1988 must be–
from a cargo tank in §153.1128; and
(1) In water at least 25 m (76.2 ft) deep;
(b) For Category B NLS residue transferred to the slop tank under
§153.1119(b), the NLS is discharged– (2) If discharging the residue of a Category A NLS cargo,
discharging only residue created by washing the Category A
(1) Through an NLS residue discharge system with the flow NLS's cargo tank after a prewash;
recording equipment required in §153.481(b)(2) operating; and
(3) If discharging the residue of a Category B NLS cargo,
(2) At a rate maintained at or below Q in the following: discharging no more than the larger of 1 m3 or 1/3000th the

volume of the Category B cargo loaded;
For tank contents that are miscible

(4) If discharging the residue of a Category C NLS cargo,
VKU1.4 L1.6 discharging no more than the larger of 3 m3 of or 1/1000th the
-5 3
Q = x 10 m /hr volume of the Category C cargo loaded;

For tank contents that are immiscible (5) If self-propelled, maintained at a speed of at least 12.97 km/hr
(7 knots); and
1.4 1.6 -5 3
Q = KU L x 10 m /hr
(6) If not self-propelled, maintained at a speed of at least 7.41

where: km/hr (4 knots).
Q = maximum permissible slops discharge rate in cubic meters
per hour. (d) To discharge Category A, B, C, or D NLS residue other than

V = volume of slops in the tank in cubic meters. A as allowed under paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, the
ship must be–
K = 4.3, except K = 6.45 if Q is distributed between two NLS (1) In water at least 25 m (76.2 ft) deep;
residue discharge outlets on opposite sides of the ship (see

§§153.470(c) and 153.481(b)). (2) Discharging at a rate not exceeding that used for Qd in
U = ship's speed in knots.
(3) If self-propelled, maintained at speed no less than the

L = ship's length in meters. minimum specified in the approved Procedures and

Arrangements Manual but at least 12.97 km/hr (7 knots);
N = number of tanks containing Category B NLS residue pumped

into the slop tank. (4) If not self-propelled, maintained at a speed no less than the
minimum specified in the approved Procedures and
§153.1128 Discharge Of Nls Residue From A Cargo Tank To Arrangements Manual but at least 7.41 km/hr (4 knots);

The Sea: Categories A. B, C, And D.

The discharge of NLS residue to the sea must be made with the (5) If discharging the residue of a Category A NLS cargo,
ship at least 22.24 km (12 nautical miles) from the nearest land, discharging only residue created by washing the Category A
and must meet the following additional conditions: NLS's cargo tank after a prewash;

(a) To discharge the following the ship must be in water at least (6) If discharging the residue of a Category B NLS cargo,
25 m (76.2 ft) deep: discharging no more than the larger of 1 m3 or 1/3000th the
volume of the Category B cargo loaded;
(1) Category B or C NLS residue diluted to less than 1 ppm of the
NLS. (7) If discharging the residue of a Category C NLS cargo,

discharging no more than the larger of 3 m3 of or 1/1000th the

(2) Category B or C NLS residue resulting from washing a tank volume of the Category C cargo loaded;
after the following washing procedure has been completed:
(8) Discharging through an NLS residue discharge system
(2)(i) If the tank is not required to be prewashed under this part, meeting §153.470.
the tank must be washed following the procedures that apply to a
prewash of a Category B NLS in §153.1120 using one washing [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7785, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD
machine cycle, and the tank washings discharged to a reception 81-101, 53 FR 28976, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28,
facility or to the sea under §153.1126 or paragraph (a)(1), (c) or 1989]
(d) of this section.
§153.1130 Failure Of Slops Discharge Recording Equipment;
(2)(ii) After the tank has been prewashed or has been washed Operating With, Reporting Failures, And Replacing Pollution
under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, the tank must then be Equipment: Category A, B, C, D.
washed with one cycle of the tank washing machine, and the tank (a) If equipment required in §§153.470 through 153.488 fails, the
washings discharged to a reception facility or to the sea in Coast Guard Marine Inspection Office, Marine Safety Office, or
accordance with §153.1126 or paragraph (a)(1), (c), or (d) of this Captain of the Port must be notified within 24 hours after the
section. failure.

(b) No person shall replace a piece of equipment required by (a) Equipment that maintains a backpressure of at least 100 kPa
§§153.470 through 153.488 unless the replacement is– (1 atm) (gauge) at the connection of the discharge line of the tank
to be tested to the cargo transfer hose, including, but not limited
(1) Identical to the original equipment; or to, piping whose discharge is 10 m above the manifold or a
constant pressure valve in the discharge line and set at 100 kPa;
(2) Allowed as an alternative under §153.10.
(b) A container for measuring the volume of water remaining in
(c) The following conditions apply when discharge recording the tank to an accuracy of ±5%;
equipment required under §153.481(b)(2) fails:
(c) A squeegee or broom to collect standing water on the tank
(1) No NLS residue may be discharged unless the approved floor;
Procedures and Arrangements Manual contains procedures for
discharging with incapacitated discharge recording equipment (d) One or more containers for collecting and transferring water;
while meeting the discharge restrictions of §153.1126(b) and and
these procedures are followed.
(e) One of the following for transferring the water remaining in the
(2) The failure of the discharge recording equipment must be tank to the measuring container:
recorded in the Cargo Record Book within 24 hours after the
failure. (1) A wet vacuum.

(2) A positive displacement pump.
(3) If the ship operates under a Certificate of Inspection, the failed (3) An eductor with an air/water separator in line.

discharge recording equipment must be repaired or replaced
within 60 days after it fails, and the repair or replacement §153.1602 Test Procedure For Determining The Strippinq
recorded in the Cargo Record Book and reported to the Coast Quantity.

Guard within 24 hours after it is completed. (a) The stripping quantity of a tank must be determined by testing
the tank under the procedures in paragraph (b) of this section
§153.1132 Reporting Spills And Non-Complying Discharges: unless the Coast Guard agrees under the provisions of §153.10 to
Category A, B, C, And D. accept the stripping quantity, previously determined under
The following shall be reported following the procedures applying paragraph (b) of this section, of a tank having similar geometry,

to oil in 33 CFR 151.15(c), (d), (g), (h): internal structure, and piping system.

(a) All discharges of the NLS that do not meet the requirements of (b) When testing a tank for stripping quantity, the owner or
this part.
A operator of the ship shall proceed as follows:
(b) All spills into the water. (1) Make arrangements with the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection, for a Coast Guard Marine Inspector to witness the
MAINTENANCE stripping test.

§153.1500 Venting System Rupture Disks. (2) Clean and gas free the tanks to be tested.
The master shall ensure that a relief valve exposed to a cargo
after the failure of a rupture disk or breaking pin is cleaned and (3) Determine the least favorable values of list and trim for

operates properly before the next cargo is loaded into the tank. drainage within the range allowed by the approved Procedures
and Arrangements Manual.
§153.1502 Fixed Ballast Relocation.

No person may remove or relocate fixed ballast unless: (4) Maintain the ship's list and trim during the test to that
determined under paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
(a) The change is approved by the Commandant (G-MSO); or

(5) Load the tank with enough water so that unloading the water
(b) The ballast is temporarily moved under the supervision of a simulates the final stages of unloading a full tank of cargo.
Coast Guard Marine Inspector for examination or repair of the
tankship. (6) Pump out the water and strip the tank using the procedures
specified in the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual.

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD

82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] (7) After shutting the manifold valve, open any cargo pump foot
valve to allow water trapped in the cargo pump to drain into the
§153.1504 Inspection Of Personnel Emergency And Safety tank.

The master shall ensure that the personnel emergency and safety (8) Open all valves in the piping system except the manifold valve
equipment required by §153.214 is inspected each 30 days and and allow the water to drain into the tank.
found to be in good condition and operating properly.
(9) Squeegee or sweep the water drained under paragraphs
(b)(7) and (b)(8) of this section and any water that stands in
Subpart D – Test and Caclulation Proceedures puddles on the tank floor to the tank's low point or sump and
for Determining Stripping Quantity, Clingage collect in the container required by §153.1600(b) using the
NLS Residue, And Total NLS Residue equipment required in §153.1600(e).

[SOURCE: CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7788, Mar. 12, 1987, unless (10) With the manifold valve still closed, drain any water
otherwise Noted.] remaining in the piping system on the ship's side of the cargo
transfer manifold valve into containers, and add this water to that
§153.1600 Equipment Required For Conducting The Stripping collected from the tank under paragraph (b)(9) of this section.
Quantity Test. Water collected from a cargo line serving a block of tanks may be
The operator shall ensure the stripping quantity test is conducted prorated between all the tanks it serves if–

(10)(i) The ship owner requests, under the provisions of §153.10, the stripping quantity is the stripping quantity determined under
that the water be prorated; and paragraph (b) of this section using only those tests performed
after the last modification.
(10)(ii) The ship's approved Procedures and Arrangements
Manual specifies that no tank in the block be washed until all the §153.1608 Calculation Of Total NLS Residue And Clingage
tanks in the block have been discharged. NLS Residue.
(a) The total NLS residue for each tank is calculated by adding
(c) Include any water that is trapped in dead end pipe sections, the stripping quantity and the clingage NLS residue.
either by-
(b) The clingage NLS residue for each tank is calculated using the
(1) Draining the pipe sections and adding the water to that following formula:
collected in the container under paragraphs (b)(9) and (b)(10) of
this section; or Qclingage = 1.1 x 10-4 Ad + 1.5 x 10-5 Aw + 4.5 x 10-4 L1/2 Ab

(2) Adding an estimate of the water's volume to the sum where:

calculated in paragraph (d) of this section using the pipe's
dimensions, the ship's list and trim, and the geometry of the Ab = Area of the tank bottom added to the area in square meters
piping system. of tank structural components projected on a horizontal surface

(d) Measure the volume of water collected in the container under Ad = Area of the tank underdecks added to the area in square
paragraphs (b)(9), (b)(10), and (c)(1) of this section and add to meters of tank structural components projected on a horizontal

that volume the volume, if any, estimated under paragraph (c)(2) surface
of this section.
Aw = Area of the tank walls added to the area in square meters of

§153.1604 Determining The Stripping Quantity From The Test tank structural components projected on a vertical surface
Results. L = Length of tank in meters from fore to aft
(a) For a single test, the stripping quantity is the volume of water
calculated under §153.1602(d). Qclingage = volume of clingage in cubic meters

(b) If multiple tests are made on a tank without modifications to When using the formula in this paragraph, areas that are inclined
the tank, pumping system, or stripping procedure between the more than 30° from the horizontal may be assumed to be vertical.
tests, the stripping quantity must be taken as the average of the [NOTE: The Commandant (G-MSO) (tel num;202-267-1217) has
stripping quantities for all of the tests.
A information that may be useful in approximating surface areas of
typical structural members for the projected area calculations
(c) If multiple tests are made on a tank with modifications to the under §153.1608(b).]
tank, pumping system, or stripping procedure between the tests,

















153.900, 153.907). Words in italics are not part of the cargo name
but may be used in addition to the cargo name. When one entry
references another entry by use of the word "see", and both
names are in roman type, either name may be used as the cargo
name (e.g., Diethyl ether, see Ethyl ether). However, the
referenced entry is preferred.

The provisions contained in 46 CFR part 197, subpart C, apply to

liquid cargoes containing 0.5% or more benzene by volume.

b. This column lists the IMO Annex II Pollution Category.

A, B, C, D–NLS Category of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78.

III–Appendix III of Annex II (non-NLS cargoes) of MARPOL 73/78.

#–No determination of NLS status. For shipping on an

oceangoing vessel, see 46 CFR 153.900(c).

[ ]–A NLS category in brackets indicates that the product is

provisionally categorized and that further data are necessary to
complete the evaluation of its pollution hazards. Until the hazard
evaluation is completed, the pollution category assigned is used.

@–The NLS category has been assigned by the U.S. Coast
Guard, in absence of one assigned by the IMO. The category is
based upon a GESAMP Hazard Profile or by analogy to a closely
related product having an NLS assigned.

c. This column lists the hazard(s) of the commodity:

A S–The commodity is included because of its safety hazards.

P–The commodity is included because of its pollution hazards.

S/P–The commodity is included because of both its safety and


pollution hazards.

d. This column lists the type of containment system the cargo

must have (see 153.230 through 153.232).

e. This column lists the height of any vent riser required (see
153.350 and 153.351).

f. This column lists any vent control valve required (see 153.355).

g. This column lists the type of gauging system required (see

153.400 through 153.406).

h. This column lists the type of fire protection system required.

Where more than one system is listed, any listed system may be

used. A dry chemical system may not be substituted for either

type of foam system unless the dry chemical system is listed as
an alternative or the substitution is approved by Commandant (G-
MSO) (see 153.460). The types are as follows:

A is a foam system for water soluble cargoes (polar solvent


B is a foam system for water insoluble cargoes (non-polar solvent


C is a water spray system.

D is a dry chemical system.

NSR means there is no special requirement applying to fire

protection systems.
Column Heading Footnotes:
i. This column lists sections that apply to the cargo in addition to
the general requirements of this part. The 153 Part number is
a. The cargo name must be as it appears in this column (see

j. This column lists the electrical hazard class and group used for solution; Tetraethylenepentamine.
the cargo when determining requirements for electrical equipment
under Subchapter J (Electrical Engineering) of this chapter. Aluminum is a questionable material of construction with this
cargo since pitting and corrosion has been reported. The IMO
A number of electrical hazard class and group assignments are Chemical Code prohibits aluminum as a material of construction
based upon that which appears in "Classification of Gases, for this cargo.
Liquids and Volatile Solids Relative to Explosion-Proof Electrical
Equipment", Publication NMAB 353-5, national Academy Press, 4. 2,4-Dichlorophenol.
1982, when not appearing in NFPA 497M, "Manual for
Classification of Gases, Vapors and Dusts for Electrical Some tank pitting has been reported when this cargo is
Equipment in Hazardous (Classified) Locations." contaminated with water, including moisture in the air. The IMO
Chemical Code requires that the vapor space over this cargo be
The I-B electrical hazard does not apply to weather deck locations kept dry.
(see 46 CFR Part 111) for inorganic acids: Chlorosulfonic acid;
Hydrochloric acid; Nitrating acid; Nitric acid (70% or less); Oleum; 5. Reserved.
Phosphoric acid; Sulfuric acid.
6. Diphenylmethane diisocyanate; Hexamethylene diisocyanate;
Abbreviations used in the Table: Isophorone diisocyanate; Polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate;
Toluene diisocyanate; Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate

NR–No requirement. (2,2,4- and 2,4,4-isomers).

NA–Not applicable. Water is effective in extinguishing open air fires but will generate
hazardous quantities of gas if put on the cargo in enclosed
Abbreviations for Noxious Liquid cargoes: spaces.

N.F.–non-flammable (flash point greater than 60 deg C (140 deg 7. Maleic anhydride; Nitroethane; Nitroethane, 1-Nitropropane
F) closed cup (cc)). mixtures; 1- or 2-Nitropropane; Nitropropane, Nitroethane
F.–flammable (flash point less than or equal to 60 deg C (140 deg

F) closed cup (cc)). Dry chemical extinguishers should not be used on fires involving
these cargoes since some dry chemicals may react with the cargo
n.o.s.–not otherwise specified. and cause an explosion.

ST–Ship type. A 8. Xylenes.

Cat–Pollution category. Special requirement .908(b) only applies to the para- (p-) isomer,
and mixtures containing the para-isomer having a melting point of

Footnotes for Specific Cargoes: 0 deg C (32 deg F) or more.

1. Special applicability: [CGD 92 - 100, 59 FR 17028, Apr. 11, 1994, as amended by CGD
94 - 900, 59 FR 45139, Aug. 31, 1994; CGD 94 - 902, 60 FR

153.440 and .908(a) apply to the chemical, and mixtures 34043, June 29, 1995; CGD 95 - 900, 60 FR 34050, 34051, June
containing the chemical, with a viscosity of 25 mPa.s at 20 deg C 29, 1995; 60 FR 39267, Aug. 2, 1995; 65 FR 67136, Nov. 8,
(68 deg F). 2000]

153.440 and .908(b) apply to the chemical, and mixtures Table 2 – Cargoes Not Regulated Under Subchapters D Or O
containing the chemical, with a melting point of 0 deg C (32 deg Of This Chapter When Carried In Bulk On Non-Oceangoing

F) and above. Barges

153.488 applies to the chemical, and mixtures containing the The cargoes listed in this table are not regulated under
chemical, with a melting point of 15 deg C (59 deg F) and above. subchapter D or O of this title when carried in bulk on non-
oceangoing barges. Category A, B, or C noxious liquid substance

2. Benzene containing cargoes. (NLS) cargo, as defined in §153.2 of this chapter, listed in this
table, or any mixture containing one or more of these cargoes,
Applies to mixtures containing no other components with safety must be carried under this subchapter if carried in bulk on an
hazards and where the pollution category is C or less. oceangoing ship. Requirements for Category D NLS cargoes and
mixtures of non-NLS cargoes with Category D NLS cargoes are in

3. Diammonium salt of Zinc ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 33 CFR part151.



Explanation of Symbols: As used in this table, the following stand


A, B, C, D–NLS Category of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78.

I–Considered an "oil" under Annex I of MARPOL 73/78.

III–Appendix III of Annex II (non-NLS cargoes) of MARPOL 73/78.


LFG–Liquefied flammable gas.

#–No determination of NLS status. For shipping on an

oceangoing vessel, see 46 CFR 153.900(c).

[ ]–A NLS category in brackets indicates that the product is

provisionally categorized and that further data are necessary to
complete the evaluation of its pollution hazards. Until the hazard
evaluation is completed, the pollution category assigned is used.

@ The NLS category has been assigned by the U.S. Coast

Guard, in absence of one assigned by the IMO. The category is
based upon a GESAMP Hazard Profile or by analogy to a closely
related product having an NLS assigned.

Abbreviations for Noxious liquid Cargoes:

N.F.–non-flammable (flash point greater than 60 degrees C (140

degrees F) cc).

n.o.s.–not otherwise specified.

ST – Ship type.
Cat –Pollution category.

[CGD 88-100, 54 FR 43584, Oct. 26, 1989; CGD 92-100, 59 FR 17044, Apr. 11, 1994, as amended by CGD 94-900, 59 FR 45142, Aug. 31,
1994; CGD 94-902, 60 FR 34043, June 29, 1995; CGD 95-900, 60 FR 34052, June 29, 1995; 65 FR 67136, Nov. 8, 2000]

Appendix I [Reserved]

Appendix II–Metric Units Used in Part 153

Parameter Metric(SI unit) Abbreviation Equivalent to English or
common metric
Force Newton N 0.225lbs.
Length Meter M 39.37 in.
Centimeter Cm .3937 in.
-4 2
Pressure Pascal Pa 1.450x10 lbs/in
Kilo-Pascal kPa 0.145 lbs/in .
(1,000 Pascals).
-2 2
Kilo-Pascal kPa 1.02x10 kg/cm .

3 2
Do kPa 1x10 N/m .
Temperature Degree Celsius °C 5/9 (°F-32).
Viscosity Milli-Pascal second. mPa sec. 1.0 centipoise.

Volume Cubic meter m 264 gallons (gal)
3 3
do m 35.3 ft .

[CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD Mar. 12, 1987. Redesignated by CGD 92-100, 59 FR 17045, Apr.
78-128, 47 FR 21212, May 17, 1982; CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7799, 11, 1994]


Part 154 – Safety Standards For Self-Propelled Vessels
Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases
Table Of Contents 154.401 Definitions.
154.405 Design Vapor Pressure (Po) Of A Cargo Tank.
Subpart A—General 154.406 Design Loads For Cargo Tanks And Fixtures: General.
154.407 Cargo Tank Internal Pressure Head.
Sec. 154.408 Cargo Tank External Pressure Load.
154.1 Incorporation By Reference. 154.409 Dynamic Loads From Vessel Motion.
154.3 Purpose. 154.410 Cargo Tank Sloshing Loads.
154.5 Applicability. 154.411 Cargo Tank Thermal Loads.
154.7 Definitions, Acronyms, And Terms. 154.412 Cargo Tank Corrosion Allowance.
154.9 Issuance Of Documents.
154.12 Existing Gas Vessel: Endorsements And Requirements. INTEGRAL TANKS
154.15 U.S. Flag Vessel: Endorsement Application.
154.17 U.S. Flag Vessel Certificate Of Inspection Endorsement 154.418 General.

154.19 U.S. Flag Vessel: IMO Certificate Issuance. 154.419 Design Vapor Pressure.
154.22 Foreign Flag Vessel: Certificate Of Compliance 154.420 Tank Design.
Endorsement Application. 154.421 Allowable Stress.

154.24 Foreign Flag Vessel: IMO Certificate.
154.30 Liquefied Gases Not Included In Table 4. MEMBRANE TANKS
154.32 Equivalents.

154.34 Special Approval: Requests. 154.425 General.
154.36 Correspondence And Vessel Information: Submission. 154.426 Design Vapor Pressure.
154.40 Right Of Appeal. 154.427 Membrane Tank System Design.
154.428 Allowable Stress.

Subpart B–Inspections And Tests 154.429 Calculations.
154.430 Material Test.

154.150 Examination Required For A Certificate Of Compliance.

A 154.432 Expansion And Contraction.

154.151 Procedures For Having The Coast Guard Examine A
Vessel For A Certificate Of Compliance. 154.435 General.
154.436 Design Vapor Pressure.

Subpart C–Design, Construction, And Equipment

154.437 General.

154.170 Outer Hull Steel Plating.

154.172 Contiguous Steel Hull Structure. 154.438 Design Vapor Pressure.
154.174 Transverse Contiguous Hull Structure. 154.439 Tank Design.
154.440 Allowable Stress.

154.176 Longitudinal Contiguous Hull Structure.

154.178 Contiguous Hull Structure: Heating System.
154.180 Contiguous Hull Structure: Welding Procedure. INDEPENDENT TANK TYPE B

154.182 Contiguous Hull Structure: Production Weld Test.

154.188 Membrane Tank: Inner Hull Steel. 154.444 General.
154.195 Aluminum Cargo Tank: Steel Enclosure. 154.445 Design Vapor Pressure.
154.446 Tank Design.
154.448 Calculations.

154.200 Stability Requirements: General. 154.449 Model Test.

154.235 Cargo Tank Location.

154.300 Segregation Of Hold Spaces From Other Spaces. 154.450 General.

154.305 Segregation Of Hold Spaces From The Sea. 154.451 Design Vapor Pressure.
154.310 Cargo Piping Systems. 154.452 External Pressure.
154.315 Cargo Pump And Cargo Compressor Rooms. 154.453 Failure To Meet Independent Tank Type C Standards.
154.320 Cargo Control Stations.
154.325 Accommodation, Service, And Control Spaces. SECONDARY BARRIER
154.330 Openings To Accommodation, Service, Or Control
Spaces. 154.459 General.
154.340 Access To Tanks And Spaces In The Cargo Area. 154.460 Design Criteria.
154.345 Air Locks.
154.350 Bilge And Ballast Systems In The Cargo Area. INSULATION
154.355 Bow And Stern Loading Piping.
154.356 Cargo Emergency Jettisoning Piping. 154.465 General.
154.466 Design Criteria.
CARGO CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 154.467 Submission Of Insulation Information.

SUPPORT SYSTEM 154.709 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: Gas Detection Equipment.

154.470 General. CARGO VENT SYSTEMS

154.471 Design Criteria.
154.476 Cargo Transfer Devices And Means. 154.801 Pressure Relief Systems.
154.802 Alternate Pressure Relief Settings.
154.805 Vent Masts.
154.500 Cargo And Process Piping Standards. 154.806 Capacity Of Pressure Relief Valves.
154.503 Piping And Piping System Components: Protection
154.506 Mechanical Expansion Joint: Limits In A Piping System. SYSTEMS
154.512 Piping: Thermal Isolation.
154.514 Piping: Electrical Bonding. 154.901 Atmospheric Control Within Cargo Tanks And Cargo
154.516 Piping: Hull Protection. Piping Systems.
154.517 Piping: Liquid Pressure Relief. 154.902 Atmospheric Control Within Hold And Interbarrier
154.519 Piping Relief Valves. Spaces.
154.520 Piping Calculations. 154.903 Inert Gas Systems: General.
154.522 Materials For Piping. 154.904 Inert Gas System: Controls.

154.524 Piping Joints: Welded And Screwed Couplings. 154.906 Inert Gas Generators.
154.526 Piping Joints: Flange Connection. 154.908 Inert Gas Generator: Location.

154.528 Piping Joints: Flange Type. 154.910 Inert Gas Piping: Location.
154.530 Valves: Cargo Tank MARVS 69 kPa Gauge (10 Psig) 154.912 Inerted Spaces: Relief Devices.
Or Lower.

154.532 Valves: Cargo Tank MARVS Greater Than 69 kPa ELECTRICAL
Gauge (10 Psig).
154.534 Cargo Pumps And Cargo Compressors. 154.1000 Applicability.
154.536 Cargo Tank Gauging And Measuring Connections. 154.1002 Definition.
154.538 Cargo Transfer Connection. 154.1005 Equipment Approval.

154.540 Quick-Closing Shut-Off Valves: Emergency Shut-Down 154.1010 Electrical Equipment In Gas-Dangerous Space Or
System. Zone.
154.544 Quick-Closing Shut-Off Valves. 154.1015 Lighting In Gas-Dangerous Space.
154.546 Excess Flow Valve: Closing Flow.
154.548 Cargo Piping: Flow Capacity. A 154.1020 Emergency Power.
154.550 Excess Flow Valve: Bypass. FIREFIGHTING

CARGO HOSE Firefighting System: Exterior Water Spray


154.551 Cargo Hose: General. 154.1105 Exterior Water Spray System: General.
154.552 Cargo Hose: Compatibility. 154.1110 Areas Protected By System.
154.554 Cargo Hose: Bursting Pressure. 154.1115 Discharge.

154.556 Cargo Hose: Maximum Working Pressure. 154.1120 Nozzles.

154.558 Cargo Hose: Marking. 154.1125 Pipes, Fittings, And Valves.
154.560 Cargo Hose: Prototype Test. 154.1130 Sections.

154.562 Cargo Hose: Hydrostatic Test. 154.1135 Pumps

MATERIALS Firefighting System: Dry Chemical


154.605 Toughness Test. 154.1140 Dry Chemical System: General.

154.610 Design Temperature Not Colder Than 0°C (32°F). 154.1145 Dry Chemical Supply.
154.615 Design Temperature Below 0°C (32°F) And Down To - 154.1150 Distribution Of Dry Chemical.
55°C (-67°F). 154.1155 Hand Hose Line: Coverage.

154.620 Design Temperature Below -55°C (-67°F) And Down To 154.1160 Monitor Coverage Of System.
-165°C (-265°F). 154.1165 Controls.
154.625 Design Temperature Below 0°C (32°F) And Down To - 154.1170 Hand Hose Line: General.
165°C (-265°F).

CONSTRUCTION 154.1200 Mechanical Ventilation System: General.

154.1205 Mechanical Ventilations System: Standards.
154.650 Cargo Tank And Process Pressure Vessel Welding. 154.1210 Hold Space, Void Space, Cofferdam, And Spaces
154.655 Stress Relief For Independent Tanks Type C. Containing Cargo Piping.
154.660 Pipe Welding.
154.665 Welding Procedures. INSTRUMENTATION

CARGO PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE CONTROL 154.1300 Liquid Level Gauging System: General.
154.1305 Liquid Level Gauging System: Standards.
154.701 Cargo Pressure And Temperature Control: General. 154.1310 Closed Gauge Shut-Off Valve.
154.702 Refrigerated Carriage. 154.1315 Restricted Gauge Excess Flow Valve.
154.703 Methane (LNG). 154.1320 Sighting Ports, Tubular Gauge Glasses, And Flat Plate
154.705 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: General. Type Gauge Glasses.
154.706 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: Fuel Lines. 154.1325 Liquid Level Alarm System: All Cargo Tanks.
154.707 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: Ventilation. 154.1330 Liquid Level Alarm System Independent Tank Type C
154.708 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: Valves. 154.1335 Pressure And Vacuum Protection.

154.1340 Temperature Measuring Devices. 154.1866 Cargo Hose Connection: Transferring Cargo.
154.1345 Gas Detection. 154.1868 Portable Blowers In Personnel Access Openings.
154.1350 Flammable Gas Detection System. 154.1870 Bow And Stern Loading.
154.1360 Oxygen Analyzer. 154.1872 Cargo Emergency Jettisoning.
154.1365 Audible And Visual Alarms. Table 4 – Summary Of Minimum Requirements
154.1370 Pressure Gauge And Vacuum Gauge Marking. Appendix A To Part 154 – Equivalent Stress
154.1375 Readout For Temperature Measuring Device: Marking. Appendix B To Part 154 – Stress Analyses Definitions

SAFETY EQUIPMENT Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3703, 9101; Department of Homeland

Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
154.1400 Safety Equipment: All Vessels. [SOURCE: CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, unless
154.1405 Respiratory Protection. otherwise noted.]
154.1410 Decontamination Shower.
154.1415 Air Compressor. [EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes affecting Part 154
154.1420 Stretchers And Equipment. appear at CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50466, Sept. 29, 1995 and at CGD
154.1430 Equipment Locker. 96-041, 61 FR 50732, Sept. 27, 1996.]
154.1435 Medical First Aid Guide.
154.1440 Antidotes.
Subpart A—General

Subpart D–Special Design And Operating Requirements
[SOURCE: CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31626, Aug. 21, 1987, unless
otherwise Noted.]

154.1700 Purpose.
154.1702 Materials Of Construction.
154.1705 Independent Tank Type C. §154.1 Incorporation By Reference.
(a) Certain materials are incorporated by reference into this part

154.1710 Exclusion Of Air From Cargo Tank Vapor Spaces.
154.1715 Moisture Control. with approval of the Director of the Federal Register in
154.1720 Indirect Refrigeration. accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). The Office of the Federal
154.1725 Ethylene Oxide. Register publishes a list "Material Approved for Incorporation by
154.1730 Ethylene Oxide: Loading And Off-Loading. Reference," which appears in the Finding Aids section of this

154.1735 Methyl Acetylene-Propadiene Mixture. volume. To enforce any edition other than the one listed in
154.1740 Vinyl Chloride: Inhibiting And Inerting. paragraph (b) of this section, notice of change must be published
154.1745 Vinyl Chloride: Transferring Operations. in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material made available. All
Butadiene Or Vinyl Chloride: Refrigeration System.
Nitrogen. A approved material is on file at the Office of the Federal Register,
Washington, DC 20408, and at the Commandant (G-MSO), U.S.
Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW. Washington, DC 20593-
154.1760 Liquid Ammonia.
Subpart E—Operations
(b) The materials approved for incorporation by reference in this

154.1800 Special Operating Requirements Under Part 35 Of This part are:

154.1802 Certificates, Letters, And Endorsements: Foreign Flag American Bureau of Shipping (ABS),

Vessels. ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive, Houston, TX 77060

154.1803 Expiration Of Certificates Of Compliance. Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, 1981
154.1808 Limitations In The Endorsement.

154.1809 Loading And Stability Manual. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE

154.1810 Cargo Manual. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036
154.1812 Operational Information For Terminal Personnel. ANSI Z89.1-69 Safety Requirements for Industrial Head

154.1814 Cargo Information Cards. Protection, 1969

154.1816 Cargo Location Plan.
154.1818 Certification Of Inhibition. ANSI Z87.1-79 Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye
154.1820 Shipping Document. and Face Protection, 1979
154.1822 Shipping Document: Copy For Transfer Terminal.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

154.1824 Obstruction Of Pumproom Ladderways.

154.1826 Opening Of Cargo Tanks And Cargo Sampling. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
154.1828 Spaces Containing Cargo Vapor: Entry. ASTM A 20/A 20M-97a, Standard Specification for General
154.1830 Warning Sign. Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels– 154.610
154.1831 Persons In Charge Of Transferring Liquid Cargo In Bulk

Or Preparing Cargo Tanks. ASTM F 1014-92, Standard Specification for Flashlights on

154.1834 Cargo Transfer Piping. Vessels– 154.1400
154.1836 Vapor Venting As A Means Of Cargo Tank Pressure
154.1838 Discharge By Gas Pressurization. Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR,
154.1840 Protective Clothing. United Kingdom
154.1842 Cargo System: Controls And Alarms. Resolution A.328(IX), Code for the Construction and Equipment
154.1844 Cargo Tanks: Filling Limits. of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk, 1976
154.1846 Relief Valves: Changing Set Pressure.
154.1848 Inerting. Code For Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk, 1976
154.1850 Entering Cargo Handling Spaces.
154.1852 Air Breathing Equipment. Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous
154.1854 Methane (LNG) As Fuel. Goods
154.1858 Cargo Hose.
154.1860 Integral Tanks: Cargo Colder Than -10°C (14°F). UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC.
154.1862 Posting Of Speed Reduction. 12 Laboratory Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3995
154.1864 Vessel Speed Within Speed Reduction.

UL No. 783-79 Standard for Safety, Electric Flashlights for Use in firefighting control equipment under §154.1140 to §154.1170, is
Hazardous Locations, Class 1, Groups C and D, 1979. centralized.

[CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31626, Aug. 21, 1987, as amended by CGD Design temperature means the minimum cargo temperature the
82-042, 53 FR 17705, May 18, 1988; CGD 82-042, 53 FR 18949, Coast Guard allows for loading, unloading, or carriage.
May 25, 1988; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34535, Sept. 7, 1988; CGD
96-041, 61 FR 50732, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR Design vapor pressure (Po) means the maximum gauge
51048, Sept. 30, 1997; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, pressure at the top of the cargo tank for the design of the cargo
Mar. 1, 2000; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000] tank.

§154.3 Purpose. Document means a Certificate of Inspection for a U.S. flag vessel
The purpose of this part is to prescribe rules for new and existing or a Certificate of Compliance for a foreign flag vessel.
gas vessels.
Existing gas vessel means a self-propelled vessel that–
§154.5 Applicability. (a) Is delivered on or before October 31, 1976; or
This part applies to each self-propelled vessel that has on board
bulk liquefied gases as cargo, cargo residue or vapor, except (b) Is delivered between October 31, 1976 and June 30, 1980,
subpart C does not apply if the vessel meets §154.12(b), (c), or and is not a new gas vessel.

Flammable cargoes includes the following liquefied gases from
§154.7 Definitions, Acronyms, And Terms. Table 4 (follows §154.1872):

As used in this part:
"A" Class Division means a division as defined in Regulation 3 Butadiene

of Chapter II-2 of the 1974 Safety Convention. Butane
Accommodation spaces means public spaces, corridors, Dimethylamine
lavatories, cabins, offices, hospitals, cinemas, game and hobby Ethane
rooms, pantries containing no cooking appliances, and spaces Ethylamine

used in a similar fashion. Ethyl chloride
Boiling point means the temperature at which a substance's Ethylene oxide
vapor pressure is equal to the atmospheric barometric pressure.
A Methane (LNG)
Methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture
Breadth (B) means the maximum width of the vessel in meters Methyl bromide
measured amidships to the molded line of the frame in a ship with Methyl chloride
a metal shell and to the outer surface of the hull in a ship with a Propane

shell of any other material. Propylene

Vinyl chloride
Cargo area means that part of the vessel that contains the cargo
containment system, cargo pump rooms, cargo compressor Gas-dangerous space includes the following spaces:

rooms, and the deck areas over the full beam and the length of
the vessel above them, but does not include the cofferdams, (a) A space in the cargo area without arrangements to provide a
ballast spaces, or void spaces at the after end of the aftermost safe atmosphere at all times.

hold space or the forward end of the forwardmost hold space.

(b) An enclosed space outside the cargo area through which any
Cargo containment system means the arrangement for piping that may contain liquid or gaseous cargo passes, or within

containment of the cargo including a primary and secondary which that piping terminates, without arrangements to prevent gas
barrier, associated insulation and any intervening spaces, and from escaping into the space.
adjacent structure that is necessary for the support of these
elements. (c) A cargo containment system and cargo piping.

Cargo service space means space within the cargo area that is (d) A hold space where cargo is carried in a cargo containment
more than 2 m2 (21.5 ft.2) in deck area and used for work shops, system:
lockers, or store rooms.
(1) With a secondary barrier; or
Cargo tank means the liquid tight shell that is the primary

container of the cargo. (2) Without a secondary barrier.

Certificate of Compliance means a certificate issued by the (e) A space separated from a hold space under paragraph (d)(1)
Coast Guard to a foreign flag vessel after it is examined and of this definition by a single gastight boundary.
found to comply with regulations in this chapter.
(f) A cargo pumproom and a cargo compressor room.
Cofferdam means the isolating space between two adjacent steel
bulkheads or decks, which could be a void space or a ballast (g) A zone on the weather deck or a semi-enclosed space on the
space. weather deck within 3.05 m (10 ft) of any cargo tank outlet, gas or
vapor outlet, cargo pipe flange, cargo valve, or of entrances and
Contiguous hull structure includes the inner deck, the inner ventilation openings to a cargo pump room or a cargo compressor
bottom plating, longitudinal bulkhead plating, transverse bulkhead room.
plating, floors, webs, stringers, and attached stiffeners.
(h) Except for existing gas vessels, the weather deck over the
Control space means those spaces in which the vessel's radio, cargo area and 3.05 m (10 ft) forward and aft of the cargo area on
main navigating equipment, or the emergency source of power is the weather deck to 2.4 m (8 ft) above the weather deck.
located or in which the fire control equipment, other than

(i) A zone within 2.4 m (8 ft) of the outer surface of a cargo Liquefied gas means a cargo having a vapor pressure of 172
containment system where the surface is exposed to the weather. kPa (25 psia) or more at 37.8°C (100°F).

(j) An enclosed or semi-enclosed space in which there is piping MARVS stands for the Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting.
containing cargo, except those–
Membrane tank is a cargo tank that is not self-supporting and
(1) With gas sampling lines for gas detection equipment under consists of a thin layer (membrane) supported through insulation
§154.1350(n); or by the adjacent hull structure.

(2) In which boil-off gas is used as fuel under §154.703. New gas vessel means a self-propelled vessel that–

(k) A space for storage of cargo hoses. (a) Is constructed under a building contract awarded after October
31, 1976;
(l) An enclosed or semi-enclosed space having an opening into
any gas-dangerous space or zone. (b) In the absence of a building contract, has a keel laid or is at a
similar stage of construction after December 31, 1976;
Gas-safe space means a space that is not a gas-dangerous
space. (c) Is delivered after June 30, 1980; or

Hold space means the space enclosed by the vessel's structure (d) Has undergone a major conversion for which–
in which there is a cargo containment system.

(1) The building contract is awarded after October 31, 1976;
IMO stands for the lnternational Maritime Organization.
(2) In the absence of a building contract, conversion is begun

IMO Certificate means a Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of after December 31, 1976; or
Liquefied Gases in Bulk issued under the IMO–
(3) Conversion is completed after June 30, 1980.
(a) "Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk", adopted November 12, 1975 by Primary barrier means the inner boundary that contains the

Assembly Resolution A.328(IX), as amended; cargo when the cargo containment system includes two
(b) "Code for Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk",
adopted November 12, 1975, as amended; or
A Process pressure vessel means a pressure vessel that is used
in a reliquefaction, cargo heating, or other system that processes
(c) "Recommendations Concerning Ships Not Covered by the cargo.
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk", (Resolution A.328(IX)), adopted Remote group alarm means an audible and visual alarm that

November 12, 1975 by Assembly Resolution A.329(IX). alerts when an alarm condition exists but does not identify that
Independent tank is a cargo tank that is permanently affixed to
the vessel, is self-supporting, and is not part of the hull or Secondary barrier means the liquid resisting outer boundary of a

essential to the strength or integrity of the hull. cargo containment system when the cargo containment system
includes two boundaries.
Independent tank type A is an independent cargo tank designed

primarily using classification society classical ship structural Semi-membrane tank is a cargo tank that is not self-supporting
analysis procedures. and that can expand and contract due to thermal, hydrostatic, and
pressure loadings. It consists of flat surfaces, supported through

Independent tank type B is an independent cargo tank designed insulation by the adjacent hull structure, and shaped corners that
from model tests, refined analytical tools, and analysis methods to connect the flat surfaces.
determine stress levels, fatigue life, and crack propagation
characteristics. Service space means a space outside the cargo area that is
used for a galley, pantry containing cooking appliances, locker or

Independent tank type C (pressure tank) is an independent store room, workshop except those in machinery spaces, and
cargo tank meeting pressure vessel criteria where the dominant similar spaces and trunks to those spaces.
stress producing load is design vapor pressure.
Shut-off valve is a valve that closes a pipeline and provides
Insulation space means a space, that could be an interbarrier nominal metal to metal contact between the valve operating parts,

space, occupied wholly or in part by insulation. including the disc and gate, and the valve body.

Integral tank means a cargo tank that is a structural part of the Specific gravity (p) means the ratio of the density of the cargo at
vessel's hull and is influenced in the same manner and by the the design temperature to the density of water at 4°C (39°F).
same loads that stress the adjacent hull structure.
Tank cover is the structure protecting those parts of the cargo
Interbarrier space means the space between a primary and a containment system that protrude through the weather deck and
secondary barrier, with or without insulation or other material. providing continuity to the deck structure.

Length (L) is ninety-six percent of the total length in meters on a Tank dome means the uppermost portion of the cargo tank. For
waterline at eighty-five percent of the least molded depth below deck cargo containment systems, it means the uppermost
measured from the top of the keel or the length from the foreside portion of the cargo tank that protrudes through the weather deck
of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on the waterline, or through the tank cover.
whichever is greater. In vessels having a rake of keel, the
waterline is parallel to the design waterline. Toxic cargoes includes the following liquefied gases from Table
4 (follows §154.1872):

Acetaldehyde (1)(ii) The vessel's IMO Certificate endorsed for the carriage of
Ammonia, anhydrous that cargo is accepted;
Ethylamine (2) Meet the plans that were reviewed and marked "Examined" or
Ethyl chloride "Approved" by the Coast Guard, or meet the standards under
Ethylene oxide which the IMO Certificate was issued;
Methyl bromide
Methyl chloride (3) Meet paragraph (e) of this section; and
Sulfur dioxide
Vinyl chloride (4) Meet any additional requirements of this part that the
Commandant (G-MSO) determines to be necessary for safety.
Vapor pressure means the absolute equilibrium pressure of the
saturated vapor above the liquid, expressed in kPa (psia), at a (e) If the owner of a vessel desires any document endorsement
specific temperature. described in paragraph (b), (c), or (d) of this section, the existing
gas vessel must meet the requirements in each of the following:
Void space means an enclosed space in the cargo area outside
of the cargo containment system, except a hold space, ballast (1) Section 154.310(d) and (e).
space, fuel oil tank, cargo pump or compressor room, or any
space used by personnel. (2) Section 154.320(b) and (c).

1974 Safety Convention stands for the International Convention (3) Section 154.330(a) through (e).

on Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, done at London, November 1,
1974. (4) Section 154.340(d).

§154.9 Issuance Of Documents. (5) Section 154.345(a), (b)(1) through (b)(5), (b)(7) and (c).
The Coast Guard issues an endorsed Certificate of Inspection to
a U.S. flag vessel or an endorsed Certificate of Compliance to a (6) Section 154.476(a).
foreign flag vessel that meets this part.
(7) Section 154.519(a)(2).

§154.12 Existing Gas Vessel: Endorsements And
Requirements. (8) Section 154.534.
(a) Except an existing gas vessel under paragraph (b), (c), or (d)
of this section, an existing gas vessel must meet subpart C of this
part if the owner desires a document endorsed for the carriage of A (9) Section 154.538.
a cargo listed in Table 4 (follows §154.1872). (10) Section 154.540(c) and (d).

(b) If an existing gas vessel is issued a document by the Coast (11) Section 154.556.

Guard before November 1, 1987 that is endorsed for the carriage

of a cargo listed in Table 4 (follows §154.1872), and the owner (12) Section 154.558.
desires the same endorsement on a reissued document, the
vessel must– (13) Section 154.560.

(1) Continue to meet the same design and construction standards (14) Section 154.562.
under which the Coast Guard issued the original document; and

(15) Section 154.703.

(2) Meet paragraph (e) of this section.
(16) Section 154.705.

(c) If an existing gas vessel is issued a document by the Coast

Guard before November 1, 1987 that is endorsed for the carriage (17) Section 154.706.
of a cargo listed in Table 4 (follows §154.1872), and the owner
desires an endorsement for a different cargo listed in that table, (18) Section 154.707.
the vessel must–

(19) Section 154.708.

(1) Continue to meet the same design and construction standards
under which the Coast Guard issued the original document; (20) Section 154.709.

(2) Meet paragraph (e) of this section; (21) Section 154.904.


(3) Meet subpart D for the different cargo; and (22) Section 154.906.

(4) Meet any additional requirements of this part that the (23) Section 154.908(a), unless the space is separated from the
Commandant (G-MSO) determines to be necessary for safety. accommodation, service, or control space by a steel door that–

(d) If an existing gas vessel does not meet paragraph (b) or (c) of (23)(i) Is watertight when tested with a firehose at not less than
this section and the owner desires a document endorsed for the 207 kPa gauge (30 psig);
carriage of a cargo listed in Table 4 (follows §154.1872), the
vessel must– (23)(ii) Has a means to self-close and does not have latches or
other devices designed to hold it open; and
(1) Have a letter from the Coast Guard dated before November 1,
1987 stating that– (23)(iii) Has an audible and visual alarm on both sides of the door
which is actuated when the door is open.
(1)(i) Review of the vessel's plans for the carriage of that cargo is
completed; or (24) Section 154.910.

(25) Section 154.912. an IMO Certificate to a U.S. flag vessel when requested by the
owner or representative, if–
(26) Sections 154.1110 through 154.1130, except §§154.1115(b),
154.1120(b), and 154.1125(c) and (f). (1) The vessel meets the requirements of this part; and

(27) Section 154.1145, except an existing gas vessel with a cargo (2) It is a new gas vessel, it meets the IMO Resolution A.328(IX),
carrying capacity of less than 2500 m3 (88,200 ft3) may have only "Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
one self-contained dry chemical storage unit if that unit– Liquefied Gases in Bulk, 1975"; or

(27)(i) is installed before November 1, 1987; and (3) It is an existing gas vessel, it meets the IMO "Code for
Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk, 1975".
(27)(ii) Has the capacity to meet §154.1145(d) and (e), and
§154.1170(e). (b) The IMO Certificate expires on the same date that the vessel's
Certificate of Inspection expires.
(28) Section 154.1150(a) and (b).
[CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31626, Aug. 21, 1987, as amended by CGD
(29) Section 154.1155. 95-010, 62 FR 67537, Dec. 24, 1997]

(30) Section 154.1160. §154.22 Foreign Flag Vessel: Certificate Of Compliance

Endorsement Application.
(31) Section 154.1165(a), (b), (d), and (f). (a) A person who desires an endorsed Certificate of Compliance

to meet §154.1802(a) for a foreign flag vessel, whose flag
(32) Section 154.1170(b) through (f). administration issues IMO Certificates, must submit to the
Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center (G-

(33) Section 154.1200(a), (b)(1), and (b)(2). MSC), 400 Seventh St., SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001, an
application that includes the following:
(34) Section 154.1205(f).
(1) The vessel's valid IMO Certificate.
(35) Section 154.1325.

(2) A description of the vessel.
(36) Section 154.1335(e).
(3) Specifications for the cargo containment system.
(37) Section 154.1350(e), (f), (i), (o), and (u).
A (4) A general arrangement plan of the vessel.
§154.15 U.S. Flag Vessel: Endorsement Application.
(a) A person who desires the endorsement required under (5) A midship section plan of the vessel.
§154.1801 for a U.S. flag vessel must submit an application for an

endorsement of the vessel's Subchapter D Certificate of (6) Schematic plans of the liquid and vapor cargo piping.
Inspection under the procedures in §91.55-15 of this chapter.
(7) A firefighting and safety plan.
(b) The person requesting an endorsement under paragraph (a)

of this section must submit to the Coast Guard, if requested– (8) If the applicant is requesting an endorsement for the carriage
of ethylene oxide, a classification society certification that the
(1) Calculations for hull design required by §172.175 of this vessel meets §154.1725(a)(4), (5), and (7).

(9) If the vessel is a new gas vessel, or an existing vessel that
(2) The plans and information listed in §§54.01-18, 56.01-10, does not meet §154.12(b), (c), or (d)–

91.55-5 (a), (b), (d), (g), and (h), and 110.25-1 of this chapter;
(9)(i) A certification from a classification society that the vessel–
(3) Plans for the dry chemical supply and distribution systems,
including the controls; and (9)(i)(A) Has enhanced grades of steel meeting §154.170(b)(1)
and (b)(2) for crack arresting purposes in the deck stringer, sheer

(4) Any other vessel information, including, but not limited to strake, and bilge strake; and
plans, design calculations, test results, certificates, and
manufacturer's data, needed to determine whether or not the (9)(i)(B) Meets §154.701, or if the vessel carries methane, meets
vessel meets the standards of this part. §154.703, by having the capability of cargo tank pressure and
temperature control without venting; and

§154.17 U.S. Flag Vessel: Certificate Of Inspection

Endorsement. (9)(ii) The vessel's valid SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety Construction
The Certificate of Inspection for a U.S. flag vessel allowed to carry Certificate and Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.
a liquefied gas listed in Table 4 has the following endorsement for
each cargo, with the corresponding carriage requirement data (10) Any additional plans, certificates, and information needed by
inserted: the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center to determine
whether or not the vessel meets this part.
Inspected and approved for the carriage of ______ at a maximum
allowable relief valve setting of ______ kPa gauge (______ psig) (b) A person who desires an endorsed Certificate of Compliance
with an F factor of ______, a maximum external pressure of to meet §154.1802(b) for a foreign flag vessel, whose flag
______ kPa gauge (______ psig), a minimum service administration does not issue IMO Certificates, must submit to the
temperature of _____ °C (______ °F), and a maximum specific Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center the plans,
gravity of ______. Hull type ______. calculations, and information under §154.15(b).

§154.19 U.S. Flag Vessel: IMO Certificate Issuance. [CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31626, Aug. 21, 1987, as amended by CGD
(a) Either a classification society authorized under 46 CFR part 8, 88-070, 53 FR 34535, Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 89-025, 54 FR 19571,
or the Coast Guard Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, issues

May 8, 1989; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50466, Sept. 29, 1995; 60 FR §154.34 Special Approval: Requests.
54106, Oct. 19, 1995] Each request for special approval must be in writing and
submitted to the Commandant (G-MSO), U.S. Coast Guard, 2100
§154.24 Foreign Flag Vessel: IMO Certificate. Second Street SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001.
(a) An IMO Certificate issued under the IMO Resolution
A.328(IX),"Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships §154.36 Correspondence And Vessel Information:
Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk, 1975" is usually sufficient Submission.
evidence of compliance with this part for the Coast Guard to Correspondence to the Coast Guard and all vessel information
endorse a foreign flag vessel's Certificate of Compliance with the submitted to the Coast Guard must be in English, except–
name of each cargo in Table 4 (follows §154.1872) that is listed
on the IMO Certificate, if the information listed in item 3 of the (a) IMO Certificates may be in French; and
IMO Certificate shows that–
(b) SOLAS Certificates may be in the official language of the flag
(1) The design ambient temperatures meet §154.174 and administration.
§154.40 Right Of Appeal.
(2) The cargo tank design stress factors and resulting MARVS of Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under
independent tanks type B or C meet §154.447 or §154.450; and this part, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal
therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.

(3) The cargo tank MARVS of a type IIPG ship meets §172.175(c)
of this chapter. [CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50381, Dec. 6, 1989]

(b) If a foreign flag existing gas vessel meets §154.12(b), (c), or Subpart B – Inspections and Tests
(d), the vessel's IMO Certificate issued under the IMO "Code for

Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk, 1975" is usually EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS FOR FOREIGN FLAG
sufficient evidence of compliance with the requirements of VESSELS
§154.12(e) for the Coast Guard to endorse the Certificate of
Compliance with the name of each cargo in Table 4 (follows §154.150 Examination Required For A Certificate Of
§154.1872) that is listed on the IMO Certificate; however if a Compliance.

foreign flag existing gas vessel does not meet §154.12(b), (c), or Before a vessel receives an initial or reissued Certificate of
(d), an IMO Certificate issued under the IMO "Code for Existing Compliance endorsed with the name of a cargo from Table 4 of
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk, 1975" is not acceptable
evidence of compliance with the requirements of this part for the
endorsement of a Certificate of Compliance. A this part, the vessel must call at a United States port for an
examination, during which the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection, determines whether or not the vessel meets the
requirements of this chapter.
§154.30 Liquefied Gases Not Included In Table 4.
(a) A liquefied gas not appearing in table 4 (follows §154.1872) [CGD 81-052, 50 FR 8734, Mar. 5, 1985]

must be specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO) to be

carried in bulk in U.S. waters. §154.151 Procedures For Having The Coast Guard Examine A
Vessel For A Certificate Of Compliance.
(b) A person who desires to ship a liquefied gas in bulk that is not To have the Coast Guard examine the vessel for a Certificate of

listed in table 4 must submit to the Commandant (G-MSO) a Compliance, as required in §154.150, the owner of a foreign flag
completed form CG-4355. This form may be obtained from the vessel must proceed as follows:
Commandant (G-MSO) or any Officer in Charge, Marine

Inspection (OCMI). (a) After submitting an application under §154.22, await

notification by the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center that
(c) The Commandant (G-MSO) notifies the submitter by letter review of the vessel's plans or IMO Certificate and supporting

whether or not the liquefied gas is specially approved for carriage documents is complete.
in bulk in U.S. waters and the minimum requirements for that
carriage. If the liquefied gas is not specially approved, the (b) Except when paragraph (c) of this section applies,
reasons why the special approval is not granted are included.
(1) After receiving notification from Commanding Officer, Marine

§154.32 Equivalents. Safety Center that review is complete and the application is
(a) A vessel that fails to meet the standards in this part for an acceptable, dispatch the vessel to a United States port;
endorsement on a Certificate of Inspection or a Certificate of
Compliance may meet an alternate standard if the Commandant (2) Notify the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, for the port
(G-MSO) finds that the alternate standard provides an equivalent

where the vessel is to be inspected at least seven days before the

or greater level of protection for the purpose of safety. vessel arrives and arrange the exact time and other details of the
examination. This notification is in addition to any other pre-arrival
(b) The Commandant (G-MSO) considers issuance of a finding of notice to the Coast Guard required by other regulations and must
equivalence to the standard required by this part if the person include:
requesting the finding submits a written application to the
Commandant (G-MSO) that includes– (2)(i) The name of the vessel's first U.S. port of call;

(1) A detailed explanation of the vessel's characteristics that do (2)(ii) The date the vessel is scheduled to arrive;
not meet the requirements in this part; and
(2)(iii) The name and telephone number of the owner's local
(2) An explanation of how each substituted standard would enable agent; and
the vessel to meet a level of safety that would be equivalent to or
greater than the standard in this part. (2)(iv) The names of all cargoes listed in Table 4 of this part that
are on board the vessel;
(c) Operational methods or procedures may not be substituted for
a particular fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, item, or type of (3) Make sure that the following items are available on board the
equipment required in this part.

vessel for the use of the Marine Inspector before beginning the (a) Except as allowed in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section,
examination required by §154.150: plates, forgings, forged and rolled fittings, and rolled and forged
bars and shapes used in the construction of the contiguous steel
(3)(i) A general arrangement (including the location of firefighting, hull structure must meet the thickness and steel grade in Table 1
safety, and lifesaving gear); and for the temperatures under §§154.174(b) and 154.176(b).

(3)(ii) The cargo manual required by §154.1810. (b) for a minimum temperature, determined under §§154,174(b)
and 154.176(b), below -25°C (-13°F ), the contiguous steel hull
(c) If the vessel was accepted for U.S. service on the basis of structure must meet §54.25-10 for that minimum temperature.
Coast Guard plan review under §154.5(b), the vessel owner must
notify Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center fourteen days (c) If a steel grade that is not listed in Table 1 has the equivalent
prior to the vessel's arrival at a U.S. port. This notification must chemical properties, mechanical properties, and heat treatment of
include: a steel grade that is listed, the steel grade not listed may be
specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO), for use in the
(1) The name of the vessel's first U.S. port of call; contiguous hull structure.

(2) The date the vessel is scheduled to arrive; TABLE 1–MINIMUM TEMPERATURE, THICKNESS, AND
(3) The name and telephone number of the owner's local agent;

and Min. Temp. Steel thickness Steel grade
0 °C(32 °F). All Standards of the

(4) The names of all cargoes listed in Table 4 of this part that are American Bureau
on board the vessel. of Shipping
published in

[CGD 81-052, 50 FR 8734, Mar. 5, 1985; 50 FR 15895, Apr. 23, “Rules for Building
1985; CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987; CGD 95-072, and Classing Steel
60 FR 50466, Sept. 29, 1995; 60 FR 54106, Oct. 19, 1995] Vessels”, 1981
-10 °(14 °F). T≤112.5 mm (½ in.). B
Subpart C – Design, Construction, and 12.5<t≤25.5 mm (1 in.). D

Equipment >25.5 mm (1 in.). E
-25 °(-13 °F). t≤112.5 mm (½ in.). D
Hull Structure
§154.170 Outer Hull Steel Plating.
A 1
>12.5 mm (½ in.). E
Steel grade of the American Bureau of Shipping published in
"Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels", 1981.
(a) Except as required in paragraph (b) of this section, the outer
hull steel plating, including the shell and deck plating must meet [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
the material standards of the American Bureau of Shipping 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31630,

published in "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels" Aug. 21, 1987]
§154.174 Transverse Contiguous Hull Structure.
(a) The transverse contiguous hull structure of a vessel having

(b) Along the length of the cargo area, grades of steel must be as
follows: cargo containment systems without secondary barriers must meet
the standards of the American Bureau of Shipping published in
"Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels", 1981.

(1) The deck stringer and sheer strake must be at least Grade E
steel or a grade of steel that has equivalent chemical properties,
mechanical properties, and heat treatment, and that is specially (b) The transverse contiguous hull structure of a vessel having
cargo containment systems with secondary barriers must be

approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).

designed for a temperature that is:
(2) The strake at the turn of the bilge must be Grade D, Grade E,
or a grade of steel that has equivalent chemical properties, (1) Colder than the calculated temperature of this hull structure
mechanical properties, and heat treatment, and that is specially when:
approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).

(1)(i) The temperature of the secondary barrier is the design

(3) The outer hull steel of vessels must meet the standards in temperature, and
§154.172 if the hull steel temperature is calculated to be below -
5°C (23°F) assuming: (1)(ii) The ambient cold condition under §154.176(b)(1)(ii) and (iii)

are assumed; or
(3)(i) For any waters in the world, the ambient cold conditions of
still air at 5°C (41°F) and still sea water at 0°C (32°F); (2) Maintained by the heating system under §154.178.

(3)(ii) For cargo containment systems with secondary barriers, the [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
temperature of the secondary barrier is the design temperature; 77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987]
§154.176 Longitudinal Contiguous Hull Structure.
(3)(iii) For cargo containment systems without secondary barriers, (a) The longitudinal contiguous hull structure of a vessel having
the temperature of the cargo tank is the design temperature. cargo containment systems without secondary barriers must meet
the standards of the American Bureau of Shipping published in
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels", 1981.
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31630,
Aug. 21, 1987] (b) The longitudinal contiguous hull structure of a vessel having
cargo containment systems with secondary barriers must be
§154.172 Contiguous Steel Hull Structure. designed for a temperature that is:

(1) Colder than the calculated temperature of this hull structure For a vessel with membrane tanks, the inner hull plating thickness
when: must meet the deep tank requirements of the American Bureau of
Shipping published in "Rules for Building and Classing Steel
(1)(i) The temperature of the secondary barrier is the design Vessels", 1981.
temperature; and
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
(1)(ii) For any waters in the world except Alaskan waters, the 77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987]
ambient cold condition of:
§154.195 Aluminum Cargo Tank: Steel Enclosure.
(1)(ii)(A) Five knots air at -18°C (0°F); and (a) An aluminum cargo tank and its dome must be enclosed by
the vessel's hull structure or a separate steel cover.
(1)(ii)(B) Still sea water at 0°C (32°F); or
(b) The steel cover for the aluminum cargo tank must meet the
(1)(iii) For Alaskan waters the ambient cold condition of: steel structural standards of the American Bureau of Shipping
published in "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels",
(1)(iii)(A) Five knots air at -29°C (-20°F); and 1981.

(1)(iii)(B) Still sea water at -2°C (28°F); or (c) The steel cover for the aluminum tank dome must be:

(2) Maintained by the heating system under §154.178, if, without (1) At least 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) thick;
heat, the contiguous hull structure is designed for a temperature

that is colder than the calculated temperature of the hull structure (2) Separated from the tank dome, except at the support points;
assuming the: and

(2)(i) Temperature of the secondary barrier is the design (3) Thermally isolated from the dome.
temperature; and
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
(2)(ii) Ambient cold conditions of still air at 5°C (41°F) and still sea 77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987]
water at 0°C (32°F).

Ship Survival Capability and Cargo Tank
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987]

§154.178 Contiguous Hull Structure: Heating System. A §154.200 Stability Requirements: General.
Each vessel must meet the applicable requirements in subchapter
The heating system for transverse and longitudinal contiguous
S of this chapter.
hull structure must:
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51009, Nov. 4, 1983]

(a) Be shown by a heat load calculation to have the heating

capacity to meet §154.174(b)(2) or §154.176(b)(2);
§154.235 Cargo Tank Location.
(a) For type IG hulls, cargo tanks must be located inboard of:
(b) Have stand-by heating to provide 100% of the required heat

load and distribution determined under paragraph (a); and

(1) The transverse extent of damage for collision penetration
specified in Table 172.180 of this chapter;
(c) Meet Parts 52, 53, and 54 of this chapter.

(2) The vertical extent of damage for grounding penetration

§154.180 Contiguous Hull Structure: Welding Procedure.
specified in Table 172.180 of this chapter; and
Welding procedure tests for contiguous hull structure designed for

a temperature colder than -18°C (0°F) must meet §54.05-15 and

(3) 30 inches (760 mm) from the shell plating.
subpart 57.03 of this chapter.
(b) For type IIG, IIPG, and IIIG hulls, cargo tanks must be located
§154.182 Contiguous Hull Structure: Production Weld Test.
inboard of:
If a portion of the contiguous hull structure is designed for a

temperature colder than -34°C (-30°F) and is not part of the

(1) The vertical extent of damage for grounding penetration
secondary barrier, each 100m (328 ft.) of full penetration butt
specified in Table 172.180 of this chapter; and
welded joints in that portion of the contiguous hull structure must
pass the following production weld tests in the position that the
(2) 30 inches (760 mm) from the shell plating.
joint is welded:

(c) In vessels having membrane and semi-membrane tanks, the

(a) Bend tests under §57.06-4 of this chapter.
vertical and transverse extents of damage must be measured to
the inner hull.
(b) A Charpy V-notch toughness test under §57.06-5 of this
chapter on one set of 3 specimens alternating the notch location
(d) For type IIG, IIPG, and IIIG hulls, cargo tank suction wells may
on successive tests between the center of the weld and the most
penetrate into the area of bottom damage specified as the vertical
critical location in the heat affected zone.2
extent of damage for grounding penetration in Table 172.180 of
2 this chapter if the penetration is the lesser of 25% of the double
[ The most critical location in the heat affected zone of the weld
bottom height or 13.8 in. (350 mm).
is based on procedure qualification results, except austenitic
stainless steel need have notches only in the center of the weld.] [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983]
(c) If the contiguous hull structure does not pass the test under
paragraph (b) of this section, the retest procedures under §54.05- Ship Arrangements
5(c) must be met.
§154.300 Segregation Of Hold Spaces From Other Spaces.
§154.188 Membrane Tank: Inner Hull Steel.

Hold spaces must be segregated from machinery and boiler (2) The shafting passing through the bulkhead or deck must be
spaces, accommodation, service and control spaces, chain sealed by a fixed oil reservoir gland seal, a pressure grease seal,
lockers, potable, domestic and feed water tanks, store rooms and or another type of positive pressure seal specially approved by
spaces immediately below or outboard of hold spaces by a: the Commandant (G-MSO).

(a) Cofferdam, fuel oil tank, or single gastight A-60 Class Division [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
of all welded construction in a cargo containment system not 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
required by this part to have a secondary barrier;
§154.320 Cargo Control Stations.
(b) Cofferdam or fuel oil tank in a cargo containment system (a) Cargo control stations must be above the weather deck.
required by this part to have a secondary barrier; or
(b) If a cargo control station is in accommodation, service, or
(c) If there are no sources of ignition or fire hazards in the control spaces or has access to such a space, the station must:
adjoining space, single gastight A-O Class Division of all welded
construction. (1) Be a gas safe space;

§154.305 Segregation Of Hold Spaces From The Sea. (2) Have an access to the space that meets §154.330; and
In vessels having cargo containment systems required by this part
to have a secondary barrier, hold spaces must be segregated (3) Have indirect reading instrumentation, except for gas

from the sea by: detectors.

(a) A double bottom if the cargo tanks meet this part for design (c) Cargo control stations, including a room or area, must contain
temperatures colder than -10°C (14°F); and all alarms, indicators, and remote controls associated with each
cargo tank that the station controls.

(b) Wing tanks if the cargo tanks meet this part for design
temperatures colder than -55°C (-67°F). §154.325 Accommodation, Service, And Control Spaces.
(a) Accommodation, service, and control spaces must be outside
§154.310 Cargo Piping Systems. the cargo area.
Cargo liquid or vapor piping must:

(b) If a hold space having a cargo containment system, required
(a) Be separated from other piping systems, except where an by this part to have a secondary barrier, is separated from any
interconnection to inert gas or purge piping is required by accommodation, service, or control space by a cruciform joint,
A there must be a cofferdam providing at least 760 mm (30 inches)
by 760 mm (30 inches) clearance on one side of the cruciform
(b) Not enter or pass through any accommodation, service, or joint.
control space;
§154.330 Openings To Accommodation, Service, Or Control

(c) Except as allowed under §154.703, not enter or pass through Spaces.
a machinery space other than a cargo pump or compressor room; (a) Entrances, forced or natural ventilation intakes and exhausts,
and other openings to accommodation, service, or control spaces,
(d) Be in the cargo area except: except as allowed in paragraph (c) of this section, must be:

(1) As allowed under §154.703; (1) At least L/25 or 3.05m (10 ft) from the athwartship bulkhead
(2) Bow and stern loading piping; and facing the cargo area, whichever is farther, except that the

(3) Emergency jettisoning piping. distance need not exceed 5m (16.4 ft); and

(e) Be above the weather deck except: (2) On a house athwartship bulkhead not facing the cargo area or

on the outboard side of the house.

(1) As allowed under §154.703;
(2) Pipes in a trunk traversing void spaces above a cargo (b) Each port light, located on the athwartship bulkhead of a
containment system; and house facing the cargo area or the house sides within the
(3) Pipes for draining, venting, or purging interbarrier and hold distance specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, must be a

spaces; fixed type.

(f) Connect into the cargo containment system above the weather (c) Wheelhouse doors and windows that are not fixed may be
deck except: within the distance specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section
from the athwartship bulkhead of a house facing the cargo area, if

(1) Pipes in a trunk traversing void spaces above a cargo they have gaskets and pass a tightness test with a fire hose at not
containment system; and less than 207 kPa gauge (30 psig).
(2) Pipes for draining, venting, or purging interbarrier and hold
spaces. (d) Port lights in the hull plating below the uppermost continuous
deck and in the first tier of the superstructure must be a fixed
(g) Be inboard of the transverse cargo tank location required by type.
§154.235, except for athwartship shore connection manifolds not
subject to internal pressure at sea. (e) Air intakes and openings into accommodation, service, and
control spaces must have metal closures that pass a tightness
§154.315 Cargo Pump And Cargo Compressor Rooms. test with a fire hose at not less than 207 kPa gauge (30 psig).
(a) Cargo pump rooms and cargo compressor rooms must be
above the weather deck and must be within the cargo area. (f) On liquefied toxic gas vessels, the closures required in
paragraph (e) of this section must be capable of being closed
(b) Where pumps and compressors are driven by a prime mover from inside the space.
in an adjacent gas safe space:
§154.340 Access To Tanks And Spaces In The Cargo Area.
(1) The bulkhead or deck must be gastight; and (a) Each cargo tank must have a manhole from the weather deck,

the clear opening of which is at least 600 mm by 600 mm (23.6 in. (2) Has a means of automatically de-energizing all electrical
by 23.6 in.). equipment that is not explosion-proof in the space when the
pressure in the space falls to or below the pressure in the air lock.
(b) Each access into and through a void space or other gas-
dangerous space in the cargo area, except spaces described in §154.350 Bilge And Ballast Systems In The Cargo Area.
paragraph (e) of the definition for "gas-dangerous space" in (a) Hold, interbarrier, and insulation spaces must have a means of
§154.7, must– sounding the space or other means of detecting liquid leakage
specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
(1) Have a clear opening of at least 600 mm by 600 mm (23.6 in.
by 23.6 in.) through horizontal openings, hatches, or manholes; (b) Each hold and insulation space must have a bilge drainage
(2) Have a clear opening of at least 600 mm by 800 mm (23.6 in.
by 31.5 in.) through bulkheads, frames or other vertical structural (c) Interbarrier spaces must have an eductor or pump for
members; and removing liquid cargo and returning it to the cargo tanks or to an
emergency jettisoning system meeting §154.356.
(3) Have a fixed ladder if the lower edge of a vertical opening is
more than 600 mm (23.6 in.) above the deck or bottom plating. (d) Spaces in the cargo containment portion of the vessel, except
ballast spaces and gas-safe spaces, must not connect to pumps
(c) Each access trunk in the cargo area must be at least 760 mm in the main machinery space.

(30 in.) in diameter.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD

(d) The lower edge of each access from the weather deck to gas- 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
safe spaces in the cargo area must be at least 2.4 m (7.9 ft.)
above the weather deck or the access must be through an air lock §154.355 Bow And Stern Loading Piping.

that meets §154.345. (a) Bow and stern loading piping must:

(e) The inner hull in the cargo area must be accessible for (1) Meet §154.310;
inspection from at least one side without the removal of any fixed
structure or fitting. (2) Be installed in an area away from the accommodation,

service, or control space on type IG hulls;
(f) The hold space insulation in the cargo area must be accessible
for inspection from at least one side from within the hold space or (3) Be clearly marked;
there must be a means, that is specially approved by the
Commandant, of determining from outside the hold space A (4) Be segregated from the cargo piping by a removable spool
whether or not the hold space insulation meets this part. piece in the cargo area or by at least two shut-off valves in the
cargo area that have means of locking to meet §154.1870(a);
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD

77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987] (5) Have a means for checking for cargo vapor between the two
valves under paragraph (a)(4) of this section;
§154.345 Air Locks.
(a) An air lock may be used for access from a gas-dangerous (6) Have fixed inert gas purging lines; and

zone on the weather deck to a gas-safe space.

(7) Have fixed vent lines for purging with inert gas to meet
(b) Each air lock must: §154.1870(b).

(1) Consist of two steel doors, at least 1.5 m (4.9 ft.) but not more (b) Entrances, forced or natural ventilation intakes, exhausts, and
than 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) apart, each gasketed and tight when tested other openings to accommodation, service, or control spaces that

with a fire hose at not less 207 kPa gauge (30 psig); face the bow or stern loading area must meet §154.330.

(2) Have self-closing doors with no latches or other devices for §154.356 Cargo Emergency Jettisoning Piping.
holding them open; Emergency jettisoning piping must:

(3) Have an audible and visual alarm on both sides which are (a) Meet §154.355(a);
actuated when both door securing devices are in other than the
fully closed position at the same time; (b) Be designed to allow cargo discharge without the outer hull
steel temperature falling below the minimum temperatures under
(4) Have mechanical ventilation in the space between the doors §§154.170 and 154.172; and

from a gas-safe area;

(c) Be specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
(5) Have a pressure greater than that of the gas-dangerous area
on the weather deck; [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
(6) Have the rate of air change in the space between the doors of
at least 8 changes per hour; and §154.401 Definitions.
As used in §§154.440 and 154.447:
(7) Have the space between the doors monitored for cargo vapor
leaks under §154.1350. "σY" means the minimum yield strength of the tank material,
including weld metal, at room temperature.
(c) In addition to the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of
this section, no gas-safe space on a liquefied flammable gas "σB" means minimum tensile strength of the tank material,
carrier may have an air lock unless the space: including weld metals, at room temperature.

(1) Is mechanically ventilated to make the pressure in the space §154.405 Design Vapor Pressure (Po) Of A Cargo Tank.
greater than that in the air lock; and (a) The design vapor pressure (Po) of a cargo tank must be equal

to or greater than the MARVS. heq = 10 Po + (hgd)max

(b) The Po of a cargo tank must be equal to or greater than the where:
vapor pressure of the cargo at 45°C (113°F) if:
hgd (the value of internal pressure, in meters of fresh water,
(1) The cargo tank has no temperature control for the cargo; and resulting from the combined effects of gravity and dynamic
β β
accelerations of a full tank) = a Z Y;
(2) The vapor pressure of the cargo results solely from ambient where:
a = dimensionless acceleration relative to the acceleration of
(c) The Po of a cargo tank may be exceeded under harbor gravity resulting from gravitational and dynamic loads in the b
conditions if specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO). direction (see figure 1);
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD β
Z = largest liquid height (m) above the point where the pressure
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
is to be determined in the β direction (see figure 2);
§154.406 Design Loads For Cargo Tanks And Fixtures: 3
Y = maximum specific weight of the cargo (t/m ) at the design
(a) Calculations must show that a cargo tank and its fixtures are

designed for the following loads:
(b) The (hgd) max is determined for the b direction, on the ellipse
in Figure 1, which gives the maximum value for hgd.
(1) Internal pressure head.

(c) When the longitudinal acceleration is considered in addition to
(2) External pressure load.
the vertical transverse acceleration, an ellipsoid must be used in

the calculations instead of the ellipse contained in Figure 1.
(3) Dynamic loads resulting from the motion of the vessel.

(4) Transient or stationary thermal loads if the design temperature

is colder that -55°C (-67°F) or causes thermal stresses in cargo

tank supports.

(5) Sloshing loads, if the cargo tank is designed for partial loads.

(6) Loads resulting from vessel's deflection. A

(7) Tank weight, cargo weight, and corresponding support

(8) Insulation weight.

(9) Loads of a pipe tower and any other attachments to the cargo

(10) Vapor pressure loads in harbor conditions allowed under


(11) Gas pressurization if the cargo tank is designed for gas

pressurization as a means of cargo transfer.

(b) A cargo tank must be designed for the most unfavorable static
heel angle within a 0° to 30° range without exceeding the
allowable stress of the material.

(c) A hydrostatic or hydropneumatic test design load must be

specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD


82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

§154.407 Cargo Tank Internal Pressure Head.

(a) For the calculation required under §154.406(a)(1) and (b), the
internal pressure head (heq), must be determined from the
following formula:

§154.408 Cargo Tank External Pressure Load.
For the calculation required under §154.406(a)(2) and (b), the
external pressure load must be the difference between the

minimum internal pressure (maximum vacuum), and the

maximum external pressure to which any portion of the cargo tank
may be simultaneously subjected.

§154.409 Dynamic Loads From Vessel Motion.

(a) For the calculation required under §154.406(a)(3) and (b), the
dynamic loads must be determined from the long term distribution

of vessel motions, including the effects of surge, sway, heave,

roll, pitch, and yaw on irregular seas that the vessel may
experience during 108 wave encounters. The speed used for this

calculation may be reduced from the ship service speed if

specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO) and if that
reduced speed is used in the hull strength calculation under
§31.10-5(c) of this chapter.

(b) If the loads determined under paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) of this
section result in a design stress that is lower than the allowable
stress of the material under §§154.610, 154.615, or 154.620, the
allowable stress must be reduced to that stress determined in

paragraphs (c), (d), or (e).

(c) If a tank is designed to avoid plastic deformation and buckling,

then acceleration components of the dynamic loads must be
determined for the largest loads the vessel may experience during
an operating life corresponding to the probability level of 10-8, by
using one of the following methods:

(1) Method 1 is a detailed analysis of the vessel's acceleration


(2) Method 2 applies to vessels of 50 m (164 ft) or more in length

and is an analysis by the following formulae that corresponds to a
10-8 probability level in the North Atlantic:

(2)(i) Vertical acceleration under paragraph (f)(1) of this section:

(f) When determining the accelerations for dynamic loads under
paragraph (a) of this section, the accelerations acting in a cargo
tank must be estimated for the cargo tank's center of gravity and

include the following component accelerations:

(1) Vertical accelerations, meaning the motion acceleration of

heave and pitch, and of any roll normal to the vessel base that

has an effect on the component acceleration.

(2) Transverse acceleration, meaning the motion acceleration of


sway, yaw and roll, and gravity component of roll.

(3) Longitudinal acceleration, meaning the motion acceleration of


surge and pitch and gravity component of pitch.

(d) If a cargo tank is designed to avoid fatigue, the dynamic loads [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
determined under paragraph (a) of this section must be used to 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
develop the dynamic spectrum.

§154.410 Cargo Tank Sloshing Loads.

(e) If a cargo tank is designed to avoid uncontrolled crack (a) For the calculation required under §154.406(a)(5) and (b), the
propagation, the dynamic loads are: determined sloshing loads resulting from the accelerations under
§154.409(f) must be specially approved by the Commandant (G-
(1) Determined under paragraph (a) of this section; and MSO).

(2) For a load distribution for a period of 15 days by the method in (b) If the sloshing loads affect the cargo tank scantlings, an
Figure 3. analysis of the effects of the sloshing loads in addition to the
calculation under paragraph (a) of this section must be specially
approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD

82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

§154.411 Cargo Tank Thermal Loads.

For the calculations required under §154.406(a)(4), the following
determined loads must be specially approved by the
Commandant (G-MSO):

(a) Transient thermal loads for the cooling down periods of cargo
tanks for design temperatures lower than -55°C (-67°F).

(b) Stationary thermal loads for cargo tanks for design allows a Po between 24.5 kPa gauge (3.55 psig) and 69 kPa
temperatures lower than -55°C (-67°F) that cause high thermal gauge (10 psig).
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
§154.427 Membrane Tank System Design.
§154.412 Cargo Tank Corrosion Allowance. A membrane tank system must be designed for:
A cargo tank must be designed with a corrosion allowance if the
cargo tank: (a) Any static and dynamic loads with respect to plastic
deformation and fatigue;
(a) is located in a space that does not have inert gas or dry air; or
(b) Combined strains from static, dynamic, and thermal loads;
(b) carries a cargo that corrodes the tank material.
(c) Preventing collapse of the membrane from:
[NOTE: Corrosion allowance for independent tank type C is
contained in §54.01-35 of this chapter.] (1) Over-pressure in the interbarrier space;
(2) Vacuum in the cargo tank;
Integral Tank (3) Sloshing in a partially filled cargo tank; and

(4) Hull vibrations; and
§154.418 General.

An integral tank must not be designed for a temperature colder (d) The deflections of the vessel's hull.
than -10°C (14°F), unless the tank is specially approved by the
Commandant (G-MSO). §154.428 Allowable Stress.

The membrane tank and the supporting insulation must have
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD allowable stresses that are specially approved by the
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] Commandant (G-MSO).

§154.419 Design Vapor Pressure. [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD

The Po of an integral tank must not exceed 24.5 kPa gauge (3.55 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
psig) unless special approval by the Commandant (G-MSO)
§154.429 Calculations.
allows a Po between 24.5 kPa gauge (3.55 psig) and 69 kPa
gauge (10 psig). A The tank design load calculations for a membrane tank must
include the following:
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] (a) Plastic deformation and fatigue life resulting from static and
dynamic loads in the membrane and the supporting insulation.

§154.420 Tank Design.

(a) The structure of an integral tank must meet the deep tank (b) The response of the membrane and its supporting insulation to
scantling standards of the American Bureau of Shipping published vessel motion and acceleration under the worst weather
in "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels", 1981. conditions. Calculations from a similar vessel may be submitted to

meet this paragraph.

(b) The structure of an integral tank must be designed and shown
by calculation to withstand the internal pressure determined under (c) The combined strains from static, dynamic, and thermal loads.

§154.430 Material Test.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD (a) The membrane and the membrane supporting insulation must

77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987] be made of materials that withstand the combined strains
calculated under §154.429(c).
§154.421 Allowable Stress.
The allowable stress for the integral tank structure must meet the (b) Analyzed data of a material test for the membrane and the
American Bureau of Shipping's allowable stress for the vessel's membrane supporting insulation must be submitted to the

hull published in "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels", Commandant (G-MSO).
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987]

§154.431 Model Test.
(a) The primary and secondary barrier of a membrane tank,
Membrane Tanks including the corners and joints, must withstand the combined
strains from static, dynamic, and thermal loads calculated under
§154.425 General.
The design of the hull structure and the design of the membrane
tank system, that includes the membrane tank, secondary barrier,
(b) Analyzed data of a model test for the primary and secondary
including welds, the supporting insulation, and pressure control
barrier of the membrane tank must be submitted to the
equipment, must be specially approved by the Commandant (G-
Commandant (G-MSO).
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
§154.432 Expansion And Contraction.
§154.426 Design Vapor Pressure.
The support system of a membrane tank must allow for thermal
The Po of a membrane tank must not exceed 24.5 kPa gauge
and physical expansion and contraction of the tank.
(3.55 psig) unless special approval by the Commandant (G-MSO)

Semi-Membrane Tanks (c) Tank plating must meet the American Bureau of Shipping's
deep tank standards, for an internal pressure head that meets
§154.435 General. §154.439(a), published in "Rules for Building and Classing Steel
(a) The design of a semi-membrane tank, the supporting Vessels", 1981.
insulation for the tank, and the supporting hull structure for the
tank must be specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO). [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983; CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31630,
(b) A semi-membrane tank must be designed to meet: Aug. 21, 1987]

(1) §154.425 through §154.432; Independent Tank Type B

(2) §154.437 through §154.440; or
(3) §154.444 through §154.449. §154.444 General.
An independent tank type B must be designed to meet §§154.445
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD through 154.449.
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
§154.445 Design Vapor Pressure.
§154.436 Design Vapor Pressure. If the surfaces of an independent tank type B are mostly flat
The Po of a semi-membrane tank must not exceed 24.5 kPa surfaces, the Po must not exceed 69 kPa gauge (10 psig).

gauge (3.55 psig) unless special approval by the Commandant
(G-MSO) allows a Po between 24.5 kPa gauge (3.55 psig) and 69 §154.446 Tank Design.
kPa gauge (10 psig). An independent tank type B must meet the calculations under

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] §154.447 Allowable Stress.

(a) An independent tank type B designed from bodies of
Independent Tank Type A revolution must have allowable stresses determined by the
following formulae:
§154.437 General.
σm ≤ f

An independent tank type A must meet §154.438 through
σL ≤ 1.5 f
§154.438 Design Vapor Pressure.
(a) If the surface of an independent tank type A are mostly flat
surfaces,the Po must not exceed 69 kPa gauge (10 psig).
A σb ≤ 1.5 F
σL + σb ≤ 1.5 F
(b) If the surfaces of an independent tank type A are formed by
bodies of revolution, the design calculation of the Po must be σm + σb ≤ 1.5 F

specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD 4
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] σm = equivalent primary general membrane stress

§154.439 Tank Design. σL = equivalent primary local membrane stress
An independent tank type A must meet the deep tank standard of

the American Bureau of Shipping published in "Rules for Building σb = equivalent primary bending stress
and Classing Steel Vessels", 1981, and must:
f = the lesser of (σB/A) or σY/B)

(a) Withstand the internal pressure determined under §154.407;

F = the lesser of (σB/C) or (σY/D)
(b) Withstand loads from tank supports calculated under
§§154.470 and 154.471; and A, B, C, and D=stress factors in Table 2.

(c) Have a corrosion allowance that meets §154.412. See Appendix B for stress analyses definitions.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD See Appendix A for equivalent stress
77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987]


§154.440 Allowable Stress. Nickel steel Austenitic Aluminum
(a) The allowable stresses for an independent tank type A must: and carbon steel alloy values
manganese values
(1) For tank web frames, stringers, or girders of carbon steel values
manganese steel or aluminum alloys, meet σB/2.66 or σY/1.33, Stress factors:
whichever is less; and A 4.0 4.0 4.0
B 2.0 1.6 1.5
(2) For other materials, be specially approved by the C 3.0 3.0 3.0
Commandant (G-MSO). D 1.5 1.5 1.5

(b) A greater allowable stress than required in paragraph (a)(1) of (b) An independent tank type B designed from plane surfaces
this section may be specially approved by the Commandant (G- must have allowable stresses specially approved by the
MSO) if the equivalent stress (σc) is calculated from the formula Commandant (G-MSO).
in Appendix A of this part.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

§154.448 Calculations. (b) The calculated tank plating thickness, including any corrosion
The following calculations for an independent tank type B must be allowance, must be the minimum thickness without a negative
specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO): plate tolerance; and

(a) Plastic deformation, fatigue life, buckling, and crack (c) The minimum tank plating thickness must not be less than:
propagation resulting from static and dynamic loads on the tank
and its support. (1) 5mm (3/16 in.) for carbon-manganese steel and nickel steel;
(2) 3mm (1/8 in.) for austenitic steels; or
(b) A three-dimensional analysis of the stress exerted by the hull (3) 7mm (9/32 in.) for aluminum alloys.
on the tank, its support, and its keys.
§154.451 Design Vapor Pressure.
(c) The response of the tank and its support to the vessel's motion The Po (kPa) of an independent tank type C must be calculated
and acceleration in irregular waves or calculations from a similar by the following formula:
Po = 196 + AC(ρ)
(d) A tank buckling analysis considering the maximum
construction tolerance. where:
(e) A finite element analysis using the loads determined under A = 1.813 (σm/ΔσA) ;

m = design primary membrane stress;

(f) A fracture mechanics analysis using the loads determined
under §154.406. ΔσA = (allowable dynamic membrane stress for double amplitude
at probability level Q = 10 ) 53.9 MPa (7821 psi) for ferritic and

(g) The cumulative effects of the fatigue load from the following martensitic steels and 24.5 MPa (3555 psi) for 5083-0 aluminum;
C = a characteristic tank dimension that is the greatest of h,
0.75b, or 0.45 l;


h = the height of the tank or the dimension in the vessel's vertical

A direction, in meters;
b = the width of the tank or the dimension in the vessel's
transverse direction; in meters; and
ni = the number of stress cycles at each stress level during the life

of the vessel; l = the length of the tank or the dimension in the vessel's
longitudinal direction, in meters; and
Ni = the number of cycles to failure for corresponding stress levels
from the Wohler (S-N) curve; ρ = the specific gravity of the cargo.

Nj = the number of cycles to failure from the fatigue load by §154.452 External Pressure.
loading and unloading the tank; and The design external pressure, Pe, for an independent tank type C

must be calculated by the following formula:

Cw = 0.5 or less. A Cw of greater than 0.5 but not exceeding 1.0
may be specially approved by the Commandant (G-MTH). Pe = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD where:

82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
P1 = the vacuum relief valve setting for tanks with a vacuum relief
§154.449 Model Test. valve, or 24.5 kPa gauge (3.55 psig) for tanks without a vacuum

The following analyzed data of a model test of structural elements relief valve.
for independent tank type B must be submitted to the
Commandant (G-MSO) for special approval: P2 = 0, or the pressure relief valve setting for an enclosed space
containing any portion of a pressure vessel.
(a) Stress concentration factors.

P3 = total compressive load in the tank shell from the weight of the
(b) Fatigue life. tank, including corrosion allowance, weight of insulation, weight of
dome, weight of pipe tower and piping, the effect of the partially
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD filled tank, the effect of acceleration and hull deflection, and the
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] local effect of external and internal pressure.

Independent Tank Type C and Process Pressure Vessels P4 = 0, or the external pressure from the head of water from any
portion of the pressure vessel on exposed decks.
§154.450 General.
Independent tanks type C and process pressure vessels must be §154.453 Failure To Meet Independent Tank Type C
designed to meet the requirements under Part 54 of this chapter, Standards.
except §54.01-40(b), and: If the Commandant (G-MSO) determines during plan review, that
a tank designed as an independent tank type C fails to meet the
(a) The calculation under §54.01-18(b)(1) must also include the standards under §154.450, §154.451, and 154.452 and can not
design loads determined under §154.406; be redesigned to meet those standards, the tank may be
redesigned as an independent tank type A or B.

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD (d) Be designed so that a cargo tank failure does not cause a
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] failure in the secondary barrier.

Secondary Barrier Insulation

§154.459 General. §154.465 General.
(a) Each cargo tank must have a secondary barrier that meets If the design temperature is below -10°C (14°F), the cargo tank
Table 3 and except as allowed in Table 3, the hull must not be the insulation must prevent the temperature of the vessel's hull from
secondary barrier. cooling below the minimum temperature allowed under §154.172.

(b) If the Commandant (G-MSO) specially approves an integral §154.466 Design Criteria.
tank for a design temperature at atmospheric pressure lower than (a) The insulation for a cargo tank without a secondary barrier
-10°C (14°F), the integral tank must have a complete secondary must be designed for the cargo tank at the design temperature,
barrier that meets §154.460. and for a vessel operating in:

(c) If the Commandant (G-MSO) specially approves a semi- (1) Any waters in the world, except Alaskan waters, for the
membrane tank under the requirements of an independent tank ambient cold condition of:
type B, the semi-membrane tank may have a partial secondary

barrier specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO). (1)(i) Five knots air at -18°C (0°F); and

(d) If Table 3 allows the hull to be a secondary barrier, the (1)(ii) Still sea water at 0°C (32°F); or

vessel's hull must:
(2) Alaskan waters for the ambient cold condition of:
(1) Meet §§154.605 through 154.630; and

(2)(i) Five knots air at -29°C (20°F); and
(2) Be designed for the stresses resulting from the design
temperature. (2)(ii) Still sea water at -2°C (28°F).

TABLE 3–SECONDARY BARRIERS FOR TANKS (b) The insulation for a cargo tank with a secondary barrier must

Tank type Cargo temperature (T) at atmospheric be designed for the secondary barrier at the design temperature,
pressure and the ambient cold conditions listed under paragraph (a)(1) or
T≥-10 °C (14
T≤-10 °C (14
°F)≥55 °C (-
67 °F)
T<-55 °C (-
67 °F) A paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(c) The insulation material must be designed for any loads

Integral No secondary Tank type Tank type transmitted from adjacent hull structure.
barrier required not usually not allowed.
1 (d) Insulation for cargo tank and piping must meet §38.05-20 of

Membrane do do Do. this chapter.

Semi- do do Do.
membrane (e) Powder or granulated insulation must:
Independent: do do Do.

Type A (1) Not compact from vibrations of the vessel;

Type B do Partial Partial
(2) Maintain the thermal conductivity listed under §154.467; and

secondary secondary
barrier barrier.
(3) Not exert a static pressure greater than the external design
Type C do No No
pressure of the cargo tank under §154.408.
secondary secondary

barrier barrier
§154.467 Submission Of Insulation Information.
required required.
1 The following insulation information must be submitted for special
The hull may be a secondary barrier.
approval by the Commandant (G-MSO):
(14 U.S.C. 632; 46 U.S.C. 369, 375, and 416; 49 U.S.C. 1655(b);

(a) Compatibility with the cargo.

49 CFR 1.46(b))
(b) Solubility in the cargo.
(c) Absorption of the cargo.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
(d) Shrinkage.
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

(e) Aging.
(f) Closed cell content.
§154.460 Design Criteria.
(g) Density.
At static angles of heel up through 30°, a secondary barrier must
(h) Mechanical properties.
(i) Thermal expansion.
(a) If a complete secondary barrier is required in §154.459, hold
(j) Abrasion.
all of the liquid cargo in the cargo tank for at least 15 days under
(k) Cohesion.
the dynamic loads in §154.409(e);
(l) Thermal conductivity.
(m) Resistance to vibrations.
(b) If a partial secondary barrier is permitted in §154.459, hold any
(n) Resistance to fire and flame spread.
leakage of liquid cargo corresponding to the extent of failure
(o) The manufacturing and installation details of the insulation
under §154.448(a) after initial detection or primary barrier leak for
at least 15 days under the dynamic loads in §154.409(e);
(1) Fabrication;
(2) Storage;
(c) If the primary barrier fails, prevent the temperature of the
(3) Handling;
vessel's structure from falling below the minimum allowable
(4) Erection; and
service temperature of the steel; and
(5) Quality control.

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD (d) Mechanical expansion joints including:
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
(1) Bellows;
Support System (2) Slip joints;
(3) Ball joints; or
§154.470 General.
(a) A cargo tank must have a support system that: (e) Other means specially approved by the Commandant (G-
(1) prevents movement of the cargo tank under the static and
dynamic loads in §154.406; and [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
(2) allows the cargo tank to contract and expand from
temperature variation and hull deflection without exceeding the §154.506 Mechanical Expansion Joint: Limits In A Piping
design stress of the cargo tank and the hull. System.
Mechanical expansion joints in a piping system outside of a cargo
(b) The cargo tank support system must have a key that prevents tank:
rotation of the cargo tank.
(a) May be installed only if offsets, loops or bends cannot be
installed due to limited space or piping arrangement;

(c) An independent tank must have supports with an antiflotation
system that withstands the upward force of the tank without
causing plastic deformation that endangers the hull structure (b) Must be a bellows type; and

when the tank is:
(c) Must not have insulation or a cover unless necessary to
(1) Empty; and prevent damage.

(2) In a hold space flooded to the summer load draft of the vessel. §154.512 Piping: Thermal Isolation.
Low temperature piping must be thermally isolated from any
§154.471 Design Criteria. adjacent hull structure to prevent the temperature of that structure
(a) The cargo tank support system must be designed: from dropping below the minimum temperature for the hull

material under §154.170.
(1) For the loads in §154.406(a);
§154.514 Piping: Electrical Bonding.
(2) To not exceed the allowable stress under this part at a static
angle of heel of 30°;
A (a) Cargo tanks or piping that are separated from the hull
structure by thermal isolation must be electrically bonded to the
hull structure by a method under paragraph (c) of this section.
(3) To withstand a collision force equal to at least one-half the
weight of the cargo tank and cargo from forward and one-quarter (b) A pipe joint or a hose connection fitting that has a gasket must

the weight of the cargo tank and cargo from aft; and be electrically bonded by a method under paragraph (c) of this
section that bonds:
(4) For the largest resulting acceleration in Figure 1, including
rotational and translation effects. (1) Both sides of the connection to the hull structure; or

(b) The cargo tank support design loads in paragraph (a) of this (2) Each side of the connection to the other side.
section may be analyzed separately.

(c) An electrical bond must be made by at least one of the

§154.476 Cargo Transfer Devices And Means. following methods:
(a) If a cargo pump in a cargo tank is not accessible for repair

when the cargo tank is in use, the cargo tank must have an (1) A metal bonding strap attached by welding or bolting.
additional means of cargo transfer, such as another pump or gas
pressurization. (2) Two or more bolts that give metal to metal contact between
the bolts and the parts to be bonded.
(b) If cargo is transferred by gas pressurization, the pressurizing

line must have a safety relief valve that is set at less than 90 (3) Metal to metal contact between adjacent parts under designed
percent of the tank relief valve setting. operating conditions.

§154.516 Piping: Hull Protection.

Cargo and Process Piping System A vessel's hull must be protected from low temperature liquid

leakage by a drip pan, or other means specially approved by the

§154.500 Cargo And Process Piping Standards.
Commandant (G-MSO), at:
The cargo liquid and vapor piping and process piping systems
must meet the requirements in §§154.503 through 154.562,
(a) Each piping connection dismantled on a routine basis;
Subparts 56.01 through 56.35, §§56.50-20 and 56.50-105, and
Subparts 56.60 through 56.97 of this chapter.
(b) Cargo discharge and loading manifolds; and
§154.503 Piping And Piping System Components: Protection
(c) Pump seals.
From Movement.
Where thermal movement and movements of the cargo tank and
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
the hull structure may cause stresses that exceed the design
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
stresses, the piping and piping system components and cargo
tanks must be protected from movement by:
§154.517 Piping: Liquid Pressure Relief.
The cargo loading and discharge crossover headers, cargo
(a) Offsets;
hoses, and cargo loading arms must have means to relieve cargo
(b) Loops;
pressure and to remove liquid cargo.
(c) Bends;

§154.519 Piping Relief Valves. piping that meets §56.30-20 and §56.50-105(a)(4) and (b)(4) of
(a) The liquid relief valve that protects the cargo piping system this chapter.
from liquid pressure exceeding the design pressure must
discharge into: (e) A method or fitting specially approved by the Commandant (G-
(1) A cargo tank; or
(2) A cargo vent mast if that vent mast has a means for the [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
detection and removal of the liquid cargo that is specially 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
§154.526 Piping Joints: Flange Connection.
(b) A relief valve on a cargo pump that protects the cargo piping Flange connections for pipe joints must meet §56.30-10 and
system must discharge into the pump suction. §56.50-105(a)(4) and (b)(4) of this chapter.

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD §154.528 Piping Joints: Flange Type.
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] (a) A flange must be one of the following types:

§154.520 Piping Calculations. (1) Welding neck.

A piping system must be designed to meet the allowable stress (2) Slip-on.
values under §56.07-10 of this chapter and, if the design (3) Socket weld.

temperature is -110°C (-166°F) or lower, the stress analysis must
be specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO) and must (b) If the piping is designed for a temperature between -10°C

include: (14°F) and -55°C (-67°F), the pipe flange may be a:

(a) Pipe weight loads; (1) Slip-on type, if the nominal pipe size is 100 mm (4 in.) or less;

(b) Acceleration loads;
(c) Internal pressure loads; (2) Socket weld, if the nominal pipe size is 50 mm (2 in.) or less;
(d) Thermal loads; and or
(e) Loads from the hull.
(3) Welding neck.

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] (c) If the piping is designed for a temperature lower than -55°C (-
67°F), the pipe flange must be a welding neck type.
§154.522 Materials For Piping.
(a) The materials for piping systems must meet §154.625 for the A §154.530 Valves: Cargo Tank MARVS 69 kPa Gauge (10 psig)
minimum design temperature of the piping, except the material for Or Lower.
open ended vent piping may be specially approved by the (a) Except those connections for tank safety relief valves and for
Commandant (G-MSO) if: liquid level gauging devices other than those under §§154.536

and 154.1310, liquid and vapor connections on a cargo tank with

(1) The temperature of the cargo at the pressure relief valve a MARVS of 69 kPa gauge (10 psig) or lower must have shut-off
setting is -55°C (-67°F) or warmer; and valves that–

(2) Liquid can not discharge to the vent piping. (1) Are located as close to the tank as practical;
(2) Are capable of local manual operation; and
(b) Materials for piping outside the cargo tanks must have a (3) May be remotely controlled.

melting point of at least 925°C (1697°F), except for short lengths

of pipes with fire resisting insulation that are attached to the cargo (b) The cargo piping system for a cargo tank with a MARVS of 69
tanks. kPa gauge (10 psig) or lower must have at least one remotely

controlled quick-closing shut-off valve for closing liquid and vapor

§154.524 Piping Joints: Welded And Screwed Couplings. piping between vessel and shore that meets §§154.540 and
Pipe lengths without flanges must be joined by one of the 154.544.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD

(a) A butt welded joint with complete penetration at the weld root 77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987]
except that for design temperatures colder than -10°C (14°F) the
butt weld must be double welded or must be welded using: §154.532 Valves: Cargo Tank MARVS Greater Than 69 kPa
Gauge (10 psig).
(1) A backing ring that for design pressures greater than 979 kPa (a) Except connections for tank safety relief valves and except for

gauge (142 psig) must be removed after the weld is completed; liquid level gauging devices other than those under §§154.536
and 154.1310, liquid and vapor connections on a cargo tank with
(2) A consumable insert; or a MARVS greater than 69 kPa gauge (10 psig) must have, as
close to the tank as practical, a:
(3) An inert gas back-up on the first weld pass.
(1) Stop valve capable of local manual operation; and
(b) A slip-on welded joint with sleeves and attachment welds is
allowed for an open ended pipe with an external diameter of 50 (2) A remotely controlled quick-closing shut-off valve.
mm (2 in.) or less and a design temperature of -55°C (-67°F), or
warmer. (b) If the nominal pipe size of a liquid or vapor connection is less
than 50 mm (2 in.), an excess flow valve may be substituted for
(c) A socket weld fitting with attachment welds is allowed for pipe the quick-closing valve under paragraph (a) of this section.
with an external diameter of 50 mm (2 in.) or less and a design
temperature of -55°C (-67°F) or warmer. (c) One valve may be substituted for the manual controlled stop
valve and the remotely controlled quick-closing shut-off valve
(d) Screwed couplings are allowed for instrumentation and control required under paragraph (a) of this section if that valve:

(1) Meets §§154.540 and 154.544; and Cargo Hose
(2) Is capable of local manual operation. §154.551 Cargo Hose: General.
Each of the vessel's liquid and vapor cargo hose for loading or
§154.534 Cargo Pumps And Cargo Compressors. discharging cargo must meet §§154.552 through 154.562.
Cargo pumps and cargo compressors must shut-down
automatically when the quick-closing shut-off valves under §154.552 Cargo Hose: Compatibility.
§§154.530 and 154.532 are closed by the emergency shut-down Liquid and vapor cargo hoses must:
system required under §154.540.
(a) Not chemically react with the cargo; and
§154.536 Cargo Tank Gauging And Measuring Connections. (b) Withstand design temperature.
Unless the outward flow from a cargo tank is less than the flow
through a circular hole of 1.4 mm (0.055 in.) in diameter, cargo §154.554 Cargo Hose: Bursting Pressure.
tank connections for gauging or measuring devices must have the Cargo hose that may be exposed to the pressure in the cargo
excess flow, shut-off, or quick-closing shut-off valves under tank, the cargo pump discharge, or the vapor compressor
§154.530 or §154.532. discharge must have a bursting pressure of at least five times the
maximum working pressure on the hose during cargo transfer.
§154.538 Cargo Transfer Connection.
A cargo transfer connection must have a:

§154.556 Cargo Hose: Maximum Working Pressure.
A cargo hose must have a maximum working pressure not less
(a) Remotely controlled quick-closing shut-off valve that meets than the maximum pressure to which it may be subjected and at

§§154.540 and 154.544; or least 1034 kPa gauge (150 psig).

(b) Blank flange. §154.558 Cargo Hose: Marking.

Each cargo hose must be marked with the:
§154.540 Quick-Closing Shut-Off Valves: Emergency Shut-
Down System. (a) Maximum working pressure; and
The quick-closing shut-off valves under §§154.530, 154.532, and (b) Minimum service temperature for service at other than
154.538 must have an emergency shut-down system that: ambient temperature.

(a) Closes all the valves; §154.560 Cargo Hose: Prototype Test.

(b) Is actuated by a single control in at least two locations remote

from the quick-closing valves; A (a) Each cargo hose must be of a type that passes a prototype
test at a pressure of at least five times its maximum working
pressure at or below the minimum service temperature.
(c) Is actuated by a single control in each cargo control station (b) Each cargo hose must not be the hose used in the prototype
under §154.320; and test.

(d) Has fusible elements at each tank dome and cargo loading §154.562 Cargo Hose: Hydrostatic Test.
and discharge manifold that melt between 98°C (208°F) and Each cargo hose must pass a hydrostatic pressure test at
104°C (220°F) and actuate the emergency shut-down system. ambient temperature of at least one and a half times its specified

maximum working pressure but not more than two-fifths its

§154.544 Quick-Closing Shut-Off Valves. bursting pressure.
The quick-closing shut-off valve under §§154.530, 154.532 and

154.538 must:
(a) Be a shut-off valve;
§154.605 Toughness Test.

(b) Close from the time of actuation in 30 seconds or less;

(a) Each toughness test under §§154.610 through 154.625 must
(c) Be the fail-closed type; and
meet Subpart 54.05 of this chapter.
(d) Be capable of local manual closing.
(b) If subsize test specimens are used for the Charpy V-notch
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
toughness test, the Charpy V-notch energy must meet Table

77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987]

54.05-20(a) of this chapter.
§154.546 Excess Flow Valve: Closing Flow.
§154.610 Design Temperature Not Colder Than 0°C (32°F).
(a) The rated closing flow of vapor or liquid cargo for an excess
Materials for cargo tanks for a design temperature not colder than
flow valve must be specially approved by the Commandant (G-

0°C (32°F) must meet the following:

(a) The tank materials must meet §§54.25-1 and 54.25-3 of this
(b) An excess flow valve allowed under §154.532(b) must close
automatically at the rated closing flow.
(b) Plates, forgings, rolled and forged bars and shapes must be
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
carbon manganese steel or other material allowed under
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
§§154.615, 154.620, and 154.625.
§154.548 Cargo Piping: Flow Capacity.
(c) Plates must be normalized or quenched and tempered and
Piping with an excess flow valve must have a vapor or liquid flow
where the thickness exceeds 20 mm (0.787 in.), made with fine
capacity that is greater than the rated closing flow under
grain practice, austenitic grain size of five or finer. A control rolling
procedure may be substituted for normalizing if specially
approved by the Commandant (G-MSO). Plate for an independent
§154.550 Excess Flow Valve: Bypass.
tank type C must also meet the requirements of ASTM A 20
If the excess flow valve allowed under §154.532(b) has a bypass,
(incorporated by reference, see §154.1) and §54.01-18(b)(5) of
the bypass must be of 1.0 mm (0.0394 in.) or less in diameter.
this chapter.

(d) For integral and independent type A tanks, the American §154.630 Cargo Tank Material.
Bureau of Shipping's grade D not exceeding 20 mm (0.787 in.) in (a) If a material of a cargo tank is not listed in §§154.610, 154.615
thickness, and Grade E hull structural steel are allowed if the steel or §154.620, the allowable stress of that material must be
meets §54.05-10 of this chapter. specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).

(e) The tensile properties under paragraph (a) of this section must (b) For cargo tanks of aluminum alloys with welded connections,
be determined for: the minimum tensile strength (σB) for the calculations under
§154.440, §154.447 and §154.450 must be the minimum tensile
(1) Each plate as rolled; and strength of the alloy in the annealed condition.

(2) Each five short ton batch of forgings, forged or rolled fittings, (c) Increased yield strength and tensile strength of a material at
and forged or rolled bars and shapes. low temperature for independent tanks type A, B, and C must be
specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
(f) The specified yield strength must not exceed 637 MPa (92.43
Ksi) and when it exceeds 490 MPa (71.10 Ksi), the hardness of [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
the weld and the heat affected zone must be specially approved 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
by the Commandant (G-MSO).
(g) The Charpy V-notch impact energy must be determined for:

§154.650 Cargo Tank And Process Pressure Vessel Welding.
(1) Each plate as rolled; and (a) Cargo tank and process pressure vessel welding must meet

Subpart 54.05 and Part 57 of this chapter.
(2) Each five short ton batch of forgings, forged or rolled fittings
and rolled or forged bars and shapes. (b) Welding consumables used in welding cargo tanks must meet

§57.02-4 of this chapter.
(h) The orientation and required impact energy of a 10 mm x 10
mm (0.394 in. x 0.394 in.) Charpy V-notch specimen must be: (c) Independent tanks must meet the following:

(1) For plates; transverse specimen and 27.4 J (20 ft-lbs); and (1) Each welded joint of the shells must be a full penetration butt

weld, except dome to shell connections may have full penetration
(2) For forgings, forged and rolled fittings and rolled and forged tee welds.
bars: longitudinal specimen and 41.1 J (30 ft-lbs).

(i) The test temperature of the Charpy V-notch specimens is as A (2) Each nozzle weld must be of the full penetration type, except
for small penetrations on domes.
(d) Each welded joint in an independent tank type C or in a
Material Thickness Test Temperature process pressure vessel must meet Part 54 of this chapter,

t≤20 mm (0.788 in.) 0 °C (32 °F) except that any backing rings must be removed unless specially
20<t<30 mm (1.182 in.) -20 °C (-4 °F) approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
30<t<40 mm (1.576 in.) -40 °C (-40 °F)
(e) Each welded joint in a membrane tank must meet the quality

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD assurance measures, weld procedure qualification, design details,
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; materials, construction, inspection, and production testing of
65 FR 10943, Mar. 1, 2000] components developed during the prototype testing program that

are specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO) under this

§154.615 Design Temperature Below 0°C (32°F) And Down To part.
-55°C (-67°F).

Plates, forgings, forged or rolled or forged bars and shapes for (f) Each welded joint in a semi-membrane tank must meet
cargo tanks and secondary barriers for a design temperature paragraph (c) or (e) of this section.
below 0°C (32°F) and down to -55°C (-67°F) must meet §54.25-
10 of this chapter. [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

§154.620 Design Temperature Below -55°C (-67°F) And Down

To -165°C (-265°F). §154.655 Stress Relief For Independent Tanks Type C.
Plates, forgings and forged or rolled fittings, and rolled, forged or For a design temperature colder than -10°C (14°F), an
extruded bars and shapes for cargo tanks, secondary barriers, independent tank type C of:

and process pressure vessels for a design temperature below -

55°C (-67°F) and down to -165°C (-265°F) must: (a) Carbon and carbon-manganese steel must be stress relieved
by post-weld heat treatment under §54.25-7 of this chapter or by
(a) Meet §54.25-10(b)(2), §54.25-15, or §54.25-20 of this chapter; mechanical stress relief under Subpart 54.30 of this chapter; or
(b) Materials other than carbon and carbon manganese steel
(b) Be of an aluminum alloy that is specially approved by the must be stress relieved as required under Part 54 of this chapter.
Commandant (G-MSO). The procedure for stress relieving must be specially approved by
the Commandant (G-MSO).
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] §154.660 Pipe Welding.
(a) Pipe welding must meet Part 57 of this chapter.
§154.625 Design Temperature Below 0°C (32°F) And Down To
-165°C (-265°F). (b) Longitudinal butt welds, in piping that does not meet a
Pipes, tubes, forgings, castings, bolting, and nuts for cargo and standard or specification under §56.60-1 of this chapter, and girth
process piping for a design temperature below 0°C (32°F) and butt welds must meet the following:
down to -165°C (-265°F) must meet §56.50-105 of this chapter.

(1) Butt welds of pipes made from carbon, carbon manganese, or essential purposes and the refrigeration cooling water.
low alloy steels must meet §56.50-105 of this chapter, including
the requirements for post-weld heat treatment. (e) Each refrigeration system must use refrigerants that are
compatible with the cargo and, for cascade units, with each other.
(2) Except for piping inside an independent cargo tank type A, B,
or C, butt welds must be 100% radiographically tested if the (f) The pressure of the heat transfer fluid in each cooling coil in a
design temperature is lower than -10°C (14°F), and: tank must be greater than the pressure of the cargo.

(2)(i) The wall thickness is greater than 10 mm (0.394 in.); or §154.703 Methane (LNG).
Unless a cargo tank carrying methane (LNG) can withstand the
(2)(ii) The nominal pipe diameter is greater than 100 mm (nominal pressure build up due to boil-off for 21 days, the pressure in the
4 in.). cargo tank must be maintained below the set pressure of the
safety relief valve for at least 21 days by:
(3) If Table 4 references this section, butt welds for deck cargo
piping exceeding 75 mm (3 in.) in diameter must be 100% (a) A refrigeration system that meets §154.702;
radiographically tested.
(b) A waste heat or catalytic furnace that burns boil-off gas, and:
(4) Butt welds of pipes not meeting paragraph (b)(2) or (b)(3) of
this section must meet the non-destructive testing requirements (1) Maintains the stack exhaust temperature below 535°C

under Subpart 56.95 of this chapter. (995°F);

§154.665 Welding Procedures. (2) Exhibits no visible flame; and
Welding procedure tests for cargo tanks for a design temperature
colder than 0°C (32°F), process pressure vessels, and piping (3) Is specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO);

must meet §54.05-15 and Subpart 57.03 of this chapter.
(c) Boilers, inert gas generators, and combustion engines in the
Cargo Pressure and Temperature Control main propelling machinery space that use boil-off gas as fuel; or

§154.701 Cargo Pressure And Temperature Control: General. (d) Equipment for services, other than those under paragraph (c)

Except as allowed under §154.703, cargo tanks must: of this section, that use boil-off gas as fuel and that are located:

(1) In the main propelling machinery space; or

(a) Have their safety relief valves set at a pressure equal to or
greater than the vapor pressure of the cargo at 45°C (113°F) but
not greater than the MARVS under §154.405; or
A (2) a space specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
(b) Be refrigerated by a system meeting §154.702, and each [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
refrigerated incompatible cargo refrigerated by a separate system. 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

§154.702 Refrigerated Carriage. §154.705 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: General.

(a) Each refrigeration system must: (a) Each cargo boil-off fuel system under §154.703(c) must meet
§§154.706 through 154.709.

(1) Have enough capacity to maintain the cargo vapor pressure in

each cargo tank served by the system below the set pressure of (b) The piping in the cargo boil-off fuel system must have a
the relief valves under ambient temperatures of 45°C (113°F) still connection for introducing inert gas and for gas freeing the piping

air and 32°C (89.6°F) still water with the largest unit in the system in the machinery space.
inoperative; or
(c) A gas fired main propulsion boiler or combustion engine must

(2) Have a standby unit with a capacity at least equal to the have a fuel oil fired pilot that maintains fuel flow as required under
capacity of the largest refrigeration unit in the system. §154.1854 if the gas fuel supply is cut-off.

(b) For the purpose of this section, a "refrigeration unit" includes a §154.706 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: Fuel Lines.
compressor and its motors and controls. (a) Gas fuel lines must not pass through accommodation, service,

or control spaces. Each gas fuel line passing through other

(c) Each refrigeration system must: spaces must have a master gas fuel valve and meet one of the
(1) Have a heat exchanger with an excess capacity of 25 percent
(1) The fuel line must be a double-walled piping system with the

of the required capacity; or

annular space containing an inert gas at a pressure greater than
(2) A standby heat exchanger. the fuel pressure. Visual and audible alarms must be installed at
the machinery control station to indicate loss of inert gas
(d) Where cooling water is used in a refrigeration system: pressure.

(1) The cooling water pump or pumps must be used exclusively (2) The fuel line must be installed in a mechanically exhaust-
for the system; ventilated pipe or duct, having a rate of air change of at least 30
changes per hour. The pressure in the space between the inner
(2) Each pump must have suction lines from sea chests on the pipe and outer pipe or duct must be maintained at less than
port and starboard sides of the vessel; and atmospheric pressure. Continuous gas detection must be installed
to detect leaks in the ventilated space. The ventilation system
(3) There must be a standby pump, that may be used for: must meet §154.1205.

(3)(i) Non-essential purposes on the vessel; or (b) Each double wall pipe or vent duct must terminate in the
ventilation hood or casing under §154.707(a). Continuous gas
(3)(ii) Essential purposes on the vessel, if the pump is sized to detection must be installed to indicate leaks in the hood or casing.
simultaneously provide for the capacity requirements for the

§154.707 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: Ventilation. (2) Not be set for a higher pressure than the MARVS;
(a) A ventilation hood or casing must be installed in areas
occupied by flanges, valves, and piping at the fuel burner to (3) Have a fitting for sealing wire that prevents the set pressure
cause air to sweep across them and be exhausted at the top of from being changed without breaking the sealing wire;
the hood or casing.
(4) Be fitted on the cargo tank to remain in the vapor phase under
(b) The hood or casing must be mechanically exhaust-ventilated conditions of 15° list and of 0.015 L trim by both the bow and
and meet §154.1205. stern;

(c) The ventilated hood or casing must have an airflow rate (5) Vent to a vent mast under §154.805, except a relief valve may
specially approved by the Commandant. vent to a common tank relief valve header if the back pressure is
included in determining the required capacity under §154.806;
§154.708 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: Valves.
(a) Gas fuel lines to the gas consuming equipment must have two (6) Not vent to a common header or common vent mast if the
fail-closed automatic valves in series. A third valve, designed to relief valves are connected to cargo tanks carrying chemically
fail-open, must vent that portion of pipe between the two series incompatible cargoes;
valves to the open atmosphere.
(7) Not have any stop valves or other means of isolating the cargo
(b) The valves under paragraph (a) of this section must be tank from its relief valve unless:

arranged so that loss of boiler forced draft, flame failure, or
abnormal gas fuel supply pressure automatically causes the two (7)(i) The stop valves are interlocked or arranged so that only one

series valves to close and the vent valve to open. The function of pressure relief valve is out of service at any one time;
one of the series valves and the vent valve may be performed by
a single three-way valve. (7)(ii) The interlock arrangement automatically shows the relief

valve that is out of service; and
(c) A master gas fuel valve must be located outside the machinery
space, but be operable from inside the machinery space and at (7)(iii) The other valves have the relieving capacity required under
the valve. The valve must automatically close when there is: §154.806, or all relief valves on the cargo tank are the same size
and there is a spare of the same size, or there is a spare for each

(1) A gas leak detected under §154.706(a)(2) or §154.706(b); relief valve on a cargo tank.

(2) Loss of the ventilation under §154.706(a)(2) or §154.707(c); or (d) The pressure relief system must:

(3) Loss of inert gas pressure within the double-walled piping A (1) If the design temperature is below 0°C (32°F), be designed to
system under §154.706(a)(1). prevent the relief valve from becoming inoperative due to ice
formation; and
§154.709 Cargo Boil-Off As Fuel: Gas Detection Equipment.

(a) The continuous gas detection system required under (2) Be designed to prevent chattering of the relief valve.
§154.706(a)(2) and (b) must:
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979; 44 FR 59234, Oct. 15,
(1) Meet §154.1350(c), (d), and (j) through (s); and 1979]

(2) Have a device that: §154.802 Alternate Pressure Relief Settings.

Cargo tanks with more than one relief valve setting must have

(2)(i) Activates an audible and visual alarm at the machinery one of the following arrangements:
control station and in the wheelhouse if the methane
concentration reaches 1.5 percent by volume; and (a) Relief valves that:

(2)(ii) Closes the master gas fuel valve required under (1) Are set and sealed under §154.801(c);
§154.708(c) before the methane concentration reaches 3 percent
by volume. (2) Have the capacity under §154.806; and

(b) The number and arrangement of gas sampling points must be (3) Are interlocked so that cargo tank venting can occur at any
specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO). time.

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD (b) Relief valves that have spacer pieces or springs that:
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

(1) Change the set pressure without pressure testing to verify the
Cargo Vent System new setting; and

§154.801 Pressure Relief Systems. (2) Can be installed without breaking the sealing wire required
3 3
(a) Each cargo tank that has a volume of 20m (706 ft. ) or less under §154.801(c)(3).
must have at least one pressure relief valve.
§154.804 Vacuum Protection.
(b) Each cargo tank that has a volume of more than 20m (706
3 (a) Except as allowed under paragraph (b) of this section, each
ft. ) must have at least two pressure relief valves of the same cargo tank must have a vacuum protection system meeting
nominal relieving capacity. paragraph (a)(1) of this section and either paragraph (a)(2) or
(a)(3) of this section.
(c) Each pressure relief valve must:
(1) There must be a means of testing the operation of the system.
(1) Meet Subpart 162.018 of this chapter or, if the valve is also
capable of vacuum relief and the MARVS is 69 kPa gauge (10 (2) There must be a pressure switch that operates an audible and
psig) or less, Subpart 162.017 of this chapter, and have at least visual alarm in the cargo control station identifying the tank and
the capacity required under §154.806; the alarm condition and a remote group audible and visual alarm

in the wheelhouse. Both alarms must be set at or below 80% of Pressure relief valves for each cargo tank must have a combined
the maximum external design pressure differential of the cargo relief capacity, including the effects of back pressure from vent
tanks. There must be a second, independent pressure switch that piping, headers, and masts, to discharge the greater of the
automatically shuts off all suction of cargo liquid or vapor from the following with not more than a 20% rise in cargo tank pressure
cargo tank and secures any refrigeration of that tank at or below above the set pressure of the relief valves:
the maximum external design pressure differential.
(a) The maximum capacity of an installed cargo tank inerting
(3) There must be a vacuum relief valve that: system if the maximum attainable working pressure of the cargo
tank inerting system exceeds the set pressure of the relief valves.
(3)(i) Has a gas flow capacity at least equal to the maximum
cargo discharge rate per tank; (b) The quantity of vapors generated from fire exposure that is
calculated under §54.15-25 of this chapter.
(3)(ii) Is set to open at or below the maximum external design
pressure differential; and Atmospheric Control In Cargo Containment
(3)(iii) Admits inert gas, cargo vapor from a source other than a
cargo vapor header, or air except as prohibited under §154.1710.
§154.901 Atmospheric Control Within Cargo Tanks And
Cargo Piping Systems.
(b) A vacuum protection system does not have to be installed if

(a) Each vessel must have a piping system for purging each
the cargo tank is designed to withstand:
cargo tank and all cargo piping.

(1) A maximum external pressure differential exceeding 24.5 kPa
(b) The piping system must minimize the pocketing of gas or air
gauge (3.55 psig); and
remaining after purging.

(2) The maximum external pressure differential that can be
(c) For cargo tanks certificated to carry flammable gases, the
piping system must allow purging the tank of flammable vapors
before air is introduced and purging the tank of air before the tank
(2)(i) At maximum discharge rates with no vapor return to the
is filled with cargo.
cargo tanks;

(d) Each cargo tank must have:
(2)(ii) By operation of the cargo refrigeration system; or

(2)(iii) By drawing off vapor for use in accordance with

§154.703(c) A (1) Gas sampling points at its top and bottom; and

(2) Gas sampling line connections that are valved and capped
above the deck.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979; 44 FR 59234, Oct. 15,
§154.902 Atmospheric Control Within Hold And Interbarrier

§154.805 Vent Masts.
(a) Vessels certificated to carry flammable cargo in cargo
Relief valves or common vent headers from relief valves must
containment systems with full secondary barriers must have an
discharge to a vent mast that:
inert gas system or onboard storage of inert gas that provides

enough inert gas to meet the requirements of §154.1848 for 30

(a) Discharges vertically upward;
days consumption.

(b) Has a rain cap or other means of preventing the entrance of

(b) Vessels certificated to carry flammable cargo in cargo
rain or snow;
containment systems with partial secondary barriers must:

(c) Has a screen with 25mm (1 inch) wire mesh or bars not more
(1) Have an inert gas system or onboard inert gas storage that
than 25mm (1 in.) apart on the discharge port;
can inert the largest hold and interbarrier space so that the
oxygen concentration is 8 percent or less by volume; and
(d) Extends at least to a height of B/3 or 6m (19.7 ft.), whichever
is greater, above the weather deck and 6m (19.7 ft.) above the
(2) Meet paragraph (a) or (c)(2) of this section.

working level;
(c) Vessels certificated to carry only nonflammable cargo in cargo
(e) For a cargo tank, does not exhaust cargo vapors within a
containment systems with secondary barriers must:
radius of B or 25m (82 ft.), whichever is less, from any forced or
natural ventilation intake or other opening to an accommodation,

(1) Meet paragraph (a) of this section; or

service, control station, or other gas-safe space, except that for
vessels less than 90m (295 ft.) in length, shorter distances may
(2) Have air drying systems that reduce the dewpoint of air
be specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO);
admitted to hold or interbarrier spaces below the temperature of
any surface in those spaces or -45°C (-49°F), whichever is
(f) For a containment system, except a cargo tank, does not
exhaust vapor within a radius of 10m (32.8 ft.) or less from any
forced or natural ventilation intake or other opening to an
(d) Vessels with refrigerated independent tanks type C must have
accommodation, service, control station, or other gas-safe space;
inert gas or air drying systems that reduce the dewpoint of any
inert gas or air admitted to the hold spaces below the temperature
(g) Has drains to remove any liquid that may accumulate; and
of any surface in those spaces or -45°C (-49°F), whichever is
(h) Prevents accumulations of liquid at the relief valves.
§154.903 Inert Gas Systems: General.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
(a) Inert gas carried or generated to meet §§154.901, 154.902,
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
and 154.1848 must be non-flammable and non-reactive with the
cargoes that the vessel is certificated to carry and the materials of
§154.806 Capacity Of Pressure Relief Valves.

construction of the cargo tanks, hold and interbarrier spaces, and §154.1005 Equipment Approval.
insulation. (a) Electrical equipment that is required to be intrinsically safe or
explosion proof under §154.1010 must be specially approved by
(b) The boiling point and dewpoint at atmospheric pressure of the the Commandant or listed as intrinsically safe or explosion proof
inert gas must be below the temperature of any surface in those by an independent laboratory that is specially approved by the
spaces or -45°C (-49°F), whichever is warmer. Commandant (G-MSO), for Class I Division I locations and the
Group that is specified in Table 4 for the cargo carried.
(c) For the temperatures and pressures at which the gas is stored
and used, storage vessels and inert gas piping must meet (b) Each submerged cargo pump motor installation must be
§§154.450 and 154.500 respectively. specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).

§154.904 Inert Gas System: Controls. (c) Electrical equipment that must be intrinsically safe to meet
The inert gas system must have: §154.1010 must meet the definition in §110.15-100(i) of this
(a) At least one check valve in the cargo area to prevent the back chapter.
flow of cargo vapor into the inert gas system, or another means
specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO); (d) Electrical equipment that must be explosion proof to meet
§154.1010 must meet §110.15-65(e) of this chapter.
(b) If the inert gas system is in the machinery space or another
space outside the cargo area, a second check valve in the cargo [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD

area meeting paragraph (a) of this section; 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

(c) Automatic and manual inert gas pressure controls; and §154.1010 Electrical Equipment In Gas-Dangerous Space Or
(d) Valves to isolate each inerted space. (a) Except as allowed in this section, electrical equipment must

not be installed in a gas-dangerous space or zone.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] (b) Intrinsically safe electrical equipment and wiring may be in a
gas-dangerous space or zone.
§154.906 Inert Gas Generators.

The inert gas generator must: (c) A submerged cargo pump motor may be in a cargo tank if:

(a) Produce an inert gas containing less than 5% oxygen by (1) Low liquid level, motor current, or pump discharge pressure
A automatically shuts down power to the pump motor if the pump
loses suction;
(b) Have a device to continuously sample the discharge of the
generator for oxygen content; and (2) There is an audible and visual alarm at the cargo control
station that actuates if the motor shuts down under the

(c) Have an audible and visual alarm in the cargo control station requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section; and
that alarms when the inert gas contains 5% or more oxygen by
volume. (3) There is a lockable circuit breaker or lockable switch that
disconnects the power to the motor.

§154.908 Inert Gas Generator: Location.

(a) Except as allowed in paragraph (b) of this section, an inert gas (d) A supply cable for a submerged cargo pump motor may be in
generator must be located in the main machinery space or a a hold space.

space that is not in the cargo area and does not have direct
access to any accommodation, service, or control space. (e) A hold space that has a tank that is not required to have a
secondary barrier under §154.459 may only have:

(b) An inert gas generator that does not use flame burning
equipment may be located in the cargo area if specially approved (1) Through runs of cable;
by the Commandant (G-MSO). (2) Explosion-proof lighting fixtures;
(3) Depth sounding devices in gas-tight enclosures;
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
(4) Log devices in gas-tight enclosures; and
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

(5) Impressed current cathodic protection system electrodes in

gas-tight enclosures.
§154.910 Inert Gas Piping: Location.
Inert gas piping must not pass through or terminate in an
(f) A space that is separated by a gastight steel boundary from a
accommodation, service, or control space.
hold space that has a cargo tank that must have a secondary

barrier, under the requirements of §154.459, may only have:

§154.912 Inerted Spaces: Relief Devices.
Inerted spaces must be fitted with relief valves, rupture discs, or
(1) Through runs of cable;
other devices specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
(2) Explosion-proof lighting fixtures;
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979; CGD 82-063b, 48 FR (3) Depth sounding devices in gastight enclosures;
39629, Sept. 1, 1983] (4) Log devices in gastight enclosures;
(5) Impressed current cathodic protection system electrodes in
Electrical gastight enclosures;
(6) Explosion-proof motors that operate cargo system valves or
§154.1000 Applicability. ballast system valves; and
Sections 154.1005 through 154.1020 apply to flammable cargo (7) Explosion-proof bells for general alarm systems.
and ammonia carriers.
(g) A cargo handling room may only have:
§154.1002 Definition.
For the purposes of §§154.1005 through 154.1020, "gas- (1) Explosion-proof lighting fixtures; and
dangerous" does not include the weather deck of an ammonia (2) Explosion-proof bells for general alarm systems.

(h) A space for cargo hose storage may only have: [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979; 44 FR 59234, Oct. 15,
(1) Explosion-proof lighting fixtures; and
(2) Through runs of cable. §154.1115 Discharge.
(a) The discharge density of each water spray system must be at
(i) A space that has cargo piping may only have: least:

(1) Explosion-proof lighting fixtures; and (1) 10000 cm3/m2/min. (0.25 gpm/ft.2) over each horizontal
(2) Through runs of cable. surface; and
3 2 2
(j) A gas-dangerous zone on the weather deck may only have: (2) 4000 cm /m /min. (0.10 gpm/ft. ) against vertical surface,
including the water rundown.
(1) Explosion-proof equipment that is for the operation of the
vessel; and (b) The water spray protection under §154.1110(d) and (e) must
cover an area in a horizontal plane extending at least 0.5 m (19
(2) Through runs of cable. in.) in each direction from the pipes, fittings, and valves, or the
area of the drip tray, whichever is greater.
(k) A space, except those under paragraphs (e) through (j) of this
section, that has a direct opening to a gas-dangerous space or §154.1120 Nozzles.

zone may only have the electrical equipment allowed in the gas- (a) Nozzles for the water spray system must be spaced to provide
dangerous space or zone. the minimum discharge density under §154.1115 in each part of

the protected area.
§154.1015 Lighting In Gas-Dangerous Space.
(a) Each gas-dangerous space that has lighting fixtures must (b) The vertical distance between water spray nozzles for the

have at least two branch circuits for lighting. protection of vertical surfaces must be 3.7 m (12 ft.) or less.

(b) Each switch and each overcurrent protective device for any §154.1125 Pipes, Fittings, And Valves.
lighting circuit that is in a gas-dangerous space must open each (a) Each pipe, fitting, and valve for each water spray system must
conductor of the circuit simultaneously. meet Part 56 of this chapter.

(c) Each switch and each overcurrent protective device for lighting (b) Each water spray main that protects more than one area listed
in a gas-dangerous space must be in a gas-safe space. in §154.1110 must have at least one isolation valve at each

§154.1020 Emergency Power. A branch connection and at least one isolation valve downstream of
each branch connection to isolate damaged sections.
The emergency generator must be designed to allow operation at
the final angle of heel under §154.230(a). (c) Each valved cross-connection from the water spray system to
the fire main must be outside of the cargo area.

(d) Each pipe, fitting, and valve for the water spray system must
Firefighting System: Exterior Water Spray be made of fire resistant and corrosion resistant materials, such
as galvanized steel or galvanized iron pipe.

§154.1105 Exterior Water Spray System: General.

Each liquefied flammable gas vessel and each liquefied toxic gas (e) Each water spray system must have a means of drainage to
vessel must have an exterior water spray system that meets prevent corrosion of the system and freezing of accumulated

§§154.1110 through 154.1135. water in subfreezing temperatures.

§154.1110 Areas Protected By System. (f) Each water spray system must have a dirt strainer that is

Each water spray system must protect: located at the water spray system manifold or pump.

(a) All cargo tank surfaces that are not covered by the vessel's §154.1130 Sections.
hull structure or a steel cover; (a) If a water spray system is divided into sections, each section
must at least include the entire deck area bounded by the length

(b) Each cargo tank dome; of a cargo tank and the full beam of the vessel.

(c) Each on-deck storage vessel for flammable or toxic liquefied (b) If a water spray system is divided into sections, the control
gases; valves must be at a single manifold that is aft of the cargo area.

(d) Each cargo discharge and loading manifold; §154.1135 Pumps.

(a) Water to the water spray system must be supplied by:
(e) Each quick-closing valve under §§154.530, 154.532, and
154.538, and other control valves essential to cargo flow; (1) A pump that is only for the use of the system;
(2) A fire pump; or
(f) Each boundary facing the cargo area of each superstructure (3) A pump specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
that contains accommodation, service, or control spaces;
(b) Operation of a water spray system must not interfere with
(g) Each boundary facing the cargo area of each deckhouse that simultaneous operation of the fire main system at its required
contains accommodation, service, or control spaces; and capacity. There must be a valved cross-connection between the
two systems.
(h) Each boundary of each deckhouse that is within the cargo
area and that is manned during navigation of the vessel or during (c) Except as allowed under paragraph (d) of this section, each
cargo transfer operations, except the deckhouse roof if it is 2.4 m pump for each water spray system must have the capacity to
(8 ft.) or higher above the cargo containing structure. simultaneously supply all areas named in §154.1110.

(d) If the water spray system is divided into sections, the pump §154.1160 Monitor Coverage Of System.
under paragraph (a) of this section must have the capacity to The coverage of each dry chemical system monitor under
simultaneously supply the required discharge density under §154.1150 must not exceed:
§154.1115(a) for:
(a) 10 m (32.8 ft.) at 10 kg/sec (22 lb/sec);
(1) The areas in §§154.1110(f) through (h) and 154.1115(b); and (b) 30 m (98.4 ft.) at 25 kg/sec (55 lb/sec);
(c) 40 m (131.2 ft.) at 45 kg/sec (99 lb/sec);
(2) The largest section that includes the required protection under
§154.1110(a), (b), and (c). (d) An interpolation between 10 m (32.8 ft.) at 10 kg/sec (22
lb/sec) and 30 m (98.4 ft.) at 25 kg/sec (55 lb/sec); or
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] (e) An interpolation between 30 m (98.4 ft.) at 25 kg/sec (55
lb/sec) and 40 m (131.2 ft.) at 45 kg/sec (99 lb/sec).
Firefighting System: Dry Chemical
§154.1140 Dry Chemical System: General. §154.1165 Controls.
Each liquefied flammable gas carrier must have a dry chemical (a) Each dry chemical hand hose line must be one that can be
firefighting system that meets §§154.1145 through 154.1170, Part actuated at its hose reel or hose storage cabinet.
56 and Subpart 162.039 of this chapter.
(b) Each dry chemical monitor must be one that can be actuated

§154.1145 Dry Chemical Supply. and controlled at the monitor.
(a) A vessel with a cargo carrying capacity less that 1000 m

(35,300 ft. ) must have at least one self-contained dry chemical (c) A dry chemical monitor for the cargo loading and discharging
storage unit for the cargo area with an independent inert gas manifold areas must be one that can be:
pressurizing source adjacent to each unit.

(1) Actuated from a location other than the monitor and manifold
(b) A vessel with a cargo carrying capacity of 1000 m (35,300 area; and
ft. ) or more must have at least two self-contained dry chemical
storage units for the cargo area with an independent inert gas (2) Except for pre-aimed monitors, controlled from a location other
pressurizing source adjacent to each unit. than the monitor and manifold area.

(c) A vessel with bow and stern loading and discharge areas must (d) Each dry chemical storage unit must have independent piping
have at least one self-contained dry chemical storage unit with an with a stop valve in the piping for each remote hand hose line and
independent inert gas pressurizing source adjacent to the unit for
each area. A remote monitor where the piping connects to the storage
container, if the unit has:
(d) Each dry chemical storage unit and associated piping must be (1) More than one hand hose line;
designed for: (2) More than one monitor; or

(3) A combination of hand hose lines and monitors.

(1) Sequential discharge of each hose line and each monitor for
45 seconds; and (e) Each stop valve under paragraph (d) of the section must be
capable of:

(2) Simultaneous discharge of all hose lines and monitors for 45

seconds. (1) Manual operation; and

(e) Each fully charged dry chemical storage unit must have the (2) Being opened from the hose reel or monitor to which it is
greater of the following: connected.

(1) Enough dry chemical to provide for sequential discharge of (f) Damage to any dry chemical system hose, monitor, pipe or
each attached hose and monitor for 45 seconds. control circuits must not prevent the operation of other hoses,
monitors, or control circuit that are connected to the same storage
(2) Enough dry chemical to provide for simultaneous discharge of unit.
all attached hoses and monitors for 45 seconds.

§154.1170 Hand Hose Line: General.

§154.1150 Distribution Of Dry Chemical. Each dry chemical hand hose line must:
(a) All locations on the above deck cargo area and the cargo
piping outside that cargo area must be protected by: (a) Not be longer than 33m (108 ft.);

(1) At least two dry chemical hand hose lines; or (b) Be stored on a hose reel or in a hose cabinet and be one that
is operable whether or not it is unwound from a hose reel or
(2) At least one dry chemical hand hose line and one dry chemical removed from a hose cabinet;
(c) Be non-kinkable;
(b) At least one dry chemical storage unit and hand hose line or
monitor must be at the after end of the cargo areas. (d) Have a nozzle with a valve to start and stop the flow of
(c) Each cargo loading and discharge manifold must be protected
by at least one dry chemical monitor. (e) Have a capacity of at least 3.5 kg/sec (7.7 lb./sec); and

§154.1155 Hand Hose Line: Coverage. (f) Be one that can be operated by one person.
The coverage for the area for a hand hose line under §154.1150
must not exceed the length of the hand hose line except the Cargo Area: Mechanical Ventilation System
coverage for the protection of areas that are inaccessible to
personnel must not exceed one-half the projection of the hose at §154.1200 Mechanical Ventilation System: General.
its rated discharge, or 10 m (32.8 ft.), whichever is less.

(a) Each cargo compressor room, pump room, gas-dangerous §154.1210 Hold Space, Void Space, Cofferdam, And Spaces
cargo control station, and space that contains cargo handling Containing Cargo Piping.
equipment must have a fixed, exhaust-type mechanical ventilation (a) Each hold space, void space, cofferdam, and spaces
system. containing cargo piping must have:

(b) The following must have a supply-type mechanical ventilation (1) A fixed mechanical ventilation system; or
(2) A fixed ducting system that has a portable blower that meets
(1) Each space that contains electric motors for cargo handling §154.1205(i) and (j).
(2) Each gas-safe cargo control station in the cargo area. (b) A portable blower in any personnel access opening must not
(3) Each gas-safe space in the cargo area. reduce the area of that opening so that the opening does not
(4) Each space that contains inert gas generators, except main meet §154.340.
machinery spaces.
§154.1205 Mechanical Ventilation System: Standards.
(a) Each exhaust type mechanical ventilation system required
§154.1300 Liquid Level Gauging System: General.
under §154.1200(a) must have ducts for vapors from the
(a) If Table 4 lists a closed gauge for a cargo, the liquid level

gauging system under §154.1305 must be closed gauges that do
not have any opening through which cargo liquid or vapor could
(1) The deck level.
escape, such as an ultrasonic device, float type device, electronic

or magnetic probe, or bubble tube indicator.
(2) Bilges.
(b) If Table 4 lists a restricted gauge for a cargo, the liquid level

(3) If the vapors are lighter than air, the top of each space that
gauging system under §154.1305 must be closed gauges that
personnel enter during cargo handling operations.
meet paragraph (a) of this section or restricted gauges that do not
vent the cargo tank's vapor space, such as a fixed tube, slip tube,
(b) The discharge end of each duct under paragraph (a) of this
or rotary tube.
section must be at least 10 m (32.8 ft.) from ventilation intakes

and openings to accommodations, service, control station, and
§154.1305 Liquid Level Gauging System: Standards.
other gas-safe spaces.
(a) Each cargo tank must have at least one liquid level gauging
(c) Each ventilation system under §154.1200(a) and (b)(1) must
change the air in that space and its adjoining trunks at least 30 A system that is operable:

(1) At pressures up to, and including, the MARVS of the tank; and
times each hour.
(2) At temperatures that are within the cargo handling
(d) Each ventilation system for a gas-safe cargo control station in
temperature range for all cargoes carried.

the cargo area must change the air in that space at least eight
times each hour.
(b) Unless the cargo tank has one liquid gauging system that can
be repaired and maintained when the tank contains cargo, each
(e) A ventilation system must not recycle vapor from ventilation
cargo tank must have at least two liquid level gauging systems

that meet paragraph (a) of this section.
(f) Each mechanical ventilation system must have its operational
(c) Each liquid level gauging system must measure liquid levels

controls outside the ventilated space.

from 400 mm (16 in.) or less from the lowest point in the cargo
tank, except collection wells, to 100 percent full.
(g) No ventilation duct for a gas-dangerous space may pass

through any machinery, accommodation, service, or control

§154.1310 Closed Gauge Shut-Off Valve.
space, except as allowed under §154.703.
Each closed gauge that is not mounted directly on the cargo tank
must have a shut-off valve that is as close to the tank as practical.
(h) Each electric motor that drives a ventilation fan must not be
within the ducts for any space that may contain flammable cargo
§154.1315 Restricted Gauge Excess Flow Valve.

Each restricted gauge that penetrates a cargo tank must have an
excess flow valve unless the gauge meets §154.536.
(i) Ventilation impellers and the housing in way of those impellers
on a flammable cargo carrier must meet one of the following:
§154.1320 Sighting Ports, Tubular Gauge Glasses, And Flat

Plate Type Gauge Glasses.

(1) The impeller, housing, or both made of non-metallic material
(a) Cargo tanks may have sighting ports as a secondary means of
that does not generate static electricity.
liquid level gauging in addition to the gauges under §154.1305, if:
(2) The impeller and housing made of non-ferrous material.
(1) The tank has a MARVS that is less than 69 kPa gauge (10
(3) The impeller and housing made of austenitic stainless steel.
(2) The port has a protective cover and an internal scale; and
(4) The impeller and housing made of ferrous material with at
least 13mm (0.512 in.) tip clearance.
(3) The port is above the liquid level.
(j) No ventilation fan may have any combination of fixed or
(b) Tubular gauge glasses must not be liquid level gauges for
rotating components made of an aluminum or magnesium alloy
cargo tanks.
and ferrous fixed or rotating components.
(c) Plate type gauge glasses must not be liquid level gauges for
(k) Each ventilation intake and exhaust must have a protective
cargo tanks, except deck tanks if the gauge connections have
metal screen of not more than 13mm (0.512 in.) square mesh.
excess flow valves.

§154.1325 Liquid Level Alarm System: All Cargo Tanks. [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
Except as allowed under §154.1330, each cargo tank must have 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
a high liquid level alarm system that:
§154.1340 Temperature Measuring Devices.
(a) Is independent of the liquid level gauging system under (a) Each cargo tank must have devices that measure the
§154.1305; temperature:

(b) Actuates quick-closing valves under §§154.530, 154.532, and (1) At the bottom of the tank; and
154,538 or a stop valve in the cargo tank loading line to prevent
the tank from becoming 100 percent liquid full and without (2) Near the top of the tank and below the maximum liquid level
causing the pressure in the loading lines to exceed the design allowed under §154.1844.
pressure; and
(b) Each device required by paragraph (a) must have a readout at
(c) Actuates an audible and visual alarm at the cargo control the cargo control station.
station at the liquid level at which the valves under paragraph (b)
of this section are actuated or at some lower liquid level. (c) Except for independent tanks type C, each cargo containment
system for a design temperature colder than -55°C (-67°F) must
§154.1330 Liquid Level Alarm System: Independent Tank have temperature measuring devices that meet the following:
Type C.

Independent tanks type C need not have the high liquid level (1) The number and location of the devices must be specially
alarm system under §154.1325 if: approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).

(a) The tank volume is less than 200 m3 (7,060 ft.3); or (2) The devices must be within the cargo tank's insulation or on
the adjacent hull structure.

(b) The tank can withstand the maximum possible pressure during
loading, that pressure is below the relief valve setting, and (3) Each device must show the temperature continuously or at
overflow of the tank cannot occur. regular intervals of one hour or less.

§154.1335 Pressure And Vacuum Protection. (4) Each device must actuate an audible and visual alarm at the

(a) Each cargo tank must have the following: cargo control station and a remote group alarm in the wheelhouse
before the temperature of the steel of the adjacent hull structure is
(1) A pressure gauge that: cooled below the lowest temperature allowed for the steel under

(1)(i) Monitors the vapor space; A §154.172.

(d) For each cargo tank with a design temperature colder than -
(1)(ii) Is readable at the tank; and 55°C (-67°F), the number and arrangement of the devices that
show the temperature of the tank during cool down procedures

(1)(iii) Has remote readouts at the cargo control station. must be specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).

(2) If vacuum protection is required under §154.804, a vacuum [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
gauge meeting paragraphs (a)(1)(i), (a)(1)(ii), and (1)(iii) of this 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

§154.1345 Gas Detection.
(b) The vessel must have at least one high pressure alarm that: (a) Each vessel carrying a cargo that is designated with an "I" or "I

and T" in Table 4 must have:

(1) Actuates before the pressure in any cargo tank exceeds the
maximum pressure specially approved by the Commandant (G- (1) A fixed flammable gas detection system that meets

MSO); and §154.1350; and

(2) Actuates an audible and visual alarm at the cargo control (2) Two portable gas detectors that can each measure 0 to 100%
station, and a remote group alarm in the wheelhouse. of the lower flammable limit of the cargo carried.

(c) If vacuum protection is required under §154.804, the vessel (b) Each vessel carrying a cargo that is designated with a "T" or "I
must have at least one low pressure alarm that: and T" in Table 4 must have:

(1) Actuates before the pressure in any cargo tank falls below the (1) Two portable gas detectors that show if the concentration of
minimum pressure specially approved by the Commandant (G- cargo is above or below the threshold limit value listed in 29 CFR

MSO); and 1910.1000 for that cargo; and

(2) Actuates an audible and visual alarm at the cargo control (2) Fixed gas sampling tubes in each hold space and interbarrier
station, and a remote group alarm in the wheelhouse. space with:

(d) At least one pressure gauge must be fitted on each: (2)(i) The number of tubes specially approved by the
Commandant (G-MSO);
(1) Enclosed hold;
(2) Enclosed interbarrier space; (2)(ii) Each tube valved and capped above the main deck unless it
(3) Cargo pump discharge line; is connected to a fixed toxic gas detector;
(4) Liquid cargo manifold; and
(5) Vapor cargo manifold. (2)(iii) If the vessel carries cargo that is heavier than the
atmosphere of the space, each tube's open end in the lower part
(e) There must be a local manifold pressure gauge between each of the space;
manifold stop valve and each hose connection to the shore.
(2)(iv) If the vessel carries cargo that is lighter than the

atmosphere of the space, each tube's open end in the upper part (i) Each flammable gas detection system must monitor each
of the space; sampling point at 30 minute or shorter intervals.

(2)(v) If the vessel carries cargo that is heavier than the (j) Electrical equipment for each flammable gas detection system
atmosphere of the space and another cargo that is lighter than the that is in a gas-dangerous space or area must meet §§154.1000
atmosphere of the space, tubes with their open ends in the lower through 154.1015.
part of the space and tubes with their open ends in the upper part
of the space; and (k) Each flammable gas detection system must have enough
flame arrestors for all gas sampling lines to prevent flame
(2)(vi) If the vessel carries cargo that can be both heavier and propagation to the spaces served by the system through the
lighter than the atmosphere of the space, tubes with their open sampling lines.
ends in the lower part of the space and tubes with their open ends
in the upper part of the space. (l) Each flammable gas detection system must have a filter that
removes particulate matter in each gas sampling line.
(c) A vessel that carries methyl bromide or sulfur dioxide must
have a fixed gas detection system that is not located in a gas-safe (m) Each filter under paragraph (l) of this section must be located
space. where it can be removed during vessel operation, unless it can be
freed by back pressure.
(d) A vessel that carries sulfur dioxide must have a fixed gas

detection system that meets §154.1350 except paragraph (j). (n) Each flammable gas detection system in a gas-safe space
(e) Each alarm under §154.1350(e) on a vessel that carries must:

methyl bromide or sulfur dioxide must be set at or below the
threshold limit value listed in 29 CFR 1910.1000 for the cargo (1) Have a shut-off valve in each sampling line from an enclosed
carried. space, such as a hold or interbarrier space; and

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD (2) Exhaust gas to a safe location in the open atmosphere and
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] away from all ignition sources.

§154.1350 Flammable Gas Detection System. (o) Each flammable gas detection system must not have common

(a) The vessel must have a fixed flammable gas detection system sampling lines, except sampling lines may be manifolded at the
that has sampling points in: gas detector location if each line has an automatic valve that
prevents cross-communication between sampling points.
(1) Each cargo pump room;
A (p) Each flammable gas detection system must have at least one
(2) Each cargo compressor room; connection for injecting zero gas and span gas into the system for
testing and calibration.
(3) Each motor room for cargo handling machinery;

(q) Each flammable gas detection system must have span gas for
(4) Each cargo control station that is not gas-safe; testing and calibration that is of known concentration.

(5) Each hold space, interbarrier space, and other enclosed (r) The calibration test procedure and type and concentration of

spaces, except fuel oil or ballast tanks, in the cargo area, unless span gas under paragraph (q) of this section must be on or in
the vessel has independent tanks type C; and each gas analyzer cabinet.

(6) Each space between the doors of an air lock under §154.345. (s) Each flammable gas detection system must have at least one
flow meter capable of measuring the flow to the gas analyzer, and
(b) The sampling points under paragraph (a) of this section must must provide a means for ensuring that there is a positive flow in

meet §154.1345(b)(2)(iii) through (vi). the right direction in each sampling line at all times.

(c) Gas sampling lines for the flammable gas detection system (t) Each flammable gas detection system must measure gas
must not pass through any gas-safe space, except the gas-safe concentrations that:
space in which the gas detection equipment is located.

(1) Are at least 0% through 200% of the alarm concentration; and

(d) Gas detection systems must have a readout with meters that
show flammable gas concentration over the concentration or (2) Allow calibration of the equipment with span gas.
volume ranges under paragraph (t) or (u) of this section.
(u) In each hold and each interbarrier space that contains tanks

(e) Each flammable gas detection system must have audible and other than independent tanks type A, B, or C, the flammable gas
visual alarms that are actuated at a cargo concentration that is detection system must measure cargo concentrations of 0 to
30% or less of the lower flammable limit in air of the cargo carried. 100% by volume with:

(f) Each flammable gas detection system must have an audible (1) An analyzer other than the one under paragraph (t) of this
and visual alarm for power failure and loss of gas sampling flow. section; or

(g) The alarms under paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section must (2) The analyzer under paragraph (t) of this section with a scale
signal in the space where the gas detection system's readout is switch that automatically returns the analyzer to the concentration
located and must meet §154.1365. range under paragraph (t) of this section when released.

(h) Remote group alarms, that indicate that one of the alarm §154.1360 Oxygen Analyzer.
conditions under paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section exists, The vessel must have a portable analyzer that measures oxygen
must meet §154.1365 and must be in each wheelhouse and in levels in an inert atmosphere.
each cargo control station if the gas detection system's readout is
not located in those spaces. §154.1365 Audible And Visual Alarms.

(a) Each audible alarm must have an arrangement that allows it to Safety and Health (NIOSH), each having at least a 30 minute
be turned off after sounding. For remote group alarms this capacity.
arrangement must not interrupt the alarm's actuation by other
faults. (2) Nine spare bottles of air for the self-contained air-breathing
apparatus, each having at least a 30 minute capacity.
(b) Each visual alarm must be one that can be turned off only
after the fault that actuated it is corrected. (3) Eight steel-cored lifelines.

(c) Each visual alarm must be marked to show the type and, (4) Eight Type II or Type III flashlights constructed and marked in
except for remote group alarms, the location of each fault that accordance with ASTM F 1014 (incorporated by reference, see
actuates it. §154.1).

(d) Each vessel must have means for testing each alarm. (5) Three fire axes.

§154.1370 Pressure Gauge And Vacuum Gauge Marking. (6) Eight helmets that meet ANSI Safety Requirements for
Each pressure gauge and vacuum gauge under §154.1335(a) Industrial Head Protection, Z-89.1 (1969).
must be marked with the maximum and minimum pressures that
are specified on the vessel's certificate for the cargo carried. (7) Eight sets of boots and gloves that are made of rubber or
other electrically non-conductive material.

§154.1375 Readout For Temperature Measuring Device:
Marking. (8) Eight sets of goggles that meet the specifications of ANSI

Each readout under §154.1340 for a device that measures Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face
temperature in a cargo tank must be marked with the design Protection, Z-87.1 (1979).
temperature specified for the cargo tank on the vessel's

certificate. (9) Five outfits that protect the skin from scalding steam and the
heat of a fire, and that have a water resistant outer surface.
Safety Equipment
(10) Three chemical protective outfits that protect the wearers
§154.1400 Safety Equipment: All Vessels. from the particular personnel hazards presented by the cargo

(a) Instead of the equipment under §35.30-20 of this chapter, a vapor.
vessel of less than 25,000 m cargo capacity must have the
(c) When Table 4 references this section, a vessel carrying the
following personnel safety equipment:

(1) Six self-contained, pressure-demand-type, air-breathing

A listed cargo must have the following additional personnel
protection equipment:
apparatus approved by the Mining Enforcement and Safety
Administration (MESA) or the National Institute for Occupational (1) Three self-contained, pressure-demand-type, air-breathing
Safety and Health (NIOSH), each having at least a 30 minute apparatus approved by the Mining Enforcement and Safety

capacity. Administration (MESA) or the National Institute for Occupational

Safety and Health (NIOSH), each having at least a 30 minute
(2) Nine spare bottles of air for the self-contained air-breathing capacity.
apparatus, each having at least a 30 minute capacity.

(2) Nine spare bottles of air for the self-contained air-breathing

(3) Six steel-cored lifelines. apparatus, each having at least a 30 minute capacity.

(4) Six Type II or Type III flashlights constructed and marked in (3) Three steel-cored lifelines.
accordance with ASTM F 1014 (incorporated by reference, see
§154.1). (4) Three Type II or Type III flashlights constructed and marked in

accordance with ASTM F 1014 (incorporated by reference, see

(5) Three fire axes. §154.1).

(6) Six helmets that meet ANSI Safety Requirements for Industrial (5) Three helmets that meet ANSI Safety Requirements for
Head Protection, Z-89.1 (1969). Industrial Head Protection, Z-89.1 (1969).

(7) Six sets of boots and gloves that are made of rubber or other (6) Three sets of boots and gloves that are made of rubber or
electrically non-conductive material. other electrically non-conductive material.

(7) Three sets of goggles that meet the specifications of ANSI


(8) Six sets of goggles that meet the specifications of ANSI

Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face
Protection, Z-87.1 (1979). Protection, Z-87.1 (1979).

(9) Three outfits that protect the skin from scalding steam and the (8) Three chemical protective outfits that protect the wearers from
heat of a fire, and that have a water resistant outer surface. the particular personnel hazards presented by the cargo vapor.

(10) Three chemical protective outfits that protect the wearers [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
from the particular personnel hazards presented by the cargo 77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987; CGD 82-042, 17705, May
vapor. 18, 1988; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, Mar. 1, 2000]

(b) Instead of the equipment under §35.30-20 of this chapter, a §154.1405 Respiratory Protection.
vessel of 25,000 m3 cargo capacity or more must have the When Table 4 references this section, a vessel carrying the listed
following personnel safety equipment: cargo must have:

(1) Eight self-contained, pressure-demand-type, air-breathing (a) Respiratory protection equipment for each person on board
apparatus approved by the Mining Enforcement and Safety that protects the person from the cargo vapor for at least 5
Administration (MESA) or the National Institute for Occupational minutes; and

(b) Two additional sets of respiratory protection equipment that: type C that meets §154.701(a):

(1) Are stowed in the wheelhouse; and (a) Ethylene oxide.

(b) Methyl bromide.
(2) Protects the wearer from the cargo vapor for at least 5 (c) Sulfur dioxide.
§154.1710 Exclusion Of Air From Cargo Tank Vapor Spaces.
§154.1410 Decontamination Shower. When a vessel is carrying acetaldehyde, butadiene, ethylene
When Table 4 references this section, a vessel carrying the listed oxide, or vinyl chloride, the master shall ensure that air is:
cargo must have a decontamination shower and an eye wash
that: (a) Purged from the cargo tanks and associated piping before the
cargo is loaded; and
(a) Are on the weatherdeck; and
(b) Excluded after the cargo is loaded by maintaining a positive
(b) Have their location marked EMERGENCY SHOWER in letters: pressure of at least 13.8 kPa gauge (2 psig) by:

(1) 7.6 cm (3 in.) high; and (1) Introducing a gas that:

(2) 5.1 cm (2 in.) wide.
(1)(i) Is not reactive;

§154.1415 Air Compressor.
Each vessel must have an air compressor to recharge the bottles (1)(ii) Is not flammable; and

for the air-breathing apparatus.
(1)(iii) Does not contain more than 0.2% oxygen by volume; or
§154.1420 Stretchers And Equipment.

Each vessel must have: (2) Controlling the cargo temperature.

(a) Two stretchers or wire baskets; and §154.1715 Moisture Control.

When a vessel is carrying sulfur dioxide, the master shall ensure
(b) Equipment for lifting an injured person from a cargo tank, hold, that:

or void space.
(a) A cargo tank is dry before it is loaded with sulfur dioxide; and
§154.1430 Equipment Locker.
One of each item of equipment under §§154.1400 and 154.1420
must be stowed in a marked locker: A (b) Air or inert gas admitted into a cargo tank carrying sulfur
dioxide during discharging or tank breathing has a moisture
content equal to or less than the moisture content of air with a
(a) On the open deck in or adjacent to the cargo area; or dewpoint of -45°C (-49°F) at atmospheric pressure.

(b) In the accommodation house, near to a door that opens onto §154.1720 Indirect Refrigeration.
the main deck. A refrigeration system that is used to cool acetaldehyde, ethylene
oxide, or methyl bromide, must be an indirect refrigeration system
§154.1435 Medical First Aid Guide. that does not use vapor compression.

Each vessel must have a copy of the IMO Medical First Aid
Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods, §154.1725 Ethylene Oxide.
printed by IMO, London, U.K. (a) A vessel carrying ethylene oxide must:

§154.1440 Antidotes. (1) Have cargo piping, vent piping, and refrigeration equipment
Each vessel must have the antidotes prescribed in the IMO that have no connections to other systems;

Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving

Dangerous Goods, printed by IMO, London, U.K. for the cargoes (2) Have valves, flanges, fittings, and accessory equipment made
being carried. of steel, stainless steel, except types 416 and 442, or other
material specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO);
Subpart D – Special Design and Operating

(3) Have valve disk faces, and other wearing parts of valves made
Requirements of stainless steel containing not less than 11% chromium;
§154.1700 Purpose.
(4) Have gaskets constructed of spirally wound stainless steel
This subpart prescribes design and operating requirements that
with teflon or other material specially approved by the

are unique for certain cargoes regulated by this part.

Commandant (G-MSO);
§154.1702 Materials Of Construction.
(5) Not have asbestos, rubber, or cast iron components in the
When Table 4 references one of the following paragraphs in this
cargo containment system and piping;
section, the materials in the referenced paragraph must not be in
components that contact the cargo liquid or vapor:
(6) Not have threaded joints in cargo piping;
(a) Aluminum and aluminum bearing alloys.
(7) Have a water spray system under §154.1105 that protects the
(b) Copper and copper bearing alloys.
above deck cargo piping; and
(c) Zinc or galvanized steel.
(d) Magnesium.
(8) Have a nitrogen inerting system or on board nitrogen gas
(e) Mercury.
storage that can inert the vapor space of an ethylene oxide cargo
(f) Acetylide forming materials, such as copper, silver, and
tank for a period of 30 days under the condition of paragraph (e)
of this section.
§154.1705 Independent Tank Type C.
(b) Cargo hose used for ethylene oxide must:
The following cargoes must be carried in an independent tank

(1) Be specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO); and (b) A vessel carrying a methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture must
have a refrigeration system without vapor compression or have a
(2) Be marked "For (Alkylene or Ethylene) Oxide Transfer Only." refrigeration system with the following features:

(c) Ethylene oxide must be maintained at less than 30°C (86°F). (1) A vapor compressor that does not raise the temperature and
pressure of the vapor above 60°C (140°F) and 1.72 Mpa
(d) Cargo tank relief valves for tanks containing ethylene oxide gauge(250 psig) during its operation and that does not allow
must be set at 539 kPa gauge (78.2 psig) or higher. vapor to stagnate in the compressor while it continues to run.

(e) The vapor space of a cargo tank carrying ethylene oxide must (2) Discharge piping from each compressor stage or each cylinder
be maintained at a nitrogen concentration of 45% by volume. in the same stage of a reciprocating compressor that has:

(f) A vessel must have a method for jettisoning ethylene oxide that (2)(i) Two temperature actuated shutdown switches set to operate
meets §§154.356 and 154.1872. at 60°C (140°F) or less;

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD (2)(ii) A pressure actuated shutdown switch set to operate at 1.72
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] MPa gauge (250 psig) or less; and

§154.1730 Ethylene Oxide: Loading And Off Loading. (2)(iii) A safety relief valve set to relieve at 1.77 MPa gauge (256

(a) The master shall ensure that before ethylene oxide is loaded psig) or less.
into a cargo tank:

(3) A relief valve that vents to a mast meeting §154.805 and that
(1) The tank is thoroughly clean, dry, and free of rust; does not relieve into the compressor suction line.

(2) The hold spaces are inerted with an inert gas that meets (4) An alarm that sounds in the cargo control station and in the
§154.1710(b)(1); and wheelhouse when any of the high pressure or high temperature
switches under paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii) of this section
(3) The cargo tank vapor space is inerted with nitrogen. operate.

(b) Ethylene oxide must be off loaded by a deepwell pump or inert (c) A vessel carrying a methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture must
gas displacement. have separate cargo piping, vent piping, and refrigeration
equipment for methyl acetylene-propadiene that are segregated
(c) Ethylene oxide must not be carried in deck tanks.
A from other cargo piping, vent piping and refrigeration equipment
on the vessel.
§154.1735 Methyl Acetylene-Propadiene Mixture.
(a) The composition of the methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979; 44 FR 59234, Oct. 15,
at loading must be within the following limits or specially approved 1979; CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]

by the Commandant (G-MSO):

§154.1740 Vinyl Chloride: Inhibiting And Inerting.
(1) One composition is: When a vessel is carrying vinyl chloride, the master shall ensure

(1)(i) Maximum methyl acetylene and propadiene molar ratio of 3

to 1; (a) Section 154.1818 is met; or

(1)(ii) Maximum combined concentration of methyl acetylene and (b) Section 154.1710 is met, and the oxygen content of inert gas
propadiene of 65 mole percent; is less than 0.1% by volume.

(1)(iii) Minimum combined concentration of propane, butane, and §154.1745 Vinyl Chloride: Transferring Operations.
isobutane of 24 mole percent, of which at least one-third (on a A vessel carrying vinyl chloride must meet the requirements of
molar basis) must be butanes and one-third propane; and §151.50-34(g) through (k) of this chapter.
[CGD 95-012, 60 FR 48051, Sept. 18, 1995]
(1)(iv) Maximum combined concentration of propylene and

butadiene of 10 mole percent.

§154.1750 Butadiene Or Vinyl Chloride: Refrigeration System.
A refrigeration system for butadiene or vinyl chloride must not use
(2) A second composition is:
vapor compression unless it:
(2)(i) Maximum methyl acetylene and propadiene combined

(a) Avoids any stagnation points where uninhibited liquid can

concentration of 30 mole percent;
accumulate; or
(2)(ii) Maximum methyl acetylene concentration of 20 mole
(b) Has inhibited liquid from the cargo tank added to the vapor
upstream of the condenser.
(2)(iii) Maximum propadiene concentration of 20 mole percent;
§154.1755 Nitrogen.
Except for deck tanks and their piping systems, cargo
(2)(iv) Maximum propylene concentration of 45 mole percent;
containment systems and piping systems carrying nitrogen must
be specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO).
(2)(v) Maximum butadiene and butylenes combined concentration
of 2 mole percent; [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
(2)(vi) A minimum saturated C4 hydrocarbon concentration of 4
mole percent; and §154.1760 Liquid Ammonia.
The master shall ensure that no person sprays liquid ammonia
(2)(vii) A minimum propane concentration of 25 mole percent. into a cargo tank containing more than 8% oxygen by volume.

Subpart E – Operations by special approval under §154.12. To maintain the validity of the
Certificate of Compliance, the vessel's owner must submit a copy
§154.1800 Special Operating Requirements Under Part 35 Of of any revised or reissued IMO Certificate to Commanding Officer,
This Chapter. Marine Safety Center.
Each vessel must meet the requirements of Part 35 of this
chapter except §35.30-20. [CGD 81-052, 50 FR 8735, Mar. 5, 1985; CGD 95-072, 60 FR
50466, Sept. 29, 1995; 60 FR 54106, Oct. 19, 1995]
§154.1802 Certificates, Letters And Endorsements: Foreign
Flag Vessels. §154.1808 Limitations In The Endorsement.
(a) No person may operate on the navigable waters of the United No person may operate a vessel unless that person complies with
States a foreign flag vessel, whose flag administration issues IMO all limitations in the endorsement on the vessel's Certificate of
Certificates, unless the vessel has: Inspection or Certificate of Compliance.

(1) An IMO Certificate issued by the flag administration that is [CGD 81-052, 50 FR 8735, Mar. 5, 1985]
endorsed with the name of the cargo that it is allowed to carry,
and, except when entering United States waters to be examined §154.1809 Loading And Stability Manual.
as required by §154.150, a Certificate of Compliance issued by (a) No person may operate a vessel unless that vessel has on
the Coast Guard endorsed under this part with the name of the board a loading and stability manual.

cargo that it is allowed to carry; or
(b) The loading and stability manual must contain:
(2) Special approval under §154.30.

(1) Information that enables the master to load and ballast the
(b) No person may operate on the navigable waters of the United vessel while keeping structural stresses within design limits; and
States a foreign flag vessel, whose flag administration does not

issue IMO Certificates, unless the vessel has: (2) The information required by §170.110 of this chapter.

(1) Except when entering United States waters to be examined as [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD
required by §154.150, a Certificate of Compliance1 issued by the 79-023, 49 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983]
Coast Guard endorsed under this part with the name of the cargo

it is allowed to carry; or §154.1810 Cargo Manual.
(a) No person may operate a foreign flag vessel, whose flag
administration does not issue IMO Certificates, on the navigable
(2) Special approval under §154.30.

(c) No person may operate on the navigable waters of the United

A waters of the United States, or a U.S. flag vessel, unless the
vessel has on board a cargo manual containing the following
States a foreign flag vessel unless the vessel has onboard the information:
following plans and information which except for the certificates
under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, are in English: (1) A description of each cargo carried, its handling hazards as a

liquid or as a gas including frostbite or asphyxiation, its safety

(1) The vessel's Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate and equipment and necessary first aid measures required by this part.
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate issued under the
International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. (2) A description of the dangers of asphyxiation from the inerting

gases used on the vessel.

(2) A description and schematic plan of the arrangement for
inerting cargo tanks, hold spaces, and interbarrier spaces. (3) The measures that mitigate embrittlement of steel structure in

way of cargo leakage.

(3) A description of the cargo tank gauging equipment.
(4) The use of the firefighting systems on the vessel.

(4) A description and instruction manual for the calibration of the

cargo leak detector equipment. (5) The features of the cargo containment system that affect its
operation and maintenance, including pressure and temperature
(5) A schematic plan that shows the locations of leak detectors ranges and relief valve settings.
and sampling points.

(6) Pressures, temperatures, and liquid levels for all operations.

(6) If the vessel carries methane, a description of the systems for
cargo temperature and pressure control. (See §§154.703 through (7) General information derived from the first loading of the
154.709). vessel.

[1 Until the Certificate of Compliance form is developed, the Letter (8) Alarm settings.
of Compliance with a Subchapter O endorsement for the carriage
of liquefied gases will serve the purpose of the endorsed (9) Descriptions of the components of the cargo system, including
Certificate of Compliance.] the following:

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD (9)(i) Liquid cargo system.
81-052, 50 FR 8735, Mar. 5, 1985; CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31631,
Aug. 21, 1987; CGD 90-008, 55 FR 30663, July 26, 1990] (9)(ii) Liquid recirculating or condensate return system.

§154.1803 Expiration Of Certificates Of Compliance. (9)(iii) Cargo tank cool-down system.

(a) A Certificate of Compliance expires after a period not to
exceed twenty-four months from the date of the examination (9)(iv) Cargo tank warm-up or vaporization system.
under §154.150.
(9)(v) Gas main system.
(b) If a vessel's IMO Certificate of Fitness expires or otherwise
becomes invalid, its Certificate of Compliance becomes invalid for (9)(vi) Cargo tank or compressor relief system and blocked liquid
the carriage of cargoes listed in Table 4 of this part or authorized or gas relief system.

(9)(vii) Inerting system. wheelhouse, in the ship's office, or in another location easily
accessible to the person in charge of the watch.
(9)(viii) Boil-off gas compressor or reliquefaction system.
(b) When a vessel is moored at a terminal, the master shall
(9)(ix) Gas detection systems. ensure that a set of information cards is in the possession of the
terminal's person in charge of cargo transfer operations.
(9)(x) Alarm or safety indication systems.
(c) Each card must be at least 17 cm x 24 cm (6 3/4 in. x 9 1/2
(9)(xi) Cargo jettisoning system. in.), have printing on one side only, and must contain the following
information about the cargo:
(9)(xii) The system for using boil-off gas as fuel.
(1) Name as listed in Table 4.
(10) A description of cargo loading and discharge operations,
including simultaneous handling of multigrades of cargo and (2) Appearance.
(3) Odor.
(11) A description of cargo operations during the voyage.
(4) Safe handling procedures, including special handling
(12) A description of cargo tank cool-down and warm-up instructions, and handling hazards.

operations including purging with inert gas and air.
(5) Procedures to follow in the event of spills, leaks, or

(13) A description of hull and cargo tank temperature monitoring uncontrolled cargo release.
(6) Procedures to be followed if a person is exposed to the cargo.

(14) A description of gas detection systems and alarm or safety
systems. (7) Firefighting procedures and materials.

(15) A description of the following conditions and their symptoms, §154.1816 Cargo Location Plan.
including emergency measures and corrective actions: The master shall ensure that:

(15)(i) Cargo or ballast valve malfunction. (a) A cargo location plan is prepared that gives:

(15)(ii) Low cargo tank gas pressure.

A (1) The location and number of each cargo tank; and
(15)(iii) High fill level shutdown. (2) The name of the cargo in each tank;

(15)(iv) Gas compressor shutdown. (b) One cargo location plan is kept with the sets of cargo

information cards required under §154.1814; and

(15)(v) Hull cold spots.
(c) The cargo names in the cargo location plan do not differ from
(15)(vi) Cargo piping leaks. the names of the cargoes listed in Table 4.

(15)(vii) Primary or secondary barrier failure. §154.1818 Certification Of Inhibition.

(a) Except as provided in §154.1740(b), no person may operate a

(15)(viii) Hold boundary structural failure. vessel carrying butadiene or vinyl chloride without carrying in the
wheelhouse written certification from the shipper that the product
(15)(ix) Fire in vent mast head. is inhibited.

(15)(x) Reliquefaction plant failure. (b) The certification required by this section must contain the
following information:
(15)(xi) Vaporizer malfunction or failure.
(1) The name and concentration of the inhibitor.

(15)(xii) Piping or cargo valve freeze-up.

(2) The date the inhibitor was added.
(16) Any other matters relating to operation of the cargo systems.
(3) The expected duration of the inhibitor's effectiveness.
(17) The operational means to maintain the vessel in a condition

of positive stability in accordance with the loading and stability (4) Any temperature limitations qualifying the inhibitor's effective
manual under §154.1809 through all conditions of: lifetime.

(17)(i) Loading and deballasting; and (5) The action to be taken if the time of the voyage exceeds the
inhibitor's lifetime.
(17)(ii) Unloading and ballasting.
§154.1820 Shipping Document.
(b) The master shall ensure that the cargo manual is kept up-to- No person may operate a vessel without carrying a shipping
date. document in the wheelhouse that lists for each cargo on board:

§154.1812 Operational Information For Terminal Personnel. (a) The cargo tank in which the cargo is stowed;
The master shall ensure that terminal personnel are told the (b) The name of the shipper;
operational information required by §154.1810(a)(17). (c) The location of the loading terminal;
(d) The cargo name as listed in Table 4; and
§154.1814 Cargo Information Cards. (e) The approximate quantity of the cargo.
(a) No person may operate a vessel unless a cargo information
card for each cargo being transported is carried either in the §154.1822 Shipping Document: Copy For Transfer Terminal.

While a vessel is moored at a transfer terminal, the master shall (5) Have 1.3 cm (1/2 in.) stroke width.
ensure that at least one copy of the shipping document is given to
the terminal's person in charge of cargo transfer. (d) The spacing between letters must be:

§154.1824 Obstruction Of Pumproom Ladderways. (1)1.3 cm (1/2 in.) between letters of the same word on the sign;
The master shall ensure that each cargo pumproom access is (2) 5.1 cm (2 in.) between words;
unobstructed. (3) 5.1 cm (2 in.) between lines; and
(4) 5.1 cm (2 in.) at the borders of the sign.
§154.1826 Opening Of Cargo Tanks And Cargo Sampling.
(a) The master shall ensure that each cargo tank opening is fully (e) The words "No Smoking" and "No Open Lights" may be
closed at all times. omitted when the cargoes on board a vessel are not flammable.

(b) The master may authorize the opening of a cargo tank: (f) When a vessel carries or transfers vinyl chloride, the warning
sign under paragraph (b) of this section must also have the words
(1) During tank cleaning; and "Cancer Suspect Agent."

(2) To sample a cargo that Table 4 allows to be carried in a §154.1831 Persons In Charge Of Transferring Liquid Cargo In
containment system having a restricted gauging system if: Bulk Or Preparing Cargo Tanks.
(a) The owner and operator of the vessel, and his or her agent,

(2)(i) The cargo tank is not being filled during sampling; and each of them, shall ensure that–

(2)(ii) The vent system has relieved any pressure in the tank; and (1) Enough "Tankerman-PICs" or restricted "Tankerman-PICs",
and "Tankerman-Assistants", authorized for the classification of
(2)(iii) The person sampling the cargo wears protective clothing. cargo carried, are on duty to safely conduct a transfer of liquid

cargo in bulk or a cool-down, warm-up, gas-free, or air-out of
(c) The master shall ensure that cargoes requiring closed gauging each cargo tank;
as listed in Table 4 are sampled only through the controlled
sampling arrangement of the cargo tank. (2) Each transfer of liquid cargo in bulk, and each cool-down,
warm-up, gas-free, or air-out of a cargo tank, is supervised by a

§154.1828 Spaces Containing Cargo Vapor: Entry. person designated as a person in charge of the transfer that
(a) No person may enter a cargo handling space without the possesses the qualifications required by 33 CFR 155.710;
permission of the master or without following a safety procedure
established by the master.
A (3) On each foreign tankship, the person in charge of either a
transfer of liquid cargo in bulk or a cool-down, warm-up, gas-free,
(b) Before allowing anyone to enter a cargo handling space, the or air-out of a cargo tank possesses the qualifications required by
master shall ensure that: 33 CFR 155.710;

(1) The space is free of toxic vapors and has an oxygen (4) When cargo regulated under this part is being transferred, the
concentration of at least 19.5 percent oxygen by volume; or person in charge of the transfer has received special training in
the particular hazards associated with the cargo and in all special
(2) Those entering the space wear protective equipment with procedures for its handling; and

breathing apparatus and an officer closely supervises the entire

operation in the space. (5) On each foreign vessel, the person in charge understands his
or her responsibilities as described in this subchapter.

§154.1830 Warning Sign.

(a) The master shall ensure that a vessel transferring cargo, while (b) Upon request by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in
fast to a dock or while at anchor in port, displays a warning sign: whose zone the transfer will take place, the owner and operator of

the vessel, and his or her agent, and each of them, shall provide
(1) At the gangway facing the shore so that the sign may be seen documentary evidence that the person in charge has received the
from the shore; and training specified by paragraph (a)(4) of this section and is
capable of competently performing the procedures necessary for
(2) Facing outboard towards the water so that the sign may be the cargo.

seen from the water.

[CGD 79-116, 60 FR 17158, Apr. 4, 1995]
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, each
warning sign must have the following words: §154.1834 Cargo Transfer Piping.
The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that cargo is

(1) Warning. transferred to or from a cargo tank only through the cargo piping
(2) Dangerous Cargo. system.
(3) No Visitors.
(4) No Smoking. §154.1836 Vapor Venting As A Means Of Cargo Tank
(5) No Open Lights. Pressure And Temperature Control.
When the vessel is on the navigable waters of the United States,
(c) Each letter in the words on the sign must: the master shall ensure that the cargo pressure and temperature
control system under §§154.701 through 154.709 is operating and
(1) Be block style; that venting of cargo is unnecessary to maintain cargo
temperature and pressure control, except under emergency
(2) Be black on a white background; conditions.

(3) Be 7.6 cm (3 in.) high; §154.1838 Discharge By Gas Pressurization.

The person in charge of cargo transfer may not authorize cargo
(4) Be 5.1 cm (2 in.) wide, except for "M" and "W" which must be discharge by gas pressurization unless:
7.6 cm (3 in.) wide, and the letter "I" which may be 1.3 cm (1/2 in.)
wide; and (a) The tank to be offloaded is an independent tank type B or C;

(b) The pressurizing medium is the cargo vapor or a (2) Hold and interbarrier spaces contain only dry air or inert gas
nonflammable, nontoxic gas that is inert with the cargo; and on:

(c) The pressurizing line has: (2)(i) A vessel with partial secondary barriers;

(1) A pressure reducing valve that has a setting that is 90 percent (2)(ii) A vessel with full secondary barriers when non-flammable
or less of the tank's relief valve setting; and cargoes are carried; and

(2) A manual control valve between the pressure reducing valve (2)(iii) A vessel with refrigerated independent tanks type C;
and the tank.
(3) When cargo tanks containing flammable vapor are to be gas
§154.1840 Protective Clothing. freed, the flammable vapors are purged from the tank by inert gas
The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that each before air is admitted; and
person involved in a cargo transfer operation, except those
assigned to gas-safe cargo control rooms, wears protective (4) When gas free cargo tanks are to be filled with a flammable
clothing. cargo, air is purged from the tank by inert gas until the oxygen
concentration in the tank is 8 percent or less by volume before
§154.1842 Cargo System: Controls And Alarms. cargo liquid or vapor is introduced.
The master shall ensure that the cargo emergency shut-down

system and the alarms under §154.1325 are tested and working (b) Inert gas must be supplied from the shore or from the vessel's
before cargo is transferred. inert gas system.

§154.1844 Cargo Tanks: Filling Limits. §154.1850 Entering Cargo Handling Spaces.
(a) Unless a higher limit is specified on the certificate the master (a) The master shall ensure that the ventilation system under

shall ensure that a cargo tank is not loaded: §154.1200 is in operation for 30 minutes before a person enters
one of the following:
(1) More than 98 percent liquid full; or
(1) Spaces containing cargo pumps, compressors, and
(2) In excess of the volume determined under the following compressor motors.

(2) Gas-dangerous cargo control spaces.

A (3) Other spaces containing cargo handling equipment.

(b) The master shall ensure that a warning sign listing the
requirement for use of the ventilation system, is posted outside of
each space under paragraph (a) of this section.

VL = maximum volume to which the tank may be loaded;

(c) The master shall ensure that no sources of ignition are put in a
cargo handling space on a vessel carrying flammable cargo
V = volume of the tank;
unless the space is gas free.

dr = density at the reference temperature specified in paragraph

§154.1852 Air Breathing Equipment.
(b) of this section; and
(a) The master shall ensure that a licensed officer inspects the

compressed air breathing equipment at least once each month.

dL = density of the cargo at the loading temperature and pressure.
(b) The master shall enter in the vessel's log a record of the
(b) The reference temperature to be used in paragraph (a)(2) of

inspection required under paragraph (a) of this section that

this section is the temperature corresponding to the vapor
pressure of the cargo at the set pressure of the pressure relief
(1) The date of the inspection; and
§154.1846 Relief Valves: Changing Set Pressure.

(2) The condition of the equipment at the time of the inspection.

The master shall:
§154.1854 Methane (LNG) As Fuel.
(a) Supervise the changing of the set pressure of relief valves
(a) If methane (LNG) vapors are used as fuel in the main
under §154.802(b);
propulsion system of a vessel, the master shall ensure that the

fuel oil fired pilot under §154.705(c) is used when the vessel is on
(b) Enter the change of set pressure in the vessel's log; and
the navigable waters of the United States.
(c) Ensure that a sign showing the set pressure is posted:
(b) When the methane (LNG) fuel supply is shut down due to loss
of ventilation or detection of gas, the master shall ensure that the
(1) In the cargo control room or station; and
methane (LNG) fuel supply is not used until the leak or other
cause of the shutdown is found and corrected.
(2) At each relief valve.
(c) The master shall ensure that the required procedure under
§154.1848 Inerting.
paragraph (b) of this section is posted in the main machinery
(a) The master shall ensure that:
(1) Hold and interbarrier spaces on a vessel with full secondary
(d) The master shall ensure that the oxygen concentration in the
barriers are inerted so that the oxygen concentration is 8 percent
annular space of the fuel line under §154.706(a)(1) is 8% or less
or less by volume when flammable cargoes are carried;
by volume before methane (LNG) vapors are admitted to the fuel

§154.1858 Cargo Hose. other openings to any deck house alongside the bow or stern
The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that cargo loading piping are closed when this piping is in use.
hose used for cargo transfer service meets §§154.552 through
154.562. (d) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that bow
or stern loading piping installed in the area of the accommodation,
§154.1860 Integral Tanks: Cargo Colder Than -10°C (14°F). service, or control space is not used for transfer of the following:
The master shall ensure that an integral tank does not carry a
cargo colder than -10°C (14°F) unless that carriage is specially (1) Acetaldehyde.
approved by the Commandant (G-MSO). (2) Ammonia, anhydrous.
(3) Dimethylamine.
[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD (4) Ethylamine.
82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983] (5) Ethyl Chloride.
(6) Methyl Chloride.
§154.1862 Posting Of Speed Reduction. (7) Vinyl Chloride.
If a speed reduction is specially approved by the Commandant
under §154.409, the master shall ensure that the speed reduction §154.1872 Cargo Emergency Jettisoning.
is posted in the wheelhouse. (a) The master shall ensure that emergency jettisoning piping
under §154.356, except bow and stern loading and discharging
§154.1864 Vessel Speed Within Speed Reduction. piping, is only used when an emergency exists.

The master shall ensure that the speed of the vessel is not
greater than the posted speed reduction. (b) Emergency jettisoning piping when being used may be outside

of the transverse tank location under §154.310.
§154.1866 Cargo Hose Connection: Transferring Cargo.
No person may transfer cargo through a cargo hose connection (c) The master shall ensure that cargo is not jettisoned in a U.S.

unless the connection has the remotely controlled quick closing port.
shut off valve required under §154.538.
(d) When ethylene oxide is carried, the master shall ensure that
§154.1868 Portable Blowers In Personnel Access Openings. the emergency jettisoning piping with associated pumps and
The master shall ensure that a portable blower in a personnel fittings is on-line and ready for use for an emergency.

access opening does not reduce the area of the opening so that it
does not meet §154.340. (e) The master shall lock closed the shut-off valves under
§154.356 when the emergency jettisoning piping is not in use.
§154.1870 Bow And Stern Loading.
(a) When the bow or stern loading piping is not in use, the master A (f) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that after
shall lock closed the shut-off valves under §154.355(a)(4) or the emergency jettisoning piping is used it is purged of cargo
remove the spool piece under §154.355(a)(4). vapors with inert gas.

(b) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that after (g) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that
the bow or stern loading piping is used it is purged of cargo entrances, forced or natural ventilation intakes, exhausts, and
vapors with inert gas. other openings to accommodation, service, or control spaces
facing the emergency jettisoning piping area and alongside the

(c) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall ensure that emergency jettisoning piping are closed when this piping is in use.
entrances, forced or natural ventilation intakes, exhausts, and

46 CFR Table 4–Summary Of Minimum Requirements


46 CFR Table 4–Summary Of Minimum Requirements

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979; 44 FR 59234, Oct. 15, analysis of an independent tank type B:

Appendix A To Part 154–Equivalent Stress

I. Equivalent stress (σc) is calculated by the following formula or
A Normal stress means the component of stress normal to the
plane of reference.
another formula specially approved by the Commandant (G-MSO) Membrane stress means the component of normal stress that is
as equivalent to the following: uniformly distributed and equal to the average value of the stress
across the thickness of the section under consideration.

Bending stress means the variable stress across the thickness

of the section under consideration, after the subtraction of the
where: membrane stress.

σx = total normal stress in "x" direction. Shear stress means the component of the stress acting in the
plane of reference.

σy = total normal stress in "y" direction.

Primary stress means the stress produced by the imposed
τxy = total shear stress in "xy" plane. loading that is necessary to balance the external forces and

moments. (The basic characteristic of a primary stress is that it is

II. When the static and dynamic stresses are calculated not self-limiting. Primary stresses that considerably exceed the
separately, the total stresses in paragraph I are calculated from yield strength result in failure or at least in gross deformations.)
the following formulae or another formulae specially approved by
the Commandant (G-MSO) as equivalent to the following: Primary general membrane stress means the primary

membrane stress that is so distributed in the structure that no

redistribution of load occurs as a result of yielding.

Primary local membrane stress means the resulting stress from


both a membrane stress, caused by pressure or other mechanical

loading, and a primary or a discontinuity effect that produces
excessive distortion in the transfer of loads to other portions of the
structure. (The resulting stress is a primary local membrane
stress although it has some characteristics of a secondary stress.)
A stress region is local if:

III. Each dynamic and static stress is determined from its

acceleration component and its hull strain component from hull
deflection and torsion.

[CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD where:

82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
S1 = distance in the meridional direction over which the equivalent
Appendix B To Part 154–Stress Analyses Definitions stress exceeds 1.1 f.
The following are the standard definitions of stresses for the

S2 = distance in the meridional direction to another region where f = allowable primary general membrane stress.
the limits for primary general membrane stress are exceeded.
Secondary stress means a normal stress or shear stress caused
R = mean radius of the vessel. by constraints of adjacent parts or by self-constraint of a structure.
The basic characteristic of a secondary stress is that it is self-
t = wall thickness of the vessel at the location where the primary limiting. Local yielding and minor distortions can satisfy the
general membrane stress limit is exceeded. conditions that cause the stress to occur.


Part 170 – Stability Requirements For All Inspected
Table Of Contents Subpart I–Free Surface

Subpart A–General Provisions 170.285 Free Surface Correction For Intact Stability
Sec. 170.290 Free Surface Correction For Damage Stability
170.001 Applicability. Calculations.
170.003 Right Of Appeal. 170.295 Special Considerations For Free Surface Of Passive
170.005 Vessel Alteration Or Repair. Roll Stabilization Tanks.
170.010 Equivalents. 170.300 Special Consideration For Free Surface Of Spoil In
170.015 Incorporation By Reference. Hopper Dredge Hoppers.

Subpart B–Definitions Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 3703; E.O.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of

170.050 General Terms. Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1 [SOURCE: CGD 79-
170.055 Definitions Concerning A Vessel. 023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, unless otherwise noted.]

Subpart C–Plan Approval Subpart A – General Provisions
170.070 Applicability.

§170.001 Applicability.
170.075 Plans. (a) This subchapter, except where specifically stated otherwise,
170.080 Stability Booklet. applies to each vessel contracted for on or after March 11, 1996,
170.085 Information Required Before A Stability Test. that is–
170.090 Calculations.

170.093 Specific Approvals. (1) Inspected under another subchapter of this chapter; or
170.095 Data Submittal For A Vessel Equipped To Lift.
170.100 Addresses For Submittal Of Plans And Calculations. (2) A foreign vessel that must comply with the requirements in

Subpart D–Stability Instructions For Operating Personnel A Subchapter 0 of this chapter.

(b) Each vessel contracted for before March 11, 1996 may be
170.105 Applicability. constructed in accordance with the regulations in effect at the
170.110 Stability Booklet. time. However, any alterations or repairs must be done in
170.120 Stability Letter.

accordance with §170.005.

170.125 Operating Information For A Vessel Engaged In Lifting.
170.135 Operating Information For A Vessel With Type III (c) Certain regulations in this subchapter apply only to limited
Subdivision. categories of vessels. Specific applicability statements are

provided at the beginning of those regulations.

Subpart E–Weather Criteria
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD

170.160 Specific Applicability. 89-037, 57 FR 41825, Sept. 11, 1992; CGD 85-080, 61 FR 943,
170.170 Calculations Required. Jan. 10, 1996]
170.173 Criterion For Vessels Of Unusual Proportion And Form.

§170.003 Right Of Appeal.

Subpart F–Determination Of Lightweight Displacement And Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under
Centers Of Gravity this subchapter, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal
therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.
170.174 Specific Applicability.
170.175 Stability Test: General.

[CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50382, Dec. 6, 1989]

170.180 Plans And Information Required At The Stability Test.
170.185 Stability Test Preparations. §170.005 Vessel Alteration Or Repair.
170.190 Stability Test Procedure Modifications. (a) Alterations and repairs to inspected vessels must be done–
170.200 Estimated Lightweight Vertical Center Of Gravity.

(1) Under the direction of the Officer in Charge, Marine

Subpart G–Special Installations Inspection; and

170.235 Fixed Ballast. (2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, in
170.245 Form Flotation Material. accordance with the regulations in this subchapter, to the extent
Subpart H–Watertight Bulkhead Doors
(b) Minor alterations and repairs may be done in accordance with
170.248 Applicability. regulations in effect at the time the vessel was contracted for.
170.250 Types And Classes.
170.255 Class 1 Doors; Permissible Locations. §170.010 Equivalents.
170.260 Class 2 Doors; Permissible Locations. Substitutions for fittings, equipment, arrangements, calculations,
170.265 Class 3 Doors; Required Locations. information, or tests required in this subchapter may be approved
170.270 Door Design, Operation, Installation, And Testing. by the Commandant, the Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard
170.275 Special Requirements For Cargo Space Watertight Marine Safety Center, 400 Seventh St., SW., Washington, DC
Doors. 20590-0001 or the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, if the
substitution provides an equivalent level of safety.

[CGD 89-025, 54 FR 19572, May 8, 1989, as amended by CGD (1) Any ocean;
96-041, 61 FR 50734, Sept. 27, 1996] (2) The Gulf of Mexico;
(3) The Caribbean Sea;
§170.015 Incorporation By Reference. (4) The Gulf of Alaska; and
(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with (5) Any other waters designated as "oceans" by the
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance Commandant.
with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). To enforce any edition other than that
specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the Coast Guard must (g) Officer in Charge Marine Inspection (OCMI) means an
publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and make officer of the Coast Guard who commands a Marine Inspection
the material available to the public. All approved material is on file Zone described in 33 CFR part 3 or an authorized representative
at the U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Design and Engineering of that officer.
Standards (G-MSE), 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, DC
20593-0001 and at the National Archives and Records (h) Oil means oil of any kind or in any form, and includes but is
Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this not limited to petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, and oil mixed
material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: with wastes other than dredged spoil.
ons/ibr_locations.html. All approved material is available from the (i) Partially protected waters means–
sources indicated in paragraph (b) of this section.
(1) Waters within 20 nautical miles (37 kilometers) of the mouth of

(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this a harbor of safe refuge, unless determined by the OCMI to be
part and the sections affected are: exposed waters; and

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (2) Those portions of rivers, harbors, lakes, etc. which the OCMI
100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. determines not to be sheltered.

ASTM F 1196-94, Standard Specification for Sliding Watertight
Door Assemblies………………………………………………170.270 (j) Protected waters means sheltered waters presenting no
special hazards such as most rivers, harbors, lakes, etc.
ASTM F 1197-89 (1994), Standard Specification for Sliding
Watertight Door Control Systems……………………………170.270 (k) Rivers means any river, canal, or any other similar body of

water designated by the OCMI.
Military Specification
Naval Publications and Forms Center, Code 1052, 5801 Tabor [CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120
MIL-P-21929B, Plastic Material, Cellular Polyurethane, Foam in A 88-070, 53 FR 34537, Sept. 7, 1988]
Place, Rigid, 1970...............................................................170.245 §170.055 Definitions Concerning A Vessel.
(a) Auxiliary sailing vessel means a vessel capable of being
International Maritime Organization (IMO) propelled both by mechanical means and by sails.

Publications Section, International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert

Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom Resolution (b) Barge means a vessel not equipped with a means of self-
A.265 (VIII)………………....................................................170.135 propulsion.

[CGD 88-032, 56 FR 35827, July 29, 1991, as amended by CGD (c) Beam or B means the maximum width of a vessel from–
95-072, 60 FR 50468, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR
50734, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51049, Sept. 30, (1) Outside of planking to outside of planking on wooden vessels;

1997; 64 FR 67170, Dec. 1, 1999; 65 FR 10943, Mar. 1, 2000; 69 and

FR 18801, Apr. 9, 2004]
(2) Outside of frame to outside of frame on all other vessels.

Subpart B – Definitions
(d) Bulkhead deck means the uppermost deck to which
§170.050 General Terms. watertight bulkheads and the watertight shell extend.
(a) Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center (CO, MSC)
means a district commander described in 33 CFR part 3 whose (e) Downflooding means, except as provided in §174.035(b), the

command includes a merchant marine technical office or an entry of seawater through any opening into the hull or
authorized representative of the district commander. superstructure of an undamaged vessel due to heel, trim, or
submergence of the vessel.
(b) Commandant means the Commandant of the Coast Guard or
(f) Documented alterations means changes to the vessel which

an authorized representative of the Commandant.

are reflected in the approved stability information carried on board
(c) Exposed waters means waters more than 20 nautical miles the vessel.
(37 kilometers) from the mouth of a harbor of safe refuge and
other waters which the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (g) Downflooding angle means, except as specified by
determines to present special hazards due to weather or other §§171.055(f), 172.090(d), 173.095(e), 174.015(b), and
circumstances. 174.035(b)(2) of this chapter, the static angle from the intersection
of the vessel's centerline and waterline in calm water to the first
(d) Great Lakes includes both the waters of the Great Lakes and opening that cannot be closed watertight and through which
of the St. Lawrence River as far east as a straight line drawn from downflooding can occur.
Cap de Rosiers to West Point, Anticosti Island, and west of a line
along the 63rd meridian from Anticosti Island to the north shore of (h) Draft means the vertical distance from the molded baseline
the St. Lawrence River. amidships to the waterline.

(e) Lakes, Bays, and Sounds includes the waters of any lake, (i) Length means the distance between fore and aft points on a
bay, or sound, except the Great Lakes. vessel. The following specific terms are used and correspond to
specific fore and aft points:
(f) Oceans includes the waters of–

(1) Length between perpendiculars (LBP) means the horizontal (v) New sailing school vessel means a sailing school vessel
distance measured between perpendiculars taken at the forward- which is not an existing sailing school vessel.
most and after-most points on the waterline corresponding to the
deepest operating draft. For a small passenger vessel which has (w) Small passenger vessel means a vessel of less than 100
underwater projections extending forward of the forward-most gross tons–
point or aft of the after-most point on the deepest waterline of the
vessel, the Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety (1) Carrying more than 6 passengers, including at least one
Center, may include the length or a portion of the length of the passenger for hire;
underwater projections in the value used for the LBP for the
purposes of this subchapter. The length or a portion of the length (2) That is chartered with the crew provided or specified by the
of projections which contribute more than 2 percent of the owner or owner's representative and carrying more than 6
underwater volume of the vessel is normally added to the actual passengers;
(3) That is chartered with no crew provided or specified by the
(2) Length overall (LOA) means the horizontal distance between owner or owner's representative and carrying more than 12
the forward-most and after-most points on the hull. passengers; or

(3) Length on the waterline (LWL) means the horizontal (4) That is a submersible vessel carrying at least one passenger
distance between the forward-most and after-most points on a for hire.

vessel's waterline.
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD

(4) Length on deck (LOD) means the length between the 83-005, 51 FR 923, Jan. 9, 1986; 51 FR 3785, Jan. 30, 1986;
forward-most and after-most points on a specified deck measured CGD 80-159, 51 FR 33059, Sept. 18, 1986; 51 FR 35515, Oct. 6,
along the deck, excluding sheer. 1986; CGD 89-037, 57 FR 41825, Sept. 11, 1992; CGD 82-004

and CGD 86-074, 60 FR 57671, Nov. 16, 1995; CGD 85-080, 61
(5) Load line length (LLL) has the same meaning that is FR 943, Jan. 10, 1996; CGD 82-004 and CGD 86-074, 62 FR
provided for the term length in §42.13-15(a) of this chapter. 49353, Sept. 19, 1997]

(6) Mean length is the average of the length between Subpart C – Plan Approval

perpendiculars (LBP) and the length on deck (LOD).
§170.070 Applicability.
(j) Lightweight means with fixed ballast and with machinery
liquids at operating levels but without any cargo, stores,
consumable liquids, water ballast, or persons and their effects. A (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this
subpart applies to each vessel.
(b) This subpart does not apply to any of the following vessels
(k) Main transverse watertight bulkhead means a transverse unless the stability of the vessel is questioned by the OCMI:
bulkhead that must be maintained watertight in order for the

vessel to meet the damage stability and subdivision requirements (1) A passenger vessel that–
in this subchapter.
(1)(i) Is less than 100 gross tons;
(l) Major conversion, as applied to Great Lakes bulk carriers,

means a conversion of an existing vessel that substantially (1)(ii) Is less than 65 feet (19.8 meters) LOD measured over the
changes the dimensions or carrying capacity of the vessel or weather deck; and
changes the the type of vessel or substantially prolongs its life or

that otherwise so changes the vessel that it is essentially a new (1)(iii) Carries 49 or less passengers.
(2) A deck cargo barge that complies with the requirements in

(m) Permeability is the percentage of the volume of a space that §174.020 of this chapter.
can be occupied by water.
(3) A tank vessel that only carries a product listed in §30.25-1 of
(n) Sailing vessel means a vessel propelled only by sails. this chapter and that is less than 150 gross tons.

(o) Ship means a self-propelled vessel. (4) A tank barge that–

(p) Tank vessel means a vessel that is specially constructed or (4)(i) Operates only in rivers or lakes, bays, and sounds service;
converted to carry liquid bulk cargo in tanks.

(4)(ii) Does not have to meet 33 CFR part 157, subpart B; and
(q) Tank barge means a tank vessel not equipped with a means
of self-propulsion. (4)(iii) Only carries a product listed in §30.25-1 of this chapter.

(r) Tank ship means a tank vessel propelled by mechanical (5) A sailing school vessel that is an open boat that complies with
means or sails. the requirements in §173.063(e) of this subchapter.

(s) Vessel means any vessel and includes both ships and barges. [CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
83-005, 51 FR 923, Jan. 9, 1986]
(t) Weather deck means the uppermost deck exposed to the
weather. §170.075 Plans.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each
(u) Existing sailing school vessel means a sailing vessel whose applicant for an original certificate of inspection and approval of
keel was laid prior to (January 9, 1986), which has an application plans must also submit three copies for plan review being
for initial inspection for certification as a sailing school vessel on conducted by the Coast Guard Marine Safety Center or four
file with the Coast Guard prior to (January 9, 1987), and whose copies for plan review being conducted by the American Bureau
initial inspection for certification is completed prior to (January 9, of Shipping (ABS) of each of the following plans:

(1) General arrangement plan of decks, holds, and inner bottoms comply with subpart B of part 173 of this chapter:
including inboard and outboard profiles.
(a) A graph of maximum hook load versus maximum crane radius.
(2) Lines.
(b) A table of crane radius versus the maximum distance above
(3) Curves of form. the main deck to which the hook load can be raised.

(4) Capacity plan showing capacities and vertical, longitudinal, (c) A table showing maximum vertical and transverse moments at
and transverse centers of gravity of stowage spaces and tanks. which the crane is to operate.

(5) Tank sounding tables showing– §170.100 Addresses For Submittal Of Plans And
(5)(i) Capacities, vertical centers of gravity, and longitudinal The plans, information, and calculations required by this subpart
centers of gravity in graduated intervals; and must be submitted to one of the following:

(5)(ii) Free surface data for each tank. (a) The Marine Safety Office in the zone where the vessel is to be
built or altered.
(6) Draft mark locations including longitudinal location and vertical
reference points. (b) Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center,

400 Seventh St., SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001.
(b) Each small passenger vessel that is designed to comply with

the alternate intact stability requirements in §178.320 of this (c) The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Two World Trade
subchapter and the simplified method of spacing main transverse Center, 106th Floor, New York, NY 10048.
watertight bulkheads in §179.220 of this subchapter does not

have to submit the plans required by paragraph (a) of this section. (d) The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), ABS Plaza, 16855
North Chase Dr., Houston, TX 77060-6008.
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
85-080, 61 FR 944, Jan. 10, 1996; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51217, [CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51217, Sept. 30, 1997]
Sept. 30, 1997]

Subpart D – Stability Instructions for Operating
§170.080 Stability Booklet.
Before issuing an original certificate of inspection, the following
number of copies of the stability booklet required by §170.110
must be submitted for approval; three copies for plan review being A §170.105 Applicability.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this
conducted by the Coast Guard Marine Safety Center or four
subpart applies to each vessel.
copies for plan review being conducted by the ABS.
(b) This subpart does not apply to any of the following vessels

[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51217, Sept. 30, 1997]

unless the stability of the vessel is questioned by the OCMI:
§170.085 Information Required Before A Stability Test.
(1) A deck cargo barge that complies with the requirements in
If a stability test is to be performed, a stability test procedure that
§174.020 of this chapter.

contains the information prescribed in §170.185(g) must be

submitted to the Coast Guard Marine Safety Center or the ABS at
(2) A tank vessel that only carries a product listed in §30.25-1 of
least two weeks before the test.
this chapter and that is less than 150 gross tons.

[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51217, Sept. 30, 1997]

(3) A tank barge that–

§170.090 Calculations.
(3)(i) Operates only in rivers or lakes, bays, and sounds service;
(a) Except as provided in §170.098, all calculations required by
this subchapter must be submitted with the plans required by
(3)(ii) Does not have to meet 33 CFR part 157, subpart B; and
(3)(iii) Only carries a product listed in §30.25-1 of this chapter.

(b) If it is necessary to compute and plot any of the following

curves as part of the calculations required in this subchapter,
(b)(4) A sailing school vessel that is an open boat that complies
these plots must also be submitted:
with the requirements in §173.063(e) of this subchapter.
(1) Righting arm or moment curves.

[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD

(2) Heeling arm or moment curves.
83-005, 51 FR 923, Jan. 9, 1986; CGD 85-080, 61 FR 944, Jan.
(3) Cross curves of stability.
10, 1996]
(4) Floodable length curves.
§170.110 Stability Booklet.
§170.093 Specific Approvals.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, a stability
Certain rules in this subchapter require specific approval of
booklet must be prepared for each vessel, except for mobile
equipment or arrangements by the Commandant, OCMI, or Coast
offshore drilling units subject to the operating manual
Guard Marine Safety Center. These approval determinations will
requirements of §109.121 of this chapter.
be made as a part of the plan review process. When plan review
is conducted by the ABS, ABS is authorized to make the
(b) Each stability booklet must be approved by the Coast Guard
Marine Safety Center or the ABS.
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51217, Sept. 30, 1997]
(c) Each stability book must contain sufficient information to
enable the master to operate the vessel in compliance with
§170.095 Data Submittal For A Vessel Equipped To Lift.
applicable regulations in this subchapter. Information on loading
The following data must be submitted with the plans required by
restrictions used to determine compliance with applicable intact
§170.075 if the vessel is engaged in lifting and is required to

and damage stability criteria must encompass the entire range of §170.120 Stability Letter.
operating drafts and the entire range of the operating trims. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each
Information must include an effective procedure for supervision vessel must have a stability letter issued by the Coast Guard or
and reporting of the opening and closing of all loading doors, the ABS before the vessel is placed into service. This letter sets
where applicable. forth conditions of operation.

(d) The format of the stability booklet and the information included (b) A stability letter is not required if the information can be placed
will vary dependent on the vessel type and operation. Units of on the Certificate of Inspection or the Load Line Certificate.
measure used in the stability booklet must agree with the units of
measure of the draft markings. In developing the stability booklet, [CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
consideration must be given to including the following information: 95-028, 62 FR 51217, Sept. 30, 1997]

(1) A general description of the vessel, including lightweight data. §170.125 Operating Information For A Vessel Engaged In
(2) Instructions on the use of the booklet. In addition to the information required in §170.110, the following
information must be included in the stability booklet of a vessel
(3) General arrangement plans showing watertight compartments, that is required to comply with §173.005 of this subchapter:
closures, vents, downflooding angles, and allowable deck
loadings. (a) Non-counterballasted vessel. If a vessel is not

counterballasted, stability information setting forth hook load limits
(4) Hydrostatic curves or tables. corresponding to boom radii based on the intact stability criterion

in §173.020 must be provided.
(5) Capacity plan showing capacities and vertical, longitudinal,
and transverse centers of gravity of stowage spaces and tanks. (b) Counterballasted vessel. If a vessel is counterballasted with

water, the following information must be provided:
(6) Tank sounding tables showing capacities, vertical centers of
gravity, and longitudinal centers of gravity in graduated intervals (1) Instructions on the effect of the free surface of the
and showing free surface data for each tank. counterballast water.

(7) Information on loading restrictions, such as a maximum KG or (2) Instructions on the amounts of counterballast needed to
minimum GM curve that can be used to determine compliance compensate for hook load heeling moments.
with applicable intact and damage stability criteria.

(8) Examples of loading conditions. A (3) If a vessel has fixed counterballast, a table of draft versus
maximum vertical moment of deck cargo and hook load
(9) A rapid and simple means for evaluating other loading
conditions. (4) If a vessel has variable counterballast, a table of draft versus

maximum vertical moment of deck cargo and hook load combined

(10) A brief description of the stability calculations done including for each counterballasted condition.
§170.135 Operating Information For A Vessel With Type III

(11) General precautions for preventing unintentional flooding. Subdivision.

(a) In addition to the information required in §170.110, the stability
(12) A table of contents and index for the booklet. booklet of a passenger vessel with Type III subdivision must

contain the information required by Regulation 8(b) of IMO

(13) Each ship condition which, if damage occurs, may require Resolution A.265 (VIII).
cross-flooding for survival and information concerning the use of

any special cross-flooding fittings. (b) International Maritime Organization Resolution A.265 (VIII) is
incorporated by reference into this part.
(14) The amount and location of fixed ballast.
(c) As used in IMO Resolution A.265 (VIII), Administration means
(15) Any other necessary guidance for the safe operation of the the Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard.

vessel under normal and emergency conditions.

Subpart E – Weather Criteria
(16) For each self-propelled hopper dredge with a working
freeboard, the maximum specific gravity allowed for dredge spoil. §170.160 Specific Applicability
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section,

(e) A stability booklet is not required if sufficient information to this subpart applies to each vessel.
enable the master to operate the vessel in compliance with the
applicable regulations in this subchapter can be placed on the (b) This subpart does not apply to any of the following vessels
Certificate of Inspection, Load Line Certificate, or in the stability unless the stability of the vessel is questioned by the OCMI:
letter required in §170.120.
(1) A deck cargo barge that complies with the requirements in
(f) On board electronic stability computers may be used as an §174.020 of this chapter.
adjunct to the required booklet, but the required booklet must
contain all necessary information to allow for the evaluation of the (2) A tank vessel that only carries a product listed in §30.25-1 of
stability of any intact condition that can be evaluated by use of the this chapter and that is–
(2)(i) Less than 150 gross tons; or
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
83-071, 52 FR 6979, Mar. 6, 1987; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34537, (2)(ii) A tank barge that operates only in river or lakes, bays, and
Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 76-080, 54 FR 36977, Sept. 6, 1989; CGD sounds service.
89-037, 57 FR 41825, Sept. 11, 1992; CGD 95-028, 62 FR
51217, Sept. 30, 1997] (3) A sailing school vessel that is an open boat that complies with

the requirements in §173.063(e) of this subchapter. The deck edge is to be taken as the intersection of the sideshell
and the uppermost continuous deck below which the sideshell is
(c) This subpart does not apply to the following vessels: weathertight.

(1) A tank barge that carries a product listed in Table 151.01- (b) If approved by the Coast Guard Marine Safety Center or the
10(b) of this chapter. ABS, a larger value of T may be used for a vessel with a
discontinuous weather deck or abnormal sheer.
(2) A mobile offshore drilling unit.
(c) When doing the calculations required by paragraph (a) of this
(3) A vessel that performs the test required by §171.030(c) of this section for a sailing vessel or auxiliary sailing vessel, the vessel
subchapter. must be assumed–

[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD (1) To be under bare poles; or
83-005, 51 FR 923, Jan. 9, 1986; CGD 85-080, 61 FR 944, Jan.
10, 1996] (2) If the vessel has no auxiliary propulsion, to have storm sails
set and trimmed flat.
§170.170 Calculations Required.
(a) Each vessel must be shown by design calculations to have a (d) The criterion specified in this section is generally limited in
metacentric height (GM) that is equal to or greater than the application to flush deck, mechanically powered vessels of

following in each condition of loading and operation: ordinary proportions and form that carry cargo below the main
deck. On other types of vessels, the Coast Guard Marine Safety

PAH Center or the ABS requires calculations in addition to those in
GM ≥ –––––––- paragraph (a) of this section. On a mechanically powered vessel
W tan (T) under 328 feet (100 meters) in length, other than a tugboat or a

Where– towboat, the requirements in §170.173 are applied.

P = .005 + (L/14,200)2 tons/ft2 . . . for ocean service, Great Lakes [CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983; 49 FR 37384, Sept.
winter service, or service on exposed waters. 24, 1984, as amended by CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34537, Sept. 7,
1988; CGD 85-080, 61 FR 944, Jan. 10, 1996; 61 FR 20556, May

2 2
P = .055 + (L/1309) metric tons/m . . . for ocean service, Great 7, 1996; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51217, Sept. 30, 1997]
Lakes winter service, or service on exposed waters.
§170.173 Criterion For Vessels Of Unusual Proportion And
2 2
P = .0033 + (L/14,200) tons/ft . . . for Great Lakes summer
service or service on partially protected waters. A Form.
(a) If required by the Coast Guard Marine Safety Center or the
ABS, each mechanically powered vessel less than 328 feet (100
2 2
P = .036 + (L/1309) metric tons/m . . . for Great lakes summer meters) LLL, other than a tugboat or towboat, must be shown by
service or service on partially protected waters. design calculations to comply with–

2 2
P = .0025 + (L/14,200) tons/ft . . . for service on protected (1) Paragraph (b) or (c) of this section if the maximum righting
waters. arm occurs at an angle of heel less than or equal to 30 degrees;

2 2
P = .028 + (L/1309) metric tons/m . . . for service on protected
waters. (2) Paragraph (b) of this section if the maximum righting arm
occurs at an angle of heel greater than 30 degrees.

L = LBP in feet (meters).

(b) Each vessel must have–
A = projected lateral area in square feet (square meters) of the

portion of the vessel and deck cargo above the waterline. (1) An initial metacentric height (GM) of at least 0.49 feet (0.15
H = the vertical distance in feet (meters) from the center of A to
the center of the underwater lateral area or approximately to the (2) A righting arm (GZ) of at least 0.66 feet (0.20 meters) at an
one-half draft point. angle of heel equal to or greater than 30 degrees;

W = displacement in long (metric) tons. (3) A maximum righting arm that occurs at an angle of heel not
less than 25 degrees;
T = either:
(4) An area under each righting arm curve of at least 10.3 foot-

(1) the lesser of either 14 degrees heel or the angle of heel in degrees (3.15 meter-degrees) up to an angle of heel of 30
degrees at which one-half the freeboard to the deck edge is degrees;
immersed; or
(5) An area under each righting arm curve of at least 16.9 foot-
(2) for a sailing vessel, T = the lesser of either 14 degrees or the degrees (5.15 meter-degrees) up to an angle of heel of 40
angle of heel in degrees to the deck edge. degrees or the downflooding angle, whichever is less; and

(6) An area under each righting arm curve between the angles of (2) A maximum righting arm that occurs at an angle of heel not
30 degrees and 40 degrees, or between 30 degrees and the less than 15 degrees;
downflooding angle if this angle is less than 40 degrees, of not
less than 5.6 foot-degrees (1.72 meter-degrees). (3) An area under each righting arm curve of at least 16.9 foot-
degrees (5.15 meter-degrees) up to an angle of heel of 40
(c) Each vessel must have– degrees or the downflooding angle, whichever is less;

(1) An initial metacentric height (GM) of at least 0.49 feet (0.15 (4) An area under each righting arm curve between the angles of
meters); 30 degrees and 40 degrees, or between 30 degrees and the

downflooding angle if this angle is less than 40 degrees, of not (b) An authorized Coast Guard or ABS representative must be
less than 5.6 foot-degrees (1.72 meter-degrees); and present at each stability test conducted under this section.

(5) An area under each righting arm curve up to the angle of (c) The stability test may be dispensed with, or a deadweight
maximum righting arm of not less than the area determined by the survey may be substituted for the stability test, if the Coast Guard
following equation: or the ABS has a record of, or is provided with, the approved
results of a stability test of a sister vessel.
A = 10.3 + 0.187 (30 - Y) foot-degrees
A = 3.15 + 0.057 (30 - Y) meter-degrees (d) The stability test of a vessel may be dispensed with if the
Coast Guard or the ABS determines that an accurate estimate of
where– the vessel's lightweight characteristics can be made and that
locating the precise position of the vessel's vertical center of
A = area in foot-degrees (meter-degrees). gravity is not necessary to ensure that the vessel has adequate
Y = angle of maximum righting arm, degrees. stability in all probable loading conditions.

(d) For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with paragraphs [CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
(b) and (c) of this section, at each angle of heel a vessel's righting 95-028, 62 FR 51218, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG 1998-4442, 63 FR
arm is calculated after the vessel is permitted to trim free until the 52192, Sept. 30, 1998]
trimming moment is zero.

§170.180 Plans And Information Required At The Stability
(e) For the purpose of demonstrating acceptable stability on the Test.

vessels described in §170.170(d) as having unusual proportion The owner of a vessel must provide the following Coast Guard or
and form, compliance with paragraphs (a) through (d) of this ABS approved plans and information to the authorized Coast
section or the following criteria is required: Guard or ABS representative at the time of the stability test:

(1) For partially protected routes, there must be– (a) Lines.
(b) Curves of form.
(1)(i) Positive righting arms to at least 35 degrees of heel; (c) Capacity plans showing capacities and vertical and
longitudinal centers of gravity of stowage spaces and tanks.

(1)(ii) No down flooding point to at least 20 degrees; and (d) Tank sounding tables.
(e) Draft mark locations.
(1)(iii) At least 15 foot-degrees of energy to the smallest of the (f) General arrangement plan of decks, holds, and inner
following angles:
A bottoms.
(g) Inboard and outboard profiles.
(1)(iii)(A) Angle of maximum righting arm. (h) The stability test procedure described in §170.185(g).

(1)(iii)(B) Angle of down flooding. [CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD

95-028, 62 FR 51218, Sept. 30, 1997]

(1)(iii)(C) 40 degrees.
§170.185 Stability Test Preparations.
(2) For protected routes, there must be– The following preparations must be made before conducting a

stability test:
(2)(i) Positive righting arms to at least 25 degrees of heel;
(a) The vessel must be as complete as practicable at the time of

(2)(ii) No down flooding point to at least 15 degrees; and the test.

(2)(iii) At least 10 foot-degrees of energy to the smallest of the (b) Each tank vessel must be empty and dry, except that a tank

following angles: may be partially filled or full if the Coast Guard Marine Safety
Center or the ABS determines that empty and dry tanks are
(2)(iii)(A) Angle of maximum righting arm. impracticable and that the effect of filling or partial filling on the
location of the center of gravity and on the displacement can be
(2)(iii)(B) Angle of down flooding. accurately determined.

(2)(iii)(C) 40 degrees. (c) All dunnage, tools, and other items extraneous to the vessel
must be removed.
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
85-080, 61 FR 944, Jan. 10, 1996; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51218, (d) The water depth at the mooring site must provide ample

Sept. 30, 1997; CGD 85-080, 62 FR 51353, Sept. 30, 1997] clearance against grounding.

Subpart F – Determination of Lightweight (e) Each mooring line must be arranged so that it dmes not
interfere with the inclination of the unit during the test.
Displacement and Centers of Gravity.
(f) The draft and axis of rotation selected for testing a mobile
§170.174 Specific Applicability.
offshore drilling unit must be those that result in acceptable
This subpart applies to each vessel for which the lightweight
accuracy in calculating the center of gravity and displacement of
displacement and centers of gravity must be determined in order
the unit.
to do the calculations required in this subchapter.
(g) The stability test procedure required by §170.085 must include
§170.175 Stability Test: General.
the following:
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section
and in §170.200, the owner of a vessel must conduct a stability
(1) Identification of the vessel to be tested.
test of the vessel and calculate its vertical and longitudinal centers
(2) Date and location of the test.
of gravity and its lightweight displacement.
(3) Inclining weight data.

(4) Pendulum locations and lengths. (3) A submergence test must be conducted for a period of at least
(5) Approximate draft and trim of the vessel. 7 days to demonstrate whether the foam has adequate strength to
(6) Condition of each tank. withstand a hydrostatic head equivalent to that which would be
(7) Estimated items to be installed, removed, or relocated after imposed if the vessel were submerged to its margin line.
the test, including the weight and location of each item.
(8) Schedule of events. (4) The effective buoyancy at the end of the submergence test
(9) Person or persons responsible for conducting the test. must be used as the buoyancy credit; however, in no case will a
credit greater than 55 lbs per cubic foot (881 kilograms per cubic
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD meter) be allowed.
88-070, 53 FR 34537, Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51218,
Sept. 30, 1997] (5) The structure enclosing the foam must be strong enough to
accommodate the buoyancy of the foam.
§170.190 Stability Test Procedure Modifications.
The authorized Coast Guard or ABS representative present at a (6) Piping and cables must not pass through foamed spaces
stability test may allow a deviation from the requirements of unless they are within piping and cable trunks accessible from
§§170.180 and 170.185 if the representative determines that the both ends.
deviation would not decrease the accuracy of the test results.
(7) Sample specimens must be prepared during installation and
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51218, Sept. 30, 1997]
the density of the installed foam must be determined.

§170.200 Estimated Lightweight Vertical Center Of Gravity.
(8) Foam may be installed adjacent to fuel tanks if the boundary
(a) Each tank vessel that does not carry a material listed in either

between the tank and space has double continuous fillet welds.
Table 1 of part 153 or Table 4 of part 154 of this chapter may
comply with this section in lieu of §170.175 if it–
(9) MIL-P-21929B is incorporated by reference into this part.

(1) Is 150 gross tons or greater;
(10) The results of all tests and calculations must be submitted to
(2) Is of ordinary proportions and form;
the OCMI.
(3) Has a flush weather deck, one or more longitudinal
bulkheads, and no independent tanks; and
(11) Blocked foam must–

(4) Is designed not to carry cargo above the freeboard deck.
(11)(i) Be used in each area that may be exposed to water; and
(b) When doing the calculations required by §§170.170 and
172.065, the vertical center of gravity of a tank vessel in the
lightweight condition must be assumed to be equal to the
following percentage of the molded depth of the vessel measured
A (11)(ii) Have a protective cover approved by the OCMI.
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
from the keel amidship:
83-005, 51 FR 923, Jan. 9, 1986]
(1) For a tank ship–70%.

(2) For a tank barge–60%. Subpart H – Watertight Bulkhead Doors

(c) As used in this section, molded depth has the same meaning §170.248 Applicability.
that is provided for the term in §42.13-15(e) of this chapter. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) or paragraph (c) of this

section, this subpart applies to vessels with watertight doors in

[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD bulkheads that have been made watertight to comply with the
85-080, 61 FR 944, Jan. 10, 1996] flooding or damage stability regulations in this subchapter

(b) A watertight door on a MODU must comply with §174.100 of

Subpart G – Special Installations this subchapter.

§170.235 Fixed Ballast.

(c) A watertight door on a self-propelled hopper dredge with a
(a) Fixed ballast, if used, must be–
working freeboard must comply with §174.335 of this subchapter.
(1) Installed under the supervision of the OCMI; and
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
(2) Stowed in a manner that prevents shifting of position.

76-080, 54 FR 36977, Sept. 6, 1989]

(b) Fixed ballast may not be removed from a vessel or relocated
§170.250 Types And Classes.
unless approved by the Coast Guard Marine Safety Center or the
(a) Watertight doors, except doors between cargo spaces, are
ABS. However, ballast may be temporarily moved for vessel

classed as follows:
examination or repair if done under the supervision of the OCMI.
(1) Class 1–Hinged door.
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
(2) Class 2–Sliding door, operated by hand gear only.
88-070, 53 FR 34537, Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51218,
(3) Class 3–Sliding door, operated by power and by hand gear.
Sept. 30, 1997]
(b) The following types of watertight doors are not permitted:
§170.245 Foam Flotation Material.
(a) Installation of foam must be approved by the OCMI.
(1) A plate door secured only by bolts; and
(b) If foam is used to comply with §171.070(d), §171.095(c), or
(2) A door required to be closed by dropping or by the action of
§173.063(e) of this subchapter, the following applies:
dropping weights.
(1) Foam may be installed only in void spaces that are free of
(c) Whenever a door of a particular class is prescribed by these
ignition sources.
regulations, a door of a class bearing a higher number may be
(2) The foam must comply with MIL-P-21929B including the
requirements for fire resistance.
§170.255 Class 1 Doors; Permissible Locations.

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, (b) Doors between coal bunkers below the bulkhead deck that
Class 1 doors within passenger, crew, and working spaces are must be opened at sea.
permitted only above a deck, the molded line of which, at its
lowest point at side, is at least 7 feet (2.14 meters) above the (c) Doors into trunkways that pass through more than one main
deepest load line. transverse watertight bulkhead if the door sills are less than 2.14
meters above the deepest load line.
(b) Class 1 doors are permitted within passenger, crew, and
working spaces, wherever located, if– (d) Doors below a deck, the molded line of which, at its lowest
point at side, is less than 2.14 meters (7 feet) above the deepest
(1) In the judgment of the OCMI, the door is in a location where it load line if–
will be closed at all times except when actually in use; and
(1) The vessel is engaged on a short international voyage as
(2) The vessel is less than 150 gross tons and will not proceed defined in §171.010 of this subchapter; and
more than 20 nautical miles (37 kilometers) from shore; or
(2) The vessel is required by §171.065 of this subchapter to have
(3) The vessel is in rivers or lakes, bays, and sounds service. a factor of subdivision of 0.5 or less.

(c) Class 1 doors are permitted in any location on a vessel that– [CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
85-080, 61 FR 944, Jan. 10, 1996; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50734,

(1) Is less than 100 gross tons; and Sept. 27, 1996]

(2) Will operate only in the offshore oil industry trade. §170.270 Door Design, Operation, Installation, And Testing.
(a) Each Class 1 door must have a quick action closing device
(d) Quick-acting Class 1 doors are permitted in any location on a operative from both sides of the door.

vessel that operates on the Great Lakes and is required to meet
the damage stability standards of subpart H of part 172 of this (b) Each Class 1 door on a vessel in ocean service must be
chapter. designed to withstand a head of water equivalent to the depth
from the sill of the door to the margin line but in no case less than
(e) For vessels required to meet the damage stability standards of 10 feet (3.05 meters).

subpart H of this chapter, when Class 1 doors are installed below
a deck the molded line of which at its lowest point at side is less (c) Each Class 2 and Class 3 door must–
than 7 feet (2.14 meters) above the deepest load line, an indicator
light for each door which warns when the door is open must be
installed on the bridge. A (1) Be designed, constructed, tested, and marked in accordance
with ASTM F 1196 (incorporated by reference, see §170.015);
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD (2) Have controls in accordance with ASTM F 1197 (incorporated
80-159, 51 FR 33059, Sept. 18, 1986] by reference, see §170.015); and

§170.260 Class 2 Doors; Permissible Locations. (3) If installed in a subdivision bulkhead, meet Supplemental
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a Requirements Nos. S1 and S3 of ASTM F 1196 (incorporated by
Class 2 door is permitted only if– reference, see §170.015), unless the watertight doors are built in

accordance with plans previously approved by the Coast Guard,

(1) Its sill is above the deepest load line; and in which case, only Supplemental Requirements Nos. S1 and
S3.1.4 of ASTM F 1196 (incorporated by reference, see

(2) It is not a door described in §170.265(d). §170.015) must be met. In either case, control systems for
watertight doors must have power supplies, power sources,
(b) If passenger spaces are located below the bulkhead deck, installation tests and inspection, and additional remote operating

Class 2 doors with sills below the deepest load line may be used consoles in accordance with Supplemental Requirements Nos. S1
if– through S4 of ASTM F 1197 (incorporated by reference, see
(1) The number of watertight doors located below the deepest
load line that are used intermittently during operation of the vessel (d) Installations of sliding watertight door assemblies must be in

does not exceed two, and; accordance with the following:

(2) The doors provide access to or are within spaces containing (1) Before a sliding watertight door assembly is installed in a
machinery. vessel, the bulkhead in the vicinity of the door opening must be
stiffened. Such bulkhead stiffeners, or deck reinforcement where

(c) If no passenger spaces are located below the bulkhead deck, flush deck door openings are desired, must not be less than 6
Class 2 doors may be used if the number of watertight doors inches nor more than 12 inches from the door frame so that an
located below the deepest load line that are used intermittently unstiffened diaphragm of bulkhead plating 6 to 12 inches wide is
during operation of the vessel does not exceed five. provided completely around the door frame. Where such limits
cannot be maintained, alternative installations will be considered
(d) In determining whether Class 2 doors are allowed under by the Marine Safety Center. In determining the scantlings of
paragraph (c) of this section, the watertight doors at the entrance these bulkhead stiffeners, the door frame should not be
to shaft tunnels need not be counted. If Class 2 doors are allowed considered as contributing to the strength of the bulkhead.
under paragraph (c) of this section, the doors at the entrance to Provision must also be made to adequately support the thrust
shaft tunnels may also be Class 2. bearings and other equipment that may be mounted on the
bulkhead or deck.
§170.265 Class 3 Doors; Required Locations.
The following doors must always be Class 3: (2) Sliding watertight door frames must be either bolted or welded
watertight to the bulkhead.
(a) Doors in all locations not addressed in §§170.255 and
170.260. (2)(i) If bolted, a suitable thin heat and fire resistant gasket or

suitable compound must be used between the bulkhead and the (2) The free surface effect of each partially filled tank containing
frame for watertightness. The bulkhead plating must be worked to other than consumable liquids.
a plane surface in way of the frame when mounting.
(b) For the purpose of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the tank or
(2)(ii) If welded, caution must be exercised in the welding process combination of tanks selected must be those having the greatest
so that the door frame is not distorted. free surface effect.

(e) For each watertight door which is in a required subdivision (c) When doing the calculations in paragraph (a) of this section,
bulkhead, an indicator light must be installed in the pilothouse and the free surface effect of a liquid in a tank must be determined
at each other vessel operating station from which the door is not by–
visible. The indicator must show whether the door is open or
closed. (1) Assuming the vessel is heeled five degrees from the vertical;
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
88-032, 56 FR 35828, July 29, 1991; CGD 85-080, 61 FR 944, (2) Calculating the shift of the center of gravity of the liquid in the
Jan. 10, 1996; 65 FR 58455, Sept. 29, 2000] tank by the moment of transference method.

§170.275 Special Requirements For Cargo Space Watertight §170.295 Special Consideration For Free Surface Of Passive
Doors. Roll Stabilization Tanks.

(a) A door between cargo spaces– (a) The virtual increase in the vertical center of gravity due to a
liquid in a roll stabilization tank may be calculated in accordance

(1) Must not be designed for remote operation; with paragraph (b) of this section if–

(2) Must be located as high as practicable; and (1) The virtual increase in the vertical center of gravity of the

vessel is calculated in accordance with §170.285(a); and
(3) Must be located as far inboard of the side shell as practicable
but in no case closer to the side shell than one-fifth of the beam of (2) The slack surface in the roll stabilization tank is reduced
the vessel where the beam is measured at right angles to the during vessel motions because of the shape of the tank or the
centerline of the vessel at the level of the deepest load line. amount of liquid in the tank.

(b) If the door is accessible while the ship is in operation, it must (b) The virtual rise in the vertical center of gravity calculated in
have installed a lock or other device that prevents unauthorized accordance with §170.285(a) for a stabilization tank may be
A reduced in accordance with the following equation:
(c) Before installing a watertight door in a cargo space, approval E.F.S. = (K)(F.F.S.)
must be obtained from the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
Center. where–

[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51010, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD E.F.S. = the effective free surface.
88-070, 53 FR 34537, Sept. 7, 1988]
F.F.S. = the full free surface calculated in accordance with

Subpart I – Free Surface §170.285(a).

§170.285 Free Surface Correction For Intact Stability K = the reduction factor calculated in accordance with paragraph

Calculations. (c) of this section.

(a) When doing the intact stability calculations required by this
subchapter, the virtual increase in the vessel's vertical center of (c) The factor (K) must be calculated as follows:

gravity due to liquids in tanks must be determined by calculating–

(1) Plot (I/d)tan T on Graph 170.295 where–
(1) For each type of consumable liquid, the maximum free surface
effect of at least one transverse pair of wing tanks or a single (1)(i) (I) is the moment of inertia of the free surface in the roll tank;
centerline tank; and

(1)(ii) (d) is the density of the liquid in the roll tank; and
(2) The maximum free surface effect of each partially filled tank
containing non-consumable liquids. (1)(iii) (T) is the angle of heel.

(2) Plot the moments of transference of the liquid in the roll tank

(b) For the purpose of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the tank or
combination of tanks selected must be those having the greatest on Graph 170.295.
free surface effect.
(3) Construct a line A on Graph 170.295 so that the area under
§170.290 Free Surface Correction For Damage Stability line A between T = 0 and the angle at which the deck edge is
Calculations. immersed or 28 degrees, whichever is smaller, is equal to the
(a) When doing the damage stability calculations required by this area under the curve of actual moments of transference between
subchapter, the virtual increase in the vessel's vertical center of the same angles.
gravity due to liquids in tanks must be determined by calculating–
(4) The factor (K) is calculated by determining the ratio of the
(1) For each type of consumable liquid, the free surface effect of ordinate of line A to the ordinate of the curve of (I/d)tan T, both
at least one transverse pair of wing tanks or a single centerline measured at the angle at which the deck edge is immersed or 28
tank; and degrees, whichever is smaller.

§170.300 Special Consideration For Free Surface Of Spoil In
Hopper Dredge Hoppers.
The calculations required by this subchapter for each self-
propelled hopper dredge must include–

(a) The free surface effect of consumable liquids and the free
surface effect of the dredged spoil in the hoppers; and

(b) Either of the following assumptions when performing the

calculations required by §174.310(b) of this chapter:

(1) If the dredged spoil is assumed to be jettisoned, the free

surface of the dredged spoil may be disregarded.

(2) If the dredged spoil is not assumed to be jettisoned. the free

surface of the dredged spoil must be calculated.

[CGD 76-080, 54 FR 36977, Sept. 6, 1989]


Part 172 – Special Rules Pertaining To Bulk Cargoes
Table Of Contents [SOURCE: CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51040, Nov. 4, 1983, unless
otherwise noted.]
Subpart A – General
[66 FR 55566, Nov. 2, 2001]
172.005 Applicability.
Subpart A – General
Subpart B–Bulk Grain
§172.005 Applicability.
This part applies to each vessel that carries one of the following
172.010 Applicability.
cargoes in bulk:
172.015 Document Of Authorization.
172.020 Incorporation By Reference.
(a) Grain.
172.030 Exemptions For Certain Vessels.
(b) A cargo listed in Table 30.25-1 of this chapter.
172.040 Certificate Of Loading.
(c) A cargo regulated under 33 CFR part 157.
Subpart C–Special Rules Pertaining To A Barge That Carries (d) A cargo listed in Table 151.01-10(b) of this chapter.

A Cargo Regulated Under Subchapter D Of This Chapter (e) A cargo listed in Table I of part 153 of this chapter.
(f) A cargo listed in Table 4 of part 154 of this chapter.
172.047 Specific Applicability. (g) Any dry bulk cargo carried in a new Great Lakes vessel.

172.048 Definitions.
172.050 Damage Stability. [CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51040, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
80-159, 51 FR 33059, Sept. 18, 1986]

Subpart D–Special Rules Pertaining To A Vessel That Carries
A Cargo Regulated Under 33 CFR Part 157 Subpart B–Bulk Grain
172.070 Intact Stability. [SOURCE: CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51218, Sept. 30, 1997, unless

otherwise noted.]
Subpart E–Special Rules Pertaining To A Barge That Carries
A Hazardous Liquid Regulated Under Subchapter O Of This §172.010 Applicability.


Specific Applicability.
A This subpart applies to each vessel that loads grain in bulk,
except vessels engaged solely on voyages on rivers, lakes, bays,
and sounds or on voyages between Great Lake ports and St.
172.085 Hull Type. Lawrence River ports as far east as a straight line drawn from
172.087 Cargo Loading Assumptions. Cape de Rosiers to West Point, Anticosti Island and as far east of
172.090 Intact Transverse Stability.

a line drawn along the 63rd meridian from Anticosti Island to the
172.095 Intact Longitudinal Stability. north shore of the St. Lawrence River.
172.100 Watertight Integrity.
172.103 Damage Stability. §172.015 Document Of Authorization.
172.104 Character Of Damage.

(a) Except as specified in §172.030, each vessel that loads grain

172.105 Extent Of Damage. in bulk must have a Document of Authorization issued in
172.110 Survival Conditions. accordance with one of the following:

Subpart F–Special Rules Pertaining To A Ship That Carries A (1) Section 3 of the International Code for the Safe Carriage of
Hazardous Liquid Regulated Under Subchapter O Of This Grain in Bulk if the Document of Authorization is issued on or after

Chapter January 1, 1994. As used in the Code, the term "Administration"

means "U.S. Coast Guard".
172.125 Specific Applicability.
172.127 Definitions. (2) Regulation 10 part (a) of the Annex to IMO Assembly
172.130 Calculations. resolution A.264(VIII) if the Document of Authorization was issued
172.133 Character Of Damage.

before January 1, 1994.

172.135 Extent Of Damage.
172.140 Permeability Of Spaces. (b) The Commandant recognizes the National Cargo Bureau, Inc.,
172.150 Survival Conditions. 30 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10007-2914, for the purpose of
issuing Documents of Authorization in accordance with paragraph

Subpart G–Special Rules Pertaining To A Ship That Carries A (a)(1) of this section.
Bulk Liquefied Gas Regulated Under Subchapter O Of This
Chapter §172.020 Incorporation By Reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part
172.155 Specific Applicability. under approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5
172.160 Definitions. U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other
172.165 Intact Stability Calculations. than that specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the Coast
172.170 Damage Stability Calculations. Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL
172.175 Character Of Damage. REGISTER; and the material must be made available to the
172.180 Extent Of Damage. public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
172.185 Permeability Of Spaces. Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street NW., suite
172.195 Survival Conditions. 700, Washington, DC 20002, and at the U.S. Coast Guard, Naval
172.205 Local Damage. Architecture Division, Office of Design and Engineering
Standards, 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, DC 20593-
[Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703, 5115; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 0001, and is available from the sources indicated in paragraph (b)
58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland of this section.
Security Delegation No. 0170.1.

(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this (a) Before it sails, each vessel that loads grain in bulk, except
part and the sections affected are as follows: vessels engaged solely on voyages on the Great Lakes, rivers, or
lakes, bays, and sounds, must have a certificate of loading issued
International Maritime Organization (IMO) by an organization recognized by the Commandant for that
Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR purpose. The certificate of loading may be accepted as prima
United Kingdom. facie evidence of compliance with the regulations in this subpart.

Amendment to Chapter VI of the International Convention for the (b) The Commandant recognizes the National Cargo Bureau, Inc.,
Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, Resolution A.264(VIII) 172.015 30 Vesey Street, New York, NY, 10007-2914, for the purpose of
issuing certificates of loading.
Publication No. 240-E, International Code for the Safe Carriage of
Grain in Bulk 172.015 Subpart C – Special Rules Pertaining To A Barge
That Carries A Cargo Regulated Under
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51218, Sept. 30, 1997, as amended by
USCG 1998-4442, 63 FR 52192, Sept. 30, 1998] Subchapter D Of This Chapter

§172.030 Exemptions For Certain Vessels. §172.047 Specific Applicability.

(a) Vessels are exempt from 172.015 on voyages between: This section applies to each tank barge that carries, in
independent tanks described in §151.15-1(b) of this chapter, a

(1) United States ports along the East Coast as far south as cargo listed in Table 30.25-1 of this chapter that is a–
Cape Henry, VA;
(a) Liquefied flammable gas; or

(2) Wilmington, NC and Miami, FL;
(3) United States ports in the Gulf of Mexico;
(4) Puget Sound ports and Canadian west coast ports or (b) Flammable liquid that has a Reid vapor pressure in excess of
25 pounds per square inch (172.4 KPa).

Columbia River ports, or both;
(5) San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, CA.
§172.048 Definitions.
(b) Vessels exempt by paragraph (a) of this section must comply As used in this subpart–
with the following conditions:

MARPOL 73/38 means the International Convention for the
(1) The master is satisfied that the vessel's longitudinal strength is Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the
not impaired. Protocol of 1978 relating to that Convention

(2) The master ascertains the weather to be encountered on the A [66 FR 55566, Nov. 2, 2001]
§172.050 Damage Stability.
(3) Potential heeling moments are reduced to a minimum by (a) Each tank barge is assigned a hull type number by the
Commandant in accordance with §32.63-5 of this chapter. The

carrying as few slack holds as possible.

requirements in this section are specified according to the hull
(4) Each slack surface must be leveled. type number assigned.

(5) The transverse metacentric height (GM), in meters, of the (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, each Type
vessel throughout the voyage, after correction for liquid free I and II barge hull must have a watertight weather deck.
surface, has been shown by stability calculations to be in excess

of the required GM (GMR), in meters. (c) If a Type I or II barge hull has an open hopper, the fully loaded
barge must be shown by design calculations to have at least 2
(5)(i) The GMR is the sum of the increments of GM (GMI) inches (50mm) of positive GM when the hopper space is flooded

multiplied by the correction factor, f and r. to the height of the weather deck.

Where: r = (available freeboard) (beam) of the vessel and (d) When demonstrating compliance with paragraph (c) of this
section, credit may be given for the buoyancy of the immersed
f = 1 if r is > 0.268 or portion of cargo tanks if the tank securing devices are shown by
design calculations to be strong enough to hold the tanks in place

f = (0.268 r) if r is < 0.268. when they are subjected to the buoyant forces resulting from the
water in the hopper.
(5)(ii) The GMI for each compartment which has a slack surface
of grain, i.e., is not trimmed full, is calculated by the following (e) Each tank barge must be shown by design calculations to

formula: have at least 2 inches (50 mm) of positive GM in each condition of

loading and operation after assuming the damage specified in
GMI = (B3 x L x 0.0661) (Disp. x SF) where: B = breadth of slack paragraph (f) of this section is applied in the following locations:
grain surface (m)
(1) Type I barge hull not in an integrated tow. If a Type I hull is
L = Length of compartment (m) required and the barge is not a box barge designed for use in an
integrated tow, design calculations must show that the barge hull
Disp. = Displacement of vessel (tons) can survive damage at any location including on the intersection
SF = Stowage factor of grain in compartment (cubic meters/tons) of a transverse and longitudinal watertight bulkhead.

(c) Vessels which do not have the Document of Authorization (2) Type I barge hull in an integrated tow. If a Type I hull is
required by §172.015 may carry grain in bulk up to one third of required and the barge is a box barge designed for operation in
their deadweight tonnage provided the stability complies with the an integrated tow, design calculations must show that the barge
requirements of Section 9 of the International Code for the Safe can survive damage–
Carriage of Grain in Bulk.
(2)(i) To any location on the bottom of the tank barge except on a
§172.040 Certificate Of Loading. transverse watertight bulkhead; and

(2)(ii) To any location on the side of the tank barge including on a (2) If the tank barge is in lakes, bays and sounds or Great Lakes
transverse watertight bulkhead. summer service, the area under the righting arm curve must be at
least 10 foot-degrees (3.05 meter-degrees) up to the smallest of
(3) Type II hull. If a Type II hull is required, design calculations the following angles:
must show that the barge can survive damage to any location
except to a transverse watertight bulkhead. (2)(i) The angle of maximum righting arm.

(f) For the purpose of paragraph (e) of this section– (2)(ii) The downflooding angle.

(1) Design calculations must include both side and bottom (3) If the tank barge is in ocean or Great Lakes winter service, the
damage, applied separately; and area under the righting arm curve must be at least 15 foot-
degrees (4.57 meter-degrees) up to the smallest of the following
(2) Damage must consist of the most disabling penetration up to angles:
and including penetrations having the following dimensions:
(3)(i) The angle of maximum righting arm.
(2)(i) Side damage must be assumed to be as follows:
(3)(ii) The downflooding angle.
(2)(i)(A) Longitudinal extent–6 feet (183 centimeters).
(b) If the vertical center of gravity of the cargo is below the

(2)(i)(B) Transverse extent–30 inches (76 centimeters). weather deck at the side of the tank barge amidships, it must be
shown by design calculations that the barge has at least the

(2)(i)(C) Vertical extent–from the baseline upward without limit. following metacentric height (GM) in feet (meters) in each
condition of loading and operation:
(2)(ii) Bottom damage must be assumed to be 15 inches (38.1

centimeters) from the baseline upward. (K)(B)
GM = - - - -
Subpart D–Special Rules Pertaining To A Vessel fe
That Carries A Cargo Regulated Under 33 CFR

Part 157 K = 0.3 for river service.

§172.070 Intact Stability. K = 0.4 for lakes, bays and sounds and Great Lakes summer
All tank vessels of 5,000 DWT and above contracted after the
effective date of this rulemaking must comply with the intact
stability requirements of Regulation 25A, annex I of MARPOL
A service.
K = 0.5 for ocean and Great Lakes winter service.
B = beam in feet (meters).
[66 FR 55566, Nov. 2, 2001]

fe = effective freeboard in feet (meters).

Subpart E–Special Rules Pertaining To A Barge
That Carries A Hazardous Liquid Regulated (c) The effective freeboard is given by–

Under Subchapter O Of This Chapter fe = f + fa ; or

§172.080 Specific Applicability.

fe = d, whichever is less.
This subpart applies to each tank barge that carries a cargo listed
in Table 151.01-10(b) of this chapter.

§172.085 Hull Type.

f = the freeboard to the deck edge amidships in feet (meters).
If a cargo listed in Table 151.05 of part 151 of this chapter is to be
carried, the tank barge must be at least the hull type specified in
fa = (1.25)(a/L)((2b/B) - 1)(h); or
Table 151.05 of this chapter for that cargo.

fa = h, whichever is less.
§172.087 Cargo Loading Assumptions.
(a) The calculations required in this subpart must be done for
cargo weights and densities up to and including the maximum that
a = trunk length in feet (meters).
is to be endorsed on the Certificate of Inspection in accordance

with §151.04-1(c) of this chapter.

L = LOA in feet (meters)
(b) For each condition of loading and operation, each cargo tank
b = breadth of a watertight trunk in feet (meters).
must be assumed to have its maximum free surface.
B = beam of the barge in feet (meters).
§172.090 Intact Transverse Stability.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each tank
h = height of a watertight trunk in feet (meters).
barge must be shown by design calculations to have a righting
arm curve with the following characteristics:
d = draft of the barge in feet (meters).
(1) If the tank barge is in river service, the area under the righting
(d) For the purpose of this section, downflooding angle means the
arm curve must be at least 5 foot-degrees (1.52 meter-degrees)
static angle from the intersection of the vessel's centerline and
up to the smallest of the following angles:
waterline in calm water to the first opening that does not close
watertight automatically.
(1)(i) The angle of maximum righting arm.
§172.095 Intact Longitudinal Stability.
(1)(ii) The downflooding angle.
Each tank barge must be shown by design calculations to have a

longitudinal metacentric height (GM) in feet (meters) in each (b) A barge is presumed to survive assumed damage if it meets
condition of loading and operation, at least equal to the following: the following conditions in the final stage of flooding:
0.02(L) (c) A hopper barge must not heel or trim beyond the angle at
GM = ---––––- which–
where– (1) The deck edge is first submerged; or

L = LOA in feet (meters) (2) If the barge has a coaming that is at least 36 inches (91.5
centimeters) in height, the intersection of the deck and the
d = draft in feet (meters). coaming is first submerged, except as provided in paragraph (d)
of this section.
§172.100 Watertight Integrity.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each Type (d) A hopper barge must not heel beyond the angle at which the
I or II hopper barge hull must have a weathertight weather deck. deck edge is first submerged by more than "fa" as defined in
(b) If a Type I or II barge hull has an open hopper, the fully loaded
barge must be shown by design calculations to have at least 2 (e) Except as provided in paragraphs (h) and (i) of this section,
inches (50 mm) of positive GM when the hopper space is flooded each tank barge must not heel beyond the angle at which–

to the height of the weather deck.
(1) The deck edge is first submerged; or

(c) When doing the calculations required by this section, credit
may be given for the buoyancy of the immersed portion of cargo (2) If the barge has one or more watertight trunks, the deck edge
tanks if the tank securing devices are shown by design is first submerged by more than "fa" as defined in §172.090(c).

calculations to be strong enough to hold the tanks in place when
they are subjected to the buoyant forces resulting from the water (f) Except as provided in paragraphs (h) and (i) of this section, a
in the hopper. tank barge must not trim beyond the angle at which–

§172.103 Damage Stability. (1) The deck edge is first submerged; or

Each tank barge must be shown by design calculations to meet
the survival conditions in §172.110 assuming the damage (2) If the barge has one or more watertight trunks, the intersection
specified in §172.104 to the hull type specified in Table 151.05 of of the deck and the trunk is first submerged.
part 151 of this chapter.
A (g) If a tank barge experiences simultaneous heel and trim, the
§172.104 Character Of Damage. trim requirements in paragraph (f) of this section apply only at the
(a) Type I barge hull not in an integrated tow. If a Type I hull is centerline.
required and the barge is not a box barge designed for use in an

integrated tow, design calculations must show that the barge can (h) Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, in no case
survive damage at any location including the intersection of a may any part of the actual cargo tank top be underwater in the
transverse and a longitudinal bulkhead. final condition of equilibrium.

(b) Type I barge hull in an integrated tow. If a Type I barge hull (i) If a barge has a "step-down" in hull depth on either or both
is required and the barge is a box barge designed for operation in ends and all cargo tank openings are located on the higher deck
an integrated tow, design calculations must show that the barge level, the deck edge and tank top in the stepped-down area may

can survive damage– be submerged.

(1) At any location on the bottom of the tank barge except on a Subpart F – Special Rules Pertaining To A Ship

transverse watertight bulkhead; and

That Carries A Hazardous Liquid Regulated
(2) At any location on the side of the tank barge including on a Under Subchapter O Of This Chapter
transverse watertight bulkhead.
§172.125 Specific Applicability.
This subpart applies to each tankship that carries a cargo listed in

(c) Type II barge hull. If a Type II hull is required, design

calculations must show that a barge can survive damage at any Table I of part 153 of this chapter, except that it does not apply to
location except on a transverse watertight bulkhead. a tankship whose cargo tanks are clean and gas free.

§172.105 Extent Of Damage. §172.127 Definitions.


For the purpose of §172.103, design calculations must include Length or L means load line length (LLL).
both side and bottom damage, applied separately. Damage must
consist of the most disabling penetration up to and including §172.130 Calculations.
penetrations having the following dimensions: (a) Except as provided in §153.7 of this chapter, each tankship
must be shown by design calculations to meet the survival
(a) Side damage must be assumed to be as follows: conditions in §172.150 in each condition of loading and operation
assuming the damage specified in §172.133 for the hull type
(1) Longitudinal extent–6 feet (183 centimeters). prescribed in part 153 of this chapter.
(2) Transverse extent–30 inches (76 centimeters).
(3) Vertical extent–from the baseline upward without limit. (b) If a cargo listed in Table I of part 153 of this chapter is to be
carried, the vessel must be at least the hull type specified in part
(b) Bottom damage must be assumed to be 15 inches (38 153 of this chapter for that cargo.
centimeters) from the baseline upward.
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51040, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
§172.110 Survival Conditions. 81-101, 52 FR 7799, Mar. 12, 1987]
(a) Paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section apply to a hopper barge
and paragraphs (e) through (i) apply to all other tank barges. §172.133 Character Of Damage.

(a) If a type I hull is required, design calculations must show that §172.140 Permeability Of Spaces.
the vessel can survive damage at any location. (a) When doing the calculations required in §172.130, the
permeability of a floodable space other than a machinery space
(b) Except as provided in §153.7 of this chapter, if a type II hull is must be as listed in Table 172.060(b).
required, design calculations must show that a vessel–
(b) Calculations in which a machinery space is treated as a
(1) Longer than 492 feet (150 meters) in length can survive floodable space must be based on an assumed machinery space
damage at any location; and permeability of 0.85, unless the use of an assumed permeability
of less than 0.85 is justified in detail.
(2) Except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section, 492 feet
(150 meters) or less in length can survive damage at any location. (c) If a cargo tank would be penetrated under the assumed
damage, the cargo tank must be assumed to lose all cargo and
(c) If a Type III hull is required, design calculations must show that refill with salt water up to the level of the tankship's final
a vessel– equilibrium waterline.

(1) Except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section, 410 feet §172.150 Survival Conditions.
(125 meters) in length or longer can survive damage at any A tankship is presumed to survive assumed damage if it meets
location; and the following conditions in the final stage of flooding:

(2) Less than 410 feet (125 meters) in length can survive damage (a) Final waterline. The final waterline, in the final condition of
at any location except to an aft machinery space. sinkage, heel, and trim, must be below the lower edge of

openings such as air pipes and openings closed by weathertight
(d) A vessel described in paragraph (b)(2) or (c)(1) of this section doors or hatch covers. The following types of openings may be
need not be designed to survive damage to a main transverse submerged when the tankship is at the final waterline:

watertight bulkhead bounding an aft machinery space. Except as
provided in §153.7 of this chapter, the machinery space must be (1) Openings covered by watertight manhole covers or watertight
calculated as a single floodable compartment. flush scuttles.

[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51040, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD (2) Small watertight cargo tank hatch covers.

81-101, 52 FR 7799, Mar. 12, 1987]
(3) A Class 1 door in a watertight bulkhead within the
§172.135 Extent Of Damage. superstructure.
For the purpose of §172.133–
A (4) Remotely operated sliding watertight doors.
(a) Design calculations must include both side and bottom
damage, applied separately; and (5) Side scuttles of the non-opening type.

(b) Damage must consist of the penetrations having the (b) Heel angle.
dimensions given in Table 172.135 except that, if the most
disabling penetrations would be less than the penetrations given (1) Except as described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the
in Table 172.135, the smaller penetration must be assumed. maximum angle of heel must not exceed 15 degrees (17 degrees

if no part of the freeboard deck is immersed).

(2) The Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center will consider


on a case by case basis each vessel 492 feet (150 meters) or

less in length having a final heel angle greater than 17 degrees
but less than 25 degrees.

(c) Range of stability. Through an angle of 20 degrees beyond

its position of equilibrium after flooding, a tankship must meet the
following conditions:

(1) The righting arm curve must be positive.

(2) The maximum righting arm must be at least 3.95 inches (10

(3) Each submerged opening must be weathertight.

(d) Progressive flooding. Pipes, ducts or tunnels within the

assumed extent of damage must be either–

(1) Equipped with arrangements such as stop check valves to

prevent progressive flooding to other spaces with which they
connect; or

(2) Assumed in the design calculations required by §172.130 to

flood the spaces with which they connect.

(e) Buoyancy of superstructure. The buoyancy of any

superstructure directly above the side damage is to be
disregarded. The unflooded parts of superstructures beyond the
extent of damage may be taken into consideration if they are

separated from the damaged space by watertight bulkheads and machinery space. The machinery space is calculated as a single
no progressive flooding of these intact spaces takes place. floodable compartment.

(f) Metacentric height. After flooding, the tankship's metacentric (c) If a vessel has independent tanks type C with a MARVS of 100
height must be at least 2 inches (50mm) when the ship is in the psi (689 kPa) gauge or greater, is 492 feet (150 meters) or less in
upright position. length, and Table 4 of part 154 of this chapter allows a type IIPG
hull, design calculations must show that the vessel can survive
(g) Equalization arrangements. Flooding equalization damage at any location, except as prescribed in paragraph (e) of
arrangements requiring mechanical operation such as valves or this section.
cross-flooding lines may not be assumed to reduce the angle of
heel. Spaces joined by ducts of large cross sectional area are (d) If a type IIIG hull is required, except as specified in paragraph
treated as common spaces. (e) of this section, design calculations must show that a vessel–

(h) Intermediate stages of flooding. If an intermediate stage of (1) 410 feet (125 meters) in length or longer can survive damage
flooding is more critical than the final stage, the tankship must be at any location; and
shown by design calculations to meet the requirements in this
section in the intermediate stage. (2) Less than 410 feet (125 meters) in length can survive damage
at any location, except in the main machinery space.
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51040, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD

88-070, 53 FR 34537, Sept. 7, 1988] (e) The calculations in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section need
not assume damage to a transverse bulkhead unless it is spaced

Subpart G–Special Rules Pertaining To A Ship closer than the longitudinal extent of collision penetration
specified in Table 172.180 from another transverse bulkhead.
That Carries A Bulk Liquefied Gas Regulated
Under Subchapter O Of This Chapter

(f) If a main transvers watertight bulkhead or transverse watertight
bulkhead bounding a side tank or double bottom tank has a step
[SOURCE: CGD 80-159, 51 FR 33059, Sept. 18, 1986, unless or a recess that is longer than 10 feet (3.05 meters) located within
otherwise noted.] the extent of penetration of assumed damage, the vessel must be
shown by design calculations to survive damage to this bulkhead.

§172.155 Specific Applicability. The step formed by the after peak bulkhead and after peak tank
This subpart applies to each tankship that has on board a bulk top is not a step for the purpose of this regulation.
liquefied gas listed in Table 4 of part 154 of this chapter as cargo,
cargo residue, or vapor.

§172.160 Definitions.
A §172.180 Extent Of Damage.
For the purpose of §172.170–
(a) Design calculations must include both side and bottom
As used in this subpart– damage, applied separately; and

(a) Length or L means the load line length (LLL).


(b) Damage must consist of the penetrations having the

dimensions given in Table 172.180 except that, if the most
(b) MARVS means the Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting disabling penetrations would be less than the penetrations given
of a cargo tank. in Table 172.180, the smaller penetration must be assumed.

§172.165 Intact Stability Calculations.

(a) Design calculations must show that 2 inches (50mm) of

positive metacentric height can be maintained by each tankship

when it is being loaded and unloaded.

(b) For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the

requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the effects of the
addition of water ballast may be considered.

§172.170 Damage Stability Calculations.

(a) Each tankship must be shown by design calculations to meet

the survival conditions in §172.195 in each condition of loading

and operation assuming the damage specified in §172.175 for the
hull type specified in Table 4 of part 154 of this chapter.

(b) If a cargo listed in Table 4 of part 154 of this chapter is to be

carried, the vessel must be at least the ship type specified in
Table 4 of part 154 of this chapter for the cargo.

§172.175 Character Of Damage.

(a) If a type IG hull is required, design calculations must show that
the vessel can survive damage at any location.

(b) If a type IIG hull is required, design calculations must show

that a vessel–

(1) Longer than 492 feet (150 meters) in length can survive
damage at any location; and

(2) 492 feet (150 meters) or less in length can survive damage at
any location except the transverse bulkheads bounding an aft

§172.185 Permeability Of Spaces. (2) The maximum righting arm must be at least 3.94 inches (10
(a) When doing the calculations required in §172.170, the cm).
permeability of a floodable space other than a machinery space
must be as listed in Table 172.060(b). (3) Each submerged opening must be weathertight.

(b) Calculations in which a machinery space is treated as a (d) Progressive flooding. If pipes, ducts, or tunnels are within
floodable space must be based on an assumed machinery space the assumed extent of damage, arrangements must be made to
permeability of 85%, unless the use of an assumed permeability prevent progressive flooding to a space that is not assumed to be
of less than 85% is justified in detail. flooded in the damaged stability calculations.

(c) If a cargo tank would be penetrated under the assumed (e) Buoyancy of superstructure. The buoyancy of any
damage, the cargo tank must be assumed to lose all cargo and superstructure directly above the side damage is to be
refill with salt water up to the level of the tankship's final disregarded. The unflooded parts of superstructures beyond the
equilibrium waterline. extent of damage may be taken into consideration if they are
separated from the damaged space by watertight bulkheads and
§172.195 Survival Conditions. no progressive flooding of these intact spaces takes place.
A vessel is presumed to survive assumed damage if it meets the
following conditions in the final stage of flooding: (f) Metacentric height. After flooding, the tank ship's metacentric
height must be at least 2 inches (50 mm) when the vessel is in the

(a) Final waterline. The final waterline, in the final condition of upright position.
sinkage, heel, and trim, must be below the lower edge of an

opening through which progressive flooding may take place, such (g) Equalization arrangements. Equalization arrangements
as an air pipe, or an opening that is closed by means of a requiring mechanical aids such as valves or cross-flooding lines
weathertight door or hatch cover. This opening does not include may not be considered for reducing the angle of heel. Spaces

an opening closed by a– joined by ducts of large cross-sectional area are treated as
common spaces.
(1) Watertight manhole cover;
(h) Intermediate stages of flooding. If an intermediate stage of
(2) Flush scuttle; flooding is more critical than the final stage, the tank vessel must

be shown by design calculations to meet the requirements in this
(3) Small watertight cargo tank hatch cover that maintains the section in the intermediate stage.
high integrity of the deck;

(4) A Class 1 door in a watertight bulkhead within the A §172.205 Local Damage.
(a) Each tankship must be shown by design calculations to meet
superstructure; the survival conditions in paragraph (b) of this section in each
condition of loading and operation assuming that local damage
(5) Remotely operated sliding watertight door; or extending 30 inches (76 cm) normal to the hull shell is applied at

any location in the cargo length:

(6) A side scuttle of the non-opening type.
(b) The vessel is presumed to survive assumed local damage if it
(b) Heel angle. The maximum angle of heel must not exceed 30 does not heel beyond the smaller of the following angles in the

degrees. final stage of flooding:

(c) Range of stability. Through an angle of 20 degrees beyond (1) 30 degrees.


its position of equilibrium after flooding, a tankship must meet the

following conditions: (2) The angle at which restoration of propulsion and steering, and
use of the ballast system is precluded.

(1) The righting arm curve must be positive.


Part 173 – Special Rules Pertaining To Vessel Use
Table Of Contents (a) Hook load means the weight of the object lifted by the crane.

Subpart A–General (b) Crane radius means the distance illustrated in Figure
173.001 Applicability.

Subpart B–Lifting

173.005 Specific Applicability.

173.007 Location Of The Hook Load.
173.010 Definitions.
173.020 Intact Stability Standards: Counterballasted And Non-
Counterballasted Vessels.
173.025 Additional Intact Stability Standards: Counterballasted


Subpart E–Towing

173.090 General.
173.095 Towline Pull Criterion.

[Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2113, 3306, 5115; E.O.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.

[SOURCE: CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51045, Nov. 4, 1983, unless
otherwise Noted.]

Subpart A – General
§173.001 Applicability.
Each vessel that is engaged in one of the following activities must
comply with the applicable provisions of this part:

(a) Lifting.
(b) Training (schoolship).
(c) Oceanographic research. §173.020 Intact Stability Standards: Counterballasted And
Non-Counterballasted Vessels.

(d) Towing.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, each
vessel that is not equipped to counter-ballast while lifting must be
Subpart B – Lifting

shown by design calculations to comply with this section in each

condition of loading and operation and at each combination of
§173.005 Specific Applicability. hook load and crane radius.
This subpart applies to each vessel that–

(b) Each vessel must have a righting arm curve with the following
(a) Is equipped to lift cargo or other objects; and characteristics:
(b) Has a maximum heeling moment due to hook load greater (1) If the vessel operates in protected or partially protected
than or equal to– waters, the area under the righting arm curve up to the smallest of

the following angles must be at least 10 foot-degrees (3.05 meter-

(0.67)(W)(GM)(F/B) in meter-metric tons (foot-long tons), where– degrees):
W = displacement of the vessel with the hook load included in (1)(i) The angle corresponding to the maximum righting arm.

metric (long) tons.

(1)(ii) The downflooding angle.
GM = metacentric height with hook load included in meters (feet).
(1)(iii) 40 degrees.
F = freeboard to the deck edge amidships in meters (feet).
(2) If the vessel operates in exposed waters, the area under the
B = beam in meters (feet). righting arm curve up to the smallest of the following angles must
be at least 15 foot-degrees (4.57 meter-degrees):
[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51045, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
85-080, 61 FR 945, Jan. 10, 1996] (2)(i) The angle corresponding to the maximum righting arm.
§173.007 Location Of The Hook Load. (2)(ii) The downflooding angle.
When doing the calculations required in this subpart, the hook
load must be considered to be located at the head of the crane. (2)(iii) 40 degrees.
§173.010 Definitions. (c) If the vessel's hull proportions fall within all three of the
As used in this part– following limits, in lieu of complying with paragraph (b) of this

section, the vessel owner may demonstrate in the presence of the Where–
OCMI that the vessel will not heel beyond the limits specified in
paragraph (d) of this section: GZ(1) is the righting arm curve at the displacement corresponding
to the vessel without hooking load.
(1) Beam to depth–3.40 to 4.75.
(2) Length to beam–3.20 to 4.50. GZ(2) is the righting arm curve at the displacement corresponding
(3) Draft to depth–0.60 to 0.85. to the vessel with hook load.

(d) For the purpose of paragraph (c) of this section, the following HA(1) is the heeling arm curve due to the combined heeling
limits of heel apply with the vessel at its deepest operating draft: moments of the hook load and the counterballast at the
displacement with hook load.
(1) Protected and partially protected waters and Great Lakes in
summer–heel to main deck immersion or bilge emergence, HA(2) is the heeling arm due to the counterballast at the
whichever occurs first. displacement without hook load.

(2) Exposed waters and Great Lakes in winter-heel permitted to Theta(c) is the angle of static equilibrium due to the combined
one–half of the freeboard or one-half of the draft, whichever hook load and counterballast heeling moments.
occurs first.
Theta(f) is the downflooding angle on the counterballasted side of

[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51045, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD the vessel.
85-080, 61 FR 945, Jan. 10, 1996]

[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51045, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD
§173.025 Additional Intact Stability Standards: 85-080, 61 FR 945, Jan. 10, 1996]
Counterballasted Vessels.

(a) Each vessel equipped to counterballast while lifting must be Subpart E – Towing
shown by design calculations to be able to withstand the sudden
loss of the hook load, in each condition of loading and operation §173.090 General.
and at each combination of hook load and crane radius. This subpart applies to each vessel that is equipped for towing.

(b) When doing the calculations required by this section, the hook §173.095 Towline Pull Criterion.
load and counterballast heeling arms and vessel righting arms, as (a) In each towing condition, each vessel must be shown by
plotted on graph 173.025, must define areas that satisfy the
following equation:
A design calculations to meet the requirements of either paragraph
(b) or (c) of this section.
Area II > Area I + K (b) The vessel's metacentric height (GM) must be equal to or
greater than the following:

(1) K = O for operation on protected waters and 7 foot-degrees (N)(PxD)⅔(s)(h)

(2.13 meter-degrees) for operation on partially protected and GM = ───────────
exposed waters. K∆(f/B)

(2) Areas I and II are shown on graph 173.025. where–


(c) Each heeling arm curve must be defined by– N = number of propellers.

HA = HAO cos (T) P = shaft power per shaft in horsepower (kilowatts).


Where– D = propeller diameter in feet (meters).

HA = heeling arm. s = that fraction of the propeller circle cylinder which would be
intercepted by the rudder if turned to 45 degrees from the vessel's

HAO = heeling arm at 0 degrees of heel. centerline.

T = angle of heel. h = vertical distance from propeller shaft centerline at rudder to

towing bitts in feet (meters).

Δ = displacement in long tons (metric tons).

f = minimum freeboard along the length of the vessel in feet


B = molded beam in feet (meters).

K = 38 in English units.

K = 13.93 in metric units.

(c) When a heeling arm curve, calculated in accordance with

paragraph (d) of this section, is plotted against the vessel's
righting arm curve–

(1) Equilibrium must be reached before the downflooding angle;


(2) The residual righting energy must be at least 2 foot-degrees θ = angle of heel.
(.61 meter-degrees) up to the smallest of the following angles:
N, P, D, K, s, h, and Δ are as defined in paragraph (b) of this
(2)(i) The angle of maximum righting arm. section.

(2)(ii) The downflooding angle. (e) For the purpose of this section, downflooding angle means the
static angle from the intersection of the vessel's centerline and
(2)(iii) 40 degrees. waterline in calm water to the first opening that does not close
watertight automatically.
(d) The heeling arm curve specified in paragraph (c) of this
section must be calculated by the following equation: (f) For the purpose of this section, at each angle of heel, a
vessel's righting arm may be calculated considering either–
(s)(h)(cos θ) (1) The vessel is permitted to trim free until the trimming moment
HA = ──────────── is zero; or

where– (2) The vessel does not trim as it heels.

HA = heeling arm.


Part 197–General Provisions
Table Of Contents 197.484 Notice Of Casualty.
197.486 Written Report Of Casualty.
Subpart A [Reserved] 197.488 Retention Of Records After Casualty.

Subpart B–Commercial Diving Operations Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1509; 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306,
3703, 6101; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No.
GENERAL 0170.1. [SOURCE: CGD 76-009, 43 FR 53683, Nov. 16, 1978,
unless otherwise Noted.]
197.200 Purpose Of Subpart.
197.202 Applicability. Subpart B–Commercial Diving Operations
197.203 Right Of Appeal.
197.204 Definitions. GENERAL
197.205 Availability Of Standards.
197.206 Substitutes For Required Equipment, Materials, §197.200 Purpose Of Subpart.
Apparatus, Arrangements, Procedures, Or Tests. This subpart prescribes rules for the design, construction, and use

197.208 Designation Of Person-In-Charge. of equipment, and inspection, operation, and safety and health
197.210 Designation Of Diving Supervisor. standards for commercial diving operations taking place from
vessels and facilities under Coast Guard jurisdiction.

§197.202 Applicability.
197.300 Applicability. (a) This subpart applies to commercial diving operations taking

197.310 Air Compressor System. place at any deepwater port or the safety zone thereof as defined
197.312 Breathing Supply Hoses. in 33 CFR part 150; from any artificial island, installation, or other
197.314 First Aid And Treatment Equipment. device on the Outer Continental Shelf and the waters adjacent
197.318 Gages And Timekeeping Devices. thereto as defined in 33 CFR part 147 or otherwise related to

197.320 Diving Ladder And Stage. activities on the Outer Continental Shelf; and from all vessels
197.322 Surface-Supplied Helmets And Masks. required to have a certificate of inspection issued by the Coast
197.324 Diver's Safety Harness. Guard including mobile offshore drilling units regardless of their
Oxygen Safety.
PVHO–Closed Bells.
A geographic location, or from any vessel connected with a
deepwater port or within the deepwater port safety zone, or from
any vessel engaged in activities related to the Outer Continental
197.332 PVHO–Decompression Chambers. Shelf; except that this subpart does not apply to any diving
197.334 Open Diving Bells. operation–
197.336 Pressure Piping.

197.338 Compressed Gas Cylinders. (1) Performed solely for marine scientific research and
197.340 Breathing Gas Supply. development purposes by educational institutions;
197.342 Buoyancy-Changing Devices.
197.344 Inflatable Flotation Devices.

(2) Performed solely for research and development for the

197.346 Diver's Equipment. advancement of diving equipment and technology; or


(3) Performed solely for search and rescue or related public

safety purposes by or under the control of a governmental
197.400 Applicability. agency.
197.402 Responsibilities Of The Person-In-Charge.

197.404 Responsibilities Of The Diving Supervisor. (b) Diving operations may deviate from the requirements of this
197.410 Dive Procedures. subpart to the extent necessary to prevent or minimize a situation
197.420 Operations Manual. which is likely to cause death, injury, or major environmental
damage. The circumstances leading to the situation, the
SPECIFIC DIVING MODE PROCEDURES deviations made, and the corrective action taken, if appropriate, to

reduce the possibility of recurrence shall be recorded by the

197.430 SCUBA Diving. diving supervisor in the logbook as required by §197.482(c).
197.432 Surface-Supplied Air Diving.
197.434 Surface-Supplied Mixed Gas Diving. §197.203 Right Of Appeal.

197.436 Liveboating. Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under
this subchapter, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal
PERIODIC TESTS AND INSPECTIONS OF DIVING therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.
[CGD 88-033, 54 FR 50382, Dec. 6, 1989]
197.450 Breathing Gas Tests.
197.452 Oxygen Cleaning. §197.204 Definitions.
197.454 First Aid And Treatment Equipment. As used in this subpart:
197.456 Breathing Supply Hoses.
197.458 Gages And Timekeeping Devices. ACFM means actual cubic feet per minute.
197.460 Diving Equipment.
197.462 Pressure Vessels And Pressure Piping. ANSI Code1 means the B31.1 American National Standards
Institute "Code for Pressure Piping, Power Piping."
ASME Code means the American Society of Mechanical
197.480 Logbooks. Engineers "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code."
197.482 Logbook Entries.

ASME PVHO-1 means the ANSI/ASME standard "Safety Diving supervisor means the person having complete
Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy." responsibility for the safety of a commercial diving operation
including the responsibility for the safety and health of all diving
ATA means a measure of pressure expressed in terms of personnel in accordance with this subpart.
atmosphere absolute (includes barometric pressure).
Facility means a deepwater port, or an artificial island,
Bell means a compartment either at ambient pressure (open bell) installation, or other device on the Outer Continental Shelf subject
or pressurized (closed bell) that allows the diver to be transported to Coast Guard jurisdiction.
to and from the underwater work site, allows the diver access to
the surrounding environment, and is capable of being used as a Fsw means feet of seawater (or equivalent static pressure head).
refuge during diving operations.
Gas embolism means a condition caused by expanding gases,
Bottom time means the total elapsed time measured in minutes which have been taken into and retained in the lungs while
from the time the diver leaves the surface in descent to the time to breathing under pressure, being forced into the bloodstream or
the next whole minute that the diver begins ascent. other tissues during ascent or decompression.

Breathing gas/breathing mixture means the mixed-gas, Heavy-weight diving outfit means diver-worn surface-supplied
oxygen, or air as appropriate supplied to the diver for breathing. deep-sea dress.

Bursting pressure means the pressure at which a pressure Hyperbaric conditions means pressure conditions in excess of
containment device would fail structurally. surface atmospheric pressure.

Commercial diver means a diver engaged in underwater work Injurious corrosion means an advanced state of corrosion which
for hire excluding sport and recreational diving and the instruction may impair the structural integrity or safe operation of the

thereof. equipment.

Commercial diving operation means all activities in support of a Liveboating means the support of a surfaced-supplied diver from
commercial diver. a vessel underway.

Cylinder means a pressure vessel for the storage of gases under Maximum working pressure means the maximum pressure to
pressure. which a pressure containment device can be exposed under
operating conditions (usually the pressure setting of the pressure
Decompression chamber means a pressure vessel for human
occupancy such as a surface decompression chamber, closed A relief device).
bell, or deep diving system especially equipped to recompress, No-decompression limits means the air depth and bottom time
decompress, and treat divers. limits of appendix A.

Decompression sickness means a condition caused by the Pressure vessel means a container capable of withstanding an
formation of gas or gas bubbles in the blood or body tissue as a internal maximum working pressure over 15 psig.
result of pressure reduction.
Psi(g) means pounds per square inch (gage).

Decompression table means a profile or set of profiles of ascent

rates and breathing mixtures designed to reduce the pressure on PVHO means pressure vessel for human occupancy but does not
a diver safely to atmospheric pressure after the diver has been include pressure vessels for human occupancy that may be

exposed to a specific depth and bottom time. subjected to external pressures in excess of 15 psig but can only
be subjected to maximum internal pressures of 15 psig or less
Depth means the maximum pressure expressed in feet of (i.e., submersibles, or one atmosphere observation bells).

seawater attained by a diver and is used to express the depth of a

dive. Saturation diving means saturating a diver's tissues with the
inert gas in the breathing mixture to allow an extension of bottom
Dive location means that portion of a vessel or facility from which time without additional decompression.
a diving operation is conducted.

SCUBA diving means a diving mode in which the diver is

Dive team means the divers and diver support personnel involved supplied with a compressed breathing mixture from diver carried
in a diving operation, including the diving supervisor. equipment.

Diver means a person working beneath the surface, exposed to Standby diver means a diver at the dive location available to

hyperbaric conditions, and using underwater breathing apparatus. assist a diver in the water.

Diver-carried reserve breathing gas means a supply of air or Surface-supplied air diving means a diving mode in which the
mixed-gas, as appropriate, carried by the diver in addition to the diver is supplied from the dive location or bell with compressed
primary or secondary breathing gas supplied to the diver. breathing air including oxygen or oxygen enriched air if supplied
for treatment.
Diving installation means all of the equipment used in support of
a commercial diving operation. Surface-supplied mixed-gas diving means a diving mode in
which the diver is supplied from the dive location or bell with a
Diving mode means a type of diving requiring SCUBA, surface- compressed breathing mixture other than air.
supplied air, or surface-supplied mixed-gas equipment, with
related procedures and techniques. Timekeeping device means a device for measuring the time of a
dive in minutes.
Diving stage means a suspended platform constructed to carry
one or more divers and used for putting divers into the water and Treatment table means a depth, time, and breathing gas profile
bringing them to the surface when in-water decompression or a designed to treat a diver for decompression sickness.
heavy-weight diving outfit is used.

Umbilical means the hose bundle between a dive location and a (a) Each diving installation used on each vessel or facility subject
diver or bell, or between a diver and a bell, that supplies the diver to this subpart must meet the requirements of this subpart.
or bell with a life-line, breathing gas, communications, power, and
heat as appropriate to the diving mode or conditions. (b) In addition to the requirements of this subpart, equipment
which is permanently installed on vessels and is part of the diving
Vessel means any waterborne craft including mobile offshore installation must meet Subchapters F and J of this chapter.
drilling units required to have a Certificate of Inspection issued by
the Coast Guard or any waterborne craft connected with a (c) All repairs and modifications to pressure vessels used for
deepwater port or within the deepwater port safety zone, or any commercial diving operations must be made in accordance with
waterborne craft engaged in activities related to the Outer the requirements of section VIII, division 1 or division 2 of the
Continental Shelf. ASME Code, ASME PVHO-1, part 54 of this chapter, or 49 CFR
173.34, as applicable.
Volume tank means a pressure vessel connected to the outlet of
a compressor and used as an air reservoir. (d) All repairs and modifications to pressure piping used for
commercial diving operations must be made in accordance with
Working pressure means the pressure to which a pressure the requirements of the ANSI Code or part 56 of this chapter, as
containment device is exposed at any particular instant during applicable.
normal operating conditions.
§197.310 Air Compressor System.

§197.205 Availability Of Standards. A compressor used to supply breathing air to a diver must have–
(a) Several standards have been incorporated by reference in this

subchapter. The incorporation by reference has been approved (a) A volume tank that is–
by the Director of the Federal Register under the provisions of 1
CFR part 51. (1) Built and stamped in accordance with section VIII, division 1 of

the ASME Code with–
(b) The standards are available from the appropriate
organizations whose addresses are listed below: (1)(i) A check valve on the inlet side;
(1)(ii) A pressure gage;
(1) American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, (1)(iii) A relief valve; and

New York, NY 10036. (1)(iv) A drain valve; and

(2) American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United (2) Tested after every repair, modification, or alteration to the
Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017.
A pressure boundaries as required by §197.462;
[CGD 76-009, 43 FR 53683, Nov. 16, 1978, as amended by CGD (b) Intakes that are located away from areas containing exhaust
96-041, 61 FR 50735, Sept. 27, 1996] fumes of internal combustion engines or other hazardous

§197.206 Substitutes For Required Equipment, Materials,

Apparatus, Arrangements, Procedures, Or Tests. (c) An efficient filtration system; and
(a) The Coast Guard may accept substitutes for equipment,
materials, apparatus, arrangements, procedures, or tests required (d) Slow-opening shut-off valves when the maximum allowable

in this subpart if the substitute provides an equivalent level of working pressure of the system exceeds 500 psig.
§197.312 Breathing Supply Hoses.

(b) In any case where it is shown to the satisfaction of the (a) Each breathing supply hose must–
Commandant that the use of any particular equipment, material,
apparatus, arrangement, procedure, or test is unreasonable or (1) Have a maximum working pressure that is equal to or

impracticable, the Commandant may permit the use of alternate exceeds–

equipment, material, apparatus, arrangement, procedure, or test
to such an extent and upon such condition as will insure, to his (1)(i) The maximum working pressure of the section of the
satisfaction, a degree of safety consistent with the minimum breathing supply system in which used; and
standards set forth in this subpart.

(1)(ii) The pressure equivalent of the maximum depth of the dive

§197.208 Designation Of Person-In-Charge. relative to the supply source plus 100 psig;
(a) The owner or agent of a vessel or facility without a designated
master shall designate, in writing, an individual to be the person- (2) Have a bursting pressure of four times its maximum working
in-charge of the vessel or facility. pressure;

(b) Where a master is designated, the master is the person-in- (3) Have connectors that–
(3)(i) Are made of corrosion-resistant material;
§197.210 Designation Of Diving Supervisor.
The name of the diving supervisor for each commercial diving (3)(ii) Are resistant to accidental disengagement; and
operation shall be–
(3)(iii) Have a maximum working pressure that is at least equal to
(a) Designated in writing; and the maximum working pressure of the hose to which they are
attached; and
(b) Given to the person-in-charge prior to the commencement of
any commercial diving operation. (4) Resist kinking by–

EQUIPMENT (4)(i) Being made of kink-resistant materials; or

§197.300 Applicability. (4)(ii) Having exterior support.

(b) Each umbilical must– (b) Each diving stage must–

(1) Meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section; and (1) Be capable of supporting the weight of at least two divers;

(2) Be marked from the diver or open bell end in 10-foot intervals (2) Have an open-grating platform;
to 100 feet and in 50-foot intervals thereafter.
(3) Be available for a diver to enter or exit the water from the dive
§197.314 First Aid And Treatment Equipment. location and for in-water decompression if the diver is–
(a) Each dive location must have–
(3)(i) Wearing a heavy-weight diving outfit; or
(1) A medical kit approved by a physician that consists of–
(3)(ii) Diving outside the no-decompression limits, except when a
(1)(i) Basic first aid supplies; and bell is provided; and

(1)(ii) Any additional supplies necessary to treat minor trauma and (4) Be–(i) Made of corrosion-resistant material; or
illnesses resulting from hyperbaric exposure;
(4)(ii) Protected against and maintained free from injurious
(2) A copy of an American Red Cross Standard First Aid corrosion.

§197.322 Surface-Supplied Helmets And Masks.
(3) A bag-type manual resuscitator with transparent mask and (a) Each surface-supplied helmet or mask must have–

tubing; and
(1) A nonreturn valve at the attachment point between helmet or
(4) A capability to remove an injured diver from the water. mask and umbilical that closes readily and positively;

(b) Each diving installation must have a two-way communications (2) An exhaust valve; and
system to obtain emergency assistance except when the vessel
or facility ship-to-shore, two-way communications system is (3) A two-way voice communication system between the diver
readily available. and the dive location or bell.

(c) Each dive location supporting mixed-gas dives, dives deeper (b) Each surface-supplied air helmet or mask must–
than 130 fsw, or dives outside the no-decompression limits must
meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and have–
A (1) Ventilate at least 4.5 ACFM at any depth at which it is
operated; or
(1) A decompression chamber;
(2) Be able to maintain the diver's inspired carbon dioxide partial
(2) Decompression and treatment tables; pressure below 0.02 ATA when the diver is producing carbon

dioxide at the rate of 1.6 standard liters per minute.

(3) A supply of breathing gases sufficient to treat for
decompression sickness; §197.324 Diver's Safety Harness.
Each safety harness used in surface-supplied diving must have–

(4) The medical kit required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section

that is– (a) A positive buckling device; and

(4)(i) Capable of being carried into the decompression chamber; (b) An attachment point for the umbilical life line that–
(1) Distributes the pulling force of the umbilical over the diver's

(4)(ii) Suitable for use under hyperbaric conditions; and body; and

(5) A capability to assist an injured diver into the decompression (2) Prevents strain on the mask or helmet.
§197.326 Oxygen Safety.

§197.318 Gages And Timekeeping Devices. (a) Equipment used with oxygen or oxygen mixtures greater than
(a) A gage indicating diver depth must be at each dive location for 40 percent by volume must be designed for such use.
surface-supplied dives.
(b) Oxygen systems with pressures greater than 125 psig must
(b) A timekeeping device must be at each dive location. have slow-opening shut-off valves except pressure boundary

shut-off valves may be ball valves.

§197.320 Diving Ladder And Stage.
(a) Each diving ladder must– §197.328 PVHO–General.
(a) Each PVHO, contracted for or purchased after February 1,
(1) Be capable of supporting the weight of at least two divers; 1979, must be built and stamped in accordance with ASME
(2) Extend 3 feet below the water surface;
(b) Each PVHO, contracted for or constructed before February 1,
(3) Be firmly in place; 1979, and not Coast Guard approved, must be submitted to the
Coast Guard for approval prior to February 1, 1984.
(4) Be available at the dive location for a diver to enter or exit the
water unless a diving stage or bell is provided; and (c) To be approved under paragraph (b), a PVHO must be–

(5) Be–(i) Made of corrosion-resistant material; or (1) Constructed in accordance with part 54 of this chapter; or–

(5)(ii) Protected against and maintained free from injurious (2) Be built in accordance with section VIII, division 1 or division 2
corrosion. of the ASME Code; and–

(2)(i) Have the plans approved in accordance with §54.01-18 of (14) Have a means of maintaining the oxygen content of the
this chapter; interior atmosphere below 25 percent surface equivalent by
volume when pressurized with air as the breathing mixture;
(2)(ii) Pass the radiographic and other survey tests of welded
joints required by section VIII, division 1 or division 2, as (15) Have a means of maintaining the interior atmosphere below
appropriate, of the ASME Code; and 2 percent surface equivalent carbon dioxide by volume;

(2)(iii) Pass–(A) The hydrostatic test described in §54.10-10 of (16) Have a means of overriding and controlling from the exterior
this chapter; or all interior breathing and pressure supply controls;

(2)(iii)(B) The pneumatic test described in §54.10-15 of this (17) Have a speech unscrambler when used with mixed-gas;
chapter and such additional tests as the Officer-in-Charge, Marine
Inspection (OCMI) may require. (18) Have interior electrical systems that are designed for the
environment in which they will operate to minimize the risk of fire,
(d) Each PVHO must– electrical shock to personnel, and galvanic action of the PVHO;
(1) Have a shut-off valve located within 1 foot of the pressure
boundary on all piping penetrating the pressure boundary; (19) Be tested after every repair, modification, or alteration to the
pressure boundaries as required by §197.462.

(2) Have a check valve located within 1 foot of the pressure
boundary on all piping exclusively carrying fluids into the PVHO; §197.330 PVHO–Closed Bells.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each
(3) Have the pressure relief device required by ASME PVHO-1; closed bell must meet the requirements of §197.328 and–

(4) Have a built-in breathing system with at least one mask per (1) Have underwater breathing apparatus for each occupant
occupant stored inside each separately pressurized compartment; stored inside each separately pressurized compartment;

(5) Have a two-way voice communications system allowing (2) Have an umbilical;
communications between an occupant in one pressurized

compartment of the PVHO and– (3) Have lifting equipment attached to the closed bell capable of
returning the occupied closed bell when fully flooded to the dive
(5)(i) The diving supervisor at the dive location; location;

(5)(ii) Any divers being supported from the same PVHO; and A (4) Be capable of recompressing on the surface to the maximum
design diving depth;
(5)(iii) Occupants of other separately pressurized compartments
of the same PVHO; (5) Be constructed and equipped as required by §197.332;

(6) If designed to mechanically couple to another PVHO, have a (6) Have an emergency locating device designed to assist
two-way communications system allowing communications personnel on the surface in acquiring and maintaining contact
between occupants of each PVHO when mechanically coupled; with the submerged PVHO if the umbilical to the surface is

(7) Have a pressure gage in the interior of each compartment that
is– (7) Have a capability to remove an injured diver from the water;

(7)(i) Designed for human occupancy; and
(8) Have a life support capability for the intact closed bell and its

(7)(ii) Capable of having the compartment pressure controlled occupants for–

from inside the PVHO;
(8)(i) Twelve hours after an accident severing the umbilical to the
(8) Have viewports that allow observation of occupants from the surface when the umbilical to the surface is the only installed
outside; means of retrieving the closed bell; or

(9) Have viewports that meet the requirements of ASME PVHO-1 (8)(ii) A period of time, at least equal to 1 hour plus twice the time
except those PVHO's approved under paragraph (b) of this required to retrieve the bell from its designed operating depth and
section which have nonacrylic viewports; attach an auxiliary lifesupport system, after an accident severing
the umbilical to the surface when the umbilical is one of the two

(10) Have means of illumination sufficient to allow an occupant independent installed means of retrieving the closed bell, each
to– meeting the requirements of paragraph (a)(3) of this section.

(10)(i) Read gages; and (b) A closed bell that does not meet the requirements of
paragraphs (a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(5) of this section, must be
(10)(ii) Operate the installed systems within each compartment; capable of attachment to another PVHO that–

(11) Be designed and equipped to minimize sources of (1) Allows the transfer of personnel and diver's equipment under
combustible materials and ignition; pressure from the closed bell to the PVHO;

(12) Have a protective device on the inlet side of PVHO exhaust (2) Meets the requirements of paragraph (a)(3) of this section;
(3) Is capable of attachment to a decompression chamber
(13) Have a means of extinguishing a fire in the interior; meeting the requirements of paragraphs (a)(4) and (a)(5) of this
section; and

(4) Allows the transfer of personnel and diver's equipment under (b) Have the point of connection to the integral piping system of
pressure from the PVHO to the decompression chamber. the vessel or facility clearly marked; and

§197.332 PVHO–Decompression Chambers. (c) Be tested after every repair, modification, or alteration to the
Each decompression chamber must– pressure boundaries as set forth in §197.462.

(a) Meet the requirements of §197.328; §197.338 Compressed Gas Cylinders.

Each compressed gas cylinder must–
(b) Have internal dimensions sufficient to accommodate a diver
lying in a horizontal position and another person tending the diver; (a) Be stored in a ventilated area;

(c) Have a capability for ingress and egress of personnel and (b) Be protected from excessive heat;
equipment while the occupants are under pressure;
(c) Be prevented from falling;
(d) Have a means of operating all installed man-way locking
devices, except disabled shipping dogs, from both sides of a (d) Be tested after any repair, modification, or alteration to the
closed hatch; pressure boundaries as set forth in §197.462; and

(e) Have interior illumination sufficient to allow visual observation, (e) Meet the requirements of–

diagnosis, and medical treatment of an occupant.
(1) Part 54 of this chapter; or

(f) Have one bunk for each two occupants;
(2) 49 CFR 173.34 and 49 CFR part 178, subpart C.
(g) Have a capability that allows bunks to be seen over their entire

lengths from the exterior; §197.340 Breathing Gas Supply.
(a) A primary breathing gas supply for surface-supplied diving
(h) Have a minimum pressure capability of– must be sufficient to support the following for the duration of the
planned dive:
(1) 6 ATA, when used for diving to 300 fsw; or

(1) The diver.
(2) The maximum depth of the dive, when used for diving
operations deeper than 300 fsw, unless a closed bell meeting the (2) The standby diver.
requirements of §197.330(a)(3), (4), and (5) is used;
A (3) The decompression chamber, when required by
(i) Have a minimum pressurization rate of 2 ATA per minute to 60 §197.432(e)(2) or by §197.434(a) for the duration of the dive and
fsw and at least 1 ATA per minute thereafter; for one hour after completion of the planned dive.

(j) Have a decompression rate of 1 ATA per minute to 33 fsw; (4) A decompression chamber when provided but not required by
this subpart.
(k) Have an external pressure gage for each pressurized
compartment; (5) A closed bell when provided or required by §197.434(d).

(l) Have a capability to supply breathing mixtures at the maximum (6) An open bell when provided or required by §197.432(e)(4) or
rate required by each occupant doing heavy work; and by §197.434(c).

(m) Have a sound-powered headset or telephone as a backup to (b) A secondary breathing gas supply for surface-supplied diving
the communications system required by §197.328(c)(5) and (6), must be sufficient to support the following:

except when that communications system is a sound-powered

system. (1) The diver while returning to the surface.

§197.334 Open Diving Bells. (2) The diver during decompression.

Each open diving bell must–

(3) The standby diver.

(a) Have an upper section that provides an envelope capable of
maintaining a bubble of breathing mixture available to a diver (4) The decompression chamber when required by
standing on the lower section of the platform with his body §197.432(e)(2) or by §197.434(a) for the duration of the dive and
through the open bottom and his head in the bubble; one hour after the completion of the planned dive.

(b) Have lifting equipment capable of returning the occupied open (5) The closed bell while returning the diver to the surface.
bell to the dive location;
(6) The open bell while returning the diver to the surface.
(c) Have an umbilical; and
(c) A diver-carried reserve breathing gas supply for surface-
(d) Be–(1) Made of corrosion-resisting material; or supplied diving must be sufficient to allow the diver to–

(2) Protected against and maintained free from injurious (1) Reach the surface.
(2) Reach another source of breathing gas; or
§197.336 Pressure Piping.
Piping systems that are not an integral part of the vessel or (3) Be reached by a standby diver equipped with another source
facility, carrying fluids under pressures exceeding 15 psig must– of breathing gas for the diver.

(a) Meet the ANSI Code; (d) A primary breathing gas supply for SCUBA diving must be

sufficient to support the diver for the duration of the planned dive (1)(i) A primary breathing gas supply with a cylinder pressure
through his return to the dive location or planned pick-up point. gage readable by the diver during the dive; and

(e) A diver-carried reserve breathing gas supply for SCUBA diving (1)(ii) A diver-carried reserve breathing gas supply provided by–
must be sufficient to allow the diver to return to the dive location
or planned pick-up point from the greatest depth of the planned (1)(ii)(A) A manual reserve (J valve); or
(1)(ii)(B) An independent reserve cylinder connected and ready
(f) Oxygen used for breathing mixtures must– for use;

(1) Meet the requirements of Federal Specification BB-0-925a; (2) A face mask;
(3) An inflatable floatation device;
(2) Be type 1 (gaseous) grade A or B.
(4) A weight belt capable of quick release;
(g) Nitrogen used for breathing mixtures must–
(5) A knife;
(1) Meet the requirements of Federal Specification BB-N-411c;
(6) Swim fins or shoes;

(2) Be type 1 (gaseous);
(7) A diving wristwatch; and

(3) Be class 1 (oil free); and
(8) A depth gage.
(4) Be grade A, B, or C.

(b) Each diver using a heavyweight diving outfit must–
(h) Helium used for breathing mixtures must be grades A, B, or C
produced by the Federal Government, or equivalent. (1) Have a helmet group consisting of helmet, breastplate, and
associated valves and connections;
(i) Compressed air used for breathing mixtures must–

(2) Have a diving dress group consisting of a basic dress that
(1) Be 20 to 22 percent oxygen by volume; encloses the body (except for head and hands) in a tough,
waterproof cover, gloves, shoes, weight assembly, and knife;
(2) Have no objectionable odor; and
A (3) Have a hose group consisting of the breathing gas hose and
(3) Have no more than– fittings, the control valve, the lifeline, communications cable, and
a pneumofathometer; and
(3)(i) 1,000 parts per million of carbon dioxide;

(4) Be provided with a helmet cushion and weighted shoes.

(3)(ii) 20 parts per million carbon monoxide;
(c) Each surface-supplied dive operation using a heavyweight
(3)(iii) 5 milligrams per cubic meter of solid and liquid particulates diving outfit must have an extra breathing gas hose with attaching

including oil; and tools available to the standby diver.

(3)(iv) 25 parts per million of hydrocarbons (includes methane and (d) Each diver using a lightweight diving outfit must have–

all other hydrocarbons expressed as methane).

(1) A safety harness;
§197.342 Buoyancy-Changing Devices.

(a) A dry suit or other buoyancy-changing device not directly (2) A weight assembly capable of quick release;
connected to the exhaust valve of the helmet or mask must have
an independent exhaust valve. (3) A mask group consisting of a lightweight mask and associated
valves and connections;
(b) When used for SCUBA diving, a buoyancy-changing device

must have an inflation source separate from the breathing gas (4) A diving dress group consisting of wet or dry diving dress,
supply. gloves, shoes or fins, and knife; and

§197.344 Inflatable Floatation Devices. (5) A hose group consisting of the breathing gas hose and fittings,
An inflatable floatation device for SCUBA diving must– the control valve, the lifeline, communications cable, and a

pneumofathometer (if the breaking strength of the

(a) Be capable of maintaining the diver at the surface in a faceup communications cable is at least equal to that required for the
position; lifeline, the communications cable can serve as the lifeline).

(b) Have a manually activated inflation device; (e) Each surface-supplied air dive operation within the no-
decompression limits and to depths of 130 fsw or less must have
(c) Have an oral inflation device; a primary breathing gas supply at the dive location.

(d) Have an over-pressure relief device; and (f) Each surface-supplied dive operation outside the no-
compression limits, deeper than 130 fsw, or using mixed-gas as a
(e) Have a manually operated exhaust valve. breathing mixture must have at the dive location–

§197.346 Diver's Equipment. (1) A primary breathing gas supply; and

(a) Each diver using SCUBA must have–
(2) A secondary breathing gas supply.
(1) Self-contained underwater breathing equipment including–

(g) Each diver diving outside the no-decompression limits, deeper execution of the diving operation including the responsibility for
than 130 fsw, or using mixed-gas must have a diver-carried the safety and health of the dive team.
reserve breathing gas supply except when using a heavy-weight
diving outfit or when diving in a physically confining area. §197.410 Dive Procedures.
(a) The diving supervisor shall insure that–
(1) Before commencing diving operations, dive team members
§197.400 Applicability. are briefed on–
Diving operations may only be conducted from a vessel or facility
subject to the subpart if the regulations in this subpart are met. (1)(i) The tasks to be undertaken;

§197.402 Responsibilities Of The Person-In-Charge. (1)(ii) Any unusual hazards or environmental conditions likely to
(a) The person-in-charge shall– affect the safety of the diving operation; and

(1) Be fully cognizant of the provisions of this subpart; (1)(iii) Any modifications to the operations manual or procedures
including safety procedures necessitated by the specific diving
(2) Prior to permitting any commercial diving operation to operation;
commence, have–
(2) The breathing gas supply systems, masks, helmets, thermal

(2)(i) The designation of the diving supervisor for each diving protection, when provided, and bell lifting equipment, when a bell
operation as required by §197.210; is provided or required, are inspected prior to each diving

(2)(ii) A report on–
(3) Each diver is instructed to report any physical problems or

(2)(ii)(A) The nature and planned times of the planned diving physiological effects including aches, pains, current illnesses, or
operation; and symptoms of decompression sickness prior to each dive;

(2)(ii)(B) The planned involvement of the vessel or facility, its (4) A depth, bottom time profile, including any breathing mixture
equipment, and its personnel in the diving operation. changes, is maintained at the dive location for each diver during

the dive, except that SCUBA divers shall maintain their own
(b) Prior to permitting any commerical diving operation involving profiles;
liveboating to commence, the person-in-charge shall insure that–

(1) A means of rapid communications with the diving supervisor A (5) A two-way voice communication system is used between–
while the diver is entering, in, or leaving the water is established; (5)(i) Each surface-supplied diver and a dive team member at the
and dive location or bell (when provided); and

(2) A boat and crew for diver pickup in the event of an emergency (5)(ii) The bell (when provided) and the dive location;
is provided.
(6) A two-way communication system is available at the dive
(c) The person-in-charge shall insure that a boat and crew for location to obtain emergency assistance;

SCUBA diver pickup is provided when SCUBA divers are not line-
tended from the dive location. (7) After the completion of each dive–

(d) The person-in-charge shall coordinate the activities on and of (7)(i) The physical condition of the diver is checked by–
the vessel or facility with the diving supervisor.
(7)(i)(A) Visual observation; and

(e) The person-in-charge shall insure that the vessel or facility

equipment and personnel are kept clear of the dive location (7)(i)(B) Questioning the diver about his physical well-being;
except after coordinating with the diving supervisor.
(7)(ii) The diver is instructed to report any physical problems or
§197.404 Responsibilities Of The Diving Supervisor. adverse physiological effects including aches, pains, current

(a) The diving supervisor shall– illnesses, or symptoms of decompression sickness or gas
(1) Be fully cognizant of the provisions of this subpart;
(7)(iii) The diver is advised of the location of an operational
(2) Be fully cognizant of the provisions of the operations manual decompression chamber; and

required by §197.420;
(7)(iv) The diver is alerted to the potential hazards of flying after
(3) Insure that diving operations conducted from a vessel or diving;
facility subject to this subpart meet the regulations in this subpart;
(8) For any dive outside the no-decompression limits, deeper than
(4) Prior to the commencement of any commercial diving 130 fsw, or using mixed-gas as a breathing mixture–
operation, provide the report required by §197.402 to the person-
in-charge; (8)(i) A depth, time, decompression profile including breathing
mixture changes is maintained for each diver at the dive location;
(5) Coordinate with the person-in-charge any changes that are
made to the report required by §197.402; and (8)(ii) The diver is instructed to remain awake and in the vicinity of
the dive location decompression chamber for at least one hour
(6) Promptly notify the person-in-charge of any diving related after the completion of a dive, decompression, or treatment; and
casualty, accident, or injury.
(8)(iii) A dive team member, other than the diver, is trained and
(b) The diving supervisor is in charge of the planning and available to operate the decompression chamber; and

(9) When decompression sickness or gas embolism is suspected (4) Emergency procedures for–
or symptoms are evident, a report is completed containing–
(4)(i) Fire;
(9)(i) The investigation for each incident including–
(4)(ii) Equipment failure;
(9)(i)(A) The dive and decompression profiles;
(4)(iii) Adverse environmental conditions including, but not limited
(9)(i)(B) The composition, depth, and time of breathing mixture to, weather and sea state;
(4)(iv) Medical illness; and
(9)(i)(C) A description of the symptoms including depth and time
of onset; and (4)(v) Treatment of injury.

(9)(i)(D) A description and results of the treatment; (5) Procedures dealing with the use of–

(9)(ii) The evaluation for each incident based on– (5)(i) Hand-held power tools;

(9)(ii)(A) The investigation; (5)(ii) Welding and burning equipment; and

(9)(ii)(B) Consideration of the past performance of the (5)(iii) Explosives.
decompression table used; and

Specific Diving Mode Procedures
(9)(ii)(C) Individual susceptibility; and
§197.430 SCUBA Diving.

(9)(iii) The corrective action taken, if necessary, to reduce the The diving supervisor shall insure that–
probability of recurrence.
(a) SCUBA diving is not conducted–
(b) The diving supervisor shall ensure that the working interval of
a dive is terminated when he so directs or when– (1) Outside the no-decompression limits;

(1) A diver requests termination; (2) At depths greater than 130 fsw;

(2) A diver fails to respond correctly to communications or signals

from a dive team member; A (3) Against currents greater than one (1) knot unless line-tended;
(3) Communications are lost and can not be quickly reestablished (4) If a diver cannot directly ascend to the surface unless line-
between– tended;

(3)(i) The diver and a dive team member at the dive location; or (b) The SCUBA diver has the equipment required by §197.346(a);

(3)(ii) The person-in-charge and the diving supervisor during (c) A standby diver is available while a diver is in the water;

liveboating operations; or
(d) A diver is line-tended from the surface or accompanied by
(4) A diver begins to use his diver-carried reserve breathing gas another diver in the water in continuous visual contact during the

supply. diving operation;

§197.420 Operations Manual. (e) When a diver is in a physically confining space, another diver

(a) The diving supervisor shall– is stationed at the underwater point of entry and is line-tending the
diver; and
(1) Provide an operations manual to the person-in-charge prior to
commencement of any diving operation; and (f) A boat is available for diver pickup when the divers are not line-
tended from the dive location.

(2) Make an operations manual available at the dive location to all

members of the dive team. §197.432 Surface-Supplied Air Diving.
The diving supervisor shall insure that–
(b) The operations manual must be modified in writing when
adaptation is required because of– (a) Surface-supplied air diving is conducted at depths less than

190 fsw, except that dives with bottom times of 30 minutes or less
(1) The configuration or operation of the vessel or facility; or may be conducted to depths of 220 fsw;

(2) The specific diving operation as planned. (b) Each diving operation has a primary breathing gas supply;

(c) The operations manual must provide for the safety and health (c) Each diver is continuously tended while in the water;
of the divers.
(d) When a diver is in a physically confining space, another diver
(d) The operations manual must contain the following: is stationed at the underwater point of entry and is line-tending the
(1) Safety procedures and checklists for each diving mode used.
(e) For dives deeper than 130 fsw or outside the no-
(2) Assignments and responsibilities of each dive team member decompression limits–
for each diving mode used.
(1) Each diving operation has a secondary breathing gas supply;
(3) Equipment procedures and checklists for each diving mode
used. (2) A decompression chamber is ready for use at the dive

location; (3) The propellers of the vessel are stopped before the diver
enters or exits the water; and
(3) A diving stage is used except when a bell is provided;
(4) A boat is ready to be launched with crew in the event of an
(4) A bell is used for dives with an in-water decompression time emergency.
greater than 120 minutes, except when the diver is using a heavy-
weight diving outfit or is diving in a physically confining space; (b) As used in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, restricted
visibility means any condition in which vessel navigational visibility
(5) A separate dive team member tends each diver in the water; is restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms,
sandstorms or any other similar causes.
(6) A standby diver is available while a diver is in the water; and
(c) During liveboating operations, the diving supervisor shall
(7) Each diver has a diver-carried reserve breathing gas supply insure that–
except when using a heavy-weight diving outfit or when diving in a
physically confining space; and (1) Diving is not conducted at depths greater than 220 fsw;

(f) The surface-supplied air diver has the equipment required by (2) Diving is not conducted in seas that impede diver mobility or
§197.346(b) or (d). work function;

§197.434 Surface-Supplied Mixed-Gas Diving. (3) A means is used to prevent the diver's hose from entangling in
The diving supervisor shall insure that– the propellers of the vessel;

(a) When mixed-gas diving is conducted, a decompression (4) Each diver carries a reserve breathing gas supply;
chamber or a closed bell meeting the requirements of §197.332 is

ready for use at the dive location; (5) A standby diver is available while a diver is in the water;

(b) A diving stage is used except when a bell is provided; (6) Diving is not conducted with in-water decompression times
greater than 120 minutes; and
(c) A bell is used for dives deeper than 220 fsw or when the dive

involves in-water decompression times greater than 120 minutes, (7) The person-in-charge is notified before a diver enters or exits
except when the diver is using a heavy-weight diving outfit or is the water.
diving in a physically confining space;

(d) A closed bell is used for dives at depths greater than 300 fsw, A PERIODIC TESTS AND INSPECTIONS OF DIVING
except when diving is conducted in a physically confining space;
§197.450 Breathing Gas Tests.
(e) A separate dive team member tends each diver in the water; The diving supervisor shall insure that–

(f) A standby diver is available during all nonsaturation dives; (a) The output of each air compressor is tested and meets the
requirements of §197.340 for quality and quantity by means of
(g) When saturation diving is conducted– samples taken at the connection point to the distribution system–

(1) A standby diver is available when the closed bell leaves the (1) Every 6 months; and
dive location until the divers are in saturation; and

(2) After every repair or modification.

(2) A member of the dive team at the dive location is a diver able
to assist in the recovery of the closed bell or its occupants, if (b) Purchased supplies of breathing mixtures supplied to a diver

required; are checked before being placed on line for–

(h) When closed bell operations are conducted, a diver is (1) Certification that the supply meets the requirements of
available in the closed bell to assist a diver in the water; §197.340; and

(i) When a diver is in a physically confining space, another diver is (2) Noxious or offensive odor and oxygen percentage;
stationed at the underwater point of entry and is line-tending the
diver; (c) Each breathing supply system is checked, prior to
commencement of diving operations, at the umbilical or
(j) Each diving operation has a primary and secondary breathing underwater breathing apparatus connection point for the diver, for

gas supply meeting the requirements of §197.340; and noxious or offensive odor and presence of oil mist; and

(k) The surface-supplied mixed-gas diver has the equipment (d) Each breathing supply system, supplying mixed-gas to a diver,
required by §197.346(b) or (d). is checked, prior to commencement of diving operations, at the
umbilical or underwater breathing apparatus connection point for
§197.436 Liveboating. the diver, for percentage of oxygen.
(a) During liveboating operations, the person-in-charge shall
insure that– §197.452 Oxygen Cleaning.
The diving supervisor shall ensure that equipment used with
(1) Diving is not conducted in seas that impede station-keeping oxygen or oxygen mixtures greater than 40 percent by volume is
ability of the vessel; cleaned of flammable materials–

(2) Liveboating operations are not conducted– (a) Before being placed into service; and

(2)(i) From 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise; or (b) After any repair, alteration, modification, or suspected
(2)(ii) During periods of restricted visibility;

§197.454 First Aid And Treatment Equipment. may impair the safety of the pressure vessel or piping shall be
The diving supervisor shall ensure that medical kits are checked repaired and pressure tested to the satisfaction of the Officer in
monthly to insure that all required supplies are present. Charge, Marine Inspection.

§197.456 Breathing Supply Hoses. (c) The following tests shall be conducted at least every three
(a) The diving supervisor shall insure that– years:

(1) Each breathing supply hose is pressure tested prior to being (1) All piping permanently installed on a PVHO shall be pressure
placed into initial service and every 24 months thereafter to 1.5 tested.
times its maximum working pressure;
(2) PVHOs subject to internal pressure shall be leak tested at the
(2) Each breathing supply hose assembly, prior to being placed maximum allowable working pressure using the breathing mixture
into initial service and after any repair, modification, or alteration, normally used in service.
is tensile tested by–
(3) Equivalent nondestructive testing may be conducted in lieu of
(2)(i) Subjecting each hose-to-fitting connection to a 200 pound pressure testing. Proposals to use nondestructive testing in lieu of
axial load; and pressure testing shall be submitted to the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection.
(2)(ii) Passing a visual examination for evidence of separation,

slippage, or other damage to the assembly; (d) Unless otherwise noted, pressure tests conducted in
accordance with this section shall be either hydrostatic tests or

(3) Each breathing supply hose is periodically checked for– pneumatic tests.

(3)(i) Damage which is likely to affect pressure integrity; and (1) When a hydrostatic test is conducted on a pressure vessel,

the test pressure shall be no less than 1.25 times the maximum
(3)(ii) Contamination which is likely to affect the purity of the allowable working pressure.
breathing mixture delivered to the diver; and
(2) When a pneumatic test is conducted on a pressure vessel, the
(4) The open ends of each breathing supply hose are taped, test pressure shall be the maximum allowable working pressure

capped, or plugged when not in use. stamped on the nameplate.

(b) To meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(3) of this section, (3) When a pneumatic test is conducted on piping, the test
each breathing supply hose must be–
A pressure shall be no less than 90 percent of the setting of the
relief device.
(1) Carefully inspected before being shipped to the dive location;
(4) Pressure tests shall be conducted only after suitable
(2) Visually checked during daily operation; and precautions are taken to protect personnel and equipment.

(3) Checked for noxious or offensive odor before each diving (5) When pressure tests are conducted on pressure vessels or
operation. pressure piping, the test pressure shall be maintained for a period
of time sufficient to allow examination of all joints, connections

§197.458 Gages And Timekeeping Devices. and high stress areas.

The diving supervisor shall insure that–
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51220, Sept. 30, 1997]

(a) Each depth gage and timekeeping device is tested or

calibrated against a master reference gage or time- keeping RECORDS
device every 6 months;

§197.480 Logbooks.
(b) A depth gage is tested when a discrepancy exists in a depth (a) The person-in-charge of a vessel or facility, that is required by
gage reading greater than 2 percent of full scale between any two 46 U.S.C. 11301 to have an official logbook, shall maintain the
gages of similar range and calibration; logbook on form CG-706.

(c) A timekeeping device is tested when a discrepancy exists in a (b) The person-in-charge of a vessel or facility not required by 46
timekeeping device reading greater than one-quarter of a minute U.S.C. 11301 to have an official logbook, shall maintain, on
in a 4-hour period between any two timekeeping devices; and board, a logbook for making the entries required by this subpart.

(d) Each depth gage and timekeeping device is inspected before (c) The diving supervisor conducting commercial diving

diving operations are begun. operations from a vessel or facility subject to this subpart shall
maintain a logbook for making the entries required by this
§197.460 Diving Equipment. subpart.
The diving supervisor shall insure that the diving equipment
designated for use in a dive under §197.346 is inspected before [CGD 76-009, 43 FR 53683, Nov. 16, 1978, as amended by CGD
each dive. 95-028, 62 FR 51220, Sept. 30, 1997]

§197.462 Pressure Vessels And Pressure Piping. §197.482 Logbook Entries.

(a) The diving supervisor shall ensure that each pressure vessel, (a) The person-in-charge shall insure that the following
including each volume tank, cylinder and PVHO, and each information is recorded in the logbook for each commercial diving
pressure piping system is examined and tested as required by operation:
this section and after any repair, modification or alteration to
determine that they are in satisfactory condition and fit for the (1) Date, time, and location at the start and completion of dive
service intended. operations.

(b) Pressure vessels and pressure piping shall be examined (2) Approximate underwater and surface conditions (weather,
annually for mechanical damage or deterioration. Any defect that visibility, temperatures, and currents).

(3) Name of the diving supervisor. (5) The date, equipment cleaned, general cleaning procedure,
and names of persons cleaning the diving equipment for oxygen
(4) General nature of work performed. service.

(b) The diving supervisor shall insure that the following (6) The date and results of each test of the breathing supply
information is recorded in the logbook for each commercial diving hoses and system.
(7) The date and results of each inspection of the breathing gas
(1) Date, time, and location at the start and completion of each supply system.
dive operation.
(8) The date and results of each test of depth gages and
(2) Approximate underwater and surface conditions (weather, timekeeping devices.
visibility, temperatures, and currents).
(9) The date and results of each test and inspection of each
(3) Names of dive team members including diving supervisor. PVHO.

(4) General nature of work performed. (10) The date and results of each inspection of the diving
(5) Repetitive dive designation or elapsed time since last

hyperbaric exposure if less than 24 hours for each diver. (11) The date and results of each test and inspection of pressure

(6) Diving modes used.
(12) The date and results of each test and inspection of volume
(7) Maximum depth and bottom time for each diver. tanks and cylinders.

(8) Name of person-in-charge. (e) The diving supervisor shall insure that a notation concerning
the location of the information required under paragraph (d) is
(9) For each dive outside the no-decompression limits, deeper made in the logbook.
than 130 fsw, or using mixed-gas, the breathing gases and

decompression table designations used. [NOTE: 46 U.S.C. 11301 requires that certain entries be made in
an official logbook in addition to the entries required by this
(10) When decompression sickness or gas embolism is section; and 46 U.S.C. 11302 prescribes the manner of making
suspected or symptoms are evident–
A those entries.]
(10)(i) The name of the diver; and [CGD 76-009, 43 FR 53683, Nov. 16, 1978, as amended by
USCG-1999-6216, 64 FR 53229, Oct. 1, 1999]
(10)(ii) A description and results of treatment.

§197.484 Notice Of Casualty.

(11) For each fatality or any diving related injury or illness that (a) In addition to the requirements of subpart 4.05 of this chapter
results in incapacitation of more than 72 hours or requires any and 33 CFR 146.30, the person-in-charge shall notify the Officer-
dive team member to be hospitalized for more than 24 hours– in-Charge, Marine Inspection, as soon as possible after a diving

casualty occurs, if the casualty involves any of the following:

(11)(i) The date;
(1) Loss of life.

(11)(ii) Time;
(2) Diving-related injury to any person causing incapacitation for
(11)(iii) Circumstances; and more than 72 hours.

(11)(iv) Extent of any injury or illness. (3) Diving-related injury to any person requiring hospitalization for
more than 24 hours.
(c) The diving supervisor shall insure that the following is
recorded in the logbook for each diving operation deviating from (b) The notice required by this section must contain the following:

the requirements of this subpart:

(1) Name and official number (if applicable) of the vessel or
(1) A description of the circumstances leading to the situation. facility.

(2) The deviations made. (2) Name of the owner or agent of the vessel or facility.

(3) The corrective action taken, if appropriate, to reduce the (3) Name of the person-in-charge.
possibility of recurrence.
(4) Name of the diving supervisor.
(d) The diving supervisor shall insure that a record of the following
is maintained: (5) Description of the casualty including presumed cause.

(1) The date and results of each check of the medical kits. (6) Nature and extent of the injury to persons.

(2) The date and results of each test of the air compressor. (c) The notice required by this section is not required if the written
report required by §197.486 is submitted within 5 days of the
(3) The date and results of each check of breathing mixtures. casualty.

(4) The date and results of each check of each breathing supply [CGD 76-009, 43 FR 53683, Nov. 16, 1978, as amended by CGD
system. 95-072, 60 FR 50469, Sept. 29, 1995]

§197.486 Written Report Of Casualty.

The person-in-charge of a vessel or facility for which a notice of 1983; CGD 84-099, 52 FR 47536, Dec. 14, 1987]
casualty was made under §197.484 shall submit a report to the
Officer-in-Charge, Marine Inspection, as soon as possible after §197.488 Retention Of Records After Casualty.
the casualty occurs, as follows: (a) The owner, agent, or person-in-charge of a vessel or facility
for which a report of casualty is made under §197.484 shall retain
(a) On Form CG-2692, when the diving installation is on a vessel. all records onboard that are maintained on the vessel or facility
and those records required by this subpart for 6 months after the
(b) Using a written report, in narrative form, when the diving report of a casualty is made or until advised by the Officer-in-
installation is on a facility. The written report must contain the Charge, Marine Inspection, that records need not be retained
information required by §197.484. onboard.

(c) The report required by this section must be accompanied by a (b) The records required by paragraph (a) of this section to be
copy of the report required by §197.410(a)(9) when retained on board include, but are not limited to, the following:
decompression sickness is involved.
(1) All logbooks required by §197.480.
(d) The report required by this section must include information
relating to alcohol or drug involvement as required by §4.05-12 of (2) All reports required by §197.402(a)(2)(ii), §197.404(a)(4),
this chapter. §197.410(a)(9).

(The reporting requirement in paragraph (a) was approved by (c) The owner, agent, person-in-charge, or diving supervisor shall,
OMB under control number 1625-0001) upon request, make the records described in this section

available for examination by any Coast Guard official authorized
[CGD 76-009, 43 FR 53683, Nov. 16, 1978, as amended by CGD to investigate the casualty.
82-023, 47 FR 35748, Aug. 16, 1982; 48 FR 43328, Sept. 23,


Appendix A – Forms required or useful for foreign vessels operating in us waters found
in Book 1













Insurance Guaranty Form CG-5586 No. ______





Insurance Guaranty Form CG-5586 No. _____

Appendix C To Part 138-Master Insurance Guaranty Form

Insurance Co. Form No. ____________________


The undersigned insurer or insurers ("Insurer") hereby certifies that for purposes of complying with the financial responsibility provisions of the
Oil Pollution Act of 1990 ("OPA 90") and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended
("CERCLA"), (referred to collectively as the "Acts"),

(Name of Assured Operator)

and any owner (collectively referred to as "Assured") of each vessel covered hereunder are insured by it against liability for costs and
damages to which the Assured may be subject under either section 1002 of OPA 90, as limited by section 1004(a), or section 107(a)(1) of
CERCLA, as limited by sections 107(c)(1)(A) and (B), or both, in an amount equal to the total applicable amount determined in accordance

with the Applicable Amount Table below, respecting each covered vessel. This guaranty is applicable in relation to any vessel for which either
or both Acts require financial responsibility and which the Assured holds for purposes of construction, repair, scrapping, lease, or sale.

The amount and scope of insurance coverage hereby provided by the Insurer is not conditioned or dependent in any way upon any contract,
agreement, or understanding between the Assured and the Insurer. Coverage hereunder is for purposes of evidencing financial responsibility
under each of the Acts, separately, at the levels in effect at the time of the incident(s), release(s), or threatened release(s) giving rise to claims.

(Name of Agent)

with offices at_________________________________

is designated as the Insurer's agent in the United States for service of process for purposes of this guaranty and for receipt of notices of
designation and presentations of claims under the Acts. If the designated agent cannot be served due to death, disability, or unavailability, the
Director, Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center ("Center"), is the agent for these purposes.

The Insurer consents to be sued directly with respect to any claim, including any claim by right of subrogation, for costs and damages arising
under section 1002 of OPA 90, as limited by section 1004(a), or section 107(a)(1) of CERCLA, as limited by sections 107(c)(1)(A) and (B), or
both, against the Assured. However, in any direct action under OPA 90, the Insurer's liability per vessel per incident shall not exceed the
amount determined under part I of the Applicable Amount Table below and, in any direct action under CERCLA, the Insurer's, liability per

vessel per release or threatened release shall not exceed the amount determined under part II of the Applicable Amount Table below. The
Insurer's obligation hereunder with respect to any one incident or release or threatened release shall be reduced by all payments of
succession of payments for costs and damages, to one or more claimants, made by or on behalf of the Assured under OPA 90 or CERCLA or

both, as applicable, for which the Assured is liable. The Insurer shall be entitled to invoke only the following rights and defenses in any direct

(1) The incident, release, or threatened release was caused by the willful misconduct of the Assured.

(2) Any defense that the Assured may raise under the Acts.

(3) A defense relating to the amount of a claim or claims, filed in any action in any court or other proceeding, that exceeds the amount of this

guaranty with respect to an incident or with respect to a release or threatened release.

(4) A defense relating to the amount of a claim or claims that exceeds the amount of this guaranty, which amount is based on the gross
tonnage of a covered vessel as entered on the vessel's International Tonnage Certificate or other official, applicable certificate of

measurement, except where the guarantor knew or should have known that the applicable tonnage certificate was incorrect.

(5) The claim is not one made Under either of the Acts.

No more than four Insurers (including lead underwriters) may execute this guaranty. If more than one Insurer executes this guaranty, each
Insurer binds itself jointly and severally for the purpose of allowing joint action or actions against any or all of the insurers, and for all other
purposes each Insurer is bound for the payment of sums only in accordance with the percentage of participation set forth opposite the name of
the Insurer below. If no percentage of participation is indicated for an Insurer or Insurers, the liability of such Insurer or Insurers shall be joint
and several for the total of the unspecified portions.

(Name of lead guarantor)

is designated as the lead guarantor having authority to bind all guarantors for actions of guarantors under the Acts, including but not limited to
receipt of designation of source, advertisement of a designation, and receipt and settlement of claims (inapplicable if only one Insurer
executes this guaranty).

The insurance evidenced by this guaranty shall be applicable only in relation to each incident, release, or threatened release occurring on or
after the effective date of this guaranty and before the termination date of this guaranty and shall be applicable only in relation to each
incident, release and threatened release giving rise to claims under section 1002 of OPA 90 or section 107(a)(1) of CERCLA, or both, with
respect to any covered vessel. The termination date is 30 days after the date of receipt by the Center of written notice that the Insurer has
elected to terminate the insurance evidenced by this guaranty and has so notified the above named Assured operator.

Termination of this guaranty does not affect the liability of the Insurer in connection with an incident, release, or threatened release occurring
prior to the date the termination becomes effective.

Title 33 CFR part 138 governs this guaranty.

Effective Date:


(Name of insurer)

(Percentage of Participation)

(Mailing Address)

By: ____________________________________________________
(Signature of Official Signing On Behalf of Insurer) A
(Typed Name and Title of Signer)

[NOTE: For each additional Insurer, provide information in the same manner as for Insurer above.]
Master Insurance Guaranty Form CG-5586-1 No. ___________

Surety Co. Bond No. ______________________


(Name of Vessel Operator)

of _____________________________________________
(City, State and Country)

("Principal"), and the undersigned surety company or companies ("Surety" or "Sureties"), each authorized by the United States Department of
the Treasury to do business in the United States as an approved surety, are held and firmly bound unto the United States of America and
other claimants in the penal sum of


for costs and damages for which the Principal is liable under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 ("OPA 90") and the Comprehensive Environmental

Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended ("CERCLA") (referred to collectively as the "Acts"). "Principal" includes, in addition to
the vessel operator and the owner of each vessel covered by this guaranty ("covered vessel").

The Principal has elected to file with the Director, Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center ("Center") this surety bond guaranty as
evidence of financial responsibility to obtain from the Coast Guard a Certificate, or Certificates, of Financial Responsibility (Water Pollution)
under 33 CFR part 138, to meet any liability for costs and damages incurred in connection with a covered vessel under section 1002 of OPA
90, as limited by section 1004(a), or section 107(a)(1) of CERCLA, as limited by sections 107(c)(1)(A) and (B), or both.

The Surety agrees that the penal sum of this surety bond guaranty shall be available to pay to the United States of America or other claimants
under the Acts any sum or sums for which the Principal may be held liable under the Acts. The penal sum shall be the total applicable amount,
determined in accordance with the Applicable Amount Table below, for which payment we, the undersigned, bind ourselves and our heirs,
executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally.
No more than 10 Sureties (including lead Sureties) may execute this guaranty. If there is more than one surety company executing this
guaranty, we, the Sureties, bind ourselves in the penal sum jointly and severally for the purpose of allowing a Joint action or actions against
any or all of us, and for all other purposes each Surety binds itself, jointly and severally with the Principal, for the payment of the percentage of

the penal sum only as is set forth opposite the name of each Surety. If no percentage is indicated for a Surety or Sureties, the liability of such
Surety or Sureties shall be joint and several for the total of the unspecified portions.


(Name of lead guarantor)

is designated as lead guarantors having authority to bind all guarantors for actions of guarantors under the Acts, including but not limited to
receipt of designation of source, advertisement of a designation, and receipt and Settlement of claims (inapplicable if only one Surety executes

this guaranty).

Principal and the Surety or Sureties agree that if all or a portion of the penal sum is paid, the penal sum is considered reinstated to its full

amount until 30 days after receipt from the Surety of written notice to the Director, NPFC, that the penal sum has not been reinstated. Principal
and the Surety or Sureties further agree that if at the time of an incident, release, or threatened release a covered vessel is a tank vessel or is
carrying a hazardous substance as cargo, the penal sum of this surety bond guaranty automatically increases, if necessary, to the total
applicable amount appropriate for such vessel as determined in accordance with the Applicable Amount Table below. In no case, however,
shall the penal sum be increased to an amount greater than the total applicable amount.

The penal sum is not further conditioned or dependent in any way upon any contract, agreement or understanding between the Principal and
Surety. If the Principal is responsible for more than one vessel covered by this guaranty, then the penal sum is the total applicable amount for
the vessel having the greatest liability under the Acts.

The liability of the Surety as guarantor under OPA or CERCLA, or both, shall not be discharged by any payment or succession of payments
hereunder, unless and until such payment or payments amount in the aggregate to the penal sum of this bond guaranty.

Any claim, including any claim by right of subrogation, against the Principal for costs and damages arising under either section 1002 of OPA
90, as limited by section 1004(a), or section 107(a)(1) of CERCLA, as limited by sections 107(c)(1)(A) and (B), or both, may be brought
directly against the Surety, and the Surety consents to suit with respect to these claims. However, in any direct action under OPA 90 the
Surety's liability shall not exceed the amount determined under part I of the Applicable Amount Table below and, in any direct action under
CERCLA the Surety's liability shall not exceed the amount determined under part II of the Applicable Amount Table below. The Surety's
obligation hereunder with respect to any one incident or release or threatened release shall be reduced by all payments or succession of
payments for costs and damages, to one or more claimants, made by or on behalf of the Principal under OPA 90 or CERCLA or both, as
applicable, for which the Principal is liable. In the event of a direct claim, the Surety may invoke only the following rights and defenses:

(1) The incident, release, or threatened release was caused by the willful misconduct of the Principal.

(2) Any defense that the Principal may raise under the Acts.

(3) A defense relating to the amount of a claim or claims, filed in any action in any court or other proceeding, that exceeds the amount of this
guaranty with respect to an incident or with respect to a release or threatened release.

(4) A defense relating to the amount of a claim or claims that exceeds the amount of this guaranty, which amount is based on the gross
tonnage of the vessel as entered on the vessel's International Tonnage Certificate or other official, applicable certificate of measurement,
except where the surety knew or should have known that the applicable tonnage certificate was incorrect.

(5) The claim is not one made under either of the Acts.

This bond is effective the _____________ day of ________________, 12:01 a.m., standard time at the address of the Surety first named
herein, and shall continue in force until discharged or terminated as herein provided. The above named Vessel Operator or the Surety may at
an time terminate this bond guaranty by written notice sent by certified mail, registered mail, overnight delivery, or other comparable service to
the other party, with a copy (showing that the original notice was sent to the other party by certified mail, registered mail, overnight delivery, or
other comparable service) to the Center. The termination is effective thirty (30) days after the Center receives the written notice of termination.
The Surety shall not be liable hereunder in connection with an incident, release, or threatened release occurring after the termination of this
bond guaranty as herein provided, but the termination shall not affect the liability of the Surety in connection with an incident, release, or
threatened release occurring prior to the date the termination becomes effective. Nor shall the Surety be liable hereunder in connection with a
non-covered vessel, which is a vessel specifically named in other evidence of financial responsibility, which is applicable to that vessel on
behalf of the above named Vessel Operator, and which is accepted by and on file with the Center during an incident, release, or threatened

release giving rise to a claim against the Surety or Principal.

The Surety designates __________________________
(Name of Agent)
with offices at ________________________________________________

as the Surety's agent in the United States for service of process for the purposes of this surety bond guaranty and for receipt of notices of
designation and presentations Of claims under the Acts. If the designated agent cannot be served due to death, disability, or unavailability, the
Director, Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center, is the agent for these purposes.


Title 33 CFR part 138 governs this bond guaranty.
In witness whereof, the Vessel Operator, for itself and owners, and Surety have executed this instrument on the __ day of -________,______.


__________________________________________ ___________________________
(Signature of Sole Proprietor or Partner) (Business Address)

__________________________________________ ___________________________

__________________________________________ ___________________________
(Signature of Sole Proprietor or Partner) (Business Address)

__________________________________________ ___________________________


__________________________________________ ___________________________

(Signature of Sole Proprietor or Partner) (Business Address)

__________________________________________ ___________________________


(Corporation) A
(Business Address)

__________________________________________ (Affix Corporate Seal)




(Typed Name and Title)


__________________________________________ __________________________
(Name) (Percentage of Participation)

__________________________________________ (Affix Corporate Seal)

__________________________________________ __________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________
(State of Incorporation) (Typed Name(s) and Title(s))

[NOTE: For every co-Surety, provide information in the same manner as for Surety above.]


Financial Guaranty Form
Financial Guaranty No. ______



(Name of Vessel Operator)
the operator of each vessel named in the annexed schedules ("covered vessel"), desires to establish evidence of financial responsibility for the
owner and operator (referred to collectively as "Operator") of each covered vessel in accordance with the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 ("OPA 90")
and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended ("CERCLA") (referred to collectively as the
"Acts"). The undersigned Financial Guarantor or Guarantors ("Guarantor") hereby guarantees, subject to the provisions hereof, to discharge
the Operator's liability with respect to each covered vessel for costs and damages under section 1002 of OPA 90, as limited by section
1004(a), or section 107(a)(1) of CERCLA, as limited by sections 107(c)(1)(B) and (A), or both, in an amount equal to the total applicable

amount determined in accordance with the Applicable Amount Table below. The Operator and the Guarantor agree that if at the time of an
incident, release, or threatened release a covered vessel is a tank vessel or is carrying a hazardous substance as cargo, the limit of liability of
the Guarantor hereunder shall be the total applicable amount appropriate for such a vessel determined in accordance with the Applicable

Amount Table below. The amount and scope of the Guarantor's liability are not further conditioned or dependent in any way upon any
contract, agreement, or understanding between the Operator and the Guarantor. The Guarantor shall furnish written notice to the Director,
Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center ("Center"), of all judgments rendered and payments made by the Guarantor under this Financial


2. Any claim, including any claim by right of subrogation, against the Operator for costs and damages arising under either section 1002 of OPA
90 as limited by section 1004(a), or section 107(a)(1) of CERCLA as limited by sections 107(c)(1)(A) and (B), or both, may be brought directly
against the Guarantor and the Guarantor consents to suit with respect to these claims. However, in any direct action under OPA 90 the

Guarantor's liability per vessel per incident shall not exceed the amount determined under part I of the Applicable Amount Table below and, in
any direct action under CERCLA the Guarantor's liability per vessel per release or, threatened release shall not exceed the amount

determined under part II of the Applicable Amount Table below. The Guarantor's obligation hereunder with respect to any one incident or
release or threatened release shall be reduced by all payments or succession of payments for costs and damages, to one or more claimants,
made by or on behalf of the Operator under OPA 90 or CERCLA or both, as applicable, for which the Operator is liable. The Guarantor shall
be entitled to invoke only the following rights and defenses in any direct action:

(1) The incident, release, or threatened release was caused by the willful misconduct of the Operator.

(2) Any defense that the Operator may raise under the Acts.

(3) A defense relating to the amount of a claim or claims, filed in any action in any court or other proceeding, that exceeds the amount of this

Guaranty with respect to an incident or with respect to a release or threatened release.

(4) A defense relating to the amount of a claim or claims that exceeds the amount of this Guaranty, which amount is based on the gross

tonnage of the covered vessel as entered on the Vessel's International Tonnage Certificate or other official, applicable certificate of
measurement, except where the guarantor knew or should have known that the applicable certificate was incorrect.

(5) The claim is not one made under either of the Acts.

3. The Guarantor's liability under this Guaranty shall attach only in relation to each incident, release, or threatened release occurring on or
after the effective date and before the termination date of this Guaranty. The effective date of this Guaranty for each covered vessel listed
below is the date the vessel is named in or added to the schedules below. For each covered vessel, the termination date of the Guaranty is 30

days after the date of receipt by the Center of written notice that the Guarantor has elected to terminate this Guaranty, with respect to any of
the covered vessels, and has so notified the vessel Operator identified above on the schedule below. Termination of this Guaranty as to any
vessel does not affect the liability of the Guarantor in connection with an incident, release, or threatened release occurring prior to the date the
termination becomes effective.

4. If during the Currency of this Guaranty, the Operator requests that a vessel become subject to this Guaranty, and if the Guarantor accedes
to that request and so notifies the Center in writing, then that vessel shall be considered included in Schedule B as a covered vessel and
subject to this Guaranty.

5. The Guarantor designates_____________________________________________________________

(Name of Agent)
with offices at _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
as the Guarantor's agent in the United States for service of process for purposes of this Guaranty and for receipt of notices of designation and
presentations of claims under the Acts. If the designated agent cannot be served due to death, disability or unavailability, the Director, Coast
Guard National Pollution Funds Center, is the agent for service of process.

6. No more than four Financial Guarantors may execute this Guaranty. If more than one Guarantor executes this Guaranty, each Guarantor
binds itself jointly and severally for the purpose of allowing a joint action or actions against any or all of the Guarantors, and for all other
purposes each Guarantor binds itself, jointly and severally with the Operator, for the payment of the percentage of sums only as is set forth
opposite the name of the Guarantor. If no limit is indicated for a Guarantor or Guarantors, the liability of such Guarantor or Guarantors shall be
joint and several for the total of the unspecified portions.

(Name of Lead Guarantor)
is designated as the lead guarantor having authority to bind all guarantors for actions of guarantors under the Acts, including but not limited to
receipt of designation of source, advertisement of a designation, and receipt and settlement of claims (inapplicable if only one Financial
Guarantor executes this Guaranty).

7. Title 33 CFR part 138 governs this Financial Guaranty.

EFFECTIVE DATE: _____________________________

(Month/Day/Year and Place of Execution)

(Typed Name of Guarantor)

(Address of Guarantor)



(Percentage of Participation)

By: _________________________________________



(Type Name and Title of Person Signing Above)






Insurance Guaranty Form CG-5586 No. ______





Insurance Guaranty Form CG-5586 No. ______

33 CFR Appendix F To Part 138-Master Financial Guaranty Form
Financial Guaranty No. ______


1. ________________________
(Name of Builder, Repairer, Scrapper, Lessor, or Seller)
is in, or from time to time may come into, possession of a vessel or vessels ("Vessel" or "Vessels") held for purposes of construction, repair,
scrapping, lease, or sale, and desires to establish evidence of financial responsibility for itself and any owner (collectively referred to as
"Operator") of each Vessel in accordance with the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 ("OPA 90") and the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended ("CERCLA") (referred to collectively as the "Acts"). The undersigned Financial Guarantor or
Guarantors ("Guarantor") hereby guarantees, subject to the provisions hereof, to discharge the Operator's liability with respect to each Vessel
for costs and damages under section 1002 of OPA 90, as limited by section 1004(a), or section 107(a)(1) of CERCLA, as limited by sections
107(c)(1)(A) and (B), or both, in an amount equal to the total applicable amount determined in accordance with the Applicable Amount Table

below. The Operator and the Guarantor agree that if at the time of an incident, release, or threatened release a covered vessel is a tank
vessel or is carrying a hazardous substance as cargo, the limit of liability of the Guarantor hereunder shall be the total applicable amount

appropriate for such vessel determined in accordance with the Applicable Amount Table below. The amount and scope of liability are not
further conditioned or dependent in any way upon any contract, agreement or understanding between the Operator and the Guarantor. The
Guarantor shall furnish written notice to the Director, Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center ("Center"), of all judgments rendered and

payments made by the Guarantor under this Financial Guaranty.

2. Any claim, including any claim by right of subrogation, against the Operator for costs and damages arising under either section 1002 of OPA
90 as limited by section 1004(a), or section 107(a)(1) of CERCLA as limited by sections 107(c)(1)(A) and (B), or both, may be brought directly
against the Guarantor and the Guarantor consents to suit with respect to these claims. However, in any direct action under OPA 90 the

Guarantor's liability per vessel per incident shall not exceed the amount determined under part I of the Applicable Amount Table below and, in
any direct action under CERCLA the Guarantor's liability per vessel per release or threatened release shall not exceed the amount determined
under part II of the Applicable Amount Table below. The Guarantor's obligation hereunder with respect to any one incident or release or
threatened release shall be reduced by all payments or succession of payments for costs and damages, to one or more claimants, made by or
on behalf of the Operator under OPA 90 or CERCLA or both, as applicable, for which the Operator is liable. The Guarantor shall be entitled to
invoke only the following rights and defenses in any direct action:

(1) The incident, release, or threatened release was caused by the willful misconduct of the Operator.

(2) Any defense that the Operator may raise under the Acts.

(3) A defense relating to the amount of a claim or claims, filed in any action in any court or other proceeding, that exceeds the amount of this

Guaranty with respect to an incident or with respect to a release or threatened release.

(4) A defense relating to the amount of a claim or claims that exceeds the amount of this Guaranty, which amount is based on the gross

tonnage of the covered vessel as entered on the Vessel's International Tonnage Certificate or other official, applicable certificate of
measurement, except where the guarantor knew or should have known that the applicable tonnage certificate was incorrect.

(5) The claim is not one made under either of the Acts.

3. The Guarantor's liability under this Guaranty shall attach only in relation to each incident, release, or threatened release occurring on or
after the effective date and before the termination date of this Guaranty. The termination date is 30 days after the date of receipt by the Center
of written notice that the Guarantor has elected to terminate this Guaranty and has so notified the Operator. Termination of this Guaranty shall

not affect the liability of the Guarantor in connection with an incident, release, or threatened release occurring prior to the date the termination
becomes effective.

4. The Guarantor designates ____________________________,

(Name of Agent)

with offices at_________________________________________

as the Guarantor's agent in the United States for service of process for purposes of this Guaranty and for receipt of notices

CG-5586-4 2

of designation and presentations of claims under the Acts. if the designated agent cannot be served due to death, disability, or unavailability,
the Director, National Pollution Funds Center, is the agent for these purposes.

5. No more than four Financial Guarantors may execute this Guaranty. If more than one Guarantor executes this Guaranty, each Guarantor
binds itself jointly and severally for the purpose of allowing a joint action or actions against any or all of the Guarantors, and for all other
purposes each Guarantor binds itself, jointly and severally with the Operator, for the payment of the percentage of sums only as is set forth
opposite the name of the Guarantor. If no percentage is indicated for a Guarantor or Guarantors, the liability of such Guarantor or Guarantors
shall be joint and several for the total of the unspecified portions.

(Name of lead guarantor)
is designated as the lead guarantor having authority to bind all guarantors for actions of guarantors under the Acts, including but not limited to
receipt of designation of source, advertisement of a designation, and receipt and settlement of claims (inapplicable if only one Financial
Guarantor executes this Guaranty).

6. Title 33 CFR part 138 governs this Financial Guaranty.

EFFECTIVE DATE: _________________

(Month/Day/Year and Place of Execution)

(Typed Name of Guarantor)

(Address of Guarantor)

(Percentage of Participation)

By: __________________

(Type Name and Title of Person Signing Above)




Appendix B – Forms required or useful for foreign vessels operating in us waters found
in Book 2




Chemicals A ___________________________ B ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

Description of Products:


Sample Source

Composition (by weight

Inhibitors or Stabilizers

Deviations from
Prescribed Method
(including special


Step Number 1

Products miscible? ______________________________ Gases evolved? ________________


Other Observations:

Step Number 2
2/18 10/10 18/2
A/B Ratio:


Maximum Δ T

Time to reach
Max. Temp.


Gases evolved?

Other Observations

Size of Dewer Flask (inside measurements): Width _________ mm Height

_________ mm

Step Number 3 A
A/B Ration

Oil Bath Temperature

Maximum Δ T

Time to read Max.


Gases evolved?

Other Observations

Date of

Submitting Organization:

Test Data Approval By:


RESOLUTIONS OF THE CONFERENCE OF Contracting Governments to the Convention.
(adopted on 12 December 2002) 1 The Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security
held in London in December 2002 adopted new
ADOPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CODE FOR provisions in the International Convention for the Safety
THE SECURITY OF SHIPS AND OF PORT of Life at Sea, 1974 and this Code* to enhance
FACILITIES maritime security. These new requirements form the
international framework through which ships and port

THE CONFERENCE, facilities can co-operate to detect and deter acts which
threaten security in the maritime transport sector.
HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International

Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as 2 Following the tragic events of 11th September 2001,
amended (hereinafter referred to as .the Convention.), the twenty-second session of the Assembly of the
concerning special measures to enhance maritime International Maritime Organization (the Organization),

safety and security, in November 2001, unanimously agreed to the
development of new measures relating to the security
CONSIDERING that the new chapter XI-2 of the of ships and of port facilities for adoption by a
Convention makes a reference to an International Ship Conference of Contracting Governments to the

and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and requires that International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,
ships, companies and port facilities to comply with the 1974 (known as the Diplomatic Conference on
relevant requirements of part A of the International Ship Maritime Security) in December 2002. Preparation for
and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, as specified in
part A of the ISPS Code, A the Diplomatic Conference was entrusted to the
Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) on
the basis of submissions made by Member States,
BEING OF THE OPINION that the implementation by intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental
Contracting Governments of the said chapter will organizations in consultative status with the
greatly contribute to the enhancement of maritime Organization.

safety and security and safeguarding those on board

and ashore, 3 The MSC, at its first extraordinary session, held also
in November 2001, in order to accelerate the
HAVING CONSIDERED a draft of the International development and the adoption of the appropriate

Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities security measures established an MSC Intersessional
prepared by the Maritime Safety Committee of the Working Group on Maritime Security. The first meeting
International Maritime Organization (hereinafter referred of the MSC Intersessional Working Group on Maritime

to as .the Organization.), at its seventy-fifth and Security was held in February 2002 and the outcome of
seventy-sixth session, for consideration and adoption its discussions was reported to, and considered by, the
by the Conference, seventy-fifth session of the MSC in March 2002, when

an ad hoc Working Group was established to further

1. ADOPTS the International Code for the Security develop the proposals made. The seventy-fifth session
of Ships and of Port Facilities (hereinafter referred to of the MSC considered the report of that Working
as .the Code.), the text of which is set out in the Annex Group and recommended that work should be taken
to the present resolution; forward through a further MSC Intersessional Working

Group, which was held in September 2002. The

2. INVITES Contracting Governments to the seventy-sixth session of the MSC considered the
Convention to note that the Code will take effect on 1 outcome of the September 2002 session of the MSC
July 2004 upon entry into force of the new chapter XI-2 Intersessional Working Group and the further work

of the Convention; undertaken by the MSC Working Group held in

conjunction with the Committee’s seventy-sixth session
3. REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to in December 2002, immediately prior to the Diplomatic
keep the Code under review and amend it, as Conference and agreed the final version of the
appropriate; proposed texts to be considered by the Diplomatic
4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the
Organization to transmit certified copies of the present 4 The Diplomatic Conference (9 to 13 December 2002)
resolution and the text of the Code contained in the also adopted amendments to the existing provisions of
Annex to all Contracting Governments to the the International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Convention; Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 74) accelerating the implementation
of the requirement to fit Automatic Identification
5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to Systems and adopted new Regulations in Chapter XI-1
transmit copies of this resolution and its Annex to all of SOLAS 74 covering marking of the Ship’s
Members of the Organization, which are not Identification Number and the carriage of a Continuous

Synopsis Record. The Diplomatic Conference also Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as well as
adopted a number of Conference Resolutions including international standards concerning maritime and port
those covering implementation and revision of this workers.
Code, Technical Co-operation, and co-operative work
with the International Labour Organization and World 11 Recognizing that the Convention on the Facilitation
Customs Organization. It was recognized that review of Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended, provides that
and amendment of certain of the new provisions foreign crew members shall be allowed ashore by the
regarding maritime security may be required on public authorities while the ship on which they arrive is
completion of the work of these two Organizations. in port, provided that the formalities on arrival of the
ship have been fulfilled and the public authorities have
5 The provision of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 and this no reason to refuse permission to come ashore for
Code apply to ships and to port facilities. The extension reasons of public health, public safety or public order,
of SOLAS 74 to cover port facilities was agreed on the Contracting Governments when approving ship and
basis that SOLAS 74 offered the speediest means of port facility security plans should pay due cognisance to
ensuring the necessary security measures entered into the fact that ship’s personnel live and work on the
force and given effect quickly. However, it was further vessel and need shore leave and access to shore
agreed that the provisions relating to port facilities based seafarer welfare facilities, including medical care.

should relate solely to the ship/port interface. The wider
issue of the security of port areas will be the subject of PART A

further joint work between the International Maritime
Organization and the International Labour Organization. MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS REGARDING THE
It was also agreed that the provisions should not extend PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER XI-2 OF THE

to the actual response to attacks or to any necessary INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY
clear-up activities after such an attack. OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974, AS AMENDED

6 In drafting the provision care has been taken to 1 GENERAL

ensure compatibility with the provisions of the

International Convention on Standards of Training, 1.1 Introduction
Certification and Watchkeeping and Certification for This part of the International Code for the Security of
Seafarers, 1978, as amended, the International Safety Ships and Port Facilities contains mandatory provisions
Management (ISM) Code and the harmonised system
of survey and certification. A to which reference is made in chapter XI-2 of the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,
1974 as amended.
7 The provisions represent a significant change in the
approach of the international maritime industries to the 1.2 Objectives

issue of security in the maritime transport sector. It is The objectives of this Code are:
recognized that they may place a significant additional
burden on certain Contracting Governments. The .1 to establish an international framework
importance of Technical Co-operation to assist involving co-operation between Contracting

Contracting Governments implement the provisions is Governments, Government agencies, local

fully recognized. administrations and the shipping and port
industries to detect security threats and take

8 Implementation of the provisions will require preventive measures against security

continuing effective co-operation and understanding incidents affecting ships or port facilities used
between all those involved with, or using, ships and port in international trade;

facilities including ship’s personnel, port personnel,

passengers, cargo interests, ship and port management .2 to establish the respective roles and
and those in National and Local Authorities with responsibilities of the Contracting
security responsibilities. Existing practices and Governments, Government agencies, local
procedures will have to be reviewed and changed if administrations and the shipping and port

they do not provide an adequate level of security. In the industries, at the national and international
interests of enhanced maritime security additional level for ensuring maritime security;
responsibilities will have to be carried by the shipping
and port industries and by National and Local .3 to ensure the early and efficient collection
Authorities. and exchange of security-related information;

9 The guidance given in part B of this Code should be .4 to provide a methodology for security
taken into account when implementing the security assessments so as to have in place plans
provisions set out in Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 and in and procedures to react to changing security
part A of this Code. However, it is recognized that the levels; and
extent to which the guidance applies may vary
depending on the nature of the port facility and of the .5 to ensure confidence that adequate and
ship, its trade and/or cargo. proportionate maritime security measures are
in place.
10 Nothing in this Code shall be interpreted or applied
in a manner inconsistent with the proper respect of * The complete name of the Code is the International Code for the
Security of Ships and of Port Facilities. The abbreviated name of theis
fundamental rights and freedoms as set out in Code, as referred to in regulation XI-2/1 of SOLAS 74 as amended, is the
international instruments, particularly those relating to International Ship and Port Facility Security(ISPS) Code, or in short, the
maritime workers and refugees including the ISPS Code.
International Labour Organization Declaration of

1.3 Functional requirements .7 Company security officer means the person
designated by the Company for ensuring that
In order to achieve its objectives, this Code embodies a a ship security assessment is carried out; that
number of functional requirements. These include, but a ship security plan is developed, submitted
are not limited to: for approval, and thereafter implemented and
maintained and for liaison with port facility
.1 gathering and assessing information with security officers and the ship security officer.
respect to security threats and exchanging
such information with appropriate Contracting .8 Port facility security officer means the
Governments; person designated as responsible for the
development, implementation, revision and
.2 requiring the maintenance of communication maintenance of the port facility security plan
protocols for ships and port facilities; and for liaison with the ship security officers
and company security officers.
.3 preventing unauthorized access to ships, port
facilities and their restricted areas; .9 Security level 1 means the level for which
minimum appropriate protective security

.4 preventing the introduction of unauthorized measures shall be maintained at all times.
weapons, incendiary devices or explosives to

ships or port facilities; .10 Security level 2 means the level for which
appropriate additional protective security
.5 providing means for raising the alarm in measures shall be maintained for a period of

reaction to security threats or security time as a result of heightened risk of a
incidents; security incident.

.6 requiring ship and port facility security plans .11 Security level 3 means the level for which
based upon security assessments; and further specific protective security measures

shall be maintained for a limited period of
.7 requiring training, drills and exercises to time when a security incident is probable or
ensure familiarity with security plans and imminent, although it may not be possible to

A identify the specific target.

2.2 The term .ship., when used in this Code, includes

mobile offshore drilling units and high-speed craft as
2.1 For the purpose of this part, unless expressly defined in regulation XI-2/1.

provided otherwise:
2.3 The term .Contracting Government. in connection
.1 Convention means the International with any reference to a port facility, when used in
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 sections 14 to 18, includes a reference to the

as amended. .Designated Authority..

.2 Regulation means a regulation of the 2.4 Terms not otherwise defined in this part shall have

Convention. the same meaning as the meaning attributed to them in

chapters I and XI-2.
.3 Chapter means a chapter of the Convention.

.4 Ship security plan means a plan developed to
ensure the application of measures on board 3.1 This Code applies to:
the ship designed to protect persons on
board, cargo, cargo transport units, ship’s .1 the following types of ships engaged on

stores or the ship from the risks of a security international voyages:

.1 passenger ships, including high-speed
.5 Port facility security plan means a plan passenger craft;
developed to ensure the application of

measures designed to protect the port facility .2 cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of
and ships, persons, cargo, cargo transport 500 gross tonnage and upwards; and
units and ship’s stores within the port facility
from the risks of a security incident. .3 mobile offshore drilling units; and

.6 Ship security officer means the person on .2 port facilities serving such ships engaged on
board the ship, accountable to the master, international voyages.
designated by the Company as responsible
for the security of the ship, including 3.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 3.1.2,
implementation and maintenance of the ship Contracting Governments shall decide the extent of
security plan and for liaison with the company application of this Part of the Code to those port
security officer and port facility security facilities within their territory which, although used
officers. primarily by ships not engaged on international
voyages, are required, occasionally, to serve ships
arriving or departing on an international voyage.

3.2.1 Contracting Governments shall base their .4 approving a Port Facility Security Plan and
decisions, under section 3.2, on a port facility security subsequent amendments to an approved
assessment carried out in accordance with this Part of plan;
the Code.
.5 exercising control and compliance measures
3.2.2 Any decision which a Contracting Government pursuant to regulation XI-2/9; and
makes, under section 3.2, shall not compromise the
level of security intended to be achieved by chapter XI- .6 establishing the requirements for a
2 or by this Part of the Code. Declaration of Security.

3.3 This Code does not apply to warships, naval 4.4 Contracting Governments shall, to the extent they
auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated by a consider appropriate, test the effectiveness of the Ship
Contracting Government and used only on Government or the Port Facility Security Plans, or of amendments to
non-commercial service. such plans, they have approved, or, in the case of
ships, of plans which have been approved on their
3.4 Sections 5 to 13 and 19 of this part apply to behalf.
Companies and ships as specified in regulation XI-2/4.

3.5 Sections 5 and 14 to 18 of this part apply to port

facilities as specified in 5.1 Contracting Governments shall determine when a
regulation XI-2/10. Declaration of Security is required by assessing the risk
the ship/port interface or ship to ship activity poses to

3.6 Nothing in this Code shall prejudice the rights or persons, property or the environment.
obligations of States under international law.
5.2 A ship can request completion of a Declaration of

.1 the ship is operating at a higher security level
4.1 Subject to the provisions of regulation XI-2/3 and than the port facility or another ship it is
XI-2/7, Contracting Governments shall set security interfacing with;
levels and provide guidance for protection from security
incidents. Higher security levels indicate greater
likelihood of occurrence of a security incident. Factors
A .2 there is an agreement on a Declaration of
Security between Contracting Governments
to be considered in setting the appropriate security level covering certain international voyages or
include: specific ships on those voyages;

.1 the degree that the threat information is .3 there has been a security threat or a security
credible; incident involving the ship or involving the
port facility, as applicable;

.2 the degree that the threat information is

corroborated; .4 the ship is at a port which is not required to
have and implement an approved port facility

.3 the degree that the threat information is security plan; or

specific or imminent; and
.5 the ship is conducting ship to ship activities

.4 the potential consequences of such a security with another ship not required to have and
incident. implement an approved ship security plan.

4.2 Contracting Governments, when they set security 5.3 Requests for the completion of a Declaration of
level 3, shall issue, as necessary, appropriate Security, under this section, shall be acknowledged by

instructions and shall provide security related the applicable port facility or ship.
information to the ships and port facilities that may be
affected. 5.4 The Declaration of Security shall be completed by:

4.3 Contracting Governments may delegate to a .1 the master or the ship security officer on

recognized security organization certain of their security behalf of the ship(s); and, if appropriate,
related duties under chapter XI-2 and this Part of the
Code with the exception of: .2 the port facility security officer or, if the
Contracting Government determines
.1 setting of the applicable security level; otherwise, by any other body responsible for
shore-side security, on behalf of the port
.2 approving a Port Facility Security facility.
Assessment and subsequent amendments to
an approved assessment; 5.5 The Declaration of Security shall address the
security requirements that could be shared between a
.3 determining the port facilities which will be port facility and a ship (or between ships) and shall
required to designate a Port Facility Security state the responsibility for each.

5.6 Contracting Governments shall specify, bearing in 7.5 Whenever security level 2 or 3 is set by the
mind the provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3, the Administration, the ship shall acknowledge receipt of
minimum period for which Declarations of Security shall the instructions on change of the security level.
be kept by the port facilities located within their territory.
7.6 Prior to entering a port or whilst in a port within the
5.7 Administrations shall specify, bearing in mind the territory of a Contracting Government that has set
provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3, the minimum period security level 2 or 3, the ship shall acknowledge receipt
for which Declarations of Security shall be kept by ships of this instruction and shall confirm to the port facility
entitled to fly their flag. security officer the initiation of the implementation of the
appropriate measures and procedures as detailed in
6 OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY the ship security plan, and in the case of security level
3, in instructions issued by the Contracting Government
6.1 The Company shall ensure that the ship security which has set security level 3. The ship shall report any
plan contains a clear statement emphasizing the difficulties in implementation. In such cases, the port
master’s authority. The Company shall establish in the facility security officer and ship security officer shall
ship security plan that the master has the overriding liase and co-ordinate the appropriate actions.
authority and responsibility to make decisions with

respect to the safety and security of the ship and to 7.7 If a ship is required by the Administration to set, or
request the assistance of the Company or of any is already at, a higher security level than that set for the

Contracting Government as may be necessary. port it intends to enter or in which it is already located,
then the ship shall advise, without delay, the competent
6.2 The Company shall ensure that the company authority of the Contracting Government within whose

security officer, the master and the ship security officer territory the port facility is located and the port facility
are given the necessary support to fulfill their duties and security officer of the situation.
responsibilities in accordance with chapter XI-2 and this
Part of the Code. 7.7.1 In such cases, the ship security officer shall liaise
with the port facility security officer and co-ordinate

7 SHIP SECURITY appropriate actions, if necessary.

7.1 A ship is required to act upon the security levels set 7.8 An Administration requiring ships entitled to fly its
by Contracting Governments as set out below.

7.2 At security level 1, the following activities shall be

A flag to set security level 2 or 3 in a port of another
Contracting Government shall inform that Contracting
Government without delay.
carried out, through appropriate measures, on all ships,
taking into account the guidance given in part B of this 7.9 When Contracting Governments set security levels

Code, in order to identify and take preventive measures and ensure the provision of security level information to
against security incidents: ships operating in their territorial sea, or having
communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea,
.1 ensuring the performance of all ship security such ships shall be advised to maintain vigilance and

duties; report immediately to their Administration and any

nearby coastal States any information that comes to
.2 controlling access to the ship; their attention that might affect maritime security in the

.3 controlling the embarkation of persons and
their effects; 7.9.1 When advising such ships of the applicable

security level, a Contracting Government shall, taking

.4 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that into account the guidance given in the part B of this
only authorized persons have access; Code, also advise those ships of any security measure
that they should take and, if appropriate, of measures
.5 monitoring of deck areas and areas that have been taken by the Contracting Government to

surrounding the ship; provide protection against the threat.

.6 supervising the handling of cargo and ship’s 8 SHIP SECURITY ASSESSMENT

stores; and
8.1 The ship security assessment is an essential and

.7 ensuring that security communication is integral part of the process of developing and updating
readily available. the ship security plan.

7.3 At security level 2, the additional protective 8.2 The company security officer shall ensure that the
measures, specified in the ship security plan, shall be ship security assessment is carried out by persons with
implemented for each activity detailed in section 7.2, appropriate skills to evaluate the security of a ship, in
taking into account the guidance given in part B of this accordance with this section, taking into account the
Code. guidance given in part B of this Code.

7.4 At security level 3, further specific protective 8.3 Subject to the provisions of section 9.2.1, a
measures, specified in the ship security plan, shall be recognized security organization may carry out the ship
implemented for each activity detailed in section 7.2, security assessment of a specific ship.
taking into account the guidance given in part B of this

8.4 The ship security assessment shall include an on- .4 procedures for responding to security threats
scene security survey and, at least, the following or breaches of security, including provisions
elements: for maintaining critical operations of the ship
or ship/port interface;
.1 identification of existing security measures,
procedures and operations; .5 procedures for responding to any security
instructions Contracting Governments may
.2 identification and evaluation of key ship board give at security level 3;
operations that it is important to protect;
.6 procedures for evacuation in case of security
.3 identification of possible threats to the key threats or breaches of security;
ship board operations and the likelihood of
their occurrence, in order to establish and .7 duties of shipboard personnel assigned
prioritise security measures; and security responsibilities and of other
shipboard personnel on security aspects;
.4 identification of weaknesses, including
human factors in the infrastructure, policies .8 procedures for auditing the security activities;

and procedures.
.9 procedures for training, drills and exercises

8.5 The ship security assessment shall be documented, associated with the plan;
reviewed, accepted and retained by the Company.
.10 procedures for interfacing with port facility

9 SHIP SECURITY PLAN security activities;

9.1 Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan .11 procedures for the periodic review of the plan
approved by the Administration. The plan shall make and for updating;
provisions for the three security levels as defined in this

Part of the Code. .12 procedures for reporting security incidents;

9.1.1 Subject to the provisions of section 9.2.1, a .13 identification of the ship security officer;
recognized security organization may prepare the ship
security plan for a specific ship. A .14 identification of the company security officer
including 24-hour contact details;
9.2 The Administration may entrust the review and
approval of ship security plans, or of amendments to a .15 procedures to ensure the inspection, testing,

previously approved plan, to recognized security calibration, and maintenance of any security
organizations. equipment provided on board;

9.2.1 In such cases the recognized security .16 frequency for testing or calibration of any

organization, undertaking the review and approval of a security equipment provided on board;
ship security plan, or its amendments, for a specific
ship shall not have been involved in either the .17 identification of the locations where the ship

preparation of the ship security assessment or of the security alert system activation points are
ship security plan, or of the amendments, under review. provided; * and

9.3 The submission of a ship security plan, or of .18 procedures, instructions and guidance on the
amendments to a previously approved plan, for use of the ship security alert system,
approval shall be accompanied by the security including the testing, activation, deactivation
assessment on the basis of which the plan, or the and resetting and to limit false alerts.*
amendments, have been developed.

9.4.1 Personnel conducting internal audits of the

9.4 Such a plan shall be developed, taking into account security activities specified in the plan or evaluating its
the guidance given in part B of this Code and shall be implementation shall be independent of the activities
written in the working language or languages of the being audited unless this is impracticable due to the
ship. If the language or languages used is not English, size and the nature of the Company or of the ship.

French or Spanish, a translation into one of these

languages shall be included. The plan shall address, at 9.5 The Administration shall determine which changes
least, the following: to an approved ship security plan or to any security
.1 measures designed to prevent weapons, equipment specified in an approved plan shall not be
dangerous substances and devices intended implemented unless the relevant amendments to the
for use against persons, ships or ports and plan are approved by the Administration. Any such
the carriage of which is not authorized from changes shall be at least as effective as those
being taken on board the ship; measures prescribed in chapter XI-2 and this Part of
the Code.
.2 identification of the restricted areas and
measures for the prevention of unauthorized *Administrations may allow, in order to avoid compromising in any way the
access to them; objective of providing on board the ship security alert system, this
information to be kept elsewhere on board in a document known to the
master, the ship security officer and other senior shipboard personnel as
.3 measures for the prevention of unauthorized may be decided by the Company.
access to the ship;

9.5.1 The nature of the changes to the ship security .9 implementation of any amendments to the
plan or the security equipment that have been plan; and
specifically approved by the Administration, pursuant to
section 9.5, shall be documented in a manner that .10 maintenance, calibration and testing of any
clearly indicates such approval. This approval shall be security equipment provided on board
available on board and shall be presented together with including testing of the ship security alert
the International Ship Security Certificate (or the Interim system.
International Ship Security Certificate). If these changes
are temporary, once the original approved measures or 10.2 The records shall be kept in the working language
equipment are reinstated, this documentation no longer or languages of the ship. If the language or languages
needs to be retained by the ship. used are not English, French or Spanish, a translation
into one of these languages shall be included.
9.6 The plan may be kept in an electronic format. In
such a case, it shall be protected by procedures aimed 10.3 The records may be kept in an electronic format.
at preventing its unauthorized deletion, destruction or In such a case, they shall be protected by procedures
amendment. aimed at preventing their unauthorized deletion,
destruction or amendment.

9.7 The plan shall be protected from unauthorized
access or disclosure. 10.4 The records shall be protected from unauthorized

access or disclosure.
9.8 Ship security plans are not subject to inspection by
officers duly authorized by a Contracting Government to 11 COMPANY SECURITY OFFICER
carry out control and compliance measures in

accordance with regulation XI-2/9, save in 11.1 The Company shall designate a company security
circumstances specified in section 9.8.1. officer. A person designated as the company security
officer may act as the company security officer for one
9.8.1 If the officers duly authorized by a Contracting or more ships, depending on the number or types of

Government have clear grounds to believe that the ship ships the Company operates provided it is clearly
is not in compliance with the requirements of chapter identified for which ships this person is responsible. A
XI-2 or part A of this Code, and the only means to verify Company may, depending on the number or types of
or rectify the non-compliance is to review the relevant
requirements of the ship security plan, limited access to
the specific sections of the plan relating to the
A ships they operate designate several persons as
company security officers provided it is clearly identified
for which ships each person is responsible.
noncompliance is exceptionally allowed, but only with
the consent of the Contracting Government of, or the 11.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part
master of, the ship concerned. Nevertheless, the

of the Code, the duties and responsibilities of the

provisions in the plan relating to section 9.4 subsections company security officer shall include, but are not
.2, .4, .5, .7, .15, .17 and .18 of this Part of the Code are limited to:
considered as confidential information, and cannot be
subject to inspection unless otherwise agreed by the

.1 advising the level of threats likely to be

Contracting Governments concerned. encountered by the ship, using appropriate
security assessments and other relevant

10 RECORDS information;

10.1 Records of the following activities addressed in the .2 ensuring that ship security assessments are

ship security plan shall be kept on board for at least the carried out;
minimum period specified by the Administration,
bearing in mind the provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3: .3 ensuring the development, the submission for
approval, and thereafter the implementation
.1 training, drills and exercises; and maintenance of the ship security plan;

.2 security threats and security incidents; .4 ensuring that the ship security plan is
modified, as appropriate, to correct
.3 breaches of security; deficiencies and satisfy the security
requirements of the individual ship;

.4 changes in security level;

.5 arranging for internal audits and reviews of
.5 communications relating to the direct security security activities;
of the ship such as specific threats to the ship
or to port facilities the ship is, or has been; .6 arranging for the initial and subsequent
verifications of the ship by the Administration
.6 internal audits and reviews of security or the recognized security organization;
.7 ensuring that deficiencies and non-
.7 periodic review of the ship security conformities identified during internal audits,
assessment; periodic reviews, security inspections and
verifications of compliance are promptly
.8 periodic review of the ship security plan; addressed and dealt with;

.8 enhancing security awareness and vigilance; .10 ensuring that security equipment is properly
operated, tested, calibrated and maintained,
if any.
.9 ensuring adequate training for personnel
responsible for the security of the ship; 13 TRAINING, DRILLS AND EXERCISES ON SHIP
.10 ensuring effective communication and co-
operation between the ship security officer 13.1 The company security officer and appropriate
and the relevant port facility security officers; shore-based personnel shall have knowledge and have
received training, taking into account the guidance
.11 ensuring consistency between security given in part B of this Code.
requirements and safety requirements;
13.2 The ship security officer shall have knowledge and
.12 ensuring that, if sister-ship or fleet security have received training, taking into account the guidance
plans are used, the plan for each ship reflects given in part B of this Code.
the ship-specific information accurately; and
13.3 Shipboard personnel having specific security

.13 ensuring that any alternative or equivalent duties and responsibilities shall understand their
arrangements approved for a particular ship responsibilities for ship security as described in the ship

or group of ships are implemented and security plan and shall have sufficient knowledge and
maintained. ability to perform their assigned duties, taking into
account the guidance given in part B of this Code.

12 SHIP SECURITY OFFICER 13.4 To ensure the effective implementation of the ship
security plan, drills shall be carried out at appropriate
12.1 A ship security officer shall be designated on each intervals taking into account the ship type, ship
ship. personnel changes, port facilities to be visited and other

relevant circumstances, taking into account the
12.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part guidance given in part B of this Code.
of the Code, the duties and responsibilities of the ship
security officer shall include, but are not limited to:

.1 undertaking regular security inspections of

A 13.5 The company security officer shall ensure the
effective coordination and implementation of ship
security plans by participating in exercises at
the ship to ensure that appropriate security appropriate intervals, taking into account the guidance
measures are maintained; given in part B of this Code.

.2 maintaining and supervising the 14 PORT FACILITY SECURITY

implementation of the ship security plan,
including any amendments to the plan; 14.1 A port facility is required to act upon the security

levels set by the Contracting Government within whose

.3 co-ordinating the security aspects of the territory it is located. Security measures and procedures
handling of cargo and ship’s stores with other shall be applied at the port facility in such a manner as

shipboard personnel and with the relevant to cause a minimum of interference with, or delay to,
port facility security officers; passengers, ship, ship’s personnel and visitors, goods
and services.

.4 proposing modifications to the ship security

plan; 14.2 At security level 1, the following activities shall be
carried out through appropriate measures in all port
.5 reporting to the company security officer any facilities, taking into account the guidance given in part
deficiencies and non-conformities identified B of this Code, in order to identify and take preventive

during internal audits, periodic reviews, measures against security incidents:

security inspections and verifications of
compliance and implementing any corrective .1 ensuring the performance of all port facility
actions; security duties;

.6 enhancing security awareness and vigilance .2 controlling access to the port facility;
on board;
.3 monitoring of the port facility, including
.7 ensuring that adequate training has been anchoring and berthing area(s);
provided to shipboard personnel, as
appropriate; .4 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that
only authorized persons have access;
.8 reporting all security incidents;
.5 supervising the handling of cargo;
.9 co-ordinating implementation of the ship
security plan with the company security .6 supervising the handling of ship’s stores; and
officer and the relevant port facility security
officer; and .7 ensuring that security communication is
readily available.

14.3 At security level 2, the additional protective .1 identification and evaluation of important
measures, specified in the port facility security plan, assets and infrastructure it is important to
shall be implemented for each activity detailed in protect;
section 14.2, taking into account the guidance given in
part B of this Code. .2 identification of possible threats to the assets
and infrastructure and the likelihood of their
14.4 At security level 3, further specific protective occurrence, in order to establish and prioritize
measures, specified in the port facility security plan, security measures;
shall be implemented for each activity detailed in
section 14.2, taking into account the guidance given in .3 identification, selection and prioritization of
part B of this Code. counter measures and procedural changes
and their level of effectiveness in reducing
14.4.1 In addition, at security level 3, port facilities are vulnerability; and
required to respond to and implement any security
instructions given by the Contracting Government within .4 identification of weaknesses, including
whose territory the port facility is located. human factors in the infrastructure, policies
and procedures.

14.5 When a port facility security officer is advised that
a ship encounters difficulties in complying with the 15.6 The Contracting Government may allow a port

requirements of chapter XI-2 or this part or in facility security assessment to cover more than one port
implementing the appropriate measures and facility if the operator, location, operation, equipment,
procedures as detailed in the ship security plan, and in and design of these port facilities are similar. Any

the case of security level 3 following any security Contracting Government, which allows such an
instructions given by the Contracting Government within arrangement shall communicate to the Organization
whose territory the port facility is located, the port particulars thereof.
facility security officer and ship security officer shall
liase and co-ordinate appropriate actions. 15.7 Upon completion of the port facility security

assessment, a report shall be prepared, consisting of a
14.6 When a port facility security officer is advised that summary of how the assessment was conducted, a
a ship is at a security level, which is higher than that of description of each vulnerability found during the
the port facility, the port facility security officer shall
report the matter to the competent authority and shall
liase with the ship security officer and co-ordinate
A assessment and a description of counter measures that
could be used to address each vulnerability. The report
shall be protected from unauthorized access or
appropriate actions, if necessary. disclosure.


15.1 The port facility security assessment is an 16.1 A port facility security plan shall be developed and
essential and integral part of the process of developing maintained, on the basis of a port facility security

and updating the port facility security plan. assessment, for each port facility, adequate for the
ship/port interface. The plan shall make provisions for
15.2 The port facility security assessment shall be the three security levels, as defined in this Part of the

carried out by the Contracting Government within Code.

whose territory the port facility is located. A Contracting
Government may authorise a recognized security 16.1.1 Subject to the provisions of section 16.2, a

organization to carry out the port facility security recognized security organization may prepare the port
assessment of a specific port facility located within its facility security plan of a specific port facility.
16.2 The port facility security plan shall be approved by
15.2.1 When the port facility security assessment has the Contracting Government in whose territory the port

been carried out by a recognized security organization, facility is located.

the security assessment shall be reviewed and
approved for compliance with this section by the 16.3 Such a plan shall be developed taking into account
Contracting Government within whose territory the port the guidance given in part B of this Code and shall be in
facility is located. the working language of the port facility. The plan shall

address, at least, the following:

15.3 The persons carrying out the assessment shall
have appropriate skills to evaluate the security of the .1 measures designed to prevent weapons or
port facility in accordance with this section, taking into any other dangerous substances and devices
account the guidance given in part B of this Code. intended for use against persons, ships or
ports and the carriage of which is not
15.4 The port facility security assessments shall authorized, from being introduced into the
periodically be reviewed and updated, taking account of port facility or on board a ship;
changing threats and/or minor changes in the port
facility and shall always be reviewed and updated when .2 measures designed to prevent unauthorized
major changes to the port facility take place. access to the port facility, to ships moored at
the facility, and to restricted areas of the
15.5 The port facility security assessment shall include, facility;
at least, the following elements:

.3 procedures for responding to security threats 16.7 The plan shall be protected from unauthorized
or breaches of security, including provisions access or disclosure.
for maintaining critical operations of the port
facility or ship/port interface; 16.8 Contracting Governments may allow a port facility
security plan to cover more than one port facility if the
.4 procedures for responding to any security operator, location, operation, equipment, and design of
instructions the Contracting Government, in these port facilities are similar. Any Contracting
whose territory the port facility is located, may Government, which allows such an alternative
give at security level 3; arrangement, shall communicate to the Organization
particulars thereof.
.5 procedures for evacuation in case of security
threats or breaches of security; 17 PORT FACILITY SECURITY OFFICER

.6 duties of port facility personnel assigned 17.1 A port facility security officer shall be designated
security responsibilities and of other facility for each port facility. A person may be designated as
personnel on security aspects; the port facility security officer for one or more port

.7 procedures for interfacing with ship security
activities; 17.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part

of the Code, the duties and responsibilities of the port
.8 procedures for the periodic review of the plan facility security officer shall include, but are not limited
and updating; to:

.9 procedures for reporting security incidents; .1 conducting an initial comprehensive security
survey of the port facility taking into account
.10 identification of the port facility security officer the relevant port facility security assessment;
including 24-hour contact details;

.2 ensuring the development and maintenance
.11 measures to ensure the security of the of the port facility security plan;
information contained in the plan;

.12 measures designed to ensure effective

security of cargo and the cargo handling
A .3 implementing and exercising the port facility
security plan;
equipment at the port facility; .4 undertaking regular security inspections of
the port facility to ensure the continuation of

.13 procedures for auditing the port facility appropriate security measures;
security plan;
.5 recommending and incorporating, as
.14 procedures for responding in case the ship appropriate, modifications to the port facility

security alert system of a ship at the port security plan in order to correct deficiencies
facility has been activated; and and to update the plan to take into account of
relevant changes to the port facility;

.15 procedures for facilitating shore leave for

ship’s personnel or personnel changes, as .6 enhancing security awareness and vigilance
well as access of visitors to the ship including of the port facility personnel;

representatives of seafarers’ welfare and

labour organizations. .7 ensuring adequate training has been
provided to personnel responsible for the
16.3.1 Personnel conducting internal audits of the security of the port facility;
security activities specified in the plan or evaluating its

implementation shall be independent of the activities .8 reporting to the relevant authorities and
being audited unless this is impracticable due to the maintaining records of occurrences which
size and the nature of the port facility. threaten the security of the port facility;

16.4 The port facility security plan may be combined .9 co-ordinating implementation of the port

with, or be part of, the port security plan or any other facility security plan with the appropriate
port emergency plan or plans. Company and ship security officer(s);

16.5 The Contracting Government in whose territory the .10 co-ordinating with security services, as
port facility is located shall determine which changes to appropriate;
the port facility security plan shall not be implemented
unless the relevant amendments to the plan are .11 ensuring that standards for personnel
approved by them. responsible for security of the port facility are
16.6 The plan may be kept in an electronic format. In
such a case, it shall be protected by procedures aimed .12 ensuring that security equipment is properly
at preventing its unauthorized deletion, destruction or operated, tested, calibrated and maintained,
amendment. if any; and

.13 assisting ship security officers in confirming and fit for the service for which the ship is
the identity of those seeking to board the ship intended;
when requested.
.3 at least one intermediate verification. If only
17.3 The port facility security officer shall be given the one intermediate verification is carried out it
necessary support to fulfill the duties and shall take place between the second and
responsibilities imposed by chapter XI-2 and this Part of third anniversary date of the certificate as
the Code. defined in regulation I/2(n). The intermediate
verification shall include inspection of the
18 TRAINING, DRILLS AND EXERCISES ON PORT security system and any associated security
FACILITY SECURITY equipment of the ship to ensure that it
remains satisfactory for the service for which
18.1 The port facility security officer and appropriate the ship is intended. Such intermediate
port facility security personnel shall have knowledge verification shall be endorsed on the
and have received training, taking into account the certificate;
guidance given in part B of this Code.
.4 any additional verifications as determined by

18.2 Port facility personnel having specific security the Administration.
duties shall understand their duties and responsibilities

for port facility security, as described in the port facility 19.1.2 The verifications of ships shall be carried out by
security plan and shall have sufficient knowledge and officers of the Administration. The Administration may,
ability to perform their assigned duties, taking into however, entrust the verifications to a recognized

account the guidance given in part B of this Code. security organization referred to in regulation XI-2/1.

18.3 To ensure the effective implementation of the port 19.1.3 In every case, the Administration concerned
facility security plan, drills shall be carried out at shall fully guarantee the completeness and efficiency of
appropriate intervals taking into account the types of the verification and shall undertake to ensure the

operation of the port facility, port facility personnel necessary arrangements to satisfy this obligation.
changes, the type of ship the port facility is serving and
other relevant circumstances, taking into account 19.1.4 The security system and any associated security
guidance given in part B of this Code.

18.4 The port facility security officer shall ensure the

A equipment of the ship after verification shall be
maintained to conform with the provisions of regulations
XI-2/4.2 and XI-2/6, this Part of the Code and the
effective coordination and implementation of the port approved ship security plan. After any verification under
facility security plan by participating in exercises at section 19.1.1 has been completed, no changes shall

appropriate intervals, taking into account the guidance be made in security system and in any associated
given in part B of this Code. security equipment or the approved ship security plan
without the sanction of the Administration.

19.2 Issue or endorsement of certificate

19.1 Verifications
19.2.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall be

19.1.1 Each ship to which this Part of the Code applies issued after the initial or renewal verification in
shall be subject to the verifications specified below: accordance with the provisions of section 19.1.

.1 an initial verification before the ship is put in 19.2.2 Such certificate shall be issued or endorsed
service or before the certificate required either by the Administration or by a recognized security
under section 19.2 is issued for the first time, organization acting on behalf of the Administration.
which shall include a complete verification of
its security system and any associated 19.2.3 Another Contracting Government may, at the

security equipment covered by the relevant request of the Administration, cause the ship to be
provisions of chapter XI-2, this Part of the verified and, if satisfied that the provisions of section
Code and the approved ship security plan. 19.1.1 are complied with, shall issue or authorize the
This verification shall ensure that the security issue of an International Ship Security Certificate to the
system and any associated security ship and, where appropriate, endorse or authorize the

equipment of the ship fully complies with the endorsement of that certificate on the ship, in
applicable requirements of chapter XI-2 and accordance with this Code.
this Part of the Code, is in satisfactory
condition and fit for the service for which the A copy of the certificate and a copy of the
ship is intended; verification report shall be transmitted as soon as
possible to the requesting Administration.
.2 a renewal verification at intervals specified by
the Administration, but not exceeding five A certificate so issued shall contain a
years, except where section 19.3 is statement to the effect that it has been issued at the
applicable. This verification shall ensure that request of the Administration and it shall have the same
the security system and any associated force and receive the same recognition as the
security equipment of the ship fully complies certificate issued under section 19.2.2.
with the applicable requirements of chapter
XI-2, this Part of the Code and the approved 19.2.4 The International Ship Security Certificate shall
ship security plan, is in satisfactory condition be drawn up in a form corresponding to the model given

in the appendix to this Code. If the language used is not shall be valid to a date not exceeding five years from
English, French or Spanish, the text shall include a the date of expiry of the existing certificate before the
translation into one of these languages. extension was granted.

19.3 Duration and validity of certificate 19.3.7 If an intermediate verification is completed

before the period specified in section 19.1.1, then:
19.3.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall be
issued for a period specified by the Administration .1 the expiry date shown on the certificate shall
which shall not exceed five years. be amended by endorsement to a date which
shall not be more than three years later than
19.3.2 When the renewal verification is completed the date on which the intermediate
within three months before the expiry date of the verification was completed;
existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid
from the date of completion of the renewal verification .2 the expiry date may remain unchanged
to a date not exceeding five years from the date of provided one or more additional verifications
expiry of the existing certificate. are carried out so that the maximum intervals
between the verifications prescribed by

S When the renewal verification is completed section 19.1.1 are not exceeded.
after the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new

certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of 19.3.8 A certificate issued under section 19.2 shall
the renewal verification to a date not exceeding five cease to be valid in any of the following cases:
years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate.

.1 if the relevant verifications are not completed When the renewal verification is completed within the periods specified under section
more than three months before the expiry date of the 19.1.1;
existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid
from the date of completion of the renewal verification .2 if the certificate is not endorsed in

to a date not exceeding five years from the date of accordance with section and
completion of the renewal verification., if applicable;

19.3.3 If a certificate is issued for a period of less than

five years, the Administration may extend the validity of
the certificate beyond the expiry date to the maximum
A .3 when a Company assumes the responsibility
for the operation of a ship not previously
operated by that Company; and
period specified in section 19.3.1, provided that the
verifications referred to in section 19.1.1 applicable .4 upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another

when a certificate is issued for a period of five years are State.

carried out as appropriate.
19.3.9 In the case of:
19.3.4 If a renewal verification has been completed and

a new certificate cannot be issued or placed on board .1 a transfer of a ship to the flag of another
the ship before the expiry date of the existing certificate, Contracting Government, the Contracting
the Administration or recognized security organization Government whose flag the ship was

acting on behalf of the Administration may endorse the formerly entitled to fly shall, as soon as
existing certificate and such a certificate shall be possible, transmit to the receiving
accepted as valid for a further period which shall not Administration copies of, or all information

exceed five months from the expiry date. relating to, the International Ship Security
Certificate carried by the ship before the
19.3.5 If a ship at the time when a certificate expires is transfer and copies of available verification
not in a port in which it is to be verified, the reports, or
Administration may extend the period of validity of the

certificate but this extension shall be granted only for .2 a Company that assumes responsibility for
the purpose of allowing the ship to complete its voyage the operation of a ship not previously
to the port in which it is to be verified, and then only in operated by that Company, the previous
cases where it appears proper and reasonable to do so. Company shall as soon as possible, transmit
No certificate shall be extended for a period longer than to the receiving Company copies of any

three months, and the ship to which an extension is information related to the International Ship
granted shall not, on its arrival in the port in which it is Security Certificate or to facilitate the
to be verified, be entitled by virtue of such extension to verifications described in section 19.4.2.
leave that port without having a new certificate. When
the renewal verification is completed, the new certificate 19.4 Interim certification
shall be valid to a date not exceeding five years from
the expiry date of the existing certificate before the 19.4.1 The certificates specified in section 19.2 shall be
extension was granted. issued only when the Administration issuing the
certificate is fully satisfied that the ship complies with
19.3.6 A certificate issued to a ship engaged on short the requirements of section 19.1. However, after 1 July
voyages which has not been extended under the 2004, for the purposes of:
foregoing provisions of this section may be extended by
the Administration for a period of grace of up to one .1 a ship without a certificate, on delivery or
month from the date of expiry stated on it. When the prior to its entry or re-entry into service;
renewal verification is completed, the new certificate

.2 transfer of a ship from the flag of a .2 has established the necessary
Contracting Government to the flag of arrangements, including arrangements for
another Contracting Government; drills, exercises and internal audits, through
which the company security officer is satisfied
.3 transfer of a ship to the flag of a Contracting that the ship will successfully complete the
Government from a State which is not a required verification in accordance with
Contracting Government; or section, within 6 months;

.4 when a Company assumes the responsibility .5 arrangements have been made for carrying
for the operation of a ship not previously out the required verifications under section
operated by that Company; until the;
certificate referred to in section 19.2 is
issued, the Administration may cause an .6 the master, the ship’s security officer and
Interim International Ship Security Certificate other ship’s personnel with specific security
to be issued, in a form corresponding to the duties are familiar with their duties and
model given in the Appendix to this Part of responsibilities as specified in this Part of the
the Code. Code; and with the relevant provisions of the

ship security plan placed on board; and have
19.4.2 An Interim International Ship Security Certificate been provided such information in the

shall only be issued when the Administration or working language of the ship’s personnel or
recognized security organization, on behalf of the languages understood by them; and
Administration, has verified that:

.7 the ship security officer meets the
.1 the ship security assessment required by this requirements of this Part of the Code.
Part of the Code has been completed,
19.4.3 An Interim International Ship Security Certificate
.2 a copy of the ship security plan meeting the may be issued by the Administration or by a recognized

requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of security organization authorized to act on its behalf.
this Code is provided on board, has been
submitted for review and approval, and is 19.4.4 An Interim International Ship Security Certificate

being implemented on the ship;

the ship is provided with a ship security alert

A shall be valid for 6 months, or until the certificate
required by section 19.2 is issued, whichever comes
first, and may not be extended.
system meeting the requirements of
regulation XI-2/6, if required, 19.4.5 No Contracting Government shall cause a

subsequent, consecutive Interim International Ship

.4 the company security officer: Security Certificate to be issued to a ship if, in the
judgment of the Administration or the recognized
.1 has ensured: security organization, one of the purposes of the ship or

a Company in requesting such certificate is to avoid full

.1 the review of the ship security compliance with chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code
plan for compliance with this Part beyond the period of the initial interim certificate as

of the Code, specified in section 19.4.4.

.2 that the plan has been submitted 19.4.6 For the purposes of regulation XI-2/9,

for approval, and Contracting Governments may, prior to accepting an

Interim International Ship Security Certificate as a valid
.3 that the plan is being certificate, ensure that the requirements of sections
implemented on the ship, and to have been met.


Form of the International Ship Security Certificate


(official seal) (State)

Certificate Number

Issued under the provisions of the



Under the authority of the Government of

(name of State)

by __________________________________________________________________________

(persons or organization authorized)

Name of ship :............................................................................................................................................................
Distinctive number or letters :.....................................................................................................................................

Port of registry :..........................................................................................................................................................

Type of ship :..............................................................................................................................................................


Gross tonnage :..........................................................................................................................................................

IMO Number :.............................................................................................................................................................


Name and address of the Company :.........................................................................................................................



1 that the security system and any associated security equipment of the ship has been verified in accordance with
section 19.1 of part A of the ISPS Code;
2 that the verification showed that the security system and any associated security equipment of the ship is in all

respects satisfactory and that the ship complies with the applicable requirements of chapter XI-2 of the Convention
and part A of the ISPS Code;
3 that the ship is provided with an approved Ship Security Plan.

Date of initial / renewal verification on which this certificate is based ........................................................................

This Certificate is valid until ............................ subject to verifications in accordance with section 19.1.1 of part A of the
ISPS Code.

Issued at .....................................................................................................................................................................
(place of issue of the Certificate)

Date of issue .......... ...................................................................................................................................................

(signature of the duly authorized official issuing the Certificate)

(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at an intermediate verification required by section 19.1.1 of part A of the ISPS Code the ship
was found to comply with the relevant provisions of chapter XI-2 of the Convention and part A of the ISPS Code.

Intermediate verification Signed .........................................................................................

(Signature of authorized official)

Place ...........................................................................................

Date ...........................................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)


Additional verification Signed .........................................................................................

(Signature of authorized official)

Place ...........................................................................................

Date ...........................................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)


Additional verification Signed .........................................................................................

(Signature of authorized official)

Place ...........................................................................................

Date ...........................................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)


Additional verification Signed .........................................................................................

(Signature of authorized official)

Place ...........................................................................................

Date ...........................................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

* This part of the certificate shall be adapted by the Administration to indicate whether it has established additional
verifications as provided for in section


THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at an additional verification required by section of part A of the ISPS Code the ship
was found to comply with the relevant provisions of chapter XI-2 of the Convention and part A of the ISPS Code.

Signed .........................................................................................
(Signature of authorized official)

Place ...........................................................................................

Date ...........................................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)


The ship complies with the relevant provisions of part A of the ISPS Code, and the Certificate shall, in accordance with
section 19.3.3 of part A of the ISPS Code, be accepted as valid until .....................................................................................

Signed .........................................................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place ...........................................................................................
Date ...........................................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)





The ship complies with the relevant provisions of part A of the ISPS Code, and the Certificate shall, in accordance with
section 19.3.4 of part A of the ISPS Code, be accepted as valid until .....................................................................................

Signed .........................................................................................
(Signature of authorized official)

Place ...........................................................................................

Date ...........................................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)


This Certificate shall, in accordance with section 19.3.5 / 19.3.6* of part A of the ISPS Code, be accepted as valid until


Signed .........................................................................................
(Signature of authorized official)

Place ...........................................................................................

Date ...........................................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

In accordance with section of part A of the ISPS Code, the new expiry date** is .....................................................
Signed .........................................................................................

(Signature of authorized official)

Place ...........................................................................................

Date ...........................................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)


* Delete as appropriate.
** In case of completion of this part of the certificate the expiry date shown on the front of the certificate shall also
be amended accordingly.


Form of the Interim International Ship Security Certificate


(official seal) (State)

Certificate No…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Issued under the provisions of the



Under the authority of the Government of

(name of State)

by _________________________________________________________________________
(persons or organization authorized)

Name of ship : .............................................................................................................................................................

Distinctive number or letters : ......................................................................................................................................

Port of registry : ...........................................................................................................................................................

Type of ship : ...............................................................................................................................................................

Gross tonnage : ...........................................................................................................................................................


IMO Number : ..............................................................................................................................................................


Name and address of company : .................................................................................................................................

Is this a subsequent, consecutive interim certificate? Yes/ No*


If Yes, date of issue of initial interim certificate.............................................................................................................

THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the requirements of section A/19.4.2 of the ISPS Code have been complied with.

This Certificate is issued pursuant to section A/19.4 of the ISPS Code.

This Certificate is valid until ..........................................................................................................................................

Issued at .......................................................................................................................................................................

(place of issue of the certificate)

Date of issue .................................... ............................................................................................................................

(signature of the duly authorized official issuing the Certificate)

(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)

* Delete as appropriate

PART B - approving the Ship Security Plan and relevant
amendments to a previously approved plan;
- verifying the compliance of ships with the provisions of
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code and issuing to
ships the International Ship Security Certificate;
- determining which of the port facilities located within
their territory are required to designate a Port Facility
Security Officer who will be responsible for the
preparation of the Port Facility Security Plan;
- ensuring completion and approval of the Port Facility
1.1 The preamble of this Code indicates that chapter
Security Assessment and of any subsequent
XI-2 and part A of this Code establish the new
amendments to a previously approved assessment;
international framework of measures to enhance
maritime security and through which ships and port
- approving the Port Facility Security Plan and any

facilities can co-operate to detect and deter acts which
subsequent amendments to a previously approved
threaten security in the maritime transport sector.
plan; and

1.2 This introduction outlines, in a concise manner, the
- exercising control and compliance measures;
processes envisaged in establishing and implementing
the measures and arrangements needed to achieve

- testing approved plans; and
and maintain compliance with the provisions of chapter
XI-2 and of part A of this Code and identifies the main
- communicating information to the International
elements on which guidance is offered. The guidance is
Maritime Organization and to the shipping and port
provided in paragraphs 2 through to 19. It also sets

down essential considerations, which should be taken
into account when considering the application of the
1.7 Contracting Governments can designate, or
guidance relating to ships and port facilities.
establish, Designated Authorities within Government to
1.3 If the reader’s interest relates to ships alone, it is
strongly recommended that this Part of the Code is still
A undertake, with respect to port facilities, their security
duties under chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code and
allow Recognized Security Organizations to carry out
read as a whole, particularly the sections relating to port
certain work with respect to port facilities but the final
facilities. The same applies to those whose primary
decision on the acceptance and approval of this work
interest are port facilities; they should also read the

should be given by the Contracting Government or the

sections relating to ships.
Designated Authority. Administrations may also
delegate the undertaking of certain security duties,
1.4 The guidance provided in the following sections
relating to ships, to Recognized Security Organizations.
relates primarily to protection of the ship when it is at a

The following duties or activities cannot be delegated to

port facility. There could, however, be situations when a
a Recognized Security Organization:
ship may pose a threat to the port facility, e.g. because,
once within the port facility, it could be used as a base

- setting of the applicable security level;

from which to launch an attack. When considering the
appropriate security measures to respond to ship-based
- determining which of the port facilities located within
security threats, those completing the Port Facility

the territory of a Contracting Government are required

Security Assessment or preparing the Port Facility
to designate a Port Facility Security Officer and to
Security Plan should consider making appropriate
prepare a Port Facility Security Plan;
adaptations to the guidance offered in the following
- approving a Port Facility Security Assessment or any

subsequent amendments to a previously approved

1.5 The reader is advised that nothing in this Part of
the Code should be read or interpreted in conflict with
any of the provisions of either chapter XI-2 or part A of
- approving a Port Facility Security Plan or any
this Code and that the aforesaid provisions always
subsequent amendments to a previously approved

prevail and override any unintended inconsistency

which may have been inadvertently expressed in this
Part of the Code. The guidance provided in this Part of
- exercising control and compliance measures; and
the Code should always be read, interpreted and
applied in a manner which is consistent with the aims,
- establishing the requirements for a Declaration of
objectives and principles established in chapter XI-2
and part A of this Code.
Setting the security level
Responsibilities of Contracting Governments
1.8 The setting of the security level applying at any
1.6 Contracting Governments have, under the
particular time is the responsibility of Contracting
provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code,
Governments and can apply to ships and port facilities.
various responsibilities, which, amongst others, include:
Part A of this Code defines three security levels for
international use. These are:
- setting the applicable security level;

- Security Level 1, normal; the level at which ships and examination of the Ship Security Plan itself except in
port facilities normally operate; specific circumstances. The ship may, also, be subject
to additional control measures if the Contracting
- Security Level 2, heightened; the level applying for as Government exercising the control and compliance
long as there is a heightened risk of a security incident; measures has reason to believe that the security of the
and ship has, or the port facilities it has served have, been
- Security Level 3, exceptional, the level applying for the
period of time when there is the probable or imminent 1.15 The ship is also required to have onboard
risk of a security incident. information, to be made available to Contracting
Governments upon request, indicating who is
The Company and the Ship responsible for deciding the employment of the ship’s
personnel and for deciding various aspects relating to
1.9 Any Company operating ships to which chapter XI-2 the employment of the ship.
and part A of this Code apply has to designate a
Company Security Officer for the Company and a Ship The port facility
Security Officer for each of its ships. The duties,

responsibilities and training requirements of these 1.16 Each Contracting Government has to ensure
officers and requirements for drills and exercises are completion of a Port Facility Security Assessment for

defined in part A of this Code. each of the port facilities, located within its territory,
serving ships engaged on international voyages. The
1.10 The Company Security Officer’s responsibilities Contracting Government, a Designated Authority or a

include, in brief amongst others, ensuring that a Ship Recognized Security Organization may carry out this
Security Assessment is properly carried out, that a Ship assessment. The completed Port Facility Security
Security Plan is prepared and submitted for approval Assessment has to be approved by the Contracting
by, or on behalf of, the Administration and thereafter is Government or the Designated Authority concerned.
placed on board each ship to which part A of this Code This approval cannot be delegated. Port Facility

applies and in respect of which that person has been Security Assessments should be periodically reviewed.
appointed as the Company Security Officer.
1.17 The Port Facility Security Assessment is
1.11 The Ship Security Plan should indicate the
operational and physical security measures the ship
itself should take to ensure it always operates at
A fundamentally a risk analysis of all aspects of a port
facility’s operation in order to determine which part(s) of
it are more susceptible, and/or more likely, to be the
security level 1. The plan should also indicate the subject of attack. Security risk is a function of the threat
additional, or intensified, security measures the ship of an attack coupled with the vulnerability of the target

itself can take to move to and operate at security level 2 and the consequences of an attack. The assessment
when instructed to do so. Furthermore, the plan should must include the following components:
indicate the possible preparatory actions the ship could
take to allow prompt response to the instructions that - the perceived threat to port installations and

may be issued to the ship by those responding at infrastructure must be determined;

security level 3 to a security incident or threat thereof.
- the potential vulnerabilities identified; and

1.12 The ships to which the requirements of chapter XI-

2 and part A of this Code apply are required to have, - the consequences of incidents calculated.
and operated in accordance with, a Ship Security Plan

approved by, or on behalf of, the Administration. The On completion of the analysis, it will be possible to
Company and Ship Security Officer should monitor the produce an overall assessment of the level of risk. The
continuing relevance and effectiveness of the plan, Port Facility Security Assessment will help determine
including the undertaking of internal audits. which port facilities are required to appoint a Port
Amendments to any of the elements of an approved Facility Security Officer and prepare a Port Facility

plan, for which the Administration has determined that Security Plan.
approval is required, have to be submitted for review
and approval before their incorporation in the approved 1.18 The port facilities which have to comply with the
plan and their implementation by the ship. requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code
are required to designate a Port Facility Security

1.13 The ship has to carry an International Ship Officer. The duties, responsibilities and training
Security Certificate indicating that it complies with the requirements of these officers and requirements for
requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code. drills and exercises are defined in part A of this Code.
Part A of this Code includes provisions relating to the
verification and certification of the ship’s compliance 1.19 The Port Facility Security Plan should indicate the
with the requirements on an initial, renewal and operational and physical security measures the port
intermediate verification basis. facility should take to ensure that it always operates at
security level 1. The plan should also indicate the
1.14 When a ship is at a port or is proceeding to a port additional, or intensified, security measures the port
of a Contracting Government, the Contracting facility can take to move to and operate at security level
Government has the right, under the provisions of 2 when instructed to do so. Furthermore, the plan
regulation XI-2/9, to exercise various control and should indicate the possible preparatory actions the
compliance measures with respect to that ship. The port facility could take to allow prompt response to the
ship is subject to port State control inspections but instructions that may be issued by those responding at
such inspections will not normally extend to security level 3 to a security incident or threat thereof.

1.20 The port facilities which have to comply with the 3.1 The guidance given in this Part of the Code should
requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code be taken into account when implementing the
are required to have, and operate in accordance with, a requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code.
Port Facility Security Plan approved by the Contracting
Government or by the Designated Authority concerned. 3.2 However, it should be recognized that the extent to
The PFSO should implement its provisions and monitor which the guidance on ships applies will depend on the
the continuing effectiveness and relevance of the plan, type of ship, its cargoes and/or passengers, its trading
including commissioning internal audits of the pattern and the characteristics of the port facilities
application of the plan. Amendments to any of the visited by the ship.
elements of an approved plan, for which the
Contracting Government or the Designated Authority 3.3 Similarly, in relation to the guidance on port
concerned has determined that approval is required, facilities, the extent to which this guidance applies will
have to be submitted for review and approval before depend on the port facilities, the types of ships using
their incorporation in the approved plan and their the port facility, the types of cargo and/or passengers
implementation at the port facility. The Contracting and the trading patterns of visiting ships.
Government or the Designated Authority concerned
may test the effectiveness of the plan. The Port Facility 3.4 The provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this

Security Assessment covering the port facility or on Code are not intended to apply to port facilities
which the development of the plan has been based designed and used primarily for military purposes.

should be regularly reviewed. All these activities may
lead to amendment of the approved plan. Any 4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTRACTING
amendments to specified elements of an approved plan GOVERNMENTS

will have to be submitted for approval by the
Contracting Government or by the Designated Authority Security of assessments and plans
4.1 Contracting Governments should ensure that
1.21 Ships using port facilities may be subject to the appropriate measures are in place to avoid

port State control inspections and additional control unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, security
measures outlined in regulation XI-2/9. The relevant sensitive material relating to Ship Security
authorities may request the provision of information Assessments, Ship Security Plans, Port Facility
regarding the ship, its cargo, passengers and ship’s
personnel prior to the ship’s entry into port. There may
be circumstances in which entry into port could be
A Security Assessments and Port Facility Security Plans,
and to individual assessments or plans.
denied. Designated authorities

Information and communication 4.2 Contracting Governments may identify a

Designated Authority within Government to undertake
1.22 Chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code require their security duties relating to port facilities as set out
Contracting Governments to provide certain information in chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code.

to the International Maritime Organization and for

information to be made available to allow effective Recognized Security Organizations
communication between Contracting Governments and

between Company/Ship Security Officers and the Port 4.3 Contracting Governments may authorize a
Facility Security Officers. Recognized Security Organization (RSO) to undertake
certain security related activities, including:

.1 approval of Ship Security Plans, or
2.1 No guidance is provided with respect to the amendments thereto, on behalf of the
definitions set out in chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code. Administration;

2.2 For the purpose of this Part of the Code: .2 verification and certification of compliance of
ships with the requirements of chapter XI-2
.1 .section. means a section of part A of the and part A of this Code on behalf of the
Code and is indicated as .section A/<followed Administration; and
by the number of the section>.;

.3 conducting Port Facility Security

.2 .paragraph. means a paragraph of this Part of Assessments required by the Contracting
the Code and is indicated as .paragraph Government.
<followed by the number of the paragraph>.;
and 4.4 An RSO may also advise or provide assistance to
Companies or port facilities on security matters,
.3 .Contracting Government., when used in including Ship Security Assessments, Ship Security
paragraphs 14 to 18, means the .Contracting Plans, Port Facility Security Assessments and Port
Government within whose territory the port Facility Security Plans. This can include completion of a
facility is located. And includes a reference to Ship Security Assessment or Plan or Port Facility
the .Designated Authority. Security Assessment or Plan. If an RSO has done so in
respect of a ship security assessment or plan that RSO
3 APPLICATION should not be authorized to approve that ship security

4.5 When authorizing an RSO, Contracting 4.8 In setting the security level Contracting
Governments should give consideration to the Governments should take account of general and
competency of such an organization. An RSO should specific threat information. Contracting Governments
be able to demonstrate: should set the security level applying to ships or port
facilities at one of three levels:
.1 expertise in relevant aspects of security;
- Security level 1: normal, the level at which the ship or
.2 appropriate knowledge of ship and port port facility normally operates;
operations, including knowledge of ship
design and construction if providing services - Security level 2: heightened, the level applying for as
in respect of ships and port design and long as there is a heightened risk of a security incident;
construction if providing services in respect of and
port facilities;
- Security level 3: exceptional, the level applying for the
.3 their capability to assess the likely security period of time when there is the probable or imminent
risks that could occur during ship and port risk of a security incident.
facility operations including the ship/port

interface and how to minimise such risks; 4.9 Setting security level 3 should be an exceptional
measure applying only when there is credible

.4 their ability to maintain and improve the information that a security incident is probable or
expertise of their personnel; imminent. Security level 3 should only be set for the
duration of the identified security threat or actual

.5 their ability to monitor the continuing security incident. While the security levels may change
trustworthiness of their personnel; from security level 1, through security level 2 to security
level 3, it is also possible that the security levels will
.6 their ability to maintain appropriate measures change directly from security level 1 to security level 3.
to avoid unauthorized disclosure of, or

access to, security sensitive material; 4.10 At all times the Master of a ship has the ultimate
responsibility for the safety and security of the ship.
.7 their knowledge of the requirements chapter Even at security level 3 a Master may seek clarification
XI-2 and part A of this Code and relevant
national and international legislation and
security requirements;
A or amendment of instructions issued by those
responding to a security incident, or threat thereof, if
there are reasons to believe that compliance with any
instruction may imperil the safety of the ship.
.8 their knowledge of current security threats

and patterns; 4.11 The Company Security Officer (CSO) or the Ship
Security Officer (SSO) should liase at the earliest
.9 their knowledge on recognition and detection opportunity with the Port Facility Security Officer
of weapons, dangerous substances and (PFSO) of the port facility the ship is intended to visit to

devices; establish the security level applying for that ship at the
port facility. Having established contact with a ship, the
.10 their knowledge on recognition, on a non- PFSO should advise the ship of any subsequent

discriminatory basis, of characteristics and change in the port facility’s security level and should
behavioural patterns of persons who are provide the ship with any relevant security information.
likely to threaten security;

4.12 While there may be circumstances when an

.11 their knowledge on techniques used to individual ship may be operating at a higher security
circumvent security measures; and level than the port facility it is visiting, there will be no
circumstances when a ship can have a lower security
.12 their knowledge of security and surveillance level than the port facility it is visiting. If a ship has a

equipment and systems and their operational higher security level than the port facility it intends to
limitations. When delegating specific duties to use, the CSO or SSO should advise the PFSO without
a RSO, Contracting Governments, including delay. The PFSO should undertake an assessment of
Administrations, should ensure that the RSO the particular situation in consultation with the CSO or
has the competencies needed to undertake SSO and agree on appropriate security measures with

the task. the ship, which may include completion and signing of a
Declaration of Security.
4.6 A Recognized Organization, as defined in regulation
I/6 and fulfilling the requirements of regulation XI-1/1, 4.13 Contracting Governments should consider how
may be appointed as a RSO provided it has the information on changes in security levels should be
appropriate security related expertise listed in promulgated rapidly. Administrations may wish to use
paragraph 4.5. NAVTEX messages or Notices to Mariners as the
method for notifying such changes in security levels to
4.7 A Port or Harbour Authority or Port Facility operator ship and CSO and SSO. Or, they may wish to consider
may be appointed as a RSO provided it has the other methods of communication that provide
appropriate security related expertise listed in equivalent or better speed and coverage. Contracting
paragraph 4.5. Governments should establish means of notifying
PFSOs of changes in security levels. Contracting
Setting the security level Governments should compile and maintain the contact

details for a list of those who need to be informed of on location to allow interaction with ships which are
changes in security levels. Whereas the security level required to comply with the provisions of chapter XI-2
need not be regarded as being particularly sensitive, and part A of this Code*.
the underlying threat information may be highly
sensitive. Contracting Governments should give careful Ships which are not required to comply with part A
consideration to the type and detail of the information of this Code
conveyed and the method by which it is conveyed, to 4.20 Contracting Governments should consider
SSOs, CSOs and PFSOs. establishing appropriate security measures to enhance
the security of ships to which this chapter XI-2 and part
Contact points and information on Port Facility A of this Code does not apply and to ensure that any
Security Plans security provisions applying to such ships allow
interaction with ships to which part A of this Code
4.14 Where a port facility has a PFSP, that fact has to applies.
be communicated to the Organization and that
information must also be made available to Company Threats to ships and other incidents at sea
and Ship Security Officers. No further details of the
PFSP have to be published other than that it is in place. 4.21 Contracting Governments should provide general

Contracting Governments should consider establishing guidance on the measures considered appropriate to
either central or regional points of contact, or other reduce the security risk to ships flying their flag when at

means of providing up to date information on the sea. They should provide specific advice on the action
locations where PFSPs are in place, together with to be taken in accordance with security levels 1 to 3, if:
contact details for the relevant PFSO. The existence of

such contact points should be publicised. They could .1 there is a change in the security level
also provide information on the recognized security applying to the ship while it is at sea, e.g.
organizations appointed to act on behalf of the because of the geographical area in which it
Contracting Government, together with details of the is operating or relating to the ship itself; and
specific responsibility and conditions of authority

delegated to such recognized security organizations. .2 there is a security incident or threat thereof
involving the ship while at sea.
4.15 In the case of a port that does not have a PFSP
(and therefore does not have a PFSO) the central or
regional point of contact should be able to identify a
suitably qualified person ashore who can arrange for
A Contracting Governments should establish the best
methods and procedures for these purposes. In the
case of an imminent attack the ship should seek to
appropriate security measures to be in place, if needed, establish direct communication with those responsible
for the duration of the ship’s visit. in the flag State for responding to security incidents.

4.16 Contracting Governments should also provide the 4.22 Contracting Governments should also establish a
contact details of Government officers to whom an point of contact for advice on security for any ship:
SSO, a CSO and a PFSO can report security concerns.

These Government officers should assess such reports .1 entitled to fly their flag; or
before taking appropriate action. Such reported
concerns may have a bearing on the security measures .2 operating in their territorial sea or having

falling under the jurisdiction of another Contracting communicated an intention to enter their
Government. In that case, the Contracting territorial sea.
Governments should consider contacting their

counterpart in the other Contracting Government to 4.23 Contracting Governments should offer advice to
discuss whether remedial action is appropriate. For this ships operating in their territorial sea or having
purpose, the contact details of the Government officers communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea,
should be communicated to the International Maritime which could include advice:

.1 to alter or delay their intended passage;

4.17 Contracting Governments should also make the
information indicated in paragraphs 4.14 to 4.16, .2 to navigate on a particular course or proceed
available to other Contracting Governments on request. to a specific location;

Identification documents .3 on the availability of any personnel or

equipment that could be placed on the ship;
4.18 Contracting Governments are encouraged to issue
appropriate identification documents to Government .4 to co-ordinate the passage, arrival into port or
officials entitled to board ships or enter port facilities departure from port, to allow escort by patrol
when performing their official duties and to establish craft or aircraft (fixed-wing or helicopter).
procedures whereby the authenticity of such documents
might be verified.
* Refer to Establishment of appropriate measures to enhance the security
Fixed and floating platforms and mobile offshore of ships, port facilities, mobile offshore drilling units on location and fixed
drilling units on location and floating platforms not covered by chapter XI-2 of the 1974 SOLAS
Convention, adopted by the 2002 SOLAS Conference by resolution 7.

4.19 Contracting Governments should consider

Contracting Governments should remind ships
establishing appropriate security measures for fixed
operating in their territorial sea, or having
and floating platforms and mobile offshore drilling units

communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea, that the ship is sufficiently and effectively manned. In
of any temporary restricted areas that they have doing so the Administration should verify that ships are
published. able to implement the hours of rest and other measures
to address fatigue which have been promulgated by
4.24 Contracting Governments should recommend that national law, in the context of all shipboard duties
ships operating in their territorial sea, or having assigned to the various shipboard personnel.
communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea,

implement expeditiously, for the ship’s protection and Control and compliance measures
for the protection of other ships in the vicinity, any
security measure the Contracting Government may General
have advised.
4.29 Regulation XI-2/9 describes the control and
4.25 The plans prepared by the Contracting compliance measures applicable to ships under chapter
Governments for the purposes given in paragraph 4.22 XI-2. It is divided into three distinct sections; control of
should include information on an appropriate point of ships already in a port, control of ships intending to
contact, available on a 24- hour basis, within the enter a port of another Contracting Government, and
Contracting Government including the Administration. additional provisions applicable to both situations.

These plans should also include information on the
circumstances in which the Administration considers 4.30 Regulation XI-2/9.1, control of ships in port,

assistance should be sought from nearby coastal implements a system for the control of ships while in
States, and a procedure for liaison between port facility the port of a foreign country where duly authorized
security officers and ship security officers. officers of the Contracting Government (duly authorized

officers) have the right to go on board the ship to verify
Alternative security agreements that the required certificates are in proper order. Then if
there are clear grounds to believe the ship does not
4.26 Contracting Governments, in considering how to comply, control measures such as additional
implement chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code, may inspections or detention may be taken. This reflects

conclude one or more agreements with one or more current control systems.** Regulation XI-2/9.1 builds on
Contracting Governments. The scope of an agreement such systems and allows for additional measures
is limited to short international voyages on fixed routes (including expulsion of a ship from a port to be taken as
between port facilities in the territory of the parties to
the agreement. When concluding an agreement, and
thereafter, the Contracting Governments should consult
A a control measure) when duly authorized officers have
clear grounds for believing that a ship is in non-
compliance with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or
other Contracting Governments and Administrations part A of this Code. Regulation XI-2/9.3 describes the
with an interest in the effects of the agreement. Ships safeguards that promote fair and proportionate

flying the flag of a State that is not party to the implementation of these additional measures.
agreement should only be allowed to operate on the
fixed routes covered by the agreement if their 4.31 Regulation XI-2/9.2 applies control measures to
Administration agrees that the ship should comply with ensure compliance to ships intending to enter a port of

the provisions of the agreement and requires the ship to another Contracting Government and introduces an
do so. In no case can such an agreement compromise entirely different concept of control within chapter XI-2,
the level of security of other ships and port facilities not applying to security only. Under this regulation

covered by it, and specifically, all ships covered by such measures may be implemented prior to the ship
an agreement may not conduct ship-to-ship activities entering port, to better ensure security. Just as in
with ships not so covered. Any operational interface regulation XI-2/9.1, this additional control system is

undertaken by ships covered by the agreement should based on the concept of clear grounds for believing the
be covered by it. The operation of each agreement ship does not comply with chapter XI-2 or part A of this
must be continually monitored and amended when the Code, and includes significant safeguards in regulations
need arises and in any event should be reviewed every XI-2/9.2.2 and XI-2/9.2.5 as well as in regulation XI-
5 years. 2/9.3.

Equivalent arrangements for port facilities *Refer to Further work by the International Maritime Organization
Pertaining to enhancement of maritime security, adopted by the 2002
4.27 For certain specific port facilities with limited or SOLAS Conference by resolution 3, inviting, amongst others, the
Organization to review Assembly resolution A.890(21) on Principles of
special operations but with more than occasional traffic,

safe manning. This review may also lead to amendments of regulation

it may be appropriate to ensure compliance by security V/14.
measures equivalent to those prescribed in chapter XI- **See regulation I/19 and ergulation IX/6.2 of SOLAS 74 as amended,
article 21 of Load Line 66 as modified by the 1988 Load Line Protocol,
2 and in part A of this Code. This can, in particular, be articles 5 and 6 and regulation 8A of Annex I and regulation 8A of Annex I
the case for terminals such as those attached to and regulation 15 of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 as amended, article X of
factories, or quaysides with no frequent operations. STCW 78 as amended and IMO Assembly resolutions A.787(19) and

As was in force on the date of adoption of this Code.
Manning level ‡
Refer to Further work by the International Maritime Organization
pertaining to enhancement of maritime security, adopted by the 2002
SOLAS Conference by resolution 3, inviting, amongst others, the
4.28 In establishing the minimum safe manning of a Organization to review Assembly resolutions A.787(19) and A.882(21) on
ship the Administration should take into account* that Procedures for port State control.
the minimum safe manning provisions established by
regulation V/14† only address the safe navigation of the 4.32 Clear grounds that the ship is not in compliance
ship. The Administration should also take into account means evidence or reliable information that the ship
any additional workload which may result from the does not correspond with the requirements of chapter
implementation of the ship’s security plan and ensure XI-2 or part A of this Code, taking into account the

guidance given in this Part of the Code. .8 if the ship holds a subsequent, consecutively
issued Interim International Ship Security
Such evidence or reliable information may arise from Certificate as described in section A/19.4,
the duly authorized Officer’s professional judgement or and if, in the professional judgment of an
observations gained while verifying the ship’s officer duly authorized, one of the purposes
International Ship Security Certificate or Interim of the ship or a Company in requesting such
International Ship Security Certificate issued in a certificate is to avoid full compliance with
accordance with part A of this Code (certificate) or from chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code beyond
other sources.Even if a valid certificate is on board the the period of the initial interim certificate as
ship, the duly authorized officers may still have clear described in section A/19.4.4.
grounds for believing that the ship is not in compliance
based on their professional judgment. 4.34 The international law implications of regulation XI-
2/9 are particularly relevant, and the regulation should
4.33 Examples of possible clear grounds under be implemented with regulation XI-2/2.4 in mind, as the
regulations XI-2/9.1 and XI-2/9.2 may include, when potential exists for situations where either measures will
relevant: be taken which fall outside the scope of chapter XI-2, or
where rights of affected ships, outside chapter XI-2,

.1 evidence from a review of the certificate that should be considered. Thus, regulation XI-2/9 does not
it is not valid or it has expired; prejudice the Contracting Government from taking

measures having a basis in, and consistent with,
.2 evidence or reliable information that serious international law, to ensure the safety or security of
deficiencies exist in the security equipment, persons, ships, port facilities and other property in

documentation or arrangements required by cases where the ship, although in compliance with
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code; chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code, is still considered
to present a security risk.
.3 receipt of a report or complaint which, in the
professional judgment of the duly authorized 4.35 When a Contracting Government imposes control

officer, contains reliable information clearly measures on a ship, the Administration should, without
indicating that the ship does not comply with delay, be contacted with sufficient information to enable
the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of the Administration to fully liaise with the Contracting

this Code;

evidence or observation gained by a duly

A Government.

Control of ships in port

authorized officer using professional
judgment that the master or ship’s personnel 4.36 Where the non-compliance is either a defective

is not familiar with essential shipboard item of equipment or faulty documentation leading to
security procedures or cannot carry out drills the ship’s detention and the non-compliance cannot be
related to the security of the ship or that such remedied in the port of inspection, the Contracting
procedures or drills have not been carried Government may allow the ship to sail to another port

out; provided that any conditions agreed between the port

States and the Administration or master are met.
.5 evidence or observation gained by a duly

authorized officer using professional Ships intending to enter the port of another
judgment that key members ship’s personnel Contracting Government
are not able to establish proper

communication with any other key members 4.37 Regulation XI-2/9.2.1 lists the information
of ship’s personnel with security Contracting Governments may require from a ship as a
responsibilities on board the ship; condition of entry into port. One item of information
listed is confirmation of any special or additional
.6 evidence or reliable information that the ship measures taken by the ship during its last ten calls at a

has embarked persons, or loaded stores or port facility. Examples could include:
goods at a port facility or from another ship
where either the port facility or the other ship .1 records of the measures taken while visiting a
is in violation of chapter XI-2 or part A of this port facility located in the territory of a State
Code, and the ship in question has not which is not a Contracting Government

completed a Declaration of Security, nor especially those measures that would

taken appropriate, special or additional normally have been provided by port facilities
security measures or has not maintained located in the territories of Contracting
appropriate ship security procedures; Governments; and

.7 evidence or reliable information that the ship .2 any Declarations of Security that were
has embarked persons, or loaded stores or entered into with port facilities or other ships.
goods at a port facility or from another source
(e.g., another ship or helicopter transfer) 4.38 Another item of information listed, that may be
where either the port facility or the other required as a condition of entry into port, is confirmation
source is not required to comply with chapter that appropriate ship security procedures were
XI-2 or part A of this Code, and the ship has maintained during ship-to-ship activity conducted within
not taken appropriate, special or additional the period of the last 10 calls at a port facility. It would
security measures or has not maintained not normally be required to include records of transfers
appropriate security procedures; and of pilots, customs, immigration, security officials nor

bunkering, lightering, loading of supplies and unloading 4.41 In all cases where a ship is denied entry or
of waste by ship within port facilities as these would expelled from a port, all known facts should be
normally fall within the auspices of the Port Facility communicated to the authorities of relevant States. This
Security Plan. Examples of information that might be communication should consist of the following when
given include: known:

.1 records of the measures taken while engaged .1 name of ship, its flag, the ship’s identification
in a ship to ship activity with a ship flying the number, call sign, ship type and cargo;
flag of a State which is not a Contracting
Government especially those measures that .2 reason for denying entry or expulsion from
would normally have been provided by ships port or port areas;
flying the flag of Contracting Governments;
.3 if relevant, the nature of any security non-
.2 records of the measures taken while engaged compliance;
in a ship to ship activity with a ship that is
flying the flag of a Contracting Government .4 if relevant, details of any attempts made to
but is not required to comply with the rectify any non-compliance, including any

provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this conditions imposed on the ship for the
Code such as a copy of any security voyage;

certificate issued to that ship under other
provisions; and .5 past port(s) of call and next declared port of

.3 in the event that persons or goods rescued at
sea are on board, all known information .6 time of departure and likely estimated time of
about such persons or goods, including their arrival at those ports;
identities when known and the results of any
checks run on behalf of the ship to establish .7 any instructions given to ship, e.g., reporting

the security status of those rescued. It is not on route;
the intention of chapter XI-2 or part A of this
Code to delay or prevent the delivery of those .8 available information on the security level at
in distress at sea to a place of safety. It is the
sole intention of chapter XI-2 and part A of
this Code to provide States with enough
A .9
which the ship is currently operating;

information regarding any communications

appropriate information to maintain their the port State has had with the
security integrity. Administration;

4.39 Examples of other practical security related .10 contact point within the port State making the
information that may be required as a condition of entry report for the purpose of obtaining further
into port in order to assist with ensuring the safety and information;

security of persons, port facilities, ships and other

property include: .11 crew list; and

.1 information contained in the Continuous .12 any other relevant information.

Synopsis Record;
4.42 Relevant States to contact should include those

.2 location of the ship at the time the report is along the ship’s intended passage to its next port,
made; particularly if the ship intends to enter the territorial sea
of that coastal State. Other relevant States could
.3 expected time of arrival of the ship in port; include previous ports of call, so that further information
might be obtained and security issues relating to the

.4 crew list; previous ports resolved.

.5 general description of cargo aboard the ship; 4.43 In exercising control and compliance measures,
the duly authorized officers should ensure that any
.6 passenger list; and measures or steps imposed are proportionate. Such

measures or steps should be reasonable and of the

.7 information required to be carried under minimum severity and duration necessary to rectify or
regulation mitigate the noncompliance.

4.40 Regulation XI-2/9.2.5 allows the master of a ship, 4.44 The word .delay. in regulation XI-2/ also
upon being informed that the coastal or port State will refers to situations where, pursuant to actions taken
implement control measures under regulation XI-2/9.2, under this regulation, the ship is unduly denied entry
to withdraw the intention for the ship to enter port. If the into port or the ship is unduly expelled from port.
master withdraws that intention, regulation XI-2/9 no
longer applies, and any other steps that are taken must Non-party ships and ships below convention size
be based on, and consistent with, international law. 4.45 With respect to ships flying the flag of a State
which is not a Contracting Government to the
Additional provisions Convention and not a Party to the 1988 SOLAS
Protocol*, Contracting Governments should not give
more favourable treatment to such ships. Accordingly,

the requirements of regulation XI-2/9 and the guidance 5.5 The DoS should be completed in English, French or
provided in this Part of the Code should be applied to Spanish or in a language common to both the port
those ships. facility and the ship or the ships, as applicable.

4.46 Ships below Convention size are subject to 5.6 A model DoS is included in Appendix 1 to this Part
measures by which States maintain security. Such of the Code. This model is for a DoS between a ship
measures should be taken with due regard to the and a port facility. If the DoS is to cover two ships this
requirements in chapter XI-2 and the guidance provided model should be appropriately adjusted.
in this Part of the Code.
5.1 A Declaration of Security (DoS) should be 6.1 Regulation XI-2/5 requires the company to provide
completed when the Contracting Government of the the master of the ship with information to meet the
port facility deems it to be necessary or when a ship requirements of the Company under the provisions of
deems it necessary. this regulation. This information should include items

such as:
5.1.1 The need for a DoS may be indicated by the

results of the Port Facility Security Assessment (PFSA) .1 parties responsible for appointing shipboard
and the reasons and circumstances in which a DoS is personnel, such as ship management
required should be set out in the Port Facility Security companies, manning agents, contractors,

Plan (PFSP). concessionaries (for example, retail sales
outlets, casinos, etc.);
5.1.2 The need for a DoS may be indicated by an
Administration for ships entitled to fly its flag or as a .2 parties responsible for deciding the
result of a ship security assessment and should be set employment of the ship including, time or

out in the ship security plan. bareboat charterer(s) or any other entity
acting in such capacity; and
5.2 It is likely that a DoS will be requested at higher
security levels, when a ship has a higher security level
than the port facility, or another ship with which it
interfaces, and for ship/port interface or ship to ship
A .3 in cases when the ship is employed under the
terms of a charter party, the contact details of
those parties including time or voyage
activities that pose a higher risk to persons, property or charterers.
the environment for reasons specific to that ship,

including its cargo or passengers or the circumstances 6.2 In accordance with regulation XI-2/5 the Company
at the port facility or a combination of these factors. is obliged to update and keep this information current
as and when changes occur.
5.2.1 In the case that a ship or an Administration, on

behalf of ships entitled to fly its flag, requests 6.3 This information should be in English, French or
completion of a DoS, the Port Facility Security Officer Spanish language.
(PFSO) or Ship Security Officer (SSO) should

acknowledge the request and discuss appropriate 6.4 With respect to ships constructed before 1 July
security measures. 2004, this information should reflect the actual condition
on that date.

5.3 A PFSO may also initiate a DoS prior to ship/port

interfaces that are identified in the approved PFSA as 6.5 With respect to ships constructed on or after 1 July
being of particular concern. Examples may include the 2004 and for ships constructed before 1 July 2004
embarking or disembarking passengers, and the which were out of service on 1 July 2004, the
transfer, loading or unloading of dangerous goods or information should be provided as from the date of

hazardous substances. The PFSA may also identify entry of the ship into service and should reflect the
facilities at or near highly populated areas or actual condition on that date.
economically significant operations that warrant a DoS.
6.6 After 1 July 2004 when a ship is withdrawn from
5.4 The main purpose of a DoS is to ensure agreement service the information should be provided as from the

is reached between the ship and the port facility or with date of re-entry of the ship into service and should
other ships with which it interfaces as to the respective reflect the actual condition on that date.
security measures each will undertake in accordance
with the provisions of their respective approved security 6.7 Previously provided information that does not relate
plans. to the actual condition on that date need not be retained
on board.
5.4.1 The agreed DoS should be signed and dated by
both the port facility and the ship(s), as applicable, to
indicate compliance with chapter XI-2 and part A of this * Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974
Code and should include its duration, the relevant
security level, or levels and the relevant contact details.
6.8 When the responsibility for the operation of the ship
is assumed by another Company, the information
5.4.2 A change in the security level may require that a
relating to the Company, which operated the ship, is not
new or revised DoS be completed.
required to be left on board.

In addition other relevant guidance is provided under .4 techniques used to circumvent security
sections 8, 9 and 13. measures;

7 SHIP SECURITY .5 methods used to cause a security incident;

Relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and .6 effects of explosives on ship’s structures and
13. equipment;

8 SHIP SECURITY ASSESSMENT .7 ship security;

Security assessment .8 ship/port interface business practices;

8.1 The Company Security Officer (CSO) is responsible .9 contingency planning, emergency
for ensuring that a Ship Security Assessment (SSA) is preparedness and response;
carried out for each of the ships in the Company’s fleet
which is required to comply with the provisions of .10 physical security;
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code for which the CSO

is responsible. While the CSO need not necessarily .11 radio and telecommunications systems,
personally undertake all the duties associated with the including computer systems and networks;

post, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that they
are properly performed remains with the individual .12 marine engineering; and

.13 ship and port operations.
8.2 Prior to commencing the SSA, the CSO should
ensure that advantage is taken of information available 8.5 The CSO should obtain and record the information
on the assessment of threat for the ports at which the required to conduct an assessment, including:
ship will call or at which passengers embark or

disembark and about the port facilities and their .1 the general layout of the ship;
protective measures. The CSO should study previous
reports on similar security needs. Where feasible, the .2 the location of areas which should have
CSO should meet with appropriate persons on the ship
and in the port facilities to discuss the purpose and
methodology of the assessment. The CSO should
A restricted access, such as navigation bridge,
machinery spaces of category A and other
control stations as defined in chapter II-2,
follow any specific guidance offered by the Contracting etc.;

.3 the location and function of each actual or

8.3 A SSA should address the following elements on potential access point to the ship;
board or within the ship:
.4 changes in the tide which may have an

.1 physical security; impact on the vulnerability or security of the

.2 structural integrity;

.5 the cargo spaces and stowage

.3 personnel protection systems; arrangements;

.4 procedural policies; .6 the locations where the ship’s stores and

essential maintenance equipment is stored;
.5 radio and telecommunication systems,
including computer systems and networks; .7 the locations where unaccompanied baggage
and is stored;

.6 other areas that may, if damaged or used for .8 the emergency and stand-by equipment
illicit observation, pose a risk to persons, available to maintain essential services;
property, or operations on board the ship or
within a port facility. .9 the number of ship’s personnel, any existing

security duties and any existing training

8.4 Those involved in a SSA should be able to draw requirement practises of the Company;
upon expert assistance in relation to:
.10 existing security and safety equipment for the
.1 knowledge of current security threats and protection of passengers and ship’s
patterns; personnel;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, .11 escape and evacuation routes and assembly
dangerous substances and devices; stations which have to be maintained to
ensure the orderly and safe emergency
.3 recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of evacuation of the ship;
characteristics and behavioural patterns of
persons who are likely to threaten security; .12 existing agreements with private security
companies providing ship/waterside security
services; and

.13 existing security measures and procedures in .1 damage to, or destruction of, the ship or of a
effect, including inspection and, control port facility, e.g. by explosive devices, arson,
procedures, identification systems, sabotage or vandalism;
surveillance and monitoring equipment,
personnel identification documents and .2 hijacking or seizure of the ship or of persons
communication, alarms, lighting, access on board;
control and other appropriate systems.
.3 tampering with cargo, essential ship
8.6 The SSA should examine each identified point of equipment or systems or ship’s stores;
access, including open weather decks, and evaluate its
potential for use by individuals who might seek to .4 unauthorized access or use, including
breach security. This includes points of access presence of stowaways;
available to individuals having legitimate access as well
as those who seek to obtain unauthorized entry. .5 smuggling weapons or equipment, including
weapons of mass destruction;
8.7 The SSA should consider the continuing relevance
of the existing security measures and guidance, .6 use of the ship to carry those intending to

procedures and operations, under both routine and cause a security incident and/or their
emergency conditions and should determine security equipment;

guidance including:
.7 use of the ship itself as a weapon or as a
.1 the restricted areas; means to cause damage or destruction;

.2 the response procedures to fire or other .8 attacks from seaward whilst at berth or at
emergency conditions; anchor; and

.3 the level of supervision of the ship’s .9 attacks whilst at sea.

personnel, passengers, visitors, vendors,
repair technicians, dock workers, etc.; 8.10 The SSA should take into account all possible
vulnerabilities, which may include:
.4 the frequency and effectiveness of security
patrols; A .1 conflicts between
safety and security
.5 the access control systems, including
identification systems; .2 conflicts between shipboard duties and

security assignments;
.6 the security communications systems and
procedures; .3 watch-keeping duties, number of ship’s
personnel, particularly with implications on

.7 the security doors, barriers and lighting; and crew fatigue, alertness and performance;

.8 the security and surveillance equipment and .4 any identified security training deficiencies;

systems, if any. and

8.8 The SSA should consider the persons, activities, .5 any security equipment and systems, includ-

services and operations that it is important to protect. ing communication systems.

This includes:
8.11 The CSO and SSO should always have regard to
.1 the ship’s personnel; the effect that security measures may have on ship’s
personnel who will remain on the ship for long periods.

.2 passengers, visitors, vendors, repair When developing security measures, particular

technicians, port facility personnel, etc; consideration should be given to the convenience,
comfort and personal privacy of the ship’s personnel
.3 the capacity to maintain safe navigation and and their ability to maintain their effectiveness over long
emergency response; periods.

.4 the cargo, particularly dangerous goods or 8.12 Upon completion of the SSA, a report shall be
hazardous substances; prepared, consisting of a summary of how the
assessment was conducted, a description of each
.5 the ship’s stores; vulnerability found during the assessment and a
description of counter measures that could be used to
.6 the ship security communication equipment address each vulnerability. The report shall be
and systems, if any; and protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

.7 the ship’s security surveillance equipment 8.13 If the SSA has not been carried out by the
and systems, if any. Company, the report of the SSA should be reviewed
and accepted by the CSO.
8.9 The SSA should consider all possible threats, which
may include the following types of security incidents: On-scene security survey

8.14 The on-scene security survey is an integral part of .6 provide for regular review, or audit, of the
any SSA. The on-scene security survey should SSP and for its amendment in response to
examine and evaluate existing shipboard protective experience or changing circumstances; and
measures, procedures and operations for:
.7 reporting procedures to the appropriate
.1 ensuring the performance of all ship security Contracting Governments contact points.
9.3 Preparation of an effective SSP should rest on a
.2 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that thorough assessment of all issues that relate to the
only authorized persons have access; security of the ship, including, in particular, a thorough
appreciation of the physical and operational
.3 controlling access to the ship, including any characteristics, including the voyage pattern, of the
identification systems; individual ship.

.4 monitoring of deck areas and areas 9.4 All SSPs should be approved by, or on behalf of,
surrounding the ship; the Administration. If an Administration uses a
Recognized Security Organization (RSO) to review or

.5 controlling the embarkation of persons and approve the SSP the RSO should not be associated
their effects (accompanied and with any other RSO that prepared, or assisted in the

unaccompanied baggage and ship’s preparation of, the plan.
personnel personal effects);
9.5 CSOs and Ship Security Officers (SSOs) should

.6 supervising the handling of cargo and the develop procedures to:
delivery of ship’s stores; and
.1 assess the continuing effectiveness of the
.7 ensuring that ship security communication, SSP; and
information, and equipment are readily

available. .2 prepare amendments of the plan subsequent
to its approval.

General A 9.6 The security measures included in the SSP should

be in place when the initial verification for compliance
with the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this
9.1 The Company Security Officer (CSO) has the Code will be carried out. Otherwise the process of issue
responsibility of ensuring that a Ship Security Plan to the ship of the required International Ship Security

(SSP) is prepared and submitted for approval. The Certificate cannot be carried out. If there is any
content of each individual SSP should vary depending subsequent failure of security equipment or systems, or
on the particular ship it covers. The Ship Security suspension of a security measure for whatever reason,
Assessment (SSA) will have identified the particular equivalent temporary security measures should be

features of the ship and the potential threats and adopted, notified to, and agreed by, the Administration.
vulnerabilities. The preparation of the SSP will require
these features to be addressed in detail. Organization and performance of ship security

Administrations may prepare advice on the preparation duties

and content of a SSP.
9.7 In addition to the guidance given in section 9.2, the

9.2 All SSPs should: SSP should establish the following which relate to all
security levels:
.1 detail the organizational structure of security
for the ship; .1 the duties and responsibilities of all shipboard
personnel with a security role;

.2 detail the ship’s relationships with the

Company, port facilities, other ships and .2 the procedures or safeguards necessary to
relevant authorities with security allow such continuous communications to be
responsibility; maintained at all times;

.3 detail the communication systems to allow .3 the procedures needed to assess the
effective continuous communication within continuing effectiveness of security
the ship and between the ship and others, procedures and any security and surveillance
including port facilities; equipment and systems, including
procedures for identifying and responding to
.4 detail the basic security measures for security equipment or systems failure or malfunction;
level 1, both operational and physical, that
will always be in place; .4 the procedures and practices to protect
security sensitive information held in paper or
.5 detail the additional security measures that electronic format;
will allow the ship to progress without delay to
security level 2 and, when necessary, to .5 the type and maintenance requirements, of
security level 3; security and surveillance equipment and
systems, if any;

.6 the procedures to ensure the timely and/or to confirm the purpose of their visit when
submission, and assessment, of reports requested to do so should be denied access to the ship
relating to possible breaches of security or and their attempt to obtain access should be reported,
security concerns; and as appropriate, to the SSOs, the CSOs, the Port Facility
Security Officer (PFSO) and to the national or local
.7 procedures to establish, maintain and up- authorities with security responsibilities.
date an inventory of any dangerous goods or
hazardous substances carried on board, 9.13 The SSP should establish the frequency of
including their location. application of any access controls particularly if they are
to be applied on a random, or occasional, basis.
9.8 The remainder of this section addresses specifically
the security measures that could be taken at each Security Level 1
security level covering:
9.14 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the
.1 access to the ship by ship’s personnel, security measures to control access to the ship, where
passengers, visitors, etc; the following may be applied:

.2 restricted areas on the ship; .1 checking the identity of all persons seeking to
board the ship and confirming their reasons

.3 handling of cargo; for doing so by checking, for example, joining
instructions, passenger tickets, boarding
.4 delivery of ship’s stores; passes, work orders etc;

.5 handling unaccompanied baggage; and .2 in liaison with the port facility the ship should
ensure that designated secure areas are
.6 monitoring the security of the ship. established in which inspections and
searching of persons, baggage (including

Access to the ship carry on items), personal effects, vehicles
and their contents can take place;
9.9 The SSP should establish the security measures
covering all means of access to the ship identified in the
SSA. This should include any: A .3 in liaison with the port facility the ship should
ensure that vehicles destined to be loaded on
board car carriers, ro-ro and other passenger
.1 access ladders; ships are subjected to search prior to loading,
in accordance with the frequency required in

.2 access gangways; the SSP;

.3 access ramps; .4 segregating checked persons and their

personal effects from unchecked persons and

.4 access doors, side scuttles, windows and their personal effects;

.5 segregating embarking from disembarking

.5 mooring lines and anchor chains; and passengers;

.6 cranes and hoisting gear. .6 identification of access points that should be


secured or attended to prevent unauthorized

9.10 For each of these the SSP should identify the access;
appropriate locations where access restrictions or
prohibitions should be applied for each of the security .7 securing, by locking or other means, access
levels. For each security level the SSP should establish to unattended spaces adjoining areas to

the type of restriction or prohibition to be applied and which passengers and visitors have access;
the means of enforcing them. and

9.11 The SSP should establish for each security level .8 providing security briefings to all ship
the means of identification required to allow access to personnel on possible threats, the

the ship and for individuals to remain on the ship procedures for reporting suspicious persons,
without challenge, this may involve developing an objects or activities and the need for
appropriate identification system allowing for permanent vigilance.
and temporary identifications, for ship’s personnel and
visitors respectively. Any ship identification system 9.15 At security level 1, all those seeking to board a
should, when it is practicable to do so, be co-ordinated ship should be liable to search. The frequency of such
with that applying to the port facility. Passengers should searches, including random searches, should be
be able to prove their identity by boarding passes, specified in the approved SSP and should be
tickets, etc., but should not be permitted access to specifically approved by the Administration. Such
restricted areas unless supervised. The SSP should searches may best be undertaken by the port facility in
establish provisions to ensure that the identification close co-operation with the ship and in close proximity
systems are regularly updated, and that abuse of to it. Unless there are clear security grounds for doing
procedures should be subject to disciplinary action. so, members of the ship’s personnel should not be
required to search their colleagues or their personal
9.12 Those unwilling or unable to establish their identity effects. Any such search shall be undertaken in a

manner which fully takes into account the human rights .8 preparing for a full or partial search of the ship.
of the individual and preserves their basic human
dignity. Restricted areas on the ship

Security Level 2 9.18 The SSP should identify the restricted areas to be
established on the ship, specify their extent, times of
9.16 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the application, the security measures to be taken to control
security measures to be applied to protect against a access to them and those to be taken to control
heightened risk of a security incident to ensure higher activities within them. The purpose of restricted areas
vigilance and tighter control, which may include: are to:

.1 assigning additional personnel to patrol deck .1 prevent unauthorized access;

areas during silent hours to deter
unauthorized access; .2 protect passengers, ship’s personnel, and
personnel from port facilities or other
.2 limiting the number of access points to the agencies authorized to be on board the ship;
ship, identifying those to be closed and the

means of adequately securing them; .3 protect sensitive security areas within the
ship; and

.3 deterring waterside access to the ship,
including, for example, in liaison with the port .4 protect cargo and ship’s stores from
facility, provision of boat patrols; tampering.

.4 establishing a restricted area on the shore- 9.19 The SSP should ensure that there are clearly
side of the ship, in close co-operation with the established policies and practices to control access to
port facility; all restricted areas them.

.5 increasing the frequency and detail of 9.20 The SSP should provide that all restricted areas
searches of persons, personal effects, and should be clearly marked indicating that access to the
vehicles being embarked or loaded onto the area is restricted and that unauthorized presence within


escorting visitors on the ship;

A the area constitutes a breach of security.

9.21 Restricted areas may include:

.7 providing additional specific security briefings .1 navigation bridge, machinery spaces of

to all ship personnel on any identified threats, category A and other control stations as
re-emphasising the procedures for reporting defined in chapter II-2;
suspicious persons, objects, or activities and
the stressing the need for increased .2 spaces containing security and surveillance

vigilance; and equipment and systems and their controls

and lighting system controls;
.8 carrying out a full or partial search of the ship.

.3 ventilation and air-conditioning systems and

Security Level 3 other similar spaces;

9.17 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the .4 spaces with access to potable water tanks,
instructions issued by those responding to the security pumps, or manifolds;
incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the
security measures which could be taken by the ship, in .5 spaces containing dangerous goods or
close co-operation with those responding and the port hazardous substances;

facility, which may include:

.6 spaces containing cargo pumps and their
.1 limiting access to a single, controlled, access controls;
.7 cargo spaces and spaces containing ship’s

.2 granting access only to those responding to stores;

the security incident or threat thereof;
.8 crew accommodation; and
.3 directions of persons on board;
.9 any other areas as determined by the CSO,
.4 suspension of embarkation or dis- through the SSA to which access must be
embarkation; restricted to maintain the security of the ship.

.5 suspension of cargo handling operations, Security Level 1

deliveries etc;
9.22 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the
.6 evacuation of the ship; security measures to be applied to restricted areas,
which may include:
.7 movement of the ship; and .1 locking or securing access points;

.2 using surveillance equipment to monitor the .1 routine checking of cargo, cargo transport
areas; units and cargo spaces prior to, and during,
cargo handling operations;
.3 using guards or patrols; and
.2 checks to ensure that cargo being loaded
.4 using automatic intrusion detection devices to matches the cargo documentation;
alert the ship’s personnel of unauthorized
access. .3 ensuring, in liaison with the port facility, that
vehicles to be loaded on board car carriers,
Security Level 2 ro-ro and passenger ships are subjected to
search prior to loading, in accordance with
9.23 At security level 2, the frequency and intensity of the frequency required in the SSP; and
the monitoring of, and control of access to restricted
areas should be increased to ensure that only .4 checking of seals or other methods used to
authorized persons have access. The SSP should prevent tampering.
establish the additional security measures to be
applied, which may include: 9.28 Checking of cargo may be accomplished by the

following means:
.1 establishing restricted areas adjacent to

access points; .1 visual and physical examination; and

.2 continuously monitoring surveillance .2 using scanning/detection equipment,

equipment; and mechanical devices, or dogs.

.3 dedicating additional personnel to guard and 9.29 When there are regular, or repeated, cargo
patrol restricted areas. movement the CSO or SSO may, in consultation with
the port facility, agree arrangements with shippers or

Security Level 3 others responsible for such cargo covering off-site
checking, sealing, scheduling, supporting
9.24 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the documentation, etc. Such arrangements should be
instructions issued by those responding to the security
incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the
security measures which could be taken by the ship, in
A communicated to and agreed with the PFSO
close co-operations with those responding and the port Security Level 2
facility, which may include:

9.30 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the

.1 setting up of additional restricted areas on the additional security measures to be applied during cargo
ship in proximity to the security incident, or handling, which may include:
the believed location of the security threat, to

which access is denied; and .1 detailed checking of cargo, cargo transport

units and cargo spaces;
.2 searching of restricted areas as part of a

search of the ship. .2 intensified checks to ensure that only the

intended cargo is loaded;
Handling of cargo

.3 intensified searching of vehicles to be loaded

9.25 The security measures relating to cargo handling on car-carriers, ro-ro and passenger ships;
should: and

.1 prevent tampering; and .4 increased frequency and detail in checking of


seals or other methods used to prevent

.2 prevent cargo that is not meant for carriage tampering.
from being accepted and stored on board the
ship. 9.31 Detailed checking of cargo may be accomplished
by the following means:

9.26 The security measures, some of which may have

to be applied in liaison with the port facility, should .1 increasing the frequency and detail of visual
include inventory control procedures at access points to and physical examination;
the ship. Once on board the ship, cargo should be
capable of being identified as having been approved for .2 increasing the frequency of the use of
loading onto the ship. In addition, security measures scanning/detection equipment, mechanical
should be developed to ensure that cargo, once on devices, or dogs; and
board, is not tampered with.
.3 co-ordinating enhanced security measures
Security Level 1 with the shipper or other responsible party in
accordance with an established agreement
9.27 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the and procedures.
security measures to be applied during cargo handling,
which may include: Security Level 3

9.32 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the .2 preparation for restriction or suspension of
instructions issued by those responding to the security handling of ship’s stores; and
incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the
security measures which could be taken by the ship, in .3 refusal to accept ship’s stores on board the
close co-operation with those responding and the port ship.
facility, which may include:
Handling unaccompanied baggage
.1 suspension of the loading or unloading of
cargo; and 9.38 The SSP should establish the security measures
to be applied to ensure that unaccompanied baggage
.2 verify the inventory of dangerous goods and (i.e. any baggage, including personal effects, which is
hazardous substances carried on board, if not with the passenger or member of ship’s personnel
any, and their location. at the point of inspection or search) is identified and
subjected to appropriate screening, including searching,
Delivery of ship’s stores before it is accepted on board the ship. It is not
envisaged that such baggage will be subjected to
9.33 The security measures relating to the delivery of screening by both the ship and the port facility, and in

ship’s stores should: cases where both are suitably equipped, the
responsibility for screening should rest with the port

.1 ensure checking of ship’s stores and package facility. Close co-operation with the port facility is
integrity; essential and steps should be taken to ensure that
unaccompanied baggage is handled securely after

.2 prevent ship’s stores from being accepted screening.
without inspection;
Security Level 1
.3 prevent tampering; and
9.39 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the

.4 prevent ship’s stores from being accepted security measures to be applied when handling
unless ordered. unaccompanied baggage to ensure that
unaccompanied baggage is screened or searched up to
9.34 For ships regularly using the port facility it may be
appropriate to establish procedures involving the ship,
its suppliers and the port facility covering notification
A and including 100 percent, which may include use of x-
ray screening.
and timing of deliveries and their documentation. There Security Level 2
should always be some way of confirming that stores

presented for delivery are accompanied by evidence 9.40 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the
that they have been ordered by the ship. additional security measures to be applied when
handling unaccompanied baggage which should
Security Level 1 include 100 percent x-ray screening of all

unaccompanied baggage.
9.35 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the
security measures to be applied during delivery of Security Level 3

ship’s stores, which may include:

9.41 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the
.1 checking to ensure stores match the order instructions issued by those responding to the security

prior to being loaded on board; and incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the
security measures which could be taken by the ship, in
.2 ensuring immediate secure stowage of ship’s close co-operation with those responding and the port
stores. facility, which may include:

Security Level 2 .1 subjecting such baggage to more extensive

screening, for example x-raying it from at
9.36 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the least two different angles;
additional security measures to be applied during
delivery of ship’s stores by exercising checks prior to .2 preparation for restriction or suspension of

receiving stores on board and intensifying inspections. handling of unaccompanied baggage; and

Security Level 3 .3 refusal to accept unaccompanied baggage on

board the ship.
9.37 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the
instructions issued by those responding to the security Monitoring the Security of the Ship
incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the
security measures which could be taken by the ship, in 9.42 The ship should have the capability to monitor the
close co-operation with those responding and the port ship, the restricted areas on board and areas
facility, which may include: surrounding the ship. Such monitoring capabilities may
include use of:
.1 subjecting ship’s stores to more extensive
checking; .1 lighting;

.2 watch-keepers, security guards and deck 9.48 Additional lighting may be necessary to protect
watches including patrols; and against a heightened risk of a security incidents. When
necessary, the additional lighting requirements may be
.3 automatic intrusion detection devices and accomplished by coordinating with the port facility to
surveillance equipment. provide additional shore side lighting.
Security Level 3
9.43 When used, automatic intrusion detection devices
should activate an audible and/or visual alarm at a 9.49 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the
location that is continuously attended or monitored. instructions issued by those responding to the security
incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the
9.44 The SSP should establish the procedures and security measures which could be taken by the ship, in
equipment needed at each security level and the close co-operation with those responding and the port
means of ensuring that monitoring equipment will be facility, which may include:
able to perform continually, including consideration of .1 switching on of all lighting on, or illuminating
the possible effects of weather conditions or of power the vicinity of, the ship;
.2 switching on of all on board surveillance

Security Level 1 equipment capable of recording activities on,
or in the vicinity of, the ship;

9.45 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the
security measures to be applied which may be a .3 maximising the length of time such
combination of lighting, watch keepers, security guards surveillance equipment can continue to

or use of security and surveillance equipment to allow record;
ship’s security personnel to observe the ship in general,
and barriers and restricted areas in particular. .4 preparation for underwater inspection of the
hull of the ship; and
9.46 The ship’s deck and access points to the ship

should be illuminated during hours of darkness and .5 initiation of measures, including the slow
periods of low visibility while conducting ship/port revolution of the ship’s propellers, if
interface activities or at a port facility or anchorage practicable, to deter underwater access to the
when necessary. While underway, when necessary,
ships should use the maximum lighting available
consistent with safe navigation, having regard to the
A hull of the ship.

Differing security levels

provisions of the International Regulations for the
Prevention of Collisions at Sea in force. The following 9.50 The SSP should establish details of the

should be considered when establishing the appropriate procedures and security measures the ship could adopt
level and location of lighting: if the ship is at a higher security level than that applying
.1 the ship’s personnel should be able to detect to a port facility.
activities beyond the ship, on both the shore

side and the waterside; Activities not covered by the Code

.2 coverage should include the area on and 9.51 The SSP should establish details of the

around the ship; procedures and security measures the ship should
apply when:
.3 coverage should facilitate personnel .1 it is at a port of a State which is not a

identification at access points; and Contracting Government;

.4 coverage may be provided through .2 it is interfacing with a ship to which this Code
coordination with the port facility. does not apply*;

Security Level 2 .3 it is interfacing with fixed or floating platforms

or a mobile drilling unit on location; or
9.47 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the
additional security measures to be applied to enhance *Refer to further work by the International Maritime Organization
the monitoring and surveillance capabilities, which may

pertaining to the enhancement of maritime security and to Establishment

include: of appropriate measures to enhance the security of ships, port facilities,
mobile offshore drilling units on location and fixed and floating platforms
.1 increasing the frequency and detail of not covered by chapter XI-2 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, adopted by
security patrols; the 2002 SOLAS conference by resolutions 3 and 7 respectively.

.2 increasing the coverage and intensity of .4 it is interfacing with a port or port facility which is
lighting or the use of security and surveillance not required to comply with chapter XI-2 and part A of
and equipment; this Code.
Declarations of security
.3 assigning additional personnel as security
lookouts; and 9.52 The SSP should detail how requests for DoS from
a port facility will be handled and the circumstances
.4 ensuring coordination with waterside boat under which the ship itself should request a DoS.
patrols, and foot or vehicle patrols on the
shore-side, when provided. Audit and review

9.53 The SSP should establish how the CSO and the .13 recognition and detection of weapons,
SSO intend to audit the continued effectiveness of the dangerous substances and devices;
SSP and the procedure to be followed to review, update
or amend the SSP. .14 recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of
characteristics and behavioural patterns of
10 RECORDS persons who are likely to threaten security;

General .15 techniques used to circumvent security

10.1 Records should be available to duly authorized
officers of Contracting Governments to verify that the .16 security equipment and systems and their
provisions of ship security plans are being operational limitations;
.17 methods of conducting audits, inspection,
10.2 Records may be kept in any format but should be control and monitoring;
protect from unauthorized access or disclosure.
.18 methods of physical searches and non-

11 COMPANY SECURITY OFFICER intrusive inspections;

Relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and .19 security drills and exercises, including drills
13. and exercises with port facilities; and

12 SHIP SECURITY OFFICER .20 assessment of security drills and exercises.

Relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and 13.2 In addition the SSO should have adequate
13. knowledge of, and receive training, in some or all of the
following, as appropriate:

SECURITY .1 the layout of the ship;


13.1 The Company Security Officer (CSO) and

A .2 the ship security plan and related procedures
(including scenario-based training on how to
appropriate shore based Company personnel, and the
Ship Security Officer (SSO), should have knowledge of, .3 crowd management and control techniques;

and receive training, in some or all of the following, as

appropriate: .4 operations of security equipment and
systems; and
.1 security administration;

.5 testing, calibration and whilst at sea

.2 relevant international conventions, codes and maintenance of security equipment and
recommendations; systems.

.3 relevant Government legislation and 13.3 Shipboard personnel having specific security
regulations; duties should have sufficient knowledge and ability to

perform their assigned duties, including, as appropriate:

.4 responsibilities and functions of other security
organizations; .1 knowledge of current security threats and
.5 methodology of ship security assessment;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons,

.6 methods of ship security surveys and dangerous substances and devices;
.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioural
.7 ship and port operations and conditions; patterns of persons who are likely to threaten

.8 ship and port facility security measures;
.4 techniques used to circumvent security
.9 emergency preparedness and response and measures;
contingency planning;
.5 crowd management and control techniques;
.10 instruction techniques for security training
and education, including security measures .6 security related communications;
and procedures;
.7 knowledge of the emergency procedures and
.11 handling sensitive security related information contingency plans;
and security related communications;
.8 operations of security equipment and
.12 knowledge of current security threats and systems;

.9 testing, calibration and whilst at sea 13.8 Company participation in an exercise with another
maintenance of security equipment and Contracting Government should be recognized by the
systems; Administration.
.10 inspection, control, and monitoring
techniques; and 14 PORT FACILITY SECURITY
Relevant guidance is provided under section 15, 16 and
.11 methods of physical searches of persons, 18.
personal effects, baggage, cargo, and ship’s

13.4 All other shipboard personnel should have General

sufficient knowledge of and be familiar with relevant
provisions of the SSP, including: 15.1 The Port Facility Security Assessment (PFSA)
may be conducted by a Recognized Security
.1 the meaning and the consequential Organization (RSO). However, approval of a completed
requirements of the different security levels; PFSA should only be given by the relevant Contracting

.2 knowledge of the emergency procedures and
contingency plans; 15.2 If a Contracting Government uses a RSO, to

review or verify compliance of the PFSA, the RSO
.3 recognition and detection of weapons, should not be associated with any other RSO that
dangerous substances and devices; prepared or assisted in the preparation of that

.4 recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of
characteristics and behavioural patterns of 15.3 A PFSA should address the following elements
persons who are likely to threaten security; within a port facility:

.1 physical security;
.5 techniques used to circumvent security
measures. .2 structural integrity;

Drills and exercises A .3 personnel protection systems;

13.5 The objective of drills and exercises is to ensure .4 procedural policies;
that shipboard personnel are proficient in all assigned

security duties at all security levels and the .5 radio and telecommunication systems,
identification of any security related deficiencies, which including computer systems and networks;
need to be addressed.
.6 relevant transportation infrastructure;

13.6 To ensure the effective implementation of the

provisions of the ship security plan, drills should be .7 utilities; and
conducted at least once every three months. In

addition, in cases where more than 25 percent of the .8 other areas that may, if damaged or used for
ship’s personnel has been changed, at any one time, illicit observation, pose a risk to persons,
with personnel that has not previously participated in property, or operations within the port facility.

any drill on that ship, within the last 3 months, a drill

should be conducted within one week of the change. 15.4 Those involved in a PFSA should be able to draw
These drills should test individual elements of the plan upon expert assistance in relation to:
such as those security threats listed in paragraph 8.9.
.1 knowledge of current security threats and

13.7 Various types of exercises which may include patterns;

participation of company security officers, port facility
security officers, relevant authorities of Contracting .2 recognition and detection of weapons,
Governments as well as ship security officers, if dangerous substances and devices;
available, should be carried out at least once each

calendar year with no more than 18 months between .3 recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of
the exercises. These exercises should test characteristics and behavioural patterns of
communications, coordination, resource availability, persons who are likely to threaten security;
and response. These exercises may be: .4 techniques used to circumvent security
.1 full scale or live;
.5 methods used to cause a security incident;
.2 tabletop simulation or seminar; or
.6 effects of explosives on structures and port
.3 combined with other exercises held such as facility services;
search and rescue or emergency response
exercises. .7 port facility security;

.8 port business practices;

.9 contingency planning, emergency pre- measures, and decisions concerning the allocation of
paredness and response; resources to better protect the port facility. The process
may involve consultation with the relevant authorities
.10 physical security measures e.g. fences; relating to structures adjacent to the port facility which
could cause damage within the facility or be used for
.11 radio and telecommunications systems, the purpose of causing damage to the facility or for illicit
including computer systems and networks; observation of the facility or for diverting attention.

.12 transport and civil engineering; and Identification of the possible threats to the assets
and infrastructure and the likelihood of their
.13 ship and port operations. occurrence, in order to establish and prioritise
security measures
Identification and evaluation of important assets
and infrastructure it is important to protect 15.9 Possible acts that could threaten the security of
assets and infrastructure, and the methods of carrying
15.5 The identification and evaluation of important out those acts, should be identified to evaluate the
assets and infrastructure is a process through which the vulnerability of a given asset or location to a security

relative importance of structures and installations to the incident, and to establish and prioritise security
functioning of the port facility can be established. This requirements to enable planning and resource

identification and evaluation process is important allocations. Identification and evaluation of each
because it provides a basis for focusing mitigation potential act and its method should be based on various
strategies on those assets and structures which it is factors, including threat assessments by Government

more important to protect from a security incident. This agencies. By identifying and assessing threats, those
process should take into account potential loss of life, conducting the assessment do not have to rely on
the economic significance of the port, symbolic value, worst-case scenarios to guide planning and resource
and the presence of Government installations. allocations.

15.6 Identification and evaluation of assets and 15.10 The PFSA should include an assessment
infrastructure should be used to prioritise their relative undertaken in consultation with the relevant national
importance for protection. The primary concern should security organizations to determine:
be avoidance of death or injury. It is also important to
consider whether the port facility, structure or
installation can continue to function without the asset,
A .1 any particular aspects of the port facility,
including the vessel traffic using the facility,
and the extent to which rapid re-establishment of which make it likely to be the target of an
normal functioning is possible. attack;

15.7 Assets and infrastructure that should be .2 the likely consequences in terms of loss of
considered important to protect may include: life, damage to property, economic disruption,
including disruption to transport systems, of

.1 accesses, entrances, approaches, and an attack on, or at, the port facility;
anchorages, manoeuvring and berthing
areas; .3 the capability and intent of those likely to

mount such an attack; and

.2 cargo facilities, terminals, storage areas, and
cargo handling equipment; .4 the possible type, or types, of attack,

producing an overall assessment of the level

.3 systems such as electrical distribution of risk against which security measures have
systems, radio and telecommunication to be developed.
systems and computer systems and
networks; 15.11 The PFSA should consider all possible threats,

which may include the following types of security

.4 port vessel traffic management systems and incidents:
aids to navigation;
.1 damage to, or destruction of, the port facility
.5 power plants, cargo transfer piping, and or of the ship, e.g. by explosive devices,

water supplies; arson, sabotage or vandalism;

.6 bridges, railways, roads; .2 hijacking or seizure of the ship or of persons

on board;
.7 port service vessels, including pilot boats, .3 tampering with cargo, essential ship
tugs, lighters etc; equipment or systems or ship’s stores;

.8 security and surveillance equipment and .4 unauthorized access or use including

systems; and presence of stowaways;

.9 the waters adjacent to the port facility. .5 smuggling weapons or equipment, including
weapons of mass destruction;
15.8 The clear identification of assets and infrastructure
is essential to the evaluation of the port facility’s .6 use of the ship to carry those intending to
security requirements, the prioritisation of protective cause a security incident and their

.5 measures to protect radio and
.7 use of the ship itself as a weapon or as a telecommunication equipment, port services
means to cause damage or destruction; and utilities, including computer systems and
.8 blockage; of port entrances, locks,
approaches etc; and .6 adjacent areas that may be exploited during,
or for, an attack;
.9 nuclear, biological and chemical attack.
.7 existing agreements with private security
15.12 The process should involve consultation with the companies providing waterside/shoreside
relevant authorities relating to structures adjacent to the security services;
port facility which could cause damage within the facility
or be used for the purpose of causing damage to the .8 any conflicting policies between safety and
facility or for illicit observation of the facility or for security measures and procedures;
diverting attention.
.9 any conflicting port facility and security duty

Identification, selection, and prioritisation of assignments;
countermeasures and procedural changes and their

level of effectiveness in reducing vulnerability .10 any enforcement and personnel constraints;

15.13 The identification and prioritisation of .11 any deficiencies identified during training and

countermeasures is designed to ensure that the most drills; and
effective security measures are employed to reduce the
vulnerability of a port facility or ship/port interface to the .12 any deficiencies identified during daily
possible threats. operation, following incidents or alerts, the
report of security concerns, the exercise of

15.14 Security measures should be selected on the control measures, audits etc.
basis of factors such as whether they reduce the
probability of an attack and should be evaluated using 16 PORT FACILITY SECURITY PLAN
information that includes:

.1 security surveys, inspections and audits;

A General
16.1 Preparation of the Port Facility Security Plan
.2 consultation with port facility owners and (PFSP) is the responsibility of the Port Facility Security

operators, and owners/operators of adjacent Officer (PFSO). While the PFSO need not necessarily
structures if appropriate; personally undertake all the duties associated with the
post the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that they
.3 historical information on security incidents; are properly performed remains with the individual

and PFSO.

.4 operations within the port facility. 16.2 The content of each individual PFSP should vary

depending on the particular circumstances of the port

Identification of vulnerabilities facility, or facilities, it covers. The Port Facility Security
(PFSA) will have identified the particular features of the

15.15 Identification of vulnerabilities in physical port facility, and of the potential security risks, that have
structures, personnel protection systems, processes, or led to the need to appoint a PFSO and to prepare a
other areas that may lead to a security incident can be PFSP. The preparation of the PFSP will require these
used to establish options to eliminate or mitigate those features, and other local or national security
vulnerabilities. For example, an analysis might reveal considerations, to be addressed in the PFSP and for

vulnerabilities in a port facility’s security systems or appropriate security measures to be established so as

unprotected infrastructure such as water supplies, to minimise the likelihood of a breach of security and
bridges etc that could be resolved through physical the consequences of potential risks. Contracting
measures, e.g. permanent barriers, alarms, surveillance Governments may prepare advice on the preparation
equipment etc. and content of a PFSP.

15.16 Identification of vulnerabilities should include 16.3 All PFSPs should:

consideration of:
.1 detail the security organization of the port
.1 waterside and shore-side access to the port facility,
facility and ships berthing at the facility;
.2 the organization’s links with other relevant
.2 structural integrity of the piers, facilities, and authorities and the necessary communication
associated structures; systems to allow the effective continuous
operation of the organization and its links with
.3 existing security measures and procedures, others, including ships in port;
including identification systems;
.3 detail the basic security level 1 measures,
.4 existing security measures and procedures both operational and physical, that will be in
relating to port services and utilities; place;

.4 detail the additional security measures that measures needed to allow their individual
will allow the port facility to progress without effectiveness to be assessed;
delay to security level 2 and, when
necessary, to security level 3; .3 the port facility security organization’s links
with other national or local authorities with
.5 provide for regular review, or audit, of the security responsibilities;
PFSP and for its amendments in response to
experience or changing circumstances; and .4 the communication systems provided to allow
effective and continuous communication
.6 reporting procedures to the appropriate between port facility security personnel, ships
Contracting Governments contact points. in port and, when appropriate, with national
or local authorities with security
16.4 Preparation of an effective PFSP will rest on a responsibilities;
thorough assessment of all issues that relate to the
security of the port facility, including, in particular, a .5 the procedures or safeguards necessary to
thorough appreciation of the physical and operational allow such continuous communications to be
characteristics of the individual port facility. maintained at all times;

16.5 Contracting Government should approve the .6 the procedures and practices to protect

PFSPs of the port facilities under their jurisdiction. security sensitive information held in paper or
Contracting Governments should develop procedures electronic format;
to assess the continuing effectiveness of each PFSP

and may require amendment of the PFSP prior to its .7 the procedures to assess the continuing
initial approval or subsequent to its approval. The PFSP effectiveness of security measures,
should make provision for the retention of records of procedures and equipment, including
security incidents and threats, reviews, audits, training, identification of, and response to, equipment
drills and exercises as evidence of compliance with failure or malfunction;

those requirements.
.8 the procedures to allow the submission, and
16.6 The security measures included in the PFSP assessment, of reports relating to possible
should be in place within a reasonable period of the
PFSP’s approval and the PFSP should establish when
each measure will be in place. If there is likely to be any
A .9
breaches of security or security concerns;

procedures relating to cargo handling;

delay in their provision this should be discussed with
the Contracting Government responsible for approval of .10 procedures covering the delivery of ship’s

the PFSP and satisfactory alternative temporary stores;

security measures that provide an equivalent level of
security should be agreed to cover any interim period. .11 the procedures to maintain, and update,
records of dangerous goods and hazardous

16.7 The use of firearms on or near ships and in port substances and their location within the port
facilities may pose particular and significant safety facility;
risks, in particular in connection with certain dangerous

or hazardous substances and should be considered .12 the means of alerting and obtaining the
very carefully. In the event that a Contracting services of waterside patrols and specialist
Government decides that it is necessary to use armed search teams, including bomb searches and

personnel in these areas, that Contracting Government underwater searches;

should ensure that these personnel are duly authorized
and trained in the use of their weapons and that they .13 the procedures for assisting ship security
are aware of the specific risks to safety that are present officers in confirming the identity of those
in these areas. If a Contracting Government authorizes seeking to board the ship when requested;

the use of firearms they should issue specific safety and

guidelines on their use. The PFSP should contain
specific guidance on this matter in particular with regard .14 the procedures for facilitating shore leave for
its application to ships carrying dangerous goods or ship’s personnel or personnel changes, as
hazardous substances. well as access of visitors to the ship including

representatives of seafarers. welfare and

Organization and performance of port facility labour organizations.
security duties
16.9 The remainder of this section addresses
16.8 In addition to the guidance given under section specifically the security measures that could be taken at
16.3, the PFSP should establish the following which each security level covering:
relate to all security levels:
.1 access to the port facility;
.1 the role and structure of the port facility
security organization; .2 restricted areas within the port facility;

.2 the duties, responsibilities and training .3 handling of cargo;

requirements of all port facility personnel with
a security role and the performance .4 delivery of ship’s stores;

.5 handling unaccompanied baggage; and .1 restricted areas which should be bound by
fencing or other barriers to a standard which
.6 monitoring the security of the port facility. should be approved by the Contracting
Access to the port facility
.2 checking identity of all persons seeking entry
16.10 The PFSP should establish the security to the port facility in connectionwith a ship,
measures covering all means of access to the port including passengers, ship’s personnel and
facility identified in the PFSA. visitors and confirming their reasons for doing
so by checking, for example, joining
16.11 For each of these the PFSP should identify the instructions, passenger tickets, boarding
appropriate locations where access restrictions or passes, work orders, etc;
prohibitions should be applied for each of the security
levels. For each security level the PFSP should specify .3 checking vehicles used by those seeking
the type of restriction or prohibition to be applied and entry to the port facility in connection with a
the means of enforcing them. ship;

16.12 The PFSP should establish for each security .4 verification of the identity of port facility
level the means of identification required to allow personnel and those employed within the port

access to the port facility and for individuals to remain facility and their vehicles;
within the port facility without challenge, this may
involve developing an appropriate identification system .5 restricting access to exclude those not

allowing for permanent and temporary identifications, employed by the port facility or working within
for port facility personnel and for visitors respectively. it, if they are unable to establish their identity;
Any port facility identification system should, when it is
practicable to do so, be co-ordinated with that applying .6 undertaking searches of persons, personal
to ships that regularly use the port facility. Passengers effects, vehicles and their contents; and .7

should be able to prove their identity by boarding identification of any access points not in
passes, tickets, etc., but should not be permitted regular use which should be permanently
access to restricted areas unless supervised. The closed and locked.
PFSP should establish provisions to ensure that the
identification systems are regularly updated, and that
abuse of procedures should be subject to disciplinary
A 16.18 At security level 1, all those seeking access to
the port facility should be liable to search. The
action. frequency of such searches, including random
searches, should be specified in the approved PFSP

16.13 Those unwilling or unable to establish their and should be specifically approved by the Contracting
identity and/or to confirm the purpose of their visit when Government. Unless there are clear security grounds
requested to do so should be denied access to the port for doing so, members of the ship’s personnel should
facility and their attempt to obtain access should be not be required to search their colleagues or their

reported to the PFSO and to the national or local personal effects. Any such search shall be undertaken
authorities with security responsibilities. in a manner which fully takes into account the human
rights of the individual and preserves their basic human

16.14 The PFSP should identify the locations where dignity.

persons, personal effects, and vehicle searches are to
be undertaken. Such locations should be covered to Security Level 2

facilitate continuous operation regardless of prevailing

weather conditions, in accordance with the frequency 16.19 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the
laid down in the PFSP. Once subjected to search additional security measures to be applied, which may
persons, personal effects and vehicles should proceed include:
directly to the restricted holding, embarkation or car

loading areas. .1 assigning additional personnel to guard

access points and patrol perimeter barriers;
16.15 The PFSP should establish separate locations for
checked and unchecked persons and their effects and if .2 limiting the number of access points to the
possible separate areas for embarking/disembarking port facility, and identify those to be closed

passengers, ship’s personnel and their effects to and the means of adequately securing them;
ensure that unchecked persons are not able to come in
contact with checked persons. .3 providing for means of impeding movement
hrough the remaining access points, e.g.
16.16 The PFSP should establish the frequency of security barriers;
application of any access controls particularly if they are .4 increasing the frequency of searches of
to be applied on a random, or occasional, basis. persons, personal effects, and vehicle;

Security Level 1 .5 deny access to visitors who are unable to

provide a verifiable justification for seeking
16.17 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the access to the port facility; and
control points where the following security measures
may be applied: .6 using of patrol vessels to enhance waterside

Security Level 3 .3 movement and storage of cargo and ship’s
stores; and
16.20 At security level 3, the port facility should comply
with instructions issued by those responding to the .4 unaccompanied baggage or personal effects.
security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should
detail the security measures which could be taken by 16.23 The PFSP should provide that all restricted areas
the port facility, in close co-operation with those should be clearly marked indicating that access to the
responding and the ships at the port facility, which may area is restricted and that unauthorized presence within
include: the area constitutes a breach of security.

.1 suspension of access to all, or part of, the 16.24 When automatic intrusion detection devices are
port facility; installed they should alert a control center which can
respond to the triggering of an alarm.
.2 granting access only to those responding to
the security incident or threat thereof; 16.25 Restricted areas may include:
.1 shore and waterside areas immediately
.3 suspension of pedestrian or vehicular adjacent to the ship;

movement within all, or part, of the port
facility; .2 embarkation and disembarkation areas,

passenger and ship’s personnel holding and
.4 increased security patrols within the port processing areas including search points;
facility, if appropriate;

.3 areas where loading, unloading or storage of
.5 suspension of port operations within all, or cargo and stores is undertaken;
part, of the port facility;
.4 locations where security sensitive
.6 direction of vessel movements relating to all, information, including cargo documentation,

or part, of the port facility; and is held;

.7 evacuation of all, or part of, the port facility. .5 areas where dangerous goods and

Restricted areas within the port facility A .6

hazardous substances are held;

vessel traffic management system control

16.21 The PFSP should identify the restricted areas to rooms, aids to navigation and port control
be established within the port facility, specify their buildings, including security and surveillance

extent, times of application, the security measures to be control rooms;

taken to control access to them and those to be taken
to control activities within them. This should also .7 areas where security and surveillance
include, in appropriate circumstances, measures to equipment are stored or located;

ensure that temporary restricted areas are security

swept both before and after that area is established. .8 essential electrical, radio and
The purpose of restricted areas is to: telecommunication, water and other utility

installations; and
.1 protect passengers, ship’s personnel, port
facility personnel and visitors, including those .9 other locations in the port facility where

visiting in connection with a ship; access by vessels, vehicles and individuals

should be restricted.
.2 protect the port facility;
16.26 The security measures may extend, with the
.3 protect ships using, and serving, the port agreement of the relevant authorities, to restrictions on

facility; unauthorized access to structures from which the port

facility can be observed.
.4 protect sensitive security locations and areas
within the port facility; Security Level 1

.5 to protect security and surveillance 16.27 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the
equipment and systems; and security measures to be applied to restricted areas,
which may include:
.6 protect cargo and ship’s stores from
tampering. .1 provision of permanent or temporary barriers
to surround the restricted area whose
16.22 The PFSP should ensure that all restricted areas standard should be accepted by the
have clearly established security measures to control: Contracting Government;

.1 access by individuals; .2 provision of access points where access can

be controlled by security guards when in
.2 the entry, parking, loading and unloading of operation and which can be effectively locked
vehicles; or barred when not in use;

.3 providing passes which must be displayed to security threat, to which access is denied;
identify individuals entitlement to be within and
the restricted area;
.2 preparing for the searching of restricted areas
.4 clearly marking vehicles allowed access to as part of a search of all, or part, of the port
restricted areas; facility.

.5 providing guards and patrols; Handling of cargo

.6 providing automatic intrusion detection 16.30 The security measures relating to cargo handling
devices, or surveillance equipment or should:
systems to detect unauthorized access into,
or movement within restricted areas; and .1 prevent tampering; and
.2 prevent cargo that is not meant for carriage
.7 control of the movement of vessels in the from being accepted and stored within the
vicinity of ships using the port facility. port facility.

Security Level 2 16.31 The security measures should include inventory
control procedures at access points to the port facility.

16.28 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the Once within the port facility cargo should be capable of
enhancement of the frequency and intensity of the being identified as having been checked and accepted
monitoring of, and control of access to, restricted areas. for loading onto a ship or for temporary storage in a

The PFSP should establish the additional security restricted area while awaiting loading. It may be
measures, which may include: appropriate to restrict the entry of cargo to the port
facility that does not have a confirmed date for loading.
.1 enhancing the effectiveness of the barriers or
fencing surrounding restricted areas, Security Level 1

including the use of patrols or automatic
intrusion detection devices; 16.32 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the
security measures to be applied during cargo handling,
.2 reducing the number of access points to
restricted areas and enhancing the controls
applied at the remaining accesses;
A which may include:

.1 routine checking of cargo, cargo transport

units and cargo storage areas within the port
.3 restrictions on parking adjacent to berthed facility prior to, and during, cargo handling

ships; operations;

.4 further restricting access to the restricted .2 checks to ensure that cargo entering the port
areas and movements and storage within facility matches the delivery note or

them; equivalent cargo documentation;

.5 use of continuously monitored and recording .3 searches of vehicles; and


surveillance equipment;
.4 checking of seals and other methods used to
.6 enhancing the number and frequency of prevent tampering upon entering the port

patrols including waterside patrols facility and upon storage within the port
undertaken on the boundaries of the facility.
restricted areas and within the areas;
16.33 Checking of cargo may be accomplished by
.7 establishing and restricting access to areas some or all of the following means:

adjacent to the restricted areas; and

.1 visual and physical examination; and
.8 enforcing restrictions on access by
unauthorized craft to the waters adjacent to .2 using scanning/detection equipment,
ships using the port facility. mechanical devices, or dogs.

Security Level 3 16.34 When there are regular, or repeated, cargo

movement the Company Security Officer (CSO) or the
16.29 At security level 3, the port facility should comply Ship Security Officer (SSO) may, in consultation with
with the instructions issued by those responding to the the port facility, agree arrangements with shippers or
security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should others responsible for such cargo covering off-site
detail the security measures which could be taken by checking, sealing, scheduling, supporting
the port facility, in close co-operation with those documentation, etc. Such arrangements should be
responding and the ships at the port facility, which may communicated to and agreed with the PFSO
include: concerned.

.1 setting up of additional restricted areas within Security Level 2

the port facility in proximity to the security
incident, or the believed location of the 16.35 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the

additional security measures to be applied during cargo .6 ensure escorting delivery vehicles within the
handling to enhance control, which may include: port facility.

.1 detailed checking of cargo, cargo transport 16.39 For ships regularly using the port facility it may be
units and cargo storage areas within the port appropriate to establish procedures involving the ship,
facility; its suppliers and the port facility covering notification
and timing of deliveries and their documentation. There
.2 intensified checks, as appropriate, to ensure should always be some way of confirming that stores
that only the documented cargo enters the presented for delivery are accompanied by evidence
port facility, is temporarily stored there and that they have been ordered by the ship.
then loaded onto the ship;
Security Level 1
.3 intensified searches of vehicles; and
16.40 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the
.4 increased frequency and detail in checking of security measures to be applied to control the delivery
seals and other methods used to prevent of ship’s stores, which may include:

.1 checking of ship’s stores;
16.36 Detailed checking of cargo may be accomplished

by some or all of the following means: .2 advance notification as to composition of
load, driver details and vehicle registration;
.1 increasing the frequency and detail of and

checking of cargo, cargo transport units and
cargo storage areas within the port facility .3 searching the delivery vehicle.
(visual and physical examination);
16.41 Checking of ship’s stores may be accomplished
.2 increasing the frequency of the use of by some or all of the following means:

scanning/detection equipment, mechanical
devices, or dogs; and .1 visual and physical examination; and

.3 co-ordinating enhanced security measures

with the shipper or other responsible party in
addition to an established agreement and
A .2 using scanning/detection
mechanical devices or dogs.
procedures. Security Level 2

Security Level 3 16.42 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the
additional security measures to be applied to enhance
16.37 At security level 3, the port facility should comply the control of the delivery of ship’s stores, which may
with the instructions issued by those responding to the include:

security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should

detail the security measures which could be taken by .1 detailed checking of ship’s stores;
the port facility, in close co-operation with those

responding and the ships at the port facility, which may .2 detailed searches of the delivery vehicles;
.3 co-ordination with ship personnel to check

.1 restriction or suspension of cargo movements the order against the delivery note prior to
or operations within all, or part, of the port entry to the port facility; and
facility or specific ships; and
.4 escorting the delivery vehicle within the port
.2 verifying the inventory of dangerous goods facility.

and hazardous substances held within the

port facility and their location. 16.43 Detailed checking of ship’s stores may be
accomplished by some or all of the following means:
Delivery of ship’s stores .1 increasing the frequency and detail of
searches of delivery vehicles;

16.38 The security measures relating to the delivery of

ship’s stores should: .2 increasing the use of scanning/detection
equipment, mechanical devices, or dogs; and
.1 ensure checking of ship’s stores and package
integrity; .3 restricting, or prohibiting, entry of stores that
will not leave the port facility within a
.2 prevent ship’s stores from being accepted specified period.
without inspection;
Security Level 3
.3 prevent tampering;
16.44 At security level 3, the port facility should comply
.4 prevent ship’s stores from being accepted with the instructions issued by those responding to the
unless ordered; security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should
detail the security measures which could be taken by
.5 ensure searching the delivery vehicle; and the port facility, in close co-operation with those

responding and the ships at the port facility which may .1 lighting;
include preparation for restriction, or suspension, of the
delivery of ship’s stores within all, or part, of the port .2 security guards, including foot, vehicle and
facility. waterborne patrols; and

Handling unaccompanied baggage .3 automatic intrusion detection devices and

surveillance equipment.
16.45 The PFSP should establish the security
measures to be applied to ensure that unaccompanied 16.50 When used, automatic intrusion detection
baggage (i.e. any baggage, including personal effects, devices should activate an audible and/or visual alarm
which is not with the passenger or member of ship’s at a location that is continuously attended or monitored.
personnel at the point of inspection or search) is
identified and subjected to appropriate screening, 16.51 The PFSP should establish the procedures and
including searching, before is allowed in the port facility equipment needed at each security level and the
and, depending on the storage arrangements, before it means of ensuring that monitoring equipment will be
is transferred between the port facility and the ship. It is able to perform continually, including consideration of
not envisaged that such baggage will be subjected to the possible effects of weather or of power disruptions.

screening by both the port facility and the ship, and in Security Level 1
cases where both are suitably equipped, the

responsibility for screening should rest with the port 16.52 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the
facility. Close co-operation with the ship is essential and security measures to be applied which may be a
steps should be taken to ensure that unaccompanied combination of lighting, security guards or use of

baggage is handled securely after screening. security and surveillance equipment to allow port facility
security personnel to:
Security Level 1
.1 observe the general port facility area,
16.46 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the including shore and water-side accesses to it;

security measures to be applied when handling
unaccompanied baggage to ensure that .2 observe access points, barriers and restricted
unaccompanied baggage is screened or searched up to areas; and
and including 100 percent, which may include use of x-
ray screening. A .3 allow port facility security personnel to
monitor areas and movements adjacent to
Security Level 2 ships using the port facility, including
augmentation of lighting provided by the ship

16.47 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the itself.

additional security measures to be applied when
handling unaccompanied baggage which should Security Level 2
include 100 percent x-ray screening of all

unaccompanied baggage. 16.53 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the
additional security measures to be applied to enhance
Security Level 3 the monitoring and surveillance capability, which may

16.48 At security level 3, the port facility should comply
with the instructions issued by those responding to the .1 increasing the coverage and intensity of

security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should lighting and surveillance equipment, including
detail the security measures which could be taken by the provision of additional lighting and
the port facility, in close co-operation with those surveillance coverage;
responding and the ships at the port facility, which may
include: .2 increasing the frequency of foot, vehicle or

waterborne patrols; and

.1 subjecting such baggage to more extensive
screening, for example x-raying it from at .3 assigning additional security personnel to
least two different angles; monitor and patrol.

.2 preparations for restriction or suspension of Security Level 3

handling or unaccompanied baggage; and
16.54 At security level 3, the port facility should comply
.3 refusal to accept unaccompanied baggage with the instructions issued by those responding to the
into the port facility. security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should
detail the security measures which could be taken by
Monitoring the security of the port facility the port facility, in close co-operation with those
responding and the ships at the port facility, which may
16.49 The port facility security organization should include:
have the capability to monitor the port facility and its
nearby approaches, on land and water, at all times, .1 switching on all lighting within, or illuminating
including the night hours and periods of limited visibility, the vicinity of, the port facility;
the restricted areas within the port facility, the ships at
the port facility and areas surrounding ships. Such .2 switching on all surveillance equipment
monitoring can include use of: capable of recording activities within, or

adjacent to, the port facility; and .2 the removal, alteration or replacement of
permanent barriers, security and surveillance
.3 maximising the length of time such equipment and systems etc., previously
surveillance equipment can continue to considered essential in maintaining the
record. security of the port facility; should be
submitted to the Contracting Government that
Differing security levels approved the original PFSP for their
consideration and approval. Such approval
16.55 The PFSP should establish details of the can be given by, or on behalf of, the
procedures and security measures the port facility could Contracting Government with, or without,
adopt if the port facility is at a lower security level than amendments to the proposed changes. On
that applying to a ship. approval of the PFSP the Contracting
Activities not covered by the Code Government should indicate which
procedural or physical alterations have to be
16.56 The PFSP should establish details of the submitted to it for approval.
procedures and security measures the port facility
should apply when: Approval of port facility security plans

16.61 PFSPs have to be approved by the relevant
.1 it is interfacing with a ship which has been at Contracting Government which should establish

a port of a State which not a Contracting appropriate procedures to provide for:
.1 the submission of PFSPs to them;

.2 it is interfacing with a ship to which this Code
does not apply; and .2 the consideration of PFSPs;

.3 it is interfacing with fixed or floating platforms .3 the approval of PFSPs, with or without
or mobile offshore drilling units on location. amendments;

Declarations of security .4 consideration of amendments submitted after
approval; and
16.57 The PFSP should establish the procedures to be
followed when on the instructions of the Contracting
Government the PFSO requests a Declaration of
A .5 procedures for inspecting or auditing the
continuing relevance of the approved PFSP.
Security or when a DoS is requested by a ship.
At all stages steps should be taken to ensure that the

Audit, review and amendment contents of the PFSP remains confidential.

16.58 The PFSP should establish how the PFSO Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility
intends to audit the continued effectiveness of the

PFSP and the procedure to be followed to review, 16.62 The Contracting Government within whose
update or amend the PFSP. territory a port facility is located may issue an
appropriate Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility

16.59 The PFSP should be reviewed at the discretion of (SoCPF) indicating:

the PFSO. In addition it should be reviewed:
.1 the port facility;

.1 if the PFSA relating to the port facility is

altered; .2 that the port facility complies with the
provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of the
.2 if an independent audit of the PFSP or the Code;
Contracting Government’s testing of the port

facility security organization identifies failings .3 the period of validity of the SoCPF which
in the organization or questions the should be specified by the Contracting
continuing relevance of significant element of Governments but should not exceed five
the approved PFSP; years; and

.3 following security incidents or threats thereof .4 the subsequent verification arrangements

involving the port facility; and established by the Contracting Government
and a confirmation when these are carried
.4 following changes in ownership or operational out.
control of the port facility.
16.63 The Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility
16.60 The PFSO can recommend appropriate should be in the form set out in the appendix to this
amendments to the approved plan following any review Part of the Code. If the language used is not Spanish,
of the plan. Amendments to the PFSP relating to: French or English, the Contracting Government, if it
considers it appropriate, may also include a translation
.1 proposed changes which could fundamentally into one of these languages.
alter the approach adopted to maintaining the
security of the port facility; and 17 PORT FACILITY SECURITY OFFICER


17.1 In those exceptional instances where the ship .17 methods of conducting audits, inspection,
security officer has questions about the validity of control and monitoring;
identification documents of those seeking to board the
ship for official purposes, the port facility security officer .18 methods of physical searches and non-
should assist. intrusive inspections;

17.2 The port facility security officer should not be .19 security drills and exercises, including drills
responsible for routine confirmation of the identity of and exercises with ships; and
those seeking to board the ship.
.20 assessment of security drills and exercises.
In addition other relevant guidance is provided under
sections 15, 16 and 18. 18.2 Port facility personnel having specific security
duties should have knowledge and receive training, in
18 TRAINING, DRILLS AND EXERCISES ON PORT some or all of the following, as appropriate:
.1 knowledge of current security threats and

18.1 The Port Facility Security Officer should have

knowledge and receive training, in some or all of the .2 recognition and detection of weapons,
following, as appropriate: dangerous substances and devices;

.1 security administration; .3 recognition of characteristics and behavioural
patterns of persons who are likely to threaten
.2 relevant international conventions, codes and security;
.4 techniques used to circumvent security

.3 relevant Government legislation and measures;
.5 crowd management and control techniques;
.4 responsibilities and functions of other security
organizations; A .6 security related communications;
.5 methodology of port facility security .7 operations of security equipment and
assessment; systems;

.6 methods of ship and port facility security .8 testing, calibration and maintenance of
surveys and inspections; security equipment and systems;

.7 ship and port operations and conditions; .9 inspection, control, and monitoring
techniques; and
.8 ship and port facility security measures;

.10 methods of physical searches of persons,

.9 emergency preparedness and response and personal effects, baggage, cargo, and ship’s
contingency planning; stores.

.10 instruction techniques for security training 18.3 All other port facility personnel should have
and education, including security measures knowledge of and be familiar with relevant provisions of
and procedures; the PFSP, in some or all of the following, as

.11 handling sensitive security related information

and security related communications; .1 the meaning and the consequential
requirements of the different security levels;
.12 knowledge of current security threats and
patterns; .2 recognition and detection of weapons,

dangerous substances and devices;

.13 recognition and detection of weapons,
dangerous substances and devices; .3 recognition of characteristics and behavioural
patterns of persons who are likely to threaten
.14 recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of the security; and
characteristics and behavioural patterns of
persons who are likely to threaten the .4 techniques used to circumvent security
security; measures.

.15 techniques used to circumvent security Drills and exercises

18.4 The objective of drills and exercises is to ensure
.16 security equipment and systems, and their that port facility personnel are proficient in all assigned
operational limitations; security duties, at all security levels, and to identify any

security related deficiencies, which need to be security officers in joint exercises should be made
addressed. bearing in mind the security and work implications for
the ship. These exercises should test communication,
18.5 To ensure the effective implementation of the coordination, resource availability and response. These
provisions of the port facility security plan, drills should exercises may be:
be conducted at least every three months unless the
specific circumstances dictate otherwise. These drills .1 full scale or live;
should test individual elements of the plan such as
those security threats listed in paragraph 15.11. .2 tabletop simulation or seminar; or

18.6 Various types of exercises which may include .3 combined with other exercises held such as
participation of port facility security officers, in emergency response or other port State
conjunction with relevant authorities of Contracting authority exercises.
Governments, company security officers, or ship
security officers, if available, should be carried out at 19 VERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF SHIPS
least once each calendar year with no more than 18
months between the exercises. Requests for the

participation of company security officers or ships No additional guidance.




Form of a Declaration of Security between a ship and a port facility*


Name of Ship:

Port of Registry:

IMO Number:

Name of Port Facility:

This Declaration of Security is valid from .......................................................until......................................................., for the
following activities

(list the activities with relevant details)

under the following security levels

Security level(s) for the ship:
Security level(s) for the port facility:

The port facility and ship agree to the following security measures and responsibilities to ensure compliance with the

requirements of Part A of the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities.


* This form of Declaration of Security is for use between a ship and a port facility. If the Declaration of Security is to cover
two ships, this model should be appropriately modified.

The affixing of the initials of the SSO or PFSO under
these columns indicates that the activity will be done,
in accordance with relevant approved plan, by
Activity The port facility: The ship:

Ensuring the performance of all

security duties

Monitoring restricted areas to ensure

that only authorized personnel have
Controlling access to the port facility

Controlling access to the ship

Monitoring of the port facility, including

berthing areas and areas surrounding
the ship

Monitoring of the ship, including
berthing areas and areas surrounding
the ship

Handling of cargo
Delivery of ship’s stores

Handling unaccompanied baggage

Controlling the embarkation of
persons and their effects

Ensuring that security communication

is readily available between the ship
and port facility

The signatories to this agreement certify that security measures and arrangements for both the port facility and the ship

during the specified activities meet the provisions of chapter XI-2 and Part A of Code that will be implemented in
accordance with the provisions already stipulated in their approved plan or the specific arrangements agreed to and set
out in the attached annex.

Dated at .........................................................................................................on the ...............................................................


Signed for and on behalf of

the port facility: the ship:

(Signature of Port Facility Security Officer) (Signature of Master or Ship Security Officer)

Name and title of person who signed

Name: Name:

Title : Title :

Contact Details

(to be completed as appropriate)
(indicate the telephone numbers or the radio channels or frequencies to be used)
for the port facility: for the ship:

Port Facility Master
Port Facility Security Officer Ship Security Officer


Company Security Officer



Form of a Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility


(Official seal) (State)

Statement Number……………………………….

Issued under the provisions of Part B of the



The Government of

(name of the State)

Name of the Port Facility : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...............

Address of the Port Facility : ....................................................................................................................................................

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the compliance of this port facility with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of the

International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities (ISPS Code) has been verified and that this port facility
operates in accordance with the approved Port Facility Security Plan. This plan has been approved for the following
<specify the types of operations, types of ship or activities or other relevant information> (delete as appropriate):

Passenger ship
Passenger high speed craft
Cargo high speed craft

Bulk carrier
Oil tanker
Chemical tanker

Gas carrier
Mobile offshore Drilling Units
Cargo ships other than those referred to above

This Statement of Compliance is valid until ............................................................................................................., subject


to verifications (as indicated overleaf)

Issued at....................................... .........................................................................................................................................


(place of issue of the statement)

Date of issue................ ..........................................................................................................................................................

(Signature of the duly authorized official issuing the document)

(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)


The Government of <insert name of the State> has established that the validity of this Statement of Compliance is subject
to <insert relevant details of the verifications (e.g. mandatory annual or unscheduled)>.

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, during a verification carried out in accordance with paragraph B/16.62.4 of the ISPS Code, the
port facility was found to comply with the relevant provisions of chapter XI-2 of the Convention and Part A of the ISPS

1st VERIFICATION Signed: .........................................................

(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ..........................................................

Date: .............................................................

Signed: .........................................................

(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ..........................................................

Date: .............................................................

Signed: .........................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ..........................................................

Date: .............................................................

Signed: .........................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ..........................................................
Date: .............................................................

Conference resolution 1 (a) recognizes the need for the Organization to
(ADOPTED ON 12 DECEMBER 2002) review, with the intent to revise, existing
international legal and technical measures,
ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE ANNEX TO and to consider appropriate new measures,
THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE to prevent and suppress terrorism against
SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974 ships and to improve security aboard and
ashore in order to reduce the risk to
THE CONFERENCE, passengers, crew and post personnel on
board ships and in port areas and to the
BEARING IN MIND the purposes and principles of the vessels and their cargoes; and
Charter of the United Nations concerning the
maintenance of international peace and security and (b) requests the Organization.s Maritime Safety
the promotion of friendly relations and co-operation Committee, the Legal Committee and the
among States, Facilitation Committee under the direction of
the Council to undertake, on a high priority
DEEPLY CONCERNED about the world-wide basis, a review to ascertain whether there is
escalation of acts of terrorism in all its forms, which a need to update the instruments referred to

endanger or take innocent human lives, jeopardize in the preambular paragraphs of the
fundamental freedoms and seriously impair the dignity aforesaid resolution and any other relevant

of human beings, IMO instrument under their scope and/or to
adopt other security measures and, in the
BEING AWARE of the importance and significance of light of such a review, to take action as

shipping to the world trade and economy and, appropriate;
therefore, being determined to safeguard the worldwide
supply chain against any breach resulting from terrorist HAVING IDENTIFIED resolution A.584(14) entitled
attacks against ships, ports, offshore terminals or other “Measures to prevent unlawful acts which threaten the
facilities, safety of ships and the security of their passengers and

crew”, MSC/Circ.443 on”Measures to prevent unlawful
CONSIDERING that unlawful acts against shipping acts against passengers and crew on board ships” and
jeopardize the safety and security of persons and MSC/Circ.754 on .Passenger ferry security. among the
property, seriously affect the operation of maritime
services and undermine the confidence of the peoples
of the world in the safety of maritime navigation,
A IMO instruments relevant to the scope of resolution
RECALLING resolution 5 entitled .Future amendments
CONSIDERING that the occurrence of such acts is a to chapter XI of the 1974 SOLAS Convention on special

matter of grave concern to the international community measures to enhance maritime safety., adopted by the
as a whole, while also recognizing the importance of 1994 Conference of Contracting Government to the
the efficient and economic movement of world trade, International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,

BEING CONVINCED of the urgent need to develop

international co-operation between States in devising HAVING CONSIDERED amendments to the Annex of
and adopting effective and practical measures, the Convention proposed and circulated to all Members

additional to those already adopted by the International of the Organization and to all Contracting Governments
Maritime Organization (hereinafter referred to as .the to the Convention,
Organization.), to prevent and suppress unlawful acts

directed against shipping in its broad sense, 1. ADOPTS, in accordance with article VIII(c)(ii)
of the Convention, amendments to the Annex
RECALLING the United Nations Security Council of the Convention, the text of which is given
resolution 1373(2001), adopted on 28 September 2001, in the Annex to the present resolution;
requiring States to take measures to prevent and

suppress terrorist acts, including calling on States to 2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article
implement fully anti-terrorist conventions, VIII(b)(vi)(2)(bb) of the Convention, that the
aforementioned amendments shall be
HAVING NOTED the Co-operative G8 Action on deemed to have been accepted on 1 January
Transport Security (in particular, the Maritime Security 2004, unless, prior to that date, more than

section thereof), endorsed by the G8 Leaders during one third of the Contracting Governments to
their Summit in Kananaskis, Alberta (Canada) in June the Convention or Contracting Governments
2002, the combined merchant fleets of which
constitute not less than 50% of the gross
RECALLING article VIII(c) of the International tonnage of the world.s merchant fleet, have
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as notified their objections to theamendments;
amended (hereinafter referred to as .the Convention.),
concerning the procedure for amending the Convention 3. INVITES Contracting Governments to the
by a Conference of Contracting Governments, Convention to note that, in accordance with
article VIII(b)(vii)(2) of the Convention, the
NOTING resolution A.924(22) entitled .Review of said amendments shall enter into force on 1
measures and procedures to prevent acts of terrorism July 2004 upon their acceptance in
which threaten the security of passengers and crew and accordance with paragraph 2 above;
the safety of ships., adopted by the Assembly of the
Organization on 20 November 2001, which, inter alia: 4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the

Organization, in conformity with article .1 in a visible place either on the stern of the
VIII(b)(v) of the Convention, to transmit ship or on either side of the hull, amidships
certified copies of the present resolution and port and starboard, above the deepest
the text of the amendments contained in the assigned load line or either side of the
Annex to all Contracting Governments to the superstructure, port and starboard or on the
Convention; front of the superstructure or, in the case of
passenger ships, on a horizontal surface
5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary- visible from the air; and
General to transmit copies of this resolution
and its Annex to all Members of the .2 in an easily accessible place either on one of
Organization, which are not Contracting the end transverse bulkheads of the
Governments to the Convention. machinery spaces, as defined in regulation II-
2/3.30, or on one of the hatchways or, in the
ANNEX case of tankers, in the pump-room or, in the
AMENDMENTS TO THE ANNEX TO THE case of ships with ro-ro spaces, as defined in
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY regulation II-2/3.41, on one of the end
OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974 AS AMENDED transverse bulkheads of the ro-ro spaces.

CHAPTER V 5.1 The permanent marking shall be plainly visible,

SAFETY OF NAVIGATION clear of any other markings on the hull and shall be
painted in a contrasting colour.
Regulation 19

5.2 The permanent marking referred to in paragraph 4.1
Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational shall be not less than 200 mm in height. The permanent
systems and equipment marking referred to in paragraph 4.2 shall not be less
than 100 mm in height. The width of the marks shall be
1 The existing subparagraphs .4, .5 and .6 of paragraph proportionate to the height.

2.4.2 are replaced by the following:
5.3 The permanent marking may be made by raised
.4 in the case of ships, other than passenger lettering or by cutting it in or by centre punching it or by
ships and tankers, of 300 gross tonnage and
upwards but less than 50,000 gross tonnage,
not later than the first safety equipment
A any other equivalent method of marking the ship
identification number which ensures that the marking is
not easily expunged.
survey* after 1 July 2004 or by 31 December
2004, whichever occurs earlier; and” 5.4 On ships constructed of material other than steel or

metal, the Administration shall approve the method of

2 The following new sentence is added at the end of marking the ship identification number.”
the existing subparagraph .7 of paragraph 2.4:
6 The following new regulation 5 is added after the

“Ships fitted with AIS shall maintain AIS in operation at existing regulation 4:
all times except where international agreements, rules
or standards provide for the protection of navigational “Regulation 5

Continuous Synopsis Record

1 Every ship to which chapter I applies shall be issued

SPECIAL MEASURES TO ENHANCE MARITIME with a Continuous Synopsis Record.
2.1 The Continuous Synopsis Record is intended to
3 The existing chapter XI is renumbered as chapter XI- provide an on-board record of the history of the ship

1. with respect to the information recorded therein.

Regulation 3 2.2 For ships constructed before 1 July 2004, the

Continuous Synopsis Record shall, at least, provide the
Ship identification number history of the ship as from 1 July 2004.

4 The following text is inserted after the title of the __________________________________________

*The first safety equipment survey means the first annual survey the first
periodical survey or the first renewal survey for safety equipment,
“(Paragraphs 4 and 5 apply to all ships to which this whichever is due first after 1 July 2004 and, in addition, in the case of
regulation applies. For ships constructed before [1 July ships under construction, the initial survey.
2004], the requirements of paragraphs 4 and 5 shall be
complied with not later than the first scheduled dry- 3 The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be issued by
docking of the ship after 1 July 2004)” the Administration to each ship that is entitled to fly its
flag and it shall contain at least, the following
5 The existing paragraph 4 is deleted and the following information:
new text is inserted:
.1 the name of the State whose flag the ship is
“4 The ship.s identification number shall be entitled to fly;
permanently marked:

.2 the date on which the ship was registered issue, as soon as is practically possible but not later
with that State; than three months from the date of the change, to the
ships entitled to fly its flag either a revised and updated
.3 the ship.s identification number in version of the Continuous Synopsis Record or
accordance with regulation 3; appropriate amendments thereto.

.4 the name of the ship; 4.3 In case of any changes relating to the entries
referred to in paragraph 4.1, the Administration,
.5 the port at which the ship is registered; pending the issue of a revised and updated version of
the Continuous Synopsis Record, shall authorise and
.6 the name of the registered owner(s) and their require either the Company as defined in regulation
registered address(es); IX/1 or the master of the ship to amend the Continuous
Synopsis Record to reflect the changes. In such cases,
.7 the name of the registered bareboat after the Continuous Synopsis Record has been
charterer(s) and their registered address(es), amended the Company shall, without delay, inform the
if applicable; Administration accordingly.

.8 the name of the Company, as defined in 5.1 The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be in
regulation IX/1, its registered address and the English, French or Spanish language. Additionally, a

address(es) from where it carries out the translation of the Continuous Synopsis Record into the
safety management activities; official language or languages of the Administration
may be provided.

.9 the name of all classification society(ies) with
which the ship is classed; 5.2 The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be in the
format developed by the Organization and shall be
.10 the name of the Administration or of the maintained in accordance with guidelines developed by
Contracting Government or of the recognized the Organization. Any previous entries in the

organization which has issued the Document Continuous Synopsis Record shall not be modified,
of Compliance (or the Interim Document of deleted or, in any way, erased or defaced.
Compliance), specified in the ISM Code as
defined in regulation IX/1, to the Company
operating the ship and the name of the body
which has carried out the audit on the basis
A 6 Whenever a ship is transferred to the flag of another
State or the ship is sold to another owner (or is taken
over by another bareboat charterer) or another
of which the document was issued, if other Company assumes the responsibility for the operation
than that issuing the document; of the ship, the Continuous Synopsis Record shall be

left on board.
.11 the name of the Administration or of the
Contracting Government or of the recognized 7 When a ship is to be transferred to the flag of another
organization that has issued the Safety State, the Company shall notify the Administration of

Management Certificate (or the Interim Safety the name of the State under whose flag the ship is to be
Management Certificate), specified in the ISM transferred so as to enable the Administration to
Code as defined in regulation IX/1, to the ship forward to that State a copy of the Continuous Synopsis

and the name of the body which has carried Record covering the period during which the ship was
out the audit on the basis of which the under their jurisdiction.
certificate was issued, if other than that

issuing the certificate; 8 When a ship is transferred to the flag of another State
the Government of which is a Contracting Government,
.12 the name of the Administration or of the the Contracting Government of the State whose flag the
Contracting Government or of the recognized ship was flying hitherto shall transmit to the
security organization that has issued the Administration as soon as possible after the transfer

International Ship Security Certificate (or an takes place a copy of the relevant Continuous Synopsis
Interim International Ship Security Record covering the period during which the ship was
Certificate), specified in part A of the ISPS under their jurisdiction together with any Continuous
Code as defined in regulation XI-2/1, to the Synopsis Records previous issued to the ship by other
ship and the name of the body which has States.

carried out the verification on the basis of

which the certificate was issued, if other than 9 When a ship is transferred to the flag of another
that issuing the certificate; and State, the Administration shall append the previous
Continuous Synopsis Records to the Continuous
.13 the date on which the ship ceased to be Synopsis Record the Administration will issue to the
registered with that State. ship so to provide the continuous history record
intended by this regulation.
4.1 Any changes relating to the entries referred to in 10 The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be kept on
paragraphs 3.4 to 3.12 shall be recorded in the board the ship and shall be available for inspection at
Continuous Synopsis Record so as to provide updated all times.”
and current information together with the history of the
changes. 7 The following new chapter XI-2 is inserted after the
renumbered chapter XI-1:
4.2 In case of any changes relating to the entries
referred to in paragraph 4.1, the Administration shall “CHAPTER XI-2

SPECIAL MEASURES TO ENHANCE MARITIME Life at Sea, 1974 as may be amended by the
SECURITY Organization, provided that:

Regulation 1 .1 amendments to part A of the Code are

adopted, brought into force and take effect in
Definitions accordance with article VIII of the present
Convention concerning the amendment
1 For the purpose of this chapter, unless expressly procedures applicable to the Annex other
provided otherwise: than chapter I; and

.1 Bulk carrier means a bulk carrier as defined .2 amendments to part B of the Code are
in regulation IX/1.6. adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee in
accordance with its Rules of Procedure.
.2 Chemical tanker means a chemical tanker as
defined in regulation VII/8.2. .13 Security incident means any suspicious act or
circumstance threatening the security of a
.3 Gas carrier means a gas carrier as defined in ship, including a mobile offshore drilling unit

regulation VII/11.2. and a high speed craft, or of a port facility or
of any ship/port interface or any ship to ship

.4 High-speed craft means a craft as defined in activity.
regulation X/1.2.
.14 Security level means the qualification of the

.5 Mobile offshore drilling unit means a degree of risk that a security incident will be
mechanically propelled mobile offshore attempted or will occur.
drilling unit, as defined in regulation IX/1, not
on location. .15 Declaration of security means an agreement
reached between a ship and either a port

.6 Oil tanker means an oil tanker as defined in facility or another ship with which it interfaces
regulation II-1/2.12. specifying the security measures each will
.7 Company means a Company as defined in
regulation IX/1. A .16 Recognized security organization means an
organization with appropriate expertise in
.8 Ship/port interface means the interactions security matters and with appropriate
that occur when a ship is directly and knowledge of ship and port operations

immediately affected by actions involving the authorized to carry out an assessment, or a

movement of persons, goods or the verification, or an approval or a certification
provisions of port services to or from the ship. activity, required by this chapter or by part A
of the ISPS Code.

.9 Port facility is a location, as determined by

the Contracting Government or by the 2 The term "ship", when used in regulations 3 to 13,
Designated Authority, where the ship/port includes mobile offshore drilling units and high-speed

interface takes place. This includes areas craft.

such as anchorages, waiting berths and
approaches from seaward, as appropriate. 3 The term .all ships., when used in this chapter, means

any ship to which this chapter applies.

.10 Ship to ship activity means any activity not
related to a port facility that involves the 4 The term .Contracting Government., when used in
transfer of goods or persons from one ship to regulations 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13 includes a
another. reference to the .Designated Authority.

.11 Designated Authority means the Regulation 2

organization(s) or the administration(s)
identified, within the Contracting Government, Application
as responsible for ensuring the

implementation of the provisions of this 1 This chapter applies to:

chapter pertaining to port facility security and
ship/port interface, from the point of view of .1 the following types of ships engaged on
the port facility. international voyages:
.12 International Ship and Port Facility Security .1.1 passenger ships, including high-speed
(ISPS) Code means the International Code passenger craft;
for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities
consisting of Part A (the provisions of which .1.2 cargo ships, including high-speed craft,
shall be treated as mandatory) and part B of 500 gross tonnage and upwards; and
(the provisions of which shall be treated as
recommendatory), as adopted, on 12 .1.3 mobile offshore drilling units; and
December 2002, by resolution 2 of the
Conference of Contracting Governments to .2 port facilities serving such ships engaged on
the International Convention for the Safety of international voyages.

2 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1.2, 4 Ships shall respond without undue delay to any
Contracting Governments shall decide the extent of change to a higher security level.
application of this chapter and of the relevant sections
of part A of the ISPS Code to those port facilities within 5 Where a ship is not in compliance with the
their territory which, although used primarily by ships requirements of this chapter or of part A of the ISPS
not engaged on international voyages, are required, Code, or cannot comply with the requirements of the
occasionally, to serve ships arriving or departing on an security level set by the Administration or by another
international voyage. Contracting Government and applicable to that ship,
then the ship shall notify the appropriate competent
2.1 Contracting Governments shall base their authority prior to conducting any ship/port interface or
decisions, under paragraph 2, on a port facility security prior to entry into port, whichever occurs earlier.
assessment carried out in accordance with the
provisions of part A of the ISPS Code. Regulation 5

2.2 Any decision which a Contracting Government Specific responsibility of Companies

makes, under paragraph 2, shall not compromise the
level of security intended to be achieved by this chapter The Company shall ensure that the master has

or by part A of the ISPS Code. available on board, at all times, information through
which officers duly authorised by a Contracting

3 This chapter does not apply to warships, naval Government can establish:
auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated by a
Contracting Government and used only on Government .1 who is responsible for appointing the

non-commercial service. members of the crew or other persons
currently employed or engaged on board the
4 Nothing in this chapter shall prejudice the rights or ship in any capacity on the business of that
obligations of States under international law. ship;

Regulation 3 .2 who is responsible for deciding the
employment of the ship; and
Obligations of Contracting Governments with respect to

1 Administrations shall set security levels and ensure

A .3 in cases where the ship is employed under
the terms of charter party(ies), who are the
parties to such charter party(ies).
the provision of security level information to ships
entitled to fly their flag. When changes in security level Regulation 6

occur, security level information shall be updated as the

circumstance dictates. Ship security alert system*

2 Contracting Governments shall set security levels 1 All ships shall be provided with a ship security alert

and ensure the provision of security level information to system, as follows:

port facilities within their territory, and to ships prior to
entering a port or whilst in a port within their territory. .1 ships constructed on or after 1 July 2004;

When changes in security level occur, security level

information shall be updated as the circumstance .2 passenger ships, including high-speed
dictates. passenger craft, constructed before 1 July

2004, not later than the first survey of the

Regulation 4 radio installation after 1 July 2004;

Requirements for Companies and ships .3 oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers,
bulk carriers and cargo high speed craft, of

1 Companies shall comply with the relevant 500 gross tonnage and upwards constructed
requirements of this chapter and of part A of the ISPS before 1 July 2004, not later than the first
Code, taking into account the guidance given in part B survey of the radio installation after 1 July
of the ISPS Code. 2004; and

2 Ships shall comply with the relevant requirements of

this chapter and of part A of the ISPS Code, taking into * Refer to the performance standards for a ship security alert system
adopted by resolution MSC.136(76)
account the guidance given in part B of the ISPS Code,
and such
.4 other cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upward
compliance shall be verified and certified as provided
and mobile offshore drilling units constructed before 1
for in part A of the ISPS Code.
July 2004, not later than the first survey of the radio
installation after 1 July 2006.
3 Prior to entering a port or whilst in a port within the
territory of a Contracting Government, a ship shall
2 The ship security alert system, when activated, shall:
comply with the requirements for the security level set
by that Contracting Government, if such security level is
.1 initiate and transmit a ship-to-shore security
higher than the security level set by the Administration
alert to a competent authority designated by
for that ship.
the Administration, which in these
circumstances may include the Company,

identifying the ship, its location and indicating .3 security measures that the coastal State has
that the security of the ship is under threat or decided to put in place, as appropriate.
it has been compromised;
Regulation 8
.2 not send the ship security alert to any other
ships; Master.s discretion for ship safety and security

.3 not raise any alarm on-board the ship; and 1 The master shall not be constrained by the Company,
the charterer or any other person from taking or
.4 continue the ship security alert until executing any decision which, in the professional
deactivated and/or reset. judgement of the master, is necessary to maintain the
safety and security of the ship. This includes denial of
3 The ship security alert system shall: access to persons (except those identified as duly
authorized by a Contracting Government) or their
.1 be capable of being activated from the effects and refusal to load cargo, including containers
navigation bridge and in at least one other or other closed cargo transport units.
location; and

2 If, in the professional judgement of the master, a
.2 conform to performance standards not conflict between any safety and security requirements

inferior to those adopted by the Organization. applicable to the ship arises during its operations, the
master shall give effect to those requirements
4 The ship security alert system activation points shall necessary to maintain the safety of the ship. In such

be designed so as to prevent the inadvertent initiation cases, the master may implement temporary security
of the ship security alert. measures and shall forthwith inform the Administration
and, if appropriate, the Contracting Government in
5 The requirement for a ship security alert system may whose port the ship is operating or intends to enter. Any
be complied with by using the radio installation fitted for such temporary security measures under this

compliance with the requirements of chapter IV, regulation shall, to the highest possible degree, be
provided all requirements of this regulation are commensurate with the prevailing security level. When
complied with. such cases are identified, the Administration shall

6 When an Administration receives notification of a ship

security alert, that Administration shall immediately
A ensure that such conflicts are resolved and that the
possibility of recurrence is minimized.
notify the State(s) in the vicinity of which the ship is Regulation 9
presently operating.

Control and compliance measures

7 When a Contracting Government receives notification
of a ship security alert from a ship which is not entitled 1 Control of ships in port
to fly its flag, that Contracting Government shall

immediately notify the relevant Administration and, if 1.1 For the purpose of this chapter, every ship to
appropriate, the State(s) in the vicinity of which the ship which this chapter applies is subject to
is presently operating. control when in a port of another Contracting

Government by officers duly authorised by

Regulation 7 that Government, who may be the same as
those carrying out the functions of regulation

Threats to ships I/19. Such control shall be limited to verifying

that there is onboard a valid International
1 Contracting Governments shall set security levels and Ship Security Certificate or a valid Interim
ensure the provision of security level information to International Ships Security Certificate issued
ships operating in their territorial sea or having under the provisions of part A of the ISPS

communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea. Code (Certificate), which if valid shall be
accepted, unless there are clear grounds for
2 Contracting Governments shall provide a point of believing that the ship is not in compliance
contact through which such ships can request advice or with the requirements of this chapter or part A
assistance and to which such ships can report any of the ISPS Code.

security concerns about other ships, movements or

communications. 1.2 When there are such clear grounds, or where
no valid Certificate is produced when
3 Where a risk of attack has been identified, the required, the officers duly authorized by the
Contracting Government concerned shall advise the Contracting Government shall impose any
ships concerned and their Administrations of: one or more control measures in relation to
that ship as provided in paragraph 1.3. Any
.1 the current security level; such measures imposed must be
proportionate, taking into account the
.2 any security measures that should be put in guidance given in part B of the ISPS Code.
place by the ships concerned to protect
themselves from attack, in accordance with 1.3 Such control measures are as follows:
the provisions of part A of the ISPS Code; inspection of the ship, delaying the ship,
and detention of the ship, restriction of operations
including movement within the port, or

expulsion of the ship from port. Such control for believing that the ship is in non-
measures may additionally or alternatively compliance with the requirements of this
include other lesser administrative or chapter or part A of the ISPS Code, such
corrective measures. officers shall attempt to establish
communication with and between the ship
2 Ships intending to enter a port of another and the Administration in order to rectify the
Contracting Government non-compliance. If such communication does
not result in rectification, or if such officers
2.1 For the purpose of this chapter, a Contracting have clear grounds otherwise for believing
Government may require that ships intending that the ship is in non-compliance with the
to enter its ports provide the following requirements of this chapter or part A of the
information to officers duly authorized by that ISPS Code, such officers may take steps in
Government to ensure compliance with this relation to that ship as provided in paragraph
chapter prior to entry into port with the aim of 2.5. Any such steps taken must be
avoiding the need to impose control proportionate, taking into account the
measures or steps: guidance given in part B of the ISPS Code.

.1 that the ship possesses a valid 2.5 Such steps are as follows:
Certificate and the name of its

issuing authority; .1 a requirement for the rectification of the
.2 the security level at which the

ship is currently operating; .2 a requirement that the ship proceed to a
location specified in the territorial sea or
.3 the security level at which the internal waters of that Contracting
ship operated in any previous Government;
port where it has conducted a

ship/port interface within the .3 inspection of the ship, if the ship is in the
timeframe specified in paragraph territorial sea of the Contracting Government
2.3; the port of which the ship intends to enter;

.4 any special or additional security measures

that were taken by the ship in any previous
A or

.4 denial of entry into port.

port where it has conducted a ship/port
interface within the timeframe specified in Prior to initiating any such steps, the ship shall be

paragraph 2.3; informed by the Contracting Government of its

intentions. Upon this information the master may
.5 that the appropriate ship security procedures withdraw the intention to enter that port. In such cases,
were maintained during any ship to ship this regulation shall not apply.

activity within the timeframe specified in

paragraph 2.3; or 3 Additional provisions

.6 other practical security related information 3.1 In the event:

(but not details of the ship security plan),
taking into account the guidance given in part .1 of the imposition of a control measure,

B of the ISPS Code. other than a lesser administrative or

corrective measure, referred to in paragraph
If requested by the Contracting Government, the ship or 1.3; or
the Company shall provide confirmation, acceptable to
that Contracting Government, of the information .2 any of the steps referred to in paragraph

required above. 2.5 are taken, an officer duly authorized by

the Contracting Government shall forthwith
2.2 Every ship to which this chapter applies inform in writing the Administration specifying
intending to enter the port of another which control measures have been imposed
Contracting Government shall provide the or steps taken and the reasons thereof. The

information described in paragraph 2.1 on the Contracting Government imposing the control
request of the officers duly authorized by that measures or steps shall also notify the
Government. The master may decline to recognized security organization, which
provide such information on the issued the Certificate relating to the ship
understanding that failure to do so may result concerned and the Organization when any
in denial of entry into port. such control measures have been imposed or
steps taken.
2.3 The ship shall keep records of the information
referred to in paragraph 2.1 for the last 10 3.2 When entry into port is denied or the ship is
calls at port facilities. expelled from port, the authorities of the port
State should communicate the appropriate
2.4 If, after receipt of the information described in facts to the authorities of the State of the next
paragraph 2.1, officers duly authorised by the appropriate ports of call, when known, and
Contracting Government of the port in which any other appropriate coastal States, taking
the ship intends to enter have clear grounds into account guidelines to be developed by

the Organization. Confidentiality and security for the various security levels, including when
of such notification shall be ensured. the submission of a Declaration of Security
will be required.
3.3 Denial of entry into port, pursuant to
paragraphs 2.4 and 2.5, or expulsion from Regulation 11
port, pursuant to paragraphs 1.1 to 1.3, shall
only be imposed where the officers duly Alternative security agreements
authorized by the Contracting Government
have clear grounds to believe that the ship 1 Contracting Governments may, when implementing
poses an immediate threat to the security or this chapter and part A of the ISPS Code, conclude in
safety of persons, or of ships or other writing bilateral or multilateral agreements with other
property and there are no other appropriate Contracting Governments on alternative security
means for removing that threat. arrangements covering short international voyages on
fixed routes between port facilities located within their
3.4 The control measures referred to in territories.
paragraph 1.3 and the steps referred to in
paragraph 2.5 shall only be imposed, 2 Any such agreement shall not compromise the level

pursuant to this regulation, until the non- of security of other ships or of port facilities not covered
compliance giving rise to the control by the agreement.

measures or steps has been corrected to the
satisfaction of the Contracting Government, 3 No ship covered by such an agreement shall conduct
taking into account actions proposed by the any ship-to-ship activities with any ship not covered by

ship or the Administration, if any. the agreement.

3.5 When Contracting Governments exercise 4 Such agreements shall be reviewed periodically,
control under paragraph 1 or take steps taking into account the experience gained as well as
under paragraph 2: any changes in the particular circumstances or the

assessed threats to the security of the ships, the port
.1 all possible efforts shall be made to avoid a facilities or the routes covered by the agreement.
ship being unduly detained or delayed. If a
ship is thereby unduly detained, or delayed, it
shall be entitled to compensation for any loss
or damage suffered; and
A Regulation 12

Equivalent security arrangements

.2 necessary access to the ship shall not be 1 An Administration may allow a particular ship or a

prevented for emergency or humanitarian group of ships entitled to fly its flag to implement other
reasons and for security purposes. security measures equivalent to those prescribed in this
chapter or in part A of the ISPS Code, provided such
Regulation 10 security measures are at least as effective as those

prescribed in this chapter or part A of the ISPS Code.

Requirements for port facilities The Administration, which allows such security
measures, shall communicate to the Organization

1 Port facilities shall comply with the relevant particulars thereof.

requirements of this chapter and part A of the ISPS
Code, taking into account the guidance given in part B 2 When implementing this chapter and part A of the

of the ISPS Code. ISPS Code, a Contracting Government may allow a

particular port facility or a group of port facilities located
2 Contracting Governments with a port facility or port within its territory, other than those covered by an
facilities within their territory, to which this regulation agreement concluded under regulation 11, to
applies, shall ensure that: implement security measures equivalent to those

prescribed in this chapter or in Part A of the ISPS Code,

.1 port facility security assessments are carried provided such security measures are at least as
out, reviewed and approved in accordance effective as those prescribed in this chapter or part A of
with the provisions of part A of the ISPS the ISPS Code. The Contracting Government, which
Code; and allows such security measures, shall communicate to

the Organization particulars thereof.

.2 port facility security plans are developed,
reviewed, approved and implemented in Regulation 13
accordance with the provisions of part A of
the ISPS Code. Communication of information

3 Contracting Governments shall designate 1 Contracting Governments shall, not later than 1 July
and communicate the measures required to 2004, communicate to the Organization and shall make
be addressed in a port facility security plan available for the information of Companies and ships:
.1 the names and contact details of their
national authority or authorities responsible .3 the names and contact details of those who
for ship and port facility security; have been designated to be available at all
times to receive and act upon the ship-to-
.2 the locations within their territory covered by shore security alerts, referred to in regulation
the approved port facility security plans. 6.2.1;

.4 the names and contact details of those who Organization as soon as is practically
have been designated to be available at all possible; and
times to receive and act upon any
communications from Contracting .3 additions are to be made to the list of
Governments exercising control and approved port facility security plans. In such
compliance measures, referred to in cases, the information to be communicated
regulation 9.3.1; and shall indicate the location or locations
covered by the plan and the date of approval.
.5 the names and contact details of those who
have been designated to be available at all 4 Contracting Governments shall, at five year intervals
times to provide advice or assistance to ships after 1 July 2004, communicate to the Organization a
and to whom ships can report any security revised and updated list showing all the approved port
concerns, referred to in regulation 7.2; facility security plans for the port facilities located within
their territory together with the location or locations
and thereafter update such information as and when covered by each approved port facility security plan and
changes relating thereto occur. The Organization shall the corresponding date of approval (and the date of
circulate such particulars to other Contracting approval of any amendments thereto) which will

Governments for the information of their officers. supersede and replace all information communicated to
the Organization, pursuant to paragraph 3, during the

2 Contracting Governments shall, not later than 1 July preceding five years.
2004, communicate to the Organization the names and
contact details of any recognized security organizations 5 Contracting Governments shall communicate to the

authorized to act on their behalf together with details of Organization information that an agreement under
the specific responsibility and conditions of authority regulation 11 has been concluded. The information
delegated to such organizations. Such information shall communicated shall include:
be updated as and when changes relating thereto
occur. The Organization shall circulate such particulars .1 the names of the Contracting Governments

to other Contracting Governments for the information of which have concluded the agreement;
their officers.
.2 the port facilities and the fixed routes covered
3 Contracting Governments shall, not later than 1 July
2004 communicate to the Organization a list showing
the approved port facility security plans for the port
A .3
by the agreement;

the periodicity of review of the agreement;

facilities located within their territory together with the
location or locations covered by each approved port .4 the date of entry into force of the agreement;

facility security plan and the corresponding date of and

approval and thereafter shall further communicate when
any of the following changes take place: .5 information on any consultations which have
taken place with other Contracting

.1 changes in the location or locations covered Governments; and thereafter shall

by an approved port facility security plan are communicate, as soon as practically
to be introduced or have been introduced. In possible, to the Organization information

such cases the information to be when the agreement has been amended or
communicated shall indicate the changes in has ended.
the location or locations covered by the plan

and the date as of which such changes are to 6 Any Contracting Government which allows, under the
be introduced or were implemented; provisions of regulation 12, any equivalent security
arrangements with respect to a ship entitled to fly its
.2 an approved port facility security plan, flag or with respect to a port facility located within its
previously included in the list submitted to the territory, shall communicate to the Organization

Organization, is to be withdrawn or has been particulars thereof.

withdrawn. In such cases, the information to
be communicated shall indicate the date on 7 The Organization shall make available the information
which the withdrawal will take effect or was communicated under paragraph 3 to other Contracting
implemented. In these cases, the Governments upon request.

communication shall be made to the __________

CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 3 and to adopt them in time before the entry into force of the
(adopted on 12 December 2002) amendments to the Convention adopted by the Conference or as
and when the Organization considers appropriate;
ORGANIZATION 2. INVITES ALSO the Organization to carry out, as a matter of
PERTAINING TO THE ENHANCEMENT OF MARITIME urgency, an impact assessment of the proposals to implement the
SECURITY long-range identification and tracking of ships and, if found
necessary, develop and adopt appropriate performance standards
THE CONFERENCE, and guidelines for long-range ship identification and tracking
HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 4
referred to as .the Convention.), concerning special measures to (adopted on 12 December 2002)
enhance maritime safety and security,
RECOGNIZING the need for further work in the area of THE 1974 SOLAS CONVENTION ON SPECIAL MEASURES TO
enhancement of maritime security and in order to ensure the ENHANCE MARITIME SAFETY AND SECURITY
global and uniform application and implementation of the special
measures to enhance maritime security adopted by the THE CONFERENCE,

HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention

1. INVITES the International Maritime Organization (hereinafter for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended
referred to as .the Organization.), bearing in mind the provisions (hereinafter referred to as .the Convention.), concerning special
of chapter XI-2 of the Convention and the International Ship and measures to enhance maritime safety and security,

Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code (hereinafter referred to as .the
ISPS Code.), to: NOTING the special nature of the measures now included in the
new chapter XI-2 of the Convention aimed at enhancing maritime
(a) develop training guidance such as model courses for security,
ship security officers, company security officers, port

facility security officers and company, ship and port RECOGNIZING the need for urgent and special measures to
security personnel; enhance maritime security and the desire of Contracting
Governments to bring these measures into force as soon as
(b) review the Organization.s Assembly resolution
A.787(19) as amended by resolution A.882(21) on A possible,
Procedures for port State control and, if found NOTING ALSO that it may be necessary, due to the special
necessary, develop appropriate amendments thereto; nature of the issues involved, to frequently amend, in the future,
the provisions of chapter XI-2 of the Convention in order to

(c) consider the need and, if necessary, develop further respond, in a proactive manner, to new or emerging security risks
guidance on control and compliance measures on and threats,
aspects other than those already addressed in part B of
the ISPS Code; RECALLING Resolution 5 entitled .Future amendments to

Chapter XI of the 1974 SOLAS Convention on special measures

(d) consider the need and, if necessary, develop to enhance maritime safety., adopted by the 1994 Conference of
guidelines on recognized security organizations; Contracting Government to the International Convention for the

Safety of Life at
(e) review the Organization.s Assembly resolution Sea, 1974,
A.890(21) on Principles of safe manning and, if found

necessary, develop appropriate amendments thereto; DESIRING that future amendments to chapters XI-1 and XI-2 of
the Convention are adopted, brought into force and given effect in
(f) review the aspect of security of ships to which chapter the shortest possible time, RECOMMENDS that future
XI-2 of the Convention applies when interfacing with amendments to the provisions of chapters XI-1 and XI-2 of the
floating production storage units and floating storage Convention should be adopted by either the Maritime Safety

units and take action as appropriate; Committee of the International Maritime Organization in
accordance with article VIII(b) of the Convention or by a
(g) consider, in the context of security, relevant aspects of Conference of Contracting Governments to the Convention in
facilitation of maritime traffic such as, for example, port accordance with article VIII(c) thereof.
arrivals and departures, standardized forms of reporting

and electronic data interchange and take action as CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 5

appropriate; (adopted on 12 December 2002)

(h) review the Organization.s Assembly resolution PROMOTION OF TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION AND
A.872(20) on Guidelines for the Prevention and ASSISTANCE
Suppression of the Smuggling of Drugs, Psychotropic
Substances and Precursor Chemicals on Ships THE CONFERENCE,
Engaged in International Maritime Traffic and, if
necessary, develop appropriate amendments thereto; HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention
and for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter
referred to as .the Convention.), concerning special measures to
(i) consider the need and, if necessary, develop any other enhance maritime safety and security,
guidance or guidelines to ensure the global, uniform
and consistent implementation of the provisions of RECALLING operative paragraph 5 of resolution A.924(22) on
chapter XI-2 of the Convention or part A of the ISPS Review of measures and procedures to prevent acts of terrorism
Code; which threaten the security of passengers and crews and the
safety of ships, adopted on 20 November 2001 by the Assembly

of the International Maritime Organization (hereinafter referred to
as .the Organization.), whereby the Secretary-General of the 4. INVITES ALSO the Secretary General to give early
Organization is requested to take appropriate measures within the consideration to establishing a Maritime Security Trust Fund for
Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme to assist the purpose of providing a dedicated source of financial support
Governments to assess, put in place or enhance, as the case for maritime security technical-co-operation activities and, in
may be, appropriate infrastructure and measures to strengthen particular, for providing support for national initiatives in
port safety and security so as to prevent and suppress terrorist developing countries to strengthen their maritime security
acts directed against ports and port personnel as well as ships in infrastructure and measures.
port areas, passengers and crew,
BEING APPRECIATIVE of the steps already taken by the (adopted on 12 December 2002)
Secretary-General of the Organization, in response to request of
the Assembly of the Organization, to provide assistance to States EARLY IMPLEMENTATION OF THE
in strengthening their maritime and port security infrastructure and SPECIAL MEASURES TO ENHANCE MARITIME SECURITY
RECOGNIZING the need for the development of appropriate
legislation and the putting in place of appropriate infrastructure for HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention
ship and port facility security and relevant training facilities in for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter

order to ensure the global and uniform application and referred to as .the Convention.), concerning special measures to
implementation of the special measures adopted to enhance enhance maritime safety and security,

maritime security,
RECOGNIZING the important contribution that the
RECOGNIZING ALSO the importance of adequate education and implementation of the special measures adopted will make

training for seafarers and port facility personnel to contribute to towards the safe and secure operation of ships, for pollution
the overall efforts to enhance maritime security, prevention and for the safety and security of those on board and
RECOGNIZING FURTHER that, in some cases, there may be
limited infrastructure, facilities and training programmes for RECOGNIZING ALSO that the task of implementing the

obtaining the experience required for the purpose of preventing requirements of chapter XI-2 of the Convention and of the
acts which threaten the security of ships and of port facilities, International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
particularly in developing countries, (hereinafter referred to as .the Code.) will place a significant

BELIEVING that the promotion of technical co-operation at the A burden on Contracting Governments, Administrations, recognized
security organizations,
international level will assist those States not yet having adequate
expertise or facilities for providing training and experience to RECALLING that the Code from 1 July 2004, requires each ship
assess, put in place or enhance appropriate infrastructure and, in to which the provisions of chapter XI-2 of the Convention and part

general, implement the measures required by the adopted A of the Code apply, to be provided with an appropriate Ship
amendments necessary to strengthen maritime security on board Security Plan,
ships and ashore,
EMPHASIZING, in this regard, the vital role that safe and secure RECALLING ALSO that each such ship is required to be provided

shipping and port operations play in sustainable socio-economic with an International Ship Security Certificate not later than 1 July
development, 2004,

1. STRONGLY URGES Contracting Governments to the RECOGNIZING FURTHER that the process of verifying the
Convention and Member States of the Organization to: compliance of a ship, to which the provisions of chapter XI-2 of
the Convention and part A of the Code apply, with the

(a) provide, in co-operation with the Organization, requirements of the chapter XI-2 and of the Code cannot be
assistance to those States which have difficulty in undertaken until the Ship Security
implementing or meeting the requirements of the Plan has been approved and its provisions have been
adopted amendments or the ISPS Code; and implemented on board, DESIRING to ensure the smooth
implementation of the provisions of chapter XI-2 of the

(b) use the Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme Convention and of the Code,
of the Organization as one of the main instruments to
obtain assistance in advancing effective implementation BEARING IN MIND the difficulties experienced during
of, and compliance with, the adopted amendments and implementation of the International Safety Management (ISM)
the ISPS Code; Code,

2. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the Organization to 1. DRAWS the attention of Contracting Governments to
make adequate provision, within the Integrated Technical Co- the Convention and the industry to the fact that neither
operation Programme, to strengthen further the assistance that is chapter XI-2 of the Convention nor the Code provide for
already being provided and to promote, in co-operation, as any extension of the implementation dates for the
appropriate, with relevant international organizations, the introduction of the special measures concerned to
enhancement of the Organization.s capacity to address the future enhance maritime security;
needs of developing countries for continued education and
training and the improvement of their maritime and port security 2. URGES Contracting Governments to take, as a matter
infrastructure and measures; of high priority, any action needed to finalize as soon as
possible any legislative or administrative arrangements,
3. INVITES donors, international organizations and which are required at the national level, to give effect to
the shipping and port industry to contribute financial, the requirements of the adopted amendments to the
human and/or in-kind resources to the Integrated Convention (and the Code) relating to the certification
Technical Co-operation Programme of the of ships entitled to fly their flag or port facilities situated
Organization for its maritime and port security in their territory;

3. RECOMMENDS that Contracting Governments and RECOGNIZING the important contribution that the
Administrations concerned designate dates, in advance implementation of the special measures adopted will make
of the application date of 1 July 2004 by which requests towards the safe and secure operation of ships, for pollution
for: prevention and for the safety and security of those on board and
.1 review and approval of Ship Security
Plans; RECOGNIZING ALSO the need to address and establish
appropriate measures to enhance the security of ships and of port
.2 verification and certification of ships; and facilities other than those covered by chapter XI-2 of the
.3 review and approval of Port Facility Security
Assessments and of Port Facility Security Plans; RECOGNIZING FURTHER that the establishment of such
measures will further enhance and positively contribute towards
should be submitted in order to allow Contracting Governments, the international efforts to ensure maritime security and to prevent
Administrations and recognized security organizations, time to and suppress acts threatening the security in the maritime
complete the review and approval and the verification and transport sector,
certification process and for Companies, ships and port facilities
to rectify any non-compliance; 1. INVITES Contracting Governments to the Convention
to establish, as they may consider necessary, and to

4. INVITES Contracting Governments, on and after 1 July 2004, disseminate, as they deem fit, appropriate measures to
to recognize and accept as valid and as meeting the requirements enhance the security of ships and of port facilities other

of chapter XI-2 of the Convention and part A of the Code any: than those covered by chapter XI-2 of the Convention;

.1 Ship Security Plans approved, prior to 1 July 2004, 2. ENCOURAGES, in particular, Contracting

pursuant to the provisions of part A of the Code, by Governments to establish, as they may consider
Administrations or on their behalf; and necessary, and to disseminate, as they deem fit,
information to facilitate the interactions of ships and of
.2 International Ship Security Certificates issued, prior to 1 port facilities to which chapter XI-2 of the Convention
July 2004, in accordance with the provisions of part A of applies with ships which are not covered by chapter XI-

the Code, by Administrations or on their behalf; 2 of the Convention;

as far as these relate to ships which, on 1 July 2004, were entitled 3. ALSO ENCOURAGES Contracting Governments to
to fly the flag of the State of the Administration which, or on behalf
of which, the plan in question was approved or the certificate in A establish, as they may consider necessary, and to
disseminate as they deem fit, information to facilitate
question was issued; contact and liaison between company and ship security
officers and the authorities responsible for the security
5. FURTHER RECOMMENDS that Contracting Governments and of port facilities not covered by chapter XI-2 of the

the industry take early appropriate action to ensure that all Convention, prior to a ship entering, or anchoring off,
necessary infrastructure is in place in time for the effective such a port;
implementation of the adopted measures to enhance maritime
security on board ships and ashore. 4. FURTHER ENCOURAGES Contracting Governments,

when exercising their responsibilities for mobile

CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 7 offshore drilling units and for fixed and floating
(adopted on 12 December 2002) platforms operating on their Continental Shelf or within

their Exclusive Economic Zone, to ensure that any

ESTABLISHMENT OF APPROPRIATE MEASURES security provisions applying to such units and platforms
TO ENHANCE THE SECURITY OF SHIPS, PORT FACILITIES, allow interaction with those applying to ships covered

MOBILE OFFSHORE DRILLING UNITS ON LOCATION AND by chapter XI-2 of the Convention, that serve, or
FIXED AND FLOATING PLATFORMS NOT COVERED BY operate in conjunction with, such units or platforms;
5. REQUESTS Contracting Governments to inform the
THE CONFERENCE, Organization of any action they have taken in this

HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 8
referred to as .the Convention.), concerning special measures to (adopted on 12 December 2002)
enhance maritime safety and security,


RECALLING that chapter XI-2 of the Convention applies only to: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION

(a) the following types of ships engaged on international voyages: (Seafarers. Identity documents and Work on the wider issues of
Port Security)
.1 passenger ships including passenger high-speed
craft; and THE CONFERENCE,

.2 cargo ships, including cargo high speed craft, of 500 HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention
gross tonnage and upwards; and for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter
referred to as .the Convention.), concerning special measures to
.3 mobile offshore drilling units; and enhance maritime safety and security,

(b) port facilities serving such ships engaged on international RECOGNIZING the important contribution that the
voyages, implementation of the special measures adopted will make
towards the safe and secure operation of ships, for pollution

prevention and for the safety and security of those on board and 6. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the Organization
ashore, to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Director-
General of the International Labour Office.
RECOGNIZING ALSO the need to continue the work and
establish, as the need arises, further appropriate measures to
enhance the security of ships and of port facilities, Annex
RECOGNIZING FURTHER that the development and use of a
verifiable Seafarers. Identity Document will further enhance and POSSIBLE TERMS OF REFERENCE
positively contribute towards the international efforts to ensure
maritime security and to prevent and suppress acts threatening 1. The joint IMO/ILO Working Group on Port Security, having
the security in the maritime transport sector, regard to the amendments to the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and the International Ship and Port
COGNIZANT of the competencies and work of the International Facility Security (ISPS) Code adopted by the December 2002
Labour Organization (hereinafter referred to as .the ILO.) in the Conference of Contracting Governments to the International
area of development and adoption of the international labour Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 for the purpose of
standards, introducing mandatory requirements and guidance relating to the
enhancement of the safety
RECALLING the Seafarers. Identity Documents Convention, 1958 and security of ships and of port facilities, should:

(No.108), adopted by the International Labour Conference on 13
May 1958, which entered into force on 19 February 1961, .1 consider and recommend, for the purpose of

enhancing security, safety and the protection of the
RECALLING ALSO that the Governing Body of the ILO at its environment, the form and content of any further
283rd Session, in March 2002, placed the question of .Improved guidance, which may be required, on the wider issue of

security for seafarers. identification. as an urgent item on the port security including the relationship between ship
agenda of the 91st Session of the International Labour and port security and the wider security and safety and
Conference, to be held in June 2003, with a view to the adoption the protection of the environment considerations
of a Protocol to the Seafarers Identity Documents Convention, relevant to port areas, including the question of
1958 (No. 108), verifiable identification of those working within these

areas or having access to such areas;
RECALLING FURTHER the long-standing co-operation between
the International Maritime Organization (hereinafter referred as .2 consider the need for any mandatory requirements
.the Organization.) and the ILO in the area of international
maritime transport, A relating to the above and, if such a need is identified, to
recommend the form and content of such requirements;
NOTING, with satisfaction, the work undertaken, so far, by the
Governing Body of the ILO and by the International Labour Office .3 prepare and submit a report (including interim work

on seafarers. identity documents and on port and dockworkers and progress reports) on the aforesaid, together with
security, the relevant reasons and justifications thereto, as well
as, an assessment of the impact, benefits and costs of
1. INVITES the ILO to continue the development of a the recommendations, for the consideration of the

Seafarers. Identity Document as a matter of urgency, International Maritime Organization and of the
which should cover, inter alia, a document for International Labour Organization.
professional purposes; a verifiable security document

and a certification information document; 2. The International Maritime Organization and the International
Labour Organization will monitor the work of the joint IMO/ILO
2. REQUESTS the Organization to consider the results of Working Group on Port Security and, as the need arises, will

the 91st Session of the International Labour issue appropriate instructions and guidance to the Working
Conference on the .Improved security for Seafarers. Group.
Identification. and to take appropriate action, as it
deems appropriate; CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 9
(adopted on 12 December 2002)

3 .INVITES States through their tripartite delegations to ENHANCEMENT OF SECURITY IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE
participate in the 91st Session of the International WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION
Labour Conference, in June 2003, and to give
favourable consideration to the earliest possible (Closed Cargo Transport Units)

ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the

new ILO instrument concerning seafarers. identification THE CONFERENCE,
documents, once it is adopted;
HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention
4. INVITES the Organization and the ILO to establish a for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter
joint ILO/IMO Working Group to undertake any further referred to as .the Convention.), concerning special measures to
work, which may be required, on the wider issue of port enhance maritime safety and security,
security, based on the terms of reference set out in the
attached Annex; RECOGNIZING the important contribution that the
implementation of the special measures adopted will make
5. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the Organization towards the safe and secure operation of ships, for pollution
to contribute, with appropriate expertise, to the work of prevention and for the safety and security of those on board and
the ILO on the .Improved security for Seafarers. ashore,
Identification. and to the proposed joint work of on the
wide issue of port security; RECOGNIZING ALSO the need to address and establish

appropriate measures to enhance the security of ships and of port HAVING ACKNOWLEDGED that Inmarsat C polling is currently
facilities in aspects other than those covered by chapter XI-2 of an appropriate system for long-range identification and tracking of
the Convention, ships,

RECALLING that the Convention on Facilitation of International RECOGNIZING the importance of an early implementation of
Maritime Traffic, 1965 already contains requirements related to long-range identification and tracking of ships,
the provision to administrations of commercial data related to the
movement of cargoes by sea, RECOGNIZING ALSO that the equipment installed on board and
ashore is available for immediate use and will allow the early
RECOGNIZING FURTHER the need to include, in due course, in implementation of such measures,
the Convention appropriate requirements to address specifically
the security of closed cargo transport units (hereinafter referred to 1. URGES Contracting Governments to take, as a matter
as .closed CTUs.) and that such requirements will further of high priority, any action needed at national level to
enhance and positively contribute towards the international efforts give effect to implementing and beginning the long-
to ensure maritime security and to prevent and suppress acts range identification and tracking of ships;
threatening the security in the maritime transport sector,
2. INVITES Contracting Governments to encourage ships
FURTHERMORE RECOGNIZING the inter-modal and entitled to fly the flag of their State to take the
international nature of closed CTUs movements, the need to necessary measures so that they are prepared to

ensure security of the complete supply chain and the respective respond automatically to Inmarsat C polling, or to other
roles of, all those involved, available systems;

RECALLING ALSO the role of frontier agencies, in particular 3. REQUESTS Contracting Governments to consider all
Customs Administrations, in controlling the international aspects related to the introduction of long-range

movement of closed CTUs, identification and tracking of ships, including its
potential for misuse as an aid to ship targeting and the
COGNIZANT of the competencies and work of the World need for confidentiality in respect of the information so
Customs Organization (hereinafter referred to as .the WCO.) in gathered.
the area of international maritime transport,

RECALLING FURTHER the long-standing co-operation of the (adopted on 12 December 2002)
International Maritime Organization (hereinafter referred to as .the
Organization.) with the WCO in the area of international maritime
NOTING with satisfaction the signing on 23 July 2002 of a
Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen the co-operation THE CONFERENCE,
between the two Organizations,

HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention

1. INVITES the WCO to consider, urgently, measures to for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter
enhance security throughout international movements referred to as the Convention), concerning special measures to
of closed CTUs; enhance maritime safety and security,

2. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the Organization RECOGNIZING that the shipping industry and the smooth
to contribute expertise relating to maritime transport transportation of goods are essential to world trade,

and, in particular, to the carriage of closed CTUs. by

sea to the discussions at the WCO; RECALLING that the Assembly of the International Maritime
Organization (hereinafter referred to as .the Organization.)

3. AGREES that the Convention should be amended, if adopted resolution A.907(22) on the long term work programme
and when appropriate, to give effect to relevant of the Organization (up to 2008) and that the human element is an
decisions taken by the WCO and endorsed by the important item
Contracting Governments to the Convention insofar as thereof,
they relate to the carriage of closed CTUs by sea;

RECALLING ALSO the provisions of the Convention on

4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the Organization Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended,
to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Secretary- which has, inter alia, established a general right for foreign crew
General of the WCO. members to be entitled to shore leave while the ship on which
they arrived is in port, provided that the formalities on arrival of

CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 10 the ship have been fulfilled and the public authorities have no
(adopted on 12 December 2002) reason to refuse permission to come ashore for reasons of public
health, public safety or public order;
international human rights applicable to all workers, including
THE CONFERENCE, seafarers,

HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention CONSIDERING that, given the global nature of the shipping
for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter industry, seafarers need special protection,
referred to as .the Convention.), concerning special measures to
enhance safety and security, BEING AWARE that seafarers work and live on ships involved in
international trade and that access to shore facilities and shore
RECALLING that long-range identification and tracking of ships at leave are vital elements of seafarers. general well-being and,
sea is a measure that fully contributes to the enhancement of the therefore, to the realisation of safer seas and cleaner oceans,
maritime and coastal States security as a whole,
BEING AWARE ALSO that the ability to go ashore is essential for

joining and leaving a ship after the agreed period of service, Organization to report to the Organization any
instances where the human element has been
1. URGES Contracting Governments to take the human adversely impacted by the implementation of the
element, the need to afford special protection to provisions of chapter XI-2 of the Convention or the
seafarers and the critical importance of shore leave into Code; and
account when implementing the provisions of chapter
XI-2 of the Convention and the International Ship and 3. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring to the
Port Facility (ISPS) Code (hereinafter referred to as .the attention of the Maritime Safety Committee and the
Code.); Facilitation Committee of the Organization, any human
element related problems, which have been
2. ENCOURAGES Contracting Governments, Member communicated to the Organization as a result of the
States of the Organization and nongovernmental implementation of chapter XI-2 of the Convention or the
organizations with consultative status at the Code.



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