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Report On

Impact of secondary sales automation in Unique Cement Industry Limited.


Abrar Jahin Ismam


An internship report submitted to the BRAC Business School (BBS) in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration

BRAC Business School

BRAC University

© 2023. BRAC University

All rights reserved.

It is hereby declared that

1. The internship report submitted is my/our own original work while completing degree at
BRAC University.
2. The report does not contain material previously published or written by a third party,
except where this is appropriately cited through full and accurate referencing.
3. The report does not contain material which has been accepted, or submitted, for any other
degree or diploma at a university or other institution.
4. I/We have acknowledged all main sources of help.

Student’s Full Name & Signature:

Abrar Jahin Ismam

Supervisor’s Full Name & Signature:

Assistant professor
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Letter of Transmittal

Mr. Riyashad Ahmed

Assistant professor

BRAC Business School

BRAC University

66 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212

Dear sir,

I want to thank Allah for allowing me to finish the internship and provide you with this
report. I also want to express my appreciation for the helpful feedback and direction you
provided as I was writing this report. Having you as my internship supervisor is a huge
blessing. This letter is in response to the submission of my internship report on Unique
Cement Industries Limited, Meghna Group of Industries, which was assigned to me as a
partial requirement for completion of the BBA Program. Working on this report was an
excellent learning experience for me because I learned the distinctions between practical and
theoretical work. I hope you find the report objective, systematic, and trustworthy. I'd like to
take this opportunity to thank you for all of your help and advice, which I hope to continue
receiving in the future.

Thank you for inspiring me to pursue this interesting topic. I hope you will carefully consider
accepting it.

Sincerely yours,



BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Date: March 19, 2023

Non-Disclosure Agreement

This agreement is made and entered into by and between Unique cement industry and the
undersigned student at BRAC University, BRAC Business School


According to the agreement, the information contained in this report on secondary sales
automation may only be used for internship purposes.


I would like to thank Almighty Allah for allowing me to remain healthy and complete my
internship during Unique cement industry limited most challenging sales period. Without the
guidance of the Almighty, all of my efforts would have been in vain. Next, I am grateful to
my parents for their unwavering support and assistance in completing my degree. This
internship report is the result of the work of many people. Several people helped me organize
this report, and I'm grateful to them for their kind advice, suggestions, instructions, support,
and appropriate guidelines. During the process of writing this report, I got help and advice
from a lot of different people. I'd like to use this chance to thank all of them. First of all, I'd
like to thank my internship supervisor, Mr. Riyashad Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Brac
Business School, Brac University, for all of his help and guidance in making this report. I
owe him a great debt of gratitude for all of the help he gave me during my internship. Next,
I'd like to show my deep appreciation to Khurshed Alam, Executive Director at Unique
Cement Industry Limited, Meghna Group of Industries, for allowing me to fulfill my
internship requirements there. In addition, I want to thank my company supervisor
Chowdhury Saifuddin Haider, manager, Brand and Marketing research. He helped me find
the right information and kept an eye on how I was doing as I worked on this report. I'd also
like to thank everyone who works at Unique Cement Industry Ltd, Meghna Group of
Industries, in particular:

 Sartaz Shamin Ahmed

Senior executive (Sales and marketing)
 S.M. Mukim Hasan
Assistant manager (Brand)

Executive Summary

The research paper provides a summary of my 12-week internship with Unique Cement
Industry's Salesforce development team, where I gained valuable experience. The objective
of the report titled "Sales Force Automation in secondary sales of Unique Cement Industries"
was to examine the impact of the software system Sales Force Automation (SFA) on Unique
Cement Industries Ltd.'s secondary sales (UCIL).For the purpose of giving a through outlook
of the industry through which how different company’s sales department maintain their sales
channels, industry analysis has been performed based on Porter’s five forces model. The
latter part of the study compares SFA to traditional secondary sales management, focusing
on how we, as sales professionals, have evaluated the likelihood of SFA's widespread
adoption. As the primary and secondary sales distribution channels account for the majority
of the cement industry's sales, it is essential to monitor the system's efficiency to ensure that it
is worth the investment. After analyzing all of its effects, it was determined that its dubious
viability in the retail sector may be a result of its relatively weak network security. Detailed
explanations of all intermediate steps are presented here. Therefore, it could be argued that
the study provides a comprehensive explanation of the SFA system's central procedures and
their potential implications for achieving the sales target, which could also be UCIL's central
value proposition strategy for this sector.

Keywords: Sales Force Automation-Secondary Sales-Sales target-Information

Table of Contents


Letter of Transmittal..............................................................................................................iii

Non-Disclosure Agreement.....................................................................................................iv



Table of Contents...................................................................................................................vii

List of Acronyms......................................................................................................................x

Chapter 1 Overview of Internship..........................................................................................1

1.1 Student Information.................................................................................................1

1.2 Internship Information.............................................................................................1

1.3 Internship outcomes.................................................................................................2

Chapter 2 Organization Part..................................................................................................4

2.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................4

2.2 Overview of the Company.......................................................................................5

2.3 Management Practices.............................................................................................7

2.4 Marketing Practices................................................................................................10

2.4.1 Market Segmentation:.............................................................................................10

2.4.2 Target customers,Trageting& Positioning Strategy................................................11

2.4.3 Marketing Channels................................................................................................12

2.4.4 Branding Activities.................................................................................................13

2.4.5 Promotional Strategies............................................................................................14

2.5 Accounting Practices..............................................................................................15

2.6 Operation Management & Information Practices.................................................16

2.7 Industry and Competitive Analysis........................................................................17

2.7.1 Porters Five Forces Analysis of Cement Industry...................................................17

2.7.2 SWOT Analysis......................................................................................................19

2.8 Conclusions............................................................................................................20

Chapter 3 Project Part- Sales Force Automation in secondary sales of Unique Cement


3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................21

3.1.1 Background.............................................................................................................21

3.1.2 Objectives of the study............................................................................................23

3.1.3 Significance of the study........................................................................................24

3.2 Research Methodology...........................................................................................24

3.3 Findings & Analysis from the study......................................................................24

3.4 Summary................................................................................................................27

3.5 Implications............................................................................................................28


Appendix A.............................................................................................................................31

List of figures

Figure 1 Business Verticles of MGI (Business Verticles , n.d.)................................................6

Figure 2 Recruitment & Selection Process of MGI...................................................................8

Figure 3 Conventional Secondary Sales Process.....................................................................22

Figure 4 Response on System Accuracy.................................................................................24

Figure 5 Response on Systems ability to work efficiently.......................................................25

Figure 6 Responses on systems ability to store and analyze data............................................26

Figure 7 Responses on increasing the productivity..................................................................26

Figure 8 SUS Score..................................................................................................................27

List of Acronyms

MGI Meghna Group of Industries

UCIL Unique Cement Industries Limited

FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods

LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas

HR Human Resource

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

VAT Value Added Tax

SAP Sales Automation Program

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

SUS System Usability Score

Chapter 1

Overview of Internship

1.1 Student Information

Name: Abrar Jahin Ismam

Student ID: 18304077

Department: BRAC Business School

Program: Bachelors of Business Administration

Major: Finance

Minor: Accounting

1.2 Internship Information

Employment Details:

Work Duration: 22th September 2022 to 22th December 2022 (3 months internship)

Company or Multination company name: Meghna Group of Industries (MGI)

Department: Sales and marketing as intern

Address: Fresh Villa, House 15, Road 34, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.

Internship On-site Supervisor Information

Supervisor Name: Chowdhury Saifuddin Haider

Designation: Manager (Brand and marketing research)

Job Duties and Responsibilities

For my internship with Unique Cement Industry Ltd., I was sent to the Meghna Group of
Industry's headquarters at Fresh Villa House #15, Road #34 in Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212.
Chowdhury Saifuddin Haider, the Manager (Brand and Market Research) of Fresh Cement, is
my company superior. During the three months I worked under his supervision, he assigned
me daily tasks to do. During the three months of my internship, I enjoyed the job at the
company, but more importantly, I learned how to perform well under pressure and with
substantial responsibilities. During this period, I was able to work with the marketing
department of Unique Cement Industry Ltd, whose product was Fresh Cement. There are
various departments inside the organization like Brand, Sales, Market Research and I worked
on those department respectively. During this period, I was assigning to visit the suppliers. I
was dispatched to various manufacturers in order to learn the ins and outs of the supply
chains for various product lines. I learned about the various events and materials used in
Unique Cement Industries Limited's advertising campaigns. One of the media prints shops
I've been to is Provati Ad in East Vatara. Basically, it’s a digital printing press. I had the
pleasure of meeting Md. Moynul Haque Mintu, the proprietor of Provati Ad who has been in
the industry since 1993. He told me about his background and career in the field, and he also
provided some information about his organization and its capabilities. He told me that most
of big companies in bd are the client of his company. Such as Meghna group of industries,
Nestle, Anwar group, Jamuna group, square pharmaceuticals, Bashundhara group and so on.
In Addition, I have visited one of the Golden Age workshops in Tejgaon where Unique
Cement Industries Limited's branding materials are manufactured. Mr. Prabir Sikder,
Manager (Sales & Marketing), walked me through the entire course and provided me with
information about the organization. Basically, they run a Sole-Proprietorship company. Their
specialized activities are ACP Sign, Acrylic 3D Signage, LED shop sign, Direct sales
activation and so on. He also adds that, top companies in bd such as Bashundhara Cement,
City Bank, FDL, NCC Bank, MGI are their clients.

1.3 Internship outcomes

From the internship program I have been able to understand the ethics and etiquette of my
workplace. Although I was not directly assigned with particular duty but observing my
seniors undertaking responsibility and accountability for the actions, they have taken

has enabled me to realize workplace ethics to some extent. Moreover, the most vital skill in
workplace which is communication has been utilized effectively which I have practiced only
at the institutional level now has experienced how to be used in workplace especially when
there are different strategies to deal with employees and clients within and outside of
the organization. Furthermore, during the internship period I had the accountability of
showing up on time and accomplishing the assigned duties on time which helped me to come
up with a punctual employee. Lastly, in an organization specific work culture has been
practiced which is based on the value the organization is willing to develop. I have
particularly learned about the culture of valuing each individual’s decision in the sales force
which can impact the performance as a whole.

Benefits of internship

 Because of the internship program, I have got to learn about corporate culture and
received a real time experience of field work.
 Gained experience on sales and marketing activities which I have always wanted to
do Meeting with new people every day has helped me to increase my networking.
 Created a sense of punctuality in me

Difficulties faced during the internship period

 Adopting with the corporate culture.

 Lacking relevance with my major
 Communicating with the sales team is challenging because most of the time they were
busy with their work.
 Absence of designated internship program in the company resulting in more time
consuming to adopt everything
 Maintaining communication with other departments

Recommendations for the future interns:

 Company should maintain a well-organized internship programs for fresh graduates.

So that students can finish their internship with a good guideline from the company.
 Give daily task and evaluate performance so that intern can really learn something
from the organization.
 Getting connected with the employees and follow what they do in their job like how
they connect with clients, how they behave in the work place and so on.

Chapter 2

Organization Part

2.1 Introduction

The cement industry in Bangladesh is experiencing rapid growth in response to the country's
expanding construction and infrastructure sectors. With the construction of new buildings,
bridges, and roads, the demand for cement has increased, and domestic firms have been
working hard to meet this demand. Bangladesh's cement industry has not only been able to
meet domestic demand, but it has also been exporting to neighboring countries such as India,
Myanmar, Nepal, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka. Among the companies operating in this
industry, Meghna Group of Industries (MGI) stands out as a major player with its subsidiary,
Fresh Cement, which has a significant market share and is well-known for its quality in the
country. In this article, we will explore the growth and success of Bangladesh's cement
industry and the role of companies like MGI and Fresh Cement in meeting the country's
growing demand for cement.

2.1.1 About Unique Cement Industry Limited

Because of Bangladesh's status as a developing country, there is always something being

built or renovated. Bangladesh's cement industry is growing in tandem with the country's
expanding construction and infrastructure sectors. At the moment, the country's cement
industry not only meets domestic demand, but it also exports to countries such as India,
Myanmar, Nepal, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka. Domestic firms currently dominate the
cement industry. (Faruquee, 2021) points out that according to the Bangladesh Cement
Manufacturers Association, the cement industry's annual sales have reached $3 billion

Meghna Group of Industries (MGI), of which Fresh Cement is a subsidiary, was founded in
the early days of the cement industry. Unique Cement Industries Limited, on the other hand,
is a subsidiary of the Meghna Group and was founded in 2001 to produce the Fresh Cement
brand of cement. They followed that up by launching a second cement brand, Meghna Deluxe

Cement. In terms of both market share and demand, however, 8.5% of the market is held by
fresh cement. In addition to meeting domestic demand, fresh cement is also exported to
countries like India, Myanmar, and Nepal. (Jamil, 2019) claims that since it’s famous, it is
used in the construction of so many bridges, flyovers, roads, and stadiums in our country,
fresh cement is also very fashionable here. Three of our nation's newest bridge projects are
currently underway, each using freshly mixed cement. Meghna Bridge Number Two,
Kachpur Bridge, and Gumti Bridge.

2.2 Overview of the Company

2.2.1 About MGI

Meghna Group is a multinational corporation that has expanded to 36 countries, 52 industrial

units, 50,000 employees, 6,300 distributors, and 15,000 suppliers. The company has a
turnover of USD 2.8 billion and an asset of USD 1 billion.Kamal Trading Company was the
business name of MGI's management in 1976. Then Meghna Vegetable Oil Industries Ltd.
was established. In 1989. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), construction supplies,
paper, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), feeds, fiber, power plants, shipping, chemicals, ship
building, dockyard, securities, insurance, media, and aviation are just a few of the industries
in which the group has expanded its operations. Notably, it has sold most of its wares under
the recognizable "Fresh," "No. 1," "Actifit," "Pure," and "Meghnacem Deluxe" brand names.
As a result, market research has shown that these specific brands' products are widely
consumed. MGI also has a sizable international footprint in Europe, South Africa, the
Americas, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

2.2.2 Business Verticles of MGI

FMCG Building Materials Pulp & Paper

Edible Oil Cement Tissue Paper

Milk Powder Steel Exercise Book

Drinking Water Ceramics Printing Paper(A3,A4)

Flour Chemicals Ball pen&Stationaries

Basic Chemicals Seeds Crushing
Condensed Milk
Hydrogen Peroxide

PET chips

Beverage Fibre
Economic Zones
Meghna Economic Zone
PET Bottles
Meghna Industrial Economic Aviation
Aromatic Rice
Puffed Rice
Cumilla Economic Zone

Meghna Riverfront Economic
Real Estate


Figure 1 Business Verticles of MGI (Business Verticles , n.d.)

2.2.3 Mission, Vision & Values of MGI

Mission: It is common for companies to have a mission statement that outlines their purpose,
values and goals. A mission statement can provide a direction for the company and serve as a
guide for decision-making. It also often used as a tool for communicating the company's
goals to employees, customers and other stakeholders.Hence,Meghna Group of
Industries(MGI) has the mission of bringing innovative solutions intending to maximizing
value while maintaining harmony with environment. (Meghna Group of Industries Brochure ,

Vision: The vision of MGI is to be the Bangladesh’s most admired and progressive
conglomerate with a global exposure. (Meghna Group of Industries Brochure , 2021)

Values: MGI has adopted the following values for itself-

 Integrity
 Respect
 Keeping Promises
 Customer Focuses
 Team Work

2.2.4 Corporate Social Responsibility

According to the company's founder, Mr. Mostafa Kamal, who stated in his message that
their objective is to be an industrial group safeguarding the social development, MGI cares
for and contributes to its surroundings through corporate social responsibility. Mr. Kamal has
funded a number of hospitals in this effort, including Central Hospital Limited and The
Barakah General Hospital. Al-Haj Noor Miah Degree College, Kankapaith Madrasa, and
Mostafa Kamal High School are among the educational institutions he supports. Additionally,
MGI as a business provided aid to five flood-affected districts in 2007. To better serve moms
traveling with toddlers and young children, it has opened a baby care area in the departure
lounge of Hazrart Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka.

2.3 Management Practices

2.3.1 Leadership Style

While the Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for all major business decisions, MGI
takes a democratic leadership stance wherein employees' opinions and ideas are valued and
considered. In fact, great leaders are able to inspire their teams to think outside the box,
which leads to improved initiatives and more constructive input from everyone involved. The
company's development into new international markets, for instance, is decided upon after
extensive group deliberation and consensus, with the leader's encouragement and guidance.
Here, employees from different divisions can team up with anybody they like, with the group
leader responsible for delegating work.

2.3.2 Human Resource Planning

HR department of the MGI follows 4 steps in the management of employees and future
acquisition of talents. These are recruitment& selection based on the job analysis performed
thoroughly, organizational development focusing on the training of the employees, ensuring
workplace environment to be better and achieving employee satisfaction through a
compensation team and lastly with a HR service team.

The planning process for recruiting starts with outlining the requirements of any specific job
positions vacant .In general, the knowledge, skills, abilities are the core parameters to assess
the efficiency of any candidate and thus these parameters are being set widely. The
prospective candidates have to necessarily meet the criteria of the set requirements along with
his competency to be responsible for the assigned role in the organization.

2.3.3 Recruitment& Selection

After the planning is done, the recruitment and selection process go through following steps

Vacancy Qualifications
Total number
for the
Identification of positions

Job Job
Job Analysis descriptions specifications
Job Evaluation

Searching Activation

Shortlisting Resumes

Efficiency and
Assessment dependability
& Control of the Process

Figure 2 Recruitment & Selection Process of MGI

 Vacancy identification: When the number of vacant positions is identified from

different departments along with the required job skills and qualifications, the
recruitment manager checks the validity of the vacant positions and suggest any
further qualifications if needed.
 Job analysis: In this particular step the HR department specifically look into job
related procedures such as – job specifications and job descriptions. The job
description enables the job related information ,job roles and responsibilities and
associated tasks whereas the job specifications will clear out the necessary job skills.
Afterwards, the HR team determines the amount of money and other allowances need
to be allocated for the vacant positions based on the job specifications and job
descriptions performed earlier.
 Searching: MGI generally uses Source activation and Selling for their searching
process of right candidates for the vacant positions or for the positions which have
been created. The recruitment team post about different vacancies in online job
portals. Since, MGI does not use internal sources except for the emergency
recruitment, external sources are the main medium through which by using Job
portals, Career Fair, News Ad, it attracts the candidates.
 Shortlisting: From the submitted applications a few numbers of resumes are reviewed
and unqualified candidates are excluded from the selection process. The primarily
selected candidates attend an interview over video or mobile call where their interest
towards the organization and basic communication skills are assessed. For hiring the
best candidates among tops the resumes of potential candidates are shortlisted. This
shortlist basically comprises of 5-10 potential candidates from which the hiring
manager get some insights about the candidates.

 Assessment &Control: The credibility and validity of the whole selection process and
its efficiency is being evaluated in this step to make possible changes in future

2.3.4 Compensation:

MGI tries to achieve the following objectives through its management of compensation:

 Reduce employee turnover

 Increasing efficiency of employees
 Achieving brand value as employer
 Equity management
 Motivating the employees

(Shaon, 2020) asserts that there is a specific team for compensation management in MGI who
are responsible to provide salary to the employees in time. Additionally, the team outlines
wage and salary administration, remuneration while the team has to figure out a whole
compensation package. The salary is paid in the first day of the month.

2.3.5 Training & Development Initiatives:

MGI intends to harness the potential of the people as they see their employees as a leader for
next generation creating an impact on lives. Thus, MGI undertakes different programs for the
development of their employees which are as follows:

On the Job Training: By using Job rotation trainees from one department to other
departments, knowledge and experience of various departments jobs are being transported to
the trainees. This method of training helps other employees to understand the problem. In
fact, the company tries to offer a well-planned career progression for their future business
leaders who will get end-to-end business knowledge through rotation of their jobs.

Internship: Under this method, the theoretical and practical directions are given to the trainees
who are looking forward to entering into the corporate environment of MGI. Generally,
students of engineering departments are put on internship in different production facilities of
MGI where they get a deep understanding of the production of different tangible goods and
business graduates receive such training for a short stipend where they get idea about how
the business operations and management practices are performed within the company.

However, their target is to leverage their knowledge to the prospectus youths from the
reputed universities of Bangladesh.

2.3.6 Performance Appraisal System:

MGI practices such evaluation system for their employees where they are being assessed on
their real time performance. When any of the employees are able to provide good outcomes,
he/she receives appraisal and thus the company is cultivating a pay-for-performance culture.

2.4 Marketing Practices

2.4.1 Market Segmentation: Unique Cement Industry has segmented it’s market into
following segments enabling the company to expand their sales in the whole country:

 Distributors: Unique cement industry acknowledges the impact of distributors for

selling their cements into the root level consumers. These distributors are the big
sellers who in general are responsible for selling cements to the dealers located in the
sub districts. Also, the company maintains direct contact with the distributors.

 Retailers: This segment of the consumers have the flexibility to deal with company
directly although generally they have been making deal with the local distributors.

 Corporate customers: Developer companies of different infrastructures are the prime

customers of this segment who directly deal with the Unique Cement industry as they
have to purchase cement in a bulk amount and use those cement in their constraction

2.4.2 Target customers,Trageting& Positioning Strategy

 Target Customers: As discussed above about the market segmentation of Unique

Cement Industry Limited (UCIL), it is thus evident that the target customers are not
only business consumers but also end users of cement. To illustrate, in order to reach
to the end users especially to users who tend to buy cements for building their own
house the UCIL is increasing the number of distributors in different regions which

will increase their market share as well. Also, there are certain customers of cement
who may be needing less than 300 bags cement who are treated as retailers. These
retailers when buying from the distributor have to pay a higher price and considering
these as a customer retention strategy UCIL is now on the way to develop direct sales
service with the existing retailers as well. This company is using push strategy to
reach into the end users.

 Positioning Strategy: The positioning strategy of UCIL highlights the unique features
of the cement that distinguishes it from its competitors such as – Holcim,
Bashundhara, Crown Cement Seven Rings Cement etc. Considering the lifecycle of
the product-cement, the company has adopted following positional strategies:

a) Product characteristics: Fresh cement focuses on quality, brand durability,

dependability and reliability. Their product is highly durable and sound
concrete due to a very low percentage of alkalis, chloride, magnesia. It
surpasses the quality specifications specified in the standards especially the
compressive strength. Average of 24 months based on the samples tested in
b) Pricing: Fresh cement focuses on quality so that their pricing is also higher in
terms of regular pricing in the building materials industry. Since, consumers
are used to buy Fresh cement at a higher price, so their quality need to be
c) Product class: UCIL markets 2 types of cement under the brand name
‘fresh’ .One is regular product another one is customized product. Regular
product is produced for the local market and customized product is produced
for export purpose. The three regular cements can be found in three variants
namely fresh super cement, fresh special cement and fresh cement. All are
highly durable, low heat of hydration, better surface finish, better workability.
d) Competitors: Fresh cement uses latest German POLYCOM technology which
no one in the cement industry use except fresh. To add, they have two types
of brand one is fresh cement another one is menace deluxe cement. In fresh
super cement they use 95-100% clinker. No other company in this industry
use this percentage of clinker in their cement. These have enabled UCIL to
place unique value proposition in the consumers mind.

2.4.3 Marketing Channels
By carefully analyzing the channels through which customers purchase cements, UCIL
identifies new opportunities for marketing their cements. The most common channels used by
UCIL for cement is described below:

UCIL has its own selected distribution covering the market of the whole country. Every
possible point the country is being reached. It overcomes the major times, place and
possession gaps that separate goods and services from those who would use them. In general,
it uses Primary and Secondary distribution channels to sell its product to the end users.
 Primary Distribution: In this distribution channel cement is being produced at the
factories of UCIL and then marketed to the distributors. The whole country is divided
into several zones such as east zone and west zone where the distributors are located.
Each zones can have 5-6 distributors along with the flexibility of each zone later
converted into sub-zones. Thus, cement produced in factories of UCIL, through using
secured transport system are transported to these distributors. Eventually, cements
from the warehouses or depots of distributors are purchased by local retailers and by
corporate consumers.
 Secondary Distribution: When the zone-wised distributors receive orders from the
local retailers they send their demand forecast to the production plant of UCIL and
that is the retailers buy from the distributors and work as local consumer but not as the
end users. These retailers sell these cements to the end users of urban and sub-urban
areas throughout Bangladesh.
2.4.4 Branding Activities

Having a distinctive brand can have a significant effect on a company's bottom line since it
gives the business an edge in the marketplace and helps bring in and keep existing customers
at a cheaper cost. Unique Cement Industry Ltd(UCIL) seizes the chance to influence its
customers' expectations by building a reputation for the company through personal
interactions, clever marketing language, and eye-catching visuals.

 Police Box Branding: In different locations of capital city UCIL has sponsored about
14 police boxes surrounding. Some of the notable area are Sonir Akhra Bridge,High
Court Chattar,Sony Cinema Hall,Notun Bazar Police Box.

 Traffic Umbrella Branding: Several traffic umbrella has been sponsored by UCIL
which have been used as the branding of the cement as well.In Gulshan Shooting
Club,Banani-11 some of the traffic umbrella of fresh cement is visible.
 High Wall Painting: Wall Painting Advertising in several buildings of Shonir
Akhra,Gabtoli,Savar,Ashulia have enabled the brand “Meghnacem Delux” to
communicate it’s message in a great way to its target market which is also way more
engaging than broadcasting messages with hoarding.
 Airport Railway Station Branding: Being one of the busiest public place where
potential end users of cement are often seen, UCIL has tried to utilize the airport and
railway station by putting digital banner of their brand which also portray the usage of
Fresh cement in the national projects.

Thus, this types of branding activities are creating positive brand image in the consumers

2.4.5 Promotional Strategies

 Television Commercials: Considering the surge of social media users along with TV
commercials Unique Cement Industries nowadays launching Online Video
Commercials featuring their involvement in mega projects. Also, they have been
arranging campaigns featuring construction of Shaheed Miner on the occasion of 21
 Radio Advertisements: Pursuing the matter of radio users especially to people who are
compeled to sit in the traffic radio advertisements are being telecasted in national
radio channels such as FM 89.6 which are of at least 20-30 seconds in duration.
 Newspaper: Like other traditional form of advertisements Fresh Cement and
Meghnacem Deluxe in the form of print advertisements circulate their ongoing
projects, upcoming projects and activities in country’s top newspaper such as Prothom
Alo,Kaler Kontho,Daily Star .

 Regional Activity: Anyone can join the Home Builders Club, an activity organized by
Unique Cement Industry Limited, to get knowledge about home construction. The
company's information hub provides recommendations on how to tighten up your
home. In addition, one can get free advice from professionals if you have any
questions. Renowned architect Aupee Karim has addressed audiences in Comilla,
Rangpur, Rajshahi, and Sylhet as part of Home Builders Club seminars. Engineers
from BUET provided guidance and fielded questions from the public.
 Engineer/Dealer/Retail Meet: Engineers who are the core stakeholders of fresh
cement are invited to Engineer’s meet where they are enlightened with the Fresh
cement and its associated brand’s features along with different technical seminars
being organized.UCIL has been organizing annual engineer’s meet where they have
been provided with the brand’s insight as well as refreshments and souvenirs.

2.5 Accounting Practices

Meghna Group records all of its financial transactions using Tally ERP9, the standard accoun
ting software in its business.(ISLAM) mentioned the following steps that MGI uses
to enter data into the system:

Firstly, each transactions are being categorized on the basis of certain characteristics. The
basic procedure is then followed by classifying the variables such as assets, revenues,
liabilities and costs. However, MGI's considers groups as control ledgers They modify the
software and package settings of Tally to meet their individual needs and organize the ledgers
and groups appropriately. (ISLAM)

The accountants employ a method known as double entry to capture extensive and
meaningful accounting information. Different titles are used to keep track of various sorts of
income and costs, debt and equity, profit and loss, assets and liabilities. The ledgers required
for data entry in Tally are produced, and a unique code is issued to each of the institution's
ledgers. (ISLAM) has shown in his investigation that there are two separate techniques to
ledger manufacturing. The first kind of ledger is the Single Ledger, which is constructed
using the Single Ledger menu and one entry at a time. Whenever there is more than one
ledger, the Multiple ledger is formed. The Multiple ledger menu is where the item is
produced. MGI creates their ledgers and groups according to the requirements of their
businesses and the performance of the organization.
Cost Center:
The accountants at Meghna Group use a cost center to study the many facets of the company'
s expenses.MGI utilizes a variety of cost centers, including manufacturing, accounting, admin
istration, marketing, and sales, among others. On occasion, the projects and subprojects act as
the cost center. In addition, they use a big cost center that is composed of several sub cost cen
ters. (ISLAM)
Inventory Management:

Inventory refers to the list of all products currently available for purchase. Meghna Group ma
intains an inventory record in accordance with relevant legislation. Meghna Group's inventor-
y management system includes, among other things, the issuance of raw materials, the determ
ination of how much raw material is used in production during the process, the determination
of how much product is idle, the determination of when to coordinate purchase orders, and th
e determination of how much product they can keep in stock. Inventory management is essent
ial for a production based firm like MG, thus they execute it meticulously. (ISLAM)

At Meghna Group, the accounting process known as payroll administration is responsible for
calculating and documenting employees' earnings, salaries, bonuses, and many other benefits
and deductions. MGI is required to pay its workers at the end of every month; their salaries ar
e based on their positions, the number of hours they work, and the task they do.The payroll co
nsists of a variety of components, including the base income, bonus, overtime pay, housing re
nt, transportation allowance, medical allowance, and any other benefits the employer may wa
nt to provide. Additionally, numerous fees, including income tax and provident fund payment
s, are deducted from an employee's compensation before it is given. (ISLAM)

Due to the extensive variety of products supplied by Meghna Group, the selling price of each
item is subject to VAT, a kind of value-added tax. In addition, they are liable for the payment
of value-added tax on each individual item. Due to this tax, the buyer must pay the tax
directly to the business, and by default, the business paid the same amount of tax to the
government to the tax office. Consequently, the purchaser is essentially taxed twice. Due to
the Meghna Group's prominence and size, it often pays the correct amount of VAT on the
things it sells. (ISLAM)

2.6 Operation Management & Information Practices

The program known as SAP(Sales Automation Program) is being utilized by unique cement
industry limited in order to gather, store, and process their customer information. When it
comes to enterprise resource planning (ERP), SAP is one of the technologies that is used all
over the world the most frequently. Utilizing software of this kind makes it possible to reach
the highest potential levels of productivity across the board in all facets of corporate
operations. It is the only approach that is currently accessible for retaining a genuine control
over internal processes, which is why its deployment is nearly essential in the operations of
significant organizations. As you would have anticipated, the vast majority of small and
medium-sized firms do not even dare to consider investing in all of those skills due to the
high price point. This is because investing in all of those capabilities would require a
significant financial commitment. This approach is utilized by the majority of the major
corporations. The management is able to keep an easy eye on everything by using this SAP
system. It regulates financial matters, including payments of taxes, and it keeps an eye on
costs. In addition to that, Company is able to readily use this system as a tool for managing
their human resources. This program allows a company to quickly save all of their data and
keep track of everything, including sales data, delivery data, sales invoice data, customers'
details, track the delivery product, manage company sale, and most importantly, analyze their
business performance by using all of those data.

2.7 Industry and Competitive Analysis

2.7.1 Porters Five Forces Analysis of Cement Industry

The Porter Five Factors model describes and analyzes five competitive factors that impact
every industry. This approach also helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a
certain industry.

Threat of New Entrants

 Cement industry has to pay a lot of money in taxes and shipping costs. That’s why it
is very difficult for new companies to enter into this market.
 A cement company is not an example of a small business. To begin a business, the
company need a substantial amount of early financing. In addition, the cement
industry has significant production expenses, a huge workforce, and several kinds of
heavy machinery and equipment for manufacturing. So, the treat of new entrants for
the cement industry is low.
 Because of high entry barriers Multinational companies cannot easily enter into this
 The restricted supply of raw materials in our country is one of the factors that works
to slow down the manufacture of cement products.

Threat of Substitutes
 The specialists who research the cement industry estimate that by the year 2050,
constructions constructed of cement will likely be replaced by steel or a more
advanced alternative material. This forecast was produced by experts. However, this
forecast does not represent a significant threat to the cement industry.
 Despite the fact that there is no alternative product, cement is utilized. Therefore, the
potential for item substitution is restricted.
Bargaining Power of Buyers
 The buyer often has a strong negotiating position. There are several types of
cement products accessible in Bangladesh, each with its own quantity and
price. As a direct result buyers may get the products of another company with
reasonable simplicity.

 The government is the industry's primary customer for cement products. In
order to finish the building of new roads and bridges, the engineers have been
using a particular kind of cement product. This activity is also carried out by
real estate and development companies. On the other hand, the power of the
buyer might be rather weak at times. Because the use of a certain cement
product in the construction of a building requires subsequent builders to use
the same cement product, customers are forced to buy identical items.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
 Bargaining power of suppliers become high. Major component in the
production of cement is raw material. Main raw material of production is
clinker. Bangladesh cannot produce this clinker domestically so that every
cement industry has to import this raw material from other countries. As it is
not available in our country the bargaining power of this particular product
suppliers is high.
 There are times when the supplier has a lot of power when it comes to
negotiations. Most of the time, this is because there aren't enough machines
and tools for the cement industry anywhere in the country. So, the businesses
have to import these machines from the companies that make them.

Current Rivalry
 The threat of rivalry is high. Because there are almost ten companies operating
in the cement industry.
 This firm has a competitive edge over others since they are able to utilize their
own financial institution, Megna group, to import the primary raw material
used in the production of cement clinkers. This material must be imported
from another country.

2.7.2 SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a strategy used in strategic planning and strategic management that helps a
company determine its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in relation to
business competitiveness or project planning.


• Fresh Cement has been present in the Bangladeshi market for many years and has
developed to become the sixth biggest cement firm there.

• The Meghna Group of Industries owns many FMCG companies. These provide the
buyer a unique option. Fresh is the name of the brand. Consequently, the firm profits from
the performance, marketing, and reputation of its other products.

• In order to raise overall sales, it has expanded its market into other regions of

• Effective Sales Team and Channel Support Backed by an Experienced Brand Team

• Unique Cement is a limited liability corporation. Consequently, choosing decisions is

now significantly easier.

• As they have financial institutions, they can easily manage LC from their own bank
and import raw materials.


• The company's transportation facilities lag behind those of its competitors.

• There is no training facility.

• Limited coverage area.

• Marketing activities is not that much strong than competitors.

• Price is higher than the rivals.

• No website development


• By taking the initiative, it has the capacity to satisfy the needs of the dissatisfied

• Even though they now only sell to India and a few other nearby nations, there is
significant development potential in this region.

• In this economic crisis as they have their own financial institutions and power
generation it’s a great opportunity to continue regular supply in the market.


• In this economic crisis most of the real estate businessman and households decide not
to invest in the current situation. As a result, company sales will gradually fall down.

• So many competitors already exist in the market and their product price is lower than
Fresh cement.

• Fresh cement competes with internationally recognized brands such PREMIER,

CROWN, SEVEN RINGS, HOLCIM, SCAN, and SHAH & KIJ. On the market, there is
a tremendous amount of competition for it.

• As a consequence of altering government policy, the housing market is suffering

2.8 Conclusions

From the discussion above the cement production of Unique cement Industries which have
been using the state of the art technologies is likely to face competition from the market
players since the marketing and promotional activities that have been undertaken by UCIL
are not up to the mark. Also, the information regarding the accounting and financial practices
of the UCIL are not adequate enough to conduct a thorough research in this field. Thus, the
company has to initiate information processing if it wants to develop the strategies with a
view to stay competitive in the market.

Chapter 3

Project Part- Sales Force Automation in secondary sales of Unique

Cement Industries

3.1 Introduction

Unique Cement Industries Ltd (UCIL) being one of the industry leader of cement industry of
Bangladesh have been producing two renowned brands of cements named- Fresh cement and
Meghnacem Deluxe cement for the last few decades. These cements are being marketed
through primary and secondary distribution network where in the secondary distribution
network the company is trying to meet the increasing demand of the end users through
utilizing its broad retailers network. However, in Bangladesh due to the continuous process of
infrastructure development demand of construction materials such as cement is on the rise.
Considering this as one of the major opportunity, the company uses a Sales automation
software which basically aims at ensuring collection of timely order from the retail market
and maintaining accurate forecasting of demand from the retailers. This study thus focuses on
the effect of sales automation software in developing efficiency of retailers management
where sales data can give a vivid indication for the production of cements while meeting
market demand.

3.1.1 Background

Overview of Sales Channels

 Primary Sales: Primarily, a manufacturer or national supplier will sell directly to a

local, state, or regional wholesaler. The term "Primary Sales" is used to describe the
initial sale of a product, such as when a manufacturer sends an invoice to a distributor
in one city. The company's gross revenue comes from selling products to distributors
at the wholesale price. (Channelplay)
 Secondary Sales: The term "Secondary Sales" is used to describe the sale made by a
distributor to a retailer. During this process, the distributor maintains its profit margin
while the retailer bears the cost of the product. (Channelplay)
 Tertiary Sales: When end good is sold to the end user by a retailer then it can be
called tertiary sales.

However, a company mainly depends on secondary sales. If there are no secondary sales,
dealers or distributors will not buy products as a company won’t be able to make primary
sales. So, it will end up with no revenue.

To manage the secondary sales normally companies follow certain step

Market Propose Take Issue

visit offerings orders invoice

Figure 3 Conventional Secondary Sales Process

As it can be commented from the process of conventional sales process that it needs lot of
paper works as well as time. In this era of big data, this process cannot be termed as
convenient while it is actually possible to mitigate time of collecting data and issuing
invoices to the retailers with few touches of screen if an automated system can be
implemented. According to

Overview of Secondary Sales Automation

Secondary Sales Automation is basically a system which includes order processing, order
tracking, analysis of sales forecast. This system can give an outlook of real-time sales trend
based on the past recorded data along with giving predictions on the future sales trends with
the help of business intelligence.

The system is able to initiate following functions:

 Monitoring sales team

 Preparing accurate data automatically
 Providing sales insights
 Increasing productivity
 Enabling cloud storage for sensitive data
 Focusing on business expansion

Challenges of Secondary Sales Automation

In the context of Bangladesh, sales force is undisputedly a crucial part for generating
revenues. Although the technological environment has driven the companies to opt for digital

technologies, the question still remains regarding the implementation of digital technologies
in all aspects. While adopting new technologies has become one of the sole concern there is
another fact that will adopting new technologies can create impact as the network
vulnerability is an awakening concern.

For instance, (Gohmann, Barker, Faulds, & Guan, 2005) in their study claimed that due to
short-sightedness the effectiveness of such system can be invisible to some extent. To
illustrate, (Scornavacca & Sutherland, 2008) even pointed out that a New Zealand based fast
moving consumer goods company which had implemented Sales force automation for its 20
sales representatives where they opined it as not effective in increasing sales amount. From
this (Dita Hommerová, 2014) concluded that The primary challenge here is learning how to
effectively use the new system. Of course, the company needs to allow sufficient time for the
actual selection of the system, but it should also devote special care to the stages of planning
and installing the new technology, which are often neglected.

3.1.2 Objectives of the study

The objective of this study is to determine potential benefits and associated challenges of
using Sales force automation system for improving secondary sales performance in cement

 Examining the positive effects of Sales force automation system in sales operation
 Identifying potential challenges to implement the system
 Outlining the possibilities to implement the system for secondary sales

3.1.3 Significance of the study

This research contributes to our knowledge of automated systems for increasing secondary
sales in Bangladesh and their potential for generating revenue growth there. The primary
objective of this paper is to pinpoint the factors that, when combined, make a difference in
salespeople's levels of happiness or discontent. From this, the study's conclusions on the most
common places and reasons for using the system can be gleaned. What makes this research

unique is that it zeroes in on the salespeople who are actually interacting with the merchants
on behalf of the program. Also, it will demonstrate why it's crucial to catch up with the times
and use the latest innovation. Finally, the research will offer numerical details about the
system's usability as attained, based on the gathered data. The reader will not only learn more
about each topic, but also get a better grasp on how to go about resolving the issues raised.

3.2 Research Methodology

 Primary Data: The overall information regarding the Sales and distribution channels
of unique cement industries have been collected from the interview with the on-site
supervisor and office stuffs.
 Secondary Data: For getting an overall understanding of the Secondary Sales
Automation system, a demo file has been studied .Also, for generic overview of
related literature sales force automation related papers have been reviewed. And,
finally a survey has been conducted on 25 samples from the sales force to get a vivid
analysis of the system’s adaptability.However,real time statistical methods such as
hypothesis testing have been performed on specific questions meeting the research

3.3 Findings & Analysis from the study

Major findings

 Hypothesis 1: Provides effective and actual calculation of order

Most of the respondents opined at agreeing on the accuracy of the sales force automation
system while they have been using it for conducting secondary sales daily in the market. The
survey suggests that about 45.8% have agreed on the system’s accuracy whereas a about 30%
have confirmed the accuracy of sales data and the calculated output from the system.

Figure 4 Response on System Accuracy

This implies that by using the system sales representatives don’t need to use their mobile
calculators as the calculation system is already embedded with the system itself and hence the
possibility of making human-made mistakes is less .

 Hypothesis 2: Device help to track retailer outlets status such as verified or not

Findings of this hypothesis reinforce that the sales representatives are able to check instantly
whether any particular retailer is verified since it’s added as a feature in the software. That is
the following figure from survey data represents that 20.8% employees working with the
retailers agree on this hypothesis whereas at least half of the respondents are agree with this
since they can now experience more flexibility and credibility while verifying the retailers.

Figure 5 Response on Systems ability to work efficiently

However, a small portion of the sales representatives remain neutral to rate this statement. It
has revealed from discussion with this group of employees that, they are still unaware about
any sort of bugs operating in the backend of the system which may result in disabling the
verification options or adding retailer option in the system.

 Hypothesis 3: This system store past and present data easily and helps to analyse
those data

The vast majority of respondents affirm this assertion to be true. During the order-taking
process, the corresponding sales person might check his device to gain a sense of the client's
buying habits.

This allows him to highlight the specific cement brand, such as Meghnacem Delux or Fresh,
that stores typically stocked. Furthermore, he is free to pursue any connected cement. If SRs
are able to check the retailer's credit status, they can speed up the time it takes to restore
credit. Reminding the shop and requesting a due date for payment are common methods of
credit collection.

Figure 6 Responses on systems ability to store and analyze data

 Hypothesis 4: By using the system productivity of sales office can be improved

As it is evident from the pie chart that almost 70% of the sales force employees have positive
feedback on the system improving the productivity of the secondary sales.This is due to the
fact that instead of paper works sales recording and tracking has been converted into mobile
app based system. Therefore, record keeping workforce of the company can be utilized for
increasing the sales now.

Figure 7 Responses on increasing the productivity

System flexibility analysis

System Usability Score: At first to determine the satisfaction of the users who are basically
sales force, a survey has been conducted on 23 samples where the respondents gave their
opinion based on specific questions( see appendix A ).This survey enabled to test the
usability of the Sales force automation system and thus came out with the following outcome
as shown in the figure. In general, the average SUS score of 68.0 implies that the Sales force
automation system being used by Unique Cement Industries has achieved acceptance among
the sales force of the company.

Figure 8 SUS Score

3.4 Summary

When it comes to secondary sales, merchants and Unique Cement Industries Ltd (UCIL)
sales staff are two of the most essential stakeholders. This system's major purpose is to
accurately manage sales orders and analyze the data they include. This single hub now

disseminates secondary sales information, including the Daily Retail Visit and Order
collection from Market, making it a great resource for the UCIL sales team. This time, the
SUS score and user reviews were used to measure the efficacy and efficiency of secondary
sales automation. When compared to traditional, manual sales processes, Sales Force
Automation (SFA) gets an average score of 68 on the SUS standard scale, showing that most
sales representatives see it as an effective technology. It has also enhanced sales team
productivity by streamlining the order-taking process and creating summary reports that are
critical for measuring the efficacy of the various sales personnel that engage with shops in the
marketplaces. However, Bangladesh's poor network connectivity has been identified as a
major impediment to the smooth implementation of SFA. Because interacting with the
market has always been a difficult and time-consuming operation for this company, we can
conclude that UCIL has begun to see the benefits of the system-based order and sales
recording process, despite encountering numerous problems during the installation. Finally,
Secondary Sales Automation is currently in the implementation stage, and the business is
optimistic that additional dynamic outcomes can be achieved using this technology.

3.5 Implications

As, this report is based on the impact of Sales Force Automation system on the secondary
sales, UCIL thus can implicate following strategies to efficiently utilize this system:

 Since, order which is confirmed once cannot be edited or removed without the
consent of the Area In charge, so for minimizing the time to alter such order, there
should be final approval feature integrated through which Area In charge can
immediately check and dismiss the order.
 Individual performance of Sales representatives needs to be monitored and this
system can implement a relatable feature of Sales Performance where through a
dashboard daily sales performance can be tracked as well as sales commission can be
distributed on daily basis.
 The system can be associated with a payment gateway system to ensure cashless and
instant payment as it would clear out security concerns for both end .


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Appendix A.

Survey Questionnaires for SUS of Sales force automation

1.The system helps to achieve employees sales target

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

2. By using the system to more closely manage sales personnel, upper management can
improve the productivity of individual sales offices

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

3. The amount of time required is reasonable

o Strongly agree

o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

4. The system improves employees productivity

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

5. The information provides by the system is accurate

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

6. This system store past and present data easily and helps to analyze those data

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

7. The system helps employees more effectively perform their duties

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

8. The application is user friendly

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

9. Employees satisfied with the system

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

10. The system provides flexibility

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree


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