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Structural Design of Rigid Pavements g g

by Dr. Peijun Guo Department of Civil Engineering Text Sections: M&F 11.2, 13, 15 e t Sect o s & , 3, 5 Huang Chapter 12



Integrated Climatic Model M d l Traffic Loadings


Material Properties Pavement Structure

Analysis Pavement Response

Distress Prediction

Rigid Pavement g

Surface smoothness or rideability Longitudinal joint Transverse joint Surface Texture

Thickness Design

Concrete materials Dowel bars Tiebars Subgrade g Subbase or base

AASHTO Design Method g

Design Consideration Pavement performance Traffic Roadbed soil/Slab characteristics Environment Reliability life cycle cost (LCC) Shoulder design

AASHTO Design Method g

Applicable to JPCP, RCP and CRCP Similar to AASHTO design for flexible pavements Pavement strength measured by slab thickness D (not accurate)

Slab Sl b thickness


Integrated Climatic Model M d l


Material Properties Pavement Structure

Traffic Loadings

Analysis Pavement Response

Distress Prediction

Material Characteristics
Soil (subgrade): Coefficient of subgrade reaction k k depends on moisture content and density of soil k can be estimated if CBR or Mr is known Design k values are composite k (subbase + subgrade) b d ) Effective k used to take account of seasonal variation (similar to that for flexible pavement)

Soil Types and k-value yp

TypeofSoil yp Support pp kValues MPa/m (psi/in3) 20to34 (75to120) (75 to 120 ) CBR

Finegrainedsoilsinwhichsiltand claysizeparticlespredominate l i i l d i



Sandsandsandgravelmixtures Sands and sand gravel mixtures with moderateamountsofsandand clay

Medium Medium

35to49 35 to 49 (130to170)

4.5to7.5 4 5 to 7 5

Sandsandsandgravelmixtures relativelyfreeofplasticfines


50to60 (180to220)


Material Characteristics: Subgrade k Values

Material Characteristics: Concrete Slab

Elastic Modulus Ec (ACI 318, normal weight concrete)

Ec (GPa ) = 4.73 f c ( MPa ) Ec ( psi ) = 57, 000 f c ( psi ) Ec (GPa ) = 0.043


f c : Compressive strength

f c ( MPa )

: unit weight of concrete, kN/m3

Material Characteristics: Concrete Slab

Flexural strength (Modulus of rapture)

SC ( MPa ) = 0.556 f c ( MPa )

Third point Third-point Loading

SC or MR( psi ) =

(8 ~ 10 )

f c ( psi )
L/3 Span Length = L



Integrated Climatic Model M d l


Material Properties Pavement Structure

Traffic Loadings

Analysis Pavement Response

Distress Prediction

Traffic analysis y
Similar to Flexible pavement design

ESAL = ( ADT )0 (T ) T f (365) (GF ) ( DL)


T = Tf = GF = DL =

T f = ( pi Fi )( A)
i =1


Traffic analysis y
Similar to Flexible pavement design Rigid EASLs Flexible EASLs Since pavement responses are different, the equivalency factors (LEFs) are different

Rigid pavement
Nt18 Ntx

D: Slab thickness in inch

the number of x-axle load applications at the end of pp time t; Nt18 = the number of 80-kN single-axle load applications to time t; Lx = the load in kip on one single axle, one set of tandem axles, or one set of tridem axle; L2 = the axle code (1 for single axle, 2 for tandem axles, h l d ( f l l f d l and 3 for tridem axles); D= Pt = Slab thickness (in) 1 in = 25.4 mm; (in), 25 4 the terminal serviceability, which indicates the pavement conditions to be considered as failures; af function of P and 18 i the value of ( x when Lx i i f Pt; d is h l f ( h is equal to 18 and L2 is equal to one.

Ntx =

Gt =


Integrated Climatic Model M d l


Material Properties Pavement Structure

Traffic Loading

Analysis Pavement Response Distress Prediction

Rigid g pavement

Design Criteria g
Primarily considerations

Fatigue of concrete slab:

Pavement structure Cracking/Functional failure

Erosion of subgrade soils:

subbase/subgrade pumping, joint faulting, etc

Tensile cracking at the bottom of concrete slab

Mud pumping

Erosion Model
Conditions for Pumping Subgrade Soil that will go into
Soil Suspension Erodibility of subbase/ subgrade soil Water Free water between Slab and Subgrade S b d Frequent Heavy wheels loads Load g / Large Deflections

Currently, no mechanistic models are available y

Erosion Model -F t Factors t b considered: to be id d

Subbase and subgrade characteristics g Drainage condition Joint load transfer effectiveness -H How i load transferred t subgrade soil is l d t f d to b d il

Erosion Model: Pumping Index (PI) p g ( )

Jointed plain concrete pavement
PI = ( N18 )

[ 1.479 + 0.255(1 S ) + 0.0604 P + 52.65H 1.747 + 0.0002269( FI )1.205 ]

Pumping index (PI) on a scale of 0 to 3 g

0 no pumping; 1 low-severity pumping 2 low-severity pumping; 3 high-severity pumping

N18 = ESALs; H = slab thickness (in) S = soil type: 0 for coarse-grained soils (A-1 to A-3), 1 g ( ) for fine-grained soils (A-4 to A-7) P = annual precipitation (cm) FI = freezing index (degree days)

Erosion Model: Pumping Index (PI) p g ( )

Jointed reinforced concrete pavement
PI = ( N18 )

[ 22.82 + 26,102.2 H 5.0 0.129 D 0.118S

0.0395 0 00805 + 13.224 P 0 0395 + 6.834(1 + FI )0.00805 ]

Pumping index (PI) on a scale of 0 to 3 g

0 no pumping; 1 low-severity pumping 2 low-severity pumping; 3 high-severity pumping

D= indicator for the presence of drainage systems: 0 for no subdrainage system, 1 for subdrainage y system

Erosion Model: Pumping Index (PI) p g ( )

JPCP erosion model

N = 289, R2 = 0.68 SEE (std error of estimate) = 0 42 0.42

JRCP erosion model i d l

N = 481, R2 = 0.57 SEE = 0.52

Erosion Model: Drainage Characteristics g Use Drainage coefficient Cd g It accounts for the drainage characteristics of the subgrade h d i h i i f h b d the amount of water the subgrade retains - sandy material = 1.0
- Similar in concept to flexible pavement terms

Drainage coefficient Cd g

Recommended Values of Drainage Coefficients Cd for Rigid Pavements Percentage of time pavement structure is exposed to Quality of drainage moisture levels approaching saturation Rating Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor Water removed within 2 hours 1 day 1 week 1 month Never drain Less than 1% 1.25-1.20 1.20-1.15 1.15-1.10 1.10-1.00 1 10-1 00 1.00-0.90 1-5% 1.20-1.15 1.15-1.10 1.10-1.00 1.00-0.90 1 00-0 90 0.90-0.80 5-25% 1.15-1.10 1.10-1.00 1.00-0.90 0 90-0 80 0.90-0.80 0.80-0.70 Greater than 25% 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 08 0.7

(AASHTO 1993)

Erosion model: Load Transfer at Joints

PC slab

Without subbase: 0% load transfer efficiency


Aggregate interlock: load is transferred via shear between aggregate particles below the joint Doweled j i t without D l d joint ith t subbase: 100% load transfer efficiency

Load Transfer Coefficient J

A factor used to account for the ability of the pavement to transfer across discontinuities, such as slab joint, or cracks Used for pavement with dowel bars at the joints, tied shoulders Generally increases with increased traffic for a given set of conditions If dowels are used the size and spacing must be p g determined by local agency procedure ( generally, dowel diameter = 1/8 slab thickness, spacing = 12 (305 mm) and length = 18 (457 mm) 18

Load Transfer Coefficient J

Recomme nde d Load Transfe r Coe fficie nt J for Various Paveme nt Type s and Design Conditions Type of shoulder Load transfe r devices JPCP and JRCP CRCP Yes Y Asphalt No N Tie d PCC Yes Y No N 2.5-3.1 2.3-2.9




(AASHTO 1993)

- J i affected b th t is ff t d by the type of shoulder f h ld - Shoulder reduces the load transferred to subgrade - Higher load transfer efficiency yields smaller J

AASHTO DESIGN: Reliability R y

The statistical factors that influence pavement performance are: Overall standard deviation ( S0 )is the same as in flexible pavements ZR (standard normal deviate) describes the probability that the serviceability will be maintained over the design life of the pavement. R (reliability) - typical for interstate major highway 90% and 50 % for local roads

AASHTO Method: Design Procedure g

1. Determine soil Mr (resilient modulus) for each season, month, week, etc. 2. 2 Determine subbase resilient modulus Mr for each season, month, week, etc. 3. Determine composite k-value for each k value season 4. Adjust each for rigid foundation 5. Determine relative damage of each season 6. Determine weighted k-value 7. 7 Correct for lost of s pport support

Effective Subgrade Coefficient k g

Depends on: Roadbed (subgrade) resilient modulus Mr modulus,

Subbase resilient modulus, Mr-SB

Both vary by season

Two Cases for k

Granular base, Esb Subgrade, Es

w 0,rigid = qa (1 2 ) 2Es


Subgrade, Es


q w 0,rigid

2Es (1 2 )a

k = f (MrS bg ade , Subgrade MrSubbase , DSubbase )

Effective Subgrade Coefficient k g Without subbase (semi-infinite subgrade soil) (semi infinite k (MPa/m) = 2.03Mr(MPa) or k ( i) = Mr(psi)/19.4 (pci) M ( i)/19 4
1 pci = 271.3 kN/m3; 1 psi = 6.9 kPa 271 3 69
2E qa q (1 2 ); k = = 2E w 0 (1 2 ) a
k ( pci ) = M r ( psi ) 18 .8

w0 =

= 0.4 0.5; a = 15 in (381 mm)

Effective Composite k (contd) p ( ) With subbase

Composite Modulus of Subgrade Reaction: p g

k = f (MrSubgrade , MrSubbase , DSubbase )

Use Figure on next slide.
Granular base, Esb Subgrade, Es DSB

Composite Modulus of Subgrade Reaction

Units: Mr and E: psi k: pci

1 pci =1 psi/in = 271.3kN/m3; 1 psi = 6.9 kPa

4 3 1 4

Example: How to determine kcomp p

Given a subbase thickness DSB = 6 in (152 mm) with MrSB = 20000 psi (138 MPa), subgrade soil Mrsg = 7000 psi (48 MPa), determine kcomp

Composite Modulus of Subgrade Reaction

subbase thickness DSB = 6 in (152 mm) MrSB = 20000 psi (138 MPa) subgrade soil Mrsg = 7000 psi (48 MPa) determine kcomp

Kcomp = 400 pci (108 MN/m3)

Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction g Adjustment of k for Seasonal Variations:

The effective modulus of subgrade reaction is an g equivalent k that would result in the same damage is seasonal values were used through the year Damage-k relation:

ur = ( D



0.725 3.42

k (pci) should be kcomp i applicable; ( i) h ld b is li bl D = concrete slab thickness (in)

ur = ( D

0.75 0 75


0.725 3.42 0 725

Chart for estimating relative damage to rigid pavements. Source: AASHTO, 1993

Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction g

Adjustment of the coefficient of subgrade reaction 3.42 3 42 for Seasonal V i ti f S l Variations: ur = ( D 0.75 0.39k 0.25 )

From the chart on l t slide last lid

Effective Resilient modulus (MR) (

Adjustment of Roadbed (Subgrade) Mr for Seasonal Variations

u f = 1.18 108 M r2.32

Loss of Support (LS) pp ( )

Accounts for the potential loss of support arising from subbase erosion (or mud pumping) and/or differential vertical soil movements. Incorporated in design by reducing the k of the materials beneath the slab

Loss of Support (LS) pp ( )

Type of material yp Cement-treated granular base (E = 1 10 to 2 * 10 psi)
6 6

Loss of pp (LS) Support ( ) 0.0 to 1.0 0.0 to 1.0 0.0 to 1.0 0.0 to 1.0 1.0 to 3.0 1.0 to 3.0 2.0 to 3.0

Cement aggregate mixtures (E = 500,000 to 1 * 10 psi) Asphalt-treated bases (E = 350,000 to 1 *10 psi) Bituminous-stabilized mixture (E = 40,000 to 300,000 psi) Lime-stabilized materials (E =20,000 to 70,000 psi) Unbound granular materials (E = 15,000 to 45,000 psi) Fine-grained or natural subgrade materials (E = 3000 t Fi i d t l b d t i l to 40,000 psi)

Note: High LS induces more reduction of k value g 1 psi = 6.9 kPa, 1000 psi = 6.9 MPa

Loss of Support (LS) pp ( )

Correction of effective modulus of subgrade reaction due to loss of foundation contact (1 pci = 271.3 kN/m3)

AASHTO Method: Determination of k

1. Determine soil Mr (resilient modulus) for each season, month, week, etc. 2. 2 Determine subbase resilient modulus Mr for each season, month, week, etc. 3. Determine composite k-value for each k value season 4. Adjust each for rigid foundation 5. Determine relative damage of each season 6. Determine weighted k-value 7. 7 Correct for lost of s pport support

Mechanistic-empirical designs (M-E d h ld ( designs) ) combined both mechanistic and empirical p aspects mechanistic component involves determining pavement responses to loading ( ) (, , using mathematical models empirical component relates the pavement responses t performance to f each key distress type is associated with a critical pavement response



Summary: Design Inputs y g p

W18 = design traffic (18 kip or 80 kN ESALs) (18-kip ZR = standard normal deviate S0 = combined standard error of traffic and

performance prediction PSI = difference between initial and terminal serviceability indices pt = terminal serviceability index (implicit in flexible design)

All consistent with flexible pavements!

Summary: Additional Design Inputs y g p

Sc = modulus of rupture for concrete J = joint load transfer coefficient Cd = drainage coefficient
(similar in concept to flexible pavement terms)

Ec = modulus of elasticity for concrete k = modulus of subgrade reaction

Additional inputs reflect differences in materials and structural behavior. behavior

Design Charts g

From the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures

Design Charts

From the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures

AASHTO Method: Design Procedure g

1. 2. 3. 3 4. 5. Determine material properties, including the effective p p , g resilient modulus and the composite k-value Select the design serviceability loss Select a level of reliability R and the overall standard deviation S0 (0.3-0.5) Assume an D (slab thickness) and estimate the total number of 80 k equivalent single-axle loads (ESALs) b f kN l l l l d ( ) for the design period Determine the concrete slab thickness D Is the calculated D close to the assumed D assumed? If No, assume a new D closer to the calculated in this , step and repeat step 4, otherwise ok

Design Example g p
Given k (effective) = 72 pci (19.5 MN/m3), Ec = 5x106 psi (34.5MPa), Sc = 650 psi (4.5 MPa), J = 3.2, Cd = 1.0, PSI = 4.22.5 = 1.7, R = 95%, S0 = 0.25, and ESALs = 5.1x 106, determine thickness D

Design Charts g

2 3

From the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures

Design Charts
9 6 10

8 7
From the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures

Type Design in Canada yp g

Source: PCC pavements: Some Findings from US-LTPP and Canadian Case Studies, CSHRP technical brief #22

Highway 407, ON Highway 104 Nova 104, Scotia

280 mm JPCP 250mm doweled JPCP

100 mm asphalt treated OGDL + 200 mm granular base 100mm to 300 mm granular base

Canadian Examples p

Highway 407, ON Highway 104, Nova Scotia Autoroute 13, Quebec

280 mm JPCP 250mm doweled JPCP 270 mm

100 mm asphalt treated OGDL + 200 mm granular base 100mm to 300 mm granular base

Joint Design g
Joint Types yp

Contraction Expansion Construction C t ti Longitudinal

Joint Geometry

Spacing Layout (e.g., regular, skewed, randomized) Dimensions

Joint Sealant Dimensions

Types of Joints yp


Transverse For relief of tensile stresses Transverse For relief of compressive stresses Used i U d primarily between pavement and structures il b t t d t t (e.g., bridge)

Construction Longitudinal

For relief of curling and warping stresses

Typical Contraction Joint Details yp

Typical Expansion Joint Detail yp p

For the relief of compressive stress p Difficult to maintain and no longer in use except at the connection between pavement and structure
(19 mm)

(Huang, 2005)

Typical Construction Joint Detail yp

Usually be placed at the location of the contraction joint

(Huang, 2005)

Typical Longitudinal Joint Detail yp g

Full Width Construction

(Huang, 2005)

Typical Longitudinal Joint Detail yp g

Lane-at-a-Time Lane at a Time Construction: use key joints to ensure load transfer

(Huang, 2005)

Joint Spacing p g

Local experience is best guide Rules of thumb for plane concrete pavement : JPCP joint spacing (feet) < 2D (inches) W/L < 1.25
8-in (203mm) slab: spacing 16 feet (4.9 m) Canadian experience: Doweled JPCP generally has joints spacing 4.5 to 5 m

Joint Dimensions
Width controlled by joint sealant extension Depths:

Contraction joints: D/4 Longitudinal joints: D/3 Sawing Inserts Forming

Joints may be formed by:

Joint Dimensions

Governed by expected joint movement, sealant resilience

(AASHTO, 1993)

Design Inputs g p

When does aggregate interlocking become ineffective?

When cracks are wider than about 0.9 mm


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