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Urban Soundscapes: Experiences and Knowledge

Article in Cities · October 2005

DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2005.05.003


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2 authors, including:

Danièle Dubois
Sorbonne Université


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Cities, Vol. 22, No. 5, p. 339–350, 2005
Ó 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
doi:10.1016/j.cities.2005.05.003 Printed in Great Britain
0264-2751/$ - see front matter

Urban soundscapes: Experiences

and knowledge
Manon Raimbault *
LTE-INRETS, Case 24, 69675 BRON Cedex, France

Danièle Dubois
LCPE/LAM, 11, rue Lourmel, 75015 Paris, France

Available online 6 September 2005

The aim of the present work is to understand how the use of the notion of soundscapes can
help in conceiving ambient sound environments in cities. From an overview of recent studies
concerned with assessments of sound phenomena in everyday-life situations, the relevance of
the soundscape concept is discussed as structuring the categorical space of sounds in cities.
Urban planners have been interviewed concerning the soundscape concept in relation to
urban projects. This allows comparisons between acousticians’, city-users’ and planners’ cate-
gorizations of urban soundscapes, and suggests that a simple decrease of noise level or the
elimination of noises is insufficient to account for urban environment improvement.
Ó 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Sound quality, urban environment, qualitative judgment, survey, urban planning and design

Introduction which constitutes a severe health risk. The EU pro-

gram that aims at ‘‘Reducing Noise Pollution’’ to
From noise pollution to the concept of soundscape
acceptable levels considers noise as part of a global
Pollution in large cities is an ever-growing problem problem facing cities (Stanners and Bourdeau,
as the urban environment becomes increasingly 1995). As with the evolution of urban ecology policy
crowded. It appears that EU cities are noisier than in the 1980s, the aim is not just to preserve specific
before, as the noisiest areas become noisier and areas but to consider the value of local access to
the quieter areas become less quiet. One reason that places which can constitute valued sanctuaries from
urban environments have changed is the increase of noisy surroundings.
traffic flow. The generalized use of motors has led to Nowadays, town councilors are highly concerned
more low-frequency sounds, resulting in permanent with social well-being in their towns. However, for
and continuous background noise (Ruocco, 1974; architects, town planners or landscape designers,
Attenborough et al., 1976). Since the seventies, knowledge and references are limited in the area
‘‘noise’’ has been largely considered as a major of improving environmental quality (Durmisevic
problem of annoyance in cities and is being taken and Sariyildiz, 2001). Many field studies have been
into consideration by urban planners. Today, the conducted to measure the outdoor noise environ-
policy of reducing traffic in EU city centres has ment in several countries, but they are mainly con-
transposed the problem to the outskirts. Conse- cerned with physical measurements of urban noise.
quently, 20% of the population in European coun- Urban planners make a concerted effort to include
tries is still exposed to excessive road traffic noise, human evaluations of environmental quality but
subjective evaluations remain sporadic, and urban
noise is still considered as unwanted sounds (Moc-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33-4-72-14-26-09; fax: +33-4-72-37-
hizuki and Imaizumi, 1967; Fisher, 1973; Canneli,
68-37; e-mails:, ddubois@ccr.jussieu. 1974; Fidell, 1978; Elshorbagy, 1984; Brown and
fr. Lam, 1987; Garcia and Faus, 1991; Lercher, 1996;

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

Gualezzi, 1998; Bogo et al., 2001; Barrigon Morillas Within this framework, our position integrates the
et al., 2002; Moura-de-Sousa and Alves Cardoso, notion of soundscape initiated by Schafer (1969) as
2002; Calixto et al., 2003). Recent studies have an auditory correspondent of landscape, considering
pointed out the limits of such approaches (Schulte- environments and musical compositions as well, and
Fortkamp, 2002; Schomer, 2003) and made attempts that may be one way to account for noise in cities in
to find new methods of investigation to account for a more positive manner, and as a concept to account
the effects of urban noises on people. for subjective experience. The concept explicitly re-
Urban planning management practices have fers to sound variations experienced in space and
shown that most city regulations are insufficient as time, grounded in the topography of the built-up
they mainly aim at maximum noise weighted levels area and different sounding sources. As landscape
and therefore focus on physical measurements, is viewed as a subjective, personal interpretation
neglecting human experiences of noises. Various however shared by communication, the sonic envi-
and contrasted decisions are made concerning noise ronment exists through the discernment and under-
complaints, noise mapping, noise monitoring or standing of individuals, groups and societies alike
noise abatement and zoning, managing urban noise (Truax, 1978). The soundscape thus accounts for
problems in physical terms only, and not in relation the relationship between the individual experience
to their physiological and psychological conse- and subjectivity with a physical and a socio-cultural
quences. It appears that sound quality cannot be context. In his studies of soundscape evolution,
determined by a simple measurement, such as the Schafer (1977) describes more precisely urban
usual A-weighted sound pressure level alone soundscapes as complex sonic environments and as
(LAeq).1 Human perception of noise, in contrast to cues about socio-cultural life throughout history.
a physical instrument such as a sound level meter, The new trend of ecological psychology research
is not absolute and mainly relies on the meaning of also takes into account the fact that natural urban
sounds that is in relation to the sources emitting sound environments are always perceived within a
noise and the people who are exposed to it. There- simultaneous multi-sensorial setting, in which the di-
fore, assessment of a sound environment depends verse sense modalities interact with auditory judg-
on the information content of the sound and the con- ments. The experience of hearing events in the
text in which it is perceived (Southwork, 1969). Sev- world is the result of interaction between an object
eral authors have pointed to the limits of acoustic at a given time in a given environment (Southwork,
parameters such as A-weighted levels (Björk, 1994; 1969; Ballas, 1993; Gaver, 1993; Maffiolo, 1999; Rai-
Genuit, 1999; Zwicker and Fastl, 1999; Raimbault mbault, 2002).
et al., 2003; Guastavino, 2003; Schomer, 2003), which Soundscapes are always variable in space and
cannot be used for evaluating annoyance of mixed time, and can be viewed from a global to a local sit-
noise sources in an environment, because of differ- uation. If the soundscape of a specific space could
ences in noise spectra recorded from diverse sources become an acoustic image for a city, the perceived
and the large variations in noise levels over time. If scale of a sound source is finite. Some sounds may
all sources of noise need appropriate management, be preponderant during certain periods of time, than
measurement and evaluation, an approach which others. These temporal variations make it important
considers the overall question of urban comfort is to distinguish between long-term assessment of the
now essential to evaluate city noise impact and the soundscape as experienced during an extended per-
effects on people. Two main consequences are: first, iod of time (several minutes, days, months) and
to account for the assessment of subjective impact of short-term perception of the soundscape as per-
noise in correlation with acoustic parameters, and ceived ‘‘right now’’, even before taking account of
second, to account for both negative and positive ef- the individuals who are also temporally exposed to
fects of noise in defining the acoustic quality of an noise though the duration of their activity. The
urban environment (rather than exclusively focusing soundscape may simultaneously contain sounds
on noise annoyance). from several sources, some of which attract the
attention more than others, depending not only
on the physical characteristics of the signal (such as
An integrated and multidisciplinary approach
the intensity), but on its meaning and relevance to
The proposed alternative approach regarding the ef- the listener. Invariant low-level background noise
fects of environmental sounds assumes nothing a pri- is, for example, less perceptually salient, even when
ori about the exclusively negative effect of noise. of high intensity than softer sounds such as birds or
people talking. The sound of footsteps that may be
incidental can be perceived as an annoyance or just
the cue to a pleasant pedestrian area, and therefore
Energy equivalent sound pressure level in A-weighted decibel may not be appropriate for defining the soundscape.
dB(A). A-weighted decibel is a pressure scale adjusted to conform
with the frequency response of the human ear. There are also B-
In short, if the measurements rely only on physical
weighted and C-weighted scales, but the A-weighted scale is the one measures, it is difficult to obtain valid measures of
most commonly used for measuring loud noise. perceived similarity among long-term soundscapes.

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

Current research about urban soundscapes tends and how their expert knowledge affects their concep-
to include more subject-centered approaches that tion and their work. Interviews of a representative
aim at achieving new knowledge about the adverse panel of French planners were therefore analyzed
effects of noise on health and well-being. Differenti- in order to understand their awareness concerning
ations between soundscapes which can add quality the place and utility of sound ambient environments
to an environment from annoyance thus improve ur- among urban projects. The same methodology was
ban development (Stockfelt, 1991; Skanberg and used in previous studies about sound quality of urban
Ohrstrom, 2002; Lercher and Schulte-Fortkamp, environment (Dubois et al., 2005), collecting verbal
2003). Therefore, the concept of soundscape can data and structuring them into semantic categories
be thought of as an alternative approach to exclu- in order to identify relevant sound quality criteria
sively quantitative approaches to overcome the lim- for urban planners. The present paper thus aims to
its of noise annoyance indicators and to handle more open a discussion on how to improve our knowledge
general concepts of sound quality (Schulte-Fortk- about the diversity of experiences and representa-
amp, 2002). In order to develop better skills in treat- tions for urban soundscapes, which would be perti-
ing soundscapes, objective measuring and subjective nent for urban planners and for city-users as well.
training research should include far-reaching collab-
oration between researchers, urban planners and
city-users. Such an attempt has already been made City-users’ experiences of soundscapes
by researchers in urbanism and architecture, re- We first stress the importance of avoiding stereotyp-
cently developing the concept of sound ambient ical notions of environmental noise health effects
environments, quite similar to the concept of sound- restrictively grounded on physical and physiological
scape but which, in our opinion, more explicitly assessments. For example, if the intensity of noise
claims the need of a close collaboration of physical due to traffic, airport or highways is responsible for
science and engineering associated with human sci- stress and other health effects, its consequences are
ences, such as psychology and sociology (Amphoux, generally lower than hearing loss due to amplified
1993; Augoyard, 1999; Augoyard and Torgue, 1995; music. Nevertheless, the fact is that, in one case,
Grosjean and Thibaud, 2001). The ambient environ- the noise is widely considered as an unwanted and
ment concept leads to new workshops in architec- unavoidable pollution and, in the other, as intended
ture and urban planning where human aspects of entertainment (even if not universally considered as
ambient conditions in indoor or outdoor environ- such by neighbors of nightclubs and so forth). The
ments are addressed. The empirical work spans a question is therefore to assess health, taking into ac-
wide range of applications and includes experimen- count the relevance of the activity producing noise
tal, small- and large-scale fieldwork. To create to the exposed population. In other words, the judg-
high-quality ambient environmental conditions, fu- ment concerning the effect of noise on health cannot
ture architects and planners have to know the key be made independently of the social value given to
concepts about thermal conditions, ventilation and the activity under consideration (e.g., necessity of
air quality as well as lighting and acoustics which transportation versus pleasure). And therefore,
have an effect on the quality of spaces in which we physical measurements have to be integrated into a
live. This goal requires one to be familiar with both global judgment that associates physiological, psy-
methods of measurement techniques and also how chological and sociological dimensions that contrib-
to conduct a human factors analysis of an environ- ute to give individual and collective meanings to the
ment. Urban plannersÕ essential role of decision sound effects on city-users.
makings thus has to deal with connecting at least
two domains, human sciences and physics. One
question remains: How to deal with a set of physical Non-expert experiences of soundscapes as global and
parameters collected from expertsÕ reports and the meaningful
globally meaningful representations of city-users? In the context of urban environments where noise is
The present work is in keeping with the global pat- produced by various objects, studies show that reac-
tern of those multidisciplinary projects associating tions to simultaneous combined noise sources can-
human-centered cognitive research, architecture not be predicted from the addition of the reactions
and physical measurement. First, this paper presents to each of the component noises when they occur
an overview of recent advances in exploring the separately (Berglund and Lindvall, 1995). A psy-
diversity of city-user practical experiences of sound- choacoustic approach still aims to define physical
scapes, as well as expertsÕ knowledge. Previous stud- indicators of noise annoyance by adding the contri-
ies have already analyzed how city-users and bution of various acoustic parameters but leaves
residents interpret complex soundscapes into cogni- aside the semantic values attributed to sound phe-
tive categories in everyday situations (Vogel, 1999; nomena as a global effect. Semantic analysis of
Maffiolo, 1999; Raimbault, 2002; Guastavino, 2003). non-expert verbal data about urban soundscapes
However, very few results are known concerning has shown that a unique acoustical phenomenon
the urban plannersÕ point of view on city soundscapes could give rise to various cognitive objects that could

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

be contrasted through the two labels of ‘‘bruits— duce noise annoyance (Lercher and Schulte-Fortk-
noises’’ and ‘‘sons—sounds’’, considering the semi- amp, 2003).
otic processes and the language resources diversely It is therefore now widely accepted that a personal
associated to a unique stimulation (Dubois, 2000). response depends as much on the listenersÕ state of
It has been observed that the most frequently re- mind and attitudes (psychological and sociological
ported linguistic devices used (in French as well as factors) that drives their interpretation as on physi-
in English) to describe the category of ‘‘noises’’ cal noise level alone. It explains the significant indi-
are names of the object sources attributed to the vidual differences that have been observed in
sound sources (such as ‘‘le bruit de mobylette’’, reaction to noise (Job, 1999). Consequently, collec-
i.e., ‘‘the noise of motorbikes’’ or ‘‘alarme de voi- tive decisions have to deal with such variations and
ture’’, i.e., ‘‘ car alarms’’) and nominal forms con- therefore to integrate differences across and within
structed on verbs (‘‘grincement de frein’’, i.e., communities. For example, in a previous study of di-
‘‘squeaking of brakes’’), whereas ‘‘sounds’’ are lexi- verse urban locations, we notice the heterogeneous
calized as acoustic patterns mainly by adjectival assessments among people concerning temporal,
forms borrowed to the technical terminology (high, spatial and activity features of soundscapes, and
low, pitch, rough, sharp). These findings highlight identify two cognitive representations of urban
the fact that soundscape descriptions are differently soundscapes: a descriptive listening which refers to
processed and interpreted, through the shared the identification of specific acoustic sources or
meaning given to the object-source emitting noise, events and a holistic hearing which refers the sound-
rather than to perceptual features, that could be re- scape as a whole, without semantic processing of any
duced to their description as physical properties of particular sources (Raimbault, 2002; Raimbault and
‘‘sound’’. Such cognitive semantic approaches sug- Dubois, submitted). We therefore suggested a more
gest a more holistic description to noises as mean- subject-centered methodology which aimed at evalu-
ingful events that affect people. Reports of ating the diversity of meanings from annoyance to
previous work on soundscapes strengthens the pleasure in an urban environment that contributed
importance of meanings given to sound sources as to better understanding of sound quality criteria in
cues within a global interpretation that integrates cities and to provide keys for soundscape design
multimodal experience as well as what is generally and management. This methodology and conceptual
considered as ‘‘context’’ (Susini et al., 1998; Mzali, framework—which refers to the interpretation of
2002; Raimbault, 2002; Guastavino, 2003). sound variations in space and time—is also and has
been applied in designing new environments, by
means of the analysis of what could be an ideal
Soundscape experiences in a multimodal context soundscape for city-users, on one side, and what
The background noise or ambient noise context ap- could be the representations of it by urban planners.
pears to influence the reaction to a specific environ-
mental noise. These findings actually highlight the
significance of other aspects depending on the Ideal urban soundscapes for city-users
context that drives the interpretation of acoustical When questioning subjects about what could be an
features, such as the structure of urban areas, archi- ideal soundscape for them, GuastavinoÕs (2003) anal-
tectural (visual, aesthetic) lifestyles and social ysis clearly underlines relevant sound quality criteria
parameters (Schulte-Fortkamp, 2002). There is and reveals the meaningful salience of human pro-
therefore no simple conclusion about the role and duced sounds: while soundscapes mostly composed
importance of non-acoustic factors associated with of traffic noise were described as unpleasant, ideal
environmental noise. For example, on-site analysis soundscapes were described as including a lot of hu-
of sound ambient environments shows that various man noises and were subcategorized according to the
urban situations with similar noise exposure levels, significance of the type of socialized activities per-
such as the vicinity of a playground in a residential formed and producing noises. This confirms Stock-
area, a town square with commercial and leisure feltÕs (1991) point of view, that sound is an
activities or a city-center market square, do not existential necessity: soundscapes are essential for
present the same assessment and depend on the well-being, not only as music but as an integral part
activities producing the noise (Raimbault et al., of living situations. This also confirms SchaferÕs
2003). Moreover, non-acoustical features of the (1977) conception of ‘‘tuning the world’’ to make it
environment influence assessment of its soundscape, more pleasant, as well as our findings on the resigna-
such as areas where air pollution is obvious or visual tion of people regarding unavoidable noises of traffic
aspects neglected (Dubois et al., 1998; Flindell and and some specific human activities (Raimbault, 2002;
Stallen, 1999; Job, 2001). The visibility of an un- Mzali, 2002). If ideal urban soundscapes should re-
wanted noise source may also add negative reac- flect life through sounds communicating human pres-
tions to the soundscape itself even if the noise is ence and activities, noise annoyance is interpreted by
out of earshot (Maffiolo, 1999; Viollon et al., the fact that ‘‘traffic’’ is the obvious salient factor
2002). Similarly, living on a ‘‘pretty street’’ could re- describing the environment of cities (Raimbault

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

and Dubois, submitted). These findings point to the may fill the gap encountered by town planners who
fact that urban planners should account for these psy- have to decide on arguments and settle a choice for
cho-social experiences as well as expert physical improving the sound quality of their towns.
requirements in order to compose new urban sound- A recent study about the opinions of French Par-
scapes. It becomes clear that it is the semantic prop- liament members concerning environmental prob-
erties that play a decisive role because sounds fulfill lems shows that economic development concerns
distinctive functions. These semantic properties of always came before environmental ones. Noise pol-
sound sources allow us to assess the diversity of ur- icies reach ninth place only, far after water control
ban soundscapes, highly dependent on the outside/ or waste management (Boy, 2003). Comparison of
inside or public/private or street/home socio-cultural the elected representative and the general public
way of life and activities. To evaluate urban sound- attitudes always revealed an important shift. After
scapes, it is thus required to analyze semantic proper- presenting city-usersÕ experiences of soundscapes,
ties attributed to sound sources and not only by noise our investigations were therefore concerned by deci-
level measurements. Based on such concepts adapted sion makersÕ and plannersÕ awareness about the
from communication science and semiotics, a model place and utility of the soundscape concept among
which supports the classification of auditory events is urban projects. Interviews were carried out to inves-
therefore suggested. tigate the attitudes and habits of a representative
panel of urban planners and decision makers, as it
Meanings and classification of soundscapes was done for city-users. The analysis then went on
SchaferÕs (1977) and DelageÕs (1979) semantic crite- classifying the collected verbal data into semantic
ria for their soundscape classifications allow us to categories in order to identify relevant sound quality
distinguish: road traffic (car–truck–motorcycle), criteria for this population.
other transportation (railway, aircraft), working
machines (street cleaning, working site), music, peo- Method of interviewing urban planners
pleÕs presence (speech, walking), and nature (wind, The questionnaires were designed to include general
animals). They however remain environment- or ob- questions about main ideas in urban planning man-
ject-centered descriptions. Complementary to such agement, technical criteria, integration of city-user
an approach, classifications resulting from previously expectations, as well as more specific questions
cited research (Maffiolo, 1999; Raimbault, 2002; about the soundscape concerns. Respondents were
Guastavino, 2003) contrasted two main categories, not informed that the focus of the study was noise.
namely: transportation or works (from road traffic, Ten engineers, architects, town planners and land-
railway, building site) versus people presence (from scape designers from various institutions partici-
departmental store, coffee shop terraces, traveling pated in the experiment. They were volunteers,
shoppers), therefore shifting to a more subject- not rewarded for their participation. The limited
centered representation of soundscapes categories. number of participants is compensated by the impor-
Furthermore, both of these categories could be sub- tance of open talk content of the 2 h interviews that
categorized as illustrated in Figure 1. Categories of constitute a sample diversity which starts to set up
transportation or works were set up in either in- an inventory of the opinions and the representations
between soundscapes associated with people pres- that could be further investigated on large samples
ence or amorphous soundscapes without any other with structured questionnaires.
presence. Likewise, a defined category of people The fully re-transcribed verbal data were processed
presence was divided into lively soundscapes (with through Nomino2 linguistic software to identify the
animation such as music, activities) and relaxing ones main lexical categories that could give access to the
when linked to patterns of nature (such as birds in main topics given by the subjects. A coding grid paid
trees, fountains), thus connecting objects to activities specific attention to the categories concerned with
through a functional point of view that can be used by urban management in general and soundscapes in
city managers. One attempt to solve urban problems particular. The collected verbal data about sound-
of noise management may then be the use of varia- scapes were analyzed referring to a previous psycho-
tions in the soundscape to create more pleasant linguistic grid relevant for the study of non-expert
sound ambient environments. For example, sound- comments (as shown in Figure 2) in order to compare
scape concerns in cities could be connected at some plannersÕ descriptions with those of others.
point to the question of function through the man-
agement of urban activities (as shown in Figure 1). A decision centered organization
Firstly, categorical analysis of answers to general
questions showed that the main criteria for an urban
Soundscape concept and urban planners
We hypothesize the usefulness of making the diver-
sity of object-centered and human-centered repre- 2
Nomino et ALN, Plante, P., Dumas, L., Plante, A., ATO Fac. Sc.
sentations of soundscapes explicit. Their relatedness Humaines, Univ. Quebec, Montréal, Canada.

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

Urban soundscape categorisation

Transportation/ works People presence

with people presence without lively relaxing + Nature

brakes squeaking noises roaring music noise of shoppers children birds singing
and of workers … … …
of engine and chat people shouting playing and and soft …
slamming doors walking running water voices

Function characteristics
Traffic Building Traffic Coffee Pedestrian Market Playground Garden
lights site flow shop area place with a fountain

Decision making for city planning

Figure 1 Categorization of urban soundscapes from subjectsÕ descriptions and their relations to potential functions for city

project were financial queries, functional questions, ii. Ambivalence was often recognized concerning
safety standards and embellishing touches, such as: urban noise assessments since ‘‘noise is life’’ but
‘‘what would be the costs of any decision and what also ‘‘too much noise is annoying’’. The question
would be the benefits?’’. Analysis of the verbal data is asked of how much noise is ‘‘too much’’
also revealed that urban planning needs arbitration noise?, considering the difficulty of assessing the
between several interests concerned with the same
listenerÕs state of mind, and a lack of relevant
goal: urban situational improvement. The manage-
knowledge and expertise in the human sciences.
ment of urban operations thus required the co-
ordination of many partners, such as residents and The question of noise is therefore often avoided
city-users (mainly through local organizations), in urban planning as being too difficult to deal
prime contractors (urban planners, technical design- with.
ers) and contracting authorities (national and vari- iii. When describing urban soundscapes, planners
ous administrative town departments). In view of and decision makers used the comparisons of con-
the main criteria for an urban project, the place trasted urban situations, varied in activities
and role of noise in cities were limited. Nevertheless, (mixed noises of sound sources), locations (parts
if city noises are not the main concern for prime con- of town, centre or suburbs) or time (various
tractors, noise management considerably involves moments and durations) in a way similar to city-
the contracting authority, such as town councilors users (beside their expert knowledge, they may
who are interested in satisfying public opinion.
also be city-users).
Secondly, the verbal analysis of the specific an-
swers about soundscape underlined a lack of consen- iv. Finally, planners were suspicious about noise
sual description: planners are lacking a vocabulary evaluation methods since there was no effective
for describing their expectations or even to take balance between either technical vocabulary or
stock of urban situations with regard to sound. measure by experts and usual description of
The main points concerning soundscape concerns noises. This underlines the limits of the pervasive
inferred from verbal analysis of plannersÕ and deci- engineering focus on silence which appeared the
sion makersÕ interviews are therefore the following: most dominant aspect of current regulatory
i. Planners and decision makers reported an increase approaches to noise control management.
of noise annoyance, which is not just a recent The categorical linguistic analysis showed that
problem. Urban planners then blamed the use of planners used a much more technical vocabulary
noise as a reason for complaining about the noise, and generic expressions when describing sound-
even if the problem is somewhere else, in order to scapes than city-users could do (as illustrated in
get the authorities to do something. Figure 3). They refer more to an object-centered

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

“son(s) - sound(s)”
Technical onomatopoeia
Vocabulary descriptions of intensity, timbre…

“bruit - noise”
Generic descriptions of spaciousness
Expressions descriptions of duration
“bruits - noises”
Vocabulary noise of sources “object”
of Comparison subject pronouns

Human voices
Human noise subject pronouns
Descriptions assessments

Figure 2 Psycholinguistic categorization of collected verbal data about soundscapes.

Planners City-users







Technical Generic Vocabulary of Human noises

Vocabulary Expressions Comparison Descriptions

Figure 3 Comparison between plannersÕ verbal descriptions of soundscapes and city-usersÕ ones, the latter synthesizing on-
site results of RaimbaultÕs study (2002).

concern than to a human-centered one, even if their Planners then used their knowledge regarding
descriptions of sound ambient environments were either attested health effect or individual com-
often linked to other multimodal criteria, such as vi- plaint criteria to evaluate separately the sound
sual, aesthetic or functional parameters. This could sources.
be explained by that fact that planners and decision Analysis of the specific answers about sound-
makers were more essentially worried about noise scapes highlighted that the only matter in engineer-
complaints and noise management, than to ambient ing noise control remains currently the noise level.
quality that would also enhance positive values (ex- Planners however questioned the generic concept
pected when they become city-users). of the noise level, if not related to the identification
Analysis of vocabulary of comparison or human and thus the qualification of a source. The shared
noise descriptions showed that various sound point among these results is that, even if standards
sources were listed through the descriptions of ur- are the only argument of urban noise control, they
ban situations where noises are mixed in an envi- are greatly criticized as being insufficient to assess
ronment. All listed sound sources were mainly the multifaceted question of noise in cities: an archi-
classified by planners in two groups (presented tect commented: ‘‘Standards are certainly useful but
in Figure 4): natural noises in contrast to noises in urban or architectural projects, it is useless! If
from activities (transport, neighborhood, industries people are disturbed, they do not care about being
or leisure) but mainly conceived as annoyance, in a situation that conforms to the norms. We are
resulting from a specific attention to complaints. in the qualitative concern’’.

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

All these results lead to the ambiguous position of scapes show that the quality of soundscapes refers to
urban politics and planners, expecting more noise the question of quality of life, way of life and activ-
policy and arguing the overstatement of noise as a ities. Urban planners and contracting authorities
community problem. These findings highlight the agree about the elective point of systematically elim-
difficulty of dealing with the soundscape concern in inating noise. Comparisons of city-users and urban
the global question of urban management and also plannersÕ experiences of urban soundscapes allow
indicate the need to increase public awareness con- us to infer that a decrease of noise level or the elim-
cerning urban soundscapes. Nevertheless, if all the ination of noises from urban environments is not
voluntary participants felt concerned by the purpose sufficient and can even create anxiety or reveal other
of the interviews, none had specific expectations problems. Town councilors should therefore inform
concerning new professional tools for analyzing themselves about this diversity of representations
soundscapes in cities. Their main concern was to in order to work out new information programs to
be proposed helpful tools which were adapted for the public regarding the effects and control of noise,
urban planning processes and therefore well defined considering that insufficient attention to sounds is
in communicating and understanding design provided in school or in public or work places.
patterns. Analysis of the urban plannerÕs point of view
about soundscape concepts shows that the consider-
ation of non-acoustic factors causes difficulties in
Consequences for planners and managers urban noise evaluation and that there is probably
no simple answer anyway to soundscape manage-
City-usersÕ experiences: semantic diversity ment in cities. These conclusions are in agreement
Even though pieces of knowledge have been learned with ChalasÕ (1998) previous study about decision
about peopleÕs assessment of soundscape, many making in French urban management concerning
questions remain. The review of city-user experi- noise policy: there is no simple or unique answer
ences of soundscapes shows that predicting sound to various specific problems and urban soundscape
qualities of an environment or the impact of noise concern is much more a question of partnership,
on individuals is far more difficult than estimating negotiation and interactions. Chalas (1998) con-
levels of physical noise exposure with engineering cludes his work by defending the complexity of the
methods. If researchers could appreciate the distinc- noise question in cities and explains why urban plan-
tion between these two statements, regulatory ners need more global and transversal approaches
authorities and prime contractors should often adopt between different partners. Moreover, Flindell and
measurements to settle a decision. Important Stallen (1999) explains that effective noise manage-
choices for urban soundscapes could therefore be ment is a matter of choosing between alternatives
made relying on inadequate information based on and informed selections to improve co-ordination
incomplete knowledge about acoustic phenomenon and coherence in the decision making and not only
in cities, elaborated from a diversity of urban expe- engineering noise control. All these studies about
riences and points of views. urban planning management reach the same conclu-
Experts in noise control lead to an urban sound- sion: the way the question is handled and the way
scape becoming less negative (less unpleasant) the decision is taken could be more significant than
without being more positive (pleasant) whereas the achievement of a ‘‘simple’’ physical noise level
city-usersÕ and plannersÕ assessments of urban sound- reduction. One suggestion is to shift to the question

Planners’ descriptions City-users’ descriptions

of urban soundscapes of urban soundscapes
road traffic
transportation railway …

neighbourhood cleaning
Noises from … with people presence
Activities factories and works
industry without
industrial units

versus sport versus
leisure discotheque
tourism …
People lively
Natural noises
presence relaxing + Nature

Figure 4 Comparison between plannersÕ and city-usersÕ verbal descriptions of urban soundscapes.

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

‘‘how to conceive and design desirable soundscapes’’ soundscape to improve the quality of everyday life.
rather than just ‘‘how to technically eliminate noise’’. One attempt to make this part of enhancing the
quality of life in cities is to create less homogenous
acoustic environments and diversely meaningful
Structuring of the soundscape concept with urban ones. For example, usual noise barrier changes the
planning and design purposes perceived soundscape, making the traffic noise per-
Appraisal of a soundscape depend mainly on the ceptually more homogenous and harder to localize
way it matches with the setting in which it occurs when the challenge should be how to monitor the
(Carles et al., 1999). The soundscape congruence in overall problem of traffic if it gets worse or better.
shaping urban locations may be interpreted with ref- The issue for soundscape design and management
erence to the informational content of the sound. thus integrates the overall goal of urban comfort in
We therefore propose to analyze urban soundscapes cities. Several action steps are proposed to effec-
through the identification of activities in urban envi- tively assess the urban soundscape, based on activity
ronment, the meaning given to acoustic phenomena modalities which defined a determine scale and time
and consequently the management of functions. In for a semantic analysis.
the past, form follows function and basic design First, all sound sources in the vicinity of the
has always been in search of the best shape for the soundscape should be identified and noted. Then,
best use. Sound could then symbolize the contents planners have to take into account the local contexts
and space of the container. Characteristic urban of the sound sources, the interaction of which gives
morphologies propose settled functions, which activ- meaning to the perceived noise. Soundscape man-
ities create various soundscapes, such as the one agement would be achieved knowing source repre-
illustrated in Figure 5 (medieval architecture, Hauss- sentations for city dwellers and the community.
mannÕs buildings, modern infrastructure). Sound For example, attitudes toward characteristic noise
marks would subsequently shape territories, such sources of an area could transform noise acceptabil-
as sound signals (birds, footsteps, voices) or music ity, such as factory noise which symbolize both the
backgrounds. The matter is not to let everything tak- community and a source of annoyance. The pro-
ing place every time everywhere, but rather to plan posed classifications in basic meaningful categories

Figure 5 Sample of typical urban morphologies, such as medieval architecture, HaussmannÕs buildings, and modern
infrastructure. Drawings from Raimbault (2002) in order to exemplify visual cues for would-be soundscapes of urban
European locations. Densification has stimulated building higher and underground. These various patterns of architecture
illustrate how building scale has changed over time, shaping urban forms and consequently their sound ambient

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

(Figure 1) aims at helping planners to decide on the tors have to be linked to the outline characteristics
variation in the soundscape design and management of all noted sound sources (type, number, occur-
of their town, combining the transportation or work rences, location and distance) which are much more
with people presence and natural features. meaningful for decision makers, urban planners and
Secondly, observation of the soundscape time the general public as well.
variations is of importance. Soundscape manage- Finally, it is of interest to study the acoustical
ment would be achieved knowing the current state qualities of specific material and key concepts about
of soundscape description in comparison to the past urban shapes sound effects (U-shape road, housing
one, even if it is difficult to imagine how it changes estate, 1950s suburb). Acute utilization of material
across distance. Passage of time and rhythms of then enhances specific sources or reduce some
activities in daily life highlight specific period of con- others referring to the specifications of an urban pro-
cern, such as the evening and night for residential ject. Various identified sounds in a space contribute
areas or during mid-day till late afternoon for pedes- to its sound identity. Design of spaces goes through
trian areas. harmonization of the source objects taking into
After analyzing the social, local and temporal con- account the functions and activities that occurs.
texts of the soundscape, specific measurements can Therefore, to design a soundscape means to contrib-
be processed based on the knowledge of what to ute to specific sound intelligibility in order to create
measure, where, when and along which period of comfort, well-being, and emotions, in opposition to
time. Long-term acoustic measurements intend to traditional noise abatement methods. To exemplify
assess problems at a regional level whereas short- how the soundscape concept can be operationalized,
term measurements have to facilitate solutions at a some guidelines for a novel city noise mapping
local level. The present article focuses on proposi- approach are proposed as a tentative conclusion.
tions for the latter temporal dimension (short term
at a local level) where consideration of noise source Soundscapes in practice: from research to decisions
is essential. The measurements thus have to give Nowadays, European noise programs aim at elabo-
pertinent information about the noise source. Re- rating a strategic noise map of all major agglomera-
cent research on noise measurement systems is tions (with more than 100,000 inhabitants) in EU
working on the improvement of noise source auto- countries through estimation of A-weighted sound
matic identification. Our proposal is to use deserved pressure level measures (LDEN).3 EU member states
measurements related to specific locations of func- have to set up strategic maps with noise measure-
tions over the duration of characteristic events. ments or with a sound prediction computation method
Currently, most countries use the A-weighted equiv- which takes into account industrial, aircraft, road
alent level (LAeq) to assess the annoyance of most and railway noise sources. If uniform exposure indi-
noise. It provides a constant filter that is indepen- cators, comparable calculation methods and noise
dent of sound source identification. To properly as- mapping procedures represent significant break-
sess soundscapes across differing noise sources, a throughs for urban planning, standard noise expo-
metric should take into account the variations in sure contour maps are difficult to interpret by non-
low-frequency sound energies that the A-weighted experts (politicians, planners and city-dwellers)
decibel does not (Leventhall, 2004). For example, who are neither familiar with the LDEN traffic noise
when A-weighted sound pressure level is a conve- exposure measures nor their associated impacts at a
nient tool for noise annoyance assessment of any sin- level of specificity that gives meaning to them. Nev-
gle transport source over a period of time, it cannot ertheless, those noise maps are going to be used by
be compared with the A-weighted sound pressure le- decision makers, urban planners, and the general
vel of a pedestrian area. Even if all these sound pres- public who are not experts in acoustics.
sure level indicators reflect loudness, they do not A recent study of the noise map by would-be users
directly reflect annoyance and planners should never already shows a gap between the expectations of the
overlook that point. For example, urban parks at- EU Commission and those of the decision makers
tract people because of the environmental setting, and the general public (Lambert et al., 2004). The
facilities and they become refuges from urban noise, public is expecting much more from a noise map
even if parks are physically evaluated as ‘‘too’’ loud than it can actually afford, such as the type of the
from a sound pressure level point of view. In loca- evaluated noise sources (other than transport), or
tions next to major roads, natural sound from the subject matter (what the noise levels mean?).
sources like birds, wind and water structures offset The public are in fact newcomers concerning noise
the effect of urban noise, even if increasing sound units of experts in acoustics, such as the A-weighted
levels. Other kinds of physical indicators can be used
to evaluate time variations of urban soundscape: the
noise index over 90% of a period of time for charac- 3
The day–evening–night level (LDEN) is a descriptor of noise level
terizing the background noise pressure level, the based on energy equivalent noise level (LAeq) over a whole day with
duration of emergencies or specific events or the a penalty of 10 dB(A) for night time noise (22.00–7.00) and an
period between those emergencies. All these indica- additional penalty of 5 dB(A) for evening noise (i.e., 19.00–23.00).

Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge: M Raimbault and D Dubois

decibel or sound pressure levels (LAeq, LDEN). How tial analyses more effective and to improve visual
could those maps serve as tools for getting popular communication. The use of activities notification to
support for funding noise planning projects with identify soundscape colors of the urban environment
information that the public cannot understand? This helps to get to a third dimension with qualitative
result has to be considered more as a matched information on a standard two dimensional map.
requirement for meaningful indicators rather than In conclusion, we expect that the identification of
just the recording of divergent points of view, in or- a variety of soundscape areas in cities, relying on hu-
der to contribute to the effectiveness of the new man-centered categorization, would help decision
European Directive applications. It should be kept making, and research on the development, expan-
in mind that noise planning projects are in competi- sion, re-organization or modernization of urban
tion with other projects and making claims for scarce structures. On more general ground, we would
municipal, regional and national resources. For emphasize that the understanding of urban sound-
those reasons, traditional noise exposure maps are scapes needs to expand multidisciplinary research,
to some extent ineffective in providing relevant involving a balanced partnership between acoustical
information for global and local action plans. and psychosociological investigations. Such a hu-
Moreover, it can be stated that noise levels in typ- man-centered approach contributes to the analysis
ical city configurations with narrow streets are of cognitive representation of soundscapes and im-
strongly influenced by secondary sources like pedes- proves the identification of relevant physical param-
trians or other activities. Variations in the size of eters of noises in urban situations.
nearby noise impacts make it difficult to get an over-
all impression of urban areas and the contribution of
secondary sources is rather difficult to estimate. Acknowledgements
Therefore, noise mapping with prediction method
This work is part of a Ph.D. work, funded by the
estimation appears not fully realistic in some urban
CNRS and the ‘‘Région des Pays de la Loire’’, and
districts if only noise traffic on the main roads is con-
performed while at the Laboratory CERMA
sidered (Maffei et al., 2004). For that reason, it is
(CNRS—Ecole dÕArchitecture, Nantes, France).
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The writing of this paper was supported by the In-
that aims at identifying secondary sources and im-
rets-Lte (France).
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