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There were 4 sections:

a) Reasoning and Aptitude Test :- 14 questions 8 minutes
b) English Test :- 22 questions 18 minutes
c) Personality Test :- 55 questions 20 minutes
d) Sales Aptitude Test :- 22 questions 16 minutes

Reasoning and Aptitude Test

1. If RESULT is coded as SFTVMU then EXAM is coded as
2. Find odd one
Circle, Triangle, Pentagon, Square
3.Find odd one
5. 6,9,__, 24,36
6.When is X’s birthday
a) His birthday is before 25th May and after 22th May
b) His birthday is between 22th may to 22th may
I) Only a statement is sufficient
II) Only b statement is sufficient
III) EITHER a or b
IV) Both a and b
V) Neither a or b
7.One day , raj left home and cycled 5km southward. Turned left and cycled 2km
and turned left again n cycled 3km. then ,he turned right and cycled 5km. how
many km will to cycle to reach home straight.
a) Square root of 53
b) Square root of 54
c) Square root of 55
d) Square root of 56
8.Rearrange to make meaningful order
Key, Door, Lock, Room, Light on
9. Pointing to girl child in a photograph woman said “Her mother’s sister is the
wife of my son”.How is the woman related to the child?
a) Daughter
b) Mother
c) Sister
d) None of these
10.2 question on statement inference

English Test
1.Once he has signed the agreement he won’t be able to back _____
a) up
b) in
c) at
d) out
2.Unyoke ( synonym)
a) merge
b) split
c) federate
d) amalgamate
3.Insightful (synonym)

Personality Test
i)You like to help others
ii) You like to be respectful
a) Strongly agree with i)
b) Moderate agree with i)
c) Neither i) nor ii)
d) Moderate agree with ii)
e) Strongly agree with ii)
2 i) You love to do shopping
ii) You like to do multi tasking work
a) Strongly agree with i)
b) Moderate agree with i)
c) Neither i) nor ii)
d) Moderate agree with ii)
e) Strongly agree with ii)
3.i) You like to listen old songs
ii) You like to share my experience with others
4.i) You like to take more responsibility
ii) Sometimes you feel overburden when you do multi tasking work.
5.i) You love to take care of animals
ii) You like to read novels
6.i)My friends say me you are very emotional
ii) You like to interact with others
7.i) You like to complete one task at a time
ii) You like to take more responsibility even your previous work is pending
8.i) You love to be respectful
ii) You love to be silent

Sales Aptitude Test

You have to choose 2 options one best and one worst answer
1.You have gone to your friend’s party and you see that one prospective customer
also came here. So you will
a) Pitch your product and tell that here deal should be confirmed.
b) You will talk normally to make good relationship.
c) You will ignore him.
2.You are sales representative in your organization. Customer came to purchase a
product and you know that on that product currently 25% discount is there. So
you will
a) Describe about the product and its features then you will tell about the price
and discount
b) You will not tell the discount offer you will sell the product on the original price
c) You will tell the customer that 10% discount is going on instead of 25%
d) You will directly sell the product without telling its use and benefits
3.You are sales representative in Big Bazar. While selling the product when you
saw the price of the product it was wrong price tagged. So you will
a) Sell the product on that wronged price
b) Apologize to the customer for the mistake and sell the product on original price
c) Do not sell that product
d) Give the discount on that product
4.A customer came to your shop and was asking for the red color shirt. And
currently that colour shirt was not available. So you will
a) Apologize to the customer and tell to purchase the shirt of substitute color of
that shirt
b) Tell to the customer to wait for the some time
c) Tell to the customer that red colour shirt will not come
d) You will not sell any product
5.You are new employee of your organization. A customer came whose
relationship was not good with that organization and you were not knowing.One
colleague told you about that customer. So you will
a) Ask the name of that colleague from the customer with whom that customer
relationship was not good
b) Tell to the customer now services are improved
c) You will talk to the customer and ask about the problem he faced and you will
say that you will not receive that problem again
6.You are sales manager. And your organization is going in loss. So you will
a) Remove all your staff members and hire new
b) Sell all the products on discounts
c) See why your company is going in loss and improve it

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