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I, zyxw
zy 27-36 (1977)

Louisiana Stare University

Some Recent Results in Harniltonian Graphs”

A variety of recent developments in hamiltonian theory are reviewed. In particular,

several sufficient conditions for a graph to be hamiltonian, certain hamiltonian properties of
line graphs, and various hamiltonian properties of powers of graphs are discussed. Further-
more, the concept of an n-distant hamiltonian graph is introduced and several theorems
involving this special class of hamiltonian graphs are presented.

A graph G is defined to be hamiltonian if it has a cycle containing all

the vertices of G; such a cycle is called a hamiltonian cycle. The basic
unsolved problem of determining which graphs are hamiltonian has led to
the investigation of many related problems and, consequently, to the
development of what might generally be termed “hamiltonian theory”
(see [12, 15, 421). In this article we consider a sample of some of the
more recent results in the theory of hamiltonian graphs and provide the
reader with a large number of references to related results. Because of
the vast amount of research taking place in this area of graph theory,
several important topics in hamiltonian theory have necessarily been
omitted. Among these are hypohamiltonian graphs, the existence of
cycles o r paths in graphs, the decomposition of graphs into hamiltonian
cycles, and hamiltonian directed graphs. We have restricted our attention
primarily to results involving sufficient conditions for a graph to be
hamiltonian and various hamiltonian properties of line graphs and powers
of graphs.
In view of the fact that no genuinely useful characterization of hamilto-
nian graphs exists or seems likely to be found, a good deal of effort has
been devoted to developing sufficient conditions for a graph to be
hamiltonian. Chronologically, Dirac [22], Ore [48], Pbsa [5 11, Bondy [5],
and Chvital[14] have determined such conditions in terms of the degrees

of the vertices of a graph, with each successive result strengthening those
preceding it.

* Invited address at the Special Session on Graph Theory of the January 1975 meeting of
the American Mathematical Society in Washington, D.C.
@ 1977 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 27

hamiltonian if:

A graph G of order p Z 3 with degree sequence d l S d2 5

1 5 k 5 p 3 dk 2 . ~ 1 2
uu& E ( G ).$ deg u +deg u L p
- * * S d p is

4. (Bondy) j<k, djSj, dksk-ljdj-t-dkep

5. (Chvital) dk 5 k C p / 2 3 dp-k L p - k.
A sequence d , S d Z S --- 5 dp is called graphic if it is the degree
sequence of agraph. If S : d 1 5 d S 5 . . . S d p and S * : d f S d T S . . . S d ;
are graphic sequences such that d * 2 di for 1 5 i 5 p , then S* is said to
majorize S. It is apparent that if a graphic sequence satisfies one of the
conditions stated above, then so does every graphic sequence which
majorizes it. The strength of ChvAtal’s result lies in the fact that it is the
best possible sufficient condition of this kind. Specifically, every graphic
sequence which fails to satisfy ( 5 ) is majorized by the sequence S* : d f 5
d f 5 . - - 5 d *p ,where d f = k for l S i i k , d : = p - k - l for k + l S i 5
p - k, and d: = p - 1 for p - k + 1 5 i S p . Moreover, S* is the degree
sequence of the graph K k + ( z k u Kp--2k),which is a nonhamiltonian
graph. Thus, if a graphic sequence fails to satisfy (5), then it is majorized
by the degree sequence of a nonhamiltonian graph. In particular, this
implies that Chvital’s result has those of Dirac, Ore, P6sa, and Bondy as
corollaries. (For applications of Chvital’s theorem, see [6,9,18].) It
should be pointed out that there are graphic sequences which do not
satisfy ( 5 ) but which are necessarily the degree sequences of hamiltonian
graphs. For example, Nash-Williams [41] proved that every ( ( p - 1)/2)-
regular graph of order p is hamiltonian. However, the degree sequence of
such a graph does not satisfy (5).
Although in the sense described above Chvital’s theorem is the
strongest possible, it has been generalized by Las Vergnas [37] and by
Bondy and Chvital [8].
The following sufficient condition of Las Vergnas has been shown to
apply whenever ( 5 ) does.

6. (Las Vergnas). A graph G of order p L 3 is hamiltonian if the
vertices can be labeled ul, v 2 , . . . , up so that

j<k, klp-j,
vJuk‘ E(G)} deg Vj + deg u k 2 p .
deg uj d j, deg Uk 5 k - 1

Let G be a graph of order p and let k be an integer. Bondy and

Chvital define the k-closure of G, denoted C k ( G ) ,to be the smallest

graph H of order p such that G is a (spanning) subgraph of H and

deg, u + degH u < k

for all nonadjacent vertices u and u of H. We then have a sufficient

condition in terms of the p-closure of a graph.

7. (Bondy and Chvital). If G is a graph of order p Z 3 and C,(G) is
complete, then G is hamiltonian.
It can be shown that conditions (1)-(6) guarantee that C p ( G ) is
complete. Moreover, (7) is strictly stronger than all of these conditions.
For example, the graph G of Figure 1 is hamiltonian by (7) since
C6(G)= K6. However, there is no labeling u l , u2, . . . , z)6 of the vertices of
G that satisfies (6).
Bondy and Chvital have described a method for finding C,(G) for an
arbitrary graph G in O(p4) steps and, given a hamiltonian cycle in C p ( G ) ,
a method for finding a hamiltonian cycle in G within O(p3) steps.
Furthermore, they have shown that the method of proof involving the
closure of a graph may be applied in many other situations (by consider-
ing C k ( G )for various values of k), yielding sufficiency theorems for other
graphical properties.
Related to results involving the degrees of the vertices of a graph are
those involving the number of edges of the graph. A well known result of
this type is that due to Ore [47] which states that any graph of order p 1 3
with at least ( p z - 3 p + 6)/2 edges is hamiltonian. Recently, P6sa [50]
showed that, for a sufficiently large c, “almost all graphs of order p with
at least cp log p edges are hamiltonian.” Specifically, we have the
(P6sa). There exists a constant c such that the probability that a
random graph with p vertices and cp log p edges is hamiltonian tends to
1 as p + w .

Figure 1

For a discussion of the maximum number of edges in a graph without

hamiltonian cycles, see [7].

Although most sufficient conditions for a graph to be hamiltonian

involve the degrees of the vertices of the graph (the reader is referred to
[20, 21, 57, 601 for further examples), two recent results are given in
terms of the (vertex) connectivity of a graph. Chvrital and Erdos [17]

proved the following sufficient condition involving the connectivity K ( G )
and the (vertex) independence number P(G) of a graph G (see also [33]
and [40, Lemma 41).
8. (Chvrital and Erdos). Let G be a graph with at least three vertices. If
K ( G) 2 P(G), then G is hamiltonian.

Although it is well known that a 3-connected planar graph need not be

hamiltonian, Tutte [59] proved that every 4-connected planar graph is
hamiltonian. Recently, Duke [23] showed that this result has an analogue
for graphs of higher genus. In particular, let c(m) denote the least integer

such that every c(m)-connected graph of genus not exceeding m is
hamiltonian. Duke proved that such a function c ( m ) exists and has values

[?(5 + (16m + 1)'12] d c( m) S (3 (6m + 3)'12}, m 2 1,

where {x} denotes the least integer L x and [x] denotes the greatest
integer S x .
Sufficient conditions depending upon the toughness of a graph [161 and
upon the binding number of a graph [61] have been obtained. Further
examples of sufficient conditions may be found in [19] and [56], where
hamiltonian cycles in tree-graphs are considered, and in [62]. The reader
is referred to [31, ch. 71, for Grinberg's condition for the nonexistence of
a hamiltonian cycle in a graph.
At this point it is convenient to define a variety of hamiltonian
properties which a graph may possess. (Several of these properties have
been incorporated into a single generalized notion by Skupien and Wojda
[58].) A graph G is called hamiltonian-connected if each pair of distinct

vertices of G is joined by a spanning path. It is immediate that every
hamiltonian-connected graph with at least three vertices is hamiltonian. A
graph G with p vertices is pancyclic if G has cycles of all lengths I,

3 S I S p ; if moreover, every vertex (edge) of G lies on a cycle of every
length, then G is uerrex (edge) pancyclic. Finally, let dG(u, u ) denote the
distance between vertices u and u of a connected graph G. Then a graph
G with p vertices is called panconnecred if for each pair u, u of distinct
vertices of G and for each 1 satisfying dG(u, u ) 5 1 S p - 1, there is a u - u

path of length 1 in G. Every panconnected graph clearly possesses all of
the hamiltonian properties defined above.

With every graph G having at least one edge, there is associated a
graph L(G), called the line graph of G, whose vertices can be put in one-
to-one correspondence with the edges of G in such a way that two
vertices of L(G) are adjacent if and only if the corresponding edges of G
are adjacent. It was first shown by Sedlacek [54] that if G is hamiltonian,
then L ( G) is hamiltonian. Since then, many hamiltonian results involving
line graphs have been obtained. Several of the more recent are given
(Nebeskf [45]). Let G be a graph with at least five vertices and let d
denote the complement of G. Then at least one of L(G) and L ( @ is
The nth power G" of a connected graph G is that graph having the
same vertex set as G and such that two distinct vertices u and u are
adjacent in G" if and only if the distance between them in G is at most n.
(Nebeskjr [44]). If G is a connected graph with at least four vertices,
then both L(GZ)and [L(G)I2 are hamiltonian.
Nebeskf's result involving [L(G)]' was obtained independently by
Rosenstiehl (see [52]) and then strengthened by Bermond and Rosen-
stiehl [2].
(Bermond and Rosenstiehl). If G is a connected graph with at least
four vertices, then [ L (G)]' is vertex pancyclic.
Additional results involving line graphs may be found in [13, 34, 64,
In 1960, Sekanina [55] showed that the cube of every connected graph
is hamiltonian-connected (and thus hamiltonian). Independently, Beineke
discovered that the cube of a connected graph is hamiltonian and
Karaganis [35] rediscovered Sekanina's result (see [29]). Chartrand and
Kapoor [ll] then proved that if G is a connected graph with at least four
vertices, not only is G3 hamiltonian but it is also the case that the removal
of any vertex from G3 results in a hamiltonian graph, i.e., G3 is 1-
hamiltonian. Finally, Bondy [4] showed that the cube of every connected
graph is pancyclic and Alavi and Williamson [l] proved that such graphs
are, in fact, panconnected.
After the cube of every connected graph was shown to be hamiltonian,
it was conjectured independently by Plummer and Nash-Williams [43]
that for 2-connected graphs G, the graph G2 is hamiltonian. (It is not true
that the square of every connected graph is hamiltonian. For example,
32 zyxwvutzy

Neuman [46] and Harary and Schwenk [28] characterized those trees T
for which T 2is hamiltonian. If T is a tree with at least three vertices, then

7” is harniltonian if and only if T does not contain S(K(1,3)) as a
subgraph, where S(K(1,3)) is the graph obtained from K(1,3) by insert-
ing a new vertex of degree two into each edge of K(1,3).) This conjecture
remained open until it was verified by Fleischner [26] in 1971. A variety
of results strengthening (but employing) Fleischner’s work followed. For
example, Chartrand, Hobbs, Jung, Kapoor, and Nash-Williams [ 101

showed that the square of every 2-connected graph with at least four
vertices is 1-hamiltonian. (Zaks [63] has shown that this result cannot be
improved to “2-hamiltonian.”) One of the most recent results concerning

the square of a 2-connected graph, due to Faudree and Schelp [25], states
that if G is 2-connected, then G2is panconnected. As corollaries of this
result we have that if G is a 2-connected graph, then
(i) (Chartrand, Hobbs, Jung, Kapoor, Nash-Williams [lo]) G 2 is
(ii) (Hobbs [30]) G2 is vertex-pancyclic,
(iii) G2 is edge-pancyclic.
Detailed discussions involving powers of graphs may be found in [ 121 and
In [3], Bondy introduced the concept of a pancyclic graph and showed
that every hamiltonian graph with p vertices and at least p2/4 edges is
either pancyclic or is the complete bipartite graph K(p/2,p/2). Since a
graph satisfying Ore’s condition (2) is hamiltonian and has at least p2/4
edges, every graph of order p satisfying Ore’s condition is pancyclic or is
the graph K(p/2, p / 2 ) . This observation supports the “Metaconjecture”
which was made by Bondy
METACONJECTURE. Almost any nontrivial condition on a graph which

implies that the graph is hamiltonian also implies that the graph is
pancyclic. (There may be a simple family of exceptional graphs.)
Throughout this article we have seen several results in support of the
metaconjecture. We now state two further such results.

(Schmeichel and Hakimi [53]). If G is a graph of order p t3 such that

pancyclic or bipartite.
the degrees d l S d2S * s dp of the vertices satisfy ( 5 ) , then G is

(Erdos [24]). There is an absolute constant c such that if G has at

least ck4 vertices and ~ ( G ) z k z p ( G(in) particular, G satisfies (8)),
then G is pancyclic.
Additional results involving pancyclic graphs may be Eound in [4] and

In a somewhat negative vein, Bondy has shown the existence of graphs

G of order p for which C,(G) is complete but which fail to be pancyclic
or bipartite. Also, Malkevitch [39] has constructed an infinite class of

4-connected planar graphs, i.e., graphs satisfying Tutte's condition for a

hamiltonian cycle, which are not pancyclic.
We now present three results, very recently obtained by Fleischner

[27], which are intimately related to the previous discussions.

is hamiltonian,

(Fleischner). (i) The square of a graph G is pancyclic if and only if GZ

(ii) The square of a graph G con'tains a spanning path joining vertices

u and u if and only if there is a u - u path of length I in G 2 for
each I satisfying dG(u,u ) S IS 1 V( G)J- I,
(iii) The square of a graph is panconnected if and only if it is
Thus in the squares of graphs, hamiltonianity and pancyclicity are
equivalent concepts, as are hamiltonian-connectedness and panconnec-
We close our discussion with a final example of a variation on the
hamiltonian theme. If a graph is hamiltonian, then obviously every vertex
of the graph lies on a hamiltonian cycle. A hamiltonian graph may have
the added property that every edge of the graph lies on some hamiltonian
cycle. Such graphs have been referred to as 1-edge hamiltonian graphs
(see [ 3 6 , 4 9 ] ) . The concept of a 1-edge hamiltonian graph can be ex-

tended in the following manner. The diameter of a connected graph G,
denoted diam G, is the maximum distance between all pairs of vertices of
G. We say that G is n-distant hamiltonian (see [38]), 0 5 n Sdiam G, if
whenever u and u are vertices of G for which dG(u,u ) S n, there is a
hamiltonian cycle C of G such that dc(u, u ) = dG(u,u). Clearly, then, a
graph is 1-distant hamiltonian if and only if it is 1-edge-hamiltonian. It
can be shown that, for integers m and n satisfying 0 5 n 5 2m/3, there are
n-distant hamiltonian graphs G which are not ( n + 1)-distant hamiltonian
with diam G = m. For integers m and n satisfying 2 m l 3 < n C m , the
validity of an analogous statement is still being investigated. In the spirit
of the types of results presented throughout this article, we conclude with
the following results concerning n-distant hamiltonian graphs.
If G is a graph of order p Z 3 such that

uu& E ( G )3 deg u +deg u 2 p + 1,

then G is diam G-distant hamiltonian.
34 zyxwvut

If every vertex of a connected graph G has degree at least four, then

L ( L ( G ) )is diam L(L(G))-distant hamiltonian.
If G is a connected graph of order p 2 3, then G3 is diam G3-distant

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