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gTummo Api Suci

BY :



This manual is for teachers and students of Holy Fire gTummo only. This manual
may not be sold, or freely given out or posted on any Yahoo Group. No
duplication, in whole or in part, without the expressed, written permission of the
author. The bad effect results of misuse this manual without get right
authorization or initiation from the author or the person whom has get the
permission from the author, author will not responsible for it.
4th Level


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HOLY FIRE gTummo 4th Level

Receive the Angkur :

Preparation :
1. Clean your body first. ;
2. Remove all metal accessories from your body. ;
3. Prepare a clean and quite room.

Process :
1. Sit on a meditation position that make you comfort and relax, keep upright your
Spinal Column. Place your right palm on Heart Chakra and left palm on Dan Tien
(2 fingers below the navel). OR place your both palms touch on eachs thigh.
Close your eyes, slow and deep breath. ;
2. Think : “Now, I’m ready to receive angkur Master Teacher level of the Holy Fire
gTummo from Master Teacher Of Holy Fire gTummo … (Mention your Teacher’s
name) with perfectly. The Holy Fire gTummo of the Full Master level active and
flowed constantly and comprehensively to all of my body parts, Holy Fire gTummo
energy of the Master Teacher level was open and cleaned: Sushumna, ida, pingala,
72 thousand pulses, all 365 wheels, the physical body, and all the layer of the
energy body with completely, were cleansed of all negative energy and all the
illness kinds, was formed the layer of "protective energy" of the energy body that
perfect. From Now, Holy Fire gTummo flowed was 10.000 times was stronger and
his quality perfect. With this, i get authority to gives angkur with perfectly. As a
blessing from God and Holy Teacher’s permission, thank you !”. ;
3. And then do meditation approximately 15 minutes. ;
4. Drink a glass of water.

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HOLY FIRE gTummo 4th Level
Activation :

1. When you want use Holy Fire gTummo in a practice, you must activating the Holy
Fire gTummo with affirmation : “Now, I’m ready to activate Holy Fire gTummo
Master Teacher level and flow 10. 000 times stronger more than before throughout my
body, Chakras and Nadis with perfect. Forming a protection shield from all diseases
and negative energies. Thank you !”.
2. And then wait 2 – 3 minutes to activate the energy.

Master Teacher Meditation (Daily Meditation) :

1. Sit on a meditation position that make you comfort and relax, keep upright your
Spinal Column. Place your right palm on Heart Chakra and left palm on Dan Tien (2
fingers below the navel). OR place your both palms touch on eachs thigh. Close your
eyes, slow and deep breath. ;
2. Pray to God, asking for guidance and protection ;
3. Say this affirmation : “At this meditation, i'm activating Holy Fire body and Holy Fire
gTummo Master Teacher level so that continued get up and flow with strength 10.000
stronger to Shumsumna, Ida and Pingala and all : physical body and energy body
layer, 365 Chakras and 72 thousands pulses with perfectly, Cleaned from all disease
kinds and negative energy, physical body and entire energy bodies is strong and well
always, With this i get life energy pattern authority to give the angkur. As a blessing
from God and Holy Teacher’s permission, thank you !”. ;
4. This meditation will be run approximately 15 minutes.

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HOLY FIRE gTummo 4th Level
After that do Canalization :

1. Put both your hands (left hand at above) at Dan Tien. (during 2 minutes) ;
2. Right hand at Dan Tien, left hand at Navel Chakra (At Navel). (during 2 minutes) ;
3. Left hand at the Navel, right hand at Solar Plexus Chakra (at Solar Plexus). (during 2
minutes) ;
4. Right hand at the Solar Plexus, left hand at Heart Chakra. (2 minutes) ;
5. Left hand at Heart Chakra, right hand at Throat Chakra. (2 minutes) ;
6. Right hand at Throat Chakra, left hand at Third Eye Chakra (middle point between
your both eyebrows). (2 minutes) ;
7. Left hand at Third Eye Chakra, right hand at Crown Chakra. (2 minutes) ;
8. Both hands (Left hand at above the right hand) at Crown Chakra. (2 minutes).

Master Teacher Shield Protection :

The function of this Shield Protection as powerfull physic or metaphysic protection.

1. Formed Master Teacher Shield Protection Mudra (See the picture) in front of the
chest. ;
2. Affirmation : “I’m activate Master Teacher “Holy Fire gTummo” Shield Protection with
perfectly. Active, active, active as a blessing from God. Thank you !”. ;
3. Jerk (Constract) Dan Tien area (2 fingers below the navel) 3 times. ;
4. Wait approximately 5 minutes. Let the Holy Fire gTummo energy flow and the
Shield Protection is active.

Master Teacher Shield Protection Mudra

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HOLY FIRE gTummo 4th Level
 To use Holy Fire gTummo energy on Master Teacher Level and its energy pattern
is same with previous Level.

Master Teacher level has 2 energy pattern, that is : SHAKTIMATA and NAGA.

SHAKTIMATA = To give the angkur ;

NAGA = To overcome daily problems, especially obstacles in spiritual pathways.

SHAKTIMATA energy pattern is unnecessary to said because with automatic in Full Master
energy body, going to be enough with intention to give the angkur and do steps that
explained above, so this pattern can automatic be used.

Pass The Angkur For Other People :

After you do Master Teacher Meditation during 21 days non stop, so you can pass the
angkur for another to all levels until Master Teacher level. Angkur can to do with hands on
or distance. Basically, the both manner is same. For a Master Teacher, give the angkur is a
matter that easy and faster. Only with intention and say the affirmation to give the angkur.

Direct Angkur (Hands On) :

1. The student sit on a chair and look out on the West. ;
2. You as a Master Teacher that will give the angkur stand in the front of student
and look out on the face of student (Look out on the East). ;
3. Invite the student to pray to God. ;
4. Full Master say an affirmation to give the angkur : “I’m, Master Teacher of Holy
Fire gTummo … (mention your name) give the angkur for Holy Fire gTummo level
… (mention the level that will give), with perfectly. As a blessing from God and Holy
Teacher’s permission. Thank you”. ;
5. Master Teacher say an affirmation to receive (like the affirmation that write on
eachs level manual) with followed by student. ;

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HOLY FIRE gTummo 4th Level
6. The Student closed the eyes and do a meditation, relax during 15 minutes. ;
7. After that continued with Self Healing like on level 1.


Distance angkur is given as according to desirable time the student. Master Teacher
only do an intention and say if angkur for Holy Fire gTummo level … (mention the level)
sent to … (mention student’s name), at … (mention student’s location), sent with perfectly
and receive with perfectly on the time that desirable by receiver named … (mention
student’s name).
After that, Full Master must to do a meditation to send the angkur during 5 minute.
Only to pray to God and close the eyes, meditation and relax. Just follow all the
process in the body, and then the angkur will be send with automatically, but if the
student forget or not ready to receive, the angkur will be waiting until the student is
ready. Automatic, if the student reject to receive the angkur or forget until 40 days,
the angkur will be back and united with the Master Teacher. And it must do the re –
angkur. The matter is same with above explanation.
Next step is give a confirmation to student so that as soon as possible to receive the
angkur. Then, please request a feedback from student. The features if the angkur is
success to receive is : minimum the student felt energy or hot/warm flowing in his
body, it can felt on the palms or in the back or in the navel, etc. if any one of features,
so the angkur is success to receive.

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HOLY FIRE gTummo 4th Level

Holy Fire gTummo is a gTummo system with simple and general application, without
symbols and mantras, so can applied by everyone from any religions or cultures.

But please, don't share this system for freely and practice anything on this manual without
get initiation / angkur from a qualified Master Teacher of Holy Fire gTummo, because this
kind energy is very powerfull and dangerous if practised without initiation.

And please, don't put and share this manual on Yahoo Groups, and other public networks /
groups or anything public medias.

Finally, we hope you can keep this manual secretly and share it with your students only.

Thank you very much and may God bless you.

Much Love & Gratitude !

Hari Andri Winarso

Edwin Aldrian

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HOLY FIRE gTummo 4th Level

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