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Name: A#:

MAE 3440: Lecture 03 Examples

January 26, 2021

1. At steady state a 5 cm thick brick wall (k = 1.5 W/m-K) has an outside temperature of 35◦ C and an

inside temperature of 20◦ C. Determine the temperature distribtuion in the wall, the heat flux through

the wall, and the direction of the heat flow.

Name: A#:

2. Now, using the same wall, assume we don’t know the outer surface temperature, but we measure an

irradiance of 750 W/m2 and we know that brick is a good absorber of radiation. What is the outside

temperature of the brick wall, the heat flux through the wall, and the direction of the heat flow?

Name: A#:

3. Now, using the same wall again, assume we don’t know the outer surface temperature, but instead of an

irradiance, we measure the air temperature and the convection coefficients to be 35◦ C and 5 W/m2 -K,

respectively. What is the outside temperature of the brick wall, the heat flux through the wall, and

the direction of the heat flow?

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