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Chapter 4: STAFFING (PART-I)
What we will study?
*What is Staffing?
*What are the objectives of Staffing?
*What is the nature of staffing?
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People working in an organization play a vital role in achieving
its goals or objectives.
It is not only the number of people which matters but also
their skill level and motivation.
Proper recruitment and training policies of the organization
play an important role in ensuring that right quality of people
in right number are put for carrying out a particular type of
Appropriate career development policies should also be
adopted to tackle the problem of attrition of skilled staff.
The effective administration of human resources is the
foundation of the managerial function of staffing.
A method or procedure, such as recruiting, selection,
placement, training, and development, giving remuneration,
etc., are all examples of activities that fall under the purview
of effective human resource management.
The process of recruiting and training suitable individuals to
fill the available jobs in a company is an important part of
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One definition of this process is as follows: "It entails making
an estimate of the quantity and type of personnel that will be
required, as well as recruiting and developing the said
personnel, in addition to maintaining and increasing the
competence and performance of said personnel".
In other words, the process of locating, analyzing, placing,
cultivating, and reviewing persons for employment
opportunities may be referred to as staffing.
The process of staffing an organisation entails determining the
manpower requirements of the business and then providing it
with sufficient and competent individuals at all its levels.
Staffing therefore encompasses activities such as personnel
planning, procurement (also known as selection and
placement), training and development, performance
evaluation, and compensation of workers.
Managers are responsible for building an organization through
the process of recruiting, selection, and development of
individuals as capable employees. This process is known as
The process of staffing plays an important part in the planning
of human resources.
It guarantees that the organization is making the greatest
possible use of its human resources.
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It may also be noted that the hiring process is the most
important part of any other managerial role.
It is beneficial to an enterprise's efforts to keep a workforce at
a decent level.

The primary functions of the staffing are:
*Obtaining qualified individuals for various job positions
inside the organization is the primary objective of the staffing
function, which has several other responsibilities as well.
*The process of staffing ensures that the most qualified
candidates are selected for open positions, which results in
greater levels of both productivity and performance.
*It contributes to the promotion of the most effective and
efficient usage of human resources in a variety of ways.
*The successful recruitment of the right person raises the
level of job satisfaction and morale experienced by workers.
*The process of staffing serves to guarantee that human
resources are used more effectively.
*Staffing secures the organization's continued existence as
well as its continued expansion using development managers.
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*Proper people can be placed in the right jobs with the help of
staffing services.
*Staffing is a function that is used in many different contexts.
It is the responsibility of managers at every level of
management to carry it out.
The process of management includes staffing as one of its
essential components.
It is possible to define it as the process of recruiting and
cultivating the necessary personnel to fill the available roles in
an organization's numerous departments.
This is so because when it comes to effective and efficient
management of the business, every business entity is
extremely concerned with the quality of the people available
to them.
According to Peter Ducker, "man, of all the resources
accessible to man can grow and develop."
It is concerned with the recruitment, selection, placement,
utilization, and development of an organization’s staff
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The important objectives of staffing are:
1. To get the appropriate employees for the appropriate
2. To educate and cultivate the available human resources.
3. To design policies for personnel matters, such as transfer,
promotion, and other related work.
4. To effectively shape the available human resources and to
motivate those resources toward better levels of performance.
5. To create a positive and productive working connection
between employers and employees as well as between
different groups of employees.
6. To ensure that the demands of the workers are met to the
workers' satisfaction so that they will become dedicated and
loyal to the organization.
7. To keep positive human interactions in place in order to
foster strong morale among the workforces.
Concentrated on Individuals:
The process of Staffing is concerned with the effective
utilization of an organization’s Human Resources.
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It encourages and incentivizes each worker to contribute to
the fullest extent possible toward the accomplishment of the
organization's goals and objectives.
Oriented Towards Development:
This means that the focus is on maximizing the potential of
the employees working for the organization.
Their interests, personality, and talents will all mature as a
result of this.
It makes it possible for workers to derive the greatest possible
satisfaction from their employment.
Employees are given the tools they need to reach their full
potential as a result.
Employees are given the opportunity to enhance their careers
through various educational and training programmers
provided by the company.

An all-pervasive function:
Staffing is essential to the operation of every business.
It is a significant component of the overall management
system that has the capability of being implemented in both
for-profit and not-for-profit businesses.
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It is necessary for all personnel at all levels of the business,
regardless of their type.
An ongoing procedure:
The process of hiring new employees is an ongoing one that
never comes to a conclusion.
It involves constant vigilance and an acute awareness of the
significance of human relations in every aspect of the
Human objectives:
This helps employees reach their full potential so that they
can experience the greatest amount of satisfaction from the
work that they do.
It fosters an environment in which workers are willing to
collaborate voluntarily toward the accomplishment of the
organization’s stated objectives.
Focused on both individuals and groups to achieve goals:
Staffing is concerned with employees in both their individual
and group capacities in order to achieve goals.
It creates the appropriate organizational framework to meet
the requirements of both individual efforts and collective
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It does this by combining the pursuit of individual goals with
those of the group in such a way that the employees
experience a sense of involvement with the organization.
Creating an environment conducive to productive work:
It creates an environment conducive to productive work
inside the firm, one in which every worker puts his or her best
efforts for the accomplishment of organizational goals.
It makes for an atmosphere that is not just physically but also
mentally pleasant to be in while at work.
It's multidisciplinary character:
Staffing is a field that originated in the social sciences.
It incorporates theories and ideas derived from a variety of
academic fields, including sociology, anthropology,
management, and psychology.
In addition to this, it has taken some ideas from the
behavioral sciences.
It might be thought of as the science of "human engineering".
An essential component of general management:
The hiring and firing of employees are essential components
of general management.
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Effective people administration skills are required of each
member of the management group, from the most senior
member on down.
It is helpful to other functional areas of management and
provides support for them.
A blend of art and science:
The process of hiring new employees is grounded in the field
of human engineering.
It can be thought of as an organized body of knowledge that is
made up of principles and methods.
It is also an art because it requires the ability to interact with
different types of individuals.
Because it handles employees and finds solutions to their
problems in a methodical manner, it is considered one of the
creative arts.
It is considered a management philosophy because of its
emphasis on the dignity and worth of individual human beings.
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What we will study?
*What are facets of staffing?
*What is the significance of staffing?
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There are three primary facets of staffing, which are as follows:
Recruitment, Selection, Training.
Recruitment is a positive process that seeks to attract a bigger
number of people with ideal profiles to apply for positions
that are empty in the business.
The organization's goal with recruitment is to fill positions as
quickly as possible.
The more people that apply for a job, the better your chances
are of finding an applicant who meets your requirements.
Selection is a procedure that eliminates candidates by
carefully reviewing their applications and choosing those who
are the best fit for the open position.
The selection process is different from the recruitment
process in that it rejects applications.
Training is another constructive activity that improves the
employees' knowledge and abilities, as well as their capacity
to do their jobs more effectively.
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The processes of recruitment, selection, and training are
followed by organizations to ensure that all positions in the
organizational hierarchy are filled with people who are
competent and talented in their respective fields.

Finding the appropriate candidates for open positions in an
organization’s hierarchy is the responsibility of the staffing
Because the human resource is what propels a company to
greater heights, it is imperative for management to ensure
that they have the appropriate kind of personnel in place.
Staffing is the most fundamental and important job of
In the past, "staffing" meant appointing individuals to get
things done.
However, as a result of the rapid changes that have taken
place in the corporate environment, “staffing" has taken on a
higher role as a management function.
Staffing must appoint people who not only have the
specialized knowledge but also the appropriate attitude,
aptitude, commitment, and sense of loyalty for the
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organization in order to keep up with the continuously
advancing technology, changing human behavior, and growing
size of the business.
This is required in order for staffing to be effective.
The caliber of an organization’s workforce is directly
proportional to the company's level of success.
Thus, staffing is an important managerial function and its
significance can be further explained as under:

Recognizes Competent Staff:

The process of determining the number of workers needed to
fill positions in an organizational structure and assigning those
positions to the appropriate individuals is referred to as
It makes certain that only those individuals with the necessary
skills are hired.
For instance, the HR Head of your Company identifies the
departments that are facing shortage of staff at various levels
and then works toward finding people who are suitable for
those departments.
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Enhancement of Overall Performance:
When businesses put the right people in charge of the right
jobs, they are able to use their physical resources in the most
effective way possible, which ultimately results in increased
productivity, enhanced efficiency, and enhanced performance.
For instance, in the interest of achieving the best possible
outcomes, the Purchase Department should only appoint
persons who have integrity, understand the material and
capital goods acquisition procedures and have knowledge
about the industry and the Suppliers.
Ongoing Capability for Survival and Development:
Training and development programmers for employees that
are done correctly keep managers up to date on the changes
that have occurred in the business environment.
The continuity of the business's survival and expansion can be
ensured by conducting succession planning for managerial
For instance, whenever there is a change in the systems,
procedures and the technology used by the Company or the
organization is restructured, staff needs to be trained and
educated so that they are aware of the modifications and are
able to incorporate them into their working.
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The Optimal Employment of the Available Human Resources:
The needs of the workforce are determined during the staffing
process, and appointments of individuals are planned
This ensures that there are sufficient personnel available to
avoid underutilization of workers or disruptions to work
caused by inadequate staffing levels.
For instance, if there are enough teachers working in each
department, then each individual class will have a teacher
assigned to it.
Increases Job Satisfaction and Contributes to a Positive
Staffing recognizes the value of its employees' contributions
and expresses gratitude and appreciation for those
contributions through ongoing performance reviews and
For instance, after the financial year is closed, a company
might plan evaluations for each individual employee in order
to select an "employee of the year." This not only rewards the
hard-working employee with a sense of satisfaction but also
encourages others to work even more diligently.
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What we will study?
*What is Recruitment?
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Staffing refers to the process of hiring individuals who are the
most qualified for a job whereas recruiting is the process of
finding potential applicants for a job and encouraging them to
apply for the vacant post.
Recruiting and staffing are two different processes but are
often used interchangeably.
The process of recruitment and staffing is what constitutes the
method by which companies find employees to fill open
Recruitment takes place at a variety of stages throughout a
company's existence, although it is at its most intense when a
new business is launched or when an existing business
undertakes expansion or new directions.
The procedure starts with extensive planning that occurs
behind closed doors and continues with the recruitment,
interviewing, and selection of staff members.
There are a few different paths that can be taken by small
businesses during the process of recruitment and staffing.
The following is a rundown of the primary stages involved in
the recruitment process:
* Determining the need for hiring.
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* Conceiving a recruitment strategy.
* Drafting a job description.
* Publicizing the position.
* Recruiting candidates for the position.
* Examining applications.
* Conducting a phone interview or initial screening.
* Conducting interviews.
* Evaluating candidates.
* Conducting a background check.
* Making a decision.
* Checking references.
* Making an offer of employment.
* Hiring candidates.
* On boarding of candidates.
Types of Recruitment:
Internal Recruiting: (within firm)
The process of filling open positions within a company with
current staff members from that organization is known as
internal recruiting.
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Retained Recruiting: (using a firm, upfront payment)
When a company engages a recruiting firm, they can do so in
numerous different ways; one of the most prevalent ways is
retained recruiting.
When an organization hires a recruiting firm to fill a vacant
position, the organization is responsible for paying an upfront
fee to the recruiting firm.
Up to the point that the post is filled, the company is
responsible for locating potential candidates.
In addition, the organization commits to forming an exclusive
partnership with the company.
In other words, companies are unable to use multiple
recruiting agencies for the purpose of filling the same vacancy.
Contingency Recruiting: (using a firm, NO upfront payment)
This type of recruiting, like retained recruiting, requires the
assistance of an outside firm.
In contrast to retained recruiting, contingency hiring does not
require an upfront payment.
Instead, the recruitment company is only compensated when
one of the candidates they represent is offered and accepts a
position within an organization.
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Recruiting for Staffing Agencies:
Staffing recruiters are employed by staffing agencies.
Staffing and recruiting involve pairing skilled job seekers with
open positions that meet their qualifications.
In addition, most of the jobs that staffing companies fill are
either temporary or only available for a limited time.
Outplacement Recruiting:
When it comes to recruitment, outplacement is a type of
advantage that is often sponsored by employers and assists
former employees in making the transition into new jobs.
The purpose of outplacement recruiting is to equip people
who have lost their jobs with the tools necessary to locate
new employment or pursue other lines of work.
Reverse Recruiting:
This is a procedure in which an employee is urged to seek
employment with a new business that offers a better fit for
their skill set.
This process refers to the practice of encouraging an employee
to seek employment with a different organization.
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Method for Conducting Successful Recruitment Procedure:
When it comes to producing high-quality personnel on a
consistent basis, recruitment is a sophisticated process that
demands significant research, comprehensive processes, and
Keeping this in mind, the following are the three most
important pieces of advice for successful recruitment:
Search within your organization before looking outside:
There is a significant probability that the most qualified
individual for the post is already employed by your company.
Candidates from within your company are already aware with
your company's culture and goals, and they contribute to
achieving those goals.
It is reasonable to anticipate that, given their history of
accomplishments inside your organization, they will continue
to be successful in their new role.
Contact applicants considered passive:
There is a good probability that the person who would be
perfect for your open position is not currently seeking for a
new job and will not react to the advertisement that you post
on the job board. Why?
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Because it is most likely that they are working somewhere
else already.
After all, there might not be any reason that your competitors
should not also be interested in hiring your perfect applicant.
Therefore, if you want to be successful in recruiting, you need
to hunt for elite talent outside of your current candidate pool.
It is crucial to create contacts with local university business
schools (or other relevant departments), checking social
media sites like LinkedIn for strong resumes from applicants
who might not be explicitly looking for a new job, encouraging
your employees to suggest people they know or are linked to.
All of these are important avenues through which we can
grow our recruitment network.

Hire the person already excelling in similar jobs:

Several Management Gurus and Experts are of the view that
we should hire a person who is the sure thing and has already
made a name in similar jobs.
To put it another way, a history of success is the single best
predictor of future achievement.
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What we will study?
*What is Selection?
*All about Selection Process?
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The phase of the staffing process known as selection is the
component of the hiring procedure that entails selecting an
employee to hire from a shortlist of exceptional applicants
who have been reduced.
Throughout the process of recruiting, there are multiple
opportunities for selection to take place.
Manager’s shortlist the applicants to be contacted based on
the credentials of their applications and decide about the
applicants who are to be called for interviews, and ultimately
which applicants to be hired for available positions.
If you have a good understanding of the many levels of
selection and what to look for at each level, you will be better
able to choose the right job candidates for your company's
long-term success.
The Selection Process:
It is necessary for an organization to develop its own selection
procedures because each company has its own standards and
Nevertheless, the most important steps are as follows:
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1. Preliminary Interview:
This is a very generic and basic interview that is held to
exclude the candidates who are utterly unfit to work in the
The purpose of this interview is to determine who will move
on to the next stage of the interview process.
As a result, the company now has access to a pool of
applicants who could be suitable for open positions in the
2. Taking Applications:
Candidates for open positions submit their resumes and cover
letters to the business in order to be considered for
The application provides the interviewers with information
about the candidates, such as their biographical data, their
work experience, their hobbies and interests.

3. Examining the Applications:

Once the applications have been received, a special screening
committee examines them in order to select potential
candidates from among the applications who will then be
contacted to schedule interviews.
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Candidates could be chosen based on specific criteria such as
their qualifications, previous work experience, and so on.
4. Employment Tests:
For a company to determine whether or not an individual is
qualified for a certain job, the company must first evaluate
the individual's abilities.
This is accomplished by the administration of numerous job
exams, including IQ tests, aptitude tests, competence tests,
personality tests, and so on.
5. Formal Interview:
The fifth and last stage of the selection process is the
employee interview.
This stage is the next step in the selection process.
Interviews for jobs are conducted to determine in great depth
a candidate's skill set and whether they have the capacity to
work in the business.
The purpose of an employment interview is to determine
whether the candidate is suitable for the position, as well as
to provide the candidate with information regarding the work
profile and the responsibilities that would be expected of the
potential employee.
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Interviews are an essential part of the hiring process because
they help employers choose the most qualified candidates for
open positions.
6. Verification of References:
The individual who provides a possible employees reference is
also a very important source of information, so we must check
with them.
The referee will be able to provide information regarding the
individual’s capabilities, experience in the prior firms,
leadership, and managerial skills, and more.
The Human Resources department is responsible for
maintaining the confidentiality of the information provided by
the referee.

7. Medical Tests:
The seventh and final step in the selection process is the
medical examination, which is another highly essential part of
the procedure.
Employers can determine whether or not any of the potential
applicants are physically and psychologically fit to undertake
the tasks associated with their professions with the help of
medical examination.
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There would be fewer incidents of absenteeism, accidents,
and employee turnover if there is an effective system of
medical check-ups in place.
Additionally, the health standards of the employees will be
8. Final Selection and Appointment:
This is the last phase in the selection process, and it consists of
a letter announcing the final selection and appointment.
An appointment letter is delivered or emailed to the
employee to advise his selection for the job once the
candidate has demonstrated that they are qualified for the
position by passing all written tests, interviews, and medical
The terms of employment, including working hours,
remuneration, and leave benefits, are listed in their entirety in
the letter of appointment.
It is common practice to hire workers on a conditional basis or
on probation, with the understanding that they will be hired
permanently or confirmed in service if the company is
satisfied with their performance.
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Importance of the Selection Process:
➢ The expansion and success of the company are directly
attributable to the careful selection and placement of staff.
In a similar vein, the capabilities of the company's
workforce are the only real measure of how successful the
company can be.
➢ The rapid accomplishment of company goals is directly
attributable to the recruitment of workers who are talented
and skilled.
➢ Industrial accidents will substantially fall in numbers when
the right technical staff is engaged for the right jobs.
➢ People's levels of job satisfaction, as well as the quantity
and quality of their output, tend to rise when they find
employment in fields in which they excel since this leads to
more personal fulfillment.
➢ People that are content with their jobs frequently tend to
have good morale and motivation to do better.

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