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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Introduction to Radiation
Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 1
MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Radiation Heat Transfer

Heat transfer between surfaces in the absence of an intervening
• Stefan-Boltzmann Law:
𝐸! = 𝜎𝑇"#
𝜎 = 5.67×10$% W/m&K #

• Mechanism: photon
emission/absorption from electron

• Treated as a surface phenomenon

in opaque materials.

Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 2

MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Thermal Spectrum
The thermal radiation spectrum ranges from UV (100 nm) to
Infrared (100 𝝁m)

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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Radiation is Complicated
Radiation emission/absorption at a surface is a function of the
temperature, wavelength, and the angle.
Darth Kule:

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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Geometric Aspects: Spherical


Zenith Angle (𝜃)

relative to the surface
normal from 0 to 𝜋/2

Azimuthal Angle (𝜑
or 𝜙) from 0 to 2𝜋

Radius (r)
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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Geometric Aspects: Solid Angle

Plane Angle Solid Angle

1 circle = 2𝜋 radians 1 sphere = 4𝜋 steradians

1 hemisphere = 2 𝜋 steradians
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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Radiant Intensity/Emission from Surface

$% W
• Spectral Intensity: 𝐼!,# 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 =
$&! '() *$+$! m" sr µm

𝑑𝑞'” =𝑑𝑞/𝑑𝜆= 𝐼',* 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙

• Integrating over the hemisphere gives the Spectral, Hemispherical Emissive
Power [W/m2-µm]:
&, ,/&
𝐸' 𝜆 = 𝑞'” 𝜆 =∫+ ∫+ 𝐼',* 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙

• Integrating over the hemisphere and spectrum gives the Total Hemispherical
Emissive Power [W/m2]:
. &, ,/&
𝐸=∫+ ∫+ ∫+ 𝐼',* 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙𝑑𝜆

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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Irradiation/Absorption at Surface
$% W
• Spectral Intensity: 𝐼!,, 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 =
$&! '() *$+$! m" sr µm

𝑑𝑞'” =𝑑𝑞/𝑑𝜆= 𝐼',/ 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙

• Integrating over the hemisphere gives the Spectral Irradiation [W/m2-µm]:

&, ,/&
𝐺' 𝜆 = 𝑞'” 𝜆 =∫+ ∫+ 𝐼',/ 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙
• Integrating over the hemisphere and spectrum gives the Total Irradiation

. &, ,/&
𝐺=∫+ ∫+ ∫+ 𝐼',/ 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙𝑑𝜆

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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Radiosity from Surface

$% W
• Spectral Intensity: 𝐼!,#-. 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 =
$&! '() *$+$! m" sr µm

𝑑𝑞'” =𝑑𝑞/𝑑𝜆= 𝐼',*01 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙

• Integrating over the hemisphere gives the Spectral Radiosity [W/m2-µm]:

&, ,/&
𝐽' 𝜆 = 𝑞'” 𝜆 =∫+ ∫+ 𝐼',*01 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙
• Integrating over the hemisphere and spectrum gives the Total Radiosity

. &, ,/&
𝐽=∫+ ∫+ ∫+ 𝐼',*01 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙𝑑𝜆

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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Diffuse Surfaces
A diffuse surface has emission and irradiation that is independent of
angle/doesn’t change with direction. The Spectral and Total
Emissive Power and Irradiation are then simplified as
• Emissive Power from a diffuse surface:

𝐸' 𝜆 = 𝜋𝐼',* 𝜆 𝐸=𝜋𝐼*

• Irradiation on a diffuse surface:

𝐺' 𝜆 = 𝜋𝐼',/ 𝜆 𝐺=𝜋𝐼/

• Radiosity from a diffuse surface:

𝐽' 𝜆 = 𝜋𝐼',*01 𝜆 𝐽=𝜋𝐼*01

Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 10

MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Blackbody Radiation
A blackbody is one which has an ideal surface for radiation.

• A blackbody absorbs all incident radiation, regardless of wavelength and


• For a prescribed temperature and wavelength, no surface can emit more

energy than a blackbody

• Although the radiation by a blackbody is a function of wavelength and

temperature, it is independent of direction - diffuse emitter.

Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 11

MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Planck Blackbody Distribution

Provides the Spectral Intensity and Spectral Emissive Power of a
blackbody at a specific wavelength and temperature.
& 2 3!"
I𝐼',! 𝜆, 𝑇 =
'# *45 23! /'6$ 7 $8

ℎ=6.626×10$9# J-s, Planck’s constant

𝑘: =1.381×10$&9 J/K, Boltzmann constant
𝑐; =2.998×10% m/s, speed of light in vacuum

I𝐸',! 𝜆, 𝑇 = 𝜋𝐼',! 𝜆, 𝑇 = '# *45 <" /'7 $8
𝐶8=3.742×10% [W − µm4/m2]
𝐶&=1.439×10# [µm − K]
Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 12
MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Planck Blackbody Distribution

Darth Kule:

Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 13

MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Wien’s Displacement Law

Provides the peak wavelength of emission from a blackbody based
on temperature.

𝜆=>4 = 7 [µm]

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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Total Emissive Power – Blackbody

. <%
I𝐸! 𝑇 = ∫+ 𝑑𝜆 = 𝜎𝑇 #
'# *45 <" /'7 $8

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

𝜎=5.67×10$% [W/m2-K4], Stefan-Boltzmann constant

Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 15

MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Band Emission
In some cases, we don’t need the emission over the full spectrum
therefore we can integrate over a smaller region or Band.
' '
∫& D',) E' ∫& D',) E' '7 D',)
I𝐹(+→') = * = F7+
= ∫+ F7# 𝑑(𝜆𝑇) = 𝑓(𝜆𝑇)
∫& D',) E'

I𝐹('% $'" ) = 𝐹(+→'" ) − 𝐹(+→'% )

Band Emission Table in Equation Sheet!

Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 16

MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Real Surfaces
Real surfaces (not blackbodies) have emission/absorption that
depends on wavelength, direction and temperature.
• Spectral, directional emissivity:
𝐼',* 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙, 𝑇
𝜀',G 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙, 𝑇 =
𝐼',! 𝜆, 𝑇

• Directional emissivity:
𝐼* 𝜃, 𝜙, 𝑇
𝜀G 𝜃, 𝜙, 𝑇 =
𝐼! 𝑇

• Spectral emissivity:
𝐸' 𝜆, 𝑇
𝜀' 𝜆, 𝑇 =
𝐸',! 𝜆, 𝑇
• Total emissivity: 𝐸 𝑇
𝜀 𝑇 =
𝜎𝑇 #
Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 17
MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Real Surfaces
Generalizations for emissivity

• Emissivity of metal surfaces

is usually small and lowest
with highly polished
• Oxide layers can
significantly increase
• Emissivity of non-metals are
usually greater than 0.6.
• Emissivity of metals
increase with temperature

Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 18

MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Real Surfaces
What happens when a real surface is irradiated?

• The incident radiation is Irradiation (G𝝀).

• 1st Law of Thermodynamics says Irradiation must be equivalent to Absorbed,
Reflected, and Transmitted.

𝐺' = 𝐺',1*H + 𝐺',>!" + 𝐺',I1>J

1= 𝛼' + 𝜌' + 𝜏'

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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation


𝐼',/,>!" 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙
𝛼',G 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 =
𝐼',/ 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙

𝐺',>!" 𝜆
𝛼' 𝜆 = 𝐺',>!" = 𝛼' 𝐺'
𝐺' 𝜆


Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 20

MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation


𝐼',/,1*H 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙
𝜌',G 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 =
𝐼',/ 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙

𝐺',1*H 𝜆
𝜌' 𝜆 = 𝐺',1*H = 𝜌' 𝐺'
𝐺' 𝜆


Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 21

MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation


𝐼',/,I1>J 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙
𝜏',G 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙 =
𝐼',/ 𝜆, 𝜃, 𝜙

𝐺',I1>J 𝜆
𝜏' 𝜆 = 𝐺',I1>J = 𝜏' 𝐺'
𝐺' 𝜆


𝜏=0 for opaque solids

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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Kirchhoff’s Law
Provides a relationship between emissivity and absorptivity

𝜀',G = 𝛼',G Always true

𝜀' = 𝛼' True for a diffuse surface

𝜀 = 𝛼 True for a diffuse and gray surface

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MAE 3440: Heat Transfer Lecture 23 Intro to Radiation

Symbols, Subscripts, and Constants

Symbols Subscripts
𝜃 Zenith Angle 𝜃 Direction Dependence
𝜙 Azimuthal Angle 𝜆 Wavelength Dependence
r Radius e Emission
𝑑𝜔 Solid Angle i Incident
I Intensity r,ref Reflected
E Emissive Power b Blackbody
G Irradiation
J Radiosity Diffuse = independent of direction
𝜀 Emissivity Gray = independent of wavelength
𝛼 Absorptivity
𝜌 Reflectivity 𝜎 = 5.67×10$% W/m&K #
𝜏 Transmissivity Stefan-Boltzmann Constant

Utah State University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 24

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