A new - speaking unit 9

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A IELTS Speaking Part 3 Speaking part 3 (2) React Before attending the class, you need to complete the following tasks for better preparation and knowledge acquisition. Watch the video while doing the tasks. Material Exercise 1. Complete the tasks below. a. Complete the sentences below using the words from the box. when where = whose = why which = who 1. This is a restaurant - you can find many different cuisines from around the world. 2. The moment... | found out the exam results were one of the worst times in my life. 3. Those... .. af@ eager to join the Spanish class should sign up by tomorrow. 4, Da Nang, .. is one of the most visited tourist destinations, is a fascinating city. 5. would like to know the reason . YOU decided not to join us. 6. The Amazons, warrior nature is stressed in Greek mythology, have been a popular subject for the movie industry. 7. The Louvre Museum, more than 350,000 works are kept, is the most visited art museum in the world. b. Rewrite the sentences by changing as above. 1. Testing on animals is cruel. 4, Finding their house wasn't difficult. 5, Mastering a second language takes time and patience. 6. Driving to Nghé An will take us ten hours. IELTS Fighter A | 145 c. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use short forms where possible. 1. Ifwe'd brought a map With US, We acm 2. You .. (not fail) the exam if you'd studied a bit harder. 3. Had | known you were bringing your friends, | .. vo» (Prepare) more food. 4, iF they left now, they... .sss:marsenmnes (be) in London by lunchtime. (not be) lost now. 5. You can go to the party aS 1Ong aS YOU vexrnnwrnenemenee (COME) home before midnight. 6. Suppose your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, what, do? Exercise 2. Label the pictures below with the correct name of the sports, Horse racing ‘American football Mountaineering Gymnastics Canoeing Weightlifting IELTS Fighter A| 146 Exercise 3. Match the words/phrases on the left column to their correct Vietnamese meanings. . 1. environmental degradation a. sy bao ton 2. gas emission b. sda dang sinh hoc 3. global warming cc khithai . 4. deforestation d.khinha kinh 5. soil erosion e. suy thodi mdi trudng 6. biodiversity f. sy phd ring 7. greenhouse gases 9g. néng lén toan cau ..8. preservation h. sux6i mon dat Topic-based vocabulary (n) 2 7welnas/ ‘Stic khée Strenuous (adj) c2 /'strenjuas/ ) c2 /par'sistans/ ‘Surkién th ‘Acceleration (n) c2 Jak sela'reyt/ Flexibility (n) ca / fleksa bilati/ -demanding (ad) = NA /‘fiziklidd maendin/ Yéu cu cao v8 thé chat Personal best (n) a /.psrsanl ‘best/ ” c2 7'worm ap/ ‘Sur khéi dong Carbon footprint (n) B2 /-kectban ‘fotprint/ ™ ca {dv twiarert/ Lam suy yéu, pha hy hot (adi) C1 both ha:t/ Nong chay da (adi) c2 /resparatori/ Thudc vé hé hap Freezing cold (adi) BI 1 fri:zun kaold/ ” NA ‘/n’sinarert/ ‘Dét thiéu () ca Phictwew/ Bot nang néng Natural world (n) BI /’neetfral wactld/ (n) NA /pa'lutant/ Chat gay 6 nhiém zone (n) B2 ‘An‘dastrial zoon/ Khu céng nghiép Reusable (adj) NA Li juzabl/ Consequence (n) B2 /’ka:nsikwens/ Green () 2 /.gtimn'laifstail/ —L6i sng than thién véi méi trudng IELTS Fighter A147 Collocations ‘Step out of NA /step avt av kamfart zaon/ one's boundaries a /pufwanz ‘baondariz/ — Vugt qua gidi han ban than Bet neon AWAY NA Jget‘keerid 3'wev/ Kh6ng git duge cam xtc Get into shape NA /get ‘intu feip/ to/towards NA J graeuitert Hucéng v8, thién ve cai gi dé something tu/tordz ‘sam@in/ Get back to nature NA /get beek tu ‘neifar/ Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words/collocations in the two tables above. 1. Because the car has a modified version of a jet engine, it has a rapid rate of 2.Its easy to get. ‘when shopping and buying something that is over budget. 3. The... zone has been a major contributor to the city’s economic growth 4. Lane's of 12:46:80 minutes for the 5000 meters ranks her as the fifth fastest of all time for the distance. 5. The winter in the north of Vietnam is... we While in the south itis too hot. Five years working behind a desk has given me quite a belly. 6. really need to get... 7. Using public transport and riding bikes on a daily basis can greatly reduce the amount of carbon . 8, The children continually challenge themselves to learn new things and step 9. Your lies have resulted in a lot of serious IELTS Fightor A | 148

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