design of 32mx21m

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1 Given Data

fcu 35.00
fy 460.00
gw 10.00
gc 25.00
gs 18.00
¢ 30.00
Es 200,000.00
Exposure Conditions
severe exposure
design crack width 0.20

2 cantilever wall
consider 1m length of wall
design a cantilever wall to
withstand water pressure
height 6.50
normal height of water 6.00
partial safety factor
for uls 1.40
for sls 1.00
service moment at base of wall 360.00
ultimate moment 640.79
from design chart, the estimated
thickness of wall at root h
tension steel is 25.00 175
effective depth d is 731.50
Ultimate Limit State
for uls calculate using maximum
possible height
applied moment M 640.79
the ultimate moment of
resistance based on concrete is
Mc=0.157*fcu*b*d^2 2,940.33
the ultimate moment of
resistance based on steel is
depth of neutral axis x=(1-(1-
lever arm z=d-0.45x 702.53
Mu= 788.64 satisfactory

ultimate shear Force at base

V= 295.75
shear stress 0.40
100As/bd= 0.38
vc= 0.50

Limit State of Cracking

Ms= 360.00
depth of neutral axis
ae=modular ratio 15.00
p 0.0038
ae*p= 0.0575
x 209.94
Mr=As*fs*(d-x/3) 788.64
fs= 194.00
check concrete and steel
service stresses
fs= 194.00
0.8fy= 368.00
fcb=2Ms/zbx 4.88
0.45fcu= 15.75
Elastic strain at the surface
€1=(h-x)/(d-x)*fs/Es 1.0974E-03
correction factor €2
€2=b(h-x)^2/(3Es*As*(d-x) 3.9665E-04
average strain €m= 0.000701
crack width
w=3acr*€m/(1+2*((acr-cmin)/(h- 0.12 ok
cmin 56.00
S 175.00
ca= 68.50
acr= 56.05
Cantilever Wall tank empty
soil pressure only

3 Roof Slab
assume thickness 450.00

self weight 10.80
Imposed Load 15.80
design Load 26.60
maximum service moment for
each span
effective span 4.50
M= 208.46
divide the slab in to column strip
and middle strip
+ve moment per meter of
column strip
design for 0.2mm crack width
h 450.00
¢ 20.00
S 200.00
cover to lower layer 40.00
cover to upper 60.00
roof slab minimum steel
pcrit 0.00348
assume T 30.00
a 1.20E-05
w 0.20
Smax=w/€ 1,111.11
¢/p= 3,333.33
therefore pc is given by
¢ pc% As(each face)
12 0.30 810
16 0.48 1080
20 0.60 1350
provide 20.00 200
As, act 1,570.80
Shear at Column Head
maximum column load 619.45
ultimate shear Force 867.23
allow for unequal distribution
ultimate shear Force 1,084.03
assume column size 350.00 390
maximum shear stress 1.99
permissible shear stress 4.95 safe
slab thickness 450.00
critical perimeter 6,080.00
steel ratio 0.00403
for M35 concrete grade,
permissible shear stress vc
permissible shear Force 1,233.02 ok
4 Column
maximum ultimate column load
column height 6.50
effective height 9.75
assume column size 350.00 350
slenderness ratio 27.86
therefore the column is slender
additional moments are
M1=0.05N*h 15.18
M2=k*N*h*(le/6)^2/2000 117.8
total moment 132.95
N/bh 7.08
Mu/bh^2 3.10
100As/bh 0.70
min steel 0.40
Asc= 857.50
use 4 20
As, ac 1,256.64
Links RB at 300
Note: vertical bars being 6m
long need to be reasonable stiff
to avoid reinforcement cage
being too flexible
Column Bases
service load 619.00
SW column 19.00
SW base 30.00
use base 2250*2250*1000
moment due to slender column
say 50
soil pressure under base psb 158.29
note total pressure
psb+pressure due to contained 223.29

5 Wall Footing

water pressure 60.00

soil pressure 39.00
surcharge 15.80
roof slab load 49.88
D. L only 20.25
Case 1
Tank full no soil
take moment about A
restoring forces
water 143.00 557.70
wall 93.60 224.64
base 96.00 240.00
roof (min load) 20.00 48.00
352.60 1,070.34
Overturning Moment 457.71
factor of safety against
2.34 safe
overturning moment

Case 2
Tank empty soil + surcharge
take moment about B
restoring forces
soil 234.00 936.00
surcharge 31.60 126.40
wall 93.60 243.36
base 96.00 240.00
roof (min load) 20.00 48.00
475.20 1,593.76
Overturning Moment 385.88
factor of safety against
4.13 safe
overturning moment
Case 3
Tank full + soil + surcharge
take moment about A
restoring forces
water 143.00 557.70
wall 93.60 224.64
base 96.00 240.00
roof (min load) 20.00 48.00
352.60 1,070.34
Overturning Moment 457.71
factor of safety against
2.34 safe
overturning moment

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