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Laboratory Manual


Advance Testing Laboratory

(Structural Engineering)
CEC 509


Dhanbad-826004, Jharkhand
August 2020
Topics to be Covered Lectures Learning Outcome

1 [01] Characterization of construction

Experiment 1: Determination of Basic Properties:
Specific gravity of sand, coarse aggregate and
cement; Sieve analysis.

2 [01]
Experiment 2: Concrete Mix Design by Indian Different mix design methods as
Standard. per Indian Standard.

3 Experiment 3: Casting of Test Samples and [01] Measuring the workability of

Workability Tests. different types of concrete.

4 Experiment 4: Design, Casting and Testing of [01] Estimating and casting of UR

Under-Reinforced Concrete Beam. beam.

5 Experiment 5: Design, Casting and Testing of [01] Estimating and casting of OR

Over-Reinforced Concrete Beam. beam.

6 [01] Evaluation of
Experiment 6: Compressive, Split-tensile and
mechanical properties of
Flexural Strength of testing samples.
7 [01]
Experiment 7: Test for Determination of Static Evaluation of modulus of elasticity
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete. of concrete.

8 [01]
Experiment 8: Non-Destructive Test of Concrete
Adjudging quality of concrete by
– Rebound Hammer. rebound hammer.
9 Experiment 9: Non-Destructive [01]
Test of Concrete - Ultrasonic Adjudging quality of concrete by
Pulse Velocity Test.
10 [01]
Experiment 10: Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Estimate chloride penetration of
of Concrete. concrete.

11 [01]
Experiment 11: Accelerated Corrosion Test of Corrosion estimation of
Reinforcing Bar in Concrete. reinforcement in different
structural elements.
12 [02]
Revision and Evaluation
Experiment 1 (a)
Title: Determination of Specific Gravity of Sand

The objective of this experiment is to determine the specific gravity of sand.

Specific gravity of an aggregate is defined as the ratio of the mass of solid of a given volume
of sample to the mass of equal volume of water at 4o C. However, all rocks contain some
small amount of void and the apparent specific gravity includes this void. The specific
gravity of aggregates is an indirect measure of material’s density and its quality. A low
specific gravity may indicate high porosity and therefore, poor durability and low strength. In
contrast, for the determination of apparent specific gravity the impermeable internal pore is
added to the effective volume of the aggregates (does not include the permeable pores).
mass of aggregate
Apparent Specific Gravity =
mass of water occupying the volume equal to that of solids of aggragate excluding permeable pores

The apparent specific gravity is realistic one to use for concrete mix proportioning. The
apparent specific gravity of most rocks lies between 2.6 to 2.7. Apparent specific gravity can
be determined from the measurement taken at saturated surface dry (SSD) condition or oven
dry (OD) condition, according to the moisture condition of the aggregate. In saturated surface
dry (SSD) condition, the pores of the aggregate are fully filled with water and the surface is
dry. When the aggregate is under the SSD condition, it will neither absorb water nor give out
water during the mixing process. Hence, it is a balanced condition and is used as the standard
index for concrete mix design.

IS 2386: Methods of test for aggregates for concrete, Part 3: Specific gravity, density, voids,
absorption and bulking - 1963


• Pycnometer,
• 1000 ml Measuring Cylinder,
• Thermostatically Controlled Oven,
• Taping Rod,
• Filter Papers,
• Funnel


• Fine aggregates (500 g)

1. Place 500 g of fine aggregate in a tray and cover it with distilled water at a
temperature of 22° to 32°C. Remove air entrapped in or bubbles on the surface of the
aggregate by gentle agitation with a rod. Keep the sample immersed under water for
24 hrs.

2. Carefully drain the water from the sample, by decantation through a filter paper. Air
dry the aggregate and solid matter retained on the filter paper, to remove the surface
moisture. When the material just attains a “free-running” condition, weight the
saturated and surface-dry sample (A).

3. Place the aggregate in the Pycnometer (Figure 1) and fill the remaining space by
distilled water. Eliminate entrapped air by rotating the Pycnometer on its side,
covering the hole in the apex of the cone with a finger. Weight the Pycnometer with
this condition (B).

Figure 1: Section of a Pycnometer (IS: 2386 (Part 3)-1963)

4. Empty the contents of the Pycnometer into a tray. Ensure that all the aggregate is
transferred. Refill the Pycnometer with distilled water to the same level as before and
measure the weight at this condition (C).

5. Carefully drain the water from the sample, by decantation through a filter paper.
Oven-dry the aggregate in the tray at a temperature of 100° to 110° C for 24 hrs.
During this period, stir the specimen occasionally to facilitate proper drying. Cool the
aggregates calculate its weight (D).

6. Calculate the specific gravity, apparent specific gravity and the water absorption as
Specific gravity = {𝐷/ [𝐴 − (𝐵 − 𝐶)]} (1)

Apparent Specific gravity = {𝐷/ [𝐷 − (𝐵 − 𝐶)]} (2)

A = Weight in g of saturated surface-dry sample
B = Weight in g of Pycnometer containing sample and filled with distilled water
C = Weight in g of Pycnometer filled with distilled water only
D = Weight in g of oven dried sample only.


Weight of saturated and surface dry sample (A) (g) 511

Weight of Pycnometer containing the sample and filled with 1796

distilled water (B) (g)

Weight of Pycnometer filled with distilled water only (C) (g) 1482

Weight of oven dried sample (D) (g) 494

 D 
 C − A + B 
Specific gravity =

 D 
 C + D − B 
Apparent specific gravity =

100( A − D) 
 
Water absorption (percent of dry weight) =  D

Results and discussions
Following results are obtained for the provided fine aggregate specimen:
a) Specific gravity: __________.
b) Apparent specific gravity: __________.



1. Define specific gravity.

2. Identify differences between specific gravity and apparent specific gravity.

3. Why apparent specific gravity is more realistic?

4. Define saturated surface dry condition.

5. What are the fundamental differences between saturated surface dry condition and
oven dry condition?

Experiment 1 (b)
Title: Determination of Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregates

The objective of this test is to determine the specific gravity of coarse aggregate.

For design of concrete mix, information about the specific gravity and water absorption of the
coarse aggregates are required. Specific gravity of aggregate provides valuable information
on its quality and properties. If the specific gravity is above or below than the prescribed
value of the aggregate; it may indicate that shape and grading of aggregate has been
improper. It is also important in determination of moisture content and in many concrete mix
design calculations. It is also required for the calculation of volume yield of concrete.

IS 2386: Methods of test for aggregates for concrete, Part 3: Specific gravity, density, voids,
absorption and bulking - 1963


• Balance of Capacity 5 kg
• Box Wire Basket 200 mm in Diameter
• Water Container for Immersing the Wire Basket (as shown in Figure 2)
• Absorbent Cloth for Surface Drying of the sample
• Thermostatic Drying Oven.

Coarse aggregate: 5 kg

1. A sample of not less than 2 kg of the aggregate shall be thoroughly washed to remove
finer particles and dust, drained and then placed in the wire basket and immersed in
distilled water at a temperature between 22°C to 32°C with a cover of at least 5 cm of
water above the top of the basket.

2. Immediately after immersion the entrapped air shall be removed from the sample by
lifting the basket containing it 25 mm above the base of the tank and allowing it to
drop 25 times at the rate of about one drop per second.

3. The basket and aggregate shall remain completely immersed during the operation and
for a period of 24 ± l/2 hours afterwards.

4. The basket and the sample shall then be jolted and weighed in water at a temperature
of 22°C to 32°C (weight A).

Weighing scale

Wire mesh bucket

Tank filled with distilled water

Figure 2: Apparatus for measuring the specific gravity of coarse aggregate

5. The basket and the aggregate shall then be removed from the water and allowed to
drain for a few minutes, after which the, aggregate shall be gently emptied from the
basket on to one of the dry clothes, and the empty basket shall be returned to the water
and weighed in water (weight B).

6. The aggregate placed on the dry cloth shall be gently surface dried with the cloth,
transferring it to the second dry cloth when the first will remove no further moisture.
The aggregate shall then be weighed (weight C).

7. The aggregate shall then be placed in the oven in the shallow tray, at a temperature of
100 to 110°C and maintained at this temperature for 24 ± l/2 hours. It shall then be
removed from the oven, cooled in the airtight container and weighed (weight D).

8. The specific gravity, apparent specific gravity and water &sorption shall be calculated

 C 
 
Specific gravity =  B − A  (1)

 C 
 
Apparent Specific gravity =  C − A  (2)

100( B − C ) 
 
Water absorption (in %) =  C (3)

A1 = Weight in g of aggregate and basket in water
A2 = Weight in g of empty basket in water

A1 − A2
A = Weight in g of saturated aggregate in water =
B = Weight in g of the saturated surface dry aggregate in air
C = Weight in g of oven dried aggregate in air.


Weight of saturated sample in water (A1) (g) 4535

Weight of empty basket in water (A2) (g) 1345

Weight of saturated and surface dry sample in air (B) (g) 4938

Weight of oven dried aggregate in air (C) (g) 4912

A1 − A2
Weight of saturated aggregate in water (A) (g) =

 C 
 
Specific gravity =  B − A 
 C 
 
Apparent specific gravity =  C − A 
100( B − C ) 
 
Water absorption (percent of dry weight) =  C

Results and discussions:

Following results are obtained for the provided coarse aggregate specimen:

a) Specific gravity: __________.
b) Apparent specific gravity: __________.



1. Why determination of water absorption of aggregate is important?

2. What is the importance of grading of aggregate in the design of concrete mix?

3. What is fineness modulus of aggregate?

4. What is elongation index of aggregate?

5. What is flakiness index of aggregate?

Experiment 1 (c)
Title: Determination of Specific Gravity of Cement

Determination of specific gravity of cement using Le Chatelier flask
Specific gravity is defined as the ratio between weight of a given volume of material and weight
of an equal volume of water at 4o C. In case of cement, specific gravity is determined by using
a Le Chatelier’s flask as shown in Figure 3. Sometimes, a specific gravity bottle may be
employed in place of a standard Le Chatelier’s flask. To determine the specific gravity of
cement, kerosene is used which does not react with cement. The specific gravity of OPC is
generally around 3.15.

Figure 1: Le Chatelier's flask


• IS 4031: Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, Part 11: Determination of
density - 1988


• Le Chaterlier’s Flask
• Weighing Balance
• Kerosene (Free from Water)


• Ordinary Portland Cement

• Water
• Grease

1. Clean the flask carefully and make it dry and free from water droplets. Then, fill the
flask with kerosene or naphtha to a point on the stem between zero and 1 ml.
2. Record the level of the liquid in the flask as initial reading.
3. Put a weighted quantity of cement (about 60 g) into the flask and the level of kerosene
rises to about some mark.
4. Care is to be taken to avoid splashing of the liquid after pouring of cement. It is also
required to be checked such that the cement does not adhere to the sides of the flask
above the liquid.
5. After putting all the cement to the flask, roll the flask gently in an inclined position to
expel the entrapped air (if any) until no further air bubble rises to the surface of the
6. Note down the new liquid level as final reading.

Observations and Calculations:

• Weight of cement used (W1): 59 gms

• Initial reading of flask + kerosene (V1): 216 ml
• Final reading of flask + kerosene + cement (V2): 235 ml
• Volume of cement particle (V2 - V1): _______
• Specific gravity of cement [W1/ (V2 - V1): _______

Results and Discussions:



1. Why is kerosene used instead of water in the specific gravity test of cement?

2. Name an alternative of kerosene that can be used for the test.

3. Is specific gravity of cement constant?

4. Name the factors affecting the specific gravity of cement.

5. List four different cements that are in use nowadays.

Experiment 1 (d)
Title: Sieve Analysis of Aggregates

To determine the fineness modulus and grade of coarse and fine aggregate.

Aggregate is the inert, inexpensive materials dispersed throughout the cement paste so as the
produce a large volume of concrete. They constitute more than three quarters of volume of
concrete. They provide body to the concrete, reduce shrinkage and make it durable. The
aggregates are classified in two categories; fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. The size of
fine aggregates is limited to a maximum of 4.75 mm, beyond which it is known as coarse
aggregates. Many a time, fine aggregates are designated as coarse sand, medium sand and fine
sand. These classifications do not give any precise meaning. What the supplier terms as fine
sand may be really medium or even coarse sand. To avoid this ambiguity fineness modulus
could be used as a yard stick to indicate the fineness of sand and in general aggregates. Fineness
modulus for a given aggregate is obtained by sieving known weight of it in a set of standard
sieves and by adding the percent weight of material retained on all the sieves and dividing the
total percentage by 100. It serves the purpose of comparing one aggregate with another in
respect of fineness or coarseness.

For classification of fine aggregates, the following limits may be taken as guidance:

Fine sand: Fineness modulus should lie in between 2.2 to 2.6

Medium sand: Fineness modulus should lie in between 2.6 to 2.9

Coarse sand: Fineness modulus should lie in between 2.9 to 3.2

Sand having a fineness modulus more than 3.2 is unsuitable for making satisfactory concrete.
The coarse aggregates have fineness modulus usually more than 5.

IS: 383- 2016 specifies four grading zones for fine aggregates. These four grading zones
become progressively finer from Grading Zone I to Grading Zone IV (as shown in Table 1).
The fine aggregates within each of these grading zones are suitable for making concrete. But,
the ratio of fine to coarse aggregate reduces as the fine aggregate becomes finer from Grading
Zones I to IV.
Table 1: Gradation of Fine Aggregates (IS: 383- 2016)
IS Sieve Percentage Passing
Designation Zone I Zone II Zone III Zone IV
10 mm 100 100 100 100
4.75 mm 90-100 90-100 90-100 95-100
2.36 mm 60-95 75-100 85-100 95-100
1.18 mm 30-70 55-90 75-100 90-100
600 μm 15-34 35-59 60-79 80-100
300 μm 5-20 8-30 12-40 15-50
150 μm 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-15

Table 2: Grading of Coarse Aggregate (IS: 383- 2016)

Percentage Passing for Single- Sized Percentage Passing for Graded
Sl. IS Sieve Aggregate of Nominal Size Aggregate of Normal Size
No. Designation
63 mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm 10 mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm
1 80 mm 100 -- -- -- -- -- 100 -- -- --
2 63 mm 85-100 100 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3 40 mm 0-30 85-100 100 -- -- -- 90-100 100 -- --
4 20 mm 0-5 0-20 85-100 100 -- -- 30-70 90-100 100 100
5 16 mm -- -- -- 85-100 100 -- -- -- 100-90 --
6 12.5 mm -- -- -- -- 85-100 100 -- -- -- 90-10
7 10 mm 0-5 0-5 0-20 0-30 0-20 85-100 10-35 25-55 30-70 40-85
8 4.75 mm -- -- 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-20 0-5 0-10 0-10 0-10
9 2.36 mm -- -- -- -- -- 0-5 -- -- -- --

IS 383: Coarse and Fine Aggregate for Concrete - Specification - 2016


• Set of sieves
a) For fine aggregates: 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron & 150
micron, pan.
b) For coarse aggregates: 80 mm, 40 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm, 4.75 mm, pan.
• Balance
• Gauging Trowel
• Watch


• Fine aggregates: 1 kg
• Coarse aggregates: 2 kg
1. Take the aggregate from the sample in quarters.
2. Sieve the aggregate using the appropriate sieves.
3. Record the weight of aggregate retained on each sieve.
4. Calculate the cumulative weight of aggregate retained on each sieve.
5. Calculate the cumulative percentage of aggregate retained.
6. Add the cumulative weight of aggregate and calculate the fineness modulus using formula:

a. Fineness modulus for fine aggregates = ∑ 𝐶/100

b. Fineness modulus for coarse aggregates = [∑ 𝐶/100] + 5

C denotes the cumulative percentage of mass retained in a sieve.
7. Determine the grade of aggregates from the Table 1 and the Table 2.
8. Plot the gradation curves, in a semi-log graph, between percentages of aggregates passed
and size of sieve both for a) Fine aggregate and b) For coarse aggregate.

Observations and Calculations:

Weight of Fine Aggregates (Wf) 1 kg

Sl Sieve Size Weight % Weight retained Cumulative % % Passed
No. retained (kg) (C3/Wf) × 100 Weight retained (100 − C5)
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
1 4.75 mm 0.02
2 2.36 mm 0.01
3 1.18 mm 0.58
4 600 μm 0.21
5 300 μm 0.09
6 150 μm 0.02
7 Pan 0.07
Sum of cumulative % retained (excluding pan) ∑C5

Fineness Modulus ∑C5/100

Zone of the Fine Aggregates Sample

Weight of Coarse Aggregates (Wc) 2 kg
Sl Sieve Size Weight % Weight retained Cumulative % % Passed
No. retained (kg) (C3/Wc) × 100 Weight retained (100 − C5)
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
1 80 mm --
2 40 mm --
3 20 mm 0.04
4 10 mm 0.28
5 4.75 mm 1.56
6 Pan 0.12
Sum of cumulative % retained (excluding pan) ∑C5

Fineness Modulus ∑C5/100 + 5

Zone of the coarse aggregates under consideration

Results and discussions:



1. What is the role of fine aggregate in concrete?
2. What is the role of coarse aggregate in concrete?

3. What is the difference between single-sized aggregate and graded aggregate?

4. What is nominal size of aggregate?

5. Why gradation of aggregate is important for concrete mix design?

Experiment 4
Title: Bending Test of an Under-Reinforced Concrete Beam

The objective of this experiment is to determine the failure load and cracking pattern of an
under-reinforced concrete beam.

If the ratio of steel to concrete in a reinforced concrete beam is such that the maximum strains
in two materials reach altogether, a sudden failure would occur with less alarming deflection.
Such a beam is referred as a balanced reinforced concrete beam. When the amount of steel is
kept less than that in the balanced section, the neutral axis moves upward to satisfy the
equilibrium condition between compression force and tension force. Under increasing bending
moment, steel is strained beyond yield limit and the maximum strain in concrete remains less
than its ultimate value 0.35%. With further increase in loading, steel does not take any
additional loading beyond yield point and total tension force remains constant. But, the
compressive stress in concrete increases with additional strain. The neutral axis keeps on
shifting upward to maintain equilibrium until maximum strain in concrete reaches 0.35% and
concrete crushes. Such a beam is referred as an under-reinforced beam. The failure is termed
as tension failure because yielding of steel was responsible for the higher strains in concrete
resulting in its failure.

IS: 456 - Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice: 2000

Apparatus required:
Beam Testing machine

Beam Specimen details:

• Overall depth, D = 150 mm
• Effective depth, d = 130 mm
• Breadth, B = 150 mm
• Overall length, L = 1500 mm
• Effective length, Leff = 1300 mm
• Diameter of rebar = 8 mm
• Effective cover = 20 mm
• No. of bars = 2
• Type of beam = Under-reinforced
• Characteristic strength of steel = 500 MPa.
• Characteristic strength of concrete = 25 MPa.
• Age of specimens = 28 days

1. The three beam specimens to be tested are cleaned and wiped on the surfaces.
2. Dimensions are noted and the beams are placed on the loading frame one by one.
3. Rollers are cleaned free of sand particle and beam is placed such that 100 mm is
effective length from each end.
4. Under four-point bending test, two concentrated loads are placed at 433.33 mm apart
from the ends. The distance between two concentrated loads from each other is also
433.33 mm. Reinforced concrete beam specimen under four-point bending test is
shown in Figure 8. Rollers are held to touch the surface of the beam so as to facilitate
the load application appropriately.
5. The beam specimen is loaded at a loading rate of 70 N/s until the it fails. The failure
load of the beam specimen is recorded.
6. The steps 3-5 are repeated for the remaining two beam samples.
7. The mean failure load is determined by taking average of the three recorded failure
loads for three specimens.

Figure 8: Reinforced concrete beam specimen under four-point bending test

Beam ID Beam A Beam B Beam C

Breadth, B 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm

Overall depth, D 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm

Effective depth, d 130 mm 130 mm 130 mm

Overall length, L 1500 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm

Effective length, Leff 1300 mm 1300 mm 1300 mm

Recorded Failure load, Pui,exp 19.5 kN 18.5 kN 19 kN

Mean Failure load from Experiment, Pu,exp

Mean Failure load from Theory, Pu,theo

Neutral axis depth:
𝑥𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 = 0.46𝑑 = 0.46 × 130 = 59.8 𝑚𝑚 (1)
𝐴𝑠𝑡 = 2 × 4 × 82 = 100.53 𝑚𝑚2 (2)
0.87×𝑓𝑦 ×𝐴𝑠𝑡 0.87×500×100.53
𝑥𝑢 = = = 32.39 𝑚𝑚𝑥𝑢 < 𝑥𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 (3)
0.36×𝑓𝑐𝑘 ×𝑏 0.36×25×150

Hence the beam section is under-reinforced.

Moment of resistance:
𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡 500 × 100.53
𝑀𝑢 = 0.87𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡 (𝑑 − ) = 0.87 × 500 × 100.53 × (130 − ) = 5.1 𝑘𝑁𝑚
𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏 25 × 150
𝑀𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 = 0.36𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑥𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 (𝑑 − 0.42𝑥𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 ) = 0.36 × 25 × 150 × 59.8 × (130 − 0.42 × 59.8) =
8.47 𝑘𝑁𝑚 (5)
Hence safe.
Now Mu at critical section = (P/2) × 0.433 m
Equating Mu at critical section and Mu from (4), we can calculate the value of Pu,bending which
corresponds to the failure load due to bending.
Pu,bending = 2Mu/0.433 = 23.56 kN
Shear capacity:
From Table 19 IS 456: 2000,
100𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑉 𝑉
For 𝑏𝑑
= 0.5155 𝜏𝑐 = 0.495𝑀𝑃𝑎 𝜏𝑣 = 𝑏𝑑𝑢 => 0.495 = 130×150
=> 𝑉𝑢 = 9.65 𝑘𝑁

𝑉𝑢 = 2
=> 𝑃𝑢,𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 = 19.30 𝑘𝑁 where Pu,shear is the ultimate load of failure due to shear.

Results and Discussions:



1. Define balanced section.

2. What do mean by under-reinforced sections?

3. How does an under-reinforced section fail?

4. What is neutral axis?

5. Why neutral axis shifts upward in under-reinforced sections?

Experiment 5
Title: Bending Test of an Over-Reinforced Concrete Beam

The objective of this experiment is to determine the failure load and cracking pattern of an
over-reinforced concrete beam.

If the ratio of steel to concrete in a reinforced concrete beam is such that the maximum strains
in two materials reach altogether, a sudden failure would occur with less alarming deflection.
Such a beam is referred as a balanced reinforced concrete beam. When the amount of steel is
kept higher than that in the balanced section, the neutral axis moves downward to satisfy the
equilibrium condition between compression force and tension force. Under increasing loading,
the stress and strain in steel as well as the tension force keep on increasing. To maintain
equilibrium of tension and compression forces, the neutral axis further shifts downward until
the maximum strain in concrete reaches its ultimate value 0.35% and concrete crushes. The
steel is still within the elastic limit. Such a beam is referred as an over-reinforced beam and the
failure is termed as compression failure.

IS: 456 - Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice: 2000

Apparatus required:
Beam Testing machine

Beam Specimen details:

• Overall depth, D = 150 mm
• Effective depth, d = 130 mm
• Breadth, B = 150 mm
• Overall length, L = 1500 mm
• Effective length, Leff = 1300 mm
• Diameter of rebar = 10 mm
• Effective cover = 20 mm
• No. of bars = 3
• Type of beam = Over-reinforced
• Characteristic strength of steel = 500 MPa.
• Characteristic strength of concrete = 25 MPa.
• Age of specimens = 28 days
1. The three beam specimens to be tested are cleaned and wiped on the surfaces.
2. Dimensions are noted and the beams are placed on the loading frame one by one.
3. Rollers are cleaned free of sand particle and beam is placed such that 100 mm is
effective length from each end.
4. Under four-point bending test, two concentrated loads are placed at 433.33 mm apart
from the ends. The distance between two concentrated loads from each other is also
433.33 mm. Reinforced concrete beam specimen under four-point bending test is
shown in Figure 8. Rollers are held to touch the surface of the beam so as to facilitate
the load application appropriately.
5. The beam specimen is loaded at a loading rate of 70 N/s until the it fails. The failure
load of the beam specimen is recorded.
6. The steps 3-5 are repeated for the remaining two beam samples.
7. The mean failure load is determined by taking average of the three recorded failure
loads for three specimens.

Figure 8: Reinforced concrete beam specimen under four-point bending test

Beam ID Beam A Beam B Beam C

Breadth, B 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm

Overall depth, D 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm

Effective depth, d 130 mm 130 mm 130 mm

Overall length, L 1500 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm

Effective length, Leff 1300 mm 1300 mm 1300 mm

Recorded Failure load, Pui,exp 26.5 kN 27.5 kN 27 kN

Mean Failure load from Experiment, Pu,exp

Mean Failure load from Theory, Pu,theo

Neutral axis depth:
𝑥𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 = 0.46𝑑 = 0.46 × 130 = 59.8 𝑚𝑚 (1)
𝐴𝑠𝑡 = 3 × 4 × 102 = 235.62 𝑚𝑚2 (2)
0.87×𝑓𝑦 ×𝐴𝑠𝑡 0.87×500×235.62
𝑥𝑢 = = = 75.92 𝑚𝑚; 𝑥𝑢 > 𝑥𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 (3)
0.36×𝑓𝑐𝑘 ×𝑏 0.36×25×150

Hence the beam section is over-reinforced.

Moment of resistance:

𝑀𝑢 = 𝑀𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 = 0.36𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑥𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 (𝑑 − 0.42𝑥𝑢,𝑙𝑖𝑚 ) = 0.36 × 25 × 150 × 59.8 × (130 − 0.42 ×

59.8) = 8.47 𝑘𝑁𝑚 (4)
Now Mu at critical section = (P/2) × 0.433 m
Equating Mu at critical section and Mu from (4), we can calculate the value of Pu,bending which
corresponds to the failure load due to bending.
Pu,bending = 2Mu/0.433 = 39.12 kN
Shear capacity:
From Table 19 IS 456: 2000,
100𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑉 𝑉
For 𝑏𝑑
= 1.21 𝜏𝑐 = 0.694 𝑀𝑃𝑎 𝜏𝑣 = 𝑏𝑑𝑢 => 0.694 = 150×130
=> 𝑉𝑢 = 13.53 𝑘𝑁

𝑉𝑢 = 2
=> 𝑃𝑢,𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 = 27.07 𝑘𝑁 where Pu,shear is the ultimate load of failure due to shear.
Results and Discussions:



1. What do you mean by over-reinforced sections?

2. Why designing a beam as an over-reinforced section is not permitted by IS 456:2000?

3. What precautions are to be taken for casting of beams?

4. How does an over-reinforced beam fail?

5. Why neutral axis shifts downward in over-reinforced sections?

Experiment 6 (a)
Title: Determination of Compressive Strength of the Concrete Cube Specimens

The objective of this experiment is to determine the compressive strength of concrete cube

The compressive strength of concrete is defined as the load which causes the failure of
specimen, per unit area of cross section in uniaxial compression under given rate of loading.
The compressive strength at 28 days after casting is taken as a criterion for specifying the
quality of concrete. This is termed as grade of concrete. IS 456-2000 stipulates the use of 150
mm cube specimens for determination of compressive strength of concrete. As the compression
tests are easy to perform, they are most frequently conducted and other strengths are generally
prescribed in terms of a function of compressive strength.

• IS 516 (1959): Method of Tests for Strength of Concrete (Reaffirmed 2004)

Apparatus required:
• Compression Testing Machine
• Scale
• Concrete cubes
• Weighing machine

1. Note the dimensions and weight of the three cube specimens using scale and weighing
2. Clean the testing surface of compression testing machine.
3. Place the specimen in the machine in such a way that the load is applied on the opposite
sides of the cube (as shown in Figure 10).
4. Align the specimen centrally on base plate of the machine.
5. Apply the load at the rate of 5150 N/s till the specimen fails.
6. Record the load at which the cube sample fails.
7. Repeat the steps 2-6 for the remaining two cube samples.
Figure 10: Concrete cube in a Compression Testing Machine (CTM)

Observations and Calculations:

Cube Sample number 1 2 3

Casting date 8.09.2020 8.09.2020 8.09.2020
Mass (kg) 8.25 8.35 8.3
Dimensions (mm3) 150 × 150 × 150 150 × 150 × 150 150 × 150 × 150
Load of failure (kN) 665 680 670
Compressive Strength (MPa) 29.555 30.222 29.777

Results and Discussions:

The Average Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes: _______MPa



1. What is the reason behind deciding a specific loading rate for compressive strength
testing of concrete cubes?

2. Explain the failure pattern of concrete cubes.

3. What do you mean by early compressive strength of concrete?

4. What is final compressive strength of concrete?

5. What are the primary reasons behind differences in compressive strengths at early age
and final stage?

6. Name any three factors that may affect the compressive strength of concrete.
Experiment 6 (b)
Title: Determination of Splitting Tensile Strength of the Concrete Cylinder Specimens


The objective of this experiment is to determine the splitting tensile strength of cylindrical

The tensile strength is one of the basic and important properties of the concrete. The concrete
is not usually expected to resist the direct tension because of its low tensile strength and brittle
nature. However, the determination of tensile strength of concrete is necessary to determine the
load at which the concrete members may crack. The tension is important in limiting the cracks
caused by shrinkage, etc. The methods to determine the tensile strength of concrete can be
broadly classified as (i) direct methods and (ii) indirect methods. Because of the difficulties
associated with the direct tension test, a number of indirect methods have been developed to
determine the tensile strength. In these tests, in general, a compressive force is applied to a
concrete specimen in such a way that the specimen fails due to tensile stresses developed in the
specimen. The tensile stress at which the failure occurs is termed the tensile strength of


• IS 516 (1959): Method of Tests for Strength of Concrete (Reaffirmed 2004)

Apparatus required:

• Testing Machine
• Concrete Cylinder Specimen
• Jigs
Figure 1: Splitting Tensile Strength Test of a concrete cylindrical specimen


1. Specimens are immersed in water for 24 hrs before they are taken for testing. Unless
other conditions are required for specific laboratory investigation, specimens are tested
immediately on removal from water while they are still wet.
2. Central lines are drawn on two opposite faces of the cylinder using any suitable
procedure and device to ensure they are placed on same axis.
3. Mass and dimension of specimen are noted before the testing. The sides of specimens
lying in the plane of pre-marked line are measured.
4. The bearing surface of the testing machine and loading strips are wiped clean.
5. The test specimen is placed in the central jig with packing strip such that the specimen
is loaded centrally (as shown in Figure 11).
6. The load is applied without shock and increased continuously at nominal rate within
the range of 1.2 N (mm2/min) to 2.4 N (mm2/min) until failure. The failure load is
recorded for the specimen.
7. The steps 5-6 are repeated for the remaining specimens.
Observations and Calculations:

Cylinder Sample number 1 2 3

Casting date 8.09.2020 8.09.2020 8.09.2020
Mass (kg) 12.9 13.1 12.95
Dimensions (mm3) 150 (Diameter) × 150 (Diameter) × 150 (Diameter) ×
300 (Length) 300 (Length) 300 (Length)
Load of failure P (kN) 247 251 254
Splitting Tensile Strength 3.49 3.55 3.59
(MPa) = 2P/πDL

Results and Discussions:

The Average Splitting Tensile Strength of Concrete Cylinders is _______ MPa.



1. What do you mean by indirect tensile strength?

2. What would be the rate of loading for split-tensile test of concrete cylinder?

3. Approximately what would be the tensile strength of concrete in relation with the
compressive strength?
Experiment 6 (c)
Title: Determination of the Flexural Strength of the Concrete Specimens


The objective of this experiment is to determine the flexural strength of concrete beam

The flexural strength expressed in terms of modulus of rupture is defined as the maximum
tensile stress in the concrete at rupture in a flexure test. The stress in extreme fibre σcb is given
by Mc/I where M is the bending moment in N-mm at the failure section, c is the distance of
extreme fibre from neutral axis in mm and I is the second moment of area of the cross section
in mm4.
The loading arrangement with symmetric loads (P) acting at 1/3 points produces a pure bending
zone with constant bending moment and zero shear force in the middle third of the span. If the
fracture occurs within the middle third of the span the flexural strength σcb is given by PL/bd2.
If the fracture occurs outside the middle third, but within 5 per cent of span length, the flexural
strength σcb is given by 3Pa/bd2 where L is span in mm, a is distance between section of fracture
and the nearest support in mm, b is the average width and d is the average depth of the specimen
in mm.
However, if the fracture occurs more than five per cent outside the middle third, the test results
are discarded.


• IS 516 (1959): Method of Tests for Strength of Concrete (Reaffirmed 2004)

Apparatus required:

• Testing machine
• Weighing machine
• Concrete beam (150 mm × 150 mm × 700 mm)
Figure 2: Flexural strength test


1. Test specimens are stored in water at a temperature of 24°C to 30°C for 48 hrs. The
specimens are tested on immediate removal from water.

2. The bearing surfaces of the support and loading rollers are wiped clean and free of sand
or any other materials. The surfaces of the specimens, to be in contact with the rollers,
are also cleaned carefully.

3. The dimensions and mass of the specimens are measured.

4. The specimen is then placed in the machine such that the load is applied on the
uppermost surface as cast in mould, along two lines spaced 20.0 cm or 13.3 cm apart.

5. Axis of the specimen is carefully aligned with the axis of loading device and also no
packing is used between the bearing surface of the specimen and the rollers (as shown
Figure 12).

6. The applied load is increased at a constant rate (approximately 400 kg/min) such that
the extreme fibre stress increases at 7 kg/cm2/mm. The load application continues until
the specimen fails. The failure load is recorded for the specimen.

7. The steps 4-6 are repeated for the remaining specimens.

Observations and Calculations:

Beam Specimen number 1 2 3

Casting date 8.09.2020 8.09.2020 8.09.2020
Mass (kg) 38 38.5 39
Dimensions (mm3) 150 (Width) × 150 (Width) × 150 (Width) ×
150 (Depth) × 150 (Depth) × 150 (Depth) ×
700 (Length) 700 (Length) 700 (Length)
Load of failure P (kN) 18 19 18.5
Flexural Strength (MPa) = 3.73 3.94 3.84



The modulus of rupture is found out to be _________.




1. Write down the expressions for flexural strength of concrete.

2. What minimum grade of concrete is to be used for extreme exposure conditions as per
IS 456:2000?
3. What is modulus of rupture?
Experiment 7
Title: Determination of Static Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete

The objective of this experiment is to determine the static modulus of elasticity of concrete.

Modulus of elasticity of concrete is defined as the ratio of stress applied on the concrete to the
respective strain caused. The accurate value of modulus of elasticity of concrete can be
determined by conducting a laboratory test called compression test on a cylindrical concrete
specimen. The deformation of the specimen with respect to different load variation is analysed.
These observations produce Stress-Strain graph (load-deflection graph) from which the
modulus of elasticity of concrete is determined.

Figure 13: Test for Static Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete

• IS 516 (1959): Method of Tests for Strength of Concrete (Reaffirmed 2004)
Apparatus required:
• Compressometer
• Concrete specimen

Setting up Compressometer: -
1. The Compressometer consists of two frames (top and bottom), as shown in Figure-13.
The frames are initially assembled by the help of spacers. The spacers are held in position
during the assembling.
2. The pivot rod is kept on the screws which are then locked in position. The tightening
screws of the top and bottom frames are kept in loose condition.
3. Once the Compressometer is arranged, it is placed on the concrete specimen kept on a
level surface. The Compressometer is centrally placed on the specimen.
4. Once the position is set, the screws are tightened and the Compressometer is held on the
5. Once the setup is done, the spacers can be unscrewed and removed.

Testing the specimen: -

1. The specimen with the Compressometer set up is placed over the compression testing
machine platform. It is centred properly.
2. The load application is performed continuously at a rate of 140 kg/cm²/minute without
any obstruction.
3. The load application is continued until a stress value equal to (c+5) kg/cm² is attained.
Here c is the 1/3rd of average compressive strength of the cube.
4. Once this stress value is reached, it is maintained for a period of 60 seconds and then
reduced to the stress of 1.5 kg/cm².
5. Again, the load is further increased until the stress of (c+1.5) kg/cm² is reached,
Compressometer readings are noted.
6. Now, the load is gradually reduced and the readings are recorded at same interval.
7. Repeat the test by applying the load for the third time and record the compress meter’s

Observations and Calculations:

From the observations, the load deflection graph is plotted for the loading conditions.
Figure 14: Stress - Strain plot for Concrete

Initial tangent modulus = Slope of initial tangent (Figure 14) = Stress/ Strain.
Tangent modulus at any point = Slope of tangent drawn at the point = Stress/ Strain
Secant modulus at any point = Slope of line joining the point of interest and origin =

Results and Discussions:



1. Define Initial, Secant and Tangent Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete.

2. Define Short-term and Long-term Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete.

Experiment 8
Title: Determination of Compressive Strength of Concrete by Rebound Hammer Test

The objective of this experiment is to determine the compressive strength of concrete by using
the rebound hammer.

The hammer consists of a spring-controlled mass that slides on a plunger within a tubular
housing. When the plunger is pressed against, the surface of concrete, it retracts against the
force of the spring. When completely retracted the spring is automatically released. On the
spring-controlled mass rebound, it takes the rider with it along the guide scale. The rider can
be manually held in a position to allow readings to be taken.

Figure 14: Rebound Hammer Apparatus

• IS 13311 (Part 2): 1992 (Reaffirmed 2004)
• IS 516 (1959): Method of Tests for Strength of Concrete (Reaffirmed 2004)
• IS 8900: 1978 (Reaffirmed 2001)

Apparatus required:
• Rebound Hammer Apparatus
• Concrete Cube specimens

1. Hold the instrument firmly so that the plunger is perpendicular to the test surface.

2. Gradually push the instrument toward the test surface until the hammer impacts. After
impact, maintain pressure on the instrument and, if necessary, depress the button on the side of
the instrument to lock the plunger in its retracted position.

3. Read the rebound number on the scale to the nearest whole number and record the
rebound number.

4. Take ten readings from each test area. No two impact tests shall be closer together than
25 mm (1 in).

5. Examine the impression made on the surface after impact, and if the impact crushes or
breaks through a near-surface air void, disregard the reading and take another reading.

6. If the number of the specimens are high, determine compressive strength of the
specimens using compression testing machine. The rebound number and the corresponding
compressive strength can be plotted in a graph and their inter-relations can be deduced through
regression analysis.

Observations and Calculations:

Figure 15: Correlation Curve obtained by different investigators for rebound hammer test on
concrete cubes
Specimen Compressive Strength from
Impact Number (R) Rebound Number (Average)
No Figure 15 by Schmidt (MPa)

N1 = 31

N2 = 29

N3 = 33
Cube 1
N4 = 34

N5 = 25

N6 = 28

N1 = 33

N2 = 31

N3 = 30
Cube 2
N4 = 32

N5 = 35

N6 = 29

N1 = 24

N2 = 29

N3 = 32
Cube 3
N4 = 28

N5 = 25

N6 = 31

Results and Discussions:

The average compressive strength of cubes (MPa) from Rebound Hammer Test :



1. Why Non-Destructive Tests are preferred over Destructive tests of concrete?

2. Why Rebound Hammer is not suitable for Structural Elements with plaster applied onto
Experiment 9
Title: Determination of Quality of Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test

The objective of this experiment is to determine the quality of concrete by using the Ultrasonic
Pulse Velocity.

A pulse of longitudinal vibrations is produced by an electro-acoustical transducer, which is
held in contact with one surface of the concrete under test. When the pulse generated is
transmitted into concrete from the transducer using a liquid coupling material such as grease
or cellulose paste, it undergoes multiple reflections at the boundaries of the different material
phases within the concrete. A complex system of stress waves develops which includes both
longitudinal and shear waves and propagates through the concrete. The first wave to reach the
receiving transducer are the longitudinal waves which are converted into an electrical signal
by a second transducer. Electronic timing circuits enable the transit time T of the pulse to be

Longitudinal pulse velocity (in km/s or m/s) is given by: -

V = L/T
Where V = Longitudinal pulse velocity
L = Path length
T = Time taken by the pulse to travel the length

• IS 13311 (Part 2): 1992: Method of Non-destructive testing of concrete, Part 1:
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (Reaffirmed 2004)

Apparatus required:
• Electrical pulse generator.
• Transducer - 1 pair
• Amplifier.
• Electronic timing device
Figure 16: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Apparatus


1. In this test method, the ultrasonic pulse is produced by transducer which is held in
contact with one surface of concrete member under test. After traversing a known path length
(L) in the concrete the pulse of vibration is converted into an electrical signal by the second
transducer held in contact with the other surface of the concrete member and an electronic
timing circuit enables the transit time (T) of the pulse to be measured. The pulse velocity (V)
is given by V=L/T.

2. The natural frequency of the transducers should preferably be within the range of 20 to
150 kHz. Generally high frequency transducers are preferable for short path lengths and low
frequency transducers for long path lengths. Transducers with a frequency 50 to 60 kHz are
useful for most all around application.

3. There are used petroleum jelly, grease, liquid soap and kaolin glycerol paste. If there is
very rough concrete surface, it is required to make the concrete surface smooth and then place
the transducer.

4. A minimum path length of 150 mm is recommended for the direct transmission method
involving one unmoulded and a minimum of 400 mm for the surface probing method along the
unmoulded surface.
5. Pulse velocity will not be influenced by the shape of the specimen, provided its least
lateral dimension (i.e., its dimension measured at right angles to the pulse path) is not less than
the wavelength of vibrations.

6. For the pulse of 50 Hz frequency, this corresponding to a least lateral dimension of 80


Method of propagating and receiving pulses:

There are three ways of measuring the pulse velocity through the concrete as shown in Figure

1. Direct method: The direct method (cross-probing) is preferred wherever access to opposite
sides of the component is possible.

2. Semi-direct method: The semi-direct method is preferred where two sides access is possible
but these sides are not opposite sides.

3. Indirect method: The surface (indirect) method is the least satisfactory and should only be
used when access to only one surface is possible. This method only indicates the quality of
concrete and is influenced by the presence of reinforcement parallel to the surface.

Figure 17: Pulse Measurement Types

Influence of test condition:

1. Moisture content: The moisture content has two effects on the pulse velocity, one chemical
the other physical. These effects are important in the production of co-relation for prediction
of concrete strength.

2. Surface condition: Smoothness of the contact surface under the test affects the measurement
of ultrasonic pulse velocity.
3. Path length, shape and size of the concrete member: The shape and size of the concrete
member do not influence the pulse velocity until the least lateral dimension is less than a certain
minimum value. The path length can affect the pulse velocity readings.

4. Temperature: At 30oC to 60oC, there can be reduction in pulse velocity up to 5% but 5oC
– 30oC the pulse velocity is not affected. Below the freezing temperature, increase in pulse
velocity is 7.5%.

Table 1: Velocity and Concrete quality (IS: 13311 (Part 1) - 1992)

Pulse Velocity by Cross Probing Concrete Quality

Sl. No.
(km/sec) Grading

1 Above 4.5 Excellent

2 3.5 to 4.5 Good

3 3.0 to 3.5 Medium

4 Below 3.0 Doubtful

Observations and Calculations:

Beam Quality
Sl. Method of Length Time Velocity Velocity
specimen of
No. testing (L) mm (T) µs mm/ µs (V)
No. Concrete
mm/ µs
1. Direct 750 243
2. 1 Indirect 375 121
3. Semi-Direct 382 124
4. Direct 750 244
5. 2 Indirect 375 123
6. Semi-Direct 382 125
7. Direct 750 242
8. 3 Indirect 375 122
9. Semi-Direct 382 126
Results and Discussions:




1. How Quality of concrete is related to Velocity of the pulse?

2. If voids or cracks are present inside the sample, what is the effect on the result of the

3. What is the difference between working principle of Rebound Hammer and Ultrasonic
Pulse Velocity Test?
Experiment 10
Title: Determination of Chloride Penetration Resistance of the Concrete Specimens by
Rapid Chloride Penetration Test

The objective of this experiment is to determine the chloride penetration resistance by rapid
chloride penetration test (RCPT).

Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Equipment (RCPT) is used to evaluate the resistance of a
concrete sample to the penetration of chloride ions. Test is performed by placing a 100 mm
diameter concrete cylinder into the sample cells that contain 3.0 % salt solution and 0.3 N
sodium hydroxide solution. A voltage of 60 V DC is maintained across the ends of the sample
throughout the test and the charge that passes through the sample is recorded. Based on the
charge, a qualitative rating can be made of concrete’s permeability.

• ASTM C1202-19: Standard Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concrete's Ability
to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration

Figure 18: Rapid Chloride Penetration Apparatus

Apparatus required:
• Rapid chloride penetration apparatus (Figure 18)
• Concrete specimen (disc 50 mm thickness and 100 mm diameter)
• NaOH solution (3M)
• NaCl solution (3% by mass in distilled water)

1. Remove specimen from water, blot off excess water, and transfer specimen to a sealed
can or other container which will maintain the specimen in 95 % or higher relative

2. Place a 100 mm outside diameter by 75 mm inside diameter by 6 mm thick circular

vulcanized rubber gasket in each half of the test cell. Insert sample and clamp the two
halves of the test cell together to seal.

3. Fill the side of the cell containing the top surface of the specimen with 3.0 % NaCl
solution. This side of the cell will be connected to the negative terminal of the power
supply. Fill the other side of the cell with 0.3 N NaOH solution. This side will be
connected to the positive terminal of the power supply).

4. Attach lead wires to cell banana posts. Make electrical connections to voltage
application and data readout apparatus as appropriate.

5. Turn power supply on, set to 60 ±0.1 V, and record initial current reading. Temperatures
of the specimen, applied voltage cell, and solutions shall be 20 to 25°C at the time the
test is initiated, that is, when the power supply is turned on.

6. Read and record current at least every 30 min. for 6 hours or use the data analyser to
record the data and review it after the completion of the test.

7. If the current passing is recorded in every 30 min. then the amount of charge passing
the concrete specimen can be calculated using the following formula:

Q = 900 ( I 0 + 2 I 30 + 2 I 60 + ...... + 2 I 360 )

Table 1: Chloride ion penetrability vs. charge passed (ASTM C1202-19)

Charge passed (Coulomb) Chloride ion penetrability

> 4000 High

2000 - 4000 Moderate
1000 – 2000 Low
100 – 1000 Very Low
< 100 Negligible




1. Define durability of concrete?

2. What are the chemicals required for rapid chloride penetration test (RCPT) of concrete?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of RCPT test?

Experiment 11
Title: Determination of Corrosion Rate of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete Using
Accelerated Corrosion Test

The objective of this experiment is to determine the corrosion rate using accelerated corrosion

Salt spray testing is an accelerated corrosion testing method to check the corrosion resistance
of different materials. Salt spray tests are conducted in a closed testing chamber. A salt water
solution is applied to a sample via a spray nozzle. This dense salt water fog is used to imitate a
corrosive experiment. After a period of time, which is dependent on the corrosion resistance of
a material, the appearance of oxides is evaluated. The more resistant the product is, the longer
it takes for the oxides to appear. Testing periods can vary between 24 and 1,000 hours or more
for different materials.

Figure 19: Salt Spray Accelerated Test Chamber

• ASTM B117-19, Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2019.

Apparatus required:
• Salt Spray Accelerated Test Chamber (Figure 19)
• Steel Reinforcement

1. Place each specimen so as to permit free settling of fog on all specimens.

2. Support or suspend the specimens between 6 and 45° from the vertical, and preferably
parallel to the principal direction of horizontal flow of fog through the chamber, based
upon the dominant surface being tested.

3. The test shall be continuous for the duration of the entire test period. Continuous
operation implies that the chamber be closed except for the short daily interruptions
necessary to inspect, rearrange, or remove test specimens, to check and replenish the
solution in the reservoir, and to make necessary observations.

4. Designate the period of test in accordance with the specifications covering the material
or product being tested or as mutually agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller.

5. At the end of the test, specimens may be gently washed or dipped in clean running water
no warmer than 38°C (100°F) to remove salt deposits from their surface, and then
immediately dried. Dry with a stream of clean, compressed air.

Make a careful and immediate examination for the extent of corrosion of the dry test
specimens or for other failure as required by the specifications covering the material or
product being tested
Following are the details of observations to be mentioned in the report: -
(A) Type of salt and water used in preparing the salt solution-
(B) Temperature in the chamber-
(C) Weekly or daily records of data obtained from each fog-collecting device for volume
of salt solution collected in millilitres per hour of operation per 80 cm2 of horizontal
collection area-
(D) Concentration or specific gravity and pH of collected solution and the temperature of
that solution when measured-
(E) Type of specimen and its dimensions-
(F) Method of cleaning specimens before and after testing-
(G) Method of supporting or suspending article in the salt spray chamber-
(H) Description of protection used-
(I) Exposure period-
(J) Interruptions in test, cause and length of time, and results of all inspections-




1. What is corrosion?

2. What is accelerated corrosion test?

3. What are the effects of corrosion in structure?

4. What would be the exposure condition of the corrosion chamber?

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