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Employee benefits are non-salary compensation that can vary from company to

company. Employers offer employee benefits to attract new employees, retain their
workforce, and boost productivity. A typical benefits package includes health
insurance, retirement planning, and paid time off. Mandatory employee benefits in
Ukraine are provided within the state social security system. They include pension
benefits, unemployment, death, and short-term and long-term disability resulted
from occupational illnesses or personal accident. Supplementary employee benefits
in Ukraine include retirement, life insurance, medical insurance and personal
accident insurance.The Ukrainian pension system is based only on the level 1 of the
pension provision (PAYG ‘pay as you go’ level). Unfortunately, this system does not
guarantee sufficient pension provision, especially taking into consideration the
aging of the nation and decrease in the working population.Payments, which are
called vacation pay, are formally the salary for vacation days. This provides
employees with annual leaves (main and additional) with the preservation of their
place of work (position) and salary for their period. Since the employee does not
work during the vacation period, the average salary is paid to him during this
period.Maternity benefits – These are assigned for the entire period of the
maternity leave, provided that the application for benefits took place no later
than 6 months from the end of this leave. The total duration of maternity leave is
126 days (70 calendar days before delivery and 56 days after).The amount of
benefits is calculated based on the average salary for the previous 12 months.
These benefits are covered by the state social security fund, and are paid by the
In addition to maternity leave benefits, the state assists with costs associated
with childbirth.Parents may also be able to use a vacation for childcare up to 3
years by saving up their vacation time. This is unpaid leave however.There is no
obligatory state medical insurance. In theory medical help is free of charge, but
on practice it requires a lot of out-of-pocket expenses or applying for private
medical help.

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