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#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597


This subject is very important especially to those of us who are young and are about to get
married so please pay attention and jot down your questions.
What is sex?
Sex or sexual intercourse, also called coitus or copulation is a reproductive act in which the
male reproductive organ enters the female reproductive tract and if they are fused, they
produce and offspring
Just as I stated here some time ago, SEX is not for pleasure but rather for creation or
During sexual intercourse, there are many forms of diseases one can get if a partner is
unhealthy. With those physical ones, there are ways in which we can prevent them including
pregnancy. That is why we have the protections like the condoms, pills and others.
But today I want to talk about things that one cannot prevent:

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

Just as majority of us know, we have 3 dimensions of life.

1. The gross, which is the physical we all see

2. The metaphysical, which is responsible for our feelings, emotions, ego and senses.
3. The spiritual, which is our communication with a higher realm that we call Nature, God, Allah
our topic on STD will be based on the metaphysical
Sex is a very powerful, divine and a sacred act that we have not been told about but rather it
has been demonized to make believe that even when you are praying or fasting etc. you
cannot have sex with you wife or husband. (Legally married)

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

Now let me tell you something you might not know.
When you have sex with someone, what you are actually doing is, you are making a covenant
and unknowingly to each other because during sex you exchange your creative divine energy
with each other. So, if the person you are having sex with has some bad spirits following him
or her, has a bad aura, have a bad Karmic energy, ancestral curse, bad emotions etc. you are
99.99% likely to attract that into your auric body and it will start to haunt you.
If sex is done and used in a right way and with the right person, there is an energy you fell and
some form of satisfaction that comes with it. But if done the bad way going around sleeping
with everyone, what you are actually doing is, you are sharing and receiving people’s bad
energy into your because the most powerful connection you can create is to fused with another
person during sex, when that happens you become one.
For example, look at yourself as a clean water in a glass and another as a dark drink like coca
cola. When that class for coca cola is poured into the clean water, what does it do, it becomes
one but the clean water changes colour. That is exactly what you do when you sleep around
with just anybody.

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

During that act one fusing and becoming one, if the person you doing it with has a demon,
remember condoms cannot help you here. Condom use however is a sin and also a transit
point of attracting demons as well. You open yourself for demons to come after you. The best
is abstinence.
That person is 100% likely to transmit that demon into your life just like the diseases do. This
is even more dangerous to women because they are the gateway into which one can enter
this physical plane of life. So, when you get into contact with a man who has this type of
demon, your system takes it so easy and stores it in the womb. You will be metaphysically
pregnant of a demon, and any other person you sleep with, you transmit it to them and the
cycle goes on like that.
So, imagine you having to get 20 demons from 20 different peoples stored in your womb +
your own family issues, your mental health and other economic hardships, you are a dead
person alive.
There are some demons like the succubus and incubus who are sex parasites, these ones
are so happy to get into people’s lives to make them get addicted to masturbation,
pornography and other stupid sex related acts just so they can ejaculate for them to enjoy.
These demons follow you all your life, make your life very miserable, Money can’t stay with

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

you, you always having sex with unknown people in dreams, they push you to get attracted to
any person you see and even same sex people. A man wanting to sleep with man and woman
wanting to sleep with woman, you can hardly say no to a man telling you to sleep with her or
a woman asking you to sleep with her.
Most of you see it as wow the lady likes me oh, she is even begging me, my brother you are
been begged to get a demon to follow you. Demons don't show themselves physically to
people if you don't have the eyes to see that is why you don't go just around sleeping with
people. Some people are even with demons but they don't know.
Sleeping with other people's partners. If i were you, this evening I will run away from it. You
are opening yourself up for demons. If the opposite partner of the one you are sleeping with
has witch craft or any bad energy, they can send a demon to you and that will be the starting
point of a real trouble for you
My sister not everyman in this life is supposed to see your nakedness. You will get some
sicknesses no medicine will be able to cure.

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, a
succubus (pl: succubi) is a demon or supernatural entity
in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to
seduce men, usually through sexual activity. According to
religious tradition, a succubus needs semen to survive;
repeated sexual activity with a succubus will result in a
bond being formed between the succubus and the man;
A succubus may take a form of a beautiful young girl, but
closer inspection may reveal deformities of her body,
such as bird-like claws or serpentine tails.
According to the Malleus Maleficarum, or Witches' Hammer, written by Heinrich Kramer
(Institoris) in 1486, succubi collect semen from men they seduce. Incubi, or male demons,
then use the semen to impregnate human females, thus explaining how demons could
apparently sire children, despite the traditional belief that they were incapable of reproduction.
- Reference: Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

According to Wikipedia, the free
encyclopaedia, an incubus (pl: incubi)
is a demon in male form in folklore that
seeks to have sexual intercourse with
sleeping women; the corresponding
spirit in female form is called a
succubus. Parallels exist in many
In medieval Europe, union with an incubus was supposed by some to result in the birth of
witches, demons, and deformed human offspring. magician Merlin was said to have been
fathered by an incubus. Walter Stephens writes in his book Demon Lovers that some traditions
hold that repeated sexual activity with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration
of health, an impaired mental state, or even death.
Reference: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

Sex is supposed to made with someone you have same energy and vibration with, you don’t
have sex with someone whose energy is lower than your because you will change the energy
level of your auric body and inherit their energy and vibration.
Take virgins for example, when they have not been touched by a man or their hymen broken,
look at how strong they are and how they act. The moment that thing is broken, their vibration
and energy changes.
Sex addiction is very bad because those succubus and incubus demons are always
attracted to people who have that. If you are a woman, you become the warehouse of their off
springs. You carry them around like your children and share them to people who sleep with
Your private part should be your sacred temple. If you allow everyone to enter that temple,
you are actually inviting demons to invade it because that thing down there is your powerhouse
if you keep it sacred.

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

Some of the bad things that you experience when you have these demons are:

Money cannot stay with you.

You always have bad sexual dreams
You are open for witch craft attacks
You see yourself always eating in dreams
You dream of animals chasing you
Nothing will work well for you in this life
you become the warehouse of hatred, bitterness, jealousy, trouble making etc.

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

There are men who are with these types of demons and always yeaning to sleep with women.
They are 24/7 horny and wants to get into the skirt of any woman they see. Some of them,
their manhood is not as you see it. metaphysically they don’t even know their manhood is a
lizard, frog, snake etc. The moment they sleep with you, they transmit a vibration into you, you
become attracted to bad people.
Even a mad man will see you and propose to you. if you experience that type of thing, hehehe
you are a dead piece of meat believe me. You can be as beautiful as heaven; no better man
will get attracted to you. You will always encounter men who are unclean, trouble makers,
arrogant, violent, abusive and disrespectful. Always you will experience broken heart because
no man will every want to stay with you after sleeping with you.
You have become the warehouse of troubles and demons so when they meet you the first
time, they are sweet and loving but right after sleeping with you, there is this anger and hatred
that you develop for them and you wish it never happen, they will always start to hate you, any
little thing you do they get angry even if those things you did does not even call for anger my
sister if you have those type of issues, hmm your own don finish as my Nigerian brothers and
sisters say.

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DEMONS are real and nothing except abstinence and self-
control can stop them.

Breaking that covenant between you and them is one hell of a difficult job. It’s like evicting
someone from his own house. You will go to court for years.
those of you who feel like you are beautiful and every man in a car that stops to talk to you
loves you and that makes you feel you are on top of the world, be careful, Same with the men
who are handsome with sporting waves thinking every woman that they talk to and right there,
they accept so they see themselves Mr. Fine boy sleeping with every girl in the name of now
girls are cheap oh my friend you are in trouble

One thing you should know is anything metaphysical that you encounter, you will pay for it

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

Just like eating in a dream. you eat there and pay for the food here; those foods too are very
expensive. so be very careful who you get intimate with.
That is why in the Christendom, they tell you to pray till God reveal your partner to you. if you
find a man/woman you want to marry, the first people to get to know her is yourself, do all your
background checks then present him or her to your parents to also do their checks even before
your pastor or spiritual leaders.

You don’t just meet someone today and because they say I LOVE YOU, you run to your pastor
for him to help you marry.

Life can be smooth for you today but some people, the moment you marry them, your life
becomes miserable. They carry demons that will come destroy your life
Don’t be fooled into think demons don’t attract or follow people who are nicely dressed and
driving luxury cars or living in a luxurious home.

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

Demons are real. Some wants you to ejaculate so they can enjoy, so those who masturbate,
your life is in a mess. it will be better you find a spiritualist to help you break that thing. Not
easy to break through but it will eventually go if the spiritualist knows the way around how to
drive away that demons
Never go around inviting demons into your own life and turn to be blaming innocent witches
for it. Be careful are take all aspect of your life serious. Cheap things are very expensive.
When demons attack you metaphysically, the impact takes effect physically. You can get
sicknesses that no medicine can cure. You can just be growing small and people will thing you
have aids.
Stay away from trouble, find someone of your own, take time to know the person, take the
person to your family, investigate the person well both physical and metaphysically, be sure
you are on the same energy and vibration level.
You can be as clean as snow but a bad partner will go and bring trouble to you.

#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

If you are a dirty person, always unclean, eat bad things, always drunk, always visiting
negative shrines to cause harm to people,
Jealousy, hatred, bitterness, envy, always
looking for mistakes about people to use
against them, unforgiven etc., You are likely to
invite a demon into your life because you are
like them so you become a tool for them to use
for executing their plans and actions. Some of
these demons can’t harm the gross body
unless they possess someone and use them
for those job. So, the more you become open
through your thoughts, they find a job for you.
Have you heard this Phrase '' An idle mind is
the devil’s workshop'‘?


#TEACHINGS BY HUMBLE +233207036597

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