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Monday - Friday: 1 hour/day

Prepare: Notebook - Pen

Song - Because of you; Book - Oxford Bookworms Library; TV show - Master Chief
Mondays - READING (30-40m)
- Read the book that I’ve chosen
- Read news app on my phone, website,.. (must read)
- Read an article on (help people to learn English)
 Write new vocabulary words with short definition
- To practice Speaking: read part of the book out loud
The rest
- To practice Writing: write out a few passages from the book time of
- To practice Listening: listen audio of the book that I’m reading
Tuesdays - WRITING (30-40m)
- Write about 5 things that you did yesterday (u can practice past tense)
- Write about 5 things that I am going to do the next day (u can practice future tense)
- Write few things that I like and dislike about the book (express I likes or dislikes in
- Write 5-10 sentences to summarize the book or what I just read in the book
 Try to look up new words to use (remmember to write new words in notebook)
- To practice Reading: read over the things that I wrote
The rest
- To practice Listening: put things I just write into gg translate time of
- To practice Speaking: read those sentences out loud

Wednesdays - LISTENING (30-40m)

- Watch TV show. (1 episode)
- Listen to my song a few times.
- Watch a few YouTube videos. (Learn E w/ Bob the Candian)
- Listen to the Audiobook of my book if I have it. (few chapters)
- Put new words in your dictionary.
- Spend the rest of your hour:
+ Read about your TV show on Wikipedia.
+ Write a little bit about the episode that you watched that day
+ Write about how my song makes me feel.
+ Mimic or shadow people from TV show.
+ Sing along to your song.
Thursdays - SPEAKING (30-40m)
- Hire a tutor on
+ Preply:
+ Cambly:
+ iTalki:
- If cannot afford to hire s.o
+ talk out loud or speak w/ teacher
+ Narrate your life.
+ Record yourself and play it back.
- Put new words in your dictionary.
- Spend the rest of your hour:
+ Reading book out loud.
+ Singing out loud.
+ Shadowing or mimicking actors from my TV show.
Fridays - VOCABULARY (whole time)
- Review all the words and study earlier in the week. (write down)
- Say them out loud.
- Use them in a sentence.
- Make a set.
- Make flashcards.
 Work until you have them all memorized.
- Find a new song. (For the following week)
- Find a new book. (For the following week)
- Find a new TV show. (If done with all episodes find a new TV show)
- Take a break. (Sunday)
Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English
subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off to reinforce the
English you have learned!

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