Osha 55 - Cianoacrilato de Metila (Mca) - Cianoacrilato de Etila

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sonora Sampling and Analytical Methods: Methyl 2-Cyanoacrylale (MCA) Ethyl 2-Cyancacrylate (ECA) [SEARCH sua DSTI ete hissrea Gere merece Prose ‘Occupational Safety & Health Administration We Can Help What's New | Ofices ome || Womes | Ragubtons | Ererement | Date AStasles | Trarng || Aubatons || Newsom || Snatausnes | OSHA < decomposton of te standarcs nthe gas bags and te oer {Undeterminad eror source, the good errelatonadtained wit the sampling tube meted s suppor evidence thatthe sailing tbe method isan aezurata mears of measure ak 2cyareoeyte ar concentrators. Meiget teas bubblerscontarng 0.2% (jv) HBPOH n acetone were als used osama bot the MCA and ECA test atrospheres alongside ‘he receded sampling tube. The resus are resend in Tatle 45.2. The good crelatonabained in hs sty futher evdence at Oe ‘recommended sampling tbe Is 9 relate meons of meas egosures,Alhough tis bubble: method "as nk Deen oreiusW evade was ‘bserved that both MCA and ECA standards ore very stable ia the add atone salon, No loss of aly 2-cynoscrylate expected to oc ‘he butler slion wien sampling 9 nani amespere se nos in recovery was observed fr bubbler slurs which were prespied with MCA ‘nd then used to saple the test atmesphere, ough his sampng meted sppears to bean efetive means of mentoring alk 2- was ot evaluated for OSHA use becuse of te nconwanence of using buble in hel Table 45. Determination a Test Atmosphere Cencentaton (Comparison of actreated samping tube wih GE resus) average ma/m3 #50 eompourd samp tube (ST) & sricc MA asis033 (a 943 +0071, 2 13 MR nee s002 3002 +045 @ 107 eA = nus0a2 3) fas so 098 1 numberof determinate in parenthesis ‘able 4.2 Determination of Test Atmosphere Concentration (Compasson of ai-eated sampling tbe with bubble) average maim3 D1 compoune sarong tube (ST) butler srfbubbler HCA 1127 #012 aor 032 093 HEA 1324 +027 yz +00 093 ea 1130 +022, 1167 #083 098 1 average for thee sales 46. storage ‘Storage of MCA and of CR semps was performed at bth ambient ard refrigerated temperate, For MCA sage he sams were prepared by sampling 30.20 rina test atmosphere at 40%6 Rand ambient temperature for 60min. Theconcetaton ofthis est atmosphere wes determined to be.3 ma/3 based on the analysis fsx samples collected ding te generation ofthe storage samples, (The GC method was no: used 0 ere he concerraton ofthe test atriosphe' forthe strane resus because RW not developed url afer the storage data had been allected, Nevertheless the good cerelation obtanec wth the Ge ethos end the sample tube method urder Semicon wich were sia to the contons used in tis storage study supports te vay of using the test method to deterine the test asmasprere concentration.) This sare bas approamataly equates to a Z-n exposure atthe 2-pom target concert aton for 30.10 Lin sampling rat, Atta of 36 samples were ‘enerated for the MCA evaluation In one day forthe vapor generation system, Sof these samples wore slectad at random and analyzed the same _wwmosha.govidisislcimethodslorganiclorg05Siorg0SS.)inl ma senonz ‘Sampling and Analytical Methods: Mothyl 2-Cyancacrylate (MCA) Ethyl 2-Cyanoacrylate (ECA) ay to determine the tes atmosphere concerratin as ieested above, The remaining 30 samples were randomly spt ilo two grouns of 15 samples feath or storage efter at amber temperature inthe dark ora reduced temperature In refrgerater. Three samples fom ech group were selected trandom and analyzed a 3-20 day nara ove the ent 17 day, The perar: recoveries foreach sample ae Istnd in Tadle 461. a ae shown ‘apically n Figures 46.1. and 462. ‘Storage samples for ECA were prepared na manner slr to MCA. In this case, however, he samples were cllectadon two free days. On the frst ay, 2 samples ware collzea by sapling atest aonosphere of ECA at 4D% RM. and ambler tempera at 0.2 mn for 2h, Sof these samples were selected at random ard analyed on the same day. Eased on the araiss of thee samples te concenraton of hs ts atrosphere ‘as determined tobe 4.3 main. O he remaining eighteen safes, nie samples were stored i refgerator, anc rine were stored at amber temperate for ltr anata Three days ter another 24 samples were coleted unde the same test atosphere condos. Sof these samples ‘were selected at random and aralzed ons some dey to oblate zero-sorage doy resus Th adton, See srmples each fom amen fetigerated storage were analyzed on Us same ay to ebain he 3-day storage resus, The remaining 12 saroles were spit i two que (ours and stored wit te oer storage samples. The stored samples were analyzed at 7-day intenas ove te next Wo wees in Bo groups of 12 By scecng 3 ambient and 3 refrigerated samples for analysis fam both storage groups, The perce ecoie'y reported foreach samen Table 446.2 The resus are presented graphical in Figures 4.6.3 and 46 ‘Starage samples were als cllactad from a tst atmosphere of ECA atlow relive hid (<5% LH) and ambient tamperature that was Geremied tobe 5.3 mg/m based on sample tube arass. Ths study was gona Inthe same manner asthe igh humid ECA Storage study cept thatthe ey don alr was not passed through the water blr before sarspling an atmesshere of 2A, The ress of te storage uty are [reseed In Table 4.6.3. and in lgures 4.65. and 46.6. No low humiaty sucles of MCA were urderaken in thls study because of me and Irtrumentton constants 8 the laboratory, although ts rat antipated that low hurry wods advert lfc exoneris fox MCA, 1s apparent that serous losses in recovery are observed upon storage of MCA samples a ambient temperate, Losses n recovery of MCA at ‘eure tmperature ere mach ss severe, Storage losses for ECA ae also les et reduced trperature than et mbit but the oss recovery at “ambient temperate fol as great as for MCA, Theres no opporert erence in sora reas for ECA sarples generated rom eter Iwo” gh ‘amity, No Tow hum storage data were cole for MCA nti study. Because o te instal ofthe a 2-cyanoucates at abiert temperature tis necessary hat he samples be kent refegerazed a all tes. ‘able 463. Storage Tess fF MCA storage tne erecovery (doy) {event (rergerated) ° 7 so 567 oak 88 ° as eas ma” 05 a Tea 7B 868 364 S07 987 3 @2 @2 77 os DD 3 os as 74 m9 7? 10 ne ee ne ase 043083 14 ss S558 5s 3D 2 650 22538 938 «BSB 7D Table 462 Storage Tests fr CA storage tne erecovery (doy) Keven (retigeated) ° mmr a2 amt ona ° 92 12am? 952 «M202 a 8 ms 86 mS ORG 7 7 as a9 3 357 0 me 3 ae me 2 8 14 eo eo aS as 3S 2 ee as aS o7 907 eS Table 453. ‘Storage Tests for ECR, Law Hhmity Sarpting storage ome Swrecovery (ys) «ener (retgerated) ° wm we we ° 1% 8968 12 a M68 a 24 88 88D Des 9308 7 28 3880 570100980 10 7869878 262A 4 28 2683 987985884 _wwm.osha.govidisistcimethodslorganiclorg05Siorg0SS.)inl wna

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