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‘Sarglirg and Analytical Mothod: Propylene Gycol Monomety| EtbeesiAcolates - (Organic Method #98) [ec] ‘te Zindex Newsroom |Contact Us| FAQS |About OSHA osHa Se vS ESN mie ysesrock ‘Occupational Safety & Health Administration We Can Help What's new | oftces OSHA. Hone || Wores | Ruts || Fvorcement | Oa2&Stattes | Tronng Publetions | _Newaoom || smaleianess | _AntrRetaaton |< ck to Sang nd Anata tod ‘These roceren were eng a afar earls By Oth perasn: Moon tay conga taro col rod on et com endorse by OSHA, Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ethers/Acetates 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol (1M2P) 2-Methoxy-1-Propanol (2M1P) 1-Methoxy-2-Propyl Acetate (1M2PA) 2-Methoxy-1-Propyl Acetate (2M1PA) Relate iforation: Chemical Sampling - 1-Metho-2-Proparl [IM2P},2Methow- Propane QMIP, 1Methow.2-Propy Acwate(LM2PA), 2-Mettow1-Popy ‘ei MPA eto number 8 Procedure: Samrles ar colleted by dawg alr hough stander size (6-rm 0. 10/50-rg sections) ccanut shall charcoal tubes. Sales are desorbed wt 95/5 (jv methylene cor d/methanol and analyzes by gs ‘tvomatography using a Name inzaton detector. Samples shou be desorbed nthe presence of 3 ying agent such as magnesiom suite 0” Driete®, Recommended ei woke ‘nd sampling rate: 101. att Yin ano amp mara 2miPA, Target concentration 120 ppm 1 ppm 100 pam 1 pon (258 maim) 7 maim) (s40 mg/m (main) Relable quetration bn: 20 pp 20 pb 20 pb 20 p90 aim vain (208 pan) (208 par) Standard eco of estimate at ‘he target concentration; 5.3% 55% 51% 54% Special equrements Sermles fr IMZPA and 2MIPR shouldbe refrgeated upon receipt bythe eboatory to minimize Myo. Status of method Evaluated method. This method hasbeen subjected to the established evaluation procedures othe Organ Methods valuation Saneh ate: Ape 1995, ‘hems: Car. Ekkamp Crgavie Methods Evaation arcs (OSHA Sal Lake Techical Cemtar Sa Lake iy, UT 84165-0200 2, General session 1.4 Background sede, Hstory (ver the past soveral years there has ben an increase Inthe numberof samples submit tothe OSHA Sale Lake Technical Center for propylene gyal eters and ther acetates. TRS shal cue tote Increased usage of these solvents as sutstuts fo ethylene cyl fers anc thet cette, which have been assocated wih the aotartal to cause adverse reproa.coe effec bath mae ad fesle ‘workers (Bef 5.1) Now hare ls evdance at 241P ana 2MIPA may exrbt analogous txts. (Re .2) 261P and 241A are reset as mpuetes in taccal ade IMDP and IMZPA respectvely, OSHA has adopted a TWACPEL ot 100 ppm for IMDP, but has no PeL forthe other tee analytes. (Rel 5.3) Because IMZP and IMZPA have snr toe prepares, a target concentration a 100 ppm ‘was osen fr these wo ana¥es. Bed on Ihe penal eprodulve tax, 9 target eoneeivaon of 1 ppm mas chosen er 21P fd 21, hb sw osha govsllicimethadslorganiclrg0earg 088m Hs oai2016 ‘Sarplirg and Analytical Mothod: Propylene Glycol Monomety| EtbeesiAcolates - (Organic Method #98) “There were no reported ai monoring procedures in the Hera fortes propylene gol ehers/acetaes. A meth has now been ‘halusted based en previous evaluations done tthe OSTA Sal ake Technical Cee for 8 rarer of err lel eter/actates, vihich are chemical similar to these compounds, (Refs, 5:4-5.5) Sama is dane by drawing workplace air though sapling tubes {rizining cooout shell barcoal, The analytes ae adsorbed by Ure charcoaland the tbes are sent to the laboratory For ara The analytes are desorbe fom the chaecal with 85/5 () metylee chlorde/metaral mitre, and are quantlated by GC using Mame ‘As was found forthe acetates of ethylene pyol athe (Ret. 55.5), the acetates of propylne lal thers are also prone to hyertss after being adsorbed onto charcoal. The average lis due to "yobs Was about 3% for 1MZPA (100 ppm for 10L) and 11% ‘ar 2i0A (ppm fr 30) when generate samples we's sored for 1S days at ambient termoeratures, When gearatad sarmles were Fefigerated for 15 day, the average lose was about 1% or INDPA and 4% for 2A The slow rate of los de to alysis cea (eis unnacessar to sp samples under reduced tenperatres, but they shoud be retngeated a the lb unt aralyec, ‘As was the cas for some ofthe other prevousty evaluated etiylene gales (Ref, 5.4), the wse of dying ager such as ‘magnesium slate is nosed to prove the desorton eficency of IMZP a°d 24P trom cereal, Becauxe MaSO4 can any be Burehased 96» powder, ered the sringe sed for sole ncn nt the GC may be legged by S04 sespended in sluton “This cn be ave by centage the samples or by allow'ng the pow to stl out beore ana, Two granular drying agent, 20: 40 mesh Drierte (arhyousealum sulfate) and 10-60 mesh sodium sulfate, were tested a aerratves,Soclum sufate was une © be infective, Dieta was efecve, aut 400 mg must be wed versue 125 mg of MsSO4,FOverte® fs sed, samples need not be carrvuged and canbe analyzed mmacataly aftr the deso~pn period. Many solvent vapors colected on charcoal and anaed at the OSHA Salt ake Technical Caner ate cesar with 99/1 (carbon dslhde),Wcimethy“ormomice (CS2/DMF) instead of metylene clode/meteral, Because ts posable that ese propylene eyo! ‘eter/aettes may be vse vith ter salves he workplace, CS2/OMF wos wesigated os an ateenaive desorbing Sort For the ‘arget concentratone shui, CS2/OUF isan acetate aernave for IMZPR and MPA samples Hf MgSOM s added to Ue desorption Vals, Desorption wih CS2/OM i pot acceptable fr IMZP and 2MIP samples Secause thee is considera ferences in desorption iciencies From wet and cry crarcol, even MgSOM suse. Also, te desorption efeieny for 2MIP Is ess than 75% rom wet arcoal 1s fle that ther ll always be Some amount of corresponding acoelaresertin samples conaicing acetates beczuse the acetates may be paialyhydrlyzed othe a before collcten or onthe chacsal afte colton. For earl, 1MZP woul be found In samples {Conzining MPA, and JH IP would be fund 29 sale. Ako, the aleohle cold De present as cvtarirans inthe ‘responding tecinlal grade acetates. For thse reason, k woud be wise t anahze forthe aleale In acetate sariples. Thus, unless Iris solely necessary dese with C52/OMF for aval of ater covallecod oles, samples for S6ZPA ané MPA shoul also be desorbes win metvlne cao-demetranolin the presence of gS oF DrlerRew to facta the arabs fe corresponding sles 1412, Toxe effects (Ths ston for nfrmation only ad shout nol be Lake as te bass of OSHA poi.) “These propylene gyn tersfacettes rave lw aoute tox, withthe main effect a high doses beng central nervous system epresion, There reno reported studies on the carcnogen ty ofthese composé, 1MZP and IMPA appear tack reprocucive ‘oxy, with he cel ee: bang ration of th eyes and mucous memranes, 2MIPA is embryctox and teratogenic inaboratery anima 5 very Healy hat 2H2P als teratngorc because tne common metabolte of2M1P and 2MIPA ls 2methenpropenc a0. 3 Methonypropionic ac which sa sbuctural isomer of -methxyproponie acd, causes growth retardation ard abrormales In ost- Implamaenratembrye clues. Tris is analogous toe effects of metronyacetc ace, which sa common mctabolt of 2- metonyethana and 2methonethy acetate (Hel 5.2) 1.13. Workplace exposure Propylene gyn etersfacetates are used indisal 2s soars for pans, acuers, ress, ols and fats. Ther use has increase czrideraty snce 1985, Ths probably aecause they are used as subsites or te eemically sia tle yal ethers, which have been aesodatee with reproductive towcy. From NIOSH cccvational surveys dove fom 1981-198, extinated tat 285,000 peopl are potertally exposed to IMZP and aout 206,000 ae pearly exposed to IMZPA.2MIP and DMPA, which are also KNOWN as {he bea isomers, are syicaly aesenc as imourties in varying amounts n MDP and IMDPArespecvely. (Ret, 5. 1.14. Physial properes (Ret. 5.2. unless therwise nated Prosery 1sP mir oP DMP AS ouber 07-982 1585-475 10865-5 70657-704 tmoleculr weight 30.12 90.12 hale ete ‘meting pie): <6 bong port} 196 D058) 1458 fash pane (°C) 3 42 vapor pressure (4?) 16.825 os @ 20° ‘por dety (25°C, ast): 3.3 455 liquid denssyQ5°Cia*C): 0917 0938 (Reh 88) 097 descriptor: Colorless loud éaerlss Iqud colorless held enorless que rise wth water: Cammgleze complete 719% (ws) Note: Commercal grade 2 contains mainly (95-99%) LMZP, withthe raider (15%) belng 2VIP. Techical 2MZPA consists relly f (295%) IN2PA, wih remalnge largely being 2MIPA (ae 2.) sructral formulae -methone2-proparal (IM2P:——CHy-0OH ‘HeGr+ cH 2methon-propanal (2MIP): CH OCH cH, -CH-cH hb sw osha govsllicimethadslorganiclrg0earg 088m ais oai2016 Sai ot rca Mob Profane Gl Moma EersAedac (Organi Matos tenho cat (MN 9 $i glean bg.tinag, anctny-poplacte (anh odo, 00H, se ‘inh. popnd aH abner, a4 Kony rset meray ther repens mat be 2 smtp: 2H ationopie ea Hone erie Sl meray ser; ep sat mah er; PE ‘-methowy.2-propy acetate 1MDPA; methonpropylactate, alpha Somer; propylene ahjeol menomethyl ether acetate; propylene desl ret eer setae; PGMER 2-methony-prop| settee 2MIPA; meoypropyl acetate, Dee isomer; propylene lycolmonomelty her ost; propylene ae ‘ethyl eter acetate; BPGMEA, ‘The arate ai concetvtions throughout ts method are based onthe recommended sampling and araical porate, A coneentraios sted in pm ond ppb ae referenced to 25°C and 1013 Kp (70 mm). 1.2 it dering parameters 1.24, Detection in ofthe anaycal procedure ‘The detection Imi ofthe anal procedure are 48, 50,71, and 719 per injection (1.0-p Injection wth a 15:1 spl for 1H2P, 201P, {NZPA and 2MIPA respecivey. These ae the amour of each anal tha wl ove peaks with Res approximately 5 mes the height of bacaline nie, (Seci00 41 1.22. Detection lo the overall procedure ‘The deacon tts ofthe overall procede ae 0.73, 0.7, 1-1, and 1.1 ype sample for 1MZP, MIP, IMZPA, enc 2M2PA respecte “These ae the amounts of eae» ante soKed on te sampling dence tat, upon aralss, produce 8 pesk sian sie to that othe reapectve detection Imi ofthe onolical procedire, Tse detection Fs correspond to at coscertraons of 20 pp (74 pe), 20 ob (74 pt}, 20 pb (108 pn), nd 20 ppb (108 palm) or IMDP, 2MIP, INZPA, ard 2MIPA respectively (Section 42) 1.23. Relable quansttion li ‘The reliable quatiation Ls are 0.73, 0.75, 1, and 1.1 ug per sara for 1M2P, 2MIP,IM2PA, and 2MLPA respectively. These are the smalest amounts o each anal that can be Quarated win the requremert f recoveries at least Mand precison (23.96 50) o 25960” belts. These reliable auzitaion lis correspond ar cancenvators ef 20 ppb (7 yal), 20 ppb (74 pam), 20, ob (108 pm), and 20 ppb (108 uf) for IMZP, 2MIP, NZPA, and ZMIPR especie, (Section 4.3) ‘The reliable quanteation lms and detection lis reported inthe methad are based upon optimization ofthe GC forthe smallest posse mounts of each anal When the get concent atone an analyte le extaptoralyighe than these ts, tey may rt be ‘ainable a he routine operating parameters 1.24 nstrument response tthe enaite “The nsvument response over the concenvaion ranges of 0.5 to 2 des the target concertos is Hear fora ou eats, (Seton 4) 1.25, Recovery ‘The recovery of 1M2P, 2M, 1M2PA, and 2MIPA from sales used in a Lay storage tst remain above 100%, 94%, 97% ae 90H respectively wien the samples wore stored at amber temperatures. (Sazian 45, trom regress lines show in ures 45.1.2, saj2asi2aasse2) 1.26, Precson (analytical procedure) “The pooled cefcents of aiaon obtained rom replicate determinations of naka! standards a5, 1 ne 2 tes the target conoziratons ar 6.0025, 0.0045, 00025, and 0.0041 for IMZP, 2MAP, IMZPA, and 2NIPA respectively. (Secon 46) 1.2.7, Precision (overall procedure) ‘The precisions a the 95% confcence level forthe amet temporature 15-day storage tats ae 440.3, 4108, #10. and 410.596 for NDP, 2M1P, IMZPA, and 2MIPA respecvely, These Include an addtoal 5% for sampling error (Section 4.2.) 1.2.8, Reproducty ‘Shc samples for each analy collect fem contol test aumaspheres ard a raft copy ofthis procedure were ghento 2 chemist Unassedatec wr us evaluation. The samples were analzed afer rine days of rtrigeraed storage. No nda sarge rest ‘evates rm ts teorecalvlue by more than the preasion ported in Secton 2,1, (Secon 48) 2. Sampling Procedure 2.1, Aaparatus 2.14, Samples are collcted using a personal sarrling pump calibrated to within 45% ofthe recmmended flowrate witha samiing hb sw osha.govsllicimethadslorganiclrg0earg088!nt 318. oai2016 ‘Sarglirg and Analytical Mothod: Propylene Gycol Monomety| EtbeesiAcolates - (Organic Method #98) tube in fe 2.1.2. Samples ae colected with sok stent samptng tubes containing coconut shell narcoel Each tbe consis of wo setons of ‘arcoal separated by a urethane foam plug. The font section contains 100 mg of charcoal and the Back section, 50 mg. The sections freed in place with ghss wool phe” ase be 7Denem > mri x Sm a, Fo ts evaluation, SRC Ie, (29H Fur, PA) ‘arcoal bes (atalog number 226-01, Lot 120) wore used 2.2, Reapers None roqured 28, Teenie 2.31. Immediately before somata, break ofthe ends of he charcoal tube, Al ubes shoul be from the same 2.32. Comect the samsting tube toe saating pnp with lel, norerimpable ubing. Ris desirable to wae a semping tube holder that stil the employee from ie shar, jagpe end ofthe sampling tube Postion the tbe so tat sampled a rst passes ‘rough the 1o0-mg secon. 2.33, Arbeng sample stoulé not pas through any hase or tubg before entering the sampling tube. 2.34 Te aveldcharnling, lace the sampling be vertically inthe emlaye's breathing 2one 2.3.5. ater sampling, seal the tubes Immediately with past caps and wrap lengtwise wth OSHA Form 21 2.36, Submit at east one bln sampling ube with each sample se, Blanks shou! be handled inthe same manner as same, except no ais erawn trough then. 2.3.7 Reerd sample volumes (i Iners of ar) for each samt, 2.3, stony compound that oul! be considered potenal interferences, especially shen, that are being used inthe sampling area 2.39, Ship any buk samples) ina contain separate from hear same. 2.4, Sampler capacty 2.4.1. Sampler capacty is determined by measuring how much a can be samled before beaktyaugh of anahte trough the semler ‘ozs Ley te sampler capcty i exceeded. Breakthrough cowdeed to oer whem the event rom tho slr cals & ‘rnosiaton of arate thats 5% ofthe ups concent aon (5% treekrovgh). Tests for 1¥ZP breakthrough was performed by ‘montoring the event (wi 9 el hydrocarbon arate) rom sampleg lubes containing onthe 100-mgseton of chreoa ie Sampling 0.2 Lin fem an atmosphere corainng 204 ppm of ara}. The atnesphe'e was a aprox aly 803 relative Rui and 20-25°C, The average 5% breakrrough volume rom free deer vations was 33.8 L(RED~2.1%4). similar test Was done fr [NZPA at 189 ppm. Te svarae 5% areaktrourh volume rm tree dot raions was 249 L(RSD=6.8%) 2.42. Similar sts as in 2.41. ware done for NDP at 2.0 ppm and 1MZPA at 2.2 ppm. Both amesphers Were sampled for mere han 6h (272 1) with no breakthrough cetacted, 1M2P and INZPA ware used in these studesinstad of 2M1P and 2MIPA because suffi {uantie af the later anaes were no avalable rs fet hat tne brealvough volume for 2M IP woul appronimat ht f INP an ‘he brealemougn volun of 261A woud apeonimat that of IMZPR 25.1 Deseepton with 95/5 (ys) methylene eoridemetanol The average desorption efficiencies of 1M2P, 2MAP, IM2PA and 2MEPA from dry Lot 120 charcoal are 100455 59,7, 101.6% and 101.6% respechaly ovr the range o 0. o 3 Ue the target concentrations, (Seco5 9) 25.1.2 Desorbed samples rom Section 25.1. remain sable frat last 24, (Section 4.10, 25.13. The desertion efceces ate target cancenralions from wet charcoal are essentially the same a fram dry ‘raroal when MQSOS used. The desorbed samples are sable for at ast 24h. (Secon .1L) The we of MgSO is recommended for IMZP and 2MLP sapes, outs opsonal fo IMZPA and 2M1PA seme, 2.5.2. Deseeption with 85/1 (carbon sud) dietyformaride (CS2/0MF) 2.5.2 The average desorption efficercles of 1M2P, 2MAP,1MZPA, and 2MIPA from dy Lot 120 charenal re 86.3%, 80.9%, 98,456, and 98.0% respeceely over fe range of 5 to 2 tines the target concrtations (Saclan 42) Al ofthe anaes withthe exception of 2HLP were stint stable forte target concentration samples fram Sachon The average desorption effeleney for 2910 droppes fom 82.2% to 75.886 In 24h. (Secbon 53.) The average desorption efficiencies atthe target conceerason fom wet charcoal are 79.3% fr IMZP and 70.59% for 2MiP wnen MeSOs uses, These compare to 67.4% and 82.2% reszecthely fam Gy chaoal, The desorbex IM2P Samples a sabe f= a east 24h, whe ive average dsopho’ effiency rapped to 64.3% or the 2MIP samples. The ‘pial use of C52/04F (wth MGSOS) would be acceptable or IMDP samples tk nfo MIP samples a or around the Studied loadings. (Secon 4.14 “The average cesrpineffciencis a: the target concetrations for IM2PA and 2MIPA from wet crarcoal sig 99/1 CSZ/OHF asthe deso-bngscier (with M504) are essentially te same as rom dry chareal The desorbe samples are Stable for at leat 24h. (Secon 4.14) 2.6, Recommends a volume and smn rate 2.6.1. For TWA samples, the recommenced alr volume s 10 collects a 0.1 L/min (10h samples). The recommenced al value is ‘Sntcanty wer than the breaicrough vlunes, but 10 L was chosen fo provde 8 reasonable safety margin incase othe solvent ‘apo are present nthe samced ai. Also, 10 commonly recommenced for slventvepors colect on charcoal bes, hb sw osha govsllicimethadslorganiclrg0earg 088m ans oai2016 ‘Sarplirg and Analytical Mothod: Propylene Gye Monomety| EtheesiAcolates - (Organic Method #98) 2.6.2 For short-term sempls, the recommended sir volume s 3 collect t 0.20 Umi (15-nin same). 2.6.3. When shortterm samoles ae required, the refable quan lint become larger. For example, the quatiation iis ae 67 ob when 3 Lis sampled 2.7 neferences (sampling) 2.7.43 not row Hany compounds) wil severely Irtrfere withthe collation of any ofthe four analis on charcoal In general the presence of ter contominane vapors nthe a wil reduce te capacty of charcoal to clcs hsanals 2.7.2, Suspected inerterences shoud be report to the laboratory wih submited samples 2.8, Safety pecautons (sampling) 2.8.1, tach the snp ecupment tothe emeoyee so that i will nt inerere with work performance of sae, 2.82. Wear eye protection when breaking the ens ofthe charcoal bes. 2.83. Follow all safety procedures that apaly othe werk area beng sample. 5. AralealProcecure 3.1, Apparatus 3.1.1, 4 GC equipped witha ame onation detector, Forts volton, 2 Hewlet-Pakard SES0A Ges Chametograph earned witha 76734 maomate Samphr mas Use 3.12. AGC chin capable of separating the analyte of tars rom the desorbng solve, tena standard and ary inererences, A S-m 0.32 Ld fosed sikea StabayeDAB column wih a ym of (Cat. 11054, Restek Coro, Belfort, PA) was wsed bis raat, 1:13, Ae electronic integrator or some other sutable means of measuring peak areas or heights, A Waters 8£0 Neoerkng Computer System was used inthis evaluation. 21.1.4, Twormliter va with Telone-ned caps 41.5, A dispenser capable of cevrig 1.0 ml of deserting sent to orepare standards and samples a espenser is not awoke, 1LO-mL volumes pet may be used oparal2-methox-1-propanal, L-methowy:2-propy acetate, and 2-metboxy-1-propy acetate, reaget grade or of tn pusy 2 HE062777 IMGP From Alich Cnemical Company (Mwave, Wi), MAP fam Dow Chem cal (Midland, Ml), arc ‘tres of IMR and 2M1PA from Aerch (Lot O2O19HY) and Freon Laboratories (Vineland, ND were used in ths evaluation. The ‘jes IMP cenain some 2M as a contaminant and the Bow Cereal 2M IP contains some INDP.A96:7/1.03 (w/w) IM2B/2M1P iste was prepared by ming the appropriate pronarton of these two Sahents, The Mature was assayed by GC, The desi othe Intute was determined 0 be 0.817 g/mL (RSD=0.1%,n=#) at 24°C Dy weghing 10.00 mL ofthe rote canine in tred weiner Masks, 95.01/05 (ww) IMZPA/2NTPA mcr wes sie prepared fram the Aldrch and Frinton mares, The densty ofthis rite was determined be 0.961 g/m (RSD-0.17%, noA) at 24°C, 3.2.2, Aetyeous magnesium sulfate oF 20-40 mesh Der (ayrous cau suas), reagent grade, Chempure Lot M172 KOHN ‘magnesium sulfate was used in ths evaluation. 3.23, Motylee chloride, chromatograchc grade, Burcick and 2ackson Lot BOSSA was usa In this evaluation, 3.24, Metranal, chromatmorapic ead, Fs Lot 913607 was used inthis evaluation. £1.25, A autble eral sancar, reagent rade, "Quant Gade" 2-hepan rom Poycence Corporation (les, 1) was used inthis valuation, 3.26, The desorbin Sohent consists f 95/5 (vs) mylene chideethanol co-taning an internal standaré ata concentration oft bi 3.2.7. 6C grade nitrogen a and hyogen. 33. Stenard preparation 13.3.1 Prepare standares by necting microlte: amounts of aals into vals cotlnng 1.0 maf desorbng salen delvered rom the Same aspense” used to dosr® samples. For example to prepa'e a standard of 1M2P and 2M, Wet 400 pl of» 98.971. (w)w). INDP)2011P mtu (dest = 0.917) to 3 Wal contain 0 mo Gesobing saver. Ts standard contains 3630 yao IN2P ars 37.7849 of 2M pe sample 3.3.2, Bracket samle concentrations wih working standard concentrations, saris fll cus ofthe concentration range of prepared ‘Sandards, prepare ard analyze addtonel standards to asce-tan the Ineariy of response. 34, Sample preparation [34.1 Transfer each secon ofthe samples to separate i. lscard the gas tubes ar pls. 34.2. For 2M2P and 2MIP samples and or NZPA and 2M1PA samples = be aalyed for ing of anmyerous magnesium sulfate or 400 mg of 20-40 mash One to ech va MBP and 2MLP respectively, ad about 125, araton of stanceds £31.43, 1.0 mL of desorbingslvent ta each val sing the same denser as used fr 134.4 Immediately cap the vas and shake them period for abou 30 in, hb sw osha govsllicimethadslorganiclrg0earg 088m sts oai2016 ‘Sarglirg and Anaytical Mothod: Propylene Gye Monomety| EtheesiAcolates - (Organic Method #98) 3.45. i magnesuam slate is used asthe dying agent, centr fuge the vis or allow time or the powcer to sete outta avo plgoing the singe ied Yor GC injections 35, Anais 245.4, GC conctons zone temperatures: column- 958 Iecor 175K ceeemr 200°C 2s ows: tyerogen(camer?- 3.0 ml/min (60 Kea hea pressre) ‘ivogen (makaup)- 37 min Inyeogen(ame)- 33 mymin a 380 m/min ‘erat range ° Injection velne: 1.0 pl (witha 25:1 spe) clu: 2m x 032mm i, fused sea, tabla ORB, tam of retention mes: IMI tin Me amin ioe 47 min DMPA $4 min 2hepranol 72min (eterral standard omatograms a the target concentrations: TL Caratach nahn tthe age cncertatins Crear! te rae a the rot cretion a ina ard in spre se (aan sa Ph a precrey liee er) ah, @)2mR,G)SNaDK CH) IMNPR ()2- Leg) DD, a) MIP) IMEPN, 1) PR, 2 reat Senta 35.2.Peak areas (or height) are measure by an teratr or oer sutable means. £153, An intemal standard (S19) calbraton meted suse. Calbrabon cues ae prepare by pting micrograms of arate per Sample versus IS D-orected response of andar injections. Sample cancartatons must be traced by standard 36. carference (analiial) 3.6.1. fay compourd that responds on aflame lonzaton detector and has the same gereral retention tne af the arate erral ‘stander i potetal interference, Posse neferences should be reported othe laboratory with submited samples bythe rst hens. These nerferences sould be considered Betore saipes ave deso-bes, 3.6.2 GC parameter (Je, column and colann temperature) may be changed to pasty cheumvent trferences, 13.5.3, Retention time ona sng column is nat conser proof of cvemial entity. Anahte Weny shoul be crtrmad by GGmass spocrometry, 37 Caeuations ‘Te arate concerration fo samples i blaine from the apororate caoration curve in terms of micrograms of anal per sample, uncarece for

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