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Num 0 to 10 shapes colours

Sensory awareness trun taking, abiliy to flow rules, peer interaction, picture identification, attention

Activity 1:

1) Identifying

a) Colours- colour song with

i) Objects like Cap of different colours

ii) with colour papers

iii) with colour balloon

iv) xylophone can be painted in colours and helped to play the colour when prompted
b) objective:

shapes- and motor skills..

i) Shape song

ii) Shape song along with shape objects made of charts/cardboard

iii) shape song : Showing shapes with flash cards

iv) Showing objects related to the shapes which they come across regularly in their life. Passing the

v) Using musical instrument with shapes triangle, tambourine (circle and heart shaped).Taking turns

vi) Giving them a long rope and making them to form shapes…(back ground shape song)taking
turns..also in peer group interacion

vii) they can make a shape followed by playing that instrument which has that shape- this could be

viii) marking the shape on the floor and moving the children following the shape which signing the shape
song.- peer

go to class early

keep insturments in appropriate space

introduce props or instruments in an order

not over stimulate

use simple iinstructions single or 2 words

care tkers

no forcing

activities in basic level

recored all observation

portfolio everyay

documentation of all sessions

observation 25th make assesments

Tuesday initial assessment form

Documentation portfolio

Folder name UKG 1)initial assessment 2) session details(documentation) 3. Teachers check list 4. check
list same parameters over a period of 6 months

c) Numbers-

i) One little 2 little song making children stand in line holding the numbers

ii) One two three rhyme

2) Sequencing:

Start with the hello song

Learning activity through music

Song action learning activity

Allowing to exploring a musical instrument

Good Bye song

3) Cognition:

Improving attention

i) use songs along with clapping beats

ii) use songs along with a shaker, taal or a tambourine

iii) Signalling the beginning, end and change of a session with a specific music for each

4) i) Sitting span:

Allowing to explore a musical instrument

ii) Listening span

Singing by playing an instrument

doing action songs

5) Ability to follow rules

a) rules in class

6) Turn taking

a) By allowing to play explore an musical instrument

b) By making each one to do the action for song

c) Therapist taking turn to each student and engaging them

7) Peer interaction

a) Allowing them group singing

b) Copying the action of fellow peers in an action song

c) Exploring an musical instrument by grouping

9) Play with peers

a) Exploring an musical instrument in group

b) passing on an object with music being played

c) holding hands and circling when music/song mulberry bush being played

10) Communication

a) Constantly monitoring for response by teaching a song and engaging them to sing

Eye contact

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